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It V MONDAY, APRIL- lj IM. 11 t.' REALTY MARKET t NEWS AND COMMENT Bronx Honw Figures In Sev eral Beanies. The Benenson Realty Company hu re told to Rubin ft Mamie for cash. 45 tx..t mist street, a five story apartment on riot eCxlMx Irregular, Adjoining theJ eouthtvest corner or vyso avenue, inis It the third sale of the property within foor day- Recently the Benenson com pany acquired It from Jack Axelrod, irtTl'nr In part payment flvo lota on gejirwlck and Lawrence avenues 250 feet south of 187th street, the deal belnr Bide by Kura Uren. Mr. Axelrod se cured the property earlier In tlie week, teaether with ess and other realty, from Mri Adelaide M. Merenth, In trade for tit apartments at 166-173 Wert Elghty aeventh street, n.AT A.n PWELLIXG SALKe. AUDUBON AVFJNIJE Frederick Brown has bought from the Wilton Hold In jf Company, nfflllated with the New York Title A MortKftKe Company, tho six ttory HlKlicllff apartment house at the southeast corner of Audubon avenue and 177th street The structure was held nt $300,000. Tho Knap & Waason Company negotiated the Bale. VALENTINE AVENUE Alexander Sel ktn has sold for the Markstone Realty Company, Ixiuls Rubin president, the modern five story apartment house at l!f3 Valentine avenue, southwest corner of 184th street, on plot 78xl00x tlx Irregular. The buyer Is William Rankin, who gave In part payment the former stone yard property at the southwest corner of Pleasant avenue and 108th street. lOO.llxSV, which he took over In foreclosure last Decem ber In an action against John La Spina and others. Tho Markstone company Intends to Improve this site With a commercial garage. WEST 53U STREET Major Peace Bailey has sold (2 West Plfty-thlrd street, r. five story American basement structure, on lot 31x100. 5, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. The new timer will occupy the property, which is assessed at $88,000. Robert Thorno represented Major Bailey as attorney. BTTTim OF IHEBHAN nouns. Frederick Rose, interior decorator at 14 East Fifty-sixth street, Is reported to ts the buyer of the Bheehan house at 15 East Fifty-sixth street. RESELLS GREAT NECK ACREAGE The, Essewa Company, which recently acijulred thirty acres In Great Neck from Edgar II. Cook, has resold to Otto F. Young one and one-third acres with frontage of about 200 feet on Middle Keck read, at about 17,500 an acre. Mr. Toung intends to Improve the prop erty with a private residence. AnVEIUfC COItNKR DEAL. The Depositors Assets Corporation Ms sold to M. ReUensteln the plot 80x100 nt the northeast corner of Amstel Boule vard and Meredith avenue. Arverne, I.. I. OISERT BUYS IN OZONE PARK. J. R. Relmer has sold to Louis Bossert & Sons the property, 63x100, on the north dd of Bell place, 32 feet west of Ninety-sixth street, Orone Park. TAKES ADDITIONAL I.AJTO. J (Sterling Drake has sold to Francis F. Taverner a plot 25x123 adjoining his residence on Amity place, Mariners' Har bor, Staten Island. mVHrtrTON DWELLING SOLD. Home of Sirs. Belle B. Bates Passes to' George B. Caldwell. The brick Colonial house of Mrs. Hello B. Bates at Irvlngton has been wld to George B. Caldwell, president of the fiperry & Hutchinson Company. Oorfre. Howe was the broker. The prop erty Is one of the most beautiful of Its character. It consists of five acres of land, and Is surrounded by a cut stone vail. It adjoins the 'estates of Charles Edison, John G. Luke and William B. May. It was originally built by G. W Morran at great expense. In fact It !i eald that the parquet floors In the property are the finest In any suburban residence around New York city. The house contains sixteen rooms and four hatha, and In addition there are a gar's cottage, stable and garage build Ire rrr home in oreetacrbs. The Searsdale Estates, Robert H. Far ley president, have sold for Philip Kuss dwelling In the Greenacrea section of Eearsdale to Louis A. Alllgcr. LBEHON PLACE FOR BAKf. Rorao A. Bake has bought at E1 Uron, N. J, the Adrian Rlker estate, on Norwood avenue, on the crest of the hill overlooking Takanassee Lake valley. Wardell A Burke were the brokers. The p:ac contains large house, gardener's coitaie, hothouse, garage. barn. cVcktn houses and live stock. The prop erty has been rented to M. Stern of this c.ty for the summer. IBtW AND nENTS IN NEWARK. Louis fh!i,3lm:er has sold the seven room brick duelling on lot 17x100 nt 9 Howard street, for Mrs, It. Hrown to a cllar.t for Investment, and leased It for s trm to John Winter. 20,000 MOTULAIK HOUSE SOLD Oscar D. Duncan of the laxv firm of t"-ncin k Mount of Jfew York city has W'--R"r.t the Colonial msldenco at 12 Mel re pUe, Montcialr, and v.111 take poJeKm a once. Tho house xv.m built ail formerly occupied ' by Dr. Edward " WllUaii s. It contains eleven rooms, thre bathrooms and i-olarlum. The prorerty was held at 130,000 and tho was negotiated by V. M. Crawley & Bros COr.TTlY HOME FOR DAUGHTER Lojln Hehleslnger has sold for Will hm P Pnlth thn two family dwelling on riot SS150 at CS3 Central avenue, East Orarxte, When alterations are com M it will be occupied by Mrs. Furth, CiugVey of tho new owner. IH'TS .T iiiDGr.wuon, N. J. R WalMrum-Gorrion A'torman havo if"r ,r' H-lral1 Uerry tho dwelling ' f- nrooksidx avenus Itldgewood, .V. 'o Hiswcit Johnson of Oaslnlng; N. W CLASS MAKERS BUY SITE. Take ei,. .crra at Mount Vernon Val lied at 80,0OO. flh k Marvin have wild seven acres M the xew yorki je. jjavcu and Hart "fd IUllroad and near thd Now Ygrh, tchertcr and Boston rtallroad at woant Vcnion to the Triplex Safety Wm Corporation of America. Tie pur "ari are manufacturers of non-ehat-wrafclo, reenforcrd glaKse.i, which are ron- largely usc4 by the GoTcrnment for ndhleMs, port lights, Ac The gen fi officn of the corporation Is at 120 Mm' ThC pr0,rl was 1,c1'1 at ' TX nOAHD HEAD TO TALK, JaruK 4 , t. ai uiuur, prcaiucni ot ino oard of Tax Commissioner, will bo jrincipsi speaKer at the meeting of West End AsonU(lnf n'th' Wotel viiin wnigni. BONDS IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Week Ended March 30, 1918. 