Newspaper Page Text
L 4 THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. ;Up-: Am PREDICTS SURPRISE -. IN PERSHING BOOM WdOrts of NcbriiHka Says New York Lenders Will Soon "Tnko Notice." Say MJX-NUJISKS AUK TO HELP Former Service Men's Support Id . . . . Also Olnlmcd Gen. Wood Is Here. of mo ( In Nc New " their enfor'd A ii Andcr! Antl.l York quoit State 1 Aocordltig; to Gcorco Ji Woods of Lin coin, Neb., who hai been In the city for a wcelc organlzlne ft committee for Ocn. Jolm J. Pershing; for the Ilcpubllcnn nomination for Prcriuont. the lenders In F this Btnto will "nil up und tnlco notice" When the poraonmil of that committee is1 T.nnounced. "Tho named wo will hove on . that committee." -nld Jlr. Wooda ut tho Hilt moro laat nlRht, "will Indicate clearly that tho rerehlnir boom Ib to be a real llvo factor here, "Wfl niiiv hnvn linil n IntA stnrl. hut T tho l( th'nk wo havo roiio further In tho game ?Uii I I.tlH urprlslnsr how rapidly former i Si Wfrnliew of tho American Kxpedltlonnry J'tJ Forco are swinging Into lino for Per Mrl "'nT' Tllc' llro coming of courao as 0.1. , il '"dtvldualB, but their enthusiasm Is real na fofl nmI wlu'b,) effective. nntn3 "We nr1 K0"P ,0 nave an omanlza fill? DX wi.iv.t tt.iv nci .uu jii -iiivJ o "e, bl'TllirKftM which T VAnltim Irt ,,.lt jirovo wo mon effective, womons or New mi fi-iranliatlon In the country." ir ituuun sum unit a, u. unuyice. Jilbltld lms PUrchned tho Omaha Bee from That ''ctr Bosewalor, Is a drone; Pershlnir lm nil man ani declares that tho Influence of to thol tnls Journal will bo of Inestlmablo bene of "lal fit to tho General's cause. ,i jiajor-ucn. i.eonaru wood came to Intern! tha clty ll,Bt nlcllt from Washington to Clercyf confc'" w'" h'fl managers here In on ef fort to stralRhten out his tangled or- on to- ganlzatton. Ho declined to see news' mlssli J)aPi' men, but It was said ho had nn nothlfl v"KHKomoiH ior n private uinno'-, wnere, il was asaumeu, nn wouiu corner on ino plan of tho campaign. This noon tho General will bo tho guest nt luncheon of Otto 11. Knhii. He Depal BOes to J'rov'denco to speak under the nniw 1 auspices of the Chamber of Commerco there to-night. After spending Sunday In Boston with Guy Murchle, nn old Rough Rider, Major-Gen. Wood will re turn o Chicago. previ era i until cense only , of th 1 "If ' New' Fedcii Clone na a: aro v ,I)epa: '.went! trodu Wh Depa bure Viola rake -fclete. flay n,vnii, "be Sam REVENUE DISTRICTS HERE CONSOLIDATED Edwards Will Make All Col lections for Manhattan. By order of tho President, the two In i, ternal revenue districts of New York city havo been consolidated with Col lector William If. Edwards In charge of the cntlro Internal revenue collections for- the Island of Manhattan. WA Internaf Revenue District, at IS AVnut v-l Twenty-third street, will- bo maintained but -will be under the direct supervision of Wr. Edwards, whose headquarters i Ati Will remain In tho Custom House, If F 01 other subsidiary stations will bo maln i talncd throughout thp city, Tlie con rft J eolldatlon concerns Manhattan only. tJ SJpce Mark Eisner resigned as Col- etltutj ,ector of tho Tnlr1 Dlstrlct Richard l.-nmt "V's'it "fa ueeu aciing ioiiecior. Edwards will bo at tho head of what I when! HOflouDtedly Is the greatest Internal tho ofllclal flgurea are not available, it CRAIG AND CURRAN IN "SHOW ME" WRANGLE Doubt as to Whereabouts of Court House Records. A wanglv between Rorough Prc-Ment Curran, Manhattan, and Compi llerl Craig enlivened tho session. of tho : rd of Aldermen yesterday, whon Mr. Culg apparently was unable to convlnco the Uorough Prosldent that the record of the appropriation of 17,000,000 for tho cotv " ruction of the now court house Is In me comptroller's ofilce. ' After Mr. Currnn had asked where he could seo a ccpy of llio.resolutlon of tho hoard of the meeting of December 30, he said: "I went to tho ofdeo of the secretary of the board and ha told mo ho did not have It In his possession, but that It was In tho Comptroller's office, I would also llko to eo a copy of tho report accompanying mo resolution. As nearly as I enn ascertain apparently the money was appropriated for this purposo with out even u piece of paper to show how and whero It was voted," "Every matter to which you refer Is in ino record," tno Comptroller informed ur. curran, "Whore la tho record?" "in vna Comptroller's office," replied air. uraig, I "Who Iibh fcen It?" everybody hut you," retorted the uompiroiier. "Well, I want to Beo th rpnnrt nml the resolution, and I think It would be a good Idea to let tho publlo knryv wher theso papers' aroyvo they niayTfe seen If ""iji miu mo uurougii I'rcsiuoni. As booh as tho Intorcst of the public' was mentioned Mayor Hylan Btepped iiuo mo oroacn with! "Tho publlo knows all about It. Don't uo an obstructionist." All that apparently was a source of high entertainment to Maurice E. Con nolly, Borough President of Queens, who laughed and commented: "Oh, but this Is good!" President Rlegelmann of Brooklyn In terrupted tho colloauy with a nolnt of or der and tho discussion was ended until the end of tho calendar, when Presldont wurran again nsked tho Comptroller vnen no roum seo tha records. "Any time you want to como to my ofdeo," said tho Comptroller. "Mako It 1:30 to-day," suggested Mr. v.urran. Now, you know, that's when tha Comptroller usually runs out for a bite to eat," answered the Comptroller, whereupon Mr. Curran retorted: "As a matter of fact, I don't believe the records aro In the Comptroller's oince anyway." BOOM EDWARDS FOR A 'WET' PRESIDENT A. E. WILLS0N OUT FOR SENATE 1 urnicr Governor of Kentucky to II n n Atcnlnst Ilecktinm. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 1C Augustus E. Wlllson of Louisville, former Gov ernor of Kentucky, announced to-day that ho Is a tentatlvo candidate for United States Senator before the pri mary next August on tho Republican ticket. y The Republican State organization is understood to be pledged to the candi dacy of Richard P. Ernst of Covington, whom Mr. "Wlllson defeated In 1914 for the Republican nomination and who. In turn, was defeated at the polls by United States Senator J. C. W. Beckham. Mr. Beckham Is credited with being a candi date for renomlnatlon. I gram! beim Is, said that in tho year just ended the cond Internal Icevenue District, which old W kcs in the financial district of Wall Jill. Wfrt- T?lrt C?..i rpurt. rr-Lt. t-iii, rt.iif"'!ielng the great mercantile and the v :r 'tvtrlcal section of the city. It Is estl " ""'mated, collected close to i500.000.000. , Nr I Deputy Commissioner of Internal fj J Revenuo Callan, who came on from liie pi -raahngton to tall: over 1he details of 3 tlift- consolidation with Mr. Edwards, ciuuec "Authorities In U'ashlnston foul thnt aiPer on ' account of the businesslike methods . i a"a satisfaction given to taxpayers In Attorn .,, c-nnr,,! nlc,-lxf Mn T.M.i.Trlo v, JUdgeJ same methods should be carried on -"""throughout the Borough of Manhattan years! That Is tho reason for the change." tivo if . tlaP 1 y t 1 tnir - t- uww i .anden tSAKL, lYlUKti SmMEXICAN BRUTALITIES irnit. r x CI i n riirurKiiis oiuiri or maae rerma' ot nent Invalids. Aft as fi SXN Antonio. Tex.. Jan. 16. .Miss I Anita Whatley. whoso flnaers and toes ro-aaift. Mexican band It threateneil to nit oft- felergtJilrsAIllo H. McCain, whoso husband that flVMt murrlprxil ltv nnnthAi raTtntn. Idevotl Pjil Mctzentin, whose mother and sister I "It. were mado permanent invalids hv hrntal Wr I . . - . -v v.ov.1 treatment by raiders, and ten other vlc-tc-nnltlms of Mexico's revolutions were wit aiPynesscs to-day before tho Senate sub w .,,7 Wmmltteo Investi-iating tho Mexican '"laltuatlon. Inquiry by Chairman Fall trlbUortBvelnnfld that n mntnrltv nf thom lmrl J)JaCoIcon;ider6a renaration so Imnrohahln Mrs. fthey had not filed with tho Stato De ".""tpartment statements, of their losses. A h',w of them had been ln 5Iexlco on ? b'l salaries, but most of them were prop ,n "ferty owners. TO of tho earlier years of Carranza's ad ministration and much of it of the feJsiPerIod jn which Francisco Madero was lighting for power and during his rule. , It was In 1E11 that Anita 'Whatley, No.ftinw 22 vnarn nlil. nnrl nnw mnitntn ln, I I.! -" " ,u..- put iitguago supervisor of the State Dcnart- into tjjnent of Education of Texas, had her then adventure with bandits In Parral. Chl- SB"'8, where her fatlier owned a dairy I11U WI ,. MARINES DEFEAT Irumof; n.l"!American a lie t Lterday , tiered! - . if sei Vabhinoto.v, Jan. 1G. United statoo iy eof-narlnea and JInytian gendarmle yester- repciiea an anacK on Port-au AS,Trince. the ennltnl it n ake tpf 300 bandits, more than half of whom '6'r.vero Kineu, wounueu or caotureil. nftor elng pursued outside the city, V Tho total casualties of the marines ' llrfwas two privates wounded, according tn mlafthP report or me engagement received I irK0Sit the Navy Department to-day from pi J. UUSS2II, commanding the ma- lr eitrlHP torces ana genuarmie In Hayti. Jlurj- Bio re! kloyod. lero ? llnlnf V. I Mniio::ier Tlljurcd. LorisviLLE, Jan. 1G. W. L. Mttpothcr, Federal manager of the Louisville and Nashville and allied railroads, suffered a fractured rib and severe head bruises when ho was run down by an automobile ln Nashville last night, according to word received here to-day. A heavy overcoat, the report said, saved Mr. Mapothcr from more serious Injury. 1 1 "l' Friends of .Tersey's Governor Elect Uollovo Democrats Could Elect iriin. tana; Wilbur .1, Marsh, Iowa; Kdward ), Hoffman, Indiana; Clark IIowoll, Georgia ; Norman K Mack, New York; Fred B, Lynch, Minnesota; Charles nooschcnstelu and Mrs. George Bass, Illinois; 10. II, Moore, Ohio; Arthur F. TtEMOIOUS auvkrtihesients. HAI'TIHT. RGUniOCn AnVnitTIflRMKNTfl. 