a"TaT Q '
Pomnnd Kccpinsr Pncc With
(tvou'tli of Our Army in
Ardent Supporters Untiring in
F.fforts to Aid Pntriotic
Ameilran Midlers abroad have rc
relvcd from TilR Sl'N Tob.ii.-co Vund
millions of smokes.
INery oti( of our men ha had n,
chance tn smoko through the kindness
unci patriotism of persons hack homo
who have !o faithfully supported the
smoke fund aitd built It up to there
enormous ptaportlon.
Hut to hare had a cigarette or two
fund to have smoked them) Isn't enough.
Is It enough for any smoker to remem
ber when lie li out nf tobacco that he.
hud a rlirar or a, cigarette yesterday or
last week No, that Is a "sorrows
crown of sorrow, the remembering hap
pier things." There Is not a man. woman
or child whose name has figured on the
ronor list of new contributions who
thinks because he has helped to send
over tobacco once or twice that his duty
Is done. The repeaters who are the
harkbone of the fund bavins once or
twice had It In their power to send com
fort and solace to a soldier heartily de
tire to do the same thine again.
A Thonjcht ot Voiced.
The cards sent back ,by the men who
have had this tobacco often express this
thought In simple language. The ael
dler thanks the donor for that concrete
thine, tobacco, which h is perhaps at
the very moment of writing enjoying,
but he feels and reveals his feeling that
he Is most touched by the wish of n
donor to make him happy, or at least
less "homesick," and while he never has
been known to ask for more, one can
read between the lines that he knows
whoever thought of supplying his neces
sity once will do so again.
Now Is the time, as Til Son Tobacco
Ksind Is Just fixing Its stride to get over
the ISSO.OOO hill, to repeat that good act
performed, perhaps a month or so ago.
This week should see a lot of familiar
nsmei In the Hit of contributors. Send
th'm In soon and accompany the names
with all the money you can eaiare.
Whether It Is much or little the fund
Mill appreciate the gift and much more
so w 111 the soldiers, who In reading
names of donors they have read before
cannot fall to say to themselves. "That
other time was not a sentimental fluke,
occasioned by a fleeting thought of us,
hut It Is a deep rooted desire to keep
In touch with us and confirm our thought
that the folks at home remember!"
Send along the money now, this week.
Begin to-morrow. The fund feels Its
trowing pains : It la going to be A quar
ter of a million before very long. Help
shorten the time!
Qnatea Shakespeare.
A friend of the smnko fund who doe
not limit his friendship to Interpreta
tion of money, although he Is a weekly
lontrlbutor to the fund, but hunts out
nil the quaint thoughts and Ideas'to em
bellsh his donation, frequently dropping
Into poetry, has recently sent the fol
lowing Interesting effusion:
"It In a commonplace," he says In
supererogatory excuse for what is to fol
low, "to say that turn to Shakespeare's
plays almost at random and you will al
most certainly find a line bearing on cur
tent history. I mad tht experiment on
Saturday and read In Aet III. of Henry
V. this conversation between the King
and Constable of France:
" 'French King 'TIs certain he hath
pasa'd the River Bomme.
" 'Constable And If he be not fought
wtthal, my lord,
'.et us not live In France, let us citilt all,
And give our vineyards to a barbarous
people.' 1
In spite of all Shaw's detraction
dm, t you find the immortal bard up to
The biggest thing the smoke fund has
on Its schedule of entertainments devised
and to be carried out for Its benefit Is
h rally at Carnegie Hall next Friday
iicht. kuclen Muratore, the world fa
nous tenor. Is to sing there for the sol
iIkt.s' smokes and to sing voluntarily
and Jth.Ws -whole heart and talent.
"FTghiing Benson," whose real name Is
Samuel Cranston Benson, arranged this
ally with the cooperation of Mrs. Flor-ti-e
ltlehardson. who has before dem
istratrd that she la heart and soul with
" soldiers' smoke cause. Mr. Henson
ad a lease nf Carnegie Hall for April
' but the Liberty Ioan Committee de-
erf to use the hall for that date and
patriotically surrendered the lease to
iem and carried his "own undertaking
over to the Oth.
Free to the Public.
The rally will be free to the public
and the collection to be taken will be
for the benefit of the smoke fund. The
I 'aker has a genuine message for the
Vmrrlcsn people which he delivers un
der the title of "Back From Hell." Orlgl
'.ally a pacifist minister, when he went
"i Franc as a member of an American
' d Cross unit wh.it he saw of the
" o v of the Hun converted him to a
n onvntlon that this war will have
he prosecuted to the very end of Cier-
ar. i reourte, In his service in
"a'io a(l Belgium he was twice
ounded and made captive. The Mory
' his trial as a spy, his condemnation
"d escape is highly graphic and thrill-
!m not forget the date, Friday night.
pril nor the place. Carnegie Hall,
nor the attractions. Tho smoke fund
want as many of Its. friends there as
an crowd in&o the place.
The week Just paet has seen two Im
portant bodies of men cotno forward and
ante themselves among the supporters
' Tub Srv Tobacco Fund. These are
'"nlfortncd Firemen's Association
'I 'he Optometrlcal Club, with Its
"Ncrful coadjutor, the American Optl
.Wipciritlon The fund welcome"
Lc new- and powerful allies with ef-
Tl" l nifortr.ed lire-men have put
'"e deep, interest In the work the fund
" cio'r.g for their brothers and the
others nf u All In ti remarkable let
r 'n which they express the hope that
'or whatover they can do to help there
"'II b no hesitation to call on them,
" tne htand ready to make their In
ent more than lip language. They
a'-oomjianind this heart wnrmlnc com-iiuntc-ition
with a hanflsomo donation,
,hlh " is their purpose to follow up
3 Id tpprei'lntril.
i r,. l,a a genuine fondness and
it I'lie Department and It
' a Emu (Unl to the fund to bo
! .iiih the words of tho firemen
at the whole city might know how
iMpoiiei tlieyo brave men Mood
.i d His smoke fund.
r Saturday night occurs the dance
'h Hotel (otliam arranged by some
' t'.'i younger histtresi of the upper
c .Sum for the beiiellt. Tho entire
" teds from this dance come to '
'""! Mrs Herman Hlegct, SOS .st
"Ctb street, and Miss Miriam .'- .ram-
2l'i Wert li:th Mrtet, from whom
ur clients arc rclvlng
Mertgag Inters t Mid thn ttay
whan It la 4m: If a UKt In
coma la wanted buy our
Canltal.Sumltn ft Ft. $9,0M,Mt
69 Liberty SI..N.T. 114 Montigut St.,Bkn.
ticket may be procured, ore managing
this benefit dance.
The studenU of Cooper Union are
diligently selling tickets for thp concert
of Mrs. Ida V. Knders which Is to be
held In the grand auditorium of Cooper
Union on tho evening of April 11. One
half the groan receipt from this recital
have been offered to The Sun Tobacco
Fund. Mm. Enders, a contralto, will be
assisted by Mrs. k. iinhdis pianist, and
William Kroll. viollnltrt. He wl play
In t'.irt I. variations on a theme of
Corelll by Tartane-Krelssler. Barnes's
nwing song" and Weber No. 2 valse.
Mrs. Kmier. i i.. t I
"Caro Helve" schiihert'. . t. w" ",art l 9:5,0 nd ,"0!, from ,n
J1-..0 ... . fCllUbertS MhO Ilr..rlln .v.n... v.ra. llrnnUH-n on lh
syiviaT" and Massenet's "Klcgle." Her
contributions to Part II. will consist of
modern songs. Mr. Kroll will play In
this part the first movement of Bruch's
concetto, tho adagio In A minor.
Other Concert Coming-.
On April 12 comes the important con
cert reunion of the Clan McKensle No.
2!. at the Amsterdam Opera House, in
West Forty-fourth street, from which
the fund will derive the entire money
benefit. Among the artlrts who have
volunteered their services for this re
union, owing to Us gift to Thr Sun To
bacco Fund, are Orace Klllston, Qrcta
Torpadle, Robert Maltland and Frank
Moller. -.- .
A concert of blind musicians Is being
arranged to take place at the Light
House on April 26 by the Blind Tuners
Guild, and on April 27 occurs the an
nual dance of postal employees of
Station T at McKlnley Square Casino.
These are only the more Important
things which April Is to see take place
with the smoke fund as a beneficiary.
True smoke weather has come, It
should seem, at last, the kind of days
when a man may get some comfort out
of tobacco when he is out of doors.
Kverybody who buys this comfort from
the Schulte or tho United cigar Mores
should remember to pass a little of It on
by turning in his coupon and certifi
cates to The Scn Tobacco Fund boxes,
which stare at him near the doors of
these Mores. If he does this simple thing
he will Increase the number of smokes
to be enjoyed by his brother smokers at
the front.
Contributions received Sundays are
not listed until the following day. The
fund stood jesterday morning as
follows :
Vnlfpri Clrsr HtorM boxH. Including
rectal Vk of iron sites day.
Otherwise sekrHmledfed
"Seer contribution..
Shipped and paid for.JlK.eo j.'
Cash balance Sl.m.K
. 171.ttl.ll
112. 2)
RecelrM tarontti "e Schulta l"lr.r
Stores ::.0 1
Grand total
Amusement Features ruler to
Every Taste of Troops in
Special Ttnpatc to Tin.
Camp McC'i.ci.un, Anulstcm. A '
March 31. With mov.e sho". .
vllle performances, mlntrcl troupes and
lecture course competing against one
nnother for patronage. Camp Mct'lrllan
has developed a sort of Broadway.
