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RISE IN GRAVEL CHECKED BY MVYINEWS AND COMMENT Itcpi-csciit alive Quickly Ar mimes 1'iispt Price When Wild Mnrkct Tli lentous. Tin- I nlti-il Stales Naty look fiulok nrtlon when n iiijotlnii arose over jrlrps of istmel rind crunlird HlotiP, Hour Ad miral Hnllday iiimu from WnnliiriRlun on compliilnt of a latjtc coiniany that the market was held po IiIkIi Hint It wan unable to mold delay In Important con Mrui'tloii work. A conferenre of rruihcd (lone and RTti.rl men was called and trip proposition wan made for Rravel to be mixed and shipped at a rertalti tipi-ct price, lielow the current wholesale lilt, aii'oidliiK In tlie How Servlre ltulldlUK Uepoils, 'Die gravel men protested that such a proecp'lInK would be confiscatory, It was nnnounced that the Navy Depart ment would be first In the market for fiOMiflO.nnn arils of three-quarter Inch Rravel, and that after Its needs were sup plied a Kreat dent more would be needed by the army and other departments. The navy's lecpilrement called for 450,000 nrds for Immediate delivery to the Ourlble Stet Company at Harrison, to tho naw vard. to the Hush Terminal and to Cmi-ninrs Island. An allowance of an extra ipinrtcr of an Inch on the screen was permit ted so that three-quarter Inch Rravel would he accepted as that which could pass through an Inch and one quarter screen. The prlie was not ill ulRcd for publication. At the same conference the navy offi cials questioned the crushed stone Inter ests and stated that 1,000.000 yards of iinshed stone would be tequlred. That would lease a like amount available 'for private needs, because the quairlcs In this vlrlnin can turn out about 2,500,000 vnrils a season. Current quotations now rule for three-quarter Inch Rravel at fiom $1 '0 to $1.00 a anl wholesale, i New York, to private operations, and on rushed Hap rock and bluestone about the same levels ptevall. One ear ago tit this time the price for Rravel was Jt it aid and bluestone $1 to. Trap rock was at that time Jl 1.1. A slight advance Is ivpotled hi the price of terra cotta drain tile for ue on fa I ms. but the disposition Is to keep the bnllillnK products of the hollow tile flre prootlnK department down as near to present levels as the fuel supply condi tions w ill nerrnit. Hudson Itlvcr common brick In the wholesale ninrket li quoted at $10 25 a thousand but there Is still from twelve to fifteen Inches of Ice In the channel nrf Il.iverstr.iw. Itaritan brick Is out of the t.irket entirely and Hackensack Is RlvitiR of Its meacre supply to meet the Government needs In Newark. Government war construction H rap-. Idly uklnK a more dominant position In the building Held Iteccnt developments .Icurly indleatu that war building will loom larse In the total structural opera tions for the comltiK months. Storage ami warehouse facilities will be in creased In Iiuro volume. accordliiR to tho llccord and (Jur'ifr. lint aside from the purely military operations, there has developed a pressing need for varied tjpes of building, particularly Indus trial establNhments for the manufac ture of neecsari supplies with winch to maintain the fighting forces and the civilian workers The markets for material and sup lilies are tenerally quiet, although there sre additional slgn of l'fe apparent c.ich day The difficulty of obtaining adequate stocks for the local markets ha been one of the prime deterrents. The tcet market is benefiting by the relieved traffic conditions. Govern ment lms-ness predominates though there !s an Improved sho.vlnc In the de mand for fibrleated material 'or pri late construction. The total tonnage lequsremcnts In the n.ctrojiui.tan dis trict will be considerably Increased dur ing the next few months. Quotations are the s.une as last week. Tortland (ei-ent Is still being held at the $2 1.1 level, fteenforcing bars are quoted at 2 '" n 100 pound, as fixed b the Government. i:wAitK-uoT( i,iH in hk. I'elM & l"el. ...u rol.l "I and 3 Gil lette, Newark, 'or I'r.iuk Kkh'-.orri to William Mendel The property is one nf the most modern apartment houses oir a ulot fiOxllIo feet, and contains eight apartment. nf MX and eight rooms, otr. Mendel Rave as part pa merit the tnrec storv s,teen family apartment bouse at 1 to 7 '3 Walnut place, Mont clair. on :i.v. ic:.l!0 feet. rutin it .hi.i. pwisoxagk. 1a)Uis .chb s.ugir lias sold for the trustees nr t'.i" Soulli I'ark I'l esbyterlan Church the parsonage al 33 and 41 Spruce ctreet. wist of Lincoln Park, Newark N. .f . a three storv brick dwelling erttted In the earl.v '70s Dr. J.ickhon 11. Meeker, the buyer, will oc cupy the same after extensive altera tions are made. tfl.-.II.OOO HltU.NA I'IKI.IllCT. Wllliani Koppi. archlteit. has com pleted plans fni three six story apart ment houses on the west ulile of Cauld well avenue, '-'til feet noilli of 14!U1i street The St. Mai.v's 1'arl: Realty ami Construction Company, .Mayer Stern, president, whhh is completing three similar hou-cs on Kagle avenue, is the iivvner nnd builder Tin lost vvi.I be irr the neighborhood of Mo.mii). ll o i . i.n (i ;() vi:n Min.vr i..noit. William Crawford he. obtained aj general contract for t ic coiihtruction of an industrial housnm unit for cm plovies of the Hueli Terminal In South Brooklyn These buildui-,'. will be lo cated on Sg'ciind nvuiuie. between Vorty thlrd and Forty-font th sticet, and will conslat of a gioup of eight frame bar racks, two stories In height. Tiro "work Is under thn Jurisdiction of the emer gency housing committee uf tho 1'nlted States I lovei rinient. Otto M. KUIIItz, iliali'man, and .1 lingers Flannery, dl tector of liuusinr;. Work will lie stalled at once. KK( (llttlKH l,l:.lK. .viaiibattan. OIlVNIi ST. :o:t. all ('has S ilev. Mli .nke 327 W 27th si, et al, rs fr-im .Msnh 1, l'H. atty, Wolf, r.n2 llway. c ril ST 13 17 IV . Will lo.'l- isnll to 10 3-1.' Morrl-. . 13,500 latlson on the 1'onn't Co in Henri Kngel ,(,- premises, i-t .il. .1 jis from I-Vh r. Ills; lltv, Samuel LcU.r. 153 F, Ht st .I3.3H0 CAN' XL ST. (1: u o Division si, us. n sainuc'' ltoii"H in M.i ilnlovenskv, 224 S lull st, llklyii. from Fib .''. HH to Vurll .10. tH.s. rfll, ' II llrevllller. 32 1.. ie l HI . . . . I.' 100 .MKCHAMCV I.IKN. iltinbuHiin. ll'tl AV C .laeot, Vli-ls ji ilmficuiuli ''lull Inc. oivni'f S'egel Cm jlr in linn i ' i. ' orit ra- tot-. . 7. I'll ST. :i'J to 2rt vv I'on - V r italllRin Hi'iilly (Jorp and 111 , .lgt i.'.ll St Morris & .McVeigh. ii.i nets. Vluza Con Iracting Co. rent rni tor $3.1(1 4'TH ST. to 21i! ll-A F (lalllRnn Co .itt .M' nli lliirrinan Hri'wlnK Co and Crescent Star Hmlty Co. owners, IMaK.i coiitrai linn Co. (onirjitnr .l.