1918 1917 116 Total sales for week 982,863,000 918,406,000 921,418,000 January 1 to data 303,888,000 286,281,000 246,828,000 Ugh- Lew. Clot. Met ma ul Mmi Im m. Wis Tm MllUfl LlblHa.H.M 14.10 IIM .T1 MOO tf.N unuo in w.rr.TB se.i S7.IS -reo fi.oa tf.04 lT0MUaUbd4irIM.J 17.00M SMI 84.70 tl USItng.,,.101 104 IM KI0JM104H 48 AmforgeelsHV IM Anglo-Pr la. Mi in FrsacbRlMsHH II MH-K mi MK MM M r-M UH MX MM MM M II H tl wtx of Bor deaux to... MH M City of , Lyons Is.. MH M City of Mar seilles is... MM IM Crofl'a rials UH I IM United KinsT- l)ts II new 100 IM United King He llll... MH IM Celled King Ilia llll... MH 170 United Xing U. M It Dom Canada Is 1131 I) I Dom Canada IMI It I Republic of Cuba S 14. tlH I Chnaedor ta UYi I Jap 4H id.. M Jap n Uer ltd TIV I Japanese 4s.. 74 i: Tokyo 7j t N Y Canal ta INI M M M M N M M M M MM M MM M MH n -I mm UH IM IM IM IN ITM M MM. M" MM J MM M MM tot M It ll-l-tl mm it IK M -H M MM IM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM M MM M M M -IM MM Ui :tii jim-M il 77 It 14 -tM 71 74 MM 71 4M 72M U M IM M M I N Y City 4Mb. IMT May.. MM MM MM -IM IT H U N Y C1ty4.' M MM M MM "-M MM MM NYClty4K MM MM MM - M MM MM IKV City 4M M0 'MH M -t MM MM I NYC 41 IMT. MM MM MM M 7 MM J NYC4sm. MM MM MM M ITM mu tiny City Jht KM Nov... 77 TIM TM M TIM TIM a Am Arlc Ch deb tm.j... M MM I AmDkAIls, M t 1 AmHAL9.,100 loo 14 iWBniAHta IT MM Tl Am TcIA Tel M MM Ml MM MH IM IM ttH M M MM clt H MM 10 M MM M I Am TAT crlV..:.. II II M MM M li Am 'CAT clt U M MM U AmWrltPM. I4,M '? I AnnArbor 4s 51 ts II Armour 4 Hi. M H M A T A S y SO 4a M M 4 ATASFcv4sl2M Mi It AT A .Sf ad liM M MM M 4?i-M 7 n M 41 II M m i i; h MM H MM M i:M-' m 4attl ... . TJM TJ IAT8Fa4iia7 T 3 At A Chart 1. UJi W, Atl C Una TIM H Tl TIM T JU M'i T MH it M II coltr4.... 73M I BAO 8a IMS, I0! 14 BAUcv4Ha. 77 1 J il IIAOgold4a. 77 H BAOlMa.... 87 TIM TIM IM TJM TO MM MM KH 7SW 77 M TM 7M 7TM TS MM MM M M fl'i S9M X 13 (1 MM M TIM MM tZ M M KM MM 4IM ITM M IS f T 7 -iM MM SO SO 41 S4M 71 71 41 T to M -IM MM 14 14 IM ITM 103 103 I IM I flelhStl ex Si MM fl'i MM v M I Hrth htl Ida ta M I BrthStl J. 34 7M 2 Rraden Copes M iZ tl U SH 140 1IKT4 HIS. MM I RUT 4a .... ft 1 BknUEl lt. 7 t Rush TerS.1, SO 1 Rush T Bids Istgtdla.. 71 i Car-Sot.... 00 I CUathrrO'. Hit 1 Cent HRNJ Mreg IM I CerrodePas- co Cop Ik. . WH 10JM I01M M 107M IM 139 t0 CT it 44 MM 77l MM D 1M Tl J CtOI)il... : 71 7 70 Tl I CdOcrlHa. KM Tl TIM M Tl 1M 20 CAAIt IM .. IT 17 17 47H MM 171 CIIAQ Jnt is MM MM 92M N tLM M 1 CRAQ jnt U rrg M M M M MM MM 2 CriAQBm 41 KH KM MM U S4M II I 'U.Q!I! 4s tl tl M i VH S3 CRAQNeb 4 5JM 92 MM M WM 1M 10 CnlCltyttyJj I M il M si 13 ChintW4a. S3 MM MM MM M 3 C M . St I am4ly. .. MM MM MM M MM MM 11 CMrtbtl' CT 4Ma. 74M Tl TIM -1 TIM TIM tl o m t at p fd 4H. . . . M 7 I7M-M TO MM I O M i St I (leb 43. ... 74 74 74 74 74 20 CMAHI'K:. SO 7S'i tO 1 f0' 7H t CAN W IMS. 70 70 70 -1 73M 70 tChRyalstiaM S3M si t si MM 45 CRII' rf4. MM 2 M.','iM 6". ! 1 CStIPS.. 1C0 1H) ICO --!, tOO ICO 4 ChUHtn 4hl t!!i I7M t7M -It'l l9 MM ! CAW Ind 4s. C8 es M Ji T (4 1 Chile Cop 7s. 104 101 IM IS7M I02M 31 Chile Cop M rets prt pd 7M TS 71 MH 71 4 CCOA St L ' gm 4a M M M M I'M W 1 CCC A St L 4Ms MUM Tl t Colin clt la. T3H TJM TIM M 71 I ColMd 4a ctf SM M M H TM M 17 Col8 ca M. ITJJ S7M t'll Hn M CclHouth 4f. tl M ! IM MM MM I Col OAK if. TIM MM I'M M M 7IH It ConsOaCTtalM MM 1 H 101 MM II Corn Product to IU4 7M ITM ITM M i Cumb Tel is MM MM MM 1M MM M 3 DAKar4.. I4M MM MM H M MM IDAROrefM4M 4M 49.M M KM 4IM 1 DetTun 4Ms J T " M TM7 14TH ST. RENTALS INCREASE. Tito Leases Closed at 45 and DO P. C. Advance Other Space Deals. Tho Duross Company has leased to tho United Cigar Stores of America the storo and basement on the southwest corner of Fourteenth street and Seventh avenue for a long term at a 50 per cent, tncrcaso over the present rental. Also 'tho store at 218 West Fourteenth street to tho Falrfaots Company for a term at a 4 j per rent, Increase over the present tenant's rent. Tho Charles V. Noyes Company has leased ;i large portion of the eleventh floor at 50 rino utrect to tho Kougner Con.-reto Shivliulldlng Conjrany, olllccs at 27 and 2D I'lne street to tho Freder ick S. Dudley Company, In the Western Union building, Hroadway and John street, offices to the Eastern Audit Com pany, and for (leorge It. Head & Co., agents, offices at 1170 Ilroadwuy to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. The Crons ft Brown Company has leased the building at C03 and 601 West Fifty-first ftreet to tho Graham Broth ers .Sales Company, at 1140 Uroadway wpaco to L. J. Itothstcln and Kdinond Ioewy & Co., at 1 West Forty-flfth street to Andrew llelsner, at 245 West FIfty-Tlfth street to llerllnghoff ecKtraus per, at 42 Eat Twenty-second street to S. Herman and 4S. Hlrschhorn, at 131 Chambers street to Thomas A. Troy, the utoro and basement at 40 Murray street to the Chnrles R. Bate Company, nt 54 East Thirty-fourth street space to ticorgo V- Dyer, at 57 Fifth avenuo to Oreenberg & rrlnce, and nt 7 Bast Forty-second street to David a. Evsjis. lloll & Stern and the Charles F. Noycs Company have leased at 15 to 19 East Twenty-sixth street the fifth floor to King & Applcbaum. William y. Fucrst han leased tho stable at 153 Eust Thirty-eighth street to C Putnam. William A. White A Sons and Itobert ft. Italney have leased the building at 338 Greenwich street to Schachter & Finktlsteln for a term of years; Will iam A. White & Sons have also leased a loft at 97 Wooater street to Joseph Medal; a loft at 17 Clreena street to Charles Oilman, and a loft at 150 Greene street to C. 6. Wertsner; also leased a store and basement at 6T Spring High. Lew. Cloe. Net UH lalee. est. est. leg. Ch.Klffa.Low. 4 DttH 1st 4Ms TIM TIM T1M4M TIM M M DtaBeeCorto II II M -If MM Tl IKrlslrtcaMM M M MM M 14 KrleCT Is A. 44 4!M 4JM -IM MM 41 t XrlsevlsB. 44 . 44 44 -1 41 4IM 10 RrlscvUD. MM M MM 4 M M 4IM 11 Kris gn 4s... MM II il -1 I'M 4IM lOtNorlMs.N MM M MM I HoeUog Val 4Ma Tl Tl It M Tl TlH II Ilud A Man nig laser A MM M Hud. M adj. IIM 1 IllCenUIMI IT I IIIOStI,la..'lt T IllSteel IMS.. MH I IndStecl M. . M MM UH IT U H II MM4M II M IIM-M MM MM IT -IM M IT M II M MM MM M M -H IT M Tl H M T MM -I ITM MM TO IM TI.M MM MM-M 13 10 71 Interb R T ref ts M Tl Interb Met roltr4Ma.. MM MM 1 IntAsr la.... 71 70' I IntAGtNlst MM MM 14 I nt Si Marine col M IIM MM 4 Iowa Con 1st. SO M MM -I MM M -H MM TIM MM -IM 4M 4IM I lowaCen 4a. MM 41M 1 KCF8AM 4fl 2MH H IS KCSorf U.. 71 74M Ht 4M M TIM M TT TIM 4 M Tl 9 TIM T4M 4 KanOteMi. 7SM 71 1 Lack Steel 4a 1921 II II 3 LncIc Steel la IM0 ISM MM I I.KAW 1st.. M M t I .Ml US 4s 23 M M 4 1.SAMS4H1 MM MM 13 UgA M Is.. MM 03 I Lou A NU. .'MM M il MldSteel la. s:M MM I MUUaalst4sMM MM 3 M6KAT4S.. 4IM DM T MoP t 1923 . 90M SO I Ml'(s I92S.. MM MM 17 .Ml' Rill 44... 17 M II JlonlPwrSs. M II I NatTubc la. MM ' IS KOTAM Ss. 41 47 I N Y ATf BraW" cv Ss MM MM M NYCdbls.. II lt!i I NYCdebM. TIM TIM II N YCcn cn 4 TIM TIM 1 NYCenlMs. 71 Tl I NYCASIL4S7I Tl 1 NYOaaElL IIAI'la.. 4IM MM I NY Nil A II cr Is MM M I NY MIA II 4a IMS MM MM I NYAPut4a. 74M 74M I NVJlyirfu. 