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'"q'fl(MliF'-"i'i.'i fMl 14 THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920. rev if Pell and Mortimer Meet GOULD AND WEAR IN RACQUETS FINAL i 9 Bent Roberts and Bromley in National Doubles Cham pionship Piny. TELL AND MORTIMER WIN Triumph Over Frclinghuyscn mul Gutting: on Philadel phia Courts. PnaAOXWiiiA, Jan. 30, New York and Philadelphia teams remain tn tlio final round of tho nntlonnl racquet double champ onnh n. J. V. wear mm Jay Gould, representing the Philadelphia rtarquet Club, and Clarence, C. l'ell and Blnnloy Mortimer of Cs'cw York' won their matches horo to-day and will meet to-morrow far tho title, which Is held by 0, H. Drooko nnd Mr. Wear. Wear nnd Gould worked their, way to tho finals to-day by defeating Cnuner Itoberts and Charles Bromley of the rhlladolphla contingent In four straight Karnes. Pell and Mortimer eliminated Frederick Frellnirhuyscn and nobcrt P, Cutting, also of tho metropolis, In four fames. It was tho first time these teanis havo ' ever mot Pell and Mortimer are former national doublos champions, having lifted tho title In 1916. The 1016 cham pionship went to Lawrence Watertmry and J. C. Watertmry. This la tho first year Wear and Gould Jiava paired together. While tho New Yorkers havo tho advantago of having played ns a team for n long time tho rhlladelphlans aro expected to glvo tho Gotham exnerts a hard fight for pro wler honors. Another Inrirn nnd nnnreelatlvo trailer!' watched the play to-day. Both courts wero In operation. Wear and Gould had a mucn easier umo ui it una wan ca pcqtcd, as Roberts and Bromley had ;nade a particularly flno showing the day bofore. Roberts played n very fine irTame, but Bromley was off form nnd their team work at times was decidedly ragged. Wear and Oould syrpnssod In t .service nnd their team work was much Improved. They scored early and often end the first game was over beforo Hob erts and Bromley got going. Gould and Wear kept up their fine work In tho second game, nnd while there was an Improvement In the play held by tho club last night over an up of Roberts and his partner It was not town course In the vicinity of the club enough to withstand the flno play of house. Ho had an allowance of flvo mln thelr opponents. , "tes. Mat Tea, n scratch man. took the Tho third game wn easy for doubles fast tlmo rrlzo with a mark of 26 mln champlon nnd his partner and It looked utes and 40 seconds. This equals tho ns If Roberts and Bromley were going course record, to be beaten very decisively. Roberts nnd Bromley got going In the fourth Eamc, and'tvhlle the final score was 16 H In favor of Gould and Wear they played n real good game. Gould nnd Wear had entirely too much oxperlcnco for them. Roberts learned tho game at Malvern Bchool In England and has the beautiful form that characterizes tho play of the Krlgllsh schoolboy. Ho had not played for seven years until this winter. ,ln.l hlo hrllllnn, nla,.lnv MLitl twniiiiu ...o w. ....-.. v ...n. and wltn Jay uoum it maao a nappy and consistent combination. Wear has won tho national doubles title with two different partners. In 1914 ho paired with Dwlght F. Davis of St, Louis, donor of tho Davis tennis cup, and In 1017 had George H. Brooke of Thlladelphla ns a partner. Brooke was on the side lines to-day. suffering from a weak ankle. The defeat of Frellnghuyson and Cut ting by Fell and Mortimer did not provo a great surprise to tho spectators. Frellnghuysen s regular partner, Jlntirico Ilecksher, Is 111 with Influenza and the calr which played against Fell nnd Mor- timer yesterday have not had very much or an opportunity 10 piaj logciner as a team Both Pell nnd Mortimer were In rare rood form and they started off with a rush. Their opponents got stronger .li .nnl-i BurniMnt? pnffl, lint nf nr tlmo In tho four games was the result In doubt Pell and his partner not only served splendidly, but as a team they worked to great advantage Tho sum maries: National Racquets Doubles Champion ship, Seml-flnal Hound Joseph W. Wear and Jay Gculd, Philadelphia Racquet Club, defeated Cramer Roberta and Charles Bromley. Philadelphia Racquet Club, 166, 16 S. 156, 1614. Clarence C. Pell and Stanley Mortimer, New York, defeated Frederick Frellng huyaen and Robert P. Cutting, New York, 15 S. 167, 16 , 15 8. STERN ELIMINATED IN SQUASH TOURNEY J. H. Eicliards of Harvard De feats Ynlo Club Tlaycr in Straight Games. 21 championship for the squash tennis rmlntet of tho Tale Club on Thursday v JL R. Stern suffered elimination In the class B Individual tournament M the Tale Club yesterday when ha fell be fore J. IL Richards of Harvard. The scores were 15 6, 15 12. As on Thursday against Tomes, tho Ell player fought a strenuous battle, but It avalljd him less than It did tho day before. , Ttlcharda took the first camo through a i-nmhlnnllon of his own ability and Stern's ovcreagerncss. During this contest tho Yalo man rushed the ball much too hard for any success. In tho second game, howevor, Stern settled his game wonaenuuy ana ioukiii wuiiuiui on almost even terms. Tho Crimson wnti nvr headed. thoULTh. and finished on the right side ot a Jbh 12 score. 0 Beaten ln the class h team race Harvard seems In n fair way to avenge Itself In the Individual tournament. Tlio Crimson now has threo men left Jn tho running, against two for Yalo and two for Columbia. Seller Is th? only Montclalr player who Is still In the race. Harvard's other two -winners yester day were A. H. Tomes and F. R. 'Whit lock. Tomes defeated R. V. Mahon of Columbia, 156, 159. and Whltlock lowered tho colors of Basil Van Gcr beg, the Squash, Club contestant, 10 13, 156. 156. Yalo gained nn tinexnected foothold In tho tournament when. William Adams. Jr., scored over E. C. Olds of the' Prince ton club. The. count wns IS 13. 15 11. brilliant rush carried the Yale player to victory In tho first game after the score had been deadlocked at 13 all. In the second game it was tho same. The efforts of the Princeton players vwere entirely futile against the daeli . Ins work of the EH contestant Adams had tasted victory, and was not to be denied the final triumph. I J. Doyle, who progressed to the third tound without ever appearing at the Yale Club, was not so successful ycaierday when ho was scheduled to meet Fr.ank Seller. Seller was present, as none of Doyle's other opponents had ricen, and scored over tho latter by default. PANHANDLER RUNS GOOD RACE IN CUBA Despite Bad Ride He Leads Home Juveniles. IIavana, Cuba, Jan. 30, Hreaklng slowly and poorly handled throughout tlio three furlong Panhandler, p. eon of Peter Pnn-Aurolt, itamped himself na a Batno younsater when ho got up to win tlio lint raco at Oriental Park to-day. Ho was the fnvorlto and should have won off by himself, but the' por ride he recelvod at tlio hands of daman cost him a lot of ground. The lad permitted tho colt to run all over the track. In thn final furlonir ho took lilm to the out side, whero with clear sailing, Panhand ler closed with a rush and won by a nose. Little Pointer was second, a noso In front of Dorothy. The threo fur longs wero run over a very bad track In 37 4-0. Tho summaries: First Hare Tune, IM0; twooear-olda, Threo furlongs; Panhandler, 112 (tlargan), 2- to fi Slut 1 tn K tint. I.lltln. JKtf .iritM-'oi) (Murray) : to 1. an.l ! lo c, third, Time, 0:37 4-3, Pillx Jl. nnJ Illooiulniloii alto ran. I'lonter, in U'orpy), 5 to 2, even and 1 to 2. 4 to o lililnj, r I ', ,c, ;,,. fn ..... .,t .upward! claludng. Vive and a half furlongs I Iron llr.i, 107 avcy), 3 to 1, to 5 and 3 to 5. : ?! I''1". j;, J- to S ami 0 I''tVk wip! ,,r, (.liver. Acclamation, Sophia K. Fljlne .Part, Venetian llojr, rred'k Miller anil Uran- lurn nlro I'nn. Third Ilace-Pune. two; three-year-olds and upward; claiming Fire and a half furlongs: Peasant, 107 (Carmody). to 1, even and 1 to 2, first ; Star llaby, Wt (Kedtrls), 4 to 5. 2 to 5 and 1 to 5, second; Deckhand. 110 (Crump), 3 In 1, 7 to 10 and 1 to 3. third. Time, 1:09 1-E, Hello Pardner, Annabelle, Doubt ing Thonma and Wlndwood alio ran. l'onrth Itace rune, icoo; four-year-olds and upward; claiming. Fire and a half furlongs; Whlppoorwlll, 103 (Murray), I to 1, C to i and to 5, first: Twenty-seven, 113 (Jarrel), 7 to 1. 3 to 1 nnd to 6, second: Exempted, 107 (Mountain), 7 to 3. 7 to 6 and 7 to 10, third. Tlmo. 1:10 4-5. llaby Ilonds, Lady Langden, Will Soon, Applejack, and a si away alio ran. Fifth Hare Purse, tfOl; four-year-nhls and upward; claiming Five and a half furlongs: Illanca, lot (II flarner), S to 1, 3 to 1 and to 5, flrt; llulstr, lit (I'rump), 7 to 1. J to I J,"'"' . pmili Ambsssador; , j?lrl l,Cty Lou7 ila'sty 3a tAtimson), , Time. 1:10, artr l.ou. Ilaitr Cora. Ouln ami reaceiui Miar amn ran, .Sixth Race Purse. 5M0; four-jear-old. and upward: claiming. Mile and fifty j-ardi: John W. Klein, 113 (KederU), S to,5, i to 5 and ! to 5, flirt; Attorney Mulr, 105 (Trjron), 3 to 1, 8 to 0 nnd 3 to S, eecond; Fairly, 103 (Gargan), 10 lo 1. 1 to 1 and : to 1. third. Time. 1:4 1-3, Kgmont, MuryH Magneto. Ituiter Clark, Unar. O'Malley, Hand tiff, Ned Jllleybrlght and Wowlthmsh also ran. , SWHHXKY AVIXS IIOAD IIUX. Mlko Sweeney cf tho Glencoe Athletic Club won a five mllo handicap rond run THE SUN'S RACING CHART. Mnv ORLEANS, Jan. 30. Weather, rnln Irnck heavy. FIRST RACE For maiden two-year-olds. Claiming. Three furlongs. Puree 1300. Off 1:5 Time. 0:38. Start good. Won driving. Winner, b. f Tho Manarer Little iuiuimci. umuT. Jh. luiiAlb. Alumni, Horse, Wt. PP. Aunt .. 09 .. 115 .. 114 .JIOJ .. M .. 110 J 7 4 1 6 6 n'nn n Tult Hazel V i'rank Moody.... v.oomo 111 7 Aunt Deda away well and showlnir mo.t had to bo ursed hard near end to outstay Alcatrai. Latter aa taken back at atart and steered tn inner rail, finished goinr fast t of all, Tenlte, showlne much Improved form under hulllng ride, went lorwardly all the way. Tutt tired. Frank Moody was taken bick sharply at start and allowed to (rail. Owncrs-1. W. It. Tolmle; I. J. A. roburni'S. J. II. Louchelm; 4, C. n: Mergcnthaler; 5. J. K. Clark: 6. J. W. Schorr; 7, A. D. SPrertela. SECOND RACE For maiden three-year-olds and upward. Six furlongs. Puree. j;oo. Off S:!5. Tlmo, l:C0 2-6. Start aood, Won drlvlna' Winner, gr. g 4, by Sir Wilfred Grey Arnes. Owner. S. LOUIS. Trainer. A. C. rarretto. hi. jt, bi. -'i 4 110 1 3 64 5'ti5i 114 13 3 l'H H4 1' OS'.i 4 1 3 2Vi t .lalafra Hnr i n !Md.d!0i.."V'-:.' 115 3 6 4 3 3 Jim Dudley V....'..".'.'.' lit 10 7 7 7 7 6 0 8 6 4 6 .4 3 4 6 9 10 0 9 8 8 6 8 9 1 13 11 10 10 3 6 10 11 11 Kappanannocs .iu.... no Charmin; i 107 'MaTlicU ill hrooklnnrt 115 Mitchell May 110 lr. Crnlpler lift 11 ii i: i: 13 Le Balafro. away well, was restrained and outstayed Huron. Latter showed most early speed but tired nttar end. Riddle was ell up all tho way. Columbia Tenn tired after going flve-oirhths. Jim Dudley was going strong at end. Charming weakened in last quarter. Mitchell May ran away three-quar-tors before start and was oaFed during the actual race. Scratched Harry Rudder. Drown Bee, I Am First. Ownc-s-l. S. Louis: 2. O. Peterson: 3, II. Mastcrson; ,4. R. F. t-odson: 5, R. H. Har vey: 6, Mrs. J. L. Paul: 7, O. Martin; 8. T. Hodge; 9, Ardmoro Stable: 10. L. L. Wise; 11, Mrs. T. O. Webber; 12, C. B. Marlman. THIRD RACK For four-year-olds and upward. Six furlonrs. Claiming. Purse J700. Off 2:52. Time, 1:19 1-5. Start good. Won driving. Winner ch. g.. 4, by Hurst Park Horttvta Owner. O. WENDEL. Trainer. R. Friend. Hore. Wt. PI' oi- Ttnn4t(illa 105 6 A i" 1- 9 8 8'U 6 4 6U Hadrian 110 Goncrnl Ill Redland Ill Paul Connelly Ill Poullney 117 Kultur 10 Comacho 301 Alex Oeta 107 5 3 4 2 8 9 9 7 7 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 17 7 8 Prophecy 99 10 10 Bonstella was hurtled Into good lead at cuarter, scored lucky victory. Hadrian, mucn the best, was allowed to fall out of It and lost much ground by going wide, finished fast. General had no mishaps. Redland retired in stretch. Paul Connelly quit. Poultney went lorwardly lo stretch, only.. Alex Celz showed early speed. Scratched Ettabe, Lady Marathon. The Belgian, Sayonarra, Madras Gingham, Korfhago Onnen: 1, O. Wendel: 3. J. a Ferris; 3. T. II. Wilson: 4, O. A. Blanchl; 6, H. Twy man; C. O. M. McSweency; 7. W. Watson; 8. II. Dernham; 9, J. T. Buckley; 10. S. Franzello FOURTH RACE For three-year-olds and upward. Mares and Allies. One mile. Purse, J10O0 Off 3:15. Time. 1:17. Start good Won easily. Winner, ch. I,. 4, by Fair Play Torrery. Owner. MRS. G. W. ATKINSON. Trainer. O. W. Atkinson. Horse. Wt. ri Bt. ft ' N Tailor Maid Dottle Vand(vcr. 101 106 113 9S 7 4 2h 2 2' 2' 6 7 t IU 4K 3 3 2 4 4 6 6 4 6 0 6 6 6 1 1 7 7 7 7 5 6 3 3 3 4 .Maage r. lnP",r, Antoinette 101 Eulogy 101 Cobalt Lass 100 Tailor Maid, at home In the going, moved gamely drew out decisively In the stretch. Dottle Vandlver went lorwardly from tho tart and lasted fairly well. Madge F hard urged, finished well. My Dear had no mis haps. Cobalt Lass tired badly In stretch. fCTatched Alula. ... Owners-l. Mrs. O. W. Atkinson; 2, Sunnyland Stable: 3, Orden Stable; 4, F. Musante; 5. 51. R Pons; 6, P. Dunne; 7, J. Arthur. FIFTH RACE For three-year-olds. Claiming. Ono mile. Turse TOO. Off. 3:40. Time. 1:4. Start good. Won easily. Winner, ch. g by Astronomer Flcda. Owner, P. LKV- IlECKKR. Ti-ilnnr. H. J. Dunv. I . Horse. wt. rp. St. U 4 2 l! . X . w . S7 i 'XuVn".! Golden Dawn, ' Jim Hastings, 3 3 1" 4 g .... 110 DvhK..:".::::;:: ,j .... 10314 1 pindar 103 Heaiy Woapon ..41W4 i awin Fleer ran as If best and well handled, showed speed and drew away from Bobby Allen ln at ,Xtcenth. Bobby Allen ,went lorwardly i Dawn, under poor nanaiing, wbb an over lered 'much Interference and showed a good quarter. Scratched Lonely. Owners 1, P. Lcydecker; 2. J. A. Coburn: 3. W. H. Dauphin: 4. J. W. Schorr; 5, O. Louis; 8. Anderson Bros.; 7. 8. Berry; 8. J. McManus; 9, J. H. McDonald. SIXTH RACE Per four-year-olds and upward. Claiming. One mile and an eighth. Puree. 8700. Oft. 4:. Time, 2:02 4-5. Start good. Won easily Winner, b. g 4, i, si Amini-ll.nrt'i Desire. Owner and trainer. S. A. CLOPTON. Horae. ' ... . , . n. 1' 1, 1 ' . TVt. PP. St. Plenty Bombast ..... Capt. Hodge El Rey Pit ... in t i ...112 4 1 .... 107 1 2 ... 103 . 2 6 1 1 ji j 4" 3 5 C 3 4 ,101 6 5 10W 3 4 Rookery 6 6 pi.iiiv went In imnroved form and showed most' speed from the start, tired slithtlr rear end. but won well In hand. Bombay showed a good effort and held on well. Capt. Hodge was tirln? fast In stretch and Just lasted for third place. El Rcy waa gaining 31 OwnersiV'sA. Clopton; 2. P. P. Letelller; 3. Mrs. L. r. Wagnon; 4, It. II. Good? S. Mrs. J. Phillips; 6. P. Dunne. , SEVENTH RACE For three-year-olds and upward. One mil and a sixteenth. Purso 1700. Off 4;2S. Time, 1 :55 3-5. Start good. Won driving. Winner, ch. g., t, by Duval Helen Miller, owner. v. uint.i. i-ratner. j. u. nagnon, JInr-. Wt. rp. st. Pltcn lit Caballo HI Semper Stalart. 101 7 2 a 21 4 10 12 Prunes . 113 Flapper ......... Biue Thl"tlo.... Al Plent) ,. Pluvlado Mayor Galvin... Baby Girl II.... Battle Mountain . 104 . 101 , 111 , 99 , 10S . 94 . 87 Starter I.. , 112 11 iiiu-n ran ah If much thi. beat, waa restrained to stretch, whero ha drew ant to win as his rider pleased. Caballo was well up for entire trip and held on well near end. Semper Stalwart suffered from Interference, but finished fast. Prunes tired fait ln last qitarte. Al Pierce quit. Scratched Keilnh. Surpassing. Alexander. Napoleon. Yodeles, Juanlta. Owners-l, W. Rlchey; 2. A. Brent; I. J. C. Eaton; 4. J. T, Buckley: 5, W. L. Drake; 6. W. Cahlll 7, J. Marino; 8. V. Nelto; , P. Dunne; 10, J. J. Shannon Estate; 11, T. Blcknell: 12. R. W. It. Cowle. Gould and Wear for Doubles Racquets TAILOR MAID FIRST' IN DOLLY HANDICAP Shows Marked Improvement nnd Rents Oppononts Easily on Muddy Track. Nsw Orleans, Jan. SO. Jupiter Pluvlus continued his presenoo with un remitting activity to-day at the Fair Grounds, It was tho fifth successive day of rain, and tlio track was a verita ble quagmire, Tnllor Maid, displaying marked Im provement In the going easily accounted Wr the Dolly Handicap, the feature. Vigorously ridden by Wlda, she assumed tho lead rounding tho first turn. Bhe was followed by tho favorite, Dottle Vandlver nnd Cobalt Lass, with tho top weight, Mndge P, In fourth position. Through tho middle Journey Tnllor Maid held an advantage of two lengths over Dottle, which had disposed of Co balt Lass nt the three-quarter post. At the final eighth Dottlo weakened per ceptibly and Tnllor Maid drew nway to an eight length victory. Madgo K, which had been forced wldo through the early stages, closed some ground nnd overtook My Dear In tho closing strides to gain third honors. KIcer took tho fifth from a good band of younr platers after having alternated In the lead with Bobby Allen through out the mllo argument. Golden Dawn, which finished third, showed a credita ble effort under weak handling. Jim Hastings, heavily supported, proved un abla to negotiate tho slippery turns. Hu lost much ground desplto Ambrose's effort to straighten him and finished fourth. A Saratoga owned two-year-old cap tured tho opener when Aunt Deda took the first In a drlvo from Alcatrai, the victim of repeated Interference through tho early stages by the uneducated Frank Mooney. Alentraz performed ns If best. Tenlto finished third under Ambrose's alert .handling. Tenlte's per formanco was a marked Improvement over Thursday's effort when she was handled by Jockey Lllley. For the ride the stowards suspended Lllley. KINGSC0TE TENNIS VICTOR. UnirlUh Expert IJefent Pocklcy lu Chninnloiishtii Event. Stdnrv, Australia, Jan. 30. In fhe Australian championship lawn tennis singles tournament to-day Lbut.-Col. A. R. F. Klngscote of England defeated I'ockley of Australia. Gerald Patterson, the local expert, re tired In nn earlier round, In the doubles final O'Htra Wood and U. V. Thomas defeated Anderson and Howe. ... Jl, ICUOnaiu. H Fin. Jockey. Open. Hlrh.Close. Dace. !rf. Hi 1" Stack .... m 2' Ituxton... -5 165 3-1 4-5 M 1S-5 10-1 S-l 40-1 S-3 1S-S 10-1 71" 7-10 6-5 4- 1 5- 3 15-1 ;i 3 S 6 3' 14 Ambrose. 11-5 4 Dreyer .... 7-1 6 Wlda M 6 Meehan.. 30-1 7 P'rlnirton 16-1 40-1 :o-i :o-i S-l speed moved Into rood lead at onw. hut rm. JocKey. m Wrirht... 2' Wida 3!4 Stark Open.Hlth.CloBo. Place, 3d 15-1 20-1 15-1 6-1 31 31 7-2 3-1 30-1 6-t 8-1 8- 1 9- 2 9-3 SO-l 60-1 25-1 6-5 12-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 2- 1 3- 1 12-1 30-1 10-1 8-5 35-1 41 6-1 6-1 9-3. 61 SO-l C-l 10-1 10-1 6- t 7- 1 30-1 6-1 11 8-5 85 l-l 1-1 6-t 101 6-1 30-1 4 Ambrose. 6 Mooney.. 6 LIllCJ 7 Richoreek. 8 Piorco.... 9 Pauley. . 10 Taylor.. a. It Boylo :o-i 601 30-1 601 60-1 iz Par'gton.. 30-1 100-1 100-1 40-1 taken wide but finished with a rush ami Yt w. jocaey. open.nign.uioso. j'lace. 3d I - IV 3 4Vi 3 Stack .... 3-1 6-1 6-1 62 6-3 35 6-2 13 86 36 61 81 f-l Wright ... 6-3 Rodriguez 10-1 Oroth .... 5-2 Thurbcr.. 15-1 Ambrose.. 4-t Moonoy... 20-1 Rlchcreek 30-1 Robinson. 30-1 7n 15-1 3-1 :o-i 6-1 30-1 40-1 7- 3 15-1 :-i 8- 1 7-3 30-1 6-5 6-1 4-5 3-1 6-6 12-1 15-1 ..4 6 6 7 8 9 40-1 30-1 00-1 40-1 60-1 12-1 20-1 10 Uryson..,, 0-1 HI once and holding on fairly well during lajt n jncKey. upca. Jiign.ciose. Place. Id, 7-1 10-1 10-1 4-1 7-5 2 Pierce 9-5 3Vi Robinson., i-l 4 Stack 6-1 2-1 6-1 8-1 15-1 15-1 7-5 9-3 6-1 15-1 15-1 8-5 2-1 85 5-1 1-4 1-1 7-10 6-2 6 lleupot.,... 10-1 6 Boyle 10-1 7 Thurber... 6-1 6-1 8-5 6-2 4 5 71 6-1 Into lead with a rush and holdlnr nn Fin. 1" I 3 4 5 e 7 Jockey. Open. Hlrh.Close. Place. 3d. Wida 4-1 Buxton.... 3-1 Sullivan... 5-1 Ambrose.. 8-1 Pierce ... 8-1 Rlchcreek 10-1 Thurber.. 30-1 6-1 1S-5 -5 7-10 4-1 8-1 6-1 8-1 20-1 40-1 4-1 4-1 9-2 7-1 1S-1 30-1 7-1 7- s 8- S i-l 5- 3 6- 1 1M 5-2 7-10 4-5 l-l 7-& 6-3 6-1 (-3 s 9 Mooney... s-l Stack .... 10-1 10-1 13-1 13-1 5-1 S-2 from the start, bat tired near end. Golden- traca, dui nnisnea wen. jim iissiinsrs sui- effort. Heavy Weapon Quit badly ln last ' T . . T T I 1. f. M a , . X1U. .W.HC, V-IJ, .llgTU,l,lUSO, J IHCB. .(, ! 1' Bryson.... 6-1 6-t 7-2 6-5 3.5 uurRe 8 S Zoeller.... 5 4 Wlda 4 5 Pierce t 6 norle 9-5 E-2 5.1 6-1 2-1 4-1 7- 1 8- 1 7-5 18-5 7- 1 8- 1 1-2 6-5 6-2 B-2 15-1 20-1 20-1 6-1 Fin. Jockey. Open.Hlgh.CIoe. Place. 3d i Zoellor.... 2 Rwlrirues 8-5 9-5 8-6 '-10 9-20 8-1 61 7-3 15-1 151 10-1 -1 4-1 ro-i 15-1 1M 15-1 30-1 J0-1 100-1 7- 1 8- 1 16-5 15-1 15-1 10-1 151 30-1 10-1 100-1 6-2 3- 1 6-5 6-1 6-1 4- 1 6-1 10-1 It 40-1 6-5 Judge Robinson. Burke.... stack. Parrlngton 6-1 Rlchcreek 15-1 Boyle 80-1 Wida 15-1 Sullivan. 100-1 Groin :o-t 25-1 25-1 10-1 5-1 SWIMMING TITLE Wins P. S. A. I;. Championship by Two Points flushing Lads Second. Swimmers representing De Witt Clinton High School last r.lght regained the P. S, A. L. chnmplo.ishlp when they de feated representatives of every high .school In tho city In the annual meet In College of tho City of New York natator him. The wonrers of the Red nnd Black annexed tho title by tho scant margin of two points. Clinton garnered IB points, while tho members of Flushing collected 13. Boys High finished third with 10, and Manual Trnlnlng was fourth with a nil .Manual i mining wbh lounn wiui KriiHmusHnll, Commercial and Townsend UnrrU Hall .wero doadlocUtHl for fifth ...111. fT A-tH Cornell' Unlisted of Boys High won two lines. 'Alio urooKiynue won 1110 ou ' yard chnmpltmehlp and waa first In tho 100 yard ovent, In both events Bralsted ' ,rd from tho start nnd won easily. Ho took tho shorter race by about a yard over J. Arnold of Manual Training nnd lind the sumo ndvantage In the century. Bralsted negotiated the 100 ynrds In 1 mlnuto 4 seconds nnd was clocked In US 3-5 seconds In the CO yard ovent. H. Knobel of Flushing won tlio 120 yard aitlo. Felcnsteln of Clinton took tho plungo for dlstanco. Tho fancy dive Championship, tho only other Indlvlduil title to be decided, went to Edward Schlsscl of Commercial. Knebel out classed the field In tho furlong. Ho wtm by 20 yards In 2 minutes 48 1-5 seconds. Flushing' Takes Uelny. Flushing High sprang a surprise In tho 800 foot relay championship when tho Long Island quartet won that event by ten yards ov team. Erasmus Hall, title, finished mini, wnno ue vwir. wi i - ton's representatives wero fourth.. Tho winning team was clocked In 2 minutes SCi 'Itoundlng Throurh, f: Oeoreo Uaahmc l 1 nr.r,n,t uhlrli wnji nnlv two-1 ,ont AIo ellfflbls: -Hnrry Itildder, 103: J,",; !cconds' ,w."n onl , i lllalto. Ill; Kultur, 110; James i. Cummlnrs. fifths of a second behind tho record held by KraBnius Hall. That Flushing won the race was largely duo to tho fine work of W. .Sherman, who swam tho third relay. Sherman, nt tho end of his Journey, had nn ndvnntnge of six yards over Manual's team, S. Knebel then took up the swim ming for Flushing and added four more yards to Sherman's lead. The Siimmnrlc. $00 Font Relay Won by Flushing High School (II. l.lndholm. A. Ilrown. W. Sher man and 8. Knebel): Manual Trnlnln? High School (W. Shaw. J. Arnold. C. Wlnge1oclt anil II. Foote), second: Krn mus Hall Hlsli School (.1, Tompklna. U, rinr.Hnf T1 HA...,,! nn.l II Ml-MtllUnl I third: De Witt Clinton Hiah School (Luca, Taylor, .Melrowuz ana wacner), rourin. Time. 2:4? 2-5. 220 Yard Swim Won by .1. Wlllet Hall, Jr. De Witt Clinton: S, Knebel. Flushing, eccoml: A. Drown, Flushing, third; Robert Fltrglbbons. De Witt Clinton, fourth. Time. 2:48 1-5, Fancy Dive Won bv IMwnrd Schlsel, Commercial, with 87 2-3 points: !. Meylan, Townsend Harris Hall, with in 1-3 points, -cond: Rogart. Townsend Harris Hall, third: Taylor. De Witt Clinton, rourlh. 50 Vard Swim Won by Cornell Hralated, I)on High; J. Arnold. JIanual Trnlnlng. second; Horace McMullen, Krasmus Hall, third. Tlmo 28 3-5 aeeonds. Reltz, Hois High, disqualified. 100 Yard Swim Won by Cornell Bral sted. Hoys High; J. Wlllet Hall. Jr. De Witt Clinton, second; W. Sherman. Flush ing, third: K Ruclt, Erasmus Hall, fourth. Time. 1:04. I'lunga for. Dlelancc Won by Felcnsteln, Do Witt Clinton, with 60 feet: R. Mar fans, Manual Training, with 64 feet 6 Inches, second; M. Lowey, Stuyesant, with 63 feet, third. Point Score De Witt Clinton. 13; Flushing,. 13: Hoys High. 10; Manual Trnlnlng, 9; Erasmus Hall. 6; Commer cial. 6, Townsend Harris Hall, 5; Stuy vesant, 3; Textile School, 1. STEVENS T0SSEES VICTORS. Give "Worcester Tech I4 First De feat of Scnson. Worcesteh. Mass., Jan. 30. The fast Stevens quintet gave Worcester Tech lis first setback of the season here to night In ono of thi fastest basketball games played here this season. Stevens 'showed Its superiority In passing and floor work from the very start. Kurtz for 'Stevens was tho hlch scorer ot the, nlcht. with elcht baskets!'"' from tho tioor nnd four fouls. Capt. Egger wis next with six cages. RUTGERS HVE WINS. Special DeiratcA to The Scr. New Bbunswick, N. J Jan. 30. In a hard fought game Rutgers, defeated the Temple College five of Philadelphia hero by the scoro of 39 td 30 on the Ballantlne Gymnasium court. The score : RutBers. Tcmnl. Benzonl Forwsrd Gro.s Tallaftro Forward Ollhorn Hall Centre HerzoK French Guard MacPesk Meury Guard Kemp Substitutions Rutgers, Storck for Hall. Brandt for Taliaferro, Lnch for Meury, Dornan for French. Field goal Talia ferro 6, Hall !, French !, Meury 4, Benzonl 3. Gross 3. Gllhorn I..Kemo 4. Heriog 1. Foul goals Taliaferro 6, Gll horn Time of halves Twenty min utes. Referee Mr. Shaw, Bayonne Y. M. C. A. FOnDHAM TO PLAY T.RMO.T. Fordhnm University added the Uni versity ot Vermont to Its baseball sched ulo last night The game will be played nt Burlington. Vt., on June 12. imourtJTTi? LW JLSS1'JIVJLJU, 11 J. C ' J EXCHANGE NEW AND USED AUTOMOBILES MURRAY PHIANNA LANCIA MORTON W. SMITH CO., 19 WEST TII ST. TELEPHONE TRUCKS TRUCKS -TRUCKS. Hxhihitlon Now Ready at iSliowroomj. If You Want n Truck, Visit Us. Rebuilt and overhauled IH to H to. PACKAftDS, PIERCB-ARROWS & W1IITU TRUCKS. 1918-1919; ALL GUARANTEED. OVER 600 TO CHOOSE FROM. TRANSIT STORAGE WAREHOUSE. 17S-18S Vanderbllt Ave., Brooklyn. Telephone 3581 Prospect. CHOICE CARS REAL BARGAINS. 1918 Hudson "M" Sedan 11.850 1918 Chandler Sedan 1,600 1919 llupmoblle Touring 950 1918 Wlnton 3! A 1,400 1918 Bulck Runabout ;o PACIFIC PARAGE. 310 TacHlc. Brooklyn. 4 TON PACKARD DUMP Hudson. Simplex, Mercedes and Flat Chi, sis to be scold at a sacrifice. PACIFIC MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE CO.. til West 33d St.. New York Cltr. PACKARD, Fleetwood runabout, with disappearing seats, slip covers, 6 brand nw shoes: engine excellent. ODER- W.EOEll. us west aa at,., sin noor. f AlilI.t.AC. 1917. 4-Dassencer snort, tour. Ins: tires, paint; motor like new. ODER WEQER. 136 W. 52d St.. tth floor. PACKARD ISIS TOURING. Condition new throughout. 21 WEST t'D ST. Phone Columbus 4986. LOCOMOBILE 1919 Limousine, used for months; condition sew throughout. Phone Columbus 4936. FIERCE 1018. TOURING. Condition guaranteed. 21 WEST (2D ST. rhone Columbus 4968. YKRLANDS AND WILLYS-KNIGHT. Bsctatltlonedl all mortis, open eveolaia. tVlLLlS-OVEllLXND, Lie. D'rray Ul Mta ai, mm ROD AND man wATnrt vOn local anolkhs fob run week b.nd, finndyllook l'rlncem Jamnlollay (jnvernori VUIeti New (Hie lloruahoo) May iCananle) hlanil 1'u nt JiPri!l0.n, nl 1 V Vi "T TV, ' Hi 'nm M 1.M A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. 1.M, January 31.... a: Vila" ill: 4 February 1 ... . 4141) fiiilQ 4:ft4 r,M A:iU Lonr Ilranrh Tier Conflltlona, In IllUA flf .TAnnarv 91 T, H Anvunl seeks Information relative lo Long llranch r inning, The writer naa nalioa ex lenalvely on thla nlar all durlnir the naat umnur with excellent results. Angling at preient li only for ling and whiting, al though nt .beginning of flood tide aomii fairly good sited Imlio are being caught with aquld, Tho beat way tn reach Long Branch pier from New York la I'ennaylvJinla Kail- loan, nunaon Terminal, with a fare of IS.eo reiurn. V havo an excellent restaurant at the extreme outer end of lr ivhom ceilent fond, woll prepared, can bo accural! at nominal coat, Thero nro no "hot dogs." The beat tide to llih all depends on the lesion of tho year. At any tlmo during the day ling and whiting ran bo caught, ii, minever, our angler frleini win poii i 1,1. lii-...A ti..7.Vi. pier untl nflfr Mnv 1 lis will in cure cuicucH 01 nuKct. ana oi iiia unainn nro. Kirvtc he 111 gt kitiRS, upQkg and hltck ! ,n,ftyl,.e'",n,""t """" "uan""" ot The nler from Mnv 1 I. nn,n nlirlit unit day. with a charge for entranco of :S cenla, Including war tax, from June I until about October 1. At tho entruiiro to the pier theru la n man nho nets na watch man. Watchmen are there at all tlmea during the twenty-four houre of ench day. Lockers may bo rented nt II 11 year, well equipped with pola hanger uml ample apace for keeping such thlnca aa oilskins down there for rainy dn). The angler may be aure.that everything that la left 111 tho lockeri will be carrfilllv watched, O, 11, LYONS. 1:0 Liberty atrctt, Jan. 30. Craw Indicted aa dime Deatroyer, Much has been anid of the crow, and hla destructive Inlluence Is very generally NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. First Race Brookdalc Purse: two-year-olds: $700; Ihreo fnrlonpn: Whippet. 116. In. Tn ne ti. a i -.,1a.. tin r..,i4iA Kean, 107: Mary Head, 101; Lola Speed, 101. 'W,. Mareo Tom. 110 : Short Chanio. M: Christie 1tfl 1 annlan 11At Hawrrt H ft. . f 1 tn1 I 11V, niltUl'll 1 Vt ft flllt tl(TI. no. Third Race-Pur.e, $700: claiming; four-year-oldi; mllo and an eighth; Prunes, lit: Jack Rtovcs. 112; Sasln, 111: Altec, 100; Dr. Crelgler. 10S; Ikm Hampton, ICS : Sky Pilot. 113; Rookory, 93; 'iJ1c.1t Dolly, 92; Loadtono, 90; Wllllgan, 90: Aldcbaran. lit. Fourth Race Crccent City Handicap; throe- ear-olds and upward: mile and an eighth; Sllpery Elm, 123: Chief. 11!: War Mask, 117; BoUtcr, lit: Woodtrap, 110; Op portunity,' 109; Sands of Pleasure. 108; Dam ak, 107; Omond, 107: Pictor. lOj; Douglas S., 101; Soldat de Verdun, 10.'; Tantalus, 101; Tailor Maid. 10); Gen. Glenn, 91. Fifth Race Purse, JS00: Premier Claiming Purso; thrcoyeor-olds and upward; ono mile ami seventy yards: Woodstoi.e, 110; Game IVk. 103; Quito. 105; 'Franklin. 103; "Bullet Proof, 103: Who Cares, 99; Lirlnii", 99; 'St, Germain, 99; Juanlta III.. SO. Sljth ltace-Puri.e, tSOO; rlalmlng; four-vear-olda and1 upward; mile ami a Mx trenth: aWalsnortli's Last, 112; Queen It'omle. Ill: Glasitnl, 107: King Neptune, 1M; Green Mint, 101; 'Iwinlwln, 103; Aslraea, 100; 'Toddler, 99. 'Seventh Raco Claiming; four-year-olds; purse, 8700; mile and a sixteenth: Courcclles, 111; 'General Byng, 110; 'Mayor Galvln, 110: Bogart. 112: Yodelcs, 109; 'Comacho, lot; Baby Sifter. 99. Apprentice allowance claimed. HAVANA ENTRIES. First Race Firo and a half furlongs; three-year-olds; claiming; purse, JM0: 'Mineral, 97; Vlrgle Leo, 9S; 'Plain Heather, 99; 'Su perior, 100; Babylonian. 101; Sherry. 101; Director James, 101; Our Mnld, 101; Rockarcc, 101; Hot Foot, 110: Sport Fecney, 115. Second Rnce Five and a half furlongs; three-year-olds and upward : claiming ; purse JM0: Pomcrcne. 102; 'Unwise Child. 103; Little Nephew, 109; Col. llarrl'on, 110; Helen Atkln. 112; Nelt, 114; Hcnlcr, 114. Third Raee-Sli furlongs; three-year-olds and npward: claiming; pur.e JO00: 'Enos. 104; Yorkvllle, 104; Fcllrldad, 104: Blanche Donslton. 107; Kilkenny, 109: Balsdln, 109; Beverly James, 109; Rojalty, 109; Bulger, 112. Fourth Race Sli furlongs; three-year-nldi and upward; rlalmlng; purse J00- 'Burllngsnie, 99; fioM Stone. 102; Msngancsc. 103: Fickle Taney. 103; Whlto Crown. 107; Legacy, 107; Thornbloom, 110. Fifth Race Sir furlongs: for four-year-olds; claiming; purso J610: "Red. 99: Ambas sador III.. 100: Acclamation, 102: Little Ed, 103; Roundel, 103: Trcclous Jewel, 103; Top Rung, 100; Lady Langdcn. 105; Foster Embry, 110; Busier Clark, 110. Sixth Race Bermuda Handicap; one mile; for three-year-olds and upward; puree tsro: Black Prince, 92; Jolllson. 98: Don Thrush, 98; Frocmar.tle. 99: Scotch Verdict, 101; Iygal, 106: Bufonl. 112! Bally. 113. Seventh Race Mllo and fifty yards; for four-year-olds and upward; claiming; rnrse .miss weep, iw; -nupc, iuv; -je lirarli. 102: Mack Dawson. 103: 'Parable. 103: Pollyanna. 108; Egmont, 11; yenjhee. 110; Doke of Shelby, 110. INSTltUCTION. INSTRUCTION. NEW YORK CITY. w"un nYOItciTY'T BOOKKEEPING There arc two ways of becoming a JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT: one through years cf business piwcduro: the other throuyli a short. Intensive training by tho "llROAKKll MKTIKiD" a method which will teach men to tt. not seem that will demonstrate what they can do, not what they can mechanically memorize. COMPLETE COURSE 4 months. Special limited class convenes Wednesday." to 0 P. M and turday. 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., commencing FEBRUARY 25. A PRACTICAL training designed to qualiry attidonts to open, conduct and close any set of books, (iraduatcs will bo able to enroll In nest succeeding class In Eipcrt Constructive Accountancy personally conducted by d FRANK BROAKER, C. P. A. Na 1. BROAKER C3 Fifth Avenn BERKELEY-IRVING SCHOOL. 311 West 83d Street FORTIETH YEAR "From Vrimarv to Colleat" Prepare! boys for all colleges, technical schools anu business. .u umuei jiior ough work. Small classes and individual Instruction. Gymnasium Itulldlns Swim ming Pool Boof Playground all on prem ises Boys cared for from 8:30 A. M. to i I I'. M. If desired. LOUIS I). RAY, Ph. D Headmaater. Telephone Schuyler 4836. WINTER BESORTS. MEW JERSEY Atlantis City. WinierD. 'aysa. ATLA Not winter NT first mild days of Spring sound and sight of sea tempt you out-of-doors. Take a few days off at Atlantic City now. It's one of New York's best Winter habits. It Is a real investment assuring great profits in health, pleasure and rest. Golf on fine links practically every day. New life and Interest on fascinating Doardwalk And of course stop at HADDON HALL ON THE BEACH AND THE BOARDWALK AMERICAN PLAN Title To-day 1 GUN -NEWS 3a fl;():i 4:14 4:40 twa 7:60 t:80 B:M 6.0.1 fl;iO a:a3 k:17 0,0.1 0:30 II M understood, fiportamen are becoming mora and more Interested In his destruction, especially In sections where game Is fall ing away rapidly, and many movements in this direction aro under way, Farmers havo been "ahootlng the crow alnco powder was Invented nnd tnelr ex pert advice Is ueually that It la a waata of goad ahot with small results, On several recent trips I have noticed along the Lehigh Valley Railroad Just n few miles west of Hound Ilrook thou aandi. and thousands ot crows congregated, Never have 1 seen so many at ono time all set and ready for a sclentino mas sacre, It has been slated that the Hlato of New Jersey Is to declare war on these black rascals, and It enters my mind that some good locnl sportsmen or other Inter ested partlea might well benefit by the ad vice of Jamea U, Geary, Hume Protector, State of Pennsylvania, who lives In Hlatlng ton, Pn., and who has been remarkably auccessful In tho extermination of theas P' have seen crowa by tho thousand tying dead In a field, killed In a few hours by the unaided efforts of this one man. How many months, how many gunners and how mUch ammunition would the national crow ahoot require to show simi lar rosulta? Rxpctno Is u factor as well. Mr, tleary la a gentlemen and thorougii sportsman wrapped up heart end sou in the, work of making the woods 11 better place for nil of us, and I am sure ho would bo glod to explain his crow killing methods to uny one Interested enough to wrUn him, Nov York, Jan, 30. ' Unlerprlse In Coloring Oysters. I note by the newspapers lhat the pink oyster haa made Its appearance. Why not piss a law limiting certain dy manufac turers to' the manufacture of only one CFor example, allow a certain number to manufacture red only, others blue, some white, some green, and so on, 'hen compel those manufacturing red to establish their factories In the neighborhood of Jamaica. Hay and empty their factory weetes Into this body of water to Insure tho oysters thAnother set "t" factories manufacturing grcn could bo located on Oreat South Bay Hnd thtlr wa.tes emptied Into that body of wnter. Insuring green oysters from that source; and others manufacturing blue could be located at Chesapeake "ay to In sure blue oysters-and so on. V All colored oysters could then bo procured to fit all """'"example, nt patriotic banquets red. white and blue oysters could bo served. At St. Patrick day affairs groen oysters could be served. &c. Then, too, the color effects of the decorated china and lloral decora, lions could bo beautifully carried out. lie sides tho foregoing the Waters aboNe mentioned places would soon assume trie different colors, which would make them places of curlosltv for visitors There are wonderlul possibilities In tills scheme for some ent-rprlslng promoter more iea.II- carried out l would be the contervallon of the natural colored oyster. VlOLAPlULUPS. New York, Jan. 30. landlocked Snlmon In Lake George. In the Rod and Oun column of THE SUV or January 13 A. B. Smith Inquires about Ut I methods of landlocked salmon fishing In Lake George. There Is the time- honored fly casting, the most favorable places being the rck points projecting Into the lake and the rocky shores of the numeroua elands. A method of trollInK which there, and which I. have used with more or less success, follows: Tic an eight or ten ouncs sinker to trie end of your line, then about ten feet up tho line from the sinker bond on a three cy snivel. Attach ft six foot piece of line, or same length of leader, to the centre eye ef the swivel and use the regulation feather pickerel, or liver spoon, or any spoon lhat might .strike your fancy. , Care should be taken In trolling that he sinker Is not allowed to reach the bottom, as this often results In snagging. Tho object is 10 sin me vt" required depth. I might add -V11! method Is also much In use in Cnmplln nlBO for lonse noshing, and the only way that the longe is succcasiuu attracted there. ... , . ... The landlock also takes plugs of dif ferent varieties, though If you land ono or two of them tn Lake George you can consider you have had a most successful day's Ashing, as they are not plent fill. New York. Jan. 30. ASYOUW ERE. HOD AND GUN. FARMS, sails Sunday. 7:39 A. M.. Martin Bros. Dock. Sheeps head Bay. Capt. D. MARTIN. 6IRALDA OIIC 1U A I 7 Spilt Hamboo, Gree'hheart. UUi WALZ Lancvood. All kinds of Mountings. Best Re Lines Made. Rods Repaired. 170 1st Ave .. nr. 10th St. Tel. Orchd S387. STEEPLECHASE PIER CONEY ISLAND. Line, Floun'.era and Blsckflsh Now Running inSFPHIHF leaves Sunday. 8 A. M. Cod UUOtrnnit. ,,,. cant, nenx Capt. BERT. 4MFP!pfl 8 A- M. Dally. 7 A. M. Sunday. HirtClil H CaD1 Michael Sheepuh'nd Bay. & SCHMIDT 8fuyven SH- SCHOoLf , 3iyYear .. -TO D.ti Au. U J) , nis.4a Vl . BrookliD-Coroer f raekbi and Jcffsnoo Avenues REGENT VVIshliVb Fyaminations Send for Catalog end "Success in Regents Kisms New 'Icrr Just Hctinn nft WINTER RESORTS. NEW JERSEY Atlantlo City. C CITY days at all but like the OR "QUAINT NEW ORLEANS" llnjoy tlio pcauty nnd romance of this lovely city of the South with Its Interesting ways nnd by-ways. The trip is full of comfort and pleasure If you choose one of the Southern Pacific Steamships NEW YORK -to NEW ORLEANS Railings Wednesdays and Saturday from pier 4B, N, It,, New York, connecting t New Orleans with Sunset Limited ami other fast trains lo Mlnlsalppi Valley, Teiat and other Southwestern points, nrlmllng Arizona, California and tho Pacino t'oaai. I'nssenger nnd 1'relght Services Pannonia New York to Pattas. Dubrovnilc and Trieste Feb. 1 Maureta,ni& New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Feb. 2 Columbia New York" Londonderry and Glasgow Feb. 7 Saxonm. New York " Plymouth, Havre and London Feb. 14 K. A. Victoria New York " Plymouth. Cherbourg and Liverpool Feb. 25 Cirmania New York " Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool Mir. 2 Imperatof New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Mr. 6 Reyal Ceorge ........ New York " Plymouth, Havre and Southampton Mar. 9 Columbia New York " Londonderry and Glasgow Mar. 13 Miuretanii New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Mar. 20 Sutonia New York " Plymouth. Havre end London .....Mir.2) K.A. Victoria New York " Liverpool Mir.2f Carmania New York " Liverpool Apr. 6 Royal George New York " Plymouth, Havre and Southampton Apr. 14 Mauretjnia New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Apr. 17 Columbia New York " Lon-Werry and Glasgow Apr. 17 ror later Sailing apply t 21-24 STATE STREET, NEW YORK. WINTER RESORTS. NEW JERSEY .Mian City. HI tUH LEADING RESORI HOUSE OFI1IE WOULD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. X NATIOH'S HEALTH SUOf HEALTH 18 CrriCICNOY A GeisiitWs Cllnsts sn Cltm Street Rs Dan. No Din. Innumcublt Outdoet Reciiitless ins lojoot Eni.mlnra.cti Osrasnklj HaatctmcDt Jotlih While k SoniCa. ATMNTIO CITY'. N. J. Onsurpasted lor healthful rest and rocrsatloa WASHINGTON. D. a Burlington Hotel American and Kuropenn HOMELIKE, CLEAN, PERFECT CUISINB . 380 Rooms with Ilutll fi to S FIVE MINUTES FROM EVERYTHING Washington. D. C LEGAL NOTICES. CHAS. I. nARNEY 4: COMPANY. NOTICE OF FORMATION. OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned hereby give notice that ! accordlni to the Statutes of the State 0 Njw York reatlnK t0 UmHci Partnerships they have duly formed a Limited Partner- shlD and the terms thereof are as follows: 1 The name or Arm under which such partnership Is to be conducted Is CHAS, D. BARNEY & COMPANY. The County wherein tho principal place of business Is to be located Is the County of New York, Borough ot Manhattan. II, The general nature of the business Intended to be transacted Is to carry on the business ot brokers and to buy, sell and deal In stocks, bonds, grain and other commodities. III. The names of all the General and Special Partners Interested therein and their respective places of residence are as follows: GENERAL PARTNERS. HENRY E. BUTLER, residing at Cush Ing Road, Plalnlield, State of New Jersey. PHILEMON DICKINSON, residing at corner of Stenton Avenuo and New Street, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, State of Penn sylvania. juii.n r. uuitii, residing at no. 41 -West 59th Street, Borough ot Manhattan, 1 City of New York. EDWARD II. LEVIS, residing at Mt. Holly, State of New Jersey. 1 J. FOHD JOHNSON, JR., residing at 175 West 58th Street, Borough of Man hattan, City, County nnd State of New ' York. ALAN L. COREY, residing at 270 Park Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York. SPECIAL PARTNERS. J. HORACE HARDING, resldlnc at Rum son, Monmouth County, State of New Jer sey. HENRY SANDERSON, residing at Oys ter Bay. Nassau County, State of New York. All of the said partners are ot full age. IV. The amount of capital which each Special Partner has contributed to the common stock Is as follows: J. HORACE HARDING has contributed One Million (81,000.000) Dollars: HENRY SANDERSON has contributed Threo hundred thousand (8300,000) Dollars. V, Tho tlmo at which the Partnership is to begin Is Janusry 1st, 1920, and the time at which the Partnership la to end la December 31, 1921. , Dated, New York, December 81, 1919. HENRY E. BUTLER PHILEMON DICKINSON JOHN P. GRIER EDWARD II, LEVIS J. FORD JOHNSON, JR. ALAN L. COREY J. HORACE HARDING HENRY SANDERSON. CHAS. D. HARNEY COM TAN V. AFFIDAVIT OF GENERAL PARTNER, OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, OF PAY MENT IN CASH OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPITAL STOCK BY SPECIAL PART NERS. Slato of New York. City and County of New York, ss.: HENRY E BUTLER, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he Is one of the General Partners In tho Limited Partner ship of Chas D. Harney ft Company, formed by the Certificate dated December Special Partners of said Hrm. to wit: iikvhv v. itir-ri.i-T, r HENRY E. BUTTER PHILEMON DICKINSON J JOHN P. GRIER T EDWARD II, LEVIS General Partners I J, ruau juii.nkon, jn. V. Al ALAN U COREY. Special J. HORACE HARDING Partners HENRV SANDERSON. nnrt that the sum specified In the .M Certificate to have been contributed to the common stock by each of tho Special Partners hue been actually and In good faith paid In cash, that Is to day, J. Horace Harding has paid In cash the sum of One Million Dollars (S1.000.000) and Henry Sanderson has paid In cash the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars (1300,000). Sworn to before me this Jd day of Janu ary, 1920. HENRY E. BUTLER. HAROLD CLAUSr, Notary Public. Westchester County, New York State. Term expires March 30. 1921. (Seal) Certificate tiled ln New York Co. No. 311. New York Register's No. 13 IS. CRANE COMPANY of ISC South Mlchl ean Avenue, Chicago. Illinois, mortgagor tinner a r irm ... iriiu.ii iruuj Company of New York (now Central Union Trust Company of New York). James N. , Wallace and lirecKinriuge Jones, dated June 1. 1914. does hereby arpolnt George W. Davison, as Individual Trustee under nald Mortgage, to fill the vacancy created h tha ,!nth of the late Janus N. Wallace huntll a new Trustee shall be appointed by the bOndnomers or oinerwiso pursuant to Article Twelve, Section 5 of said Mortgage. Dated. Chicago. Illinois. January Sth, 1920. CRANE COMPANY. Hy R. T. CRANE, Jr., President. Affesl- C. D. LITTLE. Secretary. BUSINESS SPECIALS. BACK ISSUES of all New York city nwspaprs for PS,t five years on .ale. JONAS CO.. Woolorth Uldg, Newram. raroa include meats ami stateroom Derm on steamer. Information at Company's OfflcBS or Consolidated Ticket unices; 01 Broadway; 07 Chambers St.: lit W, t!2nd St.; 114 West 4M St. Phono (all ofllces Bryant ii7oi. naa I'nltnn St.. Brooklyn. Phono 7030 Maui or write J. 1. IIIIOWN Rrn'l Taas. Agent Coastwise rltramshlp Lines, Pier 41), Norlh Itlvcr, New York UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Director flcnoral of Railroads IM'MLine: AMERICAN LINE Fast Mall Steamer ' NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON New York 12Noan,FeV II Mir. 13 SI. Paul 12Noon,Fch.2! Mar. 20 Philadelphia 12 Noon, Feb. 23 Mar. 27 NEW YORK HAMBURG Manchuria 4 P.M., Feb. It Monjolia Feb. 25 RED STAR LINE NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON CHERBOURG ANTWERP Lapland 2 P. M.. Feb. 25 N. Y. SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP. Kroonlind ....Mai. J Apt. 10 Mas 15 M.v 22 Mar 29 Finland. . . Zeeland. . . ....Mar. 10 Apr. 17 Lapland Ant Mas Si Jrne 12 WHITE STAR LINE N Y. CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic. 2 P. M. Feb. 14 Mar. 20 Apr. 24 Lapland ..2 P.M. Feb. 25 I . fTo Southampton. Cherbourg, Antwerp. 'Lapland Apr. 3, Maj ., June 12 To Southampton an Antwerp INtW TURK LlVfcKFUUl. Baltic 2 P. M. Jan 31 Ma 13 A?r, 17 Ortega.... 12 Noon, Feb 7 Cedrc ...12 Noon, Mar. 6 Celtic ... 12 Noon, Apr. 10 Apr 3 May 15 new york azores Gibraltar naples-ceno Canopic 3 P. M., is- Crelic 3 P. M.. Mar. 31 lb Intptrnlinria! MerrantilP. Mar no r.nm-nnv ... ..... ............... w,.-r..,,J 9 Broadway, New York West Indlpn. Cntml Hnd Smith Am.rl..r nW UNITED FRUIT COMl'ANl Ban 17 Battery Place. New York. j,()t FRENCH LLNft. th New York Hiivri Uiirdtnx Paris. r en tujurn., j c orritD. IV nitll 1. T, )flpi SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINII Denmark. Norway, Mrden. Passenger Office, 1 Drnndnay, N. I, Montreal or Quebec to Europe. Can. Pa- "1B tine Ocean Services, Ltd.. 1281 Broadway, tyl ' II KR.M U I) A Ideal Winter Resort. Sailing Paten for l'eli. 7-18-2 1 -25-SS ; .Marfl-l.t-SO."'! N. Y. direct to GOTHENBURG. SWEDEN. SWEDISH AMERICAN LINE. 24 Stats 8L Nlngnra to the Sen Write for booklet. Canada Steamship I.lns. Montreal, Canada TUB rUBLIC nn r LEASED, COLONIAL U OSTOM1 By EOAT $4.48 v 3 RAIL MOVIDENCF, DIRECT BOAT 52.97 All Ontsfile Staterooms, ;i.o ( td.14 Abo"be Trices include Wr Tu U leave Plsr 3 North Mlves. ftlTa and Sunday at I P. U. Tho Sortac MSI. Worcester, 4.1Ji rrevldenoe direct, 2.7 OLTSlDF STATEROOMS $1.01 12.11 Dally, Including Sunday, 5:01 1'. 11, From Pier 1 E. II. Phone 2701 Ueekmsa rickets Pier or ConwolldRted ticket offices' FALL RIVER LINE to Boston. Strs. Iv. Pier 14. N. It.. 5:00 p. M. TOURS. service COVERS THE WORLD THOS. COOK & SON. 244 U'way. SSI Fifth Ate. Ojp. City Hall Cor. 4ihst American Espress Travel Department, f.1 llroadwny. I'hone llowllnc (ireeu 10O0O. SALES BY. AUCTION. nniWC Travel M B N M MB r 1T.EASH TAKE NOTICE! AUCTION SALT1 "MIW'. of our negotiable Warehouse receipts, llld representing u lot of 100 long tons of Sweet ltun Vanilla Chocolate, "Aco High" Brand, man- ' ' ufactured by tuo ueacon Chocolate Co. of Doaton, Mass., nnd now stored at India Wharf Warehouses. Boston. Mass. Sale to Take Place In the Offlce of LEO MONSIIEIMEIl. Aiirt., 407-109 n'mvy. Room 6, N. Y. City, on Monday, Feb. 2, 1930, at 3 P. M. Auctioneer's Phone. Canal 9030. PROPOSALS. Offico of the Quartermaster General. ' la' doming itt r.nuipago Division, .Munitions vnc xjuiiuiuK, tiibiuii, v. i-picii pro posals In duplicate will be received here until 11 A. M. February 12th. 1920, fo- furnl'hlne nil or any part of 1,000.000 ;rtl,B,. 1 lntr. J""n. ' L.?lt " ''lnte"' rM""" information se t LOST. I O UN D AND REWAKUs. LIBERAL REWARD No questions asked for return of Platinum and Diamond flexible bracelet. Lost Junuary 17 between 74th Street, Park W. ti Avenue anu i;n oireei. iiriurn 10 iq E,t eWaik LOST Prom steamahlp Mauretanta, brown canvas suitcase, stamped J. u. Dody, label bearing name U M. Carvajal, containing papers solely of value to owner; reword paid If returned to J. H. BODY, 19th floor, 65 Broadway. New York city. r(IR SALE. niAitnxns. bouent sold, for cash oalr. Es- tie id (ft- d. s d 11 tn (V. Is lid Gillian n Pi' tho of )Cll fur 1 ortliy ifoora IE. lIUBl rsuii :iub. that, , i to a nar- ii rlv- -J t tlm I 121 I Will r j m 9