Newspaper Page Text
rev. MOST UP TO DATE OF GAS Seven Hundred Men in Gas Defence Service of the Medical Department Are Continually ac Work. Devising Means to Improve Protective Methods. THE United States Army is being prepared to meet t!ic gas nt tncl:s of the. enemy, tho' means f protection having been devised by I tt pas defence service nf the. Medical , De-prtment, which comprises about j 100 officers and approximately COO en- listed men. 1 The two principal factors iu gas de- fence are effective masks and thor- fuih training of soldiers in the use of , niuks and various methods of avoid- in; contact with poisonous vapors. Experts who have been sent to this country by the allied Governments tave pronounced the present Amort cm masks the most elllclent in exist ence. The production of thee masks b progressing at a rate which insures that the requirements of the American troops abroad will be amply supplied. At each cantonment in the United fates a gas defence school has been titablithed and placed in charge of a divisional gas officer, who works In wnjunction with the chemical adviser, both trained In the theory and practice ! meeting gas offensive. Through these schools every officer and man re cm instruction as to proper means cf as defence. fines may lie employed in the form t! clouds, or in shells, bombs and hand irenades. The first gas attacks in the fresent war were in clouds, fumes vre liberated from steel containers hich were distributed in groups of three or four at intervals of fifty yards lion; the trenches opposite tho line to ! attacked. Tubes provided with a iiopcock attachment were connected the gas tanks and the end of the fjre was passed over the parapet. When an attack was Intended a signal as given and the stopcocks were cpened, allowing the gas to escape In the form of liquid, which immediately vaporized. The American Gna Mnk. Wicn released under proper ntmos- I fhtric conditions, the gases used, being leavier than air, are blown or appear to roll along the ground, usually in the THE FAMOUS MOON HOAX (Continued From Preceding Page.) t',be of human savages, and from the rpfor.ince of smoke In nearly all of t'tm tliere Is no doubt of lUi being ac VJiir.teJ with the uso of fire. The largest lake described was 2S6 niies long and 193 wide, shaped like lk.o Kay of Bengal and studded with tolcanto islands. One island in a lirge bay was pinnacled with quartz frjitaU as brilliant as fire. Near by reamed yebras three feet high. Gol 4n and blue pheasants strutted about. The heach was covered with shellfish. Dr. Grant did not say whether the to making beavers ever held a clam tik there. The Si n nf Friday. August 28, 1835, s a notaulo issue. Not yet two years e.d, Mr Day's newspaper had the feat iifaetlou of announcing that it had aehlevwi the largest circulation of any jj'!y In the world. It had, it said, 15.44') regular subscribers in New rk and 700 in Brooklyn and It sold ;M0 In the streetH and 1.220 out of twn, a grand total of 19,360 copies, as jWlnst the 17,000 circulation of the 'flndon Times. The double cylinder "'Pier pi ess in the building at Nae '' and Spruce streets the corner jjri) the Trlfctnir is to-day and to ch Tub Sun had moved on August --lad to run ten hours a day to '"'"fv the publlo demand. People ltfil wit;, more or less patience until " o'eloejt iu the afternoon to read '! the moon. That D' isue rout. tlned the most "'a'.cinai instalment of all the moon wir. fr through that mystic chain jaliti ,ncliided Dr. Grnr.t, tho sttpplo o' the KJinburgh Journal of "1'orr, tho "medical gentleman im aiatl from Scotland" and Tub w public curiosity as to the presence 1 Jinan creatures on the orb of satisfied at last. The as. grimier wero looking upon tho cliffs a lags of n new part of the moon: m. w gaalng unon them In a I ' "f about hair a mile we were V 1 ,vlt'' "stonishme'it tn perceive loc-s o: ;.rge winged its' w"":i " kf anr kind of birds k ' M,!,i a slow, i en motion from nV "" ,,ln "'"ten s:de and alight u,'"1'"1'11 TI'"J' wire firrt noticed '!lr ""'schel, who exclaimed: Hu)"? Kntlenien, my theories ag-tlrst 1 " 'lf"' hleh you hae often found nrri?Ly liiri1 ,V6" bet' 'C have, here M.n iB wor,h looklK t. I ".is cSTi km. at f ver w 'ou"d beings In " It would be In this longi form of a douse greenish yellow cloud. At hest the cloud method of using gas It uncertain. Hy far the commoner gas method is its use In shells, bombs and hand grenades. Ons thus used has a distinct military advantage in that It is pos sible to place It where It may be needed to fcrm a gas liarrage or a smoke bar rage to prevent the bringing up of re enforcements or the retreat of defeated troops. Many kinds of gases are used. Some merely affect the eyes temporarily and are more Inconvenient than serious. Other are