Newspaper Page Text
I THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. 6 U. S. KAVYLEFT, SAYS ADMIRAL 518 Continued fromFtrtt Vage, belnc maiD by men in Washington re gardless of auch rocommendatlons. Admiral films declared that the whole mutter of nwnrdlng medals ought to be abolished, as It was a constant source ot trouble, "If the Government could see Us way clear to wlpo out the business nnd tart clean, I think n majority or tlio cervlco would bo pleased," he declared. ,;!Tlia whole builnoSB leads to trouble, I tin tit tills rn nlnn Ji t.lx.l t... . . AAMM in hhit If riff U h-Aftm nun. i r i nrnii im i rf .- . o matter would havo been uttled t h ft tit fl tin Ah In 4 tin (MiniuniinK. ,. wouldn't nave to ho waimlng our v nn thin wav " lAiki jmtlott for Dftitlcl. a J thft nnAnlno tt Hi Visat-ln. TTtArtiiK- commute cmenea when senator rUt- tary Daniels testify flrst. Admiral Sims itai patiently ni one cna or tlio committee tflbla while tho matter wnn ttiroahnil nuf "Wo ought to conduct this hearing wun at least pollco court Justice," Ben ator Plttman protested. "Inasmuch as the Sccrotnry of tho Navy appears to be on trial, I think wo ought to elvo htm trial, thprn U nn rkiArn,1m,t the defenilnnt rtrnf " chairman. rutnrtNt. Konnfni- Insisted thnf. It umnl.l hA "Aim. courteous not to hear Daniels first," but tlio committee voted 3 to 2 for proceed Ing with Sims. Iliad not recommended any enlisted men for decorations, the chief reason being .that tho bulk of the navy did no fighting jind did not come Into contact with tho enemy, and that In tho branch which did, tho air service, It was tie pilots, who i are all commissioned men, who angaged I In battle. "I didn't have a war to fight," Admiral Clms explained, "Wo might bo compared to motor lorries trying to get men and , supplies across safely. Wo didn't have any naval warfaro becausu the cnom; wouldn't come out and fight." As to men who lost their ships In en gaging tho enemy and fallM in Inflict damage on him, "you can take It from me Hint It's agnlnst the traditions of the navies of the world to clto a man toi that wrvlce," ho declared. "I think the gi eater premium has been I placed on the service of tho man In tho lonico than on that of men at pea; and If that lo tho tradition of tho navy, then It ought' to be abolished," Senator Tram- mell suggested. This Admiral einis took as a direct re flectlcti on his staff, and accused Senator Trammel! of Bnecrlng at his associates In the war, Tho Admiral paid especial trlbuto to Lieut. A. U Gates, Ensign H. C. Ham mann. Lieut. O, II, Ludlow, Capt. II, I, Cono and Lieut. Frank Bruce, all of whom were given decorations inferior to thoso recommended by Sims. TO ADOPT ORPHAN EACH HOUR. 7,n hearing," J "If it Is a trl flfor hearing the r' lor Hule, chair l'lttman Inslstci A Attncksj Censorship, Admiral Sims reviewed Iho history ot tho controversy which becamo known to tlio publio througlt a letter ho wrote Secretary Daniels December 17. Ho had previously tafcorr tho matter up with Daniels (and tho Knight board In an effort td sottlo tho controversy within tho navy, he told the committee. In a formal statement tlio Admiral do ctoral that a form of censorship pre vents constructive criticism from navy officials and that as a result tho United States Navy Is trailing other nations, lie said: "Wo aro alwayrt" considerably behind llicm In this respect becauao our navy laclta constructive criticism from the publlo and necessarily m because our naval officers aro forbidden to publish anything without tho permission of. and usually censorship by, the department. Tills Is, to say the least,, a singular lcgulatlon to bo enforced In a demo cratic form ot Government, and the In evitable result is that the American pub