Newspaper Page Text
„ (btUßtoo, .* 08. of tto sovereign St.*.. L" lining nn4 t.ding .U Yd" rni.® r S!e°B> " P .h"n"t.r of por office., tbi .* s=,s <" y" jb'iony 1| in 1817, 15,140; post oibces; in 1M() i* f - ~ . . ,cd in 1857 tbcy winAr - b,ofc i, i , yfar ! 725 post offices * tc£ " "•>** S 7Md£coD.!Alwvuy anct.ucrease of 1 021. The postmaster* ' oGi > uffi, - is are am,,'ioted fcy the Resident. ' The length .O-t' 18 t' "" /Sj' 336 toiler i I 8S '.' 'SI.-4- u.n, in lev,, i-Q aio „...'acl i" the year IS5< there are 11,601 iles ofpnst road, including 12,530 " r'". railroad, on which the mails aro irans- ; allies o: /Uliit7 5 f 0 |'tie expenditures of the department for the j &cal vear ending oo the 30ill June, 1857, as j •iuiut'rd by the Auditor, amounted lo sll,- *„i 670- T.' lefrav these expenditures there „ ,s'to the credit of the department on the Ist jjy t 1556, 'he -oia f 075 D,533, the gross revenoeof the year, including the annual al lowances for the transportation of fieo mail matter. proJnced $8,0.53,951; and the remain der tras supplied by the appopriatiou from the treasury of 1,250,000, griutd by the act of Congress approved August 18, 185G, and by the. appropriation of $666,883 made by the act j of .March 3, 1857, leaving §252,763 to be car- j tied to the ciedit of the department in the ac- ' counts of the current year. I commend to ! your consideration the report of tne department in relatiuu to the establishment of the overland j.wiJ riiu'e from the Mississippi river to San Francisco, California. The route was selected with icy full concurrence, as the one, in toy judgment, best calculated to attaiu the impor tant objects contemplated by Cong-ess. An overflowing treasury has led to habits of prodigality and extravagance in our legislation, it has induced Congress to make large appro priations to objects for which they never would have provided had it been necessary to raise the auiouut ©l revenue required to meet them by increased taxation or by loans. We are in w compelled to pause in our career, and to scrutinize our expenditures with the utmost vigilance: and in performing this duty, 1 pledge my co-operation to the extent of cry con stitutional competency. It ought to he observed at the same time that true public economy does not consist iu with holding the means necessary to accomplish im portant national objects intrusted to us by the constitution, and especially such as may be oe cessaay tor the common defence. In the pres ent crisis of the country it is our duty to coo tine our impropriations to objects of tuis char acter, unless in cases where justice to individu als miv demand a different course. In cil j ea-s care ought to be taken that the money j granted by Congress shall be faithfully and ecc- j uotukally applied. Under the federal constitution, "every bill which j shall have passed the House of Representatives ! and litu b-O, Uir. w ," b- j approved and signed by the President; and. if not ap; roved, "he t-hall return it with his objecttons j |.. thi>' house i' which it originated." In order j ro jicrform this high and responsible duty, suffi cient lime must be allowed tne President to read and examine every bill presented to him for appro val. Unless this be afforded, the constitution be comes a dead letter in this particular; and even worse it uecomes a means of deception. Our constituents, string the P.eMdeot's approval and sigtiiture attach' d to each act of Congress, ate in duced t.i believe that he has actually performed this duty, when, in truth, nothing is, in many ca ses. more unfounded. From fie practice of Congress, such an exami nation of each bill as the constitution requires, has been tendered impossible. The most impor tant business of each session is generally crowa.- 1 into its last hours, and ihe alternative presented i to the President is either to violate the constitu. j ti'cai duly which lie owes to the people, ane ap- j prove nibs which, for want of time, it is iinpossi- i tie he should have examined, or, by h'is refusal to j do-this, subject the coi ntry and individuals to; great bss an I inconvenience. Besides, a practice has grown np of hte years toiegi-litein appropriation bills, at the bat hours of the session, on new and important subjects.— This practice core trains the President -ith Vto suf fer u.e is tires to bceoroe latrs which he does r.- .t ap prove, or l(J ;,, cur t [j e 0 p sto the wheels o: gov' rmcnt by vetoing an appropriation bill.