Newspaper Page Text
iiinp!! 1G THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920. PAJ "5F2, , JSAYS 6. 0. P. LEADERS BMS REDS FROM GRANT FORUM HAVE HAYS HOG-TIED JOHN W AN AM AK Telia of Seizure of Mills in Federal Suit, Vestrymen Would Yllow Only Speakers of Knox Loyalty to Ho IfcnrU. f BISHOP BUHCU AP.EItOV.ES iov. .Dr. Grant for No (Compro mise, but Will Ho 'IJon sultcd To-day. Vestrymen of the Church of itlw As- enslon laid yesterday before tho night 3Kev. Charles Sumner Ilnrcli, Hli&iop of Xho Unlsconal Dlorese of Now Mork, a bilan for a compromise by whlcli they topo to still tlio tempest occanioncci uy cent radical utterances macio wimin clr church with the sanction of their ctor, the rtov. Dr. Percy .Stiwnoy rnt. Tl. una ithmlttprl h nliriTa ordon llattle, Junior warden of the rciliurcn, nnu tiarom A. lomeni anu ouun cay, CunnlnKham, vestrymen, acting; aa a Moinnilttco of three, and Is understood to Yjavo met with tho upprovni or me ralishop. U It Is finally accepted, tho Siovlay night forums In the Church of the. As oenslon, which are the object of the con troversy, and which tho Bishop has Jimu Violate tho nrtlcles of consecration- of tlrely. Vflicy will bo so arranged that the church, will not bo discontinued, en- It will be Impossible for radicals to usa thttn again for the purpose of hintllng Anathema at tho Government of the United Stales. The only dllllculty Jn the way of this proposed compromise. It was said yes' tcrclay by competent authority, Is Dr. Grant, whose nttltudo on the matter of tho church forums Is characterized as "stubborn" by persons who have talked with him recently on that subject. Grant Aitnlnst Compromise. Dr. Grant M said to have assumed a "no compromise, no ' concessions" attl- ude during his. private talk with th vestrymen In the ivctory on Thursday 2 afternoon, but his friends hope they ,wlll find him opon to persuasion when they meet again at the roctory thli morning and that In; will ngreo to the plan that they haw drafted. If lu does not, there Is a question as to whether the patience of his friends on the vestry will endure any longer. While tho vestrymen would not dli cuss the exact details of tho proposed compromise yesterday, it was Intimated Uhnt they hadaske d the Bishop's np llbroval to a plan whereby a speaker of Unquestioned loyalty should bo per- jumea io aucircss in cnurcu ever' oun day night. The members of the forum, Instead of discussing tho subject of thli speaker's addrceti In the church room s they do now, would bo given ah op portunity of cither adjourning to the parish house immediately upon the con clusion of the talk or assembling there it some other tlvne during the week for the purpo of voicing their views. . Such arrangement would be In com pliance with the canons of the church, which permit laymen to address tho congregation provided they have tho permission of the Bishop. To hold the entire Sunday night ses sion tn the parish house. It was pointed out, would be Impossible, because the meeting room there Is too small for the crowds. Tho forums In the Church o the Ascension originated in the parish house sovcral years ago, but Dr. Grant removed them to the church be cause they outgrew their quarters. lied Packed MeetlnRs, I Atlonioy.Oemeral A. .Mitchell Palmer' sudden arrival lu town night before last was for no more mysterious a reason than tu bo n witness yesterday In the Federal District Court In tho caie of the Botany Worsted Mills of 1'iusnlr, Hurroundcd ns he was with secret tor vlco agents when his presence hero first becama known, It wan deduced, magic ally as It happened, Hut Mr, Palmer had something up his sleeve, lie testified that when ho 'was Allen Property Custodian back In the war days ho seized the Ilotnny Wojuted Mills, turned them over to a uoam of direc tors and later, when a Government ad visory board recommended the ealo of the property, acted on that advice. He denied .the allegations of Max W, Htoehr that he had dominated tho directorate, Mr, Stoehr, who Is financially Interested In tho mills, sued to recover the mills, contending that tho property was not enemy owned and hence should not havo been ordered seized or sold, Tho rase will bo continued, Having completed this testimony Mr, Palmer departod, waving a deprecating hand In answer to questions as to other missions ho might havo here, "That's all I como for," lo declared. TEN DOLLAR CLERK GETS $750 AWARD Ex-Aviator MacPherson Now Will Be Able to Marry. Cameron O'Day Macl'hirson, 20 years old, who Berved