lic kliows less about naval matters than tho publio of any other considerable maritime power, because the officers of tho latter aro permitted, under certain regulations, when not on duty to pub lish any artlclo In criticism or sugges tion which, in their Judgment, will be of benefit to their service or their coun try. A similar permission granted to American naval officers would not only be ot great benefit to tlio public nnd the navy, but tho navy cannot attain its maximum efficiency without it." Admiral Sims explained that criticism of naval awards does not proceed from personal motives. Ho 'said: "Nothing could bo further from the truth, for In probably the nearly unani mous opinion of tho officers of the navy certain mistakes were' mado In the awards In question which not only In volve the minor matter of injustico to individual offlcera hut thn miiii innrA serloUH matter of tho vioiatlont the military traditions of all navies as re lated to the maintenance of the fighting morale, without which military forces can bo of little Use In war. "I had no Intention of kicking up a row nnd only sought to do my duty." i He then read tho letter received from Secretary Daniels, asking what reconf mcndatlon was to be made for Com mander liagley and his own reply. Trusted Ills Inferiors, He made frequent outspoken and sar castic answers whloh brought laughter from the crowded committee room. ieores of wives and women relatives of naval otHcers attended, following the hearing closely and Interrupting fre quently with laughter. Denying reports that every member of his London staff was recommended for a medal Admiral Sims declared that out of 202 offlcers on his ataff only nlnetoen wcrO recommended. Out of the 5,000 ottlcers under hla command Admiral Slrns recommended decorations for 440, ho said, and of this number 21S were approved without change In Washington. Repeatedly tho Admiral paid Iilah trlbuto to the men on his staff. He mentioned the work of Commander J. V, Babcock, who drew up the plans for nvoying transports across the Atlantic I Knew that If we had had any con- Iderabia dlsaater to a troop transnort i would Involve my neck," he explained with a grin, "but nevertheless I dele GatSd this matter to a member of my staff, and so confident was X of his ability that I never gave the matter a moment's thought except when some thing waa brought to me." This officer, Commander Babcock, was recommended for a Distinguished Service Medal and got a navy cross, the lower medal. "There was no officor to whom the peoplo owe so much." tho Admiral con tinued, "t don't care a cent If tho Sec retary had mado no other1 change, that In itself was destructive of the morale. Unifier the Last Straw. "Take the case of tli Secretary's own brother-in-law. Ho was recommendod gulshed Service Medal, regardless of my explanations that It would Injure morale. When such recommendations as that were made, regardless of my explana tions that they would Injure the morale of the service, you can imagine why) morals has been shot to places, and why tiicru in jiu uavy icu uiitl yvub wie lusi J straw." ; "Well, we heard that thero was no navy left before the war," Senator Pitt-' man Interrupted. "You haven't got one now," Admiral Sims rejoined. Senator Plttman asked If "some one besides the commanding officer shouldn't decldo whether his staff is the greatest , staff In the world." f- "I never said my staff was the great p. est staff In the world," Admiral Sims re Jtvtorted. "That's not the way to get along with this Investigation, either,'' he added sharply, leaving Senators, accus tomed to the obliging deference ot wit aessef, aghast. Tho . audience mani fested great enjoyment. "We who were over there with the men saw them work and sweat