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'• 4k a /SBfe # BY DAVID OVER. . AGRICULTURAL. Lsiieiiiitents aitft Observations II'ON" THE CHINESE SUGAR CANE. IST JOSEPH S. EOVEIUNfiL Tbe introduction of this pi int into the Uni '>'ti Bt*te-,ami too <d~ producing Migtr from it. :.r <!.e .North, profitably, have excited such ooiv-r-fi 1 interesN that if b?t* this year hem planted in almost every .State in the Union: and the - ason has advanced, the opinion# early 1 t xpres-oii by in toy intelligent and scientific ix nu.euta lists, that it contain., n v j_ir, hive tqtp iraotly been .on-.n :I by la. - T truths. V low crvs: U, it is Inn, hive been • '..tained in one or tw HHtineo*, hnt alt hope ; ; producing from it profitably seems to , 1 ivo been abandoned. !y joot in iiiikiug the following exp-ui hm been to throw what light 1 could up on :h .s iimportant que -<>vo, and, tu the event ot ' i n." proving favorable, to give Mich a , .a at us would enable the uninitiated i> pro- , i with confidence of -access. T hey have ! i ceii pur.- ied without any attempt at extraor ■ .uy ; i iduciioQ, either in tue cultivation of ne ■ a.ic or the devel .pineal of its properties ; j ! to: country, the experiments were tuu | i ■! u small quantities, under many disnd van ta tu-it would not occur in large operations, act • • Ctpietitij wit it results less iavor.ible. I ic. -ries being completed, perhaps tb ■ Most a. d A coiiituuiiic.itnig the re.-uits and itu- ' carting the Knowledge obtained, to the public, wiil i u by giving tbo I'diowmg extract* from in; ti'.'es, nude -is the v. n'k proceeded. Titty : w.ii -now tih' [ir<._ re-- •, the development cf tiic sugar tu the stalk, and it- decline, with ma ny utuer iuioivsttng tacts. j 1 X I'll ACTS. On tie 10th of May. 1 planted about half an • l ie, on Upbitid of gov. i quality. such as Would ynd i, ui ordiu.iry sc.- on, AO to 00 hash els i " '•iuiaii coi nto the acre. The rows 4 feet agar j i.ij 1 the plants iutctiu'.r.l to be G inches aptri : .1 the rows, tut which, on taking ufl the crop, 'nt :> 1... ut ■ tl, vv.i ,~i utn i. I. VV li.u he cares were about 16 inches iu heigh' I had • lie sueiters removed. During the mouth of June i pissed the ha,..-harrow through it twice, .. mui following fitii inc huti'l-hui-, as in the ca.-e oi iuiliaii com. liwistneu left to lake ■ ; i.- it. It grew rapidly and evenly, anil " i i' d '.lie height of 12 To Id feet. My apparatus aud utensils for coudnctiug Un i .\p< ! nr.ibs coti-isied of tno fallowing, v iz: A pin ot i:n ii.i iirs, i metres diameter and i'J inches long, set iu a frame £ of an inch .-■pari, w iUi .-p out to catch an I collect the jui ce, .oil a crank turned by hand—a few sugar M.u is and p >ts, some ivoy biiek or aniutJ •ui w; two filters, made ot coiuuiou bed tiefc . g • •-■' shape of an elongated pud iiug bag; . :in aii" <-■ . Heauuie's I'vse-Siri'p or sac— .iiaiiHiietcf, aod a potariseejie. Ail the other tiu 0.-us 1 obtained from the Kitchen, viz: i cop per I;••.tie ui 10 gallons capacity, a ladle, si me : . ia-ji.ui-, bowls, buckets, & to contain' the : juice. : U.ST I'KA: Tf AJ, EXl'Eti IMENT. The fact of the presence of erystalLzib.e su . in the cane being established, J proceeded j ' > cut and grind 20 leet of a row, and passed j the BO canes wuich it produced tlnee times through the rollers; about oiic-fourth ot the seed ban changed to a dark glisteuing brown coU.r, but was still milky: the remaindat was quite j gfivn: ground G to 8 of the lower.joints, wuich I together yielded 3i gallons of juice, weighing ' UJ.-g. llcaume; neutralized the hoe acid by ad- ; ding milk ol lime, clarified with eggs and ooii- : I'd !I down to 21'Jdeg. F. Tlfis first cxperinitnf looked discouraging I and unpromising at every step: it.-, product was i •v very dark, thick, viscid mass, apparently a | < put mortuuui; ft .stood .six days without the sign of a crystal, when it was placed over a-fluc I. nd kept warm four dajs longer, when 1 found ' I :e "y good crop of soft crystals, the whole > i v similar o the 'Aiciuda, obtained Irmii Cu ba, but of darker color. ■sECO.NI) EXPEHIMENT. About two weeks haviug elapsed since I tie first experiment, the weal tier iu the iuteiim having heeu quite warm, temperature at b A. m. I 'deg. to 52deg., aud at noon GO leg. to 75 deg. I'., and about one liaL the ceed befog ripe, .1 determined tu try it again, but not being > ry sanguine of success, uo |>o!ariscoj)i6,obser vation wastirkefl. T'ut I.tid FTBNND 5G feet of a 'ow, which pro ituced 88 eaue.s, and yielded 8 gallons of juice, weighing lOJeg. lieauuie, (oue degree more T.IAU '.in previous cutting) from the 0 and 7 •. '!