Everything that a pleasure luvlng
American needs in the way of amuse
ment Is to be found within Its confines
and the member of the Twenty-ninth
Division are beginning to reallzo that
the trip to town Is a wmste of time and
money. In fact, the more dlecrlmlnat
Ing pleasure wooers among the khaki
clad denizens of the military city wrttild
no more think of travelling to AnnWon
fcr a big time than n dyed in the wool
New Voiker wojld entertain the Idea of
spending Ills New Year's ce In Ho
boken, Nor Is the Job of the average New
York theatrical manager, with all hit
worry over tho whimsical tartes of the
tired business man, any more nerve
racking than that of the Y. M. C. A.
secretory or the post exchange officer
In Camp McClellan, for when the latter
has mnnaged to obtain a high priced
three reel thriller for exhibition at tho
post exchange he Is more than likely to
find that the Y M. C. A. hut a few rods
nv:v has got hold of a Douglas Fair
banks picture.
Then the pot exchange officer plays
his trump enrd ami puw on a wrestling
bolng bout or signs up a couple nf
headlliicis from the divisional vaude
vllle troupe which plays a post exchange
circuit under tho direction of Cpt. Mur
ray Cobb of Washington, V) C. nnd
Lieut. I'ercy Chapman of Plalnfield, N.
j. or. If the camp I tlrod of vaude
ville. In puts In a bid for a few of the
burnt cork artists of the lUth mlnartrtl
cast, which Is made up largely of mem
bers of the First Ilcgltnent of Newrfc,
the Second of Trenton and the Fourth
of New Jersey.
For those whose cranial altitude tow
ers above movlo shows nnd other amuse
ments of that tpe there aro plenty of
educational lectures or French classes
to attend, to If an one Is unbnppy in
Camp MrClei'.in it's his own f.iult
CiinHririil no" OrgranUatlon Is
Carrying; Out Herniations,
Tresldcnt VIIson again has Inken
note of the patriotic service that Is
being done by the Boy Scouts of Amer-
lon. Tho National i.ouncu oi inn ur
ganltatlon recently forwarded to linmp
.-lark and the l'icsldent -oples of reso
lutions iidoptcd containing tho clause
that the "Hoy Scouts or America sunni
er mn nor cent, patrlotlrmi and tin-
ntwlltled nnd enerKetli! supiort of the
,. it, evcrv wnv." The reyolu-
tjm eriiiiiii -llotiH
wtrc rend In the House of Hcpri-
ttv..s and President Wllin sent
this letter to Chief Scout i:xecutlo
a. West in this city
I have jour letter of March C en
closing the very admirable and gratify
ing resolutions of tho National Council
of the Hoy Seoul of America, adopted
March 25. and I want to bog that ou
will take some occasion to express to
the members of that convention not only
i..inM .e the resolution.
mv flee-p rtppivciejn-',.
biit nlso my rntlnt coiifidencn that those
restdiillona w lit be acted upon lo tho
' . .... .
LlTTi nil I m Hflll
flllff IffllMI' I III I jll
First Contingent Scheduled to
Start Early, Benching
Camp ly Noon.
Relatives and Friends Will
Have Ample Opportunity
to Say Farewell.
The first contingent of New Vork
city's second draft, numbering (.Sin
men, will begin moving to Camp Upton
this morning, when 813 men entrain for
the cantonment. The others will fol
low day by day until Friday, when the
quota will be filled.
The men will leave eartjr so that they
may arrive at the camp In time for noon
mess. Trains from l5nr Island City
Carlton avenue yards, Brooklyn, on the
bour of 10.
Arrangements have been made by the
police to handle friends and relatives
who will be on hand to say good-by to
tl'.o men, and although nobody except
the men themselves will he allowed to
entei the platforms at the terminals
they will bo granted leave until the
trains depart.
The men will gather nt the office of
their local boards at 7:30 this morning
and will march to their various entrain
InK points. The same process will be
repeated to-morrow, when 1.3S9 will
leave for Upton. On Wednesday 1,404
men will leave, 1,4 It on Thursday and
1.3CR on Friday.
Chairmen of many of the boards have
arranged for dinners or eercles during
the week, while parades In some In
stances will enltven the departure of
the men from a few dljtrtct. There
will be a parade of S00 drafted men
from tho sixteen local draft boards on
the East Side Wednesday.
Names of men who have been ordered
by the various local boards to report for
duty In the National Army aa the first
contlugcnt of the second draft follow:
3137 White I'lalns Are., Brsnx. Ian for
Camp April 1.
nitOWX. Harold. 73? East Ittth at.
S1LKA. John. 110 Ka.t lillh st.
PAUSUTI. Francesco. Ill Wast 114th st.
PETERSON, Paul N. lit (tent 324th St.
STAHU 475 White Plalna av.
DE HAAQUALK. John. I13 Barker av.
CAPL'ANO. Antonio, Kit liollann av.
Ol.l'Ht-IVr, Samual. 731) East Slid it
MILimUM, Charles 1.. Hi Magenta at.
llOITINI. Anthony, 131 Osgood st
COXXOU.Y. Frank J S7 West Carroll St.,
iltv Island
CON WAV, llrrltim U. 3319 OllnWtle av
SAI.VINO. I.uco, 707 East Sltth st,
PIAZZA. John I., 61 East 13th St.
ItOYCE. Martin J.. 4119 White Plalni av
LEVY, Oodfrey. SIS Eait J37th st.
riANNATTO, Emanuel. 730 East 314th at.
CAHVCIt. James. Jr.. 743 East :39th at.
l.A P.OSA. John. 3S: Dotavatl at.
ItEADDINO, Corse, 140 Rhtnelander av.
M'NSTEAD. Uus. 3340 Hill sr.
ENORAU, Jacob. I'ellhem Parkway.
REII.LT. Joseph. 731 East :37th St.
SELLER. August. 343 Kaat :3d st
St. and rnllon At.. The Brou.
Imi. rer tamp April
ALEXANDER, William 3013 Daly av.
RANnEU Himu'l N.. 3 Eeal 17th at.
11AROON. Autust, It?! Daly av.
BRADY, John J.. 391 East 34 at., nrook
ln RfRtlfiRAF. Joseph J.. 3074 Vra a.
HOFISI'K. Leo. 1IU H.lmont av.
ENCIEU Martin, SCI Elamare pi.
FOTOPOL'IX)S. Conitantlna, 3111 Boaton r4.
FRIED, Jo. .ph. 1119 Bathgat av.
OODT. Jon. ph. 334 Kaat 173th St.
QOLDHAMMER. ltldor, 333 goutharn
nOI.DMAN. Mj. 90 Eat 179th St.
OORDON. Islilor. lttO Bslmont av
OREEN FIELD. Samuel T.. 1393 Vrsa av.
HARVEY, Philip J., 1030 East lllat at
HERT7.UERO. Bernard. 17 Bathgata av.
JACORI, Harry. 433 E-.it 173th at.
jrNV, Frank B . Vya av.
KAHN. Harry. 31S West llrldga st , flrand
Rapid.. Mich.
KR1 Max. 1S57 Washington av
KOfPPEItCHTACK. Uernard, 90S Tre-
mnnt v.
'WIH Maurice. 1971 Mapes av
'"r.R. Hrrnian, 101 Vy.p s
':LISS. I.ldor, 4; Eaat 171th st
i t It Muah 1537 Clinton nv
V TL'.-")W, Herman. 2013 llo.ton rd.
ii ('ONN'OR. .Inmes V 444 Eaat 174th t.
PA t kdakv. Peter. :111 Bitton rd
P'.l ClFrKll. William, 493 Falrmount pi.
JiLII llNBERfl. Morrl. 1794 Clinton a.
MMI'KON James. 4:7t Third av.
SHI I.KElt, Harry, 7S7 Crotona park
SPALTER, Edward, Ills Crotona Park
VKROA. Joseph. 1490 Crotona ParVwsy.
WIENISR. Philip. 35H F.lsmere pi.
WILLIAMS. John. 1001 East 130th it.
Tremont and Third An.. The Bronx.
rnr i amp .xpni z.
DE Bt'RIS. Adam. 2025 !. Fontaine a.
LOC.l.ES. Harry. 2l4 La Fontaln- av.
DOC.HRADM.IA.U, 719 East 190th at.
I.EV1N. Alexander, 2074 Mapea St.
ROMKNBEHU. Invld, 3013 Washington a.
SANDUSKY. Koppel. 2010 Arthur at.
NELSON. T R. 2301 llatlifate t.
(IOUDE, Oordon, 307 Eaat 179th at
STERN, Samuel, 2120 V se a .
SCHWACH. Maurice. 21H Crotona Pkwsy,
CHISTHUI.O. Joaeph, 2107 Mapes a
COYLB. W. J . !S East 82d at.. Manhattan.
H1NOI.ETON. C J.. 1991 Clinton av
(1ESSLER. tieorge J 1911 Clinton si.
roSt'lIER, Fr.il V.. 1991 Hughe sv.
P.AI'MAKL. Jarb, 203 Waahlnfton av.
LANOKRMAN, (. . :i7 H ashlnf ton av.
HOFFMAN. Joseph. 4983 Park av.
REAS1N. William. 3111 La Fontaine sv.
RDM1STON. Poter. 2083 Honeywell at,
SYKES, Julius 146 Eaat 179th St.
MEYER. Albert. 713 Oakland pi.
FLECK EN STEIN, H 2118 La Fontaine av,
ROBINSON, Morris. 1018 Boston rd
LEVIN, Samuel, 2000 Mapes av.
I.aM.M. Hsrrv 2147 Washlnatnn av.
KIRCHNER, Aldn C, I9S4 Clinton av
BITTCL. Christopher. 20S2 Washington av
CdllN. .Slgmund, 617 Trenmnt av,
PENNA, ' liarlcs j lo l a ixlngton av
(1RUEN, Arthur M 423 West ?2d st ,
riT7.ti:IHON, Michael, 223 West 115th st
WA1K1E. Philip, 2007 La Fontaine av.
ItEUOSIN, Henry. 1917 Washington av.
158 Montague St., Brooklyn. Leave far
Camp April 1.
NEWELL. Clyde A.. 62 Plerrepont sL
tlltlNCiro. Rafael, 28 Willow st.
