Newspaper Page Text
10 the stmr Monday; apml ir m& J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Buy & Sell American Cyanamid Com. & Pt . I Camtlnental Insurance I Franklin Fire Insurance Fldellty-Phenlr. Insurance I Great American Insurance Great Northern Paper "Rights" Infrsoll-Rand Com-. International Motor International Pulp James Butler Pfd. Lehigh Valley Coal Sales National Fuel Gas New York City Bonds Perm Coal & Coke Remington Typewriter Stocks Singer Manufacturing Texas eV Pacific Coal J. K.Rice, Jr. & Co. are. 4000 to 4010 John. II Wall St.. N. T. STEEL MAKERS GET A LARGE SURPRISE Iniif pendent Operators Brlirvc Corporation Officials Knew of Government Finns. INCREASE OP 15 PER CENT. Swim Thru THE CONSOLIDATED STOCK EXCHANGE OF NEW YORK now In Its forty-third year Is dem onstrating to-day more forcefully than ever before its advantages as an odd-lot market. This fact is an evidence that the business methods of the Consoli dated ore based on principles of right and justice. Poulsen Wireless Corporation Stock Beutht, Sold and Quoted MacQuoid & Coady Meabers N. T. Stack Exchange Tel. Rector 970-75 M Will Street If. P.'Bopc, Vice-President and General Sales Manager, Re signs From Wig Concern. fipectal Prtpatch In Tsx 9rs, I'lTTsnvno, March 31. Independent steel makers were surprised when tho news came out nf New York this wcel: that an Increase of 1.1 per cent, had been Riven to tho workers of the United States fltcel Corporation, to take effect April 13. It came no quickly after the announcement from Washington of no changes In the prlco schedule that It looked as It the corporation had the In side track of the Intentions of the Oo ernment authorities. Many of the In. dependents were angry and raid It could not bn done, but ill general tho trade took this tirade against tho wage In crease with their Industrial classes prop erly adjusted. In ten years the corpora tion htit raised wages lSs per cent., ami this Is an Indication of the wonderful growth of the business. A significant Instance of the United States Steel concern "cleaning house" of many old time Carnegie Steel men was the acceptance or tnc resignation oi c-oi. II. IV Hone, vice-president ana general sales manager and member of the boatd of directors. It used to be that the Car negie Bteel part or im mnmrawn the big BUCK." nut nrst one ana 1(j - TOTAL SALES FOR WEEK IN NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Transactions for week. 1918 1,792.231 Week Ended March 30, 1918. 1917 191G 1918 1917 2,605,290 3,332,657 I January 1 to date 32,886,086 48,463,500 1918 42,544,037 !!. I Hale, 1 Sales 30 6 12 50 UK '14 Starkey, Marshall & Go. lf. . Ifttu York Stack Krchitne Aiimorrt Ktv) cotton Exchange Beg to announce the REMOVAL of their offices on April 1st from 7 Wall Street, to 71 Broadway Ttlephon Rector IS SO. Unit for Investmeit arris, Forbes ft Co Plus ItrMt. Cenwr WUIUin NEW YORK v STANDARD WKBKT.Y UMMABT ON TAN n aim OIL ISSUES WII.T. fIBl U M.1II.EU TO I ON BKQCEST CARLH.PFORZHEIMER&CO. PhM4S0 its f 4 ilrunil. 25 Uroid St.. N. T another of the old partners of Andrew Carnegie have been dropped, until now the concern Is almost stripped of all the men who were In It at Its Inception. While Corey and Schwab retired: to run their own companies, others Ilka Pea cock, Lovcjoy and Hope have been al lowed to depart without much ado. Verv little attention was paici to me meeting of the War Industries Board In Washington this week to discuss prices of tho Iron and steel products, and no surprise was manifested when It was announced that tho, figures would stand for another three montus, ailliotign it had been expected that the tlmo might be six or even ulna months, nut me producers no doubt queerest tneir own pame by statins um mcir cos.s were getting heavier all the tinie, and the. au thorities at Washington aeeiaeii 10 giv them an opportunity to come before them three months hence and plead for an other revision In prices. 56 I V 27T. . 174 3H 72 U 341 314 81 70H 43',' 34S 79", 68 U 1104 106 33 m 11?, 63H IT, 34Vt 6!H, 100 13 son 107 9414 68 96Vi 108Vi 60 109U lfiSTs 91 sii 171. 6',t S74 82 14 1 92 I 89 '4 120i !7V 81V ."CV 56U' 49 57 hi, 54 93 I 8f. 101H 100 IS Open, 'tilth, 1 Kmr. 1.t. ' I o- Cll'i 53 Vi 9.1 9 40 75H 104 92 S8 60 OS 51 ' 99HI 1404 94 4 IS1 P2 20i 12' 59 '.4, 81 80 300 Advance Itumely pf 600 Alaska OoM Mlnw. 1400 Alaska JuiiPiiU O M 400 AJax Rubber 2700 Allis-Chalmers Mf 400 Allla-Chalmers Mfs pf... 100 Am Unnk Note 2800 Am Uoet Sugar 21600 Am Can 65150 Am Car Foundry. , 100 Am Car A Foundry pf. .. 1100 Am Cotton Oil 200 Am Cotton Oil pf 900 Am Hldo ft leather 40(t(.m Hide & leather pf... inn Am .! :. 3.CQ 1513l.m International Corp.. ..! 4000 Am Mnsee.t Co 400 Am Unseed Co uf 13700 Am Locomotive 400Am Locomotive pf ... 600 Am Mnltlnc 61 400 Am Malting 1 pf 61 11700 Am Smelt & Itef 300 Am Smelt & Ref pf . . . 36 'Am Smelt Sec A s 30 2(00 Am Steel Foundry . . . 7 1 16300 Am Sumatra Tobacco 71 2800 Am Sugar Itef 5, 10 'Am Tel A Cable 8 14S00 Am Tel A Tel 20 2050 Am Tobacco 6 100 Am Tobacco pf new.. G SA00 Am Woolen 7' 220 Am Woolen pf ..' ICO'Ani Wrltlnc Pnror pf.... IPOlAm Blue. Load & Smelt. . Si 28100i Aiinroiida Copper 6i 2700l.tcli. Top & Santa Fe 9001 Atch, Top A Knnt.i Fe pf. 100 Atlantic Coast Line 284 IS IS 60 ?4 23 80 H 314 73 39 74 1094 30V4 79 W 12H I 55 S 12i 5214 30-Ti 72 H 60 99 9 48U 75H 106 90 62 87 100U 60 100 H 153 94 48 9.1 28S IS IS 82 2M 80H 31S 76 4 41S 79 U 109 Ml 30 S 70S 12S 56 U 12S 63 31 H 72 U 62 99 9 48 U 77S 105 90H 3H 91V4 102 60 101U 154 94 61S 93S 28 U4 IS 60T4 28 80 31 S 74 S 38 T4 74 109 V4 30 4 79 12 65 S 12S 6214 30S 14 28 m is 62 24 80 31 S 75 40H 79 109H 30H 79 12U 56Vi 12S 52 U 31 71 S Net riinr 69S' 61 S 98 9 48 76 105 90 H 61V4 86 100 60 99 9 48 77 105 0H 63 90 '100 50 99S.100U 160Sll52 83S 48 26 8?4 125U 104 Curb Securities or merit purcawrd oa Tbe Twenty Pirrotnt Pisa Write, phone or (alitor ittailt tt-Y Z Investment Securities M Kxchang t'l. ftum Broti 411 litis. Bond A Mtar. Pfd. AaJraiHlafk Her. Com. A Pf. Trl-CMy tlr. ft l.t. PH. JackMniTlll True. Pfd. NUgarai Alkali Pfd. WlMonsln KilL-on. FREDERIC H. HATCH & GO. Fhon Rector A.140, 1 DromlHay, New Tor k. . Prlvitt t?Iephorif to T?oton. RUSSIAN RUBLE CURRENCY DIDRICHSENTSp iNvcsTfiCNT Securities Td.4tabn317l-.1-0-7. 34 pine He. N. T. WE BUY I Notes & Trade Acceptances From Merchants nnd Individual? and Loan on Unlisted Securities Wtathrop V. Taylor & Co. (7 Pin. St., N. Y. lei. Jehu 4DM-1 Kttnhhshr 17I 1 74 U 96 724 38 S 21 V4 108 ov; 16 40 36 .04 1 ii'.i, -48 U 36 70 1 63 149i'IS. 40T4, 2t. 49S 41 INVESTMENT TALKS HOI.IHMiH hould lie suited to th. Mierlnl rriiulrcniciili of III. Imevior. It tiiki eiprrleiit'O t decide nlnelt In this rripect. Special t.cttcr "S." ,n llnTtrrttr. J. FRANK HOWELL httmbtr CmvMit'.nl S nek i;rh. (.f V. 52 Broadway, New York BROAD STREET HOSPITAL Vm nnturjlly f(i'ft lirv.itlrtl .orlrc hi r.iKi of lit 'ti S in; HhiMilit ttu-4 ftirt' vfl unlwr to nil irr mo of (li(ri'pnrut(llHlr "PUT US ON YOUR VAYKOLl Thiip.trnri.trlli'ilt'atu IlUOAD STItKKT HOSl'lTAI.I II. I' .McCONNKUiJLCo, To th Jlufilorfl nf hw lr (Vnt Coupon THE HEW YORK, NEW HAVtN & HARTFORD RAILKOAD COMPANY ComertlLi Jnnuaiy In" ttrcd at to l'riiui..ii. .l.iiiu.t i' U. 19:. mid W litfther ur Not HcflFi- Th alveri .fin nt nf tills inmnnnv re Sardine tiio iHnutn t f (irn(irrerl Kotk was ruiiouni cin .inriii jml ,y inn piurtineni Inti law i'f Hi. li.ll or ihr. op- milon of r llrnsns wlnn under l'"i trul cnnlro 1, Un d"r IhU law 1 lit .oniiiinv iiiust nlitiiln th nrprinH! 11I tli I'r' M'li ut nf Dm United etsttt tirtr'i til pr.'firrftl tor( muv bo IMuru. inn 1111 iii-iiik ir tun ciiinpany hav Ins been inrniiH'd w ill tho Dnverament upon h dlffriont ImniH inc(inlt'iit wllli the tithorlEuil iH.iif nf .n'prriv MncK, tho .ner to iuu ui ji stock become In tfeetlvo mil I' vi liilrn. rilK. SBV M)UK. KW IIAVKN A UABTt'OHI) liAII.IKiAlt C IIMPANV. , A. a. JlAV. 'Xruasurcr. Corporation's Annual Heport. The Steel Coriwratlon's report shows that Its production of steel In 1917 was 600.000 tons less than the previous year: steel Ingot production fell i(T over 600.000 tons, while pig iron production fell off nearly two million tons. This means from other reports that tho pro duction by the Independent companies increased 1,400.000 tons, they having put more time nnd labor Into the Increasing nf fh-ir ranacltv than the big concern. Operating at capacity was rendered Impossible by reason of the insufficiency of coke and byproduct coal transuda tion, ltenorts come In from byproduct coking plants that the supply of coal has been ample for the last two weeks, and tho movement of beehive coke Is under a steady Improvement dally. Hlast fur naces In the central West have taken on new life In the past six weeks. Jump ing from 60 to 90 per cent, in capacity operation. Thn lion and steel market Is quiet furnaces and mills being old up for quite a while, the only matter of Interest holm- as tn deliveries. It l not known whether consumers wniiiu take an ino if titniluctlon wero speeded up to ranarltv. but slilpme'HS are lnrreiiini; .nil thp time, the finished steel Industry as a whole showing an average of DO per rrni. iii movement. The mills aro mak ing iniislilcrablc headway in clearing xi-af thoir nccnmulated stocks, gathered iiirlnir the winter because of lack of shipping facilities. Production ot plates is at c.iim.iij, and sales havo been made at the set price of 3.25 cents. Tli Government is Kivlnc orders hurriedly and aklng mills to give preference 111 maniiiaciurn su that more than three-fourths of the niants ran bo used In filling their orders, While shortage or sieei Hampers me trade, thcro is no restriction because of .h ni.i in.-ihllitv to shin idate. and there are only a few occasional Irstawcs of j Idleness. Tlie uovcrnmcui 1a per cent, of their output as It Is, only a few of the mills fnllirg below that figure, and they are being speeded up nt the Government' request. Three million tons of shell steel aro needed by the Washington authorities, nbout one-sixth of which is for the Allies, and this Is even larger than the estimate of the Government's nee'ds a week ago. Tin Plnle Is Br1s;nt Spot. Tin plate Is the one brlgltt spot of the trade, and shipments continue to be heavy, in fact qulto liear to full capacity. The accumulated stocks are being wiped out rapidly, and production can be kept up to 75 or 80 per cent, of capnelty if steel supply and rallioad facilities allow. There Is still an urgent demand for tin plate by the l oud .Vlmini'irnuoii. wnicn W continually Importuning the Ttallroad Administration for more cars anil quicker movement. Thee appeii's are meeting with success nnd the problem Is rMnlnir. Thn same story as last weeK regard ing tubular goods can be told, tho oil ,.iiirv mpn never be ng satisneu wmi n.n nmncre stirmlv of nine, tools, tec. me V.itlonal Tube Company is snipping i.o,.M,- nnd inerenslnalv. Inst weeks be lng a little below me record, .