Newspaper Page Text
P!wREfFICIMiS THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. 13 ,WjU1, Ponttauo fiojlcy of Cur tailment In Direction of Deflation. PAIili INSTITUTION 1IEAD8 .Ordoroa to Out BciWc Banld . . i jjorrowmgg. wnon Twico Capital and Surplus. F IV I i At (ho closo of a turbulont wool- In finance concroto evidence was obtained m jroaterdoy . that liquidation has by no yHieajw.runs Its course nnd that tho,policy oi .euroilmont o loans ,tn the .direction donation .must be continued until tho margin between tho, roof of .Federal re serve bank lending power and a com- portable banking position Is rroatly widened. Here nro sorao of thefact sleaned yesterday: 1. Tho Federal Koaerve Bank of Now Vnrlr hnA nn thn nnrnflt L WvJwaas of Institutions borrowings of 5b, W "which from that bank were twico tho m, comoinnu capital ami surplus ot every tm nucu institution or more nnd told them ' in rrf I.aIai.. 4l.n. IlL.I. .,.,.... tho cost. 2. Tho financiers returned from tho conferences, .which were ex tremely private, In n chastened mood nnd proceeded to .carry out tho orders. 3. Compliance with tho orders was Im mediate, owinjr to' tho powor of the Fod. era! Roeorvo Bank" to deny tho redla countlns privilege at Its own discretion. 4. Liquidation occurred It tha stock market and tho bond markot, Including Liberty bonds, In silver, grain and cot ton and foreign exchange, with a C9n. fl.'dcrablo lncreaso Jin .tho premium of tho .dollar. C. The prlco of gold -rose In .London to an unprecedentedly .high record, with the United States the un doubted purchaser of 'tho cold on .ac count of pie depreciation of ,the pound sterling ns expressed In terms of tho dal'ari G. Tho Clearing House Associa tion's members voted' unanimously to limit Ui6 maximum rate to bo paid ion .any credit balance, outsldo of mutual savings bonks, .to 2 per cent, thus removing the last .obstacle In .the way of iv j-Iso In rediscount rates. 7. Banks Anticipated a rise In tho rediscount rato w jo ilia per cent, or Higher by cnarglng TOW 6 ccnt- cn tbeIr discounts. ll' "Jlbs-r Dim to Dron flnlil Hlnmlnril "The whole situation 9an be summed up In two words: 'gold and psychology.' " said a prominent banker yesterday. ".Either the entire, banking situation must be deflated, which Is being accom plished In part by the effect of psy chology and In part by the Clearing of the path toward a rlao In rediscount ''Stt rates, or the gold standard must bo rtvuiuiuvueu. "The dilemma Is an obvious one, and In my opinion the Federal Reserve J) illations ishould not Increase with on lncreaso In the Federal Reserve llanls discount rate for .ninety day papor beyond a maximum of 2 pet cent Tho amendment follows : '.'Section 1, No member .of this association, .or bank or trust com pany or others clearing through any .member, shall.agreed to pay, or shall pay. directly or Indirectly, on any credit balanco payable on demand or within thirty days, cr certificate of doposlt so paable, by Us terms, Issued to or for tho account of any ibank (othor than a mutual savings bank located In tho Becond Federal Reserve, district), trust company or other Institution conducting a bank ing business, or private banker or bankers, located In tho United States or Dominion of Canada, Interest at a rato In oxcess of 1 per cent per annum when the 'then ninety day discount rato for commercial paper at tho Fcdoral Resorvo Rank of Now York Is 2 per cent or less, and nn additional ono fourth of 1 per cent, -for every wo half of 1 per cent, thut .mich discount rato ot 'the Federal Reserve Bank shall exceed 2 per cent .except that tho, maximum rato paid or ngreed 40 bo paid on any such credit balanco, or certificate of deposit shall not In any cose bo higher than 2 per cent per annum; nor shall any member, or non-member clearing through a member, jay or agree to .pay on any like credit balance of, or Hk6 certificate of deposit Issued to, any mutual savings bank located In tho Second Federal Reserve district or any person, 4orsonsi copartner ship, corporation 07 association, other than those specified nnd Included above, Interest at 'X higher rate than 3 per cent, per annum; nor on any tlmoidcposlt or ceiililcato of deposit payable by Its terms.lator than thirty days from tho data thereof, at a higher rato than 3 per cqnt. per annum. Tho .foregoing provisions nro not Intended to apply to tho account of, or any certificate of deposit Issued to any person or persons resid ing and transacting business In any foreign country other than tho Dominion of Canada, pr to any cor poration, association or copartner ship organized and located .therein, ,nor to affect such Interest rates as re or may be flxed or 'regulated by law." GERMAN TRADE IS BRITISH PROBLEM Question -of Unglisll Attitude Is Insistent and Not Eaay to Settle OFFER ORPHEUM CIRCUIT, BRITAIN SEES HER POWER Discussion Whether to Aid Gormany or Lot Her JVork Out Salvation Heard. RAIL HEADS ADOPT COMLIATORYM Association of Railway Execu tives Docido Policy on Sec tion 6, Cummins Bill. Tho standing committee of the As sociation of Railway Executive in a protracted meeting .held yesterday In 61 Broadway, decided to adopt a con ciliatory policy bo far as section C of me uummlns bin was concerned. "While nothing came to a head so far as a pro nnd con .stand on the section which 'Would -limit a refisonnhln nrnflt in nn Beard 3as made a wise .choice In thciavcrare of ZV, ue.r ,,nt nf ih. decision to bring about deflation. At this 1 property Investment in a .district with a point I would not say that the situation ('division of profits in tho case of any hi la sortous, nor would I say that care and conservatism will cot prove a sound corrective, but tha jperiod of correction must co odurad. "The action la not directed primarily at the security markets, .but naturally they are .the first to1 receive the blow. Tho break In sterling yesterday wassluo ' to a llshtonlng of the load of commercial bills carried by banks, sterling exchango dropping n fraction abovo the cx 'tretne' low record of $3.6651, with tho trend of all the ccchansear In a down ward direction. "Two of the biggest factors In the outstanding loans of tho banks are paper representing exports of goods abroad, which were not financed by . United States Government credits, by sale Of foreign bonds In this country or In the foreign exchange