-Jflo 7T1I AV. n w c,,i (.,1 st 1H0.IX13I Knlrk- rDnkr rireppinng Co, llll out Louisa t (Jerrv, owner. Frank Sei-rv. con iiirtor irenewiill.. . . .. M.7S0.51 10TII ST, II.' nnd 114 II C.ivlnnskv SRI i.,.lllne llol.ltlelli, owriel anil lnl. I ' il ' Inr I2S7 ;,o 1PTII T ;:ic. and So 7 W- A 1 (ialllgan i ii III . net tieorge lltlleln. nwner; PInra Ccnilr.U'liiig Co, iiiutrnilor .1300 ririi;n mlchamc' i.if.n. Mii iibiittini, ('III sr. 1 l'i I! Vp.riu Arnsiei), nal Hrlx 1 -ii ll'iliihig i ni p ! ul IV), 1 'i .. V," 'I 1" 12 'i-i .V l in' V M" ri agi ii (ii- mi 'UK . r 1 1 rcn r ii i;. in REALTY MARKET Hron.x Most Aclivc Section in CHv Oncrntors Uny titid Sell. I'Vederlck Hrown has botrght from the Beneson ItrnHy Company 1S79, 1881 and 1KSS Southern Boulevard, two five story apartment houses, on plot uOxllGx Ir resrilar und 02x13 Ix Irregular, sepa rated by n one story taxpayer store ISxitl, serving also as a light court for the apartment houses. HI'.i:i.t,H HHO.N.V AI'AllTMIl.'NT. The West Mercer Corporation, con trolled by John It, MacMurray, has sold !il2 Whltlock avenue, a three tory dvvelllnR. on lot 2.1x134.2, located 125 feet north of Tiffany street. This tiousa and !1 0. adjoining, a similar parcel, to gether with sixteen other Manhattan and Bronx properties, were bought by Mr. MncMnrray on January 2 from the Bond anil Mortgage Guarantee Company. The Whltlock avenue house la the first ono of the group be has tesold. WOOIHIAVKV 1IOMK.H Tit A I) f. 11 11. It. Williams Son have sold for lire nichmond Hill Securities Company, to the Maw Ina Healty Company, three two story buildings on tha north side of Jamaica avenue, twent.v feet east of Hector street, Woodhavcn, Queens, for Investment. Tho huyer gave In part payment thirty-eight lots at Queens north of the Jericho Turnpike. Ill Y IIM'IIMOMI I.AMMIAKK. Mrs. Kllen Keating has bought thlougii W. S. K. Halt and Harry G. Van Vechteii from the Staten Island Hospital the De (iroot property at the corner of Columbia street and Itlch- mond terrace, West New Brighton Stateir Island, containing a Colonial house, one of the olarPt north shore landmar ks. TtKF.S st:snoiti: ESTATE. .1 U. I'clbleinan Co. have sold for K. Tucker Welsh of 1'asaclena, Cat, h! large residence at the northwest corner of Broadway and M.vrtle avenue, Ixing Branch, N.. .1., to Leonard 1.. Griffith, connected with the Ciuggenhelmer s of New York cltj They also sold to Henry Hague, the controller of the At lantic and t'acltlc Tea Company, a ten acre farm known as Applegatu Kami on Broadway and Monmouth drive, at the edge of' Branch. David Meyer of Long Branch represented the Apple gates. lllMvKHs IIOl'SK 111; Villi. M llroili rl. K has sold for Joseph T'eerre and others the house at 1.10 War- burton avenue, Yonkens, to Kelix Sposlto I, It (IK It .11 Ml SKY SCIIOOI. J.ITK. The Montclalr town authorities will purchase the vacant plot adjoining th Grove treet school, from the Hinck estate The purchase price of the prop erty will be covered by a bond issue of 132,012 With this purchase the town will on the entire block IWKSTOI1H Bl'l l. MlWtllK, Kelst & Feist have sold for William C. Mendel to the Kranklln Investment Com pany, a dwelling at S7S HlRh street, on a lot 25x200 feet runnlriR to an alley leading to Montgomery street. Tne same brokers also sold the two family dwelllnp at 14S Shephard avenue to Anthony Sheridan and Walter l'.ut- terwoith. The properly Ha a frontage of fortv feet and a depth of 110 fee' appuoxum m:w oritT ikii sk. Tiie Municipal Art 'Commission has approved plans prepared by Bannister & Schell. architects, for tne Children' Court House to be erected at 109 to 11.1 Schermerhorn street. Brooklyn. The proposed building will be three stories. 7.1x12, and will cost t.m.ilOn TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TKANsFKKs i With nitne ami .iflilres of leri'ii attorney If ientbr's name is otiiltl dress party of the first part i Downtown. r Anl d mi iouth of K-jurt-enth s'.ree- i PITT ST. ii.'. J.'.vlOO iforer'ns De. I'l 1C.7 Klehard I I'Civrln in, ref, lo Wilfred F Itiiardo and ano, restdlne in Fram e trustefs under marriage selt'enient, Feh v atlys, .lay A Candler, IS Wall si . . . ... . J.M.ono MuXHOK ST. S4, runs vv ISx s 45 3x h - n -2 fix n 25 to beg Nasssu Heekman Investing Co to Jennie Adelnian. i2i Lafayette av. llronv, mtg Is.nOO. al. liens. July 20. 1917 att. A Sltil'ieU. S2:i Lafayette av.. . . .. .?lim nitOADWAV, 41t. s cur Cans! st i27Ci. Ill 1x33 2 Irreg Isvdnr .Ltiksjn et al. Individ esrs, Ac, to Cauat-llri).tdwa inc 2 Nassjif st all lien-. 1'. b 7; attv. Abr Stern. 31 Nassau st It 8TH ST, 700-704 II. s . mr Av c. S3 40 s (foreclos Fell 201 llcorge c Holt, ref. to Harry Hsstor. x s 3 st Nu hulas av. Feb 21 atts, House ii A X. 115 llway JCn.dOU Fa-t Side. (Fas' Of Klftll avenue, tietvveen Fourteenth and 110th stieets i e 23D-.ST s . 273 vv 9th av. !hiH '' JniifM Ile.illy Co In K,!2 Marshall. 1(6 W 23d st, nitit Jlf OOd. ii'l Hens. Fell 21. attv. i.avvers T ,x T Co, 1 1,0 Hwjv.. .. Jl LF..N INHTO.V AV, 37, 1D.SX73 (foreclos F"li 14. lJISi-Jos I, Pr.ife-. ref, (o Forresr Itnnor viotit lair. V .1, nut Fdvv C Mon, .110 VV 70th si lius'eei .lltv, Chalni.'!" Wood, (i Cedar si ... . I21.0IIC 0ITH JT, s a, 15(1 . -Hi in 2ml00 5 Wm A Irving et .,; eis. to K.lith T Dates. 12 K Mill si. Fell 4 uttj. Till" lluiir i T Co 170 Hwav . . 1 30.1)011 S1ST ST, 316-31S 11, 50xlU0 - llv F. Ft i oil to l.ouls Samuel Miller, 71 K 'iCth st, lutg all lleli" Fel 20. nltvs. Fried Krakow, r, .' Hwav 1100 101ST ST, 320 II, 2itixlb0 11 l fur ei 'us Dei- 21. 191 ' i le--ter W Hls.-riliei l,'. ri f, in ndiea Trlp.ddl. lolo Mashliisiou .iv, mtg 1211.230, taxes and nil den. Dec 21. UK ..lis, Clius Nine. .. :i.n llway I ."30 It est' Mile, i West of Fitth aveiui-, between Fourleerith and I stleele It'' 1 1 AV e i 27th st. 24 S7: Simon u lien W Ktailsi, .'llll org 121 ono. b and s and a g, attv, A .1 Appe'.l, ,"l Ciianiliers e ; Philip 2Sli t. .Inn Id, . ...l el li. 10 SA.MI: I'ltOl'F.ltTY Ka Moirls aatne i urrei tioil an I oulll Illation deed, 1 g. Feb IS, attv. a l, ii and w and e a g. same SdTII ST. :U W, 2.-.X1H2.-2. 47. w Central Park W, It Fnlteltiald. ref. mi II with st. a 2.. 102 2--vleo S C Clark Conneritow n. N V Ifoiet k. Pali 2111, Feb 21 . a'lvs. Ver Plain V ,V I'l line. 141) 14 I.UOll llway rptown, i M an ha 1 ta u Islaml, north of llilih 't ) 134TII ST s, s" e Mail av. tlUlxllPII Courlnev lievelnpment Co lo N'ewai Mealtv Co, 200 Hwav, mtg Is (inn. Feb 111, ailv. Phil 1 Sliupilo. llll . linn C'ONVFN'T AV. a s. 430 Ii n 141( si, JilxlOil .Illd.l II lllrlier In Seymour Haltv Co, 23 Hrend st. llltK 114.31111, b and H i- a g, nil Hens. Feh 21, illt.vs, lCill,'.man. A A F. 2.' Hruad st II 142H ST. 3.'I2 V. IK. 'slilt 11 -.leunie y. Van Horn illellerl. Individ, i-xtrx anil cusiee. to John II lliller. ,".:I2 W 142d si and ChSS A Heller. 'JM l.dgecomlie av. Feh 21, attv. W C D.ilv 217 llway 11 SAMi: I'llOI'KHTV Ino II Haller and nnn 10 Wm c Daly, nil W 144th si, nng tC.liOO, nil liens, Feb '.'!.. . ..lion 150TII ST. Ml W, 17xHll.ll -I'ophuin Healty Co 10 Morris It Aunr.ui, .111 K 13th si irltg 17.000; ally , X V Title .1 M Co. 123 Tlwav smn CONVLN'T AV, 470,'l .'.XDH 1 IxSil.lll - S' V Life Ins Co In Olds Holding Corpn. 217 Hwav, ii and a and c n tr. Cet, 21. atl. N V Title K M "n. Fl.l Hwav Itnu SAMF PltOPHUTV Olds Holding Corpn to H W O Itealtv Co. .Ml Cnlon Square, ni'g ttl.'OOO a'l liens. Fell 'Jt. attv. sil rue 1100 llronx. 1 lliirougli of The Hroiix 1 VV. 2115, n s,' 50x103 -Anna Hal- s-I'DllY lion i.'i; an in llo.vnl llronv Ilealt' Co, lot, i: Tiemonl in, nits: I I. TOO, Feb II c 11 lini i li.ei, u:il K Heiuuni av HOD ailAM) AV, tf)Sl, w , 50x100 Kly New rnsnn, ref, to Wm B Htorer, trus, at New Brunswick, Cansdn, Keb 19: att. Crook C, 0 J Nassau l 17.000 OI, ntin AV, 2515 anil '-'517, n , SO.llx 141.11 Lambert II Map's, rff. to rough kerple Trust Co, I'ouglrkeepsle , N V. I'eb 1! ntty, C W It Arnold, l'ough r,.p.i. - y j:.f,o ClIAHLOTTi: T, 14:3-85, w , 40x100 Slinon M Pratt, r'f, to Blrhard Moller, Uf5 Grand Concourse, Keb 20; attvs, Wess.lmnn K, ib Liberty si. ...15.000 BILL AV, nee 5,13,1 t, S5x50x10r..lx5l.l1 Thus ! Bkkln to Delia Leahy, 5 K 13th st, Keb 1 3 ; ally, It B Ailing, 1 41 llnay Iton AVKNt'K I), sec llth l, lOSxlO'i (Union port) Juhnnna L Harry to (leu W Bel ter, 21B4 Westchester av, 1-J part, mtg JC.OOO, Dec 27, 1S11; ittly, K R Bolohnn. 501 K Trernont v lion A VRN't'K t), s e c Powell, 33x105 Hams to Stella V Clark, 1015 Southern Blvd. Feb 2ti atty, Stella V Clark, 1015 Souther n Blv.l It KMTCBKSTKIt A V, n w c St Ann's av, 4.1 1x62.11x85. extl.t J Kilw Jetter, irus, to Kredk 0 line hemelster, 10 K !"4tli st, Feb 13: attv, Fredk C llathn melstrr, 213 K 0M st II WF.STOHF.STKIl AV. a vv c St Ann's av, r0.Axt00x2tx1Q4.: Same to same, Feb 15: atty, name. II LOTH lis and 119. map WabU Jlutchlns estate Joseph JJscheeh lo Edvv Htzfin), 442 V !.Hth st. Feb 19: atty, Kdw Ills nay, (l; W 238th at 11 LOT 10.1. map Allen etlats Hudson P Hole Co to Francesco D'Oraaio, 325 11 112th st Feb 19; atty, Francesco DOraslo. 323 K 112th st II A VUNt'K 11. vv s. 51 n 2d at, Hxl05 (ten Uueckel lo Francea Ttueckel, ,167 Have nieyer av, his wife, Feb 20: atty, Frank (lass, Inc. 2213 Westchester av. ..1100 LOTS Hi) and 141. map W F Duncan Angelo .liistn to Nicola Verna, 4282 Ken.' mnro st. mtg 17.100. Feb 19, atty. Title Guar T Co, 176 llway 1100 163t ST, a e c or Fox at, runs e 206. R lo w s Simpson st x s 3.12 I to Fox st x n 26.1 Slmpcnn Fox Hlty Corpn to Hunt's Point Itlt.v Co, 30 n 4M sr. Ftb 11; atty. . W M Wechsler, 30 H 42d t.. . .1100 .' .MORTUAOKS. (With nam" and address of letuier and lender's attorney, i East Sid.. il" of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth ami ltoth streets. I 6ITH ST, X K. 20x100.5. Feb 21 KJIth T Hates to Wm A Irving. Chester, Pa. et al. exrs, 3 ra .I". eqiMl Hen wllb two oilier mtgs. each 16.750, atty, Title (luar A T Co, 176 llwaj. . ... 119, son SAllI! IMSOPF.HTV. two purehase money rulgs. euch 16.750. equal llena with above mtg for 119. S00. Feb 21 Same lo same. 3 vrs. .'.",; ntty, suae; total.. 113. 1"0 Aiii MT. 31fi.11 K, f.OxlOO.S, Feb 20 Louis and Samuel Miller to Simon .1 strnh. 147 n 90th t. 5 yrs. 5Vr, atty. Ibliv .1 Krug. Jr. 150 Nassau si .. ,000 10JH ST 21S-220 F.. pr mtgs 119.000, ml lateral to extent of 12.000 In mtg for fll.OOO. on lt2d sr. s s. 265 Fori Washington av, 125k F-h 20 Same to Abr SniKli. 7:'. WveieUln Drive. Hue nd tot as per bond . attv .am' . f2,dno 103D ST. 21.1 11. s s, 2S100.9. 103d si, 220 K, s s. 25x10111, pr mtg 116. ooo, lateral to mtgo to eilent of 13,000 in mtg for 117.600 on 163.1 St. s. 263 vv Furl Washington av, Feh 20 - .1 M H Co to Kmma Dressr.rr. 20t V 120th St. due and lot ns per Imnd, pr mtg 1130,000: atty, N Y Title & M Co. 135 Bvvay.. .. 13.000 I'ptown. (Manhaitan Ilni.ii. norlb of 110th treet 123D ST. 124 W. 16 1x100.11. ' Feb 21 Katie Wise to Valentine Crondstra, 201 K 16th st 3 .vrs. 3la'r, ntty. Ceo VV Itv.le. (1 Park ttnlv . .. ..11.310 CON'VKNT AV. 470. ins 1lv(3 SxH 11x S. 10 Olds Holding Corpn to Land i:tate, 135 Hvvav. 3 yrs. i . atl. N' i TiCe i M Co, 133 Itnay i5 "O'l llronv, i Itorouch of Tlie ltronx tlAILIIV AV, JS12, e s. 2100 7 - Kl.r. Dusek lo Hnrr c.llin. 25(0 C.rand av. a n l1 imn. pr mtg l,000, Feti 1,, 1 vrs. fv. atr Cnhn A- I', (0G n H9th si 1750 I 11 llSTi'HK.-.THIt AV. s. 13 7 e Olmsteail mv, 25x70 Joseph Newman to Wni .1 ltee.i. 1966 Cntveralty av. Feb IS. 3 yrs. t.ri. attv. Frank .ls. Irn.. 2215 West cherer av. . . . 11.000 NOIITH ItD, cenlr line, lol 34. map Coun trv Club Lanl Assn. runs a e ln H - x 1 17. 3 n e 32 1 x n vv 215 6x vv 214 5x s vv ' 223" Ceo Robertson to 1' S McCou-t. 627 West Market st, Akron Ohio. Dec 18. 1"17. inst.ils, t-, . attv, V S McCourl. 627 West Market sr. Akron, Ohio 12.000 -ATISKIKH MIlltTUACK-. 1 VV th name and address of lender j a' nrney ) 131T1I ST 11 . ,1M v 7th av 1i;x1'.l 1 1 111 hai-il It Cr'enwool to Margurei Knox, S"pl 27. isl'.l. a't. Livvers T 3 T On Hill Hwa ... ni.lmil 231) ST 4C,r, v, n e .- Kath II Moore S, irboroueh. N V to .ins ! sloil e, a.exr Kath K Moor" De.' 2. 1014, attv, Fr.inkl Holt, i-.'o llway 111.000 10TII AV. e s, 73 .-. n ."list et. 2.-1x7.'. Aug and xl.irv Dleterlrh to Anna M Warren, adinx, 32H W s'.l'Il s., .lull 21. 191. atty. F W Hunter. 211.1 llwa.v 2 UllO 10TH AV. e s ;.',,-. n -,! ., l"ix7.V Henrv .1 lluri hell to xnna M Warren, nil'lix. 3211 W MHh s' Feb 2(1 172. attv Ml.ler f. llrel zfelder, 33 ,lherl et . JP.O'lll MiTII ST. s. IS', e sth av. 2H10(I3 Maria 1, Adam. 23C. W ralt'i st, Clins I.vnch. 4U1 Vv "24111 St. .Iu,.v 20, 1110: aiis Arrovvstnlth Dunn, 2il IIakj- . . .'. not) ASSK.MIKSTS !' .MOIiT(iA(iF,s. llanbnttan. CATIIAItlNi: ST. S7, mtg 12,01111 Kred Matxlo to Mill 1 Anzelonl 1M Chen 1 f alive. Wike Urns 45 William st SAUK I'ltOI'llltTV- Mlll.x Amelo'' ' .Ino V Weekes, Ov.s'er lljv. I. I .ittvs. same $1 C'ATHAISIm: ST. nits II 2ju calh s S7. nug fj.oiio Jarne" st. tls mti; i'j.snii; Front st. 2ss.2!io. mtg ICOn. 2,1 av. C.O't. 1.13. mtg S4 500 Pearl -1 (52. mtg 3 noo .Inn 1 Weeks 10 Mirl- 11 lenk. 113 W ti.-itb s now tn Dresden. o,ei at j s, Week." llro. .'.4 WlllUm st islx as slguments) 33.4.-,n J (Sill sr .'.jo vv 1 .1 pirt or mtg iv.uoo Fannl" M It Whl.lo k to Augusla and Allie T Parkin, 4H 3th av attv F d 1' Foster. 44 Wa 1st.. . . 12 .333 '4 KltlTH ST. n . 35.1 w 7lli av, IHxliPII. mtg 111, ntin Kqilltalile As-il- Sodetv uf the F s to M irg'i Knox. 47S Mot av: ntty, I-aw.veM T T Co, 1311 lev a v . 1 1 .OOq 83 D ST. 71 W- Louis A Fechrr to HoM Mi William. 2U2 Mt Hope pi Hronx attvs. Dean. T ,i Mi H. IliO Hwav. I2.0III) S7TII ST. s . 110 vv Av 11, lsxtai .', mtg 12.00O Anna chwarts to Sillle s Ito -s, 141 F .Islli .t, ntlvs. Foley A Mar tin. (14 Wall st . 11 3D AV. V74, mtc 13.000 Daniel Foiev lo Clallagher A. ltiirton, Ini . attv- ciss .t- Apfil, 35 Nassau n ..I1335S2 CATII lltl.VK sT, 40, one h.,!f ,irt mtg tlii.500 .Ins. ph .1 milli ro X4rle M I IciniC. at FVninil lllll Sl-lonten Stllse, Dresden. German! uliv. Arthur Sutli.r land 45 William "I .11 oHHISTOPHnu ST n;, one half nan mtg IH.500- Ino A Weeks to Marie It Heink at Dresden, (lermani . attv. Ar thur Slither Inn J, (5 William at 12 250 Itroni, FAMl'IlL ST. 11 .11 11 n Orchud av 75x11 I'hllip II Flsrlier 1,1 Ituot D lieswelu. 1 3S5 t'nion a ltklMi, attv. A W Venino, 51 Wall sr . . 17. "On DAitllV ST. vv 5?.; ii Klalern Dlvd. - 1 , Findoty sues. In,, to Max IV els berr CS3 Hei k sr. ntty, Itronx llakery. Inc. 't3 H.irr) st .. an int of ll.oou fOKF.ST AV. 112--llarr I Fprlng to .lollli O'Conunr. 71 I'. 12th st. attv, .las T Harilnii 52 Courttandt av 157'. UllACMONT AV. 2i:0-l.iura V Ham in. ilil to I'Hsquale Foil hi. exrs, ,Vt a'tvs Satleo A- S. 140 Nassau st . SS.dOO VALILN'Tl.NK A V. 2H70- Unuv em ur H .Nixon, exr. lo (ieo 1 Tealor hllzabeth lior' N J attvs. Williamson tV It 3.4 Alex av KAC.I.i: AV. til - leannvtte Kraelner to Jolin I.euihs, lino F. Ij4th si. attys. Kad:. auk A Co, 370 F. MSIli ki ... 