— 1 iimer.y bi lis were confined to specific appro priations for car*; ; r g ; n t o c t existing laws and the we: -estai lisbew. l/ 0 C Y 0 p t> lo coiintay, and lit t.e time was then reqwjj-ed by the President for their examination. lor my own part, 1 liave drljhentelv determined that I shall approve no I,H wlm-q I have not exam iDcd. 55i1l oii a c ise of jjid most ur pent necessity which shall everindu -, m e to depart from this rule. I therefore respect!ac, y bttt earn estly, recommend that tlie two houses would allow the President at least two daj s previous t o th<' ad journment of each session within which t.o new bill ' 6'- ill be presented to him for approval. Undr the existing joint rub one day is allowed; but tnis rule hat been hitherto so constantly suspended iuprac tice. tliat important bills continue to be presevted to him up til! the very last moments of the session. In a. large majority of cases no great public incon" i veuiencv- can arise from the want ct time to exam-' ine their provisions, because the constitution ha* j dec;. - <1 that if a hill be presented to the President within the last ten days ef the session he is not required to return it, either with an approval or with a veto, "in which case it shall not We a law." It may then He over, and be taken up and passed at the next sesa ion. Great inconvenience would on y be experienced in regard to appropriation bills, ant fortunately, under the late exceliei.t law allow i.lowing a salary, instead of a per diem, to mem bers of Congress, the expense and inconvenience of a called sestiou will be greally reduced. I cannot conclude without commending to ytmr favora: !<■ co-ddemtion the interests Of the peo plc of ,h: - Dictri it. Without a representative on "' jOT *'f Congress, tbey have for this very rec on peculiar claims npon our just regard. To this ■ .v*, from my ling acquaintance with them, they ai -eminently entitled. JAMES BUCHANAN. *' 'litsoTGx, Dec. S, 1857. Aqood-locking friend of ours, wbo is f 'his side 0 f f„ r ty, though somewhat hoary- j kc-ied, while \hsent from the city a few dajs • ■iseii i rof. v. .I'* Hair Rstorative, and on i his rctarn called to see bis iady-iove, but was | annivcd to fiud she did not recognized hii;and immediately determined to puss for a cousin of himself, hut was eventually chagrined to Snfl | " r was supy citing his former self iD the affec- j t .as of the lady, which caused him to make] '-•-i known; but the lily s'.il! says that she j '•kes the counterfeit better than the original, 1 inUts lathe continuo (if necessary) to , ' ge he Hair Restoratire. To be had of the 4 'ugjists.— Ijouis Morning ilerald. For " ie by D r . Lorry.~Dcc. 11.-b. f BEDFORD INQUIRER. BEDFORD, Fa.~ Friday .Morning, Dec. 18, iß'ti. '' FEA RLrJs ANi) TRUE/' D- oyr.B -E tutor and Proprietor Mucfton of Tcrsia! THE INQUIRER ATONE DOLLAR AND FIFi'Y CENTS, IN ADVANCE! Wo hat© changed tho terms ef the RurrOßD j j I.VQUIRKR, fiiiia this date, to $1.50 |>er an bq in, if paid in advance. If paytuetit be n ( ,t made within the year, §2.00 will be charged. IF delayed until alter the year expires. $2.50 will bo charged. These terns will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. All subscriptions paid between tliis date l ami February Court, on the new year, will be ooiiritlrireu in advance. ! Come on, then, friends, and subscribe for ] tho I:.QC!::sr.; there it scw-ely a man in the j County but can afford to take a County paper at these low rales. To all our old subscribers, who are indebted to us for ever one yrar'3 subscription, we will settle off at the rate of §2.00 per annum, f: paid until February Court. After that time §2.50 will be charged. Dec. 4, 1857. PRKi'IDENT'S MESSAGE. IVe publish '.liis week, to the exclusion of nearly everything els.-, the long ant! wiudy message of James Buchanan. On the Kansas question he j goes the full length with the South, lie is in fa-j vor of the € 'institution of the late bogus Con- ] ventioa, and against allowing the people of the; territory, the privilege of voting upon its pro- j visions. On this question, he is opposed by 1 Douglas. Forney and muv of the I.ocofoco mem- j hers of Congress, and leading politicians in differ emt parts of the countr*. X7 c have al>o heard the President condemned in uameannred terms by soma ol the purest and best Democrats in this plaee. The s rung probability is, that this Kan t:ts question will cause a serious split in the 1.0-cotoeo cotoeo party. We have no room for further com ments. evety one read the message and see how far a ".NorThern man with Southern feelings" i jan go. APPOINTED, j Our readers are no doubt aware that Georee W. | j Bowman, the lite infamous editor of the Bedford ! Gaztile, has been rewarded with a $3,500 office, j V'til. , ,1. 18, IW —t LY Clio . TSIm ; is, vre presume, on account of Bowman's deser j tion of him in 18d", and support of Dallas. Thu j | President has been accused, with justice, of re- j warding his enemies and deseiting his friends, and j Hits is a case in point. Bow man, the Slanderer ol i the livin? and the dead, -f tbe old and the young, | of some of the best people of ihe County, and ; among tlieni innocent and respectable females, is | now rewarded by this dirty, corrupt and wicked ; administration. For a nun to be a dirty, low ; blackguard, is a sufficient passport to office from Buchanan. The respectable portion of our com-! muiiiiy are glad to get rid of the slanderous black- i guard, Bowman, however, in any manner. The Baltimore Clijiper has the following in rela- j | Con to the appointment i ■ BTWAFDFU. —Geo. W. Bowman, of the Bed-j : ford (Pa.) Gazette —one of 'he lowest ami most j scurrilous lot-ofoco sheets in the Union, has been •dieted Superintend -nt of the public printing.