blood. Nobody sitting three thousand miles away can Judge the servjees they rendered." "Don't you think it is wise to have a board to review these matters?" asked Senator Plttman. "It's all right as long as they don't review wrongly," tlio Admiral replied. "But when they went over the recom mendations they didn't even ask mo to sco the list or call me in to give explana tions that would have avoided this troubls." "The trouble Is that they didn't do What yo!wantcd them to do. isn't It?" asked Senator Tramrr.cll. "Wasn't th Secretary absolutely within his rights In revising tho list?)' "He wan absolutely. Within ih rights," .;.Wmlral Sims agreed. Why He Didn't Fight. .Replying to another question from . rxiaior Mraairacu numirai iw 9i uo , Women to Take Care ot 8,781 Ser lilnn Children In Year, Women of social promlncnco gathered yesterday afternoon In tho ballroom of tho Illtz-Carltoii id hear plans for the adoption of at least 8,784 Serbian wnr orphans during 1920. Tho meeting was under tho auspices of tho National Birthday Committee ot tho Serbian Ch'd Welfare Association of America and was directed by Mrs. Oliver Hard man and Stanley Howe. Mrs. Grace Burch Walkup and Will iam 3. Doherty, commissioner ot the organization in Serbia, told ot the want nnd distress that ntust be alleviated with American money, To raise New York's quota a "god mothers' cycle," with Mrs. Harrlman at Its head, Is being' worked out. The plan Is for New York women to volunteer as godmothtrs of tho month, godmothers of theweik and godmothers of tho day, the first two classes to have general supervision over tho sub-divisions, and the last group to guarantee at least twenty-four adoptions, or tlio money therefor, dfctfng each woman's day of activity, "rne slogan will be," an nounced Mr. Howe, "ono Serbian orphan adopted every hour of the year." At birthday parties given by American youngsters all presents will consist of articles of clothing to bo forwarded to Serbian children. ToLenrn Hoir Trainmen Lire. Washington, Jan. 16. Without de bate the Senate to-day adopted a resolu tion by Senator Smith (Ga.), calling on the Interstate Commerpo Commission to investigate tho living conditions of train men compelled to Ho over at terminals. and tho feasibility of tho railroads fur nishing thciri"-wlth accommodations.' U. S. TROOPS PRAISED BY SOLDIER-ARTIST capt. uatrnstather not in Sympathy With Dry Lid. Capt. Bruce Balrnsfathcr, the noted cartoonist and wnr humorist,' began his first American lecture tour at Carnegie Hall last night with an Informal talk on " 'Old Bill' nnd Me," In tho course ot which ho told nn audience liberally com posed ot English ofllccrs and men who had seen service In the American Army that it was ridiculous to attempt to ap portion tho credit for winning tho wnr either to tho British, the French, tho Itnllans or the Americans, "No part of the Allies," he said, "could have done without the other part, and we certainly couldn't have dqno without you." He briefly explained his career In tho army, merely to load up to tho way in which he happened to start his celebrated pictures, for ho said ha was "sick of the war," and never did like "this fighting with strangers." Ho re lated how his first sketch, tho well known "I wonder where that ono went to?" camo into boln? out of the de&lro to hreak tho sheer misery of duty In tho front lino trenches. OUicrs of his sketches wero thrown on n screen, while the soldier-artist mado amusing comments. Apparently the. Imminence of prohibition tn this country seemed to Irk him, for he said that "If thcyd taken bad language and run away from the British army It never would havo had Ypreo." Then, rpeaktng of his .belief that tho world had reached a "better 'ole" and that a new dawn