Newspaper Page Text
I Jiffy UlVMrf"fPWWmffpj FJPiiKfffPWIimm iiiumipa l II , I HflKBaNHM tii.1 K By f ' t. I hi a 4 THE SUN, SATUAJANUAUY 17, 1920. GERMANY FINDS U. S. 4 I1JJIJ. pinerous 'Flaws!' Kwt Bor 1 lin From Adopting Amort can System. BEES CABINET DEFECTS grfailurcf to Mal-p President's I ' A Ma Trncnnnnlhln fn Pcolllu .V"1'"" Criticised. Bentw Jan. U elay4) IIuS - (Prouss, former Minister of tlio Interior, , y-aay caia iwi on v m ! .ntm for fmminir the German Constl tiitlort differently frort tho American 'Charter waa that unaer vv , ahwih Constitution tho Cabinet Ministers oo Tcuplea potlorui aa mere, paelstanta to f tbo restflont and were not accountable , rjo the parliament 01 ui u"j- Ascribed to I'.t'iM that American Oreat Ilca'aquarters Vifliad sauaht to Influence mo bhuvm's v it the' German Constitution, . hr tiiiirhtiv mismioted him and that no had not made any -revelations. Mfn.1,. la whnt .hnnnaflwlj' thfi former tj Minister said. "Soon after publication f pf my first draft a year ap J was in- ! formed inairccuy inai ,J Quarter was. actively mtereaieu in ui W-proposed charter, with which It already ' kwas familiar through a translation. It Frwas-hinted, that In view of the numerous yfolnta of resemblanco between the older 'TSmerlcan Kepubllo and the. rmnsw acrman democracy surprise prevailed in S, American circles that my draft failed to follow Oio American Institutions In. their S ossentlal feature To this I replied that the very points named revealed to S1 my mind the weaknesses in tho Amen 2 can Constitution. I did not USO tho word 'Inferior,' reported in tho press, but said that tho Institutions proposed In their places, I considered, politically mora advantageous, t "I submitted a written statement or lAy contentions, chief of which was that I preferred the Introduction of a parlla- . . . 1 , r. 4I.a ntntnn nf P. inent eyaiein uyyvocu " t " 2 lAnierlcan department secretarloa, who i , thA Tlrpnlrient find fre raureiy w y - tfro not responsible to Co.n&ress. Here, I claim, lies tha root of one of tho create est "drawbacks of the American consti tutional orsan(ratiqnsl which In so many kher respects I consider most excellent and worthy of copying." j Herr Treuss expressed tba belief that ,u irtnri , nf civil service K reform as opposed to thohooty sj-itcm WJ was largely due to the present American h t.t,ioniini rahlnet svstem. Tho same pi defect,' ho believed, accounted for tha .-cpmparatlvcly small poucai lmpoTiuuua of tlio House of Ileprcsentatives, as well .las tho fact that, In America depart Kt.ntni Hiicromrlns nrn not and cannot Mllito regular political; leaders, na Is tho .case m Kngiana. nerr trcuss wuunu . "A further handicap, I believe, is to 1?? found In the. condition providing for Congressional elections -during a Presi dential regime, which Is. bound to re Wlt in a chronlo conflict between the Government and Parliament, presenting u' condition which I consider undesirable, viewed from any standpoint A parlia mentary systtm njono guarantees tho necessary organic connection between jLhe Government and Parliament." A Berlin despatch of January 13 qpotcd Herr, I'rouss as sayjng he con sidered tho American Cbnstltutlon In ferior to tno, Oerman document with respect to certain points and asserting ihat h'e declined to. 4dopt "the American booty system under which public iobs nje newly allotted after each election," Herr Preusa also waa credited witn J the statement that when the first draft llshed American Great Headquarters JJirough Indirect channels, inquired' of film why tho German Constitution varied from tho American in Its essential features. BAKERS TO AID U.S. W BREAD COST FIGHT Wholesalers Will Join, Can ferqnee. fJcrc. " Arthur Williams announced yesterday that the suggested conference between, wholesale bakers, Julius H. Barnes," Wheat Director, and himself as Federal Food Administrator, to discuss means whereby tho price of bread may bo kept