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TZ 44 THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. ft ill Phone, Rector 5000 l i I Josephthal & Co. J III 120 BroailBcy, New York jll Members I ll New York Stock Exchanie I Foreign Securities Private Wires to I Principal Cities FINANCIAL NEWS AND COMMENT Market Closes Weak, With No Diminution of Profes sional Selling". CARSTAIRS & CO, MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Philadelphia Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange STOCKS and BONDS 71 Broadway Plene. Boulint Grtcn-6110. Suggestions for Investors may be had on request A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities. 62 Cednr St., New York Chicago Philadelphia, Boston Buffalo Cleveland Baltimore Minneapolis BETTER STOCKS INVOLVED lower Priced Oils Suffer Less, but Steels Bear Brunt of Attack. Information concerning the 8ft Cumulative Sinking Fund Pre ferred Stock of the Paths Freres Phonograph Company will ha Bent upon request. MONTGOMERY ft CO.. 14 Wall Street. New York. IN all investment matters the Bond Department of this Company offers & thoroughly dependable service. Guaranty Trust Company of New York THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK REDEMPTION NOTICE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Five Yenr J Secured Gold Notes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Penn. aylvanla Electric Company baa elected to pay and redeem on the 3rd day of February. 1920. all of Ita outatandlng Five Year 7 Secured Cold Notea. dated July 1, 1911. maturing July 1, 1923, Issued under and aecured by Ita Indenture dated July 1. 191!, to Bankers Trust Company aa Trus tee, by payment of the principal thereof and the accrued Interest thereon to aald 3rd day of February, 1920. together with a premium of one and one-half per cent. (14) of the principal thereof, and that In accordance with audi election all of aald Five Year 7 Secured Cold Notei now outstanding will bo and become due nnd payable on said 3rd day of February, 1950, at the office of the Bankers Trust Company, In ths Borough of Manhattan, City and State of Now York, at par and accrued Interest therron to such date, together with said premium of one and one-half per cent. (l'.Sft), and that in. terest on all of said Notes then outatand lng ahall cease to accrue or to be payable thereon from and after aald date, and the coupons on all such Notes maturing after aald date shall be and become null and veld; and all holders of said Notes are hereby required to present the same for payment and redemption on said date at aald office of the Bankers Trust Company, accompanied by all coupona appertaining thereto maturing after said date. Federal Income Tax certificates with respect to the accrued interest must be furnished. By Order of the Executive Committee. L. A. WOOD, Secretary. INTERNA I I0NAL PAPER COMPANY CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE 6'. SINKING FUND CONVERTIBLE BONDS. The Equitable Trust Company of Naw York, successor to Colonial Trust Company, as Trustee under International Paper Com pany Mortgage dated January 3, 1305. hereby Invites offers to the Sinking Fund for the sale of bonds Issued under said mortgage, to exhaust the aum of Two Hun dred Nlncty-nlne Thousand. Four Hundred Thlrty-alx Dollars and Five Cents (1299, 438.05). Bonds offered at the lowest prices will be given preference. sealed offers will be opened at the office of the undersigned. No. 37 Wall Street. New York City, at twelve o'clock noon, on February 3, 1930, and should be Indorsed "Offers for the Sale of Bonds to the Inter national Paper Companv Sinking Fund." The right la reserved to reject any and all offers. THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Trustee. By LYMAN RHOADES, Vice President. Dated, New York, N. Y., January 5. 1910. The selling pressure which has char acterized the itoclc market for the last week or more continued unabated In yesterday's session, with pronounced re sults again throughout the whole list. Tho lower priced oils, which were bought so eagerly by tho public a few months ago at much higher prlceB, went through another period of deflations and the rally which occurred In some of the standard stocks and so-called speculative favorites seemed to have gone Just far enough to havo given the bear party fresh courage to renew their short lines, which they did with very favorable re sults. A sharp but premature rally oc curred around midday under the lead ership of tho rails, but this In Itself was a very bad sign In that It was the rails that led the advance, and only en couraged the trading clement all tho more, with the result that tho closing was the weakest period of the day. Al together it was another very unsatisfac tory session, although not surprising In view of what has place In the last week and In view of the bearlshness of the financial community In general, One of tho explanations of the renewed decline yesterday, If any need be given at all, was that tho Street had got entirely over Its Jubilation of Thursday ever the failure of the Reserve Board to announce the expected Increase In re discount rates. In other words, what the Street did was to get down to the real facts of tho case. In the first place. It became doubly clear that on Increase Is coming, as foreshadowed In this col umn, as a result of the action proposed by the New York Clearing House Asso ciation In an amendment changing the maximum amount of Interest permitted to bo paid on bank balances of Institu tions clearing through the local Clearing House. This was regarded In conserva tive circles as tho first step toward an tncreaso In rediscount rates and, natu cally, as soon as the Street saw tho an nouncement It Immediately recognized that It had taken altogether too lightly the warnings that havo been given all of this week on this subject. In the second place, Indications came from Washington again that the board Is not even considering