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BY DAVID OVER. 1 1 1111 pn 11 rq, fvoag ola Spirit Entering; Heaven. Br MRS. GEOECIANXA n'LEOC. Alß— •'Home .Ipain" Home at last! Home at last! From an earthly shore, For Oh, I've joined the ransomed ones, "Who passed on long before, Here each tear is wiped away. By God Mie Holy One, litre's i.aught tint songs of joy and praise, Around the Eternal's throne Hrme at last' Home at last! From an earthly shore, For Oil! I've joined the ransomed ones, Who passed on long before. The pure in heart! The pure in heart! Kobed in spotless wiiite Are here, with starry crowns of joy, All gloriously bright. And some I loved so long ago, Who left me s_id an l lone, 1 find among the heavenly host, Within our Father's home. Home at last! Home at last ! &c. Safe at home! Safe at home ! Oli let the echo go, To soothe the hearts that mourn me yet, In that first home below. For His dear arms are round >ue now. Who was for sinner 3 slain, Through him I've won eternal life, For me to die was gain. Safe at home ! Safe at home ! From an earthly shore, I'll bless and praise tnee, Oh! my God! Forever, evermore. AGRICULTURAL. Experiments and Observations UPON THE nn\i:sE siifiHi cm MY JOSEPH S. T.OVEIHNO. (Continued.) The whole of the foregoing four parcels were at this stage of the process concentrated to 22 deg. lJeume, and set aside u|jtil I had completed the series on the 21st Oct.; they were then collected together, and again clari fied with eggs, and a second scum taken off; they were theu again placed over the fire, and when at the temperature of 225 F., clear lime water in small quantities was added to coago late the vegetable albumen, which is not dis engaged at a lower temperature, but which is theu observed as a whitish scum, very tena cious and glutinous, and is very detrimental to crystallization. After the various delaysy beatings and re-bcatiugs consequent on tny limited means of working, (the great disad vantage of which, those acquainted with the subject only can appreciate) I commenced fil tering the whole, but found it so ropy and glu tinous that it wjtild not pars through, diluted it to 10 deg. 13., when it came through tolera bly bright: passed it through 5 feet of animal "black; it parted with its coloring matter very freeiy. Divided the product iuto three parts, and boiled it as follows: l>t part to 230 deg. F.—This stood an hour without crystallizing—found it too low, altbo' the thumb and finger proof indicated other wise. 2d part to 246 deg. F.—which was added to the first, and in a few minutes crystals begau to appear. 3i part to 238 deg.,beiug the mean of the other two. On finishiug this, the two prece ding had formed a thick, opaque mass of good crystals. Filled onu mould, wt. 20 lbs. Weight of mould, 4f net wt. 15i lbs. Filled one mould, 144 lbs. Mould, 44 Total net weight, 25i and next morning set them ou pots to drain.— Also boiled down the juice from tho tops, 4J galions, which produced sitb the scums 134 lbs. moltsses. Knocked out the proceeds of this experi ment with the following results, viz: 1 mould, gross weight, 20 lbs. tare, 4f Net weight, 15i Wt. of molasses 8i ut. wt. 7 lbs sugar. 1 mould, gross weight, 144 lbs. tare, 44 Net weight, 10 Wt. of molasses, 54 ot. wt. 44 lbs. sugar. Molavses made from top 3, as above, 13| Totil weight of product of 200 feet of a row} 11.50 lbs. sugar, 27.75 lbs. molasses. —■— : ; v A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c---Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance. Product of an acre in lbs., '625.50 1485.00 A-galfah of molasses weighs 12 pounds, therefore, divide 1485 by 12, and vre have, gallons, 123.75 For tho acre*62sl lbs. sugar, and 1231 gal lons molasses, produced from 18,148 caoes, yielding 1,737 gaHous juice, weighing 9 lbs. j per gallon, or 15,633 lbs., being 4 per ct. of sugar and 9.50 per ct. of molasses, or 13.50 per ct. together. Iho sugar is of a yellowish brown color, i about us dry as, and about the color of 2d Quality Cuba sugar, such as is used by tefi uers. THIHt. EXPERIMENT. Siuce the 28ih October, the weather has beeu mild and foggy, with heavy rains; temp, varying from 48 to 60 degs. A very deoided ly increased development of sugar in the has been ascertained, viz: 7.26 per ct. instead of 5 per ct., and 1 have gained some experience; ; so, instead of allowing the syrup to remain from