Newspaper Page Text
.11 , t . t ( t , HE'SUN, MONDAY?, APRIL 'lV 19 & 12: ?? OVERSEA BIDS FOR AMERICAN GOODS IS'cir List of OpporiuniticH ( Prepared for Manufacture ers.nnd Exporters. IPS OX ENGLISH SYSTEM Efforts of British Govern ment to Extend Trade Arc Set Forth. Below are oversea business opporlunl. tfes for American producers wlio care to Xtend their export lines. , Mention haa been made In tlili column H the German methods of capturing trade In China ; n1o of Kngllsh manu . ftcturerB orpanl-lng to follow In tho xirman' footntrps. That the Bngll-th faovernment Is alive to oversea oppor tunities may lie seen from the following extract headed "Oversea Markets" from the Government Hoard of Trade Jour not, which reads as follows: On of tho most Important conditions for Increaflng an rxlptln? or nbtnlnltiK a nw export trade Is tli.u accurate In formation should bo available as to the condition- and prospects for the sale of particular goods In the oversea markets concerned. Kxperlenco has shown that here la a considerable field for otflolal or semi-official assistance. MoM ol tho (Trent exporting countries of the world have systems for supplying commercial Intelligence to their trading communi ties. Generally speaking, they arc bared upon the reports sent home .by official representatives resident. In oversea coua tries. Such official representatives, however, are not necessarily men with actual business experience, and even where the representatives do possess experience In Ono or ar.o.thcr class of business, 'they cannot be in a position to furnish re borts as cxptrtH upon all r.f the Variety of trades with which they may he concerned. It Ii necessary, therefore, to supplement the Information they sup Ply by data from other sourceSj Special Conimlaaloner. The Board of Trade lias frequently In the past despatched special commission er to examine particular markets. Kueh missions have been sent to South and Ce trap-America, Canada, Australia. South Africa, Persia, China and Ilusla. In these cases the commissioner has been charged with the duty of reportlm: on the prospects of Hrltlsh trade as a whole, but the growing Intensity of the competition between manufacturers of various classes of commodities 'for the trade of large consuming markets Ins made It lncreaslntily desirable that a market should be surveyed In respect of any particular J Industry by men with specialized knowledge. Tndeed, the principle !s one which has been acted upon by the X'nlted States for oome tlm past. Developments ac cordingly have recently been made on these lines, three technical Investigators having been sent last year to Spain charged with making inquiries with re aped to a limited range of goods. ' British trade commissioners and com mercial attaches In various endntries overseas have recently urged vlth some frequency the necessity of British ex porters sending expert Investigators ta examine markets abroad. It was urged that In order to make these Investiga tions effective it was desirable that the Investigator should be (.elected by the trades concerned and that steps should be taken to give the investigator an of ficial standing. 'In the early part of last year the mat ter waa considered by a ub-comm!ttee of the late advisory committee to the ..Hoard of Trade on Commercial Intelli gence, which waa required to renort in ;what industries efforts should be made to Induce manufacturers to combine or reaerate for the promotion of their Joint Interests in relation tr th'lr exuort trade, especially for the appointment of travelling Investigators In the oversea markets, and on the natuie of the assist ance which the Hoard of Trade could render In facilitating such combination'. The sub-committee took evidence from a number of trades and also cni!?.dered the steps taken by other countries in the matter of associations for investigation and export. Export Associations. -As a result of Its Investigations the ub-committee recommended that the Board or Trade should actively take up tho question of facilitating the forma tion of export associations of manufac turers by placing before representative meetings of manufacturers In such trades the advantages of cooperation for export purposes and the results obtained by such action by other countries, bv of fering to defray part of the cost of the despatch of expert Investigators by such associations to approve oversea markets, nd by appointing officers to attend the meetings of the executive committees of such export associations In an advisory capacity when desired. The sub-committee considered that the iBoard of Trade should contribute to the expense of the investigations, and that the reports of the Invwtlgators should be supplied Immediately to members of the associations and should he available to the trade generally through the Board of Trade only after a lapse of a consid erable Interval, say, twelve months. It will he seen that by the system recom mended by the sub-committee it Is pos sible to obtain for each trade, nt a com paratively small expense to the Govern ment, the advantages which accrue from expert official Investigation of oversea 'markets. The Hoard of Trade accepted the report and appointed a committee to carry tho recommendations Into effect. , The first Investigation which Is being carried out on theso lines Is on behalf .of the Jewelry, silverware, electroplate anu auiea traues in the south American market-.. The Department of Overseas Trade (development of Intelligence) has been In communication with renre- tentative associations In these trades In tendon, Birmingham nud Sheffield, with the result that arrangements have been made for a Joint Investigation, the rfc.t or wnich is nclng defrayed In part by trades and In part by the Government The Investigator. (5. I. Hraddoik. an officer of the department, will carry considerable collection of samples which have been selected as representa tive of the productions of the trade as a whole. lie will exhibit these samples In various South American towns and will ascertain in what respects they fall short of what is required by the mark t. The samples arc priced, hut are not la belled with the manufacturer's name. Xo Intention to Canrnu, There Is no Intention of canvassing for orders, but the Investigator will in general give th names of a number of manufacturers In ri"lon-e to Inquiries as to what firms make particular types of goods. For the Information of the British manufacturer the Investigator will purchase a considerable, range of samples of goods now (hiding a roidv sale In the countries visited nd . make such inquiries in miy he neeen nary to supplei tent exlsllns Importers and their c'liirmlerNtlCH, Ac. The In. vestlgator will miiko periodical reports and on returning to the rnlted Klnsdnin will be available for Interview with (ho manufacturers Interested m the mlr-!on It may be remarked that Mr. iirta'. dock will not be the only investigator In the field. Already the National Jewellers Board of Trade of the United States, acting In conjunction with the Department of. Commerce, which Is shar ing the cost with the trade, has sent an expert In Jewelry on a two years tour of the Latin States. Addresses of persons nnd firms men tioned ue reserved, but may Lo ob tained through Tug Hun's Questions re garding published Items should be on separate sheets, a sheet to encli Item, and the number of the Item should In all cases be stated. This Hun does not furnish credit ratings or assume any responsibility as to the standing of business men or firms abroad. Tho usual precautions should bo taken in all cases. Trade Opportunities. 