down to. its present level, will bo held Wednesday afternoon In his offlco at 180 Kast Fifteenth street Mr. Barnes ac cepted yesterday tho invitation of the tor bakers on tho subject of utilizing ' rome of tho low priced Government Hour, substituting it lor tlio commercial flour, which recently Increased In price Trom $12 to 315 a barrel. , Representatives of ten leading bkjng tompanies, which supply practically all JtJio bread sold at retail In New. York, t.'III, be present to outline the position of tho bakers 33 a result of Increases la the cost of labor and material. Among the firms to bo represented are, tho 1 Ward Baking Company, General Ilak-1 ins Company, Torrens-Petrl Baking) Company, Franco-American Baking ' Jpornpany and tho Shults Bread Com-1 pony. iur. wuuams saiu a numoer 01 grocers already have called him up and expressed their willingness to forego temporarily their mareln of nroflt on bread In an effort to keep the price down to tho consumer. Every effort Is being made by Capt Jaffray Peterson, In charge of the sale of surplus army foods at 435 Lafayette street, to prevent dealers from tailing advantage of tho low prices offered to the public on canned goods. Savings of considerable money are being ef fected by purchasers of case lots of beans, peas, tomatoes and apricots, but Customers are limited to ono caso of each. American Ship Calls for Aid. Halifax, N. S., Jan. 1C Tlio Ameri can steamship Guilford reported by wire loss to-day that she wa3 in a Icakimr condition 135 miles off Halifax wit!, ynly enough coal to run her within sixty miles of thia port A tug will be sent ti her assistance. The steamship was last reported at Norfolk on January 2. A GOOD HAT AT $3.40! THE BEST at $6.00! NOBBY DERBIES lYnriety of models in. jpvcral proportions. and v SOFT HATS vl character in nil popular shades. High Grade Veloun, 56.80 & $8,00 SETTLEMENT WARNS LABOR IN BRITAIN Economic Arguments Force Rail JMcn to Avert Strike. gptctal Cabtt Despatch to Tns Bos, CopuriaM. IT.O. all rlahta rtuniit. LoNDOfi, Jan. 1G, Settlement of tho waits Questions agreed to yesterday by tho raMway men and tha Government should, provide an object lesson for tho future to workers In tho ley Industries of Gnat Britain, Tho agreement la slightly different from tho offer mads by tho Government to tho railway men ibi.fors tho strllce, which post tho coun try not less than 1500,000,000 and do- pleted Ufa finances of tho unions of tho savings of years. Tho economic factor waa tho weapon used by tho leaders to a largo extent to bring tho men to accept the Govern ment's terms desplta Instructions from tho branches to refuse the original offer of tho Government, This was modllled only to tho extent of removing plight anomalies caused by regarding the guar antes as tho maintenance of tho pres ent wages of tho men affoctcd by com blnlng grudos. The principal objection ta the slldinjf scalo based, on tha cost of living waa that tho cost might bo maintained and the men feared this might tond to stand ardize the living of tho men and provent betterment of their condition In th future, omclnla of the ilovernment con. slder this unlikely. Thoy point outAhat It such conditions should arise it Is likely that a future Government would modify the 'terms If they were found not workablo. A limited extension of the scheme to Ireland provides an Incrcaso of CO cent a week for boys and girls. DUCHESS PAYS ALL DEBTS. Former Anna Gould nelcnsed From Brother' Gnnrdlnnihlp. Pams, Jan. 16. The Duchess do Talleyrand, who waa formerly Miss Anna Gould of New York, was re leased to-day from tfie guardianship, In litigation here, of hor brother, Georgo J. Gould. The court ssld that the Duchess, "with tho aid of her brother, had paid all debts contracted under her first marriage (with Count Bonl da Castel lnno) and had not contracted new debts." Cnpt. 3Ioraht "JXot n Suicide. BisnuK, Jan. 10. lAnhouncement that Capt. Moraht, commander