with Canadian forces as an nvlator during tho war, won on nddltlonal allowance yesterday of 1500 a month uy decree, of Surrogate Cohalun. With this ndded to his present allowance of 1250 a month, nnd his salary of $10 a week, he and his bride to be hope to got along until he comes Into his Inheritance,- MacPherson Is tho son of Mrs. Grace O'Day MacPherson, daughter of Daniel O'Day, a Standard Oil capitalist. Under tho will of his mother he wilt receive more than J 300.000. Since his return from France he has been prospecting for oil In Toxao, but recently his father sent him to the ofllce of K. F. Hutton & Co., 61 Broadway, to learn tho stock market game at $10 a week. In asking the Surrogate to Incrcaso the $260 a month which ho Is allowed from tho Income on his property young MacPherson called attention to the high cost of living and to the fact that on February 14 next he Intends to be mar ried. Ho nnd his wife will go to Texas on their honeymoon and call on his father. KdwIn Allan MacPherson of Fort Worth. Tex. Anderson Declnreg Chairman Is Powerlcfis o Fight Against Wadsworih. WAltNS THEM TO LAY OFF National Committee Must Drop Senator or Face Anti-Saloon Wrath. In line with his policy of giving nd vice, even admonition, to political lead ers, of threatening reprisals and of cracking non-sympathctla hesds wher ever ho sees them, William II. Anderson, Stato Superintendent of tho Anti-Saloon League, yesterday Addressed an open letter to tho members of the advisory board of the Republican National Com mit toe. SAILS TO FIX SITE FOR MARNE STATUE Marcel Knccht 'to Establish Quarters in Paris. i Marcel Knccht, member of the French Illth Commission In the United States, will tall this morning for Frnnco on I.a flavolo to establish headquarters at Parla for "America's Gift to France," the MacMonnlen 'statue to commemorate the first battle of the Marne. M. Knccht will be liaison representative for the national commltteo In this country and the French committee In. Paris. Soon after his arrival In Paris, at the Klysee Palace, M. Knecht will present several slllc flags to members of tha French Cabinet, President Pnul Dcscha uel, Marshal Joffro and Mondial Foch ns gifts from the National Committee for "America's Gift to Franco," The Hags nro 12 by 18 Inches and bear tho Krench and American colors. There , Will also he an Impropriate Inscription I testifying to the friendship that oxlsts between tho sister republics, The cere- mony will mark tho formal announce- ment to the French people of "America's Gift to France." M. Knecht will make a trip to the tcvn of Meaux on the Marne,1 tho hlgh wnter mark of the great German ad vance of IBM, In the company of Mar shal Joffre and Marshal Foch to select Mr. Anr1rnn Nnfrfriitil tliAt nfttlonnl i .nmiti.. ini,,.r,n.. ,.,,nniiiin l'10 P' where tho memorial will bo committee Influences were responsible , u g MWQa thM 10 MRS. SPANG FOUND SOUP TOO COSTLY Did Without It Rather Than Tip Waiters. The tips to waiters who brought soup to her room In the Waldorf-Astoria were so numerous that Mrs. Rosa 13. Spang, who left an estate of more than $2,000, O00, decided that she could not Include this kind of food in her diet. Dr. Joseph York, who attended Sirs. Spang at one time, testified yesterday before Surrogate Cohalan and a Jury, where Mrs. Mabel Crome-Ancker, her daughter, Is contesting her mother's will, that Mrs. Spang told him the tips cost tier more than the soup was worth. Dr. York and Dr. Kdward M. Foote. another attending pnyelclan, testified they believed Mrs. Snane was Irra tional. She told funny stories and re cited verses which made the doctors blush. They regarded her treatment of her husband, Charles H. Spang, mil llonalre steel manufacturer, an "hmiil " Tho proposed compromise plan. It Is I Although he was blind and 111 with thought, would tend to put a decided crimp In the radicalism In the forum. Certain of the vestrymen admit prl- i vatelyt. that they have long been of the opinion that their rector was mis taken In. his public forum Idea, but they do not' want to put themselves In a position of suppressing or dictating to the pulpit. Some of them feel that the Beds have been making n practice of "packing" the forum meetings tn the church room for the express purpose of creating a din whenever any speaker might make a remark that they could construe as favorable to their cause and for abus ing the privileges of speech that Dr. Grant has been extending to them. Although they are supporting Dr. Grant tho vestrymen