relaxing Its efforts to curb speculations. This did not count In the stock market as It might have a month or so ago because a great deal already been accomplished In the stock market In tho way of reducing loans, but nevertheless It was a warn ing of what may bo expected If Wall Street continues to take too lightly the efforts being mada in Washington to juib speculation. In to far as the character of yester day's selling was concerned. It did not differ greatly from that of preceding dava of this week. It was the same per slstent pressure, wfth the difference that a better class of stocks was Involved yesterday. For instance, the lower priced oil shares were not nearly no hard hit as on the previous day, but In their place a new and better class of locks came forward. The Bteel stocks, that Is to say outside of Repub.ic, yes- toiday bore tne Drum or. me sening, especially Republic. Next to these issues the weakest features were ti.e motors, which were led downward by Chandler and General Motors. The break In Chandler was particularly sur prising In that this has been the one motor stock which has held its ground nil through the downward movement. Yesterday, however, It was very weak, touching a new low record for tho cur rent movement. The rails made a very brief- sourt at midday and the Street took this as an Indication that the mar- et was about to rally more sharply. but. as usual, Instead oi rallying the market the rails only invited more sell ing pressure. The money market was cienniteiy easier. As was pointed out on Thurs day, the withdrawals for the current week have been completed by the Gov ernment, and therefore there Is no rea son to expect any further flurries In the money market until the middle of next veck. If then. As a matter of fact. It is very doubtful If the money market will give much trouble then, In view of the present rate of liquidation, and also In view of the restriction that has been placed on buying power in the last week by Ihe declining market. The foreign exchange market was weaker again, re flecting the news In the morning papers on tho Russian situation. Sterling was off about several cents from the preced ing day's closing and there were rather sharp breaks also In francs and lire. r-t'ltnl nid. 2 47 48 91 115 63 98 136 14 95 25 113 107 14 80 26 67 42 134 91 91 93 256 95 66 147 53 19 56 60 COW 714 4 69 74 74 S3 79 7 160 17 109 102 46 90 124 1 28 91 14 93 13 12 8 1C8 24 9 27 22 sow 39 123 47 93 56 57 121 54 5 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. Friday, January 16, 1920. 1020. 1919. 1 055,001 661,172 12,545,228 6,166,017 Day's sales Tear to dntb ng.-, ASK. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. OFFICE OF iTIIE SECRETARY. Baltimore, Md., December 17, 1911 Notice la hereby given that Mr. George TV Davon his been appointed Trustee undw the Refunding and General Mort gage from The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company to the Central Trust Company of New York and James N. Wallace. Trustees dated December 1, 191S. to fill the vacancy In the office of Trustee caused by the death of Jamea N. Wallace, until a new Trustee shall be appointed by the Bond holders aa authorized bv the mortgage. C. W. WOOLFORD. Secretary. LINCOLN MOTOR OFFERING. Class A Stock Issue to Be Placed by Syndicate Ilelng Formed. CALL MONEY. Mixed Collateral I All Industrials. High 9 High 8 Low 6 Low 8 Last 6 Last 6 Renewals S Renewals 8 Year's high 18 Year's high U Year's low 8's low t TIME LOANS. Mixed Collateral. I All Industrials. Sixty i!r 7 Sixty day S Ninety dirs 7 Ninety days 9 Four months 7 iFour months 8 Five months 7 IFIve months S Six months 7 (Six months I COMMERCIAL PAPER. Prime Indnrred BlllslStx months 5485 Receivable. J Other Names, pirty day. SiS84lThre tn fix Ninety days.... 5B51 months '?f3 CLFAT'INO IIOT'SF. STATEMENT. C'earln House exchanges. t39f,W8,43.8 bat. ances, JS1.297.785; Bub-Treasury debit bal. anee., I'.OOI.S'S: Federal reserve credit bal ances. JM.S61.031. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. Boston, par; Chicago, par; St Louis. 259 l'e discount: Sn Francisco, nar: Montreal. tS5.624 per 11.000 premium: Cincinnati, pir; Minneapolis, 10c. premium. SILVER PRICES. Bar silver in New York, 11.284, off 2e.; In London, 77d., off 3d.; Mexican dollars, 93c.. off :c. . A syndicate Is being formed bv KIs ell. Klnnlcut & Co. and CassattA Co. to offer for public subscription soon 160,000 shares of Class A stock of tho Lincoln Motor Company of ISO a shari par value. Tho proceeds of tho financing of Exch. will be used to give tho company ad-' J6f5 Sterling fiiLianm wurKini- rnnirn i in r .v. nn - - o ... itJ? - - Sterlinir Demand Cab'es .. Francs Demand Cab'es . Marks Demand Cables . Normal rite High. 13.63 , 3.70 11.53 11.57 1.77 1.78 Low. S3 68 3.69H 11.63 1L61 1.74 1.75 List. 13.684 3 69 11.83 11.(1 1.77 1.78 Prer close. 13.70 2.71 11.49 11.47 1.75 1.78 -Yesterday's Close- uemanc or checks, $3,684 Marks 11.83 1.77 Tho company's Dlant comnr!en flfiv. t flva acres, two factories and a city of fico building. Replacement value of that , 30 'roTty. according to engineers, Is ap- 402J ro.tlmatcly 19,000,000. In addition tot 33.41 which the company Is mid to havo quIcK I resets of $7,436,091. Its not- tangible . Value, aggregate $11,777,033.. 5.1S12 Belgium 11.C7 China Honrkong s Shanihal 14.50 Cables. 13.6814 11.61 1.78 ll.U 1.5634 14.60 ktnnk of France Statement. Paris, Jan. 16. The weekly state ment of the Bank of France shows tho following changes: Gold In hand .In creased 245,000 francs, silver In hand decreased 3,207,551 francs, notes In cir culation decreased 109,302,230 francs, treasury deposits Increased 9,051,976 francs, general deposits decreased 94, 847,515 francs, bills discounted Increased 87,839,763 francs, advances decreased Jl.041,430 francs. to.oo 5.1S13 36.S0 44.42 1.0304 43.84 19 30 (.1113 (1.49 Greece Holland India Bombay 44 Japsn Yokohama 49?i Philippine Islands Manila 49 Italy. 