SHAM1AH, Basil. 131 Atlantlaav.
SAI.AMY, Eld, 42 Willow pi.
LAFFAN. John V., 291 Henry at.
TERR Y James. 43 Henry st
RICH MAN. David. 73 Jnralemftn st.
SUA DIE. Peter. 131 Stat at.
COIIRV. Thomas F, S7 Hicks st.
KARKALA. Henry II . 96 Pineapple st.
CI'I.LEN, I'harlee, St Vincent'a Home,
Bat-ruiurj..l-Slate. st: ' -
I'ANNEI! l hsrles F. 32 Mldilsgh St,
CRETTON Benjamin I" , 493 B'eit 25th
et . Malihsttsn,
ANDERSON. Aran K 14 Clinton st,
KITSAROS tieorfe, 7 Schermerhorn st.
BOYLE, Richard, 1003 Fulton it
MACSOL'D. Edard S. 213 Clinton st.
DAVIS. Alhirt E . 61 Joralemon St.
ARMSTTtONO. Thomas E.. Ill Rtata st,
VA I'll HAN, Robert E.. 136 Hehermarhlra
YEITOR. Hans, 1411 Aavnua H,
CllfiNlN, Jobn.J.. 4! Hanry et.
BOSHELU Frank, 111 Stat. st.
MKEHAN, Frank. II Smith st,
HOLOHAN. Charlea, 92 Myrtle av,
ARON. Charles. 311 Atlantic v.
LEONARD. John A , 28 Mlddafh st
OROl'RKB. Arthur C... 191 Warren at.
HANSEN, Oeorge A., 24 Joralemon at,
HAVNES. Edward. 3 4 Remeen ft,
AHI.Hrs. Emll,. 73 Henry st.
DF.LVF.VTH AL. Henry, Jr., 13 Sidney p,
BARRETT Robert. 83 Cranberry at.
Ol'ITIERREZ. Sshsrtor, 648 Bay st Sin-
nleten, Slaten Island.
HANSEN. Eds-ar, 119 Montague St.
Clinton and t'nlon street, Brooklyn. Leave
for ramp April 1.
BONFID.W.O. CilillBPpe, 81 Sedfwlck at.
KORCHLK1HT. Bsrlnald, 13 Clinton t,
CLINTON, Frank, 13 Id plo.
CAPPER, Milton J 207 Car rail st.
FITTINICK, Albert D. 121 Carroll at.
FALANDA. Andrew. 22 Atlantic av
CHR1STOFFSON, Charlea, 6 2d place,
NBI-KON, Charles, 411 Ith at.
FARREI.L. Rlilinri! A.. 248 c.ikett at,
DOSTAtiULA, Anthony, 471 Henry at.
1 : r
IMUftUMKA, James, IT Cheerer lae.
I .ANTRT. Francis. 114 Carroll sT.
I Pimtn l-iAnn It. enl.mliU at. I
MtlflVMRA, James, IT Cheerer fdae.
a7.tiit, r rancis, Jit uarroi i si,
PIRHO. Antonio, 130 Cclsmbla at.
iufi-Anf.'i . .innn. .1 iri
tlOLIJMTEIN, llytnsn, 13 ltrnng place.
CHIOMA, Franr., t Haekatt st.
I.IHTIto. Vrnnk. in rarrnll at.
,Anit()CIOI. Frank. 313 Hicks at.
f' lit I.MAN. Henry, 7 sn place.
VEVASTAK1N, Nlchnlaa. 441 Clinton st,
tinnniNG, omit, n., 4C7 nicies :.
FERTtOLA. Frank, .".4 4 Hicks it.
FLVXN, Charles. 30 llsltlc at.
FOUDA.NO. Frank J., 40 lllrks s.
HMOHTO. bnmenlco, 41 Harkett r.
O'NEILL, John J., ft 1st place.
nALLlOAN, Frank J.. !21 Warren St.
im)wd. John O.. 33 woonnuu st.
OEiLKPAN. O. A., 313 President at.
KEAUV. Gaorg C, 433 Clinton at.
8ALVATORE, Angsllo, 313 Columbia at,
JANNONE. J.ulil, 31 Warren at.
MORF.LLO, Antonio, 11 Carroll at.
POHBTTO. Oluaeppe. 234 Hackett at.
MORA.NDB. Philip. 330 Henry at.
MORANO, Paato, 33 Sackett st.
EMUANtlELLSON. C, 71 Third pi.
XI't.ATV niurA.l X7n Atlantic v.
1'1'OLIE'bB, John, 137 Union st.
aiui(iii, Anorra, ss mess si.
L'Af-r.Ny.O. Alts. 311 llltka st.
CL'MUS. Eric, 311 llarron st,
ri'AFtPO. Francesco, 47 llenrv t.
SCHROEDER, Louis. 170 Court st.
Lea Ae., Brnoklyn. iMie foe Camp
April I.
ROKENIICRO, Max. Pitt at.. Manhattan.
UREF.N, Louie. 1(4 Hatetneyrr at.
FLVNN. Jnsaph A., 93 tinuth Ninth at.
WEINflTEl.V, lax, 343 touth Third at.
M ANTON, Joseph A 9 Wilson at.
LOOhh, Joaeph A.
MUSCARELLL Corner, 331 lloop.r st.
SILVER. Jacob. 393 South Fourth at.
CUMMINO.1. (leonge. 312 Wythe av.
BLAHIIIS, Charles, 111 North Elfhth at.
UIROUX, Harry E., 71 A Reap st.
BENCH, Joaaph A., 432 (Iraham nv.
McDONNRLU John, (0 llroadway,
DE MtTO. Michael, f 7. Wythe av.
Wll.I.lfl. Benlatnln. 3 43 Hewes st.
HERRSCH AFT, Alfred It., 3U Division av.
HORMAN. Vincent R, 272 Keap St.
SKOKRMAN. t.alr. "00 Roe. St.
8CHNKIDER. Arthur F.. 300 Eolith First t.
Miiiiui.i, .wtcphen, S3 Dltlainn av.
HEE. Frank W , 23 llresory Boulevard,
East Norwalk. Conn.
RFDOLI'H. Albert. 441 Wythe sv
SWITEHKY. Ahraham. 113 Keop st.
flCll AfMlli:i(ir.lt. Harold, it South
ElEhth et.
TESilEI!. Lnil'.t. 373 Dhlslnn av
WMtTll. lnr W, SO Dlvlelou av.
Dni.ETMKY. Isidore. 277 Rlventsls av
riOI.DIlRP.n. Loula W 193 Hevward at.
XtcOOVKHN. Thomas. 192 Wllaon at.
DRESREU Kdard J.. Jr. 34 Taylor St.
ALBERT. Eiloard. 441 Wythe av.
FOLEY. Harry II , 213 Houth th at.
ROSEN11LUSI. Howard. 207 Cooper at.
RPILLANE, Morris. 431 Berry st.
8PECTOR, Julius. 223 Itlvlngton at.. Jtan-
SCHMUKLER. Hyman. 71 Marev ar.
OOLDSTELV, Harry, 30 South 10th at.
It A Unit. Morris. 73 Dlvl.lnn ar.
MrMAHON. Thotnaa J., 33 Routh 9th St.
LEAP. William, lit South 3th at.
MHALOY, Mayer, 193 South 2d st
MILLER, Darld, ill South 9th at.
COHAN. Barman. 171 Taylor at
Ill I.ewla Ar., Brneklyn. lian for Caaap
April I.
CORISS. Joseph M., 1104 Lafayette av.
KINO. Henrr O.. 304 8tuyesent av.
KAPLAN. Nathan. II Decatur et.
SCHWIUMER. Benjamin. 193 Qulncr at.
Tl'RNIlKLL. K. II.. 301 Xluyvesant a.
BAKER. Frank. 233 Flnd et
MILLER. William F, 347 Madlsn at
flRKlTHAl'PT, .1 K.. 400 Van Huran at.
BANNCRMA.V. Wm ti , 8S IMniock st
ALHiElKR. Wm. (1.. 13 Chuunvry t
OTT31ER. Charles W
CASEY. W A 302 Van Itilren st
FIN'HS. Herman C, , tA (ireene ai
HCI1.''. Jo.ph, fi!2 Uiilncv it
FEI.I.s. Mecr. 7)1 Galea a v.
tlOOSEY. leote A, 440 I.en'.s av
SCIIILLINfi. ts Hancock at.
ARON. I.mil M.. 410 stuyve.ant ax
BIRCHOFF, Louis F. 103 Chaunce st.
MITCHEI.U Robert B., 274 Van Muren at.
SHIPMAN. Michael. I4J Uatea av.
LINCOLN. CUrence. Jr. 391 Dacstur at.
SEIDIiER. Walter. (II Van Buren at.
JOHNSON. John H., 4 Airslphl pi.
CONNELLY. Joseph A., S,7 Oates av.
riAHO. Paulo. 144 Tatchen r.
HOWELY, James F Jr.. 114 Pstchen ax.
TODD. Chaunoey D. 3:7 31cDonough t.
PAI.IN. Jo.eph. 213 Held av
APPEI4 Herman, 113 Van Huren st.
RLAKK F. H. 17 High t , Alhanv, .v y
JARUEIt. SMnev 1.., ill Jefferson t
LUT.IEN. Adnlph D . 124 Potchen nt
CLANCY. B. D.. 210 Iiatnbrldge at.
HALL. W F.. 9 Mnnm. et.
MtlRDOCK. JOHN. 201 Slurveaant a.
SMART, Walter I... 1123 Hancock at.
lid Kosciusko atreet, Riwoklyn. Iin lr
ramp April I.
Br.RNBAEM, David. 923 Mirtle av.
