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ARTICLE V. Seftton I. THE Judicial Power of this Commonwealth (hall be vested in a High Court of Chancery and a Supreme Court, the juril'dittion of each of which (hall extend over the State; hi the Courts of Chancery and of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery herein alter mentioned; in a Court of Common Pleas Orphan*,' Court, Regilter's Court, and Court of Quarter Sellions for each county ; and in such other courts as the Lcgiflature may, from time to time, edablilh. But no ipecial commission of Oyer and Terminer or Goal Delivery (hall be iflued. 11. The Chancellor of the Commonwealth, the Judges of the Supreme Court, and thejudges of the Several Courts of Common pleas (hall be commiflioncd and hold their offices during good be haviour; and (hall, at dated tunes, receive, for their lei vices, a compensation, which (hall not be diminished during their con tinuance in office : But the Governor may remove any of them on the address of two thirds of each branch of the Lcgiflature. 111. The Chancellor, in addition to the other powers and du ties of his office, shall cause to be tried, by a jury, such material facts as either party (hill require to be so tried, provided a fpecifi cation of the fa&s be made in writing. IV. The Supreme Court and the several Courts of Common Pleas fhall > besides the powers usually exercised by such courts, have the powers of a Court of Chancery so far as relates to the ob taining of tv'idtnce from places without the State. V. Until it (hall be otherwifc dirt-cled by the Legislature, the several Courts of Common Pleas (hail becdabliflicd 111 the follow ing manner : The State, shall, by law, be divided into circuits, any ol which (hall not include more than nor fewer than counties : A President (hall be appointed for the se veral courts in each circuit, who, during his continuance in office, shall reside within such circuit; and one Judge (hall be appointed from every county within such circuit, who, during his continu ance in office, (hall reside within such county : Such President and Judges, or any three of them, (hall be the Judges who (hall com pose the several Courts of Common Pleas. VI. The Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas refpe&ively, during their continuance in office, (hall, the President being one of them, be Jufticesof Oyer and Terminer and General Goal De livery, for the trial of capital and other offenders, for each of the •ounties within the said circuits refpcttively : But they (hall not hold a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery in any county, when the Judge of the Supreme Court, or some of them, (hall be setting in the fame county. VII. The Judges of the Courts of Common Picas refpc&ively (hall, duting their continuance in office, be Judices of the Courts of Quarter Seflions for each of the counties wirnin the said cir cuits refpe&ively : And they (hall, when fitting in a county, compose the Orphans' Court and Register's Court for that coun ty : But the Judge, who (hall reside therein, and the R giflerof Wills may. at all other times, hold such Courts, fubjeft to the revision and decrees of the Orphans' Court upon appeal or otherwise. VIII. The Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas (hall have the like powers with the Judges ot the Supreme Court to i(Tue writs of Certiorari to the Judices of the Peace within the several counties refpettivcly, and to cause their proceedings to be brought before them, and the like light and justice to be done. IX. The Judges of the Courts of Common Picas (hall beCon fervators of the Peace within the several counties of the circuits, in which they (hall be empowered to hold Courts. X. A Court of Chancery (hall be cdablilhcd within each of the said circuits, except that, m which the high Court of Chan cery (hall be datcdly held, and the President ol the said Court of Common Pleas refpe&ively (hall hold the fame, and be diled the Chancellor of such circuit: He (hall poflefs and exercise there in the like powers with the Chancellor of the Commonwealth, cxcept the power of granting injun&ions to day the proceedings or suspend the judgments ot any common law courts : The mode of proceeding (hall be the fame as (hall be used in the high Court of Chancery. From any interlocutorv or final decree in the Chancery of any circuit, there shall be an appeal to the Chancellor of the commonwealth. XI. A competent number of Justices of the Pencc for each county (hall, from time to time, be ascertained by law ; and the c itizfas of