terrible In their effects un'ess proper protection Is available. Soon after the first German gas at tack m April. "1.". at Vpres. English mid French women sent to the front hundreds of thousands of homo made gns masks. For the -most part they wero merely bandages impregnated ulth chemicals to wrap around the mouth and nose. These emergency masks saved many lives, but afforded only limited protection. The next step in gas masks was a cloth helmet or hood which had been dipped in a neutralizing solution, the bottom of which was tucked In the col lar. This hood had two eye goggles. Air was breathed In through the cloth. The chemicals in the cloth filtered the In coming air, but there was no provision for exhalation, and within a short time the wearer was unable to get a proper amount of good air. The next improvement was to put in an exhaust or outlet for the exhaled air. This type of mask has been used extensively. Its disadvantages are that a man cannot hear weli, the chemicals' In the cloth cause him trouble and the mask cannot long remain impermeable to gases. The small box respirator mask was next developed and It is the model of the mask we are at present using. It has an impervious face piece, with glass or celluloid eye pieces, held In place by rubber bands around the head. A canister Is carried In a small knap sack and n flexible tub? 'connects the box with the fate pircr. Inside the face piece is a small wire clamp with rub ber pads, which tits on the nose and forces the wearer to breathe through tude, and that they would fee provided by their Creator with some extraordi nary powers of locomotion. First, ex change for my Number D." This lens, being soon Introduced, gave us a fine half mile distance, and we counted thre parties of these creatures, of twelve, nine and fifteen In each, walking erect toward a small wood near the base of the e.istern precipice. Cer tainly they were like human beings, for I their wing? had now disappeared and their attitude In walKlng was uotn erect and dignified. Having obicrvert them at tills dis tance for some minutes we introduced lens U.z.. which brought them to the ap parent proximity of eighty yards the highest clear magnitude we possessed until tho Utter end of .March, when wo effected un improvement in tho gaa burners. About half of the first party had paesed beyond our canvas, hut of all the otheis we had a perfectly distinct and ' deliberate view. They a erased four fet in height, were covered, except on 1 too face, with shoit and glossy copper ' rolorei hair, an! had w'ngs composed of I a t'.un mfnihrane, without hair, lying snugly won their backs, fiom the t ip of the shoulderi to the" ea'.xes of the legs. Tho 'ace, which was of a yellowish fleh color, was a slight Improvement upon that of the larg orang-utaiig, being more open and Intelligent In its oxpreeslon and hiving a niuen greater expsnse of forehead. Tho mouth, bow ever, was vey pi-oniinen. thoiuh fome. what relieved by a thick beard ii'.on the lower t.iw and bv Him far more Icinian j than those of an species of the Himla genur. In general symmetry of body and limbs they were Infinite!; i.u;e:-ior to the orang-utan, m much so that leu tor their long wings l.leut, Diumniond s-ild thev would look as well on a parade ground as roine of the old cockney militia, darker closely The hair on tin head was a color than that of the hjdy, curled, but apparently not and arranged In two curious woolly, semicircles over the temples of the fore head. Their feet could only bo seen as they were alternately lifted In walking, but from what we could see of them In so fanaient a vew they appeared thin and very protuberant at the bed. While passing across the canvas and whenever we afterward saiv them these rreatures wr-c evidently engaged In con versation ; their gesiluila ion. inot'j par tlcnlnily the varied action of the hands and arriis. appealed lm;iasloned and em phatic We hence Ihfened that they ueie ratiouu! beings, and although net perhaps of ro high nn order as others which we illsroered the next month on the shores of the Hay of Halnbows, that they wero capable of producing woiks of art and contrivance, The next view wo obtained of them 8 his mouth. The end of a ftexlhle tube' has a rubber mouthpiece through which the man breathes. Th" Incom ing breath come through the canister, which Is filled with several layer of special chemicals of an absorbent na ture, which neutralise or render harm less the gas laden air. The outgoing I breath passes outside the face piece through a tmall rubber valve. The first work toward the establish ment of an American gas defence ser vice was done under tho supervision of the Bureau of Mines. Tn -July, 1917, a special department to carry on gas defence work was established. Follow ing the example