• joints; juiee slightly acid. Ist. cl.iriuca- TION 4f neutralized with 8 tablespoons f I. uf uiilk ofliuic, stirred iu IBL. fine bone black and 3 eggs, and placed it over a slow fire; at -I-')- eg. F. took off a very deu3e thick, green .-MM; when at lG2leg. F. it marked 7ideg. iloaamfi. A second parcel of juice from this grinding I'Ti gatlans) was treated in the same manner, and set aside, both having been first boiled down to 22deg. lieauuie. Cut and ground 50 feet: 81 cattes, produced ' i gallons juice, ICdeg. Feaurny which fvas treated US above, except that the eggs were omitted. Cut and ground 50 feet, produced 8i gallofis j juice, weighing lOdeg. li. Cut and ground 50 feet, 86 canes, 8§ gal- ! lotto, 10 DEP. li. (7o bf continued.) A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Polities, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &e., &e—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance. THE SEW LIQUO3 mil, SECT ION I. Be. it enact'd by the Senate and Home, of RcprtscniatHjib of the. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General . fsse.mbly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same : 'i Imt applicants for brewery or distille ry license shall hereafter pay therefor the sev en! amounts fixed by the third svciinu of an act tn regulate the sole of ititoxic ung liquors, approved M uch t|nply-first, Anno I'otuiui one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six: Provi de!, That the saui'i ahull iu no case be less 'bait twenty-five dollars, except in case of pm suih whoso annual sales me le-s than one thousand dollars, who shall pay fifteen dollars, and the .proviso j u !fi c section aforesaid, so f a V as it fix a tbo tniliiuiu.u rate of license at fifty dollar-, is hereby repealed. SK.C. 2. Flint applicants for license to vend any intoxicating liquors, by the quart or great er quau'ity, with or with ut other goods, wares or mcrchandizi', "-Ball hereafter pay therefor twenty per cent, less than the several amounts fixed by the twi lft.b section of uu act to regu late the sale of intoxicating liquors, approved M rch thirty-first, Anno llouiiiii one thousand eight hundred aud fifty-six: Provided, That . sue ;amc shall ill no case bo less lhan twenty ! ve dollars} and the provision in md weutiotf, ' that sueli suta shall iu no b less th in fi: ty dollars, i- hereby repealed. S::c. 3. 1 ii—t uli hotels, inus and taverns shall be classified and rated according to the estimated yearly sales of liquors authorized to . ho sold thei cin, or in the house intended to be occupied for such purpose, as follows, to wit: i in all e~ses where such estimated yearly sales ! "ball bo ten thousand dollars or IUO.V, sncii ho tel. inn or tavern shall be rated as of the first class, and the sum to be pi id for license sliaii ' be lour l.u idred dollar.-; when morn than eight ami less 'ban ten thousand dollar-, as second class, tnd pay two hundred ami fifn dollars; wheu more than six and Us, than j eight thousand doll, is, us third cits-', and ; :y i otic hundred and fifty dollars; when more than four aud le.-s than six thousand doiiars, as fourth class, and pay one hundred doll irs; j j when more than two aud less than f.ut" tiious ud doiiars, as filth class, and pay fifty doll u>: 1 when more than one and less than two thou— ami dollars, .s sixth class, aud pay tliirtydul j mis; when .More than five hundred doiiars and 1 ,ss than one thousand dutlais, us aevcJitii "i"• -s, aud pay twenty five dollars; when le*. tii in five hundred dollars, as eighth class, and j pay fifteen ilullao. voided, Ttiat in I'hitu dt'lphia and Pittsburg uo such license shall t e granted fut a icjs sum thau fifty dollifs a | year: nor in any other city or iueorsmfvlvd borough for a less sum thau twenty-five dollars I a yar; uud the estimated "yearly sdusof ail ippfie iin's tur such license, shall ba a-sesied, a- provided iu the fifteenth section of an act to regular the sale of intoxicating liquors, ap proved .March thirty-first, Anno Domini mm thousand eight hundred and fifty-s'x. B EC. T. I bat licenses shall bo granted for the keeping of eating hou-es, which shall u --thorizuwho alc of intoxicating liquors, except ! domestic win-;.?, and mult and brewed liquors, and persons so licensed, shall be classified nun rated according tu ihe pruvisious of the tweu- i ty-second and twenty-third sectious of an act tq create as ukiug fuud, and to provide for the gradual and certain fxtingui<limeut of ilie debt f lof tiic Coiuuiou wealth, approved April tenth, Aut) Domini one thousand eight hundred and j forty nine: Provided, That no such license -u ill be granted ill liic cities of Lancaster <u Pittsburg, for a less sum tliuii twenty doiiars, nor elsewhere, for a less sum than ten Uo!