4M 49M IINYRyaadj Sa ISM II T NY Tel 4Me.. ITJ IT I N Y Wostch A Hoi 4)s. 4TM 41 T NorAWia.. H MM 21 Norl'acla... M M 7 Norl'acta... tT.M 17 1 NrSUtcal'w tit is ser A 17 17 N MM MM MM - M M T M IM MM - M I M MM H M- 4IM MH 4M iM 4 H M MM IM MH H M l -M 4T -IH MM M 3 Tl MM M MM MM M M MM M MM MM MM MM 43 M 40M M 90 90 MM Wi MM 93 IT SM MM IIH 40 MM 4 M 100 M I 41 MM MM TIM Tt 7M TIM 4 M T, Tl!, 71 4 M Tl, Tl Tl I M TS MM M Tl n M 4IM MM MM -IM MM MM T4M 4 H T4H TIM 41.M II 41 MM ITM M MM 41 4IM 41 M M SIM M MM Tl'f 17 -IM MM ST, 7 4 H I7M M 4 Ortfl.lnc M..I01M 101 1 OrSI, fdg 4a. M M I PacGaaM... 7SM TSM I'acTATM.. 91 II TS ragm 4MA. S94 SO 4 Pa4M' 1940 . ll MM I Pa 41iUJt . 97 97 t Pa 4s HII .. S4 SI I I'eoAK 1st.. 44 41 II PereM M A.. M II 1'LorillJ Sa. . S3M MM U Public Cervlce Corp NJ Ss 80M MM il Rdggen4a.. SIM MM KcplAS to 40 9IM 4 RIOOW4S... MM M 10 StLAIMtto. MM MM 21 MtLAlMtU. TIM Tl I01M 4 H m iooh H 41 M IIM TIM MM TS.M 1 M MM MM 9H 4 M M IS MM 19 tlH 17 91 97 S4 S9 ki 44 SIM 41 TIM 4 M M 74 MM - M M M MM MM TIM IH H M tot I - M MM M MM IM 47M MM MM IM MM MM 71 -MM MM 27 MLAIroo Mt RiverAGIe M MM MM -IM 71 M StL A SK 41 Series A... IT MM MM 4 H II U StL A SK Si MM MM Series R... MM MM 11 StL A tie M adj M M U StL A SK 4a Inc 41 47M 4 StLSW lit.. M .4 I HtLHW M... SI SI MM - M T4M M 41 4 M M 40 41 M II 41 IS tlH M 12 -I 4.'j 12 S MPA Kan C H L I hi. IIM MM MM 3 St P M A M IIM si M USs.... 921, MM 1 Stl'A.SC lat.lWM !KH l febdALreM S3 12 13 SeabdALadl MM 49 e SlnclalrOll 7s SIM MM 7 MnclalrUII 7i warrants . SO SS 8 SRellTAT Sa 92 9IM SS toI'ac cv Si 91 90 41 8ol'acref4i. 77J 7I. 19 Sol'ir cv 41.. 74 7SH It SnulhKy to.. 9t't 91 SI Solly em 4s. tl MM 15 Tex Co cr Is. 9IM VI 1 Third AvadJ Sa 30H 30 2 ISlLA WU. 49 49 4 UPac4i SM V," 33 I'Paccv 4i , a WM 11 in'acrc'45.. 79 TIM T US Rubea.. 100 100 41 US Ruhta... 71 71 3 UHUmltM.. 91 MM IS USSteel af to IS 97 3 UtahPwrto. Ki tOM 1 Va-Car Olst MM MM II Va Kyli.... MM MM t Wabaah lit.. MM 41 5 Wabaah 2d.. M M 4 WeatnRlecSiM MM 3 West Md 4s. S9M MM 21 WrttPac lit. SIM II 1 West Un Sa. 90M 90H WiUnrt ', (4 .4 MM MM 92M looM loo ' ioom 12 M M'i 42 MM 4 4 41)4 49 M M M4 MM II I MM M 92 4 M 93V) 90M 91 93), H 7IM - M i TIM 74 I 79 75M 91 M 93'4' 90)t MM' ! 4l, M H.M 4 i 101M MM 30 M 49 4 M UH - ii I2M -IM TSM -I ion 71 43 MM - M I 4 H OH IM MM - M MM M 4 M M 4 M MM -IM MM IM M MM -3M 4 - M lH 57M S3 4Si S3 Si, STM MM IM TIM ioom im T9' 7i 91 14 100 97 4 MM TM 40 1 MM MM MM MM 14 91 91 IIM M M 7M MM 90 M. 91M street to the Italian Cigar and Tobacco Company. C1TV HOUSE RENTALS. The Houghton Company has leased to Allen Vorlet the three story and base ment dwelling at 329 West Eighty-fifth street for Antonla M. Aclego De Bas eave. William A. White A Hons have leased the four story and basement dwelling at 168 West 126th street fo Mts. Mary McDoiioush. RUSH TO THE COUNTRY. Places In Many Sectlona f the Snborbs Rented. Stewart C. Schenjk has rented for Mib. W. K. B. Emerson her estate at Milton Point. Hye, N. Y having an ex tenslvo frontage on long Island Sound and adjoining thn American Yacht Club, for tho summer, to Samuel A. Salvage of England. Mr. Phlltp Carpenter has leased, fur nished, to Prof. John D. Wright a large stucco house with large grounds on Berkeley avenue, Van Cortlandt Terrace, David .Stewart was the broker. The Ttobert 3B. Farley Organization has leased a house in the Nepperhan Uvlghts section of Yonkers to II, M. Henly: also to Henry Williams a house In tho Battlo Hill Park section of White Plalai, N. Y,. and a house on Grecnrldge avenue. White Plains, to John Hcarn. Fish A Marvin have rented for a Mrs. Warren a Inrgo stone residence on the Boulevard at Pelham Heights to Vance McCarthy of Pittsburg; also rented for a Mrs. Byrne a Colonial dwelling In Pelham Manor to Dr. Hasslnger of Mount Vernon. William Kerr Macdonald has leased at Woodmcre houses for M. M. Graham to Leon I.auternteln, for Antoinette Per shing to Arthur Phorxhelmer. for John ,1. Campbell to Horace W. Davis, for Howard Vogel to Oeorgo A. Oppcn lielmcr, and for Mrs. Ellrabeth Hnncxan to Arthur Davldsburg. John V. Scott has rented for Charles H. Simonds his country place on Meadow View avenue, Hewlett, I.. T to Henry 15. Felton. president of the Union Tank Line Company, and for Mrs. .Anna J. Betz-Taylor a house on Burton avenue, Woodmere, U I., to Oeorgo I Drown. KO L. I. TRACT gSOlTAOZt War Oeadltleas Will Wet Affeeri ervlee, Ooanaany lay. On account of war conditions many people have hesitated about renting house en Lone; Island for the -omlng summer, thinking that perhaps the train service would not meet their require ments. Owing to this apprehension the Long Island Railroad yesterday an nounced : "We desire to state that K Is the Intention of the Long Island Rail road to furnish the same adequate serv ice during the coming season as hereto fore, Including the special Friday and aionaay trains ror the Hamptons." RBXT9 ATOP 13 STORY HOUSE. Pease ft Oilman have teased anart ments at 525 Park avenue to A. Rene Moen, at 123 East Seventy-sixth street to . i Holden, at 1S East Thirty sixth street to V. SI. Makli.s, and on the roof of the new twelve story building at 31 West Flfty.elghth street to Ezra U. Fitch, president of the firm of Aber- cromoie 4k Fitch. TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TRANSFER. (With name and addresa of owssr and attorney.) Downtown. fftauth nt fflurli,fnlh atr.A, MADISON ST. 2II-4S. S.1TI (foraelos 'mi-en ... kim jno II Iiogan, rar, to Ttllo Ouar & Truit Co and Wm T Sa bine. Jr. 6(1 W 142d at. truateea for Frlaila M Young, March 30; attjr, Torka iicn, b. i.iDtrir at PIKi: HT. 4C, w a, 25x21 t-oul! and Law rence Schorr to Jno Flnck, 140 W Slth at, all lien., March 27: atty, Fred II Ciwtmtnck, 31 Wall nt II ritlNCE 8T, 118, a a, 10.2 w (lreone si, 2'i.lxTl.S 111 Prince St. Inc. lo Bond & Mtc Uuaranlcs Cn. ITS llem.aii .L nklyn, b and a. March 21; atty. Tllln uuar a: r to, lis una' 4330 THINOReT, 1S1-JJ, n . 100 e West Bvray. 40iTt,3 John A Btawatt ct al. trusties lu N Y of thn Liverpool & IxnOoo Olobe Ina Co, to 131-133 l'rlnco Bt. Inc. 204 Bway, h and i, c a g, all llena. Den 27: atty, I.awyera Tills A T Co, 110 llniy fl GIIKl;NK ST, US. 10. runs e "S.4x n lT.lx e 23x n 24.4a w 100.4 to afreet x a 41.4 to beg Jno A Stewart et al as trustees In r. T or the Liverpool A London A tllobs Inn Co, to 111.133 Prince Street, Ini, 204 Uwjy, t and a. c a a, all llena. Use 2T. 13K: atty. Lawyers Title & T Co. 1(10 llnay Il WAVEIU.Y I'L 190-I4. TJ.41T& Edw Klein to Iaac HallnBer. SltS Tth av. March ST; alty. U Lcwlnson, 11 Nas sau at 11,100 East Side. (Eaat of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth anil 110th atreetx.t 3D AV, e a. H5.ll a Itth at, IS. 110 Lyla t. nerr in ituin t'oiuneon. Devils IK. N D. nni' Jno s Baughman. IS2I N Tth e'.. Oak Line. I'a. a t q r. Jan II; atty. Title tluar T Co. ITS Bivay 11 105T1I ST, 219-21 t, Oscar I. niclianl to Alice lilchanl. 