of th Knglislt, this department was incorporated into the medical department of the army. Full Protection Gltrn. The gas defence .service Is divided Into three separate parts: M) Field Bupply section; (2) field training sec- tion: (3) overseas repair section. The , function of tho field supply section is to manufacture or procure all gas de fence materials and 'equipment. At present about sixty manufacturing firms contribute directly to the making of the American mask. With no actual experience In the work to dejiend upon, much icsrareh was necessary. An extensive experi mental organization was built up, with branches In several cities. Kicently It was decided to establish a Government operated plant to handle the final as sembling and the difficult sewing operations on the face piece. This plant will i-oo'n be. In full operation with about 4,000 employees. The American gas mask, similar to the British, Is as mechanically pet feet as tho best experts In the country have been able to make It. The vital feature of any respirator mask Is the chemi cals contained In the canister. Thesi ehenilrnl.s and absorbents are made from secret formulas. Tile face pine consists of a base of cotton fjlir.c i vefiil.y rubborlz.'-d. A network of clr.-tic bar.d-i over the bend holds the fan- pire ,n place. The ears .no left uncovered. The musk 1 carried in a knap.sacl; at the loft hip supported by a shoulder band. When was still more favorable. It was on the borders of a little lake, or expanded stream, which we then for tho first time perceived running down the valley to the large lake, and having on In eastern margin a small wood. Some of these creatures had crossed th.s water and weic lying like spread eagles on the skirts of the wood. We could then peicehe that their win? possessed great expansion, and were slmllHr In structure to those of tho bat, being a semi-transparent membrane expanded In curvlllneal divisions by means of straight radii, united at the back by the dorsal Integuments. Hut what astonished us very much was tho circumstance of this membrane helng continued from the .shoulders to the legs, united nil the way down, though gradu ally decreasing In width. The wings seemed completely under the command Broadway, looking up from Bowling Green, at the time of the THE SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1918. WffSfKKtBKtKKKKi Zff- if PHOToamAPHJ- - (). y Cqmmitte om Public Ihiormatioh Mj " THE HORN WHOTE SOUNDING MEAN J " GAS COM I NG troops approach a rancor zone the straps nic shortened and the knap sack Is shifted to rest high on the chest, ready for iii'tnnt iim This Is known as the nlcr' position. The soldier has merely to open the knap sack, pull out the flexible hc-e with the face piece attached, put the rubber mouthpiece in his mouth and the bands over his head. The nne clip can easily be adjusted from the outside after the faro piece Is on. For every mask made there is at leat one extra canister. The chemicals In the (anlster will neutralize the heaviest concentrations of gases for a period at l"nt ton tinif longer than th- poseilio d.iration of nny gas attack. In eery knaps, ick is a record card on whli h each Mildior must enter the time that hi-; mask has been exposed to gas. Tli'.s lecord, com bined with subsequent examination, makes It onsslble to Judge accurately when there Is any danger of the ehem. icals being worn out. Before that point Is reached u new mask is Issued. While the main function of the field supply station Is to hupply gas masks, It is also responsible for the supply of all other gas defenco equipment. This includes masks for horses, which con sist of several layers of fabric Impreg nated with neutralizing chemicals. Trench or flapper fan must also be supplied In considerable number. Ovj -gen Inhalators and oxygen bottle for use in field and base hospitals are also provided in larce numbers. Instru ments for the detection of gas and the spreading of gas alarms are necessary. These consist of horn", rattles and spe cial detecting device". Training; I Iletiulrrd. There is perhaps no feature of mod ern warfare In which the psychologi cal element is more Important than In connection with pa. fiasc are un. canny to the untraj.-ej man. r.vory soldier mut lie made to understand that tl-rro is nn protoe'inn except the gas and ho must believe in t'v value nf lis o,'iiyni"ni. 11c must mtl that the equipment U-'elf not do the work tinlosa he Is skilful in ad Justing it quickly and being accus- ARTICLE of volition, for thAse of the creatures whom we taw bathing In the water spread th:n instan'J;- to their full width, waved them as durUs dn th"irs to shake off tio water, end 'he-i e im-tantly e.osed them ncnln In a compart f.iiin Our furtVr IviTvatloa of the habits in' tlicfe crea'urcs, wl.o wi's of le.t'i ' sr'jf?. led to r'Sidls si ry iciivirknble that I prefer they .saou.d l,e first laid before th public in lr. Ileriehel's own work, where I have o.n-on t know that 1 they are fully and fe.thfully stated. I however Incredulouy tiny may bo ic- celled. 