Newspaper Page Text
....... , , io h THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920. riione, Rector 5000 Josephthal&Co. 120 Broadway, New York Mtmkti Ntw York Stock Exchansc Foreign ' Securities Private Wires to Principal Cities 5"I ft? J FERSMHB OIL COMPANY Operating in the State of Texas Full Jala on rtutst. 1 Traded in on N. Y. Curb M. J. WHITELY Specialists Member N. Y. Curb Markr t Ass'n. 56 Pino St. Now York Phone 1222-1223 John CARSTAIRS & CO. MEMBERS New York Stock Exchangs Philadelphia Stock Exchangs New York Cotton Exchange STOCKS and BONDS 71 Broadway Pf.cne, Boulint Cretn-6110. re m Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Stock I. Phones 4000 to 4010 John. S6 Wall St.. N. Y. Information concerning the. ST. Cumulative Sinking Fund Pre ferred Stock of the Pathe Freres Phonograph Company will be sent upon request. MONTGOMEKY & CO.. 14 Wall Street. New York. Suggestions for Investors may be had on request A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities. 62 Cedar St.. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston Buffalo Cleveland Baltimore Minneapolis $16,500,000 REPUBLIC OF CUBA Four anil One-Half rer Cent. Gold Bond Due 11)49 (External Loan.) Coupons duo February 1, 1920, df the above Bonds will be paid on presentation at our office on and after that date. SPEYER & CO. New York. JanuaTy 31. 1920. all Investment matters, the Bond Department of this Company offers a thoroughly dependable service. Guaranty Trust Company of New York THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK METAL MARKET. Jan. 30. Did. Asked. New York. . 1.60 8.75 9.13 Spelter. N Y, spot 9.(3 s.... 9.43 fcpelter. prime West, spot 9.00 Enelter. crime West. February 9.00 9.10 Electro top. spot 19.23 Klectro cop. Fob 19.27(5 Quicksilver JS3 00 Aluminum 31.50 32.50 Antimony 11.25 ll.M J'latinuni, an ounce 1153.0) Fig Iron. No. 1 X foundry .00 Pit iron. No. 2 sill con ' i (303 .... 45.0S Pitts. Bess Iron 29.00 .... 39.00 Pitts, Bess billets (t.00 .... 41.00 OLD METALS. Dealers' buying prices are as follotvi: Copper , Cents,a pound. Heavy cut and, crucible 11.73917.04 Heavy and lre U.OOSlt.JO Light and bottoms 15.00913.23 Heavy and machinery comp l?.00fjl.6O Brass, heavy 1O.2S01O.5O Ilrass. llsrht .to 9.00 No. 1 clean brass tumlnxs 10.00010.23 No. 1 comp turnlngi 1. 13.73014 23 Lead, heavy 7.003 7.10 Tea lead I.75g JUuc'scrap 0.000 (.23 LONDON METAL MARKET. LONDON, Jan. 30. Following are the clos ing motal quotations: s. d. .Changes. Copper, spot Ill 17 oTt U 2i M Copper, futures W 12 ( off fl 17s td Sales Spot, 100 tons: futures, 1200 tons. Electro jcop, spot.... 122 10 0 .off 10s Electro cop, futures. 124 10 0 off 10s Tin, spot Ill I 0 all 15s Tin, futures 113 10 0 off 10s Straight Ml 6 0 off 15s Sales Spot, 10 tons; futures, (00 tons. Lead, snot ........... 47 6 0 Lead, futures 47 IS 0 Spelter, .pot 59 10 0 olf 6s Siieller, futures 61 0 0 off 10s Liverpool Cotton fllntllflea. T.TvriwT. .Tun ,10 Week-lv rnitnn ' statistics: Imports 157,000 bull, Amer ican, i03,ooo; siock atz.uou, American, 720,000; forwarded 99,000, American, 78,000; exports 34,000, sales 25,000, American, 12,000', quantity afloat, all Mnfls, 090,000 bales; Arrierlcan, 481,000 i 'FINANCIAL NEWS Day's Year nid, Slock Market Mnlntnlns Firm Tone Throughout Session of Inactivity. 81 mi 88 94 01 120W OS'S, 138 H 115 fiow 14H 05H 117 110 m OJli TRADING ISTHOFESSIONAL Motors Are Strong Feature's, kut Are Overshadowed by Independent Steels. Despite the high money rates ana ,the usual week-end tendenoy toward. Inac tion, yesterday' stock market main tained .a very firm undertone through out. The market wan even mqre In active and professional, If anything, than Thursday's, but there was not much comfort In this for the bear con. tlngent, for tho very good reason that thoy found It Just, as difficult aa over to force out real atoclc' Tho motor were ngaln tho strong fraturca of tho trading, but they were rather overshadowed In tho aftornoon by the rteolg, that la to any, tho Independent steels, and by Haldwln Locomotive, which went to a new high record for the current move ment. All In all, however, thero was no special change In tho character of the dealings, It was the name narrow, professional affair that has been wit nessed nil week, and the only really significant thing about tho trading was tho refusal of the market to go oft In the face of tho high money rates. But If It did not go down, It was equally unresponsive to the efforts, .of those In terests who would like to tee prices go higher. The market did not pay any attention to tho money situation because It did not believe , that It meant nnythlng special at tho present time, but It could not advanco of course, even though It had before It such burllsh considerations as another Increase jn 'steel prices by tho Independent producers, the prospect of n favorable agreement on tho rail road bill sonic time next week and an Increaso In wages by tho Steel Corpor ation. These considerations ordinarily would have pent the Wall Street mnrkrt skyrocketing, but with money renewing around 12 per cent, and Joanlng as high as 20' per cent,, there was nothing else to da but let the market tako Its own course, at least for tho time being. The matter of steel prices was the most Interesting development Wall Street had before It, and also the most favorable, for Walt Street felt that If tho Inde pendent Interests raised prices that It wis a natural Inference that the Steol Corporation would also do no eventually, particularly In view of the announce ment In the morning papers of another Increase In wages of 10 per cent. The Bethlohcm 3teet Corporation's statement was viewed favorably by tho speculative fraternity, but It had little Influence on tho trading on account of money con ditions, Ths whole market waa so professional, in fact, tlint it would , 97 44,4 13P S6W 2CD C7 167 WW 19 ns 01 ' u 23 4 r,s SI', 4 89 105 '4 120Ts 30Ta 44 28 K S3 93 13 103 22 8M 2i 23 S4W 127U 92 4 & 142 54 M 23 31! 