4 i: T2d rt. Oct 20, 1917; atty, Wilbur II Ball. T4 Ba II Veat Side. (West of Fifth avenu ' between Four teenth anil llOtli streets.) 49TH ST, 27 W, 20x100.1. the bulldlnx only Trmtees if Columbia t'nlverslty to Rarah K Halllnan. ;S W 4th et. b and a. M teb ' attya. Breed, A A M. 12 Lib- . rt ;v. ..11,500 Vptewn. fManbattan Island, north of 110th street.) 119T11 ST. 240 K, 27.4al00.10 ((forec'.oa ilarch IT, 3S11) Geo n Kenron, ref, lo Wilson M rowel'. 120 E 70tb at. et al. March 21 tlC.100 AVENT'E A. n. enr 120lh !. IS.JiTI 2 Myran Illter to Joneph II Jonee. 114 Unl-' er!iiy pi. an uor.a, juiy .u, iie; any. Jutlua r, Kretner. 239 Iluay 1100 141ST ST, 103.109 W. 100x32.11 Rernor Cornn to Effle M Watterao-n. 130 C 44th at, mtx I10I.S73, all liens, .Tan 22; atty, Theo A Walleraon, 120 K 44lh at.... 1100 141ST ST. 474 W, l!x99.11 (ftrecloe March 27, 11S) rtobt .1 Hare Totvell. ref, to Seamcn'a iBmk for Saving", "t. Wall rt; attya, Caclwalader, W & T, 40 Wall t 114.000 140T1I KT, 454-4I0 W, Sl.txlOO (forecloe Keb f. 1911) Enoa 8 Booth, ref. to ntch Trading Co, 299 Uway. March 29: atty. II Gottlieb. 299 Bway 471,230 "sna.i AV, w r. .10 w 207tn at. tot 111 (forecloa March Hill Wm M Wherry, ref. to Walter 8 IOgan. 120 E slat at. mtg 47,000. all llsns. March 21: alt)', W H Logan. 10 Broad at fit Brans. (Borough of The Bronx.) TRINITY AV. Ul. w j.. 17.1191 Grace K Jteens to Wm M Moor Holding Co. Inc. 42 Broadway. mlB 12.500, March 20: attve. Weechler A- K, 42 Uway 1100 LOTS 70 and 77. mip Mary J Fladwav Johanna HerUch to Cateron. 71 K 233d . March 10; atty. It D Lent. Mt Vernon, N V jjoo IX)T 4 7, map New York Oathollc Trotec t.'in'7rJ',"P,1 Clvnea to John T Doo'.ln. 179 13 SOth st, mtg, Keh altvj, Knni A 1). 27 Cedar St 1100 SAMi: PUOPEflTV John T Dontlng to Aa-ne Rvan and ann. 2075 Havlland av, mtB 15,000. March 2S; attye, Knox A D. -, Cedar wt i LOrtlLLAUI) PI. 244f. e. 25x37 S rio IIiih Olaclnl, 452 i; Kordham rd, nilg 16.500, March 25; any, J I Herman. S4 Rwav . , i AVENUE A, e s, h.lng n half'Vn't'VtJ, map Propct Hill eatat Theresa Nacey tn C.lth Fnc, 2151. Morris av. March 23; ally. II TJ ChamUeri. 115 Hny ii EDWAUDM AV. w 2;;.4 HalcoSn av, 10f.U79.10xI00x(4 3 Hum) Wabat tn Adelaide A Wabat. 2301 Crilier av. mtg Ji",c0l'i..uV."rt. ,1S: "" ,,u Wabat. 23H White rialns av ITtTII HT. n a. 100 e Crotnna a-. 2t.7x;x 22 2x95 Carolina Clallanl to Maria Ver- riaglla. 195 ilrote at, Dec 16, 131T; stty. A, 2071 Prospect av 1100 MORIOAtlKS. (With name and addreaa of ewnsr and attorney.) Downtown. fSoulh of Fourteenth atreet.) PRINCE ST. 1S1-3S. 4a71. 8. P M March is 131-115 Trlnce St, Ine, to Jno A et al, aa trustees in N Y o the Liverpool A London A Globe Ina C (II W 53d at), 3 yra. C'i; attj-a, Bcel ian. M f- cl. E2 William it I 000 GItEENWICII ST. 158-40, runs e 75.4x n lT.lx e 25x n 24,x w 100.4 to street x a 41.4 to beg. March 20 111-185 Prince St, Inc. to Jno A Ptewart. 14 W (id it. et al, truatees In N Y of the Liverpool Ixndon A Globe Ina Co, J yra. 5ri; attya. Heekman, M .A G, 52 William it IJ5.000 Wel Side. (Weal of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth and 110th etreets.) 57T1I FT. li W. 25IOO.i. leasehold. March 27 Cliarvet A Co, Ine, to Eltlngon Fcli'.ld Co, 45 W 25th st, due and Int as pr bond, attye. Hays. K Llndhelm. 40 Wall at 134.100 t'plnun. (Manhattan laland. north nt 110th street.) H0TII ST, 6S4-460 W. C.SxI00, V M March 29 Itlch Trading Co, Inc, to Van )ek Estate. 331 Madtaon av, demand, 4; nttys, Mlddlebrook & Borland, 44 Cedar st 140,000 Bronx. (Ilorouch of The Bronx.) LOT 47, map Catholic 1'rolrctory Agnes Ityan to Ella K Doollns. 179 E 10th st, March 2. due Sept 1R, IBM, 6; attya. Knox A D. U7 Cedar tt 1800 LOltll.I.AIlD I'L -'4411, e a, JJxnT.r. chas 1, Salerno to I'arllna Claclnl, 440 Lorll lard pi, prior mtg I4,fl00. March 21). In-lain, 6't; atly, J I Berman, !t4fl linav 12,'.'0n HL'flllKH AV, w a. 230 a lgdlh St. 2.'n8".0 Ennellnda Astorlno to Iloale Ahello, 24112 Walker av. March 29, a srs. 0".: atty, A Clanebelll, ina Bowery. .. .11,200 LOTH H. 131, 143, 140, 190, 181, SOS to 205. 211 to 234. 211, 242, 212 and 311. map Hunts Point Estates (deed recorded sa mtg, recording tax paid 1176) John P Manner to London A Lancashire In demnity Co of America, D7 William St. prior mtg 10.050. March 21; alty, L A L Indemnity Co. rT William si 11 UPWARDS AV, 1427, w a, 21.3xf.n nx2Ux r.n.i Adelaide , wahst to Ilueo Wabat, aani Cruger av, March 1R, due Julv 1, 1P21, 0t'; atty, Hugo Wabat, 831S While Plains av 11,300 EDWARDS AV. 1423. w a. 3211 s Halcom av, 21.2x92 3x20x80 3 Adelaide A Wabat to Huko Wabat, 3301 Cruiser nv, March 18, due July 1, 1P51. (1ft: atty, Hugo Wabat, 8318 White Plains av..... 12,000 SIECHANICH' MENS. Manhattan. HUDSON ST. 161 Joseph Cooper act estate of George P Cammann. owner; M A Forbuah. contractor tJlr. - 1I1ST ST, TJ to Til W Morris Gold- mm aax wwii-n waan i;orp, owner (renewal) 14, I0T1I P 234 and 211 E Morris Levi A Cn agl Tauber .Realty Co, owner; Jos Berllcant, conlraciar ti.M 4TH AV. 461 lo 475Henry Maurer ft Hon, Ine, aft 461 lilt Av Co. Inc. ntiper and contractor (renewal), ,69,71 llroox, TllinnUT AV, e a, 507.1 n 110th al. 3,4aln, ..Mav Hrennr gt Tlebout Helglili Co, Ine, owners and contrar. tora ;oo 1JSTII ST, 410 and 412 K II W Berger ft Hon ail Mary J and Thome Mc Namarw ownra; William II Tledo mann, Ine, lontrartora 1(0 WASHINGTON AV. 1521 and 1121 Muglr , Iron Works sgt A M Artolf Iron Works, .William Oulltry. Samuel Oorrucl and John Dos, ownars and con tractors (renewal) AUOTIOIT USM TUB WEEK. fttOMDAT, APRIL 1. CAT 14 V'BSEY DTRERT, Bjr Uenrr Brsdy. 40TH 8T, IC4 W. s s. 111 w Tth av, li.ts 9S.9, 4 sty tnt Greenwich Bergs Bank sgt District Holding Corpn et alt eotlen Is Mlddlebrook A B, attys; Jus, fit. 0412.63: taiea, Ac, 1483.90. 40TII BT, 210 W, s s, 18T.I W Tth av, 14.8x98.9. 4 sty tot Same sgt samel action S; same sttys; due, I1S.S12.8S; taxes, ac. 1488 95. 40TII BT. 212.214 W, s a 1T1.8 W TtB av, 38.0198.9, two 4 sty tnte Orsen wtch Bargs Bank sgt Realty Holding Co et al; aetlen 1 Mlddlsbrook A B, attya; due, 187,783.13; taxes. c 1999.40. 40TII BT, 318 W, s s, 20O w Tth ar, I4.tx 98.9, 4 sty tnt flame agt same; aetlon 2; same attys; due, 118.812.81; taxes, Ac. 1488.98. 10TH AV, 784, s e eer Bid st, tS.BxT8, 8 sty tnt and strs Fanners Lean Trust Co et al, tries, agt T V McEnte gart et al; .action 1; Oeller. RAH, attys: due. l2S.203.8Ti taxes, Ac, IS99.TA. 10TU AV, TS1. a w cor 81st St. 38.8x100. C sty tnt and strs Same sgt same; action 2; same attys; due, I18.60T.09; . taxes. Ac 1848.34. 