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BY DAVID OVER. AGRICULTURAL. Experiments and Observations UPON TBE coiu sip cm BY JOSEPH 8. I.OVEBINQ. [Continued.) Cut and grouud 58 feet—loo cancs nine fif teen-sixteenths gallons—lOJeg. Beauir.e— rather more acid than the last—clarified it ful ly as above —passed it through 5 feet Black, and set it aside, and it is clear and bright, and contains no feculent matter. Cut and ground 58 feet—94 canes—9{ gal lons, lOdeg. Beaume—treated as above, and set it aside. % Weather changing—out aud ground 58 feet —95 canes—9| gallons, lOJeg. B treated as above— also giouud the tops of all tbe above 2J2 feet, which produced 4 gallons, *2 quarts, and 3 half pints of juice, weighing 12deg. B. more aeid than the lower joints—treated it the same—boiled it to 2SaJeg. F. aud sot it aside, in tbe morning 1 found a good crop of crystals, but the mass thick, and viscid—added 3 table spooafulls .dear lime-water, heated it to cua tle me t pour it into a mould—gross weight 9i lbs., tare 44 lbs. good browu sugar, and 2 lbs. molasses. Boiled one-half ot the teutiinder of the pro ceeds of the above lower joiuts, (one-third of the whole having been boiled ou the 2d, as above stated) to 236deg. F., and added it to that boiled on the 21— boiled tbe other half to 237deg. F.—potted it at 176Jeg. F. very hand somely crystalizea, and very light colored. Withdrew the stops and set it on the pots to drain. The full mould <ls lb. size) had run lj gal lons molasses, ot syrup—if it had been boiled a litto higher it would b-vc produced more su gar, and less molasses. Tbe whole having now stood 7 days, and be iug thoroughly drained, weighed as follows : 1 suiail mould, 10 :bs. Tare, 44 nt. wt: sug., 5J lbs. 1 larger, " 184 Tare, 7 " 114 Sugar from the tops, '• " 3 Product tif 232 feet cancs, 19. <0 lbs. 1 pot of molasses, 17 lbs., tare 5 lbs. 12 lbs nt. 1 .< " 9" 5 4 1 " " 124" 5 7.25 Molasses from the tops;. 2 Product of molasses from 232 feet canes, 25.25 232 feet are more than l-50th part of au acre by 14 foet, therefore deduct pro rata, 1.19 1.52 Product of 1-oOtbpartof an acre, 18 56 23.73 Multiply by 50 50 Product of an acre in lt>s., 928.00 1180.50 A gallon of molasses weighs 12 lbs., therefore divide by 15 for gal. 98.87 and we have 928 lbs. sugar (first returns) and 98.77 gallous molasses, made from one acre 13.277) of caDes, which produced 1847 gallons juice, weighing at 9 lbs. per gallon, (16.623 lbs.,) or, sugar, first crop, 5.58 per ceut. mo lasses 7.14 per cent. —togethei, 12 72 per cent. This sugar is perfectly dry, as shown by 6atnplc No. 4, it worked perfectly, and without the slightest difficulty, at every stage. Boiled all the molasses from the above (ex cept the two lbs. fr'-m the tops which was too poor lor re-crystallization) 23.25 lbs.—added clear lime water until it marked 35deg. B. when boiling—look off a thick, glutinous scum, and boiled it down to 243deg. P.—in two hours it produced a copious crop of very good crystals —allowed it to stand till morning, when it was quite solid. Here an unfortunate accident oscurred.— Having placed tbe crystalizcd mass over a slow fire, to rouder it fluid enough to cast into a mould, I was called off to a case of illness, leaving it over the fire, and being detained much longer than 1 anticipated, on returning 1 found all the grain melted and the molasses boiling vehemently, and badly burned. Much discouraged, I however proceeded, it crystal ilod the tocood time, aud was put into a mould. Weighed the sugir from the 23.26 lbs. nto lasaes boiled on tbe lTth Nov., as follows, viz •Gross weight, 11 lbs tare, 4! Seoond crop of crystals from the 23.- 25 lbs. moUsee*, 6 25 lbs. ] Deduct pro rata for the 14 ft. exce "Wt l-20th of an acre, 373 * i. ■ 4 fc V ■ Ml A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance. Second returns from 1-50 of au acre, 5.877 Multiply by 50 Product of au acre from the molas ses, 293.85 Then we have, as the whole final result of au ucre of caues, Sugar Molasses. Ist returns, 928 lbs. 1186.50 lbs. 2d " (Sample IV.) 293.85 Aud deduct molasses converted, 293.85 1221.85 892.75 j And 12 lbs. molasses per gallon gives 74.39 gal. Say sugar, per acre, 1221.85 lbs.; molasses, per acre, 74.39 gallons; sugar, per ct., 7.85; molasses, per ct., 5.37; sugar and molasses, 12.72 per ct. 1 will repeat here, that owing to the accident, before stated, this sugur, (Sample No. IV,) 2d returns, is not nearly of SJ good quality as it. otherwise would have been. (7o be continued.) THE SILBST lIiTER. BY MRS. HORACE