u fcVjliver romantic it may firvm, it is very true, that
there are a fort of people who take great pains to be
.ji tt
TTis vprrby of remark that men, who have no
-1 thint to do,feldom have any leisure; while those,
tin are in Stood earnest engaged in bufinefs,have
b "
aufe they attend to their own bulinefs, and no
'hhc eife; the former want leisure because they do
' tateud to their own business, but to every thing
lfe I have among my acquaintance a character
If each of these defoliations ; one of them is na
med Attentus, the other Übiquitus. It hap
pened the other morning they both called on me,
nearly at the fame time.
Attsntus informed me, that having a kttle
leisure he had waited on me to adjust an account
that lay between us. He tarried but a few minutes,
proceeded deliberately, and accompli shed what
he came for.—Ubi qui tus ran up to the door to
acquaint ue with the great hurry he was in, and
to analogize for his not being able to make me a
vifrt; he continued with me upwards of an hour,
without having any business, and spent molt ot
the time in lamenting hi* amazing haste. —It may
not be ainifs to observe that Ar rENTUi is large
ly concerned in mercantile affairs, and is an ex
teniive dealer in Weft-India goods. No person
ever managed his concerns with more method and
prudence; and by doing every thing as it ought
to be done, and finiihing one thing before he be
oins another, he is at no time in hurry and con
fufion, and often finds moments of leisure and
Übiq-TJITOS, on the other hand, though Ins
whole life is spent in rvifles, takes hold even of
trifles at the wrong end ; engages in many trivial
things at once, and finiflies no part of what he
undertakes. He seems to have no determinate
object of purfuir, and his friends are at a loss to
conje&ure how heemploys himfelf; while he is in
cetiantly complaining of the prefure and anxiety,
vhich are occalioned by the multiplicity of his
affairs. The reader will form a clearer idea of
the difference of these characters, if I relate ex
adlythe conrerfation that palled the other morn
Attentus calledjuft at nine o'clock, and found
meat breakfaft. After informing me what lie
wiihed, he requested me ro take my breakfaft
leisurely, as he could, without inconvenience,
wait a few minutes. I rose from the table and
handed him the account I had stated, and men
tioned that he could examine it, at his leisure.—
" ltis roypradke," laid he, " to complete every
thing of this kind on the lpot." He loon went
through the examination, made his remarks, and
was again at leisure. I enquired of him if he
knew how the wind flood, and whether the Bri
tilh Packet would fail that day ? " I know very
well," said he, " how the wind is, because I am
looking for a veflel from the Weft-Indies ; but I
knowncthing of the Packet, as I do not deal at
Europe. It runs in my mind, however, that 1
heard somebody speaking of the matter ; but who
the person was, or what he said, 1 do not remem
ber, as 1 never charge my memory with what
does not relate to my own affairsln examining
fame papers 1 was rather flower than common,
and desired Attentus to exenfe me, as I was at
the Theatre the evening before, and had not ta
kenmy usual hours of sleep. " Theatre," cried
he, " are the players in town ; how long have
they been here ?" Six weeks replied I. " Have
they indeed," said Attentus, " I never heard
a word of it before." But, continued I, do you
not read the newspapers ? " I take the newl'pa
pers," answered he, " but I only perufefucli parts
ofHiem as give information about my particular
line of business." It happened in the course of
co»>erfation,tliat I alked him if he had attended
the debates of Congress. He told me he had once
been iif the gallery, that his neighbours should
'lot fay he was an Antifederalift ; but that he
thought the business would go on as well without
his coiapany, as with it, and he should attend no
fore. If you have leisure, said I, you should be
P r e!ent at some of the debates, as they concern
the mercantile interefl, who in the firlt instance
pay the duties. "As to leisure," said he,
1 have some, but my attending at the galleiy
will neither make the duties more or less. I ihall
nd out what they are fact enough. The old du
ties were laid without ray knowledge, but I soon
d people after me to put me in mind of the bu-
Hiefs. 13ehdcs the members of Congress will not
a y tn my store and watch for customers while 1
f® in their gallery" Attentus was aboutleav
trgme, when I mentioned that I would walk a
'* way with him. " Well," said he, "if you
le going my v«y I have no objection." Just as
SATURDAY, June 20, 1789.
we were at the door, Übiquituj came up and in
terrupted my walk.
