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aKsaNaijaMiftyHiW -wjm itpv, tf-f h'r-'""" fT" 'V soffit) 1 THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. 15 fTlTllT I Vrm1 rmi nmir 1 AJU1 ijhuuy AVJENUB uWT 'Assamo Jolntpnprifp pf .2 Story Strictnro at .405 , nr A-arjt Avonuo. i 5 i J777 WEST END Am iSOED Hnflson-Overlook Changes Hands in Day Marked by Heavy iFlat.MUng, In order to insure living quarters for tnetnselrM the tenants of tha Rn tprtment hEus at 406 Park avenue, riorOeturt cornw of fty-faurth street, lum purchewjl On struotura from J. a M. O. Mayer and Millard Bdtrqedcr, rho only .last jyeek bought the rpparty from ft .synfllcto of New Tortc nd .Mjiasaoltuefltta loUrests. Th tenant buyers were represented la the fleal by Walter a VVyckoff, who has managed the property silnco It was built (fttsht j;oara ago. Stoddard & Mark were attorneys for the jclle'ro and Dor man k Dana for the 'buyer. The house is one of the moet attrac tive on Park .livenua and .contains every modern convenience. It la .arranged In miltes of ten and ttrclya floras and has an annual ,rent roll of $lp3,000. It fronts "100 "feet on " Park nvenuo and ninety .feet ,on Fifty-fourth street. i sale near, yxsqajsp-rnvr home An unknown buyer has acquired the fifty foot dwelling At 19 and 21 West FlftyMventh .teet, on the north sldo of the street a few .floors west of the Vand.ertylt manaipn rvWch. j Is ,a!d, Is belnt sought' by a 'syndicate of hotel owners as a site for a huge hotel. Tho proporty sold yesterday liao been oimed by the estate of John L Hiker for sev eral year and Is .opposite the property t 22 and 24 which was purchased re cently by OpponhelBYCoHtns & Co. as a site for an uptown Bjtoro. The Brown, Whoclpck Company ,and Royal Scott uoiaen were tne Drolters. t W ngtp APARTMENT FIELD. Eluar & FelnberK, fac, resold for the Clements Realty Company to Ialdor Zlm jner and Eamuol Reznlclc 777 West End avenue, southwest .corner of Iflnety clghtti street, a twelve story apartment house, op .plot TBjclpO, arranged' In two eight and ten room suites on a floor. The property rents for about $86,000. Frarik Locker, attorney, acted for tho buyers and II. B. Davis for the sellers. The bouse .was erected by Edgar A. Levy elsht years ago and was sold to the present B.eHcra" three wpeks ago tnrougn tne same propers. Abraham Croaney and Joseph Freed man sold to the 8. J. I Realty Com pany, Inc, re precepted by Jacob Llv . lneston, tne Hudson-Overlook, at the laoutheast corner of 180th street and iPlntharst avenue. .It la a1 six story ele lvator apartment. 100x100. rented to thirty-six families. Messrs. Croaney and Freedman also eolcT. to the Northend Holdjnf Corporajtlon two apartment houses, known ,d'ej the Sunderland Ceurt and the' Nortnan Court, tiro six story elevator apartments at Bii to 530 West 136th street, each .on 'plot lOOilOo, rent Ins for' 160,000. J. Block & Co. were the hroksrs. The Bava. Realty Company bought from Marie Leachnlk 105 Audubon ave nue, a Ave story apartment house, 7ox 93, renting for $22,000. Kantrowitz & Habere", attorneys, represented the seller nnd buyer. Metsler & Volkenberc were the brokers, Joseph ShenJc purchased from a client pf Morrison & Echlf! the Bellguard, a new twelve story fireproof apartment house, 101x100, at the southeast .corner -of Broadway and Eighty-ninth street, containing, thirty-four suites and five stores, renting for $80,000 : also' from a client of tho TJuross Company the south- cast corner of BrpadB-ay and 14lst street, two sjjc story apartment build ings, 120x100, containing stores and llt-ty-flve apartments, reritljig for $jG,000. Mr. Shenk sold to Philip Wattenber? 1391 to 1402 Clay avenue, three six story apartmontt buildings, 135x100. containing eighty suites, - renting" for J ssv.oou, tnrougn Max Kosenreia; also to a Mr. Gerbino, through A. Walken hcrg, the six' stqcy elevator building at the northeast corner' of Haven avenue and HOth street, on a plot of Ave lots, renting: for S34.Q00., and through Will lam If. Baker to tho Jules Realty Company 603 to D07 West 15Jd street, two six' story apartment houses, 7Sx 100, containing forty-ejght apartments, renting .for $16,000. I. Portman purchased Jhrough Pease & EUbnan the six story apartment house, 103x130 irregular, at the north east corner of Fort Washington ave mio and 161st etrept; also from Nicholas Seely, through the Nebrhjg Company, 576 and 580 West 176th streef," a" five story flat, 75xSS : also resold to the Htrkin Realty Company, represented by II. H. Feldatelp. the northeast cor ner of Audubon avenue and 173d street, a six sfbry elevator apartment, 95x100, renting for $30,000. Morris Schwartz was the' broker. they have been located many years. The building is five otorlee, 20x80. BUYS BTH AVENUH COItWUIl. Pease & Elliman sold for the Gold stein Leuln Realty Corporation, repre sented by Sclileslngcr & Laznroe, 1204 1210 Fifth avenue, northeaat corner 101st stroot, four flvo story apartment buildings, on a plot 100x100, to Harold C. Mathews for Investment. ACaUIIlE8 UARLESI COpTTEIl. Tlio six story loft building, with Dtoros, 0x100, nt tho ndrthonst corner of Lexington avenuo and 125th street, has been resold by Byrne ft Bowman for Thomas J. Bannon to Henry W. Gormorioh. Tho property rents for (30.000. Mr. Bahnon acquired the prop erty loBt month through tho eamo brokers from Charles Wynne and Louis II. Low. POrtTMAN IlESELIiS XOPT. Isaac Portman resold through tho As sociated Koalty .Company to tho Whole Realty Company the sevon story oillco building, 40x92, at 30 and 32 East Twentieth street IlVVa UUILDINO SOLD BY SON. Tho four -story loft building nt 105 Water street has figured In two inter esting transactions that again em phasize Uio extreme shortage of accom modations In lower Manhattan. Simon Pretzfeld, who had owned tho roalty for a number of years, sold It to tho Broadway-John Street Corporation, Ellas A. Cohen president Following the sale, Mr. Cohen states, Edgar Petzfeld, eon pf the former owner, who occuplea Uie structure with his tobacco business, tried to rent a building in the same neighborhood. After a fruitless search for rcntablb quarters ho decided to buy back the. property his father had sold. Mr. Cohen's company mado a substan-, tlal profit in the resale. story brick apartment house, at No. 005, to a Mr. Manners, BATIiaATE AV. Anton LeMlen sold to tho Prospect Button Corppany one story factory building, southwest cor-f Louta 'a rfutnmel of Putehoruo, L I, ner of Sathgato ftv. .and 187th et to XSlttla Lublin. 540 10th av. rots : $7,500, PEItUY AV. Morton M. Oroen sold for Mrs. Frank Metzel dwelling at No. 3341. to Mrs. IC Altschul. HOFFMAN ST. Nicholas J, Mollllo sold for Amalla Plcarello to Louis Fein and others the flvo story flat nt the southeast corner of Hoffman and 187th st; also for tha eamo Interests the flvd story flat adjoining, at 2390 Hoffman at to Jennie. Do Blase HAST 147TH ST. Alexander Selkln and Samuel Hocksteln gold for Samuel Kate the Ave story flat, 45x100, at No. 433. EAGLE AV. Harry Smolcnskl bought from Heubner ,& Schcr. builders, tho flvo story flat 51x109, at tlio north west corner of Eagle av.' ,ahd 109th et EAST 141ST ST. Williamson &' Bryan sold for Sophlo Bunker the flvo story apartment, 40x100. .fit No. 4fJ4 1)00, all UeiVB. jRnl!j attys, save,..., 11 West Bide. (West of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth Win AV, t. e s 4Ut t S0f4-. Jan 14; atty, Title -Guar & T Co, 174 llwav i. ..11 mu -st, no w, . nt w ui av, sik Chos Uernsteln, ( W llltb st to Jacob. Wue.teln, 725 Illveralde Drive, mts $10, 000, Jan 14; attre, Cohn Bros, 99 Wall at 1 34TH 8T, a s, ISO w 7th av. "47x.0-iftm C Jlerrman, ref to J II M Ilenlty Corp, foreelo.ed, Jan 15; attys, fitudln & R. 55 Liberty st $155,000 -STH BT, SCS-tEC W. n 105.1 e'Jth Av. tf,lx9.9, art end I to goroi a.J H Norma Winch, 43 Edirocomba av, ex anil true of Chan A Wlnoh, to Cperrjr & Hutcblmon Co, 2 W 46th st, ,mtg J40,- 000, Jan lEi altys. Stoddard & M. 125 llway C...... ,...