of tho sub marine "which sank tho French battle ship Danton and other vessels, had com mitted suicldo In a Hamburg hospital. Which was printed In the Lokal-AnuHgor ycsieruay, nas Dcen proved to do er roneous. The person who committed sulcido waa an older brother of Cant. Moraht. Storm Delays German Malls, Berum, Jan. 16. The Government la obliged to hlro a glapt airplane to carry accumulated malls and telegrams to Holland because of storms and strikes, which havo cadiy crippled these ser vices. In tho last week 110 long dis tance telcphona wires out of Berlin were put out of commission. Stern Brothers West 42nd and 43rd Streets Hew Books of tiheYear $1.75 each The Grea t Impersonation . By E. .Phillips Oppenheim kynch Lawyers By W. P. White The Man With Three Nam,es By Harold MacGrath Mermaid ' By Grant M- Overton The Talleyrand Maxim By J. S. Fletcher The Man From Tall Timber. By Thomas K. Holmes The Shepherd of the Sea By Hepry Leverage The Iron Furrow By George Shedd $1.60 The Boardwalk By Margaret Widdencr. $3.50 The Adventures of a Nature Guide Enos A. Mills WHEN constipation holcta you in its grip tho whole world is "gray." Pleasure is deadened. Workdrags. Each day constipation saps your vitality 13 a day you have forfeited to a dread, relentless enemy. End constipation at oncel Flush away tho poisonous waste surely, quickly, completely by taking Pluto Water. Pluto Water cornea to you from America's most famous watering place, bringing you he health pf these renowned 6prings. It will correct the trouble, pleasantly and gently, yet swiftly and certainly. Bottled at Fretxcfx Lick Springs, French Lick, Indiana Your phytician prescribes it WHEN NATURE WONT PLUTO WILL PLUTO WATER AMERICA'S PHYSIC HOPES FOR TREATY APPEAR BRIGHTER Continued from Flrtt Past. four who la considered a real advocat1 of compromise and ratification beivi Senator Kollogg. College Poll In Dloosed. But despite this most of the Demo crats hopo for vconcrete results from the conferences. Senator Hitchcock, to impress' tho Republicans with the al leged popular wish for ratification, mado a short speech on the Senate floor to day, dltcuaslnff the poll rocently ar ranged In the collegiate bodies of the, cpuntry on tho Question of ratification. The outcome Of this pott, he said, was so overwhelmingly Irt favor of ratifica tion that he wanted to compel attention to It. In presenting this mattor Senator Hitchcock said: 'I ask to Incorporate in tho Jteoord n, synopsis of the intercollegiate vote on ratification of the treaty, in so far aa it has been canvassed In more than 800 colleges. Tho synopsla shows that 359 studenta voted for unqualified rati fication, 33,804 for a compromlso be tween the lodge and Democrats reser vations, 23,577 for ratification with the Lodge reservations and 11,090 against ratification In any form, "Tho blanks submitted to students and faculties of more than 00 colleges stated these Questions: "1. I favor ratification tf league and treaty without' reservations and amendments. "2. I am opposed to ratification' In any form. "3. I favor ratification of the treaty, but only with the IJodge reservations. "4. I 'favor a compromise between the Lodga and the Democratio reser vations in order to facilitate rati fication., "Tho blank ballots were revised and approved by Senator Lodge and my self. Two arguments were placed bo foro tho Btudcnta of these colleges In printed form, one prepared by Senator Lodgo ana ono hy mysolr. benaior Lodge argued for ratification with, the Lodga reservations. I opposed the Lodeo reservations but etated that res ervations had become Inevitable. I did not contend at all for ratification with out compromise. I maintained that tho only practical question waa what reser vatlons should be taken, and urged a compromise between the Lodge and tho Democratio reservations. Thus, despite the fact that no argu ment was presented In favor of un qualified ratification, the largest