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BY MVID OYER. AGRICULTURAL = From the American Agricultural. Household and Barn Cats. Did anybody ever hare an honest house cat! That is to sav: a cat that would not steal cream when she could get into the tuilk-rooiu, orbut tety; or the moment the meat-closet door was open, would not sltp iu and plunder the dishes! If so, we never yet heard of it. We have had - to iry cats in our lifetime, for mouse-catching about the bouse. They did catch mice, to be sure, hut where they caught one 'mouse, they cannot half-a-dozen little singing bints.or chick ens, plundered and committed their uuisance? all over the house, meantime, and let the rats —alone. A trap, cr two, or a few doses of poi -iri would do up the mouse business better, and more promptly the cats we could get, nut together, and therefore, we long ago put tiiem out oi the house, and got rid of their an noyance. Still women, especially young girls, and uiisehieveous children who waut something to pull and a lid haul about, must have a cat or two, and their indispensable appendages, a lot of scorched-backed, dirty, soot-stained kittens. We are not about to dispute with them on the Mi hi sot of taste in such companionship yf pets, i.ut to enter our protest, with all good house keepers and mothers, against cultivating a lik ■ for such treacherous and unreliable house protectors. A barn cat—at the stock and grain barn —a -tout, undeniable ten-pound grimalkin, howev er, is qnite another matter. We like him 01 Uer, or both, as the case may be. These wili usually catcii rats —mice always —and will fol -1 iv litem over the beauts into the mows, and hunt them constantly. Old Sam, as the boys •• ill him, during the Winter season is always •-, •! : . tid." A" tmikius time lie follows tha herdsman round the stable, aud when be has had bis breakfast of milk, which is always served in a little disiu at one end of the cows -rails, he. goes about bis business. Biddy, too ' —for he has a wife most of the time—shares his meals, hunts mice regularly, and now and then hears a litter of respousibilties, which go —somewhere —we don't ask about them —and our barn cat stock increase no further. When Spring comes, and the stock are turned out, they go into the fields, or wools, and are sel dom seen, till cold drives them iu, or the re turn of barn vermin invites theni They have no taste for the house, won't go there, and woe be to the woman or child who puts a hand oil them ; scarred fingers and scratched faces are sure to follow. The only re al trouble we have with tiieui is, when t-bey come within reach of the terriers, and then is a muss at ouoe. Sam aud Bidey's fur is sure to fly, while Jack and Nelly are equally sure to wear marks of deci ded feline discipline on their faoes for long days afterwards. Both parties claim jurisdiction of burn, aud stables, and while they both do good service in their line, each equally hates the oth er with the intensity of a commou enemy. PLANTS THAT ARE RAISED FROM SEED.— Among younger readers, and perhaps older ones who are new hands at cultivation, there seems to be incorect in regard to propagatiug plants from seed. Thus, for example, we have irequeut applications for seeds of Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Currants, Gooseber ries, Grapes, Apples, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Quinces. &o , to say nothing of Rhubarb, and of Dahlias, Double Petunias, Camellias, Roses, Verbenas, Geraniums, Fuchsias, Chrysanthe mums, and various other flowers, of which the true kinds are only propagated from cuttings, suckers, roots, buds, or grafts. Mow, though all the above natued and others, may be grown from seed,and indeed are so grown to produce new varieties, yet they all sport , that is, the seed from a single specimen of any vari ety of the above plants of trees, whether good or bad, is quite apt to produce half a dozen or more varieties, generally all different from the parent, aud usually inferior to it. Suppose a hundred seeds from the same ap ple tiee, be planted and grown into a hundred trees ; it is quite likely that the fruit on no one 'A the new trees will resemble that of the pa reut stock. One or more may chance to be su perior. In this case, au improved variety is obtained which is afterwards propagated by grafting or budding. The other fruits, the ber ry plants, &c., which we have named, follow the same rule. Persons oftcu devote their whole lives to ex periments upon seeds, in an effort to obtain a Dew valuable variety, and tbey often feel re warded if only one in many thousands of expe riments prove successful. We know a gentle man who has been planting strawberry seeds, for fifteen or twenty years, but while he has grown thonsands of varieties only to throw them away, when the fruit is seen, be has not chanc ed to obtain more than one or two kinds which deems sufficiently valuable to continue their propagation by runners or roots.