He took me by tlie hand, and with a perplexed
countenance, said he never was in fucli an hurry
in his life, that he could scarce ilay to apologize
for not flaying longer. However, while he was
making these complaints, he followed me fairly
into the house. I urged him to take a chair and
tarry a few minutes. " No," replied he, 1 could
not wait ten minutes, if you would give me ten
guineas. I have every thing to do tliis morning.
It was my intention to have wrote half a dozen
letters before this hour of the day, but I ihall not
write one before dinner ; and after all, shall not
find leisure ro hear the debates of Congress." 1
continued to urge him to take a feat and recover
a little from his fatigue ; but he l'eemed offended
at the request, and fell into a run of conversation
that I thought he never would have finiihed. He
held one of the buttons of my coat with his left
hand,that my impatience fliould not force i»e from
him ; and extended his right arm, that he miglu
the more emphatically oxprefs the necessity of
leaving me immediately. As nearly as I can re
colletft, the following are a few of the remarks
and queries he made : " Have you heard oj the ar
rivals at Philadelphia from the Eajl-Indies ? There
was an excellent play lajl night, but I could not find
time to attend. Do you not think the address jromthe
Methodifl Clergy toThe PrefidcHt, was modejtly done ?
The Bank I am told are /paring of their difcouuts now
adays. Who do they talk of as Chief JuJlice of the
United States ? 1 fear I Jhall lose a beaver hat ref
bc Cling the ijftte of the elettion for governor. What a
perphxity it is to be so hurried ; you fee my hair is not
combed, and I suppose my barber will call Jeveral
times before 1 can be ready for him. My letters are
unanfweredfor a long while pajl." But, enquired
I, do you not notice your letters as soon as you
receive them I ArTENTUStellsmeheneverleaves
any thing undone, after the proper time of doing
it. " Well hemay," replied Übiquitus, "for
he has nothing to do but to take care of his bufi
r.efs. The cafe is quite otherwise with me. I
have a whole chest of pape;s lying in heaps and
confufion, and I do not even recolletft the con
tents of half of them." I began to be weary
of standing, andasmy friend could not tarry long
enough to fit down, 1 proposed a walk byway ot
relief to myfelf. Übiquitus joined in the pro
posal, and as he had much business abroad, and I
had none, I left it with him to diredl the course
of our rambles. "We will go," said he, " Hop !
1 have fomany places to visit I hardly know which
to call at firft. Upon the whole I will accompany
you wherever you please." My walk did not
give the relief I cxpe<fted, for flop
ped to speak with so many persons in the streets,
that I was almost as still, as before 1 left the liouf e ;
and lam not certain I should have escaped from
my confinement for several hours, if a gentleman
liadnot invited Übiquitus to go with liimtoa
billiard table. This fuggeflion so pleased him,
that he took his leave of me, and I did not ima
gine I should fee him again that day. However
it happened and myfelf were to dine
at the fame place. I called at the hour of invi
tation, and none of the company were miffing but
ÜBiqui i us. When dinner had waited for him
nearly half an hour, he came in so extremely ex
hausted with the fatigues of the morning, that I
feared he had loft his appetite. He cxpreflcd a
little regret that the company had waited for him,
but obfe7ved, that they knew so well how difficult
it was for him to be exa<sl to his appointments,
that no apology was requisite. I perceived, how
ever, that his hurry did not prevent his doing
justice to the dinner and wine, and indeed before
evening he seemed well fatisfied with the position
he had taken.
[ Continued fiom our UJl.]