four to twelve days, still containing a great portion of its fertneutable impurities, gradually undergoing decomposition and de preciation, I remedy this evil to soma extent, j as will he seen. 1 also dispense with the fine ivory black and the filtering, thus siuiplyfyiug the process. Nov. 2. Cut and ground 58 feet of a row j —IOO canes—the upper portion of the stalks turning yellow - leaves dead and dry—ground ; 6 and 7 of the lower joints—produced 10 gal j lons juice, weighing 10 deg. 13., much less acid j thau previous samples, and barely changing lit- j uius paper—neutralized with milk of lime aud clarified at once perfectly with eggs—passed it immediately through 34 feet black, and boiled it to 234 dcg. F.; after standing au hour the crystals were iarge and sharp, but not very abundant till morning, it being boiled too low. (To be continued.) [Correspondence of the JV. Y Tim-s.\ Sail C'alatnlty-liiiriiint; of a Whole Family—Heroic Couduct of a Jail or's Wire WATERTOWN, N. Y. April s—The inhabi tants of this place have had two rather exciting ! topics on their tongues for the past few hours, the first relating to a shocking affair iu the ad joining town of Le Roy; the secoud to another affair not so shocking in oui Own neighbor hood. The first v. as 1 learn by actual personal in vestigation, somewhat thus: A farmer named Daniel Coinstock has been living with his four little daughters, Mary, Maria, Colona and Co ra, alone in his house, which is located fourteen or fifteen miles from here, on what is known as the Philadelphia Road. His wife has been ab sent some two months, in Auburn under medi cal treatment. Last Suody night, about 9 o'clock, it was discovered that the residence of Mr. Corns tock was in flames, and before assistance could be reudered it was burned to the ground, together with its five in-1 mates! It would seem from the position of af- j fairs as I found them to-day, ou the ground, 1 that Mr. C. and lite four daughters, l(the oldest j of whom was only ten years) were all asleep j together in oue bed room, iu a cornet - of the house. The first Indication had of the fire was, probably not until the building was full of flames, for u is apparent the fire "took" from a keg of ashes in "the wood-house, which is some distance from the bed-room. It must have en veloped everything iu flames. Rushing iu the darkness forth from the bedroom, the frantic children flew iu differeut directions, blinded by ) the suiokc and flatties, while the ur.naturai ; | father, who loved his mony more than his off spring ran up stairs 'o get his box of valuables : while he might have easily opened the bedroom ! window at the outset, and placed himself and ! children beyond dauger—for the bedroom was i |on the ground floor, iiut, alas for hum iu frail- j I ty!—his miserly habits ruled hiui, and his j | blackened bones aud ashes weie found, after I the fire, lying across his box iu tbo Cellar, s j where he had fallen. As if this affair were not sufficiently shock ing iu itselfj, we are compelled to turn to the poor wife, who, away in Auburn, is contem plating the happiness of her little oues, aud the prospect of a speedy reunion with them. Be fore I left that vicinity, to return to WateFtown, to uight, a letter was placed iu my bauds, which had just been received from the poor wo man, addressed to her husband, and dated at Auburn, last Friday. 1 extract fur you these portions: Mr DEAR ONES AT HOME: YOU will all be surprised, and I trust, like tne, you will be ioy fuliy surprised, when I tell you that 1 am com ing home next week * * * 1 should have stalled this morning, if I had an auswer to the letter that I seut ou Tuesday, last. 1 feel as if I cannot possibly wait till it comes. * * * 1 am not strong enough to eudure much though I am very much excited with the prospect of going. lam very much excited with the pros pect of going home; hope I shall get calm be fore 1 start, i thiuk I see you all looking very happy, my dear children, when pa reads this to. you. Be good children, and 1 hope before another Friday noon to be with you. "Your affectionate mother, A. M. 0." Alas! alas! for this poor woman, when she learns tbe fate of her "dear ckildreu," and re alizes that after all she is alone iii the world! May God pity and strengthen ber ! The second topic of which 1 spoke is more agreeable to dwell upon. Early ou Sunday morning, four prisoners, named