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■ ,cvfTCH of the POLITICAL STATE of
r) UT once more alarmed by a sense of common
15 danger, the citizens of America were led, in
• te 0 r a fuppofecl competition of interelts, feri
fly to reflect on thole causes, which had reduced
to fuchan unfortunate lituation, and
to leek a remedy for those evils, which were daily
increasing upon her—the neceliity of a due commer
cial fvftem throughout the United States, appeared
to be the prevailing fentiinent, both as intimately
connei f te d with railing a revenue for the support
0 f government, as to give a spring to Agriculture,
Manufactures and Commerce : To effect this pur
pose a special deputation from the several States,
convened at Annapolis in Sept. 1786 ; but upon a
mature investigation of their powers, they were
found to be altogether inadequate, to either the
wprefs or implied object of their million—and it
was by them wifely judged, that a radical cure, ra
ther than a partial remedy, was neceilary to the
futurehappinefs and prosperity of their country,
and in order to effect this laudable plan, they re
commended a General Convention from the States,
at some future period, who, while they were deep
ly imprelled with causes of our national disease,
ihould be inftruifted to provide an efficacious re
medy. Their recommendations were readily com
plied with, as proceeding from the beftof motives,
and the reason of them was already anticipated by
the conviction, in every persons mind, of their ne
celiity— anda Convocation of the firft VV'orthies and
Patriots of America, was held in May, 1 787, at Phi
delpliia—directed to make luch additions to the
system of Confederation, as were neceflary to re
lieve America from those einbarrafsments, which
had resulted from a weak and inefficient form of
government; but upon a candid difcUfrion of the
whole plan of their business, and what was expect
ed from the result of their deliberations, it was
thought to be dangerous to the future liberties of
their country, to veil thole powers which ought to
be vtfted mall governments, to answer the end of
their institution, to one, conftitutedas the existing
Confederation—Congrefs being but a diplomatic
body, and not under those chccks and rcftraints,
which might be madetoarife from apian different
iy conftrwtecl ; and although a delicacy of fenti
mant, arising si 0111 a fear of exceeding the limits
of their commission, produced some objections to
a radical alteration of the confederated system,
yet as the salvation of their country was thought
to depend upon it—they determined to recur to
firft principles, and present, for the approbation, of
their fellow-citizens, such apian of future govern
ment as would answer the great objects of society ;
and p spirit of mutual concefiion and compromise
for the general good prevailing, they happily
unitedin a fyftem,which does honor to their hearts
as men,and their heads as politicians ; nor till grati
tude has 101 l a place in the bosoms of Americans,
can their exertions, to save a decaying land, be for
gotten. In this Syfiem we find the energy of a
good government united with the freedom of the
People, and containing certain great charatteriftics
peculiar toirfelf, and which presage much future
"appmefs to the subjects of its controul—thofe
re s, tr^ s » as a lf° sh e "important objects, which
niut be involved in its administration, will form
lu bjeot of my future numbers.
(To be continued.)
GION 1 politically considered.
*empora inutantur, ct nos mutainur in illis.
Region "which the citizens of America in
v; rr f r "' P rofcfs > that, for the fake of which our
t>lea<V S f °f e at h ers ''cfigned all the honors, the
I'arics r'c 16 col } l^ orts > and almost all the necef
biin lT° • , w hich many of them enjoyed in a
and ii 1U 6 wol "ld ; and traversed the \ ast
famiU^ 1 .° Us '^ : I'®tic, to trail .'plant themselves and
fwa rVn 1U ? C J Leu rut ' c > uncultivated wilderness,
men k? W -/ va g e beaits, and far more savage
f oai l';' S lhe / e W that Religion which laid the
tiie Rei", 0 ' 1 °r £ new auc l g reat Empire :'t is
Indufl"-v O r 0n °^ lers the moll favourable to
a &d conk ommerce > t,le Arts, Science, freedom,
It i s t j, 4""it temporal Happiness of Mankind :
and best F'° , rel 'gion of tlje greatest, wisest,
"•e Relif,;,., en £ ? world has produced ; and it is
the amhfr l V t lchwe acknowledge GOD to be
■ e ffulclalml f W! J- Purely be admitted as now-
To this Rei; °. our P? lt^cu^ar reverence and refpeift:
el -gton Britain is principally indebted
From W E D N E S D A Y, M„ 6, to Saturday. M.rr-r^r
for that happy and subsequent glori
ous revolution, which were the harbingers of her
present distinguished greatness : To this Religion,
and its worthy profeflbrs, it muftbe acknowledged,
much is due, in bringing about the late gloi ious
American Revolution : lrifpired by this Religion,
our tt uly patriotic Clergy,boldly and zealously Hep
ped forth, and bravely flood our distinguished Sen
tinels to watch, and warn us against approaching
danger : 1 hey wifely saw that our Religious and
c ! liberties were inseparably connected ; and
therefore warmly excited and animated the people,
resolutely to oppose and repel every hostile inva
dei . I hefe are lame of the temporal bleftings flow
ing from our Religion ; and yet many of those
pious Christians, to whom, under God, we owe much
of that fortitude, zeal, perseverance, and inspira
tion, which carried the American Soldiery through
difficulties and dangers, apparently infurmounta
bie, may at this day be ranked among the most
needy and dependent men in the community : This
is an evil greatly to. be deplored ; and urgently
demands every pofiible public and private exertion,
tor the lake of those who have thus generously em
braced a life of certain indigence, for the cause of
1 eligion and mankind—for the lake of their wi
dows and offspring, who are often left in the most
diftrefled circumstances, and for the honor andfe
curity o! that Religion,to which we are largely in
debted for this happy country. The generality of
mankind, are more or less influenced and attracted
by the power and splendor of riches ; and there
are too many of all ranks in every community, who
annex an idea of contempt to the appearance of
poverty : This is too evident to be controverted :
it therefore poverty is often treated with contempt,
and always with neglect, what may we not tear for
that Religion, of which, in this country, poverty
is a distinguishing badge ! The mats of mankind
are ever captivated by external appearances and
fliew—barren minds receive no light from within,
and therefore cannot so easily be informed and
convinced, of the intrinsic worth of true Religion,
as they may be caught and infnared by the tinsel
and trappings of any other ; it is therefore worthy
of consideration, what may be the probable effecfts
of the introduction of otiier religions, and how
far their effects, if in any view dangerous, may be
counteracted, consistent with the juli: and generous
principles of Toleration.
