Newspaper Page Text
AT A MEETING OF THE Insurance Company NORTH-AMERICA, Held, by adjournment, at the Siaie-Houfe in ibis Cny, on the tgih inft. the following PLAN, report d by tneir Committee, was unani mously agreed to, and adopted as the CONSTITUTION of the SOCIETY. J, r I !;■)£ fubfciibers agree to form themselves X into a focteiy under ihe name of PHE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOR 1 PI AMERICA, for the puipofc of carrying on the bulinefs ol alTurance, and for ra.fing a lund to nay and fatisfy any loff-.s which may happen, or any juit demands which may be made upon the said focieiy. II The (aid fublcribcrs do leverally, that is to fay, each lor h.mfelf, or herfetf, his or her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, here by covenant, promtfe and agree, to and with each and every other ol the-fuofcribcrs, their and e.ich and evt ry of their heirs, ext-cutors, ad miniftratou and allign., and to and with all and every person and perfous who (hall hereafter be comeaffurcd in the office of the company, to do, fulfil and pel form each and every of the articles of this afiociation, and such other articles as (hall hereafter from tune to time be made and agreed upon by (lie members of this allocation at any ol their general meetings: Provided ne vertkelefs, That no subscriber, or his or her al (igtiee, (hall be bound, or held relpunfible to the other subscribers.or any of them, their or any of their assigns, or to any per(on or perfous who (hall become assured by the company, for any Cum or sums ol money or other charge whatso ever exceeding 1 lie amount of his or her (hare or interefl in this aflociation. 111. The capital (lock of The Insurance Com pany of North-America shall not exceed fix hundred thousand dollars ; and (hall be divided iut,o sixty thousand lhares, ot ten dollars each ; and a subscription towards conftituiwig iuch stock Ihall be opened in the city ot Philadei phia'on the aoth day of November, 179?., under the infpeftion of Ebenezcr Hazard, and fha'l continue open until the whole of the said stock ftiall have been fubfcubed, IV. Any person or persons, copartnerfoip or ;>ody politic, fnay subscribe to this afToeiatton ; and the (hares lubfcribed Ihall be paid for by inftaiments as follows; that is to fay, For each and every share fubfciibcd, there Ihall be paid — One Dollar at the time of subscribing, One Dollar on the 2d Monday of July, 1793, Two Dollars on the 2d Monday of January, *794- Two Dollars 011 the 2d Monday of July, 1794. Two Dollars on the 2d Monday of Januaiy, *795- And two Dollars on the 2d Monday of July, *795- Pfovided, That until the twelfth day of De cember next, the payment ot the full instalment shall be made in the receipts issued by the og nts anrl secretary ol the late Universal Tontine As sociation ; and alter the (aid twelfth day of De cember, no person lhall fubfenbe for a greater number of fhaies than twenty. And the monies so paid (hall be vested in such securities of the United States, or of the state of Pennsylvania, or in the stock of the bank of the United States, or of the bank of North-Ame iica,as shall bythe Board of Dire£tois be thought nioft advifeable. V. If any fubferiber or other owner of any (hare or (hares, shall neglect to pay any one of the instalments on the day before appointed for the payment thereof, such fubferiber or other owner shall forfeit all the monies which (hall have been paid on account of such (hares; and Ihall moreover forfeit all his or her right, title, interrft, claim and demand, resulting from such fharcs, of, in r and to the funds of this alTociation, and the privileges thereof All monies so for feited (hall enure to the use and benefit of the company. VI. Every fubferiber to these articles, his or her afligoee, or other legal representative, (hall be considered as being to all intents and pur poses, a member of The lufurance Company of North-Amejica ; arid all (hares held in the fame lhali be transferable} in such manner, and "under such regulations as the Dire&ors of the Compa ny shall determine and direst. VII. For the well ordering and conducing the affairs of the company, there (hall be fifteen t>ire£>ors chosen by ballot,on the 2d Tuesday of January tn each year, by the Stockholders, by plurality of votes; and the Directors so chosen. shall serve as such until the expiration of