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tn ♦ A NATIONAL PAPER, PUBLISHED WEUNpAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 34, NORTH FIFTH-STREET, PHILADELPHIA [No. 117 of Vol. IV.], FOR THE GAZETTE Hints refpetting a projetf for cflablijh ing unto erf at p tact with the Indians. TliE purpo'e of the following observations is not either to criminate or panegyrtfb themeafores of the national government ref petting the Indians; it is to J*£geJl Jome con fJerntions relative to Indian affairs, with views i'.ry d'jfergr.t from those 0/ party. But, as my ibul revolts against the fiavi/h dojftrines that militate agaioft liberal difcufiion. I purpose to express my sentiments in the spirit of free dom ; while I repeat that decorum which is due to t.*!? enlightened mind of America.— And I fhsll fir.<i advert to measures which hava already beeu proposed or adopted for maintaining peace with the Indians. I. The giving nf presents to tbe Tndians, is a measure which has been sometimes employ ed. l'arhap; particular cireumftances may, an certain cases, advise its adoption. But it may "be questioned whether this* measure* al though the practice of European powers should seem to recommend it, i.*, on the whole, beneficial. Its advantages are at least temporary and precarious—and perhaps it tends in tbe event to encourage in the In dians a disposition to depredation. The ncifure of fending clerical mijjunaries a mong the Indians has had its patrons- The , zeal with which this measure has been in foine inftaoces patronized, may be considered arguing moregooduefs of intention than reach of thought, or acquaintance with the history of society. I do not however objedt : to the meafbre, but only to the miscalcula tion of its relative place and importance. Of itfelfi it appears inadequateat piefent, to the objeS of maintaining peace with the Indian:. 3. Ntfpciatit* is one of the resources. This msv be a valuable auxiliary, as conducive to eonfidend in any other light, it-may d. ap point the hopes of the pu'jl c. I will mention of fie efficiency of tieaties iFitii the Indians. After the war in which the French are now engaged had extended to the principali/ime Posters of Knrope, and had consequently be come immediately intending ,to the Arru-ri can commerce, the Prelidynt of the united States announced to his fellow-citizens, t.iat national difpofiton which is declared in the national treaties and laws; publicly proclaim ing, for the information and bfmft of the citizens, the importance of abftaimrg from ill acts inconsistent wit'i that friendfhip and impartiality, which the faith of tieaties and the authority of the law enjoined : And in tlie fame proclamation, he gave public notice of the determination to execute his officii and sworn duty. Yet even this nv.-afure has not escaped animadversion, and the lan«na'; cenlare. Such aniniadverfion', when pro ceeding from misguided zeal, and not from psrfonal d fappointment, may indeed be re garded with a peculiar indulgence and gene rous compiflion, as being the erratic effulions iof an ardent paflion for liberty. But, u 3 Ineafure con.t'tutional, and wifely »- 'dapted to gnarcl against the i.fraction of trea ties and the psblic law, is censured, even in a country so enlightened and liberal as tie United States, and by perlons claiming character of American citizens ; can it hera tinnal to repose implicit confidence in tie ef feft of t eatie-, over such pe, lons as Indians perrons so ignorant, so fnrpicious.A) irritable % ft i t so prone to plunder, lo destitute of regular vernmtnt » Are the majority of the >ndan lels adverse to the reftraintt ,Jnloa '°.', than fche per fete who traduce the Pr.fu.ent of the United States are -n tender! for the protection of peace on the Ton tier. But in cafe of I.ortilities-on » hew * iU '' the extent of frontier, .he d.ftanc, tack* incident to an Indmn war are amon the cau'cs whch render ,t difficult. or ,mpo( fibie, to completely protect tr.e rights ot the United States by adopting a iyftem merelyde fun-five. Ai.d in fending a regular armi m < the Indian country, vinous dithcultu-s p. sent theinfeh c, as obftac!es to the comple" fureefs of I nch a plan : the natural "Wtacle which impede the maich of a regular arm} throng!) an uncultivated country , tiplied «-ell as tbe expen.eJ Jmifhins the army with the requ.fite plies; the difficulty of ever h« enemy and fighting him on en.a, ' po . 1 ; to surprize ard defeat. An 1 btry exertions of volunteers, howevtr ho. ' C t rh?t 1 &a»is, are of foch a nature as to want that fvftematic arrangement which appears c. . site to the cfbWiflrment o! permanent p • ' 5. Hi atommrnt of ct'tr " • lsn "' - . 