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[No. L.] THE TABLE T.—No. L. « There is a propensity in mankind to refifl as well is to enforce dominion." PERHAPS there is riot more nicety in any question, than -whether men are more a verse to obey than to be obeyed Few dispositions are naturally prone to give obedience, and pro bably as few are willing to relinguifh it. From this original fountain have flowed perpetual llreams of oppreflion 011 the one hand and sedi tion on the other. The secret of curbing the ex cefl'es ofthefe propensities is found to conlilt in a well-balanced, well-administered government, and it admits of no other remedy. Reason, re ligion, benevolence, good humour, patriotism and every other ufeful attribute, that can be na med are utterly inadequate to the purpose of re straining the turbulent spirit of man from enor mities. As the propensity I am fpeakingof is a natural one itdifcovers itfelf moll strongly among men least removed from a state of nature. A lavage has more of it than can be found in any poflible itage of civilization. Tho the objects, about which his will is exercised, are few and limited, vet wherever he fixes a purpose he disdains re iiftance. This love of rule and hatred of oppo sition likewise break out, with far greater fury, among the lowest and vilell part of the communi ty, than among the sensible and enlightened. The cruelty of a waggoner over his liorfes is in comparably greater, than any acfts of severity that are ever exercised by a man, who moves in a higher sphere of life. Overseers of negroes and other laborers discover a temper more domi neering and wrathful, than can often find a place in the breasts of tliofe whole employment is lei's servile. When a monarch or other elevated characters discover an arbitrary, opprelfive difpolition, they excite the attention and complaints of the world. The infamy of their conduit is perpetuated and mankind are warned against such evils. But there are many persons wliofe whole life is a scene of cruelty and revenge, and yet whole enormi ties pals unpunished or unregarded. The fa&is, ■ man is too ferocious a being to be let loose. In many refpedis the law reflrains him. There are however a thouland instances which the law can not reach, where men exhibit flriking demon strations that one of the moll natural features of the human character, is the love of enforcing as well as refilling dominion. The propensity to do both is so active and llrong, that no compari foncan be drawn to fettle the quellion, which is the moll universal and irrefillable. From tliefe Iketches we deduce the necellity of checking the extremes to which the different lituationsof men are liable. Men in power mult be rellrained, and so mull men out of power. One will other wise be licentious and outrageous, the other op prelfive and tyrannical. Tliefe hasty remarks are introductory to a more copious difcullion oi the fubjeift, which may probably be brought for ward in foine future speculation. NEWPORT, SEI'TEMIER 24. THE following Address of the Society of Cin cinnati in this State, was lately presented to his Excellency the Prefidentof the United States, by the Rev. Dr. Manning :—To which his Excellen cy was pleased to return the answer thereunto an nexed. To the PRESIDENT rf~7he UNITED STATES. SIR, EXPRESSIONS of refpe<sl and attachment are a tribute which thecitizens erf Americaowe to your prudence, your patriotism, and valor ; to the fuc cefsfuldifplayof which, they are already indebt ed for their freedom ; and from a continuance of the exercifeof thole qualities they may anticipate the highest state of political happiness : under these impreflions, Sir, we the society of the Cin cinnati of the State ofßhode-Ifland, molt sincerely congratulate you upon your appointment to the chiefniagiftracy of the Union, by the unanimous fuffrage of more than three millions of free citi tens ; an appointment rendered the more digni fied by the manner in which it was contered,and tin more pleasing to your fellow-citizens from a con- T 'ftion that they could nowhere place the sacred deposit, for which they have so long and ardu ouily contended, with equal fafety to themselves, and honor to their country. We cannot help ex prefling at the fame time the ftrongobligatiops we 'eel for the facrifice of domcftic ease and retire me nt, to which we are sensible the iove of your country alone could have prompted you—and although we are not admitted to a participation or the good effects of the government over which so deservedly preside, ver we fondly flatter SA sUNDAY, 1739. ourselves that the period is not far distant, 'when the