market and paper representing tho purchase of Lib erty bonds. Tho liquidation of the Joans - ori Liberty bonds or with those bond3 ns collateral has led to a marketing ot these Issues 'with a depression in tho current values of .Liberty issues. "The liquidation of the paper rep resenting exports Is going to be a slow nrocess Indeed. A .portion Is being flung I'fcjyWVin the exchange market with a decline , !n .rates. It will be. recalled that uo to the end of December our exports were ' about $5,200,000,000. Against this the United States Imported about $800,000, 000 worth of goods, the United States Government extended about $1,750,000, 000 of credit, and the new money from forefgn loans and foreign exchango - nalea accounted for about $600,000,000. That left a load of some $2,000,000,000 ; spread on banks throughout the United I 'States. overnnicnt Credit Exhausted. "Tho United States Government cred it la exhausted for all practical pur i poses. The foreign exchango market . shows that It cannot absorb much of tho paper representing new exports and, while tho Belgian loan of $25,000,000 was a success, It remains to be seen how much can bo raised- from the sales ot forelpj securities to the American In vestor. "In consequence It is my belief that our export trade my3t ceaso to the smallest minimum limits. Under the ' circumstances It la no wonder that the Federal Reserve Board has decided to draw In the horns of credit and the nows that banks which have borrowed from the reserve bank twice their capi tal And surplus or moro have been re quested to cut down these borrowings ,, Is no surprise to me. I heard that In a few cases statistical experts of the Federal lleserve Board had within the . last few days been examining tho loan flgurea of certain Institutions, and the policy of curtailment I believe. Is being .carried on wisely and impartially." H In view of the financial developments an' Interesting transaction yesterday was the renewal of $42,500,000 of Ford Ma tor Company notes n a 6 per ccnt. basis. Tho renewal waa for a ninety day period and at tho end of that period tho- outstanding notes must be reduced and the balance will be extended for an , other ninety day period, when all mart bo paid. The Chase Securities Corpora tion, Bond & Goodwin and tho Old Col ony Trust Comnany of Boston originally marketed $75,000,000 of Fprd Motor notes. At thd time of tho first renewal road which earned more than that per centage, u was ascertained that the un qualified opposition of some of the stronger roods to any earning limitation was- toned .down and tho hope wa? ex pressed that the association -would bo ablo to present a united front as re gards its attitude toward tho Cummins bill. Following the moetlng of railroad ex ecutives no formal statement was Issued. The only concrete action, It was stated by a spokesman ior the .association, was he grant of authority to Thomas Do witt uuyier. chairman of tho Associa tion of Railway Executives, to hold con ferences with any other organization which desired them for the purpose of agreeing, so far as possible, on railroad legislation. Tho rate committee reported progress "to the standing -committee, but it was declared th3t no statement would bo made at this time as to how much of an Increase in rates was desired or aa to tho plans of the committee. Interviews with railroad presidents and chairmen following the meeting gave a more hopeful tone regarding a united front for the association as to forthcoming legislation, and the best opinion seemed to be that tho railroad men would be willing to accept tho best legislation now In process of consum mation. If so, the divergent elements lnthe standing committee have been obliged to recede from an uncompromis ing position. It is still the hope of tho railroad men that tho Cummins bill will be so amended that every railroad In. every district shall bo assured of per cent on Its property investment, with ono-half of 1 per cent for main tenance, with a lessening of the spigot, drain on earnings of more than that percentage. ' Paris Donne Trading. Paris, Jan. 16. Prices were steady on the Bourse to-day. Three ner cent rentes, C8 francs 70 centimes; exchange' on London, 42 francs 89 centimes; 5 per cent loan, 88 francs E0 centimes: dollar, 11 francs 56 Vi centimes. FINANCIAL NOTES. Eankers Trwt Company haa been .np-' Spirited registrar ot United Chain Bulla Iks. Inc., preferred and common. " SImm Petroleum Company's directors havf approved the contract with Booth & Flmn for the Immediate conntruetlon ot a 500 mile etandard 8 inch pipe line, from its propertlet In the Iloraar Field., to tidewater on the lllsls slppl River's .east bank, juat north ot New Orleans. United .States High Speed Steel nnd Tool Company has absorbed .tho capital took ot the Thorn neat Treating Com pany of Detroit. 0, O. Teaton, formerly assistant man ager of the Lexington .branch ot th Corn Kxchanse Bank, haa Joined the tales force ot Chandler & Co., Inc. Raymond II. Struble and Ilueo A. Kcnyon have become associated with the nonti department or J. a. unite & Co., Inc. Henry L. Boherty & Co. nnnounco that I he eleventh monthly distribution to .be tr.ide on Cities Service Comoanr bankers si' ares on February 3 to shares of record on January 16 will Be (0.95 cents a bankers share. Syndicate composed of the National nty Company, the Guaranty Urust Com pany tm Harris, Forbes & Co. Announce, that the Issue of l. 3(0. COO of Miami Conservancy Blstrlct, Ohio, Er bonds has been sold. Potter Bros. St Co.. tVhlto, Weld & Co. and W. A. Harrlman & Co., Inc.. an- tHzAnnWnn i,H rf o ih nounce that the 110.000,000 Issue of At- $25.000,00a was paid off and at the,limUo company 1 per cent, debeo. time of the second renewal yesterday $7,500,000 was paid Off. Although an amendment-to the consti tution of the New York Clearing Hoiuo ture bonds offered by a syndicate of which the? nro managers has been sold. Guaranty Trust Company has been ap pointed trustee under the Madison Avenue OmctB, inc., trust indenture datea Jan- Association usually requires two weeks' uary 15, 1820, and securing an authorized notice, attention was called to the lue of Z,000,000 par value of second cmernency by the cnanlmous adoption mortgage G per cent, serial gold bonds, emergency uy uw ;''" "","' ", and transfer agent and registrar of Bal- of the amendment