OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1916-1920, January 16, 1920, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1920-01-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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T,,,M,,""TTrnr"lfi tt? i i- iMifliirii' n n1 rrirnpr 1 tirr-mi -inn
n !
olshovW situation In tho Near East,
wnlch would mean military commit
ment, according to export opinion
Based on ofllclal advices from the the
trcs of war.
Fcnr Union AVIth Turk.
The Bolshevist occupation of trans
Caspla may be recorded as virtually
Complete, which makes tho position In
the Caucasus most difficult from an
ntl-ned vlowpolnt Thoro Is little
hope of stopping tho Bolshevlkl from
overrunning the Caucasus, and If they
succeed they will bo nolo tn Join Mus
taphaCemal raha (houd of tho Turk
ish nationalists), and other Turks for
Mesopotamlan aggression.
Likewise Red occupation of trnns
Caspla gives tho Dolshovlkl a base for
operations ngatnst t'ersla and extend
ing to India, with the co-operation of
Afghanistan. Georgia and Azerbaijan
ro antl-BolBhevlst, but they are not
fctrong enough to resist tho Invasion
which threatens them from the north
where den. Denlktno's right wing Is
being pressed back, and from across
tho Caspian, whero the Bolshevlkl seem
to bo well established. There Is a large
Bolshevist clement In Baku, and a Red
landing thoro would probably result In
the recruitment of :hcse Bolshevlkl
Immediately. Daghcstan Is even moro
helpless than Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Numerous Turks nro also penetrating
Into the Caucasus from tho wuth with
the object of fomenting trouble. In
Mesopotamia Ramadan Shalash, one of
tho leaders, corttlnuos his efforts to stir
up the tribes In the British area and
has threatened an nttack In case of
non-compllanco with his demands for
evacuation of certain aistncts.
Honking Moslem Jt'nllon.
The R'cds are pouring troops into
trans-Caspla by greatly Improved rail
ways. They have sent detachments
townrd Khiva, probably to round up tho
scattered forces of tho Siberian army.
A party' of Bolshevist Turks Is reported
to have arrived at Herat, Afghanistan,
with two carts containing airplane parts
and wireless Installation and to have
gone on by way of Kandahar and Kabul
escorted by Afghan cavalry,
Tho Reds have opened fifty propa
ganda schools at Tashkent, from which
Red agents will be sent to India and
China and all the Moslem countries, con
centrating all Its efforts first on India.
From Siberia comes the report that
the remnants of the Siberian army num
bering 6,000 have laid down their arms.
Gen. Semonoff. who was defeated In an
attack on Irkutsk, Is east of Baikal try
ing to consolidate his position, supported
by Japanese.
In South Russia tho Reds nre driving
en toward Odessa, and tho Invasion of
Crimea Is Imminent Possession of
Crimea, with Sobastopol. would glvo the
Beds free access to the Black Sea.
Danger of an Attack With
Coming of Spring.
Iptdtl Callt DltpatcX to TUB SUN from le
London Timet Service.
Copyright, 1320. all rlghtt moved.
Wjuisaw, Jan. 15. The annihilation
Of Gen. Denlklne's army makes an Im
tnenso change in the military situation
affecting Poland. Only a few weeks
go thn possibility of offensive opera
tlons in cooperation with Gen, Dent
kino were being discussed on the as
sumption that the Russian volunteer
army would be In touch with the Poles
on the Dnieper In tho spring.
Now that the army hardly can bo
said to exist tho Poles must reckon with
the probability of facing alone an at
tack by united Bolshevist forces, and
tho Red troops available to move
against tho Poles not only will be In
finitely more numerous than before but
will bo better equipped and more mobile
owing to captures of military stores and
rolling stock from Gen. Denlklne.
Will tho Bolshevlkl attack Poland?
They hardly can remain on the defensive
and Poland Is their most formidable
enemy. The Polish front, however. Is
strategically very Btrong, and the Bol
shevlkl flanks would be exposed to at
tack on tho north by tho Letts and on
the south by the Rumanians, Besides,
the Reds would have to go-a- long way
before they could reach anything worth
taking. Victory would havo very little
value, either material or moral, until
they reached Vllna, which Is about 150
miles behind the front.