each county ufp< (hall, at the general cle£tion, rhoofe double that number, or of the vacancies, that may happen, and return their names to the Governor, who (hall appoint and commiilion, for years, ii so long they behave them selves well, half of the number so cletted and returned : But this mode of appointment may be altered as the Lcgiflature (hall, by law, dircft. XII. A Regider's office for the probate of wills, and granting letters of adminidration, and an office for the recording of deeds (hall be kept in each county. XIII. Prothonotaries, Clerksof the Peace and Orphans' Courts, Recorders of Deeds, Regiders of Wills and Sheriffs ihall keep their offices in the county town of the county, in which they ref pe&ively (hall be officers. And circuit officers (hall keep their offices in some county town within their circuits refpe&ively. XIV. The dile of all process shall be, The Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. AJI profccutions (hall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and (hall conclude, again ft the peace and dignity of the fame. ARTICLE VI. Seflion I. SHERIFFS and Coroners (hall, at the places of the elc&ion of Representatives, be chosen for three years, by the citi zens of each county rcfpe&ively; two pcrfons (hall be chosen for each office, one of whoin for each, (hall be commiflioncd by the Governor ; no person ihall continue in the office of Sheriff more than three years fucceflively. 11. The freemen of this commonwealth (hall be armed and difcipjiued for its defence : The militia officers shall be appointed in such manner, and for such time, as (hall be, by law, directed. ARTICLE VII. AI L debts contra&cd and engagements entered into, before the cftnhlifhmcnt oft his Condi tutiou, ftiall be as valid againd the com monwealth, under this Conditution, as they have been heretofore. ARTICLE VIII. Section I. A SCHOOL or schools (hall be edablifhed in each couniy for the indru&ion of youth, and the State shall pay to the mailers such salaries as shall enable them to teach at low prices. 11. T)>e arts, iciences, and all ufeful learning shall be promo ted in one or more unwerfities. 111. Religious focieticsand corporate bodies (hall be protected in their rights, immunities and rdates. [ Bill of Rights in our next.] BOSTON, December 16. The Twelve States of America, convened in Federal Convention, which proposed the Consti tution, have now all adopted, ratified and con firmed it. The Edifice may now be declared com plete—and on itscompletion we inoft cordially fe licitate our country. The following are the periods at which the several States adopted the constitution of the United States, viz.— Delaware, Dec. 3. Pennsylvania, Dec. 13. New-Jersey, Dec. 10, 1787- Georgia, Jan. 2. Connecticut, Jan. 9. Maflachufetts Feb. 6. Ma ryland, April 28. South Carolina, May 23. Ncw-Hampfhire, June l\. Virginia, June 25. New-York, July2j, 1788. And North Carolina, Nov, 20, 1 789. THE GUEST. No. VIII. " Ghojls and Hobgoblins rifc f 44 fromjzar, andj'ramfurprife T X HE tyranny of superstition over the hopes and fears of an ig norant world, was long maintained with afway totally incredible to the present enlightened age.. The agency of evil spirits in par ticular, appears to have been recognized in such manner, that the providence ol the Deity was considered in a subordinate and fe~ condary point of view : The Devil is called 44 the prince of the power of the air From this appellation he is supposed to 44 Rule in the ukitlwind, and direst thejlorm as if, the Creator and Lord of all, because he had, in some fenfe> pe rfe&ly unintelligible to us, afligned the air as the element of evil spirits, had alio given them the sovereign dire£Uon of its powers, and abilitv to exercise those powers for the annnoyance of mankind. I iometimes think we derogate from the benevo. lenceof the Deity, in afligning so large a sphere of action to the Devil: As a celebrated author fays, 44 I never could think it for the intcrcfl of religion, that the providence of God (hould be el bowed, as it were, quite out of the world by a fyflem of doemon ifm. Human exiitence is a Hate of trial and probation. Natural evils are permitted, to answer important purpofi s ; they are easily difcerncd to be a link in that (yflem, by which the univerfc is go verned, and arc surely competent to the purpoles of providence, in refining and purifying our natures, and raifmg them to that of excellencc, which (hall, through the infinite benevo lence of God, prepare them lor immortal happiness. Upon this principle it appears to be unneceflary to intei