ST. JOHN. A RARE fertility characterizes the Ken tuckiau State as it verges southward on the land of Tennessee. Here a sweep of the so called "Barrens" may be seen enameled with flowers, numberless, and richly died, over which the south wiud blows, wafting their fragrance, or clothed with magnificent crops of Indian corn, from ten to fifteen feet in height, or of tobacco or wheat, waving and golden. This luxuriauce contrasts picturesquely with the northern portions of the country. — These, dreary aud wild, present only bills of sand, or liLes of rugged cliffs, amidst which a torrent dashes here aud there, with menacing roar, and far-winding gorges dark aud deep, are suddenly dkclosc-d by the juttiug of the crag, to the dismay of travelers, lavage wild, too, terrible as Dante's solitude, aro there, which abounding iu legendary interests, are renowned iu Kentuckiau story, ami form not tbe least attractive attribute of these strange, romantic regions. There it was that the their original territories, or haJß^grounm-, 1 took up a position to wage a war with their aggressors, whose strength was tested in many a fietce encounter with the swarthy Shawuees.. Still to these memorable tracts does many a "sporting party" resort, where the remains of rough built t jnts, tell of the invincible hunter warriors, who once held them as there own. Doubtless heroes of a different race existed, however, ready zo dis pute every inch of Kentucky land with the tawuy settlers. Harrod and Boone were distinguished anioug theui, but even they were surpassed in bravery by men whoso matchless skill in contest, whose ruthless ferocity and indomitable daring were so remarkable as to be regarded by the savages as the result of somo fearful and supernatural agency. The superstition acted naturally to their detriment, and increased the power of Will Smith, the Forest Chieftain, who, victor iu repeated contests, they looked upon as the evit genius of their race—au instrument of vengeance sent by tbe Great Spirit. Their timidity in facing so tetrible an enemy, was the cause of an irresolution in their attacks which usually brought defeat, and facilitated, of course, the means of escape for the conqueror. Sometimes, unexpectedly ou the rear of his enemy, at others ahead of them, or iucompre heusibly in the midst of the fray, it seeemed indeed as though tbe warrior had a charmed life# True it was that a spell hung on the existence of the extraordinary tuao, who lived under the shadow of a great and inextiu guishable sorrow. The bitter remembrance of tbis it was, which inciting a ceaseless desire •if reveuge, was the secret of his restless and sauguinary career. The blight of misery as a plague-tuint separated him from his fellow men. Sternly and isolated he lived, forever haunting the war-path or the buutiug-traii of tbe Indians, from which their bravest leaders disappeared. Often in their bunting ex peditions would their leader fall, surrounded by bis braves, pierced to the heart by the unerring bullet of the Sileut Hunter, and the clear sharp ring of his rifle quickly following was all the indications given tbetn of his presence. Pursuit, search were alike un availing—loug before either could be sue cossfully put into requisition, be was lar beyond the reach of their closest search. Few among the border people approached or ventured to address the dreaded chieftain. A mystery surrounded him which was tbe source of perpetual conjecture, increased by the very circumstances which appeared to render it im probable it should ever be solved; for this singular being maintained a silence as uubrokeu as though he was dumb, through which he was commonly kuown as the "Silent Hunter."— This appearance of sullen reserve distanced all, and thote who otherwise would have compassionated his sorrows, or perhaps even shared his singular fortunes, now denounced hitn *s a ruthless adventurer; very different would havo beeu theii judgment oould they havo penetrated the enigma of his solitary life, and have known how cruelly eearred bad been a heart onee quickened by tbe kindliest aud liveliest emotious. Misfortune which at one dread stroke had deprived him of his realization of happiness an eartb, seemed to have dead* eoed every human hope and sympathy, and i crashed every social iuetinot within bis heart. Tho sou of obaoure emigrants from the Old World, his first unbappiocas was to be left an orphan at an early age. Tho next to be ap prenticed to a farmer in North Carolina, a miserable miser, who not only subjected tho BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1858. poor boy to deprivation and tbe most arduous toils, but proved a traitor to the condition of the indentures by which he was bound. These included the privilege of receiving a general school education, instead of which he was not taught its merest ruJiuießts. Will, owing in great part to his capacity aud inclination for study, combined doubtless, with tbe com parative impulse often accompanying it, resolved nevertheless to become a scholar. Happily, to aid his good intention, he found an in structress whose amiability aud skill reudered tbe ta-k of learning rather a pleasure than a toil This was Mattie Saunders, the farmer's daughter. Often W ill's eyes would un consciously wander from the page to her earnest blue eyes, and then would come such sweet, gentle tones of remonstrance, that he really could scarcely be sorry for offeuee. Iu this studious couipauiouship as time went on, more than letters were learned, though little did either Matt it or Will imagiuo how important an influence would he exercised on their destinies by the hours which glided so swiftly and carelessly hy. They loved uncousciously, ; and the sweet secret of their breasts was first j made known to them by the father of Mattie,; who perceived the condition of affairs, and it i was revealed to then mutual mystery. From the time of its discovery, the most dire tyranny not to say atrocity, was practiced by Sauuder.s towards the poor boy. Deprived of the very necessaries of cxisteucc, he was driven in iLe midst of winter, to sleep with hut a single thread-bare covering, on some ; hay iu a barrel. Such was the eudurance to whi.-h he bravely ] submitted for his deal companion's sake.— Ilis sole consolation was the sympathy ex- ; i pressed by Mattie during his stolen interviews j with her. She, no longer able to see poor ] W ill, had her gentle heart lareeratcd by the I knowledge of the peisceutiou he suffered, without the ability of alleviating the misery of which she knew herself to bo the louoceut Meek-spirited and tender, she was but little fitted to oppose the unrelenting spirit ul her father, who, having amassed a considera ble tortune, imagined he did sufficient ior he: | happiness by zealously guarding it. His I daughter, even to the approach ot womanhood, was rigorously watched, lor tbe idea of a moneyless suitor was distracting to him. His malignity,awakened by the affection sul aisiiog between Mattie and Will, was inei-| ciiessly visited upuu the forlorn orphan boy. The pattern, heroism of love alone could havo induced Will, naturally of a bold and defiant temper, to yield to tbe degradiug servitude he owned. llut to break from it was to part from Mattie—-that thought was mere grievous thau ail. So Le endured and hoped for long, till the increasing severity of bondage became unbearable. Incited by a burning indigna tion, he resolved to escape, and stealing to Mattie's room one night, he told her his in tention. The child lovors hud little time to indulge their grief—one burst of tears—one clasped embrace, aud they parted. Ma'tie's only cousoktion, the last words of her lover, that "wheu he was a great man, he would come hack and make her his litile wife." With a few crusts aud some scraps of cloth ing, Will set forth on his journey to the -Amer ican Capitol. Curious vicissitudes awaited him. His store was soon exhausted, and he was com pelled to beg liis bread, and seek some wretch- i ed shelter at night. Ou one occasion, he was discovered by the excellent Judge Campbell, who, an early riser for the charitable purpose j of looking to the welfare of his cattle, as well ! as of his household, on visiting his stables, was amazed to find there a pale, miserable looking | boy, emaciated with deprivation ami hunger.-- The good old utau could not restraiu his tears, as he said: "Never, while i have a crust must this be." Removed to the Judge's dwelling, for days the poor orphan vacillated between life aud death, uuable to explain his uuhappy sit uation, or express his gratitude to his deliver ers. From the time that Will Smith was received ! into the Judge's family, he was treated as one { of its members. Through a straDgc coincidence i the very first case met with hy tno Judge, on | setting out ou the Circuit, was that of the Com- ! uionwoaith vs. Samuel Suuuders, unlawfully j making away with the indentured child kuown as Will Smith. Campbell, delighted with the idea of retribution ou the prosecutor of his protect, whom he loved as bis son, gave it his immediate attention, aud coiupelkd minute iu vostigation of every particular iu the affair.— Tim trial was a siugukr and terrible scene.— Campbell, severe and implacable, sat like another Brutus, resolved for the seuteuoe Mattie, too, the timid Mattie, was prcseut, pale, heart-siek, aud agonized by oonfltouug leelmgs. The uovelty of her situation, and its publicity, were sufficient alone to overwhelm her gentle nature, iu addition to which she had the misery to witness her parent's disgrace, and was uis tracted with the conviction that Will, her sole hope and only friend, was lost to her forever. launders, trembling and conscious, await ed tbe verdict, which catne as a deatbknell on liis cars, as the solemn tone of denunciation " Guilty !" sounded through the uubrokeu hush ot the court. At that instant the noise of carriage wheels told au arrival, aud sent a uiuruiunug agitation through the crowa. The excitement was toid by.tuo eager excitement of the people's gaz ,K> leant > he cause. Even Mattie was i, up. i oc n.-paii io to which sir.: i a.'.n: A - g<: > ■ .e hope arose in her ft . . -i ■.y id she conceive the n <rvt.ii -.j- i: A .i . b. held one cuter she cou.u hot mistake, but so pale, aud attenuated as w seem, indeed, rather a spectre than a human being. But it was her lost cue, Let well remembered com panion, whose appearance created a sensation impossible to disoribe. His -peiseeutor, horri fied at the sight of what ho couccived to be au apparitiou, swooned and was taken from the court. The result was, that the conditiou of the boy's indentures was declared by the jury to be forfeited, and, the sorest setiQg of all to tho uiiser—he was compelled to aid in the support i and education of the boy until he attained his maturity j A uew light thus broke ou the hori zon hitherto so dark and troubled, for Will Smith. Dilligent ia improving tho advantages afforded Riui, before long he enjoyed the hon orable position of n successful young barrister, and the <fd Judge on his retirement, had the satisfaction of seeiug his owu career renewed in that oj his adopted son, as he listened often iu ecsta>*o of admiration, to his brilliant, vig orous oratory. But the most delightful tri umph of Hi, to Will was, that he could now claim hisjbluo-eyed Mat tie, as his own. In defiance ttf opposition ho took her for his bride. Years ef unalloyed happiness was the reward of his trails and his toils. Care, sorrow and I endurance were forgoiton, even ambition slum bered, while he basked iu his new-found joy. But cbmges awaited him. The noblo cou- 1 test foi freedom arose, and then all that was elevated and unsclfiish in his nature, awoke. ■ Wealth, ease, were relinquished with the ! ready cofiseut of Mat-tie, joyful of her beloved nt her side. Will's services in his j country's cause were uuremitting nod effeeual. i His sincerity was proved by the sacrifice of his entire fortune ; tor the conclusion of hostilities saw him p•■uriijess, the result of his hard ear ned possession. Knergy and enterprise he knew uuist opeHAi fresh path to progress for him. The glorious lauds beyond the Alieghauies offered the best resource, and thither he re solved, if Mattie would accompany him, to re pair. lie uiet wiih uo remonstrance from bis sweet wife. Her whiteniug cheek alone told the one pang of consent. I'he journey was long aud arduous, but the travoieis fouud compensation iu the stimulus of novelly, as well as tiie charms of the lovely soeues presented by the new fouud lauds ahead, j bearing a semblance of civilization from tho numerous forts and settlements that appeared. U ill, having arrived ou the borders of the Sinking River, deposited there his family, with •i powerful torce iu camp as their defence, while he, careful to secure iuttber supplies, pressed oa to meet his frieud Boone at a giveu spot. Six er s> only ho was absent—six eventful, memorable days. Double loug seemed these separations to W ill's loving heart, tor it was 'he .tifat since his marriage. i|e Lurnedly soUgut out tun spot wtiere all that was precious on tiie earth to him remained—consecrated as 1 home by one blessed presence. Lie perceived with astonishment the camp broken up and the tow remaiuing emigrants retreating. Hastening alter tuem lie sternly demanded ! Ins wife and children of those whom he had j constituted their guardians. " i ou will find them where you left thorn; ask ! tho Shawnees; they can tell you the rest," was i the reply. Traitors," exclaimed Smith "you have neglected your trust; they are mur dered! ' Thenwiiha sudden spring at the throat of the hunter who had spoken, he hurled him to the ground, and without stopping to c the result, the wretched man returned to the camp, lie was found there stretched on the floor beside the lifeless remains of bis Mattie and his children, whom he alternately embraced, lie. then rose, aud sileutly aud with an awful uolemuity, proceeded to work for hours, uutil a grave WM formed, large and deep,in which he placed side by side his treasures. Their young est born lay ou the fair luotbet's breast, the eldest, with the death frown on his brow, still grasped the rifle with which he had vainly sought to combat the deadly foe! The miserable father having completed his task, erected a small pile of SIOLCS where re posed the remains of all Ids earthly bliss. Then snatching up his rifle with one hand ho waved a farewell to his companions, and disap peared follow iug the track of tho Shawnees. He never left that track. For years ho ex hausted the hunting ground of ihe Shawnees slaying them as they slept, or as they sat in their leasts, or as they groped in the paths of the forest. Gradually such numbers had fal len uuder his terrible rifle that lie was dreaded ! as the phantom of murder, and the Shawnees j deserted their old hauuts on the bauks of the ! Green Hirer. As the last of their canoes j dropped down the stream, a bullet struck one j of the crew, whn dropped iuto the water dead. ' The others looked up, and saw their fearful j enemy retiring iuto the foiest. A simple sar- j cophague, such as are common in Kentucky, [ marks the resting place of the "Silent Hun ter," whose singular and melancholy history has tuore than once lent its romantic interest tofietiou. SOME REFLECTIONS. Since Mr. OWEN JONES has departed this life, or, in other words, has taken farewell of his repeated pledges, oral and written, to his friends and constituents, to stand up to tho principle without which be would still be vege utiug at his beautiful couutry seat near Phila delphia, "we breathe freer and deeper." We have lost, in succession, M, DEWART,WIIO car ried his ponderous inconsistency to Lecornp touisin amid many protestations on the other side; Mr. WILSON HEILLY, who went over to the same side, after having written himself down in the noisiest Saxon against all the frauds in Kansas; and uow we are called upou to separate from Mr. OWEN JONES. But we .-tit'vive the last, as we did the others! i curious to look back to the state of this ; t -.sTi • "iy after flie meeting of Congress. M., uENuy M. PHILLIPS, afier making the circle of all opinious ou this issue, and covering himself witb pledges against it almost as think as a Susquehanna ahad ia covered with scales; Mr. DIMMICK, of tho "Tenth liCgiou," who is happily recovering from & fever which threatou .ed to take bim off almost as certainly as the I people of tiift district will erase him in October, j aud wbo.infoimcd the writer of this article, a [ few days before ho went over with his flhg furl- Ed, that himself and eleven other Pennsylvania Democrats in the House iutended to stand by the Cincinnati Plaiform on this question, not to speak of Dr. AHL (whoso brother did not get all j but a good many of the mules so necessary to carry burdens in the Utah war,' —these gen tlemen made up ihe early portion of the flying artillery, and these, including the illustrious trio, OWEN JONES, DEWAUT, and HEILLY, have left to the cause of the people three gallant men who now stand in the House, representing not only the intellect of our! delegation, but its courage and its firmuess too. Wo allude to HENRY CHAPMAN, of j Sucks, JOHN HICKMAN, of Chester, and WM. j MONTGOMERY, of Washington—three men fit i to occupy any positions. Leaders in their pro fession, leaders on the stump, eacu, beloved in his home circle, and all resolved to stand by the true flag to the last. The meu who now stand forward in the House, refusing the bribes of power and disregarding the arro gance ot the Leeomptonites, will not be for gotten by the Democratic party or the coun try. JOHN B. HASKIN, of New York, has earned enduring fame by his frank, fearless, and uudoubtiug integrity throughout all this struggle. HORACE P. CLARK, the able aud accomplished member from the city of New York, has thrown the weight of his energetic character aud varied abilities on the vide of the people, while the lone star of Indiana, John G. Davis, the heroic delegation from liliuois, headed by the galiaut and gifted soldier aud gentleman, Major Thomas L. Harris, inclu ding others no less deserving of praise and en couragement, constitute a phalaux which can no louger he weakened or broken. We can not doubt, that the people at their uext Con gressional eieotious will put the seal of ap- j probation upon every one of those intrepid heroes of priuuipde. In the Senate, co operating with Stephen A. Douglas, we find Charles K. Stuart, of Miehigau, whose skill, fearlessness, aud great expeneuce have baftUd the machinations of tiie ablest opponents of the good cause, and David C. Broderick, of Cali fornia, who, couiiug to Washiugtou in Decem ber almost a strauger, has, by the force of his character, and the B teru integrity of his pur poses, won the love of many ami the respect of all. These are the men who have in keep ing the pledge and the principle which gave us the Presidency in 1&66. They have thus far nobly defeuded them, and we predict that they will guard them heroically to the hitter j c uvi ia press Our readers will remember the few extracts we published lately from the Speech of Seua tor HAMMOND, of South Carolina, in which the Working Meu of the Free States were stigma tised as "white slaves," because they were Working Meu. This Democratic Senator is so aristocratic that he looks upon Labor as degra ding, and upon the uiau who works, not only as a slave, but only fit for a slave. Well, this Speech—this beautiful specimen of Southern Democracy—happeued to fall under the eye of one of the Senator's relatives, residing in .Phil adelphia, who thus replies to it through the columns of Mr. FORNEY'S paper: SENATOR HAMMOND To the Editor oj the Press :—Some eighty years ago, the Senator's branch of the Ham uioud family were residents of the county of Worcester, Massachusetts, subsequent to which date the present Senator's father removed to South Carolina, and, like most emigrants of olden time, his ability to labor with head and bands constituted his only capital, and, for the ci edit of "white Northern slaves," it cannot be denied thai he made a most excelleut use of both. The sister of this bard woiking, adven turous son, was the grandmother of the writer of this article. A number of the honorable Sen ator's cousins now reside in the Stato of New York, aud the uumerous descenucuts of the Hammond family are scattered over most of the Northern States. Although many of the honorable Senator's would be "white slave branch" of the Ham mond family are, from their abuudant means, not more likely to come to want than the hon- i orable Senator himself, yet they are not ashamed j of those from whom they sprung. They have no desire to braud even the Southern branch of the family, who have been reared among slaves, as slaves, nor are they ashamed to earn their bread by the labor of their hands. Although i they have not been reared in the suuny South, ! with African slaves as companions, and the j children of African slaves as playmates, yet 1 they cannot envy the head or the heart of that i msn who can staud up iu the United States Senate, aud brand his kiuumeu and those from whom lie sprung as slaves. Neither will the Northern "white slaves" 1 brauch of the honorable Seuator's family allow bim to staud up as their expoueut while he con tinues to advocate the "Lecompton swiudle," which to the knowledge of the winter is not eudorsed by a single member of the Northern branch of the honorable Senator's "white slave" family. H. Peun Square, Philadelphia, April 19th, 1858. A YOUNG LADY SHOT BY HER LOVER. — On Saturday week, a young lady named Har liet Seidler, was shot at Theresa, Dodge, county, Wisconsin, by hor lover, a young mau named liobert Schmidt. The young woman was tweuty years of age. They were engaged to 1m married, and Schmidt had come over from St. Paul, Van Buren couuty, Michigan, to fulfil the engagement, but the parents of the youug lady objected, in consequence of which it was arrauged between the lovers that Schmidt should first shoot her aud then himself. He exeooted his designs so far ne the young lady was conoerned, but failed to shoot himself on aooount of the loss of tho cap of his gun. VOL 31, NO. 20. After failiug in chid be ran and jumped into the river to drowa himself, but was rescued. He bis DOW arrested, and awaits a trial. The charge, which was hue shot, eotered the left breast of the young lady, and inflicted a horrible wound, of which she expired Sunday morning. She had her senses up to the last, and charged her parents with being responsible for the awful deed, and acquitted her lover of all blame. The parties, as their names indi cate, were Germans. HOW UNCLE SAM'S MONEY GOES. Among the "contingent expenses" of the National House of Representatives far 1857, may be found charged the following articles:— Knives, 4,479 $6,828 00 Scissors, 669 7U Candles, J 057 50- Propelling Pencils, 600 00 Two flags, 100 00 Dressing cases, 645 50 Odor cases! !! 121 50 Cigar cases ! ! ! 97 50 Ladies' reticules, 242 00 Portfolios, 1997 83 Albums, plain and illuminated, 232 00 Suuff, 24 00 Yesta taper boxes, 70 50 Card cases, 177 00 English traveling cases, 155 00 English despatch boxes, 75 00 Faucy inkstands, 635 92 Dialer's do 228 00 English do • 114 72 Desk do 30 00 Ladies' do 288 50 Plaiu do 150 0U Cut do 291 00 French do 52 GO Pump do 18 00 Screw do 84 00' Ladies' Porteuaooaies, 347 00- Pearl shopping tablets, 247 00 Buckskin purses, 70 00 Pocket books, 8> 00 Ladies' Companion, 101 Co If there be not ten thousand seaen- hundred and sixty-two dollars and niuety-seron cent* expended for crinoiino in the contingent* of the House in 1858, let us live in hope, and believe that with the progress of Coleridgeian art, iu the year 1859 or iB6O that sum may he laid out by members for the beautifioation and beati fication of (heir wives and daughters' apparel. Certainly the appropriations should . not slop with albums, reticules,shoppiug-tablets, porlo mouuaies, etc., but should, with special sub limity, rise to the adorumeut of the entire fem inine person, giviug it, at the public expense, that circular glory which rivals both the uitn bus of the dawn anu the tracks of the midnight siars. Mr, English's Kansas Dili. Whereas, the people of Kansas did by a convention of delegates, assembled at Le comptoo, on the 7th day of November, 1857,. for that purpose, form tor themselves a con stitution and State government, which consti tution Is republican in form. Aud whereas, at the same time and place the said couveutiou did adopt un ordinance, which said ordinance asserts that Kansas, when admitted as a State, will have the undoubted right to tax lands within ber limits, belonging to the United States; and proposes to relin quish the said asserted right, if certain condi tions set forth in said ordinance be accepted aud agreed to by the Congress of the Uuitcd States. And whereas, Tue said constitution and or dinance have been presented to Congress by the order of the said couvciition, and admission of the said territory into the Union thereon, as a State, is requested Aud whereas, the said ordinance is not ac ceptable to Congress, and it is desirable to as certain whether the people of Kansas coucur in the cuaDges in said ordinance hereinafter sta ted, and desire admission into the Union as a State, as herein proposed. Therefore, be it enacted, &c. r That the State of Kansas be, aud is hereby, admitted into the Uniou ou an equal footing with the original States, in ail respects whatsoever, but upon this fundamental condition of precedent, name ly, that the question of admission with the fol lowing proposition, in lieu of the ordinance framed at Lecomptou, be submitted to the vote of tbe people of Kansas, and asserted to by tbem or a majority of tbe voters votiog at the electiou to be hold for that purpose, namely, that tbe following propositions he, aud the saute arc hereby, offered to the said people of Kan sas for their free acceptance or rejection, which, if accepted, shall be obligatory upon lb# Uuitcd States and upon the said State of Kan sas, to wit: First—That sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in every township of public lauds iu said State, aud where either of said sections, or any part thereof, has been sold or otherwiso disposed of, other lauds, equivalent thereto, ami as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the said State for the use of schools. Second—That seventy-two sections of laud shall be set apart aud reserved for the use and support of a State University, to be selected by the Governor of said State, subject to (he approval of tbe Commissioner of the General Laud Office, aud to be appropriated aud applied in such manner as the Legislature of tbe said State may prescribe for tbe purpose aforesaid, but for no other purpose* Third— That ten entire sections of laud, to be selected by the Governor of said B'tate, in legal subdivisions, shall bo gruuted to said State, for the purpose of completing the public buildings, or for the erecum of others at tho scat of government, under the direction of the' Legislature thereof. Fourth—That all tbe salt springs within lh gaid State, not exceeding twelve in number,, with six section! of land adjoining, or as con tiguous as may be to each* shall bo granted H