limiting credit bal- trife 0 company capital tock. unco payments to a maximum of 2 Tha lollo.rluc hare been selected aa of- per cent, on only twenty-four hours fleers of the American Foreign Banking ' ,1,. , rtPiHne' Itnusa committee Corporation! Albert II. Wlggln, chairman; notice. The Clearing iiouse committee Archlbol(, Kanlj j,re,iaent; Hayden p. ftt a meeting .on Thursday recommended Harris, Alfred o. Fletcher. Kmll Flelsch- the amendment at the request of the mann -nd Phiiipp j. Vogel, vlce-prtni- Federal Reserve Board and it was adopted yesterday. Tho following state ments were Issued: The Charing IIouso commtUeo recommended the adoption of the amendment In view of the request of ' the Federal Reserve Board, which had the approval of the delegates from clearlne houses all over the jf. country at the recent conference held with the Federal Reserve uoaru at Washington, that there should be no Increase In the Interest rato paid on balances and that the maximum rate dents; ( ..rrrles A. Mackensle, secretary nd treasurer c. v liolt nnd TV. n. sum-an, assistant treasurers; ft F. Pchl-isner. s tlstant to the tirr ii lent. Industrie riur ot New York a .nou s that "Logan C. 11 . y, recently with o Irving National Pank, hac her,mo . president of that bank. United States Savings Etnk bus elected Tllllim Crittenden Adams president to suc ceed Jndgo Charles N. Talnler. who retires from tho active msnjrment of the bank tuv. cause of III health; "rtul J. l,'yo flr-t vlee-presMent; and Adolpb Lo Goat, eccond vl-presJdent. The Janniry lsiae .ef J. Frank Koweu s f)tirfijt Ana JnjMiw a yituttwtil Rtth Jeetf' contains Interesting Information about Koumern i-acino ana sugar stocss ana oiucr to bo paid under Clearing IIouso reg- j juj reading nutter. SiHCial Cable l)()patc to Tub Set, Copvrtaht, iSJO.joJJ rtaMt rettrvtd, London, Jan. 16. An intimate under standing by America of the English at titude toward European econorrdo de velopments will bo a principal factor In determining Just where the United States may throw her financial, Influence to be most useful In a survey of the trade situation in Europe recently It ' was stated In 'these 'despatches that England holds tho future of European develop ment practically in the palm ot her hand, and can direct tho recovery of euch sections as bio seen fit With America practically maintaining an attitude of hands off financially In Europe. England realizes that she Is tho only other nation to .direct Conti nental finance, and she sees her power. Discussion Is beginning as to whether Germany .shall he given English as sistance to recuperate or be loft to work out htr .own salvation. Tha London Times says editorially J "Now that we lire enbo more at peace with Germany the question of out attitude toward German trade becomes insistent It Is by no' means easy to settle offhand. It Is a problem at once ethical, economic, nractlcal. It Is not ethical from the standpoint ot those who believe that German Ideals are antagonistic to tne ideals of .Englishmen ; these have sound, logical reasoning on their side xvlien they urge that, no lasting benefit can result from a renewal ot Intlmato relations with, the nation that puts the cult of materialism above every other consider ation. Looklnc to Future. 'It Is entirely beside the marlt to stip ulate that tho Intercourse should bo re stricted to commercial affairs, yet it is tolerably certain -that sooner or later trade and social relations will bo re stored between tho British and German nations by . certain elements in tms country. "It may, therefore, bo moro npposlto to consider tho matter from the eco nomic and practical standpoints. Even In this thero Is room ror aouot wnciner it is to our advantage to hasten tho recstabllshment of commerce with our lato enemy. It Is true enough that Ger many was one of Great Britain's best customers bofore the war, but It by no means follows that she will provo an equally good customer now that pcaco "In the -first place it is difficult for tho German nation to pay for tho goods she .desires to import Exhortations to our manufacturers to expedite arrange ments for exporting to Germany lest they find themselves forestalled by more enterprising rivals should not blind them to the expediency or nrst inning tho elementary precaution or ascertain ing whether and how payments -will bo made. World Clamor for Goods. 'Tn n Ifirr-A tvart nf liitrnnn rrrfllt Trru. ... d - - -- -- ------- 1' - - tlcally has ceased to exercise Its func- for the substitution of some other method of financing Business, nut no practical results of any real value have Hoar, nhfnlnMl vK When wa nrn re minded that until Germany Is placed In I 1 a 1- UU ..ttK a position tu IXiMJU Willi wro uuuuua world eho cannot, begin to pay tho enor fnr rnmrnllon to the' Allies, we are tempted to retort that until somo practical measures are taiccn , n.,oKitaVi n ennnd rnrrpnnv on nn economic basis. It is useless to try to pntch up tne uroKon roonc ai uenauu Industry and traoe. IrnnwlAflFn flint, he si ilea Ah ICI 0-1 , Central Europe, almost every country in tho world is clamoring iur euuua. rru. nrn rnY. nnrtrt't In South Amer ica, China and all parts of the British Empire, where commodities 01 every ue scrlptlon can be sold on advantageous tprms. with tho assurance that payment will be made tn.due course. ' "To-day it Is not a matter of searching for a purchaser; buyers rather aro em .1 nMnra tn firwt makers who can be Induced to supply goods within a .feasonablo porioa. in meo cutum- it to .tiirifiilt tn ne what ndvan- BULUUia ifc '" --- tago would He in diverting goods from communities able to supply us with raw materials and food In order to reopen business with former German customers. SouniU Warning; Notes. n.n hm urn resorts current that American dealers who showed an excess of zeal in selling 10 incir mm enemies have burnt their fingers. Com- n.jnT.AM wnnlrl Rnern to ahoiv that the right policy 'la to look well ahead bofore adventuring too ucepiy u troubled areas of Europe. ... 