was breaking over the nation, ho said: "Tho gold of a new dawn la In sight for me. It's a. double whiskey and aoda when I got back to Liverpool." Among nil the armies with which ho had stayed tho French, tho American, the Italian and the British he said he never had spent a hotter tlmo than among our troops. COAL PROFITEERING INQUIRY. Senate Commltteo Will Fix ihe Illnme. Wabhinoton, Jan. 1ft. The Senate committee Investigating tho conl situa tion Intends to find out whethor op erators havo been guilty of profiteering. Chairman Frellnghuysen (N. J.) an nounced In the Senate to-day during de bate on n resolution calling on the Sec retary ot the Treasury for Information as to alleged excessive profits. "Before the committee gets through we expect to have tho facts as to profiteering," said the Senator, "and I seriously object to U3e of any general statement by the Secretary of tho Treas ury tending to glvo the Impression that the operators aro profiteering unless the report shows their losses," No action was taken on the resolution, Henry M. Robinson, president of the coal strike settlement commission, to day asked Congress to appropriate $134,750 for expenses of the commission. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MlMATimn ALMANAC. United States Coast and Oeodatla Surrey, Standard Time, Bun ritri 7:13 A M Sun sod liilPM Moon rlips 4 :19 AM man WATim this bay, Sandy nook.,1:HAM Gov. laland.. S:S3AM' licit Uate 7:37 AM LOW WATJlll THIS DAT Sandy Hook, 11:11 AM Qov. Iilond,12:01PM Hell dale 1,12 AM AliniVALS FIIIDAY, JAN. it. Ss Talian Mnru, H&mburr. Dec. 17. .Hi City of Airs. London, Sec, !C. H Wet icarlo, Havre, Dec. :i. Ks Coloma, Oporto, Dec. U, Si LHleborr, Frediikshavcn, Dec, 13. Si Hantn Lulin, Crlitobal, Jan. If. Ss Enrrmonl, CrUtobal Jin. 3, Ha Oreomu, Klnriton, Jan. t. Si Atrniii, Itlnitlon, Jan. 7, Rs Vildtutt, Alitllla, Jftn. 10. Ha DeluT.n, Iluenos Aires, Dec. IS, Si Yane Tko, crlitobal, Jan, 7, H n n y l'r n , .Inn. B. Sa Creole, New Orleans, Jan. 11. Sa City of Columbo, lloiton, Jan, 11. Si Stavanrer, Ponton, Jan. 13. Ss Mohawk, Jacksonville, Jan. 13. Sa Princeia Anne, Norfolk, Jan. 14. sa Okmulree, lioslon, Jan. HA AitmvED rnoM new Tonic Sa Dura d'Aonta, at Genoa. Sa La KaTOlP, at Ilarr. Sa ('. Lopei y Lone, at Cadlt. ' Sa Vltnnlii, at Dunkirk. Ra City of Hankow, at Ulnroltar, Sa Weatport, at Alcoa liny. Sa Santa Olivia, at Mdllionos. Sa Santa Ana, at Antofagata. Sa 1'ort (lalnes, at, Sa Calomarca, at Crlitobal, S Tuloa, at Crlitobal. Sa Kbro, at Crlitobal. SAILED FOH NEW YOIIK. 8 Helreilere, from Naplei. Sa Dante Allcylitrre. from Naplci. Sa Lafayette, from Harrn, Sa Sm.ilsjul, from Antwerp. S Moiitc.alr, from AntMcip. Sa .Hoimndnljk, from llalavln, Sa Sonra, from (loUitnburir, Sa Durjrlormii, lrom (itliraltir, Sa 1'tiECt Sound, from rilbraltar, Sa Bommon, from Norrltoplnj. Sa Alllanea, from Crlitobal, Si Carrlllo, from Crlitobal, OUTGOING- STEAMSHIPS. X To-dif. Malls Cloaa K. A. Victoria. LIvorpool 8 00 A M Argentina, Patras ....... 0 00 AM reaaro, Genoa 11 00 M Zacnpa, Cristobal 7 00 A M Fort Hamilton, Bermuda 8 00 A M Ponco, San Juan 8 80 AM Lake Huron, Bellie 9 00 A M FrandB, Rio Janeiro.,.. 7 00AM Philadelphia, San Juan,. 130AM Iroquois, Turk's Island,. 0 30AM Ancon, Cristobal 13 00 M To-morrow. , Leanora, Santander Monday. San GiOTannl, Naplea .. 8 00AM Advance, Port au Prince 18 00 M Tuesday. Leon XIII., Cadi 8 00 A M La Lorraine, Havre 8 30 A M West Saginaw, Dakar .. 9 00AM Lapland, Plymouth 1100 AM York Caitlo, St. Vincent 18 00 M Santa Maria, Ktnzstoii.. 7 00 AM Tapajoz, Para IMAM Dncla, Para 10 00 A M Uleuorchy, Para 13 00 M VhmIi Sail 12 00M 100PM S00PM 10 00 A M 12 00 M K 00 M 12 00 M 10 00 A M 12 00 M 12 00 M 3 W I'M 1100M 13 00 M 3 00 P M 1100 AM 12 00 M 12 00 M 00 P M 3 00 P M 10 00 A M 11 00 A M 1 00 P M 3 00 P M INCOMING STEAMSHIPS. Due To-daj. Si Klckapoo, Malta, Dec. tl. Bs Hokab, Seville, Dec. IS. Si Cixlas, Havre, Dec. U Si Kdcacomb, St. Michaels, Die. 31. 