MANES. Joaaph, 174 F' vj at
tlOLDENBERO. Max. 7 DfKe.ll. sv
ROSEN FELD. Harr "34 Myrtle ,
8TRF.1NKR. Charles. l:e Hart st
OORDON. Abe. 3S3 Witi.niibb.v a
PF.ItEI.I.A, Edward, 124 Pulaski et
SHAPIRO. Herman. ! Vernon av
PAINES. Benjamin, lit. Myrtle at
HEFFERMAN. Calltes E 11 Orient a
MITCHELL. Benlatnln, 2i,5 Koicluiko t.
OOLtFF. Sol . 2 Hart it.
LEVY. Max. 79 Hart it.
Al'ERBACH, Charles. 135 E!ler !
MILES. John A . 319 Hart it
I 1.1'ROW, Samuel. 222 Pu'ukl st
IDVVIS. Morris, fo PuUskl t
I ''ItflWLF.Y. (leore, SH 1'ul.i.kl it
Mil. I. Kit. I.OC1S, 109 Vereuon av.
HALPIN Frank A 793 Lafatet. av
SrilOENWAI.D. Irving. 231 Hart st
MO ROAN, htephen O. 294 Pulaekl it
KOMMEL. Albert, 704 Wlllougllby av
COIIX. Waldermar. IS! Pulaikt st.
CHOROST. Daniel. 174 Floyd St.
OSWALD, John II.. 420 Koarluako it
KAIPER. Edward. 723 lextajetta av
WEISBFLM, Ixiuta, ills Sumner av
uubuurr, Natnan. in varnon av
17 Berber! St., Brooklyn. iMtr for ( amp
April 3.
MOOiIA. carmine, 490 Humboldt st
KOSTIZENSKI, Wrelan. 44 Newell it.
FINK, llarrv, Fen rranclscn. Oal,
JAN TE, Ji.hn. 2H Klngiland av
LILLY. Michael. 1.1 Dlxmnnd t
ZIPA Max, 83 Dlsmnnd st
lH'CKLKY. Wm . 19 Klnga'and av
SCHMIDT, Reorga, 71 tiuern.ey st
MRINO, Antony, 271A Nassau av
11 A ER, Ornver i', 167 Enrert av
WKISSBI'RO. John, 147 Norman av.
BRL'OAI.LS .lo'epti, 217 B.rry t
SCHULT7.. Fred, 170 Rus.ell at
CRIS'OPI. c.ltiieppe. 495 Graham v
OHKOOI.Y, George. 11 North Henry st
MUELLER. John, 97 Ruasell st.
ANDERSON. Clarence. 77 Drtgge av.
N1111.SON. Felix . 291 North Henry at.
NOBLE. Harold. 210 Klnfaland nv.
I'NilKR. William J., 74 Jewell at.
WAITB. Walter II.. 115 Russell t.
MIERAV, John, 157 Norman av.
BAUER. Oarnr, 96 Sutton st.
I1ICKEY. Paul P 157 fcngert ar
HIItT. William It.. 119 Meeker sv
VAN HOLT, Henrv, in Oakland si.
KOLS, Andrew. 114 Drlase av
POI.I.ODNO. llnlph. K0 Bayard it
CASEY John. "", Dilrirs av
PLANK. John I". 24.1 Klngsland av
SCIIEl'ERMAN Henry A . SI iwusnun st.
DltAYI.ER, C. tl Ashland st. Wnodhaven.
IURBISON. William J, 1IC Povvers tt
TEOPOLOVSKI H f 3t MstuonJ at.
BRXYNSKI Jo.eph. 90 Herbe-t et
SCHWERTZHl'RO. leiuls. 39 Meeker av
i.i km m hm. vv , i.ii liiranl av . Trenton
WATSON. William i. Ilrldfennrt, Conn.
LE1TKE, Rudolph. 8 North Henry st.
O'ROIIRKE, John J.. 184 Drlgfa av.
WEBER, Michael, 13S Meeker "v.
MOORE, Thomaa, 18 Apollo at
MRAHE, Charles It., 718 lAambeMt St.
VORHAS. John. f5 Sutton
M'GRATH, Cornelius, 128 Nasaati av,
Thnxip arenne and Madison atreet. Brook
lyn. Leave far Camp April I.
ARKWRIC.HT. George A, 411 Italaey it.
HAULER, Charles 11.. i Mnnroe at
BECKER Paul F, 44 4 Madl.on at
Hl'ltrll, l.lovd M . 71(1 l,ifn)H1c av
HI'RNS, Daniel M , 492 Greene sv
CAMERON. John !'.. Jr. 213 Van Huren it.
i w.ii. u"i-rrn i- ifffl I'uinain av.
CORCORAN, .losenh, 3r.O Lexington av.
f't'SACK. James R, HI rainatn av.
DRYSDAI.E, Birth E., 39" Maffl.on at
FINN. Jamei. Reit. "Vat ),' Manhattan.
F1TZPATRICK, William T , 441 Laxlng
ton av.
OOODRIDGE, Reynold, 44 Oates av,
1IEYMAN, Morrla, III Qulucy at
LtNS. Herman L , 11IA Greene av.
M'OIBR. Matthew, I04 Ith av.
MAFFL'CCL Canlts, IIIA Oataa av.
MEEK. William I... 115 Hancock St.
MEYER. William. Ill JetT.rion av.
NEWMAN, William J.. ill Qulncy at.
O'NEILL, Joseph F 211 Fumnar av.
O'HHEA. John J.. Jr., Ill Gataa av.
PBi'KENS, Dnrranco T., 923 Marcy av.
RIDD1NO, William K , 422 Monroe st
ROBERTS. Jmeph P., Jr , 217 Jeffersun av.
lioss. visiter, all lialMi iv
RYAN. Peter .1 . 616 Greens av.
1 U11T1 T ITI r , t l.... ...
STEPHENSON. Horace L. no Qulncy st.
STREMBEL. Eilwln J.. 14 4 Greene av,
TOR AL. Laurence, 254 Weit ut
WALTERS, Frank P.. 1143 Fulton a'
WILD, Franklin P 133 McDnnough t.
Erasunn Hall High School, t'latbush are
na, aear Church arras. Breklya.
Leave for ramp April t.
WEIOKRT, Charles H., 1021 Roger av.
TOWBIN. flamuel. 1001 Tllden av.
HHBLET, Hanry J.. 1 101 No. trend av.
LINDELU Alexander. 3183 Church av.
D' AMATO. Antonio. 711 Lincoln rod.
VUiF,leHi.HK'K, Herman, 2I Tllrtan av,
SLACK, John, Jr., 2503 Albemarle road.
: i
Kr.t,T, Arthur A.. II Lett st. f
TONINO, Oreacentla, 4H Malhan at. h
1-1 TTI A Ttl ir!C. Thfimli ft? KflTBt Blftt St. If
KEf.t.T. Arthur A.. II I.ott at.
r I tz PATRICK, Thomas, 2 EffSt J1SI Bl.
HKATTV, Robert B.i 440 MIOoim si.
LHYONMAItK, Mangus 1'., 1030 Nc-trand
DOYLE, Theodore. ,! Lott st.
NIUW, (leorge, 1309 Nostrnnd sv.
DEVLIN, Eugene .!.. 310! Beverly rosd.
TROTTA, (laetstio, Malhone st
HERLEHA.V, J. ..-eli, 1T.07 N.istisn.1 av.
BF.ATRIN1, Antnnln. 49 Maple st.
KILCIOL'R, Samuel, 312 lnni road.
LEE, L'harlea F., Carteret, N, J.
Rl'HSO, Vlnr.nt. 1033 Plathush av.
'.IN DELL. Abraham, llarnet, Mon.
DOIinilTY, Oenrge. 2321 Alberinarle road.
MANACELLO, Frank, 498 Lincoln road.
ROSS, Charles,' 441 Eaat 33th at.
M'CAFFREY, Thomas M 2311 Bedford ar,
TIIOMPlON, Clifford B., 74S Eait 32d at.
POLLIO. Antonio, t!3 Brooklyn av,
PI.1INK.KTT, John. 2403 Albemarle read,
OLYNN, James. 271 J Albemarle road,
HE1WTKIN, Charlea. 3123 Snyder av.
RANDAZZO, John, 1005 East 31th St.
LANCKHUIDT, William F 413 Ocean
v.. Jeraev Cltr.
StD.STO. carmen. 4 Dupont at.
ARMRTItONtl, James P., 1414 New York
KIERNAN, Joseph J, 10J Snyder sv.
EOKniLSLEV. Jsmes. 2413 Church ev.
DELFRANCKPCO, Paaquale, 340 Lefferta
Ciralism Av., Brooklyn'.
l.eae for
camp Apru a.
I1FERKEL. Oeorte. 1V7 .Veserole st,
PEIFEll. Frank. 11 Wilson at.
ItltAUNFELD. Morris. 341 8outh 3d St.
lll'Hin inrris. tar Clrabam av.
STRAHHIN8KY. Sam, 803 South 3d St.
llK.v.Mll.un. William, 4s wyine
LONDON, Joaeph, 20 Seholes st.
EDEIJtTF.IN, Moe, 403 South Id at.
CAMABATO. Antonio, 199 Scholea St.
FRIEDMAN, Harry. 83 Meaerole at.
SCHNEIDER, John, 132 Staff St.
FINE. Loula J (3 Staff It.
POLTER. Hen, Petersburg, Vs.
LAKE. Ahraham, 14 Meaerole st.
NEWMAN. Samuel. 1 Maserole at
WOLFE, Charles. 333 South 3d
FOX. Jsrob. 344.44 South 4th at.
ACCARDI. P.itvalore. 147 lonnrd st
RCHIN, Ralph, S7 Eaat HI. h a', Detroit,
LEVINE, Jacob .1, 371 South 6th at
OOLDFINOER. Charlts. 337 Broadway.
SEVILLE. 1'blore. 137 Scholea st
DORTER, Max, 344 Mouth 6th at
MISTROLTO. Vlto, 15 Montroae av.