generally appear .to be of the ODlnlon that the critics of ' the forum aro qulkc Justified In their attitude. "This controversy never would have arisen," ono of them said to a rep resentative of Tub Sum,- "If the forum had not been given over almost ex clusively to radicalism, and If. Dr. Grant had not made the mistake of com paring the Buford to tho Mayflower." ''AFFINITY" MOTHER STIRS ELLIS ISLAND Complications All Seem Favor Miss Knowles. to Tho most perplexing .mlxup which has struck Ellis Island, the Island of Incom ing complications in many a year, Is now worrying Byron II. Uhl. acting commis sioner. Mrs. Cora M. Splker of Baltimore, Is appealing from the decision .of the Board of Special Inquiry which refused admis sion to this country of "Miss Emily Knowles and her three-months-old baby. Miss Knowles, according to alfldavlts flled, was the affinity of Perley R. Splker. Mrs. Spiker's husband, when he was at Jn American n.vlnttnn wimn In 'PTncrHnil v Mrs. Splker states she knows all the cir cumstances and declares that It would not disturb her happiness if Miss Knowles came to live In their home. To Mil to the situation, an affidavit was aYso (lied by Guy S. Splker, her hus i band's brother, stating that hn would liparry Miss Knowles, although he has ! never seen her. He lives with the Splk efs In Baltimore, and apparently Airs. Splker believes the marrlago would set- 'tie everything. Mrs. Splker desires to adopt the baby. No decision has been rendered on the UPPeaL MOTHER AND SON TAKEN IN DRUG RAID 1,000 Worth of Narcotics beized in Oliver Street. Drugs believed to be cocaine, heroin Jand opium valued at more than $1,000 wero neizei yesterday when Detectlvex Krb. Judge nnd Jochcr of the narcotic squad raided the apartment of Mrs. Fan tila Cucco at -U Oliver street. Mrs. Cucco was arrested, charged with Aavlng In her possession and selling Illegally cocaine nnd heroin. Her son lJUlph Cucco, of tho same address, vim lrresteu also on a charge of possessing Imiu traonra.? opium, ine narcotic squad I-Mi turn receiving complaints from resi dents in tho Oliver street district that Koyg itcre uilns drugs. iTha detectives sent a' man to the Cucco apartment to make a purchase with roanxeo. money, no reported mat .Mrs. vCaco,5 0,'l him n llttl phial of cocaine Tor $5, after raising n trap door under bM and taking out a box containing ou fifty phials of drugs. paralysis, thpy said, his wife referred to mm as a faker." Mrs. Spang made a will the day be fore she died tn which she left the resi due of her estate to the "Rosa E. Spang Foundation" for homeless children. The trial will be continued Monday. CAPT. DETZER IS FREED FROM ARREST Action May Indicate Acquit tal by Court-Martial. Capt. Karl W. Detzer, who has been a prisoner on Governors Island since November 8 last, on trial for mistreating military prisoners, was released from ar rest yesterday. The order was Issued by Trial Judge Advocate Major William F. Kelly, Indi cating that tho court-martial board has acquitted the army officer of the cruelty charges. Tho order, however, as served on Col. J. C. F. Tlllson, commandant of Fort Jay, simply stated that the court martial had neither Imposed confinement or dismissal on Capt. Detzer, pnd that therefore under the regulations govern ing courts-martial ho must be released. It Is possible, however, that Instead of acquittal the court may have Imposed a fine, a reprimand, or suspension In rank. It will be several weeks before the formal announcement of the decision of the court-martial will be made known. OPERA SINGER ALDA IS AWARDED $54,007 Action Against Estate of J. R. De Lamar. Frances Alda, opera singer, who In private life Is the wife of GattlCasazza. was awarded a Judgment of $54,007 against the estate of Joseph R. De La mar yesterday In the report of Charles F. Brown to the Supreme Court. Mr. Brown was appointed referee to pass upon tho merits of her claim that she had lost $92,500 through a contract that ilT. De Lamar, multl-mllllonatre, mads with her. In her complaint she asserted that 01 March 1, 1917, De Lamar, In. considera tion or the transfer of her brokerage account to the firm of Prince & White ley, agreed to take entire management of the account and guarantee her against loss. She said she transferred the account and lost $92,500 as a result He had charge of stock dealings for her until his death in December, 1918. The referee found that only $52,181 had been lost by the plaintiff through De Lamar's management and this sum, with Interest, was