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for their dignity of fcntisnent, and patriotic worth : " May a pure and fincerc affection for our coun try, strengthen tliofe ties of friend/hip, which bind us to you, and you with one another ! fleet ing is this fhortjterrellrial andlaborious life; and with it vanishes that inequality of rank, which Providence has placed between you and us". March 10. On Tuesday a molt brilliant illumina tion was set up at Kewby the command of her Ma jelly. It was a molt superb pixTture, representing a figure of Efculapius presenting a medallion ot the King to Britain, by tliedefire'of Providence, who was seated on the clouds, accompanied by boys representing the arts and sciences, &c. the work of Rebecca. Among the various demonflrations of joy on Tuesday evening, nothing more forcibly Ipoke the loyalty of the subjeCt than the illumination of the King's bench prison, where each long mourning captive wip'd the tear of anguish, and parted with his lull penny to speak his gratitude to Heaven for the restoration of the King; a butt of porter was given among the prisoners, and loyal toalls were cheerfully quaffed, and in the evening several well executed transparencies made a pleasing appearance. St. Paul's Cathedral is certainly to be illumi nated the evening the King attends it: It will be done by contraband will coil 2000 guineas. Exti titl oj a letter j'vo>ll CtOpe/ihagen, R'larch 3. " An attempt nas been made here to burn the Ruffian fleet by an incendiary, one Capt. O'Bri en, from Oftend, whole ship lying amongfl them, i .lit 111 the ice, ir had been planned to let on fire, —that a general conflagration might ensue.— Providentially it has been difcovercd in tinie: for, if it had succeeded, half the town would have been blown np by the large quantity of gun powder on board the Ruffian'men of war. He had been bribed by a Swedish emiflkry, and was to have received a reward of 40001. fterlino. O'Brien is a-rclled, and is to take his trial; but the villain who planned this horrid plot is un fortunately escaped." Yellerday upwards of 250 volumes of Eafl In dia ti anfictions, 111 manuscript, were brought from the India house to Weftiniijfter-hall, pre parative to the commencement of the triai of Mr. Hastings. Each of these books contains from 1500 to 3000 pages. Jhe flnve trade, and the tefl atft, are a-rain to be agitated in the course of this felfion. & The Herald of yelterday, though it loudly proclaims the preceding day, that the King was incapable of holding the scepter, and Hill as bad as he was in the height of his disorder, has thought proper to discontinue that REBELLIOUS theme, and give the lie to its own aflertions. March ii. That befl and moll difficult of all titles, a Patriot Minister, may now be fairly given to Mr. Pitt. Who ever so ablv, or Co no bly flood forward to rescue a country from des peration ? March 12. We are desired to mention, by way of caution, that the judges have given'it as their opinion, it is TRKASON to afiert either orally or in print,that the King's mind is deranged, or that he is not in a capacity to act as Sovereign of the Britifii empire. The Heral was burned 011 Tuesday at New- Lloyd's and Will's Coffee houses at :he Change, for the treasonable matter it contained 011 Satur day lafl ; and the apology on Tuesday needs no further comment, and they ought to be burned by Jack Ketch, they speak for themselves. We could have told[the public,.before they announced it, that the Printer, tearing the jufl resentment of government, intended to visit Ireland, and Saturday's paper was his finale. March .16. Admiral, Sir Charles Douglafs fell down dead, in a fit of apoplexy, as he was enter ing the aflembly-room at Edinburgh, a few days ftnee. jhe purpose ot his journey to Scotland was to take leave of his friends previous to his departure for Halifax flation in America; to which the Lords of the admiralty had appointed him. I he preparations in Prussia proceed with o-reat alaciity. the Eniprefs is unwilling to flep for ward and give a positive answer to "the demands of the Polilh Diet, until lhe is become millrefs of Bender, and the emperor is in pofleffion of Bel grade. Every advice seems to allure us, that lhe is playing a very deep game. The Ruffians are fending large finns of money to Constantinople, which they have found by pail experience to be the moll certain way of feciiriii"- a favorable }>eace with the Turkish ministry. ° The Spanish, Prussian, and other foreign am bafladors, who had the honor of an audience with His Majefly, on Wednesday lad, speak in the most confirmed manner of his Majefly's happy recove ry. He tock up the fubjetTt matter of their last audiences with rite clearest recollection and diicufled foreign affairs with such