PALERMO, tlul.eppe. f.l Montrose av.
AMATO. Nlcholss. 170 Meaerole st.
l.EVINE. Max. St7 South 6tb et.
VINOt'ERO. Franceico. 9 lluerum st.
PELL1CANE. Joseph, Psaaalc, N J
MALLS', William, 234 C.rahsni a
OHMAN. Nathan, ll Oraham av.
1CAPELOWITZ. Hyman, 805 South 3d at.
HARRIS. Ell, 11 Montrose av.
HODE. Rmll. 217 Staff at
ACCARDI. Vlneento. 193 Scholea at
MORD1CK. Albert. 140 Ten Kyck at.
PALCMIIO. Sebastian. 131 Scholea st
(IHl'EUEL. John. 393 Staff at.
ll-IS .Manhattan Are.. Brooklyn. lan
for Camp April .
VIV.S. Ban. 80 Graham av,
LKV1NE, Abraham, 123 Moore at.
ROBINSON, Archie, el Graham av.
I.KONE. John, 21 Montroae ar.
MAM1APANI. Olorannl. I .Montrose av.
DIAMOND. Simon. 38 Morrell at.
UBASSA. Salvatora. 153 Johnson av.
BABBON. Morrla. II McKtbben at.
MALEROA. James P.. 310 Buahwlck av.
MARKS. Marcua. IS Cook t
WEIOAND. lleoraa. 3 44 Montroae av
MH1NONE. Joseph O.. 146 Montrose av.
SKOUNICK. Berman. 3! Varet at.
VIKLY. Sam, 131 MrKthben St.
RAPI'APORT. Jo.eph A.. 224 Bushwlcit av
HENTZ. Henrv. 20J Montrc.e ov
RLISKtND. Max. 241 StoeMon st.
Sl'ESSMAN 178 Montrose v
KROTZI.A-iKY. Benjamin, 19 aret st
BAILER, Fly. M Oraliam av
MnrKll. Joeepli. 109 Varet st
AI.WAIS. Hdvrln M 320 Buahwlck av
CCSENZA, Joe. 134 Johnson av.
LEVI NR. Jacob. 101 Selgel st
COHEN. Josenll. 118 Moore St.
FILIOF.RI. Vlneento. 97 siemrnie av
METK1N. Samuel. 130 Seifel at.
CATALANETTO. Benlatnln, 311 Bushwlr
BI'BSCH. Herman. 140 Johnson av
(1ARANOO. Salvatora. 129 3loore st.
309 Wyrkeff Ave,, Broeklvn,
Imii for
vamp .sprn i.
KR ASS. Daniel, Jr.. 1414 Jefferaon av.
SNYDER. Charles. 34 Palmetto st.
RUDOLPH. Joseph. 14T3 Gstes av
KEMPF. Henrr 135 Eldert st
gt'lGI.EY. Peter. 219 Woodbine st
HfRKE. William. 1317 llalsey st
KELLY. Emllln. 311 Knickerbocker sv
GEHNICH, William. 1341 Putnam av
Si Ilt'LTHElSS, (laorge, 1205 Gales av.
IIAUS. Arthur. 191 Palmetto at.
HUDDV. Charles. Ill Palmetto at.
MATTHEWS. Thomaa. 107 Cornelia at.
SCHOEPPLER, Charles, Jr., 343 Welrneld
PERRrCONE. Andrew, 647 Knit kerbocker
SMITH. Joseph. 49 Jefferson it
HREYF.B, Andrew. 132J Gatei av
SI'HMID. Otto. 1998 Putnam at.
1'FADENH ACER. Henr. r.37 Hamhurs av
TSHMAN. Murtav, J Hamburg av
GKBNER. Hanry. 211 I.lnlen st
FBAMPTON. Howard. 1317 llalsev s'
KLINTHERG. Che.ter. 31 Welrtleld St.
nt'DDY Joseph, 1412
SANDERS. Alexander
824 Knlikei u'arker
Putnam av
Jr. TS Knlc4er-
bocker av
WEISS Wl.llam, 1151 Hancock st
O'NEILI John. 796 Knickerbocker av
MILLER. William. 11 Palmetto at
7.AENGI.E. Michael, 199 Palmetto t
WERNER, Matthew. 224 P-vlmetto .t
DA.VIEl.OWICZ. Kon. 220 Coopei st
R AST EN II ERG ER, Gustav. 300 Welrfleld
WHITE. Edm tnd. 447 Irving av
KI.MIM, Charlea. 477 Central av
LEVEY. Iieo, 117 Woodbine at
CONNELLY. Jamea. 705 Knickerbocker av.
MICHEL David. 363 Hamburg av.
ML'LLIN. Frank, 625 Knickerbocker av.
HOARDMAN, 271 Wyckoff av.
DOLAN, Felix, 346 Cornelia st
MARTIN. Chsrlee, 87 Knlckerboc4.er av.
MARTIN, Samuel, 111 Central av
313-313 Ralph avenue. BrtHiktjn. Iare for
ramp April I.
MORAN. Maurice. 240 McDonnell at.
SK1FF1NOTON 1-ank II. 12 Sumpter St.
.-.Mi lltv -mini ' ' viaiiuii .1
LEE, Philip F Moffat it
PEACOCK, WHIM 1 774 A Fulton at.
CVIIS. Hue.ell N ' Esit tlh t
KERRIGAN. Jo(ei." T. f- Pllltng et
MHLCHIONE. Amt-io. 10 Ounther place.
KEITH, James II It Hunterflv place.
MEYEIt. George 11., HOI Fulton at
NELSON, William. I Hunterfly place.
HARDEKOPF, Henry, 1411 Busbwlck av.
LAIIERT, John A., 661 Decatur st.
IIOHN, Charles a.. 251 Saratoga av.
ECKSTEIN, Cleorf It., 317 Sumpter it.
IT.'.O. Alfonao. 16 Sherlock place.
HARMON. John V., 1017 Herkimer at.
G4.OI.IANO. Francia, 176 Rocfcaway v.
GERDF.S. William O. 2066 Fulton it.
GANIPRAt'CKAH, Julius. 76 South 10th at.
I.ONGO. Vincent, 6 Someri st
REEVES. Charles W., 212 MrDougall t.
ILVENTO. Frank. 1IS7 Herkimer It.
.SMITH. Joseph. 276 Sumpter st
DECKERT. Andrew, 161 MrDnugnU st.
KOEHLEIt. John .1 802 Nnstrnnd av
ALAFHEIti John. Jr. 1(51 Fulton it
IICG. llenrv A. 21H Fulton st
tlEHRM AN Max North Adams, Mas.,
IIEI'.G, John It. tin Herkimer st
FALl.Ol'EHA. Ftank. ll 4'hauncey it
.M'ALLER. Thomas .1 . Ill AlnslU it
CASTING. Oaets, 2231 Fulton st
riSCHER, Charles A . 93 McDougall at.
HUNLAP. William. 1319 Herkimer at.
DRESS, Frederick H., Ill Hull it.
Watklns St., nrooklyn. 1mm for
damp Apni s.
DREITMAN, Sam. 161 Chrlatopher av
BLANDER. Joeph, 169 Stone av,
ZIMMERMAN, Charles. 953 Chrlatopher av.
KAPLAN. David. 312 New Lota rd.
Hi: II TV.. Lie. 151 chrlatopher av,
FEIGEI.HAL'M. 151 Stone nv.
WF.1NGARD. Jacoh. 611 Satkman st
(It'ItlEV Simon. 307 stone av
DlNHF.lltl. Harry. 161 Powell t.
WEM.ER. Abe, III Sntkman it
STOiMARSKY, Jacob. .'.64 Chrlitopher av
L1CIS' Morris, 255 Wntklrs st
SVMAI.OWITZ, Jack. 263 Christopher av.
SIU'STERM AN. Harrv. Ill Olenmnre av.
LEVINE, David, 692 Stone av.
SNYDER, Frank. 572 Stone av.
BOSS, Harry. 96 Swrkman et
STOLLKB. Morris, 115 Christopher av.
LI VOTE. Michael, 17 Osborn St.
LlFSCHrTX Hrmsn. 107 Belmont av.
BELINISKT, Solomon. 410 Blak av.
LINDOWKR, Jeob, 653 Stone av.
ZAREDSKY, Oscar. 327 Rlverdal av,
COHEN, Philip. 410 Hlakn sv.
BLOCH, Moses, 191 Powell st.
FALKK. Abrsbam. 137 Stone v.
WEINBERGER, Sam, 473 Sackman at.
DECTCII, Max. 2114 Doiiflss st.
HDF.SON, William, 617 Stone sv,
OPPENHEIM. David, 161 Her-man av.
HEIN. Rubin, 115 Ssrkmnn st
EPSTEIN. Hyman. 801 HeM at
MITNICK. Jnioh, 181 Belmont av,
DORF.MAN, Sam. 47 Slnne ar,
DE1N. S. r . 181 Bristol st
GHEF.NBERO. Ssm. i'72 Snckmin it
81 'N DICK. Sam. '47 Watklns .1
GOLDSTEIN, Hyman. Ill Covi.tpoher av.
SSI Rocka way At.. Brooklyn. Iare for
Camp April I.
KRAMER. Sam. 1141 Eaatern Parkway,
GOI.DFIELD, Harry, 1179 East Maw Vork
OREENBERO, Louis. 150 Hopklnson ar,
KLEIN. Edward. 1003 Myrtle av.
KRKSIIOVER, Max, 112 South llalsted it.,
Chicago. 111.
FKI.DMIN, Meyer, 11 Brlnol st,
NEWMAN, Nathan, 1IC5 Douglas it.
. T. " i
SHnnMOND. Jna. 110 Butler ar.
TEITLER. Herman, II cheater St.
riOLDRTEIN. Morris, '.tiOsborn st.