1 Indians is an object c.mtfrmplarec. by f«J» the late treaties ; and outfit never to * gotten. Vet this purpofc. i. V***k nuft be flow in its prog reft • Alt.ioug V "ratu-cditmcftbc of eminent at : jy. rl Far?o ft, hc./evf r, may, it * mut-ned, SAf URDAY, JuiY 15.1795. be accelerated meafnre Tyhich i s yet to .hie !'ag s efted. • The pre cedin re marks point to the prin cipal expcdientsrhich have been relied on for keeping the idians in pejee. And taken singly, or in conjnCtion, they do not appear to promise thatjrompt and complete cita blifhment of peat which is 'definable lor the United States, jbefe general remarks argue the difficulty of pcompliftiing this defirabie object ; as well a the propriety of adopting filch further expedients as the importance and the difficulty of tfe o'ojeft may demand. Is there then no other measure which may bs adopted, and tvaich will aid and accelerate the main of tbe arrangement now in operation? Before suggesting a fpecific an swer to this question, 1 will luccindtly men tion fonie generai ideas. To ejlab-ijk unwjai prace with the Indiant f it appears impoi tsjnU that order, government, civilization, fhifhfl taLe place among them. This con fide ration immediately opens into an extecfive field of enquiry. I d& not purpose at this time to Purvey and particular ly delineate the whole ; but limply to point to some of the main obrje&s of attention. I maltonly ftetcirf&metbing of an outline with out even pretending to complete the repre sentations. Persons conversant in compre henfiye views of human affairs mult be sen sible of the variety of particulars that would require attention in minutely investigating the fubjeft ! But, a 1? the present design is to throw out only futile hints for public confide ra tion, the observations will be of a general na ture, omitting a multitude of particulars. Ail opinion has, in lo me tnealurc obtained, Th?.t it is impracticable to civilize the red people on the bord% :s of the United Stater.. But the fmaH effect of* past attempts for this poroofe does not appear to warrant the opini on. The progrWt of mankind from rudeness to iiumanization is wfoaliv flow, much flower than a partial obfcrver.of &ciety would be apt even to imagine. 11 is,' I acknowledge, no easy matter to form a true estimate oi the- space of tvne which, in the general course of events, must elapse, before any people having no connexion wirh the moit civilized of mankind, would emerge from t'.ie rudeness ot lavage life and advance to tfhe civilization, the arts and humanities of poliflied focietr. Perhaps the ffacc of a thoujand years is considerably ftoi t ot the truth. Let a person consider the rude ness of nations on the continent of Europe iO L.te as the fifteenth century, and even late: — then recur to the accounts to be found rela tive to the fame nations in the writings of Tacitus, or Caesar ; and further consider the length of time whichthofe nations must have existed, at the periods to which these writers refer ! This view of .only a part ot mankind may abundantly evince the very flow, and al mo'ft imperceptible progress of the human nice from savage rudeness to civilized con ditions. It also appears credible, that tfcis progress in its earlier rtages is much less pei ceptiole than in its periods. ' And there is one general consideration whicj applies very univeifally to the progress oi ci vilization As far as my recolletfbon now extends, kijlory has not recorded anx people th«t ever mere cii Hi zed without the wtcnention vj milita ry Jab or.dilation. (To be continued.) FROM THL COLUMBIAN CkNTINEL AT*. Rwsseij., i THE Citizens whose names appeared in letter pu'olifhed in your paper of Wed nefdaylaft, from the Ambaflador of France, to the French Citizens in this place, do not think themfclves itititled to futb particular notice for aiiy trifling afliftance th»v may have lent to the unfortunate French teamen, who escaped from Miqutlon, and landed here. Be fides, it ought to be known, that the small amount that was collected for the re lict'of thele ditlrefled men, was aided equally bv the contribution of a number ot other Ci tizens of the town, whose feelings are warm ly interested for the success of the FrJ.ich Re volution, and who embraced with avidity an opportunity that would evicce their sincere anil grateful attachment to the patriot citi z»nsof that great and generous nation, "'"'h had the courage to afford and relief to America in the hour of her affliction and diftreis—and there is row f.ifficient evidence to believe, that had it only been hinted to the Citizens of the town, that their aid to the contribution would have been neceffary,nine teen, intwentv, would have f/.zed upon tne occasion, to Save m*nifcfted their fr.endth.p and atfertion to the children of the only true and faithful friend of the United State*. (jazettii 6th injt.J Bofan 3- 1 793- 3EUTRALITY. Otm r««"l »in 1,1 cl,nl " " nforl Arid fail* *•'<? whik « r ">" rock ,he world • O how f r>rate!y crrft, the wretch who tries To wrettfrdi commerce fucfc a glorious pri*. 