precision and familiality as if he hadnot had the interruption lVoin illness. On Tuesday fe'nnight about midnight, or the next morning about one o'clock, the iiiip London of Vondon, Capr. Alexander Curling, a lieutc in his Majefly's navy, from Cfcarlellon, with rice, tobacco, indigo, and some specie, was totally loft on the westernmost rocks of Scil -Iy, and immediately went to pieces. The Capt. thirteen hands, with Mrs. Riely, a widojv, a passenger, and a native of Ramfgate, all perifli ed, Joseph Turtle, carpenter, only saved. T lie celebrated Marquis de Conflans, died sud denly 011 Tuesday the 26th ult. while he was walhing his hands. Some short time prior to the Emperor's decla ration against the Turks, the flower of his army, to the amount of 40,000 men, were reviewed by His Imperial Majesty, and General Laudaun, near Vienna. After the line had been paired with the usual forms, &c. the troops were divided for a sham fight; one half commanded by the Emperor, the other by Gen. Laudaun. The armies had but just separated, before the old v.eteran Laudaun, with tiie eyes of Argus, discovered, and secured the advantage of some high ground from which he had a perfect view of the Emperor's move ments : The general instantly gave the command of this advantageous fpotto an able officer; while he, with a detachment of his army, filed off, and took post undercover of a woody hill. The firing had not continued an hour before the Emperor, who lay detached from his main ,body, was surrounded by Laudaun's party, when the old General, riding up to the Emperor, with much gallantry said, " he could not believe, but that his Majesty had designed. him the honor of taking him prisoner upon whichthe Emperor replied with much good humour—" That the circuniftance had fully proved that he was but a young soldier ; buthe had some conljDJation left, ■11 knowing that he was not the only crowned head, who had bowed to the superior abilities of the firft General in the world." Our correspondent at Versailles sent us the subsequent article, dated Feb. 27, received in London this monjing: The King is fliut up eve ry morning to run over the numberless publica tion which appear ; and 110 doubt he fees with pleafare, how the French support and refpedt him. They report him to have made the follow ing speech : " All things considered, I think the Liberty of the Press producer more truths than lies ; and niuft therefore, notM r ithftandingmany evils, be protecled to favor the good that results from it." Her Majesty of France,who through the course of our Most Gracious Sovereign's late illness, has sympathised with his royal consort with a feeling which did honor even to the dignity of her high station, proposes to give a grand gala at court, the moment the official accounts arrive there of his recovery ; all the foreign Ambafladors, with the principal of the French, and all the English nobility now residing in Paris, are invited. PHILADELPHIA, May 13. WAR IN THE EAST INDIES. Extract of a letter from Madras, dated Sept. 28. " Since writing the foregoing, I have to in form you, that hostilities are once more com menced between the English and Tippo Saib (the late Hyder Ally s foil) who, from the time the Englilh firft fettled upon the coast, to this day, has been their molt inveterate enemy, hav ing always declared thein the ravagers of the country. He isallowed tobe the greateftmilitary genius of the East, and commands the preateft army of any of the eastern Princes. During the late Carnaticwar, the English had every thing to fear from so formidable an enemy. Hyder hini lelf coiild command an army of 200,000 men, while his son at the head of a numerous army over-run the whole Carnatic, and burst like a torrent upon their enemies, taking some of the most capital places. The great pains which Hyder always took to train his son up to avenge his country's wrongs, does him honor. That Prince has always declared his predilection for the trench. Since our arrival, a detachment has been sent to the northward, to reinforce the English in that quarter. A battle since has taken place, and two battalions of the Company's troops have been entirely cut off, the English have how ever, lome advantage 011 their fide, as they have taKen two of Tippo Saib's forts. It is to be hoped, fays a correspondent, that the committee lately appointed to ascertain the debt o the United States, will not forget to report the debts of each State to its citizens. These it is laid, are equal to the whole debt of the United In the year i3jo, it will probably be as incredi ble, that the citizens of the United States (with 11 ' P P e ns- "Tf nfe resources for manufac of aU klnds ) ""Ported their cloathing from a country 3000 miles distant from them, as it now is, that some of the inhabitants of Maryland once imported flour for the use of their tables from the city ot London. The books of an emi "aTd Tw T'°f- the last into a rime rn ' T ™ f tlle Cafe > * vT 1 • 'w f n . thac State was considerably ad vanced,,! population and refinement. Europe ias in her days of barbarism exhibited similar folly The Swedes once imported their vegetables from Holland. PROCEEDINGS of CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of tit UNITED STATES. Wednesday, May 13, 1789. Mr. Thatch pr presented a petition from the merchants of Portland, in the State of Mafia, chufetts—the prayer of which was, thatthe pro posed duty 011 m.