Wilson, Ed dy, Missie and Ward, by feigning the sickuess of one of their number; got the jailor at this BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY. MAI 7, 18-58. j place, Mr. Baker, in their power, gagged and bound him and locked him in a ceil. This | done, they robbed him of his money and the I keys of the prison, and were calmly taking their leave, when they were "brought all up- Staudiug" by beholding the jailor's little wife 1 pointing at them, thiough a railing, a loaded revolver, aud calmly informing them that she : would put a bullet through the first mau who attempted to come forward. A conversation soiuetkiug like this followed: i'lUsuNEft—The devil you will! l r ou dou't know how to shoot it. MRS BVKER.—Try it aud see, if you like! I have been practising with this pistol for the past : tew days, aud 1 promise you 1 will kill tho first I mau who comes torward. I'RISO.NER. —Well, if that's your game, we'll |be quits with you. Now, take your choice, young woman either let us pass out iu peace, or submit to have your husbaud's braius knock ed out agaiust the walls of the jail. Which do you like best!" Perhaps ihut wou't be gay, uor uotiiiug, just to seo hiur laying out there cold aud siiff, with his braius laying arouud. Ha! La!—d—d pretty picture, ain't it? D—d pretty wife you are, ain't ye, to get your bus- OauJ killed? Come, uow, what d'ye say?— Let us out, aud it'll be all right—won't ye?— [And the speaker moved forward a step.) MRS BAKER— The first mm WHO steps over that sill dies Aud there that, brave wouiau held those meu at bay for somothiug like half au huur, until help came, and they were driven into their cells. Desperate Fight with a Man Hh Wouldu't Pay his Taxes. The York county papers give the particulars of a despot ate encouDter with t mat) named Daniel Strong, residing iu Hellatu t|>., who is a property holder, but has net paid his taX' s for seven or eight years. Whenever a tax col lector made li:s appearance, Strong would drive j him from his premise?, sod uo officer had yet j suoceec-ed in arresting him. On Woduesd&'jGf ! last week officer Waiiug proceeded to SI rot A place to arrest him. Yleeiilig him house, he toll him his etraud, and at the time attempted to reason with hiui, saying lit j had better go with him peaceably, and it would | be best for all concerned. At this Strong sent to tha kiua for a pjsiok arid l h-: -<ijHmcaetic ! swearing in the (xertcati language, and abusing t the officer in a most shameful manner, think- | iug, no doubt, to iotinida.e hiui and drive him away. The officer tried agat.i to persuade : Strong to go with him peaceably, but without i avail. He theu tol l him that he would call on tho following day, and then be would have to go. He left Strong anu returned to i York. The next day,according to promise, Mr. War ing accompanied by officer llibner, again paid Strong a visit, and found bim and his sou Jacob in a field clove by their residence, ma king a fence, with two loaded guns between then). As soon as they observed itie officers which was hot until they were but a few feet from tire ground the officer also took hold, and now a terriblo tnelee ensued—the elder Strong and Waring striving for the mastery of one gun, and Jacob and liibuer striving for the other. In the scuffle which ensued, the gun which Jacob had boid of was bioken to pieces, and rendered useie.vs. Waring succeeded in wrenching the gun from the old mau, fired it off and stood it aside. In the meantime, Mis. Strong aud her daughter Susanna, made their appearance ou tho field of action, and fought like tigers. After one gun wa<* bro kcu and the other fired off, the two men en deavored to driVo t,he officers away with stones, clubs, fists. fec , but they counted without their host, tor this time they had men to deal with who would not be driven away. The officers, iu self-defence, were compelled to knock them down, llibner succeeded iu get ting bis tuan dowu first, and commenced to tic him. The old mau, by some means, managed to get away from Waring, seized a pick axe aud rai-ed it to striku llibner, when Waring again took bold of htm, threw him down, and proceeded to tie liitn. \\ liilst they were being tied the women rushed to the rescue ; the old woman took the guu which had been left standing by the fence aud struck Waring with it.