Newspaper Page Text
>5 D, 9 J*,. May 2,7-; ,1. Yefteiday, at. uitie as ingltt* C*(4j Caw far &, . arrived at. l-hr fecictaiy ot Rate's office, with lei teis Iro.n fir James Murray, which ftatc,.that on th 23H, a general attack #« iwiit upon the French tn their camn at Famar.'; and that, alter an aftton ot five hours, the French were beatin with considerable lots. About 300 prisoners and ten pieces of cannon were taken. -None of the British officers were killed or wounded : only 2(5 non-cotnmiffioned officers, and about 000 of the combined aimies, fell. June 3. The Leyden Gazette of the sSth May, contains the following article : MANUEiM,Mayi9- The neceffuy of fuc couting Menu, blockaded on all fides, seems to have induced General Outline to make an effort, in which he has fuccecdjd beyond all expeifa tion. We are this dav intoi oird that, having advanced ax the jieao of a numerous army, Jie attacked general Wurmfe-, an.d obliged hiir, after a vigorous ret£(Un;r, to retreat beyond Q'leicb ; mat he altei wards caused a part of hit lorces to attack the corps yf uie Piufiian army, tinder the command of the herrdi'aiy Prince of Hohehlohe, at Carlelbnj, 111 ihe Duchy of Deux Pints; who abandoned this iinpo.tant poll tu the Ficnph. We expett the date, coofir uiaiioii.arid particulars of the fee vents. 7trnt 7. The Carl ot Carlisle is !o be appoint ed tecreiiiy l^e depaitment, in the room of Mr. Dttudts. By dilpatches arrived yetlerday by lire Lisbon mail there advice.that the Spaniards have been on the trench territoiy in the Pyrcnnees ever finee the 17th of Apnl ; that in several anions the, have defeated the French, and taken fever.l car>Mon The Spaniffc fleet, confuting of 25 fail of the line, was tn Cantilena, waging for Lord Hood, under whose ordeis ri\ey are to art. Several Enotifl. gentlemen in Parts hive lately been denounced at tl* committee of fafety, for having been more free tn then conduit and con version again!! the pref ni Order ot things than •w.s prudent; ..nnltgft the number is Captain Grimflmi, of Yorkfhue, toimerly of the guards, aod ru>w an ha.t-psy ofliwr. He v*ouUi have lieen inillriiiru-it fonie time »£O. bad n«r- 1 ho mas Same (who was the petfotr whom, he chief ly rcproached) in ihe moll liberal wanner exert ed himself lot ave his lite. . fm.t 8. Mail. riue-Tweniv-one Ftcnch, one Dublin, and one Watcrlord. - Last night at 9 o'clock, Mr. Major, one of the king's meTffe« s et., arilvfd at the fccietary of state's office, Whitehall,.,w»h letters trom hn royal hbhn.fs the Duke ol York, in the Bnuih ramp near.Valenciennes, which place he leti on Tifsidiy "afternoon, when the Brtt'.lh troops had cut an entrenchment of ncaily a tti le in length — they were all tn high faints, hut had not-made any aitack on the enemy, on information being | that Aey'-h;>'d formed a'mVrte between the ' ciicrtinpftieiu cud the walls oftht larrtfoft. ' By private tenets Irom Oftend we hear the important tnformitioo, that in a paper of the Moni>eur, of the 31ft toll, it is ftatVd, thai.op the i *6th, Gallon, at the he«d of the Breton Royal had rained a very AtJvauug.e over f , • lblicamneighborhood of Fonte- oi which it was apprchend-, it Rjt\ M 'e mult fall into the hands of the. m"frbnl Mtfyinee, Hitfd the i>nrtft»«i> lii<? W ". ; vc happei. ft is colli ntfy said, tfiat the fcafttty of gr«fin is so much fell in fbme pans of Spain, that they )iaVc been obliged to gnikl the (hells of nutts, as a fubftnutc tor bread. The letters from Holland, brought toy the mail wfaifch arrived yrfterday. mention that acconnrs were arrived there from Pans, that the Counter Rcvolummiftj, under, ihe inch k| Gallon, had ad vanced as far as yvuhin 45 leagues of Paris..- Extra?}#! a fetter jrom Self ast, June 1 41 Trade is here at the lofevlt ebb ; themilifi* a& is opposed by fofce of arms by the Catholic pcafjnti y in ,th (oat hern and middle counties, and is very unpopular here ; and in this town the military are rio'ing and behaving with grear uifoieijc- and licentiou fuel's. Private dilheffei •btoib molt people's attention.V / Extract 9J q left rfrom OJlend, May 31. " We have now a force in this town ol 4000 men fit for fervicc, including 790 dragoons juil amytd." abridgement OF THE of POLITICS iIATE FOR "THIS WEEK. IF the last week seemed to be a week of tran quility, and diftinguilhed, not for a multiplicity, bur by a paucity of what are called news, or in tcreiling events, the present week, like a storm after a calm has manifefted various wrecks of the hofhle and furious paffiont of contending nations, and of civil discord. The great effort made by the Fiench army under CUSTINE to raise the ficge of Mayence, and eventually that of Cafiel, has been attended, with great Uaughter on both fides. The object of this effort has not, indeed, been completely attained, but the French are not To much straitened as they were before in their quarters. 