mistaken zeal which has lately prevailed in this State, will give way to a more enlightened policy. We can only add, Sir, our ardent wishes for your health and happinefe. Long, long may the United States be blefled with a life to which they are so highly indebted, and may the close of your days be as peaceful and happy to yourfelf, as the meridian of them has been ufeful and glo rious to your country. ISAAC SENTER, President. Robert Rogers, Sec'ry. Rhode-Island, September 3, 1789. To the President and Members of the Rhodc-l/land State Society of the Cincinnati. GENTLEMEN, IN returning my grateful thanks for the flat tering and affetftionute sentiments exprefled in your address of the 3d instant, I beg you will do justice to the fincericy of my regard, which reci procates, with great pleasure, the warmed wishes for your happiness, political and personal. Under a persuasion of the candor and support of my fellow-citizens, I yielded obedience to the voice of my country—and imprefled with a sense of duty, I forfook the pleasures of domestic retire ment, to promote (if my best exertions can have such tendency) the object of a dearer interest— Those expectations of support have been amply fulfilled, and fnv fondeft hope of their candor has been gratified by a kind and partial country. I am much pleased, Gentlemen, with the hope, which you entertain, that mistaken zeal will give way to enlightened policy—and I desire to repeat to your society, alliirances of the most affectionate esteem. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Utiited States, September 14, 1789. MARIA ANTONIETTA of Austria, QUEEN of FRANCE, TO THE NATION. MY heart was yet bleeding at the loss of a Prince to whom I had given birth, when it was allailed by sorrows of a much more diltreffing nature. All France was in tears, groaning under the weight of oppression : The horrors of an ap proaching famine had nearly reduced the people to despair, and I hear my name mentioned "with murmuring and impatience—Suddenly I was in formed that all Paris was in arms, and that fire and sword were desolating the capital—ln a mo ment I saw my court disperse and fly far awaj from me. My royal consort hallened immedi ately to his good city, carrying thither at leafl: thai internal peace which the purity of his principles has always made him to enjoy, and which th« consciousness of his love for his people made him certain of imparting to them—but nothing could quiet my tender feelings, alarmed for the citizens of Paris and for all France, whose universal de solation filled my heart with unutterable distress. Thus forfaken and reduccd to the most de plorable situation, I shut myfelf up with my chil dren—l prefled them a tlioufand and a thousand times to my bosom—l mixed my tears and bittei cries with their infant waitings ; in their tender and innocent carelles I could find some alleviation to my %wn misfortunes, but those of the nation left me inconsolable. A Princess, whom Heaven has formed and be llowed on mortajs for the liappinefs of all those to whom her cares may extend, and for the fa tisfa(ftion of all who know her, the mast tender and affectionate of women, came and mixed liei tears with mine.—YeFrenchmen! Ihe is my cou lin —the Duchess of Orleans, (with the live liest gratitude I mention her name, the found oi which is as grateful to your ears as her amiable person is dear to your fouls). The Duchess of Orleans opened her heart to me.—What an inex haustible source of riches and consolation was there ! O what a powerful support against mis fortunes, a woman, nay, even a reigning Princess may find in a virtuous friend ! May this holy truth be forever deeply engraved in the heart of every mortal woman who is deltined to fit upon a throne. —It will teach her how difficult it is,from that exalted feat, to make a proper choice of friends ; it will lay open to her the falfehood antl treachery of courtiers, andpreferve her from the dangerous poison which infects every court. As fincereas she is tender, endued with courage equal to her sweetness and gencrofity, this true friend, in the effufion of her foul, could not dis semble from me that, I was loudly accused by the nation to be the author of its calamities.—How lively and moving were her expressions ! —What a language they fpokc to my heart ! —lt was op prefled. —It was torn with grief.—Nothing less than the affectionate and unwearied cries of that Princess, could have made me bear so rude a ihock without expiring with grief. [. (jti Wednesday and Saturday O ye, whose wife discernment has never fuffer ed yon to remain long under any error ! Ye just and enlightened nation ! YcFrehch men ! whose name alone is the elogium of your minds ! Ye people, cherished by the Princess who enjoys the inei'timable advantage of reigning over you, and who now addreflesyou with a confidence that is due to you on 'so many accounts ! Ye models of love for your Sovereigns as well as for your country! Ye heroes ! whose great and valiant fouls have made you so often fhedyour blood for those Sovereigns as well as for that country !Can it then be poifible that you have not known —that you have forgot your Dauphinefs, who pofl'efies all your tenderness, and who ever since has so sincerely loved you ? Ever since the alliance which has united her to the Prince who has afterwards become your King until this melancholy seta, when her misfortune compels her to juftifyher felf, she never ceased to cherish you—(he had a - dopted you from inclination, as Ihe had your Au guit Dauphin. Yes, ye Frenchmen, in allying myfelf to you, I had placed all my felicity as well as all my glory in one day sharing his throne and reigningover your hearts. Inthe teftinionies of love which I received from you with so much fa tisfacftion, and the remembrance, of which will ever be infinitely deartoine, be lure that you ex prefled no more than a just gratitude. Ever since the crown has been placed on the head of my Royal Consort, my heart never ceased to be filled with those sentiments ; they are invariable as their nature —as their principle :—1 will preserve and cheriih them until the Divinity is pleased to call me to his bosom ; here let me renew the solemn promise, to which I swear by the sacred and pre cious title of Queen of Ffance. But I will confirm to you with my own mouth, this promise so pleaftng to my heart—l will go into the bosom of the capital, and there expand my foul into that of the nation : I will let them fee all my grief; and 1 sincerely wish that fame nation may bring back serenity and joy. My principal with is to persuade the people, that it will be the important business of my whole life, to promote their felicity with all my power. Ah! may I one day make them forget, that, deceitful courtiers ; ministers without honor and without faith ; public plunderers of all kinds, infhort, an odious, cruel and bloody junto had prepared their ruin ! Oh ! How happy I lhali then esteem myfelf ! But I shall never eejoy either tranquility or fatisfaiftion, until the moment when I shall have carried into the minds of that most amiable and most loving nation, that degree of convicftion, which will restore and ensure to me for ever the hearts of all my dear Frenchmen. Let us diflipate our alarms and our fears ; let us strengthen, by frefh mutual afliirances of re ciprocal tenderness, the bands that unite us to each other ; let us render them indifloluble ; let all the unfortunate apply tome with unbound ed confidence !—they will find my heart ever open : I will pour into theirs, every consolation which beloved children have a right to expecft from a tender and affectionate mother whom they love : I will be eager to give them all the afliftance in my power ; —I will be their patroness and their support ; —I will love to weep and grieve with those that grieve and weep; I will find an infinite sweetness in wiping off their tears, and I will place my happiness in drying up the source of them. Placed on the throne of France, my ainbition.ftill prompts another fond wish, which will fully fatif fy my heart : it is, that all Frenchmen maycon fider me as their best friend. A wife and economical minister is restored to us: the restorer of affairs is coming ; perhaps he hears me at this moment: our misfortunes are then going to vanish : we may rely on his zeal and care, as well as on the love of our King for his people. EUROPEAN ACCOUNTS, BY THE LAST ARRIVALS. VIENNA, JULY 8. An Austrian officer, who arrived here the 3d instant. in quality of a cotirier from Semlin, brings the important news that the Ruffian fleet, under Admiral Wainowich, had attacked and completely defeated the firft division of the Turkifhfleet, near Beflarabia. The division had under its convoy some transports with provisions for the Grand Vizier's army, which are captur ed by the Ruffians. After destroying and dif perling the Turkilh Ihips, the conquerors made a descent npon the coast, and reduced Kalat and Ketftaga to ashes by lire.—This vidlory is the more important, as. it will tend tooccaficn afcar city of provisions in the Ottoman army. News of the above event has caused great con fternatiou in Cpnftantinople, where the guards are doubled, and cannon drawn upon the banks of the Canal to rtfiii the approach of the Ruffians.