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THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, ,,1920. 3 Saks Quality Clothes for Boys ' arc the only kind for your boy to wear! Ask: any boy who has worn Saks clothes. He will tell you that they wear splendidly. You may judgo for yourself of their stylo from the models pictured at left. They arfi real boys' clothes, yctt dis play a certain indi viduality all parents appreciate. Featured Saturday: Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats At $18.75 , Swagger double-breastcrst thut fear no Wintry blast in Navy, Brown . and Tan. Convertible collars, and, warm rcd ilnnncl lining. Sizes 3 to 10 years. J . For the Boy op 10 to 18 Years- , Double-Breasfced Overcoats At $13.75 ' ., ..... The finest coats sepn in N-iw, York at the price. Tailored right, in serviceable mixtures of excellent coloring. Double breasted, with full belt and convertible collar. BOYS' SERVICEABLE MACKINAWS j.-V Here's an opportunity to get one at a eery special price $11 Nothing better for school and play. Gives the boy plenty of knee room yet keeps his body warm. Tailored in a variety of colorful Mackinaw cloths, including plaids and heathers. Sizes 7 to 18 years. Boys' Smart .Suits at $17.75, Extra Knickers Included Cleverly tailored in Norfolk effect, with new pocket and belt treatments. Excellent range of fine suitings to choose from, in the newest colorings. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Boys' Corduroy ; Knickers, $2.25 Wonderful value. Made of Mouse Color Cor duroy of good quality. Sizes 7 to 17 years. i Second Floor. ParentsPlease Note! Saturday We Will Place on Sale Girls' Winter Coats $17.75 Formerly $24.75 to $28.75 At $17.75. Coats that are unusually youthful in their clever i lines, and tailored so thor oughly that excellent service is assured. Plain tailleur and dressy styles, with large cape collars, fashioned of Wool Silvertone and Polo Cloth. Full lined and interlined. One style pictured. Sizes 12 to 10 years. 1 Also A Limited i Quantity of Girls' Coats Reduced to $14.95 Formerly $19.75 Yoke model, semi-belted, with large collar and novel fockets. Developed in serviceable Wool Silvertone, fully bed and interlined. Sizes Gto 10 years. Second Floor. Fine Switches and Transformations Reduced (to $4.50 Regularly $6. 1 Made only off the finest quality hair, in all shades, except grey. Experts assure perfect matching. Third Floor. Broadway B&U & Campant) In the Heart of New York, Diroct by Subway, Tube and HV at 34th St. To Be Placed On Sale Saturday 1 500 New and Beautiful 5 "the best values in trimmed millinery ecer offered in America" To offer such authentic and skilfully made chapcaux at this low price today is a feat to which any one at all familiar with conditions will attest. The styles arc the very newest for early Spring, skilfully fashioned of Rich Satins, Taffeta, New Straws and Hair Braids smartly trimmed with flowers, cherries, embroidery, ribbon novelties or metal ornaments. All wanted colors brown, navy blue, black, and very youtlnul combination color effects. At 5.95 they are entrely without competition! Third Floor. 8 Splendid Valuesl 500 Brushed Wool Scarfs The best you ever saw At $10 . The Wool Scarf is enjoy ing a wide vogue. These are in the smartest models in troduced, belted and pock eted, knit in Brushed Wool as soft as clown and as warm as toast! . , Offered for the first time at this low price whu not. (jet one? Third Floor. On Special SALE Beginning Saturday Children's Chambray Frocks at $2 Regularly S3. The cutest little frocks you ever saw. One model with White , Pique collar and cuffs, trimmed with hand stitchcry. Another model has White Lawn collar edged with Val. lace, and trimming of hand smock ing. Sizes 2 to G years. We cannot duplicate these values make your' selections promptly. Children's Serviceable Rompers Special at $1 Regularly $1.50. The real serviceable kind. Made of Striped Ginghams with solid color belt, collar and cuffs. Also in White Galatea with Navy Blue or Copenhagen Blue sailor collar, cuffs and belt. Sizes 2 to 0 years. Cut in Beach Leg Model Every mother prefers them! Infants' White Madras Creepers Unequaled at 50c High neck and long sleeve models, edged with fancy braid. Sizes G months to 2 years. Fourth Floor. ... - . ..,.. . i i -.