Newspaper Page Text
Ml 12 t Ktt yT"1' ' ft, THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1020. loiL ISSUES ARE MOST ACTIVE IN THE CURB rrlccs Oencrnlly Are Muro or Loss Trrcpiilnr Thrwisli out the Session. Although tlie curb market wuh moro nr lens Irregulnr yenterdny, areiilest activity van ehown In the oil stocks. Wfnkr.ns developed In aillllnnd, Whit Oil nnd films In the enrly sessloa, but In the afternoon there wan u. slight recovery In thOM (much. General Asphnlt was lu ooil demand throughout tho duy- and lunged between 115 tiid Hi. UciHTnl MotorM new stock Mflcctert the strength of ltn parent Issue on the ev York Stock Kxchnngo mid on a fairly heavy turnover sold to 33, Its high for the present move. Futomnrlno Boat sold ex-dlvldond. and was In supply, closing with a- net loss of n llltlo 1cm than u point. International Petroleum waa liwviiy Mid and closed with ft loss of almost two points. Carlb Syndicate recovered fuslly from Thursday's low. lvelop rnent of the company's properties on tno llarco Concession Is said to bo proceed ing satisfactorily. Mining stocks were quiet. Thcro was little activity In bonds, which had fractional mixed lluctuat ons. Total sales and rango of prices follow : , INDUSTRIALS. HI 3 7 Ml, victory fir aw Wnl Knit a., ,, . 1 loco Whits cipi ,.,,.( la 1200 Whit caps Kit,,! : wwwiibm t T 4000 Yerrlmtoii ..... .f 4 nomik, UlOfiO Allied PaiWri .., IJ'l, m Jl , 17000 Am Tel U 'It MS H'i fs WiO Am Tel '.4 M W'. M i 2000 Anieonda (i U.... til 5'i Mis n Ml. H't It M Wit 111 15 4 ' -it 7 .. lit .. 13000 Atlantla Fruit 7s.. M' W :M Ilelilunt (ly '11, Ml. H, MOO ll.llum (Irli '. M'i M :i000 C'openhtgsn 614s, . , lUi WMt (000 Interboni ft T 7s,. mi M I WO Mciett Mm. Wi Wi't 13000 Russian Or Mil.. 8.1 SO 23000 Russian Ov H,, 33 SK'.i 1000 HwMlih (IV I 3 1JO00 Hwli Or IHi H'.i Mil t Hells cents a slure. Odd lolt, COTTON MARKET! -Itt -11 ii Half... 44O0 Acme i:oai - KM Aetna Explo 9, 300 Air Reduction ... HOT Aluminum Mfr .. 36 M0 Armour Leather. IS 100 Amer Candy ljj'i ILO0 Am Haw S 8 Co 77 J700 Am Marconi Ms 1800 Am Safety Haior 14'. 175 Atlantic Fruit ... 3 100 Austin. Nlch pt.. Wi 1100 Atlas Tack SO 600 Ilrlt Am Chem .. J 300 llrlt Am Tob reg 1914 1500 Brit Am Tob cou lVi (100 Brit Am Tob rts 7 000 Car Light , S 4 XC00 Cleveland Auto .. ilVi 100 Contey Tin Foil.. 25 200 Emerion Phono., v 1700 Gen Asphalt H7 10000 Ocn Motors r. 15t0 Clen Mot 7s deb.. 9.' 1100 Goldwyn Vict 11 J looo Grape Ola J J. J00 Qrapo Ola pt U00 Lincoln Mot A.... ' 600 Locomobile 24!, 100 Mercer Mot 51 1203 Mont Ward Co.... JW0 North Am Paper. 574 400 Orpheum Circuit.. 31 100 l'atchou Ply.... 41 775 Penn O & O. SJ,, 73O0 Perlectlon Tire.... , 300 Radio Com J ' 000 Kadio pt 100 Ilepettl ........... 4'i oo lien Tire Hub.... Ji MOSplcer Mfr ......1I3V4 1'joO'Sub Boat X d.... 15S 200 Sweets Co t 3M Tri-nurle" Film .. COO U S Dlstrlb 51 1(35 U S HUch Spd Tl 33 100 U S L tc It avi 4'JO U S Steam J" M0 U S Transport .. 12V4 too United Pict Prod 16 TOO United Prof Shar SJ I00O United Ket Candy 1614 100 V Vlvladou Inc.. 31 400 Warn" Coal ...... Jfi 100 Will Baumer Can S9V4 Net llllli. Low. Lat. Chir. li'.-i 4714 31 IS 10U 77 II 35 3d II 1914 lli 7 . 3'1 7114 35 Cl DC M 901. 'l!4 ; MS 3414 31 : 674 33T4 41 30 4i SS, 11 4'4 6!l 113 UK !4 j.1 JL V4! ilolnr, IS Contlmieil dulness was vlilunlly (ho only feature In tho cotton market yester day and prlcn changes again were small and unimportant. In the continued de moralization of foreign exchange benrs were furnished with considerable am munition. That factor nnd tightness of money had depressing effects through out tho session. Money was as high as 20 per cent, yesterday, hut stocks held firm despite that fact. The outsldo trad ing olement showed little Interest In tho market and larger local operators also were Inactive. Liverpool opening cables were somewhat better than due, but later tho English market became Irregu lar. Spots In that centro were In qulot demand, sales of 5,000 being lecordcd. Haute of prlcei- , Thurs- Open, ltlgli'. I-ow. Cloe, .lav February 37.00 11 March 38.41 3.W 38.35 SO.17-4; 30.53 April 33.00 11 33.10 May 31.51 31.64 34.41 34 53.53 8(,0i June '. 3S.5 11 .'3.10 July 34.(3 SJ.WI 33.43 32.54 T SJ.61 AliriHt 31.43 81.43 11.41 31.M 11 31.70 September 30.35 30.85 80.M J0.6 11 tO.CO October 33.M 23.99 . 19 S4-&3 39.91 Koiember .40 11 3,45 ilocr mber 29.35 M.65 29 35 29.35 tl 29.40 Spots-Local, 8!i.50e.: New Crlcani, 3J.8W. COTTON STATISTICS. Lait Vciterday. week. Port receipt 66,724 49,810 Exports 29,(03 60.889 Kxpnrtt, seaion 3,7:1.313 3.519.823 Now York lorlil... C9.7!( 66.894 l,4J(.!iri l.U9,2a 20.4(0 18.893 33.2K) 23,939 5,423 IJverpool Cables Spot colton qulft at 35 pnlntd decline on the hauls of 20.3ld. for mlddllnr. Sales 5,000 bales. American 3.000. Imports CO.000, American 36.000. Tenders, n-w (locket. 7.000! old docket 1,000. Futures opened quiet, 13 to 17 points higher. Clo.-ed irady, 5 points higher to 10 points loner. Mareh. 26.22d.: Msy. !l.91d.; July. 13.73d,: October. 21.461.! December. M.6ld. Man. Chester Yarns Arm; cloths rood busltviii Port .lock... Interior recvlpli,... Interior shipments. New York srrlrals. Last year. 27.461 46,183 1473.103 87,710 1.36493 11873 14.004 Wit SI Now Orleans Ciitton nrkrt. Xew Orleans, Jan. 30.-r-.Modcrate de clines were made by cotton In the early trading to-day, and late In the session " ' 1 there were sags, but during the middle If. k part of the day the tone, was very steady W - i and prices of the most net Ira months wnv nt amnll npt n,lvnnnft flnfilnir 6' t. 'k ' quotation showed m t declines for the tl 7 ' cay or l to 13 potms. t iosc, .iarcn, i 37.69 ! Jlay, .", " II; July. 33.35 ! uctooor, 30.07 ! Divembrr, 23.45. Spot cotton steady and rnchanjod : middling, 30.83. M0 Allen Oil 1J W Alliance "It 1500 Allied Oil. 11 1500 Amal Boyalty J M Associated Oil 1). 200 Atlantic rete 314 '0 Arkansas 't Gas 31 (00 ltamsdell Corp., 4"0 Hill Pete E100 Il.wno Oil 1000 Boston Wyoming. M Burknctt Van CI. I'iOO Carlli fynd 2IW circle on 5SH 4 5'4 Hi 214 4414 5 3300 Cities Serv B ctfs 42). SOI, Continental Itef... 4'4 401) Cosdfn 4 Co 914 TMCushlnir Pet ; i:D Dominion Oil 22 .01 Duquesne SH 3.W Elk Basin Pet.... 9H 3J0O Enfflneera Pet.... lh COO Esmeralda Oil.... '4 4100 Federal Oil 3S 100 Gilllland Oil 4(14 (OOGIlllland Oil pf...lM I'.OO Glenroek Oil 3?4 901 Guflcy Gillespie.. 31 1500 pulfport 1 1 iioo Home uu 200 Home Pet K00 Hudson Oil 850O Hercules Oil 3200 Inter Petrol 600 Island Oil ....... 300 Kay County Gas :;ro Kini? Pet , 3604 Livingston 1100 Manhattan Oil... 1500 Merritt O ex d., 500 Metex Oil 1300 Motrop Pet 11(0 Mexico Oil 3KwMidwest Ref ... lino No Am Oil 500 Ohio Hanger ... lono Okmubree Oil .. two Omar Oil .00 Phllllnn Peta ... mm Prndiiwra A Ref. 10 800 Red Rock Oil.... l'i 2000 Rlckartl Texas .. 114 1300 Ryan Oil 4 2500 Salt Creek Prod. E0 1100 Seaboard O A O. 6U 200 Scquoyan on.... 12900 Simms Pet 15300 Simms Pet rtj.. 10O Sinclair Cent.... lono Skelly Oil 304 Southern States. 1100 Spencer ret .... 000 Stanton Oil 1200 Superior Oil .... 1000 Tex Ken 3O0 Texas Ranger ... 100 Texas Co w 1.. 300 Texas Pac Coal 100 Texon Oil 500 Trinity Oil 4500 United Tex Oil.. 200 Victoria Oil new, 1200 Vulcan Oil 00 Way O & G 4000 Western States... I70O White Oil V Woodbum , 1"00 Wyoming Con 1 40 MINING. 1 174 1A 34 1VI 68V4 5T4 , 21. 2V4 , 1 36 am , 4S 3H 214 167 44 114 1 7Vi , 8514 2 , 10V4 US , IVi ,. 13 .. s . 11 . 3 ,. Hi . 6114 ,.111 ,. 1'4 ,. i 114 1H 8H 4H 7. 2514 6'. Hi 16 ti 4 17. 3 20 54 I'i 5U 1f 214 41 44 42 414 9 2'4 :i4 c 14 4 w (31. 99 V. SH 33'i 15 3Vi JVi Hi i 6;. 