Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920, 3 I ? turns: I rfSsas. i' r 0PYAN WINKLE' "PLEASES AS OPERA Jtcginnld dc Keren's Work Jlas Spirit of T'l'iinh, Good iluinor. . MADE FOR POPUUJt EAR Percy Jlnckayc's Hook 3Ittikcl l)y Pietnvesqiiencss and Win ninpr Humanity. nip Vnn WlnUI"--A the l.ettngton Theatre, Hip Van Winkle, ...Ueorun BaUanoff Hindrick Hudson. . . . Ilrctor Dufranno Dlrck SpuywnduyvllMHdouard Cotreiilt Nicholas Wilder. . .Ouilnve Hubfrdrau Paterkft Hvrlyn Hsrhart Katrina. V.J tin Dutch Derrick vin liumiiifl Uonattntln Nlculay Jan vin Ilummel. . . .Edmoml V'ititry liana van Hummel Harold Carroll Dcoie Ulrl , ...lliums Noo "Rip Vnn Winkle," folk opera In four lift, til book by I'oiov Mnel'nyo, llio jimiuslc by Reginald de Kuwui, wim pro duced Last night at the, Lexington Then r by llio Chicago Operp. -Company. Tlie a lbr,ttll and composer were i omml.v i 1 loua to write thin work by llio kite Ullenfonte'Cnmiianlnl. They have there. r'liM .u- .it..i..,r,... i -t .. ...... - iUVJ uioiiuLiiuu m unns; me nrsi. ui o mmuii cunipniiy ui American con- K...A.... t I. - . i pKwuiuiq iu wic uinaire ui gianti opcrn y'lreeelve such nn nrrlr. Tliplr rrimtlnn ...... ..... io arsi performed on any since at the udltorlum Theatre In Chicago on Jan Iry 2 of tho present year. sTIio title folk opara waa undoubtedly I ' J50IIN. OOI.DIIA.V. To Jlr. and Jlre. Itotert J, Ooldman on January io, a daugnicr. mm. "ALLIOKn On January 50, after short innesi, nicpara unycKincK All.ger, In Nw York city In lila 'stventy-alxlli year ilemlier of Alma 1-otJsr, o. T!l. r. ft A. II. Huahand of Annie II. Alllcer and father ot Trances Alllger Ink and or the late Charle.i II. Alllser and lllchard D. Alllgrr, Jr. Burled at Christ Church Cemetery on , January SO, 1920. akti. At Stamford, Conn., on Thurjday, f January i'J, l'JM, ot pneumonia, An drew J.j age SS years, husband of Minnie A. Uttell and son ot Harry and Olive IS. Barber Dell. Funeral private, 1t uuu,., iuursnay, January :j, isso, Charles W. Bullcii, husband ot Ella I. 1 Tiullen, at hla residence. ICO Belmont Notice, of funeral hereafter. Kingston papers pleasa copy. iIKE. Suddenly on Friday afternoon, January 20, Jennie ft., wldotv of Cam dsn C. Dike, In her eighty-third year. Is'otlct of funeral lifer, DUEUy. At his horns', 1131 Xorth Droadiray, Tenkera, K. Y on Thuri day, January 5, Judg Charles It. Duel!, In his seventieth year. Funeral services at hla late residence Saturday, January 31, at 1 r, M. Jn urment Cortland liural Cemetery, Cort tMnd, N. Y, IIOUT Lieut. Bernard VanderWIt Eekbout, U. S. Navy, at Ouantanamo ' Aviation Field, n January it. i,,!c of funeral hernafter. jfllCll. Anno, on January SO, Eer SS "TIIK KU.NEltAI, rillllLJi' "rank E. Campbell). Urci', at if ei. sixth street.. Kunday. S P. M, T5kB0.V. On Thursday, January I). at her raldne, ! West KUhty- street, l'hoeba worthlnston. ,..w or William iianuinton, th Of stelfhtlsth year. at til senteea Daturdsy afternoon, wasjary SI, 5 o'clock. VflNO, Cdgena, on January 30, Ser- Weea "THE FUNERAL OHUnCH" Vrank E. Camnbell). Ilroadtrnv at 2suty.slth street, February 1. : I', 51. ;NOSTENBEH.u. on January so, Ltoyu IVIIIiam. eldest sen of William A. and Msrcarat K.. seed tZ year'. Funeral aervlces at hla late home. West K wood, N. J Sunday afternoon nt ::30 P. M, Erie trains from Jersey City II and S o'clock. HOlilnVOOD. John J., hunband of Emma U Jlollywosd, 55; Seneca ave nue. Mount Vernon, X, V,, In tho Delhi Hospital. Delhi, India, January mo. Interment, was In Delhi, India. JfUNSJCKEF.. Helen Bolce, ulfa of Alvln JIunslckfr, Thursday, January :3, ia:o, unerl srvlc at late residence, 1017 A Hudson Boulevard East, vteeiiawKen, N. J Saturday, January SI. 19!0, ot I P. M, Kindly omit flowers. Inter ment Prlvt. tANE-At Flushing. U I., on January SI, Caroline Allen, widow of William . Lent. In her seventy-fifth yfar. Funeral private. LEVF.RINO. On January St, 11!", at 1 Eaat Flfty-sUtli street, itttiimona Severing In the thlrty-n,ith year of his age. funeral servke and Intarment private, Indiana, Kentucky. Chicago. Washing- ten no linden psprs pieaee copy.; op Thursday, January 50, Jphn T husband; of the late .Mary A, Chauncey, Funeral services Masonic Temple, Twen fourth street and Sixth avfnue, on Sijnday, February 1. at 2:80 p. M. P.elatlves and friends Invited. Auto mobile cortege. TN'D.VEIl. Walter. In his flftyfourtii year, at lih residence, west ktih. avenue. Fervlcra si Till' ru,n.". illUltcil" 'Csnnbt'l Hldg.), Brond kiy t Blity-slsth -;reet, on Hundav, February 1, at ! A. M. 