- i i4 t ."* • j BEC. o. ' licetrsejfi Vendors of vinous, -piiituous, malt or brewed iiqnors, or any of theui, or any admixtures timruof, either with, 'or without. oilier goods, wares and luerehun ; dize,''except brewers and distiller", may here* ! alter sell any of thmu which they uuiv be li censed to seil, in any qijantity not 1 ss :bau j oue quart, and licensed brewers and distillers may hereafter sell such liquors as they are 1.- | censed to miuufaeiurc ana seil in anv qmmti ;ty not less th.ti one gallon: PrOvtdid, Th it ; tins act shall not be construed to prevent a ! brewer otherwise qualified from receiving a re tail iieni-c, in addition to Ids license as brew er, tyid under the same pi ovisions as in the j Case of eating houses. BEC G. That licenses to vend the liquors I afore-said, or any of them, shall be granted to citizens of the United jSutes, ot temperate habits and good murk I character, whenever rim I requirements of the laws fin the subject arc i complied with by any such applicant, and shall authorize the applicant to sell tbo liquor afore said for oue eutiie year from the Uate of hi iieciisi: Provided, Tint nothing herein con- ; turned shall prohibit the eaurt, hmrdofli-l ceusers or commissioners, from hearing n'lier i evidence than that preseuted by the appltcaut 1 •for liceu-c: Provided farther, Chat after hoar-j ing evidence as aforesaid, the Court, Board of j licensers or Commissioners, shall grunt or re iuae a license to such applicant in accordance j with the evidence: Jind provided further, j i'uat if any person or persons shall ncgb-ct or refuse to lift his, her or their Defense within titteeu days after the same has been granted, ! such uegicct or refusal shall be deemed a fov j feiture of said license, aud such pers-oi or per sons selling vinous, spirituous or malt liquors . after Iho expiration of the fifteen days as i*iure~ | said, shall be liable to prosecution ami coo vie • | lion in the proper court, us fully and effectu ally as if no llceuse bad been granted to such person or persons. BEC. 7. That uo license to vend the liquors aforesaid, granted under this or any otbet law of this Commonwealth, shall be transferable, or f confer any right to sell the saute in any other house than is mentioned therein, nor shall any bar or place where such liquor is sold by j measures than one quart, be underlet by thu'j person licensed to sell thereat; but it the pir- j |ty licuised shall die, remove or cease to k -r i BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY. APRIL ?0, LBSB. j such house, Ii is, her, or their liocnso may boj i transferred by the authority gnu-ring the same, j jor a license bo granted the successor of such j j party for the remainder of tbo year, by the j propter authority, on compliance with the rc ! qui-ii<iis of the laws in aii respects exept ! j.ublic itien, which shall not i i such case W r-o --! quired: Provided. Thai where awy license is I tianso'iied as aforesaid, no payment, cth -r ; than fees, f.hail be required, mid winne aß ' cense is granted under this section, for a por : tion of a yen:, the party licensed shall pay I tliorefor a sntn prnportioaate to tli • uurxp'ii'vd j fefju lor which the suue is granted. BEC. 3. Thar mimifacUir- t : s and producer.- j of cider and d iuc-;c wines, aud bottlers of j eider, perry, ate, porter m beer, out otherwise j engaged iu the sale of irfro'xnjafiug liquors, mr ! in keeping any tavern, oyster house or cellar, { restaurant or place of :<in.seiucht, entertain- j refreshment, snail be allowed tu Sell ! the same by the bottle, or tlmnvsrie wines and l cider Ty iho galiuu, w ithnut taking out Ii- ; : ccn-e: Provided, That anoh liquor 5s net drank { upon the premises where ."old, mir at any place ; provided bv such seller i"r that purpose. Bec. 0. That iicen-o to .-oil domestic witits, • malt or brewed l:quois, tuy hereafter Lc ■ granted to the iiegper of any btei house, tins- I Ire or other place of uimiseai uit, otiiervvi-e quiiliu ••! to receive the Same: Provided, T lmt die use of a room o; ,ro(#ius in a b.itci, as a ' convert room or theatre, shall not preclude the j proprietor thereof from receiving a hotel li ; otuVse il he shall hive arid keep the aozomui.t- ■ di'iuii for a hotel, required by ihe act of ; March 31, 18ou: .hid provided fm trier i 'F hat " the preceding provi.-ion sliall not apply to the ' cities i f Fiiil.idelphia or Pittsburg. BEC. 10. That ih'J petition r f at) •} piicilit ; ! fur eating house or retail bicr yry license need j ; not lieresiier embrace iho<; u ;in,rate of ctti z n-, required by the eighth soetiou of mi act . to regulate the s.ue of iutoxtvatiug liqaots, ap- ■; proved March thirty-iir-:, Anno Douitni, <me | tlioosuid eight huf.ured and fifty-six, nor shall {Miblieatiuii uf such npj l;e.iti..ii- be fierea'tor q liren; i<a; such appiicafi- •- shall I<■ si •] ! win. the clerk of the emirt 'f qu.rifr session.. , jof the proper conut-y, except .u the county of | Alieghvriy, an i the heuii-es priced tor, granted by '.he eoaijty 'reasmer and me !;oud now r:.- i quired in such cases siiall be fir.,r unproved by f | Iho ('i.trict attoruey nrl ootmiy trcr.-uicr, ..nd j. their *.'piov.. Lan iorsei tinsm>n. etc. ,i. an it any liiijawtiu sal/of vAiou-N L jmt . r brewc"i liijn.rrs: fir utiy admix'ures iln-roof, or any sib; timreof in an impure, 'i'l ; tiled or adulterated slate, siiall b- deemed a ' | m ■-iemrau r. ami Uftou conviction thereof the | offender shall p y a fiuc of not less than ten . j " i:i " more thau one bum!red dollar.-, the j ' costs olvro-. euiioti, and upcu a second or any j subseqwßt e uivi ;inn, shall pay . fine of not j less tiian tvveuty-five, nor uiviie ticin ono han dled dollars, wirl) the cost- of ptosectjtion: . •ait a iti ea-e ot a sccoud or snb.-oq j- nt. eonv. - i ti"ii, tue court may, in its di-c.etiou, sentence j i the ofi 'inler 'o luiprisoniiia'ii not cxocc'lii:g ■ j three calendar muiitiis: ami in ease any sue a • I offender vm vie ted oi a see on 1 or .-Übsequcnt j offence is iicansed to sell any sucii liquor, audi • license snail Le deemed fuiioited and void, ami | jno i crsnij convicted a second or subseq-mtif : | offence shah be again liecnscd for t.v.i \ ems thereafter: Provided, Tint this section "-ball I uu' be construed to tcpeal anv act : a;i of ail act punishiug such unlawful sale, except the twenty eighth section of an act to regulate *iic I sale u intoxicating liquors, "approved March ! i l.irt:-first, Auno Domini one thousand eight, uundred and fitty-six, which is her- bv re,ueal | e,J -. BEC. 12 1 no pr>sccuioi or iufonner in any prosecution for tie sale of - quors,siiall receive any fmition of the "fine no- ! puscd an tiic defendant in auy case where such j iosccutui or iufurutcr is a witness for die (Join : uiuiiwealru, aud in every case of the couviclioo ; of a person riurned by a eoustabh-, such o >u -table shall icecivc two dollar.-, io bo : a.v uiu : the COals. SEC. 13. That uo person who keeps in his -tor- or.vv tie room any hogsheads, srumii casks ! oi liquor pipes, oi who keeps a grocery vtore, sljiili rcoeivo iicea-c to vend • iutoxicating li quor by lass measure thau mm quit: and con .itublis aio hereby squired to make return of I ah persons eugaged in the sale ot spirii tious, \i.ious, malt or brewed liquors in their ivsooet : i\e districts, win. .-hail have in their places of : bu-iuess .my ot the articles aforesaid, iraining then, and the location ut their .respective pla ces of busitif.->; and if any such jrersou siiall , have a license to vend .-mdi liquors by less measure than one quart, the court may, on iu ! vestimation, revoke the same: but such persius ; m 'V, on complying With tbo laws ou the sub ; jour, obtain IkUM to sell by no L s measure i ill it) one (juart. |, SEC. 14. iiiut iu Philadelphia, all appii- j I cants for license to sell intoxicating liquors bv any measure less than one quart, shall appear 1 before tbe comuiissioners of said city, between the first day of May and the first day of June • in this year, and during the mouth of March in each subsequent year, aud make and sign an oath or uffiruiai ion of the amount of their ic~ : spective sales of liquors and refreshments at their respective bars, to the best, of their 1 ! knowledge ami belief; and said commissioner? ] arc hereby authorized to ml minister such oaths ' or alfiiimitious, and required to file the same in I : their office, and rale and classify each urph- 1 i uant in accordaucc tliercwith: Provided, That i any appliciut for a li-'euse for a place not pre- i viou.siy licensed, siiall be rated and cln.isifiid by them for Uip first year as they nuy daeiu < just, after ctmsidciiwg the locality of the prom- J '■ iscs for which licen-u is asked, and they shall '■ ] make out a correct list of ail such applicants, i I with their na.ncs, places of businc.