1 Tllfi three fninltlaa flintt i,tr, ,jt ilinnl. I taneously spread their pings and were . lot In the dark confines of the chuvms 1 before we had time to lireathe from our I paralyzing astonishment Wo c-eleutin-I pally denominated them the veiperi iho ' homo, or man bat, andnthey are dnibt- MASKS 0 WBBv; v, ' -JR: THE AMERICAN MASK in POSITION READY dor ihe GAS. turned to wear it without feeling ham pered. Reports of gas attacks show that l casualties are caused not so much by defective masks as by lack of training. Hero are excerpts from olllclal reports from the western front giving reasons for gns casualties: "Olllcers and men sleeping In dug outs without having their masks at tached to them, or being caught away from their dugouts without their masks." "Men In support trenchei not get ting the warning in time." "Helmets being wotn under oer coats. with consequent dllllculty In getting them out and putting them on quickly." "Men thinking that gas was gone and taking their masks off." Since casualties like these occur every time a gas attack Is made, it is obvious that simply to provide troops with gas masks is not enough. They must bo drilled until they feel their respirators nro a part of their dress, more necessary than a pair nf shoes, for they must never depart from them. They mul learn to give Iho alarm instinctively and to have such confi dence i l the r mnsl( m that under no circumstance v. ,11 they take them off. This meins &t.ff 'bei phr.e It nece.isltates training that Is diffcient from nny thing that was ever attempted, since it deals with a weapon THAT FOOLED THE WHOLE WORLD I less Innocent and happy creatures, not withstanding some of their amusements 1 would but 111 comport with our terrestrial ' notions of decorum. So ended the account, in Dr. Grant's woi ds, of that fateful day The editor of the -supplement, perhaps a cuinin of 1 the "medical 'gentleman immediately arrived lioni Scotland." added that 'although he had of course faithfully jobejed Dr. Grant's injunction to omit ' "these highly curious passages," he did , not "clearlj perceive the force of the 1 i reasons assigned for It' and he added: From these, however, and other pro-1 J hlhlted passages, which will be published 1 by P . llerschel with the certificates of I the cir.l and military authorities of the 1 i coloiiv . and of several, Wos-1 . le.van and other ministers who, in the! im. ,-..i of March la-t, were penn'tted un-. founding of THE SUN and the FOR PERSHING'S MEN Chemicals and Absorbents Made From Secret Formulas Neu alize Noxious Fumes, but Success Depends bpon Speed With Which Device' Is Donned. that Is noii-closs and sometimes In- ) visible. ' The necessity for thorough and con- i t'liuoux training is illustrated by the ' following Incident: I The Germans at a certain position j o-i the western front knew that tho British were planning to deliver a gas attack on a German naval division which we'- equipped with masks but poorly tra.nei In their use. In spite i "f the fact that they knew the attack was coming end had several days to (It i II before conditions were suitable for the British gas attack, when the nttick was finally made hundreds of German casualties resulted. Thin Is proved by captured German docu ments. C'lnnsen nt .111 Camps. It Is tho work of the field training i section of the gas defence service to , bring home to the American soldier the importance of his gas mask, to drill I him In its use and to inspire confi- I denco in its efficacy. The gas defence , schools at all camps provide training In tho theory and practice of gas de- ' fence. ( As iu all other elements of warfare the principles of defence can be cotu prehended only through a knowledge of offensive tactics. So the L'.BUU or 3,000 officer-, of n cantonment are formed into classes and instructed os to German methods, the kinds of gases used, how the Germans place the cylinders, atmospheric conditions fa vorable to an attack and tho advan- 4 tages the enemy hopes to gain from a gas ntttack. And now that the Gcr- , mans are using gas shells In abun dance particular attention is being I paid to that form of attack. 