Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBffifc v 918. CHARM OF. WOMEN'S CLOTHES NOT LOST BY WAR ECONOMIES 4 Old Frocks Easily Brought Up to Date at Small Cost, Color Combinations Helping Br MARTHA GOODE ANDERSON. TUB army of women who aro go Jnff to "make thlng Co" this year and to forego tho pleasure of buying new clothes Is nearly as Jorge as that great army in khaki for vhose sako deprivations of ail kinds are cheerfully borno. And making things do is a very ifood plan to fol low and is ono of tho needed lessons in thrift which this -war Is teaching Americans. At that, many old things can be mado to look quite up to date by a few changes, and theso possibili ties arc tho subject on which I shall write. First of all, the skirt has undergone gome changes which have been creep ing in bo slowly that fow of us have accepted them, as wo undoubtedly will a few months from now. As to the matter of length, beyond question tho Parts skirts aro longer and much tighter. It is not always easy to achlcvo this extra length in an old suit, but it can bo dono by the addition of false hems and under slips over which tho'top skirt may flare. Again wo aro threatened with a re turn of the hobble. Now .this solves the1 problem of making tho old now. It Is especially practical In remodelling houfo and evening cowns. For In stance, I have seen a very smart blackH uet dinner dress which has been almost made oyer by the addition of a rather narrow hem of pink grosgraln ribbon, slightly hobbling the net about the ankles. The ribbon, three Inches wide, is threaded through a hem at the bot torn of the net and shows through, be- part of tho sleevos remains rather tight and narrow, and huge cuffs, reaching quite tovtho elbow nnd made of fur to match the patch yokes, are added. In fact tho deeper tho cuff the newer tho sleeve. Colors Mar Ho Combined. lng a flat bow at ono sldo of the skirt. ' The nobble Look Secured. The ribbon Is drawn tighter than the net, producing a llttlo shirred effect along the bottom and the desired hob ble. The sleeves aro shortened and finished at the elbows with tho same treatment and a flat bow and a loose end of net floats from the back of the sleeve to give a softened look. The ribbon, also Introduced about the front of the waist in plastron effect, makes the belt and hangs In sash ends. As to tbe net dancing frock of lost car It Is quite possible to remodel It delightfully by adding panels and pan ntcrs of metal cloth of the color of the net. If. for Instance, the net is of midnight blue, the panels and the puffed, short panniers about the, hips are made' of beautiful silvery?- blue metal tissue. Again, if the gown'ltself Is of tho metallic material the panniers nnd panels may bo made of net. As to last year's coat the problem Is moro difficult, but It can bo. solved. Many of the newest coats havo deep yokes and high collars of fur patch collars they coll them. In soma models I find that the fur forms-a high collar, leaching up to tho ears, like a straight round collar on a military coat, and extends in a square yoke In an un broken line. It Is possible, therefore, to uso old fur to.Jidvaiitagenln.-this way. By tho sleeves above all else the latest cut Is told. This need not dls- V If ono understands well how to com bine colors and to avoid the queer, patched and mado over look which amateur hands nro apt to give such combinations, then there should be no hesitation in using two 'materials In harmonizing tones. Ulack and tan are a favorite combination, and so are blue and red. Seldom haspred been so much In evldenco as this soason, espe cially tho brightest hues, such as scar let, cherry, pomegranite and a new brilliant" vivid color called artillery red. as 10 tno old blouse of georgette or crepe do chine it can be made as new as any- model ono can buy with Jhe nUUUlOll OF bl'Iirht cross stltrJir ilnnn In woollen threads and In a color con trasting with tho body of tho blouse.! Two shades of bluo mny bo happily i combined In this way. civet blouses with georgette sleeves are very smart for suit wear. The velvet Is hung in loose panels, like very deep sailor collars, back and front, and tho thin eleeves. are of the samo color ns tho goorgette over which tho velvet Is hung. Few women have the .patience to do muclrbeadlng, thbugU beads are hav ing a great vogue, and appear In every department of dress. If one can do It patiently tho results ore undeniably compensating. As to last year's fur coat, if it la tno long to look up to date do not hesitate ' to shorten It, because tho short fur. wrap Is seen quite as often as the long, j If ono seek3 extreme effects lot the ' long coat bo made Into a thrco-quarter length coat and add along the bottom a very deep band of tho fur which has been cut off the coat, tying tho loose ends or rather leaving them to bo looped ono above tho other well below tho knees and In front. This sort of treatment will bs excellent for a broad cloth suit on which one wishes to add fur trimming. Vnr Time KxpedlcnU. If, however, tho fur wrap of several seasons Is too short do not hesitate to lengthen It by adding any sort of fur you possess, for it is permitted to mix i rurs, materials, colors and designs in discriminately those war limes. It Is Just as ff we were all making the best of everything wo have, nnd while we maymarvel at soma of-tho made over elTects, until the war is over at least, we must not criticise. I havo spoken before of the new collars. For the most part the high collar Is preferred for winter wear. It may bo a straight round band of fur, fitting close about tho throat, or a strip of lace clasping the neck tightly and extending well up under the ears. As yet I have not seen a return ci those llttlo instruments of torture, the collar supporters, which worried us so when they raged, but very small silk co-crcd wires aro employed to hold up these thin collars. After all, few lace eourago any one. becaufo the upper collars aro accepted this winter and 1 Net Blouses, Many Embroidered, Come) From Paris and Service Waists Are Wholly Useful FltOM I'arls como very lovely blouses of net. It has been somo seasons sfneo tho net blouso has appeared over here, but Just now thcro Is r. showing of Pari sian creations of this kind which nro beautiful to seo and becoming to wear. Mnny of them nro richly embroid ered in tho exquisite French fashion, and fow of them are unadorned. Much j lac,e, A'alcnclonncs or filet, is 'used to put sonio or them togetner, ami still others aro threaded with ribbon run through n hem nt tho cuffs about the upstanding band. Over this Is u deep edge of pointed filet, and o. black molru cravat two Inches wldo slips under neath tho pointed over collar, tying In a flat bow In front. Tho cuffs of th long tight sleeves have received tho samo tieatment. A very pleasing fancy for utilizing Mot Is shown In another Imported blouse of flesh pink georgette. Tho collar In this Instance is low and fall." around the neck to bo finished at the yoko in front with pointed edges em broidered lu a beautiful design. Tho waist or 1n plastrons for tho front. Of I same embroidery trims Inserts of filet course blouses of this description nro along (the front of tho waist and also mauuui niiuu ur cicum tuiorcu nei. , mo cutis Whilo no other blouso Is so becom ing as the- white, whether of crepo do chine, georgetto or net, ono finds such As to tho uso of beads thero In no end of tho ways In which they havo been introduced. Ono off tho prettl" blouses not so practical as those of , fashions is that of threading the ma- color, and therefore not so popular. ' terlal In long strings from neck to Tho samo tendency to combine colors , waist and letting them fccrvo as tho and fabrics which ono sees In other I only trimming. This Is dono usually garments W almost overemphasized I on walstiwf ono color. "or example, this season In the new blouses. Fow on dark blue georgetto sand colored or aro tho suit waists entirely of one j white beads nisy bo used. The smart color. A brown blouse, for Instance, 1 est models aro tho with tho beads of designed to lio worn with a brown suit will havo sleeves of fand colored georgette, or tho blouso -will bo made of tho lighter shado nnd havo Its sleeves of ail entirely d"lfferent color. tVnr Service IVnlnta. Of course tho war work in which women engage Just now Is a prime , consideration in selecting clothes, nnd I therefore tho shops make a feature I of what aro called service waists, j which aro absolutely without frills nnd I as plain nnd practical as a man's shirt. For overseas wear tho service wntgtn 1 aro made up In khaki cloth or dark georgette with an ermino vest Is rts- nme trench nannol unci huvo turn- smart nsHhe mini-tost could de?lre. Of over collars such as men's outing course underneath the coat only the shirts have. fur .shows, but when ono removes the Hy tho way, this sort of collar has j the contrast of tho two fabrics is set tin army of girls learning how to tie , spen at once. This'ls a decided Innovn- necktie, nnd In at lenst one patriotic i Hon tho waistcoat blouse, I mean. organization where women aro largely Often tho waistcoat on fcomo ef tho the samo color (us the blouse. A notion reminiscent of several sea sons ago, when many colors were trans fused by means of many linings placed one above the other, Is shown-in somo clever bluo blouses of Georgcttti through which red, canary or petunia shows part of the way to the yoke ami again for cuffs and collar. I'ur Vp( fur Tliln lllunaes. Tho fur vest Is qulto mv nnd Is added to blouses of fabric so thin that ono marvels that It can support tho heavier material of tho fur. hu I employed Instructions In knotting neckties are given. The bervlro waist Is without a fi 111 ; thin, tine blouses Is made of rnro and exquisite brocade, so rich nnd lovely as to catch and hold tho eye. Tho bid. it should always be spotless, espe-1 ends of theiv vests nro pointed llko n i dally if it Is made up In one of the rr.-in's waistcoat, and they nro very white materials, such as inndrns, linen, line crash nnd poplin. Somo smart silken waists of this sort are of khaki' color and very practical. In their hours of ease, however, the smart Indeed. Thin blouses with rainbow sleeves are new. The rainbow effect Is pro duced by fagoting various block3 of color together green, pink, canary. nearly all gowns of dark materials and thin fabrics are entirely collarles.s. Angora nnd brush wool aro being cleverly employed to gho a good note of color which contrasts well with the 1 garment on which It is Introduced. I Tho newest of this brush wool Is made , A coat of ,uvetyn w'lth sca a su;t 0f duVCtyn edged with of cotton nnd Is therefore much less . , ' . . , , r i i expeiibivo than wool, while having squirrel and a frock of taupe georgette with bands of moleskin, quite the samo decorative effect. j The newest qf the- ono pleco dresses i by all means embroider anchors, can- ; It Is -well to suggest that fur scarf of duvetyn, sllvertone. kitten's car nun, little turrets or what not on white ' and neckpieces are not permitted with nnd sergo havo fuzzy collars, now ana collars or ties, and wear them proudly uniforms. The warm nngora or knitted then of white, but moro often of tan and devotedly, for this notion has re-; ' mufflers may, however, bo added. and or light shades of brown. . celvej approval, nnd thla i-ort of neck- ; because of the great number of women , , , . I wear Is called "Victory neckwear.'' ' engaged In patriotic efforts tho ungor.i Service bmlilem DUplajrit. j So Innny wome nre ue;lrin(, . s -nrr has come In a. way to mean ser if you wish to display tho military , uniforms of the various war orginlzri- vice, and has won general respect and or naval emblem dearest to your heart tlons with which they are serving that welcome. n. green velours suit has been made of a soft mignonette gieen with an overblouso of darker green and rain bow sleeves blocked cleverly In the j frilllest nnd thttllest of blous?s are worn 1 blue. In fact all of the rainbow shades. I by the war workers Just as niucli as in T)levu vivid sleeves added to a dark pre-war uas, tiio sort, becoming tlesli blouso betoken Its ubsoiuto newness. colored georgettes with their txqulIte They nro cosily made nnd .usually ; lllet lace additions being still Im- j nro verv pTetty. A lovely green and ' men-dy admired ami much used. Filet J white waist which Is to accompany t lace lias supplanted nil other varieties ns a trimming for this sort of waist. It is put on perfectly flat and has never any fulness. Perhaps the beauty of the designs is the reas.i for this i lw tonPS f preen, white and a bright use ui ini-i i.uv. orange nnd pink. This rather bizarre l ues nl Filet ; fashion is very much moro pleasing Overseas no blouse of light materia I to, seo than it is to rend about, is worn with tho collar outside the J -Narrow fringe of silk appears on coat, perhaps becmso furs nro not very many new models. Again, t find n kind to dilloato fabrics whose charm deep silken fringe falling from tho VI lies lu their esqulslto freshness and round neck of a bluo georgette, mak J ' daintiness. Ing n verv good effect Indeed. Now ' on" of tho lovclloul of the imported I nnd then long string.- of gay beads waists I have been describing Is made ) nro hung in this way, to bo tucked lot pearl white crepe do chlno. It has J In an overlianglng effect, like loop,S. . a h!h nl:ir of ilk; set on in an I over thu skirt at tho waist. SWAN SONGS OF THE SOCK SINGERS' CONTESTf? HEREWITH ends tho Sock Songs contest, to tho keen re gret of Its originator. Its editor, the judges, and the Si'xdat Sun start generally also, wo-llke to think, of contestants who from beginning to end havo numbered more than COO. There will be no book of tho Sock Songs. Since this page asked contest smts for expressions as to tho desir-1 ability of a book, moro than thirty friendly contestants have expressed themselves as eager not only to own iopIes but to help the project In every possible way. Wo fully expected to publish ho xk or secure a publisher for It. de otltig net profits to tho lied Cross or some other splendid war work. AVe bellevo that In anything like normal times it wouWliavo been a lino suc- ess. IJut the book, llko tho contest J elf, is an economic casualty. Headers of Tub Sfsnw Sr.s- nre aware that almost without warning an order of tho "War Industries Koard curtailed our supply of white paper 'en days ago. thus compelling the Im mediate sacrifice of n wealth of Sun day features. Iast week's honorable mentions, which were ready in type, bad to bo omitted with the briefest ex idanaUon. With this wsek tho contest 1 ref nbruptly dies. The samo general jiuper famine has required the aban donment of the book project. Wo cannot deny ourselves tha pleas ure of publishing tho proio.sed dedica tion by Edward Ten llroeck Ferine. It la one of the best of tho astonishing number of genuine poems tho contest lias evoked: To you whoas feet hhve marched for liberty And trod the blood drenched poll of dis tant lands. We give these heartfelt songs. We who with hands Of helpfulness and love the Btltclies cut Know well our part, to strive unceasingly Till every tangled skein shall be uncurlt d And Victory with Peace be knit. Wo sing. Hearing tho whilo u faithful- promise rln: . . ... When God helps all tho workers for Ills world T o elneers shall bo helped of IIm, ot last!" Let Sir. Ferine, a distinguished con t'.elant, sing this knitters' holiday to its rett. Ourselves, wc havo not the heart, nor have we space. Nothing newspaper men find to do was over moro enjoyablo than conducting the Sock Singers' chorus. Wo were proui to feel that In a lesser, a subsidiary way, wo were rendering these States some part of tho glorious service of tho faithful, busy needles in homes In numerable. Of this we shall bo proud always. Any prlzo winner of to-day or a pre vious Sunday whoso prize wool may fall to arrive within a reasonable time should Inform the Sunday Editor of The St;.v, 130 Nassau street. The matter will have Immediate and effec tual attention. Of prlzo wool there is no shortage, nor would havo been had the contest continued as long as we had hoped. Tho final prize winners are: First, Mrs. ('. V. E. Morrison of Illo Hondo, Tex., possibly the most faithful and persevering of tho contestants, who reaps her reward at last; second, Mrs. Amy W. Kgglcston of Ulster Park, N. Y.; third, Mrs. II. P. Fisher of Yer gennes, Yt., whoso song Is a charming reminder of a historical incident of tho Ilovolutlon. Wo deeply regret that We havo spacb for no more than tho names ot I tho winners of honornblo mention, who are: Mary Huzzell of 544 West 137th street, Louisa Esselstyn ot Hhlnelwck. X. Y.; Yeoman Katherlne FINAL SOCK SONG WINNERS. FIRST PRIZE. Mr. C. V. E. Morrison, Rio Hondo, Tex. WHERE DOES OUR KNITTING GO? From the shell strewn fields to the sea of woes, Through battle's cars and the hell of bombs, Through the forests old, with their stories grim, "That's where our knitting goes!" Yea, through turbulent waters of crimson hue, and by the marshes low, Through the turmoil of war, with its harvest of souls. Where the Test Supreme is put to life. "Even there will our knitting go!" Then dare we falter and'laggards be In sending our offerings over the sea? SECOND PRIZE. Mrs. Amy W. Eggleston, Ulster Park, N. Y. knit him 'sacks to wear away (my salt tears were their christening): I knit him socks to wear in France in all the battle's din; Oh! to-day I'm knitting cheerily, to-day I'm knitting merrily. For I'm knitting on the socks he'll wear when marching to Berlin, V I knit him socks for Flanders mud (oh! my needles worked so wearily), I wove curses on the Kaiser, sure I felt it was no sin; But now, the fairies helping me, my fingers fly so joyfully, For I'm knitting on the socks he'll wear when entering Berlin! Thomas. Culled States Navy, 2!) Hralnard street. New London. Conn.: Jeiftilo IJ. Perry ot 29 East Fourth street, Mount Vernon, N. Y.: Mrs. E. L, Potts, Berkeley. Va.; Katherlne! I Leonard ot 414 Ferry street, Trenton, i N. J.i Jorge Codoy of 2 Columbus Circle, i Nannie 13. Fowler or 80S Trinity ave nue, Caroline Dlx Reynolds of 179 , Norwood avenue, Buffalo, and Alma Constanco Welsh of Callfon, N. J. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR WHY IT INCREASES rjalr orrotrtk la tlnuUted nd Its fresjueat removal Is necrassrr when sarrelr removed from the surface of Ike skin. Tke oulje logl ral and prartlml war to rnnovr hslr la to attack It under lite skin. IleMlraclc. tke original aanltnry liqnld, lorn III fa by absorption. Only sennlae DeMlracle haa n taoner.fcack aTOTBBe In paekastr. At toilet coanlera In 00c, I and (3 alsea, or by spall front as la plala wrapper on receipt of price. rtlBQ book mailed In plain acaled envelope on reaaeat. DeJIIraele, r.-tih st. and Park AvcNew fork THIRD PRIZE. Mrs. H. P. Fisher, Vergennes, Vt. SONG OF THE SOCKS. Wc will sing once more as we sang of yore. When Rhoda Farrand in chair of state. From dawn's first gleam, in a slow ox team. Told the tale at each neighbor's gate; They carded and spun until we were done, A big wheel stood on each kitchen floor, All day we grew; we were firm and true, For we were the 'socks the soldiers wore! EXCITEMENT OVER NEW MODES KEEPS UP TO tho layman It may appear that tho excitement over new clothes dlis down nbout Thanksgiving Day, To thoso In the trado und to thoso who follow' tho movements of tho trado this is far from a dull season. It hnu Itten prophesied that tho sea son would see far moro rapid changes in fashion than havo been thrust at us lor three years. To keep wltpln mil itary phraseology, it Is to bo a war of niniiasuvre.and all the brapches of tho servico uro to bo called into ac tion. Why? Tho reason Is founded on the war. of the big guns and airplanes outside of their zono of dainuge. New York has bad a great impetus In Industry through tho realization that pouplo are still buying In vast quantities und In dulging In nil tho reasonable and ani mated pleasures that this great ccntro offers to tho rest of tho continent. Tho later exhlbltlor.s of clothes ac centuated the corsetless llgurc. This does not mean that tho mannequins who showed tho powns were always without corsets, fomo of them were, But others wore girdles of tricot or clastic. Tho effect was uncorseted. That was the vital point. One of tho most Interesting moves In this dlreclon Is a return to tho Paris in tho centre of, the world's cro- Dlrectolro of Josephine nnd Mme. Tal utlvo fashions. New ork Is probably tho tlnanclul centre of fashions. Tho battlo haa moved away from Purls and monoy pours Into Now York.' With these two conditions governing the output of apparel, it is almost easy to prophesy spirited action fdr tho next six months at least. France has had a great burden lifted from her hC'art by tho moving Hen In the' high waist line nnd tho un doubted convex curve of the natural figure In front. To tho uverago wom an this silhouette is unthinkable; to the a'rtists, sculptors, stage folk und certain deslgnersJU? a return to tho best there 'Is in fashions. It is Im possible on the mlddlo aged woman unless sho has kopt herfclf na thlu as an cel. tha collar is appearing In various Ics uf now clothes;. here is a decided change from the tVobcr decnlletage, which was copied from the Mlddlo Ages, was hevcre, mi- ' touched l,y white, and classic In out line. It exists, this decollctnge, on frocks and blouses, but tho ,7apine?e line, which htunds away from the neck . and allows a soft tucker of some kind' to show as tho fabric moves across the I shoulders, Is new and Is adopted by ery umart women. And hero Is another decolletage which Is u change fiom October and Is seen In black velvet gowns: tho fabric ! Is cut to tho bone of the neck In buck and then downward in n deep 1 In front. It Is edged with a threo inch collar of nntlnrw Ivory lace which 1- ' slightly full, but caught to the f'it. u that it may .rest lint und hteud. .This extends nearly to the waist l'i.e. and where tho lower part rounds Itself unit over the llgure there Is n strj.lit I tucker of Hat tulle covered with laei . This Is on eighteenth century devol letuge and Is far more looming to a. woman than the necrlty of th half , low medlK'Mil line. Every one's mind U not quite .e.isj i nbout the Jacket that appeared in Si i tember. It was longer than usual, ai d In tlv An rlcan designs It was c it I with the Irregular hem, fymie- of the I points reaching to and IhMow the ' knees. These were esp;clally effoc'ive over the tubelike skirts. They t-eemtd to 1k established. bu I now there creeps Into the fashion a ' much sifiarter, newer Jacket that bail , Its sponsors lu C'herult and I.ucllo n'ul ' Doucet In the Paris houses. It Is box- like. It ends at tho hl, it has larg sleeves 1 ut Into low nrmholes. It fas tens to the neck nnd It is unbelted. ' In one Instance there Is a touch of a llelt In tho middle ot the back w'ih u 'keeps tho fulness from being too cape (like. H Is arranged in this manner- ; through two long buttonholes about 1 llvo Inches apart comes a band of the I material which has a largo oblong buclilo covereu wltli the material or ; with suede In a color t match tho fab ric. That is nil, but the touch Is smart. Ioucel's Jack.t, which Is cut out In Kiin:irn X:itf lenienlH lit Ihn bin line. Tho houto of Callot also accentuates I where they aro mounted on a strip of , Women, i A Look Young void Gray Hair CREOLE Hair Dressing is a Delighthily Scientific Preparation That Darkens and Beautifies Gray Hair Naturally Ur mirror Tails liar SAa la CnrrWfip Old a chiuigu In tho silhouette from AVhat wo have had from uther Trench housew. It Is nothing new under tho uunio of Callot, for It was advanced laht Feb ruary nnd wo called It tho mummy sll houettu for want of n better iiniue. Tho gown is really u bag wltlr square sleeves nnd tight ankles. It Is In strik ing contrast to tho straight, chemise tunics of nearly all tho other French housed. Outsldo of this peculiar Mlhouotto which mo liresstniiKcr exploits moro than tho public udopts uro tlw drapod Hoiunn and Clreclnn gowns which tiro fur that runs up the front. Is espe cially attractive to tho Individualists, and it is topicd lu tho bctt of the u.'W modols. Ono cannot help but nntUo tho change to square, boxllko lines In gar ments or accessories worn ubovo tho waist, whilo tho Kklrts tako on bias lines and spiral draperies. It Is un odI combination. Hven a bridal veil has been made In nn entirely new manner ami was shown at an exhibi tion width always includes 'one quite fin-elnatlmr bridal costume, This el. by the way, may l.o worth describing nlm In ,Hi-oet continn to flm cliemUi. ' In detail fifi- November brides. tunic. I It 1b of thin white uhllTon, u novtlt) , . 'Indeed. It is cut lu n wide panel b.n.1; As the Americans have gone In , , BttiI,oreil nt the top to u strongly for drapery there Is an un-, amlemi lnnt flw low ,llu ,,,, on easy fee ing about tho straight cm-1 ,,,V(,, l0 ,)VDr0lV!,. Thnl0 la broldered transparent tunic over the , mllllllK var tIl) to,, f)f ,ho lK.n(1, satin sheath skirt that becamo so pop- Tll0 cM(ton fiuls ovcr tIl0 faco ,0 ular in OotoW. Not only has tho (l0 t0C3 , front lm, t0 t,(J ,lem of Jnpanoso kimono agam afforded an ) t)l0 tinlnless skirt In back. It fnlls oustandlng silhouette, with its bias lino part from tho bandeau, down each across tho front nnd Its sdslrt wcnHUiP i,ero It Is bordered with a lapped ovcr nnd cnught on tho hip but mipplo quality of silver gnuzo ribbon ' I JOMEN, don't be handicapped ' sociallv bv crav hair. KeeD on ay U "ay 4 loolcing young and attractive. You are not doing yourself justice if you grow prematurely gray and old before your time. It has been said that "Woman's crowning glory is her hair." It is the living truth. Nothing adds so much to a woman's charms and attractions as a head of beautiful, luxuriant, natural colored hair. Take advantage of this opportunity to be more attractive and act today. LA CREOLE Hair, Dressing will surely do the work. It is a delightful Hair Color Restorer that uniformly re stores gray or faded hair to its youthful found anil Fmictnntlna Aoan Br tha Vim ot LU CtttOLC color and brilliancy. You will see the beautiful softness and lustre ' begin to appear as soon as you be- J gin to use LA CREOLE Hair Dressing. A little time and pa tience is required to complete the delightful results. LA CREOLE Hair Dressing does not stain the scalp, wash or rub off, or leave any rreasy effect on the hair. It is easily ap plied in the privacy of the home by simply combing or brushing through the hair and restores the color and beauty in a natural way. Get a bottle of LA-CREOLE Hair Dress ing from your druggist today with the distinct understanding that it is positively guaranteed to do all that is claimed, For sale by all good drug stores and toilet counters or sent direct for $1.20 by Van Vteet Mansfield Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn. V