— ; it only remains for Congress to hail two fellows, ! a- dl met, to elect Banks ot the Sottthaide (Va.) i Democrat as printer. A tetter span of blackguards eoull not be trotted out." Y MAJ. WASHABACCK. our lat.- Prothoaotary, retired on the first Inst., and MAJ. TATE now fills, the office. For the six yeais since Maj. Wasba-J baugh has held the office, ail admit that itsrespon ■ sihle duties were never performed to more advan- | ' tage to the people of Bedford County. He was j boucst, capable and obliging, and the best wishes ; of the whole community, go with him in his re-' tirement. Maj. Tate, his successor, is a good, clever fel- j low, anJ, we presume, wiil give general salisfac-1 tion. rj~?" WK would inform our readers, that a new | supply of LADIES DRESS CATS, CHILDRESS Bos- j SETS. CLOAKS, *tc.,kc., have jast bejn received f at Mrs. It. D. Pncau k Co.'s "fancy Start," — which for cheapness and quality—can't he sur ■ passed. Call and see them. J.#srs. Reily and Edie of th House, IVash ingtos, and D. J. Chapman, -Esq., of Philadel phia, our thanks for early copies of the Pre sident's Message. 02P* SherlP Moore has retired, and his succes sor, Sheriff Fl#ck, has assumed the duties of the office. Both ))$-> our best withes in their new positions. The Message has crowded oat many things wc wished to insert. 257- THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAY MENT, however it may have effected the financial world in general, has not had much influ once upon the monetary affairs ol "OLD KRIS KINKLE," for we sec be liu3, amongst other nice things, for j Christmas times, sent to our enterprising friend, j ; Gettys, the most complete and handiomest assort- I ) raeut of stock for.putting up of Ambrotyf es, j ( D iguerreotypea, &c , &c., we havu ever seen.— j | Those wishing to make hoi! day gifts can hare no I want of appropriate articles, for what mere suita- ; -We token of remembrance can bo found for j "Christmas festal tours," than the imaru of the I giver delineated in the beautiful style, tor which Gettys has becoms so celebrated. ! CT" Many cases of Dysentery, in its most sc ; vase form, ha TC bean cured by ilie administration of Dv VAL~ ' GALVAMC Ott. Cholera Morbus and all diseases of tho bowels are relieved in a short time, by a ."ew drops of Galvanic Oil. For sale by B. F. llirry, and F. C. Reamer. Bedford, Wi'liam Lysinger, J.B. Farquhar, and mil cos ntry merchants. BEDFORD mwrnstL Estate of William Lane, dee'd. # | BEDFORD COUNTY, SS. AT an Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in and for the County of Bedford, ou the ltkh day ; ol November, A. D., 1857, before the Judges of the same Court— The petition of John Mower snd S. L. Russell, j Administrators de bonis sen, cum testamento an- | nexoof IViiiiam Lane, late of said County, dee'd, j was A cad and liled, setting forth, that in puisuauce j of an order of this Court, they made sale of ail j the Real Estate of the said di-c'd, so far as they ; then knew, ami the money ari dng therefrom WAS I applied to the payment ol the debts of #aidde.c : il, j so fares the same were they have j lately h-en tulortuad that the siid William Lauo j owned a body of unimproved wood Imd in L -t --tericuuny Township, Franklin County, adjoining f lands t.( Isiae Rcsonterry, and others coutoining UC.k) acres or t'ltreabonts, that debts to a ei-n.-fid- i trabh; A&i.iia:, not h < $8,203, agtinst the , estate of slid deceased yet remain nnpiid. ami j pr-'ying the Court to make a decree authorizing i them to raise, say Sg,SUO, if |>ossibl.;, from the said 'leal Estate iu Franklin County, . Whereupon, on motion of S. L. RUSSELL, Esq., the Court grant a Rule upon the heirs, and all parties interested, to be ami appear at an Oi | phans' Court, to be holden at Bedford, on the 21 Monday, Btb day of February, next, and show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not ; be i;-. :di- by the Court, pursuant to the prayer < I the petitioners. ■ aii. Is TfcsrxHQif T vntßi;<ir I harehere iS unto set my hand and the seal of our iwahX' said Court -.t Bedford, the llfih day ; ot .Nvveulur, A. 1).. 1857. D. IYASHABAUGII, Citric, i l>ec. t, 1557.-d lurupi'ie K?ec!?oa. A. N Electii>n for I'residect and si" Managers of ii the Sorsersex ar.d DodtorJ Tcigpike* Road , 'Jotupaty, v.'.ii ha '.eld *1 tho house of vdsktu ; l'aimer, in Somerset County, on the Ist Monday ot Januarj*, next. BENJAMIN EIMMELL, Pru't. KiF-usii A v Dividend vras declared on the 18th of Nov- I -fCs. ember, list, of one per cent-, lo be paid $v Jacob Mus er, Trv-surer. BENJAMIN KIiIMELL, Prtt'l. Dec. 18, 1857-e 'leacher's lastitate. A Teacher's Institute will be held at Bloody Run, beginning on the 28'b of this month The puoct -.