4 6 -3 FROM THE WESTERS STAR, PuHiJhei at Stockb ridge (Mass.) by L. Andrews. IT has been justly observed, that the terms " Liberty and Equality" have been-fla- grandly perverted, by the conftruftion given to them by some who make great pretentions to pat riot Km and political sagacity -—Liberty gives the privilege of enjoying in peace and security the fruits of indnftry—it opens, wide the do«>r to honorary preferment, to those who purfu? the paths of integrity and politi cal rectitude—it favors the diflfemination of that knowledge which enables the community ta diftingui!h between real and pretended me- rit, and which dire<sts the public attention to the former, whether found in tbe low wall'd cottage, or in the lofty edifice of wealth and affluence.—Liberty invests a people with the right of ele&ing their own rulers, whose tafe hto enadt laws for the general good—and it enjoins upon th» community a ftri<st and punc tual obedience to them, without which, nei ther private nor public happiness can long be considered in any other view than as empty founds.—The aforementioned ate among the many privileges which are allotted to a nati on whose citizens rightly observe and use the advantages which freedom and independence place within their reach-—For fucb .liberty oar heroes fought—for fuc i liberty our mar tvrs lei!—for such Hberty our patriot* have performed the duties of the cabinet, and fueii it long be our happiness unmoleft- Equality constitutes a barrier aflumption of undelegated power — the fame lecurity for the protcftior? of the middling and lower class, in the exer cife-nf tlifer righfi, as it does to the rich and affluent, and renders the feat ofjuftice accef fiii.j to all ranks of citizens- 'cvtr hor'tjl blit weak and uninformed charafterr, propa-' gate an idea that liberty confiftj in every man's doing that which is inoft agreeable to the dictates of inclination, whether conform able to the laws, or not —that national regu lations, calculated for the wisest purposes, must, without giving time to experience '.heir e3eft', be rendered lubfervient to the wbims and caprice of a set of compluiners, who have filHicient art to deceive the u»wary, and hafe neiVimooeh i--' discontented with the operation ot a fee and iuft government. The views of the i aft men tioned are, to introduce dil'order and cor.fu fion, that, am'idft its raging, they may them lelves leize the holm ol power—this effected, their tone would alter-—ar.d while they piincioallv their own aggrandizement, the people would be called on to obey their nail ciates, as the infallible oracles of political rec titude. What thefedemagogues, before their exaltation, would ftifc? liberty and equality, viz. (he right of the populace to aftemble ando\ c i - awe the proceedings ot the freely eie<ficd I'- gifhtors of the nation, they would afterwards declaim against as unlawful ar.d seditious. But the former ideas, when once generally diifeminated, efpeciaUy among an, uninform ed multitude, are apt to carry their influence beyond the controul of reason, 2nd finally pro duce the mod alarming cont'equenccs. —Un- happily, this line ofconduft has been too much purfueJ by our Gillie allies, whefe noble ftrug gies in the cause of human nature cannot but j be intereftjng to every American. Those who delight in the diffufiqn of that bappinafs concomitant on the establishment of Wire and wholesome laws, must heartily wifti that the original principles which induced France to throw off the fetters of tyranny, may yet inspire them to the pursuit of thole measures which are neceflary to secure liberty ,nd its bleflings on a just and permanent foun dation. There are those who condemn as Arijtocnts, all who do not join in the huzzas of a Paris mob, and unhefitating'.y approbate the proceedings in into of the French Jacobin club lj U t many, very many, who think that the conduct ol the former is difgraceful, and that of the latter hostile to all true principles of liberty, pray with more honest hearts for the fneeels of the great cause of freedom, than thole who accuse them with being favorer.s of Arjhcracy, (3c. (3c.—But these declaimed mujl have a cant phrase, and Arijlccracy will an swer their purpose a> well, and perhaps better, than anv other.—A(k i'onie of this class for a definition of their favorite word, and they will be as likely to tell you it means one thing as another —but the definitiou is of no con sequence Anjlocracy is the raiding Jour J, th; he niori of the party, and that is fuffi (ien» Those who, through honest ignorance, allien to themselves the part of prejudicing mind agiinft such whole pol.tical opinions are as confiflent as theii own, claim the indulgence of pity—while some who, from less honest motives, employ their time to an swer similar ends, deserve, in some instances, the severest cenl'ure, in others, contempt. That the mill of ignorance, which has so long darkened and overspread the greatest part of the habitable globe, may speedily va oilh before the bright rays of the fun of free dom, and the whole human race participatc in the rich hleflings of equal liberty, law and justice, must be the fervent desire of every | philanthropic