10T1I AV, 411. nee 41th St, 18x11.1, I sty tnt and strs Same agt same; aetlon I; same attya; due, 141,171; taxes, Ac, 1401.11. KITH ST, til W, n s. H9.I w Tth av, lTx 11.11, t sty dwtg Equitable Life Assur Soo agt J F Mahon et al: Alexander A O. sttys; due, tl.712.14; taxes,, Ac IITI.IS. I ' liTTH BT, lit W, s s, 110 w tth avr. tlx 1.11, 4 sty tnt Farmers Loan A Trust Co sgt Benenson Realty Co at alt Oel ler, R A II. attys; due. 111,111.11; texts. Ac, til. TUESDAY, APRIL t. AT II VESTST STRBET. By Joseph P. Day. I0TIT ST, 0I E. n s. Ill e td av, tlx 100.6, i sty dwlg City Real EaUte Co sgt Lucy Hardv et al: Harold (twain, etty; due, 11,344.04; taxes, Ac. 1170. 12STH HT, 244 E, a s, 101 w 2d av, tlx 11.11, i sty tnt Kenyon Forteaeae. true, tee, ait M B Bragnw et al: Murray, I, H A It, attys; due, 1I,20I.IT; taxes. Ac 1144.01. 13JTH ST. 110 W. s a tit e Tth av, tlx 79.11, S sty tnt F K Grlbben agt L M Hemlnway et al: Herbert Cracauer, atty ; due. 114,711.51: taxes, Ac, 11.041.10. 1ITTH KT, lit W. n s. TI w Lenox av, 26x19.11, 5 sty tnt George Lswthtr. Jr. et al act Sylvia Blumenkrohn et el; O P Hlbbard, atty; due. 119.112.10; taxes, Ac, 1245.75. , By Arthur C. Sheridan. DBLANCEY ST. 212. n-w cor Cannon St. 30x50, 5 sty tnt and sirs German Pavga Bsnk agt Rose Israel et al: Meyer Aur bach. atty: due. M.490.57; taxes, Ac, 1492.71; prior mtg. 17.000. fly M. Morgenthau. Jr. MONROE BT. 17. n s. ill.4 e Pike at, tlx too, 5 sty tnt and strs C M Child et al. tratea. agt Louise Lesser et al; Saml Rlker. Jr.. atty; due, 130.797.15; taxes, e, 1141.90. AT 1201 THIRD AVEXTJX By Charles A. Berrien. INTERVALE AV. 10TT. w a. 129.4 s UTth at. 4. 1x44.1x30x6x21 I tn Hall pt x 29.11x60.4x39.6. 8 sty bakery Louie Johnaon agt F fl Jandorf at al: Shaw. P A S, attya: prior mtfs aggregating 114.200: due. 14.210.60; taxes. Ae, 1614.16, prior mtgs agrrsgatlng tit. 200. GRAND AV, 2250. n e eer Buchanan pi, 15x100. 2 sty fr dwlg Christian Wle land agt Aa-nee Douglas et al; O H Hyde, atty: due. JS. 497.50; taxes, Ac, 1211.06. By Arthur C. Sheridan. BRIGG8 AV, 26S5. w a. 100 n 114th at. 25x19.11x27.1x67 2. 2 ety fr dwlg- Jos Hall ait EJw Efdnger et al: Cary A C. attya; due. 13.937 01; taxea. Ac. 1209. WEDNESDAY, APRIL I. TAT 14 VESEY STREET. By Joseph P. Day. HOUSTON rr. 111-117 E. a w cor Chrrs ! st, 100x161.9, 5 and 8 sty theatre, of fice and str bldg J II Schlff sgt Mine ker Itealtv Co et al: Stroock A S, attys; due. 30,lt.52: taxea, Ac, I4.TI2.TO. STANTON T, 162, li a, 50 w Clinton st, 25x75, 4 ety tnt and atrs Glena Falls Ins Cn agt Marie Kahra et al: Cary A C. attys; due, 114,407.92; taxes, Ac, 1417.13. By Henry Brady. BROADWAY. 110. e s. 146 a 11th st. St.lx 114.1x21.7x115. I and 9 sty loft and str bldg Ida lvy act Parisian Real Estate x:ortn ei ai; ji i, pcnaneK, any; aue, II. 197. 31; taxes. Ac, 11.739.19. Br J. H. Mayers. LUDLOW AT. 22. a. 324.4 a Hester et, tl.lxIT, I sty tnt and aire Simon Kore bium agt Abr Kornblum at al: Maston Marks, atty; partition. By Daniel Greenwald. 144TH err. c E. a . 91.9 v Park av. II. fx 100.11. S aty dwti p c T,werTe agt Chae wilder et al; Cary A C. attys; due.; taxes. c, szii.zs. AT 320t THIRD AVBSTJK.) Ity James J Donovan. PATiKER AV, e s, 102.9 s Glebe av, 76x100 Annie Reanian est M T Flanegan. J C ?fln. atty: due. 11.129 20; tase, -, ii.s:;. TiruP.SDAT. APRIL 4 AT 14 VESEY STREET.1 By Henry Brady. WATER ST. 215. a a. 41 t a Beskman st. 14.4x79 5, 6 ety loft and etore (Lawyers Mix Co agt James Stanley et al; Cary A u, aura: our, U5.: JS. ID ST. 219 E. n s. 169 Av C, 14.1x94. 3 sty tnt K S Huntington et al agt Min nie Seller et al; Car :. attya; due, 19,441.67; taxea, Ac, 1361.50. Py Joseph P. Day. I29TH FT, 49 K, n a. 245 w rark .av. tlx 99.11, 6 sly tnt J G Buckley et al ait Abr Beater et al; B J Tlnney, att) ; due, 121.662 11; taxe. Ac, 30O. AT 1208 THIRD AVENUE. J By James I.. Wells Company. WASHINGTON AV. 2012. e . 114.1 HOlh st. 25.1x95. 2 aty fr Uwi Virginia An derson axt M E Shea et al; Williamson A II, att)s; due, 17,014.22; taxes, Ao. 194. FRIDAY, APRIL 6. AT 14 VESEY FTREsTT.1 By Henry Brady. 107TH ST. 164 E, s a. 114 w 9d av, II. Ii 110.11, 4 sty tnt and stores L A Ane feacher et al. exrs. agt Herman Stein bushier, Inc et al: U A Gordon, atty; due, I14.S74.I2; taxes, Ac $311.20. AT 1201 THIRD AVENUE. By George Price. PILOTUM AV. a w cor Etelyn al 144x144 W O Butnstead agt Jennie Capeebo et al; A O Townsend. atty; due, 11,141. tt: taxes, Ac 1212.30. SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With name and addreas of lender's at torney.) i Manhattan. 87TII ST. a s .97.4 e Amsterdam av, lOSx 100.8 Weat Side Constn Co tn Die Ho tary Realty Co. 160 lAfayette at. May 14, 1914; atUs. Stoddard A M, 123 Broad way 130,000 TH fT. tia W Thllomena M Slallon of Kklyn to Margt T Heath, Hept 13, 1906; atty, Oexa Elchhorn, 7 Beekman et 13,000 3D AV, 651 Julius and Ray (Hebald, and ano to Eva llehald, 166 Howrry. April 1C. 1113; attya. Fischer A R, 115 Broad way 16,000 35TH ST, 209 E Helen M McCartney. In 1916; atty. Title Guar A T Co. 174 Bway 11,000 35TH ST, 209 E Helen M McCartney, In. dlvld and aa extra of Jae McCartney, to Edith L Cannon, 301 W 74th at, Nov 24, 1911; atty. Title Guar A T Co. 174 Bway 44.000 ll:.TH ST. n e, SOS w !Bway. I02.2x9.llx 125x102.60 .1 Buttarlv, 127 Covert at, Hklra, to Halcyon Real Estate Corpn. Sep 19, 1913; atty, Otto R JUrtman, 56 l'ine st 120,000 WATER BT. 110.312: Water st, n a, 29.4 o OlDer St. runs n 49x a 21. 2x s 49 to n a st x w 31.1 Domenleo Hovsgno to John and Teresa Capelll, 24 Jamee at, Jan a. 1913: atty. A Zerbarlnl. 14S s,v ii nun JONES ST. 5 Joe and Clotilda Rovegno to ,uu Amelia raaaajini. so Oliver at. Deo 1, llll; atty, il A Rofrano. lis Bway 15,000 S6TH 8T. 437-139 Frances J Miller to Mary B Reed. 419 W 22d at. July 31. 1916; atty. Otto Pchellke, 1447 75tli at 12,000 BECOROKD LEASES. Manhattan. 49TH ST. 17 W, n s. 376 w 5th av, 20x100.6, the land Truslees of Colum bla Uuterslty to Sarah E Halllnan. 25 W 49th st, 11H yra from Mar 27, 1911, 21 r ren; attys, Breed, A A M. 32 Liberty st 12,126.25 45TH ST. 102.508 W, all Abr C Flske and aoo to N Y Bottling Co, 402 W 126th st, 21 yra from Feb 1, 1911; attys, Dsyo A B, 111 Bway 14.300 4ITH ST. 110-114 W. all Thos Connors to Nsw York Bottling Co, 403 W 114th st, 21 yra from Feb 1, mi; attya. same 19,400 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. Manhattan. 113TII BT. 128 W, mtg 120,000 Thee R A nan io iiiiian ji Anueti or iinboken, N J, atiyn, I'latt A Field, 130 Bnay 11.400 AV A, n w c "2d at, 23.8x100, mtg 110. linn Geo A Kalenko to American Eqiil table Assurance Co of N Y, 8 William at; atly, Title Guar A T Co, 17 Uway linn 18111 HT, 414 K. mte 18 000 Mottle Wat. ann and ano to Title Guar & Trust Cn. 17 Bway turn SHERMAN AV. ewe Arden si. mtg ISO.. nun i;nuniy nniaing i;o to r;aw a Hid. ley. at Fanwood, N .1; att)s, Hcoit, Gerard A Boa ker. 48 Cedar el . 13,000 10STH ST. 221-228 W. mtg 113,000 Valen tins llattamer to Chaa Mock. Inc 200 Tf 101t at; attys, Dsyo A B, 1U AND TheNiohkTrustCompaivy t6BR(UD COUPONS DUE APRIL, HIS, Binritsjham Ry. LL & Pow. Co. 44 Black Motmtain R'wajr Co. tat 5i Carter Coal & Iron Co. lit Mtge. Si Cidieni' Cu et Fuel Co. of Terra Haute 1st Mbje. Si CoL Sprltsj Uejit 8Pow. Co. 1st Si Columbia Univer. Club 2d Mtge. 4s Cohimbia University Club 5t Cokmbus. London & Springfield Ry. Co. lit Mtge, Ss Consolidated Light & Power Co. of White hall lit Mortgage Ss Erie Electric Motor Co. lit Ref. Sinking Fund Cold 5i Fonda, Johnstown & Cforertville R. R. Co. Corn. 6s Fulton Light, Heat st Power Co. lit Mtge. 5s Kanui City Southern Ry. Co. lit 3i Lincoln Heat, Light St Power Co. lit Mtge. 5s Lotsg laland Fuel Corporation lit Si Monterey Light & Pow. Co. lit Cold 6s New London Gas & Elec Co. lit Mtge. 5i New London Cu it Electric Co. 2d Mtge. 5i The Farmers'Loan and Trust Company 10. 18, 20 and rt miXIABI btbeet New York City Coupons and Dividends due in April axe payable at this office on and after April 1st, 1918, as follows: BirsaJngham Iron ComsenT CaytdutU Electric Rsilroad Ceapany Chicago & North Was tarn Raihray Cossaan; tquipeatnt Truit Certificates, aeries B Cemmercisl Cable Cempany CenneUsTiUe Water Cernsaiiy Durham County, N. C, (Court Home 4 Hi) risrrls Cecmty, Texts (Htrriiburg Road Im- preTcment 5i) Lackawanna Steel Company Mobile k Ohio Rsilroad Company, Extension Mortgage Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company, Equipment Agreement, Series "B" Muncie Water Works Company New York Buitoett Buildings Corporation New England Car Company, Trust Certificates, New York New Haven & Hartford Railroad Equipment North Plainfield, Borough of St Louis Merchants Bridge Terminal Railway Company St. Paul City Railway Company St. Joseph Water Company Victoria (Texas), City ol apbil lorn. 1818. Victoria (Texas), City ol Dividends APRIL 1ST. 1018. Duhith-Superier Traction Cempany, en Pre ferred Stock Duluth-Superior Traction Company, on Com mon Stock Twin City Rapid'Tratult Company, on Pre ferred Slock Twin City Rapid Transit Company, on Common Stock Weymsn-Broton Company, on Preferred Stock F. W. Woolwerth Co., on Preferred Stock COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. New York. April lat. 111. Mr. FRANKLIN A. HATCH ELI.Gn il,EH oe- mea a Da artner In our firm thla 4Ry. WILLIAMS. NICHOLAS MOHAN. Membera New York Stock rxchanse. No. Zi liroaj street. Uway 19.000 8TII AV. ?(!, mtg i:i.O00 Title Ouar Trtiat Co to Hankers Trust Co. 10 Wall et; address. 170 Hn'ay I10.U0U llrorxi. LONOWOOD AV, 11 a. 4S e Fox at, 1 Lucius l Peers to Lucius II Reera, trua. 11-80 part; attys. Lord, D L 411 Wall st II 8AMB PROPERTY flams to eamo, 6-SO part; atta. same II FAME PROPERTY Same to John C lyird, Morrlslown, N J, 14-30 parte; attya. same II SAME PROPERTY Same, as trua, to Meta II !-ord. 11-40 part, attya. mnir. II SAilE PROPnnTY Same to John C Ixrd. Nareelnk, N J, 11-40 part; ame, aame 11 LpTR 19 to 21. blk CTa. map Morris Park Mutual Life Ina Co tu Morrla Paik Rsiatea. 43 Lxrhaitga pi; attys, Sulllvnn A r. 41 Wall at 1 SAMK PROPEUTY Mnrrla Park ltates lo John .1 Tlerney, I9J Van Huron at. Hklyn; nitya. eame II LOTS iO, 21 and SI. blk 05, aaine map -Mutunl Life Ina 'o to Morris Park ! tates, 4.1 Kvchange pi; attya. sam H 8AMF. PKOPI'.RTY Morris Park llaiatea 10 John J Tlerney, I-2 Van Huren at. Hklyn: attya. aame n LONOWOOD AV, 1015 I.. 1023i ullo Fot st, SOO: also Southern Hlvd, SO !- Fortls Realty Co to Ch" S Lynns, F55 4th st, Hklyn, and ano, exra, attv, C S Lvona. td Ccder at $10" 140TH ST, 3S0 KV Predk Hrnner and ano, exrs, In l.'inll tlnrtlg, (SS Morrla av; atty, J Wilson Hryant, 3l H 1 lth st 113,000 BROOK AV, no;- Samaon Koaenfleld lo Isaac Ley. IS w lllth et; utty, tleja Elchhorn, 309 Uaj II LIS I'ENIIKNS. Mnnhallaii. 19TH ST. nee. part of lot 118, map of properly of Clement ! Mnoro at Greenwich. City of N Y, :5xTl.4 Farmera Loon A Trust Cn, exr, agt Prudential Heal Estate Corp et ill (foreclosure of mortgage); attys, Cieller, Rnlaton ft Ilnran PERRY HT, ?. nnd Julius 3 Balke et al agt Mary r Stanley et al (fore closure of mte): attya, Olcott, Honynge, McManua A Ernat, 100TH 8T. Ill IT Metropolitan flarlnga Hank ugt Irfiretta Corp et al (fore, rloxure of mtg); attya, A B A W Hutchlna. BROADWAY, a e eor lllth et, 7 Sx 103.1, and Hroadway, e a. S7.S a 14 tli st, 87.11x2.9x Irrear Metropolitan Life Ins Co ugt Joseph Itnsenbera et a) (forecloame o( mtg); attjs, Jlutcher, Tanner & Koaler. UNION BQtJARK WEST. 31 Mutual Life Ins 1:0 of r, v agt Tiurty.threa Union Bnuare Corp et al (foreclosure of nilg); ntly, F I. Allen. lironx, LOTS 129 and 130, map of properlv all uuted Hi Kordham utlllle Sledler agt Jolm J Tully Co (foreclosure of nilei, attv, J II Unlandhertu. aitANT AV. w e, 1S9.I n 145th at, 1,0 100 Frederic Aehton de Pejater et nl agt Hronr Enterprise Co, Inc, et al (foreclosure of mtg); attys, Morris ,v McVeigh. 201PT BT, n a, 4t.S a Decatur av. C0 131.1 Rcrtha C Golden agt John M Rauh et el (foreclosure of mtg); at!;. O Frey. ATIsnitiMKcilANICS' I.IKN, Uront, CHARLOTTE ST, 1515 lo llll--Max Anl ngl Chsrtotl" Ct Corp et nl. ,lau 1. ll'i: . Kiil.bU SIAMIATTAAl,TKHATIO.S. 90TII BT, a a. vi e lt av in n 1 al garage M .(nxeph a A 1 11 111. J3 I'. ia' Sd at, owner. (! Kiejmhorg, i'vto Qulmhy av, architect, coal, JI5,"0fi, NAKSA1I KT, t in 103, in a u Infl Ac J M Raymond, OS Nasaau at, owner; .1 E Klelat 414 1th nv. archl. tect; cost, 11,004. IHTIBKNOfl AND DfTntBsTT. STREET PAYABLE AT THIS OFFICE N. Y. & Stamford Ry. Co. lit Mtge. Si Otis Elevator Co, Conv. Gold Deb. 5i Peelukill Lt & R. R. Co. lit Mtge. Si Pine Bluff Natural Cu Co. 20-year lit Cold6i Pittiburgh & Lake Erie R. R. Co. 2d Mtge. 5i Radford Water Power Cu. tt Santa Fe Water & Light Co. tit Mtge, Prior Lien 5i Suite Fe Water & Light Co. lit Com. Mtge. 4i Shawinigsn Water St Power Co. 2-yr. Cold 5i Spring Brook Water Supply .Co. lit Mtge-Si Tomkins Cove Stone Co. lit Mtge, 6s The Tri-City Railway St Light Co. lit Lien 5 Coll. Truit Union Electric Co.. Dillon. Meat, 1st Mortgage 5i DIE APRII. tfiJ. ISIS. Rifle. Co. 2-yr. 5$ Coll. Trust G. N, DIE APRIL, 1STR, 1018. Dedhtm & Hyde Park Gat & Electric Light Co. lit Mtge. 5s due april sorn. ltlt. Colorado Springs Electric Co. 1st Si Coupons Due and Pajajrie at lbs OMca of A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. 