371. A firm In fouth Afrtcs desires In pine an order lor 5,000 doten lamps made of lirsss or chenper material with brasn plating, Price should be quoted ss low hi possible. I. fore the war tho price of these lumps vvn from S4 to On cents per dozen, nnd retailing at l: tents each. The Arm could now pay fl per duaen (New York) or 11.44 per dozen t deatlnatlon. The, lamps should be packed one dosen In a paper bei. Thcae lamp are eknown ns l-ifllr lamp... Ihe customs duty ta :o per cent. 37?. A business man In the United SlMcs who la acting ns purohsslrut agent fur a Arm In tha United Kingdom dealrea to be placed In communication with American manufacturer" and exporters of tractors who' would he Interested In placing an agency for the aalo of their gaoda In Ureal HrltTin 373. A doctor In Mexico dealrea to be Ptnret! In communication with American manufacturers an.1 exporters of machines for the manufacture of compressed tablets and email sugar cent.! pllla. He situ wishes tp be put in touch with drug bottle factories; 3,4. I'hn rttiero Ate representative of a nrm In the United Wales who Is nt present In this country dealrea tn secure an agency for the sale nf n good line of nickel Plain! hrtthrnom accessories, such a towel Purs, op, aponire anil nimbler holders lie wishes to .ell this line of merchandise In the Hlver Plate dle-et. SIB. An agenry la desired by n man In Au-trnlln tor the sale nf hardware ajch us builders' hardware, toots ar.d household gooda. m S7(. An American consular officer In South Amerln wishes ta be furnished with descriptive rataloguea of woven wire fence and appliance! for the 'construction ot "am-, audi i fence stretchers unit gal-vnnl-ed Iron poata The fencing used 'at presnt la nf smooth wire nailed to poata, a barbed wire her used for the rnp strnnd. The ccst of constructing one milt of such fenee la about 14:5. Th helsrh. or fence vvhtth n',11 le most m demand la 3 icei . men and 4 ret. 377. A nun !n Vrance dealrea to pur rhnse ca-l Iron, aluminum. Iron or enam elled cast Iron cooking utensil., auch as pitchers, s-iurepuns. pote. snip ladlei, spoons and forks. It, will buy n mlnlmu.n quanta;' of 50,000 francs. 37S. A flrr.i In Switzerland ivlshe- tn b" p.aied in communication with American manufacturers and eTportera ct sporting Foods for summer and winter. Importing of Hides. 379. A business man In Italy wishes to be plnccd In communication with Ameri can tanrerles with a view to Importing tanneti hldi for the manufacture of shoe, and gloves. Ho nlso wishes to Import shoes for women. SS0. The London branch of a firm In Krancn desires to rurchase agricultural machinery of all kinds JSl. A firm In Jamaica la In the market for machinery for manufacturing corn oil. Cas'.i will be paid 3?. A Trench firm In Knrland vlhs to rurchia- machinery for rn'.llmr mills It Is wil'lts to fci-pt nn agency for '.lie sale of sarre, 335. An asncv Is dcalred by a nun In Italy fur Importing rjbblls and poultry from the fnlted Plate. 31. A firm In lincUn.l Is In the market for JM d-ums of rale boiled lln.e.,1 oil. each drum containing four and a half gal lons. This oil I. for direct shipment to Bangkok, .Slam. 335. A man In Australia delres to pur chase material for making nnd repairing watches, - nlso optical roods. He alao wishes to entertain r.n agency proposition for the sale of rucIi goods. 31''. Th? T.oTdon branch of. A Trench firm !s In the market fur machinery for making nil Kin'i- o. loi s. 35 Tl'e linden hrnirh ef l.rm In Trance dp.Irea to Tiu-"chase machinery for mamng riass. u -.cin also consider m prope.t!en for the mle rf urn Thl m.-icl:lr.r:y is f.,r Krtnch an.l DeUUn markets. 353 A man In Indl.' des.res to purchp.e I'ortlnn.I ceme-it Ft tuple e. iili orrielil tot nf each qcAllte should be sulire.ltied. 359 An aaencv ; i.irei by a man In ltulv for the sole rf bcthtubs. uashbowls. enamelled plunblrg nnrc tf Sill klnda and bathroom heale-s. JP". A firm In S'canrtlnat Is nlshes tn se cure an agency for the sale of pig Iron Interetted firm, may communicate with aj-nr In the United .state who represents this firm. 351 A Trench firm In Hngiand wl.h-s tn huv machinery fo- bolt making It l willing to accept an agencv for the aale of same. 315 The president of the boa-rt of puh llc works of a city In I aly nlshes to I.e Placed tn communication with American ii.iiuiBriurer emeu con n iu-nlsh "ieefl ' alTTTacl'Ines fo- uniondlne; ships, and es. P'cfsli.v for d'scha-gtng coal ami grain. 393 A ft-T In K-ilnnl nlsiire to secure nn arnc fo- .e'e of hea cbemlcals ll liuslmrs .t:i i,,. trii'sacted through tin-'- purt hosing aent in the rnllei' Mat-.. ti, iiercy s desired for r.ns wr.d nnd the southern part of zThirepo DIRECT STATE TAX MANDATORY Comptroller Trail l Says Harden Is ot Oppressive, Ar.BANT. March 51. State Comptroller Travis believes that a direct Stato tax le-y for the next year Is Inevitable to meet the requirements of the sinking fund. He said to-day that the ordlnarv expenses of government exclusive of the slnklrg fund will need all of the ef. tlmated resources for the year. The rate will he approximately the same as It was for this year, he added. "The levy of a direct tax for the sinking fund Is mandatory under the 'ontltutlnn," Mr. Travis explained. "find In voting for th Ir.sue of bonds the people of the State pledged them- sehes to pay n direct tax each ear until mesa Donui arc redeemed. The burden placed on the Individual tax payer Is not oppressive. The benefits derived Include tho Improvement of canals, highways and the preservation of the forests. " year each taxpayer was re quired to pay lee than 11 cents on eich $100 valuation For the last ten years fJovernors and Comptrollers have said that indirect revenue could not be ie lied on to provide Indefinitely for the exprnses of government .Since Oov. Dh's regime the State debt has in creased oer 1100,000,000 " ASSEMBLY PASSES T0RRENS. Measure Xon Before