Newspaper Page Text
THE'Vs'UN, SUNDAY, JTjNfi 1, 1919.. 14. 4- CAPT. BOB FAILS TO GET PROMISED CASH Bartlett Trcparod for Arctic Trip When Aero Club -Pledged Help. POLE FLIGHT .PLANNED I All In Bcadiness Except the Tlonoy, of Which There Is No Sign. Capt, Bob Bartlett, commander of the ItooMvclt on Admiral Peary's iuccess ful polar dash, la atlll a eager aa ever 4 to Ay over tho North role. He Is not, however, quite so hopeful auout Joins It thl year. The Aero Club of America announced In all tha papers last Decomber that It had decided on a very complete aerlat exploration of tho unknown regions of the North by airplanes. The details as given out by Henry Woodhouse, gov ernor of the club. Included Investigation of air, land, water and land beneath the waters. Capt. Bartlett tvas told to go ahead with his preparations, for the expedition would be off from New York early In Juno. Captain Bob was mighty happy about being placed in charge of such an expe dition. Captain Bob himself, It must be admitted, doesn't Ilka New York a bit It is too confounded warm for him even In winter, the air doesn't taste right and the city cramps him. All he wanted was to get up north, anywhere north of 80 degrees was good enough for him. Tbero he could do torao real work In the world, work Xor which ho knew him self particularly suited. He could March for land in the polar basin where he Is Sure that land must be. He could sound the unknown depth of the polar sea abd learn what sort of flora and fauna and minerals were there. He cculd study ocean and air currents. He knew thit such details were greatly noeded by the scientists or the whole world who had not been brought up In the ways of the north and would die it they went after them themselves. Capt. 'Bob Well Pleased. But the thing that tickled Captain Bob most of all was that he had absolutely nothlnr to do with financial matters. Captain Bob doesn't know or care any thing about, money. He has never made or tried to make any money out of his Arctic wandering. It was a decided nuisance, however.jn Captain Bob's opin ion, that lock of money should stand In a man's way when he wanted to go up north and Investigate conditions for the advancement of knowledge throughout the oivllltad world. It was a big relief when the Aero Club people told him that they would see that some ono sup plied all tho money, some scientific or geographical society possibly, aiding wealthy members of tha club in the 'undertaking. The actual exploration wcrk. with death by freezing, starvation or other calamity near, was the part of the expedition Captain Bob was undertaking. Captain Bob went ahead and made his plans. He picked out with great caro ten men, mostly young, whom he knew, to be his companions In the expedition. He spent a good many hours siting up these young men, some of whom had flown seaplanes for the navy In Euro pean waters. You have to bo mighty careful about whom you take with you north of tho Arctlo Circle where every Iran's life depends upon the strength and courage of each man. But Captain Bob had seen how men turned out In Pinches hundreds of miles from civiliza tion In a wilderness of Ice and snow. And he had ten good men ready to start. Captain Bob also had every little de tail of the ship he needed decided upon ; her great dredge, the scientific Instru ments for her laboratory, the kind of seaplanes needed for the polar dash after the ship had reached Cape Columbia, and all the Innumerable details which only he' could understand. And then, as winter turned to spring and spring brought perspiration to the brow of Captain Bob, nothing- happened. Skipper Welti In Vain. No ship was chartered for tho start and nothing else much was done. Cap tain Bob, who had forgotten all about financial details, was suddenly reminded of the dominance of money over the -affairs of men. even of Arctic explorers. NolxxJy, he learned, had como forward with money to finance the trip. "We may be able to do It yet," he said yesterday at the Aero Club when asked about the status at preparations. There's still a little time left. We could start any time up to the middle of June and get up there in time to start the work during the summer months." There was sOU hope in Captain Bod's voice, but there was a lot of discour