< l attendance of all the "teachers iu IJ.iat ami West Frovi lence, Monro j, Cc' -ain, FTopewell, Broad Top, Liberty, Bedford, Middle j and South Woodberrv Tov nships. is requested j by the COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Dec. 18, 1857.—b TaSc ."^cticc I Tl If AT the snbscribers have purchased of Henry | x Zimmermen, the following personal prcyrty, j to wi; ■ one Bay Marc, cna iilack Mare, one Colt, and bread triad Wagon, which prop..ty we in tend leaving with him during our nleasure. j PIPER k SCOTT. : Pattonsville, Dec. 18, 1837.-C TKE GOLDEN rPorLE. THE NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY ] (•olileu t'riifie. ■ One of the laraert awl best literary jiaprrt of the day. ! I An imperial quarto, containing eight pagea, or ; I forty columns of clioi-ie reading matter each week, i | TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TWO I)OL- I j LARS I'EK YEAIt. [ And a Gift will be pretexted to each suttcribtr iai l mediately on receipt of the subscription tnanrj. Each subscriber will bo entitled to a gift worth from $1 to 500,00 in Culdi To OLCB3. 3 Copies for 1 year $.5.00 10 " " 1 " 15.C0 KE A D—R E A D—READ—R E\ D. THE LIST OK GIFTS—GIFTS—GIFTS*. 1 Package containing ssv(; j n Gld. 10 Gold Patent Lever English Rent ing Cased Watches, 100 Each 15 " " <4 75 ~ 25 << Gold Watches 05 " 100 " 50 " 800 Ladies < t 3 j 100 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 25 •< 200 " Watches 10 to 20 " 500 Gold Vest and Gear! and Fob Chains 10 to 80 " 5000 Gold Lockets 2to 19 " Gold Kings—Ear Drops—Broaches Breast Pins—Studs—Cuff Pins Sleeve Buttons, kc.. \c A to sls Each. Immediately on receipt of the subscription mo ney, the subscriber's name will be -entered upon our subscription book, opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that Dumber will bo for warded to his or her address by mail en- express post-paid. Address BECKET & COMPANY, PrßLisiiEhj. 48 and 49 Moffat's Buildingß. Ni.w YOKE. Specimen Copies e t free. [FT"" Bills of ail the hanks taken that pa.s current in the States from whence they are seat J osicge I stamps are. also received. Dec. 10, 1857.-8t Attention Rfllrmru ; are hereby ordered to paradr at your : aL usual place of training, on Friday the fcth day of January, 1858, at 10 o'clock, A.M., in fuii winter uniform, (with pompoon.) An appeal will be Held immediately after parade. A full ■ turn out is desired. By order of the Captain. WM. RITCIIEY, O.S. Dec. 11, 1557. oi%" ! I HER-'.BY e.antion all persons fiom purchasing a J Note given by me to Joshua Hixon and Georgo Fields of Fulton County, dated November 21th 1857, for the sum of sl6, as I have never receiv ed value for the same, und wiil not p><y it unless compelled by law. ESTHER ANN TRICE. D<-. 11,1857.-C* MiTHK Til Till/1 lil TORS. ALL Collectors previous to the year 1857, arc hereby notified fo settle and square up their j duplicates on or before the Ist day of January, ! next. Those delinquents after that day will te i proceeded against immediately without respect to persons. Pressing circumstances render this course imperative. Collectors of 1857 are also required to pay in ; a ranch a3 possible by that time. By order of the Commissioners. 11. NICODEMUS, Cirrk. Commissioners' Office, Dec. 11, 1857. . j ~~ broTD TOP I'llH,, ! FROM RIDDLESBTRG COLLIERY. THE subscribers arc now engaged in shipping COAT, from t>e celebiated Kiddleshurg Bank, i by Railroad to Hopewell, at as low price as can be furnished by arty other persons in tho country, j Persons desiring a. good articl" will find R to ' their advantage to call on them, or on their age..:, j ST. M. Smith, a* Hopewell , i OS BOURNE 4- CRESS WELL. Dec. 11. 1E57.-3UI. " , Administrator-"* Notice. IETTEIiS ot Administration having been grant- J ed to the subscriber upiui tlie Estate ot A.>- rah' M Liagenfelter, late of Nanier Township, dec' 1, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate are notified to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the Estate are requested to present the same properly authen ricatcd for settlement. . DAVID LINGENFELTKR, Mm r. Dec. 11,1857.-f. Napier Township. NOTICE. LETTERS of administration oaths Estate of John Gochcnour, late of Union TuWU i ship, dee d, having been this day granted to the subscriber, residing in said township, all pJT j sons indebted to s.iiil estate are therefore noti ] tied to make payment immediately, and these | uaving claims against the estate will present ' them duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID GOCHLNOUR, Ex'or. ! Nov. 27, 1857.-* ~ PICLIC AIIiJOV ! rrtHE subscribers wishing o dispose of their ( JL ent to stock of Blercnindiro, will offer at . PUBLIC AUG a AON at their store tn BLOODY ! RUN,-West Providence tp., on T OL'HLAT 22d day \ of December next. > Their tick cons.