heart. [Whole No. 439-] FOR THE GAZETTE. FRANCE, the rival time immemorial of Great-Britain, had in the course of the »4r, which ended in ] 763, fuffei cd from the fuccersful arms of the latter the severest loT fes and the molt mortifying defeats. Britain from that moment had acquired an alcend ant over France in the affairs of Europe, and in the commerce of the world, too decided to be endured without impatience, or without an eager oefire of finding a favorable oppor tunity to destroy it, and repair the breach which had been made in the national glory. The animosity of wounded pride conspired with calculations of the interest of the State to give a keen edge to that impatience and to that desire. The American Revolution offered the oc cafidn. 11 attra&ed early the notice of France, though with ext»eme circumfpe&ion. As far as countenance and aid may be prcfumed to have been given prior to the epoch of the ac knowledgment of our independence, it will be no unkind derogation to aflert, that they were mark neither with libera!fV, nor with vigour ; that they wo»e the appearance rather of a desire to keep alive difturb.-rnces, which would embarfafs a rival power, than of a serious design to aiSft a revolution, or a serious expectation that it would l»e effected. The victories of Saratoga, the capture of an army, which went a great way towards deciding the ilfue of the contest, decided a-lfo the hesitations of France. They established i:i the government of that country n confi dence in our ability to accompli Hi our pur pose ; and as a consequence of it produced the treaties of alliance and commerce. It is Impossible to fte iu all this any thing more than t'J.e csrtduft cfa rivalnation, em. 'b'racing-a fltnft proraifing opportunity to re press the- pride ,ancf diminifli the power iif its riv'^l; <jv recording a IVectfiFul fcfiitaaCi to Its authority, and by - foflpinff off a Valuable portion of iu dominions. Xl'e difmemberinetit of this country -from {Jrleat fiitain was "art diwimwatul a very imporfmt intertft cf France. It cannot b£ doubted, that it was tbe determining motive, and ajt _ademLizc_£ompeiifatiou (of the at-. Menoffenfe, in country, deduced an encouragement t«» the part which their zeal for liberty prompted chem to take in our rer volution, from the probability of the co operation of France and Spain. It will be remembered, that this argument was i.fed in tlie publications of the day ; but upon what was it bottomed f Upon the known compe tition between thole powers and Great-Bri tain, upon their evident interest to reduce her power and circumscribe her empire ; not upon motive, of icgard to our interest, or ol attachment to our caue. Whoever should have allcdged the latter, asvgrounds of the expectation he'd ontj wmild have been then juftfy confidercd as a visionary, or a dc-ceiver. And whoever lhall now ascribe the aid we re ceived to such motsves would nor deserve to be viewed in a better light. The inference from these fa&s i? not ob scure. Aid and co-operation founded upoij a great Wltercft, pursued and attained bv the party affording them, is not a proper ilock up?n which to engraft that enthusiastic gratitude, which is claimed from us, by those nho love f ranee more than the United State*. This view of the fubjefi, extorted by the extravagancy of such a claim, is not meant to disparage the just pretensions of France upon our goed tviil. Though neither in the motives to the fuccouVs which she nor in their extent (corifidering how power fully the point oj honor in such a zvar xc\u forced the confederations of interest when she was once engaged) found a fufficient basis for that gratitude w!!;ch is the theme of so much declamation : Yet we shall find in the manner of affording us those fcccours just cause for our efteeci and friendship. France did not attempt, in the firft in stance, to take advantage of oyr situation to extort from us any humiliating or injurious concessions, as the price of her afliflance ; nor afterwards in the progress of the war, to im pose hard terms as the condition of particu lar aids. Though this course was certainly dictated by policy ; yet it was an honorable and a magnanimous policy ; such a one as always constitutes a title to the approbation and es teem of mankind; and a claim tathe friend* ship and acknowledgment of the party, in whose favor it is practiced. But t'.iefc sentiments are fatirfied on the part of a nation ; when they produce sincere wilhes for the happiness of the party from whom it has experienced such conduct, and a cordial disposition to render altgocd auj fiicndly cjfitr* u'hnk can h rtnieni ui'tiort prejudice to iu curt Jwii urdpermanent inttrejli. To alk of » nation Co situated, to rr a Ice a facrtfiee of substantial interest ; to expofc it felf to the jcalcufv, i'! will, or lefentmentof the reft of the workl; to hazard in an emi nent degree its o-.vo tjl'erv. for thebenefi'ofc thi p 1 rt v , wlio may have observed towardaK mm