However, there Is reason to believe an
offensive against the Poles would bo
very popular with the offlcers of the Red
' army. Trotsky himself. It Is said, favors
It. In a general way It Is to be re
garded as certain that If they are not
forestalled the Bolshevlkl will attack
the Baltic States or Poland or both. It
Is hardly likely, however, that the at
tack will begin before tho end of April.
It will tako them at least two months
to recover from their efforts against
Gen. Denlklne and concentrate materials
on the western front.
Those questions certainly will form the
subjects of discussions In Paris between
Premiers Clemenccau and Lloyd Gcorgo,
and M. Patek, Polish Foreign Minister,
as well as of the conference of repre
sentatives of tho Baltic States In Ilel
clngfors, whero M. Wassllowskl, ono
time Foreign Minister, la taking part
Ss the representative of Poland. M.
Wassllowskl. who Is accompanied by a
military representative of tho Poles,
would llko to extend the present military
convention with tho Letts Into an ar
rangement whereby united Esthonlan
and Lettish and Polish forces would
form a single front, under the Polish
Poland can afford even less than Fin
land, Letvla and Esthonla to make peace
with Russia In Its present state. It
.would be hypocrisy to say Russia does
not want peace and In that respect
Tchlnerlne's radio message. Inviting
pourparlers, speaks nothing less than
the truth.
So far the Polish Government has
made no reply- to tho Invitation and
.there Is doubt what the reply will be,
but Poland Is entirely dependent on the
Allies since the result of tho Helslngfora
conference, and the return of M. Patek
Irom Paris Is being awaited eagerly.
Reds Say They Won't "Pro
voke Collision."
London, Jan. 15. Sentence of death
will bo Imposed on enemies of tho
Soviet Russian Government hereafter
only when npproved by tho All Russian
Extraordinary Commission, according
to a wireless despatch from Moscow
to-day. The Bolshevik announcement
asserts that a return to methods of
terrorism will be made necessary only
by renewal of attempts on the part of
the Entente to hinder tho workers and
Mulil lim
trnt far hill
Great varlsty of stvlss rain
fng. collapsible, swinging 14
meet any condition In
office or heme,
R-prtt-atstlrt will call to detsoo
tr.te. Ho obligation to purciui.
Cittulart if All Sljttt M Annul.
r a
peasants In establishing a system of
Socialist economics.
Tho Extraordinary Commission de
clares tho defeat of Gens. Yudcnltch and
Denlklne and Admiral Kolchak, together
with tho latter's Imprisonment and tho
capture of Rostov, Novocherkassk and
Krasnoyarsk, have created new condi
tions In the struggle against a counter
revolution In Russia.
Destruction of tho counter revolution
and the annihilation of bandits, the
Extraordinary Commission says, "af
fords us the possibility of abandoning
tho extremist measure of punishment
namely, tho shooting of enemies of
Soviet Russia. Tho revolutionary Gov
ernment is glad to state that tho fall
of Rostov and tho capture of Admiral
Kolchak afford It tho possibility of
putting aside tho weapon of terror."
A wireless dospatch from Moscow, re
viewing tno successes of tho Red armies,
'The Turkestan front may be re-
garaeu aennltcly as liquidated, Oron
burg and Ural regions being com
plctely cleared of tho enemy.
"A Soviet army will soon arrive In
proximity to tho Japanese, but will not
undertako any aggressive action calcu
lated to provoko a collision with tho
Japanese. But tho mcnaco of the 3a.v-
aneso and of the vassals of the Entente
in the west still compel the Bovlct au
thority to dovote a great part of Its
lorccs to military purposes."
Enver Pasha Aims at British
Prestige in East.
Geneva, Jan. 15. Enver Pasha, for.
mcr Turkish Minister of War, who was
recently elected King of Kurdistan, has
started a Bolshevik revolution In Turk.
estan, Afghanistan and Baluchistan, ac
cording to a telegram from Baku. En
ver Is said to have many followers and
Is directing his energies against the
British prestige In southwestern Asia,
mo uiumuio aim Being India. Largo
Bumn of money, It Is reported, have been
furnished Envor by the Soviet Govern.
mcnt In Moscow.
This is the first time on record that
a Bolshevik movement has been started
by a monarch.
Conference at H chins for a
Will Discuss Alliance.
By the Auoclatii Prett.
IIelsinofors, Jan. 14 (delayed). Rep
resentatives of Esthonla, Letvln, Lithu
ania nnd Poland arrived In Helslngfora
to-day to participate with Finland In a
conference which Is expected, If Its ob
jects are attained, to have an Important
effect on the Russian situation.
The principal aim of the conference Is
to discuss organization by all Ave States
of a defensive alliance against Soviet
Russia and a second defensive alliance
against Germany, The correspondent Is
Informed that Finland will not be a
party to tho second project, believing
that, owing to her geographical position,
sne nas nothing to fear from German en
croachment In the Baltic. Moreover, It
Is asserted, Finland feels such gratitude
toward Germany for aid given In the
spring of 1918 In saving Finland from
the Red torror that she could not Join
In a movement which might be regarded
by Germany as hostile.
Tho attitude of Lithuania toward an
anti-German alliance Is uncertain. Re
ports state there is a possibility of
Lithuania and Germany reaching a se
cret understanding 'with the object of
aiding Lithuania to resist Polish pres
sure. It Is believed that Germany's In
terest In Lithuania Is to uso that coun
try as a gateway to Russia. Oerman
officers and technical experts In In
creasing numbers are entering Russia by
way of Lithuania.
Owing to the sharp rivalries between
Esthonla, Lithuania and Poland It Is
by no means certain that the eitort to
realize even the anti-Red alliance will
prove successful.
While the contemplated nlllance Is
nominally a defensive one, the Associ
ated Press hns obtained from the Let
vlan Foreign Minister the admission
that It would not prevent aggressive ac
tion against Soviet Russia Jn conjunc
tion with a possible Entente campaign.
Rostov-on-Don and Immense
Booty Taken.
London, Jan. 15, The Bolshevlkl
have captured Rostov-on-Don, accord
ing to a wireless despatch from Mos
cow. Ten thousand prisoners, thirty-
two guns, nine tames and an enormous
amount of baggage were taken, the
statement says.
"Street fighting started In Rostov on
January 9 and lasted the whole day,"
the Soviet communication continues.
"The town was cleared on the 10th nnd
the enemy driven back beyond Batalsk,
Gerllo and Aksalshal. The enemy de
stroyed the small bridges over the Don
but the large railway bridge was not
damaged. A revolutionary committee
has been formed at Rostov."
Th Rnlnhflvlkl. It wan stated tn a
Mnuvw wfrAlAsa messara nicked ud tn
London on January 10, had taken the
town of Nakhltchevan nna naci enterea
lha nut.klrta nf ItoBtOV-On-Don. Which
was formerly the capital of tho govern
mnt nf Oin. Denlklne. Rostov Is the
chief port of the Don River, Its Impor
tance being increased Dy its situation on
the main railroads to the east and south
nnd nt the head of the Caucasian rail
way to Novorossiysk and Petrovsk.
Separation of Bavarian Peo
ples Party Cause.
Berlin, Jan. 15. Ilerr Meyer, Min
ister of Treasury, has resigned. His
action Is reported to have been due to
the separation of tho Bavarian Peoples
party from the Centre party In the Na
tional Assembly.
The Bavarian Premier has written
a note of farewell to the Bavarian In
habitants of the Sarre Valley, who will
be under French administrate for
fifteen years, expressing the hope that
the referendum which will bo held after
fifteen years will give them back "as
faithful citizens to Bavaria."
Bavaria's losses In the war aggre
gated 655.000, of whom 163,000 were
killed, 398,000 wounded, and 94,000
made prisoner or missing.
Not alone imported fabrics
and stylings, but individual
designs and personal tailor
ing create thc-distinction
and long style-life of Rol
lins garments.
1306 ydway Hotel McAlpin at Thirty-fourth
Manifesto Issued Calls for Bov
olntlonary Councils In All
Hob Said to Havo Boon Di
rcctcd by Men Who Gained
Reichstag Building.
Bkrun, Jan, 15. A Communist manl
festo Issued to-day urgos tho lmmodlate
election of revolutionary employees
councils In all Industrial establishments.
Radicals omens the workers of seV'
oral largo plants declared a holiday to.
day to celebrate the anniversary of the
killing of Dr. Karl Llebknecht and
Rosa Luxemburg, tho Socialists. No
demonstration took place. The Relchs
tntr nimr Is still under heavy guard.
The Zeltung am Mlttag says It has
learned authoritatively that Tuesday's
mob was directed by men who climbed
to prominent positions In tho Reichstag
Building. Deputies Zuebell and Frau
Zletz are reported to have said: "The
Reichstag Building belongs to the peo
ple, not to tho 'security guaru.- rou
know what you have to do." At this
the dsmonstrants rushed upon the police,
Work Is proceeding In all the factories
of Berlin to-day.
London, Jan. 15. Disorderly scenes
occurred again Wednesday morning in
the National Assembly when Deputy
Kanhler attempted to deliver a ppooch
regretting the Incidents of Tuesday, ac
cording to a Berlin despatch to tho l.x
chance Telegraph. Tho Independents
constantly interrupted. An attempt naa
been made, Herr Kanhler said, to put
the Parliament, elected by the most
democratic method In the world, under
the dictatorship of the street agitator,
If the people of Germany now realized
how disastrous the tyranny of minority
rule would be, ho said, tho blood shed on
the nrevlous day tho first slnco the
ratification of the peace treaty would
not have llowed In vain.
Strong indignation Is expressed In
every branch of Industry at tho un
scrupulousness of the Independents, the
despatch adds, because the leaders hid
behind machine guns while the masses
were driven forward to face the guns
of the soldiers.
It la announced that the Berlin Gov,
eminent will not permit demonstrations
on tho occasion of tho burial of tho
victims of Tuesday's rioting.
German troops were marched to
Lelpslc on Tuesday, whero they occupied
the squares and public buildings, no
cording to another Berlin despatch to
the Exchange Telegraph Company,
Machlno guns were placed In command
ing positions.
Fears are expressed In diplomatic
despatches received here that the Berlin
Imfcrngllo may spread throughout Ger
many and even to Vienna through tho
agency of the Communists, this element
using the recent ilerlm disorders to in
flame the masses toy representing those
killed as martyrB to the cause of the
Drive on Odessa Halted, Say
British Observers.
London, Jan. 15.-The British Mili
tary Mission with Oen. Denlklne at the
latter's headquarters Iri Ekaterlnodar
reports under to-day's tlato that the
Caucasus army, In tho lino behind the
Aksal River, repulsed In heavy lighting'
five frontal attacks and an" attempt to
turn Its left flank.
Tho report of tho British mission Bays
the advance of the Bolshevlkl on Odessa
has been stopped. It also states that
the report that Gen. Denlklne has been
superseded by Gen. Wrangel or any
other commander Is untrue.
The statement saya tho Don army
holds the Una of the Don River from
Us Junction with tho Aksal to Its mouth.
The volunteer army Is said to be hold
ing the line from Nikopol to Melitopol,
north of the Crimea,
Moscow wireless despatches said tho
Rpds -were victorious In flghtlnsr on the
Nikopol-Melitopol line.
Reiteration From Moscow of
His Arrest at Irkutsk.
London, Jan. 15. The reports of the
capture of Admiral Kolchak, head of the
All-Russian Government In Siberia, have
been confirmed, It Is stated In a Moscow
wireless despatch received to-day.
The foregoing presumably refers to
the report received In London on Janu
ary 10 In a Moscow wireless message
which said Admiral Kolchak had been
arrested at Irkutsk by Col. Popellaeff,
who, It was presumed, might be Victor
Pepellaeff, the Premier of the AU-Rus-stan
Government. It Is posslblo, how-
over, that the officer said to havo ar
rested Admiral Kolchak was one of the
Irkutsk Insurgents or a member of the
Bolshevik party, groups of which havo
sprung up at various points In Siberia
since tho recent roverses of tho All
Russian Government which are said vir
tually to have wiped out Its army.
BsnUN, Jan. 15. Six hundred thou
sand marks contributed by Americans to
tho German Red Cross In the winter of
1916-17 sttll aro on deposit In the
Dresdner Bank awaiting disposition.
The fund reached Berlin on the eve of
the break tn relations between tho United
States and Germany.
It is suggested here that If tho funds
are placed at the disposal of tho Ger
man Red Cross they be diverted to tho
Children's Frosh Air Fund, to which
American Methodists recently contrib
uted 200,000 marks.
Industrial Upheaval Fenrs Aro
Based on Antl-Govcrnmtfnt
Propaganda. .
Twenty Unions Accused of
Threats Aro Settling Their
Grievances Amicably.
Special Cable Deepalch to Tn So.
Copvrlght, 1310, alt rights rciervtd.
London, Jan. 15. Innumerable ru
mors In circulation that a great Indus
trial upheaval Is Imminent were em
phatically branded to Tiu Sun cor
respondent as baseless by a highly
placed Government official, who de
scribed the stories nn "the most per
nicious form, of anti-Government propa
ganda ever used In any political
He explained that while Lloyd
George is dealing energetically iui
solution of the labor problems tho ad
vanced wing of tho Tory section of the
rnn1IHn la let'lnt ft famA thfl flOVem-
ment to refuse tho workmen's demands,
using for this purpose n sysiemuieu
..-f .1 ua L,n.l fnrm Of Which
Is a report that secret orders have been
. . ..... n . .,luntr
issupu 10 uiu uuvemiiicui p
motor corps o be In rcadlnesB to trans
port food around tho kingdom during
the anticipated genoral strike by twenty
n rlan linlnnd
nM thn tinf1 It tn roHflln that
WU IJ1U Ullltl IIUllUI - - -
tho labor horizon is brightening per
ceptibly ana mat 01 mo iwem u..'..
now engaged In solving their problems
in -the lilgncr tnuusiriai cuuim. ..
Whitley council of transport workers
BUbmiuea n aeinanu lor un - -
tn .. ii.. Inlnt conference 0
masters and men. There nro promises
of a satisfactory settlement In the tin
t,ui. nriA whAM iim mon demanded a
50 per cent. Increase. This also was
submitted to a Joint conference. Agri
cultural laborers, shop assistants ana
builders' laborers aro now consulting
their employers In a inenaiy spiru.
There is some slight friction In other
Industries, arising from mo mouiuria
strike. Tho lack of small castings has
....j. n..mi.n nf fmnlnvnefl in de.
uiauu 1UIU tl HUIMUVI v- .
pendent Industries, with tho result that
the unemployment diesis 01 ouicr umuno
1.-1 .nnlrih' Ttpfllsal Of
W.IU uuil'b uiryiwivn
tho employers to reconsider their deci
sion to tho moulders has had a bad Im
pression. Tho real danger is in inai pan u mw
ri .,..1,1 npAnn.l thn railways
lliuuauiui ,i u . . v. , ........ . -
and mines, but a strike Is doubtful Tho
unions composing tho triple alliance suf
fcrd severely In the recent railway Btrlko
and their war chest was depleted to less
,i tin ,iT,w Thn leaders will
prevent a strike now It It Is humanly
Two Divisions Reported
Taken in Turkestan.
T jN..n. Tun 1 f, TlnlshOVlst f OrCeS
operating east of Odessa, near the Black
Sen, havo captured Nikopol (on tho
Dnieper River seventy-five miles from
Its mouth) and Melitopol (In the
-.-I . nnAnrllnf. n ft KnVlefc wlrele6S
despatch from Moscow, nnd have reached
a line of villages fifty miles to the west
nnd thirty miles to tho Bouthwcst of
Further capture of prisoners on the
Turkestan front Is also reported. East
ward of Gurley, eleven miles Inland from
- , c TTiiral TJIv-rr thn
ine vaL-jima oti v.. w
Red armies are reported to have taken
the Fourth and ruin divisions 01 me
i f..i, r tM?pther with the
commander in chief of tho Fourth Divi
One Reaches Port Disabled;
Other Not Heard trom.
t rrinm Tnn. 15. The sub-
runim. rnnrhpd rinrt to-dny In a
badly damaged condition. Her Captain
reports having icit au "ur on
ion on January 9, accompanied' by tho
submarine Nereide. . ... .
For threo days and nignts tney named
,,it torrifif fb In the Bav of Bis
cay. The two submarines parted com
pany, tho Nereldo apparently being In
carried 'a crew of forty, and has not
been heard from.
Men patronize
our shops consis
tently because they
find a service con
sistently good.
Try one of these
N. Y. Barber Co.
18 Broadway, Wells Bldg.
36 Wall St., Rear Cigar
55 Liberty St. Lib. Tower
81 William St
Bet. Maiden Lane &
Liberty St.
95 William St
North River Ins. Bldg.
170 B'way, Cor. Maiden
673 B'way, B'way Central
i iiotei.
862 B'way, Noar Union Sq.
120 W. 34th St, Herald
Square Hotel.
9 E. 42d St, over Cod-
Cleanliness Service
Automobile Owners
find real
Information and
useful articles in
A'no YcrKU Great iiomlna AWimmt.
Wallace, With Full Creden
tials, Acta for U. S.
Pxais, Jin, 16,-Ambassador Wallace
had full credentials to represent America
as a plenipotentiary In connection with
the handing of tho terms of peace to the
Hungarian delegates this afternoon. He
acted In the same capacity as' President
Wilson, Secretary Lansing, Undor Sec.
etary Polk and other plenipotentiaries
when the German, Austrian and Bui.
garlan treaties were handed over. This
fact caused much favorable oomment
from members of other delegations.
Tho pence treat) provides that Hun
gary shall formally waive claim to
Flumo and all the' former Austro-Hun-garlan
territories awarded to Italy, Ru
mania, Jugo-Blavla and Cxccho-SIovakla.
Hungary must adhero to tho Clauses of
tho treaty with Austria, signed at St
Germaln, concerning national minorities
Under tho terms of the treaty tho
$75, .$80, $85 and
$90 Overcoats and
Suits, at........;'....
$55, $57.50 and $60
Overcoats and
Suits, at..........
Hungarian army must not oxcoed 85,000
men, with guns of not mora than 10 cen
tlmetor callbro, Hungary assumes a
proportional aharo of tho Austrian debt.
A special economic clause provides
that an arrangement shall bo mads for
the oxchango of foodstuffs, raw mate
rials and manufactured goods between
Austria and Hungary. By tho provision
of this clause Hungary undertakos not
to restrict tho export of foodstuffs to
Austria and Insures Austrian purchasers
terms as favorable as those given to the
Tho Hungarians have fifteen dayB in
which to present their observations.
Anthrax From Shave Fatal,
Joseph Cook, who contracted anthrax
from being shavod In a shop In the Bow
cry, died yesterday at Bellovuo Hospital!
Whon he was rocotved at tho hospital
Cook said tho barber had cut him
slightly In tho cheek, and on the day fol
lowing the wound began to swell and bo
oame painful. Physicians at first ding,
nosed tho caso as blood poisoning, Coolc
died following an operation. He was 4S
and llvod at 13 Third avenue.
Ten Thousand Men In And Around
New York Have Been Waiting
For This Annual Brill Sale
, January 7, 1920.
Messrs. Brill Brothers ,
Broadway, New York
Gentlemen: " -
The Kuppenheimer suit that' I bought from you
last Summer is a dandy, and wearing well. The more I
wear it the better I like it. Fromnowon, Iknowwhere
I am going to get my suits and overooats.
What chance is there of a special s.ale of winter
1 suits at this time? I notice that nearly all clothing
stores are advertising special sales at this season,
but so far I have not seen your ad. I know that you
do frequently have such sales too, but I'm wondering
if there will be one this year. I would greatly
appreoiate-it if you could let me know, as I intend to
buy a couple of suits.
Very truly yours ,
That Is Why We Said and Still Say There Isn't One Single, Solitary
Reason Why We Should Reduce Prices in This Manner but Thousands
of Men Are Expecting It of Us and That's Probably Reason Enough
Finest Overcoats
At Most Unusual
$95, $100, $115, $125 and $135 Overcoats and Suits $
on oaie at yen ana sza street
279 Broadway Broadway, at 49th St.
44 East 14th St 1456 B'way, at 42d St.
Grace Line to Extend Sarvtce,
W, R. Grace & Co. announced yester
day that fortnightly passenger service
under tho American flag from New York
to tho west coast of Africa, would be pos
slblo In tho spring whon two additional
steamohlps will bo placed In the run by
the aroco line. At present tho lino has
two ships which mako monthly sailings.
Pierce -Arrow Roadster
Owner going abroad for ex
tended trip. Will sell cither
my new four passenger tour
ing roadster, dual valve, 38
H. P. Recently delivered,
Three passenger runabout, scries
four latest model, preceding dual
valvo. Just rebuilt, rcfiniihedand
retired, Six new Kclly-SpringGcld
cord tires.
No de!er. Address PRIVATE
OWNKH, box 100 Bun ofllce,
and Suits in America
Price Reductions
$65, $67.50 and $70 Tf CA
Overcoats and
Suits, at.
$45, $47.50 and $50 frjmj y
Overcoats and
Suits, at
stores uniy, ut
47 Cortlandt Street 2 Flatbush Ave.
125th St., at 3d Ave. Brooklyn .
J. tr 4- ViO .
Clothlorj Ilnbordajhcrs
WCortlandt St., 9-llDoySt
-4. JJ

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