1IOTII0IIHT KI'IHCOrAL. INDORSED IN TWO STATES Omnmings and Tumulty Will He nt Inaugural Dinner In Newark Tuesday. Friends of Oovernor-elect Edward I. Kdwarda of New Jorsoy are engaged In organizing n serious movement tb push him as n candldato for the Democratic nomination for President on a "wet" platfprin. Taking their cue from tho Nebraska Democrats, who havo ontercd Kdwnrds In tho primaries there, or possibly following U an part of a skilfully conceived move ment, tho New Jersey backers of tho Clovcrnor began yesterday nn cxtenslvo of publicity for their candi date. This was Bent out: "Throughout tho country ho (Kd wnrds) has becomo known as tho great est advocate of a man's right to drink what, where and when ho choses. It Is a result of this promlnonco that tho wets' ovorywhero are organizing and setting up tho Edwards banners. A moro or less concerted movement is on foot to mako him a candldato on a 'wet' platform, thus making the national cam paign similar to that waged In New Jersey last fall. Thu 'wets' bcllovo that with a man of tho Edwards typo leading In tho fight they will bo able to carry on to victory and ultimately rescind tho prohibition amendment to the federal Constitution." Friends of tho Governor profess to seo some Blgnlflcanco In tho fact that Homer Cummlngs, chairman of tho Democratic National Committee, and Joseph P. Tumulty, secretary to tho I'resldcnt, havo promised to attend tho Edwards inaugural dinner In tho Robert Treat Hotel In Newark on Tuesday night. It was said that the oovernor-elect had been placed In nomination In Iova ns well as In Nebraska, mid that ho had received requests to permit the uso of his namo In other States with preferen tial primaries. It was learned last night on what corned to be excellent authority that the conference the Covernor-elect held Thursday night with his legislative friends agreed to tho Introduction of a hill fixing 4 per cent, as the limit of alcoholic content of "non-Intoxicating" beverages ln Now Jereey. Reports had been current that a much higher limit would ha fixed. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Il'iv.iv nn,! KIM. KlrKfl Mullen. Nebraska; Dr. John W. Cough PASTORI M HALLEMAN.D.D. Iln. Massachusetts! Isidore B. Dock nl -".nAI.LCilVlrtnfi.u. weller and Miss May E, Foy, California; J I A, jr "KEY TO (JOD'H I'liltrOKK IN John T. Barnett, Colorado; Tatrlck It. T" abb. hah this intkuciiijkcii Qulnn, Rhode- Island, and Robert II, ""VK.mbnt U)ST Till", KUYT" Elder, Idaho. 1 , A,r"''Et,' of tiB Hour-, un A movement to organi-e tno Demo 'Anni.ih'aV hTk Tl a v n hWoniS cratlo .women of tho country llirough f'liANaciKNiBn ArnnunK? n an organUatlon to bo known as Women hijoii thino ah " mSioiitaK KOtii?. DomooratB of America has beon started (Hkistianh oni,y wiix iiavk i.m by MIm Margaret Vail of the Lea'gue of ?,?,VKlTt?L Women Yoters, The purpoee of the ? 'itf1,!". Slit ' movement, a outlined In Ita charter, U , " ' w tamtyt typically feminine, It Is stated thus : '.' H"Jn. te-urr timt tornirnt or "To Induce every Democrotlo woman to l,Yn!VifhiA labor constructively for tho upbuilding 't.vmAnn aim ufucrniciii ui nn iiauj-i uu. m- ""ciiuii mora ninn lauo oi lire. It Is estimated thut there ire Fifteen Tho"nnrl Clirjch Letfors nnuniotrs advertisicmicnt, I'ltr.SllVTICIlIAN. LOST . servo hor own Individual right to cast her vote for such measures nnd can dldates as aro Indorsed by her Intellect and ratified by her conscience; to or gauUo the Domocratlo women of Amer ica within tho national Domocratlo parly, but separate from the men, on a system modelled somewhat After the democratic form of government," Mrs. George ChlldH Is chairman of the Women Democrats. Mrs. Lillian Slro 13 secretary. Pnstimuterii Reappointed. Washiwoton, Jan 10, Among tho postmaster reappointed to-day by Prca Ident Wilson are; William F. Dclaney, New Britain, Conn, ; Bryan F. Mnhan, New London; Conn.; Edward M. O'isrien, wateruury, Conn.; Adolph Lankerlng, Hohoken, N. J.; Kmll Clroth, Weehawken, N. J.; Henry Cuenther, Jamostown, N. Y. ; James T. Welsh, Malone, N. Y. ; Herbert D. fllblcy, Olean, N, Y and A. 11. corn wall, Wntcrtown, N. Y. I . , - Friday Night, .Tniiuary "lloolt of Ilutli." 8 o'clock. FIFTH AVENUE BATIST CHURCH 4 to I Weit 41th Street. Dr. Cnrnellus Wolfkln at 11 and 4U0. Buiuliy Hchool, OHO A, M, Men' Class, .140. Vernier, Jlr. J, Ardroy. flutjecti "COUUAUB OP CONVICTION." Women's Clasn, 0i45, lender, Miss Berlin. Cnnilo. Afternoon service, 4ia0; Young I'eople's, , 1 within n mile square of St, Paul's Methodist Kplicopil Church, seth Street and Weet End Avenue, While In IHbylon don't hang your lurp upon the Willows, but Comr Out nnd He!n Men's Bible Forum 10 A, M, Kvery flundsy, Dcftr Formn, Pa will rwnk fiunday, January ltth, preparatory to Special IUUiloui Services January 21st to February 4th. WomnnNtar.hs.s, 10:15A.M. ST. PAUL'S METHODIST CHURCH Uth fltreet nnd West End Avenue. Key, llnjinon,! I rnrmnn, 1), B, I'anlor, CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH H. C. Car. 9 5il At Ainilarilnm Ave. FRANK M. GOODCHILD, D.D., Pastor J 11 -r. Miiiard r,. n'oun-on'. 1ITI. D.... V. I l . York City Boclety. inu rmjci iui bauuiKK 8 "Vh!eh Is Stronger, the Govern men! or the Drink Tralllo?" BRICK CHURCH Xnrtli ATtnue nnd Thlrty-nerrntli Street. Mlnlai-n- I William Hrnnn Merrill, jiiniicri, Th,0ll0PB A,ori Oreene, n. JIKItllllj, will preach at Jt and 4, Dlble Hohool at I40. Oen.ral Illblo lilseuMlnn Clais at 10. Prof, CIIAULKS T. TICnrtY, Leader, Touinr Pcoplo's Hoclaty Social and Supper, DlSO-SiOO. FIHDAY NOON HOlIll or MlIHC AT 1B. 1'IIKE TO ALL I'ICOI'LE. , , American Program, under Clarence, Dick Inion, orwnlit, aaslsted by Jamea Btanlojf, ".and Han- Krnnold, vloloncelllat. NOONDAY HEHVICI5 ilally at HHP- .. FIFTH AVENUE PHESBYTERIVI CHURCH tlflh Avenue and Flftr-llftli Htreal. Mlnlatn.Cv- JOHN KKt.MAN, D. D. 