Newspaper Page Text
BiaBLmi7rrT,TrrtWiLUl.i.fg--:LJ.!!!E..l.y-:i, . 11 1 .can mmair;-iMvrf,Tn, itjxi-tti in j u . i.u n u i Jim i - i i . n j-'i ' ,n : v, ",rmgi 'f THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. 3 1M 3 1 ti nt hi o 1 !' J , Oi It! in t ei In ,ct I oil 4 it Jel at ;4 oil m HI id lifi 'mi an! nttl Ju3 con yea tlvi tlai and Ha feel; a rcotf nu wlili t trlti iJtri daii 'of n PUtU Intel hcti , serf , n,! V"- D;itl kit run ( I or u Lterdi 1erol hf y - Ine i 'V lakoi Felg ml: r 1I CURB ISSUES HAVE WEAK TONE STILL Dealings Aro on a Considerably less Active Scale Inde pendent Oils Lively. ! 1 With dealings on a considerably lesi nctlvo scale prices (or leading curb Btockn again displayed a weak tono yes terdny., The opening was steady, but when supporting orders were taken caro or a weak tono was evident once more. With a, few exceptions no wide fluctuations were recorded as In recent previous sessions. Heaviest activity again occurred In the Independent oils, In sympathy with weakness on the Stock Kxchanso In their parent com. cany Mlddlo States Oil. Dominion Oil nnd Texas Chief sold to now low records on heavy trading, but rallied sutistan t tally before the close. Slmms Potro leum moved In a narrow manner, while White. Oil and OIIMand lost about two points, Mctex Oil. which was Intro- duced a few days ngo, however, was In good demand nnd sold to n now high. General Asphalt weakened In the af ternoon nnd fell about seven points. General Motors was weak, but llttlo change of Importance was 'noted In the other Industrials. Initial trading started In American Foreign Trading, Western States rlghtB and Tobacco Products rliihts. Mining stocks were dull, but there! was a good demand for Prince Consolidated, which changed hands at its high record price. Honda wcro moro actlvo but Irregu lar. Total sales and range of prices fol low: INDUSTRIALS. Bile". High. tow. Lai I. Chgc, ft 1200 Acme Coal li Hi 1250 Aetna Emloi .... tt S 1604 Am Foretell Trad. 1CH IS ' 2100 Aro Marconi ...... E 4(00 Am Safely Razor. lS'i 104 Auitln Nichols ... 17 200 Austin Nichols, pt 92U 100 Atlantic Fruit ,..,34 f200 British Am Chem. tli 1100 llr Am Tob reg... 28 8W0 llr Am Tob Coup.. 28 100 Bucjru 20 COO Car Light 234 250 Central Agulrre...lM 1)00 Columbia Emerald 20 100 Davies Win A -19 100 Edmund ft Jones. .33 20 Farrell Oil 44 MOO General AiptU...U7 tOO Cni Tractors 3 1300 General Motors... 32 M0 tirnpo Ola 1'i SCr) Grape Ola pf 1 IC0O Hupp Motors It 300 Imperial Tobacco. 121$ 200 Indian Packing... mi 100 Inter Rubber 14Vi SfoKsy Co Cos 2J, fOO Mout Ward fo..i. 39 1800 Nor Ajii Paper.... S K00 Perfection Tire... t TOO Radio IV, MOItadlo pf 3i 100 Itepettl ., 3 CO It Kflsa .I J7 tSOO Rcpub Tiro Kub. 64 100 Hoot Vanderrort. EJ (W Splcer Mff,, 110 too Splcer Mfg- pf,...113U 100 Stand O & K 2C4 MO Stanwood Itub .. 17!i 3700 Sub Boat 16 100 Sweeta Co 9 100 Tcmptor Corn... 4S 270O Tob Prod rt vr I 9 1100 Trlnniln Film ... i COO Uiold Tiro 100 U B Dlatributlur. tl 1100 U S HUb Spd Tl 31 1400 U S Trana 114 2200 U S Steam 3H 2200 United Plct Prod u CMOUnl Proflt Shar.. 2fi 1DO0 United Ret Candy 17 X200 Vanailium rls .... 2 900 vvajrne Coal 5 100 Wills Iltnaa Can 29"i STANDARD OlLs. 10 Stand Oil of Cal.,320 320 M Stand Oil or N J.773 7 20 Stand Oil of N Y.4 445 10 Vacuum Gas 427 427 INDEPENDENT OILS. 1400 Alliance . ...1 11 1CH 780OO Allied Oil ; U 1W0 Amal liojaltr ?i h m Aiiociated Oil.... 2 1100 Anno Belle 1 70 170) Bella Pete , 2U 4490 Boone Oil (,', COO Bocton Mexico ... t. 1W Brazoa Oil 21 15W Burknett Van C. 2'4 2600 Carlb Syndicaf.. 44 1700 Cidea Serv B ctfa 43ii 42V ioo riuei scrv 'U pi, v i',4 Ml 31 8U 27U If 2?i 9! II 49 33 47 111 : 3m u. 1H li lS'i m m JH KV4 Vt 3i ii 3i S 25 4?i 52 110 113U 17i 4S 7 4 CI so 11 if" 24 KH i"i 45 2!i 1V( 15 31 915 U 2d 37 0 2H 93!i 19 49 31 47 113 3 311i l'i W, in; 12r 1714 llli 2U S e 4 STi 3?i S ' 17 -tti 12 ntf 113'J 26H -H -,i H U U 2000 Nevada OphJr, tw rtipiHinr 1 1000 Nortli Star 200 Ophlr Sllrer, 3 too Prince Cona COO Rand Minn 1 40 2000 Rex Cona f 10 4500 Rocbeiter Ml f IS 8000 Roper Group C-lt 1000 San Toy t H 400 Seneca Copperj... Vi CC0) Silr Kins- nf Arli.13-16 3000 Sllv Klnr Dlv.,..t 3 soo so Am i' 4 a.,,. 1M0 Stand Sllv Lead.. 1000 Sutherland Dir..f moo Hucren Mln ....t SOOOToiiop Dolmont,,. lOOlTonon Cnhbojrt 131 13 II 1 1114 UK ItH .. t vi m .. tr 14 Hi lti .. 9i 10 ,. 17 II .. Ml H .. 6H Vi .. in; nil .. 5 -Ml 7 1-1 jh m -ti WOOL MARKET, Boston, Jttn. 16. The Commercial BulltUn to-morrow will says! "There hns boen a demand for all wool grades except thoao below quarter bloods this week, and the apeclal featuro has been tha Incrtfased demand for quarter and three-eighths grades. Prices are gen ernlly firm. Llttlo contracting Is re portod from tho West. Tho manufac turing situation Is strong, with no new developments." Ohio and Pennavlvnnla lriinrrH delaine, washed, '100Q102 i delaine, tin 2800 Tonop Divide.... 394 314 114 H "?'""'. jvasncd, '100102 ! delaine, Un- toooTonop Kxt ,.. U-ll S ci;5 3-19 w(nshed, $2 94. ; fine, unwashed, 70te72 i J25 J0""" 3l!V, "'lU i? H !"" 'Wood, combing, 85; three-elghths 4800 Tonon Mldwar..t 23.. .. -1 . blood, comblnir. tfOVl fV) Tonop Mln 2S 2C-1I IMI -MS II 10 13 2 f4 17 i!" 4 tl -1 -l 18 3 11 .. WW 1 n COOOTono Mlznah t 11 10 11 10(10 Tono Montana... 12 13 13 6000 Tono Ilea Kula.f 27 2 27 1M0 United naatern.... 4 314 4 2!00rtrh Mrtala 3t4 MOO ITnlteil YMiu 114 100.11 viclorr f 1 rw " csi ram u, 1000 Willi Cans .. lCdO Wblto Cap Kit, um invert .. 105) Verrinxton BONDS. JlflVfl Allied Parlcrra (a. (5Vi .MH IOI Wl VI lO'M Bslli RlMl 7 21..Wm 101U 20 rrpf Ht L 6s.. H 87H I7U - fWO Copenhotcn 11 5H M 82H 821J u vm Cuban Cane 7..,.1W 100 100 .. MOOOConwl Ob 71....10H5 1MV4 W1V4 1H TOM Inetrboro n.T 7i. 7.I i 73 73 i ITivo liixdlan Gor 6Ma.. 27 21 20 20KitIm Gov 31S8.... 91 91 ' 111 IftfO Kveillali Gov 6a.. W 1 93 93 Old lota. tSlla rente a Bliare. 83 17 ioiv4 r5 METAL MARKET. Lead. Ne-v York Rnelter, N. Y. apot. .. pe tcr. prime west, not 9.20 Spelter, prime Weil, Jan. 16. Eld. Asked, 9.60 Jan. 13. Bid. Aiktd. 8.6214 .... .... 9.60 9.30 9.174 9.27H I'.ibrunry Kleetro cop, E'eelro cod. Aluminum . Quicksilver Antimony . j' annum, a Plr Iron. No. loundrr .. Pic Iron, No coo Pie Iron, plain sili con , Pitta, Beaa Iron.,,,, Pitts, Boss billets... 9.:o apot Feb 32.0 J .t..t..t.,lV.W n ounce . 1 X "im- ' 9.20 10.75 19.7S 33. (lO 39100 1135.00 46.89 45.03 43.80 39.00 41.00 9.17H 9.27(4 19.25 19.73 19.37H .... 22.00 3X00 .... 193.00 10.12K 10.3714 .... sua.w .... 43.80 41.30 37.00 48.00 blood, comblnir. (ID 47 71 Michigan nnd New York Fleeces Kino unwashed, 67O08: dolalho, unwashed, S700 : half blood, unwaflhed, 80082; three-eighths blood, unvvnshed, 685PG9. Wisconsin, Missouri and Average New Knglnnd Half blood. 72078: throe- eighths blocd, 65087; quarter blood, Virginia, Kentucky nnd plmllarHnlf blood, unwashed, 85088; threo-elghths blood, unwashed, 72073. I SCOUnBD BASIS. Texas Fine twelve months, 1500195; fine right months, 1000170. California Northern, 1SO01S5; mid dle county, 1700175; southern, 159 1C0, Oregon Eastern, No. 1 staplo, 1950 200; eastern, clothing, 1700175; valley, No. 1, 1750180. Territory Fine staple. 1950205; iuiit j blood, combing. 18O01S5: three-eighths o:oou, comuing, 13UWH0; lino, doming, 1.U017&; line, medium clothing, 1600 170. Pulled Extra, 1900193; AA. 1800 190; A super, 1650170. Mohairs, Best combings, 60065; best cardings, 55060. COTTON MARKET IS STEADY AT CLOSING At Finish Prices Show Not Do clino of 80 to 5fi Points nnd Spots Unchanged. COURT CALENDARS PRODUCE MARKET. OLD METALS. Dealtra' builnr prlote are aa follomi Conprr Cents a pooad. iienvy ana craciDie l7.7iOl8.2l Htarjr and trlre , 17 0O917.CO U;ht and bottoms 13!Wn5.W HcavT and machlnerr comn 16.00016.60 Ilroti, heavy 10.25810.5O Ilrai light a , 3 60OI9.O0 No 1 clean brass turnings 10.0019.2S No 1 co-.nn turnlnrs 1.1.75HH.25 Iad, hrarjr 6 750 7.00 Teal lead , : 6.75 6.00 Zino scrap , 5.00 6.23 LONDON METAL MAKKETS. LONDON. Jan. 13. Followlnc am tha cloning metal quotations: ' 1 a. it. manges. CODDor. mot 117 15 O off U Cooper, futures 120 0 0 oil (3 salea Spot, 25 tons; futures, 1,800 tons. ElKCtro cop, spot..., 123 0 0 off U Electro coo. futures. 