2". in 34 2114 44 3S 2S 165 4H 1 '4 6T4 84'4 9i Hi Hi 374 49 5 , 1H 104 1114 Hi 1874 14 13 3 1'4 511i 109 H4 li 1A I'i 8 414 74 3514 6',i 35 38 Vi 3; 37 1214 16 2K 16" 20 444 2914 1H 16V4 ' V, 314 31 6Si Hi 514 1A 214 4314 h 42H 4,l4 914 21S 0 914 IS li 3S 44 99H 31i 23H 16 34 34 Hi 4 6714 5!4 3 24 IS 3414 2114 4S 314 214 166 414 Hi 1 64 84'i 974 Hi H4 3S 49'4 6H - i 8 -14 -1 ItnnU of Kranrr Stntement, U 1 Paris, Jan. 30. Tho weekly statement of tho Bank of France showed the fol lowing changes: Gold In hand Increased 285,000 francs, silver In hand decreased 1,148.562 francs, circulation decreased 9C.925.910 francs, treasury deposits ile- ' creased 3,874,186 francs, general dc- .. 'posits Increased 126,624.125 francs, od .. 'vances decreased 12,923,868 francs.-bills discounted Increased 182.871,818 francs; " ,. new advances to the State amounted to Z s 100,000.000 francs. -Vl I EARNING STATEMENTS. -s -s -14 14 -4 -74 -14 - W H 14 -1, - 1 - H - U - !4 '.4 -S 1 -s -114 -14 H CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN. ,. JS,0!2.f,01 ,. 945.845 ,. 1,193,661 , 100.739.353 ,. 17,053,050 .. 18,379,362 B1H H Hi 10'4 111. Hi 19 S 13 3 Hi 611, 109 Hi K H4 14 s4 4S 74 35S 74 40 -14 -1 4 -4 -14 1919 December gross 111,094.113 Denclt after tax 975.848 Net operallnr deficit 1.217.643 Twelve months gross.-.. ..139,589,915 Balance after tax 14.245,619 Net operating Income 12,678,750 ILLINOIS CENTRAL. 1919 December rro 39,752,374 Deficit after tax 410.302 Net operating deficit GO, CM Twelvo months gross 107.886,815 Balance after tax 3,737,2-79 Net operating Income 4,191,796 NORTHERN PACIFIC. 1919 Deormbcr itoss Balance after tax Net operating Income. Twelve months gross. Balaneo after tax Net operating Income. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, 1919 December gross 36,400.231 Balance after tax 1,377,577 Net operating Income 1,515,497 Twelvo months gross. ... 3,M8,452 Balance after tax 7,623,992 Net operating Income 7,144,330 TEXAS AND PACIFIC. 1919 December gross Balance after tax...., Net operating income, Twelve months gross, Balance after tax , Net operating income CHICAGO AND ALTON, 1919 Docember gross Balance after tax Net operating income... Twelve months gross... Balance after tax Net operating deficit.... MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS. 1918 310,676,199 1.653,784 1.747,192 127.295.678 12,272.956 (12.441,437 , fl.613,747 , 529,643 314.460 , 36,212.433 , 4.844.8(0 3,603,456 , 12,383.103 113,624 34.901 , 2fi.272.314 977,162 , 230,243 191S 39,130,013 684.363 6S0.079 107.320.201 i;.0S3,O73 12,907,400 1918 310.006,393 2.749.354 2.862.235 102.9OS.269 24,886.628 28,209,373 1913 35,619.882 1.6(8.256 1.603.639 66,992.330 11,827,096 11,626,123 1918 J3.0M.035 404,030 282.932 27,294,833 4.301.252 3,707,267 1913 32,156,817 16,646 152.117 24,358,661 2,966,623 tl.7TT6.749 tnoo Alas-Br Col 100 Amer Honduras.., 100 American Mines... 40no Am Tin Tnni ., 100 Arizona Sliver..... 314 12C0 Atlanta t 24 49500 Belcher Divide. ,.t 23 I100O Belcher Ext t 23 110O Big Lwlge 1J 1700 Booth t 61, 37ft) Boston 4- Mont...t 74 1200 t'alcd Mining t 40 1600 Ctnsda Cop. irm Candelarla Mln. . 100 Con Virginia...., 1 Crescent McN... 400 Df Beers Mines. 400 Doloret Esper .. 11004 Divide Ext 00 Dundee Aril .... 100 El Salvador .... 000 Eureka Croesus.. I.w eureka Holly . soo 43 -Mining 400 Gadsen Cop ... 300 Golden Gate ... ino.) oolil i;on 1H 7U A I24 2H i Hi 34 Hi ,t 74 .. IK . IS .. IS t 13 two Gold Devel t 10 000 Gold Kewana ...t 314 1000 Gold Merger ...,t 3 1600 Oold SII Pick....t 614 9504 Gold Zone t 34 1704 Hecla Mining . ., 444 1300 Jumbo Exten....t 7 1500 Keystone Utah .. Hi 3000 Knox Divide ,...t 14 1004 Louisiana Co .... 1, 10004 McKIn Dar t 63 8044 McNamara H 1004 Magma Chief .... S (000 Marsh Mln ......t 23 44 Mich Cop 714 1400 Mother Lode ....t CO 104 Mother Lode new 574 1604 Murray Moirdg.f 75 504 National Tin .... 13 3!X Nipiising llli KID North Star t 8 .104 Onondara 2'i CCOOphlr Hllrer lti 3304 Rand Mine 404 1(44 Ray Hercules 114 4XX) Rex Cons t 10(0 Rochester Mln...t 19 7141 Roper Group .... li "500 Silver K of Arlx..13-16 .WISIIv King Dir...t 7 10W) Stand Silr Lesd.. S S054 Success Mln T 6 825 Tonop Belmont... 3 Tonop Chboy.,f 14 1500 Tonop Divide 274 1250 Tonop Ext 214 20WTonoo Jim B....t 26 4TG0 Tonop Midway. ,t 20 V0O Tonop Mln 3 9.16 !W) Tonop Res Eula.tlS 150) U S Continental..! Hit 122S United Eastern.. . 414 1644 Ullh Metall ...... 2 II 174 IrV 14 34 24 19 20 iV 614 72 40 1A 1 1'4 1A A 314 21 24 20 4 64 7.1 44 IA A December gross ...... Deficit after tax '.. Net operating deficit.. Twelve months gross. Deficit after tax Net operating deficit.., WHEELING & December gross Deficit after tax Net operating deficit.... 12 months gross: Balance after tax Net operating income.. 1919. ...1 1.10U25 399.251 ... 428,968 ... 13,384,871 ... 328,774 ... 827,011 LAKE ERIE. 1919. ...J 957,643 I 13,382 64,101 ... 12.60S.839 1,009,752 933,834 1913. 3 1,067,625 69,036 47.079 12,028.309 15,173 t23S,78J 1913. I 951.455 110,523 89,537 13,692,172 1.633,66.1 1,018,583 TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS A WESTERN. n 14 34 Hi 74 Hi 14 Hi 12 94 34 t 514 S 411 7 Hi alt 4 C5 22 74 60 574 75 lHi 1H4 I Hi 4014 14 8 19 316 1 4 14 1 4 1 i'A. A 42 s;i 14 34 HI 74 IS 14 IS 12 94 r if' Hi .. 94 .. S .. 65 1 Hi 1! .. 74 .. CO .. 574 .. 75 12 114 8 24 Hi 4M. Hi 8 19 I! December gross I Balance after tax..... ei operating income. 12 months' gross Balance after tax Net Operating Income. SOUTHERN Dec. oner revenue, Operating Income . 12 moi. oper rev... Operating Income.. ST. LOUIS A Dec. oper rev f, 1 Operating income... k'12 mos. oper rev... ii ' Operating Income... -1 1 A 1919. 1918. ....J 844.063 1 733,051 .... 146.093 191.409 .... 103.033 167.74il .... 8,267,878 8,300,127 .... 1,007,801 1.607,620 .... 745.453 1,241,182 PACIFIC. J 11.684,U4 Inc. 1 722.431 2,013,707 Inc. 979,573 . 169,728,932 Inc. 15,784.290 33,434.914 Inc. 307,844 SAN FRANCISCO. I 7.194.72S Inc. 31.156.997 inc. Inc. Inc. CANADIAN PACIFIC EARNS $19J91,M0 December Report Has Fig urea for Whole of 1919, Hi a Rtaff Corrfiponilfnt of Tkk flt'X, MdNTiiRAi,, Jan. 30, A more nmfked illfferencii between ktobb anil net earning" In rnllwuy operation Is hIiowii by tho report of the Canadian I'd clflo Hallway for 1018, mado nvnll able tlinyigli (lis report for Decem ber Just Issued, The kions earnings for tho year worn 119,331,000 In excess of 1918, but that record was offset by In creased operating charges of 120,900.713. The net earnings for the year were T3J,-' 1133,0.10, ngalnst 134,502,387 for 1018. Tho company will bn nblo to pay Its 7 I or rent, dividend us usual, tho report showing 7,3 nvnllabla over nil tlxed charges. lis cnrnlnges for the pnsl five years vero ; Year. droit. N'.t 1919 1176,923,060 $32,913,014 1918 , 167,335, 864 14,803,317 ! 1917 , 152,311, IS( 45H,0I8 191(1 131,731,617 60,476,499 1915 ; 10M97,24I 41,523,235 , The shareholders of the Orand Trunk , will meet In l.nn.lnn on Vilirimrv 1(1 to I ratify the ugrecinent with the Govern ment of Canada for tho purchase of tho entire (Jrnnd Trunk, It Is stated here Mint the agreement will ha ratified with out doubt. Once Hint Is dona the entire Orand Trtink fiyslem will bo operated In cooperation with tho Canadian National until arbitration bo complete and tho property Is transferred. It Is stated that j tlie committee) or llvo will be Howard o, Kelloy, for tho Orund Trunk, J. K. Dal rymple nnd M. Ilobb, nnd for tho Cana dian National IJ, Jlungerford nnd W. It. Hayes, AiiiKlgMiuiiIrd Jiistltatluit IIn Cnp llul of ino, (100,0(10 Mnrks, UpeeM I'nMf IHwtcS to Tns firs. t'opyrlohl, 1920, (ill r(Af rtunnl. IiOWion, Jim, 30, A (lespntcli from Helslnirforg gives dolalls of nn Impor tant banking nipnlganiutlon In Klnlund, A new bank will) a sluire capltul of 130,000,000 murks has been formal by a merger of the Private Dunken and tint Helslngforn Acliedbunk, Iwn, of tlio largest blinks In Klnluuil, Persistent rumors of a merger or working agreement between the Vlckers and the Jtolls-ltoyce cnmpaules lire heard here. Denials nrs mado, but 4 Mo 'inmiolnl Tlmtt say "they am to b tpken In u parliamentary sense," Tim rumors have caused a lively speculation In tho two shares on the Imdon market. COURT CALENDARS ) WOOL MARKET, LONDON STOCK MARKET. IluslnrsN tn Most Drpnrtnirnts Is on Itcdiu-ril Srnlr. BpccM Catlt Dttpnin to Tur Hvs and tU Public Motr, Copyright, 1D20. all rltiMt rtitrvtil, London. Jan. 30. Huslne?s In most sections of tho house was on a reduced scalo and there were few outstanding features of Interest, Oils recovered after the previous day's setback and thero was again n fair amount of activity In tho Industrials. French loans wero bet ter marked on the steadier franc. Tho demand for Argcntlno rails continued. At the mining end of the house Char tered nnd Broken Hill proprietary shares were notably strong. Conditions In the short loans market showed no material change. Hates for day to day money after opening nt 4 fell to 3W after midday and closed at 3. Tlie discount market passed a quiet and uneventful day, rates remaining steady at the previous day's level. New York exchange fell to a new low level, although business was on a smaller scale. The rate closed a,t $3.50 4 against 3.634 on Thftrsdny. A further Improve ment occurred In tho Uelglan franc, the rato .closing at 45 francs 90 centimes. French exchange also was Bteadler, clos ing at 40.60. Marks, after falling nt the outset, recovered to 300 a pound. PRODUCE MARKET. IlosTON', Jan, 30, The Commtrclnl fiillrltn to-morrow will say I "The pust week has not been altogether Inactive, There has been a fair business dono In fine and medium wools nnd prices are fully firm for theso grades. Tho manu facturing situation Is likewise ns strong as ever, with prices very firm for yarns ririd tops." Ohio nnd I'ennsylvnnla fleeces: Do Initio washed, 100?102; delaine, un washed, 0204 i fine, unwashed, 70072: blood combing 70J5,71 i U blood combing, C706O, Michigan nnd Now York fleeces i Fine, unwashed, 7fj7 08 ; delaine, unwashed, 8790i "j Ijlood, un washed, 80082: i .blood, unwashed, 68 069, Wisconsin, Missouri und nverngc New Knglandi 'i blood. 720TB: blood, 65007: y blood, 64005. Vir ginia, Kentucky nnd similar: ',4 blood, unwashed, '85086: blood, unwashed, 72073, Bcuured Dusls Texas: Fine, 12 months, 1900195: line, 8 months, 100 0170. California: Northern, 1900195: mlddlo county, 1700175: southern, 150 iJMfiO. Oreiron! Eastern No. 1 staple, 1950200; eastern clothing, 1700175;, valley No, l, 1750180. Territory: -ino sinple, 1950206 ; Vi blood combing, 180 0186; blood combing, 13O0HO: fine clothing, 170 0 175; lino medium clothing, 1600170. Pulled: Extra, 1900195; AA, ISO019O; A supers, 1650175. Mohairs: Jlest combings, 60005; best cardlngs, 55060. S -1 - - 4 -4 -MS 7 7-1 U S M 6 C 274 2'4 -1-H 4 4 2'i 2'. 14 2S 2 7-l MS 26 24 .. 19 19 ,. 24 2.1-16 M( s a .. 94 94 -H 4 4 .. ill 214 .. 39i 117 I 8,739,521 I 3,605,950 , 1,133.547 78,552,125 15,407,833 BURLINGTON. Dec. oper revenue.. 12,729.342 Inc. Operating income .. 896,113 Dec. 12 mos. oper rev.... 154,011,433 Inc. Operating Income ... 27,712.341 Inc. OltEOON SHORT LINE. Dec. oper. revenue.... 33,160.988 Inc. Operating income 718,692 Inc. 12 mos. oper. revenue. 38,260,(84 Inc. Operating Income .... 10,983,187 Inc. BIG POUK. Dec. oper. revenue.. . 37.134,277 Inc. Oper. Income (44,576 Dec. 13 mos. oper, revenne.733,8M,456 Inc. Operating Income 14,1(3,644 Dec. INTERUOKOnOII IUPID TRANSIT. 1919. 1918. Cnanzes. Dec gross.... 34,663.21!.) 33,782.224 Inc. 3886.044 Net aft. tar. i.csj.jw i,zii,kh inc. Totl. Income. 1,617,744 1,284,777 Inc. Detaftchgit 23.170 2S4,04 Dec. 6 mos. gross 24.200.S6 19.953.159 Inc. Net aft. tax. 7.727.483 6. 945, (14 Inc. Total income 7.W9.419 t.248,733 Inc. Defaftchrst 1,920,366 2,491,133 Dec. I 89.983 1,167,143 9,838.663 1.135,144 3114,126 13.1.ZSI 4,123,726 , 493.067 33.861 ! 631,300 2.452.4S6 1,796,347 368.823 352,971 3)2,433 4.247,067 1.782,055 1,754.(86 570,763 Denclt. t Income, t Exclusive of accruals under provisions of contract No. 3 and related certificates wMch under these agreements with the city are payable from future Timings. Dueno. Aires Grnln Market. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 34,-CIosing grain riet Close. Chje. prices: WHEAT Tone quiet. February Marcb CORN-lulet. February Mar FLAXSEED Firm. February March OAT9 February n 160H 160i (9 74i 264 260 13.9? 13.93 C.U (.83 24.(4 23.85 .01 .03 .02 474 1.03 .10 IIKANS AND PEAS Beans, marrow. 1319, choice, 100 lbs., lt.7513: 1918, 111 (til. 25; .Mnnchurlan, 111,50: coscorronea, Chilean. 17; pea. choice. 1919. I7.76tf8; 1918. $7.50; medium, 1919, choice, S7,75ff 8; Lady Washington, California, 17.(0 7.76; small white, California. 17.73: large white. Idaho. J7.75; Montana, 88; tepary, California. 35ft 5.75; kotenn-hl, Japanese or Korean. 36.7317; red kidney, choice, 191S, 114.76; 1918, 313; red marrow. 1919. 112.75 fl.1; klnlokl. Alanchurlan. 1585.50; yel low eye, 1919. 38.73W9; black turtle soup, 1919. 112; white kldnev. 1919, I15.50(?16; kumamoto, Manchurl.m. 38; caballero, Chilean. 1918, 37: bayou, Chilean. 1606.25; cranberry. JInnchurlan, loni. 87.7S; short. 35.25if5.50; California. 1118, 37.75; pink. California. 1919, 38.IOWS.50; 191S. 17.40; lima, California, 114.50; Madagascar, 190 10.25. Pens. Scotch, S6.25ff6'.50: green, do mestic, 6.25; Japanese, 17.6007,60; black eye. California, 1919, 1808.25; splits, yel low, 87.257.73; green. 9.25ig9.50; white, small, Manchurlan, 35.75 .6; large, 37 O 7.23. BUTTER Creamery, higher than ex traa. lb., 034 C04c; extras, 03 score, (!3c: firsts. 00 to 01 score, 004 802c; firsts, H8 to 89 score, rS4GOc.; seconds, 83 to 87 score, 0.1 058c.; lower grade, 525f54c; held, higher than extras, (124913c; ex tras, (11802c; nrsts, .'.7 4 8 00c; seconds, MR 37c: unsalted. higher than extras. (!(14807c; extras, 0.10011c: nrats, (10 034c; seconds, SOe.lOc; State dairy, tubs, finest, 01 ease: good to prime. BSKfOOc: common to fair, 48f.17c; renovated, ex tras, 378574c; firsts. .ISQifiOc: Imitation creamery, flrats, 43.10c; ladles, current make, flrsta, 40847c; seconds. 434 844c; lower grades. 41843c; packing stock, cur rent make. No. 1, 43c; No. 2, 420.; lower grades, 3941c. CHEESE State, heid Bats, specials, 314 832c; average run. 30831c; lower grades, 20829c; twins, held, specials, whites, 30 831c; colored, .H8314c: average run, white, 20ffi20 4c: colored, 30 8 304c: lower grades, 20 28c: current make. 20 8.10c; Wisconsin, wholoVmllk. twins, 28 304c: single daisies, fresh, 314S2c: held, 314832c; double-daisies, fresh, SI 314c; held. 314 8 32c; Young Americas, fresh, 338 33 4c: State skims, fresh, spe cials, 20c; prime to choice. 16818c; fair to good, 148inc; lower grades, 7813c. nnESSKT) BEEF Ribs, No. 1. 32c: No 2. 26c.; No. .1. 20c. Loins. No. 1, 3c: Li' iU30-! No- 3- 2,e- Rounds. No. 1, No;.2'18c-l No- 17c. Chucks. No. 1. I.e.; No. 2 144c; No. 3,, 124c. riates, No. 1, I2c: No. 2. 10c; No. J, 7c. TEA OS Fresh gathered, extras, doz., 66 86, c; extra firsts, 6465c; firsts. 608 68c: seconds and poorer. 65860c: ro frlgorator. firsts, charges paid, 62853c: sjednds, 46861c; under grades, 30845c: checks, 32835c; State, Pennsylvania, and nearby, Western, hennery whites, extras, 73 8 75c: firsts to extra firsts, 67072c: gathered whites, firsts to extra firsts 67872c; Western whites, under grades. 64866c; pullets, (3865c; Pacific coast, whites, express, extra firsts to extras, 70875c: firsts, 66866c; pullets. Peta luma, 6365c; other sections, 6086fc! other Western and Southern, (rathered whiles, 63 870c; State, Pennsylvania, and nearby, hennery browns, extras, 68 69c: smtherert brown nnd mixed colors, extras, 668'-7c: firsts to extra firsts, (2865c POTATOES Bermuda, No. 1, bbl., JM 813.50; No. 2, 310811; No. 3, 3709; Maine, 104 lbs., 3484.50; 180 lbs.. 378 8.50; ICi lbs., 3787.75; State, 100 lbs., 33.7584.50; 180 lbs., 3788.25; 163 lbs.. 36.5087.50; Long Island. 180 lbs., 37.50 89; 165 lbs., 3788.50. .SWrjETS Jersey. No. 1, bsk., 3282.75: Delaware and Mary, land. No. 1, bsk., 31.7382.23. YAMS Southern, bbl., 3386. POULTRY. DRES.SEI) TURKEYS Western, spring, lb.. 46853c; Texas, Ken tucky and Tennessee, lb., 44830c: West ern, old hens, 46849c: old toms, 44845c. CHICKENS Fresh killed, dry packed, box, Western, milk fed. 38847c: corn fed. 348 45c; bbls.. dry packed, milk fed, 328Uc; corn fed, 31839c; scalded. 30834c; Phila delphia, 4248c. FOWLS Fresh, dry pacxea, dox. western, mine leu, 23 a 39c. ; corn fed. 280384c; dry packed, bbls.. Western, 23838c; Western, scalded, 298 33c; old cocks. Western, dry packed, boxes or bbls.. 268264cf scalded. 26c. CAPONS Nearby, 52862c; Western, 48866c. DUCKS Long Island, frozen, 41c.; West ern, 4 lbs. and over, 39C.7 under 4 lbs. each. 35i"36c; poor to fair, 30832c GEESE Wisconsin, fattened, 36837c; Western. 28830c! poor to fair, 2325c SQUAHS Large, white. 8810 lbs. doz.. 313 814: 687 lbs., 3689; dark, 34,5086; culls, 32.6083. POULTRY. LIVE SPRING CHICKENS Via freight, 33c; express, 3235c. FOWLS Fancy, heavy, freight, -43c; av erage, heavy, freight, 43c: colored, heavy, express, 43844c: light to medium. 408 42c: White Leghorn. 33840c. OLD ROOSTERS Freight. 24c. TURKEYS Freight, 40c DUCKS Freight, 40c: ex press. 39842c. GEESE Freight, 36837c. PIOEONS Per freight or express, 53 63c. OUINEAS Pair, f0860c. PROVISIONS Porlc quiet; mess. 3440 45: family, 352853: short clear. 343860. Beef quiet; mess. 316813: family, 3228 24: packet, 317819; extra India mess, 343 43. Hogs steady: bacons. 22ic; 140 lbs.. 234c; pigs. 234c. Bellies steady: pickled, clear, 10-13 lbs., 26c; dry salted, clear. 18-20 lbs.. 22Vic. Oreaaes barely steady; yellow, 13013c: choice house, 138134c. Pickled haras steady: regular, 10-13 lbs., 24ic; skinned, 18824 lbs., 214c Tallow barely steady; city special, loose. 16)ic Lard steady, middle West, 23$33.10; city lard steady, quoted 234 8 234c; refined lard quiet. Continent, 326.(0; South America. 326.75: Brazil, kegs. 327.75; compound dull, quoted 35 8 26 4c Stearins dull: city lard, atearlne, 31c; oleo, 214 C33c. BABBITS Middle Western, cottontail, pair, 40045c; fair Western, pair. 108 35c; frozen, pair, 20830c; Jack rabbits, frozen, pair, 23 4? 40c. Mnnrlirstrr Cloth -llnrUrt, MANCitKflTKit, Jnn. 30. Cloths firm; yarns, business moderate. Nrrk I'ernvUu Oil Concession. Lima, Peru, Jn. 30. An application for a concession to n 12,000,'000 acre petroleum tract on the Hunllaga and Ucayall rivers, made by V. II. Solalnl on behalf of Kir Frank Ncwncs and n group of Hrltlsn capitalists, has been approved by President Leguln. Tho concession which would run for five years, will soon be brought before the Peruvian Congress. LIVE STOCK MARKET. P.EEVHS Receipts 1,630 head; 14 cars or. sale. Steers dull and barely steady: medium and fat rows and all grades of bulls 25c. 1'iwor; common bologna cows steady. The yards wero not .quite cleared. Medium to good steers sold at 811.50B1S.85 per 100 lbs.; no choice or prime, do.; otdlnary to choice bulls, 89.25 411.25; common to choice cows, 31.608 10.50. Dressed beef slow nt lS)23c. .per lb. for native sides; a little extra beef "'.Sale's Newton & Co.; 22 Pennsylvania stccrr, 1,151 lbs. average, 113; 7, (!. 111.60; 20 Virginia, i,u:i, n:; i '"in, 1,190. $11; 2 cows. 800, $6. 8. Sanders: I 19 Pennsylvania steers. 1,352, 313.75: 1 bull. 1,280, 311: 2. 1.(60. $10: 2, 1.1(5. ' 89.50; 12. 1.039. $9.(0; 11 cows. 1,193. I 310. 2, 1,135, $7.75; 11, 1,006, $7.10; 7, . 1,001, $7; 4, 1,193, $6.50; 4. 1,015, $6.23; 10, 885, $5.10: 9, 939, $5.35. Tobln & Shannon: 21 Canada sieers, 1,134. 311.60: j 3 bulls, 1,043, $9.25; 4 cows, $1.60810. I McPherson & Co.: 1 bull. 1,520. $11.25; 6. 1,106, $9.75; 4, 918. $9.65; 28 cows. 11,165, $10.50: 2, 865, $9.50: 3, 1,107, 39.23; 1 6. 860. $9: 19, 1,000. $8; 6, 1,002. $7.25; 7, t98. $6.60; 3, 910,- $6. '5; 6, 880. $6; 58, 918, $5.60. Kerns Commission Com pany: 5 bulls, 1.140, $9.60, CALVES Receipts, 1,480 head; 1,070 on sale. Good to prime veals, steady: others, easier; Westerns again lower, making a decline of $3 per 100 lbs. In two days. About everything went to the scales. Or dinary to prime veals sold at $24825 per 100 lbs.; culls, $15818.50; little calves. $155718; Westerns, $8.50611. City dressed eals weak at 28S.37C per lb., country dressed do., 2i833c.i country dressed hind saddles (skins on). 41845c; skins off, 30 T.1(c. Sales S. Sanders: 47 veals. 123 lb. av erage, 325; 4. 127, 824; 4. 115. $20; 47 little calves, 88, lis; mixeu, a cum. 90. $13. Kerns Commission Co.:- 41 veal I 153, $25; 19, 121, $24: 13, 124. $23; 2 cu!14 95, $18; 10, 82, $16.60. Tobln & Shannon: 11 eals, 112, $24: 13. 107. $23; 2, 85, $20: 3D Utile calves, m, tis, . juuu u i.u.i id veils, 133, $23: 14 culls, 73, $18; 119 West erns. 321, $10.25; 62, 299, $8.54. Mcrher son A Co.: 16 veals, 138, 325 ; 11, 100. $20; 3 culls. 73. $16. Newton & Co.: 157 veals, 123, 323: 9, 98, $20; 6 culls, 98, $18.50. SI1EKP AND IAMBS Receipts, 1,850 head; 3 cars on sale. Market steady. No prime stock offered. Common to fair sheep sold at $8.50811 per 100 lbs.; culls, $6: common to fair lambs, $18820.50. Dressed mutton unchanged at 16821c. per lb.; dressed lambs slow at 31836c; country dressed hothouse lambs, 38816 per carcass. Sales Kerns Commission Co.: 339 Ohio lambs, (6 lbs. average, $20; 250, 68. $19.30: 3, 127, $18. Newton i-Co.: 41 Pennsyl vania lambs. 93, $20; 5, 62. $19: 2 year lings, 110. $15; i. 76. $14: 13 sheep. 110, $10: 5, 120, $9. S. Sanders: 36 Pennsyl vania lambs, 80. $20.50; 3 yearlings, 120, $14; 7 sheep, 126, $8.50. Tobln & Shan lion! 7 State lambs, 74, $20, HOGS Receipts, 5,810 head; 2 cars on sale. Market generally steady at $16.75 tor prime light to medium weights, 100 to 200 lbs. average; heavy hogs over 200 lbs. and pigs under 100 lbs.,. $168'16.25: roughs, $13.25813.50. Country dressed pork un changed. Rales Newton A Co.: 63 Pennsylvania hogs. 141 lbs. average, $16.75; 138, 106, $16.25. S. Judd & Co.: 22 Statn hogs, 150, $16.76. Kerns Commission Co.: 23 Stato hogs, 133, $16.75; 2, 305, lti 7 pigs, 86. $16,25; 2 roughs, 340, $13.50. McPher son & Co.: 18 State pigs, 73, 316. Tobln & Shannon: 8 State hogs, 117, 316.75. Live Stack Market in Other Cities. KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 30. Hogs Re ceipts, 3,009: higher. Bulk, . $14.75815; heavies. $14.70815; mediums. $14,758 15.16; lights. $14,65813.10; packing sows, $13.60814.25; pigs, $13.50816.(5. Cattle Receipts: 2,300'; weak. Heavy beef steers, choice nnd prime, $15,258 16.50; medium and good, $11 25815.25; common, $10.50811.25; light, good and choice, $11816; common and medium, $8.23 811; butcher cattle, heifers, $78 13.25; cows, $6.75812.50: canners and cut ters, $5,2T87: cows, $6,75812.30; canners and cutters. $5.25jJ7: veal calves, $14817; feeder steers, $8.25813; stocker steers. $6.30810.90. Sheep Receipts, 500; nominally steady. Lambs, $18821; culls and common, $12.50 iff 11.75! vearllnar wethers. $13.25818: owes. 310.65813: culls and common, 35.238 10.35; breeding ewes, $8814.50; feeder lambs, $15,25818.25. CHICAGO, Jan. 30. Hogs Receipts. 28, 000; estimated to-morrow, 8,000; weak, mostly 10c. lower. Bulk. $15815.25; top. $15.50; heavy, $14.75813.15; medium, $158 15.25: light. $15.10815.35; light lights. $14.7S816.-5; heavy packing sons, smooth, $14814.40; packing suws, rough, $13,758 14: pigs, $13.75814.75. Cattle Receipts. 84OOO;' estimate to-morrow, 2,CTtl; steady. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $15.50 817.25; medium nnd good, $11.50815.50; common, $9.60811.50. Lightweight, good and choice. $13816.25; common and me dium. 39813. Butcher cattle: Heifers. 18.75ffl3.60; cows, $6.75812.35; canners and cutters. $3.(386.75; 'veal calves. $13 19.60; feeder steers. $8812.25; stocker steers. $7.25810.83. .sheep Receipts, 8,000; estimated to morrow, 3,000: steady. Lambs, 84 pounds down. $19821.65; culls and common, $168 18.75. Ewes, medium, good and choice, $10.75813.50; culls and common, $7810.50. EAST ST. LOUIS, Jan. 30. Hogs Re ceipts, 13.500; weak, unevenly, 25 to 30c. lower. Top. $15.80 (early sales); bulk, 315.10816.30! heavy, $13-813.25; medium, $15815.30; light. $16.15815.33; light light, $14.75815.25; heavy packing sows, smooth, 313.75814: packing sows, rough. 813.238 13.75; pigs. $12816. Cattle Receipts, 2.000 ; steady,' Beet steers, medium and heavy weights, choice and prime. $14,758 16; medium and good. $11814.50; common, $9810.76: light weight, good and choice, $11.50816.23; common and medium, $8.23 812.33; butcher cattle, heifers, $7,758 1(50: cows, $7.73 if 1 1.50: canners and cut ters, $607.50; veal calves, light and handv weight, $13819.50; feeder ateers. $8,508 12; stocker ateers. $710.J0, Sheep Re ceipts. 800; steady to strong. Lambs, 34 pounds down, $17.75821.23; culls and com mon. $13017,23; yearling wethers. 314.30 819.50; ewes, medium and oholce, P. SO 13.23, culls and cotrn.on, $$89. UNITED STATUS fll PIIEMi: COURT, fiptclnl Ditpattlito Tin Hun. WASHINGTON, Jsn, SO. Present! Th Hiltf Justice, Justices MoKenna, Holm". lltv V,n,lai,,nl.r UHn! UrundStS. MC Reynolds and Clarke, i'9l, C, 0. Calhoun, petitioner, vs. Bland Massls, Advanced to be heard with esse No, I6tnn motion of Charles P, Consaul for lh petitioner, , . , li to Si. Wirt Wlnton, administrator, Ac. and others, appellants, vs, Jack Ames and others, known as th Miss, Choptaws. Assigned for April 12, 1930, on motion of W. W, Hrolt for ths uppellsnts, JI5, Ths Hlslo of Missouri at the relation of the city of Hedello, plaintiff In V1 ths Public Service Commission of Ml".""'1 Ao. Submitted by John P. Lindsay for no defendant In error, No brief filed for Wis plaintiff In error, , , 116, Everglades Drainage Compsny ft at,, appellants, V, Nanolenu IJ. 1JJ" war' DrxV," age District et a I. Appeul from the Dis trict Court of ths tin Ued States for the Houthern District of Florida, p!;mUijil with costs on motion of counsel for tho appellants, . , .... . 318. Tho city of Fulton, plaintiff In error, vs, Publlo Service Commission of Missouri, Ac, Submitted by Eugene C. 1 llrokmeysr and John II. Baker for the plaintiff In er ror and by John D, Lindsay for the de fendant In rror, , , 322, W. V. Ham et at., plalntlns In error, vs. Missouri fitato Llfo Insurance Company, Passed per stipulation, 233. Jose Lopei Garcia, sppellsnt, vs. Orvall P, Townsond, commanding officer Camp Las Cosas. Appeal i from the Dis trict Court of the United States for Porto Rico, Dismissed with costs on motion or counsel for tho appellant, .,.,,.,, 205. Ralph II. Cameron et nl, appellants, vs. the United States of America. Argu ment concluded hy Assistant Attornej General Nebeker for tho appellee. 200, Frank II. Chesbrough. plaintiff In error vs. Mary L. Ilotchkljs et u . Argued bv Thomis a! E. Weadoclt for the Plain tiff In error and by Edward 8. Clark for tho defendants In error, . ,, 208, Illawa ltlvor Power Com pan), plaintiff In error, vs. Carolhia-Tennessee Power Company. Argued by I-ugene II. Hack for the plaintiff In error and by Ju llus O. Martin for tho defendant In error. 212. Ash Sheep Company, appellant, M. the United Slates: and 28b. ASH mirep i,u,iuj , - --; ror, vs. the United States. Argued by C. 1 1 Nolan for tho appellant and plaintiff In error and by As. slant AttorneyGcnoral Nebekor tor the sppelleo nnd defendant In error. , NEW YORK COUNTY, Supreme) Court. A PPM LATE DtVIBrON Recess. . , , HFIVH i TtERI -i'ART Il.-Ilefore Finch. J. "court op?ns at 14:30 A. M. Hi Prle tcrii at 10134 A. 51. Surrogates' Court. rilAMItnRS-Ilefore Folry, 8. At 14:30 A. M. "Ill for prob.teharlotte I). Wielow. City Court. cmrrrjT TRRM-PART II. Before Wcndel, l! Conrtpeni at 10 A. M. Ex parte mat tcrs at 10:30 A. M. REFEREES APPOINTED, Supreme Court; Ily Justice Finch-KuoppsKnapp-Maiwell Rubin. Ily Justice Platzek- t.. Wolf lOlttnger-S.niufl StrSjbourcer. Robinson: RooseveltJohn 1, Conway. llv Justice Oreenbsum MrConthe Rsu-Rslph H. Rspbael. Py Justice Pendleton Ilwfller sltackle-Phoenlx Ingrnnam. Br Justice DstIs niiLopiBlshop-Willlsm St. Rcabury. RECEIVER APPOINTED. Supreme Court. By Justice Pendleton- , John Iiocrtler-CliarleH H. Rsrkle-Jacob Poncl. BRONX COUNTY. Supreme Court. SPFCIAL TERJI-llefore Sfullnn, J. Court opens at 14 A. SI. Ex l-arle matters. Surrogate's Court. CHOIRERS-Before Schulz, S. Court opens at 10 A. M Ft. psrle insttcrz. County Court. ClIASfBERS-Before filbbs, J. Court opens at 14 A. St. Ex parte matters. KINGS COUNTY. Supreme Court. No Special or Trial Term cslciulsrs for Saturday, January 31, 1921. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Eastern District of New York. Chstneld. J.-Court opens In Room 323. Post Ofllee Itiilldlnc, llrookl)n, at 10:30 s. 31. United States iC.eorgc SldnHc, Carl Hsnien and 1 Inrlte United State :Jolm Sfhllrtlg. (larvln, J.-Court or'" ' Room 13, Post ()l!lro llulldlnc. nroolilyn, t 10:30 A. SI. United States :Lnuls Cabaud (for sentence). APPELLATE COURT DECISIONS. List Is Handed JJovrii liy First De partment. The Appellate Division of tho Su premo Court. First Department, an nounced the following decisions yes terday: Olof Johnson, respondent, vs. Otis Ele vator Co., appellant. Judgment nnd order affirmed with costs. No opinion. Order Trie iBeekman Estate, appellant, vs. Mary C. Foster et al.. respondents. Judgment modified ns directed In order and as so modified affirmed with costs to respondents. No opinion. Order filed. Herman Epstein as executor, Ac, appel lant, vs. Samuel Rosenthal, respondent. Judgment and oplcr affirmed with costs. No oplnl6n. Order filed. The People, Ac, respondent, vs. Ellas Bier, appellant Jjdgment affirmed. Jo opinion. Order filed. .Meyer Herman, appellant, vs. Sllchael Josephson, respondent. Judgment and or der affirmed with costs. No opinion. Or der filed, , David Bernstein, ns trustee in bank ruptcy, Ac, appellant, vs. Harrison IS. Vfdder. respondent. Judgment affirmed with costs. No opinion. (Smith, J.. dis senting.) Order filed. Same, appellant, vs. Westport Bank & Trust Co., respondent. Judgment affirmed with costs. No opinion. Order filed. W. H. SIcElwaln Co., respbndont. vs. Lulgl Prlmavera. appellant. Determina tion affirmed with costs. No opinion. Or der filed. Slotlon for leave to appeal to Court of Appeals granted. In tin matter of Henry T. Woshbourne. deceased. Order affirmed with $10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. (Page, J., being constrained to vote for reversal, cn the authority of matter of 1atson, 226 N. Y. 384. page 1.) Order filed. Hacienda el. Potrero, Inc.. respondent,, vs. Mexico City Banking Co., S. A., appel lant. Order affirmed with $10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order-filed. Jacob Jacobson, respondent, vs. Dora Brody, Impleaded, Ac, appellant. Judg ment and 'order affirmed with costs. No opinion. Order fll?d. In the matter of Herbert S. Slsson. as State Commissioner. Ac, re Liquor Tax Cer (Iflcale No. 2739. held by Dicdrlch Meyer. Orer affirmed with costs. No opinion. Or- riamon J. Boera et nl., appellsnts, vs. Cyp. Fabre A Cle, respondent. Judgment and or der affirmed with costs. No opinion. Order filed. . , Atlantic Sales Compsfly. respondent, vs. Eastern Shore Shipbuilding Corporation, sip pcllant. Judgment and order affirmed wjtn costs. No opinion. Order filed. Bin! S Coler, Commissioner, Ac, on com plaint of Marcella Kowallssey, respondent, vs. Dr. Ignatius Reina, appellant. Judgment af firmed. No opinion. Order filed. Ellss Lieban. respondent, vs. Drake's Res taurant, Inc. appellant. Order affirmed with 110 rosts and disbursements, with leave to defendant to withdraw demurrer and to an swer on payment of said costs and (he costs provided fcr in the order appealed from. No opinion. (Page. J., dlssentlnr on the ground that. In his opinion, the complaint attempts to state a cause of action for false Impris onment with a cause of action for slander.) Order filed. ... Bank of Washington Heights, respondent, vs. United States Fidelity and Guaranty Com psny, appellant. Judgment and order af firmed with costs. No opinion. Order filed. Sllchael J. Keenan. respondent, vs. Louis Baltersnky. impleaded, Ac, appellant. Judg ment and order affirmed with costs. o opinion. Order filed. , Daniel Kaufman, appellant, vs. Nathan J. Sillier et al.. respondents. Judgment sna order affirmed with costs. No opinion. Or der filed. M . , , The People. Ac. respondent.' vs. Edward L, Cantrall, appellai... Judgment affirmed. No opinion. Order filed. SIsry Keck, appellant, vs. Anna Dressel et al. respondents. Judgment affirmed with, costs." No opinion. Order filed. Orvllle E. Babcock-et al., appellants, vs. Natlonsl Surety Company, respondent. Judr ment affirmed with costs. No opinion. Order Walter A. Schott. respondent, vs. William J. Baxter et al., appellsnts. Judgment onrj order1 affirmed with costs. No opinion. Or der filed. , . ,,. Walter A. Schott. respondent, vs. William J. Baxter et al.. appellants. Order afTlrmed with $14 cots and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed. . , . The L. llurhman Company. Inc., respondent, vs. The Northern' Feather Works A Produce Co.. Inc., appellant. Judffnent and onler af firmed with costs. No opinion. Order filed. Chrjssanth Koutsourakls. appellant, vs. ir-i jL fn rtfannnHent. Jndzment &TV1 order affirmed with costs. No opinion. Or- In the 'matter of Slartia A. Gaines, appel lant, t, Frank DeK, Hnjler as president, Ac. et al respondents, Order affirmed with $10 roils and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed, . , Iinl Elertrlo Co,, respondent, vi, liarlier Asiilialt Pavlnr Co.. snnellsnt. Order affirmed Willi $14 costs and disbursements. No opin ion, Order filed, Ilsrid Hdi I IT, sppellsnt, rt, 183 Rrondwsr Corporation et al respondent, Order sf llrinM -with $10 costs awl disbursements. No opinion, Order filed. Partola Manufacturing Co,, sppellsnt, vs, Congress Warehouse A Forwarding Corpora. Hon, respondent. Order nfflrtned Willi $10 costs and disbursements, No opinion, Order filed, Msbel A. J.iidlsm, nppellsnt, ts, Henry A. Ludlam et sl Wslirr R, Hrrrlclc, guardian ad litem, respondent. Order affirmed wit" costs and disbursements. No opinion, Order filed, . Clsra 1!. SfcSlahonlndltldiisl and ni execu (rl. Ac. snnelant. vs. the Bseknisii estate. respondent, Order affirmed with $10 costs and dHmrsoinents, No op'nlnn. Order filed, Henry Wollman et Rl respondents, vs, New ark Ktar Publishing Company, appellant. Order rrrersed with $10 roils snd disburse ments and motion grnnted with $10 costs, Opinion per curiam, Order filed, Wllllnm Aredon, -espondent, vs. Gem Dress Home. Inc., appelant, Order affirmed with $10 costs snd disbursements. No opinion. Order Hied, 'Ilin C, Hplro Slsntifncturlng Company, sppel. snt, vs. Ilurn" Urns Manufacturing Compsny, respondent, Order affirmed with $10 costs und disbursements, No opinion, Onler fllod. Amerlcsn .Lesgtie Baseball Club of New York, Inc , respondent v. Ilyrnn B, Jo'insmi, Individuals nnd as president, Ac, et nl., ap pellants. Order sfflrmed without costs with leave to defendants 'to move to vacnto tem porary Injunction If onso be not promptly brought to Itlal, Opinion per curiam, Order filed. Ellen SfcOreevy, respondent, vs. William E, Siorroll, Inc.. appellant. Onler affirmed with $10 cost and disbursements. No opin ion, Order filed. John A. StcGreevr. respondent, vs. same, ntipellsnt. Ordor affirmed with tin onstu uml disbursements. No opinion, Order filed. George C. Welner. respondent, vs. seme, nppollnnt, Onler affirmed with 810 costs and disbursements. No opinion, Onler fllel, Marie L. Kern, respondent, vs, Stassarhu setts Bonding A Ins, Co., appellant. Order arflnnml with $10 costs and aisuursements. No opinion. Order filed, Christina H. Behrens, , respondent, vs. Walker D. Illnes as Director General of Railroads, nppeilant. Order affirmed with flO costs and disbursements. No opinion. Onler filed. Honry It. Bernard, respondent, vs. Golden Gate Manufacturing Co., appellant. Order affirmed with $10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Onler filed. Frank K. Sturgls et al appellants, vs. Louis SI. Knrdoi. et al., respondents. Order roversed with $10 costs and disbursements and motion denied with $10 costs. No opin ion. Order fllod. Ansel S. Leo, respondent, vs, Carl von Pustau. appellant. Onler affirmed with $10 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order '"ed. . ... , KuwsM Slayer vs. Fran.t Ilnlbauer. Slotlon to dismiss appeal denied without in-eudlce to renewal as stated In order. Onler filed. Elnn Fink, on Infant, vs. N, V. Railways Co. Slotlon to dismiss granted with 310 costs unless anuollant comply with terms I'stated In onler, Ordo- filed. Samuel unit vs. same. Motion to dis miss appeal granted with $10 nts unless appellant comply with terms stated In order. Order filed. Lester SI. Friedman vs. Stephen A. Stach einskl. Slotlon to dismiss appeal granted with $10 costs unless appellant comply with terms stated In order. Order filed. The People, Ac, vs. Emmanuel Teclt. Sto linn to illmlss appeal granted. Order filed The People. Ac, vs. Sllchael Bhcrmnn. Slo tlon to dismiss granted. Order lllett. Firemen's Fund Insurance Co. vs. Paul Stuppel, Inc. Application denied witn iiu costs. Onler signed. LawreiK-o K. Hoffman vs. tho Western Union Telegraph Co. Application denied with $in cots. Onler signed. Panjgiotls Contonls vs. North Atlantic In surance Co. Same vs. Jelfcrkon Insurance Co. Same vs. Liberty Siarlno Insurance Co. Application denied with $10 costs. Order iilKned. Willlom Slciel vs. Spear 74 Co. Applica tion granted. Onler signed. Slotlon for stay gianted. Settle order on notice. ,Im F. Splegelhers- et al. vs. Idel M. Wulf et nl. Application denied with $10 cots. Order signed. Sillier A Sons Co. vs. E, SI. Sergeant Co. Application granted. Onler signed. John S, Slolcher vs. Rexnicro Realty Co. Applli ".Ion dental with $10 costs. Order slgne ' Louis Rubin vs. Insurance Co. of North America. Application denied with $10 costs. Order signed. , John C. Ilolardl vs. Slanlen. Orth A Hast ings Corporation. Application denied with $10 cot. Order signed. Adelaide E. O'SIeara vs. Nicholas Betleman at al. Slotlon denied with $10 costs. Order "led. , t, The Commercial Trut Co. vs. Columbia Trust Co. Slotlon denied with $10 coits. Onler filed. People ex rel. William Sf. Hoes as ad ministrator. Ac, vs. Lawson Purd et nl. as Commissioners, Ac Motion denied with $10 costs. Order filed. Matter of Corporation Counsel ro Old Klngsbrldge road. Slotlon denied with $14 costs. Order filed. Champion Coated Paper Company vs. Carey Printing Company. Inc., Slotlon denied with $14 costs Order filed. Sara E. Teeht vs. Eliiabeth Hughes, Im pleaded, 74c Slotlon granted; question certi fied. Order filed. John Sheehan vs. Charles W. Cavnnagh. Slotlon denied with $14 costs. Order filed. Carl Vletor et al. vs. Reliance Slan ufacturlng Company. Slotlon denied with $10 costs. Order filed. Archie Karpf vs. Joseph Wlldmm. Slo tlon granted. Settle order on notice. Lawrence K. Hoffman vs. Tho Western Union Telegraph Company. Motion denied with $10 costs. Order Hied. Abraham Pollack vs. Vincent J Farley. Motion denied with $10 coats. Order filed. To Holders of Ths Oraton A Jtnlsbt Man. ufaeturlng company Haven Per Cent Herlsl Oold Notss. Series II and O, dated August 1, 11181 . Notice la hsrtby given that all out standing Seven Per Csnt. Hsrlal Oold Notts, Merlrs II snd O, dated August I, 1118, of Ths (Iraton A, Knight Manufac turing Comnanv. will be redeemed on 1 February 1, 1920, at tho office of Ths 1 Farmers' Ioan A, Trust Company, Truttss, I No, 33 William Street, Now York City, jew lorn, aii sain notes are iisreoy re quired to be then and there presented for payment, Each Note prrasnted for pay msnt must be accompanied by all cou pons for Interest maturing subsequently to February 1, 1920, on which date all said Nates outstanding will ceats to bsar further Inttrest, Notes of Series 11 will be redeemed at one hundred and one-half per cent. (100M of the fare value thereof, and Notss of Ptrlns O will be rtdeamad at ons hundred snd ons pir csnt, (101) of ths fact value thereof. Coupons maturing February 1, 1130, for Inttrest on said Notes will bs paid on pre ttntstlon on or after said data at The National City Bank of Ntw York, In the Borough of Manhattan, .City, county and Stato of Nw York, THIS ORATON A KNICIUT SIANUrAO TDRINO COMPANY. By W, SI, Hpauldlng, Pretldtnt. ACCOUNTANTS! The Federal Trade Commission In con nection with Its continuous work on basio Industries needs a number of senior ac countants. The work embraces both finan cial and coat accounting, A minimum en gagement of about live months Is contem plated. A personal Interview may be had with the Commission's representative, at the Now York Ofllee of tho Commission, 20 West 38th St., fifth floor, on Friday or Hat tirday, January 30 snd 31, from nine to five o'clock. As Immediate employment It In view It would lie advisable for applicants to bring with them any letters of recom mendation nnd other evldenca of qualifica tions they may deslro (0 submit. FEDERAL TRADU COMSlI8SIONs Washington, D. V. . LOST Southern Pacific Company Stock Certificate No. Ft 28257 for 50 shares In ths nnmo of William Drover. Notice Is hereby given to show cause why a duplicate should not bo Issued. !'. B. SIcCHRDY A CO., Halifax, Canada, DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST.- Business Troubles. PETITIONS IN BANKRUPTCY. Petitions in bankruptcy filed In the Unitsd .States District Court Friday were as follows: Involuntary petition against Kennedy Cork Floor Company of 02 West Four teenth street; liabilities, about $20,000; as sets, about $17,000. Principal creditors are L. Slundet A Son, $11,273; Diamond Cork Company, $1,743. Petitioner's attor neys, Goodman & Welner. 61 Chambers street. Voluntary petition filed by Werner A Gcrathy of 99 Water Btreet; liabilities, $26,312; nssets, $2,000. Principal creditors are Bleecker Export and Trading Com pany, $8,000; Franco-American Chemical Company, $1,204; Partola Manufacturing Company $7,241. Petitioners' nttorney Is Sellg J. Isaacson, 23 Beaver street. Voluntnry petition filed by Hyman Fish man of 87 East Fourth street; liabilities, $2,029; assets, nothing. Principal creditors nre Mary SI. Horton, $1.4(1, Abram S. Underbill, $205; Stark Jacobs. $167. Pe titioner's attorney Is Sellg J Isaacson, 2'S Heaver street. Involuntary petition filed agslnst Gn dofsky, Dlener A Kaplan of 751 Broadway: liabilities and assets not stated, Princlpa' creditors nre B. Rubens, $1,000; Emanuel (Irabion, $1,000, and Sloe Smith A Co.. $1,000. Petitioners' attorney Is Alex S. Slarcuson, 256 Broadway. SCHEDULES IN BANKRUPTCY. Schedules In bankruptcy in the United States District Court Friday were as fol lows: Schedules of George T. Stoon Company of Fulton Wholesale Fish Slarket show liabilities of $54,320 and assets of $32,627. Tho principal creditors are George T. Jloon. $12,188; B. B. F. & C. S. Co., $3,627. and Atlantic Coast Fish Company, $4,183. The petitioner's attorneys aro Cornell. Lockwood & Jeffery, 2 Hector street. ' Schedules of John Oarrlo A Son, Inc., of 4(2 Wert Fourteenth Btreet ahow Uabll Itles of $23,878 and assets of 310,375. Tho principal creditors are Edward L. Carroll. $7,500; Stelnhardt & Kelt!-. $1.3(0; .1. c. Crater, $813. The petitioners' attorneys are Olcott, Bonynge, sicManus & Ernst, 170 Broadway. RECEIVERS IN BANKRUPTCY. Receivers In bankruptcy appointed n tho 1'nlted States District Court Friday wero as follows: Judge John C. Knox appointed Felix A. Sluldoon receiver for SchneewelM Com pany, Inc., with a bond of 32.500. JUDG.MENTS FILED. .MANHATTAN. The following Judgments were filed Fri day; the first namo being that of the debtor: Alflnlto. Lucia T(. T. Cochran ct al $237.93 Allyne. Dillon C 11. J. K. Humphrey 174.41 Bojclcault, Renee J. Kossoff... 273.12 Birch. Charles E. J. J. Ward well 291.70 Boucicuult, Renee . Everard Lewis, Inc 63S.2( Berra, James, nnd New Amster dam Casualty Co. People, Ac. 504.04 Basch, Rudolph O. C. Young.... 252.40 Blsdorf, Guldo F. von Kamp et al 472.97 Curran. Jane F. Jl. Hadden 112.70 Collins. Slatthew O, SI. Black.. 1,737.10 Carrucclo. ,SIIke, and National Surety Co. People, Ac jno.on Costns, Nicholas Jaburg slros... 131.00 Cappel, Peter P Trustee of Leake A Watts Orphan House in City of N. Y 321.23 Dunn. Grace O. Belmond Realty Co - S28.22 Drucker. Isldor J. Frucht 214.(5 Export Trading Corp. Coff Gar rod Co., Inc 1.7$ 1.05 Coupons Due and Payable at the Office of A.B. LEACH & CO., Inc. 62 CEDAR STREET, N. Y. February 1, 1920 Bennington, N. Y. Bergen County, N. J., Bridge Bloomington. Ill,, Funding Buncombe County, N.- C Funding Centerville, L. Champaign, III., Improvement Chickaiha, I. T., School Coal Township, Penni,, Poor Howe Evanston, III., Judgment Fairfield, lows, Ref. Water Works Fairmount, Minn., Water Worki Ext. Georgia Lt., Pow. & Ry. Co. Greenfield, Ind., Funding Houghton, Mich., Sewer Iron Mountain, Mich., Sewer Jackson, Mich., Union School District Kalamazoo, Mich., Improvement Lake Forest. III. La Grand, Ore., Refunding Lancaster, N. Y.. Water Mechanicsville. N. Y. Morrison County. Minn. New Castle, Pa., School District Onoro, Wis., Fire House Pulaski Co., Ind., Court House Riverdale, N. J., Road Improvement Sherburne Co., Minn., Drainage Spring Valley, ill., uridge Snohomish Co., Washington, District & Road Summitville, Ind. Union City, Ind. Warren Co., Indiana, Bridge Wauwatusa, Wis.. Water Works February 15, 1920 Vigo Co., Ind., Funding School INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMP CONSOLIDATED XIORTOAaB 1 BINKINU FUND CONVKRTIIH.n 110 Ths ItnultahU Trust ('omnenv of York, successor to Colonial Trust Compi li Trustee miner international raper u nanv llorlasae dated January I, 1 harahv Invites offers to the Ulnlllnt? I'V for tho sato of bonds Issued under V mortiaxe. lo exhaust ths sum of Twot!.. died Nlnety-nlna Thousand, Four Hundr Thlrty-alx Dollars nnd Five Cents ($19 436,05), Bonds offered at ths lowest prli will be given preference, Sealed utters will be npensd at the off or inc unnersigneu, jxo, n wan sire New York Cltv. at tnelve o'clock neon. I February 3, 1930, and should be Indore! urrers ror ina flaie. or Junius to in int national Paner Company Hlnliln Fund.' The right Is reserved to reject any a TUB EQUITABLH TRUST COStPANT NEW YORK. Trustes. , Dy LVSIAN HIIOADEH, Vice Trssldsn uaisii, nww xoric. x., January e, is DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST t V "Sal" sr ' ThcFnrmers'LoanantlTru Company 10, IS, 20 mid 3? WILLIAM STUM ew Torn my Coupons and Dividends duo February arc payable at thil office on and after February' 1st, 1920, as follows: Birminglura Waler Works Compiny Citizens Gt Compiny of Kinkikee Clinton Waler Worki Compiny Commonweillli Wiler &' Light Co. of Ne Jersey (1st & Refunding Mtfev) Commonr-etllh Water & Li(ht Co. of Ne1 Jersey (lit Mort(igc) Commonweillli Witer & Liglit Co. of Nev Jersey (3 Year Collaleril Gold Notes) Cornell Steimboat Compiny trinklin, County of, Tenn. GloTerstille & Broadilbin Railroad Corapi' Ltckiwinna Iron & Steel Compiny, Likewood & Cout Water & Electric Corf Monongihela Valley Water Compiny Montgomery Street Riilwiy Compiny Port o( Hmna Docks Compiny St. Louii Merchinli Bridge Company Seymour Witer Compiny Dividends. IT.nitUAKY 1ST, id;o. The Firmers' Loin and Trust Compi riatllUAKY 2ND, 1030. Internilioml Petroleum Compiny, Ltd., pons No. 5 from Beirer Shire Wamn( IlfSINIlSS OPPOUTUNIT1KS HAVi: A HUHINF.SS PROPOSITION; nm In neerl of financial aid; will guarantee to u good backer from 335,000 to 350,000 a year. Will stand rigid Investigation; abso lutely sound and legitimate. BLSON, 784 WASHINGTON STREET. Phone Chelsea 8654. ARBZONA SALVER ItiBNES CO. DIVIDEND NOTICR A monthly dividend of 3 ne: cent will bo paid February IB 1920, to stockholder or recou February 1, llMU. ARIZONA SILVER MINES G tDW. S. VAN DYOK, President ngel, Rubin If. Elscn 236.33 East Carolina Lumber Co. Star Rox & Lumber Co 1,904.30 Frlcha. Martella, and National .Surety Co. People, Ac 600.00 Gallagher. Hugh Auburndale -Mills, Inc 1,614.43 GrlfcnhajTcn Ilros. & Co., Inc. H. Iiesmanorf; costs 109.67 Golilberu, Jack II. A. Goldel 105.13 11. S. Darner & Co. Victor King Traveler Co , 1S5.40 Ingcrsoll, Herbert Chelsea Ex change Bcnk 6.2 10.30 Janctzkl, Alfred, William N. Cromwell and U. S. Trust Co. of N. Y. V. A. Casazza 54,634.33 Lewis. Jessie 11, L. Cutter; coils 106.35 Mcllugh, Catherine IL , gdn. In- terborough Rapid Transit Co.; costs 103.90 Musortlltl, Koelna, and Lulgl Gestone Jl. Flgundlo 270.40 McCoy, Llttletleld B. C. McCoy.. 117.50 McNamara, Joseph F. A. Brady 161.20 M. Turkeltaub & Son, Inc. D. Hollander 321.24 JlcCombs, Walter D. II. O. El- llott 166.20 Mncomber, Catherine W. S. Bui- baum , 1(4.04 Mallno. Simon (Brighton Waist Co.) J. Rosenbluth 2,366.89 Nelson, John S. J. Slnblnder; costs 130.25 Neddcrman, Henry, and New Am sterdam Casualty Co. People Ac 1,000.00 National Bureau of Foreign Trade, Inc. A, Ullman 603".22 Onorato, Peter, and New Amster dam casualty (Jo. People, &c. 500.00 Roger. (Nelson W. W. McLaugh lin ' 220.11 Rlnaldo. Edward U Hahn 323.42 Hitter Restaurant Co., Inc. M. Radus & Sons 233.61 Robertson, Elizabeth F. Carter. 1,223.96 Rothberg, Joseph A. E. Kal- bach 110.59 Rosenfeld, Harry America Law Book Co 252.94 Surety Silk Co. and Alexander Sappr.teln M. Kamlnsky.... 403.32 Scott. George C. L. Flshman... 176.37 Scully. Walton Co., Inc. it. Kelly 472.91 Swan Syndicate Co., Inc. Lenz Photo Engraving Co 502.41 Sehenkeln, Louis U Schenkeln.. I0S.60 Socar. James, Jr.' J. Carstalra et al 26.J02.7S Turnler. Carl II. F. H. Wll-on.. 114.60 V. A Fidelity ,t (iuaranty Co. II. Hamuerger 1,076.22 Venso. Michael E. V. Bacall.. 19L70 Vejser. Herbert, gdn. A. E. Kal- bach: costs 110.39 Verse. Julia A. E. Kalb.ich; costs 110.39 Wlant, II. M. Standard Hotel Supply Co 932.76 William Andrews Trucking Co. J. Friedman 1.512.76 Woodward, Elijah II. S. Holt.. 516.23 Woerner, Ludwlg City of N. Y. costs 103.00 ZaiiMier. Meyer Itosclo Cream ery Co., Inc 234.75 BRONX. The first name Is that ot the debtor. Ackermart, Arthur V. Mason 32.632.27 IleiKer. Reuben, as gdn. V. Rerg 10:.2O Clark. Lena J. Albert' 108.75 rishlew. Sidney H. Vlnne 2.1.52 Morrissey, Edtvard Frank Brew ery 737.23 National Bureau of Forelpn Trade, Inc. A. Ullman 603.22 Park & Tilford 4. young 2,234.30 Ror-ow, .Samuel C. Lang 1,143.30 Rlottl. Gertrude, nnd Theresa Conradson W. Conradson 3,163.47 Rosenthal, Samuel H. Route.... 3,630.33 Sellgman. Mathilda O. De Fran cesco 73.91 Wolf. J. Irving L. II. Zucker- man 73.32 SATISFIED JfDOJIENTS. MANHATTAN. The first name Is that of the debtor; the second that of tho creditor and date when Judgment wis filed; llutlerworth. Frank J. II. Wain- wright: Aug. 2. 1911 11.333.01 Penflcld. 1. Stoddard Moore Bros. Co.; Dec. 22. 1319 111.33 ! Relsner. Isaac, unu uavm jiraun- teln American Steel Frame & Band Iron Co.: Dec. 10. 191V . - 135.74 Daltlle. Achllle E. Baccarl; June 21. 11! 120.20 Waltz Co.. Inc. B. Welse; Deo. 20, 1919 (cancelled) 1I.1SS.S4 Chambers, .Stephen II. City of X. V.; Aug. 16, 1919 132.:o nnoxx. David Brandt. Ino. J. L. O'Hara et al., July 1, 1913 11.010.13 STANDARD SANITARY mTl, PREFERRED DIVIDEND'' COMMON DIVIDEND '( Pittsburgh, ra.,-January 29th, 192 Tho Directors of this Company have ilny declared nuarterly divide of l?i on tho Preferred Capital Stt! and 2 on the Common Canltal SLoi' with eitr.i dividend of 2Ci on Comm Capital Stock. Checks will be mailed l later than February 10th to ctockholdtt of record February 5th. I J. W. OLIVER. Secretary Tivtv MTV 11 11111 T'lFf.vwl'm Y'rtii v The Board of Director.! have declared I dividend of Two nnd 50-lOOtha Dollaill 32.50) r;r anare ror tno year 1919. uprtl ne common lapum siock or mis i;r any, payaDio j euruary :u, is;o, to ' otders of record nt the close of b' February , 1920. Dividend checks will be mailed b Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, r fcr Agents, No. 16-22 Wlllam Street York City, to stockholders who hf malllng orders. A. M. ROBERTSON, Se'.n New York, January 28. 1920. Hercules Oil i Directors ot the Hercules 01 h.ivo anounccd Initial dividend nblo March 15 to stockholder 'February 15, 1920. HERCULES OIL COIvft January 30, Woods Petroleum & Refining v The directors of the Woods Petrolc & Refining Company have declared monthly dividend of 1C4 on the com' stock ot the company, payablo Fr 15, 1920, to stockholders of recort ruary 1, 1920. , M. RINGER, Presld PENNSYLVANIA COAL S: COKE. COItrOKATION' I At a meeting of the Board of Dlrectot of the Pennsylvania Coal & Coke Corpor tlon, held thl3 day. there was declared t regular dividend of 2 per cent, out of t accumulated eurnlngs and surplus of t Company, payaDio on ('eoruary 10th, 19 to stocKnoiuera or record hi tno close business on I ebruary 6th. 1920. T. It. WATKINS, Pre; January ;tn, ipau. close eslden. MERRITT OIL CORPORA DIVIDEND NO. S Quarterly Dividend Xo. 2 of 2 14 et. t,. twenty-five cents (23c.) per share, has bj declared, payable February 14. 1920. stockholders ot record at the close of bu ncss January di, i.v. me transfer ooc do not close. ' CLARENCE E. TITl'S, SecrVtnrr neriier. Colorado. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 111 Broadway, New VorH A regular dividend of ono nnd thr quarters per cnt. (1' has been dared on the Preferred Stock of this Cr pany, paynlile March 15th. 1920, to Sto holders of record at close of business r ruary 20. 1920. FRED It. FORTMEYER. Treasure ELECTIONS AMI MEETINGS. LENOX HILL HOSPITAL The annual meeting of the hospital be held oti TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 2 1920, nt 8:1.' o'cloi'k, In Krackowlzer Hall of the Dlspn 76th St. an.l Piirk Avenue Order ot business. Report of til fleers of tho liopltal anil the elect 1 members for the Board of TrusteiH. 3 members for the Committee on Re- viv. Names of candidates for the electb members of the Board of Trusters a the Committee on Revision respecU must be sent to the undersigned In V Ing not later than r. bruary 10th, signed by nt least five inemb rs ot hospital. Later nominations will no valid. r.i;i,, Hecreta 50 ITnlon Square. New Y THE DELAWARE. LACK.UVAXJ WESTERN RAILROAD COMP.V New York, January 29th, t The Annual Meeting of the StockhC. for the election of Managers and Oft of this Company and for (ho iransa of such other business as may i -m b' such meeting w.111 bo held at No 90 Street. New York City, on Tuesday. F ary 2llh, 1920. The polls wilt open at ten o'clock closo at eleven o'clock A. II. The transfer books wilt i lose Febri 13th, 1920, and reopen on February 1920. P. .1. FLTNX. Secretar- ''0,1 Tr x-ui Xotlce Is hereby given that a me of the stockholders ..f the BARRIN liRAI.TV !0- n comoanv lnrornor' tinder the laws of the Stat" of New V will bo held nl the oiTI- e vr the com City. 111 other business as may properly corns h SSl'l mTHi. .... New YorH, X. V . Jsnuar" .'2nd, 1 H.T. TRLAX. Secret, iv 1 1 1 bo held nl the oifl-e v Hie cum Room 1303, 27 William S'reet. New j rity. on the 2nd day of Fi bruary, 133 10 o'clock A. II. for the purpose of rt Ing ortlcers nnd dire- tors for the enJ year, and for the Irjrs.i tlon of