13 lion I.iiTS w and i5. map (iodvviu esiate--N V T I'e a Mtg Co loMaiv l: Orlest. Cuern se I'l. allv. X V. Title ,t Mtg Co, 133 Hv a) en Ini of 1300 LOT 13' same map Same 10 Win A Hughei.. Jones id, Fort Lee, N J, ntt. same, an Ini of .11 lion LOTS HI and 14., same insp -Same ID .loephiiie H.lriiski, 907 Tlnton av . attv. same, an hit uf ... I l.fiOo LOTS l(" and lit, same map--Saliio tn sime, attv, same, an lot of. ... 1100 LOT lui'i same map Same 10 xnria 1' nrooniell. C21 Hublcam hi, dermaii- lown. l'a artj'. sain), nil int of 1500 LOTH 20!i and 210, same map. -Same to Josephine HelmaWy, 907 Tlntun av , atty, same, an Int of ... 1400 LOTS 211 to 22H, sarue map Same to same: attv, same: an Int nf . . . IC00 LOTS 221 to 224, same map - .Same to Anna P llroumtdl, 4921 Habitant nv. Oeriiiiintnw-u, Pa; n 1 1 , same: an int uf . 11,500 LIS I'KMICNS. I Manhattan. 2D AN 2203, Deutacher Frallfll Veren '.ur Fnterstutruno Illlfsbodurflinger IVMttwen Walsen Und Kranken agt lllegio Pernnttl et a) (foreclosure nf mortgage), ntt.vs, Chedsey A Howeti. blum. llronx. LOTS 191-192. map of Sander estate, p-np. erty at 25bth st nnd llway Frederick 17 Felgenbaum agt Hdward Hlnsnny et al 1 foreclosure of mortgage) ; ally, It. l Newman. M MHON AV. n w cor 17th st, S0lli( 2 Sophia M Moody agt Jennie K Shrady rl al (foreclosure of rnnltgagei, allv. II W Kiralf LIVE TOPICS OF WHOLESALE PRICE OF COLLARS RISES JtcttiiliTK. IiowPYcr. Still Will He 20 Cents Ahead of Old Prices. Collar prices are due for another all iance oir March I, but only to the re taller and tint to the consumer. Hereto fore, men's furnishing stores have been paying $1.30 a doxen for laundered col lars. After March 1. he must pay $1.40 a doien. The consumer will continue to buy collars at the present rate of three for .10 cents. Tho price advance has been made hy Cluett, 1'eahody & Co, Inc., and George 1. Ide & Co. At the New York office of the Karl & Wllflon Company, however, It wan said that,no statement regarding prices had been made. Conditions In the material market am serious, the manufacturers say, largely because of a shortaRo of cloth. There has been a very decided decrease In the production nf this cloth, they assert, becauso of the fact thnt many mills have been diverted to war supplies and other! w ork. AccnrdlnR to olllcials of Cluett, 1'ea- body & Co, Inc., the retnllers. even at the present advance In prices, will make t 20 cents more a dozen than tncy urn when collars were retailed at two for 2.1 cents Although the retailers feel that an advance to the consumer would be Justified it is said no immediate advance will be made Orders received before March I will be filled at existing prices', but no ditlriR will be allowed on any order, and orders w ill be accepted only for 'Immediate de livery at tho convenience of tlie manu facturer. Xliisiiiillo NrtlliiK or I, nee f I'ncle Ham's soldier or sailor bov s need mosquito netting, so milady's lace dress will have to wait. Itegatdle.s of the fact that lace dresses are In vogue, tho 1'nlted States (tovernmeiit by awarding several con tracts has practlenllv taken over many of the manufacturing establishment In the lace Industry and has tint thrnr to work making mosquito netting for the army and navy The result Is that some lace dres.s manufacturers are being com pelled to withdraw their lines because of inabllltv In obtain merchandise One manufacturer declares the lace business has been In a bad way for the past two or three years, and that Hie Cov eminent contrail have proven a blcsslnR ("1 the other hand, theie arc manufacturers who hold that while the Industry has not been at Its best for some time, the action of the (lovernment Is likely V cause a serious shortage In machine made laces. Iiealers In the more expensive hand made laces view the situation from still another angle, They see In the poss.ble shortage in machine lace the prospect of a boom In the real lace ttade. One manufacturer sa that women learn a shortage lo soon a nriclune made lace is threatened they will im mediately demand lace lire"?.' because of their exclush cue .-s. and the hand made lace market will reap the brieftt ( hli'RKo Trade llrpnrta. Nperi.l IC0('', rn Till l s i'iricsi;o. Feb 21 - T o' Marsh-ill Field K Co. 're 1 rail" report, for. last vv eek is as follows , Current vvnolesale distr ibution of dry good is ahead of the htavy volume j of business for the or responding period, of a year ago Volume of road shIc.-' for both Immediate and future delivery! Is larger than In tlie same week of 1917.) Customers are in the market in greater I numbers Market on domestic cotton I goods 1 onttnues strong. Collection! good " ! laist weed's report for the John V. 1 Fat well Company follows. I "Sharp advan-es in tire coltun matket, have again stiffened the cotton good sit-1 nation. Heneral condition are such that men bants are vv'llmg to accept goods' foe fail at any time the distributors j ship Price is pot so great a factor 1 a de.uerv .icsiiranio P.uylng for fall, is very free .ml much earlier than Ini prev iou ears : "In wool dress Roods, staples and plaids command tlie situation. Collec-, tlon.s show a good ga rr ovur correspond. lug pej-.od last ear " t l.i-nllirr tlnrkct xpe in Ir.l'lf', More 4.MIt. fo Till. Six. Hiitov. Feb. 24 Heavy hemlock sole , leather continues closely sold up Tire market for hemlock offal is slow The IJoxtnn market for union ole is shaw lrni a little more activity, and cutters nf vvumen'.s soles have taken s-everal fair sl.ed blm 'km In the past week. Ikavywelght leather is larpelv of (lov er nnient hpei'lflcatlnrt shipped as fast as it comes rri Trade continues ipnet in oak sole as the supplv it- small atul tanrrers have little to offer Chronic sole lias shown a Irrtle mine uit.vit.v mi both heavy and lifiht weight Civilian trade in vvi'ltlni l.s not active Tatmers report a iUit bueiiii'ss In I (i e leather The mens trade in cut coles is ipnet, and arm.v work Is tire uiiiy activity Oovernmeiit urders ate evypecteil to take care nf nil the grades of lougli leather More nitlvitv is noted for chronic, sides. pome tenners report an Improved de mand fo- lolori'd calf on the top grades onl The shiny leather business con tinues to show n sllghi impioveriieiit Clouil grade russets are In steadv de mand. Supplies are small 1'lrif (; la P rod no tin ii I. ran. xperiuf ir;ir i to Tin: Si x Nkw Hnirotrn. .Mass, iVb. 24. The riuiibeil cloth matket cuiultiues mtlve, with mativ Inquiries und as much book ing as mill men will conxent to, with price somewhat hlcher. but still out of j line as xjinpaied with i aided goods,! especially print i loth yarn goads It his I been eutimaled that the pi emit pin. ductlon i- PI per (ent lower than it was I a year iigo The bulk of the Iiiikiiicism lontlniies to be in loaisti yarn good .His lo -pis or on medium count" up to ."its and ios I Venetians, sateens, twills and silk rilled I plain crepes nnd pongees are being bought. In the Venetians, the Bits two pl , yarns are hetny superseded by the 110s elngle ply lo u preat eNtent 1 The production of sill: and cotton goods received a setback dm inc tlie pnl I week through the refusal of Hie llk i dealers lo iiuotc prices on Japanese silk, this Impression prevnllliiK that the Uov-I eminent contemplated some sort of ac. I lion in that market The demand for1 shlrtiiiRs icnialiiK negligible On Hie I whole, the fancy business has improved, ' but the bulk of the business Is still In the plain weaves. Frrr Unlrv for Ship Mnt rrln la. nil pxetutlvft noparin.ent or tho I'mlcd StatPH (jtivprnmPTit Assistant fporrtnry of tho Treasury How Iiuh iiiPtrtiPteil roll-tor of Pum tori". throuKh tho country to uttaril It a Hurli In ordtr to fnt'llltate tlie delivery of materlalH and artl.'lcs Imported for uko by the board In the conMrurMon and equipment f vei-peU eltlier ly thf Krner irpnpv Vlopt Cnrnnrattnn nr the v;irlnti Hhlpbulldlntf plant", and to accept ' Report Government Has Already Overbought fiprcial rit'patrh to Tim Six. W AsiitNiiTos, Feb. 24. The opin ion seems to be general here that the (lovernnient has overbought and has a surplus of supplies of all klrrdn. This Is further brought out by Inquiries from sellers who arc asking when new' orders aie expected to come through ftom the (lovernment. Whether It Is true or not that the (lovernment has supplied Its needs and that there will be an Immediate cessitlon of new business remains to be seerr, but some of tho shrewdest Riresers arc staling that from what thev catr gather such Is tho situation ami that the sellers In the textile In dustry are not awake to true condi tions. These men predict that huslneas to be done has got lo be done from now on with civilians and that there Is going to be a big hole knocked In tho .demand on which the mills In the textile. Industry have been de pending, V ' certification of a duly authorized repre sentative of the hoard in all matters per taining to Imports. I'nder this ruling, all materials of foreign construction rrscd In the making of government vessels are given free entry. (Ft n I'll i Skin Ureas, They're making dresses of pupp.v skin in Hrnoklyn It Isn't a case for the So ciety for the I'reventlorr of Cruelty to Animals or the Anll-Vlvlsectlnnlsts, how ever. "I'upuy skin" Is the name of a new type of taffeta. I.nmlnli I'.xpecta lloslcrv llrrlerl. 'ftnnl fablt HetpalcL to Tar. Sis. I.os.iiov, Feb 21 England's wool lin- porrs lor January approxrmarcu'u i bales. The reexports were fi,.0D bales., tlie quantity retained thus boing 1 12,000 bales. This showing fully equals th monthly average of the last six months. There is (very prospect of big Italian hosiery orders being placed here Mill dilress Credit Men. I'a'il Fuller. IiiiecLor of the Hureau of Trade lrrlclllgeti.e In Washington, will sprnk at the meeting of the New Vork Credit Men's Association at the Hotel "The Asior on Wednesday night on Trading with the Knemy let.'' llllla Work n llolhlny. specio Pttpnlrh In TllF Si v i. ltrvrn. Mass. Feb 21 Aiibough C the print cloth market continued strong and steady la: week tne volume of trad ing Ins been kept down becau-.e the manufacturers have peep unable lo meet the demands Practically nil stvles have shown an advance of a quarter to a half cent Sales for the week werestimaterl ai 0,000 pieces, about 20,nno being spots. Wide and narrow good.s have Mkivmi grrnt activity, and i have beui In active Mteens and twills lcniand. The mills ; have been greatly hampered by order' fmm the i lov eminent that i ertaln looms, ! must not ! ti",ed for civilian needs until I (lovernment requirements are cared for , Many mills continued operations on Washington's Hirthdav. (Jtiotntlons are . 2 lnh . , 2S' ""s 27 In.h . i.IxSii in', 2T Inch. Stlx.'.s s x, !: inch c.6x"..' 91, -V liieh Hvll 7, :ci, inch . f.4x.( 111- 3Si2 Inch . .... filxc 1 !( 5'i Huh 51x11 ll'i llrny liiioila Market. Sattirda s print cloth piicio were as follows Squares. Weigh! Cents 3U, Inch 4Vxx 7 f. 101; 3i, Imh roxcx c. 1:1, 31, bull (0x52 s n'l 12. 3d-, Inch t.. I.4X3S 5 .'ul 1 3?i- Inch Mxio 5 .1 . 14 3i, Inch lvn 1 1 W, 3s ini h Sine , ,' 1 1 ss irch CxT2 17. I' 3J inch ... . viixmI ( mi IT'i 3 Ini h . . 72x:n I .' . 1 : 3 ' In. h. . . . C0xs 3 on 1 : 2x mh . '.-xf,2 1' no '' 2T null 1.4x10 7 Ml 10V, Sheeting pi u es were a follow s. Sqtlar-B Weight Cents v. in. h . ioxio .,0.1 nu U Int Ii . (4x40 f. 15 11 41) Inrh. 4 4x 40 4 2 . Is 31 Ini ti .... i.xfill I On 17l3 3d Inch (x(0 Mi 11 3fi inch 4V4x . '. on 1 ( 30 nub . . . 4.x ( I ( ,11 Is', Buyers in the City. Heady to Wear. JOI't.lN. MO N' M) an . t'o ij. r N-luriter t (-Jt"). (To mr h h JdM., OHIO I H,hvditz mnmMir Fiiitf-, piin' c, aklrt.. ttbiii", umlt-rw cj r t . A lift - UOt'tSVlhl.K V ltoprit',iiin A .-on II Honblum prIf.K contn. e-ulls kirt"i. wrti-h fklrt) . I Itnnli!UHl ' Inbs fa. I . fiiifO, ll,t:t Hr(ttIa. room 1 ' IMTTSIUMTO -A. A Vlk o .Mr Waik uprinK li'ittup. no.T Kiffh w . rouni luiii .CH ANTON' Kr-fti-ln'" M I, r.idv i. spiri, Imprlal ST IjOriS Slmcnr Hro ln.ik t'o Singer i nwinnf c-ttirr worn1!! . ml ". i hllitren nn1 InfanlV cloak1 ant nuts, MT Vi' '.,(itli " TtH.KDO-Th Ulnn stA(. i n.ikr i tp i iv to ear i . i nr.- nf h'i.i ni T Knnir. Kat -Mth i . IIotM WallKk U XSJIlNt.'TOV -S Kami X Mr T irlKhmn 'Infjutn air! lil.lrfii'i t-.,rt 4.'(J Ptiiirth h ATLANTA (MTV- K.lnj Vom-n 1 Ve.i-. .1 Keln i jolt (-MitK, fl rentes, u j irt , u n- drntfnr, 1.14 Wen .14th .J VCKON MICH - H A ftihwartz Tf-jtly l wfiir nrtil fnti-). llotl Aberdi-en A II K A NS S i'T , KAN J.f-Rni .M.uiti- f ni'iiirir.ff o Mi . ltort 1 a ifn 1 1 i-adv to ttfiiri 1131 HmiJum I IMH VA1ot-I V. IIiiTrrn f X fn W V IlnrKt'tf ui;s anil .jiti.t, .",s ' Vst .CM r ; MIW IIAVHN IV )flUlman ro .M Cohi. 1 11 h n iisnlv ft tr. Hnt-1 1 .ii'l,. I ritlhAl)KtdTM V- M SMwrnifMi A Son A. 1 Sl!irtnn ir-a 1 tci near), is VM 27(li t I H rl 1iltl: The rH-s'iion I n ut ni in I 1 nii'n't- flint m!iiei' rtulfr parnifn n), l-iiinrlat llotfl j l'le e (iUshN. I MACON', tiA - .1 iir j,oihhi, , Urn .dv as ''flit Ml lint fl j SHKKM A N TKX - Marl.n Hto. A Mark i tMor 1 SAN I'll AN.MM'O' Umpinniin V P .MitMl-tuti (ait ti-eflW't.irk 1. 4TiJ Kiiurth In tiup t. llnnr WASIIINOTON .1 P Merman nlr tornJ" 1 MonhattHU. V1IK1INIA, MINN. fhmifdlinf Hro I Iry (itMKl i. M. Shan.'ilhnB nlr ffitoilM, I.Htn.'iin Vl.ItKTOWN. 411 IO (4oIlrHn Kane fu. P .1 Mnrnn Mrv jtihmIk, Kllk1, e!ei( fancy Kotxli-. no I Inn , Wnltii-k DANIIPHV CONN - P H Unriw ell A Ci. P i: WartvM'l! iblanketm, Hret ton Hall lANVll.I.i:. 11.1. S'hnutt & l.fnrh nmn H Lcttr htimti ulr. yoinl. Rins ba'nn jM-ttli oat , 4 TO Pourth menuf nHIIHUIPoltT -.1 Jin-man (-lks ire Kit'-ili- liru-n whitH Kuruln, ioniefttii'ti , 144 Klfth nvrntif, llnltl Atllnfrton IIPPPAI-O .1 N Adrim A Co .1 .1 Si.lli m tdomentlcs, ItannHJ-, blanket'!, 2 W JITth fltrt-pt CinCAOO Se C Metu t women Jnnlr ntut unilr im r 1 . 4 0 4 Pnurth iitemi, Hotfl Urotf-M lv.NSA.S CI TV Riiifry, llinl. Tha tr H Ci. Co Mr Wilt n istlKH and elveUi, Mudlim avenu. Hrri'.MiO-,1. N Adam A Cn .1 Sulll vnn ( 1 1 o 11 1 f 1 i t f and IlannfU t, ur" ut -Weit 3Tth et. 1 CHICAGO- Mnrrli Mann .; Helllv II .Morn .wmie K'tOiii, at(, rare or I'lflh nv C.OPVKK.NKrit. N V -MIh A llotinhan idrv kooiIh, .t l Hotel Continental, HAVHH DK CiUACK. Ml H, y Mry poo.K Air 1. Hotel Imperial. MII.WAl'KKi:, WIf- I. I.iu hf r (li-rn fioodH). Itnllatl I Houxe IMTTSHI'KU. PA --K-vn(ine Mfis: Co I.ovv tniunufHCturfrs of lintM and taim. Ilolrl Albt-rl ST I.uriS, .MO - SinRPi Itrnn A Siner (manufarturtTR nf rloalc- und miM). (ire nf .1" Kant CS'h lt S'lPI'? N TUX Maik 1lr,m Mai4 THE COMMERCIAL (dry goods, Ac), care nf 1150 llroadwav. fUIMTF.H, S. C Sumter Dtsy Goods (,n. T, 11. Cleike (dry fcooda. &c.L Htl Mf'' burousU. Ilousefiirnlsblngs. PHILADELPHIA Feldman, Arnon Co. M, Feldman (carpels, rugs, mattlnga, llnolournal, Albemarle, KM K, I'A. Hrle Dry (loods Co. P. Fries (house furnishing goods), 432 Fourth av Hotel Walllck, DETHOIT Hudson & Symington. u. Owen (draperies nnd upholstery), Netherlands. UVKHBTT. WASH- (irand Leader Dry (loods Co. II. Hocbaladter (crockery, glassware, tovs, stationery, perfumery), 1239 Ilroadvvuy. ITHACA Itothschlbl Hro. F. .1. Hstn (furniture). Imperial Hotel. ni'FFALO Adorn, Meidriim A Anderson Co. 1', C. Schnefer (house furnishing goods. china, crockery, silverware, stoves), 230 Fifth av. HVKItllTr, WASH. Hrand Le.ider I)rv (loods Co. 11. Ilorhst.idter icnicKerv. c ). care of 1233 Ilroadvvuy. Walsta. SAN Fit A. NCI SCO I. Magnln Co Miss S. Arrlnaon (ahlrt waists), 401 Fourth nv Hotel Normandle. CH1CAOO Carson, I'liK Scott Co. M A Fierce (house rtresse", An. ire of (0 Fourlh av. nira. MINNKAI'OI.IS .1. n.'tVlefcs (fursi. Hotel llroitell, DF.TItOlT II. 11 Mark". 11. Marks (women's furs). Hotel llrealttl. DKTItOIT Newton. Annls & Co N. An- nls (furs). Hotel Lslham. (loTea, CHICAGO The Fair K. I llin"eil I women's gloves), 225 Fourth av. .Men' anil Hoys' Clothing. TOItONTO S. F MeKlnnnn Co. .1. llrasler (haisl. Hotel llroxtell riTTSIIl'tKl - Km stone Manufacturing Co. 1). Levy (manufacturlrg cloth huts ana capsi. care of Hotel Albert. ItOCIISTHIt August lire. Co H August (manufacturing nothing atiit rfllnenals). are nf tlnt.l M 1 rlliornUCh MINNIJAl'Ut.lS- M. L. Itothschlld Co .1 F. Hymn (men's furnihinc goods), iarn of Hotel Hargrove OMAHA- Palace Clothing Co Max ftn.en thai irlolhlng, furnishing good", ha s ana sboesi. rare of Hotel chstham CHICAGO -scars, lloehmk Co. 11 W Koeli (men's clothing an, I furnishing). il A. Kettei (men's iiothlng and furnishings), care of 113 Fiftli av CHTrAiiO- Arkln A- Itne. K ltoe (man . iifacturing rlothlngi. ciro of lintel ilerard HOSTON- Til" Csusewai K I.ehewnh! '"" "ii...",,-' I HCFFAl'.o Klpp ' Walie. C Walte imaiiurnciuring neekvvrrtri. ca-e or no tel OinoAdO.-Manii'l Hres. Ma (ilhson 'fancy gomlsi, 1 J .llrLlwee (men's and boys' clothing and furnishing goodsi. 13 Feet 22il si MoNTItKAL Ac me Hat Co. S l.evlne (lilts) eire of Hrnsdvvav Cen'ral Holel MINNEAPOLIS, MINN -M L Itotbsrblld Co F Hvrne (furnishing goods, liar, grave Until XHscelUneoiis. KAXVS ilTV Jones Store Jones l representing 1 , 23 ,r 1. t 2th Ki street- nrnrteii, LO" ANHHI.): - tlroadwa.v Drparmnt store T S. MPhtirn (ralb-ns, glng hams ilsnneis. wish goods. tih', and drrs linens, rotion and outing liat" 111.x c and spreads and same in hase-neni it pirtmrnts 1, 95 Mndlson avenue. Hres. Iln I.VNN. MJIR T W lingers Co. T W llrevvn ulrv goods and general m-i obandlsei. l.sthsm pi:Tr:nittTtc.. v - im,'1 Dr, Co J V Kurker .notion", white good1-. ' rug. hosiery and klt.t uniei" H-i- I lei Orstnl I F.OMR. OV -Ilv.-'-iin Pros. ) I's,.-. I man 1 representing 1 , (.rand ST LOfls- F:- A VI ilker Dr o K S. Supe- 1 kid underwear not ions 1 595 Hrosdwiv. ronm 111),", ST I.OCIf- P.I. . .-tlx llll ino, I. 1 . V Fiseniln I'm,! goorl. g oce 'ulie swesler riml.i 377 Krnidwav rnoni I'O.- ST LOCI- Fahi-i' Ins Me-snll" Co II II F.ibrlilus inntions, fantv goeds. in, lioxieiv g'ovesi. H. 1' Kiibrii'los 1 ,0 linns fancy goods, tnv? hoslei.. glove-1 Inpe-ial RAN PKANCISCO -II .1 Hlr'.'h 1" I' , J. Hlrrh (, leather j welrv hulr ornaments. Iiol.d , iln::, ut Kiii. 33 I'li'tm 1 room 7.1 1 S V I nil. M IS' - N I' Wrbbe Vari and II lirns.nnre ! , , b-ohlrr' . hin Iker tilef llhh,ri' 1 goods not -ins muslin upde-we! r and .,rs..fci (01 Fourth runrt go,, is s Jll.'t-e 'Hi I'll I I Hol :-egonaii Sl'llTC.i: i" -ii'i'e' Drv ilnntl C' i T II. C!)i-l;e idrv rn.ifl rotinn- 1. 1 rtetsi H.,'cl 1 1 rllinrniic h I SVII.VCl'S?: Te Heffron C J Derscbuj itirmlid matter!, ltnptrlsl. I PVIlA' L'Si: - T F A 1 II I'D Pill 1: j T 1' Htzrialr. k 'goners! drv gnnili general met hind.-1. Wa'SliU ITI'.IIY-M I' Cell M P lull I isixe ilers I underwe.r r 1. M" VI ) C.n'd . n' j tinris )mier and n 1 lldknr li n't ' Continental ' Vt OOS'FOOKIIT F'exp'.'s , Ii Cent Slo-e M T.n:iw'C-r 'Srn 1 1 Il 'iln I , eh mdi-ei berd'en CINCINNATI -Miller Itros .V Co ' Miller idr.v goods, readv I 1 we ' Tiillltnerv '. Hnrel Vtisonia 1 IONIA MICH -F VV Meienon 1 I M Steens idry good-, notinns, lll'l ready ' to vvru-i Pari; Avenue note; I .1 1CKSON VII. FLA Knliii Firrch i got' Co II i'o s .mil .111 ier i pro es dept I Hoet rtl'Oll -lilltllle 1 HI'S'TINiiTO.N W VV Crott si mar 1 Co M. I'rofl ulrv good- nnt'ons 1 furn,shllig. reidy In wear. A, 1 .'' 1 Cluirdi e'ree! il in, I I VXTOV lllllll -I'll" Se, .. i II Stl 1 lie- (general me-chandlsei II 1 1. u"i mail oak and "U't! 1 ir" Hi M, Mpin las AXi.KLKS tiroala 1 Mp t t I TllPOt hi furrilli- tnr U' it Plni tune, hniit.' inc k'Oed chlMa ut e-.u-t. ronterx toe ro-i a r ha num.- k. hTk"t, elec - fx tlx ure- and irono, '. Madlnan n M I I.W VPKP.K- Hhiiii'-ntlMl. lecher Co ,T 1. 1,111 he . n.iiilnt" t ' Hehl tilower. f-.ithei." and jewclrj): tare v( Hotel llreit-u. OAKUVNh. CAU Ivilin Hrn O Hlr-b- nutn i-oyl .ITT llroadwav, de eith rtoor. PJIOKVl Wll.Id:. PA - -W II Kl!i Upn- -rai nitTi'haiHlli'l , (in of Hotel Hrrld Suuare I'HIT.AnKI.PHI - ttlanner H Kambmr lunoi and "Ilk dreme,, Mi" Oar nan '"n"velt 1 'nlli and wash klrts); lire of H'l M Pl'inn ' Pact ' vt. I'HIUVnP.I.PHIA- Mnamut A Prank .7 Prink i tnatiuf.i' iwlnp die? trlmmlnm-., . ,nr of Hi'cl irec..rt in CI1 ICAiJO - Carnnn. Plrle. ."'nt Co Ml A H. Ha'', ini'idln underwear, petti 1 o.tts r.p'-tepb and infint weurl. Mls M Put 1 iett ! m, liouo ilrrsn'i, sa.qne. lnfn t1 "Mil. tare of 404 rnurth av CHTCAC.O Mnntpiirnerv W'a 1 ' 'o. H Ilmvkln ilml-'-v underwear, infantt.' wear anil ior' 'i ,f,. Sixth . CI1ICC,( Morjt. Mann X Itelllx. Harr Mnrr! innMn'iv hUe pood- Hid' m-. .lew idrv, leal he- cnod no eit ien tn-ltw. nn kw e-ir ami '.'idles nt t w kear : rr- nf '"'i. Pift'i a- CUI.PMUPS OHIO- P A II Miss Coptic til (flteveit tclris' drefe and oa. I axaeu- Co W .1 Hnber Mli A K we.iri. -'.'d Smith " ieMdv to Fifth iv COUStt'ANA TPX - MnrVs Marks Mm roo.Is). It.'.O eighth floor n VI. I. AS Sear.s.ltoeh'U k A Cn Ttro. M l!ro4i lw a , It. M III irri-i treprei'iiinir, t inn n. HPrTN'fJTON. INI .1 PrashA- Son. I. P'-Rfch ulrv (rood- and arpeti, of Houl Imperial II A ITI.MOt K i; Wo'ft iRcneral tuor han 1 MAl.TIMOIli: H Hl'imbere; tjienetal nu - r cir-niilH'l M o i e 1 1 in per 101. niN(HIMTON N --M. Weinbftir isen- eril nier handise,. Herald Sfiuar Hoti1 CJl cai; Th.' Pa!r K l ltuMdl Klnvesi, ciri' of 2?6 Pourth COI.l"MHI. S O- f l. Ttpp 'o .1 1. Tapp id' ro I.- intuitu 1 i . At 1, lloiil CitPimen'nl Cl.tlVritSVII.i.i: V V -We T Manufae- Viu-nc Co. It IPi-i'T 1 nanur u iur rs of jlmMi Hot-1 lniurn! HPNT1NOTOS, V V V Crof -Strait lard Co ; M i'rofl 1 drv L-oodi iufpitis fur- nishniis'F A ' 1, lirand Hot 1 111 1 1 VtlPl.PHIV -I Kiihii milteial llicr. ('nililNe. 11 ,tel Walll. k SVItXCPSH. N V T P Pitzpatio k igep- r .1 men hndne), Hote Wa'.n k Business Troubles, (hedidet In -Bankrupt.... The mdieiiulen In bankruidrx fll Satttr- I da m the Pnltd Mole IMtrhi Coi.rt were rf fitllowii: ASSOCIVTIH -."i CKNTS HIIPMtTMHNT STUIli:, INC Sthedules of Avsni lated i I'S Cent pepartment Stoic. In- , & Cottlandl street. Inabilities. $S.0tlI. an-! Hetfi, unknown. Prlntdpal rhim- New I ork Merchandl". $-73, Hreldbart lint.' J3T4; Hers Hnm,, $ITI V.itton, Kris- j teller X- .Swift. CS William street, aro Hie attorney. 1 Ml ''HAUL WOHTZMA V--S. hedules nf , Mlehael Wnrtrrnan Muninens atul ad dress not Rien Lhblllii"''. J I V,'! 1 : s. nets, III.'H S Pi Im I pal rlatms; .IuIIuh Keller, K;'l: .Mllcrlm llro.. tZ'id. A. Pabdas, KP I.ouis Uorfinan. 1 1 2 Hrond nv if t h a It orne A KM V A VI) N A V V l.QPI I'M HNT CO , t' ,-(hMluba of Annv ami i Kqulprnent -o. In-' ;-4 West Portv-k-to tul Ntreet l.labdtes, ns tuft n t s I , y T , Pr n pa 1 - tutu Smm uul Klsner, I7,19! F. tl. g. Clotbltig (rn., ILI2S; II. P, (loodrlch Company, 98; Levi, (Pitman Stern 3D Hroadvvay, are the attorneys BROOK SiKLAnPKT fehedules of Hrook AV Kklarsky, 613 West ISlst street, Llnbilltres. 11,920: assets, 1110. I'rln (Ipal claims: (loldrlng Urn., 1257! Luiili 1 Li es. 8. Petitions In llankniptey, Thn petitions In bankruptcy nted yes- terday In the 1'nlted States District Court were ns follows: AHHAHAM TftACHTIIN llll llfl -Involuntary petition against Abraham Trach tenberg, retail Jeweller. 1735 Mndlson nvenile, l.laltllltles, 110, 000; assets, 11,'iOD. Principal claims: William HnOmiin. 20; Urwlir silblrr, 1215 Samuel Hsrgman, I1.M). William Jasle, 20 1'esey street. Is attorney, DO.MP..NICK W. HONHLLI AND I'lltLIP .M. I.OS1TO Voluntary petlrlnn by Dorn enlck V. Honelll and Philip M, Loslto, Individually and ns a tnoniber of tli (Inn nf llnsegrnph Fll-o Co, 115 West Forty llflli street. Liabilities, 11055: assets, 1400, Principal claims: Candler Theatre Corporation, 14,321!: PlalHpln Lltho Coin pnnv, Inc., 1200; Apeda .Studio, Inc., 1107: Ward a liow, 0(i. Albert M. Yunzollno, 233 Hroatlwny, Is attorney. Assignment. .MAY, CORDON MAY, I.NC M.mufac turers of children's wearing apparel, 140. 142 West Twenty-fourth street, has as signed for the benefit nf creditors to Marcus Hetrand of 320 Hrosdwny. .lamb May Is president of the corporation, In corporated 1313. lodgment-. MANHATTAN Tlie following lirilgnients were til.d sat unlay. IVbnury 23. thn rtrat mine being lint of Hie debtor . Amador. Simon-Iticbaribon Holel Co. Inc. . 2-'.7.'l naslilnsky, Samuel -I' Dnremus el al . 1,174. ."2 ltestisvour A Co., Ire Vuller Itms nor, Iiarlsiur. Piter S Ainerteati I'nifnrni Co .' t. 727 9.1 i v nenaii'i, uiiiii W.--A .ireniieisoiin . rib bi (.rainer, Andirvi .Pullnrsii Motor Cnr Co.- 101.21 Harder, (ills c I'.rmxs. II. Tellrl & Co 734 72 Frotlilnbm. Arthcr-.I. A. Dllkes. 116.20 t ordinal!, 1'rllr -Lliclid Arcade lltillil- Ing Co . , .... i f0.M Irieennelll, Meier- II Seller 214 11 Herrenst in, Harry and IisvM I. I.esder 5iH 49 , Murray I. Ilslstesil. . 5x1.23 Lereri, Ilnliert -H. Coldwater i Co. 1m 12171 Morange, Henrietta-Park t Tlirnnl . 23.29 Perlmsli. Philip 11 Unsenbaum .. e04 71 Peters, .faik .1 -C.irfnrd Mntnr Trni k Co. Inc. 213 20 K.van, Patrick -Carneg.e Trust Co.. t'fis . . 120 (t IStlitnlph, Win. II .1 lllnes 5H3.:.l Sehwarr, Mnrtluier I .11. frledinsn t al 25.'. 70 Shnplro. Cenrge. snl William Stiulu M hsplsn I12.7 Vrluller. Jlinle S. fell 215. If. Wteeler Mntnrs Co, Ino - Manhattan Motors Cnrp . .'-17 29 SIMer. Willlsin II ..I. S. Murphy 11C 12 Iragar, Walter M -I). L. Ystes 100.1 Theil, Joseph J -II Wilson -227 11 Tonles. John .1 -Park ft Tllfnrd. ... 171.7 Tidewater (Hi Co -C. II. Mailer et al 113.273 51 Tiiiidlnson. Willlsni-A. Maggio 430.23 I W.illbl'l. Charles II Wire Wheel Corp. j "f Anieri a. st s 11 1 27 . HltON.T i 'I he ins! name Is that of the debtor Anisteiilsm Automatic Sprinkler Co , Inc .1 ittbrrinan Arllln Healty Co.. Inc. and Aarmi Kh'ln 1..I1I1U1S Cnnt Co Harnett. Louis Kssli-liesler Saving Hank I'.ilninbn.,)tue and Miihel'-M. 1 'Irolts '. ( 2 501 V "11 s. '2n.4,i lurid. Vtfred -It Steinberg , llnlsii. Msrv 11 -.1. Sllverxteln . llninp.rt. .tnhn H llofld, Mesd A Co. In- (Iraliilt. Anns -W It SI'irer. lr1 I sue. .li.lili I! - It Itellld Mi'iir. .lames 1 -Met. Trust In of (,35 , 1,7 01 1 -,31 N 1 .611, 11 ' 1 s, hrneilir. llisili" II T I limner 171 Yx in l ii Satl-ned .liiilginenle. Ml MI AIT AN s The firfct nsme Is Hist of the drblnr 1 lie ei- I mi, I Dial nf (he creditor, sud late vx iii-n judg 1 metit was filed ' lliw. Vlexoiider -.1 H llnhUr. .Nor. ' 2. I'l? . . ', Lulls. Sl'd Haloid VI Phil- 1 Pp. -II .1. I nlietl July It. 11115 j -lame -Sain" .linte 12. toil ' i;leli.iiiii, i'.ler 1 SOilavntir. Nov. 12. ! I'd7 I ll'i. lirn. h. .loeili S 111 alinsli ill . 1)' 1 l.i 'OF. I.P.ONX I lUrnett. ltsy VI. .1 Honker Sept 7. 1M7 t.'! i: 1M1 P. 11" ROD AND limn NATPit rnii iocai. AM.i.i:i:s sarly Hook Th- Hir.'-boe A M. P M. 7 ?! 7 I". Prim c-s Hay Dale Peiiruarv 2 . )eiir'iar 2i Ki'britnry '27 Celin'arv 'Js A M. M A M 7 -'ii s II ! S TI I 1". '.I 41 III is 111 "il 7 '.il S -il ti 111 'l .Ci Ill lis 111 I I 11 an 7 5s S 1 IIS 'I (I 111 I I ID IS s 2t s i an in n.l in 17 111-. i Mnr. li 1 Hl-Jil 11 5s 11 fl Man II 2 March .1 ! Houghton Itesigns; ( Mrpenter I'romoled, ' AI.HAX, Pei . 4 Plena r 01 . V S. Hotlghliill a ' -e, i 1 serv iitlon I 'olillilissi in ' morrow, ts onnoutn e.l M - Of the i Ml - -ake .ft. h t nnn-i ail'Mt 1 1 -Mr t Coiuuiis-lntie- (, - Houghton his be.n ei retar of the r.mi- tu I Solon "in--" Mirn. j 1 . a no now j tl tl urnlne n New ttk to les-unie -jif pi 1 - p nf lri.. III HPIHUintinK wr linnsumii i"(j;ut tmn Cnnmiifne- Prat -ad that Mr HoiiBliton hud k" up h1 .aw ptn tl- at a Kreat persona rlflre to take the po5l Ion or eiretniv of the 'nnverat on ('onunls-lon It order that he might ( op( - rate with Commissioner Pt itt in puttln; irto effei t mam of the pu.l'l'" on whhh the have'woiked toirether for man. i'ais, Av a member or the rnnsen anon 1 om mittee of the Cmp Pire t'lult nT AmTl .. Mr HiiiKh'on ha- for mm vearn heen u -ttve in 1 onerntion ni-iit mt 1 In New Vork State and throughout the rniin'n He w.i one of lhoe re poiifdlde for th" I't-deral law uhhh nut a rloed seai-oti upon the !ur seal f A'a-ka and s w ed the 1 n nnv..ii ,.r t In. t'ukkiiii ea 1 ' frrini rxtlmdion. He ini-o one nf tlw bark er- f ihe Peler.l tuikrttnrv bin! lar and of Kedera. fort i m and n a 1 1011a pa rk niea-iues -hHt hae -.nved ome nf the rtn-t-e fienle reort. of AmptI m 1 Prior to his nppolntmrn M- HouRhton I "iatl bieu In t loe totteh with ntiserv Clou 1 ieKllaiion in New Virk Male tiuA had ' bei n larK-'i InftrunuMiTal in too paHRe ! of sime nf the niovt Important mea!urei, I The 1 iw prohlhitltm the ale of the pin ' niiiKi' of wl.d blrdf. n)iih has put a -top 1 to mtiv ti of the atitfUtfr of nonj: and tn j --ei'iUnriiin bird. as la r Rely itue to Jilt 1 effortf C.iinmUsinn.-r Pi ai t lil' ATI noil nr f d the I promotion of W'arw h k S Ca rpf n er. who h is hern 1 nnfldeiitlnl ( of the 1 ommt.lon Min' t he a ant v r ft bv M 1 . ret 1 rv a n 1 eilitor .lune. I'M HoilKhtoll iu The Tnnit re There, n orn who North .lersej - fi'he-. the trout 1 ea in of 'e(,,iiril with mot' II fe! tint I ma be pi rmlited t m .met liitik' apropu. of the ijner-. uce i rt the trout " ' hi- h has been 1 f ha U'h ere pllt OV lie Inrst of tellt I ha- j sex era I of mir n'lidem There ha ve b en time- ilunnr I several x eat si w h n. und r the fpm - I pnrary di miraceuienT perban- aked mvseir the same "'ion. iirui a. hin not heen lun-t lnHriab the anh'xi hard to tlnd I 'ndoiibtedl jl a-e mon- a k k.p I t here . i be proper ototiMotis tt , i often mlfslnir th ut preserc . 1 V belief thai there left . ' n I of It out U t'Ui.e.1 ni) leiitrdt fa thfij ; ror hex era I mmi' Then- i or 1. h f t ex fu- I M h tr'p e i h n m Btrenm the 'in.!11". fNhed the iiomi the rut h Ibe re:x, the ne of th. 11 est, the urn U-ed, the W eai Her a lid . It- fondi'ion of ist i cam I .et Ilio i Me 1 ho t enn I " of o i'H i p Tillltle to th- MllM oiieti nt'K last fpr.iiK p-rx -elKht ilsh nere raiiKht. ad lainboi nr ul ee heads f.i one ot man lUh vdii into it iv, for ho math tripn Howeer mx f Hurt alums that o-i fiun 1 1 ; the (iWltlEi the weath-r wan Yfl V 'od nd the utnarn hiRli, ainl that prufra nf Hu' Molt were tattep on the remalnlnc thre.. t is Thnt Is an axeriKft nf Fiitreri trout a trip, ipilte enouKh t't u!t au normal an rler I nldenta'! v the (inv bris fpinrt r was the mot tuii1'-. ful luie To ti a ftreain or ureaniB soral tune-j - or more and thn damn them to" auve of il! Uu 1 when the e,usXe proter ioi,.ll tlotis IT-e Tlli!lnK is e uTCelv Jlt Consistent a reful. t easonalue tl-hini: of them will ie one the nghi fai b whbdi In the loiiK tun V make for .ji res. tllHrt I tlshed the I'Nopn-v fl e ra1 xx , ' h nri'dv a fttike on tlie sixth I t"-k l" l.s ihnn an hour a nliu'inen and a ha f 'mdi rainbow and an tKh'eefi nnd ' ha f In h hep bpvx n. Pi r mi stem e a nd opt .numii lea' In th." splen 11 1 pot ' of k w i:kki:i. .1 . Keh. ;t a pre at iiur Nex-a I k Middlesex ('oun( pitrUmen's IHnner, The ir, nnd annua' d-nn-i .f sex count Spiirtmeu A"" m'ii held at K 'ein n Hole , S Mum ,1 nek' Thlirsdll' e n nt; I'l e vpeakeis w . be .1 u n II Urn u M d t WORLD New Incorporations. Ullca Diamond Disc I'mnpan) dci . phonographs, 13,000. Plica (. ano-, i Wheeler, Edward H. Kuhl. Arthur lxnox. , ( HneffllnK Trucking Compatn rf(. trucking. 120,000. Manhattan Chir'. Hnefrllrrg, Ada II, fUe.iiln. H it I : u7, Silverman llros. A- (loldmait, In ion, fnt'turlng wearing apparel, .- oon nt hattan: Samuel Silverman, Abu, r c, ,! man, Ida (loldmin. Thn White Plains Varlrv shop tr millinery nnd women's and ihiMnn, a. parel, 1500, While Plains Hav-iii y;t ' Merrlam C, Knrger, Krnesi Cince-?, Tegufllm C'heirilial .Manufsc urmg re,., parry. Inc., chemists. Il.voo. S j, Jese K. lvlngsley, M. Marlon, t, cilia 11. Hafferly. Concord Warehouse Conrpanv . Ire ,l9 age. wharfage, 12,000, Manhal-ir, v ltu J. Cries, Irving I. Cooper, l'wis P i;i.. Claremont Press, Inc, publishing 11 Oii Manhattan; John H. Schnni kenheri i Jt . H. Schnackenberg, leltnili K s hiu berg. 1li sen Fanchon Coslurne Cornpan , I tailors, 12,000. Manhattan .loepit p Uotdlng. Joseph Stahl. Saimie) Kisr .laniestown Priming concern, in lug, 110,0.0, .Inmnstovv n . Uuil Alexander P Llndhstrom. Lev e Anderson. PS SECURE TRENTON CHARTERS, Thr follow Ihr .' i nn - ) ( f-r't In Trrnton Sdttirli J.lttln tllant Triit U .s.iir- i ..mii- , 'lfll tn unto trnrk-i in Sf arl i 1100.000, lnrnrjnr,itor It irTr U Mn. h Iluiry T. Dftlnio. It. K-nnith !a k-ntt N ark. Tho HolflIrf -Mt-niorid on 1"nl In olcnr-' infinorla1 In ti -jtnoTit .1 , capital., mrorpon'or o. A. HouRh, sicranltn- If. Hough ha m lloiiirb, tJuinnr Atrf-rlcfln Alitlr Al-' n ur frtrtur dtlk In Pal-rion ,ipta int, 000 ; Jnt nrpora inrn. Itolft t ! -inn Muhk linl Cliln.i, Kttl J lnit htii;ln t'Mnn. Irnnl II. Iw, l'.itron 111 Lxpo't Mlrn I'nonplio i 01 pn-m Jfl o nianiifnrturcr fertllU'-r 1- 'pw h 1p i'. SI 0,000 . lnrorpor i 'or .; -Swnln, .Inlin I ipp. ''liao' . n t S'W trU I'nr." ul" Cnmpfi n v n rl i ' 1 ''rVnfl'-n, a pit .it, l-.U'i". n x ' ITmr'l, ,In!m .. .MaeTaK ( ''inul n Yesterday's Fires. a ' rf I e I i" n: T II- I. I'S r c - Il'lil .tlix VVesI si ''tiKn' i i unknot n I . Itot-Tivid 1 . 11 -L'2M 5th av . 2 III P-.lj 15 7th i A- A-hc . 5.15- 2.5 II 78 I r v rlopnu nt fo rortUn. I 5:50 71 W 1121 si '...5 131 I! mtb si 10.10 252 I-:. tOl'th ' anilr.i . I- M 12:05- H7 Division .t 12 40 1 14 1 Honoti rd unknn's n II VIU n Mmnx i ent s.nioiietlt 4 1522.'. Ciilversiti Kr'.ivard Mirrls .' n;3 Amsterilsni Licz ... tt-onv II tr 11" 'riS z (. on no K. ."I- a l' 'Inol, V lining ''oil Co fi of 1 140 Hr a luni . S- liu" Store T fi r.t .30 Vesjrv si Mi'nm tils Millar Xuto l'.xpress lt, Trip-, 7.00 2iK Huche a 1i'irv Clint ore Clol 1 r. s SAT1 ItKAl ".13 Iiroadvvav p,t f'T 'o -51 P. 104th t 1'lopke Solelv -200 VV 4tn Coldsteip . . . -112 '.d av . M' M 5 :o K lS.'d .1. Cob ii . . 0141 V. 50th Wlrtton . . 5- -155 W J(th ! 0 -r.4 M.nllson s. Tn" X 'n' s ,x M a x il' -t man o ' i: loth si II .iv.!-'1 l.oi 5- -.If I'l.'ce si . I H'lli I S I Creene ! I'll 1 Jl 5-H VV 135 1 Maid f . 5- l.-sih SI .in 1 Vlo-r - It-nnx lut.iiiiohtl'' N It it hers Co . i". V lib a ,. V 1 li.ln 1 11 g A- Co GUN NEWS piiom i i:iii;cii. TO M Ml' ill.- - Jamaica lt- .inventor Island anarsi. Pub ' P M M. P M V M s or, s (.1 S .11) ') III, I 11 II) l-l II) 4S 1 I 22 12 mi 511 IS ('. I I II II (s 12 mi 11! 2J 12 11 I 2 . 2 04 S 2s. s ;,i ( 2.-1 'I .50 to pi HI M I" PI l I ( 10 1 I 10 11 21 1 1 I 1 4s 2 2s dent of the AnierU'an .Janie r sorittion Ilubertf-on U.iri .Itivev KUh and .!anie on '''ate Sflia'o- K'nrei) p ( pte.j, en'. uf the hsoi at ntavter o. , , ' No M rnc for Angler or 'llh I'nlle tie. c nt i" I m rol to t m t r Poo I Administration -1 . New Vork is 11 11 m 11 r, p ' narv number of Its fi , n . , K I II the cm Tin- pe-lp . on boats sprrUT- f . trip h! being i unp 1 U -'arted T"iie i .w ti , ,. , 1 1 1 , , v-. atul when t'le boats do k ' -'inr-tliiifii orfer-'tl for --a e the doeks In" ni'mbers .f JUKht them. 'I .im v t lilnc to as.U ' . for the person who t-o, 1 these irciinistdtii ( to lie-' u th I'tiited States Pood dn ' ' If l is nec'Ki-a:s -i -. 1 - . 1 I . j know ti bm n nnl.f at ion vi f,ir iudi lli'pni n n. am'i o.d In this vvnv isi iiot 111.ii ' P:ea-e let nie i,now, ,t v . ir for th. ( ,am dijfen v. thes0 Uoat to ha - a .i - The lb ene ,), ,on n' Pood Adtiibi 1 atiuii I-, tt rite-. In 1 4ji a, fn'.low - "PNh mien w ho -ire pa to o 1 r tnr.'u'i on , a e plow-, on wage- tnd M.-e -t ijUiretl to pro jre a lit "inr "rinhermeii ni 1 x ts for p family in, unlv are of tn nblnin a 1 i-ene "C'drii d-lRSer- Who se' Sa mentioned In vo',- leit-r fn refpiirem'tii ' T!itn II. rcdu -I.. . 1 I letter to til 1., m. ill' is .. tin j pood AdiulTi-tr.Cion Wash, v I New rk. Ki b . 4 KS M.W.1KHK HKAIj K! ATI. IOU tC C x IH'V mx . o.x v lit .t u .t .1 sat ui b fo a ii i nu nt b ilaiu m rnoui h nn n 1 I I ha V i oonift rid 1 1 . ' larpe p! it vx uh tin - t 'i I I I ul law ii ot.f n fir. pit, ' - v tuii'iuet ft i ui' h - urro jn no . f I or w I" a h ur-hl t f rh 'e n ' x i v , ( unprox men m v.ti.'aR'"- of til lint I, Tr I' ohi for pi fur in I I Jl I ' t -1 UTI ' t V r CITY REAL KSTATK. 1 ABOVE 341HST.,Near 71 H A! UNRKSTRICTTD S1.?(M) 1r iohv 'I I ibert 136 WEST 34TH ST. -Oil N i i Mil I ih:on hi:i. l.-sl 'l r I OK -i I " AT A s W'ltll K I sta" 1 lltotiX ' I fl.l'J d Heh 1 hoases in Th will se 1 nl $-1. b"x wun nffb coNNhcrici r iikai ii h S CHPIClNO extM-- . i ' plan po tures'iu-' n-te pe vinen umherrd I'I'H Wo 1 10 i.iiro'i hiim- i'i ititJ' nuicn '1 . xa ' 1. x 1