— -lb. OUR .SINGING BIRDS.—This ie the month which brings back oar annual songsters from the warm aud shady groves of the tropics where the most of them spend their Winter "season" —gay, frolicking things that they are, loving fuu and hilarity, quite as well, and enjoying them*eivos much more sensible than a great majority of as who boast the higher intelligence of humanity. Lot the wren and the blue-bird, the mart it,, and the swallow boxes all be in tbeir places, If you have th*ui not, stick up a lot of oyster kegs—everybody baa or can get them, jtow a-days—iu the trees for the wrens and Hue-birds, put up sundry little shelves—a bit A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terras: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance. of rough board eight inches square will do— for the phebes in the wood-houso or back porch aud have a nice well painted box for the mar tins. The swallows will take care of then selves under the barn, and stable eaves, througl the air boles in the gables, under the edge o! the roof inside ou the rafters. The more of ah these filings you have about you, the better.— They cheer up tho husbandman, please tin housewife, gladden the children, and make eve erything seem happy and joyful. The tree aud the forest birds will be along also. The meadow lark, the robiu, thrush, and blackbird amoug the larger shade tree.-, and the orchard; aud, best loved of all, tho sweet little song sparrow iu its quaker-brown coat, opening his music-tilled throat iu the honeysuckle, lilac bush under the window, where it attends tj uestle for the Summer. Let not a gun, or ati idle boy with murderous intent be about your premises. These joyous little birds arc amonc our best, benefactors. We may sometimes be annoyed by what we thoughtlessly considoi their depredations ; but they are "toilliug" their sharo of the fruits, which their labors in destroying the innumerable tribe of insects that would otherwise have preyed upon theiu, here after entitle tLem to. Spare then the birds, and invite them to stay with and return to you every Spring with their delightful companion ship.—lb. A BEAUTIFUL STORY. I wituessed a short time ago, in oue of our higher courts, a beautiful illustration of the simplicity and power of truth. A little girl nine years of age offered as a witness against the prisoner who was on trial for felo ny committed in her fathei's house. 'Now Emily,' said the counsel for the prisoner, upon her being offered as a witness, '1 desire to un derstand tf yon know the nature of an oath?' '1 dou'i know what you bean,' was the sim ple answer. 'There, your honor,' said the counsel, ad dressing the court,'is anything further neces sary to demonstrate the validity of my objec tions? This witness should be rejected. Bho does uot comprehend the nature of an oath.* 'Let us see,' said tb judge; 'Come here my daughter.' Assured by the kind tone and manner of the judge, the child stepped towards bitn, and look ed confidently up in his tace with a calm clear eve, and in a manner so artless and frank, that it went straight, to the heart. 'Did you ever take an oath?' inquired the judge. The iittle girl stepped back with a look of horror, nnd the red blocd mantled in a blush all over her face and neck, as she answered, 'no sir.' She thought be intended to inquire if she bad ever blasphemed. 'I do not mean that,' said the judge, who saw her mistake. 'I mean were you ever a witness before?' •No. sir, 1 never was in court before.' He handed her a Bible open. 'Do you know that book lay daughter?' She looked at it aud answered, 'Yes sir; it is a Bible.' 'Do you ever read it?' be asked. 'Yes sir; every evening.' 'Can you tell me what the Bible is?' inquired the judge. 'lt is the word of the great God,' she an swered. 'Well, place your hand upon this Bible, and listen to what I say; aud he repeated slowly and solemnly the oath usually administered to witnesses. 'Now said the judge, 'you have been sworn as a witness, will you tell uie what will befall you if you do not teH the truth?' '[ shall be shut up in the State prison,' an swered the child. 'Anything else?' asked the judge. 'I shall never go to Heaven,' she replied. 'How d j you know V asked the judge again. The child took the Bible, and turning rap id'y to the chapter containing the command ments piointcd to the injunction, 'Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.' '1 learned that,' she said, before I could real. 