Senate for Action Prospects Bright. The Assembly has paseil without a dissenting vote the Torrenp hill Intro duced by Assemblyman W. '. Youker of Brooklyn. This bill amends tbo Tor rens law In the manner recommended by former Register Hopper. The Youker bill also had Incorporated In It-Features of thn Coles1 hill and was tndor.ii-d by the Registers and County Clerks of (Ircater New York. The measure Is now before the Senate, Several hearings have been held before tho Senate Judicial Committee ami It Is expected that the fubstantlal features of the nmenilments'wlll receive the np prnval nf the Senate. Opposition to the Tnrrens amendments, It said by tho Torrena Tltlo League, has come from tho title companies and from certain professional lltlo searchers, nnd although they have failed In defeat tho bill those opposing hnvn endeavored to weaken tho law by rhangeR that nre con tmr to true Torrena principles. KTH TlllJ.TUK CIITKACT. A general cnnlract has been aw.irilcil to the l.oiigacie Cunt tt notion Company fur til" election of a sl story llrcproof theatre- and clll e building in ifilit Hi Iwaj, houthwest corner of Plfty- flrst tr ot. on land owned by the Won ilel estate and len.-uiil tn the Moredall IliMlty Company. The pUn and i-prrl-llcatlons were pri'iiared by Thomas V, Lamb. The building will have facades of face brick, llnie.tone and terra eotta nnd will havo dimension: of lOOx J8Sx Irregular. LIVE TOPICS OF THE UNIFORM SITUATION IS WORRYING MANY Men's Wenr Firms Fenr Losses if Women's Wear Mnkcrs Get Contracts. Men's clothing manufacturers, who have mado large Investments In special machinery to speed tip the production of trnlted Slates army uniforms In an ticipation of getting frequent and larger contra tts were much concerned over re ports from Washington that manufac turers of women's wearing apparel are to bo given contracts for Government materials. New York manufacturers of men's wear have Insisted that their factories 1 are fully equipped to produce all the garments needed by the Government and have Intimated that the nwardlng of contracts with men's wear houses In other markets was done for the purpose of holding a club over the heads of the New York concerns. But with the ex tension of the uniform making facilities to the women's wear Industry the sen tlmcnt Is becoming general that future contracts will bo small and of short tenure as far as the Individual awards aro concerned. On the other hand. It is said, by men who are close to the loners that he In Washington, thnt there will be develop ments In the uniform making situation within tho next few weeks that will as sure big contracts for every house which Is In a position to handle them. Despite the Government's attitude that It Is not responsible for the Installation of spechl machinery and that no request was made to the manufacturers to spend large sums in equipping their plants with special machinery, the manufac turers. It Is understood, are preparing to submit to the authorities evidence of tho urgent request made by the depot quartermasters for more speed In the production of garment. These requests could only bo compiled with through the Installation of special machinery. In view of the assistance given nt the manufacturers It Is ex pected that every effort will be made to see that these houses are given con tracts so that their Increased facilities may be fully utilized. Collar to Coat More. Indications are that within the next three months the price of men's collnrs will again be advanced to the retailer. I'rnctlcally every collar and shirt manufacturer In New York deolnie that there Is every probability that tho rise will come, due to the Increased cost of raw materials. '-v Cotton Goods Men to Meet. Sprciat ruifittth to Tun Si. Washington-, March 30. It has Just been learned here that another commit tee of cotton goods men will be In this city on April 10 to confer with Howard Brookings and other members of the price fixing committee. According to Information given out he:e, the new committee has not been appointed yet. It Is expected the committee will be selected through the National Council of r.'itton Manufacturers and miy const!- tine home or me memner. nr me com - who came here lact week to tils - cuss the matter of prl:c fixing, as well an additional mill men from the South and North. Leather Market Quirt. Spteial Dettatch to Tar. Six. Boston, March 30. A few sizable sales liave been made in the upper leather market, but trado in general is quiet. The demand still continues for the better grades, while third and fourth quality stock is hard to move. Heavy sole leather of good quality mote readily, while the lUhter weights nre not active Shoe manufacturers are known to be piling up order, which t-ooner or later must be put Into the cuultig room. Trade In oak sole Is quiet with the .n. Hah r.t l-nl'drtitil,.,,! .i.n'SHnn enther. Or. v tma ots of ace eather ar relllng. Tho trade Is t.ot calling' iu. nil.. n.iiui. iiuai.imi.-, v uuiiiiiiisi cneir iiurcnas'es co jusc rui.iriuni quium tles to carry them for a few weeks. Wool Contlnnea Strong;. Special Detpatrh to Tub 9vx. Philadelphia, March 30. The wool market here continues Its strong tone, with prices good. In fact there Is little change noted from the preceding week, when a little acthlly became ap parent. Spot wools continue In ttrong re quest. One of the matters oecupjlng the minds of wool men Is the transpor tation problem, which will loom large with the coming dip. This Is a seriou1 quest Inn at pret.ent. There are Indi cations; that somo denier ar 1 elng caught for the non-delivery of wools they have bougnt and sold. Shipping AVorrles Manufacturers Not only ocean shipping but shipping on land is worrying manufacturer. Ex press companies are unable tn handle all the business and frequent embar goes have mado deliveries on given dates Impossible. Manufacturers have turned to parcel )v;st, but that too has become congested I and Is wt breaking records for speedy delivery. The result, according to manufacturers, will he complete auto- ' mobile delivery systems for points that , can lie reaencu uy moiur iroin .ew York. Trade With Onrvelves. While the figures ot business done by the t'nlted States In Central America dhow that this country has a percentage of the total larger than that of any j other nation, the fact remains that In general commerce the position Is not nearly fo good as mignt no supposeu. ,V large share of this business la really done "with ourselves," according to one of New York's leading exporters. For example, he says that most of tho mines now working have been opened Wltn American c,ipiii aim ciuiuiteei . t -!.... 1,1.. i. ' W illi .vineriv-uii iijv iiiii.-i ) .no, -nn-i Huppllc. Some of these mines have been highly profitable, while others are still In the development stage and be fore they show a worth whllo profit they will have to solve problems of power, consolidation nnd extremely dlfll cult trinsportatlon. tVIII Address Importer).' "Import Control" will be the subject of an nddresj to bo made this week be forn a meeting of Importers by P. H. I'eterson, director of the hureati of Im ports of the War Trade Hoard. In accepting Invitations extended by the Merchants Aisoclntlnn of New York and the American Importers Assocla Hon, Mr. I'eterson nulil he would con wider It a pr.Uli'Ko to meet Ihe im- porters of the city nnd amlst them In any pnsslblo munjier. I, usuries Show Sbrlnkiige, All Imported articles classed as lux uries declined in value fur January, compared wtth figures nf .lanuary, 1917. I'latlnum has been eliminated from the luxury list, becauso nf the recent com- mamlcerlns by the Uovcrnme nt ot tin 1918 ' Wool Clip to Be as Big as Last Year R Kt'OHTS In the annual wool Is- pus' of the Daily Sews Record Indicate that this year's clip will1 bulk as large ns last year's In spite of the heavy losses In jnnny sections. Tho reports con tinue : "Owing to thn recent mild winter In many growing Hectlons this year's yield will surpass last year's In quality and condition. These con clusions aro based on reports from the growers themselves In numerous counties of eighteen, States. These results represent the beginning of a likely rapid growth' In the wool in dustry of the country, according to opinions of experts. "Kfforts to utilize .Southern and middle Western cutover lands on a large scalo for sheep grazing are only one feature of this promising stnrt. Inducements to farmers to return to sheep raising have also bin n made attractive and this work has Involved even the boys' and girls' sheep clubs. "This movement has also been helped by retail and wholesale clothiers." entire supply. Several articles remain ing In the luxury class, however, de clined anivreclablv In value tho first month of this year. The Import show Ing, except for liquors, Is given below In thousands of dollars: .lanuary, 1917. ... . j:t r,n:. . ... 2.401 . ... .!! . ... 4.n.. 10.142 . ... .1,000 January, luia. i son Art works , Kur. undressed,.., Ivory Preeloua atones. . Silk, raw a Silk, manufactured, S.073 i 172 2.04R 11. two 1.903 tlealya nr Spindly f fP'Hal Cablt MjwlcA fo Ths Srs. l'.cnts, March 30. Parisian milliners are, one might ray, "up a tree." Oaby Deslys wants giyly trimmed hats. Mile, Splnelly wants simple hats with no trimming. Klther of these artists Is capable of swinging the I'arls fashions. Milliners aro undecided as to which they rhall follow. Trills on mouse. Newest blouse samples being shown by manufacturers Indicate that frills of all varieties are replacing the conventional collars on summer blouses. The neck frill has been the latest feature to cap ture popular fancy. It seems likely to rival the rolling collar before the sea son In over. llnileon Seal Scarce. Hudson seal ha' soared so high in price that It Is thought posible that the genuine seal wih be more In de mand ss there will be a larger supply of it In the market. Levies on Machinery. At a meeting of the National Society of Woolcomhers and the Wool Top and Noll Warehousemen's Union, held In Bradford, England, the subject of levies on machinery In the wool trade, after the order of the system adopted by the Lancashire cotton Industry, was again Introduced. Whatever form the lew takes, the ob lect Is to eouallre the remuneration re celved by employees In the event of ' certain portion hiving less work to do i ' because of the reduction of the c omb . ing output, which, according to depart mentsl arrangement, March 1?. took effect Piece Gooda Prices. An idea of Saturday's quotations In print cloths for nearby delivery can be had from the following: cent. U'i ....5 to 15 c, IS 14 16', to 17 t.'i . . lit. to II V to I 21, :t'i ..10', to 10, 121, to 121 4H.44 Sll, Inch 7 15.. no-4 4 3d', Incn .2S . CO. .12 34 L, inch g.oj. . 'I.&a 3IS Inch 5.50. . n4-1 .H's Inch 5.J5.. fi4-i!4 3t, Inch E.15. . H-44 .tl Inch fi.CO. . "S.72 a 0-.l 31 T 2 -T n 39 --7 '.l-to 27 ' C100 41 Inch 1.75.. l-icll 4.00.. Inch 4 :.. . Inch 9.oa. Inch 7.C0. . Inch 4.15.'. ' " "i.i .ir -,i iu. .. ui n.c Pi Ices Cents 14 13 tn 14 i '().. nrh f 00 44-40 ! Inch .ts 44-40 40 Inch 4.2S 5l .H0 J Inch 4.00. . . . 4S.40 S. Inch f..s0 4k. 44 10 Inch 6.00 4H-44 JC Inch 4.50 4I-4S 40 Inch 2.tS 21 4j 15 to US 164 to I 19 284 to 29 COMBED LAWNS. 9H-92 39 Inch 6 15 9S.: 40 Inch 7.50 90. 39 Inch 5.00 f.?0 10 Inch fo 0.o 0 Inch 9.00 76-72 40 Inch 9 eo CARDED LAWNS. 9S-I00 39 inch S.OC I-92 Si inch 5 25 f-S0 40 Inch .oo 0.;1 4( Inch .oo 72-OS 40 Inch S.00 ..22 to 224 . 20 . 19 . 1 24 tn 25 .22 to 23 21 . ..194 7 .to 174 , Buyers in the City. House Furnishing. BOSTON- -A Broude A Co, A. Ttroiide (rugs, linoleums, lace and upeslry cur - lainsi, noiei vcaillCK. N'MtKOLK, VA The Wlllls-Croll-Smlth ;;r;e,."Ho,re, w c"p,'l an" ' - ST LOClS-11 Nugent A Brn. Dry ciooda Co V. N Anderson truga and dra- perles). 470 Fourth av top tloor. Millinery. l!Al.l,.iTii.s mia, ,s V E C. Welch X ci. n. iiooncy (millinery and dry goodsl, Park Avenue Hotel. Cl.HVBLANH. OHIO Hart A- Co. C. A Kline (untrlmnied hatsl 7 West 3Sd at, DALLAS Huron Hroi. Millinery Co. I. I la run (millinery nnd trimmed hetai, G7V Broadwny PROVIUKNCE Rosendale Co. p. Roi- endsle (inllllneryl, Hotel Flanders. Furs. ALTOON'A, PA. J. Herrog (furs) Hotel. Grand CHlCAliO C. Heiinlng (manufacturer NORFOLK. VA. L. Llchtenstrln (furil lur garmeniai, i.atnam i iiotei lorg Men'a and Boys' Furnishings. YOUNOSTOWN, OHIO New York Hat ' Co H. F. Stem (inen'a hats), care of Hutel (Iruml Heady to ftar. ITHACA A. R. Kawjer A Co. Joieph Wanilerntnck (ready to wcarl. car of joiepn Cn.i Monger, Lyon, Kahn ,ti Co., 1113 Broad way CI l'VFI.AS'11 lllrsch Cn Ml.. (-..... Ll.l. r.l.AU llirsrn c.o. Miss Esther t;:ohn',',4,-J0l,"FoOufr!,hre,ar)l ' 8' 8'0 er ix.'iv c iv.ker fre.ene. ...' ,i' (manufacturers BOSTON sk Iris . Albert. LOUISVILLE Slevv-urt Dry Ooods Co. Miss E. Bennett teats, suits, drrsaes. wraps, wtilsts), : West 37th st top tloor. MINNEAPOLIS Minneapolis Dry Oooda Co O. Li Hlssonlere, (coats, suits, vvalslsi, Hi Fourth .iv.. room K07. MEMPHIS Bry, Block Merc. Co. Mr. Welssner (jobs coats, dreasea, wslsts, rklrta for b.iaement), care of S. Solo mon. 470 Fourth nv CRANB RAPIDS. MICH.- Ths Stern Co. Vii.. , w.iJ . lie. ., 7.1 iMiin.... .. of S non 10 Fourti av ' ' ' ci ir-uio -"t?, Vil lliia Wslst? Khon. Me ' Nathan TalsrV. " lo er'ci.rl'd'i?"- Mr' Miss Ilogun, Miss iiugnea and Mr Stern I'lere lioods. J BOSTON V. cbiupIiII (dry goods), ureal Noitln-rn Hotel I CHELSEA, MASS Flelsche nros. S. eleleiiie inuriapaj, iiroaawny uenlffal IlnleL CLEVELAND. OHIO A. Kline (dry iiortH), Hotel Imperial. HAMILTON, CANADA The Arcade, J, P. Wbehin (dry goods). 47 West 34th at., room (ISO IilioVIDENCE I Cohen (plcca goods). i ToLEDO W. L. Mllner eV Co. K. A. B.s liroaitway eer,irai iiniei COMMERCIAL WORLD J aiera dire a. goods, silks ftnd ralvets), care of A. Kant!. 10 West 126 ft. Miscellaneous. ATLANTA T. K. Cox (general merchan dise!, (trnnd Hotel. . , CHICAOO I. Abelsnn Hon. A. J. Abel son (dry goods, shoes), Hermitage. CHICAOO .'ears, ltoetmck & X'o. C. J. Corns-ell (furnishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, bags), A ,M. Ueb (represent ing). 11$ Kirth av. DKM MOINF.f" Hheurmsn mo. M, A. ftheuerman (dress goods, silks, velvets, woollens, tailors' trimmings, cssalmeres, blankets, manufacturers ladles' dress skirts and macktnaw coats), I4 Broad May; Hotel nreslln. DETROIT A. Krollk Co. I. Cohen (dress s, dressing saeqties and flannel . lette night robesl, JI7 Brnailwav. JACKKONVIM.R H. Ktnkslsteln (dry gooda and Jewelry), Broadway Central Hotel. f.OS ANtlKf.HR 1. A. Newmark Ac Co. V. A. Nenmark (shirts, pajamas, night gowns, a eaters, glotes, macklnaws, rotctai. I J !.cnnard st, MOXTrtKAt, Debenham's. F. X. D. I tlrandpre (women's hats, children's caps, flowers and feathers), II. .1. Ilccvre (representing). Hotel Uroitell. PnovIDKXCi: f. Martin (general mer rhan.1l.el. Hotel Continental. RORKKunil. ILL C. V.' Weiss Co. r. V, Wetar (ilrr goods, notions, women's gar- mental. 41)1 Knurth av.; Coiling ood. SAO HAttnolt. .V, y. s. II. Tahnr (gen eral merchandise), Herald Square Ilitel. BOSTON K. T Slattery Co. U. II. fil-m (perfumery, art Roods, fancy gooda. leather goods), Si West SJil st. BCKNOS AYKKR. ARGENTINA M. Ol ron Co. Mr. Mayer (garters, suspenders, ehneatrlngs), Mr. Ie?vv (krnailciotha, cot. ton piece gimilal, Miss Stern (fancy gooda. nrtlnns, rlbbonsi, M !lrin (rep resenting). 500 Fifth av.. room 414. I Business Troubles. rrtltlons In Bankruptcy. Petitions In bsnkruptry flleit Saturday In the Cnlled States District Court are: AI.IIKRT T. RTKAt.VH AND WII.I.IAM U. STJtAL'CH Voluntary petition by Albert T. Straurh ana William E. Straueh, In dividually and sa copartner., dolns busi ness under the (Inn name nf strnuch Bros., manufacturing pianos. :-3d Tenth avenue. I. labilities. 1139,151: asef. tl$0,50. Secured claims Peter I), ftraueh. Ill, 100; New Vork County Na tional Hank, fj.000 Uneeeure.f claim.; 1'. D. Straurh. f:j,:OI. Blake Ac Johnson Comranr, i:.014: c. I Cotter Company. IS.'sS: J. Jcngen. H.2O0. Henry It. Hinger named as receiver. Dads, Donohue, Thompson AV Detts. t Liberty afreet, are the attorney.. IDA. BRAVRMAN Voluntary petition hy Ida Hravenian, :.S West Ninety. seventh nur.i, j.i in iiiies,; no a-sec.. Trackman 11, it. Inn 13. Hh,ilv nr. the attorne)a. Kereher In Bankruptcy. I.NTEtlOCEAN NAVKIATION COMPOitA TION .ludge Auguatua N. Hand ap olnted Jesse. KnljtM receiver for Inter ocean Navigation Corporation, 2 Rector atreet, under a bond of JjiOO. Schedule In Bankruptcy. Schedules In bankruptcy nied Saturday In the Cnlted States District Court were: ISIDORE KRUIM AND SAUL MARCO LIES Schedules of Isidore Krulm and Caul Margollea, wal-ta. 33 West Nine- teentn street: Liabilities. S2.,41 4: as sets. 1,75 I'rlnclal clnlms; ltec-a! Sill. comnny, , M. r-chwnrtrntid. 13. . 030. SetiHe Jones, 1695 C.lnsburg X. I'lcken, 116 Nassau street, nro the iit tornea -It'IHiMENT, MANHATT xN The following ludgntents we-e fllcd Sat urday, March 30; the first name being that of the debtor Ash. Charles M. lerteln liiS.'l Auerbach, Mayer S.. and Leopold even c -Biaini . .-. l,m i: Rogue, Samuel n k. Herkert.. H9.S1 Butcher, Wni. L Isaac Ootd- nunn Co d!0.3J Blonsty, Joseph -11 1'. Jensen... S2S.!5 Empire Carry Corp. II. 7.etlln.. ll.043.55 Lconomy Ttltso Co, Inc. Texas Troducera Rl.-e co . Inc Flnkelateln, Abraham D. Thorn back I. K. Freehold Estate. Inc. Trank B. Hall A Co.. Inc. Geo. V Ellis I'l'imblng Engineer ing Co., Inc. Sweets Catalogue 141.41 101.00 1.270. 23 MerMCe In iltser. Kva A (t-lishef.Uv 342.70 37.4I aloltser. Kva Helndimann. Ferdinand Queens Land end Title Co, Inc .. Huhn. adel K. ItuJsnn Motor 101 It c-r v. or n y . inc :o; i3 123 "0 l. 5.5.1 Inenrk. Ralph J A M I'.rn-t i it.ii ill" n. Ji.c ?. .cuuiger Johnston. Frank, and Sliic Young Anchor Corrugating Construction Co JerJclns, ileorare J. Weinberger . Jennings. Louis H. M F. Elwell Jarnleson. (ienrge n r. E. Jamteaon, coats Koaowaky. Harrj II. P.. win throp et al Keenan, John and Frank N. Ep ateln I-on Sable Realty Co. F. II Xlnnlcutt et al Max. and Max Wll dersehall Chatham and 1'henlx National Hm4t of the City of n v . r. ... . . I.eschrlner. Siegfried A Murphj. Charlotte P Me.Mahnn. costs M..on. Livingston M .I Krac. et s Stern, Harold E. Stern, costs Skolilo1. Sn'nuel. and Imts (lers- ten sD ca'ib'.nger Tlclcnof. rritrk I., and Walter L -F I. Peters Wiener. Isaac n and Sartte Se- ei'rlt Hank nf V Y Wolf, Louis II. B endermann . . l'S.19 1,101. CI 137.51 149.45 (5.0 ?,s5i.:e 3. 15 e7 6S 4S 71 M3.15 275.93 151 03 423.92 750 9 5:5.IS BRONX. ' The first nime Is that tif the debtor: Esposlto, Andrew K. Erposlto. ., j Ml. 1ft O Hrlen. William II. M S. Kahn 2r SR Itenlell. Moses n. II. LefT Schlff. William Hebrew Ft I-oan Society, Inr Tomasn, Morris and Oscar Par- koff Same Taylor. Edward I. Belle Mead Sweetniakes Inc Wlttonfr, Sellg E. Ii, Lona i Itaa. Ine William Rnkr. Ire ; I Brown' Satisfied .Indgmenti. MANHATTAN. P'J.70 32.15 37.M 64. .VI 1S4.SO lflS.21 The first name la that nf the the second that of the creditor and date when Judgment was nlei: Uaum. Jossnh M Milton M. CoH smith and Chns. M. Rosenthal A. S. Roth Feb. IS. lnia . Wllleta, Samuel S. Katz et al. March n. It'll I'ennoc-k, Ellse It H. N. Spraker, C44 31 170.57 i 4,909 04 i 119 S.1 1 6M.42 1S0.5! 1. snn no 2, M ft Oft 111 41 534 10 441 7 , i .. ' .'".'. '.'.'. ''.-.. .ov. in, ini.,. ; "Vent " lim ' r",r: lti..i, ij.v. i ,..'.'' ". ". ' ""f. I1; '',0''' ,L ' A' McDonald. ur -ii , ',r,: J."' J'V.?;,' ';,",., , ''7,1 ,te i, J' . " j !,7s'i' . .' ' ' lfil' yew art. Wm. .1 -'-'s'atlon'ji' Sure'tv ' v o i-eopie, c : liec. 1.1 Ji i vacated I HI'l.. Iinnald M. i! ner; April SO. 1l1 III'!-. Donald-dl 1. J!l. IfHK F. Etlensper. Lleyd, Jun Hertz, levuls V, IV. Oct. 1. 1917 II Tinhti: SECURE TRENTON CHARTERS. Special Hipatch fo Tiir St v TRENTON. N. J., March 30 The fnl lowing corporations were chartered in New Jersey today: Falrvlew Realty Company, In sell real estate In Camden, capital, 1150.000, Incor porators, Wallace Benedict, William O .vinrrnvv, ,, t iiviia-ni vv irKcrsna tn, cam den, j Sheppard Farm Comnanv. to lnn.u. firm tiraducls In e'edarvllle: capital. $25,- 000; tniorpurnlor. Ullbert W ""ward M Sheppard, Timothy Shepjur PPard ) ce inrviiie vv lima ir ivuiiiuiiR I einpa-iv to sell real' . in Trenlon ...,,lil linn nan . Porator. 