WEATHER FORECAST. Fair and colder to-day, with strong IT SHINES FOP ALL 'northwest winds; to-morrow fair.- Hfchest temperature yesterday, 4a: lowest. 22, uciauca weiintr rouorn on euiiorut pire, VOL. LXXXVII. NO. 153 DAILY. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, JbJTtOT.,,: PRICE TWO CENTS. COFFINS GO UP " WITH INCREASE OFFLUDEATHS Copeland Calls for Inquiry Into ActioiV of National Casket Company. NURSES STILL SCARCE K , Total of Cases 6,383, About 1,000 More Than on . . . 4 Day Previous. i 3UMP TO 2G2 Archbishop Hayes Issues Ap peal to Catholic Laity Crest Not Benched. Thero was another Jump yesterday In the number of influenza and pneu monia cases reported to tho Depart ment o Health. Tho total was 6,333, about 1,000 more than the day before. Deaths from, both diseases ' Increased to 262, setting a new high, mark for thp current epidemic. A comparison f ith tho 1918 figures' shows tho mor ) AUty this year Is much lower. On tho Corresponding day a year ago (October 11, 1918) 393 persons died; on Octo- ber i'0, 1918, tho peak of the former ln ! vaslon, there were 820 fatalities. Health Comrplssloner Copeland said lest night that reports he had received ' (during ,the day were reassuring, and- ho predicted a decided drop for the twentv-four hours cndlnr at 10 o'clock this morning. He dues not think the crest of tho epidemic has been reached, however. It may be several days be fore the turning point is passed. Simultaneously with the rise In the rlty'a death ratn the National Casket Company of Long Island City has noti fied undertakers that the price of coffins Is to advance again. Dr. Copeland said he could not see any excuse for another lncrcaso at this time and he has asked the Federal authorities to find out If there Is any profiteering being done. Dr. Copeland 'Mad Clean Through' This Is the card the company sent out yesterday : 'To the 'trade: Because of the sharp rise in tho price of lumber of all grades entering into tho manufacture of caskets and the Increase In cost and shortage of textiles, both cotton .and a Ilk. we are compelled again to announce an advance in prices. "All prices are this day withdrawn. A new price list Is now in the hands of the printer and will be forwarded to you in a few days. "National Casket Company." "This makes me mad clear through," Dr. Copeland said after reading the above note to the newspapermen. lie then dictated the following statement : 'T am Very much grieved to have placed in my hands an announcement ftom the National Casket Company that there will be an Increase in the price of caskets. It seems- to me there is no ex cuse for a raise In price and I shall turn tho matter over to the Federal author Hies for investigation, because It has been reported to mo by undertakers that they have been assured caskets would be cheaper and It Is commonly believed: all the commodities used in the manu facture of caskets reached the peak long go." Still Short of Nurses. Commenting on the situation gener ally the commissioner said that with tho exception of the nurse shortage every thing was satisfactory. The Health De partment had U7 calls for nurses yes terday, but could only supply 62. Sixty one netv nurses reported. Tho emergency training class for nurses, by means of which the depart ment expects to equip women for prac tical service curing the epidemic, will ,be opened next Monday- afternoon at 9-.m o'clock at Health Department headquqr-! Novefnber 20 at tile culmination of the ters, 505 Pearl street. Those who wish J bull Inarket of which Latrobe had' been fo register for this course may apply at' heavily short and which had wiped out the office of Miss Webster, In charge, on (almost every cent of the $750,000 sent fl the ninth floor of the Health Department him. John Qlosclo of Los Angoles had buildlrg, between the. hours of 2 and 4 ! purchased 1,000 shares of Cresson Gold this afternoon and between the hours o' 9 and 11 o'clock Monday morning. A fhreo hobrs course of instruction under Health Department doctors, tMimfft nnH rllpfltlnna will Ha jrlvan nu . " . . ..... wu CH.UIHM VH4.W,...U, UVVVIUtl, IV. il.VEIIVI day. The course for each class will list TStevj", were "stalled" by a statement at . Ann Wntr fill1 n. ttiA .ml A, ,t.n, . I . I T nl.ntl.'a nftfrtA .lint . ,.. n .1 ' ."V " w " v ..u u.iu vl b,it.i lllllv :-).uu . mm ,10 naa nut 111, aim i those who evidence the necessary adapt-r that he was handling each account per 1 ability will be assigned to cases, to work i sonally and would straighten It out when under tho direction of physicians, at the I he recovered from on Illness from which rate of $4 a day. None will be Dald dur ing the training course nor will any charge be made for the training. Commissioner Copeland reported 1,722 Influenza and pneumonia patients In tho hospitals of Manhattan and The Bronx. There are still plenty of beds available ; If necessary the city can take care of 15,000 cases. Distribution of the Afflicted. Tho hospitals having the largest num ber of cases are: Bellovuo 418, St. Trancls 102, Presbyterian 96, Lincoln 85, Fordham 86, Harlem 83, New York 85, Metropolitan (Blqckwell'a Island) 85, St. Vincent's 82, Gouverneur 67. SL Luke's 05, City (Blackwell's Island) 57, Columbus 51. Roosevelt 60, St. Lawrence 47. Lenox Hill 46, Lebanon 35, Mount i Sinai 33, Post-Oraduate 32, Beth Israel 28, French 27, St. Mark's 24 and Peo pies 20. Dr. Copeland arranged to tako over tne JKaufman Hospital, Lexington ave nue and Fifty-eighth ntreet, yesterday r. a homo for well children of stricken "illles. This hospital was formerly Ln'a n' hLl IS.: "r" 3 D-.uAma.n.''thls week of King Albert and President Il-henlx Bank " ha not be n used & K,Ch, " "d Premlers ice the last Influenza epidemic. Mrs. . Mlllcran'1 an? Delacroix that "the ques tman readily consented to place It l!on " ,' alliance between it tho City's disposal. It haa about 100 BeWum anJ Jrantl! was discussed, also beds i questions of finance. But on these two A 'call for whiskey and alcohol tasi1?0'"18 the Government will have to been made by the private hospitals, the ' deliberate further before public opinion S00 gallons recently purchased by tho ' can be acquainted with definite pro- city oeinsr tor nuouc nosDltals on v. , Commissioner Copeland has taken the tastier tip with the Washington authori ties and has asked that the red tape be cat for tho emergency. Tho schools show -Scarcely any un usual absences'. Health officers have ?en Investigating all cases, and very itw aro due to Influenza, Some children y "itinutd on Seventh Page. Woman Labor Leader Named for Parliament LONDON, Jan. 30. Miss Mar garet BondAcld, secretary of the Nationnl Federation of Wo men Workers, who was a mem ber of the British delegation to tho Labor Congress at Washing ton, has been adopted as tho Parliamentary candidate of the Laboritcs for the seat for. Northampton. 'SUCKER LIST' IS BROKER'S ASSETL Names of 1,200 Who. Lost $750,000 "Invested" With Latrobe- to Bo Auctioned. ONE CAUGHT FOIl $35,000 Attachment Issued for Man Who Dropped All in Going Short in Bull Market. Thoso doctors, lawyers, preachers, school teachers, letter carriers, fire men, officers of small banks, soldiers, sailors, widows and orphans who live iff virtually every Stato of the Union, and who sent a total of $750,000 to Laurason Raymond Latrobe, 111 Broad way, under the delusion that they were investing In stocks, may be Interested in tho no,wi that their names aro to be put on tho block and sold to the high-, est bidder on February 6. They rep resent what Wall Street vulgarly calls Latrobe's "sucker list." This "sucker list" represents about the only asset tho receiver and his lawyers have been alio to find among Latrobe's effects that could be listed as valuable. Advertisement of the list for sale in the "Wall Street district yesterday and the Issuance of a body attachment for Latrobe brought to light tho opera tions of a "Gel Rich Quick" "Walling ford who made one mistake. It was the mistake of trying to beat Wall Street's game with somebody's else money. Ho lost.' Two bankruptcy proceedings have been filed, the District Attorney's of fice is looking Into the case ana the receiver is scratching around trying to get together tho odds ;and ends in the hope that somo return may bo made to the customers. Alluring Advertisement, Ued. Latrobe in his advertisements offered to purchase stocks on the Instalment plan for investors. The first payment was 20 per cent, or tne maraec vaiuo oi a Ftock. and tho balance of SO per cent. wa9 to be discharged In eight equal pay ments of 10 per cent. each. Latrobe had a big business built un and would have made a success of It," said Edward B. Levy. 200 Fifth avenue, the receiver, "if he had not plunged in the market. From May or Juno until tho end of the' year he bought little or no stock for customers. He used the money sent him by people all over the country to play the market. He was short' of the market and It, went up. against him. "The broker s customers, who began to complete payments on their stock in the fall, commenced to demand deliv eries. He could not make them. The receivership followed. The case Is par ticularly flagrant because of the class of people attracted by his advertisements. Latrobe has no less than 25,000 names on his customers' list and 1,200 of them were 'live' customers. We find on in vestigation that most of them were people in moderate circumstances. Ono customer had sent Latrobe $35,000 In caSsh for the purchase of stocks which were never bought Many sailors and soldiers Just Indorsed their Government checks over to Latrobe." Hull Market Toined Latrobe. Latrobe's case got into the courts on for $1,875 during the summer, and paid for It In cash. Glosclo demanded deliv ery. It was not made. For a month or so Gloscio and the other customers, according to Receiver he was supposed to be suffering. Application was made for a receiver on November 20, and it was granted. ' Saul, 8. Myers, 60 Wall street, attor ney for the receiver, appeared yesterday before Judge John C. Knox In the United States District Court, with tho plea that a body attachment Issue for Latrobe. The Plea was granted. Tho action of Judge Knox followed an application made before Alexander C. 'Gilchrist, United States Commissioner, byJthe at torney for the creditors. FRANCE AND BELGIUM CONFER ON ALLIANCE Treatv With Holland Also 1 Teiy W ..," AU0 ooon 10 ae ruuiisiicu. Special Cable Vetpateh to The Sun from the London Timet Service. Copyright, 1920, all right reiened. BnussELS, Jan. 30. Le Soir, a well i'"""- TAWS, Jan. 30. The text of the. pro posed treaty between Belgium and Hol land, which will be stgped in this city soon has been published in the.A'atlon Ilelge of Brussels, according to tho Echo de Paris, which says that public opinion will bo stirred by the publication of the, treaty and expresses the belief that the pact may not be signed as a result 'SOCIALISTS ARE 1 CONDEMNED BY OWN WAR VOTES Assembly Records Show Tliey Opposed Every Emergency Bill. PARTY LOYALTY FIRST. : They Held It Above Neces sities of State, Prose cution Sam SWEET SEES NO SPLIT Back on Joh, Hp Says Flood of Lctcrs Supports Ohjects of Trial. Special Despatch to The Svi. Albany, Jan. 30. Tho records of tho four .suspended Socialists who were members of previous Legislatures on Asstnifcly bills designed to meet war timo emergencies were Introduced as evidence against them in to-day's ses sion of the Judiciary Committee's in vestigation. The records show that Assemblymen Solomon, Claessens, Orr and Waldman opposed every such measure, and that with one minor exception theirs wero the only votes recorded In'opposltlon. Assemblyman Do Witt, the fifth of the Socialist delegation, was not a mem ber of any previous Legislature. Tho measures which tho Socialists failed to support covered a wldo range of legislation and Included appropria tions for pay of the National and Stato Guard, compulsory military training, a bill relating to desecration of the flag, an act to provide for the requisition of labor of ablcbodlcd males between 18 and GO, and an act so to amend tho education law aa to pro hibit the employment of enemy aliens as teachers. This jvldcnco was Introduced In support of the contention of .counsel for tho committee that tho accused legislators thought more of their obli gation to support their party consti tution than that of the State. The constitution of the. Socialist party pro vides for tho expulsion of any member holding public ofllce who votes for any naval or military appropriation. Seymour Stcdman, .counsel for the Socialists, objected to the entering of tho records on each bill that Martin Conboy of counsel for the committee brought up. Invariably he was over ruled by Chairman Louis M. Martin. While Stedman dn several occasions sought to explain the votes of the ac cused men and offered his own Interpre tation of the meaning of the bill under consideration ho was cut short by the chairman, who said that the committee was competent to Judge what the bill in question meant. While the present Indications are that counsel will consume two or possibly three days moro In presenting the rest of the testimony they will offer against the Socialists, it may be said that to day's evidence 1b regarded as the most definite proof of thilr unfitness that the lawyers nave to olter. Sweet Back on Job. Speaker Thaddeus C. Sweet returned to-day to the capital from a short va cation at Lake Placid. While he de clines to discuss the case or the evi dence so far adduced it may bo said that he Is not In the least concerned over the rumors of a party split. On the contrary the Speaker Is known to have recelvea hundreds of letters from all parts of the State to the effect that the disclosure of the requirements of the Socialist constitution was enough In Itself to warrant the expulsion of the flve men under Investigation. As The Sun announced to-day there Is no basis for the report of a split In the Republican ranks over the pro gramme with regard to the Socialists, much less an organized revolt against the Speaker. Neither Is there founda tion for the leport that the conimlttee will render a report at the conclusion of the presentation of the case against the accused members without permitting them to enter a defence. Speaker Sweet and Lleut.-Col. Roose velt have not talked things over since the circulation of tho report that Cl. Roosevelt Would lead a movement' to reseat the suspended Assemblymen, but It can be said that the Speaker at taches no Importance to this rumor. There Is positive basis for the state ment thalr surface indications of a Re publican split over the issue resulted from a designed plan to learn tho ex tent of Socialist sympathy among the Assembly members and that the anlount of such sentiment encountered waa neg ligible. nilU They Opposed. Here are the titles of some of tho bills In tho 1918 mid 1919 Legislatures that were opposed consistently by the entire Socialist delegation. Including four ot the five Prcsent Socialist mem bers: An act to make available for tne New York Guard certain moneys appropriated for the National Guard. An act making appropriations for the support pf the Government. An act to amend the education law in relation to the qualification of teachers. An act Jo amend the education law in relation to physical training and the uie of armories therefor. An act to provide' for the publication of the law relating to the desecration of the flag. An act to provide for paying mem bers of the National Guard who served without the State In response to the call of the President of June 19, 1916. The appropriation bill for the support of the Government of 1918. An act relating to the military train ing of boys. An act to provide for requisitioning Continued on Sixth Page, OFFICIALS FEAR UPHEAVAL BY U. FARMERS Replies to Questionnaire Regarded as Threatening Economic Structure. 40,000 ARE ANALYZED Labor Shortage pd Middle men's Profits Arc Mat tors of Complaint. i DIRECT DEALING UBGED Answers Aro Summarized in Report to Scnnto Post Of fice Committee'. i "WAsiiiNaio.v, Jan. 30, Indications of n wide&pread spirit of unrest and' dis satisfaction among tho farmers of the country, so, threatening as likely to disturb tho existing economic 'struc- ture, Is considered uy Government of ficials to be revealed in more than 40,000 replies to a questionnaire re cently sent out by tho Post Office De partment. The replies as thus far digested were summarized In a report prepared by George L. Wood, Superintendent of tho Post Ofllco Department's division of rural malls, and read to the Seriate Post Office Committee to-day by James I. Blakslee, Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General. The views of tho ! 40,000 or moro farmers were obtained by the broadcasting of 200,000 copies of n questionnaire throughout the ag ricultural States nskins.for sugges tions whereby the Post Ofllce Depart ment might aid In. cutting down the cost of living. rrlnrlpnl Comnlnlnta. .Answers to the questionnaires have been coming In since the middle of De cember at the rate of a thousand day and .as- summarized by officials show the major csmplalnts of tho farmers In numerical order to be: Inability to obtain labor to work the farms, hired help and the farm er's children having been lured to tho 'city by higher wages and easier living. High profits taken by middlemen for tho meroi handling of food products. Lack of proper agencies of contact between tho farmer and the ultimate consumer. Many of the replies, said ono official who had looked over them, probably as many as fifty per cent, Indicate that the writers contemplate either leaving their farms or curtailing acreage under cultivation because of one or moro of the three major grievances and because of the growing feeling against non-producing city dwellers. ' Commenting to-night on the replies, Assistant Postmaster-General Blakslee said : "Such a condition nt a time when the predominant cry Is for production and still more production cannot but con stitute a grave menace." Before the Senate committee he char acterized the situation as "disquieting and portentous of disastrous conse quences." This opinion was expressed by Mr. Blaksleo aft-r a member of tho Senate committee had remarked that the replies seemed to hav come "mostly from a bunch of Bolshevists." Excerpts ' from ' a number of letters, taken at random from the moro than 40,000 already on file at the Post Offlce Department, showed the trend of thought among at least a considerable propor tion of the farmers of New England, the Eastern agricultural section and the middle Western States. New York Farmer' View. "The time Is very near," wrote a farm er at East Chatham, N. Y.. "when we farmers will have to curtail production and raise only what we need for our own use and let the other fellows look out for themselves. Iabor unions aro more to bliyno for the high prices than any one else. People are trying to get pay for what they don't earn." Writing from a Missouri town, another farmer said: "I almost fear a famine. Farm help, everywhere is flocking to tho city, lured by short hours, high wages and tho promise of a good time. Some one, I fear. Is going to suffer If this condition Is not remedied shortly." Declaring that the whole blame for the high cost of living rests on the middleman, another Missouri producer advocated tho establishment of mun(c- Contlntftd 'on Sixth Page. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLOSING TIME 2 P. M. TO-DAY For all classified and real estate advertise-. ments to be published in to-moi row's edition-of The Sun and New York Herald. Closing time, 2 P. M. TO-DAY, Main Offices " " 1P.M. TO-DAY, Branches CONFERENCE ON TREATY BREAKS UP; HOPELESS DEADLOCK ON AR TICLE X.; FIGHT WILL BE RENEWED IN SENATE STRIKE BRINGS Government "Will Fight Any Effort hy Miners to Enforce Six Hour Day. SPAKTACANS ARE ACTIVE Revolutionary Outbreaks Aro 1 Feared in tho Ruhr Coal District. II y IIAY3IOXI) SWIXG, Staff Corretponilent o Tub Sun. Copyright, 1920, all right reiened. Berlin, Jan. 30. The strike for a six hour day by 15,000 coal miners In Saxony Is apparently tho beginning of a new strlko period which promises to reach a crisis next week, It probably will bo followed by Spartacan strike demonstrations in tho Ruhr district, whtro revolutionists, defeated In the miners' convention, are endeavoring to lorco the Government to accede to the demand for a six hour day despite the altitude nf their own loaders and tho bulk of their follow workmen. Trouble also seems to be unavoidable In connection with the reopening of the railroad shops, where tho Government will reemploy only thoso who agree to accept piece work wages and thoso not Implicated In tho activities of the revolu tionary union. Tho Government commissioner In tho Ruhr district has Issued a warning to tho coal miners that tho authorities art pi epared for all eventualities and that any attempt to force a six hour day by an Illegal strike must fail, because there will bo no dealings with unauthorized union chiefs. It Is declared that any at tempt to leave the mines after working six hours will be followed by Immediate arrest and a heavy penalty. LIFE THREATS MADE IN BERLIN ASSEMBLY State of Siege Discussed Amidst Stormy Scenes, Berlin, Jan. 30. There were stormy scenes In flio National Assembly to-day during tho discussion of the Independ ent?' proposal to abolish the state of sleee. the different factions trying to howl each other down. Dr. Heine, Prus l.n tlnUfD- nf tha Tnt.rlnp 1,rrrl inn- tlnuance of the public ."afety precautions. He threatened the Independent leaders , with court-martial, shouting. "You are Joking at the risk of your lives." ' Ilerr Oeser, Prussian Minister of Rail ways, stated that as a result of the rall rmv otrllifi 47 ner pent, of the country's locomotives were useless. During the debate the Reichstag Building was bar - ilt ' nm tenrrA flie railroad , .vniiT.l u.mir fn c-nln nrimlsslon bv force . Incomes uj to 2.000 marks per year will not be subject to tho Income tax, according to a decision of the commis sion of tho National Assembly con slderlng the measure. An additional al lowance of BOO marks for each member of a family will be mado on Incomes above 2,000. YOUNG TURK LEADER LEANS TO GERMANY Asserts Most of People Also Are So Inclined. Saiomca, Jan. 28 (delayed). Mus tapha Kernel Pasha, the leader of the Nationalist Young Turkish movement In Anatolia, asserted In a recent speech at Angora that the Turkish people as a wholo favor collaboration with Ger many, according to advices received here. lie added that In his opinion the persons responsible for Turkey's en trance Into tho war should not bo pun ished. London-, Jan. 30. A White Paper re port on the disturbances In the Punjab, India, says tho special contributory causes In the azltatlon at Amrltsar were speculation, discontent over the prices of commodities, dissatisfaction with the Income tax and nn attempt to arouse Islamic feeling among the lower classes out of sympathy with Turkey. Trcmorn In Vera Crnc. Mkxico Citt, Jan. 30. Earthquake shocks wero felt In the city of Vera Cruz and In the vicinity of Chalchlco mula. State of Puebla, last evenln-j, ac cording tp reports reaching this city. CZECHS IN PERIL BEYONDIRKUTSK About 15,000 Remain in Ter ritory Now Overrun lly Uolshevlsts. NEW KOLCJIAK DEMAND Reds Offer Safe Passage to Czechs in Exchange for Him and Treasure. UpteM Cable Dttpateh to The Su.v lrom the London Timet Keniee. Copyright, 1M0, all rlghlt reiened, ItAr.niN. Manchuria, Jan. 29 (de layed). The Czechs estimate that they still have nbout 15,000 men nlong the railway from Irkutsk westward , for about 400 miles. While the Czechs are well supplied with food, they aro In a highly .precarious situation, owing to the fact that the whole country Is In Bolshevist hands. The Czechs would bo helpless In the event of a combined movement to prevent their evacua tion. Gen. Semenoff's force Is reduced to about 2,000 Cossacks. His mobiliza tion of Austro-German prisoners of war has , proved unsuccessful. The Kolchak collapso ha3 resulted In vir tually tho whole population of Siberia being ready to accept Bolshevism. A communication from the Bolshevist headquarters at Tomsk passed along through the last Czech unit proposes the surrender of Admiral Kolchak, now held by the revolutionists nt Irkutsk ; tho irold treasure r& all arms, ammunition and military supplies, In exchange for which the Bolshevist offer to guarantee the Czechs safe repatriation through Russia. The fact Is the Bolshevists have the Czechs In a tight place, and It probably will prove that It waa for that reason they were compelled to throw Kolchak "to tho lions." The Czechs still hold the gold, but the Bolshevists In Irkutsk have sworn never to let It go cast of rnke Baikal. There is now held In Irkutsk some 120.000,000 in thirty-five trucks pending negotiations. About 10, 000.000 already, has' reached Vladivostok hat part has been pledged for foreign lonns. Aa regards the Polish division, num bering 6,000 men, later reports state that the men mutinied, murdered their of ficers and went over to the Bolshevists. There still are 4.000 Rumanians and ! 1,000 Jugo-SIavs west of Irkutsk, Vladivostok. Jan. 22 (delayed). Tree trains of Rod Cross workers, in- eluding 100 women, are on their way to Vladivostok. All the women personnel of the Red Cross will be sent from Siberia on the earliest sailing transport, 1 Red Cross volunteers are being re. i crulted to remain here to direct the uls I trlbutlon In civilian refugees of the $3,000,000 worth of supplies on hand and also to care for 900 refugee chll drcn here from Petrograd. KOLCHAK REPORTED TO HAVE ESCAPED Admiral Said to Be Hiding in Manchuria. By the Atioctated Fret). Honolulu, T. II., Jan. 30. Admiral Kolchak is reported to have escaped from tho Bolshevllti and to be In hiding In Manchuria, ' according to a Toklo despatch to the Japancso newspaper .Yiwnti Jill here. Tho social revolution, which occurred In Irkutsk and which ousted Kolchak, transerred the governmental powers to the Bolshevik!, the cable added. Paris, Jan. 30. Considerable caution is shown by newspapers here In com menting on reports that Gen. Janln, the French commander of the Czecho-Slovak army In Siberia, turned Admiral Kol chakt over to Insurgent revolutionists. Tho Petit PnHslen declares Janln 'was powerless to help Kolchak. while the Figaro asserts the Czecho-Slovaks had to give up the former head of the All Russian Government or be annihilated. UKRAINIAN FORCES CAPTURE ODESSA Anti-Bolshevik Troops Evac uate City of Derbent. Vienna, Jan. 29 (delayed). The cap-, ture of Odessa by Ukrainian forces com manded by Gen. Pawlenko Is announced by the Ukrainian Press Service. A committee of Ukrainian, Russian and Jewish citizens succeeded In restor ing order, tho advices stata and In Im proving the provisioning ofthe city and the administration of Its affairs. London, Jan. 30. Antt-Bolshevik forces havo been compelled to evacuate the city of Derbent, on the west coast of the Caspian Sea. according to n wire less despatch received here from Moscow. In Eastern Siberia, the despatch states, peasants havo revolted nnd occupied tho gold fields In the vicinity of Nlkolaevlk. They have fortified the entire Amur dis trict with trenches. It is declared. Odessa, Russia's chief Black Ssa port, has been in control of the nntl-Bolshevlk forces in South Russia for a considerable period. Tho Bolshevik successes against Gen. Denlklne, however, and his break with Gen. Pctlura, tho Ukrainian com mander, havo recently been threatening this control nnd a panicky exodus from tho city has been In progress for a fort night past. Tbfr force nf tho Soviet push has been exerted mainly further east in South Russia than the neighborhood of Odessa, the nearest approach of the Red troops definitely reported being about 175 miles to the northeast, at Ellzabcthgrad, the capture of which was announced on January 26. The Ukrainian . forces ap parently have approached Odessa from the norm anq nortnwesu 1 Foch Sees Immortals Grapple With "Cheese" pARIg', Jnn. 30. Marslinl Foch and President Poincnre, according to the usual custom, attended the French Academy yesterday to rchenrso the cere mony of tho former's reception into the ranks of tho immortals, which occurs nt tho academy next Thursday. After the formality Marshal Foch was invited to remain dur ing tho routine proceedings of the institution, which were de voted to defining for the dic tionary the meaning of tho word "cheese." $50,000,000 FOR LOAN TO EUROPE G. 0. P. Committeemen Cut Glass and Wilson Proposal From $125,000,000.' COUNTRIES 'NOT NAMED Decision Likely To-day, With Indications Austria and Po land Will Benefit. Washington, Jan. 30, Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee In conference to day Informally agreed to favor legis lation authorizing the Treasury to ex tend adlltional credits of 50,000,000 to4 certain European countries for food lollef. ' The specific countries to benefit will bo decided upon nt a later meet ing. Poland, Armenia and Austria were Included In the original proposal of Secretary Glass, since supported in a letter from President Wilson, for cs edits of $130,000,000, later reduced to $125,080,000 by Mr. Glass. Representative Fordney "(Mich.) chairman of the committee, called u meeting for to-morrow of tho full Com mittee to consider final, action. Lead ing Democratic, committeemen, includ ing Representatives Kitchln (N. C.) and Garner (Tex.), vho were among the first to suggest the $30,000,000 as a maximum authorization, are counted on by tho Republican members to sup port the $50,000,000 loan, which also has approval of some members of tho Republican legislative steering com mittee The agreement came after nn earlier conference with the steering committee, at which varied opinions on the Treas ury proposal of larger loan authoriza tion was expressed, including opposition to any new loans. Some Republicans favored a, larger sum than $50,000,000, but the majority opinion seemed to sup port that amount. While no agreement was attempted at either of the; conferences to determine whether the legislation shall specify tho countries to get the loans, some effort In this direction may be made to morrow. Proponents of the $30,000,000 fund suggested that amount primarily to relieve starvation In Austria, to supple ment private charity to the Armenians, and alleviate distress In Budapest. Confidential Information received by committeemen through official channels was understood to be that European countries, Including France and Eng land, could not be expected to contribute to a relief fund for Austria, their In clination being to help Poland in her fight apnlnst the Russian Bolshevik Government. Objection to extended aid to Poland by tho United States was made by some committeemen on the ground that the Tollsh army is now moro "san 100 miles beyond tho na tion's eastern frontier. However, tho JSO.OOO.OOO fund Is ex pected to afford some relief for Poland, I: being pointed out that the require ments for Austria amount to $30,000,000, for Budapest $5,000,000 and for Arme nia $1,'500,000 a month. - Besides finally deciding on the amount of the loans, the committee must deter mine to-morif-w tho method of admlnlsf tration, the general opinion being that It would bo through the United States Grain Corporation, which would be au thoilzed to use Its funds for having food In this country. CHILDLESS UNION WINS ANNULMENT Italy Establishes Precedence, m Lieu of Divorce Law. Milan, Jan. 80. The annulment of a marrlago has been obtained hero solely on tho grounds .that It was childless. This decision Is expected to be followed by numerous applications for annulment on similar grounds, for there Is no di vorce in Italy. The action ot the tribunal is indorsed by the Italian press as a whole, and the Socialists havo gone so far as to prepare a measure (or the Introduction Into the Chamber proposing that marriages shall be compulsorlly annulled If no children result from them. All Real Estate and classified advertisements for The Sun and New York Herald for insertion Sunday, Fob. 1, 1920, only should be sent to of fice of New Yprk Herald, Herald Square. All dis play advertising copy, to 280 Broadway. & Lodge .Itefnscs to Accept Tuft Modification of His Strong Reservation. DEMOCRATS URGED IT Republican Leader Firm Against Change in Mon roe Doctrine Clause. "CANNOT BE QUESTIONED" Senator "Walsh Will Move To day for Hearing February 10 Weeks of Debate. Rpcial netpateh to Tub Scs. Wasiiinc.tox, Jan. .'10. Hopelessly lodged on the rocks of .'.v-ticlo X., Hie hl-partisnii treaty conference wont to pieces this nftenioon. The conferees after two weeks of determined effort to reach a basis ot compromise on tho reservations ndjournetl without (toy. Tho last move was the offorliiR li,v the Democratic conferees of the latest proposed draft dealing with Article X. by William II. Tnft. The Demo crats said tliey were nil ngrecd on It If the Republicans would Join tlicin. Senator Lodge (Mass.), Republican leader, replied that liecould not ac cept It. He was not prepared to ac cept nny change from tho original test of the reservation ou this point adopted by the Senate Inst session. Likewise the Republicans ramie It clear they could not ngrco to any change In the reservation dealing with the Monroe Doctrine. The pronounce ment' as to Article X. was accepted by tho Democrats as nn iiltirantum. Without form or ceremony, with no suggestion of nnylhlng dramatic, the conference 'lissolved. Wnlih o Notify Scnnto. Senator Hitchcock (Neb.), on behalf of the Democrats, promptly announced that the fight would be carried to tho Senate floor. "Personally, I am leav ing town to-night for a few days," ho said, "but Senator Walsh of Montana In my behalf will to-morrow announco that on Tuesday, February 10, a mo-i tlon will bo made in the Senate to taky up the treaty for consideration." ! Inasmuch as Article X. finally proved the sticking point, precisely as had been anticipated In the beginning of the conferences, the texts of tho va lious pending proposals on that sub ject will indicate the exact status at tho conclusion of the compromise ef forts. Tho original Lodge reservation adopted by the Senate last session fol lows: The United States assumes no obli gation to presefve the territorial In tegrity or political independence ot any other country or to interference In controversies between nations whether members of the league or not under tho provisions ot Article X., or to employ the military or naval forces of the United States un der any article of the treaty for any purpose, unless in any particular case the Congress, which under the Constitution has the jsole ower to declare war or authorize the em ployment ot the military or naval forces of the United States, shall by act or Joint resolution so provide, Propoanl of Democrat. The reservation on Article X., which Senator Hitchcock says was the Demo cratic proposal before the bi-partisan committee, reads: The United States assumes no obll- , gation to employ Its military or naval forces or tho economic boycott o preserve the territorial Integrity or political Independence of any other country under the provisions of Artl- ' cle X., or to employ the military or naval forces of the United States under any article of tho treaty for any purpose, unless In nny particular case the Congress, which under the Constitution has the solo power to declare uar or authorize tho employ ment ot the military or naval forces of the United States, shall by act or joint resolution so provide. Nothing herein shall be deemed to Impair the obligations in Article XVI. concern ing the economic boycott The Taft reservation proposed by the Democrats at the last moment was first published In an artlclo by tho former President this week. It follows: The United States declines to as sume any legal or binding obliga tion to preserve the territorial Integ rity or political independence of any other country under the provisions of Article X or to employ the mllltarv or naval forces of the United States under any article of the treaty for any purpose ; but the Congress which under tho Constitution has the sole power In tho premises will con sider and decile what moral obli gation If any under tho circum stances of nny particular case, when It arises, should move the United States In the Interest of world peac and Justice, to tako action therein and will act accordingly. Counter Tropoinl Ilpfnxed. To-morrow In the absnco of Senator Hitchcock, Senator Walsh (lion.) will give notice that on Tuesday, Vcbruaty 10, the Senate will be asked to proceed to consideration of the treaty. Mr. Hitch cock will return from Nebraska Thurs day next. Senator Hitrhcoclt :ald ; "At the meeting to-day we presented the last Taft reservation on Artlclo X. p.i our proposition of a compromise. There was some conversation as to th exact meaning of the reservation. W ; urged the Republicans to say whether tliey could accept 11 or consider It. "Senator Lodge said definitely he could not accept it. Wo then asked If tht I . ... kh. . i - nf asitiMfcMMiifjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj