4f 13
Two Fourth Avenue Lofts mil
Two West Sldo Flats Fig
ure in Contracts.
OVElt $8,000,000 INVOLVED
Unique Urond Strcot Corner Is
Sold for About .$25,000
to a Tailor.
With the amount of purchasable Im
proved property In the Itreatcr city con
tantly dwlndllne moro and more at
ttntlon Is btlnir nlven to blc lonn term
HtM. A elfnlflcant phase of Oils de-
vtjlopment In the market condition Is
the fact that In many of these contracts
possession cannot bo had until 1923.
Two such leases aggregating 13.000,000
wero effected yesterday as follows:
The largest of those was made by
William lsolln & Co., through Carsteln
A Llnnekln, Inc., nnd affects tho More,
basement and four lofts In the bulMlnc
3S3 to 361 Fourth uventie, southeast
corner of Twenty-sixth street, for which
tho lessen will pay a rental aggregating
over 81,000,000. Tho other was through
the same brokers to Ernest & Herman
Levy, manufacturers of ribbons, Involves
,L. -i- , . . a ii . . . , , l
ino aiuro, uhsciubiu nnu mrou umo in
341 to 351 Fourth avenue and calls for
. total rental of nearly 81,000,000.
nice ft IIIIl leased for the Pullman
Holding Company, represented by the
l)trn H, Slawsdn Company, to the
VttUe Clrar Mores Company tho sax
rusy and DeWItt elevator apartment
houses at 2273-2279 liroadwny, south
west corner of Eighty-second street,
fronting 90.4 feet on Broadway and 157
feet on Eighty-second street. The Sax
ony Is a seven story structure, with
nineteen apartments nnd five stores, and
tho DoWItt is a six story house. The
lease Is for twenty-ono years, the rental
Approximating about 31,000,000. Extcn
lvo improvements aro planned.
Schulte Cigar Stores Company leased
from Otlngcr ft Bro. and I. H. & it. S.
Korn tho seven story Hotel Calvert
property at tho northeast corner of
Broadway and Forty-first street, to-
nether with the three story building ad
i joining. Tho property takes In 1450 to
1480 Broadway, with a frontage of 102
feet on Broadway by 114 feet on Forty
first atreet, and adjoins the Hotel Knick
erbocker, which occupies the remainder
of the Broadway frontage to Forty-second
street. The lease Is for twenty-ono
i rears.
Ttuland, 'Whiting & Benjamin leased
for Charles L. Toppln to Simon Frutkin
fdr twenty-ono years tho structure at
126 West Tlilrty-fourth street. 25x100.
The aggregato rental Is $100,00'0.
i, Tailor buvs odd conNF.n.
The southeast corner of Broad and
Stono streets, one of the smallest Im
proved parcels In the city, and which
' trained fame some years ago because It
onco held up a building operation, has
been sold by the Brown, Wheelock Com
pany, Inc., for Frederick W. Kroehle
for a prlco between 325,000 nnd $30,000.
When the Now Tor); Telephone Com
pany had In mind tho Improvement of
tho block front on Broad street between
Pearl and Stone streets It desired to In
corporate this parcel In tho alto, and Is
said to have made an offer of 380,000 to
the former owners. This was refused,
and tho company went thead and built
a seven story structure around 'it.
Tho small parcel contains a two story
building and fronts 10.6 feet on Broad
' street and 20.3 feet on Stone street. The
new owner of the property Is Richard
Conn, tailor, who is being crowded from
'ils quarters In tho Produce Exchange,
ero he has been for several years.
rimuel D. Johnson, attorney, acted for
flie buyer, and Louis W. Osterwels for
lie seller.
Isldor Zlmmer and Samuel Itexnlck
Ave .completed tho resale to investors
Lot several apartment properties valued
gat moro than ?1, OOO.OOO. The largest
ffwasi tho sale to William Semmel of
I Watts and Plnckney courts at 161 to 169
West 140th street, two seven story ele-
fvator buildings, on plot 264x100, con
, tabling 112 suites, renting for 380.000.
! Tho broker was A. Levlnson.
Iho Messrs. Zlmmer and Reznlk also
sold to Marco Bros., coal dealers,
the six story "Itamapo" at the south-
1 east corner of Fort Washington nvcmin
rand 172d street, 122x99x Irregular, con
taining thirty-six suites, renting for
338,000: also to Lawrence L. and Ellis
B. Levy, attorney's, the six story Sara
nae, 87x108. at 151 Convent avenue,
renting for 830,000, through It. B. Calles
and A. Freedman, brokers, and to B.
Herman, 1114 to 1120 College avenue,
Ave story houses, '38.6x100 each,
through Samuel London.
Charles Oalewskl has resold at a sub
stantial profit to Solomon Ginsberg tho
"Washington," a six story apartment
building, 60x100, and the "Jefferson," a
six story elevator structure, 61x100, at
318 to 328 West Flfty-llrst street Tho
buildings show an annual rent roll of
$35,000. Milliard Velt and I. Willis ne
COtlatcd the transaction. Mr. Calewskl
bought tho realty a (pw days ago from
the. Jacob Fatkus c.:t.-tc.
phc Broadway-John Street Corpora
tion, Ellos A. Cohen president, sold
through tho Charles F. Noyea Cofnpany
104 Front strcet.'a flvo story building,
on lot 20x80. The buyer Is the Conti
nental Food Products Company of Bos
ton, which will convert It Into offices
and occupy for Its export business.
Mr. Cohen's company also sold 184
Water street, a four story building,
17x60, through Cammann, Voorhees &
Floyd to Jonas Monhelmer and Jacob
SCenn, who will alter and occupy.
Through the name brokers Mr. Cohen
resold 11 Burling slip, northwest corner
nf Water street, a four story bulUlng,
17x60, o Henry Oppenhelmer, who has
1 been one or tne tenants for twenty
Mr. Cohen bought from Jano C.
Powers 1618 Maiden lane, southwest
Corner of Liberty place, a five story
building, 30x30, which was badly dam
'aged by fire last week. It will be re
built Into offices for tho Jewelry trade.
Another deal by Mr. Cohen's company
involves the resale of the four story
building at 6 Albany street on lot 20x75.
located within 160 feet of the proposed
curb market. Tho buyer contemplate
remodelling the building for occupancy
M brokers. Ilawrence, Blake & Jewell
Vers the brokers.
Frederick Brown bought from tho
..., ti.,,,11.. ,, -. '
Baptist I'eddlo Memorial Church of
Newark ,7 Chambers r.rect, near
Broadway, a ell atory loft tiulldlns. on
i lot 2SxT5, carrying early posiesilon.
This Is the first iralo of the parcel Ir
I fifty years. Slawson Hobbs were the
! brokers.
I Spear & Co. sold for the Burden
fteaiiy Company the five atory building,
25x100, at 125 Greene street to the
Lefcerton Realty Corporation, making
the) third recent sale of the property by
the same brokers. The Leberton Cor
poration alio purchased from tho Llch
teniteln Realty Company 79-81. Park
place, northwest corner of Greenwich .
street, n Ave story loft, 43x54, held at
i $15,000, through Charles E. Moore. The I
corporation alto purchased from Eva n.
llrownlnv tho lx story ttore and loft
73 Warren utrcet, 25x75, through Oeorso
It. Head & Co.
W. U. Dean A Co. aold for John H.
Sutphen 08 Cliff street, 25x76, and 105
Pearl atreet, 21117, to Samuel Urody
for 100,000.
The Charle F. Noyea Company has
sold for Charlen Campbell 17 Leonard
atreet, a four story building-, 25x91, to
William D. Kllpatrlck.
Henry W. aennerlch reeoM to an In
vestor 113 to 116 Dleecher street, two
elftht story loft buildings, 75x100.