11 A'smt'th ' Ja'n.V 7 Charles E. Stokes. Vincent I Cur fl urn mere, Trenton Tatteisi I. ' P Rr.idler. 1 A. II Knipp Co., Inc.. to den' In coal i In rateraon. capital.. 150,00a. incorporators James W. Knapp, Joseph A Akock, Lewla C, Wetcher, I'uterson Newark and New- Vork Towhoit Com pany, to handle frelrtht transportation In Newark; capital, ICO.OOfl, Incorporators, KdwtM-d Hegley, James .1, Absley, e'h.irlea K. Taylor. William 1! West. Newark. North Jersey Itaklnir Cnmpsny, tn deal In bread In Passaic; capital, 1100,000: In corporators, Lyman Boelner, Andreve Han Ich. Sum htrelt, I'assnlc a I i) I'lnineii Agency, in ennuuer a gen. luurince agency In Elizabeth: cap!-, I I"1 UMB. Incorporators, John J. Me. ;fy Kltgernl,l, Helen Su'-' llvan. Elisabeth Mii'ltlcelln Deve'opinent Company, to reii eslate In Jersey City ; cnpllnl, t.', 000. Ini'orporivtors, .Iiinie. McCifirev, Chirle. F (iallnrther, John C, Block, Jer sey Clly. North Jersey Warehouse Company, tn do warehousing business In Lincoln Park capital, 110. 000; Incorporators, Norman A. Buttle. Lincoln Park, Clinton R, Williams, Patrick M Kelly, Lincoln Park. CUrk Restaurant Company, tn conduct restaurants In Newark: capital, 110,000; Incorporator. Chsrl-s It. Clark, Edward L. Knlsr, John Silky, Ncscark, f Yesterday's Fires. I A. M. I,os, 1M0 Easlclitaler road, cast of Clun Hill road, automobile; 1'hi- nlo Wrnderltch 11.000 4;J 59 Vestry St.; unknot n Nono 5:20 I3S E. 40th St.: Charles Rele.1 Trifling 10:IO:4 St. Ann's av., The Bronx: Anna Muller Trifling P. M. 12:15 US' Amsterdam av.; Mtchn-d Penny TrlPIng 12:io llntli st. and Fort Washing ton sv; lot None 1:20 Iiroailnay and 2S9lh t.. liruah ,. ,, None 2:00 liil E. lJi'd st.; Thumna linrley , Trifling 2:05 Waterhury av. and Dean av.' cteorge Slelnmlller Trifling 2;45 44th st. and Vanderbllt uv.. automobile; Andrew (Jiiloclc, Trifling 3:15 105 Home at.. The Hrimx: Max FMiPell TrlrllnR 4:25 W. 14 9th St.; Henry Els tel ..... Trifling 8:40404 E. 54th St.: Sanli Jones. 1200 7:20 S53 12. 170th St.; Henry Jer- chener Trilling SATCRDAY. A. M. J.osa. 3:40 :;.8 West End av.: E. Egen- sr Slight 9:10224 W. 52,1 St.; May A Co.. ..night 9:25 ion E. 127th at.; owner un known Slight 10:50 fili W. 131st at.; owner un- knnnn Nono 11:00454 W. 2tth st ; Oeurge Sykea Slight r. m. 12:0l2ito Lexington av.; .ladle Wit. on Trifling 12:501250 Co-ter at.. The Bronx: rutitlsh; unknown None 2:20 i:tn Wst U.Jd (.: lot Trifling 2:43 94th st nnd West End av.: Eugene lllgglna ....Trifling 1:25 If. E. Tnth at.: Samuel En- gel Trifling 4.20 170 Forsyth st , Margaret Targes Trifling 7:20 C34 Westchester av.. Bronx: unknown Trifling DR. DAY'S MARKET IDEAS CONDEMNED Food Trantactions Wasteful, Says "Produce News." The l'i-oiliire .Vcirs says that the ac tivities nf Dr. .lonnthan O. Day. Com missioner of I'ubllc Markets, in buying i fln,J selling eggs an 1 potatoes "arc simply waited cITorts. 'There I not one particle of evidence to show consumers nro not getting the fresh eqg nt reasonable prices, and the same Iv true of potatoes," the organ of tho prodtirii trado says. "In fact pota1 toes have been cheaper for thn past four months than they have been for the last flvo years at this season, .while egjs are being retailed to consumers nearer to tho wholesale price than ever before, even before the ISev. Jonathan Day bc- I cafic Interested 'It Is learned that the Rev. Piy's do pfrtment Is .elllng egirs to the small dealers at 37 cents with a guarantee thnt they pass them on to the timsutners at 30 rents, or 2 cents a dozen over tho wholesale carload market. Thin is an Illegal waste nnd ue of the taxpayers' money There I no evidence to Miow consumers were not getting the fresh ggs and potatoes as near tn the whole sale market n posxlble. Yet t lie Itev. Day sees' fit to squander tho taxpajers' money with his folly while they arc neglecting Hie vital objects of the de partment, that i, seeing that rallroid deliveries were prompt and prevent the wilful waste and destruction of food stuffs at the different terminals In New York city "Rev. Pay Ins recently appointed about ."iii,000 worth of commissioners, deputies and what tint, and we would like to have Mr lM' statement orr bis .!g:ii'uro showing us Just what the continier is giving from the ptcpctit activities of his department." WEATHER RUES CENTENARIAN Pennaj Iranian. 110, Sajs Winter Waa Very Dail, Special Detpateh to Tan Si v. riTTSBrnn, March SI. In all hi 110 years of life, William Hylens of Turtle Creek, never induced nnother winter nn cold a t ic lat. be says. A far luck as aed Turtle Creek foils can remem ber. Illlb made dally I.M!.t to the pot office in all kind" if ue.tthe:-. He his been mi-v-ed recently and an Investigation dlclo.ed Hilly in his home wealing .1 yw eater arul close to a lite "I don't feci n pert a I used to." 111I ' mltted tin centen.irl ..p. "I haven't felt right since winter. I hate to think I'm getting feeble, but It's all due to the weather." Hylens was born near hi present home and till eight years ago worked as a lumberman. Soldier Held for Motor Killing. Ltn.s. , March SI. Call 11. Vose of this city, a nnn-ceimmlsslotied oBlcer In tho National Army at Camp I "evens, was arrested to-day on a charge nf manslaughter Uu connection with an automobile accident In which Mrs. Karh erlne C Prnnett was killed last night The woman was alighting from a trolley cat when struck by at att'o r,l le, t .c j driver nf which kept on without learning ' ,lle' t'x,e"t nf '"; ll'Jurlc- Hand, wctc I furnl-linl by Voe' father, AV KMon t oso of this ltj and Huston NEW YORK'S PRIVATE SCHOOLS Ol M. MEN AMI lll). Ill.ltkr.l.l'.l .IKMSI, S) IIOIH,. "From Primary lo e'.illeie" ilym Swlmitllinr I'm, I etc '17 It vcir "U'l sad Si Tel sihuvl-r vw ll e, ICS llll 1st ItllOl i nil elllll, Meld. ton Wi-l -i llnv. may re main all dav Ine hntiiij it study hour TeiiniiCnnrt- Mh.t'.eli' bind p to (Vllcg. I Ills lillti t i iltti vi'1'i.e.K. 111,11. A ftl'MlldV. Rn s N lt4Jt't'.si I ihe "i iioiii, t in t riif. vnii rivr IICRIilt', N. 1 MX, X. 1. (Ill SUMMER CAMPS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Let the New York Sun help you solve the prob lem of placing your boy or girl in a camp this .summer. , I The Sun carries more camp advertising than any other New York daily. The School, College and Camp Bureau NEW YORK SUN. 150 Nassau St., N. Y. City. lli:UJ;V.NTKI MAI.K. MAN lor cleaiiliiK In instiiution, t A. M.. 320 Hast CM M, Apply ROD AND lliail WATER FOR LOCAL ANIILKRS FROM ATRIL 1 TO APRIL 7 Sandy Hook l'rlnress Jamaica Hay Onvernors (Tho HorscslKwl Hay ie. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Apiil I 11-vt.-, 11:44 11:30 ll:4'.l April 'z W oil I2.:i2 12:14 I2:.i7 April 1.0 1,10 April 4 -lilt 1:37 -Jill) April .'. -j:4ii :i :-'.. ja' ;i :t) April 11 3141) 4 4i! :i:,M 4:117 April 7 I-)I ti.'itt :::is A..M. Uili) 12 ..11 uTl? U:2S 41111 Trout Sriiaon Opens In S State To-day. To. day I the opening of the trout eeason In New Jersey, Connecticut nnd New Hatnpshlro and to-morrow In Rhode Island, in New York State the season opens on Snturday, A new law Just signed by Giv. Whit man, which gne Into elject Immediately, nlll recjulre ths non-resident sngler to mice out .i lliense hernre tin can nsn in the New York State freh naters. This license rests H2.50 nnd can :an He nail from any cllv, town or County Clerk. Persona under in 5 ears are eempi irom operation of the law. New .lersey I'rospecls Splendid. HACK ETTSTOWN, N. .1., March .H.- I'lablng for iirnnk, brown and minnow trout, nlo chlnnnlc talmon, beulns In New .lersey to-mnirow. The trout limit la twenty. five tlsh sU Inches In length. The salmon limit Is ten flsh. It 1 Illegal to fish for any game between II I. M, and daylight. The trout and salmon sea son lasts until June IS, Tha season opens with the finest pros pect for sport that Now Jersey angler ever hnve experienced. Tor at least f.0. 000 fishermen April 1 will h a holiday, for trout fishing, which a few years ago was almost n lost art In New Jersey through the near extermination of the trout, 1 now to bo enjoyed In practically every county. Ernni streams In the suburb of Newark, the stile's itrest metropolis, to the brooks tint rlppie down mnuntalnatiles nr through deep pine woods, the nngler can whip hi file, acres, pool, where flne specimens of Iruiildom will hungrily rlio to the lure. Itronn Trout New In New Jersey. There are three kinds ctf trout to. Ii enught III New .I-.rsey streams the brook or notice trout, the rainbow trout and the brown trout E.icb kln-1 ha Its own ad mirers nrnong nngler, although a fisher man hns cju.e to lelolce when he can hook Into n big fellow of nny f the three u rleiles. The brown trout Is the newest to New Jersey nsliermcn. This tlsh seems likely to mike n creat lilt In streams m hero the witter nets too warm in summer for the sueces-fiil rearing nf the brook and rain bi trout It strikes viciously. I a ter rific flchter when booked and therw Is no finer tlsh for the tallies. Chinook -nlnnn In tindlncked take. Th Sftc I'lsli nnd flame Commle-lnn hns been niaklr? nn evtenlve ill.trllaitlon of Chinook salmon In landlocked lakes liurlnir the lnt two e-,r. nnd the success of this eperlment shmil I be determined this ee.-i.on. when the erst lot nf salmon plmteil will hle reached fair stxe. The fl.h en.unilssinn lias evewx- reison to bfllece -lint these .ullilin will prove a hlcbly Import Hit nildltlon to the food nnd game fish of New Jersey. i;,s Is the same salmon that Is caught so extensively for commercial purposes on the Pacific coast. Ire Too Thick; No Hiss for Stocking. TRENTON N. J.. March .11. Owing tn the lonir continued icro weather r.f the ptst wlnfr. the New Jersey .state Fish and flftmo Cuniml.elen hns been unable to make 'I usual distribution of black hiss nnd other fish netted from tho canals In the Mite. Many streuni. and take. In other ptrl "f the State liner hern annua!, restuelced from this source., I cm 1 1 . It has been poH elblo i iiprrato nets under the tee. but this was out of the question during the present .ir with ice two feet t,hlrk and the eanal. 1.1 minv pincr. froEeti solid The State ruperts to be able to distribute thousand of b.t.s reared In Its new bi.s pond" .-it the uh hatchery :it Ilacketts town later title jear. Ooiinnnlrhe Tnkrn In Ixtncr Sagiienac. Kit Clarke hrlngs up .1 eery Interesting question when lie tlnuH th. accuracy of the statement by "Vtrglultis' that thf nunnanhhe runs to the sen and Ikih been taki n tin rein. It has necer t-een my pleasure to have ciiutrlu any numiHnlehe in silt center, nor hale I ever heard of nny cine echo has But Jut to help shed .1 little light mi the question 1 wt quote the Miowlti-c from "Iimll!i ri'h." McCirtb. miblished bv 1. Appletnn Co, Iins, with an Intro', iliictlnn bv I s.i 1,1 Starr Jnr.lin. who In ef fect slii'H that McVarthy Knows what he ii. Mlliinc' nlioiit "To 1. ill the ilh tindlorkul." is ii,-. Cirlhy. 'I. an error, a. It ein and docs reach the .en st J.ihn I. open tn the ocean throuKh It. o-it'-ethe S-iitii--Ii' c Hl.-. v Inch . ,1 u the st ' ,- . rence Tho Ifiwe' Siguen.iv 1. entlre'y salt, nn 1 nuananlchn are frequently taken nar Its mouth, thus pruclng their nblllty to ll e In salt water." HICKORY. .Sew Vork, March M. l'le IVstiilns fer VUbernien. ALBAS V. .March 31. The first forest tire of the season has Just been reported tn Cnnserc ill, m Cou-ml'sloner cleorge I), l'ritt from the fntsktll Mountain -erjlon. near Arl.cijle, lielawaro inunty The fire started In n slash where iicld wood had been rut. irrnrdlug In IUslrli t Tore't K.nirer Todd of Arkcllle nhd ha I reached l lie euir , V-"" -f-re ll.e w nrk b-lnsinit It under rnu'r,.' Al,. tit t.Meen , r... r' priv.ue Im.l were b.irued o.e- .... ....... ... .i.. ,ir . mil 'ir- b it cn n, 'ill. ! n r p-nit to issue a e. in earn-in urcuiB the "in cm-, n "ill ' :i'.-,l W!w Inn I lie op. I'll? fl. r-.i.l rshlllK sen.on nil April ti . i pre., iiitlou. wi'hiujv or Iteeinnir tlm l.le In ll. vv-lile. Ii,.. Mine p. r,.,. nie apt t. teearl fo-e-l tin. us mi oi cur- reni e of Mil'l.uniiniT onlv. and do not e- ercl'. the i nil.. Ml" ll. the -.voids nt .itlier season.. T''i Miti.tlc. of the c'uu.ervn - Comiii.i.-I.jii lmli.-ae Hint onlv a very few- ilavs of drouKht v ill render the woods tntlaminai le lit am time of the jear ex- ' lept wbei the K-nui,l t. lovercd wllh snow. Commission, r Pratt's warnlni: states thit fere,. fires In the past have occurred vv 1 h gc itest drstr'iet Iv eness In cycles of ni'1''y live .vial rti" i.i.t tu i tire jear wa In I'M, which would iiinie' the rre.t'nt Cti-, if the cr'e theory Is correct, nne In w ileh unuual iu.s f-om fire might be evpe. ted "We have bn 1 io mane cno.l y-'ir " .ays Cnmm ...Inner I'ral 'that vie are bound to SHvpec I bad one hefele loUK Hut vv e lire 'Klioi Ul g V no, I 01 I lietriiK that our e i, dlen reeord cm be cnnMnued The NIWIGKTION 15 OPEN To ALBANY TROY AND THE NORTH Steamships TROJAN and RENSSELAER Commencing April I Daily Thereafter. Express Freight Service Automobiles Carried Leave Her S! S R IVnt Cunnl St , tt ! M West 13: I M i. 30 l '. HUDSON NWIGOTION COMPANY Tin: i't blip in. I'l.rc.ixr.ti." BOSTON $2.95 riiOVibENCE v;;;: $i.9ij COLON! A'L LINE A 1.1, OITSIDK "-TATLItOOMS. fl TU A Wssk days and tunii.ivs at 5.00 I' M. (iia lUr ill. N. II.. foot West Houston at Phone Spring ItJl i v " p i , i $ ; III I'-llll; -I'M l.ltllOM.. Ml.ill Hiillv. Ini'liiil in: siiini iv oiivi I' vt, 11 nlll I i . 1 It 1' j I lie . till It 'i't 111,. I n i n- -i i or . n) in , v A'll.lNTH, til I.I" MI !!' IMIIl; I si 1-; m-iiii' mm;. 1 ' j d 1 M.i.nv W 1 d J'H Ilii o I lues l'l ,ll, v . N dip oiNh- 1 iNF c':.!''''1:'v:,hu,vv,,. Ins, J I' V IMr MS. N R. Tel V Hitii)on.-U IiUmmhIi (Mllfvrnl. Tour-. rar1tmnr at S25 Gth Au Til. U'I, Si f7(i D i GUN NEWS wiiiets c, A.M':'"..M. A.fe (CaiTarslel Island I'..l. A.M .M. 12:2l 11130 12113 t.Ort 1 lit I 2:41 4:0.1 c:2u hum 12:3.1 Ml anit 4 :.)' IUU.I 2:3.1 0 02 I Hi r' 1117 I ..".II 21.111 4110 MI7 UII8 3:111 4.07 0.00 7. OA (p.. J147 1 ..IT 4:111 rM a:ai J .311 4:40 7:45 ami Slfil (I13J 2 0) 3 IM I. ' M ii:l4 7.0j State's forest lands wern never a gr.ntr ' t and naier ; In need of greater p-ei,,'. "" " publlo than nt pre.cnt, hn many people aro V them." Ouananlrhn In Salt, Muter.. I wnnt to thank Kit Clarke for beins a. prompt In correcting my m;tak r-.M. lug tha ouananlche running to silt a, ,, There hns lioen 11 case itieMmi ' r' I where this llsli has been tuk.-n n s'.i. v ate 1, nut inia la the exception timi Iirovi the rule. I hsve not had time tn tor UD ,,. matter of 'this exception, honn-.r ih habits of tbo fish are nm, i. . portant than an old chance of it. (..i... In an 'unaccustomed lncnlltt. Therefore I humbly h.v Ing made nn error, the serirusne,' 0 which Kid I mean Kit Clarke lui r . duccd by correcting It to promptly. Vlltins'tt'.s New York, March 59, 'Chin Hackle" There With n Wallnp, The question Is asked of "Chin Hackle ' "Are you there?" I think he I. lucre thern with a wallnp. Ills little p(i,.ni titled "Bovlno Extract" Is ,l-llslifu like it for Its breclty, freshness, tru'l.P nes and wit. Aft'-r the Alphonse and Caston at'iu1 of soma of the contributors, uhtrh t,a r. cently taken the place of tt.a sar f --or'i of tin mixed nlera, It I. inn! repe.'dsj As refreshing as a perfect day in !-.; liri-'ii with the fragrance nt tuv fiv'ifV., perfume cowdung. Here's hoping tire. uu wllj repeat, 'Chin Macule." IM 1,1,1111 r.n,!,. Mcrrlstown, N. J., March Anglers Vrgrd tn Aid Black Bass. Tho State Conservation Commni retonimended this year, us It did last yeur. to the Legislature that the Mack tic season not be opened until July 1, v present tho law permit., bus r.h June Id. The Conservation Conirnl.lori hi. ton that the latter data Is too early, the li.n bass has not yet completed spiwnlna i most of 'the bass lakes In this State, wiili i ere located In tho i older waters r north. The New York Slate Purest. Fish a-' (lame Leasno hns gone on iccerd fej this change. We nre nsittuir the as-Vauc of sortsnien to secure fair pliy f.v o' of our Important game Our personal Interest In the mmement t to prevent the unnecessary s!atnh'r which annually tukes place of u! nWi bass spawn, t'i the end Ihnt flshlnc fer bass lii this Stalo will not bo ln:v-r'. as at present. If Rod and Hull readers cite to io'n the movement ou would be dolic . sportsmanlike action If ou wou'd we imr approiul to Senator Churl-. W V ton and Asemlivinaii OeWItt i . the chairmen of the Conservation Coir. llilttees of th" Senate nnd the Ast.inb'i Also write jour own State Senator Assemblyman, R. H. 11. nnd W T Lake 1'IaclJ. N. Y Murch :J. Missouri Aaka for Longer IhuU Season. The Missouri I'l.h and ilam Lean hete cs In the principle nf IVdera rr" lection of mkcrnto-y birds and It Imlor. Ihe treaty with Cinndii under which iV birds arc lo be protected In both cull 'r'.i It lines not, howie' hMlece tlu ih. present I-'eileral .hiinilni setison I- e'Mir ne,-eary for the proper protect n e migratory birds nr a iqually di'r ini'e a. the reaaonab.e ends nf sport ii lii i part of the counrry demand. With th" Support nf the sportsmen r' Missouri and the s irroundlnic cnuntn- 'h leasue will Inaugurate a innieniert ti extend the season to .March in. which the laat day upon which shnntli g Is I r mlttrd hy the international trcntj JAMES R. HICKMAN, Si-crt M" St. Louis, Mo, .March :7. lillgbt Saving nt Djckmun Mreet I'ler, 'On March 31," teinarked Mriiltnn st Dvikiunn street pier. "I'll ehoi" my Wate--bnry nne hou- nhiad nnd the noi-e 1 like that nf a ferry boat iha'n wh.ui .-. wniind up tn niHklng n binulng ' "What's bottierlm.- III"." rep b.l M lonec, "Is keeping track of til" Cles uri. til" lieW lime keeping Stllllt rhe I i are reKiilnled Uy th sun and ineen n-i th elm k " "All nu 1m to dn." nlis.'ire.l M l!tlin. "l to tlcure thnt n ' " wa'tili under ihe pew- iirriuiKi'lnent i. 1 hour aheiid nt tl.e Cll'elldtir t1 e 1 : . ben ill" .un nul ipomii m It -vllt be r II, In t 1'ort .ishliiKtnn Cni.t at 7 y ollr dolla- elll .iy it Is S 51. ce." 'Well," put iu Moloney, "It seem. I n. that the Rod anil Sun column, nf Til! SEN shoul 1 IK up 111" tide time 'at. e . agree with our Itmepleces. If th" ,1' -and watches' nre shoved abend nne 1 ,i " high and low tides should bo shnve 1 ar ! on" hour" "There's one thing In our face- nt-o t this daylight saving," ejaculated M '..,"n. "We tan heae nioro bricks at nur i".nii before nlbt Interferes wllh our ,,if v liglinst tllnse who ar' nfTensIle lo u Ye." CHIlie pat K Vlillotley. n p f. ' 'nM p,r,,r M.,r, tl, start .oinellii.ui ',, hnn.l n j 1.1'.- l,all,- U lien II , .nn-llln ,, . , l,.ttir bo' We , on II I e 1:1 . Ill ll'f e e!ie pi. U-. erlbr in ill 1.1V ! .-Hni ,.,1,1 m (;ni when rn l,.,,e ,,e new d.ivlicb op,.rallon We then c 1,11 I, . "There wll be no ' ll.e. 11 C .1' I .1 reet pier" r -poll led Mnlone ' H. there . a bri-k b'ft n th i t there" THE PilUl 1 t Inwood Mercb ROt A Nil UVS. fiFORRIF M Cnundeis, Tue. Th trains from Wreck Lead Tare S' n rui iu: v I.e. 1 1 UU I TQV Klounder nshlng k A g n I I t ,ver). rtsy- Hammer s l Shiepehead Hay. Heated cabin I including worms. EI S5IF Leives Clnsnn To, for 1 'nurd.-. 11-lng halt II i fltrPfifl Flounder tlshtnir s A M til ni Clllya ,,,,, wrlrl, ) sr, ,-,,, vi 8 FALL RIVER Llf'L tie HOTIN. I v. I'ler II. N. It. SI' I M I'll. .MI-. i t IV HT M 1111 N 1 V In Mmicr . f 1 1 ion of l hv ttiM m m An -"ii hiii.ii .iH'Utli.n n( tlm t tu c (ui IimVi- ti iiNfiiiU" 'In. n. 1 uit' 1 I laltl'Hl.i Allj AMI 1 I TUIN .SOTU I! n hereby Klvrn t't ix.i'1 nii-rit -riit HuiNlmn ht. I I .1 .nn 41 r tt. ein tr nw --ik i -iri-oraii-'ii, lui Int; 1 fa- tu 1 tan. ' My. i tnml -tt- ' It. ..l irt ! nt i m- 1 1 n im nf Ctiln t itf !!i ( v - . Sp. . I,. 1 Trrm t'..r: I 1 i i -f ' t-1 1 Uv t iti.rl iliuiHi in t " t i.i. U 1 tlio ..TI i "f p II 1 t n'r n K In ill. hr n ' ' Ht' rlDI -i t in ft-.i f 1 ' -" " ht'Hr 1 Inf in 11' ii r m r in ' Ini, ' ' (H IM' M , ttl I I' i I 11M 11-4 I ! I 1 t 1 ho .m f 1 ii i;t. n rH - - i.'n , H'M lat'iin " ;ni ft" b ' , u.f ,ih ii Him i'.u,rt a( tin 1 v. t 1 1 1wt r' i. "p.-r li il. Sib. '! . .1111 ri- ii;'vc v niMi:i..i, At'oiii-v t tltiohi-l UfMri' nTi'l l'ot Off. I .Iri'j-H, : Wall sti-rtt, Utro ;g Mftnliattnn, CM of New Vok i