8a West Wauneke. Antwerp, Deo II. Hi Loyal CHUd, Avonmoutb, Dte. U Si St. Btepben, Mull, Dee, 1. fit Coiuort. Dunkirk, Dec, M, Si EUlmouth, Dorleaux. Die. !. Ml Sardinian, Avonmoulh, Dee. 31. Si Ice Hint, BromerUvsn. Dia II. Si St. Jean, Havre. Dae, 11. BaCataluna, llarcelona, Deo. 15. Sa Glenianda, London, Deo. 51. B Eelbick, London, Dec. 21 Sa Plymouth. Gibraltar, Dee. t. Sa Monmouth, Manchester, Do. 21. Si Etlanllno. Crlitobal. Dee. t Sa 1'. Da satruiteiul, Valencia, Deo. II. Sa Tonrrler, Itouen, Dec. 27. . Si Ktlantler, Antwerp. Dec. 21. Si lleilna d Italia, Gibraltar, Jin. 1. Si Vannonla, Palermo. Doc. St, Sa Vauban, Duinoi Aim, Jan. 1. Si nuantanamo. llttbao, Dee, SO, Si Gen W, O. Gorras, Crlitobal, Jan. i. Si Lorraine, Havre, Jan. I. Si American, Antwerp, Jan. J. Due To-morrow. Sa Catahina, Cadis, Jin, I. Sa Apache, Jacksonville, Jan. II. Duo Monday. Si Cedrlo. Liverpool, Jan, 10. Sa Lnfavotto. Havre, Jnn, 10, Sa Manhattan, Antwerp, Jnn, I. Hi Iloyal Gnoree, Southampton, Jin, 1. Sa Llmon, Port Ltmon, Jan. 12. S3 El Dia, Galvcaton, Jan, 13. Duo Tuoaday. fls Martha Wnshlnrton, Boulhp'ton, Jan.I. Si Northern Paclfto, Antwerp, Jan. 12. Si El Cld. Now Orloans, Jan. It. Sa City of Savannah, Savannah,. Jan, 17. Sa Lonapo, Jacksonville, Jan. IW Due Wedneaday. Sa Stockholm, Gothenberf, Jan. 10. Si Delveiloro, Trieste, Jan. i. Sa Vitellia. ainas:ow, Jan. 7. SiAledo, Antworp, Jan. 7,. Sa El Orlcnte, Galveston, Jan. IS, Great Britain. Ireland, NethcrlanuY, Nor way, Sweden, Denmark. Germany, HUnrir, Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonla, Finland. Arch iinrel, Mailelra and Capo Verde Islanai, via Plymouth. Cherbourr and Liverpool! alio niiT. post malls for Great Urllnln, Ireland, Erypt, British India, British Eait Africa. Molla, Zanzibar and Pcmba, Si. K. Auruito Victoria. 8 A. M. , Gibraltar (Greer muVt be Iperlally ad dressed for despatch by thla iteamer). via Gibraltar and Patraii alio parcel poat malls for Gibraltar and Ortcco, Si. Arientlni, 10 AM Italy (parcel .pest malli and" specially ad dressed correspondence), via Naples snd Genoa, Ss. Pclsro, 1! M. Monday, Italy (parcel port nulla and ipeclally ad dressed correspondence), via Naplea ana Genoa, Ss. San Giovanni, A. M. Tuesday. Spain (iredally addressed only), via Cadla and Barcelona: also parcel post malia for Spain, Canary Islands ami Geuta, Mtlllhvand Tantior In Morocco. Ss. Leon 3CIIL. I A. M. France. Jtumanla. Buljarla. Ctecno-Slova-kl, Juto-Slavla, Trenllno, Trieste. German. Austria, Poland. Switwrland, Italy, Spsjn. Pnrllial Tnrlriir Ervnt. Brltilrl India, 'British East Africa. Malta. Gibraltar, Ceylon, Stroita Settlements and Perila, via iiAvre; also parcel post mini ior Alrcrla. Corsica and Tunis, Ss. La Lorraine f.-n A M 'senejal, Gambia, TJberla, Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, ualiomey, L,aioi anu ucniau w vi'i n.lmr llathiirit. Monrovia. Grand Has sam, Seccondcc, Accra, Cotonou, Laios, Boma anu .MBiatu: also parcel posi mans jur i Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium. Lutem bure. Netherlands, Norway, Sweden. Den. mark. Germany, Hungary. Lithuania, Latvia, Eslhonia, Finland, Archanrel and Madeira, via Plymouth, Cherbourg- and Antwerp: also parcel post malls for Great Iltltaln, Ireland, Egypt. British India, British Eas( Africa. Malta, zanziuar, i-emua. npisiuiu, iuxeni bursr and Belilan Conjo, Ss. Lapland, 11 Cane Verde Islands and South Africa, vis 5t vinnn ami Csne Town: also rjarccl nost malls for Union of South Africa, ss. York Castle. 