William J. Itoomo A Co., Ino.. aold
for the estate of Charlotte I). Whltto
more the five etory business building at
123 East Twenty-third street, 18x100.
The buyers, J. J. O'Drlsn ft Son, station
era and printers of 183 East Twenty
third street, will convert Into a modern
More and loft building with elevator,
This property has been In tho Whltte
more family for nearly a century,
The five story factory building at 172
Second avenue, northcaet corner of
Twenty-first atrett, Is to bo taken orer
by A. Piano and IT. and M. Hats, as
directors of the nowly formed 872 Seo
ond Avenue Corporation. Tho building,
which front 113,11 feet on the avenue
and 100 feet on the street. Is assessed
at 3130,000. Tho Petersfleld Realty
Corporation (Hamilton Fish presidont)
Is the owner of record.
The sloven story loft building ot 32
and 34 West Twentieth street has been
purchased by Michael Kuufman from
Jacob Wolf, attorney. It covers a plot
60.6x92, and has a rent roll ot 332,500.
Ncwmark & Jacobs said to the Elware
Realty Company, through A. Katt, the
six story apartment house, witn stores,
nt tho northeast corner of Audubon ave
nue and 180th street, on plot 72x100.
The houso wag erected a few years ago
by tho sellers. It rents for about 325,000
per annum. Morrison ft Schlff, attorneys,
acted for the sellers.
Schwab & Co. sold for the Benenson
Itealty Company the six story elevator
apartment house at 707 to 709 St. Nich
olas avenue, 65x100, with an annual
rental of 320,000.
David Follcnder purchased from the
Upright Company Carvol Court, a seven
story elevator apartment nt 30 St. Nich
olas avenue, northeast corner of 114th
street, on plot .50x93x124. W. S. & A. S.
Kutzensteln. a'ttornoyft acted as brokers
and also represented tho purchaser. '
Joremlah Mllbank, who purchased last
October tho six story dwelling at 16
East Sixty-seventh street, ha acquired
the adjoining f6ur story houso at No. 14
from Harris Fahnestock. He will prnc?
tlcally rebuild tho houses Into one largo
modern residence for hilt own occu
nancy. The combined properties oc
cupy a plot 4SxI00, Tho awaeased val
uation of the realty Is 83.10,000. Winiam
11. May & Co. and Homer Foole, Jr.,
were the brokers.
George M. Cohan bought for his city
residence tho four story dwelling, on lot
25x100, at 41 West Eighty-sixth street,
valued aL 5100,000. Mr. Conan has a
large estate at aien Cove, L. I. Tho sale
was arranged by Edward J. Hogan and
Slawsqn & Hobbs for Edward H. Shifter.
Plans for a twelve story building for
stores and manufacturing purposes to bo
erected on the. site of 229 to 339 West
Thirty-sixth atreet were filed yesterday
by the 331 and 336 Broome Street Itealty
Company. Schwarts & Gross, architects,
estimate tho cost nt 3750,000.
EAST 10STH ST. The Merit Realty
Corporation. Marcus L. Osk president,
purchased from the Horton estate the
four story brick tenements nt Nos. 103
to 107, each 2l.s7t; also tho abutting
four story brick tenement at No. 1283
Park av.,n a plot 27x103. This prop
erty has been In the possession of the
Horton family for over fifty years.
The brokers were E. H. LUdlow & Co.
and Hugh H. Kalney.
EAST 121ST ST. Oscar D. & Herbert
V. Dike sold for William Oothout et
al. at No. 58, a private dwelling,
16.8x100.11; also for tho trustee of
Amey P.. Sheldon Nos. 54 and 56,
two private dwelling?, each 16.8x100.11,
SECOND AV. M. Morgcnlhau, Jr.,
Company 6old to Thomas Curran for
Investment No. 2015, a four atory
brick tenement and store, 28.11x75,
for 310,000, at the auction stand in
the Vesey st salesroom.
EAST 90TH ST. Duff & Conger, Inc.,
Bom mo two six atory apartments at
Nos. 62 and 64 to Samuel Kempner.
EIGHTH AV. M. Morgcnthau, Jr.,
Company sold for Myron L. Borg and
others tho three story business build
ing nt the southeast corner of Eighth
av. nnd 145th St., 40x100, Tho prop
erty has been under the management
of the M. Morgenthau, Jr., Company
since 1316 and Is now leaned at rentals
which aggregate nearly 310,000.
WEST 142D ST. Ruling, Whiting &
Benjamin sold for Joseph Walker to
Jacob Elllman a three story prlvato
dwelling at No. 035 for occunanev.
WEST 126.TII ST. Max Marx sold to
Mrs. Nellie Vlala the private dwelling
at No. 129.
SEVENTH AV. M. IT. Tropauer sold
for the Terrace JIoldlnR Company nt
No. 226S, a five story and basement
single flat. 19.10x80.
WEST 70TII ST. Slawson & Hobbs
sold for Mrs. 1. Fa Henrinuex at No.
22, a four story high stoop dwelling
19x55x102.2. to Daniel B. Freeman.
WEST 14STII ST. Mrs. Fannie Mann-
neimer eoii no. 148, a dwelling, 37.6x
111, to a client of Nathan Schwartz.
Mr. Schwartz also represented the
WEST 146TH ST. Er.nls & Slnnot pur-
cnasea ni no. ill, three story and
basement dwelling, 16.6x100, from tho
estate of Robert Gray. W. J. Huston
& Son were tho brokers. The house
la now occupied by Magistrate Houso.
EAST E4TH ST. Ennls & Slnnot sold at
-o. t30, five story tenement, with
stores, 25x100. for Harold C. Camdee
and Edith C. Mathews.
WEST 182D ST. Harry Levy nnd
Nehrlng & Co. soM to Hyman Schwartx
five story flat house, 50x70, at Nos. 616
and 618.
WEST 81TII ST, Joseph S. Wardpresl
dent of tho Thomas Ward Coal Com
pany, bought from the Borden Con
densed Jlllk Company, Inc., the five I
story garage. 72x102.2, on the north.
Bids of Eighty-fourth street ' 80 feet
east Of Broadway. Slawson' & Ilobb.i
and Edward C. H. Vogler negotiated
the deal,
ST. NICHOLAS AV. Schwab & Co. sold
for the Benenson Realty Company the
six story elevator apartment house.
65x100, nt No. 707 and TOD, renting for
EAST 88TH ST. Mendel Hoscnberg
has -oldnt No. 134, a five story flat
hnltrf, 25.gxlol). ndlolnlntr tha nnnfh.
house, 23.6x100. adjoining the south
east corner of Lexington avenue.
WK8T 127TH ST. Tho six story eleva
tor apartment house, on a plot ,'0x
9S.11, at No. 143 to 117, han been sold
by the Excelsior Savings Bank.
1ST AV. The Eastern Star Realty
Company sold the five story nat house,
25.5x91. nt No. 1111. I
EAST 4TH ST. iMflK Oomlmnn oM tot
the a. M.. J. II. Itealty Company the
eight atory loft, 50x80, at No. 23 and
0. Weschlcr & Kohn reprctcntel
tho illers.
LEXINOTOK AV. Joseph P. Day sold
for the Safe Deposit and Trust Com
pany of Baltimore. Md., and James
SI. Jacques, trustees of the estate of
Virginia Van Rensselaer Jacques, the
property at 263, n fowt story Colonial
residence', to Charles lafmbourlan,
MAPE3 AVE. Ely Maran and Joseph
Bsger bought from Joseph Diamond
the two, flvo story apartments and
atores on the southeast corner Mapes
ave. and East 178th it, 146x76.
VALBNTJNB AVI5, Ely Maran and
Joseph Baser sold to an Investor the
five story apartment at Ho, 2483, near
Fordham road, 60x110.
SUBURBAN PL. Ely Maran and Jo
seph Sager told to an Investor flvo
story building at Ho. 610, 40x100,
TJNION AVE. Kurs A Uren, Ino., and
I J. Qreenbemer sold for Samuel
Btratbourger to the Union Chemical
Glassware Company, Ino.. the five
six story new law apartments at Nos,
888, 888, 000 and 903, each 876x100,
and each containing twenty-four ram
ibid for the estate of Samuel D. llab
coclt one acre of land on the easterly
ildo ot Independence ave,, Rlverdale,
to George I. Vox, who plana to build
a fine suburban residence.