'EON. On Jury J, l:o. In his sv- enty-llfth year, Pt P residence, i Hlfks street. Brooklyn, William, be lod husband -r C'lsta A, Sfsaon. grys snr Interment prlvste. cCOJIB. WHUam MflOl' of MKoivofn. f, J husband of'Ulillly I- Xiirton, on January N, Brvptl "TUB rUMillrWi citur.en' (Campbell Buliuingl, uroauway, at Slxty-sUth aires!, on Saturday, Janu ary SI, at 15 PO0"- I-slewoJ papers please eery. ' VNDCnTAKEBS. WHEN DEATH ENTERS YOUIi HOME "W Call "Columbus $200" At Any Hour, Day or Night The parting honors will be paid in, a way Iona to no rememu'rai menu arc In the hands Call "Columbus 8200" Any Hour. DayarNigtn FRANK E. CAMPBELL "the funeral, CHUaCHllas. Brostdwy at 66 St. 23 Street at a Ave Flarrsrs far all Of cwlons. ArtUUc Funeral Oslf naour Spesiallj. nilnptcil lo direct attention to the undis guised purpose of the eolnborers. They net but to create popular opera, thor oughly American In flavor, on an Airier Iran subject, Doubtless ustonlshment would be canned by the expression of a iloubt that the subject would be ac claimed aa purely American, but unci) a question obtrude Itself at the very outlet, Oriuandlne threw St, David Into ft sleep ot men year, from which no wai nwakened by Ht. George, Kpt- mcnldca the CInostIo (ilept llfty-eeven years, dyneth, under the spell of Mer Jin. slept 500 yearn. There ure many more and abo a formidable list of thoso who dumber anil are yet to he aivakr enod KHJali,' Bndymlon, Klnir Arthur, Frederick Barbaroasa, Charlemagne and sewrnl others. Story of llriieitnhTTde. , But atlll doner to Mr. Mackayo's ver lion of the Itlp legend Mandfl Uie (itory of Hruennhllde. who was thrown Into ., mnnln 1a,i WnttiM nnA mnifllnad tt mnglo nleep by Wotan, and remained In It while Htegjrktl grew up io man hood, so that ho could marry hoi-. One would hardly except to find In the blessed little 1'eterken of the new opera a ropllca of young Siegfried while she waited for Hip to emerge from Ills sleep on the charmed mountain and to drink n maglo draught (like several Wagnerian personage.!) and regain tils youth. Even were thero no resemblances In Kuropean legends to our Hudson Valley myth, we doubt whether denizens of the Kur West or even .llii Mississippi Valley would rcRurd It ai nnythlntr but local. All our Knickerbocker forefathers, yei, even HurdkoppInK I'let hlhisilf, may not nrrutly lin-res the tojiu of the prairies und the ennyoni. Tlirre Is r.o noeil lo ret'ounl In detail Mr. Muckayc's story. Ho hai taken llbci'.lcx with the original, as he hnd u right lo do, and linn mxde a practical and effecllva opera book, tilled with opportunities for pretty music and those rpoctapular rcenlc effects without which the opera of our (lay Is but a beggar on horseback, Th chief point Is Hie ap pearance of the irook Utndrtch Hudson In the first act, when Itlp In late for his own wedding and turned oft by tho Irate bride A'nfrlnn, Jlcndrick Invites flp to visit him In the mountains and promises to glvo him a magic Mask If he comes. Peterktr, a little girl, follows Tffji U tho heights, where all sortn of ghostly dtilngs go on, not,, of course, omitting the thunderous game ot bowls, ffeii ffrfcfc nnd Ids mate Dtrrk scheme to mate Ulp with' I'cterkre and deliberately put him to sleep for twenty years, so that the girl may return to her village and grow up, fill descends from the mountains after his twenty years, ac cording to the old story. .Mocked and abused, he Is middonly restored to :-outli by a drink from the tAjglc flak and goes oft to his wcddlris; with Pcterkte. ,Jlook's l'li'turrsrino IQnnllty. Mr. Mnckaye's book In much better than this crude and hasty outline mat cates. It has n picturesque quality, and It.i action, built though It Is upon an enlarged form ;i' the legend, has a win ning humanity. Kip is the Bame old good for naught with the lovable nature,, and 1'cierkec, thrust Into the tale by tho lfbrcttlst, Is a oympathellc addition. Hut In regard to tho literary quality of tlm book there Is less praise lo be uttered than was given to "The Canterbury Pil grims." Mr. de Koven, who unfortunately was taken away before his opera had clearly defined Its place on the American stage, to too experienced a writer for the theatre to make the blunder of en deavoring to composo what, the Italians cajl an "opera serla." Tlw title "folk" opera must be kept always In mind. The composer evidently did not at anv moment lost Right of the nature of an old wives' tale.V The first act at any rate Is frankly made for the popular ear. It contains tmich.choral music of operetta, type, two effective solos for Itlp, one for KatHna, one for the Oooje 0lrj and two for JYfrrfcer. The finale Is excellently worked up. If any fault Is to be found It Is that there Is not enough contract in i no mupic. it Is all ttio pretty. One yearns for a single stavo of irlmneja a ion: ieo urnsteln. for Instance. Tho character ot the music did not change In tbe subsequent nets. It was plainly not Mr. de Koven's Intention to ute any of the tricks of the composer of serious legendary operas In delineating tho abodes of mystery or the personali ties of ghostly people, He -doubtless had DIED. MORGAN. Mary Johanna, on January 30. Services "THE KU.VEBA. CHURCH" (Campbell Building), Broadnay at Slity-Mxth atraet, on Saturday, .Jan nary SI, at 1 P. XI. Interment Sleepy . Hollow Cemetery. MUnuOGK At Illdgewood. N. J.. , jin. nary SS, 1S0. Matilda Jean, beloved wife of Stephen II. Murdoch. Funeral service on Saturday, January 31, 10S0, from hor lato residence, Si West .Franklin avenue, Itldgewood, N. J., at Si:o P. M. Interment at con. enI'nce of family. PA1IIS. Orloi Juan, Ijie of Argentine Ilcpubllc, of pneumonia. Friends please communicate with Ed ward F. Donovan, undertaker, 135 Hudson street, w-hara funeral services will bo beld Sunday, February 1, at S 1. M, Interment Calvary Cemetery. Argentine papers pleasa copy, r.VnsOXF.' On January 39, ljjO, nt Al bany, N. Y of pneumonia, Alice Van rterheef, beloved wjfo of Oeorge San. foril Parsons, runersl private, N Brighton, Staten Island, SAMETH. IMna. on Jan-jnrr 21 Services "THE PUXEBAL CHUBCII" (Frank E. Campbell), riro.idway at SIxty-alsth treet. January 31. U A. It. SMITH. Allan Hamllftin, aged J!, beloved husband uf Vivian Hall Smith and Smith a t.Hnr ,tt. I "Q 't rnn of tjcorge- Da Forest Frances rt. Smith, at pre'sbyterlan pltal, Janujry 29, Funeral at Kingston, N. T., 2 o'clock flunda. SMlTH,EIU,ibth, on January 3J. Fr Mees "THE FU.VEHAI. CJIUnCfl" (Frank E. Campbell). BrpaJ'.ray a stxtv.aixth street, Monday, JO A. M. WiLKINHOX.-Dorolhy. on Januarv Srs Services "THE FU.VEHAI. CUUrtCH" (Frank )!. Campbell), Broadwiv n Slxty.sth atieat, February I ? P. l WjCKWAUE. Moses, on Januarr it. Ir 'kes "THE FU.S'EftAI, CtHtCI" 'F-iill E. Campb-ll), Brnadsar at Sixtr-aUtli street, February I, J p, M, MBS. NEWMAN desires In In... w-- Jlin! McCraV of BlniCamton. whom .h nl at Wonamakera on October 21 i.if monlcata pith Mrs. NEWMAN, car. of S!,., vareus Well. SIS BroadVay. y. Ci'y. " " DNBERTAKER8. wnen irei.rinnrc , of Mr Campbell. ask. w IB Weber and "Der Krelndiuetx" In mind ' anil wisely avoided (he pitfall of Imita tion, His spooks wero a Jolly Kane and they even indulged In the happy rhythm ' of n wall. ()Mirlniilllr fur Applause, All the inhale la conceived In a splrl' i of frank good humor nnd the audience1 found many opportunities for applause, j Air. do Kovcn's old admirers muit have ' noted a falling oft u reiidlnrsn unci irpant'.nolty, but the composer wan not u l 1 man In good health when lie wrote tlitn J score. Tliesa lniprMlon of n flrat henr litj might be modllled by repetition?, and they have, therefore, not battled too furiously with these melodious butter filed. Tho opera was ory handsomely mounted; The tuv of tlie mountaltM from llio shore of the Hudson was c:.- rcllent, and the rocky pafs leading to tho hiding place of Uentfrlck Hudson mid the crew of the Half Moon had the nec- ersary nlr of mystery and threat. Tha , Mr0'rniance was generally i;fod. thougl. .... .i,.tu-.i?u ..A ..I. I-. .1 Its chief distinctions were achieved l Mr. llaklanoff as Hip, Miss Herbert in Peterkte and Mr. Hufrnnne as llcndrkk Hudton. Miss Herbert was qulto piquant and pleasing, and when not obliged to emit high tones pang tolerably. After the second act the applause was lone nnd hearty, In response to which Percy 'Mnckayn made a speech dwelling upon Mr. do Koven's creative power an dhls feeling for the spirit of youth. In the Audience. Mr. and Mr. Alfred Miles In honor of th; debut of their friend, Mlrs Kvelvn Herbert, who cans rati- Ur. had n pirty that filled Kcvr.-al boxes. Among their guests were Judge and Mrs. Klbert II. UiilT. Mr. and Mis Frederic Couitlund I'onfield, Mr. and Mre. Henry D. Whllon. Mr. and Mrs. l'lcrro Cartlcr, Mr. and .Mrs. Stephen C. Mlilttt. A. Morris Hagby, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hagen, Sir, and Mrs. John McKay, Mr. and Mrs. William C., JIi and Mrs. Christopher 1, Smlthcrs. Mrs. J. West Hornur, Will Urn T. Koch, Marshall Prentiss and 1 S. Ha con. There were also In the audience Mrs. Frederick W. Whltr'dgc, iMrs. walader Jones. Mrs. William F. Slice hart, Dr. and Mrs. Norman li Dltman. Mrs. Henry Blschoff, Miss Betty Colla more, Jlr. and Mrs. Wade' Illnshaw. Mrs. James K. Hackctt, Mrs. Edward Wal? Mrs. James Kprakor, Mian Flor ence Ithett, Mrs. William Stafford. Mrs. J. W. Scllgman and lieorge I,edlle; MABEL SMITH HEARD FOR FIRST TIME HERE Guiomar Novaes Again As sists Philharmonic Society. Thicc cntclalnnieiits In Iho concert field look place yesterday, with onu given by ii new singer hero. At Carnegie Hall Hie Philharmonic Society guve Its regu lar Friday concert, with Kuiomnr Novaes as the assisting artist in place of Percy Omlnger, ns she had been nt tho eo clcty's concert the night before because of Mr, Grainger' Illness. At yesterday's concert Mc. Oralngcr was to have ap peunl on the programme playing Trchalkovsky's piano conceitn and con ducting his new composition, "Tho War vlora." music to an lmaulnarv ballet with Italph Leopold playing the piano wlo. SIU Novaes again pla,ved the Schumann piano concert, thus making .i record for herself of threo performances of the work nt concerts of tlm society within the week. 'The orchestral numbers were Beethoven's "Corlolanus'' overture, the Fourth symphony ot Hrabms and Weber's "Euryanthe" oveiturc. At Aeolian Hall In' the afternoon MaW Corlew Smith, soprano, with Coenraad Hos nt the piano, gave her first song recital here. Htr well chosen nrotrramme Included old clasal nlrs, modern French nnd ltusslan songs, und a manuscript song by Sturkow-Ilydcr nntltlrd "Loneliness." Tho singer's work' disclosed fine 'taste; intctllgcnco ami t good command of style. In Meycrbtcr's air "Iloberto, Otu chc adoro" there was Insufficient technic nnd here, as elsewhere, a poor manage ment of her volte, whlclt naturally Is of good light quality, marred her delivery. In Hit evening nt Aeolian Hall Olga Steeb, planlat, and Suicha JacoblnofT gave a Joint recital. The pianist had flr3t been heard here earlier In Oils sea son, when she proved to be a player ot graceful accompllehments. As the open ing number the two nrtlstH played Franck's piano and violin sonata. To gether they gave a well balanced de livery of tlle work,' It lacked somewhat in inclsivoness out all in an tne worn was given In a muslclanly nvtmier. Mr. jRCoblnoff has not been heaid hero for some time. His playing last night showed a general gain In finish. His tone is an exceptionally beautiful one, MRS. LEEDS TO WED ROYAL PRINCE TO-DAY Son of Late King George of Greece Will Marry Her. According ,to cables lereived from Geneva'; Switzerland, Mrs. Nancy Stewart Leeds, widow of William H. Leeds, will be married there to-day to Prince Christopher of Greece. Mrs. Leeds became a widow In 1D0S whet her husband died In Paris. She received a large fortune which her husband had made in the (In plate industry, and be fore hla death she had a position of prominence In New York society as well as In Europe. There have been frequent rumors that Mrs, Leeds would marry In Kuropa and from tlms to time there also haW been reports that she would become the wife of Prince Christopher, When In London ahe was much In the company of the 'a,e Lad' '!le' 'vfp ot (3en. R'r ArHiur wI, WM 1"9 Mnnle Btevens, daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs. Paran Stevens of New York. About ten years ago Mrs. Leedu bought of Jlr., and Mrs. Frederick W. Vanderbllt their villa In Newport known as Hough Point, which she expected to use for a summer home. Alteration were begun on tbp place, but the work never was completed. The villa ins been vacant ever since. During the summer of IMS Mrs. Leeds was In New port, and she came back the following vpar nwinr tn tlm Illness of her fn titer l William C, Stcwarjt of Cleveland, who died that year, flhp has kept up homea i In London and Paris and has a son, j William Batcman Leeds, who Is a student ut I'ton In Knglnrul. Prince Christopher s n son of the late Klpg George of Greece, who was u brother of Queen Alexandra of Knsland. By her marriage Mrs. Leeds will bo ru lated to .some of the , royal families ot Europe, NAVY DANCE AT NEWPORT. Fourth of Series I Given nt Train ing: Station. S,Ue !al UetnticS lJ Tin: fivn. NnweoRT, Jan. Si), Capt. and Mr. I j D. K. Dlsmukes. Commander and JlM.I1"61"- atiVS A iWIDE. I n. jQtinston una Knit.Tn and Mrs. c. I." ait"' a til" rp .ivhig com-: Ni-ltli'rr Has Actress Brrn In Pllia. t h' our..- - r -llv sofie. of, , , . ncf. i Hic.i'!. rs of the nav.ili hur ln Hnme T''e. i i ' ' "-"I ' - I IVr. -tl was made yesterday by Tlicdi V- ,e !' . 'ias .'-elded to Barn, movie nctrces. that sho had mar- u.sco.rimi.. her t-jw'jrd.) af er.ioons at rled "Tom" Bodktn In PlttsbuVg, as was home until, after Lent. 'recently reported. .Miss Bara. though Commander and. Mrs. George C. 'her lawyer, Nathan Burkan, Issued the I .ogi' gave a dinner prior to tho dance. following: (pt the naval station. i Lawrence u Ollleaple of New York' an inspection ot his Newport horn lo-aay me returneu to xew Tork to MANY DANCES GIVEN FOR YOUNG PEOPLE M 1'. nilU ih'H, SlUUIICl C. JlftUOll ' . , . . , . , hlUCI'inill 10V UClMUUllO .Niece. BALL AT JUTZ-CAHLTOy , rpi,n Vlrn-tniniiq iruve DilUlGl' 1 iw 0I"'I1IIS JUlt JJiuiiy nl Plaza Bencf Its for Home Cliariilcs. last Tbrrj. u'Am nnn'rrtltft r'.:incii night for yoimg people In society. One, of them fas given In the white nnd gold room of the Plaza by Mr. and Mrs, Satnuid Clifton MaUon for their niece, Miss Laura Matym, the debutante daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James H. Mabon. At midnight a supper was served In an adjoining .room.' The guests wore seated at a horse shoo shaped table which was decorated with roues and Southern smllax. Among them wero Mr. and Mrs. Jamos U.- MtiAion, Jtr. nnd Mrs. Abel Irwlh Sniltn, Mr. and Mrs. Rnlplt C Carroll, Mr, and Mis. Kobci't W. I urle, .Mr. and .li. lMward S. Ilail.ncts, Mr. and .Mr, j JamJS '. P.ogerKOii, Mr. Andrutv -VI vord, .Mrs. William T. Koch, the Mini" J Helepn Ogdeu, Hetty Jackson, Kluli I'urtonw, K'alhcrlno HIIhi, JChIc .Morrill, Allsa Mellon of I'ittsburg, Minion Car loll, Dorothy Clapp, Klcnnor U. Palmer, ltenea Cnrhaft, Adclaldo Kip Ithlnu lander nnd Mary Strange. There wero nlso present J. Ireglnald Foster. William Floyd-Jones, Paul Ab bott, Harvey Chllds 3d., Jarvls Crom well, Frank Gould, Richard Hartshornc, Philip A. S. Franklin, Jr., Burton an ion, Sheldon Abbott. Louis Gordon Pooler, Charles Payson and Alfred Poor. Ilnll for liilon fietdeinrnt. The midwinter ball for tbe benefit of the Union Settlement was beld last njght nt the Itltz-Cnrlton under lle allspices of the Woman's Auxiliary of that or ganization. The dance was attended by innny of (he season's debutantes nnd young men In society. Several dlnneiof Mr. A. Barton Hepburn on the night were given In advance. Or? of these of I'Vbiuury 13. Among tho members of was c-tven hv Mr. Ilenrv 'P. Davison at tho ball committee are Mrs. James her home. 650 Park avenue. i!r guests Included Xr. and Mrs. CRslmlr de Illmni, the Mlsies Jlary Case, Harriett Ransom. Elulc Parsons, PrWilllu Murdock. Polly Lincoln, Barbara Kissel, Constance Jen nings, Eunice James, Emily Sloanc Ham. mond, Jean Fletcher, Betty Frank, Kath arine Kmmett, Dorothy Duncan nnd Alice Davison, Frank Appleton, Lcon ard Boeltman, Reginald Coomb", James Forreslon. Wallaco Hog?son, Henry Lawton, John Lelghtan, Peth Low, Dean Mathoy. Cecil Murray, Bradford Nor man, Jr, Arthur Wallace I'opel, Jr., Rob ert Pokell. Jr.. Stuart Wing, Frederick Trubee Davison, Douglas Coleman, Gus tavo Stewart, Jr., and Henry P. Davi son, Jr. Another dinner was given by Mrs. Ed win M. Bulkley at her home. 3'.' 'East Sixty-seventh street. Among her guests were th? Misses Katharine Bulkley, Lucy Bulkley. Bsrlha Fahys Barclay, Trlxlo Thorn. Elinor Minor, Julia Qualntance. Katherlne Porter, Judith Jennings, Mnrjorle Gilbert, Marie Cook. Marlon F. Hodcnpyl, Janet Croll, Betty Slmonson, Ray Bulkley, Helen Arm strong and Margaret Kidder: alto Theo dore Ames, Donald Welles. James Douglas, Jr., Edward Welles, Cornelius Trowbridge, Karl Erdman. Mlddleton Ross, Lnnslrig C. Holdcn, Jr., Edward Havendecn. Everett N. Case, Howard Dean, A'ken Rclsner, Arthur Leary. William I E. floano. Jr., George B. Larkln, Wllkle Busliby, Frank D.ile Warren, Jr.. Rudolph Sohulllnger, Eu gene L. Maxwell. Stewart Powers, Bazleton Brown, James A. Edgar. Jnmcs B. Armstrong and Douglas Slmsnson. Among the patronesses were Mines. Vanderbllt Webb. John Sanford, Edward Van lugen, AVIIIIam Jay Schleffvlin, Charles ritewart Smith. Harold Irving Pratt, Hiujh D. Auchlncross. John . Rogers, Comolius N. Bliss. Jr.. James Byrne, Henry S, Coc. tioaunue Livings ton, O'Dotincll Iselln, Otto H, Kahn, Ernesto G. Fabbrl, Walter Phelps Bliss, William Butler Duncan. Alvln W. Krecli. Frederic W. Lincoln, J. Clifton Edgart Ira Davenport, Rufus L, Patter-' son, Georgo W. Perkins. T. Tlle'ton Walls, Ernest A. Flagg. Henry If. Rog ers, Ol'ver G Jennings and 'Lewis B. Gawtry. Dinner of (he Virginians. The annual dinner and dance of the Virginians was given last night In the main ballroom of Bio Tlaza. The .com mitten In charge of the, arrangements Inclulled Stuart G. Glbboncy, Waller L. McCoiklc, E. McLean Long, F. Graham Cbctea and Paul tt. lUrrlnger, Jr. Amonp those present were Col. and .Mrs. Fred E, Farnswortli. Mr. and Mrs. T. Foster Gaines. Mr. and Mrs. Ernet It. Early, Jlr. and Mrs. Elliott Dalnger field, Judgo and Mrs. Hal Corbett, .Mr. apd Mrs, Henry II. Ilccorki. Jir. ami Mrs. John 8. McMaetcr, Mr. and ilrs, Notborne P. Oatllng. Mr. and Mrs. St. George H. Tucker. Mr and Mrs. ,. R. Watson, Jfr. and Mrs. Harry St George Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Pegram, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Sharp, Gen. David C. Shanks. H. Snowden Marshall, Dr. John H. Fowlkes, Robert L. Harrison, Dr, Cntosby Jonas, Mere dith F. Montne;ue, Hal W. Vaurhan, Dr. .1. Herbert Claiborne, ' Powlmttan Boi ling, Walter D. Blair, Dr. John H. Page, Huesc'ii is. .viaicnant. ur. joiiu u. uun nlngton and James N. Dunlop. Another dance ut the Plaza last night was that given In the rose room for the benefit of the Park Hospital under the auspices of Auxiliary A, Mrs. John T. Garrett president. Thl" dance was held In the rose room ot the hotel. Among ths patronesses wore, Mrs. Frederick C, Gaiucs, Mrs. Irving S. Ilaynrs, Mrs. Percy Sanborn Bnyntofi, Mrs. L. M. Hart. Mr. Lewis K. Neff, Mrs. Jo)in F. Connors. Mrs, Chester Alexander, Mrs. Clifford Edwards, Mrs. Otto Leber, The first of u second series of sunner dances under the auiplces of the Bachel ors in am of noma charities was given 'aft night In the Delia Bobbin rreim of tin Vandeihllt. The committee In- eludes Whitney Warren, Jr.. Richard Petors, Horace C. Stebblns, Hamilton Fish, Jr., Alfonso de Navnrrn ni)d W. Rhinelander Stewart, Jr. Among those who entertained friends Inst nlslit were Mr. and Mrs. Gustav J. S. Whltr, Mr. and Sirs. George Jay Gould, .Mr. and j mu. .milieu i. ierry, iirs. warn Uoug- la. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. MeCormlck, Mr. and Sirs. .Robert Ii Tod. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Olcott, MrNand .Mrs. John Aipjtreii. Jlr nnd Mrs. Frederick T. Frelliigliuysen. Miss Audrry Osborn. Mrs. C hnrles Pop., Jtr. and Mrs. Fr.vl. crick Lewlsohn. "III Bora has requested me to In- term )t,i that Mic was not married to Tom Rodhlu or to any one else, and that Hi has not been In Pittsburg for some NOTES OF THE S00IAI, WORLD. I Miss Margaret t Hale, daughter by a former murrlago of Mrs, John Oak-j man, will ur niurricu lu ijiiurri u, Thome, Ji'., this afternoon In too clime try of Urncn Church. A small recep tion will follow at 3 West Sixteenth ' street. The marrlago ot Miss Dorothy Down ing 'Dillon, daughter of Mrs. John Mil ton Dillon, to Donald Urmsby Page, will taka placo this evening In fit, Thomas's Church, iA reception will fol low nt tho homo of tho bride's cousin, Miss Kthel Hpcar, 115 Kast Slxty-nlntli street, Dinners will bo given this evening by Mrs, John Hanford and Mrs, Francis Key Pendleton. Mrs. John It. Dre.xel will give a re ception thin afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. John It. DrexiV Jr, I'ndcr tlm ausplcos of the New York Vlcltlne Committee, In order to raise funds for their hospital work, a dance will bo given to-night In the ballroom of 'tho Colony Club, Among tho members 'thro- arel -Herbert U Mrs, C. Grant 1a Farge, Mrs. J. Horace ' Harding, Mrs. Howland Davis, Mrs. uicuaru v, -oii, iurs. jxenry u, uurnso, nnd Mrs. Charles Williams. Several dinners will be given In advance of the dance, y Mr. Arthur ITodges, 12 Eaat Sixty fourth street, will glvo a the dansant this afternoon for her nlccc, Miss Paul ine Chapln Ilouinc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sawyer, ltn Dnst Scvtiity-clglitli sliect, will give a dinner followed by n thaatre party next Thura day tvonlng, to celehruto tho twenty fifth luiniveitiiiy of their iTiandnge. A luiiflii'on for Mrs. Janus Lnwreiice of Boston will be alwii to-day by 'the American Committed for Devastated Kronen at Hi Haat Thlity-iilnth stiect. Mrs. l-awrciico tecently letunud fiom France. . A reception will bu given this nfter noon In the ballroom of the Gotham by Mrs. Frederick Depew Stewart for her dauglifcr, Miss Margaret Gurncc Stewart. Owing to the Illness of one of the ar tists the concert for the benefit of war orphans of Italy, to be held at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabbrl, 7 East Ninety-fifth street, has beun post poned from February 8 to February IS, at 3:15 o'clock, Thero will be a pro gramme of ancient Florentine music and It will be given under the patronage of the Italian Ambassador and the Itaroncss Homano Avczzana, the Italian Consul, Romolo TiitonJ, nd others. The fourth annual Father Knicker bocker's ball for the benefit of the City i History Club will be held at the homo Imox Binks. Jr., .Mrs. Philip Ithlno lander -d, Miss Symphorosa Brlsted, Miss Currle Duke Mathews and Miss Anna Alexandre. COLONISTS FOLLOW TRAILS. llrllllnnl "Wrutlirr Continues nt Hot Springs. . Special litipalch to The Six. Hot Springs, Va., Jan. 30. Continued brilliant weather marks the end of Jan uary. To-day many of the colonists were on the picturesque walking trails. Among them wero Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Emery, Dr. and Mrs. Allen Mar quand, Mrs. Frank E. Peabody and Miss Amy Peabody. ' Richnrdrou M. Johnson took a small party to-day to Fasalfern varm for tea and made nn extended drive through Dunn's Gap and tho Switzerland trail. Jlr. nnd Mrs. E. V. Watts arrived to day from New York, to remain one week. Wnlter Carey also came to-day from that city. TO WIDEN MADISON AVENUE. ltemonl of Knernnclunrnls Or- ilrrcil lij- Hoard. For the purpose of relieving congestion of trartlo on Fifth avenue tho Bojui or Estimate adopted yesterday a resolution providing for the removal of encroach ments on Madison avenue betweerr Forty-sixth and Sixty-first streets. Tho re moval of the encroachments would per ml' widening Uie roadway, which at onb point now Is reduced to a width of only forty-live feet. Hearing upon the removal ot en croachments on Madison avenue be tween Thirty-fourth nnd Thirty-fifth streets was ixistponed for two weeks. It was brought out at the Board of Estimate meeting that the opening of 1'arK avenue reduced trainee on Fifth avnue only 6 per cent., while travel on Park avenue Increased 170 per cent. FEARING LEFT ESTATE TO SON. Wldniv ltceelr liu-ouir on litlSO,. 000 Trust Fund. George It. Fearln;, president ot tlw Knickerbocker Club, left the residue of his estate of more than Jl.000.000 to Ills son, George R. Fearing, Jr., of Boston. His will wtts riled yesterday Tn the Sur rogates' Court. Jlr. Fearing died nt the age of 81 a week ago nt his residence, 09$ Fifth avenue. He left the Income from a $350,000 trust fund, which will eventual ly go to his sou, to his wife, Mrs. Har riet Travers Fearing, elating that aha would probably not care to occupy their Newport home, "Tho Orchard," after his death, and for this reason he had wlfled It to t lie I r son. WILLIAMS SUES MOVIE MEN. AHenra Henry II, Witrnrr Warn Lured I'riiiu Ilrnmii to screen. John D, Williams, theatrical man ager, of 10,'. Wen Fortieth street sued Jos-;o I. Hamilton, Harry Robertson nmi others for J 1 00,000 daniiigcp. The com plaint charges tho defendants per suaded Henry B. Warner, actor, to break hi contract with the plaintiff and act In motion pictures for them. Williams say he had a contract with Wiirner lo nppear In "Sleeping Part imrsT nnd that the -piny was a financial sueress until the lending actor' was lured awny by the defendants. Police IlAlltl Conaprls nlKhl. Benin To- The poll' o band will rtart a rerle of Indoor cnii'jurtR at Dj Witt Clinton lligjj School this ending at S o'clock, with Walt-T II. Rogers cuiiductlng. -Miss SIiiU.Il- Itlchiirdson, soprmio, will sing, Exhibition of Etchings by Whistler APvTHURH. Hahlo & Co. 569 Fifth Avenue (Bet. 46th & 47th St.) 111 III IB il MPO T fl flllfC TMPC iiuiu. u, u, jumu muu AT GUILD MEETING Kings County .Indie's Mother Stricken Suddenly in Mrs., Prentiss's Itesidcnce. PROMINENT IN OHAUITY Activo Also In 3Iany Associa tions of "WonuMi During: He!' Lengthy Life. Mrs. Jcannle C. Dike, mother of Judge Nornun S. Dike of the Kings County Court und a leader In charitable and social activity In Brooklyn, died sud denly yesterday afternoon while attend ing a meeting of the 'Women's Guild ot tho Church of tho Pilgrims In the home of Mrs. Oeorge H. Prentiss, 108 Pierre jiont street, Columbia Heights. Mrs. Dike was stricken just beforo the meet ing becau. She was standing talking J with member of the guild and to nil cppenraiicm was In good