'Has any oue talked with you about your being a witness in court here uguinst this man? inquired the judge. 'Yea sir,' she replied. 'My mother heard they wanted mo to be a witness, and last uighl she called me to her roout and asked nie tc tell her the ten commandments, and then wr kneeled down together, and she prayed that 1 might understand how wicked it was to bear false witness, and that God would help me, a little child to tell the truth, as it wero before him. And when 1 eaoao up here with father, she kissed me and told me to remember the ninth commandment, and that God would hear every word I said*' 'Do you believe this?' asked the judgo while a tear glistened in his eye, and his lips quiver ed with emotion. 'Yes sir,' said the girl with a voice and man ner that showed her conviction of the truth was perfect. 'GocLbless you my child,' said the- judge 'you have a good mother. This witness is com petent,'he oontinuod. 'Were lon trial foi my life, and innocent of the charge against me, I would pray God for such a witness as this—■ Let her be examined.' , She told her story with the simplicity of 8 ohild, as she was, but there was a directness about it whioh carried oooviction of its truth to every heart. She was rigidly croes-exarai nod. The counsel plied her with infinite ami ingenious questioning, but she varied from hei first statement in nothing. The truth, as spo ken by that child, was sublime. Falsehood and perjury bad preceded her testimony. Tin prisoner bad jntrenohed himself in lies, until h< deemed himself impregnable. Witnesses hac falsified facts in his favor, and villainy hac manufactured for birn a sham defence, but be fore her testimony, falsehood was scattered like ohaff. Ths little child r for whom A moth er bad prayed for strength to be given ber tc BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1858. speak the truth as it was before God, broke f the cunuing devices of matured villainy to pie ces like a potter's vessel. The strength that [ the mother had prayed for was given her, the i sublime and terrible simplicity (terrible I mean to the prisoner nd his perjured associates,) with which she spoke was like a revelation from God himself. HOW PEOPLE LIVED A GENERA TION AGO. Mr. Goodrich, (Peter Parley) in bis •'llec olleotions of a Lifetime," thus depicts the life of his youth in New England: "Money was scarce, wages being about 50 cent 3 a day, these were generally paid io meal, vegetables, and other articles of use—seldom in money. There was not a factory of auy kind in the place. Tbcro was a butcher, but he only weut from house to house to slaughter the cattle and swiua of his neighbors: there was a tanner, but he only dressed othfl# peo ple's skins; there was a clothier, but ho gene rally fulled and dressed other people's cloth. Even dying blue a portion of the wool, so ar : to make linsey woolsey for short gowas, aprons and blue mixed stockings—vital necessities in those days, wus a domestic operativu. Dur- ' ing the autumn a Cye tub in the chimney cor ker— thus placed so as to be cherished by the genial heat—was as familiar in all thrifty houses as the Bible or the back log. It was covered with a board, and a cosy seat iu the j wide-niouthed fire place, especially of a ohiil ; evening. * * * * * Our bread was of rye, tinged with Indian met!. Wheat bread was reserved for the sac rament and company. * * * All the vegetables came from our garden and farm. The fuel was supplied by our own woods—sweet-scented hickory, snapping chest nut, odoriferous oak and reeking, ti2ziiug ash. * * * Sugv was partially supplied by our maple trees. These were tap ped in March, the sap being collected and boil ed dowu in the woods. This was wholly a do mestic operation, and one iu which all the children rejoiced. * * * * Hum was largely cousumed, bnt our distille ries had scarcely begun. A half a ipiut of it was givcu, as a matter of course, fdevery day laborer, more particularly iu the summer seas on. Iu all families, rich and poor, it was of fered to male visitors as an esseutial to hospi-' tality, or even good WofcflUb ' % r >s£g' pardon —ladies, took their schnapps, then cal led 'Hopkiu's Elixir,' which was the uiost de licious and seductive means of gettiug tipsy that has been invented. Crying babies were sileuced with hot toddy, then tsteemed an iu iallible remedy for wiud on the stomach. Ev ery man uubibed his morning draiu, and this was esteemed temperance, lltere is a story of a preacher about those days, who thus lectured his parish:—'l say nothing, my beloved breth ren, agaiust taking a lrttlu bitters belore breakfast, especially if you are used to it.— What I couteud agaiust is this dramming, dramming, dramming, at all hours of the day. We raised our own flax, rotted it, hackled it, dressed it aud spuu it. The little wheel, turn ed by the foot, had its place, and was as fa miliar as if it had bceu one of the family.— The wool was also spun in the family, partially by my sisters, and partially by Molly Gregory, daughter of our uoighbor, the town earpculer. 1 remember her well, as she sung and spun, aloft in the attic. In those days church sing ing Was one of the fine arts—the only one, in deed, which flourished in Ilidgeficld, except the music of the drum and file. The choir was divided into four parts, laugiug on three tides of the meeting house gallery. * Twice a year, that is, in the spring and au tumn, the tailor caure to the bouse and fabrica" led the semi-auuuul stock of clothes for the male members—this being called whipping the cat. Mantua makers and urilleners came iu their turn, to fit out the female members of the family. There was a similar process as to boots and shoes. "At the period of uiy earliest recollection, men of all classes were dressed in long, broad tailed coats with huge pockets, long waist coats aud breeches. Low crowned hats with broad rims—seme so wide as to be supported at the sides with cords. The stockings of the parson, aud a few others, were of silk in sum mer and worsted in winter; those of the people weie generally of wool, and of blue apd gray mixed Women dressed in wide bonnets— sometimes of straw aud sometimes of silk: tiro gowns were of silk, muslin, gingham, &e.— generally short waisted, the breast and shoul ders being covered by a full muslin kerchief. Girls ornamented themselves with a large white Vandyke. * * * * * Tavern haunting, especially in tho winter, when there was little to do, was common, oven with tespeotable farmers. Marriages wore cel ebrated in the eveuing, at the house of th< bride, with a general gathering of the neigh borhood, and usually wound up by dancing. - EveryboJy went as to a public exhibitior wituout iuvitation. Funerals generally dre large processions, which proceeded to ti grave. Here the minister always made an a dress suited to the occas'ion. -If there vs anything remarkable iu the history of tho o eeased, it was turned to religious acoouuin the next Sunday's sermon. Singing ureetifs, to practice church music, were c great rort for the young in winter. * * * Balls at the taverns were frequented b the young; the ohildron of deacons and mio*ers attended, though the parents did cot. The winter brought sleigbing, skating, aod'haisu al round of in doorsports." The mind of scholars are libra'ies; tbos of antiquaries, lumber-rooms; thesr of sportmen, kennels; those of epicures, lardare and ceirrs. (Jouimor sense has beoome such a rare om ■ piodity, mat the world has entered into a U oit compact to live without it. JOE iSMITH'S FAMILY AT NAUVOO. A correspondent of the Missouri Republi can writes that last summer he was at Nau voo, asd conversed with Mr. Bitomao, who is married to Joe Smith's widow. He says: I sat at the table with the family consisting of Mr. Ritoman and wife, and three sons of Joe Smith, the eldest about tweuty-tbree or twen ty-four, the second about tweuty, the third a lad of some twelve or thiiteeu years. From Mr. BJtpuiun I learned that not one of the j family believed in Mormouism, and that his ■ wife, formerly Mrs. Smith, had always been opposddto it, as well as the boys. I was told that J< 6 Smith prophesied some two years be fore this young lad was born, that a son was to be botif lo him at or about a certain time; that at the time stated bis wife did give birth to a scst. At tbat time he also stated that his son's name would be David, not Joe, and tbat is the lauue of the lad, for I heard him answer j jto it. Joe also said tbat bis mautle of great- ! uess aid piopbecy would fall upon this son ! | aud ijneai heir, David, who, as he stated, j would be as wise and powerful as David of old. ! ; The fatt of the birth of this child following i : accordto Joe's prophecy strengthened tbe i belief thiit had alread)'so strong a hold upon j his followers. Mrs. Ritoman is a masculine, ! imeiligtut looking lady, of torty-five or forty- I seveu years. She is a native of New York.— She has a spleudid farm near Nauvoo, which is uuuagJ by the two eldest sous, while David I goes to(school. About the two oldest there is liothiiigjfemarkabie to be seeu. They are ia teliigeuf men, of large size, but have nothing j jiu their; appearance betokening them to be ! prophet! or 'sons of a prophet.* To their mother ttcy are said to be very much attach |ed and tAy kind. David is an uncommonly intelligent lad, of massive foreliead, and bright | expressive eyes. His step father intimated that he fires as little about Mot moos aud Mor- I mouistnjte one that has never heard the uatues • uoiwiibjpindiug that thousands of the follow ers of Jlt lather beiieve iriui to bo a great high priest, abrophet and seer, (in embryo,) &e.