GARDEN ST. The 8. O. Katsen Realty
Company, Inc., bought tho five story
apartment house, 50x100, at fio. 775,
CRESTON AVE. 8. O. Katun Realty
Company, Inc., resold at No. 396 a two
family houso, 25X95.
NELSON AVE. Melster Builders, Ino.,
resold No. 1668, a four story now law
apartment purchased a few days ago
from Leonard N. Taft.
EAST '1J8TH ST. Julius Trattner sold
tho four Story brick private, houso at
No". 458, 16.8x100, to the City Insti
tute for Music and Culture.
(With name and adilrem of owner ami at
torney.) Downtown.
(South of Fourteenth street.)
UNIVERSITY PL, Hi, w , 4M n 11th t,
24x11.10 Mtrle l'rledlnndtr to lc N
tipUtelterg, 1017 Mirtlion av, b and .
oar, June II, 1912 : sttl's, T O T
Co. 17c Bway M
SAME l'llOPBIlTV leaao N Splelber
to Emma Mltteletstdt, 85 University pi.
mtg 130,000, Jan 2; any, am....100
WILLKT BT, tl, w , 21.11x100 Anceylet
Realty Corpn to At Htr.uabers and
ana, 14 Cannon st, mtK (17,000, Jan 16:
atty. IrT A T Co, 1C0 liwiy 1100
l.'LnitlDOFi ST, , w i, II.Ux7.1 HenJ
lUlmovlts to Loula Hhtiltky Co, mtE
125,000, Jan 28; ally, I'allteter, Q ft O'C.
S3.1 Busy 81
BKEKMAN ifiT. 21. w . SJ,llxl02.:
Hnmuel Vernon Kttato tu Max Linker.
490 End av, ot al, Jan 29', atty.
I, T ft T Co. 140 Hway U00
STANTON ST, (1, . 24,4x75 Nathaniel
I Hloane to Itoio Rloane, 138 nivemlils
Drive, 1.J7 part, Jan 21; atty, J Nathnn
Ilrlf.t, 221 Bnay U
OllA.VD ST, 294-94. x Stanley K
and Itoea Cromwell et al to' to Ida J
Cromwell. 193 Clermont av, Brooklyn,
for nnd during her life! attye. White
limine AR 144 Montaxuo it, Brookl)n..Sl
aOUVEIlNKUJl SLIP. 4. w , 40 n Front
et. 20x41.10 nerth K W Hem to lk
Tlitwlnlck, H31 Prospect pi. Brooklyn.
Jan 29; atty. White & Cae. 14 Wall
t II
MKItCKH ST. 111. w . 23x100: Mercer tt.
115, w e. 25x100 Weet Mercer Corpn to
Samuel Mnehover, 133 Wona av, urooK
Ivn. nit i S30.00O. all Hem Jan 29: atty.
T 0 T Co. 178 Bway $100
12TM ST. 71.7 W. n . ',7.0x102.3: Kill t.
69-41 W, n , 38. Sx. 03.1. foreclosure I
Lachenhrurk, rr, to l'rinrle Memorial
Home, J9 Bway, Jan 29; atty, T (1 ft T
Co. 170 Bway 1123,000
WAI.KBK BT, 37, s , 19x10 KmUrant
Induet ?av Bank to Unlle.l Interests,
Inc. 211 Hway, b and . Jan 29; attyJ.
MebrURge & M. 213 Bway 1100
flHKnnV r.T, U. n . x Wm I.Uft
trarten & Co to Jos Hochman and Hyman
Barr. 173 Grand it; atty, T O &.T Co.
174 nway, . . l
GRAND ST. 13. i s. 24x79 to n s S ft
filler Churcli Htt Comm of the l'res
bylery of N y to Howard C Forbes, b
nnd it. c a t. Jn 21; atty, N T T & M
Co, 115 Bway 1100
lint Side.
(East of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth
and 110th streets.)
(0TH FT, 5 E. n s. :5x94. 1 Mary N Per
kins Vt al. exrs, to Egyptian Iajur
Mfg fit. 2.1 Liberty st, t and s, mtR 1ST,
300, Jan 27; atty, N V T M Co, 133
lwy 1112,500
81TH PT. 410 K. s s, 2510?''- 'Vm V and
Kath Dordelman et ! to .loeepntn" 13
Donlelman, 440 E Slt'i st. L nnd Jul
: attys, A & II Blocl' 9 .'Isfsau
st 111,750
SSTH ST, 47 K, n s. 25.0x100.! Nathan
Hlrsch tt al, exrs, lo Cirdetto Itealty Co,
111 W 21it st. Jan 16; uttys, A & II
lltocli. 99 Nassau st 4 1100
107TH ST, 8-10 E, s r. 41.2x100.11 Park
Madlvm Co to Hjmtin Hyams, 3C W
118th st, mt(t ;o,000, rerecorded from
.uarcn n. jvii; any, ityman i uonen
112 Nassau at
2D AV, 2073. w a. t.0.11 a 107lh at. ftx75
.1 u liioclt, indlvl.1 and extrx, to Joseph
ine Carre, 2071 2d av; atty, F J Parrel!.
90 Vesev at 114.000
49TH ST, a s, 311 w 2d av. 19x100.3
v-rancea A Hand to Turtle lliy Holding
Co. 38 E 88th at, lntB $10,000, Jan 29;
aiicu i, xinuey, i uway. ....... i
3D AV, w . 75.3 a 33d st. 18.8x101.8; 3d
'i . oin st. i. sxio:., Amelia
M Aiken to Jos W, 'her huband, 612 W
183lh st, 1-1 part. Nov 27. 1918; atty, I!
C Drookt. 13 f.lhJrfv a, tl
16TH HT, 104-106 13, , !' e Unlo'n'sa,
runs 4Jx s lOl.lx w 4x n 62x n 125 to
e Union fiq (32) x n 26x c 125x n 26 to
beg; Winter P.ealllcs to Winter Holding
Corpn. 2299 Owey, mlsa 1362,500, Jan 4:
nltr. W PI nnasai, 9ci ti,.
5T1I ST. 711 E, a s, 22x33 8yniour'lVealty
,nnT "ts. 750 E 6th st, and
L'hel Kats, 124 Columbia et. mtgs 814,
Ofio, nil llns. Jan 29; atty, .Max Stln-
dler. 114 1 mi . . . t.nn
S4TH 8T 6 E. s s. 23x98.9 jlVtrop'olltan
Trust Co. exrs. Ac. tn 1', n
Co, oo W -2d t. Jan 21; atty, T o & T
EA& pffW? 'I-1110.000
SN.A- 8,'. '6- n "'I t,
fr.lSwi2, ni,zi,r 40 John anJ Kath
i.!fJ.nj'140.FU'!:rboi,rd rd- Fort Wads
IHIK Bli,.ot S-Bmtg t.0M. Jan 29;
l0?TVi'Ealier. I4,0 Na!"' "
!?' IirftUv Crpn to Avylon Realty Co.
120 Bway. mtg 120,000, Oct .11. 1918
5,V,y!x.Knti! S. I" Hway ,
Til ST. 1M E. n . lli.lll. Vi:. " ',
iii v iu b v. out in. l n d ,
Saloschlm to Adolph and Lyd a Arm.
-9. atty. N Y T & JI Co, 135 tilroad.
Wet Side.
(Wt of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth
I and 110th streets.)
,7iT,IriJ'?T- r.U W' 8 :0.10x0MI,lton
r mF b"?, 10 0jlrm"" Venire Realty
J;?- '38 Madison av, mtg $16,000; attis
.N'odilard & M, 123 Hway... ..... 10
J8TH ST. 205 and 217 W, n V. mxlsix
JlilfiT fli"T-V SorJ? 10 G"ent Centre
Realty Co, 1S8 Madison av, mtg $81,.
.'M. T4T Co, 160 nway...Vloo
AMSTERDAM AV, 871 lo 877. i t car
lOO.llx w Ji.ex n w to c 1 ot
old lano x w 94 to av x n 88.10 to beg
B J9th st, S-13 parts, mtg $76,000, all
Hens, Jan 38 , jjon
'"eg Alfred E Merllng ct al. trus,
$4,115,000; attys. De Forest Bros, 30
Broad st T i,
108TII ST. 118 W, s s. 28x100.11 lirlgld
A Freal to 116 W 108th St Corp. 27
Cedar st, mtgs $0,000, all liens, Jan 29;
atty, T O A T Co, 178 Bway lino
74TH ST, 14 W, a s, l5xlOJ.2ndw G
Llclilensteln and ano. exrs. Ac, to Wm
II Llchtensteln. 114 W 7th st, Jan 22
llty. T 0 A T Co. 17 llwnv llrniin
89TH ST, 67 W. n s. lSxlon.s Carolina A
uuuier io coi icner, 61 w
89th st.
intg siu.uou, Jan .'?; ally,
Adam WIc-
n-r. ui unamocrs si..
3D ST- ' '5 " Amsterdam av,
W"XT?;if,"7i!'l0,,I1laB yolihart
mtg !
$24,000. Jan 2$: attr. Oao A Mar.hnii
38 rark Row
JD AV, 215$, sec 126'st, 15.11x100 David
S Myera to Metropolitan Eav Bank, 58
Cooper square E, mtg 118,500; attys A.
S A W Hutchlns, 84 William at .$1
EDQECOMBE AV. n e o 137th st, 20x68
licarrey wurse to uopeiand Realty Corpn
mtg 110,000, Jan 41; atty, Anton Sleael. '
51 Chambers st n
I60TH ST, 554 W, a : 37.6x98.11 Isldor
Spiegel to Qrac Evans. 221 W lJ9th at,
mtg 53S.E00. Jan 29; nttys, Kellcnsteln
A R, 309 B'way (00
SAME PROPERTY Abr Zanderer to ssme,
i iv Jan 29; attys, tame ....$1
2D AV; n c. 121st st, 53x71 John C
Heltits et nt lo Andrea Cerzuslmo, :35
1st av, mtg 310.000. all Ileus. Jan 23:
atty. T O Si T Co. 171 B'way ,'5100
riverside drive, sec 139th at.
H3xSJ.llxlS7. College Holding Co to
?J.enk n 4 C Co. 113 W 120th at. intg
K5'0.1" 25 ! ,,r''' Morrl,on & '
h;Th st, 'u W,' n V'VtJxii.Vl'-rJea II
Conger to Alice D, hit wife. 111 W 147th
st. Jan 21; Geo II Conger, .171 Mad
sin av Gift
BROOK AV, 1(12. a. 25x100.10 Louis
Aronowlts et al tn Louis Margalla, 1785
Islington ar, and ano, mtg SI.S00, Jan
12; atty, P D Shapiro, 111 Nassau st; o
o and., ,,.,.,1103
DKI.MONT BT, n a, 45 w Monroe av, lOx
100 Israel Mandsl to Manhat Itealty Co,
1A1 TIb a, ., flit tflA Tt.. , tft.A
atty, 1, llurktf, It Delancey st o e
mi ....T.41UU
IjOTII ST, a e cor IlrUtow at, 100x28 Wm
It Donyrire to John llaltei, 041 E 170th
st. mtr 111,000, Jan 19) atty, O J tler
liih. Jr, 2(0 Hway $1
DltVANT AV, n a oor 171d at. 20x100 Jen-
me (.inetixy to uora. liMnkrein, nil
Ilrnok av, Jan 28 atty, Abr 1 Wllkti, 13
Park new,..,,,..,,,.,,,..,,, ..11
HKLMONT A.V a cor list it, 141,1x11.4
xl0.lxl6.9 hobert Eft Comn to Sarah
III Flnksliteln, florin Valley. N Y, Deo
19, 19191 atty, J N Ilelfat, 111 Hway., II
PARK AV. w oor 117th al, vr l!0.4x a
iii.m a s.ix iii.iii n ir i n
117.8 to barDavid Baehraeh to Milan
rests, Ine, Oil Hway, Jan 80) atty, n
jvocunsopn, su nassau si,,,,, 11
LOT It, map Allan it Hudson P Rose
Co to Francesco Canlocl, 117 Mulberry
t, Jan 17) atty, Francesco Cannlocl, 117
Mulberry at ; II
1I9T1I BT, a f, 40 e Flndlay av, 10x90
Roae Ti Daly to tarah, Fried, (tussle
flussman and Ilr Fishier, II Clinton at,
mtg 11,000, Jan 171 atty, Max Btelmtlor.
Ill Nassau st ft a and 1100
WILKINB AV. a W cor 170th at, lO.lxlll.lX
11,1x108.4 Fannie Jawlti tn Jas I'irl
binder, 1411 Ilryant av, and ano, mix
1108,000, Nov 29, 19191 atty, Jas Perl
binder. 1421 Ilryant av 1100
1IIT1I DT, n e. Ill w llroolc av. w 90.4x n
91, Bx n w ll.lx 47,71 a 11,11 to bee
Arkay Oarage Corpn to Baml Ilorwlts,
18 Wilson av, Wilson, Conn, mtr 111.400,
Jan II: atty, J M Lelbner, II Park
Row 1100
ltSTlt 8T, 411 E, s, 25x100 Lillian Fein
told to Meyer Rlchman, Jan 39: atty, J
M Llchman, lio W 41d at: o o and.,il00
161T11 BT, n f. 100 o Hiebblns av, a 10 to
eurre X around curve ll.llx n ll.lx
n w 77. Jx a 111.4 to Leu Bernard
Drucker to James Aronauer, 1291 Fulton
av, ml or 151,600, Jan 18; atty, A J Her
rlott, 99 Nassau st. ,.,.1100
ELTON AV. n w s. 31.1 a w 102d st, ll.lx
70.7x25x90 Ernestine Mallnn lo Ru
dolph KVII. 274 E 186th st, and ano, mtr
17,600, .Inn 28! atty, Tltlo Guar Co, 110
Hway; o e and. . . ,, 1100
CLAY AV, s. 31,6 s 181th al, 19I0
.lames E Ohry lo Arthur Heriox, 10J7
Clay av. and ano, mtg 121,000, Jan 291
ally, Title Guar Co, 170 Itlwny; o
and ,.1100
EAGLE AV, , 131,3 n 168th st, 16.0x100s
10.9x100 Sarah 31 McKay to Wllhelmlna
.Heemfith, 812 Kaxlo av, Jan 29; atty,
Tltlo Guar, Co. 176 llwnv: o o and. ..1100
110TII HT, 638 K, a a. 38x100 IsnalC
Schneider to Morris I, Kudysch, 297 ltlv
Ingtcn st, mtg 119,000, Jan 29; atty,
Title Guar Co, 170 Ilwayi o o and. .1100
110T1I ST, 004 E, a a, 18.11x125x18.11x123.7
Jeanetta llronnet to Philip Eleenbers,
910 Una av, and ano, mtr; 83,000, Jan 2:
atty. Tltlo Guar Co, 176 Ilwav. . . .-. .1100
NEWDOM) AV, 2060, s, SI.UlOS-Flor-enco
Mtolx to Frank 11 Conrad, 2091
Webster av, mtir 12,000, Jan 20; atty,
Tltlo Guar Co, 176 Ilwayi o o and, .1100
WILLtAMPDRinOU AV, 1478, e s. 23x
97.9x25x99. 4 Guy Von Amrlnger to luf.
faelo Rlci, H76 Wllllamsbrldgo av, mtir
81,730, Jan 20; atty, Title Guar Co. Hd
eiwar $7,760
LOT 2, msn Wells Btorer et al Geo
11 Macintosh to Max Davidson, 2401
Poplar st, Jan 21: atty, Tltlo Guar Co.
176 llwnv: o n anil 1100
HOLLAND AV. w , 323 n Morris Park
av, 25x100 Anna At Uuehler to Louis
Pmlth, 1012 Garrison nv, Jan 29; ally,
Tltlo Guar Co. 176 Bway 1100
MACLAV AV. n a, 79,10 a Zcroga av, 20x
100 x20xl 00.3 Mary Japaon to Pnequala
Dl I-nretlo, 220 13 150th st, nnd ano, mtE
$4,000, Jau 29; atty. Title Guar Co, 170
lln ay: n c and , , $100
RANDALL AV, n e, 355 e Amundson av,
25x101,2x25x106.10 Walter I Lauren to
Mlchl Courtney. 707 Sterling rl. Bklyn,
.lan 23; atty, Mlchl Courtney, 707 Sterl
ing pi, Brnoklvn; o o and 1100
175TH ST, 612 E, a s, 84x103 Matthew U
Griffin, ref, to Farah and " Antolnelto
Gregory, 420 ,W 116th at, Jan 27: atty.