51; 83 ',4 09 18?s 3 8 40 i 41 3 52 91 62 ;s,s SO H 30 102 12 85 225 99 00 S3 107 12 12 23 26 84 for Wall Street' to have paid attention iu any consideration. The reason that Baldwin and the iTlOtfirH fl (llQ niar1 ftn sharply was bocauso tho whole Interest of the speculative fraternity centred in iiio issues, ine street lias long since been convinced that fill mnhf atnW I 135 102 will lead the upward movement this year, or rather that the upward move ment will begin In the motor group, and It Is taking no chance of aretttne- lefi. an 12 19 13 81 i some big Interests did last year, when tho market started on Its upward cam paign. So far as tho rest of the list Is concerned there was not enough Interest In It to speak of. Steel common, for Instance, fluctuated within a range- of about a point all day. While the same story was true of most of the other stocks, except, of course, the Independent S9 42 27 98 ,90 165 314 81 80 'i9 96 steels, which followed Baldwin upward In the final period of the session. Tho rails Old nothing at all. notwithstanding tho assurance' received overnight from Washington to the effect that an agree ment Would be reached next week on tho railroad bill. Thcr reason that money went higher yesterday than on the day before un doubtedly was on account of the extra demand for money on Fridays. Inas much as there Is no money market on Saturday arrangements always have to be mde on Fridays to carry stocks over to Monday, This puts an extra strain on the money market each Friday and usually results In sending rates up abovt the normal figure. Bankers were still of tho opinion that money will, rule high for the next fifteen or twenty days, but In somo quarters It was felt that there might lie a slight relaxa tion next week. Tho foreign exchange market was very weak again, with ster ling down to a new low record for all time and other rates generally lower. There was a slight rally In sterling In the last hour, but not enough to be of any account. The denkness of the ex change market -was very discouraging In banking circles, but It had no particu lar Influence on stocks. 77 Zo 79 104 57 88 no 'A 11 19 78 127 39 96 24 84 70 50 135 103 30 33 84 22 65 98 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. 101 68 31 58 CALL MONEY. Mixed Collateral. High 34 Low 12 Last 14 Itenewsls .... .... .12 Yesr'a high 20 Yesr's low C All Industrials. Hlgli 20 Lpw 12 125 W8 in 14 mewals II 41 49 12 8 24 39 47 37 65 87 Yfar's high 20 iar's low 6 TIME JOANS. Mixed Collateral, f All Industrials. Sixty days THISlxty day n, Ninety day 'fclNlnety days SH Four months iHlFour months S'i Five months Tii Five months Hi Six months 7'4Slx months ii COMMERCIAL PAPER. Prime Indorsed BlllslSIx months Receivable. I Other Names. Sixty day iMSm Three to six Ninety dsys....SH05Hl months ..CHQoS CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. Clearing House exchanges, t;cs,ei0,73s; bal ances, tS7.622.CM: Sub-Treasury credit bsl ances, 172.214: Federal re.-irve credit bal ances. S60.1U.4M:. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. Boston, par; Chicago, par; St. Louis, 230 15c. discount: San Francisco, par; Montreal, 11.10 per 11,004 premium; Cincinnati, par; Minneapolis, lCc. premium. SILVER TRICES. Bar silver In New York, ll.8(U. off Uc: in London, 14'id., oft Ud. ; Mexican dollars, Jan. 29. Bid. Allied. 1. 50 8.75 112 9.10 9.00 9.12'i 10 82 6 16 9.00 9.12M 13.25 19.25 153.00 32.10 108 11.50 69 26 17 95 '57 78 70 47 9 8 37 73 92 49 39 28 40 71 18 94 61 27 99 88 99 21 74 34 43 51 11 103 11.11 11.37ft S1M.UI (5.00 11.03, off Uc. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. Prev. p'oi1. 1.1 1 S.52ii Sterling Hith. Low. Lsst. Demand .. JS.5i lt.9; 13Mt Cables 2.32 S.M'.S 5.51U Francs Demsnd... 13.22 13.!', Cables 13 20 13.33 13.11 13.21 13.20 13.13 Normal rate of vxeb. Yesterday's Close- Demand or Checks. Cable.. 13.51U 13 33 1.30 13.13 ' 1.00 1.I3; 13.75 33U 43 !i U 13.50 11.53 17.63 16.10 27 91 !1 11.30 t.o Ask. 4.00 1.13 4.I6P5 Sterling .. I3.50U 5.1J13 238 3.1113 Par! Marks nelgium China Hongkonr Shanghai Greece Hoi I ml India ' Bombay Japan Yokohama Pli lipplne Islsnds Manila Daly ,andlnavls Sicckholm ("ir'.MIania Copenhagen South America Rio Argentina (gold),. Iluunos Aires Spain Hwltlerland It lisils (Currency) COO rubles inn ruble... 13.30 1.29 12.17 1.00 1.(5 3SH 2'1 49 49 13.32 19 43 17.53 13.00 11.23 3.71 Bid. 19.24 40.29 32.44 MOO S.1I13 26.10 107 !(l(2 18 18 83 41 78 1C0 5.., 42.11 19.30. 6.IHJ 11.49 150 1.30 TIMK BUM ON WJSDON. Bankers. I CommtrdaL M days k..H.(.Vi!60 days ti ll 90 days .J.3.4IUIW dsyl ,1.41 NEW YORK, STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. Friday, January 30, 1920. 1920, 1310. 62,920 10,290,122 11,831,495 sales to date.,,. 1517 0 'pen-1 tilth Low est. All. in , Hales. 8H4 1 50 88 U 95 92 300 AJax ltnbber 300 AlttBlca dnld Mines.. , , , . . 1600 Allls-ClmlmerH Mfg 100 Allls-Chnlmem Mrs pf,-,, 100 Am Aarlcul Chemical ... 900 Am Beet Sugar 700 Am Hosch Magneto ,,,,,, 4700 Am Can 100 Am Can pf 1001) Am Car & Foundry 100 Am Cnr & Foundry pt... 400 Am .Cotton Oil ,4900 Am Druggist fiyndlcnto., 1G0 Am li.TpresH ,.. CCO Am Ulan & Leather pf... 3400 Am International Carp,.. 600 Am La F Flro Unff 2300 Am Linseed Cn 5400 Am Locomotive 70C Am Ship & Commerce,... 200 Am Bmolt & Hef 2C0 Am Hmelt A Hot pf 600 Am Steel Foundries 600 Am Sumatra Tobacco , . . 