— lie kirtm that they worship his name equal to that Christ; aud yet, 1 am told, the lad is lo|niflligeut to allow it to make auy impress^upou him. Probably the fact of ali , the famjly being unbelievers in it is the cause, j The tqßovjug incident 1 learned from a geu ; at Nauvoo: That when Joe ' wi,J kiTbi in jail, seme fifteen miles front his ! a'Ld ~CXn: "took , I body, and to prevent the rabble from getting ! it, they raised the floor of the dining room, and j digging a grave, buried his remains there,! ' where tiny still remain. This story, whether \ true or ipt, is generally believed in Nauvoo. SELLING A DRUNKEN MAN FOR DISSEC TION. — Pome nights ago a number of youDg :ueu iu >ev York, while on their way home, came areas a seedy looking individual, per fectry insensible from the effects of liquor, i stretched at full length upon the sidewalk.— Their fuids were quite exhausted, and how to i 'raise tie wind' had for some time beeu a tuat i ter of dscussion. Two <f ihe party, more feeling than thereat, proposet to set the man upon a stoop, aud ac | cordingb laid hold of him with that intent, j when til proceeding was put a stop to by another proposition, which was to hag the ! drunker loafer and sell him to the doctors at a j 1 tuedicabollege. This idea struck ail hands j | very fabrahly, A bag was procured, the in- i ebriatellipped into the sack and borne upou ! j the sholders of the party to the college.— ! : 'lhe dotor answered the summons at the bell ; and deiauded what was wanted, the spokes : man sal, 'Doctor, we have got a stiff for you.' ' ■J J'bc Diftor asked but few questions, and paid J | §5 for he 'stiff,' that beiug the sum required. ' The sai, with its contents, was deposited in ; the ha and the follows had taken their de- j partor/ wheu the loafer, who had beeu thrown in ratlr au uncomfortable position, attracted j j the d por's attcntiou just as he was about clo- j ■ sing tli door. He at ouce perceived that the ' ■ man va alive. 'All right,' said the spokes- ! ! man "ou've got him now, and yon cau kill i I hiuiwbc you want him.' The doctor saw | : tbathehad been sold, aud pocketed the joke; j butunbrtunately there was a hole in his posk [ j et,and the joke leaked out. DAY THAT DEBT.—It is a small one and ap . prently rust worth a serious thought. Why ) irt tliei pay it? Why be compelled to suffer . te mo'tification of a dun? Why not take that . Itle tlorn out of your finger?- It will fester , : alioved to emaia aud cause tcu times the • rouble. Why not relieve the couscieuce of hat lit lc load? You will feel the better for , it by so doing. You contracted the debtknow- ingly and willingly. Did yon not mean to pay -it? Then why not do it once? Every day's delay increases morally the amount of the obli gation. Remember, too, that your little debt, and a thousand other men's little debts, make a little fortune for your oreditoi; or they ena ble him to pay his larger debts, or feed his workmen and keep his machinery a-going in times like these. Don't you see how it is 7 You do? Well, then, remit the amount at once and to-night the ghost of that debt will net trouble your dreams. 'Yon'ue no Wife I Believe said Mr. Blank to his neighbor. 'No, sir,' was the reply, 'I never was married.' 'Ah,' said Mr. Blank, 'you are & happy dog!' A short time after, Mr. Blank, in addressing a married man, said, 'You have a wife, sir?' 'Yes, sir—& wife aud three children.' 'lndeed,' said Mr. Blank, 'you are u happy man!' 'Why, Mr. Blauk,' said one of the company, 'your remarks to the unmarried and the marrigd seem to confliot somewhat.' 'Not at all—not at all, sir. There is A difference in my statements. Please be more obse.viDg, sir. I said the man wuo had no wife WAS a 'happy dog, and the man who had a wife was 'a happy man " MIRACLE OF HOAESTY. At a party one evening, several contested t£a honor of having done tbe most extraordin ary thing; and a Reverend gentleman was ap pointed sole judge of their respective preten tious. One party produced his tailor's bill with a receipt attached to it. A buzz went through tee room that tfiis could Dot be outdone when a second proved that he had arrested his tailor tor money loaned him. palm is his," was the general cry, but a third put io his claim; "Gentlemen," said he, "i canuot boast of the feats of either of my predecessors, but I have returned to the owners two umbrellas that they left at my house." 'l'll hear no more,' cried the astonished ar-j biter; this is the very n-t plus ullrn of honesty ; j and unheard of deeds; it is an act of virtue of i which I never knew one capable. The prize i I is—" j "Hold." said another, I've done more than j | that." j "Impossible," said the whole ccmpauy, "but! i let us bear it." 'l've beeu taking my county paper for twen- j ;ty years, and paid every year tor it in ad j vauoe.' DANGEROUS AND UGLY NIGHTMARE.—A j ! most singular occurrence transpired, a few days j j since, ou the Baltimore and Philadelphia Rail- j ; road. Mr. Thomas S. Higgiu.% of Eikton, I | took toe uight train of cars for Baltimore, aud j feeling quite drowsy, entered the smoking car, j laid down ou a bench and weDt to sleep i W bilst the train was passing over theGuupow- i der river, l.e dreamed that his house was on ; fire, aud acting under the influence of this j dream, lie sprang up, rau out of the car, aud | i jumped from the piatfonn. He landed on the ! tressel war* tbat supports ihe bridge, and, in his efforts to catch himseil, h;5 right arm was caught by the train aud shockingly crumbed.— He was then in a peiileus situation, being partly immersed in water, with nothing but his hold by Lis left arm upon the bridge to sus tain him, whilst he was suffering agony trom his crushed arui. In this helpless condi tion he rcuiuiued nearly thirty miuutes, when his groans attracted the atteutiou of the bridge tender, who hastened to his assistance. He i was removed to a place of safety, and returned , hema iu the fir-:, irna. lis. Traad- j j well were colied in and found it" accessary to i amputate the limb. He now lives in a critical 1 I condition, but his physicians have no doubt of j his recovery.— Baltimore American. BAYARD TAYLOR AS A PRINTER. The editor of the Plymouth (III.) Locomo tive, who was a printer in the same office in which Bayard Taylor served his time, tellssoice interesting reminiscences of the great traveler: We had the honor to succeed him in cur devilship in the Village Record office, West chester County, Pa. W"o well remember when • he started out on his first tramp, with his small ; satchel containing a change or two of lineu, aud fifty eeuts capital. The apprentices in those days had to carry the papers through the coun try on horseback, aud cur route was just past ; his father's houe. \\ edo uot know of a sin- ' j gie time, through rain or shine, that old Mr. 1 i Taylor did not im>et us at the end of the lane ! with a happy- smile, wishing us a good day, and as we would hand him the Weekly Record, he 1 would remark, 'a fair exchange is no robbery,' filling one side of our saddlebags with nice ap ples and grapes. He used to inquire anxiously ; after Bayard, and said, ke liked to ramble | about too much; he is not steady enough.' Little he knew then that his son Bayard, the printer's apprentice, would one day he quoted as the greatest travelling historian that Ameri ca could boast of. * AMUSING EIUTAPHS.—The following is from a graveyard iu Massachusetts:— "Hare lies the bodies of Johu and Lucy Leaveu, j Killed by lightning sent from Heaven, In 1777." T n St. Mary's Churchyard, Whittlesea, En ! gland, is the following:— "Here lie the bodies of Elizabeth Addison Her son, And oid Roger to come." 'Old Roger' was her husband, it seems, aud nearly tweuty years afterwards, when a trav- J eller visited the place was still living. The following may be seen conspicuously inscribed on a board stuck up on a tree, on the ' bank of Benson creek, in one of the western ; States: "Beneath this ttee lies young Billy Kuuning ham, Who was butted to death by our old bob tail ram, The old ram, B dam, To another world was sent, The cars over him done went." COUNSELS FOR THE YOUNU.-AU exchange j says : Fight hard agaainst a hasty temper.— ! Anger will cotue —but resist it stoutly. A spark may set a house oa fire. A fit of pas- ; sion may give you cause to mourn all the days of your life. If you have an enemy, act kind- j ly to him and make him your friend. You uiay not win hiui over at ouce, but try again. 1 Let one kindness be followed by auotber, till ; you have accomplished your end. By little and by little, great thiugs are accomplished, j What ever you do, do it willingly. A boy that is whipped to school, never learns his les son well. A man that is compelled to work, cares not how badly it is performed. He that pulls off his coat oheerlully, strips up his sleeves ! iu earnest, and sings while he works, is th - man j for me. VOL 31, NO. 12. t ANECDOTE OF WESTERN SUMP SPEAKING. . | Ihe system of canvassing and electioneering, ! as it is cairied on in the Southwest, affords much tiiar is arou-sing as well as instructive ' We find iu tbe "Editor's drawer" of Harper j for December, a iich joke laid to have occured | in a canvass in Tenuessee, between toe Hon. j Cave Johnson, and Maj. Gust. A. Henry. As the story runs, Maj. H.; in reply to an allusion ;of his opponent as to his manner of shaking i hands, said: | "I Will tell you a little anecdote illustrative jof the peculiar electioneering abilities of hon . 'T ral ' le Mend in his intercourse with our intel ! h " ent constituents. We were canvassing in a j remote part of the district, and, having an ap , pomtineut to apeak uear the bouse of au influ ential bqutre we spent tbe previous night at bis - house together. It was well known that the Squire controlled all the voiesin that precinct | and that bis better half controlled him, so that | it was au important to get ou the right side of her. We had agreed Dot to electioneer with j the Squire while we staid with him but I did - l h'nk this forbade me to do my best with his lamiiy. S 0 1 rose about day-break the next ! morning, and thinking that I should make I trien(is w 't!' 'he mistress by bringing SO me j water to cook tLe breakfast, I took a bucket j and started off for the spring, I was tripping j off ou 'a light fantastic toe,' singing merrily as | 1 went along, when, what oa eaith should 1 • see, as I looked into tbe yard, but the old lady j milking the cow, while my honorable falend J with his face ruddy with morning exeicise, and bis looks streaming in the breeze, was holding the cow by the tail! I saw iu an instant that ihe had the start of me. I returned to the house I discomfited, and abandoned all hopes of getting a vote in that region." NEVER. Never taste an atom when you are not hun gry, it is suicidal. Never .stop to talk in a church aisle after service is over. Never hire servants who go i D pairs, as sis ters, cousins, or anything else. Never speak of your father as the 'old Never speak euntemptuously of woman kind j j. one who was once tour bosom ] tnend, however bitffer now. Never smile at the expense of your religion ! or your Bible. 6 t Never stand at tbe corner of the street Never take a second nap Never eat a hearty supper. Never iusult poverty. Never eat between meals. DEFINITIONS OF "TIT FOR TAT. "—Proving yourself as great a fool as your antagonist. The priinative idea of justice. •Six of one for half-a-dozen of the other A tournament in which the wisest wins. A lady returning a stolen kis. A plea of revenge: Obtaining an article on credit for which you have no intention of paying, and finding, when you arrive at home, tbat you have bad vonr j pocket picked. A favorite game with children, and too often with those of an older growth. Our old nature demanding an "eve for au eye, and a tooth for a tootb." Robbing a thief. The report of the majority of tbe Senate's eommitteo on Territories speaks of the Lecotnp ton contrivance as a constitution which the peo ple of Kansas cannot change, without resorting to revolution, until the year 1864. Further on, after reciting the general declarations in the preamble of the Lecompton swindle, that all power is inherent ID tbe people, and that all their right to alter their forms of govern ment is inalienable and indefeasible, tbe report sets forth that these declarations give the peo ! pie powpr to "change or abolish their constitu ! tion at legal times and legal places!" This is the doctrine of tbe South, and will, in due time be the doctrine of the U. S. Supreme Court. The Wife of Seven Husbands. —A mysteri ous murder has recently occurred at Mem phis. An Irish woman, known as Big Mary. the keeper of a boarding house i liviug with her seventh husband. Three of her former * husbands and a son have met their death in her gloomy abode, and ber other three hus bands died by violence. The other night the nephew of this singular woman was mysteri ously murdered in the same bouse, where his remains were found by the police surrounded by some twenty of the inmates on their knees praying for the repose of his soul. The case is still involved in mystery. A New Jersey fanner hits off some folke handsome ly. He says People say the farmers are the most inde pendent class; and pray why should we not be l We have to work hard enough for what we gel. The reasou why farmers don't fail with the rest is becacso we live within our means. I ! owu a good farm, and if 1 was to live as peo : pie do in the cities, it would take five farms ; to keep me and my family. MORMON.—It is not generally knowh that i this collective title for tbo followers of Joe ! Smith was really the nam of a celebrated chief : of the Britons, to whom Louis the Debonnaire of the ninth century, despatched his nuncius, or heraldic negotiator, 'a sago and prudent ajb bot.' An Irishman tells of a fight in which there j was but one whole nose left in the crowd, "and i that belonged to tbe ta-kettle "