13 M, TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. The conncctlnr malls close at the General Post Office and (llty Hall Post Office RlaUon, New York, Bt 6 P, M. as follows: Japan, Corea, China, Slim, Hlberii, Cochin China, Netherlands, East Indira and Philip lilna Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria, I). 0,, Sa. Empress ot Russia, Jsnuary 17, Hawaii. Japan, Corca, Chins, Slam, Siberia, Cochin China, Netherlands Host Indies and PhlUpplna Islands, vis Ban Francisco, Si. Tenyo Maru, Jinuary 18. Hawaii,, via San Francisco, U. Lurllne. Januiry 1. Japan. Cona, China, slam, Siberia, Cochin China, .Netherlands East Indies and Philip Pine Islands, via San Franclico, Si. .Nile, January a, Hawaii, FIJI Islands, Nw Zealand and Australia, via Vancouver and Victoria, B, C Si. Niagara, January 31, DoTheP Wilson OrB ( r 7m.,, 4sTUM TOPICS OF THE DAY "Buying what you do not need is an easy road to needing what you can not buy.' Boston Herald. eople Favor ryan In Treaty While the New York Evening World declares that "Brynn in his fight for a quick compromise apparently stands alone", such influential Democratic journals as the New York Times, Brooklyn Eagle, Hartfoid Times, Dallas News, Nashville Banner, and Montgomery Advertiser, approve Mr. Bryan's demand for immediate ratification of the Peace Treaty on the basis of reservations, and oppose President Wilson's demand for its acceptance as it stands or its submission to a popular referendum. Tho leading article in -THE LITERARY DIGEST this week, January 17th, comprises a survey of the newspaper press of the country, particularly those journals representative of Demo cratic sentiment, upon the differences of. the President and Mr. Bryan as to the ratification of the Peace Treaty. Every phase of the subject is presented. Other news articles of great interest to the public are: Extent of the Bolshevik Infection in United States Telegraphic Dispatches to the "Digest" from Towns and Cities in -Which Federal Raids on "Reds" Have Taken Place Police Department Orders. v The followlni appointment! are ordsradt AS ritOllATIOMAnY PATROLMEN'. To take effect January II: In Head, quarters Dlvlilon, Training Schools Francis W. Bowman, Shield No, ISO; Ilodmond Durke, 'Uli Daniel J. A. Cash man, CO; Jnmta A. Curtln, 1330; Alexan der J, Croiler, 1771; Jamei A. Counhlln, 1773 John Cany, 1814 ) Michael II, D. Col. leary, H45J Michael Caaoy, 1933; Jamei W. Cudmoro, 1S89; Kdward J. Curran, 21G; Thomas Carroll. 3583; William Chernucle, J815; Vincent F. Curtis. 4ISI: Daniel J. Doris, Mix Jamei J, Pa ran, 47t John J. Dwyer, 4IS3 Michael Ollhooly, 4134; Paler Halm, 5113; John F. Ilenly, 1415; William A. Juaty, 6411; Charlia Krumm, 547S; I 6572; John J. Mahon, 11J4' Patrick J, Ma ione, oji; j nomas u. Aiurtna, 037o; Thomaa McNamara, ES3I; John J, McKeon, C187; Charlea H. McCarthy, 6124s Thomai V, McQrath, 11(9: Jame J, Nnvllle, 04171 Danlil O'Shea, C477 William W, Phillips, rS0 : John J. nyan, 0604; Frederick P. Struckman, 00U; Clinton J. Schlunaan, 6115; Howard ,1, Slenson, 0117: HtiEcne S. Thlbadcau. 7011: Aurust II, Werrln. 7711; Cornsllus White, 1215. The followlns member of ths force. Is re lieved and dismissed from the police force and service nnd placed on the roll of the rollcs Pension Fund and Is awarded ths following pensions 4 PATROLMAN'. To lake effect 12 P. M. January 15: Peter Campbell, Shield No. 4711, 77th Prec, on his own application, at 9 per annum. Appointed April 6, 1192. The following transfers and assignments are ordered: ACTING DETECTIVE SERGEANT SEC OND GRADE. To take effsct 1 A. II. January Ht From Detectlra Division to precincts In dtcatad, designations aa nctlng detective aergannta, aecond grade, revoked! Charles F, WalTaco, 11; Valentino W Corel), 22. TATROLMBN. Herman