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[No. XLVII.] THE TABLE T.—No. XLVII. The author of the Tablet presents thefollowing Speculation fiom a friend, for the forty-feventh number. " The divfrfity of inter efls in the United States, un jtr a wife government, will prove the Cement of the Union-" ' FORMERLY, it was the policy of Great Bri tain to diflejninatethe idea,that tlie seve ral colonies were too much divided by religion, manners and customs, by different interests, and prejudices more obstinate than intereit, to alfimi late and form a government of their own. It is not remarkable that Britain fliould cheriffi and diif'ufe an opinion so favorable to her power. Andtho we have reason to lament, we have none to wonder at, the degree of success which attend ed her truly maternal endeavors. The inter courfeof the colonies with her was much greater than with <Jne another. It is known that people are very susceptible of the opinions of thofewith whom they have dealings. Our dealings were with Britain almost exclusively, and we adopted many of her favorite doctrines with a docility and confidence which in fact, her conduct was calculated to inspire. The leading men, who gave a tone to the public lentiment in this coun try, were Britons, or colonists as ardently at tached as Britons themselves to tlje connection with the mother country. There was an ap parent utility in this error, which not only made it plaufihle, but ftifled enquiry. Indeed the lub jfCt at that time, would better Hand the tell of disquisition than at present. The colonies were filling with new people, who were so far from having adopted the habits and manners of the more ancient settlements, that they had not fuffi ciently aflimilated with one another, to ailume a national character. But it is unneceflary to enumerate all the causes which aoncurred to produce in the colonists a fpi ritof mutual alienation and distrust. It is not to be doubted that, in a long course of time, the product of this cursed feed would have been a imndant.—With infinite mifchiefs, the war brought this good, it blasted it's vegetation. However, some of these poisonous plants still infect our fields, and are mingled with our liar vefts. When we express our surprise that these repul sive prejudices continue to exist, we arc delired to attend to the facts which it is pretended will render them perpetual. It is aflerted, that there is, at this day, so great a diversity between the different States in point of ' eligion, manners, habits and interests, as to ronder the administration of a general go vernment inconvenient, and perhaps impractica ble. Certainly this doctrine has not novelty to recommend it. For ever since the jealousy of Britain adopted the maxim, divide et impera, it h»s been inculcated by her millionaries and pro fclytes with all imaginable zeal and foleinnity. Many appeal to the supposed fact,that the east ern and southern States have opposite interests. Undoubtedly a. diversity of interests is one of the most fruitful sources of contention and hatred. Too much stress however, is generally laid upon it. For such interests, tho different are not al ways repugnant. The greatmodern improvement m government, is to leave individuals at liberty to seek their advantage their own way—partial to none but protecting all. We cannot subdivide a society fufficiently to avoid this fuppoled diver -•. l_he fmallelt will be found to comprehend jarring interests, and to be formed by a conge ties of heterogeneous and materials, which, merely in consequence of being accumu lated, tend to fermentation and diflolurion. In . '. we stall perceive that the interest of each individual is exclusive of that of all others, until B t,v- ernment combines them, and makes ittne ad jutage of each one to advance the prosperity °f the whole. Uniformity of faith is an useless chimera. Uniformity of interests is equally so. Diversity 'ft both produces difcuflion. Men ref'pect one another's opinions, and become liberal, they en quire and perhaps find truth : The tendency is, to rouse them from an indolent neglect of pub icbufmefs, and to check the natural pronenefs °i all parties to excess. It is very certain that the employments of the °u hern and ealtern States are different : But 'tis denied that their interests are incompatible. tiie wealth and power of one does not tend to "lake the other weak and poor, it is difficult to conceive, why they jQiould be mutually jealous. nutting the idea of feperate and hostile pow- f rs ' the of one State might well 1 alarming to her neighbors. But thanks to the pod sense of our countrymen, the new Confti- Uao " as baniihed a principle of state policy WEDNESDAY, September 23, 1739. which ihould make a patriot Ihiver with horror. In every other relpect, each has an interest in the prosperity of the whole. If rice and indigo produce wealth, thepeople and the taxable pro perty are encreafed. The consumption of dutied articles encreales. The man is as much relieved and benefited as if the tax was raised from his next county. The navigation and filbery of the States will furnifh the means of a na,vy to prote<sl the export of the ttaple articles. England and France are rivals in trade as well as power, because each endeavors to supplant the other in the sale of the like commodities. England would excel France in the silk manufac ture. And France endeavors to beat her rival out of the woolen and hard ware branches. Their vindictive regulations have, perhaps, mutually injured each other infinitely more than either has benefited licrfelf. But what foundation is there for such a competition in America. Virgi nia raises tobacco. New-England never can be come her competitor in that culture. The rice, indigo and cotton are confined by nature to the more southern Sates. The culture of corn ad mits of no rivalry. The consumers will grow up to the market. For the human species will encrgafe in every country in proportion to the re gular means of subsistence. A man who Ihould attempt to sow jealousy among the New-England States, or between Pennfylva niaand New-Jersey, byalledging thatthey have jarring interests, would certainly be laughed at. His fuccels would not be fufficiently feared to make him detelled. Yet these are manufactur ing States : And in every market their people are contending for a preference. These are the States whom diverlity of interests should divide. The market may be over Hocked with fifh, oil or lumber. This will affeifi the dealers in those ar ticles. But how can it atfe<st the sale of tobacco ? The conclusion is, that no large counpry in the world is so little divided by oppoiite interests. The eastern and southern States are necellary to one another : And nature has interposed to for bid their becoming commercial rivals. What one raises, the other wants, and when one prospers, all will partake. If the great llaples should fail, navigation would decline. Should our own sea men and {hipping be diininilhed, the staple States might, and, in cafe of an European war, cer tainly would want a conveyance for their valua ble exports to the market. In peace and war, their trade would be merely passive—The mark ers and purchasers would be chosen for them, and they would not be in a condition to feck the best for themselves. This is evinced by the great suc cess and rapid growth of our East India trade. By means of poilefling (hipping, some of the States have fought, in the extremities of the earth, new markets for the sale of their butter and salted provisions, which would never have fought them. Without violent evidence, a patriot Ihould not admit that the interests of the southern and east ern parts of the Union are oppoiite. It will re quire fomerefle<ftiop to fupprefshis wonder, that nor only without evidence, but against the most palpable,it ever has been the creed of the country. It is time to think more juftly,and more rationally, which is the fame thing. The internal commerce of our country is the molt to be cherilhed. It as fords the quickest returns, and the profit is not divided, as that of foreign trade is, with stran gers. We ought to look forward with pleasure to the rapid extention of our home market, al ready vail, and soon to become a world of our own. (to be continued.) NEW-YORK, September 23, 1789. rROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. IN SENATE. The Conventions of a number of the States having, at the time of their adopting the Lonjlitution, exprefjed a desire, in order to prevent mis conjlrudion or ahufe oj its powers, that further declaratory and res- jj triclive clauf sJhould be added: And as extending the ground o)pub lic confidence in the will bejl injure the beneficent ends of its itifiitntion — RFSOLVED, by the Senate and House of Reprefcntatives of , the United States of America in Congrefsaflembled, two thirds of ! both Houl'es concuring, That the -following articles be proposed : to the Legislatures of the several States, as Amendments to the Con iHtution of the United States, ail or any of which articles, when 1 ratified by three fourths of the said Legifldtures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of thf said Confli'ution, viz. ARTICLES in addition to, and amendment of, the Constitu tion of the United States ot America, proposed by Congress, apd ratified by the Legifiatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. ARTICLE THE FIRST. After the firft enumeration, required by the firft article of the Constitution, there Avail be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until thenumber shall amount to one hundred ; to which number one representative shall be added for every fubfe-qircnt in creafeof forty thousand, until the Representatives shall amount to two hundred, to which number one Representative shall be added for every subsequent increase of sixty thousand perfous. r Pub'lijhed (jii W edtiefJay and Saturday .J ARtjc E THE SECOND. * No law, varying the compenfdtion for tile services of the Sena tors and Representatives, (hall take etfe£t, until an ele&ioh of Re presentatives shall haveiniervened. ARTICLE THE THIRD. Congrrfs shall make no law establishing articles of faith, or a mode of worship, or prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging thefreedom of speech, or of the prels, or the right of the people peaceably to afTemble, and to petition to the government for a redrefsof grievances. ARTICLE THE FOURtH. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the fccurity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. ARTICLE THE FIFTH. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the confe-nt of the owner, nor in time of *war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE THE SIXTH. The right of the people to belecure in their persons, houses, pa pers, and effe£ls, against unreafonaM fcarches and fcizures, ftiall not be violated, and no warrants shall ilTue, but upon probable :aufe, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly defcrib ng the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized ARTICLE THE SEVENTH. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwif<# infamous crime, unless on a presentment orindiflment of a Grand Jury, except in cases ariiing in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in a&ual service in time of war, or public danger ; nor (hall any person be fubjett for the fame offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any crimi nal cafe, to be a witness against himfelf, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, without dueprocefs of law; nor shall private property be taken tor public use without jilft compcnfation. ARTICLE THE EIGHTH. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, to informed of the nature and caufc of the accusation, to be confronted with the witnefles against him. to have coinpuHoi y process for obtaining witnefles in his favor, and to have the afjiftance of counsel for his defence. ARTICLE THE NINTH. Jn fuitsat common law, where the value in controversy shall ex ceed twenty dollars, tht right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact, trifd by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the com mon law. ARTICLE THE TENTH. Exceflive bail shall not be required, nor exceflive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual puniflimentsintlifted. ARTICLE THE ELEVENTH. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or difparagc others retained by the people. ARTICLE THE TWELFTH. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitu tion, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserVed to the States refpe&ively, or to the people. In the HOUSE cf REPRESENTATIVES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER iS, 1889. Sketch of the Debate on the Salaries of th:: Judicial Department. MR. GOODHUE moved to strike out 4JOO dollars, the proposed salary of the Chief Jultice, and to insert 3000. Mr. Burke who was one of the committee on the bill, said, that he had been oppofedtotlie Turn ; but a majority being in favor of it, it was a - iopted : He still thought it too much. Mr. Lawrance (who was also one of thecom mittee) observed that he had been in favor of the Turn, and was so still. Ido not (said he) think it is too much, considering the very important na ture of the duties afligned to this officer, and the high trust committed to his care. The Laws and the Constitution of the United States are iu his hands. To the Judges of the Supreme Court we are to look for decisions on the moftintereft ing points, and on those decisions causes of the greatest poflible magnitude depend. The sum proposed I do not think will be considered too high ; there is a prediletflion among the people in favor of their judges, it is the general opinion that they should be well paid. This fentimentis honorary to the people ; it is productive of the happiest effects and ought to be encouraged. I am willing to risk my popularity in giving my vote for this sum. Ido not think it will be con sidered too high. I should rather be for encreaf ingtlian diminishing it. When we consider what is paid to similar officers in other countries, we find that thefefalaries bear no proportion to those allowances. To induce gentlemen of the firft'a bilities to come forward ; and to place them in that situation which shall be above temptation, you cannot give them a less sum. It will be of very little consequence, that the Judges hold their places during good behavior, if you do not make them independent intheir falarirs. Iliope there fore the sum will not be struck out. Mr. Goodhue obferved,that he did not think there was any propriety in refering to other countries for exampleson this occasion. Circum stances, said he, do not apply. We mull have regard to the ideas of our own people, and to the circumstances of our own country. And the only enquiry, in my opinion, is, what has been cuftomary,and what maybe necelfary in the I present cafe. He then referred to the salaries which are given in particular States, and tho in some instances they are below what they ought obe, yet they command the firft abilities. The