62 CEDAR ST., N. Y. AI'lllI, 1ST. 1918, Harlow, lis., WAV. llartmv, Kin., t lly Hall, nnrtiin. I lia.. Kl. I.t. Uellalre, Ohio. Witter Works and Water Works Herumllnx. Reaarmer, Mich., rch. Rids;. Cherokee. Co., f4. ('., Road. Cherokee ".. N '.. Hrldae. Cherokee Co., M. 4'., Kda-. Cumherlnml Counla-, X. C, Fdt. lAnrnater, N. V., Seer. Midland I'nrk. N. J., St, Imp. Muncie. Ind., Nnrwalk, Conn., Kundlnt. Rnl Lodge, Mont., Sewer. Somerset I n., Mil.. Fundlnc. Snoknne, Wuah., Water. SiHiknne, Waah., Munielpal. Slimier Co., Ala.. Hi. ml. Trenton, Tenu., C,mrllns. Trvon. N. :, Witter. IVInona, Minn.. Srhonl. .tritii. ;.n. mis, Ilaton, N. Met.. S.M. Illdr. AI'lllI, I0TII. 1018. I'esee Creek. Dmlnnxe Hla 11a, Winslow, Lanier & Co. 59 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK TIIK rOL.LOWI.Vrj cot'PONR AND niviniiNDrt ahi: tatahlr at ot:u IIANKlNH HflfSK DfltlNU THE MO.VTH or Ai'nn., 101s AI'lllI, lT. 1018 Cleveland fc .Mahoning Valley nr. Co. HfB'il Sa. Cleveland I'lttahumh It. R. Co. Oen. Mtge. tj nntl 3!aa. Marlon r.iunty, Inrll.inn. Pittsburgh, rt. Waynn & Chleseo Ry. Co. fc'pl. tit J. yunrtrrly div. Ir4. AI'IIIL 2ND. 1018. Pittsburgh, l't. Wavne & Chicago Ry. Co. Ilg.,tJ. Quarterly ijlv. , United States Smelting Refining & Mining Co. The Directors of the United Slat's Smelt- In, n.llnlnp JL llnln- , ' n . . . u . ... -' - rlared a quarterly dividend of 14 per cent. . o i -j . run ,vi .iwici uu ino i rnrrmi I'spltnl Mock, nnd a dUldend of pr cnt. (ono ilollir mu tu-ntv-five cents tier ,h,,.l no ,V,n I'n,,., ..A. r,...l..t 1. flhl on April 1A ISIS, lo alocklinlilera of record at tli cto-t .if l,,iliipa Atn 11 ". 131S. r. IIATCHULDKH, Treasurer. 224th DIVIDEND CH AUTKll I'D 1199. Rank of the Munhiitlun Company. New Yorlc. March 31, 1018. The President und Directors uf the Man haitnn "'ompanv han thla day declared a riuarlerly duidnd of I'OL'R PER CENT., and an extra dividend of O.VK PKH CUNT., frc from tax, cn thn capital atock of this Company, payablo on and after April 1, 1918, to atockholdcra of record at tho close of hiislnea Mnrch 34, 19H The transfer hooka lll nnt eloe. I II I'IKRSON. Caahlsr. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC MANtlFACTI'RINC, COMPANY. A quarterly dividend of ,';. ism centa Per hliarol mi th liltKFI-MlllKII lIa.I, f I Ihla Company Mill ho paid April IS, 191s A dlvlrli'ti.l nf 1I.C k?L- An.B 'hi f I mi tho COMMON .STOCK cf thla Company for tho qunrtor endinfr March 31, 131s, will In paid April 30. 1914. Hcth dividends ero iiavablo in HttickhniaAr of I rocord us of April 4. 191 I 11 F RAHTZ, Treasurer. New York. March 37. 191S. i UNITED DRUG COMPANY I First Preferred Mock HHIdend No. t. The Directors of United Drue Co. have declared n regular quarterly dlx-ldand of IMC, on the first preferred stock of United Drug Co., payable May lat, 1911, to stock holders of record April 15, 19IS. JAMES r McCORMICK, Treasurer. Boston. Manh 30, 181S UNITED FRUIT COMPANY DIVIDEND NO. IS. A quarterly dividend cf two per cent, (two dollars per share) on the capital stock of this Company has been declared, payable on April 15. 19U, lo Hocl.holdnrs of record at the close of builneas March ;o, 1J18. JOHN W. DAMON, Treasurer. THE HANOVF.H NATION iL HMi of The Clly of New rk. New York, Mnr.h lath. Ills The noard of Directors h,ivn this av declared a dividend of ,ix pKP. ( fvt and nn extra dividend nf TWO pnii CUNT., pnyahlo on and afic- Aprl' la ivi. in-i iionaicr ioDka will remain closed from 3 uvlo. V. p. M March "iat I until that .late "' WM I! CAULK. JR. rxehter SOUTHKRN RAll.H i New xrk .Maun 7. I31S A dividend of tun and one half per . i nt (I'-i'il on th" Prefened Sloilt of fioiilh em Hallway Company haa ,e,n decinri-'i bv tile Hoard of Illrrlors nnKl- .. 30. 191 S, to elnrkhobleri of record .n the close of buslnesa April ; lH's F ,S. WYNN. Secretary NEW YORK REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE cry at'ra Mvn pla 0 of lid ncrea. all,, oted on hich Biourid S miles from Knionnh Railroad Slallon on ilie Uarleni Hoad Hoiife contain!, 7 masier'a bedrooms, i! master's bathrooms, 3 servants' bedrooms and bathroom I.If litr.i , elccirlctv Hsrdvvnnd floora Kvery n.odern conv en lence liable Mul nc-ouimodatlona for ! horte.i, cow tatile, ample room for automobile I'uio water stiiiply from ar lealan vvell driven 390 ft lliroush, The proper!, vvhlch coat upward of 10. 000 tn pro, luce, will be aoid nt .1 gr.'at barKaln If taken Ininiedlately. Hrokera prole, ted POM' A- RFIE. 3 Rector ntnei. N Y City Teleplinnw Rector IH2i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE QUEENS. SEMI-BUNGALOW " F roomn nt! b(lif hiiduooil tn w 'rn rrovr'nrntF. wiittr, uni-, jit w-r, "Ir-prrj i private bo-lei), ilock Hnrhoias r uiiniit-i from Manhiitt-in. o NX3U. ;U Wt-st ?lth ftrft hm; niorritn. ST-'ltK mul li-i'tnrrit. r pni'iibtA for w l,nlSH lu nr viorHy-, i il. i Pr.irl Si . V c I'l'IINIMILI) Al'.tlt TMESTs '1(1 I.LT. FOUR dellKlllful limine, artlsllce'Iv fur. nlahed Irnmeillali. iioaaaaalnn. Apartment. tn west i::d. aTLrOTIONB AND MEETING". 4xuC f .--j-, n r ,-,n n 1 sresii ii ii rxi'iJeil THF CHE8APEAHR AND OHIO RAIL r WAY COMPANY. I . NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEBT1NO. , Notice is hereby riven that tha annual' I mealing 01 ine aiocxnoiaera or THIS f CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY..! r-,-fcii n A v, v -ii, t. . k . , , . . . ... 1 I by-laws, at tha of Acs of the Company laid J ine x;uy or juenmonn, Virginia, on TUtS- lay, the :3ld day uf April, 1314, at II . o'clock a. m., (1) for tha election ofk' xnreciors; yti 10 auinorixe ana consent, ay, 1 a vote or otherwise as may be provided by, li law, 10 ins acquioiuon oy purcnase or , a otherwise of the corporate assets, rights. privileges, franchises, easements, rights of, (a way ana nil otner property or tne roilow- , Ing corporations In which said Railways Company owns all, or substantially all, the), capital atoek (a) of Kanawha llrldge A Terminal Company; (b) or The Oauley A Meadow River Railroad Company; (c) efi Logan A Bouthern Railway Company: (d).q of Pond Fork Hallway Company; (e) of'"" Plney Rlr A Paint Cteels Railroad Com- -pany; (f) of Elkhorn A Heaver Valley.r T 1 - M 1 r . .... - .... 1 , wU . 