(who caught it on his ami,) and broke it to piece#. Tho daughter struck llibner with a stone ou the back of the head, causing a painful wound. The parties fiualiy submitted, and the old mau, his sOn and daughter, were brought to York and com mitted to prision. A FACT FULL OF MEANING. —lu a re ligious excitement iu Bostuu a person met a Christian neighbor who took him by the band and said : "I have become a Christian." "Y'ou are a Christian, theu, all at once," said the other; "you profess to act strictly on Christian principles. lam glad of it. I congratulate you. Suppose wo uow have a settlement of the little accounts between us. Pay me what thou owest." "No," said tho new-born child of grace, turning ou his heel, "religion is religion, and business is business " So tbe papers tell us. And what is there so very wonderful about it ? Is not the world full of such Christianity PATIENCE.—"You can do anything if you only have patience,' said au old uncle, who had made a fortune, to a nephew who had nearly spent oue. "Water may be cairied in a sieve, if you can only wait." "llow long ?" asked the petulant spend thrift, who was impatient lor the old mau's obituary. "Till it freezes!" was the uncle's cool reply. KEY- PETER CART W RIGHT AT THE ASTOR IIOISE Some church affairs made it necessary for Mr. Cartwright to visit New York city some years ago, and it was urrauged for him that ho sbuuiSKput up at the Astor House. It was here than Lis brethren expected to meet hiui; his so cial and denominational appointments had te terence to the Astor House as his head quar ters. When Mr. Cattwright, however, appear ed at Astor, there was nothing in his back woods'appearance that suggested to its propri etors his worthy position among the fathers of Methodism; when, therefore, he requested to be shown to bis room, he was very cavalierly turn ed over to a servaut to show him upstairs. Up stairs they went—up, up, up—Mr. Cartwrighl iu wondering amazement lost, the servant ap parently untiriug iu his amusement of ascend ing iwually, the servaut opened tho door of au apartment up iu the attic story, and pointed it out Mr. C. as his room. Father l'eter de tained the servaut while he should lake a gene ral survey of the premises—repeated the In quiry if this was the room he was to occupy— aud i t length, appearing to be well satisfied, he disposed of his baggage, and very politely re quested the servant to be good enough to sh nv him down stairs again. The servant preceded Fatli.'w Cartvvrigbt down, down, down, till they reached at length the street lauding; but, be fore tne servant could make his escape, Peter inquired if he wouldu't please show him uo again! So up they went again, heavenward, and lat la s| Peter fouud bis room, and permitted the ; servaut to depait in peace. The servaut, how : ever; had little more than fouud himself down stair.*, when Uncle Peter rang the bell vigor ously. In due time, up came the servant, by this "<inrc panting with the usual exertion. "My good friend, 1 am sorry to trouble you but i should be gla 1 to see the clerk, if you I will Le kind enough to scud him to my room." •Ob, certainly.' | And so down, dowu goes the servant, to j say to the clerk thai singular old chap up in | the upper story wanted him to conic to his i room. !A.nd then up goes Mr. clerk. ,4re you tho cletk?' , (j Aes, sir.' i i; ; I- Weil, you will place me under great obii jWr.fUb to you, if you will show me the way down i I • Afc—i Ttksii one.-, more down sf.vira, alter Uu- ; ele Peter had taken another careful survey or j the surroundings, the clerk very politely iu- I quired if there was anything further he couid : do for him. "Yes," says Uncle Peter, 'yes uiy frieud, I j would he greatly obliged to you for a broad uxc!" "A broad-axe!" says Mr. Clerk, in astouish meut, 'and what do you propose to do with a broad-axel" "1 thought I should like to '■blaze my v:ay to my room." It is ueedless to say that Peter Carlwright was the liou of that week at tho Astor; and that ' it was not turther required of him to climb up ; that endless series of stairways —but, when bis j friends called again to iuquitc for, or call up j ou him, they found hiui suugly euscoused iu j one ul the most eligible rooms iu the house. A DISTURBANCE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE- j SEN TAT I YES. —On Monday, soon after the ad -1 inurnment of the House of Representatives, the i Lion. Mr. (Jruige, of North Carolina, and