Kelatl, 11th PrecH aaslgnid aa operator of patrol wagon. Joseph Deialnger, 11th Preo., assign ment as operator of patrol wagon discon tinued. Peter F. Gllllgan, from 46th Prec. to 1 5 th Prco. Edwin C. Johnson, from 118th Prec. to Headquarters Dlv Quartermaster's D!v to duty In Dlv, of Supplies, assignment to mounted duty discontinued, John H. Stelnle, from Traffic Dlv Sub Dlv. D, to 113th Prec, assigned to mounted duty. ' George P. Obach, Jr., from Headquar tera Dlv., Quartermaster"! Dlv., Dlv. of Supplies, to 5Jd Prec. From Headquarters Dlv., raided prem ises squad, to 42d Prec; William W'lrauch, John Hlgglns. From precincts Indicated to Detective Dlv., designated aa acting detective ser geants, second grade: Michael Orlowsky, 13; John L. Mile tlch, 29. To takt effect S A. M. January 17, 1920: Higher Prices Predicted Fears of Army Demoralization Attempts to Nullify Prohibition Lynchings in 1919 The Thin Wedge of the Edge Act "Self-Determined" Egyptians Germany's Russian Opportunity America-Ireland's Western Front How Japan Can Beat Bolshevism A New Niagara Power Plant Nature is a Cubistic Artist Studying the Normal Child To Do Away With Road Detours in The Blue Bird's Song Flight Are Bill-Boards a Nuisance? Tommy Atkins's View of Plays War-Time Bolshevism out to Abolish God A Japanese Debate on Christianity Macedonia-What the Country Wants- A Glance at its History-Real Causes of Balkan Wars Dr. Osier's Refutation of Himself World-Wide Trade Facts Best of the Current Poetry Personal Glimpses of Men and Events Many Interesting Illustrations, Including Humorous Cartoons January 17th Number on Sale Today News-dealers 10-Cents $4.00 a Year Distinction to 1 1 TfT IjWmWLf H JflTgf FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publiihen of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORE James A. Defarnrl, from 16th Preo. to Dlv, National Defence. THAI I'Olt Alt Y ASHIUNMENTS, SERGEANTS, Tatrlck Daly, (1th True, to Headquar ters Dlv,, Home Scrvlca Dlv,, to duty as storekaeper In department storo at old 21th Prco, notion house, for 10 daya from 1 A. M. January II, 1120. Fndirick C. Kllncli, Tlth Preo., to Headquarters Dlv,, Home Ssrvlco Dlv,, to duty aa storekeeper In department itore, 201 Mott atreat, for 111 days from 1 A. M. January 10, i::o, ,' PATROLMEN, Malarht nyan, 11th Prec, to lit Imp, Diet., to duty In raided premises, from 4 P. M. January IS, 1920, to 1 A. M. Feb ruary 1, 19 to. John C. Hart, 41th Prec, tn Detnctlve Dlv., to duty In offlca ot the District At torney, (Bronx county, for 3 ilaya from 4 P, M, January 16, 1920, For II daya from 1 A, M, January 16, 1920: William ICnaon, t!i Prec, to Headquar ters Dlv. Andrew CJeldorman, 96th Prec, excused from rrssrvn stilly for 30 daya from I A. M. Janunry 10, 1930, From precincts Indicated to Marina Dlv, to duty In lllvcralda Hospital, North Broth er Island, guarding drus; addlctss James II, Thompson, 21; Martin Schrod der, !7i John P, Knowlss, 49, From praclnots Indicated to Marina Dlv, to duty at Metropolitan Hospital, Black well's Island, guarding drui nddlota: James Moos, 14; Morrison R. Panders, 49; Kellx J, Murray, 49. From preclncta Indicated to Headnuar tera Dlv, to duty In tha Investigating; Squadi Thomas Drowns, 39 j Harvey Uurger, 03 ; John Fltipatrlck, Trafflo A: Andrew A, Scheldler, Trafflo 11; Hartholomew O'Con nor, Trafflo II. From preclncta Indicated to Headquar tera Dlv,, Homo Service Dlv,, to duty ai itorekeopers at department atora In old 99th Prec. itatlon house: Martin J. Cuuffleld, 12; Thomas Rellly, II. D. From preclncti Indicated to Headquar ten Dlv,, Homo Service Dlv., assigned to clerical duty: Albert C, Ackerly, TO; Daniel .1, Pren derirast, Traffic II, From precincts Indicated tn Headquar ters Dlv., Homo Service