-uucu u Its production goes lor acceeurir 1.1 the pursuance of the war, nnd this shuts out the oil men, n that they are only iiiii to est about 10 per cent, of their rir.lorw filled. A hptter tune Is given to tne cokb iiMiiiinn ilils week bv Increased ship tnents, faster movement 01 rnrs ana fuller supplv. In the Connellsvllle re gion the gains have not been largo but steadv, showing morn stability than If tliey were sudden and without apparent cause. This has made tho pig Iron mar ket look better, and 11 general livening mi is nnnarent among tne neniers, ai though as ot there Is not much Inquiry, A little fiurrv has been caused among coal men In this district by the fact that tho thin vein districts have received an advance of 60 cents a ton over tmu re celed by tho operators of tho thick vein districts. This has delayed thn re nelng of contracts that run out on Anril 1. nnd tho Government has recog nized the dlincultv by sending on its represent 11 live, A. W. Caltowav, who wns hero .M'steiday dlofusslng the situation with the operators.' It will no doubt be Ironed out to overybodj's satisfaction, In the meantime the coal market Is In excellent shape, especially tho river busi ness, Many new mines are being opened out In the fourteenth and flftcnth pools of tho Monongahela Klver valley, up above Fairmont nnd Unlontown, and this will soon send down the river nn ample supply of roal for the Indubtrial plants on the three rivers hero and the Ohio further down. It will nlso calm the fears of tho Iron nnd steel men that the coal supply was about to fall In the lower pools. '110 33 U' 9.1 C0 4tV 79 Ji 95 23 69 69 17S 45 99U 42 35 92U. 10 " 95 38 J 1 6S-V 3374 83 115 180 180 13S 105 105 90 43 10 2S 17 30S 22 36 35 39 ISO 45 143' 104 -".-4 494 19rt S9 56 S) 1 .1 39 95 34 28S St 8 68 U 29-4 9l 52' 28 7S 10.1i 170 170 6 98 98 85 33 8 2 V 14 23 1S -1 20 31 S 165 34 127S muu All, uuit oc in a iuj', 73800 Haldwln Locomotive. Wks 6900 Ilaltlmore A Ohio 200 Baltimore & Ohio pf 200 Barrett Co 110 Barrett Co pf 500 Batopllaa kilning 700 Bethlehem Rteel 2500 Bethlehem Steel 8 p o pt. 91600 Bethlehem Steel B 74 1200 Brooklyn Itapid Transit. 39S 200 Booth Fisheries 22 100 Br Term A II 1; 7 1600 Uurna Bro 119S 700 Butte Copper & Zlno 9 1200 Kutte A Superior Copper.' 18 600 California Tacking Co . ..I 39 1300 California Petroleum .... 16 200Cnllfornla Petroleum, pf . . 44 lOO Calumet A Arizona 67 16700 Canadian Pacific 135 2900 Central Foundry 36S 1200 Central Fdry pf ex dlv... 48 14900 Central Leather 62 60 Cen A 8011th Amer Tel.. 110 600 Cerro de Pasco !3. 23 1.1 , 6014 81 R0 net 1 1 13 63 84 sit I 90 107 75S 51 , 62 54 64 86 1 86 101 101 1 1 78. 79 100 101 ?00 Chandler Motor 4 10600, Chesapeake & Ohio 1 1 .,11.1. , . n..,.H. 600'Chlcagn tit Western pf... 5300 Chic. Mil & St Paul 8300 Chic, Mil ft Paul pf 94 r.oi 93',; 23; 13 ' 63 8J'.'4 M 900Chlcago & Northwestern. 141 S 10S 88 80 50 38 79, 74 92' 86 30. 2.1 45 1 .18 96 86 96l 86 44 I 37 42S 34 4Si 151. 49 S 494 92 42S 10 38 S3! 102', so - 9K 34 65 56S 9U 47l 41 40 1 35 93 24 r.s I 53 o-!4 3900 Chic. Rock Isl A Pac. . 2300 Chic. It I A P 6 p o pf . 2900 Chic, R I A P 7 p o pf. . . 8000 Chllo Copper 2200 Chlno Copper 100 Cluctt. P A Co pf 1800 Colorado Fuel & Iron. . . . 1700 Columbia Gas A Klec. . . . 400 Consolidated Cos 100 Con Custer Cal Mining.. 200 Continental Can 50300 Corn lVoducts 300 Corn Products pf 48400 Crucible Steel Co 6800 Cuba Cane Sugar. , 500 Cuba Cane Sugar pf . . . . , 9 600 Delaware A Hudson 10 100 Del. Lack A West 10 , 68 'Del. Lock A West 100 Denver A Rio Grande pf. 81 200 Detroit KdUon 8 31 "Detroit Bdlson 2 'Detroit United Ry 28550 Distillers Securities Corp. 400 Dome Mines 100 Dul, South Shore A Atl. . 7000 Erie 6200 Erie 1 pf "... 800 Erie 2 Pf 7 400 Federal Mln A Smelt pf.. 100 Fisher Body Corp 4 1200 Gaston, W" A W S' 150'Gcneral Chemical Co . . .. 4 finolGcneral Cigar Co 8 2800 General Electric Co 12 190O0 General Motors Corp .... 6 lOOKieneral Motors Corp pf.. 4 2u0jGoodrich. It F 10 300lGranby Con 7 1900 Great Northern pf 1 7700 Great Northern Ore ctfs.. 8 200 Greenn Cananea 10) 200 Gulf States Steel 10 60 Mulf States Steel 400 Hartmah Corp 2150 Haskell A Barker Car.... 400 Illinois Central 8200 Inspiration Con Copper. . 300 Int Agr Corp . .' 200 Int Art Corp pf . . 60 Int Agr Corp pf . . 200 Int Harvester Corp ..I 23100 Int Mer Marine 6 1327O0 Int Mer Marine pf 4 1 6200 Int Nickel 6 100 Int Nickel pf 8 40 22 7 121 9T4 19 89 T4 16 44 67 139 40 49 64 110 SOS S2 57U 20S 41 72 92 19S 55 S 63S 16'.4 40 98 38 81 87 94 4S 93 23 13 60 .81 80 90 90 loss 101 71 S 74 60' 62 64 I 54 86 86 101 101 1 1 78' 7SS 99V10l 7i 1 1 1 2 2 'i " 1 s 1 1 s 'i s 2H H " 1 4 2 Dir. Ilnto. Pules. 30 82 ill 20 38S 70 89 T4 19 55 64 15 89 98 36 28S 84 8 3n 97 69 9UJ 78 10 173 H7!IL. 8 103 105 80 37 8 2S 144 25 20 30 34 32 170 170 45 4.1 134 137 s 68 36 97 63 29 79 108 173 173 8 103 105 80 41 8 2 15 28 20 2700 Int Paper 100 100 SOOOl -20( 100 Int Paper pf etampett. ., Int Salt Interboro Con Intorboro Con pf Jewel Tea 113 80 43 76 87 25 39 88 87 38 38 94 43 12 40 35 56 25 91) 27S 9.1 28 61 63 6 41 to 4 38' 22 7 119 18 39 15 48 67 135 36S 47 62 110 30 81 54 20 38S 70 89 19 64 64 15 89 98 36 28 S 84 8 681, , 84 97 59 28 78 106 173 173 8 103 10.1 80 7 8 2 14 26 19 31 30 31 SI O t 4 OI I .It , ill 33, 32 I 33 170 170 44' I47i 134, 13 113 11S 80 43 76 87 25?, 39 88 87 37 37 94 7, 43 12 40 3.1 53 23 S9 27 95 28 61 53 6 41S 35 4 38 224 7 1:1 9 19" 39 15 43 67 137 38 49 6fi 110 30 SI 14 66S 20 41 71 9 19 55 6 15 40 98 37 31 87 8 K 35 97 62 29 79 106 173 173 .8 10.1 104 80 40 S 2S 14S 27 20 1 2 S 1 1 T4 IS 1 1 14 S S 1SS 51 47 31 94 81 195 107 107 62 22 200 105 118. 