Lawyers T Co, 100 Ilwny $1,950
SAME PROPERTY-Sarah Gregory to
Deckle Flnkelsteln, 1174 West Farms rd,
,7dn 27; atty. Lawyers T Co. 180 Broad
way $1
179TH ST. n , 150.1 w WebH-r av. 85,11
to Valentine av x 60x87.11x60 Shannon
Itealty Co to Anna Rich, 909 Drlggs av,
Brooklyn, mtg $33,000, Jan 29; iftty.
Louis Levy. 61 Cbambera Jti o o and. 8100
SAME PROPERTY Anna Rich lo Eva
Kampelmicher, 6" Essie av, nnd an",
mtg $50,000, Jnn 29; ally, same tl
FINDLAY AV. e s, 163 167th St. 38.4X
100 RenJ F Goeren lo Louis Derner,
1692 2d ar, mlar $23,000, .lan 27; atty,
SVIi M Co, 160 nway; o c and. .$100
(With mint and address of lender and
(South of Fourteenth street.)
WHITEHALL ST, 43. s a c Water -I. 37..U
i.'.', p m, Jan ;i rcrry jieaity uo to
.iiiu it nttming, i.vj j, jam al. ntt
8 rs. 6 $85,
STH ST. 741 E. a a. 22x93. n in. Jan 29
I anuy A- Ethel Knts lo Seymour Realtv
GRAND ST, 33. s ,. 21x78 to n . 3 ft alley. 1 i"1IiJlM w
V m. .lan 20 Howard C Forbes to X Y
Tltlo li Trust Co, 135 Il'way, 3 yrs
8 S25.000
WALKKR RT, 37. a s. 19x80, P in. Jon 3d
United Interests. Inc. to nmlcrant In-
dust nav Hank, r yr, 5'.Ari attys. It A-
r. J yj uorman, i vjnamners ei..Ji.vww
ItAYAttn ST, 48,
8. -25X54. Jan 27 M
Wcllnsky to 6elg Rosen. 147 Bar 78th
st. Bklyn, 2 yr. 6. pr mtg $21,000;
atty, Jos Rabin, 309 OVway. $4,000
CHAMBERS ST, Ht a s, 200.4 w West
H'ttay, 23.7x75, p m, Jan 29 Wm J
Lachner to Estate of Thomas Duftern.
41 Wall st. due Feb 1, 1923, 5; attys.
Wlnthrop P. 31 Liberty st $28,000
GREENWICH ST, 130. w p., 50.C s Cedar
st, 25.6x99, a t. July 1, 1913 F Vingul
to R Lawrence Hmlth. Hmlthtowh. L 1.
duo July 1. 1920. 6, r mtg $1,000;
attys, Austin, Met. & M, 13$ Broad
way $1,000
VOrVERNETU SLII', w s. 40 n Front st, 20
XC3.10, p m, Jnn 29 Ike Datwlnlck to
Bertha F W Hes. 8!9 St Mark's av,
Brooklyn, 2 yrs, 5'i"c; atty, V M ner
mann, 140 Hnrrlson av, Brooklyn. .$2. 0(10
CHBRRY ST, 444, n S x , p m, Jan 27
Jos Hochman ami Hyman Barr to Wilt
Itm I.ustgarten & Co, 88 Park How, due
Jan 20, 1922, 6ft; atty, T Ci & T Co, 176
Bway $3,800
MERCER ST, 113. w s, 25x100; Mercer et.
115, w s. 25x100. p m. Jan 29 Sam'l
Machover to West Mercer Corpn, 30 E
42d st, dun Feb 1, 1923. (. pr mtg
$80,000; atty. T (1 Sc T Co, 178 Broid
way $6,000
BKEKMAN RT, 23, a w s, 22.11x102.10. p m.
Jan 29 Max Laakcr et al to the Samuel
Vernon Estato, 64 Duane et, 5 yrs. tft;
atty, Fredk Seymour, 120 Bway. ,840,000
East Hide.
(East of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth
and 110th streets.)
84TII ST, 163 E, n a. 18.9xl00i8, p m, Jan
29 Adolph Armbrustcr to Bruno B
Salo-chlm,, 57 13 ?6th st, 3 yrsnnt as
prr bond, pr mtg $8.U0U; atty, X V T ft
M C, 183 Bway 51,400
2D AV, w a. 60.11 a 107th st. 25x75, p m.
Jan 29 Josephine Carro to Salvatore
Amoruso, 1829 Amsterdam av, f. moa,
tW, pr mtg $9,000; atty, Oerson C Voung.
H5 Day $3,000
2D AV, w s, 50.11 s 107th st, 25x7.",, p m,
Jan 2' Josephine Carre to Geo F Mar
tens of Old Wick, N J, and ano, trusts,
3 yrs, 6C4; atty. T G & T Co. 176
Bway $3,000
59T1I HT, s a, 106.5 e 1st av. 50x100.4, Jan
29 Isabella Balrd to Yorkvllle Bank,
1511 3d av, 1 yr. 6'., pr mtg $25,000;
atty, Theo flchulthels, 1511 Jd av.. $8,000
36TH ST, 6 E, s a, 25x98.9, p m, Jan 29
Frank G Shattuck Co to Metropolitan Tr
Co, 60 Wall at, and ano, exr and trustees,
10 yrs, 5Utt: attys. Parsons, C A ltd,
it William st $100,000
2D AV, w s, 60.5 a 68th st. 20x60, Jan 30
Kam'l Lurle to Herman AUskUlot, 11
Hamilton av Cranford N J J yrs, 5V4;
atty, Moses S Adler, 933 3d av.. $10,000
West Side.
(West of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth
and 110th streets.)
74TII ST, 14 W, s a, 23x102.2, Jan 29
Wm II Llchtensteln lo T 11 4 T Co. 176
Bway. due ana nil as pond 0,000
ER.0.lE.KTY,ip m:,J?P :2n:Si"no ? fluht hours a tiny. The city man makes
Kdw O LlrlitrnatHn, 133 W 79th st, anil', ,!, . ,,. .
ano. trustees. 5 yrs, 6. pr mtg 340.000: " or three' lmM a much aa the
attv. E J Ludvigh. 5M I til av. ... 810.000
SAME 1'ROPEHTY, a t, Jan 27 Hame to
eame, 1 yr, 6ft, pr mtg 81,000; atty,
same 81.000
WEST END AV, 87. o a. 76.8 n 83d st, 25.6
X,,, p 111 uo.l r u.iv .,bi,t,K IU AMAfrir
Kltzler, 153 E 8tst st. duo and Int as per
bond, pr mtg 810,000' attys, Salter & B.
140 Nassau st (2,600
109TH ST, 116 W, a s. 25x100.11, p m, Jan
29115 W tOJth St Corp to Brlgld A
Freal. 463 Vnnderhllt av, Bklyn, 5 yrs.