Dlv., to duty aa atorekeepers at department atora, 301 Mott street: llottfrlert. Schneider, 13: Arthur B. Knnls, 111; Christopher J. Henry, Traffic C: William F. Schneider. Traffic C. From commands Indicated to Detectlva Dlv.: Joseph T, Sheldrlck, 14; Joseph P. An derson, 18; August J. Olllman, 21; Will lam Friedman, 25; Abraham Rossnthal, 20; John W. Kenna, 37: John Patrliso, 40: Jeremiah J. Murphy, 74; Frederick J. Ertola, 70; Charlea E. Prlttlng, TO; John J. McDonough, 82; Hugh O. Rellly, 83; William Secklnger, 8Bi (Jeorgo II, Crldland, 8S: Vincent O. Giordano, POi William I). O'Connor, 02: Patrtflt J. Walsh, flfli Charlss A. Mlrrau, 10. and William J. Shearer, Headquarter! Dlv. LBAVEH OF AllSHNCK. The following leaves of absence ara au thorized, without pay) PATROLMEN, Oeorge nuhlmari, 22d Prec, for 1 day from 8 A, M, January 18, 1020, Henry II, Lena, 02d Proo,, for 1 diy Jrom 12 noon January 22, 11)20, Tha following applications for fult pay while on tick report ara approved) rATROLMF-N, Peter F. Matthews, Trafflo Dlv., Sub Dlv. II, from 11 A, M. January 8, 1020, during disability, William Cox, Trafflo Dlv., Suh-Dlv. I), from 10:30 A. M. January 0, 1D20, durlnst disability, PROI1ATIONARY PATROLMAN. Louis L. Hultekaut, 20th Proc, . from i ISO A. M. January 9, during disability, RIC.Hr.NATIONS. The following resignations are accepted. To take offset 12 P, M, January IC: PATROLMKN. - aecrga N, Boeckle, Jr., Shield No. COL 111th Prec. To tnko effect 1 A, M. January 161 Charlea F, O, Boock, Shield No, ill, 11th Preo. To take effect 13 P. M, January 16! Thomaa M. Clou, Shield No. 3003, 414 Prec. rnODATIONARV PATROLMEN. To tnke affect 12 P, M. January 12! . Arthur A. Baxter, Shield No. 1119, Headquarters Dlv., Tralnlnc School. To takarffect 12 P, M. January 13: Michael J Flnan, Shield Nn. 4323, Headquarters Dir., Training School, To take effect 13 P. M, January Hi Oscar Hermansen, Shield No. 9022, lid Tree DKATII, Tho following death Is reported: ncTinr.n tatrolman. William Fraiicr, formerly attached t tho Hendquartrra Dlv,, died at 10:30 P, M. Janunry U. at his residence, 404 Hast 151th street, Th Hronx, from natural causes. Funeral from his lata residence 10 A, M. January 19, Gmtitilliiff K(iulniriit Iliirned. Gambllnu equipment valued nt $10,009, onco owned by "BeanBey" lloaenfeld, who Is nwaltlnsr tho outcome of nn np peal from hla senteneo- to a Imp; prison term and a heavy Jlne, was burned yes terday nt Hnckensick, N, J In tha pres ence of the Grand Jury, tho Sheriff nnd the County Prosecutor. Tho parapher nalia was seized In raids on n number of Bergen county hotels and Bambllnif resorts. WING to the death of Mr. John F. Dodge, President of Dodge Brothers, the offices, salesrooms and service stations of the Colt-Stratton Company will be closed on Saturday, January 17th. H. R. BLISS, Vice-President. ' "''41 " ' ! vlKSi l-' Somebody Will Be Happy for Breakfast! "If you always eat a breakfast like that, you'll live to be a hundred years old," said the waiter to a rich man who was eating Virginia Sweet Pancakes, and he tipped him with a $2 bill. "They all loves 'urn," said the waiter in telling the story to the cook. v 1 Vsci, . WE IT BRAND ' SELF RAISING ANAKE fiOUR No home-made pancake batter is as good or as con venient to use when time counts most. Easiest to prepare; simply add milk and water no lumps no overnight set tingto make delicious golden brown pancakes, waffles or muffins. Directions and recipes with every generous package. Most popular with all the family in the best of homes. it, The best'tasting energy food economical appetizing ! Say-"VIRGINIA SWEET" to your grocer, instead of "pancake flour." THE FISHBACK COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS KANSAS CITY Bit ?1 St