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TJHE SUN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 19,18. BANKS JIRGED TQSO- -' BDY CERTIFICATES .Vcdcral Reserve Board Starts Campaign to Aid Tax Pnymonte. ONE-THIRD DUB MARCH 15 j j d 1-2 P. C. Issue May Ito Pur chased by Customers "With. Largo Levies to Mceti The Wdera Iteserve Bank of ( New Tork yesterday' Inaugurated a .vliorous campaign to get the" banks ot tlili dis trict to buy new i.H persenL certificates, to be Issued In anticipation of taxes by' sending a circular letter to each bank In the district The Issue of i per' cent certificates started on August, 20 jwqb a relative failure; only fl53.C00.00O having been. Bold, against Jl.SOO.OOO sold In anticipation of the taxes, payable last June. The letter Issued 'last night by the reserve bank' was -substantially an' follows ; The Treasury Department, has an nounced the Issue of 4H per cent Treas ury certificates of Indebtedness, series T, dated November 7 and due Match' IB. ."ubscrlptlons are subject to allotment, nnJ the amount which Wilt be allotted' has not yet been made public The in tention ot this Issue, however, la to make advance preparation for the, extremely heavy tax payments called for by the pending revenue legislation. "It Is contemplated In the revenue bill, that one-third of the income and. excess profits taxes (estimated at SS.EOO.000. 000) will have to be paid on Mstrch, 13. I (This means a payment of, more- than' 11,800,000,000,. a sum- difficult, to handle unless the new .certificates aro taken lib erally.) "Tho 4 percent- certificates of Indobt-. edness, which were Issued In anticipation, of tax payments and are ngw outstand ing; are convertible Into he new. series of iVt per cent certificates, and will bo accepted at par In payment with ad justments of accrued Interest Any. of the other Issues of 414 per- cent cer tificates of Indebetdeness hitherto Issued' and not called for redemption will also' be accepted. "The binks purchased freely the various offerints of tho 4 per cent certificates Issued In anticipation of the Fourth Liberty Loan and this Ifjsue of 4H per" cent certificates, vvhtclr will bo' received In payment of taxes It ,1s hoped win meet with an equally good response. "The Idea. "underlying this. Issue lo hot that the banks should Increase their bor rowings to subscribe to these certificates, ' but that they should make gradual 'prep aration In advance for the hejvy tax payments which are sure to go'through' the banks In March. To thev extent'-that" the banks can resell these .ce'rtlflcites to customers having larje -taxes to; pay,: they will relieve the stress and strain incident to so large a financial opera tion, "It hi not the Intention to Increase the burdens of the banks, but to forestall added burden- which -would fall on them If they did not take the certificates and Bell them to their customers?' Bankers undoubtedly will respond bjrtakfng sub stantial amounts of these certificates as they have done In the past" The rmrcrrase 0f a substantial amount of these certificates and a- resale to Its customers. It was pointed "but yesterday, will relieve the Government's necessi ties growing out of the- war Tho greater the number of certificates-Issued' In anticipation of taxes nnd taken by tho banks, the smaller the amount of certificates to bo Issued In advance of and Fifty Liberty Loan, an announce ment of a neW offering of these certifi cates awaiting the outcome of the sale of tax certificates. The latter possess the advantage of avallabllltyvfor public distribution, while the former usually are retained In the portfolio of. the bank or are wed In new borrowings from the reserve bank. . l - irr COMMODITY PRICES STILL ADVANCING Federal Beservo Board Says Belief Lies in Strict Per sonal Economy.. RECEIVERS FOR BRADLEY CO. Contractors Declared to Have fB.OOO.Opo In Bxcim at Debts. Ju4o .Hough In the Federal District court yesterday named Stephen V. Hop kins. John a 8heppard and George C. P Lacy receivers for William Bradley, 80S West Seventy-fourth street They must each furnish bonds of 15.000. Bradley Is treasurer of the Bradley Con tracting Company and he Joined In the petition for the receivership. The action was taken In an equity pro ceeding brought by Henry W. IUchard son, Jr., 132 North Grove street East Orange, N. J a creditor with a, claim for 13,951 for materials and money. He' asserted that the Bradley Contracting Company had nssets of 15,000,000 In ex cess of Its liabilities and' that' Bradley, in nddltlon to owning one-third of tho assets, had $470,000 worth of New Tork city real estate, subject to mortgages amounting to $199,000. ' Bradley ad mitted the allegations. WAR STOCKSDNDER SELLING PRESSURE Pcaco Developments Force Prices onSomo Issues on Curb to Low Levels. STEEL TRADE SEES END OF WAR WORK Revision of Tlans for Ships, 'Munitions and Ordnance Indicates 'Peace. FOREIGN ORDERS HELD UP Weakness in the war order stocks was the .outstanding feature of, yesterday's' trading In curb securities. The favora blo war news and the peace developments were tho main factors In' bringing re newed selling pressure against these shares, which forced prices for many of the' Issues in the group to' new low levels for months. Stocks -Of companies engaged In the manufacture of airplanes were-the most active nnd weakest Curtlss Aeroplane, after 8pe"nlng""Blgbtly higher, declined more than 4' points on a flood of selling -orders which carried the' price to the- lowest level since April. "1917. Wright Martin also was weak and sold to a new low record. ' Aetna Explosives was under, pressure In the early part of the session but re ceived good support In the afternoon and recovered all of the loss. At a confer ence It was pointed out that the com pany Is In such a position as to dis charge the receivers.. The so-called peace stocks were mod erately active and firm but no spectacu lar movements were recorded. 'The oil section was firm, with small advances In Midwest Refining and some of (he Stand ard OJl shares. The motors were rather Irregular but strengthened toward- tha close, with a small advance In United.' Mining stocks were dull and steady. Bonds were quite "active and generally .higher. Total sales and range of prices follow : INDUSTRIALS.! Sales. High. Low. Lat. Chr- torn Aetna Explo 7 :soo Am Marconi 4 OiO Brlt-Am T new.. 22 600 Burns Bros Ice... 63 200 Csr Light 1 64 Cities Service tst M0 rules Service pf. 78 SCO) Curtlss Afro tl 104 Kmersoo Phono.. 2 104 Gillette 9 Raxor.,101 - ICO Hupp Motors 4. no Inter Rubber 13. 900 Keystone T It. 174 eoo .-sonn Am rap. a 200 Relo Equip 12 12 404 Smith M Truck.. ft H ho Sub Post 13 12 :m Trianrle Film S too tilled Prof Sbar S H Soro U 8 Steamship... E 6 4fO United Motor Sl 33 TWO Warns Coal 3 3 4100 Wright-Martin 6 4 STANDARD OILS. U Ohio Oil W 111 19 South Penn OU...M7 CJ7 29 St Oil Cal 7J49 Ml 7 St Oil N T, 235 3 " INDEPENDENT OILS. 109 Atlantic ret 2 2000 Dirndl O A O... 6-14 . ISM Cosden Co 7 409 Elk Darin Pet.... IV SOOO Esmeralda OU.v.t 4 tA) Federal Oil 2 too Glenrock Oil IH 1(0 Houston Oil "3 soo Inter PetroL, H looo Island O A Trans 34 15f0 Kenova Oil t 12H 300 Merritt Oil 23 13441 Metro ret.'. 2 4Sfn Midwest Oil 1103 575 Mlilwest RH 13 104 N'western Oil....t tl 13444 Ok'.a V A K...... 10 600 OUmulree OIL.... 2 200 Royal Dutch new. 76 WO Sequoyah O & R. H 04 Sinclair Gulf.;.... 214 1(00 Stanton OH t 1 604 Texas Co rts 16 415 Victoria Oil 2 MINING. 4 tlU CI Its : 74 19 2 101 3', 17 M ITa 7IK wm K'i 174 K'i A & 'i 4l eo :s7 w :4 n K tk t w H hi. U -u 3 Washington, Nov. 6. Despite' pearo prospects "prices generally throughout the United Slates are showing a ten-! oency toward a further upward move-, ment," according ts tne f ederal Reaervi Board's monthly review to-day of bus! iness conditions as reported by agent: in eacn Federal reserve district. I creases are particularly noticeable l commodity lines not affected by t! uovernment s .price fixing proirnmme. Many manufacturers and other pro ducers are reported following a conserv ative course by keeping only small stocks on hand In preparation for newbuslneVs conditions after the war. r litems prices and credit Inflation, fJha board pays, must bo opposed by strlcxly personal economy. Despite war econolmy Propaganda it appears, says the boavd, "that many classes, of the population are sun spending their 'current Incomes- in freely as ever, notwithstanding tho f.&t uut prices to-day are at n record fig'. Because they have not yet embraced tlno national duty to save as a personal Ah ligation." The board's explanation goes Intgfde tall to show that bank loan foriffpuij poees other than short time commercial transactions are becoming tMeadlly greater In volumo and In pro'lAUon to rererves. causing Inflation nnd Increases In prices. General business activity the country la reported by pn. reserve agent. The marked reduction 1 output of clothing material Other articles of neranntl -i the board said, that civiufcns ln.,a few . . .B unl niunins may nave greau2 unm-uinca iu gettlnr these coods. . P- Bai lng conditions aife reported "about as "ilidfactory as VTould be expected undu tho clrcum-itances." Building operations are practically stationary. Germnn UJUnU Statement.. Deimn, Noift 6k via London. The NfatftttA. , t nrnian Uank "ci ttf week! ended October 31 ahgwo the following cbfantes": lncreasITotal gold, .71J.O0I) tnarks; Treasury jfcoter, 1B1.8O1.O0O marks: bills, "Mfooo marks; Investments. 8.586.. 000 Ofiirks: circulation. J40.782.000 iMiltf? deposits. l.74.8S7.00O. marks; lllb littles. 4,6,000 matks. ' f wwlcoin, 67.17B.000, marks: !S. 680.000,marks: advances. 87J.000 ks: securities, 7J.087.000 marks; t. i gold holding 8.880.018.0.00 mark . vA. Exports) prom esultant r oughout tlcally all Uie recent shoes and be indicates. H 6-11 .. Hi 7S 1 Ai 4 4 3 2 - W V4 2H .. 75 75 14 14 .. li i: m a U IX 1?4 -H 100 101 1 niVi in u u .. Tt 10 H J JU .. 75 7 1 A H .. 21 11 HI IS .. W 18i - hi zh .. 1900 A B C Metals.. t 45 lftrt Atlanta t W STW Bit Ledre Cop... U 10O Booth Mln t (.100 Bos Mon t M UJ0O Caledonia t 43 COO0 Cal tt Jerome H 410O Canada Copper... -filflO Candalarla Mln. .t 47 too Cons Arlxona li ton Cons Cop Mines.. 6 14fO Creeson ' Oold IV, 700 Kiireki-Crooeus... 14 !00 First Nat Cop.... 1 iUK Rold Cans t IS lO) aoio riorence...? s looo Oold Kewane...t loooao'd Merirer....t looo Oold Bll.I1ck....f 1M0 Great Bend T Vi Hecla Mining i2ro Howe souna.. COO Jumbo Erten..,.t looo Marsh Mlnlnr...t 1000 Motherlods t MOO Motnerioae new.. 4 tw Nixon Nevada.. ,t 17 1000 North Star t 7 Ohio Cop new....IJ-14 lino Onondara 811 H .! Hay Hercules 4 1000 Hex Cons t lioco Kocbester Mln...t J2 1000 San Tor t H 400 Sen-ca Con 14 MV Stand Sll Lead...t 31 too Sll K of Ariz....f 47 1000 Socress Mln t 11 MOO Ton Cashboy t 5 4U I'l 4H 44 41 HI 4 Hi 3 .3 1M 9 3U 3 3'4 3S e u i c 12 H 144 II 43 11 4 Hi S -4H 45 41 at t 1. tit -2 1 1 J -t 4t W ' n 4 84 U-14 4H 4 33 SH !4 31 47 11 4 I rm Tonopah Exlcn..l.7-1 1 7-11 1 7-l l-H coo uono Jim uui..,.r 4i 41 43 . 1COT Tono Res Eula...t I J 900 rnlted Eastern.... 4'4 4i 4H H BOO West End Cons..tl03 103 103 41 3000 White Caps......t II Ki 11 H BONDS. JSO00 Am Tnb 7s '13 W (.100W 100U 100 tlt10 Am Tob 7s '30 w 1.100 100H 100"! BOOO Am Tnh 7s '31 n I.100S i00i 100 S30HI Am Ti.b 7s '23 w 1.101V, 10tU I01H 1K00O Am Ton 7s '23 w t.Wll lOltt 02i 400i Armoiir A Co Cs '30 N't sotf MH 111m iiein nieei s -iv.,ij iw JlWCsn Got 5 M.... M 7i SSOrtO Codier Vtk U '23.100 10 SiWl Inter Tt T 7s M', 9$H 1000 lVoc O 7s ':t..)O0'a 100 ?.r Rntsn dor GUi. 74 71 3O0O0 Russian Oor (H. TO 67 u -fiU 30000 U n KUI 7S ZJ w i.ioovt 100V4 4-1 Odd lot. t-lells cents a share. ion 1H Mli 100H 73 U 100H EAKNINQ STATEMENTS. Fixed Prices May Continuo Months After tho War to Stabilize Industry. The question uppermost In the minds of those Interested In the steel Industry Is the degree with which demand for Iron and steel products will diminish now that peace Is In sight, according to the weekly review of the iron Ag. Of minor Interest Is the imomoial advice that pries fixing by tho Government will continue for six months after peace. The Iron Ag says : How fast and. how far the war de mand for Iron and steel will now fall off Is the uppermost question In the In dustry. Tha shortening of the pro gramme of shipyard extensions was the main feature' last week. Of greater sig nificance are the moves, made this week In the reduction of munitions and ord nance orders, now tha; peace Is mors plainly In sight "In barbed wire a virtual cancellation of 22,000 tons for Great Britain and 85,- 000 tons for Italy Is reported. France was to receive 60,000 tons In the first half of 1919, and both this and a 80,000 1 ton contract for wire rods for France have now been held up. "Steel lrorks and rolling mills may be nearer the end of their work for shell steel than Is commonly thought, even though the war go-on for soma month. "Considerable shell steel is still on the books for tha Allies, and the first can cellations are likely to come on' these contracts rather than those of the United States Government , 1 Fixed Prices to Star. "There is unofficial advice of plans for the continuance of the price fixing com mittee of the War Industries Board for six months after peace Ls declared.' This Is presumably in answer to In quiries that have been going to Wash ington from the steel trade concerning the future of Government control. "Influenza defeated the well laid plans for new records in October at blast fur naces and steel plants. Pig Iron output was 3,486,941 tons, or 112,462 tons a day;) as compared with 3, 418,270 tons for tho' thirty days of September, or 113,942 tons a day. However, last month's rec ord Was only exceeded once previous to September, tho month ' of October, 1916. showing 113.139 tons a day. "Tho wlro trade may bo, the first to develop peace activity. After some months of the withdrawal of Its sales men from the field the leading wire In terest has now sent out a considerable number." , The Jrqn Trade Review will say : "Germany's surrender clearly . having been made a question only of time by the stupendous events of the last week the iron and steel Industry more squarely Is being brought face to face with the realities of .readjustment. The bewilder ing rapidity with which International affairs have reached their Dresent state- has Intensified the Initial uncertainty. ana suspense, oui calmer reflection nas been exercising a due. measure of re straint The cardinal fact that" vlrtuil'y every ton of Iron and steel now being produced contlnues'to be, 'demanded for war or essential purposes is a steady ing Influence. - , Dlsr Iron Order From England. "Trade fears are not those of the effects of a peace, but of the uncharted period of transition from a war to., peace basis. Authoritative expressions from Washing ton show that the situation already Is receiving consideration In the highest circles. The belief has been strength ened that present Governmental regula tion will be extended In some form to stabilise trade conditions after peace Is made. - The 'vital necessity of maintain ing production at high speed continues to be sounded by the Government Great Britain Is negotiating through the Gov ernment for 7SO.O0O tons of basic Iron for delivery over the first half of 1915. This la probably the largest single In quiry ever put before American Iron producers. "The sub-committee on iron and steel scrap sticks to Its belief that there will be enough scrap to supply the steel In dustry during the coming winter. Tha only doubt Is In the case of cast scrap. due to tha fact that a number of fur naces have been switched from foundry to stcelmaklng iron, with a consequent Increased demand for cast scrap. Al though the supply of .scrap has not en larged any. the outlook for peace has made It much easier to purchase scrap. The United States Railroad Adm,lnlstnw tlon has put out an Inquiry for 2.000 hopper cars for the Virginian Railway, and Is expected to make Inquiry for some locomotives. "The steel trade watches with Inter est for the revisions to existing vessel contracts which are to be made by the United States Shipping Board. It is teamed that the Shipping Board will concentrate on the production of large vessels, since these are the only kind that will be of valuo In International trade competition after thewar. Hven (he 7,600 ton and 8.000 ton vessels which are being turned out at Hog Isl and fall short of the -Ideal. The read justments In contracts, thereice, will be drastic and It Is not unlikely that until they are completed considerable tonnage may be held up at the mills until they receive new schedules of specifications." GRAIN PRICES ADVANCE. Market Moves Upward on Pros pacts of Greater Food Needs.' ClllRAnn. Nnv tt pmhum. iff mw.Hv enlarged food requirements for Europe led to big advances to-day In quotations on the exchange here. Corn ran up 8 Vic. a bushel and closed strong at a net" gain of 7H to 7o.. with December 11.2114 to 81.21 H and January 81.22ft to $1.22, Oats climbed 2 to Sc, and provisions J5c. to $2.20. Throughout tho day Scarcity of offerings kept the market from any Important reactions. Announcement that export business over the holiday had been good helped to Inspire lively demand for oats. nu1r In It,. r 1 sent provisions skyward. Packers and uuris aia a goou aeai 01 me ouying. WIIKAT Latest advltea from flAMthesat- rn 1 Europe indicate a crop failure In the Balkan States, and It seems probable that supplies will hart to be furnished to those countries. A report rrom'Itussta indicated a, wheat crop In the Ukraine of He. 000,000 bushels. TMs comparts with va normal yield of 447.B09.O0tl. and accordlnc to Ilroomhall should leava a theoretical sur filus of be.&oo una hnHt. .iihn.t, 1. i. aald that tt l vsrr unllksly that this amnt.M. (II ... -w.l - - . -'""'"' uo duiihni peasants re not willing ssllsrs and, have no us for rnnv . . 1 .uvancs. closing at about the top of the "ay with not fains of 7H to 714c. Local, 7 1- . ... i.,u' X"iiow corn waa quocea ' t1:1!'' "0. I yellow at 11.43, cost and freight New Tork. OATS Market strong and hither, clos ing with net alns of 3I4 to JKc, In local cash market prices were hither; standard STO1 S.1 10 ,0e-7 No. 3 -white. 73 to lc: No. 4 white, 78!i to 7c: ordinary Clipped white. 73 to 10c. all elevator. .,?J'BrM,rk"t steady; No. 5 Western, 1.7r. elevator export, re A Ti t rv u.. 1... ......... ... intlllnr. 11.03. coat anil frsltht New tork. imjukwiibat Market quiet; sound milling. 43.90 coat and freight New York. CHICAGO PIUCE3. Dwmbtr,. H2 JanntiT.... XMH 1 vxriin-r, Jannrr.... 1164 .1 1 n lVrvmhftr.. Jannarr..,, i, a it ri Nemaber. January,,, RIIiB- Knwmlu, jsnuam... 33.40 l'tinit NoTember.. .9 January,... 40. M INTEIUOn HECEIPT8 . to...'. n Wednesday 3,ji3,ooo 1,301.1x10 "1.9W.000 Last week M4S.O0O 770.0OO ; 1,453.000 Last yesr 3.433.000 K9.O0O VS.9I4.0M 8EABOARD CLEARANCES. Wednesday I73.O0O 1.SSI wees. 4,000 377.000 .... , rir 31,000 307,000 t3l,0 Two days. Ilnllroad. BCT-FALO. ItOCnESTEIt AND PrTTSBCIlO. Vmirth week October Cross 3I5,M0 inc. $113,M0 Month of October Gross 1.711.511 Inc.. 173,133 CANADIAN NORTHERN, TTrtnrtv, week October Oross eamlnrs l,t7t,IOO Inctl,3C,300A Vrom JnJr 1 " Gross earnings U,!3J.tx Inc.. 3,SS3,00 CANADIAN PACIFIC, rnnrth week October Oross earnlnts 3S,0.000 Inc.. (34,000 rourth 'week' October... 33.157.36J Inc. From Jan.- 1 w.4u,ris inc. 3Ilsce1Ianeoas, PACIFIC COAST, Month of September Cross esrnlnts H.3M Deo, Net esmlnrs tZTt Dec, For three months Cross esrnlnts L15i'J5! I?0' v.. ..mvn 341.14 Dee NATIONAL CONDUIT ANO'.CABLD. For quarter ended .Btpterfljer 30 xr., st.llt.33S Ine.. W..t tna smensea 4.S07.4U Inc.. 31S.311 Total dsacit U4.7M lac. SS1.3M London Money Market. London, Nov. . Money, 14 per cent; discount rates, short and three months bills, 317-32 per' cent; gold predlum at. Lisbon, 100. DIVIDENDS. 31L4M 39.4SS 171.004 4(,Ui 311,481 IIS, Block of Itecord, American Tobacco Co. (scrip), q. t..........Nov. 18- American Smelting Be- fining- Co, q. 1 Vi ti ...... Nov. 37 American Smelting A Be- nnlntCo., pf. q. li..Nov. 18 Urown ehoe Co., q. ll.t0..Nov. 30 Catawlssa B. It. Co., pf. a, 3H .............Nov. 4 Crescent Pipe Lino Co., q. 7,c ....Nov. 33 Fayette Oas Co.. q. 43 3-3. No v. 14 Oeiieral Asphalt Co., pf, q. H4, Nov. It Hart. Saha finer Mv, Incl. u. 1 ......Nor. SO Kings County Electric Light .,,,i.UT, SV orka. ....Nor. 4 ntudsbaker Corp.. q, l..Nov. 30 ijtudebsker Corp., pf. q. ."T, il Union Amsr. Cltr Co. pf.. q, .....Oct. 31 United Profit Shar. Corp.. it, ti .....Nov. 11 United front Bhar. Corp.. stra 6 ...Nov. 11 Union American Cigar Co,, pf, ,Q, 1 Oct 31 Western Grocer Co., s-a, 4i Dee, 30 Western Orocer Co., pf. s-a tfa .. Dec. 0 Pay able Dec Deo. Dee. Deo. Nov. 13 ,. v., ' Kints County Electric uin imttiil and Power Co., q, 18... ;4a 730 L,m Lolnotl Worka . ww Inc. pf. s-a. 3H.....r Dee. Nor. , Dec Nor, Dso, Nor. 11 Dec 3 DC 3 Nov. 11 Dec x Dec 3 Nov. 1( Dec 31 Dec, 31 t4 . 34.70 . 33.33 , 33.40 llttb. Tjow. Close. 13W 11114 uin imh i:h iHi IM'A 1644 14H ISSUi 11$, 1334 inn 114 i:i2 ii uU ia'i 73S1 OV1 73U VH esQ 7014 70S 7 70V. S4.70 t.n 'I.tO ss.n 2S.ZS 33. W 33.40 33.(10 33.10 72. :S 3.07 3S.IO 33.SI) 3.-..S0 43.00 40. W 43.00 i fon dsx. WK l2i 144 UMi U4?. ti 474 7S M.K It .73 33.10 K.0J 34.80 ,60 Osts. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis. Nov. . Flour un changed; shipments, 148.815 barrels; barley, 88084c.; rye, $l.B6Hffl.57H i bran, 127.94 ; flax, I3.80C2.S2. COTTON MOVES UPWARD. Admnco of. Between f O and 7 a Dale In Local Market. There was a further advance of be tween iS and 37 a bale In the cotton market yesterday on continued covering with January deliveries selling at 29.50 or 130 points nbove the closing price of Monday and 350 points above the low level -of last Saturday morning. That position closed at 20.20 with the general list closing steady at a net ad vance of 85 to 100 points. Increased offerings were encountered on the advance of yesterday afternoon and the close was several points off from the beat but It Is thought that tho rapid recovery In futures has added to the confldence"of the So'nthern hold ers, and the South bought more than It sold around the ring here yesterday. riant or prices: upen. mtn. Low. Norember.. December Close, iiiin !IW 30 33 3J.40 SO-lt Jsnnary 27 W .M S7.4S 39.30M renniary... siarcn.. April 37.10 a.t 37.60 31.7S.3 May 37.U5 3S.70 37 IS W.3VIS Jnlr MSI 3.M 3M 3X03.04 Anrust 34.4S 37.SS 3.M 17.50 II September.. 50.10 17.40 M.30 37.35413 Oclobtr. ... 54 01) 38.00 2.W 37.00 B Spot cotton., 31.00. j.COTTON STATISTICS, Last weanesnsy. week. ... n.ISi 30.IO3 Mon ilar. 3S.0 21 !S 3.3) I7.S3 37.S 37.4S 37.14 3 ft) 34.10 $10,000,000 ISSUE OF CHEMICAL CO. STOCK Bankers' SynrtJcnto Will IJn dcnvrlto Offering of Aracr- . ienn Common. Announcement was made yesterday that Lee, Hlgglnson & Co. and Ilayden, Stone & Co. have agreed to form syn dicate to underwrite an offering of up ward of 310,000,000 of American Agri cultural Chemical Company common stock. The new shares' will be offered to hold ers of common and preferred stock at par on the basis, of one-rifth of their present holdings All shareholders of record at the 'close of business on No vember 14 will be entitled to subscribe to the new stock on or before November 29., Each shareholder of record will have the right to take new common stock on the basis of one share of new for every fire stiares of common or preferred held. Any part of tho offering that Is not taken by the shareholders will be dis posed of or taken by the underwriters. The company now, has- outstanding a to tal of 347,155,300 of preferred and-com-. mon stocks, consisting of 327,650,200 preferred and 319,05,100 of common. Blued on the amount of preferred and common shares outstanding the total amount of new common Imued would bo at least 39.431,000, but this fa rxpected to be enlarged- to perhaps, nearly $11, 000.000 by subscriptions from converti ble bondholders, who may convert their bonds into stock and thus 00 entitled to subscribe to the new offering. Robert 8. Bradley, chairman of the board of directors. In a letter to share holders showing tho financial position of the company and giving tne reasons for the proposed IssuonceVf stocks," says t "It ls a matter for congratulation that the excellent financial standing of the company enables It to obtain this new capital permanently through the sale ot Its common stock,, and thus to strengthen Its position by1 a large reduction in notes payable. "Tho enormous demand for all farm products throughout the world has nat urally had a stimulating effect upon the fertiliser Industry, and has led to a greater use of fertilisers 'not only be cause they produce greater crops of bet ter' quality, but also because they con servo labor by Increasing the yield per aero. This situation Is likely to continue long after the war ends, as our farmers are becoming educated to the advantages of more scientific and enonomlcal agri culture." . Mr. llrndloy In directing the attention of shareholders to the need of additional working capital points to the fact that current liabilities are now 321,105,101, compared with a net working capital of 331,693,313, whereas current liabilities In 1913 were only 31,026.977, compared with net working capital of $28,716,934. Cur rent liabilities In 1917 were $6,627,247. against net working capital of $30,737, 206. "V CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. Securities were strong In an active close of the market yesterday on" the Consolidated Exchange. Prices then were at about the highest levels of the session. Stocks were In scant supply, and what recessions occurred during the day were due to realization sales. The tone of the market 'was at all times firm, and, while fairly broad, speculative Interest was confined to a comparatively few Issues. Including the standard industrials and Southern Pacific In the railroad group. JJuylng orders In these shares made for strength In the remainder of' the active list. Ralls were In demand from the outset, and while tho closing prices were slightly lower than the best for the day, gains from a fraction to 2 Thfe Farmers Loan and Trust Company Noj. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street, New York Branch Office: 475 Fifth Avenue, at 4Ut Street LONDON 16 Pall Mall, East, S. W. I) 26 Old Broad Street E. C 2 PARIS BORDEAUX 41 Boulevard Hauttmerm 6 Court du Qupeiu-Roue and Two Special v Agencies in the War Zono Convenient to the United States Army Camps this Company cifers its services for all banking traniactions to American officers and enlisted men serv ing here or in France. The Company has been designated as Depositary of Public Moneys in New York, London antfaris by the United States Treasury Department. V Mtm brr Federal Ke$ertn Bank and New 'York Clearing Itoiue points were mado in the list. Southern Fields scored the greatest gain, closing at 106&4. Steel common, after an irregu lar forenoon, advanced to 1034 Minor, steels were ribout a point higher. In the equipment stocks Daldwln was tho fea ture," with a net advance Of 2. Copper stocks were active and strong. Marine preferred was In supply-after' scoring a' 3 point gain In the early trading, but' closed Improved, Trading In Liberty Loan bonds was active, with prices firm. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS too J 101)1 102 07 too Sl VD tt 00 on.. lOOt, loo K loo, loo), Bl) 87 iooh 09 ) 'it ion IPS 07 07; 7 B7 OS OA WH 100; 11)1 too JSff ,!Btf Pert receipts..... Exports Ki ports season... New York storks Port storks Interior rerelnts. Interior shipments... 2U.OK) New York arrlrals.. 1Z.K1 Last year. I1.I9S . MJ.7M M.tiS t.'SIX.JOl .US.&W 1,17I.SM 1,057.111 tA.V'J 34.7,3 S1..SS7 :. 4,441 Liverpool Cotton Market. LtvERPOot.. Nov. 6. Cotton Spot aulet. prices steady; American middling fair, -a.iMa.; good miuailnr, Z3.95d. : mid dling, 22.32d.; low middling, 21.27d. : good ordinary, 19.75d. : ordinary, 19.23d. Sales. 1,000 bales. Including 800 Ameri can. Futures closed Irregular and unsettled. JVew Orleans Cotton Market. Nbw Orleans, Nov. 6. Iteactfonary disposition again prevailed In cotton to day and the close showed net gains ot 91 to 108 points. Closing bid : December, 29.10c. ; January. 28.51c. : March, 28.10c ; May. 27.84a: July, 27.GCC Spot firm; middling, 30.38c. COFFEE MARKET. During yesterday's session liquidation, under Government sanction of corres contracts was again activo and large blocks of the distant months were evened up, and It begins to look as If operations might be fully completed before the time limit set" by the Gov ernment, November 9. liquidation has been reflected In the spot market and there have befh large sales from Importers to jobbers of spot lllo 7s at 10 H to 10H& and of Vlotorlas at 10Sc. At the close yestcrday'brokera reported It difficult tq get holders 'to offer coffeo In large amounts and .while Rio prices advanced H to 10ic. for No. 7s. and Santos 4s at IE He, prices continued to be more or less nominal. , in tho cost and freight market Santos' 4s wero quoted at 18c f. o. b., and from 15Ti to 17o. cost and freight, steamer ship ment, London credit There were no regular offerings, however. Rio market up 325 rels with 7s quoted at 71500. Receipts 8,000 bags and stock 769,000 bags. In Santos spots were not quoted, while futures were 50 to 150 rets higher. Receipts 23,000 bags nnd stock 4,594,000 bags. Brazilian coffeo statistics : I-s.t Wednesday, week. New Tork deliveries. 14.MI 1(,7: rew wnesns aeur... Total de'lverles New Tork stock.... New Orleans slock.. Stock at all porta.. Anoat t.:t4 17.1U mo.; M.tU 891. fit I70.SH 1.0;5.HI SM.OnO 111.000 Ml Ml Visible supply 1.I00.7U l.:I.U M.MI last year's visible... 7.S77.69 1 l.O.EsO 2,i:,(Ht 1.807 it.m 113.19 Last month. 11.72? sis is.m; 17.0 H EX DIVIDEND TABLE. To. day Conso'ldsted Oas K Friday " Amsrlean T.a France Fire Engine..., ,m Aassclated Dry Gooda 1st pf.... lHTi Associated Dry floods Si pf.., ltt" Colorado & Southern lat pf :ti Continental Taper Hag .lHtt Continental Paper Dag pf, .llaTi flreene Cananea Copper. .1! no International Harvester pf 1, JJ National Rnam. Stamp,,.,. m National bead extra New Cornelia Cop 1'Sc Monday ' Keystone Tire A Rubber (stock)..,... Htt Woolvrorth, V. W.V- 13,00 SHOUT TERM NOTES. Pmuitr. Mate. Uue. Uld. Askel AmCottonOll....7 Sept. 1019 B lUO'i AmColton011....S Kept. 1919 071 AmTeiatiei n Feo. iviw vwh AmToiiaccoUo...7 Nov. itio no AmTobaccoTo.,.7 Nov. t ran loo AmTobaccoCo...7 Nov. 1921 loo AinTobnccoC"o...7 Nov. 1023 lot Arxentineiort'.'..o May ISin wait Armour&Co n June 1S.'19 B9)i Armour St i. a o june 10, -ju wv ArmourACo S June 11.'3I 99 Arroour'-o O June 15,'JJ 99 AnnourAC'o 0 June 1.V21 0Bs ArmourArn n June IS,'3i V9li HsltAOhlottK.. .B July 1910 HethSteeK'oro.. 7 Julr ISin 10O UrthmeetCrp...7 July IS.'JO H ii'iuMCTioryt. . yuir rf. UethSteelCorp.. .7 July lS.'M UethSteell'orp.. 7 July lo.'23 Csnl'srllkllT... .0 Mar. 2.'24 CentralArsKy , .0 Feb. 1997 (ubanAmsug&r. A Jan. 1019 (!ntutnAmlt.iriiF..A Jn. 1 Q1l (lubanAmsuaar..6 Jan. 1921 ' 98 Cudahrl'acliifCo.7 July 15,-a) 90 MtlAlludltlt... -.1 Aus. 102O DonilnloJKa"sJi..5 Aug. IV19 krlcKallroad. . .4 April 1919 rpaSusarltefCo..5 Jan. 1920 lenKIectrlcCo...O Dec. 1019 (ienhlectrlcCo. . July 1920 (ieDKubbeTCo...S Dec. 101 (IrratXorlhernK.A Bept. 19211 MonTranifcPCo a April ID 14 Newfoundland.. 9 July 191U NVCentralKIt. 5 Hept. IA19 NornayUovt ..1 Feb. 19X1 I'ltuAMh-mutUKS Mar. 1020 lYocteTAUambl.7 Mar. 1910 l'rocl-i(lsmble.7 Mar. 107(1 IToclr.v(JsrnWe.7 Mar. l2l l'ructA(iarable.7 Mar. ll22 l'rocterA(lamhle.7 Mar. 192.1 l-ubSerCorp.VJ,5 Mar. 1919 HemArmiUMC...1 Feb. 1019 Itusilandovt SU Dae 1921 ItusslanOoTt. . . .814 Feb. 14,-2081t7 Kusslanuovt. . . AH June IS, 19 72 bbaw'ganWArO.A Dec. lS.'lu 101 louthernltr Mar. 210 osff HluerlandGoTt.5 Mar. 1920 99 winci(epArrns(.o7 Mar. luiu MsstKAMfcCo. .0 Feb. 1912 ua!i ' STANDABD OIL. Did. Ask. I Did. Ancln.Am. 1 KViirrslrlc CVSO 57t All Iienn..lCtt 10S) il'ralrle P L,:W H 570 to 175 tt lis 201 Vti 1W l 171 Is 01 97 on 101 u 9Hi 100 loo u lOO'i iooh 101 0.t 9M Ol 15 J )f V7Vi 921. 9li 99 103), 100 101 H m 1111 97 09 ea 81U2 71 103 OU 100 09 99 ISolar Befln..SW) Soulh ! I.. 175 ISouth Pa.. .485 3 v ia 1'u.ivi Std of Cal. 37 Sid of Infl. . Std of Kan 509 Vd of Ky Sid of Neb. 415 Std of N J..MO Std of N Y.yo .sid ol Kan F... 97 Union Tar.k.191 IVacuum ....370 Horne-S(rr .t'O Duckeje PL 51 flies Mfe C.Ki (lolontBl . 19 Comlnental to Oesce nt PL J7 Cb ! L Ine l Kureka M'L.IW UalenS'Slg- M flal-s p(. .1 ifiil H pf . ,1OT mirois PL.irr Indiana 1'U 91 lnt Petrol. . 1S4 Nat Trsnsil. 11U N Y Trans. la iWashlnirlon. 49 North I' L.101 110 Stard subsld Ohio 130 !:s I "en bloo".l Pa Mex F.. 44 4 Stand old st Ilerre 171 I7KI "all on". .1839 Old. tNew. CHEMICAL STOCKS. Did. Ask.l Bid. Ask. Atk. CM :s5 1S ws 119 :u 7f CIS 31D 479 IM S5 415 101 V SW 45 Am Cyan . ... S Am Cyan pf. &s Mr Prod C. .115 Casein Co ... 40 Dar Chem .. Dow rtiem...30O Dow rh pi F.lec Hlesch..!49 Fed Chem Fed Ch pf... W Free Tex nw S9 liraesem . Hook Weo Ky SoKay .179 .. 75 .IX tolMerrlraac .... 7 (llMulford Co... U llilMutual C ....!M .. Niag Alk pf.. r. Jl'Nsi A A C. 17 ) Nat AtOpltH KIPern Sslt .... S lMRollln Ch .... M M Rol Ch pt.... 90 lOl'R'-met S ......176 C'smllh Ac O. 175 ls-lolv Proa ..."0 Stnd Ch ITSf .... W ICO NEW YOKK CITY AND STATE DOND8. Approx. Form. Rate and Maturity. Did. Asked, yield. Inter. 4is. July, 1X7 100 101 n 4.41 inter, shs. Jtine. iff Inter. 44s. March, 1H1 100 Inter. 4Vi. Nov.. It 17 1004 Inter 44s. May. 1957 100 Inter. 4a. April. WA Inter. 4Hs. March. 14.... MS inter. 4'4s, March, IKS.... MS Inter, 4Us, Sept.. 190 H Inter. 4W". March. HMD.. IKVt Inter. 4s. Msy. 195. !- Inter. 4s. Nor., I95S 1S Inter. 4s. Mar. 1957. il't Reals. 4s. Nov., IM. M4 Rerls. 4s. Nov.. 1935 M Rests, 4s. Nov.. 1JS sj Inter. 4s. Mar. Ul MVl Inter. Nor., ltW 80, Inter. 1'ss. Nov., 1954 lis Hoc-coupon CHs. May. lXt 814 Coupon 41s, 19:4-1M5 Coupon 44. 1919-1912 ,. Coupon 4Vis. 1924 1911 Coupon 4s. 1931-1923 Coi-ion 44S. 1919-1929 Rests. SHs. 194IM951 Resie. s. 1930-1939 Coupon 3',. 192-1929 Her coupon 34s. 1919-1921 Resls. 3s. 1940-1913 Itcds. 3s. 1S24-1I30 Rerls. 3s. lilt-1925 Form, Rate and Mnturity. Did. Coupon 4is. Jan.. 1W( 107 Coupon 4Ss. Sept.. 1M.... 107 Coupon 4s. March. 1X6 192 Reels. ';. Marcb. 1U.... 100 Coupon 4s. March. i',2 Rerls. 4s. Jan.. 1963 Coupon 4s. Jan., 1149.... Rerls. 4s. Jan., 1945 Coupon 4s, 1967 Coupon 4s, 19C0-C3 Canal. I toils. 4s. IKoei-canal. 101 191 101 101 987a KTs 97 97 97 93 2 92', 1 1V 91 S2 siv. Yield Bid. Asked 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.41 4.11 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4 4 4.4 4.49 iia 4 59 4.W 4. CO . 4.60 . 4.69 . 4 60 . 460 . 4.60 . 4.C0 . 4.69 . 4.0) . 4.63 . 4 .C5 4.63 4.49 4.49 4 49 4 49 4.49 4.45 4.46 4.45 4.4S 4.45 4.45 4.45 ADDrox. Asked, yield. lUft 4.1V Coupon 4a. l!C8-63-TH'wjyr nexis. is. j L'.'3-i.; ti waj.. Coupon 4s, Jan., 1940.. Kens. 4s. Jan., ihs Coupon 4a. Jan.., 1942 Uerla, 4a. Jan., 1342 M19CKLLANEOCS STOCKS. 1W 101 109 97 97 KS 97 MS 97 96 M 198 194 96 9V, 94 9S 9S Bid Am Chicle.. 41 Am Ch pf.. 65 Am MAP. 75 Am Type F. 34 Am T F pf. SJ A D T N J. 3) Atlas P O . S Uarnh Bros A Spin 1 p 75 Damn Bros A Spin 2 p 63 Dor O Milk. 93 Dor CM pf 94 Hush T pf. 89 Celluloid ...ISO Chillis CO ..43 Chllds nf ., 9 Col (irapli.. 99 Col Or pf.. 77 Crk W pf 94 D L W Co.167 HOtV V IT. Ask 79 95 93 99 119 60 93 93 63 103 170 s Hid. lnt Silver pf 63 IJma Loc pf 75 Mich Lime.. 10 Mich L pf.: 17 Nst Caeket.. 91 N J 7. nw sl.32 Otis Elev .. 62 Otis Elev pf. 7 . ueips li . .mi Pratt A W p 63 Rem Type... 31 Rem T 1 pf.lM Hem T 2 pf. M Rr Bak Pdr.l20 Rr I) F pf.. Iff saf If A L. IS 'inirer Mfr..l4 TAP CAO.9-J0 Weet C Kerr 64 W C Kerr pf 77 lYale A T.. 4.10 4.03 4 OS 405 4.0S 4.00 4.09 4 19 4.10 4.19 4.10 4.19 4.19 4.19 4 10 4.19 Ask. 75 S2 15 19 819 93 3! 109 193 90 (9 1M 935 70 3 : STEEL AND ORDNANCE STOCKS. WU. ASK. - Uld. ASK. Am Bras ...295 A & n Mfr 3 A A 11 Mfr pf Atlas PUW...1C5 Atlas low pf f7 tab A WI1...110 Miss, F. W ..SW Bliss. E IV Pf .. Can F A F. 19S Carb Steel ...103 Cirb Pll 1 pf 95 Curb Stl S pf 61 Colts Anns . 52 Du I' Fow... M0 H'! Eastern Steel. O S A 1... 35 'Kmp S A I pf CI 17CI Hercules 110 t9Sltcre I pf....li5 113 Hop-Allen SWlIfon-AlIni pf.. 2 7tiNlles-H.P .. 116 r05,VI!e.-H-P Pf . S3 19 Pens S Rtcel. 41 ..'Srovlll Mfr...S 70!Thonias Iron.. M w R Arms.. .70) 379'3Voodward . . to NEW TORK BANK STOCKS, America.. . Atlantic. . Am Eidt, Hattry7. Ilryant P. ...180 ll'way Ces.I40 llronxNat...lA() uutcn at u. Chase Chat A P.. Chelae Ex, Chemical, . I'ltiNat... i,.. ..... ... t'oaJAIron. 20H t'ommerce ..18.1 Cotonfal.... 3.V1 C-ontlmntal. 10(1 Columbia. . . .161 Corn Each. . .30 4oemopolltan. S5 'ommerc'l E.390 'om'nweailth.lS5 Cuba 1st Kan River. IS l lrth Nat ton nnn Ave. Firsr Nat Bld.AaknJ. 4N0 4H5 ..103 ..210 ..190 .390 20 350 2.19 120 SS8 315 .19.3 ISO 220 3IO 420 IM 160 3 .100 SIS 400 223 403 110 IBS 100 10.1 1S.3 24 220 700 2IOO 88.1 P21! Uld.AsVed. iituuniijMi.iiliu AO' (lotham N.-.-.JOO 323 Oreenwlch,!. .320-. . llarrtman.. . .231 14.1 rianoTer. . , . ,Tmi ofil lm A Trad. ,.AOO sir, IrvliiiNt. .2711 Jill Uberty 890 401 unrmn 330 Manhst Co...lfl) MochAM...300 MetroDolltan.183 Mutual.... 1.378 Merchants. .,120 New Neth's. .21X1 N YNBA...430 N Y Co 135 Park.. AO! Pacific ..135 frodueeKi...300 Public, ....rOO Sherman 120 Seaboard. . . .480 erond ...'..393 S1AI 102 2.1 d Ward.... 101 union R, Wash tits. .150 Yarktilln 311 1711 ai'j 173 130 210 13 310 130 478 413 107 ' 1S5 150 TBCST AND 8CRETV COMPANIES. blu.AatM., ula.,iseJ, illUncIlt,. U3 Am surety . . os Hankers. . . .370 Bond AM tg.. OKI Urooklrn. .. 485 t entrai UnIon378 Columbia... .200 Commercial.. 00 l-.mplre Trust. 210 Lquttable... .330 I armera LAT. 350 l-ranklill.... 225 rulton ,.240 Hdellty....;.200 Ouaranty, ...325 IUmli(on....240 Hudson T.... 138 llrrlna-Trust. ijDjr.CVi fisn 1-aayeraM... 88 1 T. 00 rs to 380' lN.'i 803 3SO 110 30U 3.13 378 235 260 210 60 145 e&o 98 100 Lincoln Tr. . . U9 .lanufac-rs...lOU McrTAD. .195 Metropol..,.310 Ml(B lloud.. . 80 MutTor3'..ta5 Nat Sunsty..,lS3 NYLUTcsM New York T..895 N Y Title. ... 80 l'coplea.. .263' Queens (Jo . , Realty Aaso. . 55 Hcanolnav'n ., 300 lltleO AT...I1U 1ranaatlantlc.l70 1111 BtaUM., , .H7S USM AT...395 U 8 Title Guar J5 Wejtcheelw. .1.10 W A IITA MlnS Includes one-third shar Irving Trust. ias irvinc National nana. PUBLIC UTILITIES. Bid. Ask.f DH. 90 123 1WI voo 5'J5 no 375 HU 65 210 IM) oil) 40.'. 80 14U 175 Am I, A T.2."7 Am LAT nf 9u Adiron 1; 1. 14 Ad E V pf 64 Am OAK H Am OAK nf 29H Am I' A L. W Am PAL jif 73S Am 1Mb U. .. Am I II pf. 88 Am 3VWAE. 74 Am W1VAE panic pf.. 11 AW3VAE I p f4 Car V A L. 27 Car PAL pf S7 Cities SerV..73 cities H pr. 77 97 17 Co 41 li 75 41 9 11 63 JS 7S Cities H ser B -66. .193 Col Power.. 24 Col Pow pt. rt Com'wealtli V R A I... 23 Com'wealth PRAL pf. 47 n (ijiB Eleo HAS pf 99 SUGAH STOCKS, Bid. Ask rara-Atn . 1; 111 r7 96 Enin D K nf '0 Fed L AT.. 7 Fed UT of 33 IfJ A B SecJIO OAE 8er pf. SO r. iinio Kiec. is N Ohio K Pf 62 N Out 1V. 11 N O LAP pf 60 N States V , fi N 8 Pow pf. H I'M CAE. JSS !? OAE pf line Bl vi.. M Hep Ry i L II Ren RAL pf 67 ! Cal Edl... 75 H Cal E- pf. 94 Sid OAE.. I ltd I7AE nf 31 ITenn RIJIP. 3 T RLAP nf. 14 un U II.. 35S I'n LAR 1 p 96 Weet Power. It V Pow pL . 69 Yadkin pf... i Card-Am pf 60 C Arulrre..l69 Faiardo .... 61 Federal .... 93 Fed.ral pf.. 99 Ot Weet Ot West pf.lM Ouantanaroo 41 June Cent.. 19) 20 75 161 S3 ri5 61 139 lad. 93 so Manstt ... fannt1 pf, MBt-Am .... s iMat-Am pf. 70 Mlihij-an ...-73 National .. S7 N Nlqnero.,179 M Cedlla ... 22 S Cecilia pfM Warner 10V OUT OF TOWN MARKETS. nosTox.. MINING. Sales. to Am 7.i no 62 Ahmeek CKAIreka , :5 Allouer 4 Anaconda ........ 9 Aria Coml inn Unite A Hal 110 Cal A Aril 14 Cal A Hrcla IMChlno 19ft Copper Ranre... til) East Hullo ...... 69 Franklin 16 Orrene Can fols'and Creek to Isle Hoy. lie 10) Kerr Ijike 100 La Salle 12) May Mower O O. 10 Michigan 69 Mobawk , - ... 119 New Art-anan... SOMpirs'nr lit North BUtte .... in Old Pom 15 Oseola IM Pond Creek 63 Qulncy 1300 saula Fe 225 Seneca too Shannon 769 Sun A Boston.... 125 Trinity 111 Tuolumne 455 U ft Smelters,,... 70 11 S Smelters pf. 2360 Utah Apex 19 Utah Cons 400 Hinli Metal 110 Winona 10 n oivenno a HAILS. M Boston A A 133 SOO Boston Elevated... 71i 49 lloslon E'ev pf... W, 11 Boston A Ix)ell.. 97 1S9 Boston A Maine... S4 249 Host on A Mn pf.. 40 44 Fltchburr pf tH 8 Maine Central 13 169 Mass Elec 3 150 Mass Elec pf 12 10 Northern R R....190S 15 N Y N II A II..., 40 f Old Colony 105 1 Vt A Mas 90 21 West End 14 II) West End pf 67 MISCELLANEOUS, 61 American Arr 10314 10.1 60 mericsn Arr pi. va; 179 Amosseur 69 5 American Surar...lll 93 Am Sugar vt 113 (94 Am T A T- Am worn vi vo 14 19 ::::::::: 4V4 . 71 . 15 . 13 70 .45) . 41 . 41 . 67 . 61 ,. 24 : !' .: Si . 67 . 3 ::,S . 41 .. 64 ,. 15 . 67 .. Mc . 15 . 4 . 34 .. 96C . 47 .. 47 .. ! . ' . 2 . ISi 14 14 14 79 79 79 ch 5 r. 19 4 49 71 71 71 1S 16 15 33 32 8! 70 70 70 460 470 4P0 41 41 41 43 4i 46 11 11 11 4 4 4 67 67 67 61 61 61 K 25 tf 6 6(J H 3 3 1 4 4 4 3 3 3 67 67 S7S 2 1 2 ,5 ,5 ,! 41 41 41 67 66 67 16 13 13 G7S 67 (7 60o 61C 60c IS 14 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 3S ' 8 3 96u 9c He 43 47 41 4K. 46 49 J : 2 9 9 9 2 21-19 2 1 1 1 23 tS 2 13T, 73 IT 37 4: 63 it 3H 13 190 41 105 90 43 87 95 90 111 112 776 Booth Fisheries... 22 :oo uentury 13 79 rnhsn Port Cem.. 11 33 Edison IM 261 Fslrbsnka 67 19 nenersl Electric .163 240 Oorton 80 :fl Islsnd Oil 2 10 Loews , 3 21 Mm fits 14 74 Msss Oas pf 70 29 N B T A T 91 SI'se Mills 153 19 Puma Surar .... 47 fan 11 93' 135 73 96 97 34 44 6! 65 2H 10 100 40 .100 9-1 43 67 101H 93 39 lit Hl!4 103 w 23 22 13 13 13 166 4U9 Utewan 57 155 39 H 'l 35 70 9 153 47 St' 13 164 M 134 39 3 3 34 69 M 155 47 mi iw 73 f 97 34 43 61 5 19 ira 40 195 90 43 57 193 96 111 111 193 91 23 13 13 160 67 161 30 3s sa f 99 155 47 IM Swift 26 Cn Iirur .... 2 l!n Drur 2d ft United Fruit 337 united Shoe 131 76 pf.. 79 16 J? 123 lit ISO United Shoo nf... 29 3175 Ventura t BONUS. S5n Msss Gas 4s... 91 1000 Mies Rir Pow ,5s. 73 1000 N E T A T Cs . 90 MOOPunta Hurar 4.. 64 :oo Sal ft Cs 94 loiouniied Fruit 4s. 9 ;0O0 Weilern Tel 6s. . W 79 111 41 26 8 91 73 99 6 94 95 ro 79 143 43 : 6 91 73 99 84 94 96 90 BOSTON CUlOl CLOSING. B.d. Am Oil . II Hj Slate O 9 Berole .... to Holiemis ... .30 Ulark Hk .. Boston Ely. .69 Bos A Mon. 15 Rutin A L . 11 Boston Ant Calaveras .. I Cortra Champ old. 6 Chief Con.. 3W IVrblsh ... C9 ' Earl Earle . 2 Forluna ... 3 Houthton.. 30 Full paid. Ak. 10 60 1 75 1 m 15 IS ! 33 63 4 6 33 ma. , 81 . 38 , 1 , 37 Itoma Oil. Iron Bios, Iron Cap ta Rose , Maiestic . Mex Metals. t4 ioj ninr . s New Ualtie. 75 Nst 7. A L. N Cornelia.. 17 Nlxoil Xel 35 Oneco 9 Onondsra .. 19 S W Mlsml 1 I' Ven1 Kxt 37 Vic Mln Yukon Gold. .99 133 76 79 115 41 : s SI 73 CO Wl 4 M 90 Ask. 35 45 11 45 33 33 9 91 9 17 SO so 1 M 1 11ALT1MORE. Open. Hlrh. Ixiw. Last. Sslrs. 5 Atlsntl." Pete 3 3 IIS Consolldsttsl Coal.. S3 33 21 Cosden 7 7 99 Cosden pf 83, 8 94 Con Power 103 104 10 Darlson 39 34 41 F.lttiorn 39 29 190 Mt Vernon pf 74 74 7 M A 31 Trsns 7 7 5 M l Cs.lilllr 73 73 19 Northern Central.. 73 72 20 Penn Wster 79 79 475 United Rr 21 2t 25 W B A pf 39 59 BONDS. taW) All C L T 4s 79 79 5009 Balto Eleo 9s 91 91 1000 City Is 1941 94 94 4000 Con Power 4s 33 (3 7000 Cosden 6s II t 63 34 10004 Cosden ret 6s 1926: 91 91 1000 Klkhom As 96 95 10) Fairmont Trac 6s.. 91 91 3000 Ilsrerstown A F 5a 14 95 6010 United Ry 4s 76 74 (000 United Ry 6s , 94 94 3 13 7 31. 103 8S 29 74 7 , 73 7111 79 31 3V4 tl 94 63 63 91 93 91 96 79 91 t 83 St 104 34 29 71 7 75 73 79 21 8Vi 79 91 94 S3 81 91 95 91 78-1 94 Sales. riTTSIIUItG. Open. Hlrh. Low. Last, l Am W Ols Mach. 65 66 64 64 19 Am W Ills M pi,. 71 II 74 71 41S Indept Brwtr 2 : 2 t 32 Mfrs U A Heat.. 41 41 48 41 ISO Nat Flrenfr 9 3 t 6 26 Nat Flrenfr pf... 19 19 19 19 595 Ohio Fuel Supply 4J 43 43 i: 190 Okla Oas 29 29 S3 29 45 litis Brwr pf 6 1 t 1 Dsw nua jerome... . itc 15a 35c lac 1000 I'UU Ml Shasta.. 90c 300 Iff ISO Pitta O A G 0 6 6 no ..esiinrns a vt ai vt 475 Westlnrh Elec. 45 45 43 46 BONDS, UKv Pitts Brtt'I 31 (1 11 !1 t'HIC.ttiO. Open. Ifirh. Ijiw. Sales. ro Armour nf im ii too Hooth Fish 23 :3 119 Booth Fish pf.... 77 77 1700 Chi 1- A C Ry.... 1 1 P fill C A C Ry pf 13 15' li Chi Rr series 2.. 9 10 15 Chi Title A T....1M IW to Cudahy 1M 127 A', ('wealth Edison. ..110 110 10 Deere pf 97 '97 lOniamnnd Match. 411 .It!' 50 111 llrick M ' str S349 Ibby 19 ' 35 Public Service.... SI ' rt IS-. Pronlea Gas M -f0' tOOuakrj- OMs pf. . 99 W . nv,-Sears-Bc-biick....13 163. ' CM siewarl-Warner... 11 - 72" Mt4 Swift lnt 3! ' U Mfi7 Swift 123 114, 1310 Union Carbide. ... 61 69 27t I'n Paperboard... t! t3 Kt Wl'son ! 61 25 Wilson pf 94 94' BONDS. 131000 Cbl C A C 5s.... 67 1000 Chi C Ry 1st 5s.. 61 2000 Chi Rjrs 1st 5s 31 9000 Cth Ellison 1st 6j, 03 W00 Met EI Ry Ex 4s 16 low SJ 7SU. s 13 9 1SU U-6". 110 9714 111 ' m 19 T 6) , 99 us,. 71 27 Itl .t 94 91 Ask. 75 10 4! aw !u 20 67 16 (5 C2 37 ) 22 91 to w 7H 97 11 33 4 IS. 37 ( 15 A.k. 93 M 10 to TI 91 19) :i 53 '119 Lit. 1f.' 21 w. 9 , lo 127 no 9TV liz f' 14 31 60 91 1C- 73 37', 12.1 61 22 64 I Rv Kx 4s H' I'llIUiDF.I.l' SUIQ. Sales. 4 Ruff A 3.h i rajnp 33 Elec Htoraee TOUtll Aspnaii 25 lien Asptlalt si ijiae aup V7 Ihlth J."kv ... ItJ, Phila Elec . .. 250 Tono Relfnonl 334 Tuno Mln 860 U O 1 ... . 60 Union Trac ... to United Co N 17 84 94 66 I1IA. Oin. II rb. Imk. Ix.t .it H's 64 P3 (0 6 84 ll cc Pf.. : . 61 '. 65 33 11 70 36 61 77 . C5 17 70 ft J 70 40 135 70 49 J IIONIIS. I3W Am Oas A r. 3s., (" 64 1S0.10 Dreael Co ctfs. .101 101 Sti4 Uhlrh V sen 4s.. 39 69i 7000 Ivehlrh Is tl'l 12000 ltula Klec 1st 6s.. 93 93 MkO Hpan-Ain Iroo 6. 99 99S IXHIONTO CI.OSINO. COBALT. 61 fr. .33 71 16 70S 26 2A 70 44 165 60 100 89 f2 91 99 Adanac nancy . ... Bearer Buffalo . .. Chainh Fer. Conlaraa .. .. Crown Res. is Did. 13 3 :s Fosler (llffnrd .... Ol North... Harrraves . Hudson B Ask 15 6 S3 11 40O 23 4 8 4 6 III. 1 I.ako Slmre. 65 Kerr Iike.. 67, I1 Rom ... J. McK-Dar . 42 .Min c or c.:o) N'lplsslrr .. 8 Peterson L.. s RIahl of w IT-ck Hushes in iTenilekoni.. 30 Itetheway,, tl Apex Boston Crk. 20 Davidson .. 49 Dome Ext.. 28 Dome Lake. 15 Holllnrrr U 6 Klrkland E. Ktrkland L. 35 Mclntyra HI lORCUPINE. 6) 8 6 44 43 1111 MouelM . 1 N'ewrar 11 Pore Crown. 15 Pore Imp... 1 Preston H II 1 Schumacher V Thomp lirlsl 7 nest Home. II MONTREAL CLOSING. Bid. Aslt.l R.,4 BratUlan .. 60 ., Dotp Iron. tt Can Car ... SJ SS sii,ul ol Can i; 61 77 33 ,1 17 t. 70 44 135 - 10 I'll 39 93 frD- Afk HO i'i 4,A Jin '! 44 S3 24 17 30 3 5 34 17 Ask. 63 K NOTICE. x OFFICE OF THE UNION TRUST COMPANY Ol PITTSBURGH. TRUSTEE. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Notice to Holder of New York Shipbuild ing Corporation First Mortgage. Tlilrlv ear Fire 1'er Cent. Slaking flind Oold Honda, dated November 1, 1916, due November I, 1946. Pursuant to Section 1 of Article Four ot Ibe Morlrsre of the New York Shipbuild ing Corporation to The Union Trust Com pany of l'lttsburrh, Trustee, dnted No vember 1, 1916, securing Its First Mort is re Thirty-Tear Five Per Cent. Plnklntr Fund Gold llonds, the undersigned Trusts hereby gives notice that the bonds of such laiue will ba purchased by the Trustee for the Sinking Fund provided In said mort sare, to nn amount sufficient to exhaust One Hundred Elshty-ssven Thousand Five Hundred (8117,309), being the moneys nov.' held by It In such Sinking Fund. Tn Trustee; hereby invites from the bondhold ers offers for the s.Ue to It on NOVEMBER 26, 1918, of auch bonds. As provided tu saldMortgare. auch offers shall In each case be for all or any part ot the bonds a Offered. The lowest offers to the asrsre-gato-amount not exceeding an amount auOt clent aa nearly ns may be to exhaust such moneys now huld In the Sinking Fund will be accepted, provided that the price or prices accepted will In no event exceed. In addition to accrued Interest, one hundred two and one-half per 'centum (192). Aa aoon aa may be, on or after November It. 1918, the lfnderslcned Trustee will notify bondholders whosa offers are ao cepted, so that delivery of the borMs covered by such acceptance may be made to the Trustee at Its offlco In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on November 26, 1918. All oftera muat be In wrltlnr. be encloasd In sealed envelopes, state the number or numbers ot the bonds offered, 'and name the prlco ur prices at which the same arn offered. All orfera must be received at the ornc of the Trustee, on or before noon of No vember 18, 1918. THE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, TRUSTEE. Plttsburgh.-Pa., November 1, 1918. CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI. CHICAGO A NT. LOUla RAILWAY CO. St. Louis Division First Collateral Trust Mortgage llonds. The Central Union Trust Company ot New York, Trustee, clvea notlco that In ac cordance with a certain Indenture made by tne above company, dared November 1, 1899. It v. Ill receive sealed proposals to sell the above described bonds at a rats not to exceed one hundred and five per centum (195ft and accrued Interest, the total offer not to consume more than tho Bum of Sixteen thousand seven hundred ventr-two and 43-190 dollars (116.773.42)., Fealed proposals setting forth the serial numbers of the llonds so offered will ba opened at Its offlai, 34 Wall Street, Ne- ) ork, nt tweua o c.ock noon on November 19, lulu. CETTTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY Ol NEW YORK, Trustee, nv r J. rUI.l EH, Vice President. New York. November 2, 1919. TO THE HOLDERS OF Ccmbusti )n hi gineering (!o-poatio:i TWENTY YEAR DEBENTURE iion-ds. nvmi .tpntr.-i 1914 Sealed offera for the sale of sufficient of tne ntoe mentioned bonus to the sinking Fund to exhaust the sum of 129,000 will be received at the Trust Department of the undersigned up to 10 o'clock A M. ob .Monday, November 11, 1911. nonda ac cepted will he paid for on Thursday. No vember II, 1916, and Interest on accepted bonds will cruse on such date. The Trustee reserves the rlrht t" rejec any nnd all otters or to accept any ofterti in whole or In part Dated. New York. October 31, 191! HANKERS Till ST COMPANY, Trustee Hy H. F. Wl son, .lr . Vice President. GENTLEMAN with 150,000 to Invest will ffhe largo Interest In business and his money back In one year. J., box 127 Sun omee. DIVIDEND1 AND INTEREST. THE A. Mi: 1U CAN TOBACCO CO. Ill Flflll Avenue New York, November 0. 1918. Notlco Is herpt'v given that a dividend of Ave per cent 5rM on tho common stork of The American Totncco Company was today declared payabld on December 1913. tn common etmJhoIilers of record at the close of business November 15, 1918, tn the scrip, or oertinLates, of the Ciimpsiv duo March 1, 1921, and at that tune pay able In cash or, at the election of tu holder expressed not earlier than Septem her 1. 1920. and not later thin Dcembei 1, 1920. n Common Stock 41 of tho Com pany at par, scrip certificates, for what ever amount may be considered toether In making units of 3100 ur multiple thereof for the leeu.ince of stock, but 110 frac tional shnrea of stock will issue ami amounts less than 3100 win be paid In cash, In case t-he holder of the scrip cer tttli'ale does not make tho election as afore said, the scrip certlrk-ale is to l" ptUl and dls' haree.l In ensh at par. Interna on scrip to maturity will bo paid aeml-annua'ly in cash nt tho rate of atx per cent 'STri ps" annum on Slarch 1st and September 1,1 or each, year, first Interest payment on srrip now Issuing paable March 1st. 1919. tha prlvllesa of converting Into Common stork II perulu only to principal und 11, in teresL -. J M W HICKS. Tr.asurer GREENE CANANEA t'OPPKIt CO.. 12 Bnmrtvay. New York, N Y The Board- of Directors of the orer. Cananea Copper Company has declared 1 dividend of 12 00 per share upon Its Capi tal Slock of tha par value pf tlOoOO pe share, payable on November 25. 1S18, to the holders of ouch shsres of record at the close nf business at 3:00 o'clock 1' If Frl day. November 8. 1911. The dividend Is payable only upon tha 1100 99 sharea Into whlrh the Capital Flock Is divided All stockholders who have not converted the.r holdings Inlo shores of 1109.00 pr vaiu'. should do so without delay In ord.r that they may receive their dividend prompt y Tho transfer books will nit be closed. .1 W ALLEN, Treasurer New York, October 21. 1913 THL INTl RN TK)N L NICKt LCO. Common Mock Dividend. A dividend of 31 00 tic.) on the common stock has been declared this da, payahl Darember 2, 19ls, to Common stor.thoi1 ers of record nt tha closa of tusinas No vember II, l'Jls. JAMES L. AHII.F.Y. Sec y A freas November I, 1913. ELECTIONS AN 11 MEETINI.n. NOT1CK OF ANNUAL MEKTINO OF BROWN hllOE COM FAN V. INC. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ot BROWN Sill IE COMPANY. INC, will be held on the 20th day of November, 191! at 12 o'clock noon at the office of the cor porallon, Mlllbrook, Dutchess County, Nev York, for the purpose nf electing a board of directors, two Inspectors to serve ut ar elections of stockholders durlnar the en suing year and receiving and acting upo the reporta of tha otneera, and for the transaction of eurh other business as ma) properly come before lha meeting WILLI AM Kit A 1 1 Secretary Dated November I, 1913. M ETA I, MARKET. Nov. . nid. Atkrd. 919 8 70 .. . 6.5 . . 8.64 .... 3.1.M .... $155.0) .... 11 Ol ... 35.54 .... 310a .. . 3,1.70 ... 83 00 . . 34.34 47 69 Coyyvr tiourtjjsr-. jrltc, tt;. Spelter. N T. spot . Speller. K H L. spot Speller. E s L. Nov Hpalter. E S L. Dec. Alumlnnm Quicksilver Antimony P! Iron. No I, XF Pl Iron, No, 2, XI' fir Iron, plain, No, 3 Plr Iron, basic. . Pitts. Bess Iron Pitts, Bess billets I. IT. 8 'a 8 15 Nov 4. Bid A-kcL 9-4 8 3.74 ICS 13 04 $125.01 11 "l 33.P1 31 1. 8J70 Sl.Ofl 3!.l 47 M 1UU Wt