The ignorant and illiterate, constitute a large
majority in all communities—these are awed, their
excefles controled, and their opinions biailed, more
from the exertions of religion, and the visible ref
peeft paid to it by those, whom they deem their su
periors, than from its immediate, fenlible influence
on their own minds : Ic is therefore welt worthy
the attention of those who ailent to the importance
of the PRO f ESTANT RELIGION politically consi
dered, and who conceive that it has had any fharein
producing the temporal blelfings we now enjoy, to
honor it with every polfible diftinguifliing mark of
pre-eminence andrefpe<ft,not lepugnant to the true
tpiritof Toleration ; and liberally to aid our religi
ous h atliers, in the glorious work of fupportingthis
TION ; and in the commemoration of those great
events, conducive to the revolution and indepen
dence of America ; maythe virtue,zeal, and patri
otism of our Clergy, be ever particularly remem
bered ; for it is a truth,as sacred as the idea is seri
ous and alarming, that as our Protestant Clergy
shall fink into contempt or negletft, however unde
served, the learned will decline the profefllon ; and
then adieuto Religion, Morality, and Liberty; and
while in conformity to the benevolent precepts of
true religion, as well as the liberal principles of
our Constitution, Americans hold out religious li
berty to all the various fecTrs, who may be disposed
to become our fellow-citizens, let us not be want
ing in that attention and refpedr, due to the Reli
gion we profefs, left it should be fufpecfted, that
our tolerant spirit, proceeded more from a total in
difference to all religion, than from that liberality
offentiment and god-like Charity, which true re
ligion inculcatesandinfpires,and which it is hoped
will never be dislodged from the generous and be
nevolent breasts of AMERICANS.
E. C.
% « " Baltimore, Arril 21, 1789,
Extratt of a letter from George-Town, to a gentleman in this town, da.
ted April 17, 1789.
" Ycflerday pafltd through this town, on his way to New-York,
his Excellency General Washington, accompanied by the
Hon. Charles Thompson, Esq. feciftary to Congress.—The former
of these personages, goes to fill the feat of President of the United
States of America—the last distinction, which a grateful people
tan bestow, or a life spent with unexampled honor ..and appiaufe,
can deserve.
" To this ilhmrious appointment, he was unanimously called by
the voice of his country. —The annals of history, furr.ifhing no
thing so Angular in its nature, or so eminently glorious. Heroes
and legislators may have enjoyed the confidence of a majority of
their countrymen ; but none but Washington ever unanimou[l\
pleased as the former, or was unanimeujly chosen for the htter.—
Vhilft this very Angular event displays to the world
an empire of.diflimilar climes, products and intereils, liflenin" to
the Innple and enlightened voice of reason ; it on the other hand
exhibits to mankind, a character in its nature so very perfetl tha
tor its improvement, nothing can be added. *
Ftom Alexandria to George-Town, he was attended by
a voluntary comf ;y of private gentlemen—neighbours, friends
and children ot the man, whp had favtd their country and them —
Impelled by gratitude alone, and not moving, servile, at the in
junction of command, they chose this method to manifeft their af
fection for him, without whom, freedom had been nothing but a
name. An attendant corps, collected togetherby such motives,
does more honor to a man, than all the triumphs which Rome ever
beheld ; and the pcrfon so honored, is more lllutlrious, than anv
monarch on the globe. '
" The gentlemen of George-Town, emulons to display the r
patnotifm, and to evince their attachment for the firft charafler in
America, refpeflfully received him at the banks of the Patow
mack, and fct out to afcort him, until they should meet the gen
tlemen from Baltimore. °
" May this virtuous and truly great man, thus in fafety be con
ducted to the place of his deftindtion ; and may Heaven, auspici
ous to his declining years, kindly fmoothe over the thorns of le
gislation— avert from his administration the tumults of popular dif-
C °j — cau^e l ' ie f ame Sun which hath diffufed around the me
ridian of his ljfe so much splendour, finally to go down on his lat
ter end in peace."