-.lafles, ihould not be eftablifted by law. The House then formed into a committee of the whole, 011 the import; bill. China, earthen, ltone ware, looking glailes and brushes, were added to the lift of enumera ted articles, at 7 1-2 per cent, ad valorem. Salt petre was added to the articles exempted from import;. Mr. Parker introduced a proportion for a clause to be added to the bill, by which an im port: of ten dollars should be aileiled on every Have imported into the United States. This occafioneda debate ; in opposition, it Was said, " that it is a nn>ft unequal and partial tax and peculiarly opprelfive to some of the fouchern States, and is so odious that it will not be fub initted to without grievous complaints it will be considered as a (lire(ft tax, which considering the present ideas of the people will be highly impolitic." In support of the proposed import: it was ur ged, " That the predominant sentiment of the people is in favour of a tax prohibitory of the importation of slaves. Congress mult juftify this sentiment, otherwise, it will be considered that we mean tacitly to countenance the Have trade; on the principles of policy and humanity, ahea' vy duty ought to be imposed—this will conduce to the advantage of thcfe very States that conft dere their interest so deeply involved in the question—their prosperity being intimately con netted with an abolition of slavery The bnfi. ness is difgraceful and pernicious in a political and moral view, and tends to diminish the rela tive strength and importance of those States where it moll generally obtains." Mr- 1 ark l r withdrew his motion, in order to introduce a separate bill providing for this tax. The article of Hemp it was proposed Ihould be fti uckout of the lift ; but after some observations the question being taken, it was loft. A petition of Jo h n Fi tc h , relative to Steam Boats, was presented. Adjourhed. Thursday, May 14. A mellage from the Senate was received, in forming the House that they had appointed a committee to join with a committee on their part, for the purpose of determining upon the number ot nev fpapers it will be proper for the members of both Houl'es to be furnifiled with at the public expence. A petition from A. M< Lean,'of the city of New-York, Printer, was read, offering his fer % ices to Congress in the line of his profeffion, to per form any part of the printing business for the United States. Petition of Mr. Morse was committed. Petition of the inhabitants of New-Terfey was referred to the committee of elections. Petition of John Fitch was referred to afpe cial committee. A memorial from the Distillers of Philadelphia, upon the iiibjecft of the proposed duties on fo reign Rmn and Molafles, was read.— It ftatedthat t ie 1 uty on Molafles was in their opinion too high, compared with the duty on foreign rum. In Committee of the whole House, The Import: Bill was relumed, and having pro ceeded as far as the clause providing for alraw back on goods re-shipped, on which the Impost ia >ten P a ? d > blank refpecfling the time al lowed was filled with twelve, and the sum to be retained, from the Impost paid in such cafe, one pr. cent. 7 To counter-balance the loss of revenue which would anfe from the drawback on Salt, the three following articles, exported to foreign States, were dutied at five cents each. I? ri i e i d P r - quintal. Pickled Fish, pr. barrel. Salted Provisions, do ProP ° fed r °" c P" tic "" r tioria'ii^ ADI | S0 - N y° fe ' and ma de some obferva ooTnrT" / of adopting them, and that fl' ° Ut -° y t * le ' r P er:n iaoiisconfequences m t motlon was withdrawn. to be '-lii!! 1 T*V of , Mar >' land > introduced a clause for the nil °r e J m P°ft Bill which provided n K ° f a (Ilrc ount of pr. cent. Merchant * leS lmp ° fed on Goods > Wares, and inp- L'l? 17 : e ™P. ortedinAl nerican veffelsbelong- States to Cltl 2ens, or a citizen of the United as i'i' T F °PP°'" ed the addition of this clause, nation W encre r fe shef he wei ght of that difcrimi which alr.r ( orei & n dipping and Americaii, ZZfy bo / e Sufficiently heavy on the ready o-nn conceived that they had al of «