1. mirfnita fact that German capitalists are betraying a suspicious readiness to' .transfer their property In factory or .mill to foreign Investors.' Quite commonly, we understand. It is Ftlpulated that tne Duycrs jtnau ueptwi. In dollars, 'nounds sterling or Norwegian kroner to the credit of tho vendors, but not in Ger man banks, the Germans declaring openly their Intention to use tho funds thus provided to start In business again in some country not ravaged by "war. "Tho motive Inspiring such a trans action may be either fear or cunning. It may be mistrust of the economio situation of Gormany or alarm as to the stability of the State, or tho German vendors may wish to saddle foreign pur chasers of German business with the crushing fiscal burdens they regard as Inevitable If not imminent "Obviously prudent men. apart from all other considerations, will weigh .these matters carefully before Investing money in German concerns. It when they have done so they are satisfied to take the risks involved there is nothing more to be raid except to .remind them that . . ,i rt..iTi Inn'mitrv tn hAnomA flsiDparous and to reestablish itself all j over tne giooo uwjr uo a sea of trouble for their children's children." Exports From Kevr Torlc. n.. v... 10 ! WtA. lha 1.000.000 ! Alcohol. Mala..' 416; Oil. cake, lbs, li- 426,800; Jjara, ma., o,uo,ioo; urense, lbs., 400,000; Flour sacks, 119.S54 ; Orass seed, bags. 126; Whiskey, gals., - 8110 r.acons, lb."., 3,553,400 ; Tallow, ' 0i' r CVttonficed oil. lbs., 40,000 ; . biv-t' . o 1. gals.. 53.800. tiul. 1'U't'l Uoriiorntlpn. Washington, Jan. 16. Commander J. I Ackerson, U. S. K., now detailed ns vice-president in charge of constfuc flou of the Emergency Fleet Corpora tion, has resigned from the navy, ef fective March 1, and will sever his con nection with the .fleet .corporation on ths same date, It was announced tgday. Bankers Float ltie Stock Issuo ef New Company. JUahardson, Illli & Co, of Boston will offer soon 109,043 shares of 'common stock, ot the Orpheum 'Circuit, Inc., n Delaware corporation,. recently formed to, control s. chain of forty-flv vaudeville theatres operatod by the Orpheum In terests .in this country and Canada, Tho price at which the new stock is to bo offered Is understood to be 112.50 a share. Tho total outstanding capitaliza tion of the new corporation will consist of 16,817,608, or 8 per oent Droferred. convertible into common at E0 a eharo, and C49.718 shares of common stock. France rays Fart of Bond Issue. PAWS. Jan. "lO. The Ministry of Finance is dealing to-day with the set tlement of 8,000,000 tn Trcnsury bonds placed tn England and due yesterday. It Is arranging f6.700.000 of that amount and rcnow 11,240,000 ot these bonds at 7 per cent Exeoutor " Trustee ' Chartered 1822 4 The'Earmers' Loan and Trust Company Nob. 16, 18, 20 & 22. William Street s Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue At Forty-first Street New York London Adininistrator Foreign Exchange Paris . Guardian Member Federal Besom System unci "Sen York OlearinrfHouss .MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS SHORT TERM NOTES. Becurlty. Rate. Due. Bid. Asked. AmtiottonbnOo.O AmTeIlTclOo.,.8 AmTfliTc.Co., .6 AmTbreadOo..,,0 AiuTobaccoCo.,,7 AinTobaccoCo...7 AmTobsccoCo.. .7 AinTohaccoCo...7 AnoctondaCopCo.O Armour&Co comfl Armour&Co cuuyO Arraonr.VCo conva Armour&Co convs Armour&Co convs HethStoelOorp...7 IlethStCflCorp...7 OonNorltiry. . , .0 OanNornwy,..,0 Cuacltwy.....O OenArgemlnoltyA ChlHur&QIlIUU) umnieuj O01UO..O 1)8 081 COM 061 00 00 100)4 101 101 101 J inur lot li 101 ii 103M ChlPneuToolOoM unii"neuioca(Jo..o CMPneuToolOo.J) OubAmSOol IO..0 Cudahy PsckCo. ,7 Bol!iUudltll....S FoUauKltfOo...a GenElecCo 0 OreatNorRy. ...S OulroUCorp 0: OnllOUOorp O O0lfOllCorp;....6 HockValIcyRIt..O IUTCoconv 7 JUoUyackCo.. JDoldl'ackOo...7 JDoIdl'ackOo.. Uold PackCo...7 JanCTerIlyCo..o LacaLClst.trof..7 LIiSlTobCo...n MollnoHowCo...7 Mollnei'lowCo...? MolInlonCo.,.7 MollnePiowCo.,,7 MoIlneI'lowCo...7 NYCcntRR 0 l'niladcnniaua..o l'ennsylvanlaCo..4H June 151)1 jruotaauiii.iAT..o iar. xuu ITocAUaraCo. ..7 IToc&CamCo... .7 IToc&GamCo. . .7 I'rociOamCo. ..7 I'SCorofNJconv..7 UItcniTobCo..O Southcrnltv fi Sti'UnDQuar ThoWI3uFlnCor.7 3uno 16,'2!l utansecuorp....0 Hept.l5.2J 80 WcstKlMfO O Pcb. 1020 100 .rmiLio iiTn.iTiEs. Sclca. High. Low. fZO alius Service 107 m im Olios Ben-Ice pt.. 73U sset cities S pt 11 VS 1301 O 8 Banners' ths.. V1 IU0O Cities B deb 11 16) TSEOO Cities B deb 1061 Did. Ask. Acir Eiec. m ii Ad Elcc vl. 7 O Am IAT..JM 196 Dm o lot Oct. 1033 l'cb. 10M Dec. 193 Not. 1020 Nov. 1921 Nov. 1DM NOV. 102.1 102 Ji I03J, Jan. 1039 07 B7 .IlinolS.'SO 111 112 .JunolE.'Sl 111 112 Jun.elA,'22 lit 112 Juno lB.'S.'l 111' 112 Jnnel6,'24 111 112 Juyis.'aa loot; mi) JuiylS.'23 lOOJj 101 ), Feb. V22 07 U- 09 Ani. 07? 09 Mar. a,'24 07H os Veb. 1927 84 87. July 1021 OStf 03' Oct. 1020 (I0W too) Oct. 1921 09 U 100 Oct. 1023 S9' 100 Oct. 1023 09 100 Jan. 1021 10OH juiyis. loi Aug. 1020 00 Nov. 1024 07 K July 1020 loo Jl Sept. 1020 08 jj July 1021 09 July 1023 09 July 1023 09 Mar. 1034 03 Sept. 1931 73 Nov. lfi,'20 100 Nov. 1821 100 Nov. 1522 100 Nov, 1523 100 Nov. 1523 U8H Jan. 1929 PO Dec 1021 09H Sept. 1920 100 Bcpt. 1021 100 Sept. 1922 10O Sept. 1033 100 Sept. 1934 100 Sept. 1530 DO) Feb. 1922 on NEW YORK Cm BONDS. Yield Form, Rato nnd Maturity, old. Ask. About. Mar. 1930 Mar. 1021 Mar. 1922 Mar. 1923 Mar. 1022 Aug. 1022 Mar. 1922 ..SH -Dec. 163.1 7.",, 4!? 159 my, A L&T pf. S3 Am O A E.IK A G&K HI. 39 Am P 4 L. 67 Am P4I. pf 71 Am P U Am P U nf. to Am w v.. a A WW 1 pf 45 AWW rr pt 6 Appalach P 3 An Pr pf... II Car PR&L.. 33 O Ktstci E. 7 : S Klec pf M Col Power.. l Col lMw ptSO Cbm'wealth P R & V.. IS Com'wtalth PR4L pf.. Ex dividend. ClIEJnCAt, STOCKS Did. Ash Am Cron 30 S Am Cyan pf.. a By Prod 107 Casein Co ... 10 Dow Chem...lS0 ., Du P Ch pi.. W, im ted f;nem....ioo Fed Chrm pf .. Grassclli Grassclll pt..l00 J5x dividend. ISO 41 C 74 to 30 6 CO 8 C S3 10 IS 4S Klec r.SB nf CO Emp D E Pf 70 Fed I, A T. 6 Fed LOT pf 40 u & E Sec.SOT am sec pi so N Ont Light 12 N Out Lt pf U N Ohio E... 1 N O Elcc of JO N stales Pr. 60 N 8 Pr pt.. S7 Rep R 4 I. It Ren RiL nf 43 B Cal Edl... SS S Cal E P1..100 Rtit O E.. a Std G4E nf. 40 iTcnn ULlP. lJ T RX.tP pf. S Unlteil Lilt. 13 U IAR 1 pf CO West Power a V P new pf 71 100 loo $ Did. Ask. 403 4ri r:', 73 v.. n JjK 43Vi lKMl 10H Bid. Adt. 93 9 43 K0 16 UM CS : u 61 91 II 4S !K) 101 :7 43 3 S 32 C.l 13 "3 Bid. Ask. ITooh Elec.... 70 Hook Rice pf. 66 76 Kr Bolvay ... 115 ilcrck Co pf 96 n Merrlmac ... 90 KM Mnlford Co... S3 CO Mutual O ....150 Niajt Alk of.. S5 too i.o setnet n ...,,ics 175 10lSolv Proc ...190 US ioo ; Inter 4 Us. Julr. 1967. Inter. 4Us. June. 1965. Inter 4Hs, March. 1963 inter '4s, jov 1007. Inter. 4H, May, 1937. uoupon .ts, l'wt-i'jj.'. ::j:::2 3 100'J 100S 1CW4 1WW 4.41 4.46 4.46 4.48 4.49 100U 28',, Coupon 4fts. 1919-1923 9SVi Inter 4s, April, 1966 tt5 Inter. 4Us, MArch, 1961 inter, 4 lis, Marcli, i6 vn? Inter. 4',io. Sept.. I960: fi'i Inter. 4Us, March, C0-30.... 9114 Inter. 4s, May, 1939 M Intor, 4s, Nov., lta , 90 Inter. 4i, May, IM7.,..... 90 Reel l4s, Nor., 1B6.. 8314 IUais. 4s. Nov.. 1X3.. 8354 Reds, it, Nov., 1939 92 Inter, ttts, Nov., 1966..... 81 Reff. coup. 3Hs. 'May, 153l (1! Coupon 4iis. 195MH1.. Coupon 4118. 1930-1923.. Reitered IV. 1940-1963, Redttered 8Ks. 1930-1919...., Her, coup. 3ft. lZi-l9 Rer. eonn. iUs.. 191-19n.. Registered .Is. 1940-19C3 4.70 Rerlstured Js, 193-1930..n 4.79 Reentered 3s. 1313-1SK 4.70 , NEW YORK STATE BONDS. Tleld Ask. About. WSVl 4,03 9514 4.40 KH 4J9 S.(i 4.43 W14 4.49 31i 4.49 t'OVi 4.2 SOU, 4.63 DOVS 4.62 9014 4.5? Mil 4.11 94U 4.49 2 SU8 Sid. Asked. .6S 4.4J 4.6S 4.45 ... 4.6! 4.45 4.C5 4.45 4.CB 4.43 4.60 4.60 4.60 Form. Rato and Maturity. Bid. Coupon 4U9, Jan., 1964 107H Kocistorea 4hs, Jan.. i54..ioi Coupon, 41is, Sept., 1963... .1071,1 .. .... Rodttered 414s, Sept.. 1963.1117 USli 4.03 Coupon tvis, March. 1365. ..10114 .. Rec. 414. March, 15 101 Coupon 41is. Jan., 1966 10114 Iter. 4Us. Jan., 1965 101 Coupon 4!i. Jan., 194S 10114 Coupon 414s. Jan., 1946 101 Coupon 4s. Jan., 1967 90H 1WU 3.9S Coupon 4s, March, 1967 13 Coupon 4s, 1960-62, canal,,.. P9V1 10014 3.93 Registered 4a, 1960-62, canal. 89 Coupon 4s, 1968-62, highway 93V1 10014 !.SS Regis. 4a, 1938-63, highway. 93 Coupon 4s, Jan., 1946 99 Registered 4s. Jan., 1949 3814 .. .... Coupon 49. Jan., 1942 9S'.4 Registered 4s. Jan., 1142.... 9SV4 .. .... MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Am Chicle.. 6S Am Ch nf.. 80 Amalg Llh.71 A Leath pt. 93 Am Whole sale Co pf S3 Am Mfi;....lS0 Am Mis pf. 53 Am M & F. 93 Am Type F. 44 Am,T P pf. 89 A Dl T N J. 35 Atlas P O.. 70 liarnh Bros 4c Spin 1 p S3 Darnh .Bros & Spin 2-o 70 Bor C Mlllf.116 llor O M pf 3 Bush T pf.. 74 City Invest. 75 Cellnlold ...145 Chllds Co... S3 Child! pf... it Crk W nf... S6 DIiJW C0.16t Draper Crp.lW Flsk R 1 pf 97 Int Silv pf. SI Leh V C S. 83 Did. Atk. KM law S3 43 ti S3 73 90 lis 100 73 80 165 91 93 101 173 100 93 Bid. L!ml Loc pf SS Nat Casket. .1M Norton 1 pt.103 NJiSnv st.263 Nwn Lth nf. 99 O'Neill Pf... 91 l' Jones urn. es P J corn nf . 93 I'helps,D...JI0 Pratt & W p 93 R ncls & Co 23 R R & Co pf ti ity uax rur.iss Ity B P pf.. 93 Raf H & L.. 63 Singer Mfg.,163 Sttrn Br pf.103 81 li Jl AIAf 40 Rtoll Ch nf..l03 TPC40 nw.HO v uanite co Ins 40 VRCo Djc Pf S3 Valrollnepf.105 west ij iterr to W C Kerr pf so W A B nf...lW 8 D Warren cr nrn. ...103 Yale & y....rro Ask. 99 101 272 101 ti 93 230 145 93 66 171 110 47 103 115 45 to 89 103 1C314 230 Am Cigar 120 Am Cigar pf. SO A Tob dv scp.UO Conley Foil.. .323 R W nelrao.,163 O W It pf.... S3 J S Young.. .ISO J S Y pt 95 MacA & FU..1C0 TOBACCO STOCKS. Bid. Ask. I NEW YORK DANK STOCKS. Bld.Ask. America M....tsa Atlantic .115 Am 'Hxch 293 Battery 210 2201 Bowery, CO ... Bryant 'Park-WO 160 Garfield Nat. Gotham Greenwich .. llarrlruan ... HanOTCr Industrial B way Cen 160 ICOlImu i Trad. ttld-Ask. ,.733 ... ,.20 225 ,.176 ... ,.370 400 ,.820 S10 .too ... .M C23 Ilrmuc Nat 130 I6l)lrvinr Nat 290 400 Butch & D 33 Choso 4S5 493 that ft P 330 330 iieiea EX 125 Chemical 6fi(t Citizen Nat 763 City ,.405 41S t.oai & iron... .213 ... Commerce .....243 H7 tnionial Continental .,,,120 Columbia ......260 Corn Rich its Cosmopolitan ..110 Commercial Commshw'lth ,.315 125 "Ha .170 180 g.asi uiver....jto ... Fifth Nat 155 166 rum. avo goo F 11 Nnl tl'rt lrft oraign xr B.. .. 166 Ul,rli' 430 1 .In, f-ln Mi 295 Manhat Co 215 ... Meeh A M.......4C0 470 Metropolitan ...310 360 Mutual 00 i'J) Mmrhjlltl 240 250 New Neth 200 210 NYU A .4" ... JJ V CO 135 US Park .740 760 Paeiao 155 ... lToduoa Ex 375 ... Public ......... .3 ... Seaboard .......MS ... Second ....400 4:6 State ...........30 310 23d Ward .139 149 United States... 193 ... Union Ex.. 18S 193 Wash Hts 125 ... . t J 1 ' au Includes one-half share Irving Trust. TRUST AND SURETY COMPANIES. Dld.Ask. Metropolitan ...309 ... Mtgo Bond 93 95 Mut T of W....103 125 Lawyers T 123 1st untoin it no ... Manufac'rs ....205 ... Mer T ,290 ... Nat surety 20s no N Y L I A TT..730 150 New York TY...C20 ,. N Y Tltlet H3 130 Peoples 390 310 Realty Asm 110 120 Title Q A T....400 410 United states.. ,50 97) U S M & T 415 423 I 8 Title Guar. SO S3 Westchester ....ISO 140 W i II T 4 M.l 173 BldAlb. Alliance so ... Am Trout Am SunHr 83 es nanKcri 335, 4051 Bend & Mtge.,280 240 Brooklyn TT....5W 5l Central Unlon..445 435 Columbia , 365 375 Commercial .. Empire Trust. .290 sool Ennltahla 5SS Ki warmers IAT..440 450 jrrnnKiin 21s m,i uiton p.w m JFidellty JS0 ... wuaramy ,iw 410 Katn.'lton . Iludion T. Klng Co 610 5 133 ,263 265 115 .46! Lan ers M un i3t ee N. 1, Title ft sug-. CO. towns all American Trust Co. STANDARD OIL. Bid. Ask. I wn. mil1. Anslo-Anl.. 28W Ail Re (in.. 1300 At! Ret pf.113 Rorne-8ciT..4fO HucliejePL. 9i Ches Mfsr 0.2W Contin'.ninl.CaO Orencnnt PL 24 CI'L Iri?.J!5 Eureka PL. 113 Galena-Si?.. 83 Gal-Slir nf.107 lOal-Klff pf.103 Illinois PL.170 Indiana PL. 97 Int Petrol.. 67 Nat Transit 31 N Y Trans.170 North P L..100 Ohio 3C5 1 Mex F.. 70 Pierce 20 Prairie OAO.630 Old tNew. STEEL AND ORDNANCE Bid. Ak I 2314 1373 111 4S0 160 xz D75 S7 133 135 $3 113 101 175 10O 70 36 ISO 105 376 75 21 660 Prairie P L.28S Solar Rcfln.360 Smith P L..160 Sooth Pa... .530 s w Pa PL. 96 Std ot Cal. JIT Std of lnd..7Z5 Std of Kftn.eeo Std Of Ky.. Std oi Neb.525 Std of N J..7C0 S of NJ pf.115 Std of N Y.440 Std of Ohio. 640 Swan F..10O Union T-nk.lSS Vacuum ....430 Washington. 40 Stand robsld "en bloc". MM Stand old ft 311 on".. 2800 Bid. -Volt. 270 3W 165 S!0 100 S22 710 6S0 IA M0 770 U6H 445 6C0 110 i: 430 43 Bid. Ask. Porto R-A T..1S. R J Royn A.. 625 R J Rcyn 1I..4C0 R J Reyn pf..lftl OnlT Loaf 103 Unlv Leaf of.128 Weyman-B ...its Werman-B pf. 93 140 tco 4S 103 105 200 175 101 CANADIAN WAR LOANS IN NEW YORK. 614s,An!r., CVis.Dee. 5H'' 6'. f Es.l 5is,lc ,l!7. 93 Rid. Ask.1 21 9Sli 99 22. 90V4 '2: C0V4 'ii 99 87 Bid. EHr.Ang.U. 9514 5s,Oct.:i.... 87 6Vts.Nov..'33. 93 92H61tP,Nov.JI. 90 83 Es.Mar.S7... tola 91 3.9,Dec..'37. 