*, and the class in which they are respectively placed, and furnish the same to tiie city treasurer, i who shall advertise the .same once a week for i Throe weeks in two daily papers, for which ser- j i vices each commission r shall receive the sum •f of twuuty-fivu cents, ami the expense of adver j tisvug the same, provided it. dues not exceed ■ twenty five cents in each case to be paid Ly the applicant. Si.c. 15. That every applicant for license to vend in oxieatiiig liquors in the city of Faija deij%i ;, shall file a bond with the clerk of the comet (if quarter ses.-ions oi said city, in accord ance .wi'h the tenth section of an act to rcypu— l.itoe sale of urfoxicuting iirjuor', approved iii : i !y-(irf, Anno Domini one thousand fciahc ! u mired aud nfry-six, which shall be up . • • VV. ; r i-'r of -aid city after j'lsti j treat too oi tue bail before friiji before license can :nt aey-ca it be granted : Jfnf provided farther, | Tirsiix.L.ieh applicant, on his h-Htd being •> an i proved ami hied sh hi receive frctn Ihe clerk of. 1 the c*iart oi quarter suasions u certificate of .the ! { ht:-t, wbo-li certificate he shall produce to ihei | city i surer; auJ uu the* production of the S ; .-.liooloo ciry Treasurer shall collect the amount-1 .of >*; ,-s for wh bhe has been assossc i by the any eotuujus.ou'.-rs, under t'ye jfrovisiuus of j.iu nod give the apglican*. hi- receipt tor; jibe sin. -, and or. the produ itiott.of said receipt tue -k oi the court bi' quarter sessions is here .by it# a rtzed to issue to such applicant a ! :ltd Tit iscOUsO feiwll i -VUS #tlW lilCsC ' provVJtons be complied with, br:c iO. Tluit 'pets of drinking salocraa { snail l i licensed, in the ■ ity of I'iiiTtdeiphta, : to s . il sucli liquors on too promises desert bed j iti license, as licensed keepers of boteis , oi iy Si w fully 4*011; and ail keepers of lie.m-ei ! flat to f houses, i-i said ei ! y, shall h-ivc the >ume i j.iiriiSras to their sates, aim all keeper* of ' eating itottn' # and drinking saloons, in said city, for such license ct the same rate paid by k#ipi r* os htm* mid t _-rus, in said city, | to b<gj->s •criaincu in the saw. maimei. Srt 17.,applicants for 1 recuse to ell f itito-mc tt ng IhjUo - in the city of Philadelphia, j shall not be rcquir <i to li e an* certificaw ot ; I eUizMt--- horeto.'oie required, nor shall any pub licafiun of such i.-pi iicatious be re-quired. 8-t.'-l*. r5. 7.1 at tnc clerk o. toe court oi qitartyy scs-i'.Oiis siwili tint charge or reeeivc morc tJ: i one debar for any license, nor Uii/re bi .ii one d.-.i: ,r 'or'any frame and glasj :: j,.„y tu.nisii tiirewifii, and lfoes] li .lS all * v'Ouipvß-vm'j for furnish- I j - . . , -j Big, pvyp-ii Jug uUu ..... ice oAtireq'-iirou in M ■:*. i!> That :!i.7i fokl,, ,!•; couth, sm- w * aii" —..-ai; a, .of.f-Tiie'eeti; b. two it icth ami j f tyv jo -i -4' iiit av to th i sale ,r*A. ! iqijorr, sipp.' *1 lieTi'ofo i A. D. itio j, be and the samn are hereby ve fiealed, , u , rciaies to the <si jof I'hil.i --'• a•: :U: ■ . th-: mode of a?- -snient piv vnte'i at th- -] i • n i.,n iii.d mo provision.-, of tir..> act .s t oil not apply to i-i eiiy. oi'X. *2O. That she country treasurer, and the c-M-vioe judges of the c urr of cotmuoo p as ni iiio county of Allegheny, shall hereafter c i> itii.-.! i -e board ot lie nsors |W mi in county, -iiiu i be- -r-i shju deter,uinc tne atuouiit to be piid for lieeu JO by c'ae-h applicant under this act, ai. ; uuder a:i act to regulate the sale ot jaiuxi.MUup: liquor-; approved March thirty, Anno Domini one thousand eight bunds, d am. if y-s.x, as provided |tj the act I n->. me:- tidied, cs. t-pl bo for as the same is hercby aiiwei, -appii- ior repealed: Provided, No ii. tine;- ni .-,aid board shall reec-jve more than two hundred dotlat.- ior services rendered in any one year, ; s a ineniber thereof. d>EC. 21. That the in-i vor's court of the City d C-arbotnlale, shcii have power to gta.tit licctisi's umit-r the provisions oi tins act, atiu j siia.l have ihe -ante further. • osvers ic relation , thereto, a* are by this act or o'ltct v.i.