-I.- ,,,1... . i . , - - Extraordinary Preparation Makes Possible Saturday a Sale of Misses' Smart . Taffeta Frocks at All strictly high-class frocks, designed especially for the miss of 14 to 18 years. Delightfully individual in their very clever lines, featuring snug-fitting basque bodices and short cuffed sleeves. Some arc finished with narrow double faced ribbon in contrasting color, others have youthful girdle and silk bow at back. Obtainable in All wanted street and after noon shades. Sizes 14 to 18 , ' .years.. Three styles pictured Greatly Reduced! 1 All Our Remaining Broken Lots of Misses'Fashionable Winter Suits Not a large collection of suits, but each and every suit a most, remarkable value. Tailored and fur-trimmed styles, skilfully produced in the materials of the hour. Formerly $49.50 to $125" Now $35, $39.75, $48, $75 An Opportunity to Effect a ' Substantial Saving i . Misses' Swagger Winter Coats Formerly $59.50 Reduced to $45 Handsome belted, full and pleated back models, fash ioned of silvertone, dutone and wool velour, with large con vertible collars of fur or self material. Good assortment of colors, including blue and Oxford tones, reindeer, brown, and oxblood. Sizes 14 to 18 years. Second Floor. M Ism Exceptional Value I MEN'S ' Gold-Filled Watches , at $9.50 The best watch value offered in New York for a very long time. Gold filled case, fitted with re liablcsevenjeweledlever movement. Illustrated. Main Floor. Rarely Equaled I Wpmen's Embroidered . Wool Tricotine Frocks Special $29.50 One of the smartest straight-lino frocks created for afternoon and street wear as pictured care fully fashioned of good quality wool Tricotine. Note the side pcplums, a feature of' the most costly advance Spring Models, and the pretty wool embroidery. To be had in Navy Blue Only Sizes 34 to 42 We Shall Aho Place on Sale Saturday A Limited Quantity of Women's Wool Jersey Coat Dresses at $25 Smart suit-effect frocks, and some with the very fash ionable ovcrtunic. The colors arc Reindeer, Navy BIu3, Brown and Tan. Sizes 31 to 42. We recently announced a sale of these frocks at $25, and they wsre all taken in a few hours. We again advise prompt selection! Fourth Floor. Sale Strictly Limited to Saturday Women's and Misses' FASHIONABLE SKIRTS Special , At $17.50 Box-pleated, side-pleated, and pleated models, carefully de veloped in AH Wool Plaids and Stripes. Waistbands 2t to 30 inches. At $17.50 Rarely Seen! Fourth Floor. FOR SATURDAY ONLY A Special Sale of Pink Batiste Envelope Ch emise at $2 Dainty, carefully made envelope chemise, in two very charming models, fashioned of pink batiste of good quality. One style has wide satin ' ribbon top and lace motif. The other is in Empire effect, with lace and satin ribbon insertion. Pictured. Third Floor. mm is BEGINNING THIS MORNING the Important Annual Sale of Women's Dress and Shopping Bags Regularly $8.50 to $29.50 We hold this sale every January, and so impressive have the values been in the past that hundreds of our customers have asked for advance notice of this year's sale. Almost every kind of bag is represented, the collection' comprising manufacturer's sample lines and higher cost bags of every de scription from our regular stock, including Solid Beaded Drawstring Bags, Plain and Brocaded Chiffon Velvet Bags; many bead trimmed, mounted on handsome shell, silver and velvet covered frames; fine seal and Morocco bags In shopping and carriage models. None sent C. O. D., exchanged or on approval. Main Floor. T