1 heir advanced post being now in poflciHon of the lame ground that was formerly occupied by .their invaders. On the northern and eaftcrp frontier the French arms have likewise made a fuccefsful /ally ; they })av« seized and plundered the town of Furnek, and beat J»ck the Austrian and Ha noverian troops to Gftend. In a word, the French, from the vivacity of ; thai t ipiric with which they are aAuat«;d, and their refuurces and numbers, if they fuffer difaaer and iofa in one piacL*, gain advantages in another. On the other fide, the fptrit of their oppo nents, the confederated armies, is equally per" fevering, and their refonrces as abundant. From ENGLAND they have received at the port of Oftend the rood fe-afoi bit and encouraging supplies of troop>, animanirion, arms and proviiion. Ia the don-.imoi, of Austria and Pruflia, and other pam of Germany, new levies »r$ couftautly fiip;>li:». pewrvt >a sfr efcj. iiito. the devourmg. flama-of war. . t-iur ar« tUc' FRENCH LOYALISTS - to be confiJeted as the Ic*ft enemies ; t& the National Convention. Ln Brittany the successes of that, honed and- brave dafs of mjjn . seem to be on the increase; whitethefpirit With which they are animated is eveff «#rd and more widely difFufed; of which we haVe a tcin fpicuous proof and cxairipld in thfc voluntary surrender of THREE FRENCH. SHIPS OF WAR to the governor of the Spanifti Island of St. Tri nadad. If there be any truth in the report that an army is on the point of being sent the aid of the Bretons, from the Empress of Russia, the" spirit of loyahy will -blaze forth in France wiilf ilfll greater rapidity. i - But whatever truth there may be In Ehii im port the cause (if moderattt<Tmonarchy in Ffante will doubtlffs derive no fmali countenance apd support from the Britifti fleet that has failed ijn der ADMIRAL LORD HOOD into the Mediterranean, the probable ol>je& of which is the reduction ojf iQorfica. That the importance of this iiland to Great-Britain may be rightly understood, it is to lie observed, that with the-capital and industry of JBrltjlh mer chants and planters, it is capable of producing "as much coffee, cotton, silk and oil, as this coun try consumes; & that it is already stored with as much wood as would go a great way towards maintaining the Britilh fleet for more than half a century. Here it is natural to recoiled that another island, producing cotton, coffee, See. has been lately restored U» the Britilh empire. It is needless to remind our readers that weal lude to the capture of the iiland ofj w TOBAGO in the Weft-Indies. While new fields are thus opened to Britiih enterprize and cultivation j it would certaiply be ra(h and impolitic to indulge top,great a spirit of fpcculation on the fubje& of a nun mediate and totai abolitiou of slavery. » In the course of this week the part that AMERICA is to take on the present theatre of politic* has been ai'certained; Ihe is, very prudently, to ob- |-ferue au €xa& neutrality. The formation and embodying of a militia, ■which is granted to Scotland as a matter of fa vor, is, itfeems, confideredin ! IRELAND as an obje& of diflikej and a fubjedt of cord plaint and eveu of infurre&ion. On the otca fion of his MAJESTY'S BIRTH-DAY, the fame spirit of loyalty appeared that has beer strikingly manifeftedamong all ranks of Britift; fubje&s, ever fmce the King's indifpdfitiort et» cited their fears for his fafety, and the intrigue of French agitators their apprehensions fdr thai of the'Bfitiih conttitutionj even tountry far mers exprefled their loyalty by fireworks ace other tellimoriies of joy. "■» j Phliad£l^hia^Auguft ABSTRACT OP FURTHER " j EUROPEAN INTELIIGEWCEy f BY THE PACKET. THE details of French affairs in the Ebglijh papers received by the Backet, are *ery trtrpei feft — particularly relpetting Pari?, and the in ternal commotions—this may be accounted for, from the interruption of the intereourfe between England and Fiance*— At the time c 4 the Pack rt's failingror the date of the lail papers, no lejfs :han 21 French mails appear to have been dtijf. The address of M. Iznard, Prefideot of lie. Convention, to the people, alludes t<* some eX cesses, accounts of which do not appear in the English The resolutions of ihe CJubof •he Cordeliers, may have given rife to it — thry oropofed founding the Tocfui in all the Depart, snents, See. See. The number of Bankuiotcies in Eogland, January ift to May 28, amount to 64 a.— Paris was tranquil ttie 20'h May. M-oa.. has denounced Le Brun, the Fiench M ini ft<4 at War. The pnfon ot the Abb ye is again filled. , Gen. Miranda is acquitted, Get". Miaciietiffcj, and Philip D vaux, one of Dumoiincr'-s »ds cfe camp, are gudlrrtiried. Gen. V »lence.i« t'rt Loft don, The army of the eaftcru Pyren. e* is com manded bv Gen. D-ller*. Count d'Artoitfha* I>C '•» in England, but has not. fuccrecHd vl? .'his negotiation ; which, »t is w«*s v to prevail on the t > pay Ru (Tuns, to be em ployed against France. Sweden has determined on a ftrift during the present wai.-<- Embarkations of troops horfc and fo<y % corn i;- nue to be made from England. Trie trial of M. d'Orleans commenced at Marfcilles |he' 3d of Mav. Ttie PiufTuns have been again driven from Deux P >n's, winch is in pofFctH >ri of ihe French. All communication wirb' foreign S *trs is forbidden by the Convention. At- I tempts we c ttreiy <n Dublin toafTuflin.itfc | L; »'d Mountjoy ind Lord Btllamont. One art ! the iaigeft ruanufaduriug houses in Manendi f h'S again fci to work the hands that had been difmifled. Two Dutch <egiments were defeat ed by th French before Lift:, and cut to pieces, the few prifonerg taken were carried into that city ; the Dutch fought with desperate bravery. On the 31 May the French furpriacd and tool* •the fortrefsof Furnes, garrisoned by 1100 Dutch and Auftnan tioops, and drove them fro** thence ; they 'oak poll" (fion of the town and ail the military (lores, carried off the Bailiff and Magistrates, plundered the town, and raised a contribution of 600 oxen, Iheep and horses, and evacuated the pla:e, 10 which the Dutch returned in greater force next day. Advices from the combined armies under Prince de Co bourg, to the 4th June state, that nothing of im portance had transpired since the 23d Mav, ex cept breaking ground by the English within cannon (hot, before Valenciennes. The batte ries of the allies before Mentz, are brought so near, that 11 pounders carry into the citadel.— A proportion lor opening a negociation for pcacc with England appeal»lo have been made 491 F en'.'h Myv ft .f r^r lexers. 'u • h iw, Jifcj[,j• iL hiv..- i)Cf mpu i>h ih -'dJ a Jfte li*t g l-Mh p-p.rj., tfddrclftd .10 Lotd GiAiuvi.Ut, mi'ua t UiU »»j.*pr^rs. T e inhabitants of have taken the . new oath to the K»n& of Prullia under cir cu.nflunces aC much #omp and joleifinity. — T ; be important fortrels of Kaminieck capital of Podoiiajn Poland, has surrendered to the Ruffians,; all thole who were difaffedted to the new order of affairs had taken refuge there, they jnuft in jconlequence leave the kingdom. The accounts of Geo. Cuftine's late move ments appear involved in much contradiction a,nd>obfcuvity—for while tli<£ paragraph wri ters lay that he has an army of 120, 000 men > > all before him—*aod tiiat the li«ig c of ivientz wi.ll certainly be • railed in cowfe of his -vitftpry- on the »6th May.— " Neji r b«r hisown -letter.,. noT><hat- of the Com - miffioners giving an account of the action of that day represent their success as complete, • but rather the reverfc.. The taking of the camp of Famars took place 7 days afterCJiii f-ine's attack on the army before MentZpS** 'A letter from Frankfort of the 2lit May, / fays that the French were defeated on the f6th in an attempt to pass the Rhine near GeiTeren: DecreroJ the National Convention, on the gth Md). French ships of war and privateers .may ftorp, and fend into the ports of the Republic, such neutral (hips as shall be found loaded, in the witole or in p*rt, either with proVisions belonging to neutral powers loaded for the enemy's ports* or goods belonging to the ene tfefV Goods belonging to the enemy are de tla red lawful prizes, and,forfeited to the pro- Raptors. Provisions belongfng to neutral powers shall be paid for upon the foot ing of their value in the place for which they were destined. In all cafes,neutal ships (hall be reloafed frpin the moment <>f the unloading r ofjhejn-qvi'fuons that may be flopped, or the goods which may be seized. The freight of them fiiall be paid at the rare stipulated by the shippers. A just indemnification shall be granted according to tbe>r detention, by the tribunals that take coguizance of the prizes. • The Ambuscade Fngate failed fiom New- York Werinefday morning. Thursday morn ing a firing was heard in that city ; and yeftcr day it was reported in town, that some gentle man from the Teifivs had seen rh£ A«nbu<cade and Bo Ron engaged ; that (he a&ion I a (ltd three quarters of an hour, during which the latter loft •her tort-top-mail, and was fern to fheef off. vStnce the above account was received, we hear an expreis has arrived from New-York to the French Miniftcr, confirmingthe fame—with this addition, that the Ambuscade had repaired the | damage fl»r fuftaincd in the a&ion, and was in i piirfuitof the Boston. . Ytfftfcrday came up the liver and anchored opposite the city, the French Frigate La Serveil lantej of'4o guns, and the fVi»-p Le , Norma ndir, armed en flute ; both (hips fired salutes, which wf?t'retumed by a.detachment of- the Artillery, wi*h*w/> brak, L3L uoundei.^-ixora High-ttrfict wbaif, and by repealed hutzas from a great numbfit of citiztn& colle&ed on the occasion. We hear that Capt. Barney, Of Baltimore, in a (hip from the-Cape, was captured by two Providence privateer?, who put ten hands on boards-leaving Barney and three hands in his own (hip, who found means to condufi her to her originally destined port, Baltimore. j A Baltimore paper fays, Capt. Porter, of the Revenue fitter, 011 the 2Jth, 26th and 37th inft. seized' 14 fail of Coalting and bay veiTels, for breach of the revenue laws. A velfel from Barbadoesbrings an account that Admiral Gardner has failed for England, having previaufly ordered two frigates to cruize on the coaits of the United States. fxliaH oj a Utter from Bcjlon, July 28. •«* Ynii will fee by the papers that this tow'n has been in great agitation the week psift, in'conlequence of a Small schooner that wat/itiing with arms, &c. to cruize agaiuft the Engl ; fh. The United States Attorney is Judking after two Americans said to be fon ferned—A brig arrived this afternoon from P'trt-au PilHCe brings an account of a bloody action between the whites and inulattoes, Sec. the whifes loft Bdo on the spot.—The ship Colombia is arrived from Canton and the North Weft coast, all well. The fallowing paragraph is taken from a Niagara paper of July 4. The Commlfljoners from the United Stetes left Navy Hall on Thursday last, and we un derftund were toproceed to Fort Erie, to em ha'k 011 board his Majesty's (hip the Dunmore, which is ordered to attend them, to the ob ject of their miifion. COMMUNICATIONS. ff <;an no longer b«* doubted, »h*t fhnoM the «»n!ifccle>al Junto carry their points, there will no longer be trhcr foreign peace or dornelltf .tranquility lor the Un'itd >,<)'«. 1 - 1 T — W;wr a bk-fffd principle is that which im >els votaries to precipitate ih ir country from the Cumaitt of general happinelt to the abyss of h/ nnfery ! addrclCri, rcMution* and other public ind people,.w- are to look lor me general fcntitnent of the mAjontyr— \ht»is fitm ground. The nmdelty of t.;ofe who arrogate to thcmfelves the fenfi- of the people in their incendiaiy, anonymous fLudcii on the go vernment, and on the diflinguiflie.' 1 . patriot* of Che coon try, ts abundantly apparent ! When the government of the people is to be alftiled and deitroyed, then the people in contradiftin&it'H from t.'ie govt*riitne/it, are all in all—but, when the peopie t v.e forward in liipport of their own gover/ . ent on any occ#fion—this for Tooth is a refle&ion on the goverintent a* wanting energy—the very principle to which the dforgaaiaert of tUe day feel the itrougeft antipathy. fHOMTHE NATIONAL GAZUTM. J V !>' T.J C E,* An abulive Scribbler. Quid jacient domini, audentcam tulia fures. Virg. r PHE man that doth an elephant pursue, X Whole capture gains a noble frier. Amid (he chace heeds not the barking a ew, Or lelTer game of rats and mice. On ocean's wastes who chace the royalflag % Stop not to take the privateer ; Who Sims to ieize the steed, rtegWl* the nag; No squirrel hunt will cAtcjra deer. A blockhead's venom ever (pits in vain : To honour's coat no drop adheres— Go wretcM*-*:o white-.walh'd' fqui res dilclofe your pnin, Your tiny gods, and godling peers. The little itbts, that ftiut in courtly guise, May vile abuse thro' uu impart ; But I—that on no Trea'ury »ean, d.v'piffe Ypur quill, and canker'd heart* > Mark'd for her prey, with viflon quick and keen The gaflic gem as ihall pursue, Gonlign your weazon to the And givv the, dogs their due. Gazette of United States of July 24. SHIP NEWS. ARRIVEDatthe PORTpj PHILADELPHIA, Brig SaHy, O'dlin, Schi. tnduftry, Thatcher, Sloop Richmond, Harden, La Duracie', P l!iflieur t » Endeavor, Smiiih r PRICE .OF STOCKS. 6 per Ccr.ti, 18f 3 per C "ntt, Dei'ci ictl, Full Aiares Bank 11. S. War Department, Atigufl 1 //, 1793. INFORMATION is hereby given to all the Military Invalids of the United State®, that the sums to which they aie intitled for fix months of iheir annual ptnfion, from the 4th day of March last, and which will become due on the sth rtf September nfxt, will be paid on the said day by the CoumtiHlonera of the Loans, wnh in the States refpe&ively under the usual regu lations. By Command of the President of thr Usitjjd Stated. H.KNOX, Secntary at N. S. The Primers in she refptdive States are rcquefted to pui/i/h the above in tkat newspapers for the Jpacevf two month*. American Stocks., THE of the United Stales of Ame rica being, in propoiUon to their Debt, probably superior to iWofr of any European Go vernment ; and they having made ample Provi sion for the Payment ol the Iwereft of their Stocks, only two Arrangements more ftietn ue ceHary to make them a very eligible Property to People in this Country ; viz. i ft. To make them trait.jerablt it» London ; and, 2d. To provide Means for paying the lvtereji or Dividends,m London t punctually on c certain Day without Expetice. Toaccomplifh these two Obje&s, the annexed Declaration is rublifbed, %ud an Office is kept under the Dirc&ion of the Trustees, by Mr. Mark Leavenworth, where constant attendance is given, for the Purpofc of receiving Stock, and making Transfers. ,The Dividends will be received in America by the Trustees, and will be paid quarterly by the LONDON and MIDDLESEX BANK, Stratford-place, London, (as mentioned in the Declaration of the Trustees,) on the Firflt Days of January, April, July, and October,* without »ov Dedu&ion. * It is hoped that ihef# will render making Transfer! and receiving D'v deads as convenient as at the Bank of England, or any other piace. Peifons who wish to purchase American Stocks, or to tran£2& any other Buf>» ness in them, by applying perfonaßy at thf Office, or by Letter to Mr. Leavenu:ortk % will be carefully attended ».o. freeman'S'Chtr.'tCHfiJtitt, May i 6» 179J- DECLARATION OF TRUST, WE, Gerard Noel Edwards,Samufl Smith, Georce.Timpleb, Middleton. Richard John *0 n, and Johjt "Wedgwood, Eiquires, Banker : At the Requelt of futtdry Peifons, have con fenttd and agreed to hold in Tiuft for them «n£ others, for the Space of Twenty Year?, (peb American Stocks as they lhal!, from Time to Timr, transfer to us. Arid (Security having been given by us for the ?u»pofe) we engage to receive the Dividends, that may be paid in America, on all foch Stock as (hall be so trans* fered to us in Trust, and to pay the fame to the several Proprietor, at our B tukmg.Houfe, in Stratford-place, London, Three Month#afiei we {ball have received the fame in America, at'tb* Kate of Four Shillingsanr* Bix«prive? Sitni ugfor each Dollar tectived, without any Dcdu&ion. For the Purpose of Transfering the said Stock to the T»uftees and from Individuals to each other, an Office is opened in Freeman's-Couri, Coinhill, where regular Books are kepi under our Infp(£)ion and Dircdfitin. We,farther de clare that we will transfer to any Pcrfon or Persons his, her, or then,. Slocks wheu rtquirtd so to do. J.o»dtm, May 15Ih, 1793. GERARD NOEL EDWARJ*. SAMUEL SMITH. CJ?O*CJETKMJ>IER. NATHANIEL MIDDLETOIf. RICHARD JOHNSON. JOHN WEDGWOOD. mm m m Baibadou ; . ■Soften H. Providence Virginia GiMtae** II J 5 [Per ce*t, ?dv»