124 0 0 off fi Tin. snot 376 10 0 un f j kin. .uiuin ., 411 1 o up 14 lis OU Straights 373 0 0 up 15 10s auioi opoi, m tons; iutures, 8.0 tons. Lead, snot Load, futures Spelter, spot t Spolters, futures ... 47 47 63 15 60 10 IS 6 up 0 up 0 UP 0 Up 2a CI 2s Cd 10s LIVE STOCK MARKET. 15H H 48 7 4 tl 81 114 34 15V5 2H 16M 4!i 320 765 443 127 lCVi n ?s 2'i 61i 21 40V4 ' 41V4 Us 69 SH 6 2'i 21 42 7!i 9H i 9 itt :i .4 1 1404 Coiden & Co SV 9 Cushlne Pete .... 2!t 2J4 800 Dominion Oil .... 2Jl'j 23 100 Dnuesne y 9 1520 Knjineera Tet ... lii 1'i 1600 Ertel Oil 2H 2 1200 Esmeralda Oil..., l l IR00 Federal Oil Si ty, COOFensland 7 6U 8800 Gllllland Oil .... 49 4Vj 46 00 Gllllland Oil pf..,101 100 HH jtw bienrooc uu .... 3 3 si aww uuucj uiuospie... ai; 400 Home Oil 6 COO Home Pet t 30 10O Houston Oil 133 1400 Hudson Oil Ti 300 Int Petrol 60 3000 Inrinrible SiV, 2000 Island Oil 4000 Ktnj Pet 1 SWO Llrlngston 3 15800 Magna Oil 7?i 1600 Manhattan Oil.... Si 300 Marshall Oil 13 400 Marcalbo Oil Y-Vi 100 Merrltt Oil 20 2409 Metropolitan Pet. iV, 3300 Metex Oil 1 630 Midwest Rel 163 14200 Mexico Oil 4 123 New Eng Fuel.... SO 100 North Am Oil.... 45i 1000 Osago Nation 4 Iwj uumuirce uu 1 C00Om3r Oil 100 Panhandle pi ... C0 Phillips Pet SOD Producer 4 Ref. Itepubllc Oil .... am ilea kock oil COO Rickard Texas., 301 89 33 9U 2H li Hi 4 I Rran Oil 1200 Salt Creek Prod., 60 coo Salt Creek Cons.. 21 -l.W Seaboard O O.. 3 300 Sequoyah Oil W 12500 Shmna Pet tl'i 105OO Slmms Pet rts.... 2H 3200 Skellr Oil 12i 100 Southern States.. 1U soo Snencer Pet 19 l"St(mt") Oil !i 600 Superior 16 4300 Texas Ranger 1 . 400 Texas Chief 41VS SIM Texas Co w 1 62 !65iTexon Oil i 10209 Thramnn Oil 2H 2100 Tropical Oil 204 23 United Tex Oil... 1 COO Victoria Oil new. m foo Vnlcan Oil 8'i 650 Wetern Stites rts i 14100 White Oil 39 100 White Easle 23 SOO Woodbum "4 1100) Wjomlng Con....t 41) MINING. fW Alas-fir Col lSSMAuer Tin & T.... ,"t 2500 Amer Honduras... iVi :m American Mines. 1 I,V 100 Arizona Sllrcr 6 icon Allsnta t 3 COCO Deleter DlTlde...t 23 tSlOO Ilelcher Ext. t 41 3700 Illf Ledge 14 lPrti l'.ooth t Hi MOWoston ' Mon....t 74 3O00 Caled Mill f 40 lSCOf Calomel & Jerome U , 1700 Canada Copper... 1,V ' MOO Candelaris Mln... l TOO Carson Hill 3 200 Cons Cap Mln 4ft 200 Con Virginia 8 POO Crwon Cold 2H 14W) Crescent McN....t 31 ' 19100 Illthle Kxt 1 2100 Eureka Croesus... 1(1 W 49 Mlnlnj 1, 1S00 rortsna Cons ...t 30 ISM Rnldeti (late Exp. 114 W fiold Cnns t 11 6.VM Hold Dvel lO'.J 1300 fJoldlleld nnr....- 23 JJWO flotd Kewana ...f 3'i WX Hold,- Merger ....f 3'i L.Wd noli Kllrer Tlcli.t 3 MTO flold Zone t 23 1Q (Ircat Ilend t 3 410OHoe Sound 4i 204 Iron nioMora ... f, 400 Jumbo Extrntlonf ( 300 Kejatone Utah.... IK COO Knox Dlrldo ....t 13 ....t 61 ,...t 77 .... 23 .... IK .... (0 .....7 73 33 ois 30 133 !! 33 CK 2S J 37 12 23 20 31. 4H 169 4" 79 4i IS 1 a r 9H in in Hi 4 474 20Vi 44 7-13 49 2 llli m 13Ti S 1C!4 41 tow 1 1H 191-i l'i i" 'i 37i 23 1A 4i 20 39 73 a A H 3 i'i 28 Is 1U Hi 30 Hi II 10 30 I 3 34 3 4 Hi II H 4 73 23 33ti 5V4 30 133 V, C714 34 STi 2i -1 2 -1 -A i u -Vi 4 '1 '.i -14 Hi -H - Vi -Hi .. Vi ?t 7Vi -IS 37 13 23 a 3'i w 4 79 1 1 ?8 Vi -1 u IS 89 83 VS itt 11 4 .. 7-16 rM! CO '-1 HTi .. Hi - ti 13 A lSVi Hi 41 61 IK Hi 19' 1. Hi 84 -S J 1 37 i 23 -V4 II . IA 3 20 43 n 40 4n !i 1 111 Hj 20 ,1H 10 30 V4 8 H H !S 1JKEVE8 Receipts, 1,923 head; 27 ara "n rate. r!rs SI"" to n hiul lower: bull! aetiva and firm to a fraction higher; good fat cowa steady to strons;; medium and common cows dull and weak to 25 cents off. The yards were not cleared. Medium to rather good ateera ' sold at tl2.C0O14.C0 per 100 lbn.; common to choice bulls, 37.25012; common to choice cowe, 34910.60. Dressed beef quiet at 13024VSC. per lb. for native sldea. Sales S. Sanders: 21 Virginia ateera, 1.291 lb. average, 114.50; 11 cows, 1,156, $9.75: 2. 920. $7.10; IS, 973. IS. Tobln & Shannon: 21 Kentucky ateers, 1,124, 313.50; 1 bull, 1,360, 810; 3, 1,197, 39.25; 6, 1,163, 19; 2. 953, IS; 19 cows,' 1,044, 310:. 2, 903, 38.30; 10, 910. 87; 9, 368. 16.(0; 4, 990, If, 4. 933. 35.60; 13, 875, 36.33; 21, 901, 13; , 925. I4.7C; . 800. 14.50; 11, 856, 84.25. J. Shamberg & Son: 42 Kentucky steere. 1,273, 14.3S; 13 Ten nbasee. 1.13, 313.30; 22. 1,010. 111.60; 20, 1,036. 312.50; 2 bull. 1.545. 312; 19 cowa, 866. 310.60. McPherson & Co.: 4 bulls, 1,161, 39.28; 4, 1.1SJ, 39; C, various weights, 37.25 U 10 : 9 cows, 86.CO 010.73: 18, 1,057, 19; 19, 903, 36.50; 10, 956, 37.50; 7. 907, $7.16: 23, 1.005. 17.10; 11, 906, $3.75; 5, 932. 16,60; 3, 776, $5; 14, 894, $4.75; 14, 846, $4.50. .1. G. Curtla & Son: 2 bulls, 1,050. $10; 9, 970, $7; 7, 980, $6.50; 10. 930, $; 7. 841, $5.30; 4, 945. $5.25; 3, 900, $5; 4, 703, $1. CALVKS Receipts. 1,030 head: 570 on sale. Market steady. The pens were cleared. Common (0 prime veala sold at $18.30024 per 100 lbs.; culls. $131 Western calves, $10812; Indiana calvrs, $0011.30. Dressed veals firm; city dressed do. selling at 20 & 35c. per lb.; country dressed do., 23334c; country dressed barn yard and fed calves. 20023c; country dressed hind aaddles (aklns on). 40845c: aklns off, 30032c. Sales Kerns Commission Company: 5f veals. 13S Its. average. $24: 52, 131, $23.50; is. izo. Z3: 4 culls, us. lis; 8. 111. lie; 0, 78. $16; 38 Indiana calvea, 301, 111.60; 8, 435, $0. S. Judd A Co.: 60 Western calves, 273, $12; 52, 343, $10. Tobln 4k Shannon: 6 reals, 108. $23; 7, 07, $22; B. 08. $20; 3 culls. 87. $18: 20. 88. $17.50; 8. 80, tie; 5 little calves. 53. $12. Newton A Co.: 109 veals. 128. $24: 8. 07, $18. H. Sanders: 10 veals, 143. $21; 17, 102. $20; 00. $10: 0. 113. 118.50: 2 culls. A3. $15. McPherson & 'Co.: 2 veals. ISO, $24; 3, 107, $10.50; 2 culls, TO, $10.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.970 head; G Vi cars on aale. Sheep steady; lambs were held firm but demand alack and part of the stock carried over. No trading of Importance. Common to prlmo sheep (ewes) are quoted at J701O.5O per 100 lbs.; culls, -JI.-50W6: yearlings, tin; 16; common to prime lambs, $1620.6O; culls. I1231S. Dressed mutton steady, at 12018c. per lb.; dressed Iambs 25032c: country dressed hothouse lambs, $8013 per carcasj. HOGS Receipts. 6.220 head: Hi cara on aale. Market higher. Light to medium -weights are selling at $16.25; heavy hogs. sis; pigs, iii.ssii3.7S: roughs. $12.73: stage. $12: boars. IS. Country dressed pork firm, at 16023c. per lb.; roasting piga, iawjjc. Lire Slock Market la Other Cities. 11 BANS AND PEAK UKANS Marrow, lata, choice, 100 lbs., $11.75012; m, 111011.26: Manchurlan. $11.50: Pen. choice, 1919, 37.75 48; 1918, 17.50: Me- dlum, 1919, choice, $7.7508; Lady Wash ington, California, $7.75; Small White, California, t7.76: .Large White, Idaho, $7.73: Lam White. Montana. 1919. $8: Teparv. California. 85CIS.7S! Kotetushl. Japaneva or Corean, $6.7507; lied Kidney, choice, 1919, tl4.73; 1918, 113; lied Mar row, iiv, ii.7S6pu; KinioKi, Aiancnu rlan. 16OS.50: Yellow Eve. 1919. 3S.7C09 Dlack Turtlo Soup. 1919, $11; White Kid ney, 1919, $16.50 016: Kumamoto. Man churlan, $8.50: Caballcro, Chilean, 1918, $7,C0tt7.75; Dayou, Chilean. t60C.23; uranDerry, Manchurlan, long, $7.75; anort. $5.2506.50; California, 1918, $7.73; Lima, California, 1919, $7.6007.76; Bayou, Chilean. 1606.25; Cranberry, Manchurlan, long, 17.75; short, t5.25O6.C0; California, UllS. 17.75; Lima, California, 1010. J 14.50; 1918. 114014.25; Madagascar, I10.2SOU. PEAS Scotch. $6.2506.60: Green, domes tic, $6.25; Japanese. $7.5007.60; Ulack Eye, California, 1919, $8; Splits, yellow, $7.2507.73; green, $9.3509.50; While. small, Manchurlan, $5.7606; large. Hip 7.25. UUTTEIt Creamery, higher than extras, lb., 624063C; extra, 92 score, CI 4 0 62c; firsts, 90 to 91 score, 60061c: firsts, 88 to 89 score, 37 4 0 59 4c; seconds. 33 to 97 score, 54057c; lower grades, C1053c; neid, higher than extras, 62 4 063c; ex tras. 61062c: llrsts. 5740604c: seconds, 34 O 67c; unsalted, higher than extras, 65 w54c.: extras. 64 0 644c; nrats, 600 C24c; seconds, 55059c: State dairy tubs, finest, 60 4 0 61c; food to prime, 57060c; common to fair, 60056c; renovated, ex ttoa, 560364c: flrsts, 550354c: imita tion creamery, firsts. 50 51c; ladles, cur rent make, firsts, 47048c: seconda. 45c; lower gradea, 43044c; packing stock, cur rent make. No. 1, 44c; No. 2, 43c; lower graacs, ssftcptzc. CHEESE State, whole milk, held flats, specials. 32033c; average run, 3131Hc; lower grades, 20 304c; twins, held, spe cials, colored or white, 31432r.s aver age run, 30031c; lower grades'", 20 0 29 4c: Wisconsin, whole milk, twins, fresh, 30 31c; single daisies, fresh or held, 314 0 StVic; double daisies, 3140324c; Young Americas, fresh, 32 4 0 33c: State, skims, specials. 21022c; prime to choice. 170 iDc; iair 10 goou, 11 (riser; lower grades. I013C . EUGR XiGR Fresh cathered. extra!,. ln7n. 10c; eiira nrsis. mci.c; firsts, (iO"0c; seconds and poorer, C408c; refrigerator, special marks, fancy, charge paid, 550 50c; nrsts. 524 54c; seconds, 4S032c.; under grades. 30047c: stcrlllzod, C4&COC.; dirties. 33042c; checks, 35038c.: whites, ."OOtlUc; State, Pennsylvania nnd noarby Western, hennery whites, extras, 83c; nrsts to extra flrsta, 76W82c; under gradea, 74 0 75c: gathered whites, firsts to extra firsts. 7682c; pullets. 70"2c: Pacific coaat, whites, express, extra firsts to ex tras, 81083c: firsts, 778o.; other West ern and Southern, gathered whites, T1Q 80c; State, Pennsylvania and nearby, hen nery browns, fancy, 70 078c. : gathered brown and mixed colors, graded, fancy, 73c: fair to choice, 70 0 72c, j-uuiis, iitifci Apples, evaporated, State, choice, lb.. 21 Vi 022c; prime. 19 4 O204c: Yaklmas. 20024c: California, extra, choice 194 0204c; chops. In bbls., lb.. 10011c: waste, old. In bbls., lb., JUr. POTATOES Bermuda. No. 1 bbl., til. 50 (112.50; No. 2. tlOOUlNo. 3. 3709; Maine. 10O lb. bar. 33.30O4.23; 180 lb.. 3608; 163 lb., I6O7.80; State. 100 lb.. I3.3304: ISO lb.. 3607.50: 163 lb.. 36(27: I.nne- Island. 180 lb.. 3608.26: 165 lh.. lfiif??.7r,. Sweets, Jersey, No. 1 bsk., t22.65: Dela ware' and Maryland, No. 1 bsk., fl.750 3.35: yams, southern, bbl., I205. rOULTKV. LIVE CHICKENS, snrinr. via freight, 30c; express, 31033c. FOWLS Heavy, rreignt, jsc; light to medium. 37 038e. : colored, heavy, via exnress. 39i 40c; light to medium. 37 (i 38c: white leg horns, via express. 35037c: old roosters. via freight, 23c TURKEYS' via freight. inc. iJuuno oc; via express, oo4ic. GEESE Average run. fre srht. 35c: ratten, 36013c. PIGEONS Per pair, freight or express, 65073c GUINEAS Per pair. 5nw5c. PROVISIONS Pork barely steady; mess, 345O46.50: family, t5253; 1 short clear, 344OS0. Beet quiet; mess, 118019: family, 124025; packet, I19O20; extra India mess. $45046. Hogs steady; bacons. 22Tic; 140 lbs.. 22ic; pigs. 22Kc. Bellies dull. Pickled clear, 10-12 lbs., 26c; dry salted clear, 13-20 lbs., ziHc Greases barely ateady. Yellow, 140144c; choice house, 134 014c Pickled hams dull,' regular, 10 12 lbs., 26Vic: skinned. 18-20 lbs., 21,c. Tallow dull: city apeclal loose. 18c Lard easy; middle West. $24.40024.60; city lard easy, !4c. nominal; refined lard steady: Continent, $27: South Amerloa. $27.25: BraslI kegs, $28.25; compound dull, 250 264c. Stearins steadier; city lard stear Ine, 31c Oleo, 22 0 224c EX DIVIDEND TABLE. Tho cottbn market reflected ycatordajr a renewal of soiling activity and prlccu moved toward distinctly lower levels. Although there were no nerr features , error. In tlio eenernl situation. It was believed .150, n, that economic and financial conditions were opposed to further advance Rus sian news was anything hut favorable yesterday mornlne ana not a little un easiness was caused In trade circles on rumors that Washington might place some curb on speculation. A hasty census of opinion reveals the fact that the Street Is still sharply divided In sentiment, many houses being un willing to take a doflnlto stand on the market, Liverpool opened better than due, but later sold off. Spots In tho English centra wcro quiet, 5,000 bales changing hands. At II111 outset tho list was virtually nt Its best level of tho day, first sales being net 0 to 20 points' lower. Wall Street became a heavier seller following tho call nnd there was scattered South ern hedge pressure. Professionals with profits after Thursday's rlso realized, nnd on this rather heavy Belling the market soon developed an easy tone. Foreign exchange wns lower at Jlmes and tho securities market showed early uiiKCttlement, Tho local market made Its lows during he afternoon,, when prices dropped 40 to 70 points below Thursday's ending. Operators seemed pessimistic on tho foreign political sit uation, spot Interests selling near months. In tho final fifteen minutes of business, many locals with profits on tho short side covered and there was a llttlo scattered trado demand. Tho market closed barely steady' atf a net decline of 39 to 58 points. Stmts' hero were still unchanged. Ilango ot prices: Thurs- Open. High. Low. Close, day. January 33.30 88.30 37.90 33.00-10 3J. February 3J.75 D 37.20 March 36.30 36.44 33.93 36.03-10 3C.C0 April 81.80 B 33.35 May 31.65 31.73 31.13 31.31-31 31.83 June 83.20 B 33.18 July 33.15 33.20 32.63 32.70-ffl 33.28 August 81.50 B 31.93 September 33.73 B 81.20 October 30.60 39.62 30.10 30.3O-J2 VS.iZ November 29.9S B 30 K December 20.00 30.00 29.56 29.73 11 30.13 Spot Local, 39.230. r New Orleans, 40.2-C COTTON STATISTICS. Last Yesterday, week. rort receipts 67.33s 61.9SS Exports 60.253 71.021 Exports, season 3.311,491 3,9Tt.7VS New York atoclta... 6J.23I 37,493 Port stocks. Interior recelnts.... Interior shipments.. New York arrivals. Liverpool Cablei UNITED STATES SUl'HEMl! COURT, 1 Special Dupatch to Tina Bon, WABIIINOTON, Jan. 10,-Bupreme Court of the United Slates, Friday, January 16. 1930. Present : The Chief Justice, Justice Me Kenna. Justice Ilolmei, Justice Day, Justice Van Deranter, Justice1 Mtney, Justice Me Ileynolds, Justice Urandels and Justice Clarke, HI. Jin Fuer Mor. ulaliitiff In error, vs. the United stales. Tasted to be restored to 1 ne can pursuant to ncciion 1, iiuie :, 011 motion of Assistant Atlorney-Oeneral Stewart lor tha defendant in error, 117, Panama llallroad Company, plaintiff In error, v. Joseph T. Tonpln, Argued by William C. Maelnlvre for the defendant In error and anbmltted by Fran'i Feulllo and Walter F. Van Dame for ilia plaintiff In C. Leo. petitioner, vs. Central of Ceorgla Hallway Company t il. Argued by Alex A. Lawrence for the petltlorrr and or 11, w, jonnson ior tno respondents Ml. Elixabeth Hull, administratrix. Ar ne. thinner, v, dig Philadelphia and Heading Hallway Company. Argued by Chsrles D. Wagiman for tho petitioner and by Henry II, Kcedy, Jr., for the respondent, Adjourned until Monday next at 12 o'tlock. The day call for Monday. January 19-Nos. 162. 164. 153 (to 138), 159, 1(0, 162, 153, 1(3, 1(1 and 165, NEW YORK COUNTY. Supremo Court. APPELLATE DIVISIO.V-Itcrcss. SPECIAL TKHM PART II.-Hefore Darls, J. Court opens at 10:30 A. M. Kx parte mat ters. Surrogates' Court. CHAMllKHS-lleforo Foley, B, At 10:30 A. SL Wills for probate: Msrlha Schlegel, Hugh Pillion. City Court. SPECIAL TERM-PART If. llefore Callahan, I Ion by Howling, J. Order filed complaint dismissed with costs. Opinio by Lauirhlln. J. rr,1i m,( Morton L. Mortimer, applt.. vt. John I. D. Bristol, respt, order reversed ' with coais anq veraici reinstated and Judgmenl ordered In favor of plaintiff wflh costs, Opinion by Merrell. J. Order filed. Florence Jerome, applt,, va. New York Railways Co., respt. Judgment nnd order reversed and new trial ordered with coata jo apneuant no abide event. Opinion by jaugnun, j, urncr niea, Caroline II. Field vs. Louis Chronlk iiiogmeni oraersa for plaintiff 11a stated I opinion wun costs, Opinion by Pag, inmiin, J dissenting.) Settlo order on notice, The People, to., resnt.. ' vs. Samuel Hudowelty, applt. Judgment and order reverses and 'new trial ordered. Opinion uj i-niiuin, j, nettle oraor on nance, Imperial Woolen Co.. resnt.. vs. the F, D. O. ClOthlnr Cn.. annlr. .TilArment bnd order as to first counter claim affirmed; aa 10 aeconu counter claim reversed ana a now (rial ordered with costs lu appellant to abide event unless plaintiff stipulates to reduce the judgment by tha amount of the aeeonii counter claim. In which event the juagment as so modined and the order ap penlsd from tha affirmed without costs, Opinion by Dowllng, J, Settle order on notice, Adolph Welos. resnt.. vs. Samuel F. Cowdrey, applt. Order affirmed with $10 costa nna disbursements. opinion by nmitn, J. order nied. James T. Ilrnvtnn aa ailmr.. reint.. vs. Benjamin S, Mendelson, applt. Judgment and order reversed and new trial ordered with costs to appellant to abide event, upinion uy Dowllng, J, (Hinltn, J concu ring Jn memo.) Order filed. Henry A. Haas. n Infant, resnt.. va. Harry ft. Newberry, applt. Order reversed wun costs nnu veruict reinstateu, upin J. Court opens at 10 A. M. Ex narte mat, tera at 19 :S0 A. M. REFEREES APPOINTED, Supreme Court, lly Justice Dtrli Central Union Trust CosEpsteln It Ohen- ivunam il. Heaimry .) By Justice Finch Mstlcr of RMiielander-P. Wilder Bellamy, Mailer of Kastor Abraham Otrsteln. BRONX COUNTV. Supreme Court. SPECIAL TKRM-CHAMUERB-Before llol. lan, Jr Court opens at 10 A. 31, Ex parte matters. Surrogate's Court. CHAMBERS Before Schulx, 8. Court opens at 10 a. -M. Ex parte matters. County Court. Last year 19.875 23.191 162.W3 91.168 1,440,577 1.501.017 1,434.353 26.370 22.672 10.093 32.750 23,430 12M3 1.133 1,496 B.550 Snot cotton nulet at (1 Points advance on the bails of 23.66d. for middling. Sales 5.030 bales. American 4.000. Imports 28.000. American 11.00). Futures opened iteatly at 28 to 40 points advance. Closed 'weak at 22 to 32 points decline. Jan uary, 27.06d.; March. 25.43d.: May, 24d,; July. 22.7!d.: October, :.oa. Manchester Yarns firm; cloths fair business doing. Week end statistics of the New York Cotton Kxchonre: Into sight for week 417.301 bales, ogalnu 331.341 last year; for the season 7.929.S70, against 7,127.292 last season; spinners takings for week 3C9,7i, asalntl 2S2.C37 laal rar. and for the season 6.453.230. against 3,493.873 last year: visible supply 6.1C9.915. against 4.931.371 last year: visible American 4.68S.915. against 3.C38.371 last year; increase in visible 23.1,272. against 210.S07 last year: increase In American 137, 272. against 177.907 last year. GRAIN MARKET. The corn market was weak yesterday In moderately nctlvo trading, receipts were more, favorablo and tho pros pects were that they would be licger next wee!:. Hogs wero- easier and there was quieter cash demand. Cash corn vas oft 2 cents to 5 cents a bushel. Weakness In foreign exchange affected tho markett Iteports of reselling of oats caused somo selling. Advices said that 315,000 bushels of Canadian oats had been resold. The car situation waa acute in Illinois, according to advices, 11 good CHAMBERS Before Glbbs, J. Court opens at v -1. iu. i.x psne insuers. KINGS COUNTY, Supreme Court. No Special or Trial Term calendara for Jan uary If, 1920. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Eastern District of New York. Chstfleld. J.-Court opens In Room 323. Tost Onire Building, Brooklyn, at 10:30 A. M. United States :Arthur Uldn. United States :Louta Rosenblatt. For sentence: United Htates;Jacob lliuuper. United States :August Krecke. United MtstcsiLouls Casella. . Room 113, Post United States: Louis Colt et al. United States :Kdw J, Uiiwlth. United States i.Mfred (Iraclnppo & Stephen Mcllllg. United States iMendel Flkchbeln. United States illenry lllermin. Gsrvln, J. Court opens In Office llulldlne. Tlruoblvn. 10 A. M. Re Charles Hecht, bankrupt. 10:30 a. M.-Unlted Statcs:IuH Bender (sentence). APPELLATE C0VRT DECISIONS. Tho Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, First Department, to-day an nounced the following decisions : Hudson Trust Co., applt,, va American Linseed Co., respt. Judgment and order reversed an-d new trial ordered, with costs to appellant to abide event. Opinions by Page and. Phllbln. JJ. (Dowllng and Phil bin, JJ., dissenting.) Order fifed. Consolidated Jlachlnery and Wrecking Co., respt., vs. Harper Machinery Co. et al, applts. Judgment and order reversed, with costs, and complaint dismissed with costs. Opinions by Pare and Smith. JJ. (Kmtth. J., dissenting as to dismissal of comulalnt.) Order filed. Wilson & Co., inc., respt.. vs. The Hart ford Fire Insurance Co., applt. Order re versed, ulth 310 costs, and disbursements and motion granted, with $10 costs, and Judgment ordered dismissing complaint with costs. Opinion by Page, J. Order filed. ! People ex rel. Emolro Mortgase Co.. respt., vs. Jacob A. Cantor et al, aa com mra., &c, applts. Order affirmed, with $10 costs and disbursements. Oninlon by Pase. J. Order filed. In tho matter of Porclval J. Werllch. de- ceased. Decree reversed, with costs to all parties appearing navabla out of the fund and proceedings remitted to Surrogate for further action, In accordance with opinion. Opinion by Smith. J. (Clark, P. J nnd ncrcentage of cars being unfit for ship ping grain. Sentiment Is mixed, but Merrell. J., dissenting!) Order' filed the news yesterday favored the bear' international Agricultural Corporation, side. Country supplies are large, but ,"'?' Jonn " carpenter, applt. Judg- Monday Idaho Power pf Louisville & Nashville Pere Marquette prior pt Weat Psnn Trac A Water Pow. pf Tuesday Atlns Powder pf British Amer. Chem., Inl Brown Shoe pt Cleveland Automobile pf. Inl Consolidation Coal Depositors Oil ft Os". ., Durham Hosiery 31111s A Durham Hosiery Mills B Durham Hosiery Mills pf Du Pont de Nemours Powder..., Du Pont de Nemours Powder pf, Illaeman Maxneto pf Fairbanks Co. 1st pt IFort Worth Power & Lt. pf IIudd Motor Car. Inl Illinois North. Utll. pf.. pf.. ?S -4 4 -4 KANSAS CITY. Jan. 16. HorsRe- relets. 6.500: lower. Bulk. 114.85id1S.13 ; heavies. $14.86016.10; mediums, J14.850 15.25; lights, $14.45015.16: packing tows. I13.60O14.25; pigs, I13.S0O13.30, Cattle Recclula. 2.800: weak. Ileivr beef steers, choice and prims, 316.650 18.25; medium and good. ll2.50O16.50: common. I10.S0012.40: light, good ami choice. 113.60017: common and medium. 3S.25W12.50. uutcner cattle: iielfera, 16.73 Oil. 25; rows, 16.6012.30; canners and cutters, tSOt.65: veal cclves. $13016: feeder ateera, $8 013.23; stockcr steers, tC.23OI0.85. flheen Receipts. 1.500: steady. limits. $16.50019.30; culls and common, J11.25W iKaufmann Dept. Stores, Inl. 16.23: yearling wethers. $14.23016; ewes. ,Kayser & Co. 1st pf..., i;.iocrii.dO: cui s ana common. Jt.sosi 9.25: breeding ewes, $3014.50; feeder lambs. 114. 50017.73. CHICAGO. Jan. 1. Hogs Recelnts. 44.- 000; estimated to-morrow, 12,000; weak, mostly 10c. to 13c lower. Bulk, tlSO 13.30; top, 113.45: heavy, I14.90O15.25; medium. tl6.10O15.33: light. tl3.13O15.40: light lights. $14. 50O1S.23. heavy packing sows, smooth, $14.25014.75; packing sows, rough, $13.75014.25; pigs, $13.30014.50. Cattle Kerelpts. 3.000; estimated to morrow. 1.000 : weak. Beef ateers. me-1 dlum and choice. $17.50019; medium and DI VliTErJTv good. $11.50017.50: common. $9.50011.50. iXTAUXiii3. Light weight: good and choice. $13.731: common and medium. $9ftl3.75. Butcher Stock nf cattle: Heifers. $6.75014.23; cows. $6.73 rseoe.1 "i ""?,!. ,'.r-? C1,ut"' Atlas Powder Co. pf q, calvrs. $17018.33; feeder steers, $8012.50; .... Jan .VrR.cWtVVIlJo. , Atlantic "Defining "co""Vf. Sheep Rcelpta, 3,000; estimated to- ini ti 75 j.n ,r morrow. 1.000 : strong. Lambs. 84 IM. .,',,'.'' nVfininr Co" 'it down. $17019.73; culls and common. $13.73 A Sf .hi Ite V.h W16.S0; ewes, medium, good and choice, ri He. WlcS'nank;''.!,'. 1 $9012: culls and common. $3.2503.50. ra0 jj7sc. . ... Jan 13 ?':'.VST.T;.I,0L'1?' Jftn- 14 Hogs Re- cilnchBeid CoaY CoVpl."i 'ft.F.b.' 3 Hi? l0?,''...11:.."- lov"T- T"'' Cllnchneld Coar Corp., pf, . 116.(0; bull;, 5H.l0O15.2i;. heavy. tllO o. IK, T..Jan. 16 15.20; wedluci ,. tl3ai3.2Ji light. 114.80 cisfln National 'watch bo.,' 15.2j- ilftht Ihht. M4.50OI3.lSi heavy a. if, Jan.2l ,,.. r...,.u,.i. M.wvA.,a, pacn- tort v orin lower a 1.1. .3,?i 1!4 IHft .llitt . 2 . IK .16.00 the visible Is small nnd It Is believed in many quarters that unlests the corn situ ation Improve materially there will be littlo or no enlargement of visible stocks. CORN In the local cash market No. 2 yellow was quoted at 3I.66U! No. 3 mixed, 31.63U c and f. New York. 10 days' snip ment . OATS The local cosh market was easy. Jo. 1 white quotta at sue; so. . white. BSttc: .o, a wnue, ssc; no, white. 97ttc all nominal. In elevator. RYE Market easy; No. 3 Western, S1 9CU' r. a. b. New York. BARLEY Market dull: feeding, $1.58; malting, tl. 6801. 73 f. o. b. New York. HAY Market barely steady; No. 1, 3)1.75 1.80; No. 2. 31.6SO1.70; No. 2, $1,600 1 I!- ahlnnlnr. Il.35lfM.4S. ItUCKWIIEAT Market dull, $3.23 nomi nal per 100 lbs. WHEAT, Including fiour, exports for the week, according to "Bradstreet's." aggre gate 4,902,124 DUsneis. against o,ouv,.u9 me previous week and 7,978.193 last year: since July 1, 179,425,466. against 223.119,312 !at season. Corn exports tor me ween, iii.vnv, gainst 79,596 the previous week and 259. 398 lost year; since July 1, 1,433,574, against 12,319,486 last season. CHICAGO PRICES. RYE January May July , L'OIt.N January May July DATs- January May July i.Ani May July IllBS Msy July PORK Open. nigh. Low. 182H 1T3 Thurs- Close, day, 182 133 133 131 83 U 82H 24.80 25.20 M.67 21.03 138'. 133'i 13214 m 82H 76H 21.90 23.20 20.70 21.03 13674 131U 130H 31i MVa 73 . 24.73 13.13 20.60 20.83 17514 179U 170 137U 132H 131 177 V4 182!i lluK 113i 1315a tl'i 75H W.7S 25.12 20.60 20.83 11.30 January... .. i .. 4 ..$1.75 ..l'.4 ..$1.75 .. 2r. May.. Yesterday Last week Last year 38.87 39.37 23.73 39.05 33.87 39.87 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. 823,000 K5.000 8W.00O 786,000 971.000 1,390,000 SEABOARD CLEARANCES. fio-ir. uneai, 33.80 39.17 Yesterdsr . 1 U V. 1 Last week .$1.00 .Last year , Kayser & Co 2d Kress. S. II.. . Milwaukee El. Ry. & Lt. pf... Swift Inter.. Ltd Willys Overland Wednesday Famous Players -Laslty pf., inl. . Kelsey Wheel pf Philadelphia Rapid Transit..., Pittsburg A Lake Erie West Penn Tower pf Wilson & Co ..1 ..1 ... 1 ...11.20 .. 23c .. 2tf ..Hi'; ..$2.30 ..1 ..$1.23 Pay able. Feb. 2 Fob. 2 Feb. 2 Fab. 3 Feb. 14 86,000 20.0W 2,000 ISo.OM SM.OOO 110,0ft) 82H 761i 21.95 25.23 20.75 21.07 33.50 29.45 Oats. 6S2.O0O 647,000 931,000 Corn. iiooo Buenos Aires Grain Market. 16.-CIoslng BUENOS AIRES, Jan price: WHEAT Tono stoady. February 1W4 March 159 I COUN-Easy. Pobruary 'O'.i May 77 FLAXSEED Steady. February 245 March 243 OATS- Spot 230 February 43'i 3 3 31 3 4 1U .. 11 .. 73 -3 21 1 H -1 Ing sots, rough, $12.73013.50; pigs, $10.30 OH.75. Cattlf Receipts. 2,300; aleady to slow. Beef ateers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, tlGO 17.50; medium nnd good. $1145.73: common, $)S10,73' light weight, good and choice. $13.30lf 16.30; common and medium, $Sffl3.2J; butcher cattle, heifers. 17016; rows, 17012; can ners and cutters, 1303.73; veal calves, light and handy weight, 113017.80: feeder steers, Il.tOOll: stocker ateera, $7010.30. Sheep Receipts, 1.700; lambs unevenly steady to $t lower: steep steady. Lambs. 34 lbs. down. $16.23019.10; culls and com mon, $12014; yearling wethers, $13017; ewes, medium and choice, 11.100 11.30; culls and eorjjrnon, $4.1908. BIM Iuliana Co COO McKIn Dar ., 23000 McNamara . 3000 Marsh Mln ., 300 Mason Valley 1000 Motherlode , 2301 Murray Mog Co. Df.. q. 1KZ. Jan. 10 Hood Rubber Co., pf. q, IVitt Jan. 20 Montreal Tramways, q. 2'ift Jan. 21 Nasn Motor Co.. $10 Jan. 20 Nash Motor Co., pf, , li Jan. 10 Paclfle Dank, ex, 2ft Jan. 17 Paelfle Hank. q. 2 Jan. 17 Railway A Light Securities Co., s-. 1 Jan. 13 Railway & Light Securities Co.. pf. s-a. 154 Jan. 15, Sloss-Sheffleld Steel A Iron, q. 1H Jan. 10 v ayagunacK ruip 1'aper Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Close. 13.70 13.75 6.60 7.03 22.60 22.33 23.00 7.23 grain Net Chge. -.20 Hale Holdcn Ilenda C. 11, A Q, Washinoton, Jan. 16. Kale Holden, director of the Central Western region of the Railroad Administration, notified to-day the Railroad Administration of his election as president of the (Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy and tho Colorado and Southern Railroads. Mr. Holden signified his willingness to continue his duties ns regional director until return of tha railroad properties to private control. Fb.I COURT OF APPEALS. Eptcial Titipateh to Tnx Sox. ALBANY. Jan. 16.-In the matter of the Jndldsl settlement of the account of Nathaniel Curlls; 1, people, respondent vs. fieorre A. Sterna and others, appellants: m. Metho- pclltan Trust Company of New York, appel lant, vs. Imgscre Electric Light and Power Company, respondent; 37, nobert S. Stereos snd another, as executors, respondents, vs. Mntnal Life Insnranos Company of New York, dered, with costs to appellant to abide event. Opinion by Smith. J. (Laughlin, J., in memo., voting lor dismissal ot com plaint.) Order filed. American Aniline Products, Inc., applt., vs. Mlteul & Co., Ltd., respt. Order re versed, with $10 costs, and disbursements and motion granted, with $10 costs, and without leave to defendant to plead over. Opinion by Phllbln, J, (Clarke, P, J., and Page, J dissenting.) Order filed. Samuel Erdrelch, respt., vs. Leopold Zlmmermann et al., applts. Determina tion reversed and judgment of City Court affirmed with costs to appellants In this court and In the Appellate Term. Opinion by Merrell, J. Order filed. Eva IC. Conlon, respt, vs. James H. Marsh et al., Ipld., &c, applts. Judgment dismissing complaint ns to defendant Marsh affirmed, nnd finding that said de fendant had been guilty of fraud reversed, with costs of this appeal to said defendant. Judgment as to defendant Hosier reversed, with costs and complaint dismissed as to said defendant with costs. Opinion by Donling, J. Settle order on notice. Elizabeth S. Edwards, respt., va. Edgar A. Tennis, annlt. Determination affirmed with costs. Opinion by Page, J. Order filed. William E. Lauer et al., respts.,' vs. Harold N. Raymond et al., applta. Judge ment nnd order affirmed with costs. Opin ion by Merrell. J. Order filed. George 31. Davis, respt., vs. Arthur H. Martens et al., applts. Judgment and or der reversed and new trial ordered, with coats to appellants to abide event. Opin ion by Laughlin, J. Order filed. Franco-'Amerlcan Chemical Co,, Inc., respt,, vs. Williamson Electrical Co., Inc., applt. Judgment and order affirmed with costs. No opinion. Order filed. The people, c, respt., vs. Adolph Ehr llch. applt. Judgment reversed and new trial ordered. Opinion by iLnughlln, J. Settle order on notice. In tho matter of Therot R. Butler, de ceased. Decree reversed with costs to appellant, payable out of the principal of the estate, and the proceeding remitted to the Surrogate for further action In accord ance with opinion. Opinion by Phllbln, J. Settle order on notice. Crown Embroidery Works, respt., vs. Harry Gordon et al., applts. Order af firmed with $10 costs and disbursements. with leave to defendants to scrvcamended answer on payment of said costa at 110 costsjof motion at Special Term. Opinion oy iijaugnun, .1, uruer tiled. The iu & it. Handkercnier ro.. applt.. vs. Bertha Dlx. respt. Determination re versed nnd Judgment nf Municipal Court affirmed, with costs tn appellant in all courts. Opinion by Phllbln, J. Order filed. Dennis O. llrussel et al.. plffs.. vs. V or- ence B. Deltsch et ul.. defls. Judgment ordered for plaintiff without costs. Opin ion by Laughlin, J. Settle order on notice. American Locomotive Co. vs. cew York Central Railroad Co. Judgment ordered for defendant with costs. Opinion by Laughlin, J. Settle order on notice. William s. Muller. respt.. vs. W am C. Knlston et nl.. applts. Judgment and order affirmed as to defendant 'Ralston, and reverses with costs and complaint dismissed with costs as tn defendant God dard. Opinion by Merrell. J. Settle order on notice. The nocking Valley Hallway Co., npplt., vs. Julia A. Barbour et al.. aa exrs., Ac, respts. Order affirmed with $10 costa and disbursements, with leave to plaintiff to serve amended inmplalnt on payment of said costs and $10 costs ot motion at Special Term. Opinion by Smith, J. Order filed. Mary A. Tirrell, reapt.. vs. Martin L. Tlrrell. applt. Judgment reversed with coats and Judgment ordered for defendant dismissing complaint on the merits with costs. Opinion by Merrell, J. Settle order on notice. Hamilton Bulldlnr Co., respt.. vs. Rapid Transit Subway Construction Co.. applt. .Tudannent and order reversed and new trlnl ordered with coata to appellant to ntilila Itnl ntalntlf? .HnUI.. I reduce Judgment aa entered to t43.203.4S; In which event the Judgment as so mvil. fled and the order appealed from are af firmed without costs. Opinion by Laugh lin. J. Settle order on notice. Jacob Podbelesky, npplt., vs. Patrick Mc Dermott. respt. Judgment affirmed with costs. No opinion. (Clarke, P. J., dis senting.) Order filed. The People, &cu reeipt., vs. Lubln, applt. Judgment affirmed. Nathan Opinion appellant: 116. National Aniline and Chcailcil Company, respondent, ts. Henry Leerburier by Smith. J. Order filed, and another, appcllsnt: 120, Jscob H. Ssper-I Matthew P. Cloke. respt., vs. Robins Co. Inl lft..... ...Feb II ir. .'c'n "sponaeni. vs. toe .Mechanlca and'Dry Dock and Repair Co..iapplt Judf- H ,V, ' 1 J Farmeri Sarlap Bank of Albany, spptlltnt. I ment and orflar reveraed wlti-' coits and Jackson C. Marshall et al.. runts., vs. 966-972 Fulton St. Corn'n.. aonlt. Judg- nientment modified as directed In opinion ann as so mourned amrmed w tnoul costs, Opinion per curiam. Settle order on no tice. iouls Stlrn vs. Max Stlrn et al, Order affirmed with $10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed. 1 Luther Martin vs. Charles W. Morse et al, order affirmed with $10 costs-and dls bursements. No oninlon. Order filed. Abraham Slegel, respt., vs. John St. Corp'n., apAlt. Order reversed with $10 costa and disbursements and motion denied with $10 costa. Opinion by Smith, J, Order men. Carl II. HUgers. resnt.. vs. Alohonse Gos aelln, applt. Order reversed with $10 costa and disbursements and motion granted to the extent atated In opinion, opinion oy Smith, J. Order filed. 8arae va. Same. Order affirmed without costs. On nlon by Smith. J. Order filed. Lincoln O. Valentine, applt,, vs. Alfredo Gonxates, respt. Order reversed with $10 costs and disbursements and motion denied with $10 costs and order of arrest rein stated. Oninlon bv Phllbln. J. Order filed Arthur S. Lurla, respt,, vs. Charles II. De Witt, annlt. Judgment and order re versed and new trial order with costs to appellant to abide event. Opinion per curiam. Order filed. The People. Ac, respondents, vs. Joseph Frooks, appellant. Judgment revorsed and defendant discharged. Opinion by .augn tin. J. Settle order on notice. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, respondent, vs. The Park t Pnllnrri Co.. nnnellant. et al. respondent Interlocutory Judgment reversed with costs, and demurrer sustained with costs. Opinion by Laughlin, J, Order filed, rimnt Rose, resnondent. vs. Paul E. Heller, appellant. Order reversed with ilO costs and disbursements, and motion granted with 110 costs. Opinion by Mer rell, J. Order filed. Luther Martin vs. Charles W. Morse et nl. Order modified by limiting de livery to tho receiver of the possession or rnntrnl nf the ateamshlD Minneapolis and the sum of 124,750, besides any other moneys In U10 possession 01 me steamsnip company or nereaiier coming imo in (" ...linn, arisinr nut of any tranaactlons relating to said steamship, and further mni mn that defendants snail do re strained only as to a?ts Interfering with th. -.u.fc in tha iltschare-a of his duties or affecting tho title to or possession of ..M tnm.hln! ami as so modineu ai- flrmul without costa. No opinion. Settle. order on notice. flntfv.e Xr rrhamhre. inc. vs. intercon tinental Construction Company et al. Order affirmed with 110 costa and dls i,-..mona v. nntnlnn. Order filed. Lackawanna Bridge Company vs. Worth Steel Company. Order onirmea wun " costs and disbursements. No opinion, ur- Am fll.l "dor Canter vs. Jncon 8nltzer et nl. Order affirmed with $10 costs and dls hi, -.amenta. No oninlon; Order filed. Louis Kadans vs. Hunter Creamery Company. Inc Order affirmed with $10 costs, and disbursements, -no opinion .la- m.,!. James M. Smith vs. Spencer Wire Com nanv el al. Order affirmed with. $10 costs and dlsbursoments. No opinion. Or The .Strong Box Co. of America va. Nat. Paner Products Co. Order affirmed, with 10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. (Phllbln. J., dissenting.) Order filed. Matter of the New York A Queens Elec trtr, t.iirhi Power Co. vs. John II. De- lanov. aa Commissioner, et al. Order af firmed, with 110 costs and disbursements, .Va nnlnlnn Order Aled. L. jr. Rab'lnowltz A Co. vs. Freydberg lin... inn rirder affirmed, with tlO costs nnd "disbursements. No opinion. Order Ml..' Henri Gutman Silks Corpn. vs. Michael J. K. Rellly. Order reversed, with 110 .nrf rii.huraments. and motion de nied, with tlO costa, on tho ground that It does not appear that the defendant has committed any act In violation of tho order of November 7, isis. uraer Isabelle C. uwatnmey vs. Aranu.m u. Qwathmey et al. Order affirmed, with tlO costa and disbursements. No opinion. Or- Matter" of Annie S. Abercromble ys. Dr. M. B. Heyman, as supU. Ac. Order at flrmed. with $10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed. . , Iaoulse i.usk vs. noi - firmed, with $10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed. William N. Brewer vs. Adam Kessel. Jr. Order affirmed, with tlO costs anu Dis bursements, the date for the examination to proceed to be fixed In the order. No opinion. Order filed. Miriam Bromberger et al. vs. James 1 P. McKlnney. Order affirmed, with HO costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order fll'd. . n.-.v Richard K. ueacn vs. iur, jv. Order affirmed, with leave to defendant to renew motion for alimony on proper papers showing tho necessity for her support and the means of the plaintiff. No opinion. The People vs. Patrick D'Orlo. Motion to dismiss appeal granted. Order filed. The People vs. William Martini. Motion to dismiss appeal granted unless appellant comply with terms Mated in order. Order fllTho Teople vs. George Mllone. Metlon to dismiss appeal granted. Order nl. The People vs. Charles De Conza. Motion to dismiss appeal granted. Order J'"- The People vs. Leon Idberman. Motion to dismiss appeal granted unless appellant comply with terms stated In order. Order fllThe Comm'r of Public Charities on com plaint of Louise Conte vs. John Butterlck. Motion to dismiss appeal granted. Order fl'samuel Cohen et at. vs. American Woolen Co. Motion to dismiss appeal granted, with $10 costs, unless appellant comply with terma atated In order. Order ai. T.n'xlaa l.ustc va. Roy A. Lusk. Motion to dismiss appeal granted, with $10 coata. Order filed, Mary E. Porter vs. Henry L. Bogert et al. Motion to dismiss appeal granted, with $10 costs. Opinion per curiam. Order tiled. Harold C Mathews vs. John J. Hearn. Motion to dismiss appeal granted, with $10 costs. Order filed. George M. Kltzpatrlck vs. Lillian Kee gan. an Infant. Application granted. Or der signed. Anotol Koroleff vs. Solomon Schlldkraut. Application dtnled, with $10 costs. Order signed. William N. Cohen vs, Edward Margolles, Application granted, Order signed. Samuel Iloansr va. Morris Waldman. Ap plication dented, with $10 costs. Order signed, Charles Jaceba vs. Demon Contracting Co. Motion denied, with $10 coats. Order filed. Flelsehman Construction Co. vs. Ulau net's. Motion denied, with $10 costs, Or. der filed, Jehlal M, Boeder, as trustee, vs. Oscar J. Mayer, Motion denied, with $10 costs, Order filed, , T Brooklyn Borough Gas Co, va. Public Service Commission. Motion granted) questions certified. Order filed. Peter Oraasl et al. va. New York Cn. Ira) Rallrond Co, Motion denied, with $10 costs. Order filed. Josephine La Salle, as admx, va. the same. -Motion denied, with $10 costs. Or der filed. Louis Simon ot nl. vs. Max Linden. Mo tion denied with $10 costs. Order filed. Woodhouse. Stoll A Co.. Inc. va. Dia mond Silk Co. Motion denied with $10 coals. Order filed, Bartholomew Fltzgefald vs. flcrnnton nnd Wyoming uoai uo. Jlolion denied Willi $10 costs. Order filed. Tha People vs. Julia Ramos. Motion denied, Order filed. Domenlco Iannone, as admr., vs. the weeeroiCLoughlln Co. Slotlon denied, but respondent's nttorney la directed to deleto from his brief as provided In order, Ap pellant's tlmo to reply to respondent's brief extonded fivo days from data Order filed, Flovd Y. Forhea v. Jnbn TT-. Ilvfan et al. Motion granted on payment by np. pellant to plaintiff of $10 costs. Order filed. Josepit II. Cohen vs. Charles B. Toole. Motion granted. Settle order on notice. Matter of Catherlnn Tuvinr. derensedi Motion to dismiss appeal granted with $10 costs. Order filed. Geslne Schenker vs. Henry Doscher et al. Motion t odlsmlss nppoal granted with 110 costs. Order filed. Matter of Amoe H. Stephens, an attor ney. Reference ordered to the Hon. John W. Goff, official referee. Settle order on notice. London -Money Mnrket. Lonoo.v. Jan. IC Bar silver. 