vote polled, about 45 per cent of all, was for unqualified ratification. About 30 per cent, voted for compromise reserva tions, about SO per cent for tho Lodge reservations and less than 10 per cent against ratification in any form. This shows a sentiment for uncompromising and unqualified ratification much stronger than I had supposed a senti ment so strong' as to causo amazement Hcitilt In Tmrser ColleKe. ft ulna tutc to insert a tabulated statement showing the vote of tho nine teen larger colleges, headed by Cornell and ending with' Smith, and palling $1.90 The Taming of Nan By Ethel Holdsworth. WE1X 81,170 votes t nteo a tabulated statement on eiwn proposition of 6o,, py inq faouitles and the students In all of the States bo far as canvassed, and finally n summary or the detailed votes of stu dents and faculty on each DroDOsltlon.'' The table submitted tor the larger col- logos covered cornei, vaeiar, uosion College, Welleiley, Yale, nadcllffe, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Columbia, Texas, Now York University, Wisconsin, Idaho, ,-Tlurfalo, Maine, Tufts, Itutgers, Michigan nd Smith. These aggregated showed ,m votes for rttiflCAtJon without reser vations or amendments; 0,223 against ratification In any form l 7iW tor ratifi cation with tho Lodge reservations, and 13,320 for a compromise between tho Lodgo and Democratio reservations. Tho summary, separating the votos of student and faculty, showed 25,809 stu dents In favor of ratification without reservations or amendments, and 3,040 of tho faculty In favor of the same proposition. Opposed to ratification In any form wero 9,146 Btudonts and 420 faculty members ; In favor of ratification With the Lodge rosorvnttona were 16,223 students and 1,05!) faculty members. In favor of ratification on the basis, of a compromise between tho Lodeo and Democratio reservations were 32,691 students and 8,612, faculty members. "Tlieso figures," repeated Sonator Hitchcock, "show that for unqualified ratification and for a compromlso, such as tho Democrats desire, 79,603, or about 75 per cent have voted. On the other hand, for the Lodge reservations only 20 per cent, havo voted. "The Rochester Tlroeu Pnlon a few days ago took a vote which showed In favor of ratification without reservation, Now Issue W.L DOUGLAS SHOE CO (MASSACHUSETTS CORPORATION) OFFERS $3,000,000 1 PREFERRED STOCK PREFERRED AS TO DIVIDENDS AND ASSETS PAtt VALUE $100.00, NON-ASSESSABLE. CAPITALIZATION AUTHORIZED OUTSTANDINO 7 Per Cent Proferrod Stock 85,BOO,000 S2,B00,O0O Common Stock 1,000,000 1,000,000 Dividends havo been pajd rcrrularly for tlio past seventeen years. Payable January lot and July 1st, Tbero ia no bettor 7 per cent Investment in tbo United States. If you are looking for a safe nnl permanent Investment we bollevo this 7 por cent stock will appeal to you. It is an olil established business. Tho not earnings available, for dividends after the Federal tax and all other taxes wore paid during the past four years have averaged Hourly four times tho dividends on tho preferred stock outstanding, w. L. Pouglas namo is known throughout tho world. The trade mark is a very valuable asset worth millions of dollars, and is tho property of the stockholders. It is one of the most valuable trado murks In the United SUtos. ...... , . . You would make no mistake to order at once as many shares of this stock as you can afford to buy, prlco $100.00 per share. If you caro for more particulars All out the coupon and moll at once. Application will be made to havo this stock listed upon tho stock exchange. This company owns and operates 105 'V7. Tl. Douglas shoe stores located In the large cities. L. Douglas shoes are also sold by over 9,000 shoe dealers in the Unitod States. Thn nut fnnr vMrn nnr dlifwi liavn lwnn morn extenslvelv advertised than ever before. Stamnlnir w . L. Douclas name and the retail price on the bottom of the shoes before they lesv'e the factory hns savod guarantees them tho best shoes in stylo, comfort and service that can be produced for the price. A great demand for "W. D. Douglas shoes has sprung up in leading countries in Europe and Asia. Our domestic business has increased io that our sales hare actually doubled iu four years. In 1915 the sales woro S8,0CU,C28.41 and In 1918 816,6i0,mi(i. Tho past six mouths' business, was at the ratq of oier ,82O,O0O,OUO per year. S Tn xnmmnn TvUV, nT, TA9 lnn!llflM!S TTffl DOfld additional CltllUl tO UlCCt the urgent requirements of increasing domestic and foreicn trade. Tho now con ditions ot business al w demand more capital. The cost of labor and material has nearly doubled so that twice tho amount of capital necessary undor the old busi ness conditions is now required. Send certified check, cashier's check. Post Offlco Money Order or Express Order to ' W. lu DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mass. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICA'S FOREMOST Winter Garden SffiKi DUU 1 n Matlcecji To-day 4t Wed. 2:30. i"i lit. IFO IVUUt-H&lCJll i MASK " LAblNU 5Its.Toly4WlJ!.S0 Musical Comedy Eiquwita wm VtVltKHE. JMAl' I VRir,Tbca.,'way.Evs.8:lG LirUl Matinees To-day & Wed. 2:15. Mat. Today, 50c. 75c, $ ! . $ I JO, $2 WILL BE THE MOST TALKED OF PLAY IN THE WORLD P! Itay Comstock & Morris Qest present The Greatest of Modern American Plays UiELK ifACK TO THE BOX OFFICE PRICES Era. A Bat. Mat. SQc. 7Sc. SI, $1 .BO and :.,w wti.w.ortt'w. 6VJ.SSW. umgacrc jts. Toi5r a wi. aao. F. Ray vkputoc ijorrls Os5t Present Adam and Eya "Vastly FntcrtilnlngCompdy."-t,vi Mall. CENTURY THEATRE MATINEE TO-DAY, 50c to $2 F. Kay Comstock & Morris Oest Present Th. ftmiittnn t lVf n SMTtl From tkt Ttiiatrt Renaissance. Parts. Company of 300 People 8 Scenes. CENTURY GROVE cW Morris Gest Midnight kVhirl Ets.1 1 30. Best after Theatre Show In N.Y. ARTHUR HAMMER8TE1H rrneou B I Always You , N A Chorus That Outstrips i new Musical lay irLvz Jtti iisr wvr:itv fM A 1U1 i,iir dJlMf tvt. f7n usim mi mrj&;wmi(rm0 warn RICHARD BENNETT W4? "FOR THE PEFE45E iviaxinecjuott aao.MtK.wrt.A3at.2ao iiti n n ' - 1 1 -it Si .Hi . fi ,11 DCDI lUI PWct3d8t. Ktcs.820. IXCrUOLlC Mats. Wed. A Sat. 230. BIJOU Vst4.-.tnat. f.v.K:3i. Mats. Wad. A sal.aa'J. BARNEY BERNARD "HIS HONOR ABE POTASH" . ELTINGE wi.AvS-S The Girl in the Limousine GREENWICH VILLAGE. Ihtilf.oe' Etcs.SIS. Matinees To-day A Thura. 3:45, I lance O'Neil in The Passion Flower By JACINTO BENAVENTB. r isx' i .,11 m ill! WW 1,706 1 In favor ot ratlfloatlon with reser rations, acceptable to ttv President, UU In favor of ratification with the Lodge reservations, 166) In favor of a com promise on reservations, 1,22; 5 in ravor of rejection of the treaty, 39, This result corresponds, closely wlP the poll by tlio Portland. (Ore,!) Journal I defy any Benator to briny Intq the cbsraber any test vote Vwlj will show a favorable result for the Lodge reserva tions. No Benator will find on any fair test anywhere that the Lodge reserva tions, can poll more than 28 per cent ot the votes." Lodge Letter Land Srnnfors, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge wll send a letter to bo rend at the dinner In the Hotel Antor on Monday night In honor of tho Senators who voted ror resorvat Hons to tho League of Nations treaty, The dinner oommlttoe announced that tho letter probably wouUJ g,va the nttl tudo ot tienator Lodge on the fne of tho peace treaty. Tho speakers will be Ben itorH Hiram Vf, Johnson, William 13, Borah and James 13, flecd, Artlclo X, Onlr Obstacle. ItooHRSTEn, Jan. Hr-Sonator. James W. Wadsworth told-membera of the New York State Horticultural Society at the closing session of their annual conven tion hero tA-day that If. the Senate would ndopt tlio Lodgo reservation on Article X. of Hie covenant of the League of Nations the covenant speedily could be ratified. He branded Article X. as un- American. AMCSEMKNTS. THEATRES AND HITS, DIRECTION OF ffA? FAOTORY, BROCKTON, MA08y GOOD THINGS pOMK IN "THREES" HERE TOEY ARE: The Sunday Night Concerts Par Excellence are Unsurrawble. ivrur irrwTDAi?5i,i&a ilml lt. eavAwr. .a Jack Norwortn I on! Frank Fay Ele & Buich Sarn Ash Toney is Norman Al Herman 8 Other Star Acts St. Cloirs i" Band . , " . - i SentS qm SALE AT.ABOVE THEATR.1 44THST. Tnea.. nr. BVay. Evs. 820. Mats. To-day A Wed. 2 20. FQ. M. ANDEUHON'8 t RIVOL ITIE "TOE SORT OP A REVUE THAT BROADWAY SO MUCH KNJOY8."