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[No. XVIII.] THE TABLE T. No. XVIII. « One of the chief Tifipjior.s between a wife m.n , a holts, that while the latter J,/covers whatever r ~J, hi o ire ft, the farmer only communicates tisfvej m*J J"£S e J[> J, J *kiti>t"t er, ° ' A TALKATIVE, forward youth, was presen ted to a celebrated teacher of rhetoric, to k iDftrnded in the art of oratory. The guar- L, of the intended pupil enquired of the pro fZr what sum he usually demanded for a courle Sftraffion ? The inftrudtor without giving a lea answer to the question replied, ever was his com 111 on price fortuiuon he lhould occasion alk a double sum ; ' for, laid r «. ifcall be obliged to teach tlus lad to hold fcktoiifrne, before he can with propriety oe learnt to speak. It is not only necellary that a perlon ftould know hew to speak but when to-fpeak. I Jwavs tod trouble in managing a boy wlio is dis posed to make more use of his tongue than Ins "somany eflavs have been written on the sub- ill-timed, indiscreet conversion, tliat Lhaps no reader will wish to fee luch a topic introduced. There is, however, one quefhon connected with this fubjedt, that I have a mind to X- persons are at a loss to determine which facceeds bell in the world, a man of a modejl, or mfuiittt carriage. There is great difference of opinion on thia point. Indeed the fame perlon, ar different times, thinks differently on it. When one observes a man of small abilities, and a narrow spirit, whose company is courted in (he rjoft falhionable circles, merely becaule he favs what he pleases without rellraint, and fears and regards nobody, it is apt to force a conclusion that impudence has very attractive chirms. On the other hand, when a perlon of dull genius and reserved manners, beguiles peo ple into a belief that he polielies great wisdom and penetration, it leads to a fuppolition, that silence and gravity are the moll iiiiallible means to secure reputation. What rule can therefore be formed to diretfl the Heps of a youth, iniiitroduciiigliimfelf, with the belt advantage, to the world Perhaps few directions can be given, that will be applicable alike to all persons and to all situ ations. The condutfl and behaviour of any par ticular peifon must depend on his difpoliuon, and on the obje<fts he proposes to accomplilh by his intercoufe with mankind. If he has a na tural volatility of spirits, and wiihes to obtain thofepleafures that result from being noticed in a great variety of mixed companies, he will find that prattle and vivacity will promote such views more effectually than a inodeft diltant misdemea nor. The fact is, he a<fts in his proper charac ter, and avoids the charge of affectation. He is trifled with, without being ridiculed ; and at tended to, without being refpeefted : He is well received in many polite parties, and cats many good dinners. Senfiblemen fay he is merry and harnilefe; and those who have no more under ftandingtban liimfelf, declare, that he is a man of wit and humour: His noise and buttle give him aconfequence with the undifcerning part of man - kind; while those who ■view him, as he deserves, donotwiih the trouble of difpnring his pretentions tofach a degree of eftima:ion,as he acquires. In ihort, he becomes a privileged mail; nobody of fend him, «r is offended at liim. He fays what te pleases to others; while they in their* turn, % what they please to him, without any ill hu mour on either fide. Eat aperfon of a different temper, and who ias different wiihes to gratify, must model his manners upen far other principles. A man of a flow perception and grave call of mind, can only ofnveimportance by concealing, ss much aspol "hle, the defccrs of his underltajiding and the toldnefs of his heart. For this purpole, his in tercourfcs with men should be few and reserved. de fliould speak little, and affect such an air of jcyftery as will make people imagine, that he back fomctfring much more important than *hat he communicates. He will no doubt have *nonlege enough toraake some proper remarks ; "id he fbould have prudence never to make tiny frif Those who are as dull as him c't think he is a prodigy of wisdom; while those ave penetration to fee through the disguise, it not in their power to convince other peo- P eof the deception. This prudent man commits 0 a «, and delivers 110 opinion that can be ur E e to his. rea ] <JifadvaHtage. In short, he is a Jgative character, which can stand tlie brunt « positive attacks. cm we f ay to appearances that are so nrutraqictory : They lhew the difficulty of draw- SATURDAY, June 15, 1789. ing general conclusions, with regard to our con duct in life. Men inuft ast in some degree from their predominant disposition, and from their accidental situation in society. My obser vations thus far have supposed that these two characters ; the one remarkable for sobriety and reserve, the other for jollity and loquaciousness were alike void of superior understanding or attainments. They both gain more estimation than they deserve, but for different reafbns. The popularity that each of tliein sustains would be loft, if they were reciprocally to a&the part, the other hadalTumed. The subject (hall be once more introduced. CHARACTER OF THE FRENCH. From Sherlock's Letters. IN England the French have few friends. But they have one ; and that one am I. They could, not, I acknowledge, have a feebler advocate; but while 1 have a tongue tofpeak, or a pen to write, wherever I go I'll do them juftite. Let every man who inov/J that nation speak of it as he found it; if he lived in their intimacy for years (as I did) and if he found them ill natured, ill-mannered, treacherous, and cowardly, let him speak his mind. I quarrel with no man who jud ges for hiD'felf, and who speaks the truth. But let the indulgence I grant, be granted to me a gain ; and let me be permitted to tell the world, that, however other men may have found them, I found them good-humored, good-naturedj brave, polished, frank, and friendly. They tutre my friendj, faithful and just to mc ; Bu: ftruius lays they are petjiditus; And Brutus is an honorable man. I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke; Bui here I am to jpeak uhat I do knozc. I found them all animated with a desire to please, and always ready to do me every service in their power. I owe them a thousand obligations. 1 had faults; they corrected them : 1 wanted know ledge ; they informed me : I was rough ; they foftened me : I was lick ; they "vilited me : I was vain; they flattered me : I had need of council ; they gave mc the best advice: every man has need of agreeable company; and every man may be fare to find it in France. OF THE LADIES OF FRANCE. Bythtfamr. WHEN a French lady comes into a room, the fii ft thing that strikes you is, that she walks bet ter, holds herfelf better, has her head and feet better drefled, her cloaths better fancied, and better put on, than any woman you have ever seen. When she talks, she is the art of pleasing per fonified. Her eyes, her lips, her words, her ges tures, are all prepofTefling. Her language is the language of amiablenefs ; her accents are the ac cents of grace. She embellishes a trifle ; she in terests upon a nothing ; she foitens a contradic tion ; she takes off the insipidness of a compli ment by turning it elegantly ; and, when she has a mind, she fliarpens and polishes the point of an epigram better than all the women in the world. Her eyes sparkle with spirit; the most delight ful sallies slash from her fancy ; in telling a story die is inimitable ; the motions of her body, and the accents of her tongue, are equally genteel and easy ; an equable flow of foftened fprightli linefs keeps her constantly good-humoured and cheerful ; and the only objects of her life are to please, and to be pleased. Her vivacity may sometimes approach to folly ; but perhaps it is not in her moments of folly she is least interesting and agreeable. English women have many pointsof superiority over the French; the French are superior to them in many others, i have mentioned some of those points in other places. Here I shall only fay, there is a particu lar idea in which no woman in the world can compare with a French woman ; it is in the pow er of intellectual, irritation. She will draw wit out of a fool. [• Published on Wednesday and Saturday.] EXTRACT FROM 44 AMERICAX ESSAYS." ON EMIGRATION, Cal'un non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt; Quod pttis, hie ejlj Efl u/nbris ; animus Ji te non deficit aquas. Horace, Epift. xi. lib. i. IT is evidently wife and prudent in the Scotch and Jrijh, parti cularly those of them who are poor ; as alio in the inhabitants of any other country, alike circumstanced, with refpe& to exceflivc population, and poverty, and the consequent difficulty of acquire ing lands, or any other property, and many of them of procuring even the neceflaries erf life, to migrate to countries more fertile, and less populous ; where, with a moderate fhareof industry, they may probably soon become lords of foil, and enjoy a plenty of all the neceffariesof lite,with new and plealingfenfations of independence, and cons quence, never fek in tne depressed and servile state of the poor in Europe : Yet it is by no means prudent, or commendable, in the present inhabitants ot the eastern States, who in general en joy all the neceftaries, and many of the conveniences of life, with health, and a competent (hare of liberty and independence, to re move into the remote interior country, or Wefiern territory, with the vain hope of meliorating their fortunes or circumstances. As I am one of those who have been induced to quit my-native foil, with the hope of reaping some advantage by tne exchange; and having seen many different parts of America, from Nova-Sco tiaeaftward to Weil-Fiorida, 1 am induced to draw this conclusion, That the new countries, which owetheir population to emigrations principally from the eastern States, are more indebted to the fertil ity of human invention, than to the extraordinary fecundity of their foil, or any other natural advantages ; and though from a compar ative view of the state of the poor in Europe, I have reason to be lieve, that they would make a very eligible exchange, in takiag the chance of any situation within the boundaries ot the United States ; yet I mull inlift that I have yet seen no country where I conceive the induflrions inhabitants of the New-England States, par ticularly the mechanics and farmers, could remove with the proba ble profpeft of greater real advantages, taken in the aggregate, than they enjoy at home: It is therefore of the last importance, espe cially to those who have families, that they consider, and deliber ate well, before they conclude to reftgn their old friends, their near and dear relations—their healthy, cheap, plentiful, and happy country, and proceed to the serious, momentous,aud often ruinous bufinels of plucking upflakes. So powerful is the attachment of mankind to the place of their birth, that however poor, barren, cold, comfortlefs, and ungrate ful their native country, yet few men emigrate without regret.