13.72 Sciiidlnavla Stockholm 20 53 Chrlstianla 19.30 Copenhagen 17.45 South America Rio 3TH Argentina (gold).. tti Buenos Aires 434 Spain 19.13 Ewltaerlsnd (.58 Russia (Currency) 00 rubles 2.75 100 rubles 2.3.5 T11IE BILLS ON LONDON. Bankers. commercial. days a...tJ.MUI days., 13.44 j.. s.waiw cays z,eiu 4U (OH 49V, 13.70 M 85 19.30 17.25 574 3H H 19.11 C.5 3.04 3.(0 1)0 days 1 23 35 51 84 117 26 60 70 19 3S 45 3D 41 n 42 62 50 81 80 18 28 12 S'74 105 201 99 49 83 93 12 12 64 35 132 12 19 14 85 29 41 32 17 98 71 167 305 84 82 76 50 78 38 35 78 102 57 65 3 12 19 125 41 96 23 I 80 70 46 18 41 26 15 44 132 79 97 30 36 83 31 43 23 31 170 109 64 128 42 28 53 122 189 40 49 12 72 9 25 40 64 97 71 48 65 87 118 83 80 5 16 42 106 08 26 26 96 26 68 43 135 91 93 98 270 97 67 148 55 19 58 61 61 1 4 59 .5 76 84 79 8 161 18 111 102 31 46 95 125 1 28 92 114 94 14 13 8 8 110 26 9 27 22 80 39 129 50 93 56 68 122 64 6 9 24 36 52 86 118 26 61 71 19 38 47 39 42 23 48 63 61 82 82 18 29 12 82 107 205 100 o"tt 84 95 13 12 6" 41 133 13 20 15 86 31 41 32 17 100 72 168 307 84 83 77 50 78 39 38 79 103 58 55 4 12 20 127 41 96 24 85 79 46! 11) 42 27 1G 47 134 80 9S 31 37 84 34 44 23 ! 31 175 112 64 130 44 Bit: in I. Ralei. 10 3 6 100 AJasc Rubber 83 1 .. 700 Alaska tlold Mines 1 2 ., Of 0 Alaska Juneau O M 2 47 . . 3500 Allls-ChalmerH Mfg 49 07 6 100 Am Agrlcul Chemical pf. 96 45 3 :co Am Rank'Noto 45 45 3 100 Am Hank Note pf 45 92 8 300 Am Hir H.iir.-ir 32U 117 8 1700 Am Bosch Masnoto 118 .. .. S200 Am Dosch Magneto rts... 6 68 .. 3500 Am Pan nSU 100 7 100 Am Can pf 09 137 12 2200 Am Car & Foundry 138 14 80c 11800 Am Druggist Syndicate.. 14 08 6 200 Am Express 05 25 .. 200 Am Hide A T.enthcr 25 U 114 7 12C0 Am Hide & Leather pf... 113 108 6 11600 Am International Corp... Ill 14 60e 900 Am Ln. V Flro Ens 14 80 3 14100 Am Linseed Co 79 6 7800 Am Locomotive 08 7 100 Am Locomotive pf 104 iro Am Ma t & Grain 38 2100 Am Ship & Commerce.... 26 1000 Am Smolt & net 69 1800 Am Steel Foundries 44 100 Am Sugar Ref 135 10 2000 Am Sumatra Tobacco ... 91 100 Am Sumatra Tobacco pf. 91 5100 Am Tel & Tel 97 200 Am Tobacco 270 200 Am Tobacco pf now 97 14200 Am Tobacco See 68 19500 Am Woolen 153 200 Am Writing Paper pf ... 65 700 Am Zinc, Lead & Smelt.. 19 100 Am Zinc, Lead & Sm pf, 58 5100 Anaconda Copper cx dlv. 61 100 Anaconda Copper cash.,, 62 300 Ann Arbor 7 900 Assets Realization 4 1300 Associated Dry Goods ... 60 200 Assoclat Dry Goods 1st pf 74 101 Ansocint Dry Gds 2d pf.. 75 loo Associated oil Co lis 800 Atch. Top & Santa Fe ... 82 200 Atch, Top & Santa Fe pf. 79 300 Atlantn, Blrm & Atl 7 2300 Atl. Qlllf & W I S S 161 400 Autosales 16 65200 Baldwin Locomotive Wks 113 100 Baldwin Locomot Wks pf 102 1300 Baltimore & Ohio 31 200 Baltimore & O pf ex dlv.. 46 100 Barnot Leather 90 600 Barrett Co 126 200 Batopllas Mining IV, 800 Bethlehem Motors 28 100 Bethlehem Steel 89 300 Bethlehem Steel 8 p o pf . 113 17700 Bethlehem Steel B 95 300 Booth Fisheries 14 400 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. 13 lOOOlBklyn Rap Tr ctfs of dep 8J 200 Brlins Term & R R 7 10 600IBurns Bros 108 100 Butterlck Co , 24 1600 Butte Copper & Zinc 10 1000 Butte & Superior Copper. 27 700 Caddo Central O & R. .. . 22 300 California Packing Co.. . . 80 400 California Petroleum .... 40 10 2400 Canadian Pacific 130 6 100 Central Foundry pf 47 5 2300 Central Leather 94 41 llOOCeno do Pasco Copper... 56 4 100 Certaln-teed Prod Corp... 57 8 5800 Chandler Motors 126 4 300 Chesapeake & Ohio 65 200 Ch & E 111 pf Ea Tr ctfs. 5 200 Chicago Gt Western .... 8 200 ChicaRO Gt Western pf.. 23 3800 Chic, Mil 4 St Paul 35$ 3400, Ml! & St Paul pf... 51 2100 Chicago & Northwestern. 85 100 Chic & Northwestern pf.. 117 600 Chic, Rock Isl & Pac 26 6 SOOIChlc, R I & Pac 6 p c pf. 60 7 200CWc, R I & Pac 7 p c pf. 70 H00 Chile Copper 19H 700 Chlno Copper 38 100 Cleve. Cln, Chic & St L.. 43 2400 Coca-Cola 39 700IColorado Fuel & Iron.... 42 100Colorado & Southern .... 22 4 100 Co & Southern 2d uf 43 4 600 Columbia Gas & Elec... 63 1 1300 Columbia Graphophono .. 61 7 100 Consolidated Cigar pf . . . . 82 7 100 Consolidated Gas ........ 81 300 Con Intorsta'.e Cil MIn.. 18 3 300 Consolidated Textilo 27 1 700 Continental Candy 12 4 7500 Corn Products Ref 84 7 100 Corn Products Rof pf . . . . 106 12 6900lCruclb!o Steel Co 204 208 7 2C0lCruclb!e Steel Co pf 100 100 .. 6400 Cuba Cane Sugar 50 50 71 SOOlCuba Cane Suqar pf 9 100Dn'.awnro & Hudson ,. 2600'Denver & Rio Gr.inde pf. li 4C0'Dom! Mines lOO'Du ham Hosiery Mills.... 3i 100'Elk Horn Coal Corp pf.. 5 ISOOiEndlcott Johnson 1300 Erli 1600 Erie 1st pf 700 Erie 2(1 pf 2700 Famous Players-Lasky.. 300 Federal Mln & Smelt pf.. 4100 Fisk Rubber 1000 Freeport Texas 600 Gaston, W & Wlgmore.. 6 200 General Chemical Co pf. 6 800 General Cigar Co 81 100 General Electric Co 12 10300 General Motor Corp 6 500 General Motor Corp pf... 6 700 General Motor Corp deb. 4 6400 Goodrich, B F 200 Granby Consol M & S.... 7 2600 Great Northern pf 4 600 Great Northern Ore ctfs. 100 Greene Cananea Cop.... 1100 Gulf States Steel 6 600 Hartman Corp 4 200 Haskell & Barker Car... 3400 Inspiration Con Cop 600 Interboro Con Corp ' 1300 Interboro Con Corp pf... 200 Int Asr! Corp 800 Int Harvester Co new. . . 15900 Int Mer Marine 8000 Int Mer Marine pf 3100 International Nickel 200 Int Motor Truck 1st pf.. 8600 International Paper 500 Iron Products Corp 200 Jewel Tea 200 Jewel Tea pf 100 Jones Bros Tea 200 Kansas City Southern... 41 100 Kan?as City southern pf 4 1600 Kolly Springfield Tiro... 100 Kelsey Wheel Co 7 200 Kelsey Wheel Co pr 2 2400Kennecott Copper 1.20 10700 Keystone Tiro & Rubber. 