-Sun. rnVI C n V 1 't, nr. B' way. Etm . 3 3 J. UlVltUI MaW. Today A Thura. 2:23. Most Laushabje Comedy lu New Yuri;. My Lady Friends With CLIFTON CRAWFORD. Little Theatre p4nS(5NS'b0.r?AN 123. NEXT MONDAY NIGHT s OLIVER MOlfOSCO Presents THE HAKYAIiD PRIZE I'UV, ,,,,,,,., ALL STAH CAST "MAMMA S ssftffgga, AC 17 A T D " Katherlne Kaclrcd r r A1K Amelia Dlnsharu Veorm LeOucro A New Comedy by Ida St. Leon nacuei i.armji liutmr. A.ntiB miiy PI YMnilTH'J5"'.w-ofBway.Ev 8 JO. TL, I IV1UU I n Mata.lToday A Thurs.2:30. JOHN BARRYMORE 'g r Kachcl Barton Duller. Little Hilly GREENWICH VILLAGE FOLLIES With I1ESSIE M'COY DAVIS. James WatH. Ada Forman. Tod LewU. Al Herman, Paul Bums, Billy Dale, Bunny Burch. r20 FAMOUS ARTISTS' MOUELS20 M R,,,.r Thea..W.44th. Evs.4a0. INora Hayes LAST S WEEKS. . MGERmV V CO This Weolf Double SECRET OF SUZANNE With MABOELLA CRAFT and PINAFORE 11111 PADlTCoI.CIrcIe.Evs.820.Mat.Today.220. r AKNneXT WEEK - RUDDIOORBT " HARRIS, West 42d St. Wedding Bells Margaret Lawrence A Wallace Eddlnger. MATS. TO-DAY A Wed. 330. SELWYN. Wwt 42d St. DONALD I PEOOY I KOUND BRIAN I WOOD YOUNO ""BUDDIES" JIATS. TO-DAY & Wed. 230. VAMDPQQM T THKA W All Phone 134 Bry. Mati.' Wed.fcSat.aUI0 111 TUt Muilc&l Ooatdf Oil GERMAN SOCIALISTS REGRET 1918 REVOLT Miners' tcaders Admit People Are, Dissatisfied With Party. Ml. I BcnuK, Jan. 10. Otto Hue, Socialist member of tha National Assembly and, n leadon In ho Miners' Union, at a con ference of miners at Dochum, Westpha-1 la, declared to-day that the Socialists would have done bettor If they had not taken oyer the government of del-many In 1918, because conditions at that tlmol wero unripe for socialization ot tho Btato. Hu admitted that large sections, of tho derman people wero dissatisfied with ia revolution, and expressed hla dis appointment with the experiences ot tho last year, As a result of Tuesday's disorders the FrelheU has' beef) Indefinitely suppressed. Tho Government docs not proposq to raise the embargo 011 tbo paper until the Independents give substantial guaran tees that thoy will ceaso their incon diary propaganda, Tho strikers on tho German railways havo resumed worlt In & majority of the districts; The men received wago In creases of 200 marks monthly, while the salaries ot officials were Increased ISO per cent, j Carpo Carrier Lnnnclind. CIIESTBB, To.. Jan. 10, The 9,000 ton cargo carrier Summer Leaf was launchod to-day nt tho yard of tlio Merchant Shipbuilding Corporation. Exomptfrorn Normal Federal Tax. ESTABLISHED 187S tho wearers millions of dollars, and COUPON VT. I. l)ODOf,iS SHOE CO., Orockton, Mi.: Please end prospectus of tho TV. h. Pou. gM Shoe Company and ipeclal option certlftcnte entitling mo to purchase mtbln tbl.-ty Jot tbares of tha7ter cat prctjrreu stock of the oompan j. It Is un derstood that this request Incurs no obllga. tlo:i : ray part , unless after inrettigatlon I subscribe for the stock. Uamf Strett arldrm Cltil or Team . Sfaf AMUSEMENTS. LEE AND J. J. SHUBE1VT. C23 IAHr.ffWAV BeiuiHI.e(iWNTtTlri JhPI' KnrH,nrihBUum V. UEusene Williams 6s Wolfis Gallagher & Rolley Al bhaync 8 Other feature Acts. ii m 0kV QT Thea.. near BVar. Eves. 8:10. Charlescrr an ' Tcwl'ly & 1yx1, 2 :40, Fraiidno Larrfmras SfANlAI In tlm famous comedT kJVxrtl ILy-ii SHIIRPRT Thea..4.WjfB,y.Ev.8:15. OnUDOl Mata.Tc-dayAWed.2:lS. IMcea: Kvs, 75c to ff2.TO. Bat. RTat. 7fic to S2 rMUoubloOUl: "La Poilu," oprrotta. 4Sfk QT Thea., nr. B'war. Kvs.SSi rtOtp. Dl MUts. To-day &Thurs.2:2 30. 3,1 STORM ffi Willi IIEt.ETI MacKELLAR T3C . ZMIX v Baints iZ. M&NHATTArl Op.Uouae. Tw.D'y 20830 ItlftlUJrtl inn ktcsSc tosi. Mat.25c&50c ITSSSSSt STARVATION BHOADHURST. AV. th St. Jane COWL In "5MIL1N' THROUGH Eva. 330. Mats. Thurs . 4; Sat. 2 30 lYWIWJUIlw Jut, Tt,.UAy TIMES Civilian Clothes With OLIVE TKLLJfcTnURSTON HALL NEXT MONDAY EVE. SEATS NOW. RICHARD FOR THE BENNETT in DEFENSE FI II TfiN West 40 Bt. Ets. 8 ilOIHAST 2 ij,t Mat. TO-DAY ITIMES CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD ffiy&UngerLongcrLetty NEXT TUESDAY EVE. MRS. HENRY B. HARRIS ottos , Hy Wlllard RoUrtaon & Kllbourn Gordon PLAYHOUSE SSSNEXT MONDAY EVE. Grace George in a new comedy by Frances Nordstrom, "The Ruined Lady" V POPE (SENDS HOOVER THAKKfl, Grntefnl for Ills KITorts ia Ilelleve Hunger In Kpropc. noun, jTftn. ip, rTlio Popo has wrlUci) n letter to Jlorbcrt Ilooycr, Director General of tlio Interallied Relief Organ ization durlntr tho war, congratulating him on Ms work done In favor of ho peoples wlio suffered aa f)o rcault ,of Uip confllot, ' Tho Fontlff especially thanks Mr, Hoover for his services In bohalf of tlio 3,000,000 chlldfen wlio Wfiro Innocent victims ot tits war, All Americans are oxhorted In tho letter to help tho suffer- lng populations. Tiffany & Co. FlFTII AVENUE &37I5STREBT Pearls Diamonds Jewelry Silverware Stationery ' , AmrSKUENTS. I lrMn.nn.1 n r-r "" "ii-i-ri-n"! NEW YORK'S LBA D INQ TH PlyfPIPP B'way&40th Bt. Even. 8 -TO. tlViriln, Mats. To-lay k Wed. 2 JO. ETHEL n ZOE AKINB' play, BARRYMORE DECLASSEE COHAN & HARRIS WJaRt. Eves. 8:30. ilats. To-day & Wed. a:30. iTHE ABSOLUT! DRAMATIC TOHPH O01CKST.rlOft StNJATKWAL SWXiSy OH RECORD CR1TFRION 'nay.lU8t. Eva. 8U10. Lllltftiyn Matlnoo To-dar 330. MOVES NEXT M0N. NIGHT TO THE GEO. M. COHAN THEATRE riNESTI'fiRlfORMANCK OP Laurette Taylor's SSSfcgftiSr OneNightin Rome" Bums piatuls in Etf. Hall NEXT MONDAY NIQI1T SEATS NOW. si OT13 In a now play Skinner "Pietro" By Maud Skinner & Julea Kckcrt Ooodman. I VrPI IM Tlatre. W. i&th St. Kvj.iiO. LlLt,UlVi jiata" TO-dly tc Thura. 2:20. T r ' 'THE COLD ?r lnaviaire1? diggers- t'NICICEnBOOKEn.By.38 8t.ats:lJaJ0. MATINEES TO-DAY & WED. 2:15 VICTOIl UEItBEKT'S lleac Mimical Way. cQ) Angel Face GAIETY.B'y.CHt. Kvj:.10.Mtg.We.l.&Sat HUDSON Booth Tarkington's WeM44thSt. EvsSO.Mati. Wed. & Sat. 2:20 Clarence Oeo. M. Cobao Tliea. Mat. To-day. ELSIE JANIS BJst 2 time In "A PEAOII OP A SUOW'-flTUJ. Mljvlanla positively appears botli Pcrl'nic's. NEXT MONDAY NI01IT. SEATS NOW LAURETTE TAYLOR In Homo' METROPOLITAN Ob TO-DAY 3. BLUB BIRD. Kaiton. Gordon, Dclaunols.KlUs.IYxlnl.Couilnou.Rothler, WolO. EVE. 8 ( St.CO), B01IEME. Alda, 8un dellus: Ilarrold, Do Luca. Soxurola, Plcco. rapt. 8UN.Kve.Concert.S0c to S2. ANNA CASE. BESANZONI:COUZINOU. Or.Cd.naucman. NXT MON.OAV.KU8TIOANA.Easton;Crl ml.Chalmere. Moransonl. COQ D'OK.Garrlaon. Sundelti:8.Galll:Diaz.Dldiir,Bolm. Bodamky. WED.at8,L.V JUIVE. l'onselto.Scotney.Galll; Caruso.Harrold.ltotliier.Chalmers. Bodaniky. TIKIItH. at S. 21AZA. liVrror, llonard. HgC pcr: Crlnil.Amato.Ilada. Cond., Moranzool. PJtI.8, lOBAOLOTEastpn, Gordon: Hcnjtl, DMur. PAOLIACCI, Mujtio; Caruso. Aiuato. Monnzonl. ' . , , SAT. at S, RIGOLETTO. Garrison, Vcrlnl; Hackett, Do Luca, Mardones. Moranzonl. SAT. at 8. Spec'l l'crfce. .CARMEN. Farrar, Itr.nuluo. Colli: Martlnclll. Coudnou. Itothler, Coud. Wolff. Prices from St to fT, Tax Exempt. HAllUMAN l'lAJNU UBI'.U. PHILHARMONIC I nONCEUTS JOSEF STHANRKY Conductor Uarncgis iiau, io-morrovr iduu.j jiiu ao o Artw!"8 Sascha Jacobsen, violinist. SCIIUBEIIT, "Unttnisheil" Symphony, etc. Tickets at Box Office. Felix K. Leifels. Mgr. LEXINGTON THEATRE Lex. Ave. & 61st Street. CHICAGO OPERA Mondaj, Jan. 30, "Norma.' Tues., Pelieas and .Melisanuo : eu. aiap., .imo. wed. Mat.. "Mme. Cbryfanlhi'ino Wert. Night, ppaniw Hour, and Pagllacd'': Thura., "Love, of Three Kings": lY... "Itlp Van Winkle": Sat. Mat. "Masked Ball"; Sat. Nlsut. "Madam Butter- s ly." Century Thoatre, T-niorriiw Aft. at 3. Orchestral Society MAX JACOBS..... CONDUCTOB MarjutriloNAiViARA ctSSSSSSSi. . ,Ttim A tin Vrench JALUUtS 1 niUnUf VidmU Tickets COe to 18 at Pox Ottlca. VALDERRAMA Own compositions of INCA MUSIC llret presentation In V. S. Mason ft Hamlin Plauo. eoe to S2. Mgt. J. n. l'und Lyceum llurean. AEOLIAN HALL, TO-DAY AT 3. FlitST PIANO HL'OITAL THIS SEASON. BAUER Mgt.Lomlon CliarIton.Maon & Hamlin Piano Canwxlft Hall. Tum. Er.f JaiVy 20, at 3:15. LEVITZKI Met. Daniel Mayer. Stelnway Piano. Aeolian Hall, Mon. Art., Jan. 19, at 3. A OLIVE FREMS'TAD In SONG IlECITAL. jfgf . London Charlton. B'clmrar Plsno. AEOLIAN HALL. To-morrow (Sun.) Aft. at 3 Son? Recital GEORGE HAMLIN ltgt.Evelynllopper. Mason Si Hamlin Plana Franko Chambers'Music Copccrt I Wahln?ton IrTlng High 8cliool To-morror (Sun.) Evjr. at s:l.l. SCHUBEKT Octet. ifEETHOVEN Septet. Tirketa SOc & 3.1c of Helen Lovo. 1 W 31 at. n Grant's Opera Course A reylaw of orka of the Season, Hotel Plata, Tutidays. :? or :. Tuts.. Jan. 20, 1:10, -Rln Van Wlot and Mma. Chryaantheme. V. Tarrllierry. Sac,. 71 W. 65. Tel, 457 Clxce. mm piorjEiBOji uim. Itestens After coI rtWW Aro Found I JC0"1"' jA0jisojfVH.i,B, JH. '(T-Prpf Newell I 81ms ot tjls jSepartnient oC sociology ot tho Unlverolty of Fl&rlda resltmed from tho colleeo faculty to-day after a raid on, Ms homp by Depart ment of justlco operatives, who enld they found radical lljemturo there, fio charROS wero preferred against rror. Sims, as It was sMd hs had violated no law, f AJICSmiENTfl. EATItBS AND SOOOESSBS NEW AMSTERDAM VtZiZIgg MATINEE TO-DAY 2:18. Beat Soata J. THE POPULAR MUSICAL TRIUMPH OF IHISGtNtKAllUN! Gilbert Mller'a Lon don Production nf tba Mcfiaeer-Torklogton Romantic Opera. Mst. A. Li. Erlanser. ATOP rOCAMSTeRCAM THEATREaJIJO fine UBERTVmm iB CAB5ARB WIFE POPDIiAIt MATINEE TO-DAY 2:20. "MISS MILLIONS" Mualcal Comedy Oem. Mnt-Today. PUNCH & JUDtf TUEATIltt. Iiit 2 Tlmea. Then to London. T3CI ACPH West44th St. KTe.820. atJLJVSAJ Rtat. To-day & Thura. 2 :20. I I Tl' m THE SON- Lenore Ulnc daughter- By Georgo Scarborough and David Belaaco. fter Globe, 'Apple Blossoms' dtft Krclslor-Jacobl-La Baron Operetta. w f" with John Charles Thomaa. WlldaBcnnott. PtarCat. Mats.To-day&Wed. HENRY MILUR'S,T4HI Eves. &20 Matinees ThursASet 2'20 HENRY MILLERS. B1AHCHEBMES', roroaQ "Electrifying cffect'-Barna MuMtMaO ' JbKfi'Drlrikvratort ABRAHAM LINCOLN cortTnoatrc weit ust Kts. 8:15 sharp. Mti Wed. & Sat. 2:15. STANDARD oVsIpS" Evs. 25c to 92. Mat. To-day 25c to 51.BO. LAURA WALE3CK In the spectacular MSST10 THE WHIRLWIND Metropolitan Museum of Art Free Concert Tonight At 8 o'clock Symphony orchestra under David Mannes. No tickets required. Museum open 8 P. H. to 10:43 P. M. Restaurant until 8 P. M. LEE KEED1CK I'rraenu Sir Oliver Lodge THE EMINENT SCIENTIST In a Series of Three Remarkable Lectures at (CARNEGIE HALL Thursday Matinee, January 22, at 3. "The Reality of the Unseen" Monday Evening, January 20, at 330. 'The Evidence for Survival" Monday Evening, February 2, at 320. "The Destiny of Man" Course Tickets, 31.65 to 18.2(1 (tax Included). Now on sale at tho Offlco of LEE KEED10K. 437 Mb. av. Telephone Murray Hill 3(18-2340-8400. Manager World's Most Celebrated Lectures. Wi YA Zf 1Z ?k yk jPOPULAP PfflCE.'j SOc fe$C0ll "Wonders I never ceas i at tha Hip." ' D Foe, World uUiMrtrvhhsi HAPPY PRICES Seata on sal for I wwleai BROADWAY 3b 41 sk ALICE E3'FBUCKLE lu'rarisian Fashion Frolic NAZI MOV A VnM 1NK1J WAYIU1CN'H SONO HCBXKS CUriTOL .SYMPHONY OUCHKarUA. IMTO&oT a Timet axiarc niALTo oRonKaTitA DEcihT Sold- ArbucUo Comedy COLUUIilA, B'way 4T. Twice DallylPop. ' Tha A UK RtiVNQLna REVUE. Il'rlc.. nnoonL,YN ajiusejiknts. STAR Jay nr. Fidton St. Mat. lrtl Tel. Main 1893. D.xlly THE BLUE BIRDS 2 ill Sunday Concert1! 3 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Htfi Street h if-FBWiiiveMi mi 1 Li