4900 Am Tel & Tot 200 Am Tobacco , . . 2000 Am Tobacco Sco 4900 Am Woolon 400 Ani Writing Paper pf ... 1Q0 Am Zinc. Lend A Smelt. 81 81 IT IK 49 87 94 89 1 49 87 04 91 1 49 87 04 91 121 120 122 120 65 99 56 98 66 98 W 98 7 1381,4 12 138 138 137 115 110 7i 115 115 . El 4 51 14 97 61 14 97 60 14 U 96V4 80c 1? 6 7 6 1 V I U7i4 110 110 117 110 109 109 111 , 14 85 14 14 14 84 98 25 68 98 44 91 99 260 07 BO'l 3 84 100 98 25 100 2514 08 4 98 44 25 us-a 08 98 45 , 02 U 100 260 93 44 91 137 99 99 200 68 205 68 158 56 20 58 08 158 157 65 19 58 61 160 55 50 19 58 01 19 100 Am Zinc, Lead A Sm pf. 58 01H svo Anaconda Copper 9fC Ann Arbor 2C0 Ann Arbor pf 800 Assets itcitllzntlon 700 Associated Dry Goods , 400 Atcli, Top & 8 F ex dlv 100 Atlantic Coast Line ... 2S001AU. Gulf 4WISS,,. 61 10 24 12 25 10 24 11 24 4 1 .4 58 4 53 09 83 59 81 82 89 105 81 89 89 89 162 16C 121 10 163 8 93500 Baldwin Locomotive Wks 116 121 116 31 31 1062 Baltimore & Ohio 433 Daltlmoru & Ohio pf.. 100 Bethlehem Motora ., . 100 Bethlehem Steel 14400 Bethlehem Steel B . . 300 Booth Fisheries 100 Bums Bros 100 Buttcrlck Co 500 Butte Copper & Zinc. 31 44 31 44 29 95 444 29 95 V4 43 29 95 98 98 98 97 14 108 13 13 106 22 10 106 231, 22N 9i 26 22 9 25 22 84 127 92 9 9 26 23 85 26 23 8414 128 600 Butte A Superior Copper. 400 Caddo Central O A It, 22 Ot'O California Packing Co., . . 85 750 Canadian Pacific 6f 0 Central Leather 600 Cerro do Pasco Copper.. 11000 Chandler Motors .' 200 Chosnpeuko A Ohio 100 Chicago Qt Western pf . 100 Chic, Mil A St Paul .... 600 Chic, Mil & St Paul pf.. 1000 Chicago A Northwestern 1400 Clllc, Iiock Isl A 100 Chic,, It I A Pac 7 p c pf lEOOjChlle Copper COOjChlno Copper 127 92 127 92 55 93 56 143 53j 55 141 54 23 141 54 144 55 2S 54 23',: 23 37 52 83 1 36 51 36 36 51 83 52 81 83 26 20? 26 69 18 26 70 69 18 uu ; 18 13 3iV4 36 371 38 36 38 37 40 37 KVVH.OCU-V.OIU' 200 400 800 200 100 200 Colorado Fuel & Iron..., Colorado A Southern .( Columbia (Iruphoiihtne . 40 23 40 23 51 91 62 82 4 23 51 52 92 Colum uraphophono Pf.. 91 '91 63 Consolidated Clg.i- Consolidated Clglr pf... 6: 62 S2 80 18 82 82 30 500 Consolidated Gas 80 SO 1S; 30 88 SOOiCon Interstate Ci Mln.. 300 Consolidated Textllo 200 Continental Can ......... ll0 Continental Can pf 400 Continental Candy 7600 Corn Products Hef 10600 Crucible Steel Cp 21 0 Cruciblfi Steel Co pf 5800 Cuba Cane Sugar 500 Cuba Cane Sugar pf ' 200 Del, Lack A Western) COG Denver A Bio Grande pf, 400 Dome Mines 18 30 81 19 30 30 89 103 88 102 12 R5 lu-ts 102 12 S5 12 -12 86 224 99 fU 223 227 228 99 99 50 S3 173 99 50 83 50 83 49 83 173 12 12 173 13 "3 13 12 24 13 12 25 27 12 300 Elk Horn Coal Orp.. 100 Kmerson-Brantlng . . 100 Emerson-Brantlng pf 500 Kndlcott-Johnson . . . 200 Kndlcott-Johnson pt . 14l0 Erlo 3' 0 Erie lit pf 24 24 27 84 135 102 12 19 11 81 88 42 26 99 90 165 I 27 27 84' 86 84 136 102 12 19 14 82 88 42 26 99 90 166 135 136 103 103 12 12 20 14 19 lOOlErlo 2d pf...i.. 14 82 90 81 1000 Famous Playcrs-Lasky 90 43 1300 1400 2600 200 300 1S00; 14500 400 Famous Play-Lasky pf. .. FIsk Rubber .43 iFreeport Texas 28 99 90 100 93 General Chemical Co pf . General Cigar Co deb pf General Electric Co. .. .'. General Motors COrp .. . 168 314 166 319 312 82 General Motors Corp pf.. 81 80 81 80 81 80 I960 General MotorB Corp deb. SO 79 361.0 Goodrich, B F 1.00 Goodrich, Q F, pf 78 96 77 38 79 iovs 96 96 96 78 1300 Great Northern pf Great Northern Oro ctfs. Gulf States Steel Hartnnn Corp Haskell & Barker Car.... Hupp Motor Illinois Central 77 38 300 38 38?i 80 107 SU0 100 900 1100 200 400 20C 1000 300 200 100 5200 500 78 79' 105 58 16 78 105 58 105 59 68 15 89 56 15 1054 88 56 83 56 88 Inspiration Con Copper.. 56 3 11 4 12 Interboro Con corp . . . , . Interboro Con Corp pf... lnt Agricul Corp int Agricul Corp pf Int Harvester Co new. ... Int Mer Marine Int Mer Marine pf International Nickel 3 11 20 4 11 20 20 20 80 80 128 40 97 24 81 81 129 129 129 39 97 24 40 39 97 24 96 900 100 24 120 Int Motor Truck 122 122 122 81 85 75 50 3350 100 Int Motor Truck 1st pf... 80 85 70 50 80 85 70 60 136 80 81 .70 50 2500 International Paper 100 International Salt 800 300 100 Iron Products Corp Kelly Springfield Tire.... Kelly Spring T 8 p c pf . . Kennecott Copper 135 4 8 o 136 104 135 104 104 104 30 37 85 1400 30 37 84 14 23 67 99 80 39 84 16 23 67 99 30 37 83 14 22 67' 99 1.20 6800 Keystone Tire A Itubber. 600 600 400 100 300 100 200 300 400 100 200 8800 Lackawanna Sttel Co.... Liggett & M Tob rts 23 68 Loft, Inc Loose Wiles Biscuit Loose WUos Bis 1st pf . . . 100 108 Lorlllard, P, Tob pf Mackay Cos Maxwell Motor 108 108 103 70 32 60 69 31 30 59 69 31 31 59 69 31 30 69 Maxwell Motor ctfs. Maxwell Motor lstpf.... 126 7 10 May Dept Stores Mexican Petroleum 125 198 126 199 125 199 197 41 50 13 9 25 40 48 38 65 88" 1.20 15900 Middle States Oil 41 49 12 9 24 40 47 38 65 87 I 41 49 12 9 24 40 47 38 65 87 39 49 12 9 24 40 47! 33 64 87l 4 9(10 100 600 100 300 illdvale Steel A Ord Minn A St Louis new.... Missouri, Kan A Tex Missouri Pacific Missouri racinc pf Mulllns Body 4 200 3 800 National Acme Co Nat Aniline A Chem Nat Aniline & Chcm pf.. 800 116 2UU National Biscuit Co pf... 114 114 114 10 83 6 16 100 400 Nat Conduit A Cable National Lead Co Nat R R of Mex 2d pf.... Nevada Con Copper 10 84 6 16 10 84 5 16 10 83 5 100 1 1100 .16 109 10 5 600 New York Air Brake.... 109 109 108; 69 26 17 96 57 7S 71 47 9 8 37 75 93 42 40 29 40 71 19 94 62 28 99 89 99 21 73 33 45 52 600 600 100 400 100 New York Central New York. N II A H New York, Ont A West.. Norfolk & Western North American Co Northern Pacific Nova Scotia SAC Ohio Cities Gas 68! 