2 100 C4S 2b h 33 48' 10 6 OS 24 64 U I 41 82 I 26S 18 14 53 I 37 99 96 59 43 I 104 99 20 1 17' 21 1 18 138 ;117 73 67 15 43 42 29 94 78 165 101 101 55 17 160 98 110 67 ! 04 I 23 53' 19 47 79 87 29 43 8 4 , 6 20 6 12 1200 Kansas City Southern.. . . 100 Kansas City Southern pf. 100 Kelly-Sprltigfleld Tire ... 10000 Kennccott Copper 6 Klnirs Co BLIP 2S00 Lackawanna Steel Co .. .. 100 Liggett A Myers 400 Liggett A Myera pf 121 'Liggett A Myers pf 1300 Lehigh Valley 200 Loose-Wiles Biscuit 100 Lorlltnrtl, P 400 Lorlllnrd, P, pf 600 Louisville A Nashville.... lOOi.Mnckny Cos pf 3001 Manhattan El 1900l.Maxv.-ell Motor 1800 Maxwell Motor 1 pf Open. (Hilt. 2 1 1 1 3 1 IS 1 s 1 s 11; 16 32 21 21 14 14 27 18 20 106, 102 ! 1 H 2 4 i 1 11s 80 44 79 90 27 39 89 87 38 40 98 46 12 40 35 56 25 93 95 61 63 7 43 35 80 44 1 7 90 27 39 89 87 37 39 96 46 12 40 35 53 24 90 28 95 29 61 53 42 35 1 1 'i ... o " 1 1 is 3 1 -r 1 " '3 1 V 2 S 3 IS 1 2 88 42 44 8 65 26 93 47 65 14 30 42 68 84 30 68 69 97 109 118 56 98 2.1 85 38 8 82 S 99 80 14 30 70 11 5 19 156 39 1"4 is: 88 25 61 96 56 95 40 17 160 56 40 65 70 12,1 40 99 133 133 OS, 4 14l 10 47' 41 130 114 81 85 41 4i 56 18 86 44 39 11 23 34 42 iif4 22S 61 6S 95 101 100 45 95 22 70l 3.1 31 72 S 92 70 22 53 6 7 16 1 39 27 33 1.18 80 -1 . 57 85 88 90 aL4 12 136 48 39 52 65 109 37 83V 116 1116 !00 Maxwell Motor 2 pf 100 1 Mays Dept Stores 40400Me.-csn I'ct 100 Mexican Vet Pf 61 2000 Miami Copper 61 4600 Mldvalrs Steel A Ord.... lOOIMItin A St I-otils new... 200 Mo, Kan A' Tex 800 Mo, Kan A Tex pf 4700 Missouri I'aclfic 1700 Missouri Vaclfio pf 200 Nat Acme Co 500 Nat Conduit A Cable.... 4S00 Nat Ennm A Stamp 75 Nat Ennm A Stmp pf.. 1200 Nut Lead Co 7i lOOlNnt L-cud Co pf 41 4300l.Vevndn Con Copper.... . .1 100IN O. Tex Mex 20! 300 N Y Air Hrake 6 4800IN Y Central .. 30olN Y. Chi & St L. ..' 70N Y. Chi A St I, 6IOO1N Y. N II A It.. 100IN Y. O A W 200 Norfolk A So 1700 Norf A West 2000 No Pacific 5 12700 Ohio Cities Gas ! 100 Ohio Fuel Supply. 4000 Ont Sliver 300 Owens Bottle Mach 100 Pacific TAT 800 Pan Am Pet pf 5400 Penn It R 2000 Peoples Gas. Chicago.... 100 Per Marq 3 I 400 PhllaCo 6 800 Fierce Arrow Motor 6 2000 Pitts Coal of Pa 6 600 Pitts Coat of Pa pf .. 6700 Pitta A W Va 6 100 Pitts A AW pf 7 700 Pressed Steel Car 7 100 Pressed Steel Car pf 5 200 Pub Service Corp N J.. 8 1000 Pullman Co 6 1800 Railway Steel Spring... 7 100 Railway f teel Spring pf 4 6030!Uay Con Cop 4114000tRcadlng 2 100 Reading 1 pf 200IReadlng 2 pf 15300Rep Iron A Steel 500 Rep Iron A Steel pf .15 8100 Royal Dutch Co l,r.UU St Li & s I' 100 St L. A S F pf 800 Savage Arms 100 Saxon Motor 200 Seaboard A L 700 Seaboard A L pf . ...V-. . . 600 Sears Roebuck Co 29500 Slnclnlr Oil A Ref 600 Sloss-Sheftleld S A I.... 100 8 1' R Sugar 7100 Smith Pac. 16 49 42 29 93 73 180 104 103 66 19 200 105 112 61 94 26 51 21 48 90 91 30 43 8 4i 8 21 51 28 14 46 96 ,.l 55 .. 101 I 17 .. 18 ..125 .. 68 ..I 15 .. 15 I 27 I on 20 16 49 42 30 93 76 180 104 104 68 19 200 105 114 61 94 27 66 21 48 91 31 45 8 4 8 21 61 28 14 48 96 50 101 19 18 12.1 70 16 15 30 20 20 1 low. U.rt, Ifioi; Ifl-lTi ! 84 86 36 41 4 99 59', 103 49 45, 9SV 112S1 85 S 15 43 103 70 9 j 44 23 83 174 88 93 43 C4 45 16 6 57 20 91 44 42 11: 23 37 51 80 26 C 58 95 104 110 48 -96 224 77 87 3 38 41 7 57 20 91 44 43 11 24 37 63 80 27 66 60 D4S 104 113 51 96 23 V. 3 3.1 16 49 42 29 93 78S 180 103 103 66 19 200 104 112 61 94 26 63 21 48 89 91 29 42 8 4 8 21 61 28 14 46 96 64 101 17 18 125 68 15 15 27 20 20 102 K41 35 41 16 49 42 SOS 93 76 180 103 104 6774 10 200 104 113 61 94 26 63 21 48 91 31 45 81, 4 8 21S 51 28 14 47 96 647i 101 187i 18 125 69 16 15 29 20 20 104 85 38 Net Chilli. H -US 1T4 7 H 1 14 114 2 1 s IS 14 14 3 4- 41 6 7S 56 56 76! 7874 0.7. V. " . 4 70 10 62 95 51 91 42 13 86 108 76 11 33 98 50 7 39 20 75 13 46 S5: 38 69 urn: , . ir.u 8 6 3 D 10 3" Si 8200 South ItoH Co 1300 South Rail Co pf 200 Stand Milt Co 91900 Studehnkcr Corp 100 Studebaker Corp pf 600 Superior Steel 8850 Tenn Cop A Chem 10100 Texas Co 12100 Tobacco l'rod 100 Transuc A W 100rwIn City It T lOOOTn Bag A Paper 21600 Union Pacific 400 United Alloy Rteel 10500 United Cigar Stores 300lUnlted Fruit Co 60 United Fruit Co ' lOO'lJnlted Ry Inv 400' United Rv Inv pf 600'U S CI V A F pf 30200 U S I Alcohol 100 V S I Alcohol pf 1300 V S Rubber 600 U S Rubber 1 pf 400 V S Smelting, RAM... 200 17 S Smelt. R A M pf... 410800U S Steel 1100 U S Steel pf 5450'Utall Copper 1 "4 7' 17 140 29 48 160 81 21 68 92 44 90 3.1 13 140 48 40 52 68 116 88 84 119 12.1 11 41 97 ?i 70 10 nt 68 7 7i 20 89 44 43 11 23 S674 51 80 26 66 58 tTS74 104 110 48 96 2-, 77 37 3.1 76 97 70 J 9 0 89 44 43 11 24 37 62 801 26 66 60 95 104 1131: 61 96 23 81 3.1 78 97 75 9 66 1 s 1 1 1 BIG BILL WAITS FOR TAXES AND BDMMY Revenue OoEetjtor and Insnr 4nce Magnate Worried by Dilatory Partner. $141,000 CHECK ARRIVES "Eternal" and "Infernal" Ap plied to His Boss Bile Kid HePartland. Alt of eery dsy recently Internal Revenue Collector Edwards waited and waited amid the uproar of the last days of Income tax paying down at the Cus. torn House for the Hon. Bummy Booth of rrlnccton, Manhattan and the world it large to sneak In an come across with his taxes and surtaxes and super surtaxes. For It so happens that Bummy Booth Bummy Is hla kennel name, Ms bench name belruf Champion Waller Cowen Booth of the crack Princeton football team of 1899 Is big Bill's part ner In the Insurance firm of Ed'wards A Booth at 95 William street. 1 got evt that the 1141,004) Income tax was paid by Bob Edgren, but this could not be vennea up to a late hour last night. Once any one enters the place there is no escape on land or sea, Kid McPartland on the Job. On land nn army of deputy collectnn, with Deputy Collector Kid Mcl'artbr.J, ex-lightweight box fighter, out In the front line of trenches. Is capable ' of flooring any one who, tries to get out tho doors untaxed. And If a potential taxpayer ahoutd try to escape by jump lng out a window Into the bay mid then attempt to escape by Hwftnming to Brooklyn, Bayonne or Staten island Deputy Collector William J, Duffy's fleet of ultramarine Income taxors will get him sure. For Deputy Collector William ,T. Duffy Is none other than 11111 Duffy, whose claim to the title of liatniicn long distance swimmer of the world" U undisputed even by Ilill Duffy lHiiiclr And with Big Bill himself, Kid Mcl'ati. land, Bill Duffy, George W, i:ngl s who Is the champ excess p-oflts er.eit of Washington, New York a d Hie world : Archie Tlurke, the champion spellbinder of Virginia and New YuiU , Charley Whitney, who matin the. all American bull throwing teams' of Has, 1900 and 1902, and Sam Hell Thomns, poet and champ roper of delinquent tax dodgers, with a staff like that nnd thn celebrities Big Bill has gathered about htm for tho big drive have only been hinted at there Isn't a chance for a getaway these days once u citizen comes even as close to the I'ustom House as the furthest edge of nig Uill'i shadow.' For "Eternal Tax Collector, All of them are looking for the writer 1 2 1 1 1 s - 3 IS 62 7 IS 17 I IS I 142 140 30 27 51 48 160 180 81 81 23 21 60 58 92 92 4 5 74 38 90 90 3.1 34 17 15 145'l40 6074 48 40 40 02 n2 68 68 120 116 38 38 86 83 123 119 125 123 123 ..' 5j II ' lU'ii 42 1 41 I 42 I 4119!124,118'122' ' pstjl nRVJ psu i 54 65 54 "' 55' 103 '10S'i,102'l021 ' 42 ' 43 I 42 43 1 74 14 IS " 1 IS " 2 1 3 . S 6 3 3 li 18 142 28 50 160 S3 22 60 92 41 90 34 17 142 50 40 52 68 120 38 86 45 82 59 120 110 43 . 34 43 ' 34 34 3 4 1 300 Utah Sec Corp 1200 Vn-Caro Chem 6 Va-Caro Chem pf 300 Va I. C A C 700 Wabash 270.0 Wabash pf A 1013 Wabash pf B 100 Wells Fnrso Exp 600 W'est Maryland lOOiWestern Pac pf 800' West Un Tel 3500 Westlnghouse E A M. . . 25 'Westing E A M 1 pf . . . 400 White Motor 13400'Wlllys Overland 100, Willys Overlnnd pf 3000twllson A Co 600IWoolworth. F W 100Worthington Pump 60Worthlngton Pump.... 4 86 10S 76 13 38 103 66 8 40 on 78 14 61 90 40 63 42 17 .' 80 .; 6i JllO . 38 .. 88 ' I 45 45' 4 90 86. S9 109'IOS 109 874 13 41 103 66 S 41 78 14 61 92 40 63 42 17 80 66 111 38 38 ib -4 13 36 103 66 7 40 on 78 14 51 9074 40 637s 42 17 80 f.llUi no 8S 38 78 13 41 103 1 66 I 7 40' in 1 78 14' 61 ' 92 I 40, 63' 42 ' 17-H SOU' 1 114 3 S l m 1 4 IS 1 1 1 ?1 4- S "7t lli 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 111 38 38 -t- 1 ' .1 3 GOVERNMENT WILL BUILD HOMES FAST Has rinn Which Requires Min imum of Skilled Labor and But Six Days to Complete. Odd lots. Note Odd lot transactions are not recorded In separate unless sales were made nt prices outside of the regular full lot range. line Manufacture of workmen's homes on the same economic principles that have made the cheap watch possible Is the proposal the Government has received through the Department of Labor from Charles H. Ingersoll, according to the Dow Service Dally Building Reports. The first houses erected under the "watchmaking'' plan aro nearing cm pletloti nt South Orange nnd tho Self Mastrrs Colony at Unlonvllle, near Sum mil, N. .T. The finished houses cost $1,500 each, are two stories high, four and five rooms and bath (and icqulro six days to build, Including the Interior trim. Every bit of waste, evn tho paw dust, Is utilized In tho construction of the building. Each houso requires 100 barrels of Portland cement, and any car penter can make the moulds. Rlghty per cent of tho payroll Is unskilled labor, th" only skilled artisan being a carpen ter and n pipe fitter. The plumbing Is cut to order by the ton and merely re quires fitting. The houses are made en tirely of poured concrete, tun reenrorce. ment being of tel and th time of con structlon consists of threo days for put ting up the forms, one clay for pouring and one day for removing the forms, which Hre entirely of wood. The extra day Is required for the assembling of the staircase from the flrt to the second floor and the wood trim, shelving, Ac., all of which Is cut In large quantities at mills. Principles Applies. Fred C, Fowler, Mr. Ingcrsolls's rep resentative, said Lsbor Department offi cials had received the Idea, plan and sys tem outright from Mr, Ingeieoll, who applied the principles of watch manu facture to the manufactute Instead of construction of workmen's homes. In cluding the land the finished home, even in these times, would be far under . (2,000. Each house Is 24 feet wide. 16 1 feet deep and two etories high, all cast iin one piece. The construction allows a full cellar and bath. Plumbing fixtures and heating equipment are left to tho option of Die tenant The sawdust finds a place In the concrete floor competition. Hollow tile fireproofing ranie into tho market on open quotation again this week after being quoted only on appli cation to manufacturers slnco January i. The new pricn list, based on factory. Perth Amboy, N, j shows sharp In creases, ranging from 19 to 29. On ex terior, for Instance, 4x12x12 shows a $9, and Is quoted 1100 per thou sand: 6x12x13, quoted at SI 40 ; 8x12x12 at $170; 10x12x13 at $200, and 12x12x12 at $250. For Interior the new prices aro $8 to $12 higher. Thcro will bo sn upward adjustment of plaster block this week. The matter had not been decided up to- Saturday noon, hut the trade looked for a change of 2 cents at least. In tho crushed stone market prices reflet t the advance In tow age rates, which In a year advanced from 100 to 140 per cent. The local building situation Is satis factory, except for the labor situation, laborers are holding out for their full demands, and there seems hut little dis position on the part of employers to accede, according to the Record and GuUtr. ment work the cement market has ex perienced but slight activity during the past .week. The predicted advance In prices, effective lest Saturday, makes the quotation $2.65 a barrel In lota of 1,000 barrels or more. Tho base prlco Is now $1,90 to dealers and $2 to consumers, less bags. Thn market for sand has picked up nnd there Is a better demand. The prlco Is unchanged at $1 25 a cubic yard to dealers. Navigation Is fully opened, Supplies aro only avallablo after the Immediate Government requirements aro filled. Rlnce Its Increase In price on March 1 lime has been firm. There Is no scar city at the present time. There Is some demand for lumber from private sources, but tho principal activity Is derived from Federal construction. Announcement by tho President that tho ex'etlng schIo of basic steel prices would bo continued for the next three month has settled many questions that hae been responsible for the withhold ing of a number of Important structural operations. Activity tn Suburbs. There Is considerable activity In the suburbs In the construction of one. two and multi-family housea This activity Is directly duo to demand greatly er ceedlng the supply. In general the building material mar ket Is quiet, with only a moderate volume of new orders. Inquiries are comparatively few. There has been no price movement during the week of any consequence and there .Is a firm feeling that thn new levels recently announced are likely to remain for some time. The Hudson River common brick market Is Arm at $t0 and $10.36 a thousand, The river is now open to navigation. There Is no change in the Rarltan market. Aside from the demand for Govern- WILL STUDY TAX PROBLEM, uorumittee oi Prominent Men t Take t'p rolgnant Question. rending tax legislation lis developc dhersllled opinion as to tli benefits o these measures, onn of which provide lor a maximum lax on real propert deiiito bijtet figures, the difference being made up from olher sources income tonio real est.itn men agre that this Is a wholesome incisure, ylnc It will relievo, tho burden mi real prop erty, wlille outers claim that It Is relief and that It will bo Impossible, fc this city to continue on uncertain levies That something constructive may worked out of the tax problem, which has been a live Ifeue for many years, the advisory council of Ileal Cstato In terests has organized v committee taxation on which arc men well Jlttcd many repccts to study tho problem. Tho lonimltten conslM.s of Albert Mllbank, chairman: Alfred K. Mnrlln Robert Wnlton Goelet. .lohn J. Pulley Robert E. Simon, WallcrW.lnilner, coun sel, and U D Womrvorth, sc. ictary. 25,000 SHIPBUILDERS HERE. ! jojjjx HEARING ON TAXES, Government's Call !Oiht 4'ltr a Great Skilled Labor Centre. Tho contention of building men In this city that tho Government should have centred Its shipbuilding activities right here seems Justified from a labor stnnd imlnt If no other. A listing nf ship builders In this city was made recently at the suggestion of the Government, and the result was that 25,000 enrolled, which Is 2,000 mom than fie quota for Albany Committees tn Tnke 17 Huch Legislation on Tuesday, There will be a Joint henrlng of the Committees on Taxation nnd Retrench. ment nt Albany on Tuesday next. sAII tax bills will bo taken up, among them the rtoylnn bill for a fixed tax on real estate and for a tax on personalty low than tho present rate. The Real l;state Hoard of New Totk ! Wliercrore wnen a reporter wimw , of orio lctlr .,, c;ln,e to tl.ptr helmed iuimj- ""- ,.,t( Saturday. Karler In I c Into the Custom House Sa noon to make a few notes on tho uproar tho Income tax's greatest spring drive there wns Big Bill Edwards still a telling the door patiently for Dummy como In. For while Ulg mil is inter nal revenue collecting young Mr. Bummy Booth, tils partner, is running tho Ed ward A Booth Insurance buetness, And once Bummy comes In and tells bow much ho Is making In Big Bill's absence from the Insurance office tells It under oath, remember Big Bill will dart out, look at the figures ana Know ever alter whero he gets off as a great insurancs magnate. Edwards Peels OK Flesh. The drive of the last few days, plus the anxiety of watching for Bummy Booth to come In and tell the truth, the holo truth and nothing but tho trutn, has caused Big Bill to lo3a between 500 nd 600 rounds. In fact, the work of tearing out partitions on tho elxth floor the custom House, wlucli lias ocen eolnc on for the last few weeks, partly