'Nev. JAMES PALMRtt, Ph D. Servleet at U A. M. and 4U0 P. M. nr. KOI.MAN will preach, if, 4. Organ Itecllal by I.ynnwood Farnani. Dlble Sohool at SlJO. Men'a Clan at 10 A. M, MlJ.Weak Service In the Chapel. Wedne-dny at I HE P. M conducted by DIl.KELMAN. FIRST PFIESBYTEfll AN CHURCH Old lint, llnivrraltr 1'lnre nnd Midlion flqnare foundation. ... , f Itn. (ieorira Alexander, D. I). Mlnlitera , Iter.lMrrr Kmennn Kondlek.D.D. I lief. Tlmma fliitlirle Sneers. rJ.?'' In University Place Church, cor, JOth St., one block enat of Fifth Ave. . ,.' 'r. Foadlclc will preach. 8 P. M. Mr, BpPer. rnOTKHTANT KPISCOl'AU. . St. George's Cfiurch Hluyveaiint Hnurs Hth Street, Must of Third Avenue Itev. KA IlL ItWLAND, D. ec,0 All Seats Free , A treneral Invitation to lrne JjJ all neraona lntoreated In St. Oeorie Its work. SEBVIOI.B. fl A. f. TntY-mtinlnn 11 A, M, Mornln Prayer nd Sermon. Hector of Trinity Pariah, will preacn. 4 r. m. Special Veaper Service Special Muilc, Mrs. LAUIIA TAPP15N SAFl'OrtD, Vloloncelllat. Mr, FnlCDKIlIOIC VISTTEIi, Tenor, Mr, ' JOHN DIUNKWATEIt Will read the Scripture Leaaon. , Wilt made the Addreai. P. M, Bvenlnf Prayer and Sermon. Preacher, Itev. W1LIAM II. aiHI10N3. IN CITY CHURCHES Liquor and Economics Among; Topics to ?o Discussed. CUMMINGS TO MEET DEMOCRATS TO DAY Convention Arrangements to Be Discussed at Luncheon. Homer S. Cummlngs, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, will be In the cltjMo-day to preside at tho first meeting of tho committeo on arrange ments for tne national convention, to bo held In San Francisco Juno 118, and to confer with Democratic leaders on the Ituatlon that confronts the party. The conferences will be held nt the National Democratic Club, where a luncheon will be served for tho com mitteo on arrangements. This com- lltteo consists of J. Bruce Kremer, Mon- rinsT airmen or Mvisn scikxci:, Waldqrf.Astorla-Thn Iter. V. John Murray will tmiilc to-morrow nt 11 A. M. on "The fon'nratlon of Knemy." Organ recital from ii to Ufli. foot ncoTtni; pni:.snYTi:niAN, St. Nlrholai KTeinm anil lllli mrfet-On Tiiei- day a floral social will lie firm by the Ladles' Club. UNITY KOnlKTV. lTntol Alitor nlrhanl Ljnrh of Koniai City will apeak at 3 o'clock on "Fearleaaneai." On Wednesday cienlng the ervlco will be at S o'clock. MAIIDLE COLLKQIATP. CHUnCH. Fifth avenue at Twentv-nlnth atrret-At 11 A. M. Br. David Jamea Ilurivll, paster, will snenk on "The Ilaren nnd thn I)nvi"! at a P. M. Dr. Daniel A. Pollnir. n-sm-lato rrescher, on "Every Man to UIh Own." COLLEtllATC CIIUIICII, West Und aTenue at Serenty-MVenth street The Itev. Henry Evertson Cobb, I). I) , will preach at tl A M. and 1:30 P. M. The choir will ring selections from tho compositions of Horatio V. Parker. ST. PAUL'S C1IAPKI Columbia Univer sity The Iter. William H. P. I'aunce, presi dent of Jlrown University, will preach nt the 4 P. M. service. Prof, Walter Henry Hall will direct the music. WlOAPWAY rnUHIIYTElUAN" CHURCH. rerner 114th street "Christian Socialism" will ne tne subject ior to-morrow at 11 o'clock Dr. lluchanan will also preach both mornlng aiut eveninc. SECOND PItESnYTr.RIAN CHUnCH. Cen tral Park at Nlnety-slith ' tnt llr, ltobert nation win preacn at .11 on "roe Heat Loved Uook In the lllhlr," and ln the evening at 8 on rne nrst Musician." , CENTRAL BAPTIST CIIUltCH. Amsterdam avenue at, Mnetr-second street me Ilev. r. M. (loodchlld will preach at 11 on "The 1'rarer for Laiiorprs, ana at s on "watra ii stronser, tne liovcrnmcnt or ine urini: 'irainrr ' NEW CHl'IlCH (Sedenlmrsl:i.i). East Thlr. ti nri i street -The iter, raul Miorry of Wash ington, 1). C. will preach ln tho inornlnj en "X Modern Ezeklel " Mr. Sperry t the sec retary or tno M-w tnurcn noara or nonic and Forelirn Missions. MItS. MAltY CHAriN. Hotel Commodore "llrlvlii; Powers" will bo the subject of ad dress to morrow at 11 o'clock MOUNT MORRIS BAPTIST CHURCH Mb Ar bet. lldtli nnd l.Ttii Sta. REV. ALLYN K. FOSTER, D.D., 11 A. M, "The Oonpel for an Ao of He . . construction." S I. M. "The Originality of Jesus." CALVAHY IIAPTIHT CIIUIICII, JJest 57th .St., Ilet. th nnd 7th Aves. 1IKV, JOHN ItOACH NTUATON, I). I. 10:3U "The Whole Hlble, from Uenula to Hi-velntlon, a Textbook on the Sec onil Comlns of Our Lord." i :IS "The Other Ood: or, The Menace of Mammon Worship In New York." .MADISON AVENUI! 1IAPTIST rilUltCII, MADISON AVE.N'UK, COII. J1ST ST. ltey. r.eorire Caleb Moor, I). l Pattor. i' -Vi "The Divine Awnkenlne." H I . M. T. hTEl'HEN'H, VIENNA. . . "Tli Milestone of Moalrntlem," 10 A.M., MRN'M CUtHH.Hev.A.T. llrooka. JUDSON SIKJIoniAL, Wnahlnaion Square. 'V.,WY PKTTY. pastor.preaches 11 A. M., ' Tahini- dod'. Klnrdom by Violence"; i ' 'The Know Queen," eecond In aerlea on "Manhood's Truths from Chlldhood'e Tn ! " S P. SI. "The Tlltnirn nf Yestenlav.' 7145-Orrnn Itecltnl. Chas, Albert Halter, 10 A, M. Men'a Forumi Dr, Korman. GRACE, WEST 104th ST. 11 A. M "A Spiritual Dlaenosla." 7MB P. M Hon. William Amos, member N. Y. Assembly, will apealt on the suspension of the five SoClallsta In Albany! also Oospel Measate by Dr. Harrla and a motion picture. CALVARY METHODIST CHURCH , l.DTII ST. AND 7TH AVKNUK. Mlnlater In Charge. Rev. II. INC11IAM, D.D. 11 A. M. "Prayer"! 8 P. M. Ilev. Samuel M, Zwemer, D. D. of Egypt. NORTH Smith, D. D. I'ltESIlYTEnlAN ciiunou, B.S West lMtll St. Itov, John It. Mackay, D. I);. I.t. IV t'n.ln-. 11 A. M, and S P, M., nev. J. llltchlo WF1T PMI. PIIEWIIYTKIIIAN. WE.9I tlMU Amterdam,Cor.tO.MIi, ftev. A. HDWIN KEIOWIN, Pastor. 11 and 8 Wm. Neely Itoss preaches. P, M. -"The Day of 'Small Thlnn." Madison Avenue Church, 60th SI. Dr. RALPH W. KOCKMAN, Tastor. II "The Crusade oX Compassion." I "Tho Cost of a Oenerous Life." 0 P. M. Social Hour 13. Oraham Wilson, OLD JOHN STREET Mother Church of American Methodism, Ancient Shrine attraeta world-wide visitor", nev. L. It. STllEETEIt, D.D., Iland7i30. Washington Heights Ilnptlst Church, 146th St. and Convent Ave. Itev. HAROLD PATTISON. D. D. 11 A. M. "Why They Could Not." 8 P. M, "Joan of Arc." ST. JAMES, Mndlson Ave. ltflth St. . DIl. MARSHALL at 11 and 8. 8 P. M. "Tho Handwrltlnu on the WalL" Motion Picture, Natural Colors, "A Day with John Hurroughs," CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. -.f.7..!?.;" are MA ln 'he following CIIKI8TIAN 8CIKNOK CUUIICHKS Sundavs, II A. U. and I 1. ii, v, . .Wednesdaya. 8 P. JI. First Cliurch-Centrsl Tark West 4 SCIh St. aeeona church ntmt p.rt r.i x .e.i. a, Third Church-Ith Rl. A Madison Ave. E??'1 PhO'cli-lTlth St. ft Ft. Wafhlnaton Ava, Flf h Church-Aeolian Ccnc. Hall, 34 W. 43d St. Sixth Churii-1M5 Anthony Av Bronx. Seventh r'nrrh-mth St., east of nroadway, Sunday, 11 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Elehth Chnrrh lei r..t t:m. im.i Ninth Church-Park Avenue Hotel, 4th Ave. nt 83rd Ht Tenth Church-SIT West 57th Street. uirTFnin t,nnrrn, saw llrlics nv., 11 A. M. 1WIKK IIKAIU.M) nOOM. II W. 4M it m vy Tire Climns beiore driving over c 'Ii III llui$: wet-slippery -skiddy streets gambles i ' I iwliBaPSauffi wth liis life and the lives of others. ' I BANDITS OF HAYTI Casualties Two Privates Wounded. 1 Cordon S(DlIworth Real ObangeMaimaiade ti- 1 Don't tilt the dice-box with Fate don't pit your skill against the Skid that lurks at every turn o the wheel, when streets are wet and treacherous. No matter how skillfully and carefully you may drive, you and your passengers are in imminent danger when the rain whips streets into black deadly skidways unless your wheels are equipped with Weed Anti-skid Chains For Dependable Security Give your Weed Tire Chains a chance to perform their mission. Don't leave them in the garage or tool box put them on the tires. Only a moment of your time and their steel forged protection will bo securely chaining your car to safety. ' Weed Chains are also made to meet the demand for an efficient traction and anti-skid device for trucks equipped with single and dual solid tires or with the very large pneumatic tires. They are so constructed that they satisfactorily meet the require ments of heavy truck service in mud, sand or snow. American Chain Company, Inc. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURES Tdl! to iltltwie, u follow: Second Church, 68th Rt, ami Central Park West, by Mr. John lUml.ill Dunn, C.S.H.. Thursday and Friday evenlnBS. January !M and 23rd, at S o'cldck. CONGREfiATlOVAT.. ST. ANDRKWS METHODIST CIIUIICII 7Clh Hlreet nnd Columbus Avenue, ALLAN MAC ROSSIK, Minister. 11 "The Church and Modern Miracles." S "Onp Hundred Per Cent. Christian." METROPOLITAN TEMPLE, 11 St. 7 At. Ilev. JOSEPH W. CHA8EY, B.O.. Minister. 11 A M "Will ii Man Rob Ood7" 8 P. M. "Prohibition nnforcement." NEW CHURCH (STTKDKNnOBGlAXl. BROADWAY I'HESUVTKHIAN CHURCH, Broadway and 114th Street. nor. WALTER DUNCAN DUCIIANAN, D. . Minister, will preach, H A. M. and t P. U. RUTGERS raS5S52E,A5 JM The Pastor, nev, DANIEL HUHMELL, I. .. wi preacn at. ii a. m. 8. P. M. "Negro Spirituals," by Hampton Institute Quartette. FT-. WASHINGTON Sffi " 11 A. M Rev. Cnlvln H. French, D. D. P. M. Mr. Donald O, Atwell and Mr. Ralph C. Walker of New York University. FOURTH PRESHVTERIAN CHURCH West End At.. 01t 8trs4 Edfor Whllakrr Work, D. D., Pastor. 11 A, M. Rev. JOHN A. MARQUIS, D. D. 8 P. M, Rev. MAURICE S. WHITE. St. Nicholas Avo. 141st Ht. and Rt. Nlrhnln- Air. Mlnlater, Rev. Elliott W. llrown. . II. Services 11 A. M. and t P. M. FORT GEORGE 8t'nntt hT' 11 Lyman R. Hartley, M. A., Minister, preaches. 8 Dr. Royal S. Copeland. NEW CHURCH 35th St., lift. Park nnd Letlnaton AT,f itei, .ii i.i, k. SJllTH, imator. Sunday School, 10sl5 A. M. Service, 11. Rev. Pnul Sperry of Washington, D. C will preach. Subject: A MODERN EZEKIEL Mr. Bpcrry l tho Executive Secretary of the Now Church Hoard of Home and Foreign Missions. Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, Northeast Comer 78d Ht. 11 A. M. Right Rev, Chaa. It, llrent, D. D. 4:S0 P. M. Rev. Paul D. Moody. 