$8,60P STU AV, w , 811.8 n 2th st, H.lxlOO-, 1. uo s Oatruan to Mary Deroniteln, S37 W J7th ,t, mtg 110.000. Jan S: otty, Henry D Cohen, tit qrand st $$0,000 BROADWAY, a o cor 5!i it. 100.5x51.0 to o l old Bloomlngdale road (elesedi Itppkery Investing- Co to College lipid Co. lit W 130th t. mtv HSn.000. Jan 15: AQUEDUCT AV. Tho I. Lincoln Selde I A'tya. "wlon & 8, 320$10l) ComDanv sold to tlio Urnnx Nat onal P":" . 'tiyroni V.o'i"? tiomc f" V. KAUFMAN IN TltnEE DEALS. Michael Kaufman purchased from the Edmund Franois Realty Company tho northeast corner of Crotona Parkway nnd Ellsmero place and tne adjoining house. The corner is 109xl33x irregular, five Btorles, containing forty-flvo suites, and adjoining house, 104x100, with thlr- ty-nvo suites. Lovy & Bon were tho brokers. The cornor wojj resold to Schwartz Bros. Mr. Kaufman also pur chased through M. Rosenthal & Co. 120 West Twentieth street, a seven story loft and store, 25x100; also purchased through tho .same brokers from the Twenty-nine West Seventeenth" Street Corporation a ten story store and loft ATUONCr THE DOWNTOWN DEALS X. A. Berwln tc Co. sold for the Edjar KatS3 Corporation 3$ arccnwiaii. street, a five 'story 'loft, 35x1 pp, and resold it through Frank Sullivan to a company said to reprejenf ftfl Rabcock.ft WJlcox Company; present tenant Spear A Co. resold for Robert E. Simon the six story' end basement build ing at 47 and 49 Greeno street to H. Cottier for investment ' Mr. ' .Cottier Is the lessee of 51 jQiyeno, .street adjoining. Max Marx purchased through George ' It. Bead & So, from the Llchlensteln Es tate the two iiVP Etory buildings 218 nnd 220 Washington' street, 42.4x bput (63. Pope & Brothers sold for the Mark ka in Realty porppratlon, Clarence W. Eckhardt president, the .two five story Btores and dwellings at 60S and 604 West So a sAieot. xho will oc cupy for manufacturing ' flowers and feathers; Thp Leberton Contoraiton fought from the Adams TV. S- Cpcrus eetae ft and 60 Vcpey street to&Xtn moil stars and lofts, 50x101. Harold I Lewis was the broker. Frederick Brown awrtsedl from Michael .Goldsmith 390 -Canal street a six jstory' loft buildtpg Wth elerst-jr, on a .lot iVix5Jix irregular. Immediate possession is given. Halt .J. Iloiy & Co. and Warren & BMlllA sold for Sldn.ey J2. Mlllinffton to Qualjty'tlomes. Inei; J27 ind, J29"Ermce street, aorttuvest corner of Wooster , street, a- seven story lofU j The Charles F. Noyes Cotapeoy sold fo? fit sQtffs alty Cowyasy to XtM jE, L. fMUGmr'B stti, aew&rs WITiroRAWN FIIOM SAGE SALE. Joseph P. Day mado the announcement yesterday that .the elxty-seven houses at Cedarhurst L. I., advertised In the auc tion sale of tho Sago estate are with drawn from tho sale. This was decided on at a meeting of the executors yester day afternoon. All tho balance of the property, Including the Manhattan, Bronx and Queens parcels, will bo eold at absolute auction on Tuesday, January 20. at thft ErchnnrrA.fl.ili.nrnnm. 11 .Vaav street. New York city, at 12 o'clock noon. DWELLING MARKET ACTIVE Tho Rrown-Wheelock Company, fna, sold for tho Clark cstato the five Btory dwelling, with an elevator, 26x102.2, at 24 west Seventy-fourth streot,- to Leo Lovy, the tenant TJhia la the ninth house on this block .sold .by tho eamo brokers for the estate wltliln tho past ten days. Phelps Stokes, Inc., sold to a client o,i uoiai uay .as jora mo iuur piory dwell ing, 17,6x102.2, at (53 East Scventy-thUJil street Slawaon & Hobbs sold for Dr. B. F. Beach 144 West Thirty-fifth street, a three story dwelling, 18x102.2, to a client for occupancy. .Harris & yaughan, inc sold for Lewis IL Lapham, 45 West Fifty-sixth street, a five story American' basement dwell ing, 25x100, assessed at $124,000. Pease & Elltman have sold for Lyman C. Joseph the four story dwelling, le.s x60, at 749 Madison avenue, which ho has owned since 1881. The new owner will alter tlio property for business use. The. residence at 515 West End avenue has heen sold by tho Coventry estate. Tho Douglas L. Elllman Company, Inc., sold for Mrs. Isaac McConllio her Ave .story American .basement residence, lSx 1UU, at 42 uast Uiy-ursi street 10 a client for occupancy. OTIIEU SALES IN MANHATTAN. WEST 89Tn ST. Coughlan & Cllsby sold for Mrs. A. G. MeLochlin, a flvrn story American basement, priwte house at No. 323, to Mary M. Fits-, Patrick, to be-altered Into high class small apartments ready lor occupancy within .n few1 .months. WEST 24TH ST. E. Sharum sold to1 330 West Nlnety-flfth Btreet Corpora tion at Nos. 149 to 155, a. six story loft building, .83,4x98.9. Byrne & Bowman were tho brokers. SECOND AVE. Charles Wynne and Louis H. Low sold .to an Investing client of William F. Sohns a four story building at No. 2390. EAST 25TH ST Bastlne & Co., Inc., eold for George N. .Hayward the three story dwelling at No. 126 to Reyam Realty Company, represented by Eugene E. Spcrry, nttorney. WEST 12TH ST. Spear & Co. resold for tho Burden Realty Corporation tho four story loft building at Nos. 2S and 30, to William Brelt EAST -'1ST ST. O'Reilly & Dahn eold to Dayton Building Company at No. 12, a six -story elevator apartment house, 41.8x100. EAST 95TH ST. O'Reilly & Dahn sold for Adam Ochurer to George O'Don- nell at No. 231, a, five story tenement. 25x100. EAST 73D ST. J. S. Maxwell sold for the Pocomo Realty Company a Jlvp story tenement at No. 213, 25x100.. EAST 100TH ST. Julius Bachrach bought from tho Lawyers Mortgage Company the six story tenement at No. 311. WEST 179TH ST. Norman Denzer sold tor the Hanion iteaity worporauon 10 clients of Henry Goldstein a five story aoartment at No. 710, 60x100, WEST 179TH ST. Nehrlng Bros, sold to Ennls & amnott ni ios. ouo anu 508. a flvo story twenty family apart ment. 50x100. WEST 36TH ST. Slawson & Hobbs sold for Dr. Bennett S. Beach at 110. is, a three story and banement dwelling. WEST 128TH ST. Wycox & Shelton sold lor the .estate 01 uuanes n. wai son at Nob. 140 to 144, a three story and basement dwelling, 15x53x100 each, to Ernest T. Bower. EAST 121ST ST. Mulvehell & Co. sold to D. Cohen the flvo story single Jiat at No. 149. CHKYSTIE ST. J. Flnklesteln & Son. sold for L. Cohen & Sons to a whole, sale drug concern the tour story loft building, 26x125, at No. 133. Realty Company for Mrs. I. S. Cohen the ono family house nt No. 2210. COMMERCIAL LEASES. WIHlam A White & Sons leasod at CO and 58 Pine et, .offices to Aloya.Mayer, E. H. Stern & Co., Spits & Bromberger, and Taylor Jackson, Brophy & Nash, and entire floor to J. Walter Bell; at 168 Ccntro st loft to Gcsar First -and Samuel Stegel; at 158 Pprlng st two lofts to Max Brickinan tnd Ialdor Rap peport; at 835 to 339 Fifth av. ofllce to Vltelll & Co. ; at 179 Greene st loft to Skolnlck & Adlersteln ; at 72- to 78 Park place store and basement to tlio Car borundum Company ; at 135 Hudson st entire building to Bernard ICarp ; stores In tho Park Avenue Hotel to the Reliance Silk Mills, and Albert & Jack Miller; at 69 and $1 Pearl st. office to the Isalon Trading Corporation; at 253 Broadway office to J. IC Larkln & Co. ; at 110 West Forty-second st. offices to the Safo Guard Company, and with Horlo Sparks loft at 26 West Fifty-eighth st. to the Trotteur Hat .Company. Cushman & Wakefield, Inc., leased a suite of offices in 23 West Forty-third st to the Edison Storago Battery Com pany of Orange, N. J. IN TEpa AUCTION. ROOMS.. AT 14 VBSET STREET.J By Henry Brady. 