-e conferred ] upon (lie e.iurt- of quarter sessions of the 1 severn! counties oi this Commonwealth: and in • cases eating J, said City of Carbon dale, apjiiicatioiij be filed with the elerk j •-•I said iniiyor - court; and the licenses gtanted by the ct v iea-:rer, and the bond now requi : <1 tti such (Bases, sli ill beliist approved by the di-triet attorney of said court, and the city i.ea.-nicr, and their approval en iorsed thereon. Cmbt. 22. That the fourteenth, twenty sixth twenty-seventh and thirty-second sections of an act to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors, approved May ihi:tv-fir.>t, Anno .Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, together w: h any acts or parts of acts conflicting here with, or supplied hereby, so far as the same cot fiiet or are supplied, are hereby repealed: Pietvidtd, ihit no license heretofore granted, .-nail be in any way invali iutcd by the passage of this act; and ail provisions of said act not hereby altered, supplied or repealed, shall apply as Itniy to licenses granted under this act as . under the act aforesaid; tint the penalty iuipo reu aader the twenty-uiutb section of said act, shall in no_cuse exceed two dollars, which shall ba pa-'d to the trc.isurer of the school district where such conviction is had, by the magistrate cnileetiiig the same. SiCC. 2d. That licenses may bo granted under tins act, at the first tenu of the proper court after its passage, or at any special or ad journed court hell within three months here after, and in such cases the court may dispense with too publication heretofore required. "SEC. 21. That the tentb section of the act approved March Hist, 1850, shall not he ft eld or const rued to authorize judgment to he eu~ terod against the obligor in the bond therein provided, for a greater amount than the fine and costs proscribed and imposed for any of fence working a breach of ihivconditiou of said bond: Provided, That the obligor or obkgvs j in any such bond where judgment has beeu entered against him, her or theut, for liie whole amount ot the bond, shall be and they arc hereby released from the payment of the said judgment, whenever the tine and costs prescribed andAinpoacd for such offence sliail bifoe been yr id A warlike population they have out iu Cin cinnati. In the Directory appears the follow- f ing warlike nomenclature: Messrs. Cttmi, Cau tion, Pistol, Fusee, Shutee, Bullitt, Shot, Mus ket t and K. Til lory. • ( A YOUNG GIRL IX A TRANCE. ' i About JO o'clock last Thursday uigbt a 1 j young girl named Isabella Ellison residjttjjf in Washiagiou street, Foaghkeepsie, while * at the altar at a Methodist church in that city, .suddenly lifted up her hands and fell •[backwards, apparently dead. Several pcr j sou* immediately ran to Iter assist a nee, ; d ' ; raised her, wheu to their horror they dis covered that her ej'c-s ware glazed and set, Iter features pale iti marble, her lips color less, and lo*r feet and hands cold as t hose of a corpse. It was shortly discovered that site ybi Breathed, when she was convoyed to her resilience, the p-eacher saying that * she way in a trance, and when a member | advised tint medical -s.sintnot?o should be . procured, he objacied, s tying, '-The Lord i j baa placed her In this mysterious state; and j he will, at his own time, raise her to testify to j j his gOOiiin SS." bhe retUaHjeu in titi* statu until * Saturday ; evening except tug a slight movement which ! occurred on Friday afternoon, when Kite t i lifted op her band, and made three or four i efforts t i clutch something, when the arm foil back over the headboard of tile bed.— I Iwy or three of the women who were in the house at ifie tiiuo attempted to replace! the arm np-.n she bed, bat were unable to j bet id or move it. On Saturday evening, a ; number of lier friettds were in tise house I singing her favorite hytni>, nrheu she sud- j deniv lifted up iter hand, crying, "g'ory! I hallelujah V* -Site then turned to one of her i <r teuds and tsalutag her by name, said, "lie-- peui, i-epetif. <ii, if you had seed what ■ j 1 have, you would not Jive another moment i i" your sins, but wool 1 pray to G>d to have i mercy 1 have ho it, Heaven;; ■it is lit up with tlnvglory ot' God, and uiouiui'j { l hc tbrotj,: tiieru ware thousand* of angel*,! singing sweetly praises of the King of; Ue.iViMi. By and Came, and spoke t i toe. I also saw the meat gulf, hu coma scarcely see the bottom of it. 1 *! Oi I" rid-., y night a uotuber pcrsbtnt vl*i 'e 1 the tj(>Bse, and iema r,ed singing and ; j-rayhig until daylight, 'ilia young wotean ! i was very weak when she awoke out <! tbe;| • trance, but was stnmgi r on Ijupday, abd ! alivttdod church. This esse, lia* eauseo -on i a hi < Xoifcaietit in Foughke-pslc—A'. Y. ; Com .7drsrtiin". AX IXIMAX WKDIMNG. THE Nebraska (.'try News of ihe 31*: iu-t., ; contains a Jmig account of the marriage of a Faw.icc Chief to a Li nod Royal squaw of the Otoe.tribe. 'I !te bridegronut was uamcd White water, and t.iio bride V\ aah-ii.iisi.-jic-jhiisgii. \ e tx.tsi.ct • sic fol 'wing, 'j ■ tlhicftaui's daughter was elegantly dressed in a red fiun uel stilrt with a deep idue i*alico border, cheek ed apron, a summer killed bufialo robe, and a white felt ha*. Her jewels were magnificent. From either -u icuLr depended ornani ot of brass, tiq and copper. c must not otuit menfion that Miss Wash- Uii!sh-]ie-sliinga also mure a ted petticoat, em broidered according to a design of her own, with porcupine quills representing a desperate dog-fight. Her entire wardrobe und jewelry couiii not have cost less than .-.ix tliousand doi b;is i uutenche ironcy. The bi tdegroom was attired tu ail the uiignifi;encc which hi* rank and wealth demanded. He wrue a standing shilt collar, a medal of President Fierce, a blue .straight eoilared soldier coal witi, brass j buttons ami au elegant pair of Spanish spurs, ; * hifo his stalwart Joins were admirably clothed jiu an ti.'ti coffee sack. Altogether the appeai . auce of bo'h the bride aud the groom was ap . propriate to their high spheie iu life. The most fonst awaited the guests at the r i'detK:• i-r tlie bride's father. It was prepared iu a cauip kettle and stispcudcd over toe fire that burned iu the centre of that prince- ; ly lodge. If consisted of young dog meat, very | tender, bine corn and old dog meat, beaver tails , and muiesteak, fre>h fish and sugar, making altogether otic of the most palatable and nour-l ohiug Cfiupound* that ever graced u royal cutup k kettle. The horn-spoons of accidental luxury • seldom convey to the educated palate viauds more teiupting and delicious. As for drinks, I corn whiskey made of red pepper, tobacco plugs • and rain wafer, together with uioiassoss sweet- j cued coffee, made up the list. Among the distinguished persons present, we did tint fail to notice the six Mcdani.-s Petati asharo, the wives of that eminent who is now ut VV ashingion visitjog James Buchanan ; iti official business. Also, Mr. \V iti fax-row, of; ; the Offiitlia principality, Mr. Big Boldiet-,- K*- | quire Wildcat, and the Hon. Short-tailed Elk. 1 a recent election in this State, a l id presented himself at the polls to elaiui the benefit of the elective franchise. Fcel'tig a deep interest in a favor e candi date, the father, was evidently opposed to the boy's prefeirnce, stood at the ballot box, ami challenged iris right to vote, on the ground of bis not being of age. The young man declared that lie was twenty-one years old; that he knew it, and that he insilocf upon his rig lit. The father becoming indignant, und wish ing, us the saying is, to -bluff h.mofF,' before j the judges, said; 'Now, Bob, will you stand up there and ! contradict me ? Don't I know hc-w oil you 1 arc f Wasn't 1 there V Bob looked his contempt for the old man's speech, as he hastily replied : 'Thundoration !. s'poso you was, wasn't 1 there too?' This settled the sire, tiud in went the scions vote. It was remarked iu the beirittg-of u little' girl ot thirteen: that all things cams by chance j ami the world, like a mushroom, sprang up in a night. '1 abuuld like to know, sir,' risked j : the child, 'where the eatuc from 7 ' VOL 31, NO. 18. | THE REVIVAL IN NEW ORLEANS.— The ■ ; religious movement lias at leßgth reached New i Orleans. It hud been previously manifested in ■ all the cities of the Sooth. The New Orleans j PieayuDt? says: The mnvemmt, however, in tLis city, 0011- j visls as vet, only in the openitig of places of worship, daily, iu nil parts of the city, atid iu ; an unusual attendance on religious services. It Ins been a rare .'