26 17 95: 57: 78 71 47 9 8 37 73 93 42 40 28 40 70 19 94 60 28 99 83 98 21 74 34 45 51 69 26 17 95 67 78 71 47 9 8 38 73 93 42 40 29 40 71 19 95 61 28 68' 26 17 95: 57 77 71 47 9: 8 37 73 91 42 39 28! 40 70 19 94 60 27 99 2000 6 4 400 1300 700 300 900 100 2900 800 (400 50c Oklahoma Prod A Rcf... Ontario Silver Mining.... Otis Steel Pacific Development Pan-Am Petrol A T Pennsylvania It R Peoples Gas, Chicago.... Pere Marquette Philadelphia Co Plerce-Arrow Motor Pierce Oil Corp 900 700 14100 600 300 Pierce Oil Corp pf 700 Plttsburir Coal of Pa 3900 700 700 900 300 600 200 Pittsburg A West Va.... Pressed Steel Car.- Punta Alegro Sugar Railway Steel Spring...) 100 88 99 21 75 34 45 51 98 21 74 34 45 61 nay consoi copper Reading Reading 2d pf... 100!RepIogle Steel 100nepubllo Motor Truck... 25700! Hepubllo Iron A Steel.... lOOIRppubllc Iron A Steel pf. 27001 Royal Dutch Co 116' 106 107 114 103 107 116 103 107 114 103 107 71 8.70 18 18 700 St Louis A Han Fran.. 18 18 18 19 18 18 2000 100 3700 24900 200 Saxon Motor..., Bears-Jtoebuclt Co pf... Shell Trans A Trading.., Sinclair Consol Oil , Sloss-Shcff S A I ex dlv, Southern raclflc 116 116 116 116 S8 41 79 87 41 78 99 88 42 78 100 37 40 78 100 l 4400 99 Cshttnueo on Columns 6 and 7. GOSSIP OP WALL STREET, Tho Ilrnke on thn 3fnrke(, Tho money brake, clamped tightly on the market, ereaked and bulged yester day as stocks tried to move forward against It. ' As on the previous day, It produced a market the undcrtono of which was Irregular and In which prac 191(1. 087,405 14,402,217 Dny's Year Clos. Inn. Ne Change, 81 1 49 87 ' 94 Mi 93,30 tically all activity was confined to tho 01,62 motor, equipment and specialty shares. 90,30 Other stocks, except the new oils, which (11. CO wore hammered )y tho bears without 90,80 much result, were entirely neglected,! Without n month's precedent of such 93,03 gyrations yesterday's movement of tho 90,38 call money rato would have literally 98,00 Beared Wall. Street Into a shiver, Yes- 08,00 terday It was a brakd on forward prog- ! ul i 120 55 98 188 115 1 60 14 97 Money "opened and renewed nl IS per, Uni,ed 117 110 cent, and ran up the scale to 20 par cent, before 2:30 o'clock, the highest U S 2i re 10.. 14 84 figure It has touched ulnca December Anstorrenrn '1 10 037s 1! OA I i D0.I4 1 on 4 0o7 01 O.Vtj 31, when call funds loaned at 25 per rent. Tho closo was at 14 per cent. Kven this high rate did not prevent friends of such stocks as Baldwin Loco motive, Kcpubllo Iron and fitoel, Vana dium Steel, General Motors and Chandler from staging a demonstration and again making tho day a storrld ono for the shorts. Ilnldrrln Locomotive, One of tho market leaders yesterday was Baldwin Locomotive, which moved from Its low of 110 through 121 on a voliimo of business which approached tho 100,000 share mark. Ono of tho r.ccullar features of tho market In Bald win is that It Is practically all out of town business, and In this move, at jcust, tho play has been entirely taken uwny from thoso generally Interested In Bald win's fluctuations. Most of tho. orders are said to have originated In Phila delphia. Baldwin Is reported to be op erating at the present time very closo to its capacity. Railroads cannot wait much longer to replenish their equip ment needs and there Is believed to be enough equipment business In sight to assure leading equipment manufacturers of capacity oporatlons for at least thrco years. Baldwin, It must be remembered, 13 ono of tho corporations which have considerable surpluses from war earn ings to distribute among stockholders. It has been reported frequently In tho financial district that, like American 100 1 ' " 1 " "' 1 "' 1 -'i 3 , 4 4 frl -" 1 1 u 25 08 93 45 91 99 260 68 n so 71 10C4 50 19 68 61 iniyor nor deaux 61 3 001s dtyofLyons ti 10 Oats 11 24 vuy or Mar seilles 0. 4 12 r 82 89 ,165 wiy 120 31 a 8 10 4 O 'i S 43 29 95 98 13 106 a2 25 unirraKinguni 10 1 13 i 30 fl 23 84 137 92 m IVa 27 fl 17 4s 65 'Woolen and several others, it Is awaiting 14 a decision In the McCotnber enso involv ing the tax 'on stock dividends before proceeding with the expected distribu tion. 64 23 36 61 83 ni 0.1 T '3 1 , , Atlantic (iulC. The confidence of the oftlclals of the Atlantic, Gulf and West IndleB Kleum shlp Company In tho future of the busi ness of their oil subsidiaries was evi denced again In the announcement made yeatprday that the company was adding to Its fleet of tankers and arranging to charter others. Four of these vessels have been ordered by the company from the Sun Shipbuilding Company, all to be delivered early next year, making In all a total of fourteen tankers to be con strutted for Atlantic Gulf for deliver within the period of about a year. Op erations of the oil subsidiary In Mexico, whlla hamjiercd somewhat by lack of shipping, will be pushed ahead, It was said, and enough tankers chartered pending delivery of the new vessels to handle the business. Tho big steam ships Slbney and Orizaba, which were commandeered by tho Government dur ing the war, have been returned to the 26 69 13. 10 4 51 18 37 33 umcanaaastti 1921 40 23 uom(naaa u 1921 52 91 62 1.... 1C3I 1.... 1929 1.... 1911 82 80 19 30 S3 CblneseGovt 5s 2 4713 lsnaneselst( 12 85 226 99 3 " 15 50 83 173 Japanese 12 1.. 1.. 1.. 32.. 12 24 27 84 service of their owner, which now oper ates seventy-one vessels In addition to those belonging to the United States Shipping Board. 2., Japanese 135 103 1 S 10..S30...8R 20 6S78 .1 to fllj fiMj fl !,VSA 2..C. ..70 20 SSI4 14 SS78 Tokyo ts 5812 NY Clty4)isflt 2 O3I4 1 03 NYCIty41s6 1 03 NY City(slS5 3 8S1j! NY City 3MsS! May 2 701j Armour OJi 6 S3 1 Steel Workers Wik. Tho announcement made on Tlmrs 12 19 14 81 89 '42 28 99 90 day by the United States Steel Corpora 1 "i 1 1 1 2 1 " 1 r. 1 tion that it would Increase llie wages 0: Its' laborers 10 per cent, on February 1 led to much speculation In Wall Street yesterday as to what the attitude of tho Independent steel companies would be on this proposal. It was generally con ceded that with the possible exception pf the Midvale Steel and Ordnance Com pany all smaller producers would have to pay a higher rate for labor, even though they should not feel In a posi tion to do so. Steel men declare that 165 314 31 SO 79! 96 77 there Is a grave shortage of good labor in practically all plants In the country and should wages paid by tho Steel Cor 38 79 105 68 15 poration appear much more attractive to the workers than those ot the smaller concerns the labor situation witn tne latter would become even more acute. Although very few smaller concerns 88 56 4 have announced their Intention to meet the Steel Corporation's Increase, it Is considered likely that nearly all of them will soon do so. In the case of Midvale the situation Is somewhat different, a liberal wage Increasa having been granted by that concern at the begin ning of the year. 11 21l 20 80 129 77 106 101 39 96 24 132 4 11 122 Steel Prices. Although It may be assumed, from tho 80 85 70 50 202 statement ot Judge Gary, that the United States Steel Corporation has no present intention to advnnco its prices for steel products, thero Is a general belief In tire Industry that the Inde pendent companies will advance their quotations within a short time. Many smaller companies are petting fancy premiums for their products and the outlook for an excellent demand for many months Is believed to foreslindow higher prices. It appears to be the con census of opinion in the financial district that if tho Independent steel companies advance their quotations It will not be long before the nctlori Is followed by 3G 13 135 104 200 1 30 38 84 16 22 67 99 1 2 '2 " 1 " 1 -' 1 " " 4- v 4- " 1 1 . 2 '1 1 u 1 90 02 91 32 121 67 40 108 69 31 31 69 194 11 2S SS 20 the Steel Corporation, long the leader In granting higher wages and the last to take action on changes In prices, upward or downward. 125 199 02 67 107 51 126 114 70 40 103 113 74 52 60 109 90 S 21 51 30 57 S6 11X 53 11 f,t 28 -73 41 49 12 9 24 40 47; 38 65 87: llnm'merlnR the Little Otla. Unsuccessful In their efforts to make any sort of progress on the down side with the motor and steel stocks, the recognized bear contingent gavo most of Its attention to the recently organized oil stocks yesterday, but even In this group had only moderate success. Mld dlestatcs, Sinclair, Transcontinental and the others which have recently come to the big board bore the brunt of the attack and," despite tho heavy assault all Closed the day within fractions of the close ot the day before. It Is reported that the Waldorf crowd is still heavily short on the market The slzo qf tho short Interest In these three par ticular stocks may be Judged by the tremendous borrowing demnnd for them In tho loan crowd. Kach day sees quite a considerable skirmishing around for loanable stock?. 114 10 83 5 16 108! 09 26 17 95 67 78 71 47 9 8 37 73 92 42 39 28 40 71 19 94 61 27 99 88 99 21 74 34 45 51 United Ilrlail Stores. Wall Street had yesterday the story that the United Retail Stores Corpora tion was angling for control of Gllmer'o, Inc., which has an established retail srocery business In tho South. This company has a chain ot wholiualo and retail establishments In Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Durham and 122 03! II of the Reno Union elected Lexington, N. C, and Danville, Lynch- burg and Roanoke. Va. According to ; Company 01 uosion. ,,..., the report Gilmer, Inc.. has ( under con-; X0 sideratlon plans for the opening of 1,000 iicit" M. Bouvler. first vice-president: D. S. retail grocery stores In the United States, ilalehnrt. P. O. Fischer, vice- Getting Home tbe Ilncon. A large brokerage house with nections m v-anaua nnus 1 iseii iacing a 0uan',y Tru,t Company'ha. Jt iued peculiar problem of getting home the n edition for 1JM of Its book, "Bank pronta of last year's buslness. Tho and l'ublle Holidays Throiuhout the World. ' profit!) amount to approximately 2)150,-, Central Union Trust Company has lieen 000, and at.the present rato of Canadian appointed transfer ajent for thn exchange to get this money transferred of i "- lCp anr ' lr Into dollars in a -New York bank will .C Sta been appointed cost approximately $15,000. Tho firm 1 tfer aie nt of Continental Credit Cor finds that it- can get 6 per cent, on the poration stock. $150,000 for a year In Canada' and Is Liberty National Bank has been appointed considering the feasibility of putting It registrar of Wanl La Franco Truck Corpora to work there, with tho hope that It can tl w"1 f'' . . . . h km.ohi hnm. next at a rm. Emest Smith b Co. hare orrantted a de-be- brought home next year t con- , atil ia !ntifn aecurltles. Emest s(derbly reduted cost Smlih, head ol the firm, made a trip abrosd 116 103 107 18 18 116 88 41 78 100 BONDS IN NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Friday, January 30, 1920. 1920, sales , , $15,140,000 to datn 343,010,000 1919, (13,224,000 277,079,000 range: of libertv bonds. Closing, Sales (In Bid. Asked, Yield, SLOOOs). Open. High. Low. UMU 3,57 450 3fl (1932-47) .... 98,78 08,80 98.40 01,60 90,40 01.70 00,40 4,03 4,60 4.79 4,91 13 1st cv, 4s (1932-47) 91,52 90.44 91,56 90.50 9 1,7 J 00,70 91,48 90,30 I!, 51) 90,30 93,02 9Q.88 98,00 98,00 40 2(1 4H (1927-42) 120 1st cv. 4s (1932-47). 91.70 2,208 2U CV. 4s (1937-42).. 90.C0 ., lst-2d cv.4s ('32-47) L .. 1,659 3d 4S (1928) .1 03,30 4,429 4th 4H (1933-38), ... 91.00 1,037 Vie. 4H (1923-23).,,, 98.08 2,305 Vic, 3s (1922-23).... 98,08 93,08 90,90 98.00 98,06 r.,27 4,97 6.22 4.21 93,30 01,12 98,14 98,10 S,1"' IY,rel" Government, Railroad, Induitrial and Adams Kip 4s Cties A O (Wi Krlecvlswr I) NO Tex As M f ... .101 1 07,) .1 7lj 1 75 GKAQ joint (1 3 (WI4 5 0I7h 2 11434 3 041n 1 041 25 Oil, 7 II478 2 Dim 3 Oils 6 0424 15 OHi 2 04.1( 13 04l3 1 OCH) 10 0413 Chi Ot Wrrt 11 3 5.11s 1 ssia A 55l8 5 55 0 M CM&l'UjctBfa 3 fl3U fl (VI OMJeStl' CV Jl C 07 OM At Strum 0s , 2 75 1 78 C 11 As 81 i" CV 4 Hi in 7ta 1 08 7 0734 C M A tit I' Id (Ki 2 58 10 5734 Chllllt&Stl'd 1 07 O ll&Htl'deo 44 5 Mlfl 2 50IJ j 58ia 1 50 Chi Mil i St P O Si V W Ii 1 08 Chi M ti Ht P IHs 1 no78 Otc ,V WrmH 2 OOI3 Chl& NWslfs 6 05 3 3814 I'Ia Cent cn Is a At 8 6.1 ,4 , ,n Am Acr deli Cs 1 80 ns 6214 on 62 N Y Cen con 4s a VI Urn Elcctrlo 1 1 OOlfl 1 07 AlilBmelMcll&i Great Nor (Ifs fl 07)3 ...I,, HI 1 B37 1 8 llud & M filK 12 07 1 SI.I4 1 HIS N Y Cen deb (1 3 ,.77U S 0.178 AtnT&T CV ti 10 ,087a Cs rirnrs A N ten 1 00 c u.iai l...OS'13-irS 1 OMj 1 579a 10 5714 n uu 13 063a 15 ,00 NYC4StI.dltl 6 071s A VOIs 7 571a nr78 O.VIi 0.17, O.M4 10 uu 4 R7I4 Hildas ManadJ 10 UOIs J uu fi 155ft N Y Dock ( 2 07 NY Oat r.U II Asl'Ss AmTAT clt 31 20 S2li 1 13:u 0 isia 1 s: ill Centra svi 10 t)2!s 1 Otla 4 8II4 N Y Tel drh 9i 3 ,0314 1 O.llft 10 O.II3 . 1 3.1 1 0313 I0...T...H2 2 112 fl fill 3 017a 1 817a iniiianaHieei m AmTATrvdSi 1 02 001. oo.i. 1 M Inlerb It T rtf AmT&T rlt 41 1 77l3 It IMS l....i..903i 14 5013 16 50 10 501c 5 6OI4 25 60 (, NYTolsnHKl or Paris 6i 1 777a i soia 1 Vi 2 77 8 SO oi7H 02 OII9 0134 (Ills) ni7H Oil) AT&Hl'CVII. 2 8OI9 JUCKJ 1 3..S30...S! :i sola! 71 m KYVntciirtr I: Itoston (Vis AT&HKKrnll 2, 6OI4 6 61-88 7 f0.1a 8, .630... 70-18 1 37 NorfJtWfvli 3U 77 ATlt Hl'adJO stamped interboro-Net rnl trust M 1 10278 NorrolK w ii 2 781a IMS 1121 3 6078 AtCoastl.lnelJ 2 70U 1 1778 047s OS 947a Z 17 10 ,0 10 nia NorfAWPorails l alt & GUM si (ertincates 5 78lj 11414 017,) 04 3j n S43a 6 171a rortherare ti 4 SI intrtRr ins. no 4 7i8 NorStntesl'wr Z 8418 0 !M7 2 OI1t SI ..P4 1 79l3 Itttsser A fi.... fl.. . . ... . 3(1,.. , 1.... ...S3 ini si aiannnsi 7 OJ B ,,82l3 U173 1M3 rcu 0378 04 0J7a 1929 rns ...H.I1i ...M7S Ont Pwr 4s 4 85 1 1127a hsno Eorrr&i OrflhortUne Si . . .M 3 711a; 1 101 ...S3T 2 71 Ksn City 80 Si O......60 Ky Central (J 1 73 I.S&M3 41 102.' 3 8.1 LS.t MS s 1931 Ore Wash RllAs 2... fl... 1... Nav rcfls 04 . ,,B.l7a 0814 37g . , ,H38 I mil i U4 6fa 1937 II ti O Is 199) 2 02 Pac Tel & T Is 1 87.18 R7lj S7is S7lj S7I4 a oiij Penna ts 1911 a 01 l!&Ocv(Hi 1 001b 1 821a l viia 1 0014 00 K2U HI Ul ChlKl&l'roNi 1 821 r. ,ont4 OOlj 2., ..051a 4. 0OI8 Ionian vai 11 3 OSI4 6.. 17.. 7.. 1.. 4.. 1.. . ...05l4 ....03 ...,0114 . ...M71 ....0434 ... B5 . ...fltll ..00 4 0978 nslt&u gold 4, .1 Ot . ,..S078 ....001s ixng isi run 41 1 no 2 119 1 2 ...07J ...O.T?6 ...Bill ...OSI4 Ealt&Oblo avjs . . . .Win v 2 ,.8I renn Km (Hi A Lli NnshnnOi 10 6OI3 DaltAOSWJtj, 2 701) 3 7018 1 Nirw fl 100 LAN AKJt0 4s 2 70 St I, 3l in sua 1.. 2 813s Penna Ks I Ml 1 Oils Chi 4: W iml4i 5 577, t 67.1s Chile CopDor7s 17 105 Chile Copper Si 2 MN, 1 705S CCC.VStL (lis cccis'tLgmu 1 8314 Col So est (lis 7 70 ComTablteo Is 2 80 Con Gas 5-yr 7 ilhca Issued 1 100 Climb Tel Si 7 8314 DelicIIudrcNs 1 78 Den & Rio a (1 3 C33a Den & Rio 0 (1 5 633g Erie cen 4s 2 40 fi.i 39lj 1 393, 3., 39l 7 3934 15.,s30...30 3 40 trie 1st con 11 3 53 15 52 . . . 41 70 lltOI'Llli W Va is 1 5 1 6OI4! 0 01)3 10 ooia llanbat ity 11 stamped 1 57 fi 02 I'cnm 44 1911 5...c...fcS fere Marq 5s A 5 Ml fl...f ...Mlj 1.... ...53 IScthStcc! K it 2 fllils' Midvale nil it a 4ia; Pco i- E Ine 1 7.134 4 7.II4 i 07 Beth atl fdK fii 1 '.843. 11 n k lex (1 1 S'J Ho K 4: Tex 2d 10 23l8 4 20 Mo l'ac Is 1023 1 01 10 001a Mo Pac lis 1926 4 18 P lorlllard 7i 1 ,1091a Pub Serr Oorp ofN JK 1 6fll8 1. ....... 05 Reading cm ( 13 701) 2 7038 2 79l4 RIArk&La 41$i 7 02 2 OII4 1 6II3 2 013j 1 731 j O B41j' 2d(tst uetu atl ss ni 723 O SH3 . .72ia ..723g . .7214 7 so Drarici, (.'op fe 5., 01 BS.11 liaii Tr V. 6 301a Bkn Cn Kl 1st 3....:.. 02 atamtwd 2 02 ( ent of Ga 9, 2 00 1 8UI4 Cen Leather 3, 1 9513 Cent Pacific 1st 1 7334 3 72 Cent"rac"jl$a 2 80 O tc O cv 3. (9 2 78 C Ac O cv Ois 0 7378 . .11 S 1 89 721, 4s Mo Pac ts 19H 6 823a Mo Pac em 41 1 56la 1 60 2 6OI2 Mont Pwr Ss 1 84b 1 85 NatRyMexlHs I6I3 22 NcwOrlTer(sA 1 04U 1 03 4 8278 N Y Cen dehls St LARockMSs 2 70 BtLoulsSW .Is 3 687a StL & San) ran Series A 1 6078 2..S30...60I4 11 57 BtL&SanFran Series B 5 67.1 StL AcSanKran Perlcs O 2 817S; StLAs SanPran adj J fl..630...B91a 0 00 92ia '3. 4... 12... 5!.! 1... 0,.. 3... ..0.1 1 7 1 7373 . .02)4 ..02 ..9178 . 02 . .9218 ..03 ..02l8 !J., 530... 611s, 1 7334 Erlecv(sserA CblDAQ rm 0 351 r 3 7913 ErlocvlsstT II ChlBSQII13K' 5 34 .72ia 15., .337a 2..s30...69lal NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. Continued from Columns 3 nnd 4, ,-Closlns.-, iDlv.l nid. I Ask. ltaS.I lOpen I Int. Hlrt-1 Low- I Clos est. . est. I lng. Rals. 21l 400,Soiithern Railway SOO'Stromborg Carburetor.. 23uOOPtudebnker Corp lOO'Studebakcr Corp pf 1400'Stutz Motor 4001SuperIor Steel Corp 200 Tqnn Cop & Chem 21l 21 76 77 1051107 101 1101 134ll34 4SI 49 11 11 202!203 102 1193 192 U92 35 36 13) 13 21 21 76! 77 105 106 101 101 132132 48 I 49 77 106 101 133Vii 49 12 203 V- 11 200 10 2000'Tcxas Co. 200 100 Texas Co full pd sub rets 192 192 35 13 Tex Co sub rets 30 p c pd Texas & Pacific I 36 14 203 ' 000 100 100 Third Avenue Tide Water Oil 205 205 203 200Tidc Water Oil rts. I 20 I 20 20 90 25 62 93 33 122 67 49 196 12 29 SS 21 53 6S 107 52 300 Tobacco Ii'oducts Transcontinental Oil.. Transue & Wins Steel. 90 90 (t 26 62 91 33 90 25 62 91 3900 23 600 62. 91 33 122 200lUnion Has & Paper. 2700 Union Oil 3125 Union Pacific ' 100 Union Pacific pf 200 United Alloy Steel 100 United Fruit Co '100 United By Investment.. . 600 United Ity Invest pf 1500 United Retail Stores 2600 U S C I Pipe & Fdry... 200 U SOI Pipe & Fdry pf . . 300IU S Food Prod Corp 600U S Ind Alcohol 300U S Realty & Imp 6600IU S Rubber 100IU S Rubber 1st pf 100 U S Smelting, R & M. . . . 100IU S Smelting, R & M pf. 378001a S Steel 32 l 121 122 67 67 49 49 194 194 67 49 194 12 12 12 28 88 19 53 67 2S SS 21 53 67 106 29 S8 21 53 07 107 106 51 51 51 126 Il26ll27 125 114 115 7li 47 105 113 75 52 69 111 92 8 ), 53 10 60 S" 119 537, 11 62 29 74 123 S 6 114' 114 70 47-14 105 113 70 47 106 70 47. 3 105 113 10001 V S Steel pf ex dlv 113 200 10300 1500 100! 1600 300 Utnhi Copper 74 74 53 71 110 01 8 22 52 10 60 S8 118 S2 12 62 29 74 124 93 74 49 69 Vanadium Corp 49 Va.-Carollna Chem 70 Va-Carollna Chcm pf.... 110 110 Va Iron. Coal & Coke. ... 88 88 8 22 52 10 60 87 WabasH Wabash pf A 400 100 S00 100 1300 wells Fargo Kxprcss .... n Western 'Maryland .....( 10?; Western Pacific pf 00 Western Union Tel 1 87U 400 Wcstlnghouso Air BrakeJllS 115 COO 1100 Westingliouso K & CM . . . Wheeling & Lake Krie. . 53 63 11 61 28 74 12 61 2S 74 121 92 1700 White Motor 39t0!Wlllys-OverIand 40C, Wilson & Co .. nOOiWoolworth, F W :.. SOlMVorthington Pump I'.i 9.1 I 92! FINANCIAL NOTES. soveral months as;o to study European econ omic conditions. Irving' National Bank has lsued the fifth edition of its pharaphlet. "Practical Ques tions and Answers on the FederaL Tax Laws." Seth Barton French, formerly of nerrlck, Borr & Co. and Kean, Taylor & Co.. and Arthur S. Kittle, formerly of Kean, Taylor & Co., have formed n partnership under tho name of French & Kittle to deal in invest ment securities. Their offices aro at 120 Broadway? Seaboard National Bank has lust published a trust service booklet 011 the opening ol their trust department. O. Humphrey, secretary and treasurer Union Land and Cattle Company of and secretary nnd treasurer of the Wool Company of Boston, has been vice-president of the Old Colony Trust president: r . lirnuriiKfun, vu-iutj , R F. C. Benkl'cr, assistant cashier: O. 8. Mason, assistant caihicr; V. Wllkonlnir. assistant cashier; L. E, Zietener, trust ol- It. M. (Jrsnt & Co. have Jmt Phlet -ho ins the sdrsntagei Statu Income taxpsjers to buy Am.r-i,i. . PJudd f to 11 jiews 10 nho cr .cff ioru commanuics. show ine aciuai ous income tax bonds. II. I). Wsrren & Co. are Issue nf fire year flrst lien convertible gold notes of the llefllnlns Corporation and are scrlptlve circular describing those notes, which are being sold to yield spproximstely 7.(33. Charles O. M. Thomas vrss elected vice president of the Consolidated Gas Company yeaterday. Benlamln Whlteley was named its tr.ssurer, and llcary M. Brundaga its iccre CAR SHORTAGE IS HOLDING DP TRAM 1918, $4,995,000 113,236,000 Net Ifolnllcrs and Manufacturers Suffer Through Trnnspor- I tatlon Famine. Last. digs. 98.40 01.60 90,40 91.60 90,42 .40 .02 93,08 90,90 98,00 98,10 .24 .10 .00 .04 DEMAND IS INCREASING J Uuslncss Honoris Indlcato Tre Other Bond.. mendous Call for Textiles, Sny Hovicws. BlLiRinKran incoj 2 41 3 4II8 8... ..,.41 1.30,, ,401s 1 415a con 41 fi 61 h flHa fill' 114 U 4l4 1 001s Retail trade ns well as output ot manufacturing centres has been held up noticeably In tho hint week by car' shortages, extremely cold weather an'd tho Influenza epidemic, nccordlng to the weekly trado reviews, Notwithstanding tlioba conditions demand from jobbers In the Wost nnd mill agents In the for- raw material and manufac tured productH Is Increasingly heavy. Ksneclnlly Is there tremendous demnnd SonAiAI'Mili 1 671a Seabd A I, a lj 13 3OI4 Seabd AL ref ( 16 48 Boulhl'ncrv i 11. ..103 .'!..., 1.,., 6..., a.... ..10318 .,10314 ..1027a . .10214 for textiles, I ho trado reviews Indicate, wllh nil of the uncertainty In that line 17,,, ,I02.Vi Having practically uiBappouixii. Tho condition of tho money and ex change markets nnd tho tendency to. ward donation has not been without effect on tho Industrial and mercantile world, Not only has tho depreciated stnto of foivlgn currency affected very unfavornbl, If It has not entirely stopped nearly nil foreign business, tint 20, S30.,108 10 103b (MithPacrv (1 3 7013 2 70I4 1 70 Id foilth I'ac (s , 10 70 fcutbl'kcirrii 2 7134 3 701a 1 70.14 7 701a thero has been a growing tenuency w ward complaint of Interference with American export trade. RratUtrerl'a Stalo 0 Trade, In rovlen. Ing the situation, says : "Car shortagei wintry wenther and the prevailing W lluenza epMtmlo have been responsibly for n slowing down In romo lines d Industry, notably coal mining and lro and steel manufacture, a slight shndlnj in reiall buying nnd slightly more taid collections, but against theso aro to bo eet 11 much moro confident tono In buy ing from Jobbers nnd wholesalers and a practical disappearance ot the uncer tainty noted liist week In primary lines, especially texllles, .which havj Bold bet tcr both at the Dnst and Vest under the spur of active buying alike for spring and fall. Of the unfavorable elements noted, tho car, and u some sections, the BoPacfUMeMs 3 721a fculh Kytmd 1 59 1 f.8l4 5 681a Texas Co cv cs 3 103 TlmdAv tef (s 1 48 TJnl'ae 10-vr i 1 1011a 1 10114 Cnionl'aciac 4s 1 82 2 El 61 Onion Pac cv ii 1 80lj fi Sriu Union I'ac ref (( in ;74l 8 74U United RylnvSi power shortago shown on most railroads,, j Is apparently the most serious. -j! id 7.1 3 72H fi 7Jla Fuel Shortnco I Avntr, CM Realty I n 6 781a 1 . . , , . , 783.J 2 ;n 1 783j "Shortages of fu?I have become acute at largo Iron and steel centres and th short or Irregular supply of coal an U S Rubber 7s coko constitutes a dras r,lllt on produ tlcn nnd shipment because lack of usu 1 102 U 11 Rubber Si car Mippiy airo prevents shipment c 1... .S018 Iron and steel, mill manufactured prod net., which aro reported piling up. , "Lumber and other building material. 8... 18... ...,80l8 ....86I4 ....8818 ....80 ....sola ....80 ....817a 1... 1... 3... U... also eol the effect ot cnr shortages and the north Pacific coast lumber men areJJ leportcd getting dizzy prices for product! 16., wnere deliverable, Western flour mills are checked In whipping their product, n.4 UKHmellliisl.i 2 104 C 10334 1 10.13a well ns In getting wheat, nnd tho moveJ ment of corn and other grains from thiJ U H tied sf Si farms has been greatly retarded also, fi S15...97I3 with some effect on collections. Tho 1 Influenza epidemic t subsiding at som 1... 2... ,.08 ...9778 ...98 ,...977S ...98 , . . .0734 , .. .971a western cities, but gaining at other largo manufacturing centres, with s. natural effect on mill and shop, output. Wintry weatHer has had a slowing effect 1. fi.. 2... Utah Power ii 1., 8t VnlbnCiC is upon city anil country trade liast and ; 1 nest, ana lias helped to make car sup OlV. nnd. thprpfnr,, tlilnmanf. r.f 821a maiiuise to aistriuuters, slower th hoped for, but tho main trouble In tra portatlon matters Is the nbsolute sho ago of rolling stock und power on t country's railroads." Jim's Jfcufcio says; "Recent outs' Ing economic features have not ap, In industrial or mercantile dew ments, hut rather in the sign1' 1 movements in money and exchan kets. Action toward credit detia which the raising of rediscou.. and the tighter control of bankln have been a reflection, has a hlg portant bearing on tho general , situation, present and future. 1 continued demoralization In foreli , chage, resulting partly from tho p of financial liquidation, ia also 1 reaching Influence, Report Interference With Tral "With the currencies of leading Euro pean countries depreciated beyond a'l precedent commercial Intercourse bv tween nation:) Is rendered difficult, an In some Instances Impracticable, aim complaints of Interference with Ameri-t can export trado are not uncommon, While the predominating condition with domestic producers and distributers re mains ono of Inability to fully satisfy all requirements, yet signs ot hesitation In forward commitments are not wholly absent, and the question Is being moro frequently asked as to how much longer the rising price trend Is likely to con tinue, and whether elements are not nov" at work that may before long bring thr Inevitable reaction. 'That advances in Dim's list of whole sale quotations this week are fewer In number than last week is not neces sarily nn Indication of a definite check to the upturn, and it Is conceivable that 1 prices of somo commodities for which the demand larsely exceeds the avail-) able supply, such as Iron nnd steel and'i textiles, may go still higher. Yet a price of some $18 a pound for raw silk to clto one conspicuous example ot Irf flatlon, has not been established with out causing an Increase of uncertainty and conservatism among manufacturers of finished fabrics, rjnd doubts aro ex pressed In other quarters where produc tion costs havo been further enhanced as to the ability of the retail trade t pass on to consumers fven moro ex treme prices than have lately been wit nessed." Wabash 1st 1 89 1 S878 1 8S3j WestPacWc 1st 82ia 10 8134 fi 8II3 2 8218 Wllson&Co 1st 2 9S Wilson & Cocv 3 9134 1 04U Wis Central 4s 1 0013 Net Chaati. 1 " i ii' 203 193 192 36 13 205 -51 I 20U1 - 90 25 62 91 33 121 07'fi 1 74 j 4' 49 194 12 2S SS 20 53 67- 107 51 126',!. 114 70 47- 103 113 74 52 69 110 91 8 l3i IV 4 1 6 I'riinaylvnnla Crude Oil Market. On, City, Pa., Jan. 30. Credit bal ances. $5.25; runs, 69,030; average, 49 031 ; shipments, 42,681 ; average, 41,07,9. B0ST0N AUCTION RESULTS. , 10 60 87 118 53 11 62 29 74 123 3t (I'mnl.lieil by Richardson. Hill & Co.) 2 First National Bank. Boston, 100-590. 10 Ilishti Fourth Atlantic National Bank, 22. 3 V. S. Worsted Co.. 2d pref., Sl-'i. 2 M.Ksachu.etts Cotton Mills, et. dir., 1MJ. 10 I' H. Worsted Co , 2d pf., SJU. 10 Everett Mills. 220. 27 Mass. Cotton 1U1I. ex. dlv,, imii-. 1 Wectamoe Mills, liWi. 3 Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co., 22. 2 XaumVeae Steam Cotton Co.. 210. 4 Ne.shua Mff Co.. common, 260Vi. 23 Naumkeai Steam Cotton Co., 210. 2 Dsvls Mills, 278. 5 Orinnell Mr. Co.. 223. 10 City Mfg. Co (ex. div.). 226V4. 5 Saco-Lowcll Shops (ex. dir.), 225. 5 Walter Baker Co., Ltd., lli. 4 Merrlmac Chemical Co., 95. 3) Herschell Splllnjan Co., pf., S5. 7 Union Tirist Drill Co., 27Vi. 10 Regal Shoe Co. pf., 90. 1000 American Trading Co., 200 lot. 27 Rights Fourth Atlantic National Bank, 255.. ssn. M International Trait Co Boston. Rights (icsnold Mills Co., voUus trust, 2TM - - 1 93 li - a, i 1 4 Issued a pm-, . i'i.i vsll. Mrr Co J!3 for New York ' inJ. tz As.orlat'es 152 municipal bimdi ""; 5j ow Jlfr Associates, isji,, r.0B,Cn"ih.r.,iliM Wn. -two Mill. pf.. WIS and dlv. person in tne rarl- v.irfhamntnn Ht ir Co s purchase munlclp.l I SjKvSSir Co. prl. & dlv 1. 101H a ensrt In 9 Lawrence (.as c. Jn, 7 Cambridge Cas Light ( dir.). 10O. offerlnff a n.w Ight Co.. 1(3',. collateral tniit ; 132 Cambridge (las Light Co., 1(1, Iji Porte Oil ami -5 Vail River (la as Light Co., 160, Issuing a de-i;n Botton Wharf Co., M'.i. 11 Collateral Ixan Co.. 9S. 1 Mcrrimac Chemical Co.. 91JJ. J 5 U, S. Knvelopo Co., 23SK. 1O0O Minneapolis General Klectrlc Co. ts, If ZOO Am. XtJ VUUT. W Alif, WW, MI JB 1 Event! MiUs, VX. J A-