8 P. M. Henry Sloane Coffin, D. D. ,WESTPARK PHESI1YTERIAN CHURCH, Amsterdam Avenue and Sflth Street. Rev. ANTHONY II, EVANS, I). ., Pastor. DR. EVANS will preach 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Evening subeet: "The Dully Christian." PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. 1IROOKLYM. LROADWAY TABERNAriE IinOADWAY AMI 56TII STItnr.T Pastor Dr. Jeffersnn Preaches 11 und S S P M. "THE GOOD NEWS" THE CHAPEL OP THE INTERCESSION (Trinity Parish), Broadway nnd 155th St. Rev. M. II. Gates, D. D., Vicar. 8 and 8:45 A. M., Holy Communion. U :45. Sunday School. 11 A. M., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. 4 P, M., Popular Ves- Uronklrn opl-r of tha Netr Church. ' Pers. Polish Mualc. sir. Thaildeus Wron- Monroo rhice. corner Clark Street. ek, baritone, will sing "Nla Opua.c-atnas." Take Intcrborough Subway to Clark Street. f"c ent! "Serdeczna Matkp, ' Ancient! Sunday School at 10 A. M. Service nt I ' Swlety Doie," Ancient. Mr. Leo ItlgB. 1 1 A M ' recital organist, will play "Festlv-1 March," Mr. A. Dlephula oX th'o New Church Theo- yo"kow"k11;.,vAllrto'"..CAoplV: "JitIoU''i" loglc-il School wilt preach. P?d"w,l!kl: N'ctu. c'"Pn' Th,e P?1' Subject. "Our Standard of Judgment." "tlonal Anthem. "Tesze-e Polska i Meiglnela," will bo sunp, 8 P. St., Mu- NEW TIIOUC.HT. ' alcal Service. Choir of fifty, assisted by .Mr. .Max uianon, violinist; .Mr. liana ivro nold, relllit, and MIsh Mary Seller, harpist. sr. Doium's i)Nrci FIFTH AVKNUB AND ISO ST. Rev. ERNEST M. STIRDS, D. D., Rector. 8 A. M. Holy Communion. , . II Morning Service and Sermon (Rector), 4 P. M. Evensong and Addreas (Rector). 8 P. M. Hour of Organ Music. Crittttw dlwrdi HROADWAY AND WALL ST. 7, I and 0 Holy Communion. 0130 .Morning Trayer, II Holy Communion und Sormon. 3130 Choral Evensong and Berinon. HEATH FREE. CHRIST CHURCH Ilrondivuy nt 71st Hired. Tho Ilev. JOHN It. ATKINSON. Rector. Services; 8:10 and 11 A. M. and 8 and 9 P. M. 8 P. St., Rev. O. A. Cantensen reaches. V, Illustrated lecture, "The Far firracl 5aat." ST. IGNATIUS Itev. WILLIAM PITT McCUNE. Hector. Masses, 7, 8, 8:30, 11. Veapera and Ilenedlctlon, 4, REFORMED CIIUltCH IN AMERICA. MANHATTAN CHURCH J.tSf 11 Rev. Lyniun Abbott, D. D. DIVINE SCIENCE. First Church of Divine Fcience Orand Ball Room, Waldorf-Astoria Services, Sunday, 11 A. M. REV. W. JOHN MURRAY. Paitar "THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY." uiDle Clas- at 9 45 A. M. promptly. Sunday School at 11 A. M. DltClPLES Or CHRIST CHRISTIAN'. ANNIVERSARY GATHERING CHURCH OF LIFE AND JOY FULTON THEATRE 46th St.. Just west of Broadway Sunday Afternoon, January IS. 3:15. Mr. Eusene Del'MSr, Chairman. Srecia! A "dress by HARRY (A E, Minister of the Churches of Life and Joy of New York anil Washington, D. C. THE fiEW AND FERFE3T WAY LIFE, JOY AND ABUNDANCE. The public are cordially Invited. St. Bartholomew's Church Park Avenue and Slat St. Rev LEIGHTON PARKS. I). D i Rector. S-30 A. M. Holy Communion. 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Dr. LEIOHTON PARKS will preach. 3 P. M. Sunday School. 1:30 P. M Choral Even-Song (Cantata: uou oo ixivoa tne worm." men) And Ad dress. Treacher, Rev. PAUL O. FAVOUR. CENTRAL IIRISTIAN iiritfir 145 West gist Street. Dr. Finis Idlem.iu, Pastor, Prp.ichei nt 11 a r S Stereopllcon Lecture, "Mi o'clock iinisiie Around tne World." ETHICAL CULTURE. THE SOCIETY IOR ETHICAL CTI.fifiti: of New York. Founded 1S76. CENTRAL PARK WEST AND flITII ST, Sunday morning, dun. '18, at 11 o'clock. Speaker DR. FELIX ADLER. Subject: "ThO Danger In tho Headlong Movement Against the Itidlcala." Sunday eienlng, .Inn 18, ut 8 o'clock. Speaker: Jlr. ALFRED W. M 1RTIN. Subject: "Stephen Prophet 4: rrotomurtyr." The Public Are Invited. dTTODBNOMINATIONAI, CHURCH OF LIFE AND JOY HARRY GAZE, Hotel Astor, Sunday, 11:13. Subject- "The Cultivation of Intuition." To-night, S 15, Leaguo for the Larger Life, 222 West 72d Street. Subject: "Spiritual and Mental Chemistry." UNITY SOCIETY OF PRACTICAL rilHISTIANITT Hotel Astor, Broadway and 44th Street. RICHARD LYNCH of Kansas City, Sunday, 3 P. M. "Fearlessness." Also Wednesday, S P. M. Soloist. Mme. Josephine Hettinnetta. Cathedral of St. John the Divine Amsterdam Avenue nnd llltli Street S A. M. The Holy Communion. 10 A. M. Morning Prayer. 11 A. M. Preacher. DEAN ROIITJIN'R. 4 P. M. Service for Church Temperance Foclety. (Addresses by Rev, J. V. Chalmers and wm. J. t-ciiienenn, Esq.) Dally Services. 7:30 A. M. ; 6 P. M, (choral except .Monday anfl Saturday). MRS. MARY CHAPIN Commodore Hallroom, 11 o'clock. "Driving Powera." All Welcome. " RELIGION AND HUslNESS, Hotel McAlpIn (Green Room). 11:15, THEODORE O. NORTHRUP, Tho Business Man and Wonder of the JOth Century. Subject: "All Is Good: There Ib no Evil." CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Madison Avcnus and 33th Street. The Rev. Horace Percy Sllier, Kertor, 8 A. M., Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.. Sunday achool. Morning Prayer. Sermon (Rector). 