1S.STII BT, 107 W, n s, 112.4 w 7th av, 17x90.11, 3 sty dwlg-Bllzabeth J3 Val entin est Boas Moebocher et al; John ton ic Meailcr. attva: Oeoma J Qll- leaplo, rot; due on Judgt, 19,858.90; taxes, &c $437.54; eold to Adolpli Moa bachor tor $5,000 TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TRANSFERS, (With name and address of owner and attorney,; Downtown. (South of Fourteenth street) WASHINGTON BT. 2T0. e a. 00.2 n Warren :, 20.8x76.0 David A Clarkaon et at to McCorml:lc Ilubba & Co. 279 Waah Ington at, pr mis $37,000. Jan R; atty, Carl S Ileldenrelcli, 2772 Fulton . et, Bktyn ...$r2,S00 BLEECKKU ST, 08-100, S a. 72,4 w Mercer ui, runs a izu.jx f to .nerccr si, No 1L b 20x w 100.4s a 0,&x w 2Sx n 150x To at o CO.lx to beg Mary B Brandager, wife ol ndw D, to Benmauer Homing uorp, xau liway, jan u; atty. A A Sllberberc, 2SQ1 Bway $100 CAXAIj 8T, -400, a w 00.7x to Lalght at x 41.TXZ9.8 jeaaie i. scnenaer to Geo a Bartholomew. 00 W 10th at, Nov 28, 1010: attya. Itandall & U 140 llway... .11 BROADWAY, 321-328, w s. 24.11 n Thomas at, runs w inoax n ana again n oi.jx e x a e 85.3 to at x s 60.2 to beg Harold Barclay et al to .121 Broadway Co, 47 West at, all Uena, Dec 12; attys, D'.xon & II, 32 Liberty at,., $100 QBHEMB ST, 163, xr a, IS 0.4 n Houston at, 55x100 National Corpn to SamI L Waller atetn, 70 13 7th at, mtB $Sfl,00,0. Jan n; atty, Michael Kaufman, 200 Bway,... $100 SAMB PROPERTY Sam'I L Wallerjleln to A II Invtatlns Co, 200 Bwny, pits $3S.. OOO, all liens, Jan 0: atty, same S1O0 CHUnCII ST. 274-270, w s, 72.7 s Whlto at, 100.3xBO.Ox lrrec Stohemor Realty Co et al to Aaron Jacobs. 145 Rodney at, -Bklyn, mtirj $58,000, Jan 15; atty, Jacob Manhelm,. 281 Bw.iy , $100 14TH ST, n s. 200 e Sil av. 2fltl03.!! Jacob Manhelmer to Hermrd Cobn, 117 Id av, Jan 3; atty, Wm It Hilt, 141 Bn-ny $100 ST MARK'S PL, 55. n a. 25x03.11 I, Cold ateln to Tlarney Erahowalty, 03 E 1st at, mtga $35,000, Jan 14; atty, Sol S Hauber, 300 Bway 1100 PRINCE BT. 143-145, n e o West Bway, 40t 71.3 Marjohn nealty Co ' to Manport Realty Corpn, 03 Park Row. mtga $70, OOO, Jan 15; attys, Cass A Apfel, 33 Nas- , itau at CROSBY 8T, 49, e a. 23x100 Iversen 4 Caso Realty Co to Qeorire Ilolko & Co, 40 Crosby at, mtg $20,000. all Uena Jan 13. .. $100 WATER ST. lf.5, a s. 17x92 Simon Prctz feld to Edgar S Pretifetd, Oak st. Wood mere, ti I, Dec 22; Rttya, Wolt & Kohn, 277 Bway ".$100 ' East Side. (Bast of Fifth' avecue, between Fourteenth and 110th .streets.) 37Tn ST, n e. 35 E 10th av, 30x100.6 Chas J Tasrllabue to Realty Supervision Co, 45 W Slth st, flits $10,750, Jan 1: attys, rallstcr, E & O'C. 2.M Bway....$l 58TII ST. 13-15 B, n , 27S E 6th av, (Ox 100.5 Downtown Realty Co to trustees of tho New York Society -IJbrary, 109 University pi, b and a, mtg .$100,000, Jan 13; atty, Fredk de P Foster, .44 Wall t ,...,$100 PARK AV, 1014, w , 43.2 s 8th St. 30x70 Rhode Island Trust Co, aub trus will of Frederic P Sand .and sub trus will of Austin L Sand to Nathaniel W Keene. i:3 II 54th at, Jan 2; attys. Fitch & O, (3 Nassau st '. ,$42,000 MADIBON AV. 534. w a, 25.5 n Slth st, 35x 70 Frank lawrence t al. Hotel Ora matan, 'Broxvllle, N "Y, ex and trus of Frank R Lawrence, to Anthony Klmbel. 190 Riverside Drive, mtg 330,000, Jan 16; attys. Putney, T & P, 2 Rector st .' $100 90TII ST. 0 s. 110 0 3d av. 25x100.8 Jacob Sobsl, 37 Duane st, to Jacob Fobol Jr. 170 Bway, mtg $13,000, Jan 12; attya, Herman is B. 110 llway SI 1STII. ST, 115 B, o 3. 16X82 Harris S Lines and eno, exrs,- &c, to city Heal Kslato Co, 176 Bway, Feb 18, 1910 $30,750 tSD ST, a a, 123 -W 3d av, lxl00.6-Mary Otis et at to Cornelia II Leslie, Seabrlght. N J, mtg' $7,900, Jan 14; atty, T O & T Co, 176 Bway $100 1ST BT, 84, n s, 103.7 0 Id av, runs n 50.4X e 24.11x s 60.1 to st x w 24.1 to beg Chaa L lloftman, ref. to North River Ins Co, 95 William et, Jan II; dttys, A S & W Hntchlns, 81 William st (fore closed) ; $16,000 MADISON AV, 139-193, e s. 49.11 n 84th at, runs n as. ax e iuux n to "ut st No. 30 E, X e 20.10X s 98. 9x e 4.2x 9S.3 to n s 34th St. No. 11 B, st 23x n I9.9X w 100 to beg Frederic de P Foster and an. ex andMrus of Sarah C Goodhue, to Commercial Improvement Corp of Madison av. Inc. 30 Nassau st, Jan 15; attys, Cadwalader, ' W & T, 40 Wall'st ". $650,000 T4D ST. n s, 5 e Madison av. 32x103.3 uuaraian Holding Co, inc. tv a aa et, to Emil J fitebll, 13 W 76th at, mtg $50. 000, Jan 15; atty, L T & T Co, 150 Bway -. .'..$100 75TII ST, n , 387.0 vr 3d av, nina n 103.2 x w 37.8x a 33.2x w 0.2x s 70 to st x e 37.8 to beg Ravenawood Co to 75th St Syndicate, Inc. Jan 15; attys, Stoddard a Ai, j.i uway .' n 102D ST, 108 E. s s, 105 o'Park av. 25x 100.11 Mario Robert to Nathan Levins, "8 Av B, Jan 15; attys, Morrison & 3, 310 Bway '.......'.....,....$100 80TH ST, 13 E, n a. 228.7 o 5th av, 31jx 83 Edgar M Phelps et al to Myr Kap lan, 11 E 30th at, Jan 5; atty. Chas Dorlnger. 1432 Owny; mtg $40,000. .$100 CTII AV, 1201-10, n e cor 101st st. lOO.llx 100 Irving Snv Instn to Qoldatem & Shenk, R & O Co, 118 W 130U1 at, mtg ii,uvv, j an is; attys, same ttiuu Stpi 8T, 181-83 W, n fi, 63.4x08181 Wet 38th St Oo to Valentino Gehrlnger, 82 Avenue A, mtgs $135,000, Deo 24; atty, Aug Knate, 68 Pine et..., $100 HTU ST, 107 W, n s, 25x93 Farmers Loan & T Co and ano, exre, to Leo Cohn, 744 Beck st, Bronx, b and s, oil Hens, Jan 15; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Broad, way $17,500 28TII BT, 181-33 W, n , 83,4x98.9 Valen tine Qehrlnxer to Wm Grossman, Elm hurat. L I, and Mark L Cohen, Doo 34, mtg $126,000 atty, Aug Knats, 69 Pine at , ijiji) CIST ST, n a. 400 11th av. 15x100.5 Caroline Selbcl to Chaa and Jos Petto yltch, 453 1 W 47th at, mtg $12.0(K. Jan 16; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176, Broad way ', ,i 46TH BT, a e, 203.3 e 7th v, 16.9x100.4 Frangold Realty Co to Anna Silver man, 158 W USth st, rngt $38,000, all Mens, Jan 14; atty; T O A T Co, 178 Bway $60,000 2'JH ST, 5 to 0 W, n s, T4.6xH blk iv uom 01 uo to Bcnwaoacn a itapuaei, 8 w Hth St. mtg $800,000, 0 and a, 0 a a-, Jan 15; flttys, Bloom berg & B, 5 Beekman at .! Uptown, (Manhattan Island, north et 110th street.) 6TII AV. 13IS. e 7r.i1 n tilth t. 25x100 Koplek Realty Corp to Roils and Plncus Alvervaus, 811 H 188th at, Jan 12, mtg $34,000, p m, $8,000; atty, B B Kopelmau, 280 Bway,. .$1 157TH BT. 585 and 637 W, n e. 160 o Bway, 76x99.11 Hamlefeg Realty Co, Inc. 229 W S5th st, to Mendel W ureenoerg, 1!7 Delancey st, mtg $82,250, Jan 6; atty, Henry dreenberg, 99 Naa- sau at.. , , $100 BROADWAY, a r cor 116th at. run 135, a 99.11 r 25 n 75 w 100 to Bway n 244 to beg Mary J Cunningham to Harry Felnateln, 1095 Proapect av, Jan ioi att, joan u iicrnitein, o DeeK man at , $lto 13ITH ST, 606 W, a a, 160 w Amsterdam av, 40x99.11 Wm II Green, 162 B 86th st, to John Flnck, 140 W 68th ,st. Jan 15, mtg $26,000; attys, Hirers ' & A, 277 Bway .$100 CTII AV. 1389. e s. 7G.11 n 114th at. 25x100 Benl Berger and ano to Koplek jicmty iorp, Bacgman si, uxiyn, b and a, Jan 12; atty, B E Kopelman, 2S0 Bway ,......,$1 MADISON AV. 2078, w s, 16.S a 181at st, 10.8x74.10 Harry Whelan to Hudwlll Corp. 7 W 45th st, Deo 29. 