6, pr mtg 815,000; atty, N II I'lnto. 2
Rector st 34.000
I9TH ST, 67 W, n s, WalOO.S, p m, Jan 27
Sol Wiener to Carollno A Butler. Plan-
dome, L 7, 5 yrs. 6,
omc, 1, u ; ' "l vt fiv.uuu;
tty. Stark B Ferries. 163 Bway, . .89.000
73D ST. 253 W, a a, 20102.2. p m. Jan
29 Klls T Hawkins to Ella Crawford,
232 W 73d st. 5 yrs. Ci. pr mt J 19.000:
address, Wm Crawford, 7 K I2d sr. 89,000
49TH ST.' 633-11 W. n ', runs" t VoOx w
ox n i.t i,,u n 11, 10 pi w iuu 10
00: 'attr. Theo Schulthols. lsi'l 3d
tTil AV:,na ? cor ru1' ,". 17SdV I
to Alfred E Marling, 33 W 47th st, et al,
trustees Wm it ll .Martin, uue Feb I,
1930, pr mtg 13.750,000 to be re
duced to 11,150.000 and this mtg for
3275,000 to be coordinated with pr mtg
$126.41001 attya, DcForeat Bros, 30 Broad
ft ......1375,1)00
(Manhattan Island, north of 110th street.)
ailVERSIDE DRIY2, a e cor 139th at. 100.S
xHCxJO.llxlST.I, Jan Shsnk n Ss C
Co to Oscar I Elasn, 4607 14th av,
Hrooklyn, 1 yr, Iftl attys, Morrison ft
He h Iff, no Hwayt notin,,,. 111,000
11) AV, :ill, n e cor lllit st, 26xTI,rr m,
Jan 19 Andrea Certoslma to John (J
Ilelnti, 3101 Hway, and ano, 10 yrs,
6j-4, pr mfr iio.oooj atty, t a a t Co,
176 Hway , , ,.114,100
110TII BT, 11-41 W, n , 110x100. Jn II
Crown Operating Co to flamusl Kadln,
1100 7th av, due and Int aa bond, pr mtr
1201.100! atty, Jacob I Herman, 116
nway ,...,...,,..110,000
115TU BT, Tl 0, a ,, with a t
tn atrip en e 0.1x11,11, p m. Jan 29
Mantegatia Realty Corpn to John K
Haasa Realty Co, 101 E 121th st, due
Ftb i, mi, n, sr mtr m.oooi atty,
T a t, f Co, 111 Dway.,,. (11,500
m&'J&i!&lMlll 'monrt to appear ye.terfay before Arthur
CStWtiftS Aft? ISoW iw"m' VM Voo,
21, due Aug 1, II io, I attrs, Uettner,lto explain triuicnctlonn In cloth In con
218T HT,:VoiDBy.'V,'V5VlVp-MVrlW-l"Mtlon with which proriteerlnR m
r:sio ana ano to itnsa rasioia, sos
tilth it, Jan it, I rrs, i atty, Baml,
Fortunate, 1111 Arthur v. ..,...,11,100
170TII HT, a a car Hrletow. 106x11 John
naites to wm J uonynge, i nentisr
av, Jersey City, N J, pr ml 111,(00,
Jan 19, Insists, : attys, Oloolt, H,
II cM t, K. 170 Oway,. IM00
WILUS AV, n cor 11 1st at, 76t99.4
First Methodist Episcopal church ot
North Maw York to lloard ot Home Mis
sions and Church Extension of Methodist
Eplacopal Church, Jan 21, due at per
agreemtnt, Its) atty, V A Spencer, Jr.
l Rector it 10,000
1I9TH 6T, 418 B, e, 18x100 Meyer Rleh
man to Jaeoh Felnfold, IT B lOllh st.
Jan 19, e yrs, If. I atty, J Pilnrold, IT
E 101th at ....$1,000
166TII BT, n a, 100 fltabblni av7 lOx Irreg
Joa Aronron to Dernard Drucker. Ill
E 201st at, pr mtg (92,500, Jan , 7
yrs, 6: attya, Curtis, R ft C, 81 Cham
bara at.,,,. .118,(00
KOTlt HT, 698 E, a s, 38x100 Morris 1,
Kudvech to ls.ialt Kchnelder. COS E 119th
st, pr mtg 111,000, Jan 19, t yrs,. 6:
atty. T U A T Co, 179 Uwar 18,000
MO I'll XT. 101 K. a a. IN. 11x125 1'lllllD
Elaenberr to Arthur llronnet. 601 W
ItOth st, Jan 2, due March 1, 1921, Oft:
altv T (1 ft T Co. 176 Uway 11,000
NF,1VI10I:d AV, 2080, s s, 24.4X106 Lu-
roria ulciiner ana ano io I'lorcnce owii
176 E 110th st, rr mtg, $2,000, Jan 2.9,
r. lit illv 'r it r Cn 116 Broad-
WILLI AMSDRIDUE R D, 147U. a, oxuu.
Raffaele lleccl lo uuy van Amrinso.
true, 7 W lth st, Jan n, a yrs, oj;
ally. Title Guar T Co, 1T0 Ilway.4.T0O
ROHEDALB AV, 1890, W , "Oxlia Tie
out Ave C to Rudolph Boldan, 2177 8lh
av. Jan B, S yrs, B'.tTl! atty, J A Bteln
melx, 1013 B 180th st .$3,000
176TII ST. 02J E, a , 24x100 Heckle
Flnkelsleln to Baralv Gregory, 420 W
14Uth st, Jan 27, due, 4c, as per bond;
atty, Lawyera Till A T Co, 160
Hway IS.0M
EDIHON AV, w s, 200 h Tromoht v. M
100 to rilerrlm av Hy I Norr to Clara
1 Low, 2220 Urine pi, Jan 2fl. due Aulr
1, 1022, U?'J ally, u i low,
MACLAV AV, n e, 79.10 Zerga av, 20x
100.4 rasquala .Uelnreto and ano to
Domlnlo A Trotta, 2070 Denedlct av, pr
mtg $4,000, Jan. 2D, Inetals, 04 1 atty.
Title Guar 4 T CO, 170 Hway $750
LOT 2, map Wells V Ktorer t al Max
Davidson to Geo I) Mecklntosh, 45 Ar
gyle rd, Jan 20. 9 yrs, oSi! atty, Title
Guar & T Co, 17(1 Hway $1,401)
LOTS 33, map Bronx View rark Andrew
G Carlson to Frank l'ract, 1800 Amethysi
st, pr mtg $3,300, Deo 31, HUD. 4 yrs.
(1; atty, Tltlo Ouar A T Co, ITU
Hway $1,200
13(1TH ST, n . 180.11 w Cypress av, 02.0x
10O Dunwood Realty Co to Anna K
I'erslco, 1.11)2 13 1.1th st, Dklyn, Jan 13,
:t yrs. nui atty, Title Ouar & T Co.
17(1 Hway $10,000
HOLLAND AV, a, 825 n Morrla Park av,
2."xlOO Louis Smith to Anna M Buehler,
1043 Taylor av, pr mtg 83.MO, Jan 20.
r, yr, 0; attr, Tltla Guar T Co,
170 IJiray $r,00
CLAY AV, e s. 34.0 a IfiStlL. at. 30x80
Attliur Herzcir and ano to Joa E Ohry,
2010 Valentino av. pr mtg $17,000, Jan
21). 3 yrs, 01; atty, Tltlo Ouar A T Co,
170 Htvay ,.,,$5,000
ELTON AV. n ff s, 31,8 a w 102d st, 31.8x
70.7 Rudolph Kell and ano to Ernestine
Mnllno, 1850 Crotona ITkway, pr mtg
$7,r,oo. Jan 20. Instals, B',4: atty, Tlt
Guar T Co, ito Bway 53, coo
10STH HT. 404 to 418 13. and 101th St. 403
to 413 K L Silverman agt Nathan Mtg
Co, owner; nrown Hros, mc. Owner and
Hulldere. contractors (renewal) . ,$664,74
37T1I ST. 548 lo 659 W Felnbersr A Fein-
btrtr. Inc. agt Albert T Rohe, owher; S
A .Mcinms, contractor (renewal). .suj.ja
Coiidutied from First Vase
t,ai markets to be served by parcel post
"I sell butter to the dealer for 45
cents a pound," his letter said, "and the
same butter sells to the consumer for 10
cents a pound. In tho distribution we
lose nearly half nnd we loso money on
the butter nt-the first price. Bum con
ditions are causing the farmers to leave
the farm by the thousands. W't havo
reached a crisis.
"You may ask whnt wo would do with
tho mlddlo men. I will suggest that It
be arranged for them to go on the farm
and help produce things. I understand
that they might not relish working four
teen hours n day, but if wa get by tho
near fuluro there will have to be some
ureful work done by every one."