agement also, and It Is not often that discouragement creeps into Captain Bob Bartlett's voice. It didn't on that last dash to the Pole. But although he didn't say so it was easy to see for Captain- Bob Bartlett must be a vm) bad poker player that Captain Bob was wondering where all those geographical and scientific societies and wealthy men were that Mr. Woodhouse and the other "xmen of the Aero Club had promised would support the expedition. But Cap tain Bob Bartlett's end of the prepara tions Is complete. SHIELS'S ESTATE IS NOW ONLY $35284 Appraisal Cuts Bequests One-twelfth. to Although Thomas Hhlels, whose liquor store in 219 ISast Broadway was for years the meeting place of politicians nnd business men, was believed to be comparatively wealthy, the appraisal of his estate, filed yesterday, shows that Shlels left property valued at only J 35, 251 at the time of his death. November 1, 1916. As a result of the, shrinking of the estate, bequests made by the will of Shlels are abated at the ratio of ap proximately one to twelve. Shlels was an extensive operator In real estate and had holdings In property valued at 1221, BOO, but his equity was found to total only $3 1,023. Among the properties in which he wa Interested ars listed tho following: 17H Amster dam avenue, valued at J 72,000, mort gaged at $72,400, no equity; 213 East Broadway, valued at $62,000, equity In $11,000 ; 71 East Broadway, valued nt $61,000. equity In ffc.023 ; 216 West H9th street, valued at $11,500, mortgaged for $12,722, no equity;. 455 Convent avenue, $9,000 t two farms in Ulster county, val ued nt $6,000. Other assets Include $10, 295 In cash, personal property valued at $2,922 and the stock in the store at 210 East Broadway, appralse'd at $1,832. There are thirty-three beneficiaries under the will, and each of the bequests Is proportionately abated. Although a life estate In $12,000 is bequeathed to a niece, Ftankle Van Baper" of 2531 Bel mont avenue, she will receive an estate tn only $1,034. Others who will rccclva bequests abated in proportion are Mary A. Olennan of 45S Convent avenue, Sarah J. 8hleh of 416 "West 149th street, Katie Shlels, samo address; iLoretta V. Gornloy. same address; Stella McGlnnln, 455 Convent avenue, and W. Frank Shlels, a nephew. 471' West 112d street Five Cathollo institutions get small bequests. B. R. T. CARRIES 1 2.000 J000 IN DAY New High Mark Traffic. Set for The Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company reported yesterday one of tho largest day's business in the history of the com pany -was done on Memorial Day, Nearly 2,000,000 passengers were carried on all lines, surface, elevated and subway. The traflic started early to the differ ent cemeteries, nnd eoon set in for Co ney Island. During the dny some 300, 000 persona were carried to Coney Isl and. Thet raffle continued unabated all day to the cerrieterles and until .2 o'clock Saturday morning on the Coney Island lines. It Is estimated that CO per cent of the number carried were trolley passengers, tho remaining 40 per pent being carried In the elevated and subway trains. All the suburban lines wero taxed to their capacity. There was delay at Coney Island due to tho new Interlocking sys tem, which was not yet In good working order, but will be, according .to tho com pany officials, In a short time. The company is preparing, Xor another big day to-day. Holms Victory Illbbons Bold. Washington, May 31. den. March warned discharged soldiers -to-day agalqst procuring spurious' "Victory Rib bons," which are being offered for sals by many stores. Adequate supplies of tho official ribbon have been ordered by the Department and will bo distributed as soon as received. MARINE. INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC. United States Court and Geodetic Surrey Standard Tkne. Sun rises !:!) A 51 Sunset S-.20PM Moon sets n:lil'.H HIGH WATER THIS DAY. Sandy noolt..l0:D2 A M Gor. Island. 11: A M Hell Gate 12:31 P M LOW WATEH THIS DAY. Sandj"IIook...05I A M Gor. Ialand..6:H A M Hell Gste....4.7:H A M ARRIVALS SATURDAY, MAY 11. St LouliTllle, Brrat. May !3. U. 8. S. Pueblp. Brest. MsjWr St Rotterdam, Plymouth. Mar tU Hi Laneatter. Bordeaux, May It. fit Carmsnla, Liverpool. Nay tl. St njornstjerne BJornson,Hotterdam,MTlO. St Ins-old, Jlotterdam. May 14. St Ilwah Jrh, Rotterdam. (May 4. 