--:* of Cloths Casltnei**, "a! - i net;v Tveods, Jan.-, Jiatin an.l Silk Vesting#, j with a fer.' n nuj tiuivit iif Woolen and Doicest | io goods, s'toh ..s ceJ ant White Flannels, Ging hams. Lad):> iSreri Goods in great variety; eon- Mating la part ol plain an i printed French Meri ni.-es, all Weol D-laiaes, MpaiNsaa, Silks, dotted land figured Swiss, fine Cambric Jnckoinstts, Sdk Laee and Fringes, about eighty pieces of x --ceHerd Calico, Rod Mohair sJiik ar.d Cotton Glove*. Ilea at ! wonions' Wool and Cotton !, plain attd Fancy Winter Shawls, Ladies f Bonne's, Aiea and Boys Hats and Ctps, Cotton ' Warpaul Carpet chain, Hoots an ! Shoes, consist j ing of Men and Boys wear, Ladies, Misses anil i CitiVri'tis' t'r.o.'s. | GItUCEHIEo, such as Coffee, Sugar, 31 ol tares, | syrups, tea, chocolate, .■pices, t'-.Vacco, oils, | drugs, paints, dye-stuffs, ff putty, Ac., bard ! ware, such as iron, nails, east sheers and bli ter i steel, carpenters' tools, cabinet makers ttlmuiitigs. i door locks, butt binges, cutlery Ac., qtieensware : crockery ware, ced ir ware, consisting of buckets, tubs, chums, sc. A lot ot saddles, bridles, col ; lars air. I halters, one spring wagon, two noun cs- Vftk u.ircui:*, four fl:*t rate rifle gnus, a large h>: of lunger, such as shingles, boa;.li and locust 1 posts, together wi.h a general as. orttnetrt ofgcod? ; usually font.-? in ui.i :. .out a first cltas country j at', re. The au-nilion o wholesale buyers is soii ( cited a the above stuck is l.ttge, new, and Well , select' 4. T.'iiT subscriber, will also offer u the day strove mentioned the following valuable town property, vie: a large two-story frame s~oe!: and vr\r. ruousg, hciny Soy hi: :<-i lot: r. The above • the best stand for a store in the county and has always conr a-:; i d a large bus::,ess. Also, a lot of ground with a two story tr.ica DwnLt-tsn iiorsn, wit 1 ! gol stable and other out buildings thereon, tikie h-T of fruit '-ces. The House is ill by I" 1 i i:i ?'?■o ar. ! E.,E'. 1 complete. Also, one lot of err.:::.; in the west end, of Bloody Run, being 05 feel front en main street and 165 feet back. Safe to commence at ten o'clock on said day and to be continued every day, ami evening tin- whole is soli. • "WW STATES 4 CO. Nov. 27.1957. HESTA'u'R.OT. fiptlh subset:; • r still continues his U EST ACT -- ;:ANT, AND BAKERY ADN CONFEC jTIOXAUY, at his old stand, In the Rising Sun t 3::i'di.*ig, in Julianna Street, where he will bo pit : Ito see ail his e' I Trends at:d customers. lie 1 ?.* fit -: up OYSTER ROOM, and w ill keep on hat.d throughout the season a full supply >•' tlw fr. best and choicest OYSTERS the lialtl i -nore market will afford. j i :t' :ps constantly on hand the choicest attd i hot CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS and NUTS : sver offered to the public. Ai.-i. Cretin her A -rg ALE and BEER, constant ly on hand, also CiREIJ and etlier drinks. Parties supplied, o.i the sho'tast notice, with Ice Cream, C ikes and Confections. Having served a regular apprenticeship to ths si jvt ir.:.tiness. an ' having been constantly engag ed iu it for man;.- years, he -eb confident that he can triuk'i sat,s(j:etion to all who ran favor him i *>A': E v'.-it. .full A J. LET 12 KK. I Bedford, Nov. 27. 1857. •'WoopLAtlD CREAM"— Ji Pomrde for beauti fying the Unit. —highly perfumed, superior to any French article imported, and fur half ths price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it Has no equal, giving it a bright glossy appearance— It cau-cs Ccntleraeu'a Ilair to cur! in the tr.os: natural manner. !t removes dandruff, always giving the the appearance of being fresh t! impioed. F:ice only filly cents. Nona gamine unless signed FETRIDGE 4- CO., Froprietors of the '■Dclm of a Viicw-u.A Ficwcrt." For sale by all Druggists. lnfeowz. DISSOLUTION. TI!K partnership heretofore existing and tra ding tinder the firm of Eurodollar. Lt.wry it Co., and Everhart, Asbcom & Co., has this day iieeu dis solved by mutual consent. The nooks fee., aru in the haids of Baroduliar fe Everhart, who are au ihOriz'd to settle all accounts of the old firm. (7. 11. BARN DOLL AS, J. F LOWKY, C. W. ASHCOM, J. C EVERHART. Hopewell, Nor. f>, 1857. TIF; fnbscribers take this method of informing i the pe'c'.ic thst they will contiuue the business of m rchmdising at the old stand. anJ hope by strict | uttetit'.in to liusiriess to receive a liberal share ol | pnbkc patronage. We.have remodeled the Hopewell Still, ami are nowrtady to grind all k ; of grain for which tire highest price will! paid. BAHXDOLLAIt 4 EVERHART. Hqiewell. Nov. c, 1857. SUH ME R ARRANGEMENT—Huntinedon and Broadtop li. It., On and after Mon day. March 21, 1857, two passenger trains a day etch way, (except Sunday,) will run be ; rween Hopewell and Huntingdon. Leaves Hopewell at 12 15 P. M., and C 10 P.M. Arrives at Hop-well at 0 40 A. M., and 540 ?. M. Cotiiecn'ng at I'nntingdon with train* lor the East arid West on Penra. K. R. THUS. T. WEERMAN. Fupt. Huntingdon. Feb. 26,1857. SHHTock & SJJITHT CIIA3IBERSBVRG, PA., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, AND Dealers iu Music and Musical Instruments. | Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, 31 tt j sic, Musical Instruments, Wail papers. Blinds, Flench, German and American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, etc., etc.. wholesale and retail. Dr. 13. F. , Harry is on. a-.