Declaring that ho works a '240 acre
farm without help and that hundreds of
other farmers are doing tho same, a
rtoere, Mo., man declared that "the
place to start to lower the cost of living
is to cut the wages In the city, which
have called our farm help there. We
need them on the farm to help Increase
production and then we can cut the cost
of living."
Ills return for last year averaged $1
a day for himself, a White Water, Mo.,
man ald: "I hope soon to see the
farmer and consumer going hand In
hand, If not then I am quitting." ,
"I have Just finished figuring up what
th.! eggs, poultry and cream that I sold
last year brought me." another farmer
said, "and I will not be In the buslnees
next year."
The tendency away from the farm to
the city was blamed by another middle
Western farmer for the high cost of liv
ing. "I attribute It a great deal," he wrote,
"to the good times In the cities. The
young men can go to tho city and get
big pay for eight hours' work, while
farmers have to work fourteen to sixteen
hours a day at hard manual labor. All
of tho young men in this vicinity of any
account go to the city and there are
only a few old men left to farm."
Declaring that while tho farmer has
to take what the commission man and
retailer will pay him for his product he
Is compelled to pay whatever the dealer
asks for his clothes, farm machinery and
other necessities, another farmer said :
''Farmers work from twelve to Sixteen
hours a ilnv. Citv labor works alx to
larnier. ino tanner inDura anu pro
duces, but geta a smaller return than
tiny other class."
"The tlmq la coming, If not here," an
other letter' declared, "when the) con
sumer nnd tho farmer will absolutely
have to deal direct with one another.
The middlemen want a larger profit than
we are getting while nt the same time
the farmer does tho hard work."
Declaring that "great evils confront
us to-day and hypocrisy Is In full away,"
a letter from a Hagerstown, Md
farmer read: "To reduce tho cost of
my foodstuffs to the consumer you must
first furnish men with first clana labor
nt reasonable wages and, second, you
must eliminate thousands of middlemen
u in !rr rnnnini- tup npnnm wnniMsiiv
"The Price ot everything the farmer
I'-1 t0 b"' 11 8,1,1 ol"S W and the
quantity wo can raltc and put on the
market Is steadily golnp dowll,' a Mlg-
all loyal cltliens. but there Is an awful
"If you would reduce the cost of llv-
lni-M ftnnthar fsrmr anld. Vitrtall tha
possibilities which are now afforded
capital to noaru ana pronteer unaer lake
lcdlsiaUon thin eftoru will produce r-
suits." I
Oanncnf- Jrnnufncturcrs Tnsa
Frofitccrlng Charge On to
Woollen Men.-
liYillr iii.iniifnHiirri if !nMilnr mimes
ouoiitruivu, muuu vmuruus uuiuum hid
charres, but oxponed factory practice
Involving combination aalea which wero
called factora In the preaent hlffh prlcei
of clothing which will be Investigated by
tho Department of Justice.
Several days ago Mr, Wllllama wa
notified Oiat baleo of cloth purchased
recently nt n nominal ritrure were belrui
placed on tho market nt a much higher
price. After Department of Justice
agent had Inveatlcated flvo repreeenUt-
tlviij nf th rtinMrriflnf ffln1ln.8criTachnn
ot 15 Cast Twenty-alxth atreet, Welnreb
& llorowltx of 1140 Hroadway, and
Hyman & Wilder of 118 Koat Twinty
flfth street were called Into lilr. Will
lamn'a olllce.
Invoices nnd other data In connection
with tholr recent purchase nnd aalcs
wero urodiiccd, and the manufacturers
prove,! that their margin of profit on
the cloth holm? Investlnnted ranged be
tween 9 nnd 11 cents, it waH explained
thnt lo obtain certain kinds of cloth It
was necBsary for thi manufacturers tu
mulio blanket put-chaws of unpopular or
out of stylo material, This waa the only
way tho mills could get rid or nils ciotii,
It wan inserted.
Herman Chrvetal of the Welnreb &
Horowitz concern uald In copnectlon
with this out ot style material thnt a
Krcnt loaa wna suffered, Coats mado
fropi It wero told to rotallera nt a losa
of as high ns $7 a garment, no saiu
his company mado up 1,000 coats from
another unpopular grade of cloth nt n
cost of $4 0a Rarrmcr.t nnd was forced
to bcII thc?o to tho rstail trado at $27.50,
Ho suldt
"Women refuse to buy anything but
tho hlKhest priced clothing. A woman
enure to our retail store nnd liked ft
coat which hlio wild she would buy
When nho found Its price $30 eho re
fused It, paying-she was prepared to pay
llbo or even more. This Is typical oi
he gcnernl attitude of buyers."
Mr. Williams look tno cases unuer nu
Isement nnd ordered the men lo submit
to him lints of the retailers which pur
chased tho clothing which had been dis
posed of nt iv lots. Tholr stntcments will
be checked up and upon tho finding fur
ther action will depend.
Diiffy'K .lury DUnitrroM nnd lie la
llcli-nsi'd hi 11,501) Hnll.
The argument of Mlrnbcau L. Towns,
a friend of former Mayor Gaynor, ob
tained for George VH. Duffy. 32, long
Mayor Gnynor's protege In tho courts, a
semi-vindication before Justice Kapper
In Brooklyn yesterday, The jury went
out at noon nnd ' returned ten hours
later, confessing Inability to reach an
agreement. Tho Jurors were discharged,
nnd Duffy was released In ? 1,500 ball
while tho District Attorney decides
whether to try tho oaso again.
DulTy was accused ot stealing three
cares of whiskey In May, 1919, from
John A. Kiss's saloon nt 85 Third ave
nue, Brooklyn, but Mr. Towns built up
nn alibi, nnd contended thnt Duffy found
thn whiskey tho day after tho robbery,
not Knowing tho goods were stolen.
' Yesterday's Fires
A. M.
311 E. 45th St.; Salvatore
Pallno Unknown
2:05 1 E, 3Slh'st ; Bclmoro Lunch
Room Unknown
3:10 302 6th St.; unknown Unknown
3:50147 -Mornlngslde av.: Chris
topher Mnhonev Unknown
7:15 SOS W. 136th St.; John Mo-
roney Unkrlown
7:60 SS9 Westchester av., The
Bronx; Anna Glrej. ...... .Unknown
too sz jieeier si.; uemorowsky
Bro Trifling
8:05 18-J0 W. 20th St.; un
known Unknown
9:45210 W. 5Sth st., and 115
W. 57th st.; American Fine
Arts Society 8JS0.00O
11:00 871 6th av.; Abraham Hass
Bon Unknown
11:20128 E. 110th St.; James Rns.
entlin Unknown
P. M '
12:01110 W. 96th St.; John Mo-
ran Unknown
12:13 582 Amsterdam av.; B. WIN
lelt Unknown
12:2080 W. 40th st.; Beaux Arts. . .Slight
lv i'ier zi, ..orin uier; un
2:00 451 E. 171th st.
Milton Raynor.,
2:3010 W. 91th st.;
4:10 1341 Brook av
A. .nasenhaffer.
Tho Bronx;
Slarla Ven-
'. Trifling
The Brons:
4:30 3 E, 44th st.; unknown Trifling
6:40 310 Church St.; F. Thcms-
ley Trifling
6:40317 Canal St.; Reliance Elee-
trie Supply Company Trifling
Solve your rent
r'Pblcni by buying a homo in
The New Home Colony
Fifteen Minutes from Grand Centra
Subway Station.
100 Houses Now Building
100 Acres Under Development.
Fig and eoven rooms, with heated
gnrago and private drlvoway; tap
retry brick, parquet floors, white
cnamol trim, not water liat, tiled
bath and kitchen. Prices 19,500 to
Tako Queensboro Subway train from
(rand Central Subway Station, direct
to tho property, one block from Ditmars
Aenuo Station, and adjoining the new
CO-srre, million dollar water front park.
Send for photographs, floor plans
ar.d particulars. Broken protected.
Slealtti Co.
Tel. Mnr. 11111 11DO. yi Vanderbllt Ar.
Distinctive Homes Narr RcSuly,
fYva i ',tvfi 22 minute! penn.sta.