a man ! named Helper, formerly of the same State, and j author of au abolitiau work calico "The Im pending Crisis," had a slight personal collision j in the Hall. The 'States' has the following j I version of the affray : A member who was silling net far from Mr. Craige, states that a conversation of so marked ; a diameter as to arrest attention bad been car vied on some the two, when, final ly, Mr. Craige told Helper to go away, and that i he wished to have no difficulty with him. Ucl | per made some insolent reply, and Mr..Craige ■ reached out his hand as if to seize him. This j Helper resented by a blow, of au attempt at a I blow. A fisticuff, lasting a minute or two, but end ing iu no material injury to either party, en sued. The rencontre commenced iu the centre aisle, aud ended iu the space in trout of the clerk's desk. Members rushed iu aud separa ted the belligerents. According to the ttar, Mr, Helper felt him self aggrieved by some recent remarks of Mr. Biggs iu the Setuate. It appears a norther Senator, iu a spceeb, had quoted from Helper's work something concerning slavery at tlfte Scuih vvhereupou Senator liiggs indulged in remarks not very complimentary to the author. This induced Helper to endeavor to ascertain who had thus 'posted' 3lr. Biggs, aud as Mr. Craige came from the district where he (Helper) for merly resided iu North Carolina, he approach ed him under the convictiou that he was the informant. Helper was taken befoie the magistrate by tha sergeant-ut-arms, and iu the afternoon hold to bail to keep the Peace. Senator llale and Montgomery Blair appeared as his counsel.— Upon searching Ileiper, immediately after his arrest, a pistol and bcwic-kaife were fouud ou his person. A bill to erect a monument to the Pennsyl vunians who lost their lives in the Mexican War, to be locatde at Harrisburg, was taken up and passed the Legislature. Messrs. Rose aud Owen, two members of the Pennsylvania Legislature, "liad a fight in the rctunda of the State Capitol ou Thursday last. VV by is the letter e a lazy aud extravagant letter? Because it is always iu bed and never out of debt. The Second Advent people give out that the world will surely "come off*' the present year. DEATH OF. W.M. MARKS, j Tho Pittsburg Chronicle says that Gen. j William Marks died about uoou, Saturday, iu Beaver, in full possession of his senses, and in the hope of that joyful immortality which his long Christian profession aud practice justified him in entertaining. He was about seventy eight years of age. Perhaps no man iu Pennsylvania ever serv ed so long in political life. Entering the Legislature in 1810, he coutinucd iu it uutil 1826, during which time ho was for six years Speaker of the Senate, and was generally es teemed a prompt, decided and impartial pre siding officer. In 1829 he was elected to the United States fccnate, and served % term of six years. In this distingished body he was cotemporary with Webser, Calhoun, Van Huron, Benton, Berrien, llayne, and others of the great men of the day, most ol whom have gone before him into the spirit land. It is noteworthy that for five years he was as sociated with Col. Benton on the Committee on Military Affairs. They were, as wc stated before, about the same age, aud though diff ering radically in political faith, they should have died ou the same day, and within a few 1 bunas ot each other, is truly a strange coin cidence. May .they both meet tho toward of lives well spent, How TO OET A FEATHER BED.—The fol lowing extract is from Lover's liaudy Audy: 'ln carrying off the suiull thing of a feather bed, Jake Take, the bold burglar, showed the skill of a high practiouei, for be decended the stairs backwards.' 'Backwards!' exclaimed llarry Logan, i 'what's that tor V 'You'll see by and by,' said Croggms.— •He descended backwards, wheu suddenly he \ heard the door opening, and a female voice ! exclaiming 'Wheie arc you going with that bed ?' j 'l'm goiag up stairs with it, uia'm,' said Jake, whose backward position favored his lie, ' and he began to walk up with it again. 'Come down, said the lady* 'we want uo bed j here, man.' 'Mr. Su.iivau, ma'ui scut me home with it i himself,' said Jake. 'OouittdoWß, 1 tell jou,' said toe lady in.a rage, 'there's no Mr. iiullivun lives i here.' A' ... 