1919; atty, Hudwlll Corp, 7 W 45th at $1 MADISON AV, 2078, tamo property Hud. will Corp, 7 W 45th st, to Wm C Matthews, 617 Lenoxav. mtg $4,600, Jan 14; atty, T O & Y' Co, 176 Broad way $1 126T1I ST, 369-371 W, n s. 100 e Columbus av, 6Dx99,U W J McLtugblln and ano to Fred'k S Justice, 360 E 182d st, b and s, c a g, mtg $11,450. Nov 17, 1919: atty. Wm F Wund, 156 Bway $1 137TH ST. 291 W, s s, 15.6x99.11 Peter Dake to Illldl.ih Craig, 269 W 134th st. mtg $7,000. Jan 11; atty, M F John son. Ill Bway $100 126TH ST, 109-11 E, n a. 50x99.11 M Miller to Frieda Neff, 2143 Amsterdam av, mtg $:4,3S3, Jan 15, atty, -TG4T Co, 176 Bway $100 2D AV, 2390. e s, 100.11 n 122d st,' 20x80 W L S Realty Corp to Israel Packer, 2394 2d av, and ono, mtg $8,000, Jan ICi.attys, Stoddard & M, 128 Bwny ,$100 7TH AV, 1840, w a, 67.5 n 111th at, 33.CX 100 Susette II. and Ellz J Miller, extrxs, &c, to Aaron Samuelson. 20 W 128d st. mtg $40,000, Jan 16; atty, Wm Flatto, .1 coaar st 344,000 1C2D ST, 1 n J1S o Amsterdam av, 50x 99.11 Artfre Realty Corpn to H W G Realty Co. 50 Union Square, mtg $48, 500. Jan 14; attya, Kelley & Connolly, 37 William at 3100 153D ST, 450-4 W. s s, 100x99.1111 W G Realty Co to Jos S WarJ, 696 W 153d st. mtg $97,000; atty.-. samo S10O 1C0TII ST. 631 W. a s, 300 w Amsterdam nv, 37.6x99,11; also 160th at. 526 W, s s, 337.6 w Amsterdam av, 37.6x99.11 Mabel A Dreyer to Bovlna Realty Co, Inc. 256 Bway, mtg $81,300. Jan 13; atty, Whaley. W'& II. 27 William at $100 111TH ST, n a, 300 w Amsterdam av, 75x 88.7x83.6x125.4 Lyon de Camp -of Fulton Chain, N Y, to Concourse Estates Corii. 135 Bway, mtg $145,000, Jan 6; atty. T O & T Co, 176 Bway $100 118TH 8T, 606 W, s e. 75 W Bway, 16.6x 99.11 Alfred Rauchfuss, 606 W 148th st, to Harris Friedman, 540 W 144tli st. mt $12,000, Jan 18; attys. Amend & A, 119 Nassau at $100 112T1I ST, n .. 300 w Amsterdam av. 7Sx 88.7x83.6x123.4 Concourse Estates Corpn to Harris Mandclbaum, 13 w 87th at, nnd Fisher Lewlne, 100 E 72d st, b and s; attys, Elsmtin, L, C & L, 135 llway. II FORT WAHHINGTON- AV. s o cor 179th st, 92.7x129.1x92.6x125 Hy D Chapln to Saml Lagarowlta, 1416 Fort Washington av, mtg $170,000, b and s, .Ian 13; attys, Stoddard & M. 128 Bway...... .-.....$100 UITH ST. 123 W. n s, 19x99.11 Bronx National Realty Corpn to Rose Sacks, 636 E 156th at, mtg $10,500, Jan 15; atty, Louis Laumann, 80 Maiden la no.. 11 112TH ST. n S. .96 0 6th av, 37x100.11 Minnie Wntzky to Louis Epstein. 3 E n:tb st. mtg, sept 39; L Ep Realty Co to Geo I Statin, 81 and 40 Suffolk st agd ano, mtg $25,000, Jan. 15; attya, Radelolt & It, 16 (Court -at, Bklynj 0 0 and.., it-it.1. PnOSI'EOT AV, 870. e s, 76xl82.i0x7K.3x 160.1 ImperaUr Realty Co to Ruther Realty Corpn, 616 Lenox av, mtg $11. coo, Jan 14; atty, A A Bllberberr, 36$ Bwayt o 0 and $00 JSTlonuiNO-AV, a w cor lld at, 44110x96.4 X43X98 Albert Taubert to W 0 V Realty Co, 406 13 149th ret. mtg $40,000, Jan 15; atty, -Saml Dltterman, 809 Broadway; 0 0 and , , .,...,.$100 1T6TH'8T, Ve; $5:2 e ' Arthur v, 89.7x 110.8x37.7x107.8 Mary Haas to Max Angtlion and Marian Griff, 73-80 Mar ket st, mtg $39,500, Jan 15; atty, M B Lesser, 13$ Nassau .at; ,0 0 and $100 BATHOATE AV, 1761, vr s, 40x114,5x4 J.5x 114.6 Dorothea Hobsl to Max Baron, $001 16th av. Ulilvn. Jan Hi atty. U T L Baron. 84 Nassau at,.,,,, .11 CUUTJIKUM DOULD. 0 s, 60 n ID6U1 at, ltSrlOO Central Union Trust Co and ano to .Whltpolnt Realty Co, 105 B 20th at, Deo I, 1913; atty, Title Ouar Co, 176 Bway .,', $9,760 SOUTHERN BOULD, a s, 333 a 156th ,at 348,8x100 Central Union -Truat Co and ano to Whltpolnt Realty Co, 105 E 39th at, ueo 3, isia any, Title uar , go, i Bway J19i500 l'AUKDR AV, 1424, e a, 25x100 Paul F Wagner to Otto F Wagner, 501 -V 178d at, mtg $8,500, Deo 32,- 1919; atty, Title Guar Co. 1T0 llwnvl n t unA flOO .SAME PROPERTY Otto F Wagner to Blaenberg, 844 Union av, mtg $3,600, Jan in, any, xiue uuar co, 17 Mroaaway; o o and... ' .. ifln ARTHUR AV, e a, 120 a William at, 50x (6.4x60x86.1 Vreilk W irntonrntt, Ia Pletro Clnelll, 1898 Arthur av. mtg ea.svK, j an ut atty, Title Guar Co, 176 IlnsTl a n anil tinn 1J6TH AT, at, 39.9 w Bathgato av, $9.tx J2r,n. A Colter to Meyor Pachman, 5.,84..K.k Bv- Jttn I": a'ty. Title Guar Cp,176lBway; o o and ,.......$100 DALY AV, 1915, .w s, 60.8x129x62.2x186.9 Honeoya Realty Cornn to Simon Blech- man, not 47tn st, Dklyn, mtg $88,660, Jan 15; atty, Title Guar Co, 176 Broad way! o o and una "S0?0 PARKWAY, 1932. a, Vl'llX 139x62,2x180.9 lloneoyo Realty Corprt to Oscar Blechman. 4707 18th av, Bklyn. m'r.WMOO, Jan 15; attry, Title Guar 176TII ST, 103 B, s w cor, 22x78 Clifford D Guertln to Morris Stern, 888 E 181st Jt, and ano, mtg $8,700, Jan 15; atty, 'TO & T Co, 176 Bway; o c and, ,..$100 BRYANT AV, 1427, Lot 261. map aiotion A, Vyia estate Barbara Burdewlk to ."''-A10' 1447 vy v Jan 15; atty. T Q & T ,Oo, 174 Bway; a a and , ..$100 CHISIIOLM ST. 1295, a w cor Freeman at, 75x24 Barbara I.apord to Rosa Hy man, 871 E 170th at. mtg $9,760. Jan 16! atty, T 0 '4k T Co, 176 Bway; o o and iioo 176TH BT, n , 85.2 e Arthur nv, 89.7x 110.8x37.7x107.3 Slax Angelaon et al to Mollle Blutsteln, 17 Rutgers pi, mtg $89,000, Jn 15; atty, Max B Lesser. 182 Nassau at $1 PERRY AV, 8329, W a, w lOO.llx a 15.1X o 94 to av x n 17x n 10.1 to beg Hermltte Ozmltz to John Wlngertzahn, 1150 Longfellow av, mtg $5,000, Jan 16; atty, O Frey, 3429 3d av; o o and iioo 8$6TH ST. a a, 125 w Oneida av, 25x100 Wm Farrell et at to Chaa Bennett, 1911 Anthony ev, and nno, mtg $3,000 each. Deo 24, 1919; atty, T O & T,Co, 176 Bway; o e and $100 CltKSTON AV. 2738, a, 25x91x35x96.1 Maria h Auabrlettel to Wm Netter, 268 W 65th st, Jan 6; atty, T O & T Co, 176 Bway; o o and $100 150TH ST, 339 E, n a, 36xlOI.llx25.7x 91.6 Louis Kaeramerer to Amelia Welsa, 6 Lincoln pi, mtg $12,000, Jan 16: atty, Schaefer, 111 Bway $7,500 WALTON AV, 2327, n w a, 60x100 Margt M Murphy to Klearfleld Roalty Co, 261 W 121st st, mtg $24,000, Jan 15; attys, Hlrleman & V, 391 E listh st; o c and $100 Jan 15 Hllklah Craig to Peter Dxhl, 112 W 100th at. Instala. Oft. pr mtg $7,000; atty, M F Johnion, 111 Broad-' LONDON STOCK MARKET. TO LET FOR BUSINESS rURrOSES. way , ...,.$1,760 opening1 la Heavy, Especially in 120TH BT, 109 E, n . 60x99.11, ian 15 " I Frieda NOft to Morris Miller, 3 -W, Indian Isaoci. atty, T 'o"&"'Co. lBway.'.. ..$3,500 0P(lt Calh Detpatch to Tni J5b ani tot am Mmtmr ta a if - n . A i If extended, 75x100, p m, Jan 16 R B Realty Co to Thoa SI Major, 788 River- J'uolfo Mier. VepvrtoM, 1920, ail rlahti rtitrvtS, atcln, 127 W 112th st ....