FINE. Philip, 1904 rark pi.
noiil'.RM AN, Nathan, 122 Amboy st,
Kl'S.SOY, I'hlllp, 12 ux'.landt st Mannal
tan. NADEL. Hats:.-, 179 Amboy st.
KAPLAN. Hvman D, 303 Hopklnon av.
t'HI'DNOVSKY, ltnrntt. 1 Bristol St.
si It A I m, .Liciim, 1710 Pitkin at.
Lll'SKY. Abe, i Thntford av.
MATTER. Jacob. 302 Hersl t.
I.IEROWITZ, Abraham. 91 Christopher ar.
COIIF.N, Max, III Bristol St.
lit West 2Mh St., Manhattan. Iate for
Camp April 3.
FRISS, Cheater E., 335 West 21th St.
COSTOMENOS, 11.. 34 West 28d St.
M'ORATH, Thomas J., 214 Tenth av,
VLMER. Lester. 43 Seventh av,
Mt'LLANEY, Joseph L., 284 Eighth av.
NESTO, H., 43 Thames at., Norwich, Conn.
A HHRltSCATO. Philip. 484 West 27th st.
KELLY, Alfred, 363 West 20th st.
CONEARE. Fellco. 327 West 2th at.
ltotii:. Thomas, 2803 Beaumont av, Bronx.
VISt.A, Jamos, 429 West 2llh st.
HARIIAS, Jim A., 90S West 2Ctli t
HI1BINO, Dsnlel, 247 West 30th et.
PIANTANIl.O. 1... 24S West 29th St.
PARLE. James T., 466 Wt ?flth et
DRLANHY, Wm. I... 422 West 27tb st,
ROMANIB'.LO. Canls, 400 West Mt St.
HOLLANDER. Edmund, .113 Ninth av.
OAI'TIER. John II., 839 Ninth av.
PAOI.iriCA, Antonio, 446 Wert 31d at.
SIKORSKI. Jo.eph, 377 Eighth av.
M'KLWKLL, James, 431 West 29th st.
CAMPBELL. John, 953 tlreenwleh et.
IIARDV. Joseph V., 118 Ninth av.
DONNBLLON, John H . 403 West 2th St.
BEILLANOEIt, W. T.. 368 West 30th at.
Ml'RRAY. Daniel. 805 Sixth av.
BKRTALINO, Oluaeppe. 341 Weat 80th at,
II ARB. Robert D, 334 Weat 30th t.
UROO, Leonard, 23 Weat 183d at.
SAVAIIE. Patrick, 239 Tenth av.
MnoriUlO, T., 827 West 30th st
UAltr.ONE. !uldn. 41 1 Eighth av
COYt.E. John. 809 Tenth a.
I BARRIERR. Joseph, 229 West 2th st.
MHDEO. Pseuuale. 30 West End a
IIAL1AN1, Albert J.. 374 Seenth nx.
303 Knt Thtrtyalxth atreet. Manhattan
Iave fur ramp April 4.
MARDI.V, Oenrge I., 2 Prospect place.
FIND, John F,, 223 East SNt st
ATTANHIO. Frank. 3ns Eaat 10th st.
ABZEUTTO. Josetih. 203 Eait 40th at.
. DALRYMPI.K. Frederick. 283 Lexrlngtiiii av,
1 cmsTALTNOS, Oeorse. 205 EJtt 3th at.
i.ut'TV, rtteran. aja uaat jih "i.
MtMSTRONU, Harry. 340 East 33d st.
MOOItK. Irving, 218 East 34th at .
KtlPPELMAN, Theodore. 269 K.iet 3ld st
,-lITfl!lie!. Andrew. 231 East Still St.
MAN81NEI.LT, tllovsnnl, 310 Eaat 82.1 St.
ARANOUHEN, Edward, 159 East I2d st.
SIDHERO. Hsrrv. 105 East Slat at.
! IJCRK.HARDT. Louis L. 300 East 81th st.
, I.EONTlttS. Leontls. 162 West 23th st.
DINOIVAN. Jamea A., 310 Eaat 33th t.
COONEY. Patrick. Ill i;aai mn si,
ALVAREZ, Joseph. 314 Eaat 19th St.
O'CONNOR, Bartholomew, 308 West
l-4!h t . .
M'DUSAI.D. Wilfrid, 439 Lexington s r.
DE ANCKLO, Nicholas. 233 Kaat 83d at.
ROffEI.LE, Pascal It.. 307 East 17th st.
MORAS', Thomas, 319 East 41st st.
ZELV1N. Alexander, 193 2d av.
JOHOBNBCN, Carl. 183 West 72d at.
MANCINEM-L Antonio, S10 East 32d at.
PIETRO. John. 478 3d av.
SOTRAKIS. Michael. 310 East 84th i st.
SPAflNCOLO. I'ellexrlno. 831 Esst 34th at.
POLITAKES. William. 237 East 3!d at,
NOR ELL. Johnnnes W. 245 East 3-d St.
4ntt.T llnr.l. .17 l-'a.t 34th St.
' DONOHCE, Jsines J , 345 East 39th it.
BENNETT, .ismes .1 , .n n
FIORE. Frederick. 711 2d B
I.Alir.r. John. 371 2d v
Zt'RLA. Nlcholss I... 137 Ea-t 33d t
CICCOTTO, Domlnlco, SO.-. Eift 39111 ft
, K1NSLE1. William J . 317 East 3, til i st
MACFAKLANE. Alan B. 239 East SSd st
Ml'rtl'IIV, Michael J . S46 East 41st st
ORISAFE. Paul. 694 2d av.
PSA BO. Mike, 207 East 33d at
ICAPAHELLO, Fred. 673 lat nv
PALINH, Jaioh, 110 East 35th it
1 nil I 11 11.. 119 l-eet ?A a)
noODWIN, John. 913 East 38th at
I M'DONOUCIH, James t.. 315 East S7th at.
PARRETT, Cornelius. 347 Eait 61st at.
O'CONNOR, Jamea P, 343 East Stb ft.
I 2 Weit 64th St.. Manhattan.
Uan for
i Camp April 4.
c.r.N'TIDES. John 3t 23 Coliimbua sv.
KUAN, Edward. 303 West 73d st.
' LING. William 11.. 3S8 Weat S8th at.
ROBINSON. CLYDE J.. ll West l.th at.
, WELLS. Colin. 373 WfBt 73d at.
It A PP. Ijiwrence, 107 Amsterdam ar
, CONNOR, Edgar A.. 263 West sth it.
1 WISNF.H. John II, 13 Welt 6?th st
IIIANCIII. AnfSin, sue vvrei njm i.
iH'I.LIVAN, Lawrence J. S06 .Vmsterdam
POWERS.. William I, , Jr, 21! West llth
t. ,
fllor.DANO. Domlnlco. 1t5 West End av.
KELLY. Peter. 170 Weat End sv
HARVEY. John. 141 We.t aoth st.
ANDRYAD1S, James. 123 We.rren st New
ark. N J.
HL'OHES. Frank. 105 West th at.
PAD1NCSTRO. Carmlno, 329 West 7th at.
H ANION. John T. 100 We? 73d st.
HE PAI L. Dem-rlns. 134 West th it.
Hflll V Tnlm ?18 We.t End SV.
. t.ivvo c.erardo. 819 Weit 69th et.
, LOSI'ALZO. Michael, 195 Wet End av.
CAPfTO Pro. pern, J17 Weit 7th st
maLARNHY. Rolsnd, 2 Heat 49th sT
Si'HWKRI, Frederick. ll West C7th st
slLLEi-K. Henry R.. Oreenwicb. Conn
DALY Edmund H. 59 Writ 70th st.
. .'0, DJnl.l J. 203 Wrs- 70th St.
l.rK'AL BOARD NO. 137.
170 l.a.t 77tli L. Manhattan. Lease for
Camp April 4.
MEYERS, .lark 1 , 328 East 78th st
KI.IVG Charles 1460 Second av
FEDERICO. St.. 237 Eaet 71.1 et.
HARJES. Herman, Jr , 408 East 74th st.
CI'I.LEN, George, 1330 Second av
VAVARA. Frank, 411 East 71th st
M'DONAI-D. M.. 1101 Lexlngtsm av.
HART1GAN. John, 924 East 76th st
HOUiER. E., 135 Third av
KORNCET. B. 610 Eavat 79th st
CATlltlLOTI. A.. 3t East 76th t.
BEYER. J.. 414 East 74th at.
Pl'RCF.LL. William. 1279 Third a
OOTTrillED. William. 503 East "7tll St.
SPERLING. F., R.. 319 East 77th ft
nnt'NO. Frxnk. 431 Eait 76th st
I CAVARONE. G . 232 Enit 71th at
Jerry. 401 Kasi ;itn si
i -ssim, fTar.K, t.u r.iiei
1 llti-lt l"V Tnn -.1 Ca .1
ism st
lt'l st
rSTK. Edwur.i. 1369 First nv
M 'GOI.IIRICK, F T. 204 Hist Sinn st.
TKMNSKY. Otto. 20.1 Heist 71th s
S'ERI Frunresi n. 19 Ent Slst st
M'GRV Stephen F 1256 Thl'd nv
NOV ' ,sph. 143S First uv
MO -my. 1446 Seconil at'
N i in. Frank. 315 East 74th 1
HALIK. Charles W 302 East 77th st.
I V VEIL John .1.. 214 East 74th at.
ROTH. Benjamin. 236 Eaat 17th st.
HERLINER, Henry, 1637 First av
.MILONE. Salvatore. 1414 Second ai.
O'CONNOR. E. F., 159 Dait 75th st
I.ODATO, F, C16 South 20th et., Netvnrk.
N .1.
CICCOTTO. Glusepre. 343 Esst 76th It
STI1A1SS I-iv 171 East 7!!ll st.
I HiiiM'iixnii it s . s E-i.t itsth st
I CAN.H R.IO Pedro. 200 Esst S2d st
, WIl.DFEFEB. J II. 3.'S Cist 79th
I WEINKII. Jmeph. 1141 Av A
1 PALI. OS, lame. II . Jr 14.'x Second av
, AIOI.I.O Jneeph. 317 Eaet ;4t)i si
i 1'l.AA. Enrique, 1103 Lexlnfton a.
33(1 l.enui Av., .Manhattan. Leaie
Camp April -I
.TEIS E.!sr, 60 Stuyvesant et.
DAUClvY. Martin J.. lt Weal 124th at,
BROKHOFF, .1 P.. 304 Weit 128th at
t.'AMPA.NIS. Joseph. Hartford. Conn.
i DONOOHL'E. John. 40 West 129th at.
I STUN. Herbert, CO West 129th St.
BROOKS. II F 113 West 12ltll si,
KEt.Ll.'V. William. S0O West 147th t.
PAGE. .tame. F 10 St. Nicholas av.
Si'HWENGEll, Wm . 2473 Elshth ar
I SMITH. James. 87 West 128th at
! MYI.AN. Frank .1 . 2212 Seventh av.
II SSSENFHATX W V . SSHWeit 132.1 et.
' Dl-VN John. ;i'-S Klfhth nv
i.EIIIIER. W 311 Weet 1211,11 '
, Hill I.1IIAV Frillll B.. 237 V.'e.t i:5h it,
MACHEIt. Oil" G 303 Weal 121th st
WHITE. Harold A 120 Ilroadiva)
WWTZrr.LDBH. S L. 320 St Nichols, sv.
I PFI.l'GER, Henry C . 233 Weit 131at si,
SMITH. Edward P.. J4J3 Eighth u
collAN Mever. til West 128th st
KLMOitK, David J., 371 Lenox av
HIiKilNS. Luke A.. 340 West 180th st.
MOI'SHIGIAN, Harry. 480 Weal lllth at.
ATERS. fl. L, HI Wsat 139th at.
CORCORAN. T. Hi. Ill West 110th st,
QUIRK. John J.. 129 Kaat loth at .
GOLDEN. D. W, 111 Broadway
KRAKOWER. Slgmund. 880 Greenwich t.
CROWLEY. J , 243 Wet lllth et.
K1CSSTROM, II E., til Weit 130lh at.
COYNE T. A., 212 St. Nicholas sv.
STHVflK, R'chonl I, 113 West 129th it.
KASAK Alien II 141 West 90th it
I.M East lh M.. Manlialtan. Leave for
Camp April 4.
DE MARCO. Ixiuls, 22f.s second av
I ORNSTIL. Harry, 240 East Hth tt
FARRELU Peter. C05 Tenth av
I1AIIH. Harry, 301 Eaat 90th st
KRAI'LAND, Frsnk, 1684 Avenue A.
NADERMAN, George C, 1101 Avenue A,
HISCHOFF. John, 149 Eaat I2d at.
MATTES, Willhvm, 33J Eat 85th St.
JtEII.LY. Thomas, 315 Eaet Hth st.
K LATTERY, William J., 421 Eist 85th st.
SHARRY, Lnul M , 921 East I9d at,
PILGER, Henry, 13C Eaet llth at.
OTT, Peter V 1583 First av
BYRNES, John. 108 Eaat :d et.
WESTON, Hartley, 520 Eaat 18th at
KAYSF.lt. William. 150 second av,
WEISS, William, 420 East 13d at.
BRRNNA. Michael, 113 Eait 17th at.
DRESCHER. Walter T.. 238 Enat sth at.
Ot'NTHER, Charlea, Jr., 213 Alexander
av., The Bronx,
HALIBIAN, Ocorge, 311 Eatt 33d st.
LANDI'.S.MANN, Mux, 410 East SM st.
l.OEHEtt. Harry 11.. 407 East 2d St.
Mclll'tlH. Peter. 3211 East Sllh t.
HI.O.ME. Hurry C S0t Esst Uth st.
MILLtllt. Henry, 411 East !d st.
FOX. Wtllr F., 310 Ej-t sith st.
NOVAK, Mhett 170 Esst 9lt)i .'..
St!HCM At'HElt, Christopher, 143-t Av. A.
WEST, Frederick W, 42.1 ll.isl SSth st.
SPIF.LIIEItllER, Lao. 832 East S6th St.
COFFER, James, 1561 Av. A.
St. Mthola Are. and Ulat St.. Manhattan,
lite for Camp April 0.
RICE, Arthur James, Hotel Morrison, Chi
cago, III,
SOL Joseph, not St. Nicholas av.
BRANCH, Herbert, 2123 North Ith at.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
QKINN, Raymond J., 97 Marhlc Hill ar.
BRAND, llarrv. 119 Second av.
McDonald. Hart, 4622 lirnadwav.
SUABLE, Howard V., 4 52 Fort Wnshlng.
ton av.
Dltl'CKEIt. Harold. 2 Plnehurst nv
DOOOAN. John. 641 West 2'17tll et,
IIINRICIIS, Edtnr (Jorard, 123 Wndsnortb
HOFFMAN, Oeorrn A 190 Fort Washing
ton nv.
TRIEIINECK, Henry, f.21 West ISOth at.
MOONEV, (leorge .1 . 521 West I82d st.
CONROY, Cal W, 05 West Inlet st.
McCOY. Bernard J 711 West isnth st,
WAUHL Raymond W 63 Vermllyea av.
ROOS. Arthur, 10J West 22.'.th st.
FRANK. Joseph, 623 Weat I67th at.
(!OI ntlEItn, Mnnme. 42 Northern nv.
MF.t.t.AS. James, 81! West 1th St
WORRELL. Hubert 11.. 603 Wait 171th St.
ZERRENNEP. ll-rnmu. 43? West lllth st
CIMILt.t'CA. Sf.Jhael, 231 Atuaterdam av.
OPPENHEIM, teldnr, 03 Seaman nv.
STF.RNHLAD, Thendoro C, 207 Dyckman
JOHNSON, Msrvln O. in pinehui.t -v
DALTON. John J. r.7." West IX.1,1 st
LOWENSTEIN. .Morton !.. 10 Manhsttnn
MOIl ft F.LL, Ralph W. c.4 Seaman SV.
ZWETOW. Alvln P. 2 Plnehurst av.
RICHARDS. Victor T. J West l0th St.
HARRISON. John II.. 70S West Itoth si
144 M. Nicholas A.. Manhattan, leaie
fur t'amp April A.
SAVIN, Ralph, 124 Eaat 105th St.
K A TZ. Meer, 11 Went 1.7th st.
ZERNIT. Joseph, 4 3 West 116th t
I.HVINK. Harry, I2S We.t lltth st
COHEN. Jesse, 13 West 117lh St.
KLEIN, Samuel. 2U4 West IMth st
FISCHLER, Heriuun S. 1C4 St. Nkholss
WB1NTRAVH. I.en p, 2882 Richmond Ter
race. Mariners Harlmr, Meten Island.
BROCKMAN. Jmeph I. 61 Weet 117th at.
BERKJtOT. William. 7.7 West 1 1 Ttli at.
WOLF. Isidore. 63 Went llltll st .
OOLDUERl, S..mue I.. 10 West 118th at.
,SCHI ELD, Morris, 9 West 117th st. 1
il A Fit A NO WITCH. Joaeph. 210 Madlion st. ,
HCIUlLANtJ, Abraham, 111 Weet lllth at.
KAKOWITZ. Max. West 117th at.
feinoaht, Benjamin. 245 weai uxtn at.
J HANNIOAN. Rodfer, 801 West 119th st
iiiil.LM l'.l. ijovim, st eai iinn at.
SE1DL1TZ. Maurice, 470 West l6th at.
DAVIS. Nathan. 17 West 113th st.
ALEXANDER, Joseph. 3 West ilflh st.
COHEN. Jack. 123 West UCth St.
WEINBERGER, Samuel. 22t Eaat 3d at.
BISKNSTADT. Nathan. 1991 Seventh av.
JtOtlERS. John. 274 West ll'Jtli at
OOLDSCHMIDT, Louis, 1S2 st Nicholas
RAPI'APORT. Arthur 144J Fifth av.
JAFFK. Bernard. 19 West lltth St.
LIPSCHITZ. Ilenjam'n. 20.1 Weet 119th at , 1
iiai.i .iii-rpn, 1.1.1 i.ni -tin si
FEIN BERG. Aarnti. i West 11S h st
I.IH'AI. HOARD M. lis.
Ifisi vitrtle avenue, llueeiis. Inte for
t-sntp April A.
EIT. Charles. 1716 Woodbine st
MuKTZING, Ch.rl 110 Dacstur av
BTBON, James Michel, 221 Kiniland
Lvnburrt, N J
KOEHLEIt. Auauit, 1921 ."tephens at.
STOESSEI., Jacob, f.55 FMrview av.
URElMi,, Henry, 1619 tieorge at.
SCHWAB. Charlea A L, 23H Woodbine at.
stader. Charles. 1026 Fnre.t av.
H A MM EL. Christian Anthony, 2121 Van
Cortlandt nv
EC, ER. Frank A 21"! Palmetto st.
ME EUAN, John, 2404 Deiatur "t
Sl'HKlHI.E. Robert, 1863 Palmetto at.
M'KKNNA. Patrick, 104 Seneca av
KKAl'SS. John. 141 George ,t.
KEBZNEB. Andrew. 1417 'atnlpa av
RENNEH. 3'artln. USA Monroe st
I.IRASCI, I'aul. 71 Anthon av
MKTTAB. Walter, 371 Dili place
ORT, John 1. 123 Doratur st.
MCLLER, Emll A , 2S4K Madison at
FASt'LI). Joaeph M, 1144 Stephen st
SCHKf'IIKlt, Henry A.. 1230 Delfalh v.
BAVEBSCHMIDT, William, loss e oresi av,
MILLER. Charles A dolnb. 2401 Myrtle av.