'I beg your pardon, my lady,' said Jack ; | then turning luiuid and marching off with his hi'J fair and square. \\ cil, theie was a regular sliiilo in the house, wheu the thing was found out, aud cast ropes wouldn't hold the lady for the rage she was in, - IHE HOOPED SKIRT AND BAPTISM. — At Chicago iast week a rather amusing scene took place during the baptism -of u young lady by tlm pastor of the Tabernacle. The Union says—' The minister requested her to assume the dress peculiar to 6ucii au oc casion, hut she declined to take iff her j hooped skirt; the minister told her of the j incouvcnience that must result from her j obstinacy; but i:ko a true leaiale she per- ! sisted; but when she cainc to descend into j the bath, the inflated skirt touched the ws- ! ter and up arouud her like a balloon.— j Iter head was lost to tho congregation, she I was swallowed up in the swelling shirt, j the minister tried to force her dowu iuto ibe batii, but she was kept above tho sur face by the floating properties of crinoliue, aud was buoyed up so successfully that it j was not until after much difficulty and many] forcible attempts to submerge the lady, tho J minister succeeded in baptising the fair oue.— | Finally it was effected, to the relief of the j minister and the seriously inclined audi- | ence, who could not keep from chuckling f in their sleeves, aud laughing iu their pocket j kerchiefs."— Boston Herald. MR. HARRIS ot ILLINOIS.—His APPEAR- j ANCE IN THE HOUSE.—Hon. 8. Colfax, iu a j letter to his constituents, published iu the South Bend Register, says: Mr. Harris o. ill., is far gone in consumption, j and has been bleeding from the lungs in bis i sick room ever since the last encounter in ike i House on the outrageous couduct of the Kansas ! Select Committee, where he acted as tbe anti- ! Lecompton leader—wheu he entered the House exactly five minutes before ore o'clock, with j feeble step, leaning ou the arm of his colleague, j Morris, a thrill rati thiough the House. He > could have heeu spared, but be refused, and j declared that it it cost him his life, he should j be iu his seat to vote his utter condemnation of this shameless Iniquity. \Y hen one, who has been for years, a Hebrew of the tlebtews in his devotiou to his party, of which he has been an active leader, thus perils bis life, to record Lis hostility to this Tyranny, ought not the people, who love Justice and hate Wrong, to imitate his example and emulate his patriotism, which rises higher than party, aud is willing to give his life as a dyiug protest agaiust it. Our "Devil," who, a few evenings since escorted a bright-eyed little creature home from church, while on their way she archly looked up into his face; and with a sunny smile upon her countenance, said : "I'm afraid I shall never got to Heaven," Charley. "What reason have jou for thinking so V he asked. "Oh," said she," "because 1 love the "Devil" too well." — Many letters addressed to the managers of the bogus lotteries recently broken up iu tbe North, cnclosiug thousands of dollars, have been forwarded to Washington to be restored to their deluded authors. ' The populaton of India exhibits a grand total of 180,884,297 souls. VOL. 31, JVO. 10. KOMASTIC MEETING. —On the 2.3d ultimo a passenger name to Portland by the stea mer Anglo-Saxon, and took lodgings at one of the city hotels. Next morning he took the eats for this city, in company with a gentleman who had reinaiued at the same house with him over night, aud whose countenance he somehow or other imagined familiar. They got into conversation fn com ing down the Eastern Railroad, but nothing transpired to elicit the fact whether they had been old acquaintances. When, they arri ved at the depot, and had attended to their luggage, one of the gentlemen inquired in the hearing of the other, for a cab to take hitu to a certain street in Charlestown. The other said he proposed goiug to the same street, and the two engaged the same Con veyance. On arriving at the street in ques tion, it appeared that they both designed to i call on the same individual. This strange ; series of coincidences greatly puzzled both; but their mutual surprise and delight can jbe imagined in a degree, when they found | they were brothers, aud that they had thus ! singularly met at the house of a third bro i ther. One of theiu had been in the service |of (be Pacha of Egypt for twenty.two years, i the other has spent sixteen years in the i East ladies while the third has been in this ; country during muetec-n years past. The brothers are natives of Scotland, aud Lave not seen each other for tweuty-fou? tears.