4 P. M. Choral Evensong OTHER SERVICES. All Angels' Church ! WEOT END. AVE. AND 81ST STREET. Rev. S. Do I.ancey Toivnseiul, I). 1)., Rector, iiuiy communion 8 A. ill. Morntnc Prayer and Sermon, (Rev. Carroll Perry) 11A, M. Evensonc (Rev. W. J. D. Thomas). I p. M. Strangers Welcome. BRIDGEPORT cy CONNECTICUT" Largest Chain Manufacturers in tho World Tht Oomptttt Chain Line - All Tvptt. All Slat. AU Flnitka Inn Plumtttt' SoMv CAain ( SMpt' Anchor Chain . Qaaml Sales Ofiea CjTa.d &atral Terminal, Nsw York Clry District Sole Office-1 Bostoa Chleafo Ffalladelf h!a Plttsbnrl, Portland, Or. BanFraaeiieo iW NEW YORK CITY TABERNACLE !4th St. and Sth Ave. O.H.Mclnardl.Supt. Sunday 10:r, A, , :S0 S LYELL M. RADER Chicago. 111. .Monday 7:i5 '. J. Dr. J. Gregory Mantle, Missionary Training School Tuesday 7;j5 P. M. Rev. J. C. Massee, D. D., Daton. Ohio Wednesday, 7:S P. M. Rev. WM. ALLAN, .'Metropolitan Tabernaclo Thi., Fri, Sat. 7:1,5 P. M. Sun. A J, and Ere. Dr. A. C. DIXON, London Eng. inliirtv wclroiin. Hrlns n rrVmv Broadhursf Theatre 44th St., West of Broadway. I Sun. Ee., Jan. ISth, at S o'clock. "CHRISTIAN , SCIENCE" DISSECTED! I Tho Illblo and Mrs. Eddy vs. "Ed dylm." Elmer E. Frankr, Jr., Speaker of tho Educational Illblo Lcctuio Campaign conducted by Pastor E. E. Fraike, Sr. NOTE!! Mr. Franko ln- iltea any prac titioner, "lec turer or leader of 'Christian Sci ence" to speak 15 minutes 18:15 to 8:30) In defenco f of "Christian Science." SEATS FREE I I Quest lon.i Answered. DoorsOpcn 7IM CHURCH OF THE HEAVENLY REST I I flh Me., above 45th M. REV. HERBERT SHIPMAN. RECTOR Will Preach at 11 A. M. on "LOYALTY" S P. Jt., Evening Servlcf, with tho . GLORIA TRUMPETERS CALVARY CHURCH Ji.ftj Rcr. THEODORE MElRiWK'K. D I).. Rector." S and 10:15 Holy Communion. 11 and 8 (Tho Rector). THE CHURCH and the BETTER LIFE The Church is a stepping stone to the HIGHER LIFE. The Collegiate Church invites you to worship. THE MIDDLE CHURCH 2d Av. and 7th Ht. Rev. Edffar Franklin Ramie, Minister, will preach at 11 A. M. and S P. M. THE MARBLE CHURCH t!th Ave. and 29th St. Rev. David James Burrell, D. D.. Min ister, will preach at 11 A. M. Subject: "Tho Raven nnd tho Dove." Dr. Daniel A. Poling at S 1. M. Subject: "Every Man to His Own." THE CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS 5th Avo. and 48th St. Malcolm Jamea MacLeod, Minister. Dr. MacLeod preachea at 11 and 8. Evcnlns Subject: "Amid the Enclrcllnc Oloom." THE WEST END CHURCH West End Ave. nnd 77th fitreet. Rev. Henry Evertson Cobb.D.D.. Minister, will preach at 11 A. M. and 4:30 p. M. At 4: JO P. M, Special Music, Selections from the worka of Horatio W, Parker. 7:30 P. M. Young Pcople'a Society. THE FORT WASHINGTON CHURCH Port Washington Ave. and 181st St. Rev. Irvine H. Hers, D. D., .Minister, will preach. II A. M. "Made In lierniany." ' S P. M. "Aro Wo Christians?" All Seats Free. REFORMED CHURCH OP HARLEM, Lenox Avenue and 133rd Street. Rev. EDO All TILTO.V. Jr., D. D., Minister. 11 A, M., Rev. Edgar Franklin Romlg. 8 P. M.. Dr. Tllton will preach. Orace Reformed Church, 7th Ave. and 54th St. Rev. J, H, DURYEE, D. ., Min Ister, will preach. Service 11 o'clock. 81'IRITItAl.ISM. CHURCH OF DIVINE INSPIRATION, Carnegie Hall (Chapter Room), 57th Street nnd 7th Avenue. Rev. E. Augusta Monroe Hnnd, Moderator. Speaker. Sunday Eve.. Mrs. A. Gabriel. Messages. Mrs. 11. Thompson. Services, Tuesday. 8 P. M.; Friday. 3 P. M. Genealogical Hall, ISO W. 5Sth St. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 153 E. 38th St., Nenr 3rd Av. SUNDAYS AT 8 P. .M. Mrs. M. V. Williams, Inspirational Speaker. Good Mediums. All Welcome. LEARN THAT.P1RITS COMMUNICATE l-ptrltunl and Ethical Society, 113 V. 123th. Helen Temple Urlgham. Morning and eve ning! Evening theme, "Christ in Us." THEOSOPHY At J28 Ilroadway N'. Y. Lodge, T. S., Founded 189T. International President, Mrs. Annie Ueaant. MR. E. W. MUNSON National Lecturer Theosophlcal Society. Sunday, Janilary 18th, 8:13 P. M. "How Many Lives Have You Lived" .Stereopllcon Illustrations. FREE PUBLIC CLASSES: Tuesday, ! P. M Question Class. Thursday. 8:13 P. M., Elementary Thcosophy. Friday. 8:lo P. M Advanced Thcosophy. Lending Library TIIEOSOP1IICA1.. CHINATOWN Rescue Coclety, Old Chinese Theatre, 3-7 Doyers Street. Wlds Awake Gospel Service Nightly 10 P. it. THOMAS J. NOON AN'. Superintendent. ST. JAMES' CHURCH, Mudlon Aieime and 71st Street. Rev. PRANK WAltriEl.H Cttort DUlt, Rector, 8 A. M., 11 A. M. (RECTOR): 4 P. M. (Itov. UKUHUI'J V. UIl'KKY). ASCENSION "ysftTO" Rev. Dr. PERCY STICKNEY GRANT, Rector. II --tiniigiuenmeni (ur. ut(A. l. 4 Music: Cesar Franck'a "Beatitudes." 8 Forum: SIDNEY A. REEVE. "The Evolution of Social Crises." ST. AONES'S CHAPEL. Trinity Parish, rv Uiu tii.rn, iirnr .fllurnoil AVe. The Rev. W. W. BELLINGER, D. D., Vicar. 7:30 nnd 9 Holy Communion. 10- Mornlns Prayer, Youn? Men'a Rlblo Claas. 11 Litany Holy Communion. Sermon. 3:43 Sunday School and Bible Claeses. t Evening Prayer and Brief Address. OTHER SERVICES BROOKLYN. THE BEACON LIGHT MISSION .. plcea of Nat. Hlble Inst.), at 233') Third Avenue, near 128th Street, will observe Its 27th Annlveraary from Sunday. Jan. n , Tuesday, Jan. 20. Speakers: Don O. sfiel-' ion, 1-ri-i.iueiit i-ui. jiiuio insiitute. Sunday at 8 P. XL: the v. a. P. Falrbnnkt former Hunt.. Monday. 8 P. M.: Cnm-n-ii' v'i. Tuesday, 8 P. it, Adult Bible class. Vni II. Fortune, Teacher. Sundays at 2:30 and Mondays at 8 V. M. 1 u JEWISH. TEMPLE IIETH-EL. Sth Ave. nt 76th St. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 A. M. Discourse by Rev. s. SCHULMAN "SEEKING TUB DEAD ON BEHALF OF THE LIVING." ALL ARE WELCOME. SIR ALFRED OAUL'S "THE HOLY CITY" Dlrle Howell Robert Qualt Mary Kent ArHnir MIddleton Marie Miller A. Y. Cornell. Organist nnd Director Chorus of 20 Voices CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS SUNDAY', JAN, 18, AT 7:43 T. M. Henry and Remsen Sts.. Brooklyn. Two blocks from Borough Hall Station of both East and West Sldo Subways. Rev. Richard Roberta will preach at 11 A.M. nnd 1:13 P. M. Solo Quartet and Chorus Choir at both Services. Seats Free. FREE SYNAOOUUE CARNEGIE HALL, Sunday .Morning, 10-43 DR. WISE "IS FREEDOM FREE IN AMERICA'" ALL ARB WELCOME CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE VIIImTnT" 139 W. ISth St.. Rev. J. O. II. HARRY, D.D., Rector. Iuv Masses, 7:30, '8:15; Children's Mass, 9: High Mass and Sermon i Rector), 10:43:Vespers nlid Sermon (Dr. Dolanv), i: Friday, at 8 P. M., Ilenedlctlon of the miany, ana sermon Blessed Sacrament, (Rector) CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. Sltth Aenne und 20IIi Street. 8 A. M. Holy Communion. 11 A. M. Preacher, Rev. Dr. Mottet. 12 M. Holy Communion. 8 P. M. Preacher. Ilev, Dr. Mottet. Thro.ophlcul Society tlndeDondent) 121 W. 5ith St. Public lecture Sunday evening, 8:15. "Psychlenl Experiments of French scientists.- Kduam Herrmann. UNITARIAN. ZZZf THE COMMUNITY CHURCH 11 A. M. New Amsterdam Theitre. JOHN HAYNES HOLMES, "REPRESSION THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION." 1:15 p. M. Forum P. S. 27. 4 2d Nt. nnd 3d A v.. Mil. HOLMES. "ARE SOCIALISTS AMERICANS?" 10 A. XL New Amsterdam Theatre, HARVEY DEE HROWN, "Psychoanalytic Studies: Jesus and John." 11 S'lJttlfi at2oth"strest.8 r4..i Founded 1819 Dr. WILLIAM L. SULLIVAN, Mlnlater. Service at 11 A. M. "THE SPIRIT'S ADVENTURE" will bo Dr. SULLIVAN'S subject. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. This la a Church of tho free spirit, dedl cated to religion, but not to a formula. BROOKLYN UN ITA Ill.VN. Unitarian Prrnehlnz CHURCH OF THE SAVIOi R, Ilrookhn Plerrepont St. & Monroe PI., 11 .. ji. Rev. JoJin II. Lathrop. A TONIC FOR THE TIME. Come and worship here. GRACE CHURCH, Ilroadway and 10th Street. Rev. Charles Lewis Slattery, D. D fU'tor, itnlv Communion . t Service and Sermon (Tho Rector).. 11 A.M. EvensongOtev.Prnf.R. H. Pomerov) 8 P.M., BNIVERSALIST. St. John The Evangelist Hth St. W. of 7th .!. Ilev. juti. a. jul.. itecior. A Negro choir (80 voices) will sing at 8 P. M. Temple Emanu-EI, Sth Ave. anil 13d St Sunday, 11:15, Dr, Joseph Silverman on "Liberty and Law." All welcome. LUTHERAN. AM Ilev. Augustus Stelmle, D.D. Ilroadway at tlrd St. Scrvlcea 11 and 8. . CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITBl (Sth Street and Central Park WestT 11 A. M. Sermon by Dr. Chaa. J. Smith. I P. M. Dr. Milton S. Llttlefleld. Illustrated lectufa" on Armenia. FRESRYTERIA N. ! Church of Zion & St. Timothy 1 3:H Wet 37th street. Rev. Frederick llurgen. Jr.. D. II., Rector. . . 11. (Itertnr) ft I Rev. Wm .! While). T. Central Park West & 76!?.St. I JOSEPH FORT NEWTON,. Will Preach Sunday Morning at 11 o'clock. Quartet and Chorus. Vl.dtors Welcome. ?.ST. VEI.ANTA. CENTRAL I'nESUYTERIAN CHITRCH, I V-l." " -.Mndlson Ave. and S7h it. ' i Vedantn Society, 117 W. 7;d. Snaml Hod hananda. "H.ivu I a Soul or Am 1 a Soul." 3 P. M. Y. M. v. A. ST PAUL'S CIUPEL. j Ilroadway and Full ill Street. i irwi-plt i M.rilXMS 11 It VI.- Kav.Wilton IMarla-h r Itn. O.U.,r,uln 8, 10:30 (Vicar). '. . rt Burton. S.M.J.E. 4:00 P M "ublk lnltcd t u. n Dram rr iraun . a. , ,,, uiria-lor. ''J- ; 'I'HK KTKKAAI II K I, IFF tioeiiience 10 uiw ineiiornrr stone of tho , ,.., m Tin: TltANsi u:i;i: atihv "'l""r- I V .-v. . . o.l. ill llr llOI lIHTO V ..,.,' .lUMMU.IU. Ha I. 11 A .M. 11 Sermon (Rector) and HALL'S MASS. 4 Evensong: Harnby'a "Orace of Ood." I Sermon (Fr. Davis) and Compline. 4130 P. M. Rev. ROBERT SI'EER. D D aunday School, s:43 A. it. ' Young Feople'a Meeting, 8 P. M. Wednesday. 8 P. M Devotional Meellnr. HARLEM Rev. Frederick W. Ems, D.D. NEW-YORK p"toT- a. v. "Jewish or ueaui." i r. si. Dr. John A. ST. MATTHEW'S ''VhlN,1- Rev. ARTHUR H. JU1X1E. D. p.. Rector. a hi. iri. Muiiu r.r ii an iiu raiuL'iieuiiii tt i.aaL aim rna Marauls: "Alaska." Illustrated. , ftervica dlrin le dlmanchs a 10:30 du miin ut. uorni iars west ai u.a ou I Rev, A. v, Vi iiimejer, itecieur. 6lh SI. nnd I.clnKtiin Avo V M C A. DR. FRANK CRANE- 4 PM. W. Side Y.?t.C A 311 W. 67 st. Men only. HROOKLYN W M. C A. OR. S. PARKES CADMAN "Present-Day Heathens." Bedford Br. Y.M.C A., 1121 Bedford Av., BTtlyn. aunday 1:30 P. M. Men Only. Fr.e. Oreateat Men's Meeting In Oreater N. T. "t. 1 Iff- ....... - .'. -tf-te.rv"