pose upon every de viation from the paths of rc£titude, the influence of the Devil. It is wrong : It certainly tends to abate our consciousness of de merit, and tends to lull our consciences to sleep, when the flings of guilt ought to rouse us to sorrow and repentance. LONDON, Nov. 7. rrlE Duke of Ot leans had a private audience of the Queen, in her own apartments. The celebrated Herschell has discovered a seventh Satellite, moving round Saturn, and Hill nearer to his body than any of the left. It is about 26 seconds only of apparant distance irotn his centre ; the exterior boundary of the ring being 22 seconds from it by eltimation. The periodical time of this Satellite is less than j 24 hours, that of the 6th is 32b. 48 min. 12 fee. S.-.turn's ring con- ! tinues visible by Dr. Herfchell's largest telescope ; and a few nights ago he saw three of the Satelites on t ie ring at one tune. The ring appears to him to be every where of an uniform thickr»efs. Intelligence from Ruflia informs, that they had the rineft Au tumn in that country ever remembered—All was quiet in that empire. The batteries which the Ruflians had taken near Elgfo, were it tacked by the Swedes, on the 6th Oft. and carried with fixed Bayonets. The adailants amounted only to 160; the batteries were defended by 300 Ruffians. Parliament is prorogued to 10 December. The I incoJnfhire Ladies under the auspices of Lady Banks, persevere in their patriotic f "heme, for the encouragement of their county manufactures. At the last assembly, near 400 persons v.*cre prefenr, of whom the c\z6i half were Ladies; every person was compleatly drrft in the raanuta&ures of the county. The Ladies wore an uniform (luff gown. In one of the tranfparences was the poitrait of Miss Ives of Spalding, who has brought spin ning to a perfeflion unknown in England. She has spun 300 hanks out of a pound <?f woollen yarn, which mcafure 168,000 yard*, 01 96 milt?. The Royal Society have rewarded Mary Powley lor fpinniog 150 hanks out of a pound. Extract 1 of a let tat from At a-York, dited Augujl 4, 1780. '• You will fee by our news-papers, that the taxes impoied by Congress are very trifling; they will, however, raise a large re venue, as they hold out no temptation to ; and the con fi.mptioti c Bntifli and Weft-India goods is now very great thro the United States. But thefc arc not the only rcfouice of Congress, for it is well known that the sale of the unoccupied lauds is fufßcicnt not only to (Support the expenees of Government and pay the intertft of our national debt, but even to clear off the capital in the course of ten or twelve years. NE\\ r -YOHK, DECEMBER 26. TJie President of Hie United States has been pleased to appoint the Hon. Win. I a m PACA,Judge of the Federal Court, for Maryland district, vice the Hon. Thomas Johnson, religned. MembersofCongrefsnowin this city : Senate, Irefident of the Senate.—Mr. Dalton.—Mr. John foil.—Mr. Schuyler.— Mr. King.—Mr. Izard.— Mr. Butler. II Ei'RE sf.ntat Ive 5, Mr.Gil man.—Mr.Gerry.— Mr. l.awrance. — Mr. Benfon.—Mr. Scott.—Mr. Coles. Mr. Brown.—Mr. Griffin.—Mr. Huger. Mr. Smith, of South-Carolina.—Mr. White.— Mr. Otis, Secretaiy of the Senate. Mr. Eeckley, Clerk oftlieHoufe. WcUnefday arrived the Britilh Packet Qtitcn Chariot it, Capt. Radclikf, in 30 days from Fal modth—From English papers we state the fol lowing particulars in brief.— The National Ailembly commenced their pro ceedings at Paris, the 1 jth of Ocflober. The contributions of plate for public service, in France, amount to abour t 20,ooomai ks of silver. A litt of pensions is publilhed ; there are no less than 40,000 persons on it ! The names, with the motives 011 which the pensions are founded,make three large thick 4to volumes.—Such an influence ■was as a mill ft one hung to the neck of Liberty.—The new Handing army is established—1 40000 in peace double that number in war.—A spirit of op position to the National Aflembly appears to be kindling in feveralof the provinces—as Norman dy, Daupheiny, &.c.—The resolutions of the Nobi lity and Clergy of Thouloufe declare that the Majesty of the Sovereign is violated by the at tempts of audacious men, who wiftito govern the State, and substitute a real aristocracy for one which is only ideal, which they would fain ere ate ; that Religion and the Laws are prophaned ; the rights and franchifes of provinces violated ; and that the lawful authority of the Monarch and his liberty, were Jolt in the cabals of the Nation al Affetnbly." Martial Law has been proclaimed, but has not been put in execution but in one instance—the cafe of the murderers of a baker.