1 The otllcers learn of the problems of ' giving the alarm of a gas cloud attack. Whistles or horns cannot be heard If a man's hea l is covered w ith n mask. Watchmen s rattles ;,nc empty "Oiel! tae.s are exhibited mid the olllcers learn about the Strombos horn, which li blown by a tank of compressed air and gives a blast that may Co heard dor tho stipulation of temporary secrecy to visit the observatory and become eye witnesses of the wonders which they wero requested to attest, we ate c.inll dent Ills forthcoming volumes will be at once ths most sublime In science and the most Inten-e 'u general .ntciest u,.i; uu.r Ifcsucd from the pres.. New Vork ni.v Mopped about all discussion of human slner., tin- high cost of living apples con as much as four cents apiece in Wall Street- and other familiar totlcs, and devoted its talking houra to tho tnan'bats of tho moon. Thk Sr was .stormed by peo ple who wanted back number..) of the stories and flooded with demands by mall. As the text of tho JoHrnul nf ytfence attic!" Indicated the orii! Inal narrative had been Illustrated thete was a i ry for pictures. publication of the Moon Hoax. for a mile by slmjily riming a wrench. A gas cloud attack will enrtode the mechanism of a machine gun and soon put It out of commission and It will spoil ammunition and ruin such deli cate instruments a telephone or telegraph. Officers are taught how to protect equipment and Lhey train their troops accordingly. The officer must learn how to make safe, his dugout after a gns attack; how to neutralize and otherwise, dls poe of poison fumes which cling to the ground, often for two or three dn s. In tr.ilnln-? troops conditions are created in the field which re-emble as nearly as possible actual conditions encountered at the front. The student learns to get his mask on In a hurry, six fceconds being tho standard time when tho knapsack containing the mask Is hanging at the chet In the alert position. Dexterity of motion mut bo developed. When the. Instructor fills the gas chamber with chlorine and Invites the clas to enter, the student has some misgivings. From school days he re member. chlorine as a gas which took the color out of a piece of calico nr gave off a -cloud of smoke an! tl.ime when a iwe.e of paper moistened with turpentine was dropped In a Jar nf the iris. What will such gas do to a man's lung"'.' Nothing, if the mask is in position. And after the student has experienced this In tho gas chamber he swear.s by his mask. Practical Experience. Scries of trenches with dugouts have been constructed nt each cantonment. They me filled with smoke or gas to represent the condition at the end of a gas attack. Tho men ad.l i-t their ina.'-ks and file m. Karh man is pro- ided with a flapper fan whli h looks like a b.g fly swatter. The h.ind'o is two fe-t long and the rwutter part i about two feet squa-e, made of stiff cam as reonforccd with braces. -rythmic, beating of the bottom of the 1 Mr. Day was busy with the paper land its overworked proas, but he gave j M Locko a free hand, and that m holar took to Norris & Ilakcr, litliog ,1'iphers. iu the Fnion Huildlng, Wall stmt the drawings which hid been e:itii!si,.,i to his .-.ire bj the " lit li :n -i iuinu ihatclv troni Scot 1. nd " Mr. Iliker, described by Tim Si-.n as quite the mn-t talented lltho igi.ipluc artist of the city, worked day (and night on his delightful task that the illustrations might bo ready when Tim Si 'h press should have turned i out in the hours when It was not I printing Si ns k pamphlet containing ! tho nstiononilcal discoveries. ; "Dr. Herschel's great work," said iTiir Srv, "is picturing for publica tion .nt ton guineas .sterling, or if.'n; and we shall give all the popular sub s'.iihc of It for 12 or ,'! rents." The pamphlets were to b, sold two for ti "it.irter: :!.e lithographs at 2.1 cent" fur I lie set .Most newspapers that mentioned the discovery of hutua'i creatures on the moon wei" credulous. The l'.rcina I't'xl, edited by William ("Milieu Hryaut .ml l'ite-droenn Mullock "the chant ing cherubs of tho Post," ns Pol, Webb was wont to call them only skirted the edge of doubt : 'licit there i-hou'd be winged people In the iiirvin does not strike us ns more wonderful than the existence -of such a tine of beings on earth: rttid that there i ies or did ex t such n race rest.s on tin- evtih ill o of that most veracious of i i.igeis I'ot-r Will. Ins, whose cele. l,r:ited vi nl: not . nlv tires an account o' the aemal apr'1 nance and habits nf a nie.t 1'iieiestlng tribe of fljinc In 1 .i s. but tlt-.o of tho-e more delicate tad iiu.ising t-.i ts whih the author ii'n cial lcl to discover hy leason f the iciijual relations he enteied Into with oi e of the females of the winged tribe. Te'er Wilklnw vvns the hero of ltob ert I'altoek's Imaginative, hook, "Tho I.ifo mid Adventures of Peter Wllklns, n Cornish Man," published In London in 17e0. l'altoek's winged people, snld Houthey, were "tho most beautiful creatines of imagination that wero ever devised." The instii'iuent of tile discoveries 1'f.nted on August 2! revealed to the tender the gnat T"mple rf th Moon, bill" of polished sapphire, with a inof of some vello'v metal Mipportrd by columns fcvcnty feet hii;h and six feet in d.ametcr: It was open en all pliie-i. and seemed to contain neither eats, apars, nor ?.f fetinss, but it vui a light und airy i-lruoture, nearly a hundred feet high , from it white, glistening floor to the ! glow lug I oof, and it Mood Upon a round trench, throwing tho fan well up on each blow, air currents aro set up that displace the gas. Dugouts aro provided with blanket doors that are kept rolled up over the doorway and dropped the moment tho gas alarm sounds. A pair of them hung four or flva feet apart in the corridor keep the gas out. Still, gas sometimes does get Into the dugout and must bo cleaned out, sometimes by means of the flapper, but prefjiably by lighting a fire and letting the draught sweep It out through a hole In the top. Finally n gas attack Is arranged. The class is placed In the trenches, each man Is given a definite assign ment, sentries aro posted, the alarms are made ready and tho dugouts occu pied. Without warning clouds of smoke and chlorine are liberated by the- in structors. Masks nro hurriedly put on, alarms sounded, sleeping men in dug outs aroused and the curtains lowered. Tho attack ceases, the trendies aro cleared, the air tested and permission to remove masks Is given. Suddenly a. second and more concentrated cloud comes over and the performance is re peated. Sometimes the class Is taken on n, hlkf, preferably at night. Suddenly a report is heard and a harmless looking smoke cloud arises fifteen or twsnty feet away and drifts toward the col umn. Woe to tho man who does not get his mask on nt once! The instruc tor has ttlfown a jiaper gas bomb that may cmfr a vile nd nauseating gas, or one that will sting the eyes morn than the concentrated juice of a thou sand onlon. Gas warfare Is new. The methods if gas and shell and cloud attack are le'.ng chnngrd almost d'i'l. New cor itlons can only be mot by thorough training and rigid d.scipline. Tho m Tfras section of the gas de fence service (onslsN of about fifteen officers and a number of enlisted men, tthn will conduct a icpair factory iu Fiance. green eminence on tho eastern side of the valley. We nftcrward, however, dis covered two others which were In every respect ficslmlles of this one; but hi neither did we perceive any visitants ex cept flocks of wild doves, which alighted on its liLstcous pinnacles. Hail the devotees of these temples gone the way .f all ll .ng, or were thfl but -r nirrtly hlstorioU monuments? What did the Ingenious builders mean bv the Iobe surrounded with (lames? Did they, hy this, reur.rfl any past calam ity of their world or predict any futuro ono of ours? 1 hy no means despair tf ultimately solving not only these, but a thousand other questions which present themselves respecting tho objects In this planet ; for not the millionth part ef her surfaco has vet been explored, and we have, been more, desirous of collecting, the greatest possible number of new facts than of indulging In speculative theories, however seductive to the imagination. The conclusion of this astounding narrative, which totalled ll.Omi words, was printed on August ".1. In the valley of the temple a new set of man bats was found; We had .im opportunity of seelnc them actually engaged in any work of indus try or art ; and, so far .ui we ooiild judge, they spent their happy hours In collect ing various fru.ts in the woods, in et ing, flying, bathing and loitering about upon the summits of eveoliilces. Ono night, when the astronomer finished work, they neglectfully left tho telescope In a perpendicular posi tion. The risen sun burned n holo fif teen feet iu circumference through tho it fleeting chaml-or and ruined part of the observatory. Wh"ti the damage was repaired the moon was Invisible, and i'o Dr. llcrcchri turned his atten t.on to Saturn. Much of the discov eries hem were technical, as The Sun assured Its readers, and the narrative came to an end. An editorial not added: This concludes tho supplement with the exception of forty pago of Illustra tive and ni.Uhemat'cnl notes which would greatly enhance the size and pries of this work without commerisurably adding to Its general Interest. In order that our renders may Judge for them selves vihelher we have w.lhbeld from t'lam a'ny matter of general coinpreheu-i-.on and Interest we insert one of tho nott-s fro-n those paires of the supple ment which vv though! it usehi's m re proil; aid lJ may be eonsalet id a fa'r sample of the lemiinde" Kor out selves, we know nnth "ig of mathematics be oinl counting dollars and enl.s, but to geometr ciaos the following pew method of measuring the height of the lunar mountains adopted by Sir John llerschel may be qulto interesting. (To Ic continued in next Sunday's Sun.)