28 60 123 189 40 49 14 74 9 25 41 65 100 49 66 SS 120 83 81 5 16 45 110 68 29 60 20 93 83 1 O u 49 86 45 45 02 110 6 64 09 138 14 95 26 114 111 14 82 08 1U1 88 26 69 44 135 92 91 98 270 97 68 153 55 19 58 61 62 7 4 60 74 75 115 84 79 7 161 17 114 102 31 46 90 126 1 28 89 113 95 14 13 9 7 103 24 10 28 22 80 40 130 47 95 56 67 126 55 6 8 23 37 52 85 117 26 60 70 19 38 45 39 42 22 43 63 52 82 81 18 28 12 85 Lowest. I Clot lag. 1918, 448,844 9,486,892 Net Change, 83 5 47 96 44 45 91 116 5 63 09 185 13 05 25 113 107 14 79 96 104 38 26 67 43 135 90 91 97 270 97 66 147 54 19 58 60 62 7 4 69 74 75 115 82 79 7 159 16 110 102 31 46 90 125 1 27 89 113 93 14 12 8 .7 108 24 9 27 22 80 39 128 47 93 65 57 121 55 5 8 23 35 50 84; 117 26 60 70 19 38 45 39 41 22 43 49 82 81 18 27 12 82U 106 106 204 S3' 83 3 2! 12! 7 4 10 7 1 4100 Lackawanna Steel Co. 800 300 3000 800 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 41600 1.20 63400 4900 100 100 600 2700 200 200 100 3.50 4 6 5 1 io 6 2 "l 7 Lec Rubber & Tire. Lehigh Valley Loft. Inc Loews, Inc, ex dlv Lorlllnrd, P, Tob Louisville & Nashville... Mackay Cos pf Manatl Sugar Manhattan Elev guar.... Manhattan Shirt Martin-Parry Corp Maxwell Motor 1st pr.... May Dept Stores.: Mexican Petroleum Middle States Oil MIdvale Stl & Ortl ex dlv. Minn & St Louis new.... Minn, St P & S S M ... Missouri, Kan & Tex.... Missouri Pacific Missouri Pacific pf Montana Power Montana Power pf 19Morrls & Essex. 200 Mullins Body 2000 Nat Aniline & Chem 200 Nat Aniline & Chem pf . , 200 National Biscuit Co 900 Nat Enam & Stamp 200 National Lend Co 500 Nat R R of Mex 2d pf . . . 100 Nevada Con Copper 300 New Orleans, Tex & Mex. 200 New York Air Brake.... 700 New York Central 100 New York, Chi & St L... 200 New York Dock pf 1500 New York. N II & H.... 10 Niagara Falls Power pf.. 300 Norfolk & Western 94 12 12 C4 39 135 13 19 14 sr 30 32 17 100 72 168 317 85 83 78 51 77 38 3fi 78 101 57 66 3 12 20 126 44 9S 24 80 81 47 18 41 26 15 45 132 78 97 30 39 84 35 43 24 31 169 110 64 129 44 32 27 59 123 198 42 49 13 72 8 25 40 64 100 71 48 65 87 119 83 80 6 16 44 107 68 27 67 26 104 96 94 13 12 64 39 135 13 20 14 S7 30 32 17 100 72 168 317 85 83 78 61 78 38 36 79 103 57 56 4 12 20 126 44 98 24 80 83 47 18 41 26 15 45 134 78 97 30 39 85 35 44 24 32 170 110 64 129 44 32 27 59 123 198 42 49 13 72 9 26 41 64 100 71 48 66 87 119 84 81 6 16 44 107 69 27 67 27 104 96 100 49 83 94 12 12 64 39 133 12 19 14 85 30 41 32 17 100 72 168 305 84 82 76 61 77 38 36 78 101 67 64 3 12 19 125 40 96 23 80 79 46! 18 41 26 15 45 132 78 97! 30 36 82 33 43 22 31 169; 110 64 129 44 32 27 5S 123 189 37 49 13 72 8 25 40 64 100 71 48 65 87 118 83 80 5 16 43 106 68 27 57 26 104 96j 83 1 n 47 96 44 45 91 116 6 53 09 136 14 05 25 113 108 14 80 06 104 3S 26 67 43 135 01 OUi 98 270 97 67 148 64 19 58 60 62 7 4 59 74 75 115 83 79 7 160 17 111 102 46 90 125 1 27 89 113 93 14 12 9 7 108 24 9 27 22 80 39 129 47 93 65 57 121 55 5 8 23 36 51 84 117 26 60 70 19 38 45 39 41 22 43 60 82 81 18 - 'i -2 GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. ntoeka Slide Lower. Yesterday's market may be summed up In words once used In official war communiques: "There Is nothing new to report." Stocks were unsettled for the reason that they have been unsettled BONDS IN NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Friday, January 16, 1920. 1920. 1919. Pay'a sales J13.8r0.000 JIO.037,000 Year to dato 184,939,000 115,479,000 1918. 33.619,000 64,013,000 PAPER CONTROLLER RESIGNS IN CANADA during all of this week, the tangled) Bid, Asked. Yield. 11,000s). RANQE OF LIBERTY BONDS. Closing. Sales (In - - i .. - -2 - -4 - - -2 " - 2 - - 1 - - 2 - 1 - 2 n - 1 3 1 - - 4 rr - 3 - - 1 - -'2 - - 2 - 3 - - - - 1 - - 1 - y - 4- Si money situation, About tho same class of stocks which havo shown unusual weakness during this week wero again unusually weak, The same band of I bear operators which havo been plying the whip to tho Jaded nag were In the saddle all day, still plying the whip. The same bulls, now thoroughly meek and house broken, tried to stop tne runaway and were run over, and In some Instances trampled on for their 'trouble. But when the official com munique, recorded nothing to report they took no notice of the little skirmishes which occurred here and there. The markot was ropleto with theso yester day. Rails started a small movement, but dropped back, gasping, after the effort A few stocks resisted tho trend. In the main probably as much as 90 per cent, of the securities listed were under Irresistible pressure. With the public In no mood to buy, most houses advising their customers to sell rather than buy, and gloomy news coming rrom right and left, It was little of a surprise that stocks should bo pressed for sale. o.oo 90.94 92.80 01.26 100,96 93,58 91.26 08.46 98.4C 99.02 02.60 01.00 93.10 91.28 03.60 91.28 98.50 98.50 3.54 4.48 4.65 4.70 4.87 5.09 4.94 6.17 4.20 629 3s (1932-47) 9 lstcv. 4s (1932-47). 236 2d 4s (1927-42) .... 27 1st cv. 4s (1932-47 1,509 2d cv. 4H (1927-42 .. lst-2dcv.4s('32-47 1,239 3d 4s (1928) 03,60 4,124.4th 4s (1933-38)... 91.24 1,747 Vic, 4s (1922-23)... 98.5 Open. 98.801 92.00 91.10 92.96 01.30 Net High, Low. Last. Chgs.. 09.16 08.60 09.00 .10 ,28 92.00 91.10 92.98 91.34 03.62 01.40 08.58 908 Vic. 3s (1922-23),. 98.63 98.62 92.00 90.80 92.80 91.14 93.46 91.18 08.44 98.46 02.00 90.94 .06 92.90 01.28 .12 93,60 91.28 .16 08,46 .12 &S.49 .1Q Tnnglo Over Nowsprint Supply From Fort Francis Forces rringlo Out. C0NTI10L LIKELY TO END 1 1 - - 2 VJ 6 12 82 106 204 100 50 83 94 12 12 64 39 133 13 19 14 85 30 41 32 17 100 72 168 307 84 82 77 61 77 38 36 78 103 57 55 4 12 19 125 41 96 23 S0 79 46 18 41l 26 15 I 45 134 78 97 30 36 82 33 I 44 23 31 70 110 64 129 44 32 27 55 123 189 40 49 13 72 9 25 41 64 100 71 43 65 87 118 83 80 5 16 43 106 68 27 67 26 104 96 I -" - 6 - - 3 2 1 1 3 "i ' 1 1 1 1 " 9 -1 1 'i -1 -1 -' 1 3 -2 -' 1 4 2 2 -1 u Setting Abend the Dntr. Any soothsayer,' forecaster, oulja board manipulator or just plain guesBer wno can foretell when this market will turn can como down to Wall Street, fill out the amount of tho check for services rendered nnd any number of people will be more than glad to sign it for any reasonable or unreasonable amount, pro vided some assurance bo given that tho ndvance Information bo correct. In con nlilemtlnn of the wide break In Novem ber most of Wall Street, professional nnd amateur, set January 1 as the Imaginary dato on which tho decline would end. The market did better mo mentnrllv. and had n small January rise. Then it started down and has been literally on the toboggan since. Only liArA Ann there has been a day In which buyers appeared to be more anlous than sellers. A few prognosticates wnu expected tho marke". to turn when It crossed January 1 are commonclng to crawl out of the tall grass In which they have been hiding during the recent de cline. They are hesitatingly making n few new guesses, and It la to be noted that they are far ahead. One says, "With tho signing of tho peace treaty, another, "With the return of the rails to their owners," still nnother, "When money gets to 6 per cent, and stays there." Small Move In he Ralls. One of the surprises of yesterday was the start of a small movo In the rails and, taken as a whole, they closed the day at higher prices than they had closed on the previous day. With the whole market against them and tho strest nlmost uniformly bearish tho buying In this group commanded con siderable attention and gossip. There are many people down town firmly com mitted to the belief that the rails will Join, If not actually lead, the next upward movement. Prominent houses have been beating the tomtoms ln behalf of this group for months and without results. . It may be Bet down as a certainty that there will .be no sustained upward move in tne rails until the present cloud of uncertainty that envelops their return to private owner ship Is dispelled, A few houses here and there are of the opinion that the rall9 can have an Independent move nt almost any time, owing to the fact that the conference Is making some real progress on railroad legislation and p'nns to report the bill out of Congress by February 1. There Is some talk of an Inquiry being made as to how gen eral business would receive a suggestion of a 20 per cent freight advance. United States, Foreign Government, Railroad, Industrial and Other Bonds, Itreak In Exchange. It is probably a far fetched argument to present the theory that the critical situation abroad, ln tho determination to down the Russian Bolshevlkl, will have a far reaching effect on this coun try. Bu the news from abroad that the Allies are on the verge of warfare with, the Bolshevist forces to save Poland was undoubtedly a potent market fac tor and was responsible, too, for the downward swing In exchange. As one firm expresses It, "Hanking Interests are now weighing carefully the ' monetary effect of the great struggle soon to begin against the Russian Bolshevist forces, If plans are carried out, and how far our ArgloFrenchd 2(4 noli 10 go 3.10 o oeu 10.,,, on mi 11 eoi i no Ctyof Bor draux 8. B 021t utTOTLvons N B 03I 1 02U WJ or Mar settles 8s 8 9218 1 02U ui or Part. 1 02lj 3 0 lj Lnlte1Kln Ira H 1931 10 8 23 OS's 11 BQ 3 0S3J 2S 051 0 955s S Oil. w iu OS I His 1933 rri 4 20 OS 100 04ij a u 7 Wa if 1931 1". 205 05 05 04!j Srfri 1M7 18 00 3 891j ? M8 ZO 80 10 SOU 10 8U 25 SQtj 0 SO 1 8OI4 l)rmranad .v, 1921 Id 0778 6 07 6 9713 ins 1 04 1929 8 07 4 067, 17 0834 1931 22 017, C8of Mexico 4s 1 37 Argent neOrS. s 71 ChlnewGoTt 5.1 5 SO Isnaneaeli"' 3 7' li 78U 7 7878 3 78 2 785s 1 . S30...70 13 775e Z 7S1 0 771 Jananea .d4 1 7S7j 1 7S58 14 7J78 5 78 IS 7S7 8 76 13.... 8.... 4.... 1... 3... lapanev- 4 1 A28 S2 1 8: IrVyo la 1 6OI3 NY qty4K"M t 100 3 1008 J Am Agr cr (a 8 0W4 Am Agr deb ts 3 nil, AmSmeltARas 8 ssls 20 83 AmTAT cv 31 051s 8 093 0 OOI4 A OCls IS 90 AmTftT cli S 3 S2lj 2 82 2 82' AmTT cir 4i 1 787s 16 70 AmWrltlngP7i 1.......83 AnnArbor lst4s Sl't At nour 4 1 (31) 1 03 4 A3I3 A Tit SF gen 44 3 70 1 7S75 1 781, S 7834 1 73 2 7834 AT & IF ad) 4t 1 7078 3 70 rlimrjed 3lj 70(4 1 7018 Atl O Lice 4Ui 1 70 Js AtOoajtUn-K S 7894 At (J Una r 1 8 70lj rt 70 Ball tc Ohli 94 2 to 1 899g z R rV l t 1" s 6Ma 5 "A 8 65' j O 03 17.., 1 ...S8 BS 631 u cv i n , 82 U 0? .8)13 .81U .6214 lUVU , u" I 2 6Slj .85 I.. 10.. 1 .75'- .7511 ..7S' ..7Sl4 ..751a 7S'J NY aty4Ks57 ffOY 2 100 NY atT4Ks5 25 lOOt NV aty4Msl 20 041 NYdty 4Hsf 3 OSU 8 65U 2 S 2 8SI3 NsltAOhln 4. 8 8 BaltAOSWJH. 2 7S Beth Stl fde 8 88 lleth Stl Ik ISt 1 8534 Dway 4 7Av en S 60 kin Kap I 10 48 ULn t'n Kl 1st ...t2 Colo South 44 Bufflta Pitts ts OA o t 8 70b S 7018 0 T99s O 4 O cv 4H 13 7MS 1 78l 3 763)1 3,..76lg ' hM f H. 10 78 1 781, raliAlton 'W 2 31fj BU ietn' 8 OS3 3 11SV 0 951 3 05V 1 OSU CMl4y em 1 10 80'a ChlB&Qtli 3l 3 73i 2 7434 Chllnd&Lou 6a 1 07 CM&StP cv 5s 3 (17U 2 A834 17 87l OM & 8C P em 4fe 10 775 O M A St P CV 4Ms 6 18U 8 88 1 8l 8 88 1 00 C M A St 1' M Ufa 2 685 OM1II A St P 4s , 1933 1 701 4 71 2 72' 10 717g Chi till tc St I' OJcPW 1 075a 2 071 1 CAN WgmV 4 07 2 06I Chi & NW SU. 1 877r rh'KIiPKr I 4 74 1 74U 2 731 OIRIAPre" 3 861 1 88 2 88' 1 1 6638 rhl it w md 6 59 Chile Conner 7 11 106. ' hMe Copper ...70 ...80 ...SOU ...80 ...7-7a ...79 ...80 CC&fltLrmi 1 835a 831 Colo Inroltr 8 737 Col So ext 4U. 0 738 10... 1... 1... 2... 13... S3... 33.... 2 01 en: of Oa I ; 2 03lJ Cen Oa n 5s 8 T.88 Cen Leather 5s 6 0 Is 6 OS Cent Pact lie 1st O 7S' J 7698 Cent Par SL 4s 1 70 Chea A Ohio 5s 4 OSU 1 04 8 8SIR ComTabRec ea ...8 Dcl&lfudreMi 6 7038 Men A Itio l I 68 3 861a, 1 6Vfe 3 6 Den&RO ntSu 17 4 4 44U Det Ed la 194) 6.......8O1 r.rla 1st con i 3 S3 Erie cv ts see A 6 18 fx cr 4s srr B 1 8jia KHerrssaer I) 3 88ii 1 38S6 Ifna gen 4. 8 407g ,1 4IU rtocU Val 4 HiiiVVm fda 5. Ferlea A 1 5038 11 6OI4 Hud&ManadJ 6 151 imi unionism 1 o:i 1......933S III Cent 4s 1931 3 7234 tninoL. )ti m 0 8378 JndlanaSteel M X 0234 intern " T 6a 19U 1 s:i 17 62U Interboro-Met col trust 4H 12 IS 18 18I4 10 171 1 11 certificate' 8 1734 11 171 "i alarm 83 04 2..C. .0498 8 04 lows Cen 1st 5s 3 701 KCFtS n lit 4 GO'S KIPta A M 41 1 681 Z OS 8 871 Kan O So ref Si 4 7378 Kan lty fn h 1 673s Ken O Ter 4j 7 74 14 Keok&DeaMlst 2 88 Lack SU 6a 195) 4 04 4 03's LS& II Ufa 1911 2 83 1 S37 1 84 Uggett A M 7i 2 108'8 Liggett 4 Ml! 9 83 Long Islin 4s 2 88 Lou A N StL3 1 S178 yidraleSt i ' 1 8S8 3 84 S 84 1 3l 2 84 JloKlt Tsf 4Hj riilic 1 23 I'a- gm 4 5 67 UilO new ts 1 1021 llont I'wr 8 8414 2 83 .Nat Tube 5s 4 02! ewOrlTeriM 1 841 M) Tex A At 2 65 64 1 S3 1 deb ' 11 02 12 M2U 1 Ol'a 1 ujU N Y Cen cor. 4' S 68lj V fens' 10 071 1 8733 87 NY Cen L8 IH 1 02 NY Gas XLt II A Pts 8. . 85 NYOaa KLl II P4a 1 83l N Y It II II cv ts 4 Tl N Y He. ref IS certificates IS 23U .SY 'Jolenn'4,1 2 801) 2 SOU 8 801s 1 80 N Y Wretch .tf I'tston tli! 0 37 Norf&W 4. 1 77 North Pac 4Hi 0 80 Ss 2 1034 Northernl's- Is 0 77 4 761 1 77 2...'.. ..7834 Nnrthcrnl'i" 3' 4 55 8 15' 1 Nor States Pr 1st M Ser A 1 81 Ont Trans 5a 2 75 Or h L Idr 4 2 8378 'Vnna 5. W 1 0138 10 01 3....I..9U8 16... ....0034 enngm Us 3 82li Penna, 4Hs 1931 8 0758 I'rnna 4H "U 1 014 Penna 4s 1913 1 83)8 Pub Serr Corp ol N J Si 2 03 f esdtar 1 r ' 1 707 4 7094 1 70 1 7034 2 70 . RepI&S 5s 1919 ) . ...04'a RocbAPItta 1st 1 101 lis RIArli&La tWs 8 02fa ! tlA Irons! 1. 10 741 t LA Iron M RIT Oulf - 3 80 1 11 OO'B 5 68. tl 4t e'an croa A 21 6 1 67 tl. A ' anKr. adit 2 601s 18 60 5 eoJs 2 bOl) StLAflanfrin DC 01 6 4134 1 41 , 7 41 13 41'A 8 41U 3 41I-. icioto VAN Kilt 8 71 rrbd A I d 10 3S J 381s 8 3U O 38 3 37U IFJW con 41 8 81 rabilAI, refit 1 477a 24 ,48 3 48 1 4734 "otttUHs" "T If 3 103 3 10231 8 l')3 8 103U outhPaccr 4 1 801 I.,,c..,R07g 10 808 33 801 10 8034 1 101 6 80?8 '(Hthl'acr"' " 1 7838 20 781 Mith l ac 'i 8 71 'Mithera Bv Is 10 85 ' th H 1 re tl 17 '07 Tenn Copper ts 4 wns Term Rn Asia of St L i ? 705$ Third Are 5 14 84 ItilnJA, ad 1 U " 20 ToIAOO gm 5s 6 70 Tri-CityRAL5i 1 91 I'nl'ac lo-jrr i 3 10134 0 10.6a UrlonPaclflcti 4 847a 6 84' 3 81 llnlonPacrv 11 0 C07g 10 801 4 86's 1 87 Union Pac ref 11 l......78lj Un ft.H St rdi Un Trust ctfi 2 28!) DnltedBylnvJi 1 75 DMtealD.VI 1 807s 2 81lg 12 1014 10 SOU 1 80 1 J 80 "a 1 80ls 1 80 29 80 1 SOIs 8 70 '8 2 701a U S Rubber 6s 8.. 8.., 4.. B.,', 1. 87lx ....87lg 7U tee ' 1 ....90 . ...008 1 OflU 1 09 1 90U Utah Power 4 841 Va Caro Ch 61 1 101 .rrlnlan Hr 6 841 "abash ll 7 80 " Wabash 2d 2 80' Um Mil 2 51 ) 19 51 HestPar.flc lis 4 84a Wllaontfn u S 08 Wilson o ct 1 Oil 2 ena 1 951 BID AND ASKED QUOTATIONS. N. V STOCK KXrilANOE tiUOT.Vl UK-is. UNITED STATES I'-OVERNMENT BONDS. - 1 2 8 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 Continued on Following Page. :s, registered Is, coupon is, registered 4s, coupon !s. Panama. 1930. registered. 2s, Panama, 1936, coupon.... 2s Panama. 1J3S, registered own resources would have to be regal. I aSS!::: u..,u,,u, itirutctu j I,,.,,,, uui 38i Manama, toupon. nnanciern mucn concern." Sterling touched 3.68 for demand and 3.6i for cables. Francs were slightly lower nt 11.61 for cables and 11.63 for checks. Lire wero steady at the previous low of 13.68 for cables and 13.70 for checks, and marks, at 1.78, were slightly Improved. Things Wall Street Is Forgetting. In the heltcr skelter scramble to sel stocks, particularly thoso which have proved an unstable underpinning. Wall Street Is letting some factors become crowded Into tho background, factors which It Is well to keep ln mind, even when Stock Exchange prices for securi ties are slipping downward point by point. One of these Is the fact that tho United States Steel Corporation lnsth' largest booked tonnage at the present time that it has had since the war wis at ItH height The demand for building materials, merchandise and many other ommodlties exceeds the supply. Another factor to bo given consideration Is that when liquidation, now being forced in commodities, real estate and farm lands, bo completed, tho United States will un doubtedly havo a healthy credit situation. - Selling International Stocks. Weakness was conspicuous yesterday among the so-called "International stocks," which -are mediums of trading ln this country and abroad, and gave rise to the generally expressed belief that thi, Bolshevist scare Is taken more seriously abroad than It Is on this side of tho Atlantic Royal Dutch and Shell Trans port, which have held well during the recent attack on the oils, were particu larly soft, as was Canadian Paclfl;. There undoubtedly has been considerable foreign liquidation In securities since tho turn of the year, but It has been very evenly distributed and has not caused any great amount of comment. London wjs reported purchaser of Royal Dutch and Shell Transport on the way down In this market jesterday for arbitrage. nrltlah-Amerlrnn Tobacco, Announcement was received hero yes terday of a declaration In London of a Ilnal dividend of 6 per cent, on tho or dinary shares of the British-American Tobacco Company, tree of all British taxes. In addition It was announced that tho company would pay a 1919 1920 Interim dividend of 6 per cent, on Its ordinary shares. A plan for a read justment of Its capital has been decided upon, It was learned. Involving an In crease of 5,500,000 ordinary shares, which, with other unissued shares, will be offered to present stockholders of tho ordinary stock of record on January 2S and Boldlers" sharo warrants to bearer ntd. .10) .100 .1034 . W4 . S9"i . 93Mi . 99 . 88 . S8H . 93 . 92 . 93 . 97 70', 97H Phil Isl. land purchase 4s, 1934... Phil. Isl. public works, ts, nun... Phil. Il. public works 4s, 193... District of Columbia !-C3s FOREIGN BONDS. Anglo-FVcnch Extern, ts, 1930 Argentine Intern. 5s, 1945 Canada, Dominion of. notes. 1921.. pqnula rinmlnlnn af 5s. 1921 cniiln. rtnmtnton of. 1926 944 Canada, Dominion of, 1929 96 Canada. Dominion of. 1931 i Chinese Gov., Hu Kug Ry. 6s. 1951. M Cuba Extern. 4s, 19............ 91 Cuba Extern. 6s, aeries A, 1949 84 r,ihn Extern. 4s. 1943 7o Dominican Rep. 5s. 1938 City of Lyons 15 yr 6s, 1931 City of Marseilles 13 yr, 6s. 1934... City of Bordeaux 13 yr. 6s. 1934 French. Paris City 6s. 1921 Japanese Gov. tVjs. sterl. loan. 1925 Japanese Gov. 4Hs, 2d eorlrs. 1925... Japanese Gov 4s, sterl. loan, 1931. Japanese. Toklo City 6s 1953....... U. K. O. D. A I. 6 T. 64s. 1921... U K. G. n. A I. 3 yr. 54s. 1922... it K a n. A I. 10 yr. 64s, 1929... U K. O B. A I. 20 r 54s. 1937... 