allowed. SHIFT IN PLAYGROUND SITE. Hire Clft I'rolmlily AV1I1 Go to Pel- hnm Hay Park. The public playground and athletic field which has been presented to tho city by Mrs. Isaac L. P.lce and family probably- will bo at Pelham Bay Park Instead of Central Park, as was sug gested at first. The proposal was brought before the Board of ll.'tlrrmtn yesterday, but formal action was de ferred one week pending an opinion from corporation counsel upon certain legal phases. Henry Beaumont of Herts Robert son, archltestn for the Rice family, told the board the location Is adjacent to nit water nI thrfnr would be ad vantagoous for aquatic sports. Tho playground could be made ready for uso by Labor Day, he eald. for nn attempt to check tho opposition to the rcnomlnntlon of Senator Jnmcs W, WadBworth, Jr. He threatened trou ble for tho party If It stuck to Wads-worth. "It Is most unfortunate," ho wrote, "that National Republican Chairman Hays, n man who himself rings abso lutely true on moral and progressive Is sues, In the light of his splendid efforts Ir. tho country nt large to recur 0 the kind of candidates who appeal to tho best clement of the citizenship, should apparently be engaged and hog tied by tho business Interests or the political machlno In Now York to such an extent that ho Is unable to protest against the renomlnatlon of Mr, Wadsworth." The threat( was contained In these paragraphs t "Unless tho national Republican or ganization ceases Interference In tho In ternal affairs of Now York Stato and stops the attempt to muzzle and sllcnco tho moral element In New York, which constitutes the overwhelming majority of tho rank and file of tho party, by using pressure and undue influence upon political leaders and prominent Repub licans In tho Stato of New York to tho extent of Insisting that tho whole na tional Republican ticket will bo Jeopar dized by an honest effort of tho organ ized women and the supporters of pro hibition to nominate a candidate for United States Senator who has a legiti mate appeal to that clement of tho tiarty without which there Is no hope of per manent Republican success, tho Antl Saloon League of New York will defend Itself against such subtle but none the less powerful Indirect Influence from tho national organization In any manner which It considers necessary to get re sults, and the consequences will bo upon those who make drastic measures necessary. "The Anti-Saloon League opposes Mr. Wadsworth not because If his past con sistent wet record, but because his re nomlnatlon and reelection will encourage the liquor Interests everywhere and give them leadership In the United States Senate (or six years In their effort to nullify prohibition by repealing or emas culating the Federal enforcement law. For this reason the Anti-Saloon League of New York Is determined to retire Mr. Wao'swnrth from the Senate, or else make his election cost those rcsponsble for It Infinitely more than ho can pos sibly be worth to them. It the wet poli ticians or others who have been bluffed by the wets ask, 'Would you Jeopardize the Republican party for the sake of prohibition?" our .reply Is, 'Would you Jeopardize the Republican party for the personal satisfaction of a bull headed reactionary wet who has' himself Jeop ardized the Republican party to graltfy his own prejudices?' " Mr. Anderson declared that tho at tempt of the liquor Interests to capture Congress nnd nullify the 1-eileral pro hlbltlon amendment was typified by the efforts In which Ogden L. Mills "Is prom inent to ram down the throats of most of the women," of the friends of prohi bition and the moral clement generally the renomlnatlon and reelection of Mr. Wadsworth. "It Is most unfortunate," tho letter read, "that former State Senator ogden L. XIIlls, Jr., ono of tho most offensive 'wets' ever In the New York State Leg islature, should be chosen ns chairman of the executive committee of tho new advisory board of the National Repub lican Committee to consider the question of policies and platform for tho national Republican party." TEN PER CENT. GAIN CENSUS ESTIMATE Work Here Now Is Nearly 95 Per Cent. Completed. Tho business of taking the census of '.ne Greater City will be nearly 93 per cent, completed to-day, accord'ng to William M. Steuart. Assistant Director of the Census, Washington, supervising the enumeration In tho district which Includes New York city and suburbs. "The remaining 5 or 10 per cent, w'll b difficult to work up," ho added, "but we shall complete it with all the kpeed and accuracy possible." Neither Mr. Steuart nor Samuel J. Foley, who U In charge of the work In the borough of Manhattan, would commit themselves to an estimate of borough or city totals yesterday. Mr. Foley thought final figures might show an Increase of 5 to 10 per cent, over the figures of 1910, and conceded that Brook lyn would probably show a greater gain than Manhattan. A definite announcement of the popu lation of the city will bo forthcoming In about two weeks, and by that time the work of those taking tho census-of man ufacturers wilt be well under way. Chief Special Agent William A. Ruff has come on from Washington to supervise this task, and he will be assisted by M. J. Racloppl and G. W. Ross, also of Wash ington. This work will require about six months. When asked concerning the statistics of the Board of Health for the week ended January 24 census officials would not predict that the board's estimate of 2,829,239 for Manhattan or the total for tho city In excess of 6,000,000 would be attained precisely as allotted. The merest estimate which could be obtained would credit Manhattan with approxi mately 2,500,000, which Is probably con servative enough for safety. will bo erected on tho hills nuove Meaux, at tho fork of the natlonnl highway built by Ciesnr nnd repaired by Napo leon. Tho French Government Is con sidering making these hills Into n na tional park covering seven ncres. Tho French commltteo consists of Hormann H. Ilnrjes of Morgan, Hnrjes & Co., Walter Gay, Whitney Warren, James Hazcn Hydo and Alexandre Rlbot, former Premier. It will cost $250,000 to erect tho monu ment, nnd early In March a free will col lection will bo taken up throughout tho United States to obtain tho funds. Fred erick MncMonnlcs, the noted American sculptor, Is now at work on tho statue. The final design has not been deter mined. The French Government has' already ncceptcd the gift, M. Plchon, while Min ister of Foreign Affairs, having ex pressed In formal, resolutions the ap preciation of tho French people. The new Cabinet b In hearty sympathy with the project. CENTRAL UNION TO QUESTION COUNCIL Wants Explanation of Pro posed N. Y. Consolidation. The Central Federated Union of New York city appointed a five man commit-' teo last night to ascertain why the exec utive council of the American Federa tion of Labor wishes to abolish It , and bring nil of tho local unions tn ! Greater New York under one executive committee. This action was suggested by Samuel Gnmpers, who, In a letter to tho C. F. V.. declurcd that the existence of four labor councils In the greater city was unnecessary nnd Inefficient nnd that, therefore, tho C. F. V., the Rich, 'ond Central Trades and Labor Council, the Bronx Labor Council and the Central Labor Union of Brooklyn should sur render their Individual charters and consolidate under one charter that the 800 labor unions In the city might have only ono mother body. But there was much dissension among the delegates at last night's meeting. Led by A. A. Lefkowltz of tho Teachers I'nlon, Iho majority of the delegates chofe to send the committee to meet Mr. Gompers nnd other members of the exec utive council of the A. F. of L at the Continental Hotel on .Monday nt nooir, but to hind tho C. F. U. to no ncllon or agreement. The committee's sole power consists In compiling a report and sub mitting It nt the next meeting of the C. F, l next Friday night. At the meeting nn Monday tho real reason for the conference nnd the amal gamation of the central bodies, nnd the failure of the (.'. V, I', to take summary notion upon the printing trades secessionists last summer will be re viewed. The C. F. V. committee consists of K, I. Hannah. Edward Gould. E. V. Ry heckl, Morris Brown and William Holder. CHECK FIGURES IN TRIAL OF G1TLOW Signed With Name of Rose Pastor Stokes. A check for $315, signed with tho name of Rose Pastor Stokes and with tho notation "Insufficient funds" across Its face, was offered In evidence at the trial of Benjamin Gltlow yesterday as part of the State's proof that Gltlow was responsible for tho publication of litera ture which, It Is charged, was crlmln allr anarchistic. Gltlow, a one time Assemblyman, Is on trial In the Criminal Branch of the Supreme Court. The Indictment against him rests on evidence that he, with cer tain members of the. Communist Labor party, gave public utterance to the doc trine that force and violence should 13 employed In the overthrow of this Gov- 1 ernment In tho pages cf a magnzlne known as