to give more elbow room to nig linrs greatly Increased staff of workers, put cnlefly to make room for Big Bill, has been suspended temporarily. Architect contractors andj workmen stand around these days watching the great spring ln como tax drive steadily cause Big Bill to brink and shrink: and in case Ulg Hill gets down to tho point whero his llmou- Ine no longer fits tightly across tnc shoulders all the partitions will be put back whero thev were, Big Bill admits that next to the vigil of waiting for Bummy Booth to show p with a man s size Income tax blank tho thing that Is pulling him down most s trying to carry tho bundles of cer titled checks from the cashier's counter to the safe. The biggest chock that has come to Bis Bill In theso -ery last days f the drive arrived only Saturday. It was for something in tne immeaiato neighborhood of $141,000, an Income tax return which made John McCormack and Slgnor Caroos look like a couple of pikers. week letters of Inquiry or stuffed with Inconii tax returns had coino In frequently ad. dressed to "Ulg Hill l-.Uw arils, Lternal Tnx Collector, Custom House " Th. staff didn't grow very angry at this, although Kid McPartland did suggest that there were grounds of Insult there on, whloh If Investigated far enough might lead to some one getting a sever, poke In tho Jaw. But the writer in mina who got flippant Saturday addressed his letter to "infernal iievenue collector wmui H. Edwards, Custom House." Right away Kid McPartland beyan to prac tice shadow boxing all over a large prrrt of the big chlers shadow. And KSd McPartland has left word all Rlong the rows of temporary pine desks, which have been erected to accommodate tlw taxpayers that ho wishes to be notified when the gentleman who called Big' Bill a name Ilko that wanders In. Despite tho unheard of rush around tho place, the only worried Deputy Tax Collector to be found on thu whole sixth floor of the building Is Deputy James Drlscoll. Jim halls from Tom Foley's district, and not only wears a worried expression while trying to decide who is the greatest man in the world, Big Bill or Big Tom Foley, but abo he Irflly l.a.s to make good Tanimatiyltc from tli Foley district como across with eveiv last "cent they owe tho Government cm tlK-ir Incomes. Ho Is a hard xvorklnc, exceptionally conscientious tax collec tor, Is Jim Driscoll, nnd e It goes hard with him to compel patriotic members of the Downtown Tammany Club, all of whom come straight to Jim with their troubles nnd cortiiled checks, to hand him over their money. As some sort of mitigation ot his gra' secret sorrow, however. It Is f.iid that when Clem Drlscoll who once tried !'i .pllt up tho Tom Foley cohorts in fie Foley district, Clem being no relation tn Jim Drlscoll comes In to pay his in come tax Big Bill Is going to permit Jim Driscoll to take personal charge of add ing up and collecting Clem Driscoll'!, tax Bammy'a 47heck Not for $1141,000. Just who was set back the $141,000 Big Bill would not, of course, so much as hint Ho would not even admit or deny that It the tax paid by Bummy Booth for Bummy s sharo of tno Big Bill and Bummy Insurance profits of 1917. But the fact that until long after the Income tax offices were suiiposed to have closed last night Big Bill was still standing near the elevators waiting for Bummy Honth to como In lndlcnted to every one that the name sUned to the big check was not Bummy'. It Is worthy of note that Just after tho check for $141,000 was turned In Al Woods, the theatrical man ; Bob Itdgreti. sporting writer, sporting aitls-t and sport : Tex o'Rnurke, box Hunt referee and manager: Al Jolsou of the Winter Garden show and ex-Deputy Police Com missioner George Dougherty all wan dered out of UIk Bill's otllco after com-, lng across with figures which they swore represented their Incomes. So the story BULLETIN FOR MANAGERS. Legls- Aaent. to Keep Abreast of latlon In This AVu. So much legislation bearing on cstato has been Introduced In tho las' year at Albany that tho Building Man agers Association, which comprises th men who inanagn all tho large office, commercial and apartment buildings of the city, has decided to Issue .1 wccklv bulletin for the pin pose of keeping mem bers posted on pending real estate mras ures and their Influence A commute of four has hci'ti selected to pindlsh the bulletin and discus" the measures which come belore the Legislature from tlmn to time. The committee comprises J Cldesdnlc C'ushman, chairman, of Cushman & Wakefleld : ltamond 1' Roberta, vh e-chalrman. of Harris A Vaughan; George )',. Uclyea of the Tr'.n uue Association and II C Snow of th'i Garrison Realty Company. WEEKLY CURB MARKET TABLE. 71 15', 11 f'l u'; cm Chgs. , - !'. 15-4 I . 117 iM)usn:t.u.s. Ealf". High. Iwt. Laid 6'.':" Arm i.xpintirci. jt i11 140 Air lleductlnn. ..'fl'j 13 Atn Mrenni... . . nnt-Ain Tub n"v. in, 141 llrlt-Am Teh oi l . lMJ 25 Onttdliin O .V r . C to rn fur & 1' pf.. tvi 4SW fir I.ljlit I'i M Curtion Stl .... 9 4' fur Steel M pf 45.V1 CheTrcilet Motors. 117 5 Cities Serrlrc... .SA4 TM furtlM Ari-o 2'! 70fi nitiTson Phono. . " 2"0 r.nictte S U. 4W IlainuB Totmeco. 4JO Ilurlliurt Tr 1 Inter Mot SS Inter Mot lt rf 210 Inter Mot it pf !io Ke t tone T K SoKrivce. S... . If A I,Ht;e TnrrK"1r Pt. .Mannstiait -iran", :sMilm Muni ivn Nnrth Am Pulp , ti N Y Tr.innort 7M lVrtlcus Tr A M Vi PjTflie Mir . riWMMnlih Motor Tr i Si-rlpp llonlli IVil tnnd.ird Mot ci'.i Suhnimnie liost ttt Tlllojeo . 40.1 Trtinfile Film .. !!: 1 nited Motor ... ;!-) Pulled Zinc " 1 1' 14WI I' S Steinishln .. 4. li world Him "i N "4 .. Wnstit-Mart TH s' " X WrtshtJdRrt pf . W M 6 S inch. ... '4 ... 1', 7'i 1 1"4 24 .V, IS'. 11 pl'-l iV. 1 1 , 13'i "'J 71 23' ; r, K fi :s if.ti ir, 11 im 4'. 12 21 (.1 274 (1 1'. K", iF.'' is 12 4 a; :', i'ii 't 45 's h -74 4: 1 ' 4- !i 41', I ' - 1 I'-IC 1 T'l. 1; .. 2 11.' . i 2 . 1 .1 7 M . 5 10 STAXDA1U) OILS, 1,. . i:s ,.i) . VI m .3:1 4TO Jrfl St w ail 4711 ci 1 r:n 6san Anrlo-Am ID Illinois . 74 Indiana V .1 KurrkJ 1' fooiilo Oil 1" lYInrlo O A. O 71 South Penn Oil 0 Standard Oil Cal lin 21 sn,i on N .1 ,.i.v COOMiuid Oil X V . 71 iNiir.PEsnnxT on.. CftO Harnett I) A O . U U Itniii llmton We Oil 21 i.2i) oMn .v Co . . r', 174W Crown Oil . . 52D D.xlo is !!.) K.Ik llieiii IVt !' Kllilind O A 47f. Kmpttv Pel . . 17r lC'niernlds Oil.. Mrt FciWal Oil 1010O nirnrneh Oil . .. 4'4 Hanover O Sc 11.. M HiiuNton Oil "ft1 Inter I'eiroi . ... 1t"( Wlmid Oil Tr v.''') Kenora Oil Sv Mvrrttt Oil. .Too Metropolitan Pet, J043 M.lwet Itef . ...101 1) N V OKI Oil 3' l 14 4'i U ll u p 1" 2'. JS m, c: 1SS c, Vt 17', 12H 1 ill 1'4 f V. 471 111 J'.'l fit 2l t-32 2'a :I . 14 1 li 4 !i U II It Pi I'. II PI 12 1 ' JVlj, .( r requests that organizations have ono or S"1 Norlhweteni Ollf 7 -1 more representatives nt, this hearing so 'IrJwa".' i It'" t'l Sew York. T his number does not rep. resent. It was snld, the full total of thnt snmn rnnrhisluii may be rraehed ahlnbulldcrs here. More will be found nnd action taken that will result In se. available when the Government calls, The enrolment Includes carpenters, riv eters, painters, electricians and clerical employees, and all kinds of skilled labor needed to produce ships. It proves once morn the great l ihor re sources of New York. Labor Is one of the problems which are delaying tho ship building programme. This would not be the case. It was pointed out Inst week at the Building Trades Association, If the shipping authorities had given a lit tlo more consideration to tho resources of th. city. curing proper teller. No special ar rangements arc being made for a delega tion. War Work Improves laborers. Special I'nrreii'onilenre to Tnr. Srv London, March 16. Tho war has speeded up tho British workman and he Is becoming a Well muscled subject of the King. An army physician tes. tlfylng recently In court said that he had found labnreis in butter physical condition than ever before m 4 0 4 lei"! P.111 Amtrlci'n Pel ,4) 1Vl IV1111 ilKnlrr.i A Urti l'onn KrMucky ! -i Mn) Queen Oil U : Hiee Oil '."1 apiilpa O It.. 811'H Nspinrah O A II. I', r.oi Sin. lair liuK .... 17 1N.1 Stillituli Oil . .. : lSui .tiim'!-H Od . 11 r.i'Hi Tuxpim Mnr Oilt 1 U".v I'ntted Wen Oil.t :i ki vm'iium c .. li.,.. :i: HO Viilorl Oil. ,,. 41, !"i Wn;liml O it li., .". MINIMI. CAJ A P 45 MeUli... 71 iCtt) AtltnU 1 11H .' r,i, C3 e7 CI, Salei ftTi Austin Amur. .. l."22. lllj; Lodge Cop. it.Hiin - ., 1 22100 Ponton Montnn.1. HSU llrmlshBW 'i-K ', , I ISft" llutte Herolt 17-.1-' S Ik - 1 I'M .. .Irremo l' I 1 N 29.W Cdledonls Mlu...t 45 4' . ( Himlii Cop IV." i on cop 31 ... tlf.l Copy Arirotia , Cr Copjier Valley. 24' t'reH.,..n Coll.. ICO lliwulee Arls. 4ii Curika Croem C1.7.VI KliIRlH 4'On.ini lftl rirl .Nut Cep 2-K1 Cold C,.n . , cwm coid rioiviii e.. . 1. old hriiHlim RiiniiKid Mercer.. fri Hold Sil Pick. . . Mm I i rest llend. 47HI Crc n Momtor . CkM Hch-Ih Miiilne. .. 2tin itonicitof!l Coim 0'"' lloi,,. oimd lii.i In.l. pcii'lenii. I,. 2"-'i Inter Mini P5'l .Irprne ',-rie ., 2. ''i .lilinlto V !.)Kirr Lake Clft l.auipnrii sd,., 217.. I. a lloKe ! I.iiIIbiis Con 3. -l MrKhder lr. 1DH Mamli MlnltiK .. 0. 1 Mnnna (opper. . Vl M1IK011 Aalley I.Krtl Minuter Chief. . 1! Miitherlwde .1v Mother I, n w I ClJ"0 .Nat Leasing (f"i Nut 7. A I. ' . V Ner Coniella . 201 Vew llolllnser.. 17' MpiMlne V.i Nlcon Ner W North Ilulto P. f.rt Ninth Mar . . 3.1.1 Ohio Cop new.. IVIetioii l.nlie. , W ttli llrrenle, .. 4 .Vi e Coii.ol , . . rti tloili xtln 2" 'i Min Tov jo smiiIii ltlt 11,-v 7V K, u,, I' -0" SH,d Sll 1, '.01 Srer K of At 1. vn steM.irt Mm. . 3..1I Suris.., Jtln vy supirtor c.ii . . I'.i Ti nornh lieiinont ni oi.p 1 cnopnu ihi....t 1. 21"0 Toimpati l.ct .. r.2fi Timopah J Hut ll' Totiopah U I! . Iii) 1'iiitrd fen M . l.v.0 fnltv C, M . .. l.VH Cull"! KuntlTtl Mil l ulteil V i nt. . 2i.l Wa.lni, .... r.:,i wiiite Cap 5i Wft lllid Conn 2i Yukon (iol'l I.OU I i'hft .lu , 1-1 ;t 1 1 Hi I li ' hi n !1 14 - i' 1 J-H I 7 t -5-H -I '.l "i -:! 11 -1 1 - 4 4 -1 4-12 4 4-o 4 - . I- 'i I 4 H ' U 42 4- n 1. 04 . 37 . 5'i . 3 22 t Si .t 5'j .. .. p. Si, .. 1 .. 41, I'. I ' t 31 'I'f I 111 41 r. 30 : 10 -1 4 S' r, 21 r. : 1 171. 1 I, 1 1 1 tl V l 11 16 r in ; tn tti. .t ci t 9 114 1 t l(i 1 ' 1 I 43 I 4', : :si, tr. 1 ' id 1 f H . r, is t 7 . 1 K, 7 11 -1 7 1 If, M - "I .1 '1 HONIl'S Mi, i - A '1,. livi 3 3! 4'i 3 '7 14 10H , $Jin Am T k T l. .. . t'.' lletli Slteel 3 y f. P7'. iff 1 Can linv I. SV, 1 I 4. llrle It It S". '', I !iiO lieu 111 Ss VIS. !'" 1'im.l lien Kl 6 IKfl.. !" . 22rt Neiv Haceli . :'', fti Phils 111 Ci ", I 7'" Proi tor .1 li 7. 'IK I i"i Pro- ter A li 7 21 1 J.i.1.1 t'rnrlir .1 11 7. '2' '0''. u-71,10 rrni'tiT At 1. ,a 2.11"" 4 ' Una lior fil. . 4n 7i1 I'll, lie fi'j. rj.'il We.tlliill lllee 'im. CSella centa n uliale 'Oilil lol, I i ilHl'lc ' In niak-llis lid ll.ilii" ' " i'- !i 1 1 ten sharo Hunt la ual. i, ' r BBBBBBBBBSaBBBBBSBBBrlBWlB Lffi&SiSjsBBSSfSJ