— Boston Ledger. IPgjp DAD MORTON. —There is an old chap in the State of Vermont, who is known as' Dad' Mor ton, and is famous as a story-teller. lie re lates a great many yarns, some of vvhieh are of a Manchanseuish charater, though by fre quently nat rating them ho hu brought him self to believe that they are indisputable facts. I had beet) talking with the old man oftfca sensible manners and customs of our forefathers and their success in doing the business of life, when lie broke out: ♦'l'll tell ye, them ancestors of our'a didn't do nothin' halfway?. But there's an t Wful Tal lin of? of sense them times. Why in my time when 1 was a boy, things went on more econ omical than now. We all work'd. My work was to take care of the hen aud chicking;*, fioin one hen; and I'll tell ye bow I did it. 1 took an old whiskey bariel and filled It up with fresh eggs, and thou put it on the south side of a barn with some horse manure around the bung Bole. The old critter kept her seitin' and iu three weeks J heard 'peep.' Then 1 put my car to spigot, when the peeping glowed like a swarm of bees. 1 didn't sap auy thing to the folks at ait about the hatching, for they'd all the time told me I was a fool, but the next morn ing knocked the Lead out of the barrel uud covered the Laru floor, two deep, all over, with little chiekings. Now, you umy laugh as much as you please, but it's true. That's so." Y\ HERE THE OA.VARY lilltDS CuJIE FROM There is an association iu Philadelphia, com posed of about thirty Germans, who aim at im proving the breed of Canary birds, and last mouth they published their thirteenth anual re port. From that the bird sales of Philadelphia are confined to Geruiaus, and auiouut to §40,- 000 annually, and three-quarters of that sum is derived from the sale of canaries. The common or original Canary is of the least val ue, and sells at about §2; tbc improved kinds bring from §8 to §lO a[iece, aud are from Ceutiul Europe. The great majority of these birds were obtained from Belgium, where they arc bred in houses by the peasants, who raised them as a pastime. They are what are called "long" ana "short" breeds. Birds of the loug breed are procured from Brussels, Antwerp and Detiz, where they sometimes obtaiu extrav agant prices. Their cost depends upon tha color and shape;, the pure yellow beiDg the most esteemed. They are only used for the purpose of breeding, aud often times sell for §do a pair. Tbe short breed is raLed by the people " of Harts mountains. Next to tbe Belgium, the French bird is most prized. MY LIKE HAS BEES A FAILURE.— So said a capitalist in this country, worth his sever al millions, on being asked why lie did not have a biography of Lis life written. What an answer, and what a sad truth to be made and considered by one who lias spent a lcog life in amassing wealth; and now, with trembling liuibs, stepping into the grave, the startling truth, quite too late it is to be feaied, flashed across tbe mind, that his life had been a failure —its great object, and the ouly one worthy the atteution of an immor tal being, having been entirely overlooked, or negleeted! What more than such a thougi need occupy a sane mind, to fill andkeeb it full of unutterable anguish? Life a failure': Header—whosoever you may be, poor 01 rich—did you ever ask yourself whether jour life also has been a failure? Whether jou ur< living merely for this world?—laying up the ; treasures of which you cannot avail yourself i iu your time of greatest need? A HIT AT .OLD SANDS OK LIKE.— The Gleaner publishes tho following testhuo- • nial : ".Messrs. Editors- —Permit me through jour columns, to bear testimony to a val uable medicine. My great aunt has bcec striving to reach heaven for twenty years.— Having a cough, she finally fell into the hauds of the "retired physiceti,*' whose "sands of life have nearly run out." Fhe, purchased a bottle of his Cannabis Intliea, from whicli she gained strength, judgiug . from tho violence of her cough. On ta king the second her strength so increased that she was able to cough ail day and nigh' without interruption. The third landed her iu heaven. Thus in tha brief space.of time, the fond hopes aud anUcipacioM of more than a quarter of a century are realized lor the sutu of seven dollars twelve and a half cent*."