-at . :■ Bedfoid, tnd ,:!i orders | giver I ' will bo promptly attended to. j March 7, lb's7. NOTICE. LETTERS of Admlnisl; t'ion having been j granted to tho subscriber, living in Kt. Cltir Tow;-, hip, on the estate of Catharine oiah-m, 1 1 ate ot said town-hip, dee'd, ail persons know- I ing themselves tfff' hb -i to ssid estate aro hi-re by ne.i... t.j djlrc" payment ImmSdlately, si -1 . ii hiving claims against the same will pre- I sent .a:.a properly aatheiiticated for settle ! • BENJ. U. WALKER, Ausi'r. I Oct. 16, 1657. U IBMBREJ) IROX. i rftllE subscribers would iuform the public thai i At iny leased, the Bedford Forge, bereto ! fore cirried on by John Kin;- ' Co., situat - in - Iloneivcll T wnsuip, where tboy are now manu fhctariug, and arc prepared to supply all order* l for ov -y description of hammered Iron, on tho sho'tes* nd'ee, anil most liberal ter-ns. Their Iron may be relied up-.n as Ving of the best qr - Sty- All kinds of country produce, and all i k'nds of wrought Iron scraps, taken at the Hgh ; ev market prices. PIPER 4 SCOTT. I Nov. 27, 1857—tf. ' Save a Dollar! Mil>*<ril;e lor 1858! PETERSOYS mAZi.M:. THIS popular Monthly Magazine, already the rhea)>eftt and beat m the world, will be grcatlv inipnved for 185b. It will contain over 000 pages of double colun:n reading matter; from twenty to thirty steel plates, and over 600 wood engiaviiigs;wbieh is proportionately moretlrin any periodical, of any price, ever gave. its thrilling original Stories nr.- from the best authors. Every volume contains one of Mrs. Ass S. SIKI'HKSS' copyright Novels, the celebrated author of •■Eaaion and Famine." Also, one of Mrs. E D.E. N Southworth'*, on thorof-Tfce Lest Heiress." Its Superb Mezzotints and other Steel Engrav ings. are the best published anywhere | Its Colored Fashion Plates. Each number f contains a Fashion Plate, engraved on Steel and j colored; al•■•a dozen more New Styles, engraved jon Wood. A! sc. a i'at t torn, from which a dress, j mantilla or child's costut&e, can he cut out with j out therid of a nuouuarn.iker. | New Receipts, Crochet Work, Embroidery, j P*ttertt,4<- In the greatest projiorlion. are given .' Also, ( new and fashionable Ale.sic. i !t is tilt be;-i-L* dies' Magazine in tbo world.— | Try it for "tie year. TEH MS-—-Always Xa Advance. • One copy one year, $2,00 Three copies, for one v?ar, 5,00 i Five copies for one year, 7,60 | Eight copies.for oils year, In.OO Sixteen copies,f-r one yar, 20,00 PRUMIUaiS FOR. CLUBS. ! Three, live, eight or &ixteen copies make a Flub. T every person npaClub. our I ♦•Casket." containing forty "ngrarfngs, wilibe given .gratis: or, if preferred, a pv of the Ma gazine tor IS'iS. For a Clu'. of rixt.-e!., an extra copy of the Magazine for 185b i, addition. Ad dress, post paid, , CHARLES J. PETERSON, •>(iu Ches'nrt StAtt, Phila. Nov. 27, 18*7. tLT'Specin'-'-is sent Gratis. BRILLiZvf PROSPECTUS! FOURTH YEAR OF THE fcsaicpilitatt Art .'^ocialloa. The la mow Dnssetdori GVrv of Paintings •' | Purchased at a cost of $lBO.l hH And Powers* j 1 wori-t renowned Statue of the 'trek .Slave! Ke- ! : purchased for six thousand doll:-, with several | : hundred other Work of Art, in Aaiatings, Sculp- J sure end Bronzes, comprise thefronaiums to oe ■ awarded to the suhscrliert of tV Cosmopolitan ! art association, who sti.scribe l>lo.-e the 291h of January, 1355, at wh'tcl time the Wards will take 1 place. Terms OF SruscaipitK. Every ila.r< >r of Free lollart is entitled to a copy of this 11-ge and ao' 1 Sell Engraving, i.'c.i -o: st Dest)* also da copv of the ! Cosmojeali; ta Art Jourt 1 a e year also ti.aCer i t'be-ate in the award :c.-. . to the B;i -leido". and Cosnlpolitan , ieri::s. ; a litis it is seen that ft- very tbreelioilars paid, the subscriber not onlyW*trc asjtendid thiee dollar engraving, hut afro ke beautiful illustrated two dollar Art Jouruai.ioriyear. Each subsci itaci i> si'so jfcscnte.l with a Ceitifi -1 c.-.te in the awards, by *hi| 'a valuable work of Art. in Painting or Sculptuw, may be received in add: ion, thus giving to eveixsuhscriber an equiva lent to the value of five doits, and a Certificate gratis. Any one oft' o leading fjf i-azincs is furnish ed, histoid of i.;e Lngtavi.ij cad Art Journal, if desired. No person is restricted 3 single share.