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V.' a"""U' "'U'" iinamwiVwi'iHiiiiMi m iiih'.'"wi'ii.i-)w',h'"'"ii'"ii "'ttiiWwwit1"1.'1'" "mjumi- f" -"SUM I I ' ' ' . .. 8 , ' "" "' '-'' '" ' ' ' " " ' i , $49.50 I Jib 1 TUB SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 81, 19H0. ' Broadway; . at 34th St. Phono Grceloy 2626 for WOMEN'S SUITS Formerly $75 to $1 25 Storo Hours 9:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Just Arrived An Unusual Collection of Women's Wool Velour and Tricotine, 1,000 Handsome Moire Velvet and Beaded Velvet Bags o) a character rarely to be seen ! At $29.50 The smartest of Frocks created for Spring, skilfully fashioned of Wool Velour or fine quality Tricotine, retailing at $5 to $0.50 a yard. Some are in straightline effect, others smartly tucked or embroidered. All are most exceptional value at $29.50! 'Obtainable in Navy Blue, Tan, Reindeer and Beige. Sizes 34 to 42. Fourth Floor. On Sale Beginning Saturday Junior Girls' Gingham Frocks Very Special At $6.95 ' S7.50 $6.95 Pretty little frocks of dur - )le Ginghams, in youthful eck and plaid effects, with ftge collar and cuffs of Or gandie. , Splendid for school and general wear. At $6.95, with out competition! . Sizes 12 to16 years. Girls' Hand-Embroidered Frocks Saturday at $7.50 A winsome straight line model, developed in Linon, with dainty hand embroidery for embellishment, and collar and cuffs of crisp Organdie. Sizes C to 12 years. Wonderful value. Illustrated. For Prompt Clearance 175 Girls' Winter Goats Reduced to $12.75 Formerly to $19.75. These coats are in a variety of very youthful models, carefully fashioned of Silvertone, and Wool Velour; many fur trimmed. Sizes 0 to 10 years, but not in all styles. Second Floor. Limited to Saturday Real Hair Transformations Special at $6. Nothing aids so much in perfecting a smart coiffure as a good transformation.- These are of excellent" qualjy hair, in every shade. , Third Floor. Women's Natural Muskrat Coats Saturday Only $147.50 Stunning Sports model as p i c t u r e d made of choice quality Natural Musk rat, beautifully silk lined. Unequalled at $147,50 Regularly $6.50 t6 $8.50 ) in -a special sale Saturday j $3.95 High' grade bags from 'our regular stock, together with the' sample line of a manufacturer who, 'because of the never-failing quality of his merchandise, has our entire confidence and respect. Dozens of models to select from, -quite simple or elaborated with beautiful bead work, and silk lined. Sale begins at 9:30 Saturday our advice is: make your selections promptly. Main Floor. Suits in our regular stock selling formerly at $75 tb $125 included. Tailored and fur-trimmed styles to choose from all beautifully mado. Fourth Floor. 'The "Last IVorf in Distinctive Fashions Jor the Younger Set Misses' Polo Coats $29.50 59.50 As Pictured $59.50 Swagger Ccctss of Camel's Hair Polo Cloth, showing the distinctly youthful raglan shoul der, and in verted pleat in back, large convertible col lar, and roomy patch pockets. An ultra- smart coat at a very modest price! Sizes It to 18 years. " SATURDAY Boys' Mackinaws Special $11.00 The all-outdoor coat for boys at a very low price. Snappy double breasted model, with large pockets, made of ser viceable plaid and heather mixture mackinaw cloths. Sizes 7 to 17 years. Strictly 'Limited to Saturday A Very Special Sale of Lustrous Taffeta Frocks for Misses at $29.50 An exact duplicate of a Hew Premet model, in which all the chip and daring of the priginal is admirably retained. Youthful surplice waist, crossing in back in girlish fashion with sash bow, cunning shirred sleeves, and ruffled skirt. Tote had in Flemish Blue, Navy Blue, and Black. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 Misses' High-Grade Suits Reduced for immediate clearance j Broken selections of some of the best suits carried in our regular stock, fashioned of Velour, Silvertone, Duvet de Laine and Tinseltonc. Tailored Suits Reduced to $28 and $35 Fur-Trimmed Suits.. ..Reduced to $48 and $58 We doubt if you will see such handsome 'suits again at these remarkable prices! - ' Second Floor. Junior Boys' Overcoats Special $9 Nothing like them in the present market! Smart button-to-neck model, carefully produced in a variety of fancy mixtures. Sizes 3 to 8 years. Junior Boys' Overcoats of a eery high standard of tailoring Saturday at $16.75 Swagger double breastcrs that are as warm and practical as they are individual. Produced in heather mixture over coatings of splendid service-giving quality. Warmly lined throughout. Sizes 3 to 10 years. ' For the hoy oj 10 to 18 years Serviceable Winter Overcoats Special $13.75 This price is based on wholesale costs of nine montlis ago a very substantial saving to you! Boyish and young t mannish models, tailored in a large variety of dependable 1 overcoatings, in the most wanted colors. Boys' High-Grade Suits With Extra Knickers Saturday at $18.75 'Because of their unusually high standard of workman ship these suits will prove a splendid investment. The styles arc exclusive, but real boyish, and thc'matcrials arc of known dependability. Sizes 7 to 18 years. Second Flopr. Sale American Lady Corsets Regularly $6 $75 Three models for al most every type of fig ure madeoflightweight material with or without, rubber tops. t. The quantity Is limited, therefore early selection will be to your advan tage. Third Floor SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED! A Most Uncommon Collection of Ultra-Smart IE, HI'S ffl KM KM produced with rare skill in the most beautiful cloth and fur fabrics loomed. Every coat made for our regular stock, according to our usual very high standard of workmanship. Straight-line, belted and sports models, many handsomely trimmed with real fur. Sizes 34 to 48. $39.50 to $49.50 Coats . Reduced to $29.50 $55.00 to $65.00 Coats Reduced to $39.50 $69.00 to $75.00 Coats Reduced to $49.50 $79.00 to $85.00 Coats :v;. Reduced to $59.50 $89.00 to $98.50 Coats : Reduced to $75.00 $95.00 to $125.00 Coats Reduced to $85.00 None Sent (f. O. D., Exchanged or on Approval Fourth Floor. We shall place on "sale Saturday A Splendid Collection of $5.95 W wider Hats values that ' set all New York ialk'"S Hats for the matron and miss, authentic in their clever styling, and developed in materials of -a quality usually confined to much costlier cliapeaux. Every model is new, and an unequaled value at this very low price. Mitzi Sailors, Turbans, Smart Bandeaux Styles and Chin Chin Sailors are included, developed in the new braids tastefully combined with rich silk's. The trimmings are of flowers, fruits, metal ornaments, embroidery, ribbons and fancy feathers. Three styles Pictured. Third Floor These Smart Skirts Are Only. $17.50 but for Saturday onlyl Skirts that will give splendid service because they are tailored right, in materials of proven service giving quality. Box, side, accorleon-pleatcd and tailored models, for both women and misses. Plaids are the most fashion ablethese are in the most fashionable Spring plaids Fourth Floor. Now Enjoying a Wide Vogue Among Fashionably Dressed Women Crescent Mesh Bags as pictured At $59.50 This is the most beautiful mesh bag we have seen, mado of Green Gold finished mesh, with overhanging apron of line mesh in old lace effect. So new, so exquisite in every detail that you must sec it in order to fully appreciate its wonderful charm. t Main Floor. 10 1 r.l Sixth Floor. 1 1 m