$100 Bronx. JACKSON AV, .715, w a. 18.4x75.1xlS.4x 75.8 Esther Friedman to Jacob Kravlts, 1011 Wllktns av, mtg $5,000, Jan 14; atty, Title Guar Co, 176 Bway; n o nnd $100 WALTON AV. 1056, e a, 20x100 Otto I Metzger to Harry Aranow, 1056 Walton av, Jan S; atty, Title Guar Co, 176 Bway: o c and jioo HOE AV. 353. w a. 43x150 Susan Prlngle et .al to Isaao Katz, 819 Hunts Point av, mtg $25,000, Jan 15; atty, Chalmers Wood, 45 Cedar st ,$44,000 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, n W s, 23xl0Sx 30.2x127.9 John II Lang to Gertrude Rothberg, 1413 Wllktns av, mtg $14,800. Deo 1; atty, J M Lolbner, 63 Park Row $100 152D ST, .a s, 7 o Union nv. 23x94.10 Mary E Gowdy to Amelia Rhsaell, 634 Prospect av, mtg $1,600, Jan 2; atty, M Frlcdston, 803 Bwny 81 TELLER AW 3 069. w s, 20x100 Abraham Tdmarkin to Sam Zln. 49 E Bway, mtg 7,350, Jan 15; atty, Title Guar Co, 176 Bway $100 BURNSIDE AV, 253 E. a w a. 26xl05.11x Z9.6XI31.3 Mary Kata .to Nathan Ellen bogen, 1460 Cryant av, mtg $8,000, Jan 15; atty, Arthur Bell, 391 E 149th at; o a and , 3100 HUNT AV. 1723, w s. 23x96 Barbara C wygant to Wm B Hnaa, 1723 nunt av, mtg $4,000, Jan 15; atty, C II Baeclilor, 1126 E Tremont av: o c and 3100 PROSPECT AV, n e cor 183d at, 60x100 Harris Mandelbaum et al to Concourse Estates Corpn, 136 Bway, Jan (; atty, Elsman. L. C & L. 135 Bwav 31 CARTER AV, 1687. w a, 37.6x81.x37.6x ss.i uenwooa iteaity uo to Louis uoi denberg, 119 W 116th st. and ano, mtg $20,000, Jan 15; atty. Max Brownsteln, ii Court at. Brooklyn: o c and 8100 VYSE AV, e s, 214.7 n Homo st, 31.11x100 wm (iienie to uyman unger, 982 Horn st, mtg $3,500, Jan 15; attys, Xeler & Van T. 23il llway; o c nnd $100 BlitPSON ST, 959-60, e s, 80x107.6 E II & M Realty Co to No 1424 Bryant Av, Inc. 233 Bwny, mtg $61,500, Jan 14; atty, F B Silverman, 233 Bway $1 SIMPSON ST. 9ti4-S. e e, 80x107.6 E II ft 31 Realty Co to 918 Simpson St, Inc, 1030 Kelly st, mtg $61,600, Jan 14; atty. Louln Realty Corpn. 10 Wall St. b and s, ' SIMPSON 1;X. 1004. e a. 40x100 Antonla nu uena, jan in; attys, oouicsmaer os i,. Husalc to IS II & il Realty Co, 360 Wash- 10 Wall St $100 . lnirtnn t. ml? I!.-,. 500. Jan 15? nttv. Ma SAME PROPERTY Goldstein 4 Leuln -Sllvcrsteln. 309 Bway; o o and.. .,,$100 Realty Corpn to Harold o juatnews, 14 INTERVALE AV, 1234. see, 24.10x51.1x MORTGAGES. E 69th st mtg 3145.000. Jan 15: atty. T O T Co-. 176 Bway. 3100 85TH ST. 114 E. a a. 18.1x103.2; 85th at lie E, a a, 18.1x102.: ii orma wnson et al. exrs, fto, to Aug Fraemeke, 128 E 63th at, mtg $27,000, all liens, Deo 15: atty. L T & T Co. 160 Bway.. $39,000 LEXINGTON AV, 1606, w s, 61.2 a 103d at. 16.7x75 society for tno Reiier or 1'oor Widows with Small Children to Nlcolo Muzzicato, 129 ii luza st, d ana s, o a g, OTHER. SALES IN THE BRONX. CROTONA AV. Charles 'Wynne and riouu tu uavr soia at no. iioi uio two family house, 23x100, to client of I. Cohen & Co. 500NB AV. D. A. Trotta In conjunc tion with TV. B. Brown sold for John Ewon at NO. 1303, n three story and basement frame two family dwelling, 26x100. BAS3FOIID AV. tJ. Clarence Qavlcs snld for ICrehb Cnrcorntlon at No. PARK 2243 two family frame house. 17.C.7G. i l"cg Lewis C Lcdyard, Jr. . and .ano. tnrr(T! av trii itror, inn nl,i I xra. &c- ,0 cnroia u ae iugier-vinars, MOBJU3 AV. luirz & Uren, ina, soldi TlyolIi N Y part Jan u. attyf Car. 26.3xV).l Louis L Vlcns to Sam Edison, oo ioi at, ana ano, mtg J5,uuu, jan 12; atty, E I Herbst 99 Nassau st $1 IXDT 36, map part Schleffelln est Salva tors Rfbando to John Mangano, 639 9th av, mtg $380, Jan 13; attys, O'Brady Bros, 277 Bway $100 3D AV, w s, 111.1 s 178th St 61X116.9X54X 114.7 Geo W Bedell to L Napoleon Levy, 18 W 72d at, Jan 28, 1915: atty, L napoleon Levy, 38 Park Row $1 Jan 15; atty, IL It T Co, 160 Broad- BROOK AV, 1460, e s. 25x100.6 Minnie ot.U .11 I Hostlcman to Anna Aaclior. 872 E l3d 97TH ST. ibi'-U E. n a. 50.6x100.11 Mlra W.000, Jail 11; atty. Max Miller. name to isiaor ucuciaaum. isi w i,diii i - . st. oan S; atty, 1 u 0. --gjj- BirVu SOO. Jan th 'st, n a,2oo e' ifadieon v, i . A i i.''it-J? Vt'":"vc;:;;;;v;vViS Jacob W Lewis. 647 W 1423 at. to Ethel i aVeJeVi A.i'i' viwSf.'.il f k.i Scho-nberg. 61 E 101st St. Jan 14; atty. ";'l!Hi'S.,1T-8 mv Vsh".'?' .ml CltT Co. 1C0 Bway: mtff 119.850.. $1 ?n Ir Yi. H;..0 AV. e S. 60 n 68th st 106.3x30X C..VV.""- "w"...": 1 'ii. av nwur: a u aau. ........... . vw I for Charlea Hensle Company to a client of James A. Atwator two five story new' law apartment houses at Nos. 1377 and 1279, 37.xl00. AVENUB BT. JOHN Arthur Weyl & Co. sold for B. Flnkelstone the four ter. L & M. 54 Wall at $100 71ST ST, n a. 175 w 2d av, 80x103.3 M 1 Youngling and nno to Xonlse Sehuter, N 3ir B 33d st, all liens, Jan 15; attys. Baker & O.'ll Nassau st..,.........81 BAiCH JTlOPUItT T Louise 0chuler t4 GRANT AV, 1007. awe, 81.2x18x81.1x39.7 iiax ruchs et ai to David ureenspan, 1034 Tlrrany at mtg $36,600, Jan 15: atty, J Rleger. 267 Bway $100 HIST ST. 420 E, s a. 33.10x65 Robt F Newmann to Wm J Herdt, 18 Davis av. White Plains. N Y, mtg $7,000. Jan 15; atty Wm J ITerdt, It Davis ar. White Plains, k 1. ...........11 Max IBeojamln, tl E 31th it mtg $14,- a$7TlfT, 494- B, w , 41U3 Esther (With name and address of lender and attorney.) Downtown. (South of Fourteenth street.) BROADWAY, 321-28. w n, 34.11 n Thomas st, 105.2x50.2x lrreg, p m, Deo 12 321 Broadway Co to Harold Barclay, 68 E C6th it, et al, due Aug 1, 1925, 5 lift; attys, Dixon & H, 32 Liberty st..$13,000 13TH ST. 289 W, n a. 18x59. p m, Jan 15 Eber I, Scripture to Earlo Hotel Co, 103 Wnverly pi, Inatals, f,; atty, Oeo W Olvany, 3 Rector st $9,000 7TII ST, 33 E, n s. 25x74.10, p m, Jan 15 Tt.-ilo Lerlne and ano to Margt S Hoydt, 801 W 91st st, due July 1, 1923, 6, pr mtg $11,300; atty, N Y V & M Co, 135 Bway $1,500 WATER ST, 165, a a 17xD2xl6x92, p m, Dec 22 Edgar S Pretzfeld to Simon Pretzfcld. 223 W 71st St. ot al, Jnn 15, 1923. 5Hr; nttya, Wolf& Kohn. 277 (Bwny , $24,000 BLEECKER ST, 98-100, a a, 72.4 w Mercer st, 129.3x56.1x lrreg, p m, Jan IE Ben maur Holdlpg Corpn to Mary B Bran dfgee, on Newton st, Brookllne, Mar;, 7 yrs. 5t4 and C $115,000 CHURCH ST, 274-6, w a, 100.3x50.9x lrreg. P m, Jan 16 Aaron Jacobs to Leon Tuchmann, 1991 7th nv, 4 yrs, 6, p m mtg sav.uvu; at;y, iouis lanneim, 30J Bway1 ,.1 $8,000 East Side. (East of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth ana uutn streets,; aoiji c-j, m-v r, tuts, cucn, xa.tx 102.2, 2pm mtgs. $13,500 each, Jan 16 Aug traemcjte 10 11 urmo wuson, a K 64th st, et al, exrs, &c. 5 yrs, SMT,; attvs. nreeJ. A & 31. 33 Liberty et.J2T.000 SAME PROPERTY, p m, Jan 15Sarao to Mai vlna Meyers, 7j jiaunon av, 3 yra. 6, pr mtg $27,000; attya, Henry, M & M. 2J7 Bway 35.000 SAME PROPERTY, p m, Jan 15 Same to Henry 1, ueomann. sis Jiaa son av. in atals, i'r, pr mtg $32,000; atty, L T ti T uo, ibu 11 way .,, ,iiii,uuu 72D ST, 120 E. a s, l?.3xl02.2, p m. Jan 15 Jos .Q Abramon to Paulino Wolf, 151 Central Park W, 3 yra, CWTcI attys, Kolf & Kohn. 277 Bway ,336.000 MADISON AV.' 334, w a, 23.5 n 64th at. 25t 70, p in. Jan ! Anthony Klmbel to Herbert R Lawrence; 19 W 61th at, et al, exrs. &c. 3 yrs, 6, pr mtg $30,000; atty, D H Taylor. 165 Bwny...., 843. 000 103D ST, 108 E, a a, 25x100.1, if u, Jan 15 wathan wvine to .Mane v Robert, at Les Dellces, Grand Sacconex, Geneva, Switzerland, due Jan 1, 1938, 5 ,"; attys, Mlddlobrook & II, 46 Cedar at 310.000 78TH ST, 217 E, s a. 13.4x102.2, Jan 15 Hermlne want to jiary aiemKe, sin Bushwlok v, Bklyn, 3 yrs, 6fi, pr mtg $3,000; atty. Otto Seller, 1393 3d av $2,010 20TH ST, 13 E, n s, 21.6x85, p tn. Jan 15 Jleyer Kaipan to uouverneur si rneips, 165 E 79th st, et al, 3 yrs, 6, pr mtg $40,000; attys, Geller & It, 31 Nassau t 312.500 MAUISON AV, 189-93, e s, 49.4 n 31th st, 9!.9xl00x irrog. p m, Jan jo uommer clal Impt Corpn to Frederic de P Foater, Tuxedo Park, N Y, and ano, exrs. 4 yrs. 6H; atty, F de P Foster. 44 Wall .....3325.000 99TII ST, a. 200 0 Madison av, 25x100.11. p m, Jan I liinci ccnoenoerg if, jiu:uu W Lewis, 517 W H2d st, due July II, 1920, 65; atty, I P Elsenberg, 32 court st. Bklvn 5671 37TII ST. 3.09-11 E, n s, 50.6xlOO.ll, 11 in. Jan 15 leiaor ueiteiDaum to jura Bailie, at MattltUCk, L I, due and Int as bond: altv. T O & T Co. 176 Bway.89,600 STII AV. 1504.10. n e c 101st st. 100.11x100. p m. Jan 15 Goldstein : Leuln Realty Corpn to Irving Sav Instn, 115 Cham ber? at. due Deo 15, 1921, 554; atty. T O & T Co, 176 Bway $115,000 West Side. (West of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth and 110th streets.) 28TII ST, 181-103 W, n a. 83.4x08.0. p m. Deo 24 Valentino Gehrlnger to 131 West 2Sth St Co, 120 Bway, due Jan 2, 10-5, O?,. pr mtg $83,000; atty, T O & T Co, 170 Bway "... $,000 46TII ST, s s, 203.8 0 7th av, 10.0x100.4, p m. Deo 13 Anna Silverman to Fran gold Realty Co, 181 W 40th at, duo Jan 1, 1023, 6, pr mtg $28,600; atty, TQ4 T Co, 170 Bway $10,000 10TH ST, 107 W, n s. 23x02, p m. Jan ir Leo Cohn to Farmers L & T Co, 22 William at, and ono, exrs, 6 yrs, DV4! attys. Oeller. R & H. 22 Exchange pi $14,000 84TH BT, s 3. 280 w 7th av, 47x98.0, p m, Jan ir J H M Realty Corpn to Lawyers Mort Co, BO Llborty st, 3 yrs, Ofot atty. L T & T Co, 100 llway $100,000 8TH AV, w a, 82.8 n 28lh st, ,10.1x100. p m, Jan0 Mary Berensteln to I.ue S Oatman, at Slarcellus, N Y, 0 yrs, DUft. pr mtg $10,000; attys, Harrison, E & B, RO Wall st.... $13.0' BROADWAY, sec 83th st, 1008x01.0 to 0 1 old Bloomlngdals rd x 102.5x80.0. Jan 15-T-College Holding Co to Klasko Finance Corpn. 40 W 27th st, 1 yr, 6, gr mtg $005,000; attys, Morrison & Schirf. 20 Bway; notea $12,000 20TH ST, 0 W, n a, 28.0x92. p m. Jan 14 Bardale Realty Co to Welqhman-Uarte Realty Oorpn. 220 Bway. duo Jan 1. 1928, 6, pr mtg $100,000; atty, David Galew- akl, 290 Bway $70,000 20TII ST. 5-7 W. n 3. 74.0x03.9, p m. Jan 16210 West 88th St Co to Union Dlmo Sav Bank, 701 flth av, due and Int as per bond: nttys, Butcher, T & F, 1 Mndlaon.av $70,000! C7TII ST, n s. 23 c 10th st, OOxlOO.B, p m. 1 Jan 13 Realty Supervision Co to Chas J Tngllsliue, 585 McDonough st. Ilklvn. 1 yr, C attys, Fitlllster. 15 & O'C. 23a Bway : $3,000 Uptown. J (Manhattan Island, north of 110th street.) , BROADWAY, e cor 146th st, 125x34.4x, lrreg, p m, jan jo nnrry reinsiein to Mary J Cunningham, 16 Hamilton pi. 10 vrs, 3!i; attys, Prcielneer & N, 60 Wall at: gold $160,000 113TH ST, n s, 300 vr Amsterdam nv, 75x88.7x83.6x135.4, p m, Jan 15-Con-conrie Estates Corp to Lyer, de Camp, Fulton Chain, Berk co, N Y, due July 1, 1980, 1. pr mtg $145.0001 attys. Butcher, Ft F, 1 Madlaon sr.. .$10,000 181TH ST, 334 W. a a, 15.1x9141. p m, slde'Drlvo, 6 yra, o pr mtg $67.000il London, Jan. 16. The grave situa-' attya. Stoddard tc M. 128 Bway, ($16,000 tton hroutrtit about by tho Bolshevist 1J4T1I ST.,i06 W, j, 40x09.11, p m, victories In Europe and Asia caused the I6a2n .E66.hhilnSu,,0a,n,Ua? VCk t0 0n ther heavy to- bond, pr mts $16,000; attya, Uoroyltz day- Securities more particularly rtt- & It, 115 Bwa7.,... $7,000 fccled wero Indian Oovornment etocltV Columbus av, 60x99.11,p m, Nov. 17 n.-.rt , ,J i.n.,l n.: T-iiraqK a jutico to iriorenco u flic- -. - - L&ugblin. 13 innis nv, Poughkeepsie, Issue ot cxclioquer bonds was ot favor N Y, nnd ano, 1 yr, t. pr mtg $44,450: ftble character and conversion terms aro atty, Wm V Wund, 1$6 Bway,.,, $1,850 nw-it,,! with interest AMSTERDAM AV, a w cor 175th st (600 , ttW,"11" L1" JrSh,. .,,, . , W), 100x160. pr mtg $30,250; Broadway, In ono or two directions there was ro- w cor 188d at, 25x$4.11x lrreg, pr'covcry In prices, but business (cenernliy mtg $188,760, Jan 14-Jos B Bonder Was quioter than usual on a Friday, uloo'o0 tFaiii Btrength was shown again by Bway , $25,000 marines, urewenes aiso wero t goou market. Floattnp; supplies of credit wero more ample and as short loans -were In less request tho tendency of tho marko.t was easy. Rotes for day to day 'money ruled at 4 per cent to .1 per cent., balances fa koneimnn. 2 ft 0 Bway..... . ...33.000 "c"5 "eciy oixcreu m mo lower rate FORT WASHINGTON AV, e cor 173th nnd at 3 per cent over tho week end, St, S3.'iX13U.lX J.UX120, samuei ixtsarowitz . W Slat st due Nov 'BlnAAirA A M. 1 Ttwav lllST ST, 211 E, n s, 39x103.3. p m, Jan 3 -Bernard Cohen to Jacob Man helmer, 723 St Nicholas av, due Jsn 148TH ST. 606 W. a r. 16.6x09.11. n-m Jan 15 Hanle Friedman to Alfred Kanchfuss, 606 W 148th et, 6 yrs, 5?il ntty, Thco Housen, 20 Broad at.. $12,000 CTH AV, 1889, e a, 76.11 n 114th et. 25x100, p in. Jan 13 Boats and Plncus Alervalss to Konleo Realty Cora 2 yra, 67,, pr mtg $34,000; etty, Barnett AV, e cor iiatii miu ui iy-i per cent, over ino weeu enu. !5, p m, Jan 15 miscount rates were distinctly easlor, as i iIo?iDh,ap.tni lbllla wero scarce. The banks wore bot lway.V....'$?U00(ter buyers of shorter maturities, while liVIAUCI, I 431, AliUilVIVO t UUW Mtae 15, 1925, 6Ci; atty, Wm II Hill. 141 Bway $30,000 Bronx. BURNSIDE AV, 286, a w a, 25xU1.8-John Mazza and ano to Saml J Ashley, 747 St Nicholas av, Jan 14, due, &c, as per bond; atty, IT A Southworth, 46 Cedar st $6,000 WALTON AV, 1050, e a, 20x100 Harry Aranow to Otto J Metzger, 1056 Nelson nv, Jan 15, 5 yrs, 64541 atty, T O AT Co, 176 Olway $8,500 HOE AV. 953, w ,s, 43x150 Isaao Katz to Snsan Prlngle, at Villa Prlngle," Biarritz, France, et al pr mtg $26,000, Jan 15, due Deo 81, 1914, 8ft; atty, C Wood, 45 Cedar st ,$1,000 JACKSON AV, v a, it 156th Bt, 18.1X 75.1 Jacob Kravltz to Either Friedman, 715 Jackson av, Jan .14,. instate, B'.ii ntty, T Q & T Co, 176 Bwny.... $1,600 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, n w 8, 97:4 n Wllklna pi, 25x106 John M Lang to Jos Lelbncr, 6104 14th av, Brooklyn, Oct 28, 1919, 2 yra, t; atty, J M Lelbner, (3 Park Row, i $4,800 FOREST- AV, 'e a, 121.8 n 165th at, 25x170 Jonas A Jafto to Morgaretha It ltotli, Mt Vernon, N Y, and ano, Jan 15, In stala, 6ft: atty, Arthur Bell, 364 Alex ander av $8,000 SIMPSON ST, 906-60, e , 2 lots, each 40x 107,0. 2 mtga, each $14,350 No 1421 Bryant Av, Inc, to B H St 31 Realty Co, 260 Washington at, 3 pr mtga, $80,000 each, Jan 14,' due. &c as per bond; atty, Mix Sllversteln, 809 Bway i$8S,500 SIMPSON ST, 964-8, e a, 2 lots, each 40x 107,6, 2 mtgs, each $14,250 No. 963 Simpson Bt, Inc, to same, 2 pr mtga, each $30,000, Jan II, due, ic, as per boild; atty, same $33,500 HUNT AV, 1723, w a, 35x95 Wm B Haas to Barbara C Wygant, 1721 Hunt av, Jan 15, 3 yrs, 5ft; atty, C II lOaeohler, 1128 B Tremont av $1,000 IRVINE ST, 893, w a, 20x60 Wm II An deraon to Louis Bernstein, 152 Henry st, pr mtg $4,000, Jan 13, 8 yrs, Oft; atty, H .Warsaw, 61 Delancey -st. , $2,000 CARTER AV, 1087, w a, 37,6x81.6 Louis Goldenberg and afro to Denwood Realty Co, 609 Willis av, pr mtg $30,000, Jan 13. 5 yra, 6ft; atty, Denwood Realty Co, 609 Willis av $13,000 INTERVALE AV, 1334. a o a, 24,10x51.1 (Jam and Jacob Edison to Louis L VIens, 1231 Intervale av, pr mtg $5,000, Jan 12, Instals, 6ft; attys, O'Grady Bros, 277 Bway $3,000 VYSH AV, e a. 214.7 n Homo at. 24.11x100 Hyman Unger to Wm Glchl, 8850 EAstchester rd, pr mtg $30,000, Jan 10. 8 yrs; attys, Neler & Van D, 256 Bway . $3,125 BROOK AV, 1400, o s,. 25x100.(1 Anna Ascher to Lillian R Miller, 0U7 Kelly st, pr mtg $11,000, Jan 15, Instals, Oft atty, Max -Miller, 809 Bway $3,600 AV ST JOHN, e a, 81.7, a o Prospect av,, 20.2x00.0 Kalman Manaa and ano to Sam'I "Flnltelsteln. 8870 14th nv, Bklyn, Jan 10, 1 yr, Oft; atty, N Frank. 290 Bway $1,000 HOFFMAN ST, 2431, w a, 16.8x07.3 Nun- zlo Guarnlerl to Matilda seiigmnn, 1633 Vyee av, rr mtg $2,300, Jan 15, 1 yr, 6ft; atty, Hy Solomon. 525 Bway. .",$400 RYER AV. 2257, e a. 23x100 John W Far rell to Edith L Gaines, 152 W TMh st, Jan IB, 3 yrs, 5Wft! atty, Title Guar i T Co. 170 Bway $3,000. 170TII ST. 002 E, s w o Trafalgar pi, 22x 75 Morns sirrn anu nno m t.iitrorfl o Ouertln, 002 E 170th st, pr mtg $3,700, Jan 13, 5 yra, Oft; atty, M Eerkowltz. 74 llway .83.05(1 CHI!?!IOLM ST, 1205, s w c Freeman st. 70x24 Rosa uyman to Barbara Lopsril, 822 Jennings st, pr mtg $0,730, Jan 15, 3 yrs. 0ft; ntty, TJtlo Guar & T Co. 170 Bway - $2,750 107TII ST, 404-400 E, a w s, 41x02 Geo. I Stibln and ano to Esther Realty Co, 790 Riverside Dr. pr mtg $26,000, Jan 15, 8 yrs, Oft; attys, Davis A D, 01 Cham bers et $10.6(1' PROSPECT AV, 070, o a, 76x182.10 Ruther Realty Corp to Imperator Realty Co. 170 Bway, pr mtg $114,600, Jan 15, II yrs. Oft; attys, Herman & E. 170 Bwny $25,500 CRESTON AV, 2738, e a. 25x04 Wm Net. ter' to Harry Aaron, 4219 12th av, Bklyn. Jan 15. 3 yrs, Oft; atty, Title Guar & T Co. 170 Bway $0,000 PARKER AV, 1424. e s, 26x100 Moaes and Ialdor Silverman and ano to Otto F Wagner, 501 W 173d at. pr mtg $3,501. Jan 15, Install. Oft atty, Titlo Guar T Co. 17(1 Bway .$1.SA0 SOUTHERN BLVD. e n. 60 n 156th st, 133x 100 Whltpolnt Healty Co to Central Trust Co. 30 Bway, and nno, trus, Dee 3, 1919. 3 yrs. 8ft; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bwav 86,835 SOUTHERN BLVD. e a. 135 s 156th at. 248.8x100 Same to same, Dec 3, 1919, 3 yrs, Oft; atty, same $13,650 7TH AV, n s. 255 w Avenue C, 50x116, Unlonport Maagaretha Guldner to An drew J Forster, 1869 1st nv, Jan 3, due &c. as per bond; atty, Andrew J Forster, 1369 1st av 84,000 23STII ST, a f, 125 w Oneida av. 25.X100 Bay E Bennett et al to Wm Farrell, 82 E 236th st. and ano, exrs, Jan 15, 8 yrs, 6ft: ntty. Title Guar & T Co, 176 Broad way $2,300 176TII ST,.n s, 85.2 e Arthur av. 39.7x110.8 Max Angelron and nno to Mary Haas, 2336 University av, pr mtg $29,600, Jan 16. 5 yrs, 6ft; atty, II M Flateau, 51 Chambers at $9,500 the market was wanting bills to rcplaco rocont heavy maturities. New York exchange again moved un favorably closing at 3.68U to $3.09 a. French and Belgian francs again de preciated. ' COFFEE MARKET. Ranje of prices: upen. iiign. ijow. January February.,, March April May......... Jane......... July Atiruat September.. 15.93 October November December... 15.62 13.00 13.75 15.60 16.23 16.84 16.00 15.73 1&20 ii'.M 16.19 ii'.ii 15.90 15.63 Thnri. Clone, day, 15,!i-8J 15.93-95 16.0041 11.03-10 18.16-17 16.S5-27 16.85-87 16.34.24 16.13-15 16.03-10 10.00-03 15.90-91 FLOORS and OFFICE SPACE TO RENT in modern twenty-thrco story office building 150 NASSAU ST. Approximately 7,000 sq. ft to each' floor. Also basement and mib basement. Most conveniently situ ated office building in downtown 'Manhattan. Apply THE FRANK A. MUNSEY CO. 280 Broadway. Cor. Chambers Street. FAOIOUV I'BOPKltTY FOB SALE, 15.65 15.75 15.83 15.89 16 m 16.09 1 16.18 16.07 -15.03 15.90 13.85 15.80 87,000 SO. FT. 3 story mill typo factory, heavy construction; htosm heat, largo elevator. Rood light; sliliiplnj, labor dis trict; 40o sq, ft. 10,000 St). Pr. 2 story and basement brick building;, steam heat, elevator, ship pine, labor district; S5c. sq. ft. 170 ItomsonSt.and 200 Uroadrray, D'klyn. Phono Main 148. WUSItllUSTtlt KUAL ESTATE. i 0 Coffee Cables nlo vria nnchsnsed at 113223 for'No, 7. Exchange unchanged at 17d. lie. cetpta 6,000 bags and stock 291,000 bill. In Santos apota roro 900 rels' higher' at 15$350 for No. 4 and 13$300 for No. 7. rntnres were CO to 12 rels lower. Receipts 7,000 bigs and stock 1,865,000 bags. Ilecolpta at the ports ncro 13,000 bags, against 24,000 last year and. CO.OOO bags two yearn ago. Sao Faulo had 8,000 bars, against 18.000 list year and 60.000 two years ego, and JimdUhy 7,000, scshist, H,000 and 40,000 bags, reapcctlrely. I BRAZILIAN COFFKH STATISTICS. Last test Testerday, week, month. Now Tort deliveries. 11,963 10,207 7,513 NewOrleana dellrerles 8,737 13,472 9,321 Total delkerle ' 21.BD9 23,673 16,871 New Tork stock 022,218 669,727 D8S,S0.2 New Orleans stock... 192,374 245,275 393,856 Stock at all port,.. 814,623 916,000 982,168 Afloat 619,000 634,000 418,0091 Vllioia -supply...... ..l,433,l l,4UO,li8 Lat year's risible.. 865,552 898,083 772,964 BCAK3DAI.13 1 nouae near station.' contalnlne Bplot. Possession May lat. Price O $22. 2C.' Terms. All Improvements. W 1K)WD SETTERS NnitntntLfa In WISaTfltrcRTtm HOMMS i I 7 E. 42nd fit., 0 1 rtoora 011. Vrtnderbllt 8104 J (1.1 tyii rs mna na Q csssBsfr raw Business Troubles. U. S. APPROVES PLAN FOR ITALIAN LOAN Banks to Be Used as Medium of ''Sales to Immigrants. The Italian Discount and Trust Com pany announced yesterday that with the approval of the United Stales Govern ment somo 5,000 Italian banks in the United States trill be utilized to sell to Italians In this country up to $23,000,000 of Italian Government bonds, principal and Interest of which will bo payable In dollars or lire at tho holder's option. The plans wero described in detail in a recent issue of Tub Sum. JThe official statement issued yesterday follows In part: "The United States Treasury Depart ment has just authorized the flotation In this country of an Issue of $25,000,000 Italian bonds, known as Series A, and which Is tho first Instalment ot a com plete Issuo of $100,000,000. The lAStie Is underwritten by n group of h.-dlng Ital ian banks, composed of Banca Commer- clale, Crcdlto Itallano, Banco dl Nnpolli nnd Banca Itallana ul Bconto. The bonds aro dated February 1, 1920, and mature in flvo yearn They aro Issued at par, bear Interest at 65 per cent., and carry tho conversion privlleeo nt maturity, by which they may bo paid In dollars or llro at the rato of seven to tho dollar, subject to tho option of tiio bondholder. "The bonds are In denominations ot $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 and will be eold here through the 6,000 or moro Ital ian banks in the United Stntos. The Italian Discount and Trust Company will soli tho bonds over tho counter. The aim Is to reach tho Ave or six million Italians in tho United States who have been sending to Italy for deposit In Ilnlian banks between $80,000,000 and $100,000,000 a year. Instead of this transfer ot funds tho Italian Government , .... . . .. , ... ni. : jM,ru v nims to cstaoimi m mis country creum sa7nc.ij.lui; Dec. SI. 1W PETITIONS IN BANKRCPTOT Petitions In, bankruptcy Sled In the United Slates District Court Friday wero as follows: Involuntary petition against Maxwell Trading: Company, Inc., of 53 Chambers street. Inabilities, about $6,000, and assets about $6,000. Principal creditors: William Wolf. $2,000; Charles Kaufman, $2,000; Aaron Itochmes, $2,000. Petitioners' attor ney Is Edward II. Davis, 51 Chambers street. Voluntary petition by AronowlU & Horo- Tvuz or lua nassau street. l.iaonuies, $1,121; aasets, nothing;. Principal er-dltora: tfnvKrnan .ores., idjv; ijevr uairy com pany. $175: Bock Baklnr Comsanv. 3155, Petitioners' attornoy, David Lehman, 291 Broadwav. Voluntary petition by Earl C. Delesdo of on c5i iiim street, uaoiniies, IM"; assets, nothing. Principal creditor. New Netherland Bank, $6,397. Petitioner's at torney, iiarry wauensteln, .3D Broadway. .1UDOMENTS FILED. MANHATTAN. The following Judgments -were tiled Prt day, January 16; the first name being that vi me ueoior; Abrahams. Mark P. C. II. Baker Aneora Specialty Co., Inc. S. I'elsner Blackburn, rannie N, Y. Hall ways Co., coats Bahrlo, Arthur Schleffelln Co.. Corey, Edward B. E. L. Adams Cudderback, Harold M. Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe Co Oeylon Coca & Coffee Co., Inc. Opler Broa., Inc Dugan, Jamas TV. 11. Mitchell.. D. Vorgla Studios, Inc. Podesta Seagllola et al. Evans, Wards W. Alexander Hamilton Institute Freifeld, Louis I. Hantel Fltigerald. Archer W. H. V. Youngling , Gotsch, John J. Clochesay Gcrken, Borent C., Sigmund Adler nnd Jacob Boksteln (Adler & Eckstein) Yl A McDonnell... 