89 Mexico Extern, sterl. 5s of '99, 1945 . 33't Mexico Extern, gold 4 of 'W, 1931.. 26 Ask, 1034 1W4 1064 1064 lOOVi lOOSi lCKHi 100'i M4 904 96 96 96 924 924 924 92 m 75 614 694 934 94T4 94', 71 n 9S4 9474 9STi 924 604 924 87 754 86?i MS 92H 92H 924 77 H 754 629, 61 H 954 934 894 40 37 Closing prices of stocks In which there were no transactions yesuruay; Hid. Adams Exp 304 Advance R. JJ do pf T0U Al Ch M Pf !S4 A A Chem 90 Alh A Susa Am II S pf. M Ask. 32 414 714 894 92 ISO 91 Am Bk Sh. 8!U 14 do pi Am C F Pf."' Amer Coal 71 Am Cot Oil 604 do pf...... Am Ice pf. 62 Am Line pf 914 Amer Ship. .. A Smelt pf. 99 Am r Rec A 81 A St Fdy Pf 93 Am Snuff...t07 do pf 86 Am sup nf.118 A Wool pf.1034 10)4 ai Coast Li. Wl ' AG41VI pf.. 71 Auto 8 pf.. a BarnettLpf 914 Barrett Pf .110 , Beech Crk.. 264 Beth S 7".. 96 Bkn Edison 91 Ilkn Un Gaa 61 Brown Shoe.103 do pf 99 1884 117 75 61 90 er. M 128 1004 83 934 112 874 1154 74 32 96 113 27Vi 10O 95 58 106 103 Bid. Ask. Buf A Susq .. do p( Burf RAP 454 do pf Burns B pf 99 Bush Term. SO CalPack pf.llT Cal Pet pf 744 Cat A Aril. 64 Can South. 414 Case pf Cent Fdy... 20 C Leath pf.107 CRR of NJ.173 CS A Tel,. 114 Cert Pd 1st 864 do 2d pf.. 74 Chi A Alt.. 7 do af 84 Chl S EI ct 4 (' Pneu T... 93 C St P A O 53 do pf 90 CCCAStL... 63 Clove&Pitts .. CI Peabody. 96 ,ln nf . 102 Col A S lpt 60 Co Grph pf .. Comp Tab.. 63U Con Cigar. 60 Con Gaa B. 99 Con Can.... 86 !0 5414 .V) 100 no 100 126 7t 63 M 100 33 108 210 116 90 10 15 3 100 69 105 67 SO 94 109 63 93 &3 624 102 89 do pf 1024 106 Bid. Ask. Con Coal M Con Insur. . SO (Vex Carpet 50 Cub A Sug.3" do pf 100 D l, It W...laJ DfCIT pf ...1004 Det Edison. .. Don & R O 64 Dct&Mack . .. Det Unlted.VO Dtam'nd M.113 Dul SS A A 3 do pf 5 58 S3 60 400 107 191 106 113 9 83 101 4 10 Durham pf.1014 1034 Elk Horn F Elec Stor...l2S Etner Bran. 28 do pf 85 Endic J pf.1024 Erie&Pitts.. .. Fed M A S. 10 Fairbanks.. 754 do pf 95 Fisher Body.120 do pf 9!4 Gen Chem.. ISO Gen Clgs pf 95 do den pr 53 27 m 30 89 10.14 70 11 81 130 101 195 100 34 Goodrich pf.100 10UJ Gray AD.. 44 Gulf MAN.. 7 do Pf 30 Gulf Stl lpf 96 Harr pf 1134 Homestake. 67 Illinois Cen 8S Int Agr pf. 79 Int Mot Tr.123 Int M T 2pf 72 Int Nick pf SS4 Int Pap pf sr. do pf tt.. 77 Int Salt 71 Iowa Cent.. 4 Kayser 110 do 1st pf.110 Kel Sp T pf 93 do 854 ....1034 Keo & D M 3 do pf 16 Kresge S S 125 do pf 105 Kress S It.. 76 do pf 100 Laclede Gaa 3S Lake EAW. 8 do pf 13 Llgg A M..200 do pf 1M4 Loril'rrl pf.110 Loose-W.... 68 do 1st pf. 99 do 2d pf..H2 Man Beach. S Mackay 66 ManSug pf.102 Marlin R... 63 Math Alk.. 31 May DS pf 106 Maxwell.... 31 Mex Tct pf 10) Miami 23 Mich Cent.. S3 MSHM nf... 91 MSSMLL... 65 M K A T pf 12 Mo Plow pf 91 MulllnsB pf 98 N O tc StL.107 Nat Acme. 36 Nat Ills pf.llS NatE&S pf.101 46 7 32 97 114 70 894 81 133 73 904 107 115 118 100 103 44 30 1334 108 90 110 60 11 18 210 111 112 684 100 113 24 72 1024 70 36 107 22 105 214 96 62 14 100 113 37 116 103 Bid, Ask. V) 1024 109 18 WA 70 48 41 17 12 70 50 1004 100 50 100 60 40 704 SIC 41 964 It 65 N Clk A S.. 76 do pf 100 Nat L1 pf. ins N Ry M Hit 11 NY Lack AW .. NYC&SLlpf do 21 pf.. 43 N Y Doclt. 42 NYCAW. . 16',i Norf & So. II Norf&W pf. 68 Ohio Fuel.. 4S", Oils Stl pf. 98 0f ns B pf n Pac Coast.. 33 do 1st pf. 60 do "d pf.. 43 Tne T tc T 37 do pf 70 Pan Am pf.176 Paris to B. 43 Penney Co.. 94 Peoria A E. 12 Fel-Mul.... 33 do pf 10) PCC.tStL... 53 TittsCoal pf 93 PFWiC pf.122 Pitts Stl pf 924 TAWVapf. 78 Pr St C pf.101 Pub SerTlco 63 RyStSp Pf..l04, 106 11 uuicn.M 4J Ren & Sar..l02 Read 1st pf 34 Rem 1st pf 99 do 2d pi.. 98 Scab AL pf 14 ScarsK pf.H3 S'oss-S pf .. 83 StLiSFpf. 214 St L SW... 13 do rf 23 Sliattuck... 12 S Porlo Sug 220 do pf 110 Stand Mill, till do pf 85 Slip Stl pf .101 Tex racLT315 Tule W 011.215 T St L A W' 6 do pf 13 do o 10 do p 0.... 19 Twin City , 31 do pf Underwood 175 do pf 106 Un B.iglP.. U Un Clg Sts.123 do pf 110 I' Drug 2pf.l30 17 S Expr. . 30 USCI Pipe.. 21 do pf 62 US InAl pf 102 Utah Sec... 10 US Smelt pf 4b Va-C C pf.,110 Va-I CAC. 50 Wab pf B.. 15 West 1st pf 63 West M 2pf 16 West P pf. 60 Wilson pf.. 974 Wis Cent. .. 28 Woolworth 126 do pf 1124 Wthgtn pf A 92 Ex dividend. 67 93 93 79 104 3 117 39 101 100 IS 110 9.1 26 134 28 13 210 113 130 92 105 600 230 12 24 12 21 34 96 180 115 53 223 140 31 224 614 104 10 17 112 82 15 66 13 63 99n 32 12 i 115 93 Now System of Taxation of Mills Is Suggested as a Substitute. ftti it Ktnrt PAMMtinndAtlt Of TBsl.SOIf. Montreal, Jan. 16, Robert A. Prln gle, K. C, the paper controller, lias 1 1 m it. iirii. a 1111 pun a 1 wiivm 1 i company tnnglo and the nrm aiuiuur. taken by Sir William Price have forced tho situation. The Federal Government purposes kouwe wuy uih i.i' trol and will allow tho nowapapera to shift for themselves. The existing price of $80 a ton holds a .,. v aa 4 T, la rlnflht gooa until uuno uu nci. w ful If another order of the kind will bo passed. Controller Trlngle. It Is acknowledged, has followed a policy of conciliation nnd fair dealing. . . . Tho output of the Price Bros, mill at Kenogaml, Quebec. Is 250 tons dally, and it will be doubled during the yenr, all for export trade. Inquiry has been made of Ottawa from Washington as to the partial embargo of newsprint. This artificial situation ennnot be al lowed to continue for the benefit of the Binaller Canadian dally papers, which are chiefly rcsposlble for the difficulty. Tho mills have assured them that there will be no difficulty on supply If price control Is set aside. Yet they hesitate to ralso advertising and subscription rates, even though conditions are favor able and plenty of money is In circula tion. It Is proposed that In lieu of direct paper control as at present a new sys tem of taxation bo Imposed on paper mills. Where tho forests are leased from tho Federal Government there Is no dif ficulty, but Crown lands In Ontario, Que bec and British Columbia belong to the provinces. With Increased capacity