IN my last number I ventured a few general
observations on the siatureof some of the execu
tive departments, and now proceed to suggest
some further ideas on the fubjed: of a secretary
of domestic affairs and commissioner of trade, to
be permanently established at the feat of govern
veinment; whose duty it lhall be to collect into
one focus all possible information, si om the va
rious parts of the continent, which immediately
or virtually refpeifts agriculture, manufactures,
and commerce, those pillars of national profpeii
ty—and towards this design he lhall correfponcl
with the custom-house officers in the different
States, and from them obtain accurate details of
the amount of our exports, and imports, and
their fpecific qualities—the number of American
veflcls employed in our commerce, with the num
ber of men navigating them—their rates of ton-
\_FubliJbed on W edntfday and Saturday, j
itage, and the nature of the trade they canyon ;
alio how many foreign veflels, and their channels
of trade :—And in estimating the value of our
imports, not to include the charge ot duties —
they being paid by the internal confamer, ought
not to Hand as a debit against the nation—but the
duties on manufactures exported may be in
cluded in the credit, being paid by the foreign
consumer :—This officer will also pay a nice at
tention to the increase of the raw materials and
progress of the manufactures of the country —
ascertaining what each State annually produces
and manufactures, and what proportion the raw
materials of home growth bear to thole import
ed—and be able, well to discern what species ot
manufactures can in our present state be with ad
vantage promoted, and without injury to other
interests of the community —for this end he will
encourage the introduction of machines so bene
ficial in a country having but few hands—he will
also notice the population of the United States,
their annual confuinption, and the ratio of lup
ply and demand—he will devise means to im
prove our agriculture—and promote our naviga
tion—form plans for failing our vefl'els least ex
pensively—thereby aififting our ■carrying trade—
lie will explore the various channels for the
extension of our commerce, &c. —When we
consider the many difficulties which have at
tended the conftru&ion of our revenue sys
tem, for want of proper information from the
several States in the Union, on many subjeCts in
cluded in this plan —when we view the advantage
that mult result from having persons officially
poflefled of such an accurate knowledge in the
general ftateof the community, as to be able on
a proposition for levying any imposts or other tax
es, to determine how particular interests will be
etfeCted thereby—when we contemplate the be
nefit of having a trial-balance of our national
trade, for correcting present and avoiding future
errors—when wc reflect on the great fpiing
which the encouragement of trade and commerce
gives to agriculture and manufactures —when ill
general we know the need of guarding the vari
ous fluctuations of the different interests in a
State—of ballancing them and directing them to
one common centre—the public good :—1 think
these united considerations will evince the pro
priety of such an establishment as above alluded
to, from the tendency it will have to communi
cate general information, to diffufe national
views, eftabliffi national sentiments, to promote
national interests, and to produce that concen
tration, lyltein, and harmony, which must form
the basis of our country's future prosperity and
In respeCt to a land-office, I have my doubts of
the principle \\ hich in a degree leads to the necel
fyy of such an establishment, viewing any encou
ragement to emigrate in the present state of our
population, as buildh.g up the interior part of
this country at the expence of the atlantic settle
ments, as totally opposed to an early attempt for
manufacturing, as producing an undue propor
tion of certain interests, and being at present of
no essential advantage to" the progress of agricul
ture; but it has been here objected, that the spi
rit of emigration cannot be well flopped, or great
ly checked—this being granted, it will be doubt
less most politic to methodize the settlement of
this western country, and pursue every means to
encreafe their future attachment and obedience
to the present government.
In the Houfc ojthcUNITED STATES.
Tuesday, June »6, 1789.
[A SKETCH of the DEBATE on the BILL foreflab-
FOREIGN AFFAIRS, -which took place on Tues
day la],L upon Mr. White'; moving to Jlrike out
the -words " to be removed from office by The
President of the United States.]
Mr. White observed, that the eonftitution had provided fpe
cifically only for the removal of the Judges of the Supreme Court
—but £s it had associated the Senate with the President in the ap
pointment of officers, it was proper that the power of removal
111 the latter cafe, should be jointly exercised, as in the former.
Mr. Smith (S. C.) was in sentiment with Mr. White—heob
ferved, that one of thefetwo ideas are just, cither that The Pre
sident had the power by the eonftitution, or he had not—lf
the power is veiled in him by the eonftitution, the claufc is nuga
tory —if 't is not, the House can have no right to give it—Thisdeli
gation of powc is unconft'.tutional,agreeably to the ideaoffome
very ingenious commentators upon the fubjeft, who have avert
ed, that the Senate ffiould have a voice in the removal as well as
the appointment of officers.—The author of the pieces under the
fignatureof Publius, one of the mofl valuable performance!
extant —has fully exprefled this fentimfnt.
If the eonftitution is examined with attention, we shall find,
that no such power is direftlv or impliedly given to the Prefi
dent —the departments .of government are defined—the power*