the ilri'oliifionni-j Agr. tin- 1 dor tho title "The Communist Manifesto" that magazine carried last July an ar ticle which the State Insists was crimi nal. It will be read to the Jury to-day. The check with the name of Mrs. Stokes signed to It was put In evidence yesterday Just after Nathan Elkln,. a Grand street printer, had testified that , the copies of the Revolutionary Age con- I tnlnlng the Communist manifesto were printed In the establishment conducted by him and payment made by tho check. The check came back as Insufficient within a few days, and Gltlow, Elkln testified, paid him for the printing In cash. The check was not signed In dividually but ns secretary of a So cialist organization. Elkln wns careful to stato that ho, never met Mrs. Stokes In the transaction, I and that as far as ho knew she did not know for what her check was to bo given in payment. Mrs. Stokes Is under subpeena as a witness. BRATNARD FINED $1,000. Given Alternative of Workhouse. V"t lie Pays, Clinton Tyler Bralnard Individually and Harper & Bros., a corporation, each paid a fine of $1,000 In the Court nf Sneclnl Sessions vesterdav. fnllnwlni? Xevr Ilcstnnrnnt nt Urondwnr aria j -hcI" conviction in the arno court n. week ago or inc ouciice 01 puuusmng ouscene literature. In pronouncing sentence of the court yesterday tho presiding Justice called I upon tho corporation to pay "Its fine HAAN'S OPENING MONDAY. Itende Street. , The new restaurant of R. M. Hann il Co.. who for twenty years ran Haan' restaurant and rathskeller in the Park Row Building, will open Monday At 290 Broadway, corner of Reade street, ac cording to" an announcement made yes terday. Haan's Park Row place was for many years the haunt of lawyers. Judges and others having business In tho Federal Building, as well ns of newspaper men and business men of the Park itow neighborhood, In the old days Ilnan's Imported high grade wines of the sort now mentioned only with a Blgh, Without nuy alternative, but permitted 3(r. Bralnard the narrow cholro of pay ing his $1,000 or going to the workhouse fothreo months. Ills counsel saved hlmVfrom the dilemma by paying tho flno almost ns soon ns the amount was announced nnd filing within tho next few minutes n notice of appeal from tho court'3 yerdlct nnd sentence. The publication wnich wns responsible for Mr. Bralnard's conviction I "Made leine, a Autobiography.' Broadway at Ninth, New York Formerly A. T. STEWART & CO. Store Hours 9.30 to 6, TODAY is FAMIL Y DAY in the SALE of FURNITURE Good morning! , This is Jnnuary 311 The weather today will probably be fair. Some Parents bring up their . Children as If life were a holiday. ; After rnuch observation, it js apparent that many fathers and mothers do not teach their boys the value of time or money, though they expect them to turn out models of thrift. All children should be taught to work and to save as well as to play. "A penny saved is a penny earned." These young, Innocent trav elers should not be put on the untried road of life, in its early morning, without a sympathetic view of the course to follow, carefully laid out from an old traveler's observation and ex perience. Let the mothers also, who did so much to win the war by their well, regulated work, have a say to their big, grow ing boys. ' Advise your boys to open an account in one of the good sav ings funds. ' I January 31, 1920. NEW For Miss 14 to 20 So many new frocks are arriving every day, and the styles are so fascinat ing that we could not re sist sketching two of them. We also want you to see them because the prices are decidedly moderate. The Crepe Meteor frock, trimmed with many little pointed loops of two-toned double-faced satin ribbon is only $85. Navy blue or black. The frock with the charm ing little Eton is of navy blue serge combined with black satin, and there is a touch of Oriental color in the galon gir dle. $49.50. Prices in general range from $?7.50 to $125. Second floor, Old Building. Women's cotton Frocks, Now $5 to $19.50 Originally they were $12.50 to 55. Organdies, voiles, ginghams are in the collection; some are slightly mussed. Also there will be a few of the fine afternoon and evening gowns at $19.50 to $95; originally $39.50 to $235. Sizes 34 to 42 in the collection Second floor, Old Building. Clearing of Young Girls' Frocks Cleanway prices fs to $49.50 Original prices fto.ys to $75 School, play, afternoon, party and dancing frocks for young girls of G to 17 years. (Some junior sizes included.) Materials dotted swiss, or gandie, voile, net, chiffon, figured silk, taffeta, foulard, wool jersey, t serge, velveteen and chiffon velvet. Coats to go at $15 to $49.50 Originally $25 to $83.30 .Coats of wool velours, Bol ivia cloth, tinseltone, tweeds cheviot (regulation models) nnd prnctically all the smart materials of the season. Some coats have fur collars. Second floor, Old Building. Husbands and wives come from far and near. The magnet of GOOD furniture draws them here, and sends them away satisfied. For this Febru ary Sale is the assembling -place of the largest variety of good furniture made in America; two great gallerie&one block wide and one block long--filled with ii; all of it priced 10 to 33 per cent, below our regular prices. All transactions Today will date from Mon day, February 2d. , FIFTH GALLERY Living-room furniture, library furniture, upholstered furni ture, desks, bookcases, day bods, chaises-longues, mission furniture, sewing tables, gateleg tables, hall clocks, reed furniture and thousands of pieces of small novelty furniture. SIXTH GALLERY Bedroom furniture, dining-room furniture, suites and sepa rate pieces, brass beds, white enamel beds, couches. For Miss 14 to 20 Frocks at savings of $20 to $70 Today's prices, $29.50 to $125 Prices were, $49.50 to $195 Street, afternoon and evening dresses in fact, the entire remainder of our Winter collection. Vel vte, velveteen, duvetyn satin, tricolette, tricotine and Georgette crepe are the materials. Mostly one dress of a model there fore, selection is intensely attractive. Sizes 1'4 to 20 years included. Coats at $59.50 Our $72.50 ,to $85 grades. Burro cloth, sif vertone velours, Irenella and velours cloth both wrappy and belted modes. Smart colors. Collars of natural opossum, seal dyed con.ey and skunk dyed opossum. Sizes 14 to 20 years. Second floor, Old Building. The Corridor of Mantels Au Quatrieme tCUQjxiEutnbi Arranged in a corridor, Au Quatrieme, is a collection of antiques, wooden mantels and decorative overmantel paintings. Some fine examples of Adam mantels, with char acteristic ornament garlands and oval motifs. A very beautiful Chippendale mantel carved with great flowers, to be used in the modern small house or apartment. Decorative Overmantel Paintings A collection of paintings to be used over mantel pieces, includes very gay and lovely Italian flower paint ings beautiful in design and color, and very much in spirit with the old mantels. There are ajso a few archi tectural paintings, fine in color and amusing in design. Any one of these mantels and an overmantel paint ing would make a nucleus around which to build a beau tiful room. Fourth floor, Old Building. In the January Sale of Women's Shoes $14 to $16 shoes are $g.ys pair. $io to $12.50 shoes are $8.75 pair. $8 and $9 shoes are $6.75 pair. $7 and $8 shoes are $5.75 pair. ALL WANAMAKER shoes. This season's styles, high cut, lace a few button. All good leathers. And a very important fact we can not replace any of these shoes at the prices for which you may buy them today. First floor, Old Building. Embroidered Lingerie at $2.50 Imported very special Gowns and chemises made of fine sheer nain sook; scalloped around the top of the round, V and square neck gowns; and sleeves; and around tops and lower edge of the chemise. Excellent for the price. Third floor, Old Building. This is NOT the ordinary type of fas Overcoat Sa Even though the price is.. . . $49.50 It consists of ULSTER - type overcoats Double-breast-ers Made of hand finished friezes That will out wear the soft, spongy fabrics that are so plen tiful now. There will be more than 400 of these big, warm, high-grade coats of our SGO to $70 grades at ?49.50 today. Just because a clothing maker wanted to rid his shelves of heavy coatings. Overcoats at $24.50 and at $31.50 The Broadway Corner Store has them and they arc GOOD overcoats. We're closing out several lots before stock taking, and they all are ready today in two undcr-price groups. (Broadway Corner Store) Men's Furnishings 'way down Domet flannel nightshirts, nil sizes, $1.25, were $2.50. Kaincoats, all sizes, $6, were Imported Terry cloth bathrobes, $5, were $10. Fancy mufflers, artificial and cut silk, $1.75, wore $3.50. Soft collars, sizes 17, 17, 18, now 15c, were 35c. Men's Silk Socks, 55c pr. 4,500 pairs; slight irregularities in plaiting make these socks "seconds." Without them they would bo 75c pair. Black or cordovnn grounds shot with contrasting colors such as pur ple or red. Burlington Arcade floor, New Building. I imm. I III 3 v