— Go to the inhabitants ot Nova-Zembla, and describe the rich lux uriant fruits, the fertile fields, warm (uns, and constant vegetation of the tropic clunes ; yet, will they fcora them all, nor dare to burst their arQic bounds, but fondly hug their cruel pole, and pa tient delve their ftubbornfoil; there they contented toil afruitlefs, tedious, half-year's day ; and under fierce relentless ikies, on beds of bard, eternal ice, wrapped in theirfrigid zone, fre<xe, sleep, and starve an equal night—few their enjoyments, and their trouble 9 few—they know no luxury, and seal no gout. Yet as the mind of man is informed, dilates, and expands, so his. wants and ddires cncreaie; to gratify which, he ventures* though relu&antlv, abroad ; still the dupe of early prejudices ; he js frequently led by them into many ridiculous extravagancies ; R.ufes on the pleafurcs he enjoyed at home; forgets the Tubs ; and if he meets a disappointment, often rims home, like ftrickea chil dren to their mothers,and like there otten meets another scourging. The hardy, brave, and yet unconquered Swiss, hired into foreign service, meet dangers, and death, in any (hape, with steady front ; yet tlicxe are certain tunes peculiar to their country, which are »ot permitted in France to be played in thole regiments ; their native inuiic having been repeatedly found to produce very serious con sequences, by kindling such an ardent and irrefiftable desire to re turn to the;r own homes, and beloved houlhold gods, that no flattery, or threats, bribes or pumlhmenis, could prevent melan choly, mutinies, and desertions. Mr. Kolien relates, " That one of the Dutch Governors at the " Cape of Good Hope, brought up an Hottentot according to the fafhions 44 and cufioms oj the Europeans—teaching him JeveraTlanguages, and 44 instructing km fully tn the principles ofthe Oiriflian religion ;at the " Jame tune cloattuvg him handsomely, and treating him in all refpeds 44 as aperfonfer whom he had an high efleem, and whom he defignedfor 44 some bcncjuial and honorable employment. The Goiemour ajUrwards 44 sent him to Batavia, where he teas employed under the CommiJTary for 44 feme time, /ill that gentleman died—and then he returned to the Cape 44 of Good Hope. Hut having paia a visit to the Hottentots of his ac -44 quaintanie, fie threw off all his fine cloaths, bundled them up, laid 44 tieto at the Governor's feet, anddefiredhe might be allowed to renounce 44 Jus chrifliamty, and to live and die in the religion and cufloms of his 44 anceflnrs ; only requeuing that he might be permitted to keep the hanger 44 ana cottar which tie wore, in token of his regard to his benefatlor. 44 While the Governor was deliberating upon this, Ccarce believing the 44 fellow io be in eamefi, the young Hottentot took the opportunity of 44 running away, ana never afterwards came near the Cape, thinking 44 himftlj happy, that he had exchanged his Europeandrefs for afheep-Jkir. y 44 an j that he had abandoned the hopes of preferment for thefociety of /us 44 relations and countrymen." 44 Tne Enghfk Eafl-lndia Company made the like experiment upon 44 two young Hottentots, with no betterfuccefsSee Millar,oq the Diftintlion of Ranks in Society, chap. in. page ixg, quar. edit Hence we fee the almost invinceable attachment of mankind to the place of their birth, of which few feel the power and operation till deprived of the enjoyment; this privation we find is fome t mes insupportable under the most favorable circumstances, as in the cafe of the Hottentots; it is therefore natural to suppose, it would not bemore tolerable in cases of difficulties and disappoint ments, which all are sure to meet with, who are so unfortunate as to emigrate from polished life and manners, into new, rude, re-? mote, uncultivated countries. E. C. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. [London, March 30.] The revolution which has taken place at Geneva is the more remarka ble, as it is the firft time these 3 J years, that the whole republic have, with one consent, made and agreed to any laws, nor was there ever a greater day of rejoicing than the 13th ult. On the 7th the Senate laid before the council of 200, the laws required, which were approved of, inglobo, by the majority 133 againlt 9. On the 13th, they were carried to the Council-General, and approved o£by 1327 votes against 54. The moment the fcrunity was declared at the Cathedral,a general acclamation of joy was heard. They afterwards went to the town-house, where all parties embraced each other. The Senate was