15,139.53 iiourciau, Airreu t II. J. Re. vorve Hardin. Eugcno C Otis Elevi- tor Co IIIII, David A. Marks Arnliclm, ine Haselton, Herbert 1 Daniel ' Bros. Co Hornn. Keran M., or Klein Horaa W. p. Youngs it al ;. ItQlUman. Katherlno N. Y. Rail ways Co., costs , Kastonetz, Harry N. V. Railways Co., costs i,, Koisman, Joseph A. Swift & Co., Inc j Lion Steam Laundry Co. John' C, Weardo ft Co Londlner, Morris State Industrial Oomm' Lovcnson, Jacob, nnd Morris Lovenson Merchants Une Moore, Harold L. Shllvlnatz.. . . Macomber, AV. Sturglss C. G. Coakley Moore, Robert C H, ,r. R'lioir'e" Moore, SUnley II. I. Klscnateln. Mcenan, Anna G. Petite et al.. McAoy, John T. E. P. Kaeslner Multlte, Lillian, or Molte or Mal- ietto H. It. Orvls; costa...... McCabe, Robert N. Y. Railways Co.; costs Miller, Ernest N. y. Railways Co.; coats...., OsjInliiR Prtg. & Pub. Co. J, E. Ltnde Paper Co rrnctor, Harry S. N. Y. Edison Co ; Probst, Henry (United Xatlon Supply Co.) W. P. Youngs et al . Peaenllc, Julius Hi o. Mllllkem ot al ! , Ramapo Water Cij. C. G. Walter Hothtnan, SamuC. nnd DAvld Sol omon D. ParMteln Rarltnn Chemical Works Innls, Spelden ft Co., Inc Same Whlto Tar Co Same Same Scbrelbcr, Dave Chatham and Phenlx National Bank of City of N. Y Schechtor, Hannah S. Ooodtoln Sutton, Milton W. O. F. Eakln. Strlvlnga, Roy T. Beacon Falls Rubber Shoo Co Saranto, Sergio N. Y. Railways Co.: costs Stapleton. Minnie M.. and Irving M. Forbes East Machine Co. Cones, Lena N. Y. Railways Co.; coats Secnl, Zlale. nnd Abraham filn kln M. Zimmerman Thomas. Harold -filorden's Con densed Milk Co Towlln. Kalman and George R. Pcnrl Van Meyer, George M. Rosenthal Zanelta. Teter A. R. Paveal..,. BRONX. Thi first name l that of the debtor: Ballenxweljc. Hyinan N. Radus, $164.32 Oengaro, Sam Wilson ft Co 602.61 Sehorer, Martha V. and William H. Bankers TruBt Co., as trus tee 2,329.91 SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. The flrat name Is that of the debtor: the tecond that of the creditor and date when luriement was filed: De Myer, Emma L. A. Berliner et al.; Sept. 4, 1912 Breltung, Edw. N., Charlotte O. Dreltung and Mary Kaufman Ml C. fichwelner Jan. 9, 1J20. Ooldatcln. Abraham J.. Hurry Olr.sburit and Moses A. Gold- 1 Woo.1JorklnR CdrAMay 22, 1913 'Prhl Hoyt Co. L. Atnsjerman et April , iJiJ. $225.20 1,737.41 108.93 299.94 1,146.29 128.53 1.J37.59 419.86 1,515.71 107.60 165.90 198.51 169.01 191.07 153.14 269.20 112.98 142.81 103.95. 103.95 499.20 113.56 270.00 165.90 438.91 1,233.63 524.20 476.54 626.70 430.20 172.92 103.95 103.95 185.73 215.47 10S.74 749.99 205.59 '235.08 1,923.78 398.34 776.09 5,073.82 121.13 485.20 326.57 108.95 113.35 108.95 473.09 190.83 200.00 105.40 201.41 THE BEST IN WESTCHESTER 6 STATES g5 BWWAIJWS PAD MS S?"CCS. tOUHTTlY 147 WllliSf -HOMES V&sP ACRSAOB ROfiERT E.FAnLEYJnCANIZATlOH WESTCHESTER COUHTT SPECIALISTS ESTATES HOMES ACREAGE1 Fish REAL ESTATE MOItlGAGE LOANS. $12,500 To Loan 1st Mortgage at 6 Conservative Valuation Room S01. 10 E. 43d St. HEAL ESTATE PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE SAMUEL C. ADAMS, 609 Bellevue Court Building, 1418 Walnut Street. Tel. Spruce 3749 Inquiries Confidential. LOJW IIND KKAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 100 Acres MOST BBLECT AND illGIIEST POItTION OF WHBATLET HILL. HAS NO EQUAL. JOHN RITCHIE HILL. WESTBUKT. L. I. AT BAYSIUE, L. I. Attract iTe, 7-room house, ready to movo In, with sarasre; 3 nilnutea from station, ono block to trolley; beautiful plot 50100, Prlca $8,800; easy terms; roust bo sold quickly. POPPEU, 50 Northern Ave,, X. V. C. Distinct! to Homes Now Ready. HsTflLfiTS 22MINUTEb PENN.STA. J on-WcVSuSd REALTY TRUST 21T BWAY. JBAL . ESTATE WAXTKP. WANTED Loft of about 4,600 aqr. ft. with direct window Ileht for 80 men en caged In light manufacturing; no cower required. Vicinity of Brooklyn Brlden preferred. Reply stating price to Cen'l Bupt. NEW HAVEN CLOCK O., New Haven. Ct. REAL ESTATE. HOMES WITHIN THH HOUR ALL SECTIONS, $6,000 to $50,000. J. CLARENCE DAVIES. 32 NASSAU ST. JOHN 6004 I. G.W OLh, 1270 Il'irty. N. X. Exceptional bralns on th North "Shnr NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE FIRJiAJLJK. 1). r. UPDIKE. 108 Depot Avp Plain. field, N. J.. I" 'lll'r aubiirlmn Homes to Sew York people.' Write Mm. , RUTIUIRKOKD REALTY nAKOAINfl. EDW. K. llltOWN. Slmfer Hldt.. Rtitlifrtar UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET. bathe, electric lights, hardwood rtoora. etc. Posseatlon immediately, now open for In. sDBCtion; rent 5ia io 'u Pr '"""' ;- vcnlent to subways ana eicvairu. Pupp rlntendent. 8es SPART.MENT HOTELS, st. 125. nine month lease. Parlor, bed room and bath. HOTEL BRISTOL. Godfrey. James J., and Clarenco I., warneriv. r. .uiuiic;. lli.fl 17. 1819 Da Souza, Aredlo, nnd Horaclo A. Gomes l'an American iijiuis Co.; Nov. 11, 1919 Mtwmin. Pam I. r. noirman Co.. Inc.; Nov. 21. 1919 BRONX McEvoy Knester Const. Co, Inc T. C. Wood, Dec. 4, 1916. SauieH. Koealor; Aug. 24, 1918. Same Samo; Auff. 24, 1918...... I fttjne II. O. Jllscn; fecpt. b, isia. Ponzlllo, carmeuo u. iciici , Jan. 4, 191B 4,748.94 2.13S.C1 JS6.47 TCO.Ti". 3,289.09 3,21.?9 4,030.5i 1.010.72 Yesterday's Fires J $i04.e: 7,094.43 941.96 cft'ecteil hy ,tho subscription to theso bonds and to make purchases of Ahiorl can merchandise Against these credits. "Experience has shown that the Ital ian Immigrant prefers to send his monoy to Italy for deposit In tho eavlnss bank tHc'ro rather than to Invest In Liberty bonds or other securities in this coun try. It Is thought, therefore, that the Interests of tho United States Treasury Department will not ba affected by the fffela ofttew dollar bonds In th. United I jjldey. Noma ' mZt." ll! Van Hnutcn, Vm. R. and arat- llnmlin i, i-aimirri et al . Dec S, IMS llorrls. J.'onaon Seventy Fifth Kt. Co. East, Inc.: Auif. 8. 1917.. Macchlaverna, Flllppo II. Arn- hold & Co.. Inc.; Dec. 12. 1319 Macchlaverna. Flllppo, and Anna nnd Frnnlc De Cotls O. Caroj- xolo; Jan. 6, 1920 , Kahn, Leo J, A. Uaedorn! Sept. IS. 1010 O'Brien. Thereaa M. Black, Stair aTsT. ten. 12:4-Tronl.Iln and Wet Ttroodway: N V. SiibTtay Construction Co.. Unknown 1:1S 333-K51 W. 20U at.; E. II. ritr- rerald Unknown 1-2S-81 W. 26th St.; Loul Jtandcl.. Unknown S:40-8 th av.; Lovlne Broi Nodmno 40 U E Did st. ; Coleate Hoyt TJnknowit 7- 10 481 8th sr.: Clrthmatls tc Co.. .Unknown 8- 00 Pier 77, N. R.: Pennsylvania n. p. Trlftlng J:OJ-Poot W. 83th rt. ; Auto Product Manufacturing Co Unknown ::0-Plfr 15, N. It.: barys Allco P.! imtnnirn Infcnown 2.827.2.1 ' 10:10 16AI t. and Am-,tcrilai:i v ; an 109.17 tusnoblle. N. V. llutcher Co. ...Unknown U ."J-lso 11. 2d at. : Edward l'lillliiij....Trlfllnj l. M. 12:50101 Stanton it ; Sililtf I!ro... I'-dcnoiii 1:21 3J II. 105th St.: u.iknorn . Unknonn 2:20235 Iloviery; V. WelsVerp . Trlll'na; 2-66 42S E. 9th St.. Schwab Tiro Trlflb K 4:4031 Paik pi.; .Max Hroeck TrininB' 5;40 I E. 30th ft.; Winifred Lenl- han Trlfim E:15 S9 W. 48th at.; unknown. .Trininr 6:6S 38 E. 79th at.; Francis Hoff man Trillin ( ;00 17 Sheriff at.; Up To Date Dress Co Trtfllm CIO 112 Suffolk; St.; Mlnnl Grunittln ............... .Trlflinr 117.30 139.41 3C2.90 04.8 313.10 man vricros ;00 47 Sheriff at.; Up To Date :,18L8t Dress Co Trtfllm f;(0 in Suffolk; St.; Mlnnl 3