.Unction which, in New I Orleans, lias called anv considerable nirinber of nieu of business, gentlemen of leisure, or labor ; ing men, from their usual routine of pleasure or labor, during the interval between Monday WRITING and Saturday night, t-j visit our i-insrehes. The eL-nrge, at the present moment , visible here, is the apparent disappearance, to j some extent, of what may be termed a charac teristic iuiiitiervuee,'and the growing cordiality uiaiiiiested between churches ol difloreut . creeds. At t he player tueeiing now held each day, j' al diiffmpi boars, in different places, and all atteu-Jod by large numbers, are to be seen quite as niauy tueu as women, aud the line of deuoui ioatkuial division in these te-uuioos seem to bo almost entirely broken dewn. 'fid you ever watch :x sculptor fashioning u human countenance? It is not moulded at once, it is not struck ou* at a.single Llow. It is painfulhj and laboriously wrought. A thousand I jgws rough cast it. Tee. thousand chisel points polisij and perfect it— put in ihc iiuc Uiuehe- i , oilt the le..tures and expwi m. 1< is a work |l" time; but nr last that lull likeness comes out, ami stands • tixed forever and unchanging iu the solid mar ble. W e:i '>o dote u imut under the leaning " Lof tie i', m- the teaching of Satan carve j out his own likeness. Every day he ; adds something ftFAhe work. A thousand acts ol iliought, audi will, and deed, shapo the features and expressions of the .-at-l-xJ'ab | '•" of love, and purity, and of falsehood, malice aroi uueleanuess, silently mould and fashion it, till at length it wears the lis cites* of God or the image aud super scription of the Evil one.— -Plain Pmoc.'tiul Sermons. WHEN PRESIDENT* RISE.— On Daw (Crockett's fcl'uta to liis constituents, after his fits* session in Congress, a nation of them sat i'uutnft'T rim me day and began to inter rogate Liu; about Washington. 'What time do 'hey dine at Washing ton, Colonel F asked (.no. by, said lie, 'common people, such as you are here, yet their uin uers at one o'clock, but the gentry and big 'tins dine it three.— AB for representatives, ro dine nr four, ami the aristocracy aud the Senate don't get theirs till five '• •Well, when does the Riesident fodder.*' asked another. 'Old Hickory,' exclaimed the Colonel, (at tempting to appoint a time in accordance with the dignity of the station,) 'Old Hiekoty! well he don't dine till next day." Klrorie Iviittid! From the State election held on Wedoesdav last, it appears has gone almost unanimous for the American Republicans. Returns for Gov ernor front all tut three towns foot up as fol lows: For Etisha Dyer, American Repub., 7,522 Elisha 11. Potter, Democrat, 1i,904 The remainder of ilie Republican State ticket ;s elected by about the same average majority, t he members elected to the Geueial Assembly are al! American Republicans except three.— "A iittle more Grape Cipt. Bragg." THE I'LLESIDENT WEPT.— The Louisville Jouruai says: "It is stated on good authority that the President sent for at least one ami- Leeempton democrat, talked to him two hours with tuft most touching pathos, went wofusely, and finally succeeded in bringing him fairly over. Tears are a woman's argument, but they are often a powerful one, and they seem to have beeh'dn ibis case. The old woman of the White | House nuy pursue the same course ot argument with equal success hereafter." - REWARD OF MERIT.—GENERAL ileid, wtio commanded ilie Border Rutfiau anuy of Missouriaas wiiieb itivad. d Kansas, and was with difficulty prevented by Gov. Geary from | destroying the town of Lawrence, has been ; rewarded by President Buchanan -with a share | of the contract to supply the Utah expedition with beef, by which the parties expect to mak $50,000. CANDOR AND COURTESY. —When Mrs. Por ter was about to uiarry Dr. Johnson she told j him, with the greatest frankness, that sho had | once an uncle who was hanged. The dncn r, j with eqral candor aud courtesy, replied that it j was perfectly material to hita: for, though ho 1 had no uncle hanged, many of bin relatives </. - I served flanging. Old Mrs. Darnly is a pattern of household j economy. She says she Las made a pair of | socks last for fifteen years by only new feet to ' them every winter and n;w legs to them every ; other winter. i ***~ Every wooden leg that takes ilia place of j. leg lost in battle, is e stump speech *gains<, war. Politicians make fools of themselves, pctii foggera make fords of others, and pretty girls make fouls of both. An 11 isb paper, describing a life duel, siys rluit one of the combatants was shot through | the fleshy pait of the thigh boue.