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[No. Lll.] THE TABLE T.—No. LII. << When a man doth think of any thing that is pa ft, jie lookith down upon the ground ; but when he think tth of something that is to come, he looketh up towards the heavens." THE lively image, we form of approaching pleasures, constitutes une of the molt fiiblime sources of human felicity. There is fcarcea man in the universe, in the vigor of life, whose heart is not often exhilirated with the hopesof feeing better days. Nature has provid ed the charms of anticipation to coiifole us under the preflurd of past misfortunes and to ftiinulate us into new efforts. It exonerates part of the load we lhould ottferwife bear from acftual evils, and relieves the painful impressions that are apt to be excited upon a retrofpeetive view of our affairs. . No man, however pure and elevated may be his principles, however prudent and fortunate may be his condud:, can look back 011 the differ ent stages of his existence without some sensa tions of disapprobation and sorrow. His reflec tions can never produce such a degree of appro bation and rapture as to afford a permanent and infallible security againftthe aflails of a vexatious or a melancholy spirit. The reflections even of a good man can not alone infule ardour and trans port into the foul. He mull imagine as well as refledt. A young man bows down his head,when he thinks of what is past ; and elevates it, when he looks into future scenes. An old man ceases to feel pleasure in what is before him, he is dif fatisfied with what is past, and his head is perpetu ally bowed down. Old men, as well as others, may derive con solation from anticipating the happiness of a fu ture state of existence. But it is the clefign of this difcuflion only to treat of anticipation as a natural operation of the mind, and to suggest how far fuperiorits pleasures generally are to those of reflection. It would be well for men to attend more closely to the struCture of their mental qua lities ; and to bring themselves into such habits of contemplation as will render old age less in iupportable than inoft men find it. The reflections that follow a life devoted to the cause of honor and virtue are no doubtafource of some felicity. It is worthy the pursuit of every person, if it had no other advantage than what refultsmerely from reflecting 011 it. Butthecon ftitution of our nature is such, that our lively, tranfpofting pleasures imift proceed from anti cipation. Old men gain, by an attachment to certain habits, part of what they lose in the di ininilhed vigor of their anticipations. It is therefore of importance that all men ihould form such habits, as will not be unworthy a rational being in the last periods of his continuance 011 earth ; and such as will probably best aflimilate with that purer state of existence, of which, as she dodtrines of our religion inform us, all good r.ien will participate. EARLY MARRI4GE. Original Letter from Dr. Franklin to John Alleyne, Efq'. dear jack, YOU desire, you fay, my impartial thoughts on the f«bje<ft of an early marriage, by way of answer to the numberless objections which have been made by numerous persons to your own. You may remember when you consulted ine on the occasion, that I thought youth on both fides to be no objedlion. Indeed, from the marriages which have fallen under my observation, I am rather inclined to think that early ones stand the best chance for happiness. The tempers and habits of the young are not yet become so ftiff and uncom plyingas when more advanced in life; they form more easily to each other, and hence many occa sions of difgull are removed. And if youth has less of that prudence which is neceflary to ma nage a family, yet the parent and elder friends °* young married persons are generally at hand, to afford their advice, which amply fuppliestliat ilefedt; and by early marriage youth is sooner formed to regular and ufeful life ; and poflibly femie of those accidents or connections that might have injured the constitution or reputation, or \°th, are thereby happily prevented. Particular wcumftances of particular persons may possibly Sometimes make it prudent to delay entering in to that state ; but in general, when nature lias rendered our bodies fit for it, the presumption is in nature's favor, that lhe has not judged amiss m makingus desire it. Late marriages arc often attended too with this further inconvenience, t"at there is not the fame chance that the parents '> hall live to fee their offspring educated. Late '■'Iren, fays the Spanifli proverb, are early or- SATURDAY, October io, phans ; a melancholy reflection to thoie whole cafe it may be ! With us in America, marriages are generally in the morning of our life ; our children are therefore educated and fettled in the world by noon ; and thus our bufinefj being done, we have an afternoon and evening of cheer ful leisure to ourselves, such r our friend at present enjoys. By these early marriages, we are blest with more children, and from the mode a niong us, founded by nature, of every mother suckling and nurfbigher own child, more of them are railed. Thence the fvvift progress of popu lation among us, unparalleled in Europe. In fine, lam glad you are married, and congratulate you most cordially upon it. You are now in the way of becoming a ufeful citizen, and you have escaped the unnatural Itate of celibacy for life, the fate of many here who never intended it, but who, having too long postponed the change of their condition, find at length that it is too late to think of it ; and so live all their lives in a situ ation that greatly leflens a man's value—an odd volume of a set of books bears not the value of its proportion to the set—What think you of the odd half of a pair of fciflars ?—it can't well cut any—it may poilibly lerve to scrape a trencher. Pray make my compliments and belt wishes ac ceptable to yt)ur bride. lam old and heavy, or I fliould ere this have presented them in perfori. 1 shall make but fniall use of the old man's privi lege, that of giving advice to younger friends. Treat your wife always with refpeift; it will pro cure refpetfl to you, not from her only, but from all that observe it. Never use a flighting expreflion to her, even in jest ; for flight in jest, after fre quent bandyings, are apt to end in angry earnest. Be studious in your profeffion, and you will be learned. Be induflrious and frugal, and you will be rich. Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you will be liappy ! At least you will by such conduct, stand the best chance for such consequences. I pray God to bless you both ! being ever your affectionate friend, B. F. RINCJVORMS, ITCH, be. THIS is a cutaneous distemper very common among the Europeans in Bengal, as well as among the natives ; and as the disorder is very preva lent in this conntry also, we present our readers with the following extra<sl, containing a remedy for so diftreffitig a complaint, which has hitherto frequently baffled the firft medical abilities. Extrafl of a letter from a gentleman of the Faculty at Fort St. George, to Dotlor B. of the Bengal ejlablifhment. " SirPAUL, from his skill in Botany, has made a discovery which is likely to prove of the greatest importance to the health and ease of Europeans in India.; and will tend to the extirpa tion of that cruel and most tormenting of all ma ladies the Ringworms ; and the remedy is as simple as it is efficacious. It consists in nothing more than a frequent embrocation, or friiftion of the parts where the eruption prevails, with common mujhroom ketchup. This remedy, simple as it appears,has never been known to fail in remov ing the ringworms, Itch, orany other cutaneous eruption, after every other nostrum has failed. " Sir Paul accounts for the efficacy of this Ve getable Curative, in the known noxious proper ty of the u'ulhroom to all animalcula. The solu tion or ellence of this Fungus is proved by this discovery, to bear such enmity to the minute in fed; which is the occult cause of this disorder, that it immediately perforates the cuticle, and totally extirminates the infection. The experi ment is ealy, and a trial is recommended to those afflicted with ringworms, tetters, or eruptions of any kind." The " Worcester Speculator" is an excellent writer in Mr. Thomas' Majfachufetts' Spy. —We have fre quently enriched the Miscellany of the Gazette, by extrafls from his publications—and we doubt not the following o'ofervations andfaßs from his 6yd number will be generally acceptable. " THE times arc truly hard, and so will they ever be when intemperance-prevails—when the people prefer the dissipation of a tavern to the cultivation of their fields. But happily for the community these habits seem now to be fact growing into disrepute ; and temperance, econo my,and industry seem now tobeefteemed objects of importance : And experience will probably soon convince us, that we can labor as well, and enjoy our health better without inflammable spirits than with them. Probably not a quarter part so much rum has been drank in this part ofthecoun trv the last year as was in the space of a year at the close of the war. Some of our principal retailers have nor, if we can believe their afler- \_PtibfiJhed on IVednefday and Saturday. tions, fold so many pints of run the la!i ye:r.- as they did gallons the year before ; and then the quantity was much diminished from that which was fold a few years earlier. Our taverns too are generally still and quiet, and rarely do we find people of the vicinity resorting to them, but on business of l'ome public occasion. Many of our principal farmers, in different parts of the country,have nobly broke through the pernicious custom of treating their laborers with rum ; and they will not employ tliofe who will not serve them without fpiritous liquors. And they have found their account in it the present year —for it has been very obferveable in the course ot the past fumiher, that tliofe who have hired without supplying with 'spirits have had the bell work men and a plenty of them, and their wcrk has been done the most neatly and with the greateil dispatch. The mechanics also in many places, and efpecs ally the moll reputable of them, have almost for faken theil cups. And men of business of all kinds appear to be convinced that they can con duct their affairs better without fpiritous liquors than with them. In this way a great saving has been made the lafl year by the citizens in gene ral : And let any one judge if any inconveniences have resulted from these savings." The following is the Speech of \V arr f. n Hastings, Esq. made at the ctnclujion of the third Tear' Juice the commencement of his Trial. " MY LORDS, " MAY Ibe permitted to offer a few words to your Lordships ? I find myfelf unequal to the oc casion which so taddenly calls upon ine to state to your Lordships what I feel of the unexampled hardfliipso'f this trial. I came here to-day utter ly unprepared for such an event, as tliat which I perceive now impending; 1 theref6re intreat your Lordships' indulgence for a few moments while I recolle»sl myfelf. I mull beg you will be plcafed toconfidertlii: lituation in which I stand, and the awe which I mult unavoidably feel, in addressing this august allembly. I have already, in a petition prei'ertted to your Lordships in the beginning of thisyear,rcprc fentedthe hard (hips and grievances which I tho't I had fultained when only one year of this im peachment had pafied. These have accumulated ; many of them have proportionably accumulated with the time that has iince elapsed, But in my sense of them they have been infinitely aggravat ed, when I have seen folirtle done, and fomuch time expended ; such a long period contained, and yet not one tenth part of one fmgle arti cle of the twenty, which compose the charge, brought to a conclusion on the part of the prof'e cution only. If five months have been thus con tained, what period, my Lords, niuft I cftimate, as neceflary for the remainder of the impeach ment. " My life, in any estimation of it will not be fufficient. 11is impossible that Ifhould furviveto its close, if continued as it has hitherto proceed ed ; and, although I know not what to make the fpecific prayer of my petition, I do beseech your Lordships to coillider what injury my health aijd my fortune muil fultain, if it be your determina tion that I mull wait till it shall please thejuflice or the candor of the Honorable House of Com mons, which has impeached me before your Lordships, to close this profecutionl " My Lords, I hope I shall not be thought to deviate from the refpeift which I feel, equally I am tare with any man living, for this high Court, if I fay,that had a precedent existed in England, of a man accused and impeached as lhave been, whose trial had actually been protra<fted to such a length, or if I had conceived it possible that mine could have been so protracted—l hope your Lord ships will pardon me if I fay—l would at once have plead guilty. I would not have fultained this trial. I would have relied my cause, and my character, which is much dearer to me than life, upon that truth which sooner or later will shew itfelf. This, mv Lords, I would have done, rather than have tabmitted to a trial, which of itfelf has been a punishment a hundred times more severe than any punishment your Lordships could have inflicfl ed upon me,had I plead guilty. What mult I not continue to experience, by a life of impeach ment ! " And now, my Lords, I bdg leave to submit my cause to your Lofdfhips.Vtrell knowing,that if it is in your power to apply a remedy to the hard lhips which I have fultained, and to those whichl am yet likely to taffer, your Lordships will doit. I cannot be so unreasonable as to expert that your Lordships should walte more of your time in the continuation of this trial, when- the year is so far advanced, and when, by the cultom of the Parliament, it has been utail for your Lordships