the 2d Tuesday of January next ensuing such elt&ion, and no longer : Provided, Th*t as soon as forty thousand (hares shall have been fubferibed, no tice thereof (hall be given by the said Ebtnezer Hazaid, in at least two of the ncwfp;ipers pub lished in the city of Philadelphia ; and the fa»d Ebenezer Hazard (hall at the fame time and in like manner, notify a day not more than ten days diftmi from the date of such notification, for proceeding to theelcthoTi of Directors, ai a place in the city of Philadelphia, to be therein fpecified : At which time and place the cleftion Ihall be made, and the persons then chofcn (hall be* the firft Directors, and shall forthwith Com mence the operations of The Insurance Com pany of North-Ami lira. They shall continue in office until the 2d Tuesday of January next ensuing their election. VIII. Tke D:rctlors ebofen as aforefaid shall at their firft m -tug, el.ct by ballot, one of their number to be l'refid<nt of the compam, and shall then divide thtrnfelves (excluding the President) into committee.', committee to confifl of iwo DneSors. The said committees (hall attend at the office ot the comuany every week, in rotation; and the attending commit tee, with th. Pirfident, (who (hall »lfo atiend daily at the office) (hall fme full power and au thority, in the name and on behalf of the com pany, to make such insurance* upon vcffels and merchandize at sea, or going to sea, or upon the lite or lives ot any perfun or peifons, or upon .any goods, wares, merchandize 01 other pro perly gone 01 going by land or by water j and at such rates of mfuraricc, or premium, as they flitll deem advifcable. A::d the) Ihall, geuc rally, do and tranfaft, on behalf of tic compa ny, all the bufioefs usually attending insurances on ihe objrfls aforelaid ; fubjedl, nc'enlielels, to such regulations as the Stockholders at any general meeting (hall think proper to ir.akc; and lubi<-tt also to such rules and regulations as the Board ol Direttors (ball, fiom time to time make, relating to the bufioefs ol the company. Uiuil the company (ball be legally incorpo rated, all notes, deeds, or other securities taken for the use of the company* (ball be tJken in the name of the President, as luch ; and all policies (hall be signed by the Pieftdent, as such ; and such signing (hall be deemed and taken to be the ast of each member of (he company, and tor which the President (hall not be liable to any peculiar perlonal responsibility ; and, in order to prevent dilutes, there (ball be inferred in every policy, a claule or covenant purporting ihat the allured confideis the Prffident asafchng on behalf of the company, and icleafes him 11 om all perlonal refponfibiluy on account of such sig nature. But when the company lhal! have been legally incorporated, ihe policies shall pass un der the seal of the corporation, and be attested by their Secretary. The President (hall lay before the Board of Directors, at each of iheir meetings, an account of the proceedings of the communes since the last meeting of the Board. IX. There shall be stated meetings of the Board of Due&ors once in every foiteight, and occasional meetings at such other times a# the President shall think p'Oper : At all which meet ings the President shall preside, but shall have no vote on any question, except in cafe of an equality of votes, in which cafe he (hall have the calling voice. Two thirds of the whole number of Direc tors, whereof the President shall be one, fhali form a quotum ; and all qucftious before the Board lhall be decidfd by a plurality of votes : But no vote shall be u-confricred by a less number than was present when luch vote paifed. X. The Board of Diredois shall have power to employ such and so many officers, cle'ki iod other afliftams, as they (hall from time to lime find neceirary, and to tnake and reasonable compensations to the pcrfon.s inployed by them. They (hall also have power to establish rales and regulations for transferring shares in the com pany's stock, and for the management of the company's concerns.