— T. ose taking live nnkil>ef;., remitting sls, are entitled to au extra tuzi-ing and six tickets. Full particulars of tl- A Mention arc given iri The Art Journal, avhiclionins over sixtv spier. •1: - Engravings, price Ity fcnts per number.— specimen copies w 11 lisea/to ail persou who de sire to subscribe,on retiptif fiv- postage jtamps (15 cents.) jAdlress C. L. L'JIBk Actuary C. A. A., ■* Bwadway, Saw York. ■wioteißMr PHILAELPHIA. J Benevolent IntUuL establish* by tpettcl coicmt\t Jjr the, Ir/ of the tick nn.i dm trcti.J. uffltiiuith Virulent and Lpi'tc <1 meases. fjpu ..II persons a fled with Sexual Diseas-s i. such as SPERLTORRUCEX. SEMIVEL GO^OURnS; ,VsAV RmSE dst" Vi " °-<AXIS sJOf ! IO t VA:iD AIciATION, in view of the aw. ul .iestnJciK.n of tian life, caused bv Sexual 1-n-Hon'.r • ,'- 3 practised upon the ' ~l,nat victims! such diseases bv Quacks, :L yeara ajp> difcted their Consuitinz Sur £E. t L a,ARI jf LE ACT o?tTe[r 5w U , t3 ,, ' ls ''. a for the treatment of L-ive Llrr A their f'jrms mid to am v/ fr GRATI ' S - ho P! . V letter, witi description of their condi •asel CC " p,t T- baWtS ot ,ife ' anf) 1M V rflr eme Pf' Tty. to FURNISH MEDI- O d Vrt a OF j HARGK - 11 ' s needless to M II . T Ak " ,fl,: ' >n commands the highest ••nwl'dm V tl Ur ge ' aa<l Will furni!,h the most ■n n- m0,, - rli Iptment. - nr, " ? ; t . ors ' tt review of the pist, teel as sure aa. tbeir hlors in this sphere of beoevo .l , -,, " Kh " Rri * at benefit to the aillict ; ty I eoial.y totlie young, and they have resolv- IL i„ V '" tL ' ves, with renewed zeal, to tins ; iraportuat bit much despised cause Jt nuilishetr by tie Association, a R. port on - pt JrotrhaM, or Seminal Weakness, the Vice 11 .1" m > Masturbation o r Self-Abuse, and oth c. :(vs Of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult t.g lgeou, nhten will lie -sent bv mail, (in a ! rVIIV -4 n ,r e^ pe ' ) FHEE 0F CHARGE, on C \r AMPS for postage. ' U?" ','!. K ."! )or[ ° r treatment, Dr. GEORGE ! R- OilOß N . Coti.-Mlting Surgeon. Howard A phil! * 2South Nintb Street, Philad.. Bjier of tlie Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Vt > 9 Secretary. ~ l!f, 1857,-zz. ~j i'IBIJI m. " \1 L be exposed for sn'u, at public outcry, , f 'he Borough of Bedford, on SJTUftn.iy nr l/ £Jr V2 " !i °ne HALF LOT i SiP™* S ' ? ¥ ' Kast of Hod.'>rJ. fro'Aathe Chambersoui g and Bc Jfo. J Turn '* i L J '°ts "■ :1,1 arid Mich- I r ' ' 2 ' ,,ck ° the Raystown ", t ii'° rrts jt'y on whicli i., erected ! i.a" R „ T * STOR I t OiCilßiik "oflbP, with luck building attached, i tjmade known on day of site. ni , SA -MUEL VONDERSMITif. 1 J bisi .-C. F f[ nt tunc it will be rented ;to 11 host bidder. 1 1 SFsXlt Ttlost supen]y Ha^ixin.* •♦lied n America, is the Ppcurnber fcr i r ---iii.-c-i.iTAN A?,r Jot'RSAt, contain ing tuts, pltr,!V and giving fell par.K of the Ivnefits cf the Ccsniopoliia.. _ rt fciatton. two dc'.'art a year; slurb: copies I t."yl, S;iec:men copies will be sent to all : 1-rstbo w-i-b to sul.scribo on reteipt of five i posttjaap?, (25 cents.) j 'd'"rtisement beaded "Brilliant Prosper j ' us p paper. Address, C. L. DKKBY, Actuary C. A. A., j jd , ;r7 Bread-ray, Mfx-Ytrk. | A heir. Pectoral, for the cure ofCoitclisi j 4cc - > cau te had at Ur. Harry's Drug \1 i: CALL THE ATTENTION OF ALL; v * |d an-1 young, to thin wonderful prepa ration. which turns hack to its original color, gray hair—covers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth—ren.vjg the dandruff, itch ing, and all em.vj nn* eruptions—causes'* con tinual how of the natural fluid*; and hence, If ■ used ai. , rt-guUr dr<'*ing for the hair, will pre serve-its toior, and keep it from falling to ex ; treme old age, in ail its natural beauty. We call, then upon ihe bald, the gray, or diseased | in scalp, t<-it: and surely, the young will | not, as the; value the flowing hx-fc*, or the ] witching curls, over lie without it. Its praise - ■ upon the tongues of thousands. Watertown, Va>*., May 1. 1 hoi. PROF. t>. .f. W(XH)i Allow te t>. attest the virtues and magic powers of'your Hair Re storative. Three - niontns since. Ix-icg exeeed inglv gray, I purchased and soon commenced to u .two tuiUloa; and it soon began to tell, in restoring the silver lock a to their native col or, and tlie hair which was before dry and harsh, and falling off, now became soft and glossy, and it ceased failing; the (landruif disappeared, and the scalp lost ail the disagreeable itching, •> annoying b-forts, and now, 1 not only look but fee! young a;- -in. Ktsapeetfui.y, yours, etc. CJIAS. WHITNEY. New York, Oct. a, 1855. I'txOF. O. J. IfOOD- Dear h-ir : All, r read ing the advertisi meut in one oi the New York journals, of your ceiebrat. d Hair Restorative, i procured a hall pint hottle, aud was so much pleased witli it thai I continued its u*e lor two months, and am satisfied it is decidedly the Lest preparation before the public. It at'r.uce re moved .