health up to the moment the attack o.urred. Dr, De Yoaunn was summoned from his homo nt 111 Plcrrepont slrcet. but Mrs. Dike was dead when hu arrived at the 1'iciitlSH residence. . News ot his niothir's death was sent tn Judge Dike In Ihe County Court. He adjourned the trial at which ho wan pre siding and hurried to his home at 191 Golumbln IleUhts, where Mrs, Dike's body wus taken. The Judge wan shocked at the suddenness ot his parent's death, for Jess than an hour previously lie had escorted her to the guild meet ing. ' Mrs. Dike was born at Rochester In 1837. She received her education at Ingham University. In 1855 she was married to Caudcn C, Dike, member of the woollen manufacturing firm of Dike Bros. For ninny years Mrs. Dike had been active In public affairs. Sh-j gave much of her time to charitable activities and was a lender Ip Brooklyn isoclety ns well. A year ago she resigned from the Brooklyn Woman's Municipal League, of which she had been, president for fifteen ;ers, hut In spite of her advanced agd she continued her Interest In the Brook lyn Woman's Club nnd the Musters School of Music. She held menibcrrhln aho In the Daughters uf the American Ruvolmlon. BesldsH her son. the. Judge, Mrs, Dike leaves two daughter, Mrs. Murray Boocock and Mr. G. F. C. Williams. HELEN 110 H E IIUNSICKEH. Mm. Helen Bolce llunslcker, wlfo ot Alvln Iluiiflckcr, known to Philadelphia muidcal circles for her singing, died Thursday in her home In Weehawken, N, J. .She heM church choir solo posi tions in the Lutheran Church, Calvary Church and Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, P!ilnddphU, and In' the Second Presbyterian Church, Germantown. in later eain her service? have been given to oratorio societies of New York and vicinity. Funeral services will be held this eve nlng. at S o'clock, at her late residence In Wediawken, and on Sunday evening, nt 8 o'clock, at the home of her niece. Mrs. Jennie Bolce Kohl, S3C Corinthian avenue, Philadelphia. ii. i,.,"'-i.'i:. Dkxku. C"' Jan. 30. II. t Mudge, former general manager of llio Atchison, Topeka und Santa Fe Railway and one of the best known rall-ojd men m tins country, died here to-d..v. .Mr. Mudge was stricken with a cere bral hemorrhage on Monday night last. He was 64 years-old. . From water boy to general manage? of the Santa Fe Is the story of Mr. Mudge's rise In railroad work. He went to work for the railroad In Kansai In 1872 and before he left Its service In "' 1305 ho bad served five years as liavurca, convunieniiy carneu. ana general manager, In lfOo Jlr. Jluilie became vice-president of the Chicago, Hock Island and Pacific Railway Com pany und was elected president of that road four years later. Coming to Denver In 1913 a, presi dent of the Denver and Rio Grando Railway Company, Jlr. iJIudge served In that capacity until two years ago, when be retired. .MARY E. DOLE. .Mrs. Mary E. Dole, wife of Joneph W. Dole, manager of Arrowhead Inn. died of pneumonia Tiiuffday In her home at Port .Chester. She was 48 years old . Her husSanl and three daughters survive, THOMAS l K1T.GF.RAI.I). Special I'ftpateli lo Tub Frv, Ti'.rVTON, N. J.. Jan. 30. Thomas) F. Fitzgerald, known ns the dean of New Jersey newsniper men, died nt his home here to-day at the ags of 78. He was The label in our clothing is like a good insurance j policy! Protects the wearer from i worries. ' j Keeps saying, "I'm a! Rogerspeeter and it's up to ' me to make good. If I don't, fire me back and get your money." No charge for the label! The beat of everything men and boys wear. Also. Sporting Goods and lug-J gage- Rogers Pest Company Broadway at 13th St. Broadway it Warren Brodwy tt 34th St. "Four Convenient Corners" Fifth Art. t4iittt horn In Ireland and came to this coun tty In 1S72. For many venrs he rrni . Trenton eorreiponde nt of the New fork llrrnltl, lie nn it been tnu atitiuir ...u publisher of the Now Jeisey l.rulnliillin Jmuiol since 18711, A Wife mid four daughters survive. POMl'i: MEl T. I3I.MHII 1IALIMO.V. Police Lieut, Blmer Ballion, who had for years -been attached lo the Hnydor avenue police station In Brooklyn, died yesterday at his home, 381 Eastern Pnrkway, Brooklyn. He was B0 years old, About a year nnd a half ago Lieut, Hallson was detailed to do wet faro work In tho Flatbusli and Canarslo districts, g wife, a son and a daugh ter survive, ROBERT W. CON.VOII, Robert W, Connor, president of the Brooklyn Academy of Musical Art, died suddenly yestorduy at his homo, CIO Greene avenue. Brooklyn, He was 00 jears old. Mr. Connor founded the academy Mxtijcn years ago and Itn pro gramme of musical Instruction nnd edu cation attractod favorable criticism from musicians. Mr. Connor loaves his wife, n brother and a daughter. Interment wilt be In Green-Wood Cemetery, JOHN J, HOLLYWOOD. Mrs. Emma L. Hollywood, City Treas urer of Mount Vernon, was notified cable yesterday ot the death of her husband, John J, Hollywood, manager ot the rug department of Lord ft Tay lor, In a hospital In 'Delhi, India, ns a result of Injuries received In a rail road wreck on Jnnuary 22, .Mr. Hollywood left November 12 on a buying tour, He was an expert on Oriental and Indian rugs nnd hsil been nt the head of that dcpaittu for eight years. Ho wan 10 jniil