91 Ask. 9614 19 !Mt4 9fl4 92 95 Am Brass. ...521 Atlas Pow.,.,162 Atlas Pow pf 90 Bab A WH...120 lilies. E W...410 BUM. B W pf CS Can F & F...IS3 Crib Steel... ,1M Carb Kll 1 pt.103 Csrb StI 2 pf. 71 Colts Arms... M D11 P Powd.370 Ei dividend. SUGAR STOCKS, Rid. .Ask. Card-Am ... 20 STOCKS. Did. Ask. 228Eastern Steel. 83 1ST ixcp s & 1... 21 SIVilEmp 8 & I pt 63 125,llere P 213 430jHerc P pf,...107 73'Nlles-B-P ....110 lfoINllPK-B-P pf.. 95 liolscovill Mfe,..!9S lOSIThomas Iron.. SO 75 winch COTP...J75 90 ro 70 221 109 111 420 S3 C2lWoodward 3S0 , 41 Card-Am nf 70 C Acuire... 99 Central 22 Central pf,. 63 Federal ....101 Fojardo ....133 fit West ...410 Gt West pf.HS Ouanta'mo. 7S 1 37 CO 112 135 440 119 80 June Cent., Mat-Am .. Mat -Am pf, Michigan . Nations! Bid. .110 10 . 69 ,. lt .149 N NInuero. .223 s Cecilia .... 83 Savannah .. 33 Savannah pf S3 Ask. 160 15 70 13 119 si 31 ti . OUT OP TOWN MARKETS. BOSTON. MINING. gales. Oiien. High. : IM Adrenture 96c 860 60 Allouei 31 SS 20 Anaconda cx dlv.. 1 6174 15Arls Commercial.. 141i liVi -10O Big neart ........ 914 Sh 10 Butts ft Sopsrior. 27U JH'i 8T Calumet A Arts... 6414 13 Calmnct & Hecla.385 SS3 1PS3 Carson 3814 SSH 10 Centennial IS; U Hi Copper Range 45U 43VI 70 Daly West 4i 4H S5 Da-rls Daly , 1311 13H 1 Franklin 3)4 S4 10 Island Creek 44 41 100 Keweenaw l?i lit La Salle 3 . 23 Mass Consolidated 514 S'4 270 Mayllower43W Col Mi Vi lTJlchlgan 14 5!4 133 Mohawk 3 60 New Arcadian...,. 4 314 60 New Cornelia. 2214 2214 10 Now River pf.... SOU J0J4 HSNlpisslng 11 "J 875 North Butta 1614 16U lOOOlibway 1H W 40 Old Dominion 36 33 195 Seneca W 'i 1T. dhnnnnti Ihi 114 100 South Lake 114 1 U0 1 MS 3 , 47V4 4745 40 Bunerlor Cop 614 1350 Sun ft Boston.... 44 loa Trinity 2 600 Tuolumne , 10 U S Smelting".... 195 V S Smelting pf. 3S5 utan cons. 4C0 Utah Metal 3H 21; 100 Victoria 3 3 25 Winona 3 3 10 Wolverine a U RAILROADS. 2t Bos &' Albany....i22 1221i 180 Boston Ele 414 6j 13 Boston A M S3 S3 37 Bos & M pf...... 30 SO CO Bos & Sub El pf 14 6H 20 Chi J & S Yda pf S5 85 200 Maea Eleo 6 6 60 Mass Elec pf..... 13 H I N H U 37 90 West End St Ry 44 44 100 West End St pf 6Sl W MISCELLANEOUS. 20 Am AST 'Chcra .. 90 90 133 Am, OU 6t z Amosaoas pi .... 6 Am Pne S 1st pt 30 IS Am Sugar i)f ....11714 732 Am Tel It Tel.... 9714 8 'Am Woolen 141 62 Am Woolen p!...10l 10 Anglo-Am Coml.. 17 300 Century Steel ... 614 45 Eastern Mfg 33V4 75 Eastern S 8.... 2014 60 Edison M..J50 63 Elder ....-....... 171 Fairbanks ........ 80 5 General Electrlfl. J97 100 Gorton Tew 21 223 Cray 4 65 Int Cot Mills 70 60 Int Port Cement.. 34 300 Int Products 37J4 S LUlby McN L... 2S14 20 Loews Theatre.... 1014 S7Masa Gas 74H 10 Mass Gas pf tils 5McElwaln 1st pf..lOO 5 Mcrtcntkalcr 133 10 Mexican Inr ...... 49 894 Nat Leather 17 ISHK Tel & Tel.... SS ll1 Parish 4314 45Paclc Mills .....171 190 l'nnta Sugar 014 3 Plant pt ex car... 65 Root , 3T3 Sl'awmut S S. 20W Sl.iims Mar ... lOSte -art ........ IN Swift .' Co...., .281 Swift Internal. D Torrlnston I r, -1r. ' 1 K:i 1C9 Unit Drut lit pt. -?4 30 nsii 98 148 101 17 7 m 2014 152 84 80 167 , 23 43 70 284 1014 7414 63 ioo 131 48 6IU , . 23 . 11 . 49 .131 174 9114 9614 C24 2914 1814 46 V 1". 90 6i S3 30 U714 9714 143 104 17 6H 3214 20H 160 '34 78 167 23 4414 70 24 39 as 1014 71 ei'.i ioo 131 49 16T4 SS 4314 174 SSH 95)4 61H 29 18 49 131 71 1" wis DO S 82 30 11314 97)4 148 101 17 7 33 tt 161 31 73 167 23 4414 70 21 37 3814 1014 71 63 100 133 48 17 ssH 4314 171 88H 86 14 48 131 67 71 115 i-'H S3 United Fruit 133 191 133 103 138 United Shoe 4711 47tt 47 47V 1S7 United Shoo pf... 2314 2."?l 25"S 1554 110 II S Steel lSi IWi 105 106 13'i 131 YM 134 19(4 13Ji 13H "li ssn aSj :sii ss ...... r3',i ar, zi'.s j;ta BOIJS. 22000 Am Tel tc Tel Es. !)9U ml ti 93 1000 Pond Crock 6s.... 9214 33H 0214 92(4 2000 Swift 6a 9214 9214 9214 3214 W Western T ft T 5s 83 83 IZ S3 CC0 Ventura 310 Waldorf ., C23.Wa! thorn 23 Walworth DOSTON'CURD CLOSING. Did. Ask Black Ilwk. 1 1A Bohemia ... 1I licrs & Mon. 72 74 Calaveras .. .. Hi UhrtnD on .. l s Chief Cons.. 6 6H Coni Cop..,, 4?i 5U Crown Res. 31 60 Denbigh ... 33 40 Eagle B B.. 2r :H, I'Orluna .... I 3 Gadsden ... 1T4 3 Iloma 17 18 Houghton .. ,70 1 Iron Bios... 25 25 Iron Csn.... 11 14 kler Verde. .WC0 70 LA ItOie.... 30 M Malestle ... 17 33 fun paid. ! Bid. Ask. M Metals. 4 8 Midway M.. 68 Jloj Tung... 15 Monarch .... 95 Nat L & Z.. 5 Nev Doug... 11 New Baltic. 314 Nixon 20 Onondaga .. 9) Plhrrlm .... 33 Pioneer 90 Ranger ret. .. Ranlcr SO Seven Met.. 23 S W Miaml.'4 Texsna SS. u Verdo Ext 4PI Yukon 70 71 13 93 8 17 4 2J 42' H4 95 95 28 414 42 43 1 Sales. 215 A Pick CHICAGO. Open. High, Low. Last 43 4 45 45 23 A TVr,ltr C nf. 93 95 t5 95 370o Armour pf .'.113 11214' 111(4 UltJ 75 Riiiue ............ C3 C3 C814 CSv 25Slooth Fish 1354 13H 13i i r.ooui r im pi t n n 155 Butler Bros 093 394 J9254 25Bunta Bros 11 14U H, llli 600 Chi C & C Rys Pf 9(4 W !'.5 9 95 Chi Kiev Rys pf. 6, 6 6 600 Chi Pneu T rts... H (4 V, K 60 Comwlth Edlson..l074 107H l07Vj 10714 SlOConUnental Mot.. ISM 13H 184 1314 20 Great Lakes.. ..i.. 95 95 95 93 665 Oodchaux 60 C0(J 60 6014 1C0 Holland St Louis. 1714 "Vi 1714 114 623 Hupp T4 1SH 1574 65Dllnrtman m . . ira 325 J I Caso Plow.... 224 10 J I Case 2d pf.... 9SV4 600 Ltbby 23 10 Lindsay Light..!.. S , 440 Mont Ward ,i,. S3 1550 Nat Leather 17 SO Roo Motor 2714 26 Itnmihtle Truck... 62 30 Quakor Oats ptd.. 93H 9114 9S(S 4:3 Sears 19000 Stew Warner...... 43 100 Stew Mtir 49 628 Swift A Co 131 1300 Swift Intl 67 son Union Carblda.... 76 25 Thompson 4S'i 4SH 48' 415 Wahl 41 41U 44 630 Western Knitting-. 34 2414 234 23 28 Wrigley ;1V4 1 81(4 SlS x BONDS. 14000 Armour Cs 192O...110S 1104 1104 1104 PinLADELPirlA. Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. Am Gas 61 61 61 61 767 Am Stores 40(4 894 40(4 394 IS Brill CO 60 SO 10 361 Elec Ktoragn 1331! 133(4 13214 13314 100 Genersl Asrhalt..U4l 114V4 U4( 114(4 6 Glanv PortCement 6(4 6(4 6 5 to (tiant f u pia.... is 35 ins CO w A... 100 Keystone Tel.., 700 Lako Superior, 10 Lehigh Nav..., ?s Ijihlirh Vallmr.. 100 Mldvale 43(4 4914 43(4 49(4 763 Pa 42(4 42(4 42 42 60 Ptmna Salt Mfg... 78 79(4 78 76(4 185 Phlla Eico 2514 V4 H 25(4 zw i nua n is wis....un ua 115 us 22(4 2211 22U 93(4 95(4 9S S84 284 8 8 8 so ss say, 17(4 164 ,164 27(i 27 '27 63 62 62 9814 225 414 46 IK 66(4 74 48H 44 45 43 43 49 133 131 67 S6U i 73 74' iv is 13 as sift 33'4 12 12 12 12 20(1 20(4 20(4 20(4 94 64 CI Ct 615 Phlla Rap Tract. 27 83 Phlla Trac 60 lllTono Belmont.... 3 3 36 Tono Mining 2 24 60 Union Trac 34 38 830 United Oas Imp.. ts 63 BONDS, tscoo Am Oas Elec is., to M 37 27K 65 3000 Elee A- Peo 4s 65 feOO L S Income 6s. 1000 Phlla Eloe 1st 6s.. 2WJ P.t Cons 4s...i.. Reading gen 4s... 5C00 United Ry inv 3. 90 60(4 91 8 734 65 90 90 61 80 734 C5 Wi M 91 SO 734 C3 90 W 91 80 73!i PITTSnURG. Sales. Open. 15 Am Tit Trodiicts.. 15 9S60 Ark Nat Ga 33 145 Barnsdall Corp ... 43 75 Oarho Hydrogen.. VA. 330 Carbo Hrdro pf... 4 3375 Guffey GUlesple... 3414 150 Independent Bwg.. 3 70 Ind Bwg pf 9 85 Lone Star Gas.... 3.1 2070 Marland Ref a 105 Mfrs Lt A neat.. 574 50 Nat Fireproof .... 8 291 Ohio Fuel Oil 27 64 Ohio Feel Supply. 434 1187 Oklahoma Gas ...S3 100 Pitts Coal 61 600 Pitts Jerome 20 1ft) Pitts Oil h Gas... 14 63 Pitts riate Glits.163 150 Riverside Eaut Oil 24 90 Transcoiitl Oil.... 21 45 Westing Air B....118 SO Wcstlnghousa Elec 524 BONDS. 1000 PlttJ Bwg 6s 75(4 BALTIMORE. High. Low. Last. 15 15(4 15 S3 31 31(4 45 43 45 24 S 2 4 4 4 344 334 31 3 24 24 8 8 8 33 33 6 6 674 t7 5714 8V4 8(4 8(4 29 27 29 4914 - 49 31 38 38 61 61 CI 20 M 20 14 li 11 161 163 164 3 24 24 25 34 25 117 110 117 I3H 53 62 75(4 75U 75(4 NEW ISSUE ' Steiner Oil Corporation BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT R. L. Steiner (hot been engaged lit thd producing, refining, trmhsporUtlon, buying and telling of petroleum and Its product! for the past twenty yean). YICE-PRES. Arthur Batty (until recently aaocIated with Meters. Hnlsey, Stuart & Co,, Inc., Investment Bankert, New York City). viCE-rncs. J. E. Forrest (formerly Ceneral Man aeor for Pierce Oil Corporation 6f Prop erties in Texas and Louisiana). treasurer Herbert D. Ardrey (Vice-President ' American Exchange National Bank, Dallas, Texan). SECRETARY M. G. Eitclman (formerly Assistant General Manager for Pierce Oil Corpo ration of properties in Taxus and Louisi ana). DntECTOR Dr. J. E. Butler (ono of tho largest foe owners in RanRor Field, Tchcas). director Albert M. Chambers (Director Missis sippi Valley Railway & Powor Co.). DIRECTOR Walter M. De Laplanto (of A. L. Cham bers & Co., Incorporated, Buffalo, N.Y.). DntECTOR ' Raymond P. Fowler (of A. L. Chambers & Co., Incorporated, Buffalo, N. Y.). DIRECTOR Edward Moyte (retired, New York Qty). DlREOTon Alexander F. Weltberg (of Thompson, Knight, Baker & Harris, Attorneys, Dallas). lmmbms INVESTMENT BANKERS 37 Liberty Street, N. Y. C. Telephone John 3116. aCiQ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. Continued from Preceding Pago, Sales. Open. Hich. Low. no iialto TUDft 60 60 CO 177 Comm Credit pf .. 24(4 24 24 "S3 .Cent Terosa pf... 131: :9 n 320 Cordon 914 9 9 675 Celostlno 3.05 3.05 3 100 Citlacns Bank ... 43 43 43 40 Cons Power 102 103 103 28 Cons Coal 82 82 S3 10 Davison Chrm ., S3 33 35 10 Houston Oil pt.. 93 93 3 20O Indlahoma rts .. 23c 35o 25c 30 lira- A M let Nat 30 ' 30 30 5 Jtononeahela Val.. 174 "H 174 23 Maryland Oas, ...100 100 99 311 Maryland Oas rta 20 20 20 27 Pa Water 81 81 81 370 United Ity 14 11 11 EU,S Fidelity ....139 130 139 BONDS. 320O0 Cons Power 4s.. SO SO SO 1000 Cons Obs 4s.... 94 99 95 2000 United Ry Iuo 4s 47 47 47 1000 United Rr 1st 4s 6S 63 68 Last. to 2P.i 10 9 3 43 103 S3 85 93 25c 30 174 99 20 81 14 130 SO 96 47 63 SAN FRANCISCO 31IMNO STOCKS. DIVIDE. Hid. Ask. Allied Dlv.. 2 Alto Dir.... 8 Annex Dir. 3 Belcher Dlv 20 Belcher Ext S3 llroucher .. 32 Divide 3.50 3.80 Dlv Cons.... 5 6 Dlv Ext 90 92 East Dir.... 3 6 Cold Zone.. 33 35 Hasb Tono. 20 22 icnnesey. 3 5 Ilorioahoe... 3 5 Junior Knox 13 McN Cres... 28 Mrra 10 Reno 3 Revert 23 Rosctta 6 Royal 3 iTogjery .... S Silver ICJcf. 7 Syndicate. ... 3 Vcrdl 15 Victory 15 Bid. Ask. 4 Cash Boy., TONQPA1I. 8 Mon Con..., 10 Jlnt Boiler. 21 23 'Noruf atar.. 7 15 30 12 6 6 4 6 S 4 IS 13 15 McNttnara. Midway .... 24 Mlapah Ex. 6 so Rescue 23 11 23 iTono Ext.... 2.SO 2.5J S I West End.... 2.05 2.11 GOLDFIELD. (-Closing.-, Dir. Did. Askf to S. galea. 641 66 6T 200 78 79 7 900 71 72 5 400 48 46 4 4700 9 94 60c 4600 6 94 .. 600 131 140?, C 100 3C 37 .. 1400 68 CO S 200 75 76 4 100 67 67 6 100 37 --38 1 200 SS SS-?i C 40G00 SIM S7 6 3100 41 42 8 2400, 304 324 .. 400 36 ' 37 .. 300 29 29 Vi, .. 9000 60 61 .. 100 C5 66 6 100 39 39 3 3500 69 694 .. 26000 106 107 8 100 19 15 .. 5400 94 94 8 700 61 G2 6 500 284 2894 1100 23 24 1 400 95 96 8 700 114 115 8 100 8S 90 6 3500 36 07 8 200 21 214 2 400 75 75 4 4400 34 36 2 200 84 86 .. 500 44 45 .. ' 1000 61 64 .. 100 107 10894 6 46000 0900 10? 104 7 100 102 103 8.70 32000 16 1G'4 1 1300 17 17"4 .. 2700 73 75 6 100 19 19 .. 11000 7 7 .. 100 225 230 8 100 80?4 81 .. 27900 42 42 .. 44200 73 73 6 1100 99 99T6 6 13500 21 21 .. 11C0 544 65 5 200 71 72 4 1400 102 103 7 40400 101 101 7 100 115 130 5 1100 46 47 3 100 11 11 .. 1000 197 198 10 7800 100 71J0 36 37 .. 3600 13 14 .. 100 8 400 90 9094 0 16100 102 104 7" SCO 24 25 .. 32900 599a 60 6 2700 31 35 .. 9000 121 122 10 1200 67 68 4 100 49 60 -4 1200 143 145 7 300 61 53 1 3 200 192 193 10 800 11 12 .. 100 25 26 .. 200 85 85 3 13300 70 71 2 2000 105 106 8 8300 62 63 .. 8600 125 125 8 12400 113 114 8 100 70 71 6 100 10494 104 T4 5 49200 115 115 7 400 70 77 6 700 51 51 .. 1700 65 66 4 400 7 8 .. 1800 22 23 400 52 63 .. 100 10 H 400 23 24 .. 200 80 87 7 100 117 118 7 200 02 52 4 1100 11 12 .. 2700 17 19 .. 400 5994 60 4 2300 29 29 1 CGOO 75 76 5 300 SO 90 .. 6700 70 73 C 200i Odd lots. North American Co.. Northern Pacific... Nova Scotia S & C... Ohio, a tics Oas Oklahoma Prod & Ref... Ontario, Silver Mining. Otis Elevator Otis Steel Owens Bottlo Co Pacific Development.. Pacific Gas Ss Electric Pacific Mnll. Pan-Am Petrol & T. . . Pan-Ain Petrol & T B Pennsylvania IX IX., Pcnn Seaboard Steel.. Peoples Gas, Chicago. Pens Marquette Pero Marquotto pf, Pcro Marquette prior pf. Philadelphia Co Plerce-Arrow Motor...., Plerce-Arrow Motor pf., Pierce Oil Corp , Pierce Oil Corp pf Pittsburg Coal of Pa..., Pittsburg" & West Va..., Pond Creek Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Co , Punta Alecrre Sugar , Uallway Steel Sprinsr..., Ray Consol Cop , Reading , Heading zd pf Remington Typewriter. , Reploglo Steel , Republic Motor Truck.. Republic Iron & Steel..., Republic I & S rts cash, Republic Iron & Steel pf Royal Dtltch Co N Y..., St Joseph Lead St Louis & San Fran... Savage Arms Corp Saxon Motor Seaboard Air Lino Soars-Roebuck Co Shell Tran3 & Trading... Sinclair Consol Oil Sloss-Slioffleltl S & I.... Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway pf.... Stromberg carburetor .. Studebakcr Corp Studebaker Corp pf Stutz Motor Superior Steel Corp .... Tenn Copper & Clicm... Texas Co Texas Co 30 p c paid.... Texas & Pacific Third Avenue Tido Water Oil rts... Tobacco Products . . . Tobacco Products pf . Transcontinental OH Union OU Union Pacific Union Pacific pf United Alloy Steel United Drug Co United Drug Co 1st pf . . United Fruit Co United Ry Investment . United Ry Investment r. United Retail Stores ... U S Food Prod Corp.... U S Industrial Alcohol. . U S Realty & Imp U S Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf U S Smelting, R & M... U S Steel U S Steel pf Utah Copper Vanadium Corn Va-Caro Chemical Wabash Wabash pf A Wells Fargo Express .. . Western Maryland Western Pacific Western Union Tel Westinghouso Air Brake. Wcstlnghouso IS & M., Whcclinsf & Lake Erie WlfpnllnB- Iako Erlo pf White Motor Willys-Overland Wilson & Co Worthington Pump-.... Worthlngton Pump pf B lOpeo-1 Ulsti. I Low Clot- Nrt 1 lnr. I est ast tat. Chants, 65l 65) 65 I E5 I T7 78 79 78 78 71 71 71 71 2 47 47 46 46 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 132 132 132 132 9i 87 37 36 86 74 CO CO 60 60 76 76 76 76 1 67 67 67 57 37 37 87 37 96 96 88 88 S 92 93 874 87L 6 42 42 41 41 80 30 80 30 1 869a 36 36 36 1 28 29 .28 29 60 60 60 60 66T4 66 66 06 40 40 39 39 72 72 69 C9 34 106 106 106 10G 19 19 18 19 94 94 94 94 6194 62 61 6194 28 26 28 28 24 24 24 21 1 97 97 96 96 2 114 114 114 114 90 90 88 88 2 07 97 9C 90 1 2154 21 21 21 75 7694 74 75 35 35 35 35 86 86 84 . 85 1 45 45 45 45 51 51 51 51 112 112 107 107 4 1' 1 i 104 10494 104 104 2 106 106 102 102 494 16 16 16 16 17 189a 17 IS 73 73 73 73 20 20 18 19 7 7 7 7 223 225 225 225 1 . 86 87 80 80 7 . 48 43 41 42 1 74 74 73 73 Hi f 99 101 99 99 21 22 21 21 64 55 54 55 9, 75 75 73 72 3 105 103 102 103 3 101 101 101 101 11S,125 116 125 6 46 46 46 46 1194 119a 11 11 200 200 195 197 1 , 187 187 187 187 2 1 18794 190 187 188 1 36 38 35 36 1 14 14 14 14 , 22 23 22 23 93 93 90 90 1 103 104 103 104 25 25 21 25 1 I 61 61 69 59 1 35 35 33 31 121 123 121 12194 9i 67 67 67 67 94 50 50 4994 4994 Vi , 144 144 143 143 51 51 61 61 , 193 193 191 192 2 11 11 11 11 ! 2594 2594 2594 25 , 88 8894 S5 85 3 71 71 70 70 1 106 108 105 105 2 64 64 52 52 1 128 128 125 125 3 114 114 114 114 71 -71 71 71 ' 10594 105 104 104 lVt 115 115 115 116 76 7694 75 75 1 53 53 51 51 1 66 66 65 65 H 7 7 7 7 ?a 22 23 22 23 63 53 53 63 10 11 10 11 24 24 24 24 87 87 S7 87 117 117 117 117 1 5291 6294 52 52 9$ 11 11 11 11 .. I 17U 17U 17 17 1 61 61 69 59 2 2994 2 9 29 29 75 75 73 75 1 93 94 9 3 S3 89 2 70 71 70 71 . 427 12 27 117 444 :p, Low. 64 13"i 427 12'J :6";i 117 41 :!. Atlanta .... 2 Rooth 4 O O D 3 Comb rrac. 3 Cracker! ack. 3 Florence O. 80 cold cons.. 13 Jo. nuns, 73,037; average, 45,60, shipments. 43.681. Average, lt.455. , Amparo, .... 1.70 Arts United 16 Eden .(.,... .. Mayflower... 2 Not Hills... 2 Nor Wond.. IS Bound ill., J4j 3 Great Bend. 1 6 Jumbo Ext.. 7 3 Kewacao ... 2 6 Lone Star... 2 6 Red Ilillr P. 3 silver Pick.. 3 15 Sccarhead... 4 MISCELLANEOUS. Roch Mines. IS San Tot..... 7 Tecopa 10 un Amur... ., wnite cars, s W Cans xt 1 Yerlciton.. 1 40 3 3 20 40 S 3 5 4 4 i 23 15 1 2 fi DETROIT. Sale-- . ODenIllfh. 11M cnarcoai srui v. ...a, Vnt.. 12'i 1ST4 30 Ford of Canada. .427 ioo Mlchlean SUIsr.. It's CM Packard Mot Car. 27 25 Parke Davis Co.. 117 W Pal ire Detroit M.. JIS vn Ren Motor Car... 2i MONTREAL CLOSING, r.ld. Ask. I Rid- 134 -. Cement ..... it Ames Pt.-U! 1 pi.. Asbestos ...... z,.zzi":,r;:-y,i,i fiU..S5:.-ir S3 asm K. 16 nromuton.. 83 8314 Span R PI..11714 rsHr...,. s 63 Steel ot Can 81 cS'piiM .. Hiordftii P...1S3 ran Loco... 93 103 LnurennMe. 263 cSS smelt SO 30 -Montreal P.. M Can 8 a.... 78 7i Quebec fflaj Can H f P'. -- TORONTO CLOSING. COBALT. Bid. 40 (3 3.10 13.50 3 4 . s . 63 , to Adanac Bailey ... Beaver C llnff.l1 Chamh Fcr. 11 Conlatas .; 3.00 Crown Res. 44 Porter 3 Gilford 3 flt Horth.... 3 Harrranre... 3 Hudson Bay GO Bid. Ask. 6 6 70 70 IS 3.35 47 La koso MCK-D-S.... 11 In n nf n Nlnl.ums.. nnM," Peterson L. 4 nirtit of W 2 Silver Leaf 4 ITcmitkam... 4 Trethewey... m iweiuauier.. PORCUriNE. MoIntTTfl Monet a v... JWV - Pore Crown. Pore Imp.... iPore "ilsdale 'Preston E D 49 45 3 3 15 78 34 13 Ape ' Baldwin ... 13 Davidson ,. 74 Dome Ext.. 33 nui. T .lU a is TVim. M 11 TK 11.00 ......... st 1 1X ... 'i ... -... ..a . --" - (told set I., a t sennmaentr. llclllnier C..n 7,roro- TiT T 2.00 18 11 23 1 1 23 3 Lrnt. 6i 1J54 427 12S 26 117 41 16 Ask. 72 77 116 K4 138 814 18214 270 nr. 30 127 Ask. 4.75 60 70 3,20 12.00 4 24 50 61 4 2.1! 18 15 23 4H 3 Inspiration.. 3 5 IThomp Krlst t Kcora 19 20Wett Dome, i KIRKLAND LAKE. Elliott 25 IS ILako Shore. 1.23 Klrkland L. 7S 79 Trck Hughes IS MISCELLANEOUS. Boston Crk. 13 25 IWasaplka.... S3 1 a to EQU1TMENT TRUSTS. (Tim followlnc are aaoted on n Dfrcentaire TVs nic. Matnritr.Ilatc. Bid. Baltimore & Ohio 19-27 4 .30 BBlt Rock A ntts... .1939-33 4-5- .W Oanadlsn Northern... 1MO-29 4-6- 6.63 Canadian Pacific 1920-28 4 6 81 Cbeupeake A Ohio.. .1320-27 4 8.35 CM A Northwestern.. 1920-23 4 5.93 CM Rock Isl A Pao.-lSCO 4-5 6 60 Chi St L A N 0 1920-J4 I $.13 CMckastw ruiflnlnc.. 1920-21 6 7i Clere, O C ft St L .1930-29 5-6 6.13 Delawsre A Hudson.. 1923 4 8.00 Erie Railroad 1920-17 44-5 7.00 Illinois Central 1920-27 4-S 6.93 Lonlsrllle A Nsshrlllt.1920-23 5 5 90 Michigan Central 1920-33 5-8 .1D Minneapolis A St L..lX-!7 5-6 7.00 Mo Knnsss A Tersi..l9"-21 5 7.00 Mlrsonrl Pacific 13'2I 5 7 00 3'oMlo t Ohio 193)-" 4-5 6.60 N Y Central Linos... 1920-13 4-5 6.15 N Y Central R R.... 1920-23 4 0 23 Norfolk & Western... 1020-31 4 6 90 N Y N II A II W20-29 4-5-S 7.W Pcnn Oeneral Freltht.t"C0-23 4-4 5.90 Rcadlnr Co 1930-27 4 I 95 Seahoard Air Line. ..1930-27 4 14-5-6 7.90 Sinclair Reftalnr 19 SO-21 7.00 8onthern Pacific 1930-24 4 6.00 Southern Railway.... .1920-26 4-i .J7 Union Tank USO-SO 5 6.00 basis.) Asleil. 6f I 5.6 6.31 .fi 5. W 6.5t 6 Oil 6.S7 KiT, 5.73 6.85 6.23 6. (0 6.50 6,5 6.23 6.01 6,M 6.00 5S4 6.9J 6.80 6.23 6.50 6.60 ..-, CM 6.73 .IM Pennsylvania Crndo Oil Mnrtet. On, Cur, Jan. 16. Credit balance 2 BBSS-SSI 5 mm ifira"ti1ilMi" IA.-,....-.- ""- y.L