—They shall generally, the whole bulinefs of the company,— shall examine the proceedings of the committees, and all officers employed ; —they shall keep fair minutes of their own proceedings, and submit the fame to the infpe&ion of the Stockholders at every of their stated general meetings. XI. The Stockholders (hall meet together on the second Tuesday of January in every year, af ter the firft election of Dire&ors, for the pur pose of examining int© the foliation of the com pany's affairs, and for making such additional and other rules and regulations as they (hall judge ; —and in all questions coming before such meetings, as well as in the choice of Directors, they lhall refpe£tivcly vote according to their several interests in the company's (lock, in the following ratio ; that is to fay, Every member (hall be entitled to one vote for each share of (lock he or she (hall hold : Provided, That no member shall have more than fifty votes : And provided also, That no propKe tor of stock shall vote at any cle&ion for Direct ors (after the firft) unless the stock (hall have stood in his own name on the company's books three months next preceding the time of such ele&ion. But any member may vote either for Directors, or upon any other business, by his proxy duly authorifid ; and every rule, ordi nance and regulation made at any such meetings, (hall be binding on each member of the society as fully to ail intents and pni poses as if each and every member were personally present, and con senting thereto. XII. In cafe ot the sickness or necelTary ab sence of the President, his place shall befupplied by such other Dire&or as the Board ihall ap point for that purpose XIII. No Director shall be entitled to any emolument unless the fame shall be agreed to at a general meeting of the Stockholders; but the company shall allow the President a reasonable compensation for his extraordinaiy attendance on thei^bufinefs. XIV. The Dttcftors (hall on the fid Mon day of January and the firft Monday of July rclpe&ively in every year, declare a dividend of so much of the profits of the society as to them shall appear advifeable ; and the dividend so de clared, shall be paid to the refpedtive proprie tors in seven days after the fame (hall be so made. —But the monies received as premiums on nfques wh-ch (hall be undetermined and ouU (landing at the time of making such dividend shall not. be considered as a part of the profits of the company. And in cafe of any loss or lofl'es whereby the capital stock of the society IhaU be jeftcned, no subsequent dividends Ihall be made until a sum equal to such diminution, and ari fingfrom the profits and interests of the society, (hall have boen added to the capital. XV. Tlk' company (hall hold no real cftate other than such as (hall be neccflary lor the con venient tranfaflion of their bnlinel's at (hall be bona fide mortgaged to them by way ol se curity ; —or conveyed to them in fatisfa&ion of debts ; or purchased at falcs upon judgments which (ball have been obtained upou debts due to them. XVI. Anymemberof the Insurance Corn pan; of North-America, may at any time be come allured by the company, on any ship or veflel, goods, merchandize or lives, in the fame manner, and to the fame tSc», » s if futb num ber had no intcrcft in the company. Extratt jrom the minutts, EBENhZER HAZARD, Sccrctary. Philadelphia, November igth, 1792. ADVERTISEMENT. %-TThii Gazette :s pubhjhedin North Ei/th-Slreet, No. 34, between lltgh and Mulberry Streets—inhere the Editor neaj resides. A LARGE CELLAR TO LET, Sufficiently capacious to /loreJtveralhundred bar?els. Enquire as above. iPf The price of this Gazette is Three Dollars per annum—One h»!j to be at tie time offub fcribing. JJ 216 Agreeably to. the Seventh Atiicl# erf tkAr Constitution, ■NOTICE IS HER&My GIVEN, TO the Membcy of the Infurw Company of Noith-Amtrlai. ,th»t Forty Tiioufapd Shares are fubferibed; and that a General Meeting*>t the Subfcribera is to be held at the State-House in this city, on 10th iuft. at 10 o'clock, A. M. when the Dire&ors ar? to be cbofen. SBEN£ZER HAZARD,Secretary. The holders of Certificates in t)ie la,te Tontine A(lociati«n, who intend to become members of the Insubancb Company, are desired to call at No. 145, Arch-llreet, where their fubftriptions will be received, and a pre fer«n*: tothero, until the iath in#. bank ok the united states. Phi lad el mi a, November 10, 179 a. THE Stockholders of the Bank of the United Slates are heteby infotmed, that according to thefta+ute of incorporation, a general el r 6110:1 for twenty-five Diteftors will be held at the Bank cf the United Siaies, in the city of Philadelphia, on Mouday the seventh day of January next, at ten o'cock in the forenoon. And purfuan to the eleventh feftion of the Bye-Laws,the Stockholders of the said Bank aie hertbylnoiified to assemble in general meeting at the lame place, on Tuesday the eighthday of January uext, at five o'clock in the evening. By order of the President and Directors, JOHN KEAN, Cafbier. EOWEN-'-s EXHIBITIONS OF Wax-Work&Paintings, ARE open every day and evening (Sundays excepted) at the House lately occupied by Mrs. Pine, No. 9, North Eighth-ftreetv First Room—Contains upwards of 100 elegant Paintings, and about 30 Wax Figures, in full flature—among which are Likenefles of a number of the principal chara&ers in America ; Baron Trenck tu chains, an Indian Chief, andfeveral beautiful young Ladies of different States, <stc. &c. Second Room—Contains eighteen large Wax Figures, which form a Sociable Club, or the Oyster Supper ; and the School for Scandal, confining of twelve female Figures, making their observations 011 a young Lady, who had eloped with a Footman. Admittance One Quarter of a Dollar each Room. TO BE SOLD, A Plantation, LYING on the river Delaware, miles above Trenton, containing 165 acrcs ; whereon is. a d weliing-houfe, pleasantly situated, 36 by 24 feet,] hiving three rooms with fire-places on the lower floor, and four above, one of them with a fire place ; a kitchen adjoining, near to which is a re ma«kable laige fpiingof excellent water, accom -1 modated with a good spring-house ; a bam 36 feet by 26; a waggon, chaii and smoke-houses, besides other ufeful out-buildings ; a large orchard, chiefly of grafted fruit. The farm is well watered, and has a proportion of wood and meadow land, thro* which the road runs that is known by the name of the River Road. On the Premises is also ere&ed, A Grift-Mill, In the midst of a good wheat country, on a never failing stream ; the mill-house is 54 by 24 feet, has one water-wheel, a pair of burrs and a pair of Cologne stones, rolling screen, bolls for merchant and country work, 6cc. and is accommodated with a cooper's (hop, 18 feet square, near the mill — which is *' out 300 yards trom the Delawaie, and very conveniently situated to receive wheat, &c. fron\ boats pafling down the river. There are also for Sale, 20 Acresof Wood-Land, within less than a quarter of a mile of the above mentioned Plantation, which lies in a fine hich healthy country.—For teims apply u> the sub scriber on the premises. OBtAer y 179 1, Stock Brokers Office, N0.45, Great Dock-street, New-York, | HP 1 HE Subfcriher intending to confine himfelf: X entirely to the PURCH ASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, Bfgsleave 10offer his fervtces to his Friends and others, in theiinc of a Stock Broker. Those who may plea fe to fa vor him with their bufniefs, may depend upon I having iuranfa£led with the ulmoft fidelity and dispatch. Ordersfrom Philadelphia.Boston, orany other part of the United States will be itriftly attend ed to. Ma\ 2, To the Public. THE fubferihe*- begs leave to acquaint the pub lic in genera), and his cuftomeis in particu lar, that he has entered into partnership with Mr. HENRY KAMMERER, and that the Print ing bufinels in the English and German languages is uow carried on under the firm of STEINER and KAMMERER, No, 85, in Racc-ftrect, be tween Sccood and Third-streets. The Go man Newspaper will be published by them, as usual, on 1 uefdays, and all kind of Print ing work done with care and expedition. MELCHIOR STEINER Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 179 a. NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL,HYSON &SOUCHONO Of the very fit ft quality, and iateft iniportatioi from Canton, via New-York, by retail,at No. 19, Third, between Chcfnut and Market Streets. N. B. A Jcuj Boxci of the above HYSON Jorfa'ie. JOHN MOTT. ( law 4 l ) LEONARD BLEECKER. M-) B O OK S, ' PRINTED A NO SOLD BY MATHEW CAREY A'o. i 18, Market-Street, Philadelphia. i. A MERICANMUSEUM,f.omiisc«w»h, ft IX tnciit .11 January 1787, to June 1702 ' eleven vols. Pace, neatly bound and lJuitA feventecn dollars and thiei filths. 1 1 his work, which is now cortduflcd on an i m proved plan, containing the heft pieces publilhrrt for and against the proceedings of govuniwr will be found to contain at leaft'as great a vanc ' of political, agricultural, Sod miscellaneous til as any ever publifhcd in America, IV,hajWj,,i,j one work aie so many valuahledocurti' nts refprt'j ing the history of this coumry, colleSed togciher* His Excellency the Prefidcni of the United Siai„' has declared of it, that '« a more Ofefuj liter ry plan has never been undertaken in America.,,;,' one more defcrving ot public cncoiirageoicdi, l The fubfeription is two dollars and a hail if ann. Gentlemen in the country who will, , 0 be supplied with this work, are requeftcd to vivt commiflion 10 friends in the city to fubfcnbrtor and receive it- Any ol the back number may be had in order to complete sets. 2. Smith's Letters to Married Women,ori Nurf. ing arid the management of Children. " We recommend theft letters to the pfrvf?lnf those to whom they are'particularly addicted."-. Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101—Price, buuud 62 cents. 3. Duncan's Elements of Logic—73 cents. 4. Beauties of Fielding—so cents. 5. Beauties of Blair—so crnis. 6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mrft More's EfTays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning, ton's Advice, Marchioncfs of Lambert's Advice Swift's Letter to a newly married Ladv,Mrs.Ch>- pone on command ot Temper, More's Fables for the Ladies, Prrce 6/6. 7. Smith's History of New-York. Piiceadol lar and a quarter. 8. Elements of Moral Science, by tie, L. l D. profelfor of moral philosophy and logic in the Marilehal College, Aberdeen—Price three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book the Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay ; 41 We have seen nothing on theftr fubje&s more plaio, more perspicuous, 01 more generally ufeful." N. B. It is introduced into the Univerfityin Phi. ! ladclphia. 9. Beauties of Poetry. Price four.filths of.a dollar. 10. Blair's Sermons. Price two dollars. 11. Nccker'sTreatife on the importance of Re ligious Opinions.—Price four-fifths of a dollar. 12. Examination of the Observations of Lord Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very fine paper, 5 Bihs of a dollar. 13. The Conltituiionso/ the several United States, with the Federal Conftitutiori, &c. Price fivc« eighths of a dollar. 14. M'Fingal. Pricethree-eighths of a dollar. 15. American Jefl Book. Price three-fihhs of 16. G 11a do'jarden of the Soul. Pi ice half a dollar. 17 The Do way Translation of the Vulgate iii bl , in quarto— Price, elegantly bound and lettci ed, £0/2— plain, fix dollars. 18. Devout Christian's Vade Mecura—Price* quarter dollar. 19. Think well on't. Prise a quarter dollar. 20. Christian Economy, Pr ice a fifth of a dollar. 21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged- Price a sixth of a dollar. 22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Piiccatfctul of a dollar. 23. Select Poems, chiefly Amcricao—Piicea sixth of a dollar. Said Cariy has for sale, 3 large affortincnt Books, European as well as American editions, which he will dispose of on the most leafonable terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with commands, m3y depend upon being fupplicd i* ihe moll faiisfactory manner. A liberal allowance to Tuch as purchafc quantities for public ÜbrancJ ,or to fell ag.iin. PLANS OF THE City of Washington, Sold by the Booksellers, BOBSON, CAREY, YOUNG, & CROMBANK. John Gould, HAIR-DRESSER, INFORMS his friends and the public in ral, that he continues to carry onhis buiinefs as usual, at No I, South Third-Street, near Market-Street,and thanks his former cuftom*'S for the favors he has received. Said Gould has for sale, an infallible cure for Weak or Sore Eyes, which on trial, has and v.i he found to anlwer the purpose.—-He has it 1* vials from one quarter of a dollar to a dollar— Any person trying the above, if not f°u n ° J* answer the character given, the money wl e returned. t"J TO EE SOLD BY THE EDITOR, An alphabetical list of ftjH" payable on all Goods, Wares and Merchan dize imported into the United Statei; ex i ' in h rhr Rates payable on those impo.ted in 2> o VelTels of the United States, and in Foreign W P or Veffeli; including the additional Duties which the refpeflive Articles aic liable. ALSO, A TABLE for receiving and P»y'"? jrradunttd according to £aw—BUn* < an And Blanks for the varioui Powers o A iKceffary in tranfa&ing Bunncfs at the r > n the Bank of the United Stales. Pr The JOURNAL of the tf the SEN At of the UNITED *■>! • i.adoj the Edittr hereof.