Hie Prelident of the United States arrived in this place on his
way to Congress, on Friday afternoon, the 17th inft. with Charles
rhompfon, Esq. and Col. Humphryes. This great man was met
n>me miles from town, by a large body of refpeftable citizens on
horfehack, and conducted, under a discharge of cannon, to Mr.
Grant's tavern, through crowds of admiring fpeftators. At fi;c
o'clock, a committee chosen in consequence of a late notification,
to adjust the preliminaries for his reception, waited upon him with •
an address, which, with his answer, we are happy to be able to
give to the public. A great number of the citizens were present
ed to him, and very graciously received. Having arrived too late
for a public dinner, he'acccpted an invitation to supper, from
which he retired a little after ton o'clock, The next morning he
was in his carriage at half pad five o'efock, when ne left town,"un
der a discharge of cannon, and attended as on his entrance, by a
body of the citizens on horseback. These gentlemen accompani
ed him seven miles, when alighting from his carriage, he would
not permit them to proceed any further; but took leave of them,
after thanking them in an affectionate and obliging manner for
their politeness. We (hall only add on this occasion, that those
who had often seen him before, and those who never had, were
equally anxious to fee him. Such is tilt rare lmpreflion excited
by his uncommon character and virtues.
ADDRESS to the PRESIDENT of the United States of Ame->
S I R,
WE feel the honor you have this day conferred on the town o£
Baltimore, by favouring it with your presence, infinitely heighten
ed and enhanced by the desirable event which has produced it.
Happy to behold vour elevation, permit us to re-aiTurc you of our
purest love and afre&ion.
In considering the occasion that has once more drawn you from,
the Icenes of domeflic ease and pirivate tranquility, our'thoughts
naturally turn on the situation of our country, previous to the ex
pedient of the late general convention. When you became a mem
ber of that body which framed our new and excellent constitution
you diffipatcd the fears of good men, who dreaded the difuuioj
ol the Hates, and the loss of our liberties in the death of our en
feebled and expiring confederation : And now, fir, by accepting
the high authorities of Preside -t of the United States of America?
you teach us to expect every blessing that can result from the wileft
recommendations to Congress, and the moll prudent and judicious,
exercise of those- authorities ; thus relieving us in the one inllance
from the most gloomy apprehensions, as when, in a different ca
padty, you re-crofted the Delaware; and in the other, opening to
our view the most animating profpefts, as when you captured
But it is from the tenor of your own life, and youruniform and
upright political principles and ccndufl, that we derive the fullcft
assurance that our .hopes will be realized. Believing that a faith
ful performance of public engagements is eflcntial to the prosperi
ty of a people, and their implicit reliance on the promises of go
vernment. to its liability, we pleasure your well
known fcntiments on this fubjeft, and have no doubt but the
other branches of Congress will concur with you in placing public
credit on the most solid foundation. We havealfo every reason to
conclude, that under the administration of a Walhimnon, the use
tul and ingenious arts of peace, the agriculture, commerce, and
manufactures of the United States, will be duly favoured and im
proved, as being far more certain sources of national wealth than
the richelt mines, and surer means to promote the felicity of a
people, than the most fuccefsful wars. Thus, fir, we behold a new
era ipringing out ofour independence, and a field displayed where
your talents for governing will not be obfeured by the splendor of
the greatest military exploits. We behold too, an extraordinary
thing in the annals of mankind; a free and enlightened people'
choosing, by a free election, without one difTentino- voice, the latt
cominanderin chief of their armies, to watch over°and guard their
civil rights and privileges.
We sincerely prav that you may long enjoy your present health,
and the citizens ol the United States have frequent opportunities to
leltify their veneration of your virtues, by continuing you through
many fucceflive elections in the firft flat ion of human honored dig
nity In these expressions of our affections and attachment, we
are Icnfible wc do not speak the wishes of a town only, out the
united feelings of a whole people.
In behalf of the citizens of Baltimore, we have the honor to be,
&c. &c. *
James M'Henry, Robert Smith,
Nicholas Rogers, O. H. Williams,
Joshua Barney, Thorowgood Smith,
Paul Bentalau, William Climm,
John Bankson, John Swan.
Isaac Griest,
r&AsswEs by the President of Me United States of Ame-
THE tokens of regard and affeaion which I have often received
from the citizens of this town, were always acceptable, because
I believed them always fincerc.—Be pleased to receive my best ac
knowledgment for the renewal of them on the present occasion.
If the affectionate partiality of my fellow citizens has prompted
them to afenbe greater effeas to my condua and chafer, than
were justly due, I trust the indulgent fentimeut on their part, will
not produce any presumption on mine.
I cannot now, gentlemen, refill my feelings so much as to with
hold the communication of my ideas refpeaing the aaual situation
of our national affairs. It appears to me that little more than
common sense sad common honesty in the tranfaaions of the com-