771. nn ounce; liar Bold,"lls. 3d.; money, 4 per cent.; discount rates, short hills. 5U ner cent,; three months bills. Gi ncr cent: gold premiums nt Lisbon, 140. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES, To IfnM.ra f Tha (Iraton A Knight Mar! ufaoturlnr Company Beyen Psr cS serial uoia notes, oris Notice la haraby given that all, euU atandlnt Savon Per Cent. Serial aoia Notes, Series 11 and C, dated August 1 1116, of The araton A Knlfht Manufac turing? Company, will be redaamed on February 1, 1110, t Ihe office of The Farmers' Loan A Truat Company, Trustee, No. 23 William Street, New York City New York. All said Notes are hereby re quired to be then and there presented for payment. Eacn note presenieu ir -ment must be accompanied by nil cou- pons for Interest maturing; subsequently tj February It 1920, on which date all said Notea outstanding will cease to bear further Interest, . . Notes of Series D wilt be redeemed at - ono hundred and one-half per cent. 1 1 (!0OV4 of the face value thereof, and 5., Notes of Series C will be redeemed at one hundred and one per cent, (101) of the face value thereof. ... Coupons maturing February 1, 1120, for Interest on said Notes will be paid on pre sentation on or after eald data at The National City Bank of Naw York, In the Borough of Manhattan, City, County and Stats of New York. THE O RATON A KNIGHT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. By W. M, Spauldlnr, President. DISSOLUTiqN CHAH. I). IIAItNRV cmiPAKV NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF LIMITED J PARTNERSHIP . I The undersigned, belnr all the general partnera and apeclal partners ot the Urn- Ited partnership of CHAR D. HARNEY T COMPANY, which was formed on Jsnuar:' 1st, 1919, under the Failnershlp Lw ota the State of New York, do hereby give notice that the said limited partnership has been dissolved ns of the close of busi ness on the 31st day of December, 1919, by the mutual consent of all aald partiprs. Dated, New York, December 31st, 1911. General Partners. 3N. C1IAS. I). UARNEY A COMPANY. CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUED USU OF PARTNERSHIP NAME. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, tha firm nf nit AH II 11 A 11. NEY A COMPANY, which lias heretofore carried on business within this Stats hai h,.n Hl..l,..l .h.i . V. - partners In said firm havo formed a new. .'.. o' Pennsylvania, City and County of Limited, Partnership under the name of 1 'nLafistphla. Il.l Special J. HORACE HARDIN 3, Partners. ( HENRY SANDERSON Stato of Now York, City and Count" of New York, as.: On the 23rd day ot December, In the year one thousand nine hundred and nine teen, personally came before me, HENRY E. HUTLEIl. JOHN P. aRIER, J. HOR ACE HARDING and HENRY SANDER SON, each to mo known and known tt mn to be the Individuals described In and who executed the foregoing Instrument and they severally acknowledged to ms that they executed Ihe same. HAROLD CLAUS, Notaty Public, Westchester County, (Seal) New York State. Term expires March 10, 1921. Certificate filed In New York Co. No. 311. New York Register s No, 1816, niA-lDEK PS AND I NTCTE8T. ATLAS POWDER COMPANY Philadelphia. Pa.. January 13. 1320. The regular quarterly dividend of 114 c; on the Preferred Capital Stock of the Atlas Powder Company has been declared pay able Slonday, February 2nd. 1920. to stock imM.r, nf record at the close of business Ion Tuesday. January 20th. 1920. Tne aiocK uuuaa u, i tym pany will be closed sgalnat the transfer of preferred stock at the close of business on Tuesday, January 20th. 1920. and will be reopened at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on Mon day, February 2nd. 1920. LELAND LYON, Treasurer. THE TRENTON POTTERIES CO. Trenton. N. J.. Jan. 13, 1920. DIVIDEND NO. 79. At a meeting of the Board of Dlrectora held thia day a dividend of TWO PER CENT. (2fl) was declared on the Non Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Com pany, payable January 24th. 1920, to stock holders of record at 3 o'clock P. M. Janu ary I3th. 1920. Transfer books do not close. C. E. LAWTON, Secretary A Treasurer. CHAS. D. UARNEY A COMPANY. NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned. HENRY E. BUTLER. PHILEMON DICK INSON. JOHN P. ORIEIt, EDWARD II, LEVIS, J. FORD JOHNSON, JR., ALAN a v.ujti.1, j. uuKAUH liAiiumu ana HENRY SANDEHSOV In nuralianen nf tha Statute In such case made and provided, do make and sign this Certificate and do declare that, the persons Intending to deal under the name nf rllAS I) ll.vllNKY & COMPANY with their respective places of rcsiuenco are as follows: UENKRAL PARTNERS. HENRY E. IHITf.En r.alrtlnir at Cinh. Ing Road. Plalnttold. State ot New Jersey. PHILEMON DICKINSON, residing; at the corner of Stenton Avenuo and New Street, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. JOHN P. GR1ER, residing at No. 41 West 59th Street. Uorouch of Manhattan. City of New York. EDWARD II. LEVIS- resld ne at lit. Holly, state of New Jersey. J. FORD JOHNSON. JR., reeldlng at 176 West 68th Street, Borough ot Manhat tan, City, County and Stats ot New York. ALAN L. COREY, residing at 270 Park Avenue. Borouirh of Manhattan. City. County and State of New York. SPECIAL PAHTNEHS. J. HORACE HARDING, resldlne at Rumson, Monmouth County, State ot New Jersey, HENRY SANDEIWON. residing at Oys. ter Bay, Nassau County, State of New York. Dated. December 31st. 1919. HENRY E. BUTLER (Seal) PHILEMON DICKINSON (Seal) JOHN P. ORIER (Seal) EDWARD H. LEVIS (Seal) J. FORD JOHNSON, JR. (Seal) ALAN L. COREY (Seal) J. HORACE HARDING (Seal) HENRY SANDERSON (Seal) State of New York, City and County of ivew lorn: On this 23rd day of December. In the year one thousand nine hundred ana nine teen, personally came before me HENHY E. BUTLER, JOHN P. GRIER. J. HORACE HARDING and HENRY SANDERSON. each to me atnown and known to me to be the Individuals described In and who exe cuted the foregoing Instrument and they severally acknowledged to ma that they executed the same. ' HAROLD CLAUS, Notary Public. Westchester County. (Saal) New York State. Term expires March 30, 1921. Certificate filed In Now York Co. No. 111. New York Register's No. 1346. Stats of New York, City and County of New York: On this 34th day of December. In the year one thousand nine hundred and nine teen, personally came before me ALAN L. CORET and J. FORD JOHNSON. JR.. each to me known and known to me to be the Individuals described In and who exe cuted the foregoing Instrument and they severally- acknowledged to ma that they executed tne same. HAROLD CLAUS. Notary Public, Westchester County. (Seal) New York State. Terra expiree jiarcn ao, iszi. Certificate filed In New York Co. No. 311 New York Register's No. 1346. State ot Pennsylvania, City and County of Pftiiaaeipnia, as.: On this 27th day ot December. In tha year one thousand nine hundred and nine teen, personally came before me PHILE MON DICKINSON and EDWARD H. LEVIS, each to me known and known to me to be the Individuals described tn and who executed the forego nc Instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. (Seal) Notary Public commission expires .uarcn 11, 1921, TN THE COURTS OF COMMON PLEA! OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. Acknowl edgme'nt (Notarj-). State of Pennsylvania, County of Phila delphia, Pa. ss.: I. Henry F. Walton. Prothonotary of the Courts ot Common Pleas of said County. which are Courts of Record having a com mon seal, belne the officer authorized by the laws ot the State of Pennsylvania to mako the following Certificate, do Certify, That LINFORD B. CASSEL. Eaqulre. whose name Is subscribed to the certificate of the acknowledgment of the anneied Instru ment and thereon written was at the time of such acknowledgment a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Penn- ylvanla, residing In tne county aforesaid. duly commissioned and qualified to ad minister oaths and affirmations nnd to take acknowledgments and proofs ot Deeds or Conveyances for lands, tenements iuid hereditaments to be recorded In said State ot Pennsylvania, and to all whose acts as such, full faith and credit are and ought to be elven. as well In Courts of Judicature as elsewhere; and that I am well acaualnted with the handwrltlnr of the said Notary Public and verily believe his signature thereto Is genuine, and I further certify that the said Instrument Is executed and acknowledged In con formity with the lawa of the State of Pennsylvania. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 27th day of December In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. (1919) HENRY F. WALTON. By MEREDITH HANNA. Dep. Prothonotary Durante Absentia, Secundum Legem Prothonotary. Seal of Court ot Common Pleas, Philadelphia. Penna. On this. 27th day of December, i'l the year one thousand nine hundred and nine teen, personally came before me PHILE MON DICKINSON and EDWARD 11. LEVIS, each to me known and knon to mo to bo the Individuals described 1.1 and who executed the foregoing Instrumef.t and they duly severally acknowledged to me Uiut they executed the same. LINFORD U. CASSEL, Seal Notary Public Commission expires March IT, 1920. 41872. IN THE COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadel phia, as.: Acknowledgment (Notary). I. Henry F. Wilton, Prothonotary of the Courts of Common Pleas of said County, which are Courts of-Record having 11 com mon seal, being the officer authorised by the laws of the State of Pennsylvrnla to make the following Certificate, do certify, That, LINFORD H. CASSEL, Esquire, whose' name Is subscribed to the certificate ot the acknowledgment of the annexed Instru ment nnd thereon wrltton, was nt thi time of such acknowledgment a Notnr: Public for the Commonwealth of Penr, sylvanla, residing In tha County afore, said, duly commissioned and nuallfled to administer oaths and affirmations and to take acknowledgments and proofs of Deeds or Conveyances for lands, tenements and hereditaments to be re corded In said State of Pennsylvania, snd to all whose acts as such, full faith and credit are and ought to be given, us well In Courts of Judicature as elsewhere; snd that I am well acquainted with the handwriting: of the said Notary Publlo and verily believe his signature thereto to be genuine, snd I further certify that the said Instrument Is executed and acknowledged In conformity with the laws ot the Stat ot Pennsylvania. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have here unto set my hand nnd affixed the seal of said Court, this !7th day ot December, In the year ot our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen (1919). HENRY F. WALTON, By MEREDITH HANNA. Dep. Prothonotary, Durante Absentia, Secundum Prothonotary Seal of the Court' of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, Penna. Clerk's Office, County of New York, ss.: Let the terms ot the foregoing notice ot dissolution of Limited Partnership be pub lished once a week for four consecutive weeks In New Tork Law Journal and New York Sun, two papers published and having a circulation In the County of New York. , Dated, New York. Jan. 2. 1920. " WM. F. SCHNEIDER. Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES. F.I.ECTION8 AND MEETINGS, CONSOLIDATED OAS COMFAVT OF NEW TORK ISO EAST 13th STREET January t, lite. Tha annual meeting ot tha stockholders of this Company for tha election ot Trus tees to serve duTIng the ensuing year will be, held at this office MONDAT, January !J. 19,20. Folia will be open from 11 M. to 1 P. M. Transfer books will close Saturday. January 17, 1920, at 11 M, and reopta Tueaday, January 27, 1920. lt. A. CARTER. Secretary." CHAS. D. BARNEY 4 COJirANY. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned hereby give notice that according to the Statutes of tha State of New York relating to Limited Partnerships they havo duly formed a Limited Partner ship and the terms thereof are as follows: 1 The name or Arm under which such partnership Is to be conducted Is CHAS. D. BARNEY & COMPANY. The County wherein tho principal place ot business Is to be located la the County of New York, Borough ot Manhattan. II. The general nature of tha bualneaa Intended to be transacted la to carry on the business of brokers and to buy, sell and deal In stocks, bonds, grain and other, commodities. HI. The names of all the General and Special Partnera Interested therein and their respective places of residence are as follows: GENERAL PARTNERS. HENRY K. BUTLER, residing at Cuah Ir.g Road. Plalnfleld, State of New Jersey. PHILEMON DICKINSON, residing at corner of Stenton Avenuo and New Street, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, State ot Penn sylvania. JOHN P. GRIER. residing nt No. 43 West 59th Street, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. EDWARD H. LEVIS, residing at Mt. Holly, State of New Jersey. J5"onD JOHNSON, JR., realdlng at 175 West SSth Street, Borough of Man hattan, City, County and Stats ot New York. ALAN L. COREY, residing at 270 Park Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, City. County and State of New York. SPECIAL PARTNERS. J.HORACE HARDING, realdlng at Rum eon, Monmouth County, State of New Jer sey. HENRY SANDERSON, residing: at Oys ter Bay, Nassau County, State of New York. All of the said partnera are of full age. IV. The amount nf ranltal whl.h ...I. Special Partner has contributed to the common stock is as follows: J. HORACE HARDING has contributed One Million (11.000,000) Dollars: HENRY SANDERSON has contributed Three hundred thousand (1300,000) Dollars. V. Tho tlmo at which the Partnership Is to begin ts January 1st, 1920, and the tlmo at which the Partnership la to end Is December 31, 1921. Dated, New York, December 31, 1919. HENRY E. BUTLER PHILEMON DICKINSON JOHN P. GRIER EDWARD H. LEVIS J. FORD JOHNSON. JR. ALAN L. COREY J. HORACE HARDING HENRY SANDERSON. CHAS. I). HARNEY A COMPANY AFFIDAVIT OF GENERAL PARTNER OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, OF PAY MENT IN CASH OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPITAL STOCK BY SPECIAL PARTNERS. I Stato of New York, City and County of HENRY E. BUTLER, being duly sworn, deposea and aaya that he ts one of tha General Partners In the Limited Partner ship of Chas. D. Barney A Company, formed by the Certificate dated December 31st. 1919, signed by the General and Special Partnera of said firm, to wit: HENRY E. BUTLER PHILEMON DICKINSON JOHN P. GRIER EDWARD H. LEVIS J. FORD JOHNSON, JR. ALAN L. COREY, Special I J. HORACE HARDING Partners I HENRY SANDERSON, and that the sum specified In the said Certificate to have been contributed to the common stock by each of the Special Partners has teen actually and In a-ood faith paid In cash, that is to say J v ) The annual meeting of tho stockholders Horace Harding ha-' paid In carh. th, of,,n.e l0T,TJ' I '.Il n0mPanI X New TotK of One Million Dollars (31,000,000 Sunerior Oil Corporation nr nt thm Tin aril nf v " ", iud miBi air or r It. 1920 ? regular January. 1920. at twelve o'clock noon, f" share was declared I th el".'" of directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other A tim ini he held at the Office of th. nZLZ J.'. "'.' l. ana i61 Broadway. In th. 1 ,-Vru'. ' "'"J1U'?. ' " G.e sum jianii.,,'., - ' " ",a, owe or At a. rerular meet! Directors held January S.V.M. Meh 1 111 to stockholder! of ind ,or "" """" ' such other I Polls will remain open for one hour, j Transfer books will be closed on I January 12th to January ltth. J OEO. J. SCHUTZ, Secretary. 17, 1920. W. FREDERICK SUEN'DEB, Trees, say. II, 11 ' IIIAA AAA! Sworn to before me this 2d day of Janu ary, 1920. HENRY B. BUTLER. nAROLD CLAUS. Notary Public, Westchester County, (Seal) New York State. Term expires March 30, 1921. Certificate filed In New York Co. No. 111. New York Register's No. 114. I