8t Gorsjo. Jlerien. May is. St Jaouues Cartier. Havre. May ,14. 8s WaJmate. Falmouth. May It. St Kiowa. Cardiff. May 14. St Jlayonne. Gibraltar. May 15. 8t Nt-vr York City. Brlttol. May 17. St DJembcr. Sourabsya. March it. 1 B Harold Walker. Lobot. May 24. Ha Philadelphia, San Juan, May 25. Rt Allanda. Cristobal. May JS. St Sabine. Macorlt. May 24. Sa Ruby. Tunla. May 7. Sa Thorn la L. Wand. Bluellelds. May 12. St Count. Port Arthur. May 22. He Juneatown. Norfolk. May 10. Sa Mohawk, Jacksonville; May 13. ARRIVED FROM NEW YORlt Sa Ollrant, at Port Ell i abet h. tit Terrier, st Chrlatlanaaiut. Sa Nieuw Amaterdam, at Rotterdam. St Bayarola, at Rotterdam. Sa Atalaia, at Bordeaux. St Duntton. at Para. St Cuthbertat Para. St Evelyn, at La Vcrdon. St Geneaee, at Sunderland. Sa Iataqurna, at Baltimore. Sa Western Hero, at Baltimore. Sa America, at Gibraltar. 8a Kordland. at Antwerp. Rt Muikorte. at Port Etda. Sa City of St. Louis, at Savannah. SAILED'FOR NEW YORK.' Sa Byron, from Barbados. Sa Glen White, from St. Lucia. 8s Vaaarl, tram Bahla. Sa Tauruj-a Maru. from Barry. St Nanerlc, from OolombJ. Sa Tunica, from Gibraltar. Sa Federal, lrom Antwerp. St Kereaan, lrom Barbados. Bt City ot Atlanta, from Savannah. OUTGOING STEAM BTnPS. To-day. Malls Teasels Clone. Sail. Prtns Fried rich Wllhelm. Brest , 12 M M Santa Barbara, Brest.. 12 COM To-morrow. Tintoretto, Buenos Ajrts s to A. X 10 00 A M Tuesday. Europa, Gibraltar IMAM 11 00 A M Santa Marta, Cartagena. 7 CO A M ID 00 A M Philadelphia. Santo Domlnro J 10 A M 1 00 P M Servian Prince. Rio 10 50 A M 1COPM Xfunaomo, Santos 11 00 M 1 00 J" M INCOMING STEAMSHIPS. Due to-day. Ss La Lorraine, Havre, May It. Sa Polar Sea. St. Naiaire. May S. Sa Johanna. Falmouth, May I. Sa Dorothy, Havre. May 1. Sa Muskogee. Antwerp. May It. Sa Bovic, Manchester. May 17. 8 a Saranac, Barry. May 14. Sa Nordictc. Shields. Mar 11. Sa K. I. Luckenbaca. Bordeaux. May IT. Ss Sekitant. Barry. May It. Sa Arnoy. Barry, May IS. 8s Lake Linden, Cardiff. May 15. Ss West Zucker, Queenstown, May It. Ss Lake Farre, Gibraltar. May IS. Sa Georgia. Gibraltar, May IS. Sa Tordensklold. Gibraltar, May II. St Hudson Maru. Gibraltar. May It. Sa Writ Mahomet, Antwerp, May It. Sa Brescia. Fayal. Msy 30. Sa Santa Tecla, Celte, May 14. Ss Benevente, Antwerp, May IS. 8aJ?ayonne. Gibraltar. May 15. St Arundo. Cardiff, Mty 17. Sa Kumcric. Liverpool. May 17. Sa Osswatomie, Piymonth. May It. Ss Nlrarlttan. Falmouth, May It. Sa Norwich City, Gibraltar, May IT, Sa Wett Corum, Gibraltar, Msy IT. St Snetord, Shlclda. May 17. Due To-morrow. Sa Graf Waldertee. Brett, May to. St Dues d'Aotta. Marseilles. May . Sa St. Loult, Brest. May 21. Ss Wert Wind. Gibraltar, May 19. Ha Volunteer. Tlymouth. May 11. Ss Biornefjord. Hull. May if. St Galller, Antwerp, Mar 19. Ss Alexander KJellana. Nantes, Mar 11. Sa (My of Edinburgh. London, Msy a). Ss Norfolk. Bordeaux, May 18. Due Tuesday, ' Sa Canada. Maracillea, Mar IS. St Arrentina, Marseilles, May 17. Sa Troy, Brut, Mar 52. Cruiser Frederick, Brett, May 23. 8a Patricia. Brett, May 23. Sa Wett Humhaw. Plymouth, May 1J. Ss Parthian. Fayal, May IS. St Mormugaa, Uibon, May U. Sa Invincible. London. My 30. Sa Alamo, Galveston, May 2. Ss El Capitan, Galveston. May SS. Ss Concho, Galveston, May 2J. Due Wednesday. Sa Pannonia. Maraelllea, May 23. Sa Idaho, Hull, May 21. St Strinda. Antwerp, May it. Sa Port Nicholson, London. May 33. Sa Wallowa. Bordeaux. May 21. Sa Rlon. Fayal, May 25. Ss City of Benares, Gibraltar, May a. TRANSATLANTIC PARCEL POST MAILS. Great Britain, Ireland, Egypt and British India Clote at S A. M. Juno S, St. Cedrlc Franco. Algeria and Tunis Close at :SI A, M. June 4, St. La Lorraine. Gibraltar and Italy Close at 4 A. M, Junt 1, Sa. Europa. Liberia Close at A. M. June 4. Sa. Bhonra, Portugal Cloae at A. M. June 1, Hi. Gorbea Mendl; t A. M. June 7, St. Milwaukee Bridge. Be.aium and Luxemburg Cloit at t A. M, June , Si. Lancastrian, Union ot south Africa-Close at 10 A. M. June 5. Ss. Clan Maequarrie. Sweden Close at 10:30 A. M. June 5, St. Stockholm. Icelauil-Clote at 10 A. M. June E, St. Lagarloss. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Connrctinr malls close at O. P. O. and City ' nail iiiuDni i o.9i i . ju. uany. Hawaii, Kill Islands, New Zealand and six dally addressed mailt for Australia (ria Van. rourer and Victoria, B, C), June 2. He. Makura. Hawaii, Etmoan Islands, Australia and New Zealand tvla San Prancuco), June C, St, Ventura. Hawaii (via Ban Prandaco), June C, Si. Manoa. Hawaii and apedally addretaed mall for Japan, Cores, China and Philippine Ialacds inn sin rrauicisvui, june o, ot. jenyo Maru. Japan. Cbrea. China, Slam, Cochin China. I Jethertandt Eatt Indin and Philippine Itlandt (via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C). June 7. St. Empress of Russia. Japan, Cores, China, Slam and Netherlands Eatt Indies (via Seattle), June 10. Sa. Tin , dareus. Hawaii and Philippine Islands (via San I Francisco). Junn 14. N Mtlw..4t J'Pan. Cores. Chlna. Slam, Cochin China and Netherlands East Indies (via San Pran dteo). June 14, Hs. 8uwa Maru. Hawaii (via San Prancisce), June 13, St. Lurllna. Tahiti. Maraue lis. Cook Islands, New Zea land and apecially addrttted mail for Aua Moaa Prandtco), Juns a, 8s. 0 ft VR PRO-fiRRMiNR iMU1Ml "v " ARE AT WORK AGAIN Habbi Silverman Denounces Enemy's Secret Agents, Somo in Pulpits. CAN GIVE THEIR NAMES Says Foo's Counter Proposals Are an Insult to Allies and United States. lUbbi Joseph Silverman, deriding the counter proposals of the Germans to the peace terms as an Insult, said In an ad dress In Templa Emanu-El yesterday that there were a large number of pro Qerman agents again at work and that he knew the names of somo of them "There are people in this land," he aid, "who would bo contented to see the vlotory almost lost. Out country must awaken to its full duty in thin rrll. tn see that' tho best part of tho victory is' noi lost two yoars ago the nation was aroused to the menace and millions ral lied to arms. To-day the enemy la de fiant while the treaty Is under debate "I believe that the nations responsi ble for this war should be punished. They are .murderers from tho ICalajer down. We have people in this land who oppose the terms of peace. They are like the modern sentimentalist who de sires to send flowers to the murderer be hind prison bars. "Tho counter proposals of the enemy are Insults to the allied nations and to tho United States. We should continue tho fight, not alone economically, but diplomatically as well, until tlio full vlo tory Is won. The- enemy's secret agents are at work. They are preaching social ism. Bolshevism and Illegitimate labor doctrines. I know many of these agents by name. They were pro-Germans be fore we entered the? war and they are still pro-German. They did not dare speak while we were In the fight, but now they aro openly aiding the enemy. There are ministers of the Christian Church and rabbis of the Jewish faith openly advocating theso pro-German doctrines. And wo havo men In our Legislature exposing the Leajue of Na tions. Those men are all c fraud and autocrats and a menace tp the peace of the world. They are making Presiden tial capital out of tho peace Issue Irre spective of the .consequences." Dr. Silverman compared President Wilson's memorial measnae to the Lin-- coin Gettysburg address. ALLIES JOIN IN PLAN FOR CHINESE LOANS United States to Act With Others. Special Despatch to Ton Be. Wabjiinctom, May si. The United States Government, with the Govern ments of Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, virtually has agreed upon a gen eral plan tor negotiating loans to the Government of China. Negotiations as to the general plan to be followed have been carried on In Paris and have now reached a stage. It was said, where joint recommendations had been made by the negotiators .to the various Governments concerned. Tho United States has ac cepted the general outline of the plan. So far the queatlon has simply been dealt with tn the broad sense of mapping out a general plan agreeable to the five Governments to make the loans. The loans will actually bo negotiated through banking Interests In each country, act ing under the guidance of their respective Governments. The State Department -believes that the question of taking up specific loans will be reported within thirty days. "WIDOW WINS PEIORItY. Suit Against II. II. T. to Be Tried Knrly, Justice Van Slclen tn the Brooklyn Supreme Court yesterday signed an or der giving preference on the court cal endar to the suit of Martha Hall against the New York Consolidated Hallways Company for 110,000 for damages she claims were sustained by her in the Mai bone street tunnel disaster on the night of November 1. lost. In which more than ninety passengers wero killed. The reason given for the order of "pref erence la that the girl, who Is 20 yeans old. and lives at 11 West Eighty-third street. Manhattan. Is, according to the affidavit filed by her mothor. Mrs. Marie Ilall, her sole support The affidavit says that the girl waa working at the time of the accident for the Loft Candy Company at ill a week. Mrs. Hall says that she la a widow, and It Is asserted that In the absence of the daughter's support there Is danger of both becoming destitute. The case was et for June S. H. E. HUMPHRIES CELEBRATES. Well Known Vocal Teacher Marks Annlyeraary by Sonir. A rare occurrence happened last Sun day In the choir of old Trinity when II. It. Humphries, a well known vocal teacher nnd the conductor for thirty five years of the New York Banks' Glee Club, sang the tenor solos In Sir Arthur Sullivan's anthem "I Will Mention." It was the fiftieth anniversary of the sing er's coming to this country to fill the po sition of solo tenor In this historle church, and he sang the samo pnrtt. standing In the same placo In the chancel as In the year 1869. Under the baton of Mr. Humphries the New York Banks' Glee Club gave it successful concert In. 1918 for the benetlt of Tub Sun Tobacco Fund. CUPID HAS FIELD DAY. 300 Marriage Licenses Issued In Brooklyn. Nearly 300 couples applied for mar riage licenses yesterday In Brooklyn. Officials nil v thnr hl Trfi number since the days at the beginning of our entrance Into the world war, when mere was a run or young men to get married after the selective ttprvlr.n lsw was passed. The applications to-day were largely from soldiers und sailors Just returning irnm me war. ti.o cornaor nt the bu reau's license office In Borough Hall ivim crowded all morning. CHURCH HONORS MRS. NELLJS. Ontario County Methnda'sta Hold Special Services To-day. Rochester May 31. Ontario- county Methodists will hphl special services at Naples to-morrow -In recognition of the long llfo of Mrs. Sarnintha Stanton Nel. us oi mat village, who was born in 1810, and because her life has spanned tho century of missionary effort which Is now being celebrated by tho centenary movement of tha Methodist Kplscopa! church. The Itev. Frederlo T. Keoney, D.D., of Syracuse, executive secretary of the centenary movement for the Buffalo nrea, will be the principal speaker. So far as is known Mrs. Ntllls Is the old est living Methodist AUTOMOBILE HITS FAMILY OF FIVE One Killed and Four Injured in Queens. One child was killed and four other persons wero Injured when a father, mother and three children crossing a street In Elmhurst. Queens, were struck by a high powered automobile Friday night. The chauffeur of the machine did not stop after the accident and speeded on to New York. The police do not know the number of the machine. William Iloath, his wife, Kllxabeth, and children, Anna, 8; Wilhelmlna, C, ttnd John, i, wero crossing Manila and Maurice avenues, on their way to their home at 318 Queens Boulevard, when they were struck. Father and mother received fractured legs, nnd Wilhelmlna and Anna had lacerations of the head and body. John recelvod a compound fracture of the skul( and died at the Flushing Hospital yesterday morning. "WILL HONOR DEAD COMRADE. Company Kt oTth Itea-lment, to Hold aiensoristl Services. Company IC, 107th rteglment, will honor the memory of Privnto Roger A. Montgomery, a member of that unit, at special services this afternoon at 4 o'clock In Bt Luke's Church, 141st street and Convent avenue. Private Montgomery waa killed Sep tember 29 In Uie battle of Gulllemont Farm In a hand to hand combat with a German, who had wounded his "bunkle" mate. The fight was with knives. Montgomery was 20 years old and before enlistment was an assistant caBhler of the Seaboard National Bank. AltT AUCTIONS. AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Tomorrow (M on.), Tuesd ay & Wednesd ay, June 2d, 3d and 4th Commencing- at 11 o'clock Each Day. THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF SHERRY'S 44TH ST. & FIFTH AVENUE ON THE PREMISES, Which includes Tapestries of the XVII. and XVIII. Centuries, -Louis XV. and XVI. Commodes, Console Tables and Salon Suites, upholstered in Tapestry; Ormolu and Crystal Chandeliers and Side Brackets, Marbles, Pianos, all the specially made Carpets, Hangings, Bedroom Furniture, etc. ALSO A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS Which Includes Many Interesting Portraits of the French and English School. THE PAINTINGS AND TAPESTRIES Will Be Sold on Wednesday Afternoon, Juno 4th, at 3:30 o'CIock, in the Grand Ballroom. SALE UND En Silo's Fifth Avenue Art Galleries JAMES P. SILO & SON, Auctioneers 40 EAST45TH STREET, S. W. Cor. Vanderbilt Ave. Telephone Vanderbilt 2146-2147 HOTELS AND HESTACKANT.H. ssp: r Summer Accommodation in New York The Knott Hotels of Resideatfal Apartment Type lathe Following Locations: Wtthinjton Squcr North Tha Earl. Weil Tho Holler. South Tho JudsoB. Tho Van. RonssolMr 7lkAvt. b-SStii 5lHoUl Wellington. Special Summer Rates through June. July. August, September Excellent (able at- mott reasonable rates. Ltem Ntt Belix .MaJi Fnm October lit 'Each l4ou an jhovr rooms at any time, or a phone' call' tq our main office will bring our jvprtaentatire to lec you with plans and rates. Under Knott Management Main Office, 35 Washington Square. Spring 3309. GALA OPENING, JUNE 3rd IN THE MAIN IWHTAUUANTl THRICE NIGHTLY ws .iiviii Tun iiir.n HENRY i'tvr.iii.ii . , pi:kit GOING DltKAKER IN THE MAIN RESTAURANT AT 7130 I'. M. AND 11S30 P. M. MIDGIE MILLER A CAPTIVATING REVUE PRETTY CURLS SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER IN SOPHIE TUCfcEH ROOM NIGHTLY AT It TO CLONING. SOPHIE TUCKER ?gg NIGHTLY. 10 TO CLOSING, IN PARADISE, THK FAMOUS DANCER DORALDINA uRu&TsIniS,uiriHuu MISS LILLIAN NTIU YOU VISIT v EISENWEBERS YOU HAVEN'T SEEN NEW VORW U PARENTS SEPARATION CAUSE. Mrs. Jacob Drown Gets Alimony ana Children's Custody. Mrs. Bay Brown obtained a separa tion from Jacob Brown, a publisher, who Uvea at 1G21 Fifty-third street, Brook lyn, yesterday in Justice Cropsey'a branch of the Supreme Court In Queens county. Alimony was fixed at 175 a month. Mrs. Brown alleged that In 1917 her husband instated his father and mother, together with his brother and sister, In the house with them. Bhe said her hus band turned the management of the household over to his parents, telling her that his mother was a very oa.pable man ager and far superior to her In the prac tice of domestlo economy. After that, Mrs. Brown said, restrictions were placed upon her. , The Browns were married May 27, 1915, and they have two children. Be cause of tho conditions In her home Mrs. Brown felt compelled to leave January 16 with her two children. Bhe retains tho children, but Brown can seo them at stated Intervals. Warrants Issued for Two. Dkkver, May 81. Warrants for the arrest or Robert A. Brown, cashier of th closed City Bank and Trust Com pany, and J. 8. Barnhlll, president cf the Colorado Pltchblondo Company, wera Issued hers to-day. Brown Is charged with embeszlement and larceny of a chock for $20,000 and Barnhlll Is named an accomplice. The City Bank nnd Trust Company was closed by the State Banking Com missioner last Wednesday. A shortage of more than $100,000 Is said to have been found. ' ART AUCTIONS. DIRECTION OF HOTELS AND IlESTAURANTS. & Unbtnity PI. & I Ith St. The Albert. Cramer cl Par South Tho Irving'. 5A Att. 6- 3(l Sfv Hotel Icr Marquis. JK A iiOU, 1U. ll.JU, FINK'S A BEVY IF PRETTY ' UlltLS SOME" 1 .75 SERVED NOON IOII CARLKTON, HOSTESS I SEA BREEZE HOME ABLAZE. Inmates Escape Safely and Loss la neported as Slight. Three hundred women and children marched safely out of Sea Breeze Home, Surf avenue and West Twehty-nlnth j street. Coney Island, yesterday when f tiro larien on me rooi. ina npme n owned by the city and women nnd chll; dren are housed there for the summer. When the fire was dlcovered, Patrol man Peter Daley and the nurses marched tho Inmates to safety. Daley and an orderly kept the fire un der control until the firemen arrived. Tho blaie was extinguished quickly. The damage was slight There waa consider able excitement, but no one was Injured. Cadum Ointment for SInTroiiblss , Cadum Ointment has proved a tless ing to thousands who have tuffercd for years from irritating: and sUtb born skin troublej. Much suffering from skin troubles may be avoided by the use of this wonderful remedy. Cadum Ointment is pood for eczema, pimples, blotches, itch, scaly skin, eruptions, chafings, piles, rash, scabs, ringworm, cuts, sores, burns, etc rCadum 01nhnnt la a French preparation! Lmade In America from the original f ormulaJ Sunday Excursions Dtnqhtful Outtnat Out on M Hound. AfUtlc ' Dtntno Itooma LuiKh C ounttr t. Str. City of Lowell To BRIDGEPORT Lt. Pier 40, N. R.. Houston St., 10:00 A.M. Lt. Pier 14. N. R.. Fulton St.. 10:15 A.M. Return, due New York about B P. M. Round Trip Fare (Inel. War Tax), 1.30. Children 6A cents. Str. Richard PtSck To NEW HAVEN Lt. PJcr 28. E. Il Catharine St.. 030 A.M. Lv. PW 70. E. H., 22nd St.. 10-nOA.M. Ili-tiirn. duo Nro York about 0 P. M. Round Trip Fare Unci. War Tax), 81.70. Children SS rnta. KNOUOH TIME ALLOWKI) IN BOTH CITIES FOR SIOHTHEKINO. Limtled number of tickets on sals at Piers on davs of excursions onty. Utit-,d Statoa Rtilror.d Administration New England Steamship Lines 3roUcStcatnbofitc CONEY ISLAND Schedule Subject to Chant Without Notice. I.KAVK WEST IZBTH STREET. :40. 10:10, 11:15 A. M.; 12:15. i:ie. 3:00. 2:45. 3:10. IMS. 5:15, 6:10, 7:10, 1:10 P. M. LEAVE PIEIt 1, .SOUTH IltVEB. 10:10, 11:13 A. M.; 12:00, 1:00, 1:00, 3:(5, S:10. 4:11, 5:00, 11:00. 6:40, 7:15, 8:15. 9:30. LVE. STEEPLECHASE, CONEY ISI.AND. tll:25 A. M. ; 12:25, 1:10. t2:10, 1:10, 3:56. 4:15. -6:25. C10. "7:10. 7:60. 1:25, t:25. 10.10 Trips marked do not go to 129th St. Trip marked t do not atop at Pier 1, N, B. TeJrphono Roctor 872. From Pier a;. N'.n.. foot r.n.i n k daya, t and 7 P.M.; Sundays and Holidays. and S P. SI.: West 12!d St.. half hour later. Due Albany C o'clock following morn ing. Direct rail connections at Albany to an points .4onn, .asi ana west, l'lione Canal S000. Exnreftfl IVeirht Krrrir Antna r.Mi HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY SUNDAY UP THE HUDSON 1 Newbursh and Itcon tl. I'ouf hkeepsle 1.50 Enjoy a delightful excursion. Mt. Beacon ope a, Str. "Benj. B. Odell" Music, flood restaurant. Lunch roomr Franklin at.. V A. M.; W. 129th St., Ono A. M Katn or thine.. CENTRAL HUDSON LINE SPECIAL TO-DAY, June 1st, to TKI BEAR MOUNTAIN 43 MILKS CV THE HUDSON lira. Mfnlfoi' t "l. d i.jxn Will leave JIAYTKRY PIER 0 A. M., Wwt-l'llnil Street u-.SO A. M. CARP AIH'l.TS as eta. CHILDREN eta. rnnt Hoiinil Trli ( Ineiiiillng War TnO. MCSIC, ItKFKKSHMENTS on 1IOAKD Hear Jit. Line tel Uunllug (ireen TS3H. Metropolitan Line A U Uifvcvtryirater. Abrnm In nliHt of I in i To BOSTON via lAug Inland Sound, Uuxxordt Hay and C a p e Cod C a n a , Daylight Through the Canal Both Ways. Leava I'idr II, Foot of Murray St., Daily (Sundaya Included) at 5.00 1'. M, Far 15.65 (Including War Tax). Tickets an! Information at Wharf, Telephone. Bar clay 3000, Uf Meals, Staterooms Always the Best, "the rcrtTJc nr. rLXABitn.- COLONIAL LINE BOSTONbaT$4.40 PR0VItHCEDIRECTB0ATS2.9? All Outside, Sta tearooms, 1.0 to 3.2I. Abac f.'icet includt Wt i'u. Boat laavea Pier 39, North Itlrer, Dally and Sunday, at 5:30 P..M. fboos Sprlna MIL Worcester, 13.12: Providence direct, 11.51 HTATKitOoSl. f 1.00 nnd 12.00. Dally, Including Hunday, 5.30 p. M. From Pier 19, K.H. Phone 2709 Hfekmsn TVkrt at Pier or CrtnMillilated tlrket offlrej. Fall River Line To BOSTON M Stra. lv. Pier II. N. It., rt. Fulton St, dally st 6:10 P. Jl. Music. NEW LONDON (NOllWICII LINE) 8tr.lT Pier (0. N. It., ft. lion, Inn St.. weekrisTa .nl. , l; P.SL Lr.Pler Tt. B. U., ft, B. 2X4 St.. I V.IL Ncwburgh & Pouphkccpsie Wr. Homer llamadrl leavea Franklin Bt. !S0 P. M., W. liJth at 6:1S P. M, Music, Iteataurant. Lunchroom. CKNTK.U. HUDSON LINE. QIGHT QEEING VACHT Hudson River by Daylight Unusually attractive in spring and eariy summer. Great green hills and cool blue waters. Just the place for a day's recreation. IDEAL ONE-DAY OUTINGS Music and restaurant on all atr-amcrs. a in A . west 42d Ht.T UJIU A. 1H.J non r wmi twist Point (oxccdi riA..r turn steamer samo dar from points marked and Albany accepted Dlfectnil cmtnecilon for tDear Mountain. TWit Point (pxcept Sunday), tl Point (connecting daily with Ultr A Delaware It. It.), Tn-rtar Steamer "Washington Irrlng" will make a neclal trip t Dew Mo up In, Nm burgh, Poughkeepsle and return to nd HI. Pier. ln 1b"7, ? :Oo A. M.i Weat nd Bt. .10:20 A. M.l Weal MOth St., 1010 A. M.I Tonken 11:H tain 10;0 A. M Hudson River Day Line Deabroasea St. Pier Tel. THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE By Fait, Palatial Passenger Steamship of 21,000 tona From Seattlo to Hong Kong via Yokohama, Kobe. Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila ALSO Fit EIGHT Vattls ts th Far East Fartnlf htly. cjuenlly. Hew York to British In For Particulars ol Passat or NIPPON YUSEtf KAIoHlU cjuenlly. New York to British Indian Ports Monthly. Higher than Gibraltar Passing Capes "Trinity" and "Eternity ' on the route ol Niagara to trie Sea THE m'oat latlafylntr fr.'; In Atnerlei A tor ceaitn ana recreation, Aimoc 1000 mllea ol lakes. rivers, and rapids, ' Including: the Thousand Ialands, the exclt- ioz descent ot the marvelous rapids, tht j historic associations of Montreal. C-.iInt I old Quebec with Its famous mlracle.wr.rk- 1 Inz ahrlae of Hte. Anna de Heaupfl and the , renowned Saguenay River with Its atupen doua Cr.r,ea "Trinity" and. Btornlty," higher rra Gibraltar. Up to date hotels nt Murray Day and Tudousac. Golf links and salt water .swimming; at pool at Murray Uav. For full Information caller telephone Dept. 169 (Itowllns; tlreen 7100) Canada Steamship Lines, 31 Whitehall St, or Inquire of any tourist nsen CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES Swedish American Line S. S. STOCKHOLM nWJr JUNE 5, JULY 19. NEW YOIIK DIRECT TO GOTlIE.NIIl'nu, SWEDEN. Short route to SCANDINAVIA. Superior accommoda. tlona, aervice and cuisine. PASKMiKU Ori'IClt. 24 State St.. N. Y. i-OITRS. Tours de Luxe leave frequently during June, July and August, including all the attractions of the Pacific Northwest, Land' of the Midnight Sun, The National Parks, California, Canadian and Colorado Rockies, etc. Booklet on request. t ADAM rtliv. Summer Tours Ive Psrlflo rtn tlllNA Coast June H. July 10. STEAMSHIP PASSAGES EVERYWHERE Official Agenta for All Ster.rr.ahip Lines Tours arranged for Independent Travel Every where, at any time, Pullman and Hotel accommoda' tion reserved in advance. 245. BROADWAY, 561 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK California-Pacific Northwest With Personal Escort Leaving Juno 15, July 1, 3, 5, 20, August 2 and 7. Viaiting California, Ycllow.itono, Yoaemito, Alaska, Glacier Park, M. Rainier, Gland Canyon, Colorado vRockipa, Canodisn Rockiea, etc. Independent Tours leaving dally. Japan-China - Manila -Tours With Personal Escort Leaving Pacific Coaat September 18, 1919, and January 27, 1920. Send for Illustrated bookn, advising ua tour contemplated. Reservations and tickets at regular rates to Europe, South America, Japan, China, Etc. Pa&sport Information. ' Frank Tourist Co. 398 Broadway Phone FranVlln 1530. 489 Fifth Ave., near 42d St Phono Vanderbilt 3110. LoaTf. d'Mr, InrJudina Hundar, " liUlO US V:U J i.., .wi.ud, (.... ... IIU " L v ' aunaayi. i,ieuinu :h, tPmighkeepsle, Klnjrt II, Hudson and Alnanr. tn I tickets between Now Yo nn It it. I. Oatskll tRe- t. All throujrh rail ork w all polnta North, East and Wt. Canal 9300 Now York ORIENT REBVICKS New York to the Orient via or rtetani ADD IT to JZU IfKIIAUtVAV, KtV TOUTC 4H B'WAV EXCHANGE. CHICAGO 400 CO I.MAN IH.DG., SEATTLE Pas seo xor and FreLsht Serf loesk NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE Md LONDON Saxonia Juna 4 NEW YORK la LIVERPOOL Carmnnia , Jun 5 Vasari June 14 Royal George June 24 Orduna .June 28 VeatrU June 28 Caronla July 1 Carmania July S NEW YORK lo SOUTHAMPTON Mauritania June 14 Aquitania June 28 NEW YORK to PIRAEUS Pannonia June 18 NtW YOKK la GLASGOW Olympia June 21 tl.U STATU STHEHT. NEW YORK. DINAVIAN ERICAN Ilenraark. Nor. way, Sweden, tln.bta leJuuel3 u.oirll .June 19 Ucllut Uiar. June 20 Frederlk VIII. Julys Passonsrr off.. 1 B'way. N. Y. COAftriVISl-. STE.MSIIIP LINES Fob all polnta South, ulu Dominion, savannah. Southern l'acino Lines For pssaenaer In formation apply to Consolidated "Itallway ticket oflces or Companies' ofTlcea. A'HITI! STAtt LINE TO EUKOPB. Offlce. Hrnsrtwsv. Ness Tftrk. Montreal Liverpool and nneouer(lrlent, Cnn I'irln Oren Service. Ltd.. 1231TI'wav. TOURS. 'I1 mm 1 I I LTi.Dittcrj ller DUl7,.(:.. Ttl.Bro&d ZtX