-til the dandruff and unpleasant itching from the scalp, and his restored my htiir nat urally, ,ii*, 1 have no. doubt, permanently so. You have permission to icier to rn< , all win, entertain :iuy doubts of u pet forming all that is claimed tor it. MISS FEEKS, 26'j Greenwich Av. I hare ued Professor O. J. Wood * Hair Restorative, and have udtnire-,1 its wondi-riul c-tf.-cts. Il restored my hair where it had lalien off; it clean* the head, and render* the hair soil nad smooth—much more so than oil. MARY A. ATKINSON. Louisville, JTov. 1, 1856. State of Illinois, Carlisle, June 07. >*s I have used ProfessorO. J. Wood's Hair He stor ifivc. and have admired its woudt-rinl effect. .My hair was hecomlrg, &> / thought prcmatuie lygray, but by the use of the "Restorative." it has resumed its original color, and, I baTc no doubt, pernnuetly so. SI LN E YBREE3E. Er-Senator United State*. [From t'<€ Washington Star.[ Among the many preparations now in use for the preserving and beautifying the hair, there arc none that we can recommend with more confidence than Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, now iu general use throughout the States. This preparation possesses the most i .riaoratin qualities, and never fails in produ cing the most happy results when applied ac t ording to directions. We refer our readers to the advertisement for a few of the innumerable certificates which have been sent by parties, who have been benefitted by it, and who feel happy iu giving testimony t<". it* wonderful of fsets produced on them, O. J. MOOD Ac CO.. Proprietor*. 312 Broad way, N.i., and 114 Market street. St. Louis, Me. For si'l j by Dr. B. F. Harry, and Druggists, generally. Oct. SO, 1857.—Stn. OR. SA\FORI S IMORiTOR, OR LIVER REMEDY TS AN ARTICLE THAT EVERT BODT A needs who is not in a perfect state of health for the Liter is second oulv to the heart in our human economy, and when that is deranged tho 'whole vital machinery runs wrong. To Cud a medicine peculiarly adapted to this iLsease has been the study of one of the proprietors, in a large and extended practice for the past twenty years,and the result of his experiment is tho Invigontor, is a never-failing remedy where medicine has any power to help. As a Liver Remedy it bts no c*;Ual, as all testify who use it. A lady writing front Brooklyn, says, -Would ;'1 I Coul.l express in this short letter the val ue your Invigorate, has been to me in raising a largo family of children, for it has never tail ed to relieve all affections of the stomach, bow vis or attacks of worm*. If mothers ouce had this remedy placed within their reach, and were taught how to use it, a fearful and untold a. mount of agony might be saved." One of our pioniiDent bankers says, "Five or six years since I found myself running down with a liver difficulty ; resorting to your Invig orator, was greatly relieved, and, continuing for a season, was entirely restored." A clergyman called at onr office the othet day and said he had given a poor woman a bot tle, who was suffering very badly from Liver Complaint, and before she had taken the whoU oi it she was at work aiming bread for her fam ily. A gentb-man, recently from the West, savs, while at Chicago, lie was attacked with a slow' lingering fevsr, that baffled toe skiff , 0 f pbysi c: 'is, bat the Invigorator cured him in a few days. One of our city merchants said, while on a vi.-i: to Troy, a new days since, ho was attacked v. itb bowel and stomach disorders, sons to con tine hiin to his room, he sent to the drug stoio for a hottle of Invigorator, took one dose, which relieved him so that he was aide to attend hit uu&incss. An aennaint Alice, whote basiuess conpeli oim to write most of the time, says, he became so weak as to be unable at times to hold hi* pen, at others, sleep would overpower him. but Uie iuvigorator rarud liim- A gentleman irom Brooklyn called on us a week or two since, i-jiting but the shadow of a with .lii.ju yellow, pile and deathlike. He had boon i-r a leg lime suffering from Jaundice snd Dyspepsia, and unable to attend to hi* business. \\\ >; v him again to-days changed man, and to use his expression, ho has i.-jt seen uie bottom of the first bottle, and fur ther adds "it saved my life, for I was fast go ing to a consumptive's g-n.e." Among tho hundreds of LiVor Remedies now offered to public, there are none we can so tuliy. reooitii-: I as Dr. Santord's lnvigorator, or Liv.r Reeled: so generally known now throughoui the Union, 'this preparation is tru ly a Liver InvsgorHor, producing the mst b.ppy results on all who use it. Almvsl iuuu- < uerahio ct; .iiicxt. Jiave been given 01 tbe great t virtue of tbi-j ni-dicine by those of the highest * standing iu so ciety, and it is, without doubt, tbe brstpreparotion noty public. SANIORD it CO., itW's, 345 Broad way, N- w Yirk. Fii site by Dr. B. F.llarry, end Druggist's generally'. Oct'.-, 81) 1857.'s an i Lubin's Extracts for the Handker chief, Cologne Water, Ate., t Dr. Harry's: