Newspaper Page Text
KRDFOR 1) * * Ma chine Shop! mIIK snliscriber WODM most respectfully announce lto the firming com in unity, and public in general, that he still continues to manufacture at his shop, ■in Bedford, Pa., the following farming utensils, of the very bet.t material, and in the most workman like manner, viz : Tour and Mx Home • iiinblirf'? Slisi'lt Power itlac liiiies, with large open cylinders, six staves, and sjukes screwed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached. Their superiors for strength and spewi arc not made in this or any other County in the State. Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap power Ma chine, with cylinder ,p"ti or shut, as, tiny lie de sired, arid shaker of the best kind, for convenience, ease of drift, and perfect Working. T'' B machine 4ns no sin.erior anv where. THREE HORSE MACHINES, of the sune kind. TWO AND ,THREE HORSE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER , MACHINES, a very convenient and excellent nia ehine for small farmers, with or without shakers. HILL SIDE PLOUGHS,' of a very superior pattern to anv, % Use in this le.ouritrv" SINGLE AND DOUBLE S.IrtVEL PLOUGHS, WITH STEEL SHOVELS. CULTIVATORS, P.-ckham's New Vork FIVE-HOE D STEEL POINT EXPANDING CULTIVATOR; Rogers Pittsburg patent STEEL TOOTH EXPANDING CULTIVATOR, for working corn, or seeling in ■grain, Fanning Mills. Horse Rakes Lever Cutting Boxes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made to order. All the above articles constantly on hand, and sold cn reasonable teruii. REPAIRING of all kinds of Machines, whether made hcra or elsewhere, done on the shortest no tice. Castings for all my machines and Ploughs, made at the Foundry of Mr. Michael Unman, in Bedford, and will compare with any m ide in the State for strength and durability BI..ICKSMITHING done to-order. All my work warrented to give satisfac tion. Front a past experience of twenty years in Yee Machine business, 1 fey! confident ttta't 1 can give entire Satisfaction to nil who may favor me with a call. Call and examine my work before you pur chase elsewhere, as I am determined to please all. Horses, grain of all kinds, luni her and iron, will 'be taken in exchange for work. PETER H. SHIRES,, Machinist. Bedford, .May 7, 1 858 -8m LATEST HEWS FROM KANSAS. MED k MIIiCH'S STORE. r|AHE very last arrival of BRING & SUMMER X GOODS—bought at the right time, iwnNn the right manner, to ensure fabrics worth buying and at fairpticcs— REED .* Misxtcu deal sot in humbugs, cl ip traps or baits, but on actual inspection, you will find a heavy stock of \mm\\ & FOREIGN GOODS, of a v.-ry superior quality, and to be had at prices gratifying to the purchaser and remunerative to the seller. Reed A Mimiich will have nothing to do with giving Some goods away, and putting the Tariff" on somewhere else—good merchandise al iv ivs ensures sales at living prices. Corr.e unit See, bring your CASH AND PKODI CE, and if you do R.ot get cheap goods say there is no truth in this adver tisement. Dry Hoods, — Dress Silks. Rtbe a Qui I firs, Mudonas. Orgatuly Lawns, Delaines, Calicoes. Dress (Loots, and Trimmings, in 'great Variety, Bonnet*. Ribbons, (Stoves. Hosiery, trench ami dmer tcai Cloths and Cassimeres,Summer Clo'hes and Jeans. fUi lo'en ami Canton Flannels, Sheetings. Must ins, Linens, for all purposes, Twitlings, drillings. 4ce. Queens ware and Ulanftare, 'sn assortment unequalled in Bedford'. Boots and Shoes. Reed A Minnie!) know how to buy boots and shoes nf all styles. Call anil Se%. They will speak for themselves. HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, Sugars, of different qualities and prices, Syrups, Molasses, and every article In this line Wo cannot enumerate all our goods., Call and we will show yqu free tf charge, and fe 1 happy to do so Call and voii it-ill find yourself at the right place to buy. May 7, 1858. "BEDFORD RAIL ROID. SINCE the charter has been granted for the "Bed ford Rail Road." the citizens of Bedford have been much excited anil Upon the subject. This interest is not confined to the citizens of town, but extends throughout the country, and crowds are daily rushing to Repp's New and Hand same Store, in Hsvlersou's Jlow. where a large, and attrnctire assortment of beautiful Spring and Sum mer (foods, are opening, which will he sold cheaper than ever offerer! before in tbis place. The stock consists in part of Robes Je Shaum Borage tie faints', Robes n Quillc, Larillam Organdie Lawns, White printed' Brilliants, Chtillies, Plain cnt't Figured SL-iss. Latest Style I.airn Robes for $1.50. Mohair Mixture for 18J c'nfs per, yard. De T.aines of all descriptions Jrom <o \ to 25 per yard. Lawns of various styles for 6{ cts. per yard. .In extensive assortment of beautiful prints ranging from 4 to 12$ cents pe.r yard. Muslins of all prices and qualities. . A large assortment of Ladies and Misses, Glores and Hosiery from the low figure of 5 cts. up. Pure linen Handkerchiefs for,s cts. , and a full and complete assortment of L.I D IKS DRESS GOODS generally. A large and well selected assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, Consisting in part of Black French and English Cloths, Blue do do do. Olive do do do. Black Cassimeres. Black Doe Skies. Fancy French and American Casriimeres. VESTINGS. Grenadines, plain anil figured. Radzemiro do do Velvets do do and a great variety of Marsielfes Vesti'ngs. Fancy Silk snd Lawn Neck Ties, froin CJ cents TO 824 cents. A complete assortment of Ladies and Misses BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS. Also a large assortment Mens BOOTS and SHOES. My assortment of GROCERIES can't be beat. Brown Sugar for 6{ cts per pound, first rate Brown Sugar for 8 " " u Extra do do 10 <! " White Sugar foe 124, 14 and 15 " " " First Rate Rio Coffee for 12J " " • Extra do do < 15 " " " No. 1 Java do " 15 " " " Best N. O. Molasses " 12| " " quart. Good Syrup do 124 " " " Extra do do 18J " " " Good Corn Brooms for a dime. Bacon by the pound. !T7" All of which will ho sold cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget to call at RUPP'S NEW STORE, in .Lndersou's Row, one door east of Cess na k Shannon's office, and opposite the Gazette , - G. W. RUPP. Bedford, April 30, 1858. LUMBER. We have for sale seventeen thousand feet of spruce and pine boards—also a large supply of poplar scantling. . .. , -J Eel.. 10, 1858. A. B. CRAIfER <JU. 1 WKW GGOBSI fTTHE undersigned respectfully inform their A friends and customers .that th'ey have just opened a verv large and general assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part as follows; Silks. Chatties, Alpacas, Delaines, . Lawns, Hin ges, Brilliants, French and American Chintzes, Ginghams, Gloves, Collars, Hosiery, Ac., Ac. SHAWLS and MANTILLAS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting#, Muslins, Drillings, Tickings, Ky. Jeans, Lineup, Sheetings, Cottonades, ,T hinm-Is, Cussiuetft, "Nankigens, Cambrics, Checks, CHEAF EAIPETS, \\ lute and ICpl'-d Carpet ( h tin, Floor Oil Cloths. Matting aftd Ellas', Boots, Sli ies. Hats and Caps, also a UVrge supply of fashion abli . Stonily-Alario i'lolhiiisr, XTS,. A fhU stock of GROCERIES?, WOODEN WARE, Ike. Having selected our goods With great care, we are eftabled to offer our customers VERY GREAT BARGAINS for CASH—all kinds of Country Produce—or on a credit of six inontps }o punctual dealers. ,- f An examination oi our stock is respectfully so liciteil. h A. B. CRAMER A CO. Bedford, April 3), 1858. TTIXrXOIKr HOTEL, Hertford, I*a. frfHK sftlmcrilier respectfully announces to the A public that lie lias opened a Hotel, under the above name,, in the, old and well known Glolie buil ling, on West Pitt Street, forujerly owned and occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will lie happy to see all his friends, an i the traveling pub lic generally. Persons attending Court ate re spectfully invited* to give him a call. He pledges himself that he wiTl diyH in bis power to render all bis guests,eppifortable. His Tab!.- will be suj plied with the choicest de licacies the market will afford. , The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfort able bodißng. The Bar will bo supplied vyjth, choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful ami at tentive hostler. (T7" Boarders will Le taken by the day, week, month ami year. Bedford, April 3d, 1858. MILLLNLIIV. MRS. SOPHIA D. GIBSON would resp etfully announce that she has purchased the stock of Mrs. K. Goodz.-it,and is prepared to furnish any article in the Mi Winery fine, of the best materials and most approved styles. She lias just returned from the East with a complete assortment of BO NTNETS and TRIMMINGS, and having secured the assist ance of Mrs. Goodzeit for the present, feels sure of giving satisfaction to all who may desire articles in her line. April 3d, 1858. n. iv nw 1853. NEW GOODS FOR Spring and Summer, 1858! OSTEO MA SPEAKER & C IRX, ANNOUNCE to their friends ami the puliltT, that they are now hjgeiviug from Philadelphia and, New York, and.opening out in their newly fir ted tip PH>m furmeily, occtipieil by Ktlpp A tjster, an entirely New and Brilliant Slock Of desirable new style, Frencn, British and Amer ican • - ~ DRY GOODS, embracing a large and general assortment of STAPLE ASP FA SOY A,KTCEES, comprising in p.irtj Kit H FANCY DRESS SILKS, RICJH GLOSSY BLACK SILKS, MA DON A AND LAVELLA CLOTHS. ROBE A'- QUILI A, OR SIDE, STRIPES,, DE I LAINE ROBES, ORGANDIE ROBES, GINGHAM ROBES, LAWN ROBES, FRENCH DUCALS, LAWNS AND GINGHAMS, WHITE AND PRINTED FKFCNTLH BRILLIANTS. JACONETS AND LAWNS NEW SPRING ST YLES DE LAINES, CHALLIKS, GINGHAMS AND PRINTS. BROA D CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, COT TONADES, Ac., Ac., Together with a choice assortment of Fresh Family liiroceries, OMftuswure, Cutlery, HATS, CAPS and BON NETS, BOOTS, SHOES anil CiIKTEKS- Having purchased our goods LOW FOR CASH, we are prepared to ofl'er ORK.VT INIU CEMENTS TO BISL! ut YEKS. We will sell exceedingly CHEAP FOR CASH, OR .VPI'BOVED SIX MONTHS' OSKDIT. Come and see for yourselves, and he convinced, whether yon wish to buy or not. No trouble to show goods. kinds of prodUcz fatten in exchange for goods. , , , Bedford, April 23, 1858. LATEST NEWS FROM UTAH ! Fresh Arriial of SPRING AMI SUMMER GOODS AT SHOEMAKERS' STORE! . THE atideisfgiied, having juat returned from the Eastern Cities aye now receiving a large ami splendid assortment of. SPtilN f *1,197) SUMMER GOODS, which tfiey are determined to sell che.p. Their f"tock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satiuetts, Je ins, and a large assortment of Men's and Bays'- wear, t Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Delaines, Calicoes, .ftpacas and Lawns. A largo assortment of Boots, Shog*, Hats and Caps, fjodee, Sugar, Syrups, Mo lasses, Black stnd Green Teas, Queensware, Hard ware, Buckets. Tubs, Knives and Forks, Ac. Afl kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods. To good and punctual customers a credit of six months will lie given. ■ , ■ , J. k J. M. SHOEMAKER. April 23, 1858. * Election of Trustees. jyjOTICE is hereby given, that annual eltc -11 tion will be held fpr thq trustees of the Bedford Hall Association, ajt ft|e Odd-Fellows Hall, in the Borough, of Bedfoni, at one o'clock P.M. on Mon day the third lay of May , By ofiter of the Trustees FR. JORDAN, Sec't-i April 23, 1858.-b. Admiiitstrotor's Notice. LETTERS of Admnjijuration having been grant ed to the subsctilier A living m iks-hth Woodtierry Township, on the estate of Frederick Smith, late of said Township, dee'd, all persons ffKlemed to siid estate are requesteil to n.ak. immediate pay ment, and those havjng claims agafirst the same will present th'eiu authenticated for,settlement. D. F. BUCK, Adm'r. April Id, 1858.-T 1 A LIST OF RfiTAILERS Of Jforeisn and Domestic Goods, \('ares and Me>- thiridiii, of Bedford Cuiihiti, Jor Ike year 1858. "" Bedford Borough. Class. Tax H. D. Fefegh, 14 7 00 A. B. Cramer it Co. 12 " 18 00 Nivhohts Lyons, 14 7 00 G. W.'Kupp, 18 10 W Jacob Reed, 13 10 00 Samuel Brown, ' 14 7 00 Samuel Shuck fc Co. 14 7 00 Robert Fyan, 11 7 00 J. 4* J. M. Shoemaker, 14 7 00 Sarah E. Pott*, 14 7 t O Isaac Lippel, 14 7 Ol) Colin Lover. 14 7 Of) Agnes Srtiipp, . il l 7 00 John Arnold, f hardware] 14 7 00 Win. Hartley, do 14 7(H) George Blymire, do 14 7 00 Dr. 15- F. Harry, 14 7 00 Dr. F. C. Reamer, 14 7 00 Adam Ferguson, , ... 14 7 00 L. Defibaugh,"[eating house] 8 5 (Mi Bollinger, do 8 5 00 Bedford Township. Jacob Baruhnrt,, 14 7 00 John S. Kitchev, [distillery] 4 50 00 Broadlop Township. Barndollar & Everhart, 12 12 00 Fluck flc Eiehelberger, IS 10 (X) Colerain Township. N.4C. Evans, 14 7 00 A. E. James, 14 7.00 J.y& J. M. Shoemaker, 14 7 00 Cumber I and Valley Township. Jacob Anderson, 14 7 00 Thorns* Fisher, 14 7 00 Daniel R, Anderson, 14 7 00 'fhomas Growden, 11 7 00 East Providence Township. John Nycuru, 14 7 00 D. A. T. Black, 14 7 00 Loudurbaugh & Pee, 14 0 00 Hopewellf Township. John Dasher, 14 7 00 Henry S. Kiug, 14 7 00 Harrison Township. Valentino 15. Wertz, 1-1 7 00 John W. Srni'li, 14 7 00 Andrew J Snively, 14 7 (M> Juniata Tvwnshfp. Wm. Kevser, 14 7 op Hillegas ik Movvry, 14 7 no Lewis N. Fyan, 14 7 4)0 Liberty Township D ivid S. Berk dresser, 11 7 (if) Lewis Putt, 14 7 is) John Cypher, H 7 00 Steel t Entriken, 14 7 00 Jacob Fockler, 14 7 00 John Jlefuer, [eating house J 8 500 Londonderry Township. Jacob Devore. Jr. 14 7 W Burns 4' Thorp. 14 7 pq Tiiotnas J. Porter, 14 7 00 Mdnrot Township. Daniel Fletcher, 14 7 00 James li. O'Neal, 14 7 Napier Town ship. John Wade, * 44 ' t (s) Peter Hillegas, [distillervj 4 59 00 U'es/ Providence Township. Murray p- Brotlier, 14 7 00 Jacob Barndo lar $• Co. 14 7 00 J.inns Al. Barndollar, L's 10 <X> Thomas liitchcy, 14 7 99 Fisher [• Harnett, ]4 7 00 Nicholas K.oonr?, 14 7 00 Schellsburg Borough. B. F. Horn K Bioiher, 14 7 00 A. B. Bunn, 14 7 00 E. Statter 4" Son, ][) 7 1,0 Colvin Robinson, 14 700 John S. Schell, 14 7 00 St. Clair Township. F. D. Beegle, 14 7 00 G. B. Anuck & Brother, 14 7 t 0 George Hinesliug, 14 7 00 G. ]4. Trout, i 14 7 00 Slirori llershii-an, 14 7 00 Thomas B. Smith, 14 7 00 John 11. Schell, 14 7 00 So utha nip ton Township. John Cavender, li 7 00 IVni. Lashley, 11 7 00 Kirk Ac Fletcher, 14 7 00 Rice Ac Miller, 14 1 00 fit ton Township. John M. Waiters, 11 7 00 Middle M'oodberry Township. Jacob Breuueman, 13 [o 00 G. VY. Kitke-tsen, 14 7 () Simon Beard, 14 7 00 - Michael Pote, 14 ! John WiZegiirvcr, [eating house] 8 500 South ll oi'dbeyy Township. j Piper Scott, 14 700 S. H. Oster, 1-| 7 (MI George KautfmatG ]4 • 7 (M) I). F. Buclt, 14 7 00 D. Beegle, 14 7 00 Notice is hereby given, that an Appeal will be held at tlm Commissioners iMliee, in Bedford, on Saturday, tbe Bth of May. 1858. LEVI AGNEW, Ajipraiscr of Mercantile Tax for the year 1858. i April 2, 1858. (ilue manufactory. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the I public that they are engaged in manufacturing a | superior article of glue, at diPerent prices, at their I residence in Snakesprina Valley, two miles '- ;l st of Bloody Run, aud are prepared to Hit promptly all orders. All in want of this article cu.i have their orders attended to by addressing the undersigned at Bloody K.nti. . . The subscribers wish to purchase a quantity of fanners' flesh I tigs, and those having any for sale, can dispose of them hy applying as above. In connection wjth their glue, manufactory, they also carry on the weaving business, and will weave coverlets and carpets on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. , MORRIS KICHttR H SON. April 10. 1858 .-3m. Auditor's Notice, THE undersigned, appointed to distribute the balance in the bands of V. Jordan, Esqr,, adm'r of the estate of, Samuel Cromwell, late of tl to Bor ough of Bedford, dee'd.,wißaJtepd for that pur p'ifSc at li'rs, office, in Beiiford, on Thursday, the 29th of April, inst.,,at 10 o'clock, A. Jf., when and Where all persons interested may attend if they see proper. JNO. MOWER, Auditor. April 10, 1858. FVaASTKR. In quantities to suit purcha sera, for sale by A. B.CRAMER & CO. Feb. 19, 1858. and Lubin's Extracts for the Handker- Jehief, Cologne Water, Kc., at Dr. Harry's. CHEAP SHOES. Aty'Ut fifty jfiair of children's .and women's shoes —a little otVi ot tvie—will la; rmlri .Very cheap by Feb. 19,1858. " A. B. CRAMER CO. Country Physicians, .can .[tave their orders filled, with the very best articles, at city prices at Dr. Harry's Cheap Drug Store, Pitt at. Bedford, Penn'a. Oct. 31, 1856. DR. B.JT.HARRY. the Hair—Jockey Club, and nw mown J. bay, pomatunis, genuine ox marrow at Dr- Hart) 's. TRtiISt'RER'S SALE OF iWSEATED UiMS,, AND TOWN LOTS IN BEDFORD COUNTY. Agreedily to the provisions of an Act of the Assembly, directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes M! for other purposes passed the lath of March, 1810. and the supplements thereto passed the loth day of March, 1817, and tha 20th of March, 1881. The Tieartirer of Bed ford County hereby gives notice to all persons con cerned therein, that unless the County, State, 1 School and ltoad Taxes due on the following tracts of Unseated Lands, situate in Bedford Comity, are not paid before the day of sale, the whole, or such parts of each tract as will pay the taxes, and the cost chargeable theieoti, will ho sold,at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, oh the second Monday of .Time, next, (14th day.) for the arrear ages ol taxes due, and the cost accrued thereon; and said sale will lie continued from day to day un til all are disposer! of. SAMUEL DAVIS, Treasurer. Acres. Ps. IVurratecs or Owners. Taxes. Bedford Township. 300 MargaretDlelvl. $ 88 404 James Tubman. <>Bo ( J5 Tims. J. Bonnett. 172 Broadlop Township. 150 Jatues Knt ri ken 1020 8 Jauies Entriken, 00 51 Wm. T. Daugherty, 15 92 300 John Belts, 5 40 03 Jacob Myers, 3 00 403 John Bolhnan, 15 (si 402 140 War. Bitnn 14 40 205 50 Wm. Lane, 0 74 30 Lewis T. M att-on, Go 2UO John Devereaux, 0 00 427 Mary Montgomery, 7 88 205 New last 8c Marshall, 5 00 421 i . John Montgomery, 892 830 Stephana Co, in right of Shrcuves, 10 10 30 Rathnell W'iKm, 1 10 5 Aaron Evans, 12 j 2G5 Jos. Figard, 1 58 09 Wm. Figard, 2 84 39 Kathnell Wilson, 48 28 do do 30 DM) do do 1 80 00 John King, y 50 Colernin Township. GOO Sam'l Williams, 2 24 90 Jos. N Email, l.'iehl, 81 45 M'm. Smith, 73 Cumberland I ullcy Township. 3971 John Sample, 5 90 HopeweU Township. '2(H) John Corby, 1 20 150 James Howard, 88 404 Richard Moan, 48 420 John Cheney, 52 41>4 Joseph Moan, 43 4091 Sam'l Moan, 48 121 35 AlyX.Moan, 21 20GJ John Mcllney, 52 192 Timothy Moan, 21 200 fi-t Israel Moan, 28 I'M; 50 Each. Moan, 24 222 Eliaalietli Piper, 21 212 20 Jr;hn Boyd, 21 21t 05 M'm. Davis, 21 210 GO j Isabella Davis, 24 22'ir Win. Piper, 28 28.3 John Hardin, 28 221 Ignatius Hardin, 28 484 125 James M'il-on, 62 187 40 David Piper, 21 425 George P. Alberti, 120 402 57 Stephen Moan, 48 842 Uiin'l 00 Sam'l Livingston's he as, 72 28 Geo. M'ishart, 40 Jlurrison Township. Nicholas Knight, 24 Liberty Township. 00 Abel Putt, 70 478 31 Hannah Albcrti, 8 25 448 Mariah Albert?, lu 05 100 Geo. B. Kay, - 48 Londt nderry Tow nsh ip. 453 Joseph Gardner, 136 150 John Sadler, 1 80 jYapier Tp. f Abner Rodgers. 00 Ernst Providence Tp. 200 J Thos. Logan, 88 403 Charles Evans, 1 20 -102 40 Kexiah Logan, 1 20 462 02 Chirles Logan, 1 20 400 75 John Cavan, 1 20 400 J'honias Cavan. 1 20 1 398 38 Thos. Logan, 1 2') ! 406 103 Alex. Cavan, 1 20 i 400 Kzckiel Cook, 1 20 , HQ ■ Solomon Williams, 40 1 100 Jacob llii.cbey, 30 j 17 Fruqci* Gibbs, 10 \ 400 , Isaac tVest Providence Tp. 6 * M'm. Paxton, .. . 32 ] 188 Dudley Daugherty, 2 82: St. Clair Tp. 4 Lots Jacob Inks heirs, 48 204 Jlavid Meßobert, 1 2)) • 477 James Ross, 1 20 ! 411 • M'm. Snivelv, 1 t[o 02 Henry Koontz, 50 j Southampton Tp. 200 James Riggs, 00 | 439 Paul Ward, ' 82 : 357 Patrick M'ard, 1 08 j 351 Joseph Ward, 1 04 j 353 Jonathan Ward, 1 04 18ti Isaac Hunter, 2 08 488 1". Clingernian, 1 20 Union Tp. 400 John Swaggart, ,7 90 4110 Leonard Swaggart, 10 64 200 Alex. Gardner, 8 90 It; Dr. Wm. Smith, 1 78 : 143 Sam'l Burket, 52 ]0 John Shoe, y 3b 100 James Johnston. 2 58 150 Frederick Snider, 00 40 Jeremiah Jackson, f> 66 •111| Jacob Swaggart, '<4 30 440" Wm. Pivrson, 10 80 441) Kbeuezer Branham, 11 08 420 Conrad loiter, 1 80 100 Christhy Bowser, 9 72 200. George Laib, j ;1 [ 1(|0 Jacob Bu-ket, 4 07 150 i'etcr Sfcocnberger, 1 84 143 Samuel Burket, 1 40 S3 Jl ugh Porter, , j4'>2 439 Griffith Evans, 10 00 40g j Philip Stino,. ;'J 70 439 John Martin, 11 64 43H John Taylor, 10 32 Jyo' M'ilson Hunt, 10 32 43HV Alex. Scott, . 10 22 427 D:.. P. Shopnlarger, 2 90 do 'To ' 48 140 do . do 48 Middle Hoodberry Tp. , 379 Daniel Montgomery, 19 0* 4011 Wm. Montgomery, 81 1- 172 Mcllna, 14 3 117 Daniel Montgomery, 10 9* 180 , Daniel Montgomery, 4 4 1 Lot Jacob Struck, No. 72 . 4- 1 Lot Jacob Struck, Nu. 74 1 0 Soul/i Woodbtrnj Tp. 200 161 Isabella Davis, 24 55 100 John S. lletrick, 2o 222 Elizabeth Piper, 24 April 9, 1858. WA< r O.\S. THREE new two horse wagons on hand, work warranted —will bo sold on a liberal cred it—or ex changed lor produce. • > .. . ; A. B. CRAMER he CO. Feb. 19, 1858 DR. SAKFORD S I hWKiIIHITOB, OK TjIVEK REMEDY THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST ..SOMEN- I tific medical discoveries ever made, and bt dai- ! ly Working cures almost tbo great to tielieve. It j cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving bene- ' fit and seldom more tlwn or.e bottle is required to ! cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common head ache, all ofwbich are the result of a Diseased Liver. The liver is on j of the principal regulators of the human 1 ody, and when it performs its Junctions w- 11, the powers of the system are fully developed The stomach is almost entirely cependent on the healthy action of the Lj.ver for the proper per formance of its functions. When the stomach is at fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system suffers in consequence of one organ—the Liver—having ceased to do its duty. For the diseases of that of the proprietors has made it h.s study, itW practice of more than twen ty years. to find some remedy wherewith to coun teract the many derangements to which it is lia ble. '1 o prove that this remedy is at last found, any person troubled with Liver Complaint in any of i.fs forms, has but to try a bottle, and conviction is certain. A compound has beer, formed by dissolving gums and extracting that part .which is solubio for ibe active virtues of the nieiLciiie. TlieSo gums re move all morbid or bad matter from the system, supplying in their place a heal hy flow of bile, in vigorating the stomach causing food to digest well, i purifying the blood, giving tone and health to the(( whole machinery, removing tiie causes of the dis ease, and effecting a radical cure without any ol the disagreeable alter effects, felt by using Calomel or Mineral poison, that are usually resorted to. Tu ail who will follow these directions a cure is positively guaranteed. Sick Hkaimchk can be cured by the use of two tea-spoonsful taken as soon as the attack is felt. The Invigorator never fails to cure sour stom ach or the bad effects experienced after eating. Billious attacks yield readi'y to one.bottle, and Chronic Diarrhoea, difficult as it is, is never troublesome to those who take the Invigorator.' For Dyspepsia or Jaundice, nothing in the konwn woiiiact so fully or cures so quickly as the In vigorator. It removes all yellowness and unnatu ral color from the skin. For Night Mare, take a dose beforeretiring. and it is warranted a sure preventative. For Female Obstructions it is a safe and sure remedy, as it removes the cause of the disease. Costiveuoss cannot exist where the lnvigoiator is i.-oso [akcii, while Cliolic yields readily to a few- It must be known all these are Lirer disea ses, or caused by a deranged Liver, and to cure them needs a Liver medicine and one of great pow er. The Invigorator is such a medicine; it has medicinal powers, uever before discovered, that will cure all diseases ef the Liver, no matter o. how long standing, or what may be tlipii; form. The active medicinal virtues, extracted from the gums used is such as to be astonishing ;o all wlm sye their effects, for none can use the medicine without feceiving benefit. It acts as a gentle Citlmrtic, and should always lie taken in sufficient quantities to op rat eon tlie bowels gently. The best way to take it is to take tbe medicine in the mouth, tben rtakesome water and swallow both together. In this way the medicine will scarcely be tasted, SANFORD in CO., Proprieto: , 34-5 Broad way, New York. For sale by Dr. B. F. Harry, and Druggist's generally i . Feb. 12, 1857.-3 m. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing and trading under the firm name of Biyniiro fc Hartley, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The Books, notes and account* are in the hands of Win. Hartley, woo is hereby, authorized to settle the same. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of feiymire N Hartley', will save costs by paying up, before the Books and notes are pla ced in the hand of a collector. March 20,1853. HAMMERED IRON* rpilE subscribers woud infirm the public,that JL they have leased, the Bedford Forge hereto fore carried on by John King Co., situate in Hopewell Township, where they are now manu facturing, and are prepared t-t supply all orders for every description of hammered Iron, on the shortest notice, and most liberal terpis. Their Iron may lie relied upon as being of the best quality. All kinds of country prod tic , and all kin Is o: wrought Iron scraps, taken at the high est market prices. PIPER $ SCOTT. Nov. 27, 1857.-tf. I.PORTA.\T TO MILL OWAEKS. W r OODWARD'S Improved Smut and Screen ing Machines, Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths, and Bran Dusters, of the most improved plan, Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Patent Bridges for Mill Spindle*, Pprfuble Mtllg, war ranted to grind ten - bushels*, per hour, Mill' Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, Stover's Patent Corn kiln and Grain Dryer— a valuable invention. The above articles are kept constantly on band, and can lie obtained at any time, from S. D. BROAD, Sc.hellsburg, Bedford County, who is also the agent for Bedford, Someiset, and adjoining Couu ies;..' , , ' i Mi At ill vright work done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. February lji, 1850. VfcCORMiCk'S Reaper and Mower for sale iVi by s. D. BROAD, at Schellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Bedford counties. Fcbrxary 15, 1850. EM 11 (MI'S .\oTit i;. LETTERS testamentary hav'ng been.granted by the Register of Bedford County to the undersigned upon the estate of Christian Winebrenngr,. late of .Middle TVoodberry Township, dee'd, : all persons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased are hereby requested ip make immediate payment, and those having claims or accounts against said es tate, will please present them properly authentica ted for settlement. w ... ,- JACOB KIFER, DAVID BOY EH, Exors, . Residing iu M. Woodlierry Tp. April 2, 1858. SriKVOIK & SMITH, CII4MBLRSUIIRG, 1*4., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS*.. AND Dealers in Music and • Musical instruments. Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wall papers, Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilL mouldings for fi-anies, etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. tlarry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders given hirtrwill he promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. WALL and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F. Harry la our agcut for this necessary article. By. calling at his store, our patrons will see samples of our papers. We have made ' our spring selection? with much care, and think we cannot fail to please. SURYOCK AC SMITH, Chumbersburg. Aditiinistrutoi'si Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been gran ted to the subscriber, residing m Middle AVood tierry Township, on the - estate of J. 11. Keagy, late of said Township, dee'd ali persons indebted to said estate axe hereby notified to make payment ' iinmediately, and those having claims against the i same, will-present t-hem properly .authenticated for j settlement- D. L. KKAGY, April 9, 1858. -f.* Administrator. For Producing Hair on Bald Head** and Restoring tircy Hair to its Natural Color. AND UNEQUALLED J. preparation, bus never failed t< JHWduce a growth on Bald. Heads, when used according to tile direction,,and tuni hair hack to its original color, after having i* come gray and reinstate it in all its original health, lustre, softness and lieauty. Removes it onccall scurf, dandrtifl and unpleasant* itching scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat Itoiu the scalp. It also prevents the hair from Ik-coiii". ing unhealthy and falling off and hence acts as a perfect . , HAIR IK VIGO RAT OR AKI) TONIC. A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend in New Bedford thus: To your inquiries, f *#oi'M reply, that when I first commenced using Professor Wood's Htir Re storative, toy hair was almost, white, and had been so for the Vi.'t ten *-eara.nnd R Was very thin 011 tho top of my head, and very loose, and pulled out freely ; but I found thai before I had used all .thesecond bottle, (which was-eight weeks) my hair wgSjCtufrijly .changed to Its oiiginal color, ligh: bro -h, ufd is tirv free from daiuirutf and quite moist . 1 havo had niv hair cut five or six times since the change, and have never seen any thing like white hair starting from the roots; and it is now as thick .1s ilfw*;r ws,and does not conic out at all. it has proved in my case all that I could wish to ask. July 1, 1855. Yours, etc. [ From the Bos to a Hem I J.] Sometuinu Wohth Ksowtxo.—By Using ProVs sor Wood's Hair Restorative, gray hair can ho permanently restored to its original 1 color. The subjoined certificate front Jolinson He Stone, Gar* diner, Maine, is but one of the many instances that arc dully-comiDgto our knowledge, of its woodcrf ful efiecta. His no longer prohlemat-'calt hut r self-evident truth, as hundreds in our communit. can testify. Gaudisib, Maine, June, 'if, 18." V Dear Sin : 1 have used two bottles oi Piolesscr Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the greatest discover) of the age for restoring and changing the Iniir. Before using it, I was * man of seventy. .My hair has now attained its original color. You can recommend it to the world with out the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. Yours, respectfully, Prof. O. J. Wood. f). X. MURPHY. Brookheed, Massachusetts, Jan. 12, 185.3. Dear Sut j—Having made a trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that its effect has been excellent in removing inflammation dandruti, ami a constant itching tendency with which I have been troubled from childhood; and lias also restored my luiir, which was K-coiiiin. gray, to its original,c 010 .1 have "used no, utlier article with nnythinglike tie pleasure and profit. Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG. Pastor of the Oithodox Church, Brookficl'l. Professor Wood. \Fioin the Missouri Democrat.l WOOD'S HAIR DYE.- This adniirabi article is rapidly improving the hair. No article of a .sim ilar kind, now before the public, enjoys a better reputation as a restorative audi linir tonic. Its peculiar chemical qualities have * iiene flcial effect upon tlie growth and character of iho hair, giving a silky and glossy texture to that which ' formerly of a coarse and dry nature. It has, also, we understand,, a tendency to pro se rye the youthful color and appearance of the hair, uiid destroy ing or counteracting the effects of age. V> ith sucli recommendations in its tavoi, ive hardly perceive how any lady or gentleman should be without so valuable an adjunct to their toilet. O.J. WOOD Hi CO., Proprietors, 12 Broad* way, N. i., ai d li t Market street* St. Louis, For sale by Dr. B. F. Harry, and Druggists, generally. Feb. it!, 1858.-3 m. jlrusio A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.— j - J iauos, Melodious, F.lutes, GuMais, Brass Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu facture, always on band. Bands supplied at city wholesale rates. We Keep always on hand a full assortment of all the new and fashionable music, which we .nail at our erpense to anv part of the country. N. B. Music nged to order. SIIRYOCK & SMITH, Chamber share. March 7, 1857. lireat Arrival of PILL AND WINTER GOODS. JUS l'receivy l and on hand, the best as sortment of BOOTS and SIIOLS that could be selected for the citfkens; of Bedford, and strangers visiting the piace, 1 door south of. Jli.iinick'B Confectionary Store, on Juliana Street. Mens' Grained Water-Proof long legged Boots, Metis' thick sole eastern made . long legged Boots, Mens' Kip and c >ar*o Heavy Boots, Cents' Fine Call double sole Boots, Gents* 'lxf'ord Ties, Gluts' Congress Gaiters, Mens' Heavy city, made Brogans, Ladies' Morocco Boot*. Ladies' (J,out Jipel Boots, Worn ens' Calf heavy winter Boots; M isscs' and Childrens' Boots in variety, Boys' Boots of all kinds, size j and description. i .■ CAPS, in variety, will tie always kept on hand. ' Persons wishing to good Boots and Shoes will please give me a call bufore buyiug elsewhere. ~ ADAM FERGUSON. Oct. 2, 1857. DISSOLUTION OP Pi KT.VEKSII IP. fpilE partnership heretofore existing between A lleniy S. King .and James Madam, under the name and firm of Madura, King Co., doing business at'- Lcmtios Iron Works, in Hopenetl Towhjhip Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual conseut. : HENRY S. KING, N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES MAD All A. THE business of manufacturing iron at Lcm nos Iron Works, will bo continued by the under signed, who has purchased ali the interest of his late partner James Madura in the hooka, piopertv aud effects, belonging to the late firm of Madura King St Co. Nov. 27, 1857.-tf. IIKNUY S. KING. Letters of Administration oq the estate of Mrs. Sophia Mower, late of Colerain Township, doe'd, J having been this day granted to the subscriber. re , siding in said Townsliip, all persons indebted to I said estate are therefore notified t<> make- payment to the subscriber immediately, ami those ImTing j claims against said estate will present them forth j with properly authenticate,! fbr settlement.' EMANUEL J. DIEUL, .f.fcuV. ! March, 2G, 1855.-ot. JOHN 11. ALLE%k CO j SOS. 2 .s- 4 OHKSTXCT Street,' (Mmtf, side, be tote H'/iicr,) PHILADELPHIA, (Tuk Oiii smt \Y ooi-wark House, in the Citt.) ji| ANUFACTUKERS ami Wholesale dcal -1"A era in Patent Medicine, mads BROOMS, Patent Groved CEDAR- WARE, Warranted not to shrink, WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, CORDS, BRUSH ES, Ike., of all descriptions. Please call and examine our rtuiki Feb. 27, 1857.-*z.