for produc tion according to plans for 1920 both American and Canadian needs can be taken caro of next year. The policy of, tho Canadian mills with only two excep tions has been to pursue a discreet mod erate policy on price and treat American buyers fairly. wnDTUUrcT pnt irF. RUSHED TO MILLS Disorder Over Shipments Winnipeg Papers Suspend. Special Despatch, to Tan Sex. Winnipeo, Man., Jan. 16. A detach ment of twenty Northwest Mounted Police has gone to Fort Francis, On tario, to assist the Sheriff and the Paper Comptroller's representative In enforcing order at Hackue Mills, so that a suf ficient supply of paper can be forwarded at once to western Canadian newspapers. Arrangements have been made so as to avoid sending supplies through the United States by a connection with tho Canadian National Railways. Because of the shortage of newsprint the three dally papers In this city an nounced to-day that they would suspend publication to-morrow. The three edi torial staffs will unite In Issuing a one pags paper containing only tho most Im portant news, which will be mailed to country post offices and placed on bul letin boards there. NEWSPRINT FOR U. S. STOPPED AT BORDER- Papers on This Side Threaten Big Damage Suits. Ottawa, Ont, Jan. 16. Shipments of paper from the Fort Francis Pulp and Paper Company to American publishers are being stopped nt the border. Sir Henry Drayton, Minister of Finance, an nounced to-day. Tho embargo against the company was put ln force by Robert A. Prlngle. Paper Comptroller, as a re sult of Its alleged failure to supply papers In western Canada. A newspaper In Chicago and one In Minneapolis arc considering bringing damage suits for $1,000,000 against Canadian officials because of the em bargo, according toan announcement to-day by A. D. George, counsel for tho Fort Francis company. Mr. George said he understood tho two papers had noti fied the Minister of Customs at Ottawa that they would hold him personally re sponsible for damages through failure to recehe paper, PAPER GOES UP 20 PER CENT. Cost of Ilnvr Mntcrlals nnd Labor Given an Itenson. Holtoke, Mass., Jan. 10. Ap Increase In the price of paper amounting to 20 per cent, was announced to-day by the American Writing Paper Company, ef fective January 19. The reason given Is "the advanced and advancing costs of raw materials and labor, and the operating exigencies with which tho fine paper Industry Is faced." Decree Hnrn Monday Papers. Madiiio, Jan. 16. Sunday newspapers are prohibited by a decree signed by King Alfonso. The decree will not come Into effect for fifteen days, and In the meantime may be modified, as a number I of. newspaper proprietors have made 1 suggestions that are being considered I by tlic Government. BANK OF ENGLAND TO j STORE BRITISH GOLD 1 ,, Move Improves Rates of lie serve to Liabilities. URGES SAVINGS PROTECTION. Glass Plead for Safeguarding of New Investing I'nbllc. Carter Glass ln the current Issuo of the Journal 0 the Amrricrm Bankers' Ajjodatloti, urges on banking Institu tions the necessity of safeguarding the "new Investing public" which has taken for ordinary shares of record of that ' mininns of dollars worth of Lib- date, for subscription at par In the pro- the 8CaIper or ,ho ln. portion of a new share for two complete crl """" . . , . ... ordinary shares. The company reports vestment company of dubious reputation for tho year ended on September 30 net and devious business mctnoas. profits of 3,776,507, against 3,140,174 In the preceding year. Tho Government savings movement," ho points out, "has two objects to stim ulate saving and Investment ln the War Savings securities and develop and pro- London Wool Market. TiMnoH. .Ian. 16. At tho wool auction tort tho secondary market for the Lib sales to-day 11.300 bales wero offered, crty and Victory loans and Treasury Merinos were steady. America bought certificates of Indebtedness. In connec 11 few of the best. Cross breds were Hon with the second object also the Irrerular JUnks and trust companies of the coun- try can obviously bo of the greatest as- 1 slstance. They can by advice and coun- 1 sel promote the holding nnd purchase of ' Government securities and offer facili ties for their purchase or sale under ' proper conditions. Such service meets two present needs to protect Inexperi enced Investors from swindling schemes . of fraudulent stock vendors who are j profiting by the present tendency to reckless speculation and provide such In vestors with reputable means, readily accessible, for purchase or sale of Lib erty bonds and Victory notes on fair , terms. "At present too many of this new Investing public fall Into tho clutches of the scalper or the Investment com pany of dubious reputation and devious business methods. More energy by the banking Institutions ln these directions should, among other results, have the consequence of securing tho desired dis tribution among ultimate investors of Government obligations now held by the banks." I Specfal Ca&fe Deipatch to Tnn Scs. London. Jan. 16. The Bank of Enir land has started a movement to c" trallio all gold In the British IslandsTn Its own vaults. The movement began this week by tho withdrawal of three millions in goia irom me joint stock banks which, with the reduction ln cir culation, caued an Improvement of four points In the ratio of reserve to liabili ties. The Joint stock banks. It I3 under stood, have about 35,000,000 In gold remaining, which radually win be transferred to the Hank of England, causing another rise In the ratio. Tho flotation of a new Issue of ex chequer bonds announced last night Is strictly a refunding operation and will havo no effect In reducing the floating debt or contracting the currency. Oversubscribe Australian Loan. London, Jan. 16. The western Aus tralian 5 per cent loan has been over subscribed within two days after open ing Us subscription lists. Other recent 6 per cent, loans aro several points above their Issue prices. M "rnrMfirr-friihTiiiMi