E.W.Hennlngs.opp.Sla. for sale ne have It,
S.000 lo 100,000 square feet space: early
occupancy: tvlll build to suit.
Bridge Plarii Hldg. I.ONO ISLAND CITV
(1I11,). , tllU .l,l
. zrz
..... . , ll.. Il, 1. !!.
tiie; i tiled uaihi; open fireplaces-; sun
pirori: perfect In every detail: corner prop-
..I.,... " vm- n... aa.onn ,..
naciicnHCai-eijiii.j,,,,,,-. ,1Ue nt
nAiuiilfirr Itenltr Co.. 30 Phurrh St.. N. Y.
"" 11 1
D. r. Ui'DiitE, 103 Depot Ave. ruu-
Held, N. J., la selling suburban homes ts
a 11 .
...... .......
' rutiierford rkalty dakoains,
EDIV.b. DROWN, BhaferBldg.,Batharfgrl
in modern twonty-throo
atory office building
Approximately 7,000 ,sq.
ft. to each floor.
Also basement and nub
basoment. Most conveniently situ
ated office building in
downtown Manhattan.
280 Broadway,
Cor. Chambcrii Street.
3,000 HQ. IT.
Above City Hall at 12.28 a So. Ft.
First Class llulldlng, Excellent Light
Immcdlato I'ovesslon, SI
Downtown olllce, s
S MllliHTV ST. s
r Teli-plinno lleclnr IIII40.
BuiVf to ' Suit
Any Requirement.
110th rilrret and 3d Avenue,
Tel. atOJ Melrose.
IZ eAlT-..'.,T,V.. ,
86.000 to $50,000.
if 111 (II I. 1310 B way. N. r.
- ll- W . ' Etceptlonal bargains
v " on the North Shore
OFFJCE nOOM wonted, about 1,000 square
feet, l'lior.e to japaneso uonsui-uonorai,
Cortlandt 311. rlty Investment Building.
1115L1' M'ASTED l'KMALE.
Permanent employment.
Good pay from the start,
with regular and frequent
Annual, vacations with full
Liberal sick benefits, medl
caI advice and pensions
without cost to you.
Work and recreation rooms
that are large, well venti
lated and comfortabjy
Lunch rooms where hot
meals are provided at less
than cost.
Positions in this occupation
arc now open to young wo
men and girh over 16, with
or without previous tele
phone experience.
Positions are also open for
all night work at extra pay
for those who prefer this
OFFICE: 27th Street and
Broadway, Manhattan.
58 W. Houston St., Man
hattan; 44 Tearl St., Man
hattan (11 A. M. to 2
P. M.) ; 453 E. Tremont
Ave., Bronx, 0 A. M. to
lo 5 P, M. (except Tues
days nnd Fridays, 12 M.
to 9 P. M.),
and in Brooklyn, SI Wil
loughby St., and 135G
If unable to come to an
employment office, tele
phone Miss Bremer, "Madi
son Squaro 12000" (frea
call) for further infor
Giria, ago 17 and over, wanted as
clerks. Permanent positions. Largo
financial institution. Hours 9 to
4.30. Saturday half holiday. Lunch
eon served free. Onnortunitv tn
W'l typewriting stenorrraphy and
lcmpnuna wunoui expense, crainry '
fn atnrt 819 0(1 fnll nftar Q A s I
IO SiaiX JU.ttU. tBU alter A. M.,
ncom oudu metropolitan Llie
Building, 4th Avenuo and 23rd
StretVNew York City.
, , , '
Girh, age 17 and over, wanted as
ypists. Permanent positions. Laree
....: i :H.t:iiin. tr... n . -
JlllUlltmi lliBI.llUI.IUII. I1UUIS i) io
4.30. Saturday half holiday. Lunch-
eQn aerveJ fr. On
portunity to
operation of
1 a i ;li l 1 1
?l"aJ'"0"" "l'.u"a- ory
?i2.oo. uan niter v A. oi Boom
RASA MAtrnnnlitnn Llfft Hlliliiin. I
a A 1 Clf 1 nt a.
f ourxn Avenue ana ora otrear,
ijfow York City.
mar wanted fkmatjc.
Ambitious young women,
17 to 35 years,
can obtain
permanent employment
with excellent prospect!
for advancement.
No experience necessary;
Pay while learning.
Hot Lunches
Are Served at Cost.
This Is a wonderful op
portunity for young
women entering busi
ness life to-day,
any time between 0 A. M, and I P. M.
At Room 530,
24 Llspenard St.,
It's just below Canal St,
$900 to $1,400 a year.
Working conditions and op
portunities for promotion ar
Call nt 1158 Broadway, N.
Y. C, nnd see Miss F. O.
Carncross, who will give you
full particulars or
Fill in and mail tho blank
Pleaso communicate with me
about the position which you
Telephone No. .
ambitious, with knowlcdee typewriting-.
323 EAST 34TH ST.
HTENOHRAPHER young lady, Import
and eiport trado experience; permanent.
Write- MITSUI A CO., 17 Front Street.
SEAMSTRESS for commercial work,
must embroider well: fltst class refer
ences: good wages. 5 West COth St.
The Federal Trade Commission deslrs
to employ immediately a number of senior
accountants. Minimum onran,m,nt nf
about five months. For full Information Inquire-
at New York olTice of Federnl Trade
Commission. 20 W. 38th St., fifth floor, Fr.
dsy and Saturday, January 30 and 31, nine
to five o'clock.
Auto School Larrtt anj vniuil t i
WEST S1DD U.S. Send for booklet and pax
i.m. u. a. io ecnooi. xaiepnona columbai
!lVT.t7thSt. 7KI. Special classns for ladles.
Wanted to carry Btnall packages: good sal
ary; chance for advancement. Call Bass
ment, 23 West S3d Street.
no'3 wanted for sreneral office work and
messenger service; clean cut, ambitious
young men, 17-18 years old, excellent
chsnco for advancement. See C, H. CHA-
ri.N. 9th floor. Sli Hroadway.
HOY Not o?r 17. living with parents.
by manufacturer's office', excellent oppor
tunity. Apply, with references, TATB
318 West 39th St., 7th floor.
BOY WANTED In large advertising
agency) chance for advancement. Apply
son Ave.. New York.
ROY' in office of large mercantile house :
good chance for advancement. Ask for
Cashier. Phes Spool Cotton Co.. 315 4th av.
CLERK Unusual opportunity offered to
two men, possessing accuracy and Initia
tive ability by largo Wholesale Dry Goods
Commission House; liberal salary, Write,
slating experience and ability, P. O. box
739, New Yurk,
ant and profitable work; day and evening
classes. Send for frea booklet and visitor's
pass. West Bide- T. M. C. A.. 301 W. 87th tt.
Wanted: experienced packer for station
ery concern; good salary; stata references,
experience. Boi 27 Sun office.
Wanted Stock salesmen to handle ac
tive securities on commission basis; ex
cellent opportunity for good, capable men,
Bilgb & Co.. 293 Hroadway, Telephone !
Worth S10S-5112.
SALESMEN Attention! Salesmen who
but new propo-mon aim pun oi sate: men
make from 1150 a week up: commission
balla. exclusive territory: call to-day, 10 to
6 i 3 Flatlron Building,
SALESMEN Waists, dresses, skirts; all
territories: open commission; drawing ac
count. Wrlto II. T., Room 2503 110 West
WANTED In private banking house
three boys eighteen years of ago. Must
be boys from good families willing to
begin at the bottom and work their way
up. Good cvportunltlcs for the right boys
Address, giving age, salary expected, per-
aonal and business references, 15. O. it.
p. o. hot si2 city Halt station. .vw Tork
BOOKKEEPER Walt slrMTctperlt
enccd, now encaged In mercantile line, de
sires position where service and loyalty w ,
bring advancement; clean record. 6,
r'un downtown.
MR. I1US1NKSSMAN: What can yoii
offer university technical man, saven
years' experience: knowledge of Spanish
language, character, customs: imn!.,i
dsslrej change to business with advancing
opportunities; position whirs training and
aDiiny counu ji. a. c, doz an. Da
more, iia.
" 1'
i.r .a
-aA4.te.'.ni wy. J. j