(YIMO, Iiennarri. 1HI6 Palmetto at
ORTMANN. Herman II. lo Catalpa av.
BADER. Charles 7M Senees svv
DALTON. Charlie, .'.117 Mndleon st
HARRINGTON. JniMes F 101 Fexsll st.
MORA N. Edward K, H4 Woodbine t.
ASTER. Edivnrd. 41S Sandnl st
MERTINS. Peter. '732 Mvrtle av
SCHt. KS.-ING Kit, Dxv'd 9: Forest av.
WERNET. Clmrlee. ;.t.'2 Norman st
IIF.TZKL Adam. 7.6 Seneca hv
KBERT. I.nuii T , .404 n Cortlsndt av
TERRY. Edward P. 16 73 Madison e'
1RADY M chiel F. 2309 Mirtle nv
GIEBF.RT. Robert P. 1641 Mvrtle m
KIF.VZLEB. William. t.Ua.er it
RAIVHFI'SS, John, .'431 V.vn Cortlandt av
SENS'. Charles. 735 P-iii-d av
WENZ. Jsmee I), 240S Cat,llps v
Sl'PANSClllTZ. August A . I.J roxa'.l at
Boulevard, Boekavvay Beach,
Iaxe for tump April 4.
CACCIOTTI, Simon!. Division av,
away, t
GALLAGHER. William. 1921 Lockwood av.,
LlVR'opoiM.SjAlin. 8 Clumbu. circle.
New YurVt. I
NEWKIHK, Bernard, 223 Cleve'snd st.,
Hrookl n
KELLY, John A, 1142 Hollywood sv , Fsr
Rnckiway, N Y
LYNCH, A. G. 122 llesly av . Far nock-
awai, N Y
WOLF. Ahraham. 143 Cedar .1 , Fsr Bock-
us.), N Y
GENESSKN, Frank. 16 Eat 113tli st . .Sew
llltnnv Dentil". 79 Park av. Brotek'vn
I'l'ISTEIt. Arthur P, i Waierly pi , liotk
awav Itenih, N Y
STANIS1.AW. Herman. 3.'.7 Clarence av ,
DOYLE, Martiti t. Greenwood av . Far
Rorkawnv, N Y
TREGi.ER. lrilnx, SH Kfi 100th at.
New York
llAl'lv, Cliarlei. 21 Kill, av , Rockawny
Bea'll. N T.
RFS.-OTO. Iieo, 100 Writ lllth at.. New
RIVARA. l.ucco. Wulcott av.. Far RecW
a w a v. N V
I, ANDES. Joseph, 786 Welt 18L! , Vow
WAKELY. Iterrv, 21$ En.t 76th st . New
O'CONNOR, John J. t'nlon "t , Fr P.ock-
awav. N Y
OAVARICA, Lout. 1'. S'oilh Division ai ,
llorliavvav Reach V Y
ANDERSON. ,ri hie 22 entre .1 Rofsv-
avvuv Reach. N v
ALBERT. Louis, I' Snrili Baw,ew a .
Ros.nwav llesch s V
HUSKS Neil llav.iit.e r
I11CKE3 Charles, 1 l,el.indai FarRoik .
avrav V 1 1
MAGI.IARO, James, 1154 Ketn.en AV Far I
. . ......... V V
lUHfl." s,'
Tnivt'.nn Itftiilel ,1 4 Pear' ef . Far Rink.
away. N Y
,n Per MONTH ON fourth Avenue, cor. 25th Street. ' I
xvV"j ni riAir f EldnHge St., cor. Rivir.gtonSt, I
I nJ rLLDuL Or r:.jtHouitonSt..cor.i:exSt. ,
. , Srver.th Av , bet. 48th& 49thSt.
OF "EW Y0R " TT-
Applications for loans of large Co'"tl'ndt Av cor UHUSu
amounts will be considered at c . . bbookltn
the otnee at Fourth Avenue und lXoU.
25th Street. PUkin Av.. cor. Rotk.w.y Av.
Gardens of Wild Flowers
How to Make Them
JT'OR yeni-a Ktiwiinl (iillctt has Iippr oxjicrinicntinp with native flower
iiiK plants, ferns, &c, eTatheriiif: tht-m in their native homes nntl
trnnsplantineT them in his cultivated irurilun. He hna nintlu a life loni:
study of the subject mid irrows thouhnnds of varieties of native plants,
lie has lcurnetl just how thee beautiful plants can be domesticated;
which arc best for tho shndy comers of the house, for hanks, by the
brooVs, for rockeries or exposed beds, for hot dry places, dark shdy
spots or wet land.
Many beautiful common wild plants are unknown to gardener.
"Hardy Native Ferns nnd Flowers; Their Cultivation and Uieg,"
bv Edward (iillctt, illustrated with photoprnphs from nature by C. W.
Johnson, bepins in THK SUNDAY SUN April 7. Order from your
dealer in advnnrc or you may misn these interesting articles.
Resort, Tins Easter jVincryThat
Exhibits Few New ,
Jinny Wenrers of U. S.,Tx;vjr
Uniforms Join in Rush
to Bench.
Although It costs 11 tents to ride on
most of the "thrillers" now, and al
though tin; price of "hot dogs" Is still a
dime, Coney Island experienced yes
terday afternoon one of the biggest and
earliest openings In more than twenty
two years. ,
All day the Sea Beach and Brighton
"I." trains were Jammed with p,ppls
eager to reach "Coney" and get jlulr
first fresh whiff of edit nlr this f,ar.
And not the least Interesting part of It
all was the number of uniforms ln,l
dence, particularly those of tho United
St..:- s Navy.
All afternoon Surf Aenue,th
main thim. ii..ifar of the Island,, was
as crowded ultli automobiles aa Is Fifth
avenue at .1 o'clock on a week dav.sTh
! Bowery was Jammed with ball players,
sharp shooters, ring tossers and frank
furter Jugglers. ,
During Its entire existence of twenty
two years Steeplechase I'urk, one of tha
larger amusement places, haw never-hail-a
bigger or earlier opening. Most of. the
units that rotuprl'e this great concession
were In full swing, Ctowds of rounc
people, thinking nothing of the wearantt
tear on the seatu of their new Vaster
suits were humping the bumps, spinning
on the human roulette wheel and exJjoy
lng all the Hpotts that this big enterprise
Luna Park, however, was closed, Its
opening date not being until next month.
1 nut this was aDout tne only one or: tn
I big centreH of entertainment not frun
. ntng at full blast.
IToprletors of the bath houses expect
that the daylight mivlng plan will prv
a great boon to their business during
! the coming summer. In years' past It
' has been almost Impossible for bathers-
1 to get to the water except on holidays,
becouse. of the lateness of butdness-cios-
Ing hours. But under tho new system
It will be possible for almost anyone to
get a din before Miuxct whenever h
feels .so Inclined
I'roti leturs of the amusement conces
sions :i!o expressed gratlflcHtion at the
i new system, l'nr customers will 'have
onn hour more to drink orangeade, to
I ride on the nerve racking mechanisms
1 and to eat hot dogs.
The number of noldiers and sailors
' who visit this "certain point In America"
) will be greater than ever before, if the
I predictions of the Coney Island "dope-
t ,V"-,r' """ '. i T
1 made the "barkers' bsrk even mora dill-
sters aro accurate. These expectation
gently than usual yesterday, for -jthey
look forward to a ruemlng season.
During tho course of the day Itiwa
estimated that more than T.'.OOO people,
cliid In their l!.iRtee flnerv. exsvlnred the
' highways and bywaja of Coney Island,
looking for new and hitherto unexperi
enced tin ills. But Innovations were few.
due jirobHbly to the newness of the sea
son. The old attractions, however,, were
i as popular as always. The rocky roads
I were just as rocky, the merry go rounds
were Just as merry and the dip or
death were Just as d ppv as they hav.
', t ,,.. .
I UF'" If.'. ' ., ,, . ,
So what did it matter, If the bands In
the multitude nf ilancltitr pavilions had
to wear their fur collared coats, and
who cared If the condtn 's on the
scenic lailrnatls had cold li Is nnd red
enrs? And what If the ocean breexs"wss
n bit chill? It n as Kaster and Coney
Island was open, so there was nothing to
do but go nnd tec.
$5,000,000 FUND FOR SWEDEN.
WnlleiilirrR'a, Is Lnrgrt Public)
Gift In Nnll.m Kxi-rpt .Vobel'a.
Stockholm, March .U K. A. WI
v T lenberg, fofmerly Foreign Minister, and
' his wife have given ri.OOP.OOO for a per-Rovk-'
mnnent fund "to further religious,
charitable, socinl and cultural work' and
to promote the oommerce and ln(futrv
, f Sweden." A further 1250,000 w.s
riven in inc. iiHiiiietpai norary at atocK
Imlm. pr
The gift for the peimanent fund Is the
largest In tho lilstmy of Sweden except
that of Dr Nobel.
Food Wins the VVr .
Your Garden May Help
Vaughan's Hazel Size
Inr Early Green or Lamn
Winter OnIon. Pint.
.W, ouart. .SOc., prepaid,
Not prepaid, 4 qt".
1 1. .13.
V ii g h a n ' s 'Bulk
Seeds of new cross are
now ready You can't
older too early this year,
many are scarce and will
siHin be gone,
Vnughan's Seed Book for 1918
telle the whole stnry Mailed FREE East and
ir.t Larue-t i-iiwers nf Onions Cabbage and
Radish have need Yaushaif Scad for mora
thinforti ear. Write for a copy lo-dayj
War Garden Collections
Mt. 1 F.notigh Vrj-taltlt' for
nu i n cinliMi Hit' t;ir lO'iiM
M- 0 P.noiiK-h Veitet.ihli-i rm- ,'VO CB
110. i. rt garden the )ear round. s8.JU
Vaughan's Seed Store, ?,Vurr'?n' Sr.