1 "II" ,u,l,t,nilj , ntiu , v,, inn penke and Ohio Northern Railway Com (S pany; (3) tn authorise nnd consent to the tti form and terms of such acquisitions ana of any agreement or agreements entered ,, Into In connection therewith: (4) to ratify " and cnnllrm such action theretofore '"'fniSmi or authorised by the Board of Directors or. by the Executive Committee of the ColnvMw. pany aa may he submitted to the meeting;. I and (4) to I nsact such other I as may lawfully come before the meeting. I The atock transfer books will be closed at tke office of the Company, No. 71 I Hroadway, New York City, on Saturday, s the 33rd day of March. 1918, at 12 o'clock;) 1 noon, ana will be reonenea on waneeuayi the Jltn day of April, isis, ai iu o owe. a. tn. r,- uitimnniS Vlrrtnla. Fehruanr. .".. . X 13 y oruer Ol nm nnmn ui uimiuis. CAIlb It 1 M I x u 1 tJasi r-pcrnawyi BETHLEHEM STEEL CORPORATION NOTICR OF THIRTEENTH ANNUAL MHETINO OF BTOCKHOLDEH8. The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the: j.s Stockholdera of Bethlehem Kteel Corpora-' tlon, .1 New Jersey corporation, will be held at Its principal ofllce, In tho Prudential' Life Hulldlng, No. 748 Broad Btreet, Kaw-Wti ark. Now Jersey, on Tuesday, AprU S, 1018,;,, at 13 o'clock noon. At said meeting the following matters will bo preaented to .i stockholders for their action: ( 1 ) Tho electton of four directors to serve for a term of three years: '.veeTJr (3) The approval and ratification of MLirJITal action of the Hoard of Directors of aalA'- Corporation since the Twelfth Annual Meeting of Its stockholdera held on April; 3- 1917: - (3) The adoption of a proposed By-law providing for thn administration nf the! bonus svatem approved st aald Twelfth,' Annual Meeting; and xi (4) The transaction of such other bust neas as may properly como before aald meeting. The books for the transfer of shares ef tho Seven Per Cent. Non-Cumulative Pre ferred Block and of tho Common Btoek of aald Corporation (but not of the Eight Far Cent. Cumulative Convertible Preferred! Stock or of the Clsss H Common Stoost which two classes of stock do not havajr voting powers) will bo closed at the eloae of business on. Wednesday, March 18. 1811. and will be reopened at the opening of business on Wednesday, April 3, 1118. ii. 11 jiiM-.p, ftfererae-y. Newarn. new jersey, Marcn n. isis. Ay PROPOSALS. BTATE Of NEW YORK. 3 OFFICE OF 4 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. . 1 Albany, March 22nd, 1911. ' J NOTICF, TO CONTRACTORS: ' Bealed proposala vxlll bo received by the underslgnedlat hts nfflcf In the Capitol at . Albany, N. v., until twelve o'clock noon of Krldaj, April tth, 1918, at which place t and hour they will bo publicly opened end 9 read, for the conatructlon of Garge canal ; terminals pursuant to the provisions of Charter "44 of the Ijivvs of 1911, and of the acts amendatory thereof, as follows: TERMINAL CONTRACT NO. 307-P I tRevlsedl. For Installing plumblnc and water sup- ply systems In thn Hari; cans! terminal J rrelglit ehed cn l'l'r 4, Uast river. New . York rliy. Contract plana, sheets 1-2. Plans may he eocn and detailed epeclfi- cation?, erarlneer's eatluiate of quantities. I proposal blanka, form of contract and bonrla required and other Information for proposera nmy bo hail at the urnce of the Punrlntendent of I'ubllc Worka ut Albanv. N. Y, and at tho nitice of tho Assistant - hupirintenaent or I'uhiio vxorka for the Eastern Division at Bchmecjady, N. Y. ; Every propoaal for aald work must ba J aecnmpanlid bv a money deposit In the form of a draft or certified check tinon some wood banking; Institution In the Cltv of Albany or New York Issued by a na- 1 tlonal cr State bank or trust company In good credit within the State and payable ' at sight to the Superintendent of Publls '1 Works for five per centum (5 per cent.) of , the amount nf the proposal. The person whose proposal shall be ac cepted will be required to execute a eon tract and furnlah bunds vvlthtn ten days' y. from the date of notice of awnrd delivered to him or them In person or mailed to ths ndtri'.-a glv-n In the propoi-al. 1 The bond lequlrd for th faithful pr fnrnnr 'f each contract ahall be In such sum aa ahall b ilxed bv the i-'Uperlntendent nf Public Worlis, vvhlch sum ahall not be' pp than twenty per centum (20 per cent.) nf tli" estimated coat of tho worn accord- . Inft to the contract price, and un nddl- " tlonal bond, known as tho labor bond. In " the sum of ten per centum (10 per cent. I of tho amount of the estimated coat of tha work according to tho contract price, will be required aa security that the contractor will pay In full at least onto In each month all laborers employed by him upon tha work specified 10 bo douo in the contract. Hach proposal mut be addressed In tha Superintendent of Public Works. Albany, N. Y., and mut be endorsed on the en velope vlth tin. name of the construction tor vvhl-h the proposal 3 made Award. If made, vvi.l ho made to tha peraou or peiaons vvlinao ahall h- lowest In cost lo th fitnto for doing t. v. the work and vvhjrh shall complv with all iiroiWions leouimi tn icnler It formal, Ili'foro any award i-tnll b made the low- x i7i est bidder wdl bo required lo aatiafv the Stiperiiitend nt of I'ubtic XVorka of lilt 1 ability to provldo suitable equipment nndi'rie materials for tho proper performance of-ilr', the work f-M'w The rlKht ! reserved to reject all pro-srt-ai pnaals nnd rendvrtlae and award the cestui tract In the regular manner If, In the Judtlft f ment of the tindertgiie1, the Interests of the State will be enhanced thereby v"r'i W W VOTIll:itSPOON, PupiTlntendent of Public Works SPRINT. AND SUMMER RESORTS. vJI NEWTersEY .tlanllTGl"tr, HOTEL CHELSEA Cccupying enlire block ol ocean front, in the. 'f ( Cheliea tection; 300 bedchamber! svitli prixate baths (fresh and sea water). Hifh-clati orrhrstra, csie. cn!!, ttc. French j chefs. Coif privileges. Autoi meet trains.' J Bookler. Open all J. R. THOMPSON & CO. ! ATLANTIC CITY PprlnB oii. 1 Ural tn At antic City anl iho 111 XYMOItn The Worlds llrea'rit i.eaon our les trva' ons now .Dnrnre'i anl Euruptnn, Vans New York Olll, e, Telephone Bryant VJ?3 QRarlborouQT) - SIcnlKfml TKI UIIWI HII0ST H0U8I OF TNI WMlf ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. "WE NATIONS HIALTH SHOF" mcalth ia isficiincv A Oei-mlclde Ovilf-atreamHrmpered Cllmasa. No Sluih. Nn Duit, No Dirt. InnumtrsUs Outdoor Rerreatlnna and Indoor Entfri,lnm,nM OweersSli stsaiaamaat JOIUM WKITf 880N8C4V, ATLANTIC CITY CHALFONTE . rtUSPITABLl - HOMIUKI AtwAve esiN MKW JKB8EY IjUaeweoo. LAUREL-r-PINES LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY A nu Jem kolel In a Winter Ressrt where out. of. door apcrts are possible the entire year, FRANK F. RMOTE. Maaaser. BUANCIi OFIL'K OF 08:0, A. Hl'UN a. suns, Htook Broken. Nam YOBsV Till! dlXN iPUKas. ssr. the Aaerteaa XssNaeija. Write Is ti I h ' c. i.r. r '1 v' " It n. .. K . i.JJi a .1 d. .