leaves besides a wife, two sons. CHARLES (I, I.DIIKCK. UimiA. Neb., Jan. 30. Charles U, Lobeck, Representative In Congress from the Second Nebraska district from 1911 to 1 1,0, died from heart disease In Ills homo here to-day. He wast a Presidential elector In 1900 nnd had served In the Nebraska Senate, Ho was born In Andover, HI., in 1602, For several years ho was engaged In the real estate business In Omaha, retir ing In 1903. He served as Comptroller and as a member ft tho City Council of Omaha for several terms. OLIVER I,. IIOSCII. Oliver L. Dosch, superintendent of the Singer Manufacturing Company plant at Elizabeth, N. J., died at St. Elizabeth's Hospital In that, city yester day 'following a stroktt ot paralysis He was I, und lived at B35 We&tfleld ave nue. He leaves Ills wife nnd a om CAPT. )I)1H( ELY, JR. Capt. Addison Ely, Jr., of Rutherford, N. J., veteran of the Spanish-American and world warn und prominent as a momber of th legal profession In his State, died Thursday night at Post uate Hospital following nn oncratlon. Ho was f.D years old. During the world war. Capt. Ely served in tho Infantry. In the Hummoi: uf 1918, when about to leave with his regiment for nverteaa duty, he was stricken with pneumonia and was taken oft a transport nt Newport News, His sefvlfe In tho Spanlsh-AniprkMii War A SWIRL OF DUST, A' MILLION GERMS Formamlnt Tablets destroy germs nnd prevent dangerous infection You can't avoid dust. You can't avoid getting the mouth end throat full of gerrns. You" can check the activities and multiplication of thp disease germs, however, by the use I of .Formamint Tnblpts. Highly antiseptic, these famous Tab ets quickly destroy all germ life and keep, the throat from becoming sore, are harmless, safe, most nleasnntlv Irfni.. l r ii ' ' "i reacn overy spui oi me muuui ana throat something obnoxious, incon venient gargles can't accomplish. Good for everybody, especially singers. speakers, smokers, lecturers, etc. all druggists. poimamint B GERM-KILLING M THROAT TABLET wkiti; today roi: fkkk sami-m: It Ii of renenmi.' tl:n and will prote In you thai KOI'.M WIl.VT U K .mI.-rr.i!lir IT-llv as well a pleasant In mouth ami throat troubles. Send a 3-cent Mamp lo pay postage and f n III iUdly aoud you tbl free trial tube. The llauer Chemical Co. IIM V, IHth St.. .New York, in i . j To -morrow j . . i Magazine ' AND NEW YORK Suggestive Comment on Poe's Unknown "Eureka" Philosophic Masterpiece Belasco's Property Room the Treasure House of Gems of Antiquity Buffalo Bill Through the Eyes , of His Widow The Toll the Chorus ls Paying the Cinema Only four nut of maty feature, but typically jreurescnlathe of a MAGA ZINE SECTION of cxcmplari excellence To was with the Second New Jersey Infnn try. Capt. Ely was a thlrty-necond degree) Maroit and a momber of Iho American Uglon nnd llio Cnlled Spanish War Vet emus, He leaves his wife, two so'is and a daughter. "Ill" HENUY. jrirum F. ("Ill") Henry ot civil war and minstrel fume, died yesterday In lilrt home, 22 West Soventy-slxtli street, In seventy-sixth year, He hrul forsaktu the etago for mlnng nnd real estate en terprises and had not uppeared in public performances In the last ten years. "Hi" Henry's ability to play the cornet led In his organizing a minstrel troupn In tho early '80s, and nt tho head of his own company he toured tho country, Ho loaves hla wife, who was Miss Anna Locke, a practicing physician In thli city,, $45,000 BEQUEST TO LAWYER. Mrs. Gilbert (inve Lesser Hum In Various Institutions. Clint Ion A, Hunk, n lawyer, residing at 103 West Flfty-flftli street, gets I5, 000 and tho reslduo of tho estate of Mrs. AIlco L. Gilbert by her will, which wati filed yesterday in tho Surrogates' Court. Mm Gllbett died on October 13 nt 150 West J3g'.ity-eventli street. In leaving the bequests to Attorney Runk she stated that he had been a friend of tho family for thirty years. She left bcqutsls of JlO.flOO each, to the New York Association fur the Blind, Iho Florcnco Crlttciiton Lo;sue, tho Chil dren' Aid Society, tho Presbyterian Hospital, Sloane Hospllal for Womni nnd the Boy Scouts of America, To sev eral other Institution trim loft lesser be quests. Concluding This Afternoon At Tho This (Saturday) Afternoon at 2:30 o'CIock lly Order of Julian Walntirlsht Itobblus, I'sq., a.od James U. Mabon, lst., Ktecutori. EXPENSIVE ANTIQUE AND MODERN Household Furnishings A Set of Four FINE ANTIQUE FLEMISH TAPESTRIES TalI Clocks, Bronzes', Steinwny Grand Piano, Table China, Old. English and Modern Silver, Chinese Porcelains, Cabinet Specimens, Miniatures, Snuff Boxes and Other Desirablo Objects, REMOVED FROM THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE Thatcher M. Adams to wnirn has liri.N aimikii a NUMnrit or fim: oli FLEMISH TAPESTRIES An Important Louis XV. Tali Clock, and a Drawing Room Suit in Au bu.non Tapestry, BELONGING TO AN ESTATE AND TO A PRIVATE OWNER Hie Sate Will ll Cotiducte.l b; AMI. THOMAS Ii. KlltllV and Ills assistants. ". "'. ItX' AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Iviansgers, 4 and (1 1'ast 13d St.. Aladlsnn So. Mouth. the im HERALD . ftr Aa fl .1 coc ai i.fAi i rfU . now- 261 VP" ! H t w cor morrow A nliht- lima.'- . I' I Sfc. j- . I u . 1 1 , a. . " r 'J' M