—Three di ftric r ts of Paris are petitioning for the repeal of this law.—Count Mirabeau carried the following resolve in the National Aflembly, on the 27th October, viz.—No bankrupt, or insolvent debtor, (hall be an Elector, or eligible, or become a Member of any Council, or Municipal Committee, or of any Provincial, or National Aflembly."—Oc tober 28th he carried the following, viz.—That in all the Aflemblies, there fliould be, previous to an Election, a table on which fliould be written the names of all those young men, of the age of 21 in each Canton, who, by their conduct and morals were worthy of being elevated to the rank of citizens. —Tliat no citizen shall have pow er to exercise his right as citizen in more places than one ; and no person /hall be represented by yroxy in any Aflembly. M. Camus the Prelident ofthe National Aflem bly being unpopular wich the democratic party, they found means to harrafs him in such manner as to induce him to relign—and M. Freteau was elected to the chair.—Oiftober 29, the National Aflembly decreed, That to be eligible for the Na tional Aflembly, it is neceflary, besides the usual qualifications to be anEleiflor, to pay a dire<st con tribution of one mark of lilver, and to be a pro pietor of land. The King still resides in tlieThuillerie?,guard ed by the national militia. The Ministry has, in a body, addrefled the National Aflembly, on the incompetency of the Executive power. The American funds on the London Exchange, aje at jopr. cent, and many buyers Alderman Picket is elected Lord Mayor of London. The total amount of the several branches of the Bri tifli revenue, under the heads of customs, excifcs, (lamps, and incidents, for the week, ending Ode. 23, 1789, as delivered in, to the Exchequer, is [.294,580 1 2d. The English paragraphifts, in I'peaking of the President of the United States, llile him GENERAL. Belgrade surrendered to Gen. Laudohn, commander of the Emperor's forces, 011 the Bth of Odt. Say's Weekly Journal, Ocfl. 31, informs, that the American States have obtained the bulls from Rome, for the consecra tion of Dr. John Carroll, the firft Roman Ca tholic Pi ieft, by the title of Bishop of Baltimore, in Maryland. The firft article in the capitula tion of Belgrade, as stated by the Turks, fays, that God from all eternity, decreed that the place 11-ould betaken : [An artful way of depreciating the merit of thebefiegers !] —Semendiia, another Turkiih fortrefs surrendered to the Imperialists soon after Belgrade—and the Prince Hohenloe gained a complete victory over Cary Muftapha, who commanded a body of 10000 men. A depu tation from the peopleof Colour, inthe Weft-In dia islands, was admitted to the bar of the Na tional Aflembly on the 22d Oct.—and their ad dress received wilh great applause—the president allured them that their representation ihould be certainly attended to : The deputies were enjoin ed to make a deposit offix millions on the altar of their country, and to give a fiftieth of their pro perty towards the redemption of the national debt. The following lines appeared in the Maflachu fetts Centinel of the 16th inft. under a Iketcli of twelve pillars, emblematic ol the twelve Hates now in the union.—Afmall black column appears at the end of the Colonnade, almost prostrate, borne down by a paper bill, marked 40 for 1 — pendant from the pillar :— The GREAT PALLADIUM of our happy land Conne6H " the Union" by a "golden chain Which kept entire, these Federal States (hall stand As long as Time's old annals shall remain : And nations fee with joy, the beauteous Dome, " Columbia's boast, and Freedom's hallow'd home.'' Over the fame pillars in the Independent Chro nicle of the 17th, are the following: — To rear the facrcd TEMPLE to the Ikies, Behold these Adamantine COLUMNS rife ; Where lading strength unites with beauteous grace, UNION the Arch* and LIBERTY the Bifc ; Where glorious PRIDE and patriot VIR.TUE meet. And INDEPENDENCE finds her fafe retreat. All hail POSTERITY, if from your hearts Your Father's Hcav'n-born VIRTUE ne'er departs ; Then ihali THIS TEMPLE stand, till vengeful fire, Consume the spheres, and TIME himfelfexpire. * Sec Hon. Mr. BOWDOIN's Speech in Convention. The Sele&men of Boston, agreeable to pow ers veiled in them by the town, have named the Highway (formerly called Boston Neck) com mencing from Orange Street, and extending to the end of the town, Bounding on Roxbury, WASHINGTON'STREET—and "have recorded the fame accordingly. Publifked by JOHN FENNO, No. 9, Maiden- Lans, ncart he Ufatgo-Mfrk eI. New-Yqrk.— pr. oti.J