Newspaper Page Text
THE USURY MEL. | Tlic following is tnc usury act as pissed bv -the Legislature and approve I by ft e Govern on i SFC. 1. Br it enacted, &c., That the law ful rate of interest for the loan or use of mo ney in all cases where no express contract shall have ben made for a less rate shall be six per cent per annum as heretofore, and the first and second sections of the act passed lsd March, 1823, entitled "au act to reduce the iuterest of money from eight to six per ccut. per annum," (Pardon, 451, Sec 1 and 2,) be and the same i* hereby repealed. SEC. 2. That when a rvte of interest for the loan or use of money exceeding that es tablished by law shall have been reserved or contracted for, the borrower r debtor, shall Lot be required to pay the creditor the excess over the legal rite, and it shall be lawful for such borrower or debtor at his option to re tain aud deduct such excess from the amount .of any such debt, aud in all cases where atiy borrower or debtor shall lieretofoie or hereafter have voluntarily paid the whole debt or sum loaned, together with interest exceeding the lawful rate, no action to recover back any such excess shall he sustained in auy court of of this Commonwealth, unless the same shall have beeu commenced wntiiu six months from aud after the time of such payment. Provi ded always, That nothing in this act shall ef fect the holders of negotiable paper taken i-onn fide in the usual course of bnsiuess. The English Admiral has discovered that Canton is situated on an island; one of the gun boats having just made a passage around it. It is somewhat singular that this fact nev er was known before, aud only goes to show bow jealous these people are of "giving any in formation of the internal affairs or formation j yf the country. • ANOTHER VICTORY*.—York is a county which I adj dus Lmcasier, and his always been demo- i "eratic, and the borough of York give Buchanan j 406 majority. In the light of that fact read j the following : ''The Peopled Ttck-ts al i'crk, (Pa.) Vic-I tarious. —At the* town officers at • York, Pa , on Saturd ay last, the Democrats ! were defeated' and the People's ticket was ' elected by 190 majority. Ihe vote was the j largest ever polled. The People** ticket gained I in the contest, nearly three hundred votes over j the last election." MUNICIPAL ELECTION AT jS'DIAN AP- j OLIS, 1 M<tANAPoI.i N, May s.—The municipal j election yesterday resulted iu the success of the j c.itire 11 publican ticket, by from two to three hundred majority. Five out of seven coun- ' ciimeu were also elected by the Republican. •THE DECEASE OF SENATOR EVANS JIVMA- j inglort, May 7 —Senator Evans,after attending j the session of the Senate, yesterday, had dined | with his colleague, Mr. Hamtuatid, and left for | h one about ten o'clock, apparcutly enjoying his j usual good health, lie wa.- attacked with j disease of the heart, or apoplexy, shortly after j reaching his lodgings, and died iu a short time i after. He was seventy-one years of age. li/Tho Louisville Courier says the English j bill offers 'no middle ground to stand upon. J It i- a straight out Soul iieru document. Those I who have anything to do with it must either ! be Northern or Southern men. .Sarah Conrad recovered S4OO for breach of marriage contract,in the Harrison county, (lud.) 1 court, from Thus. Jones, an unfaithful swaiu. , The tender, or tough couple as the case may ' be, are each 55 years old. Why are the Uuited States' colors lika the stars of heaven ? Because they arc beyond the power of any tuition to puli them duwu. Ti.e central Democratic organ of Uiiaos styles the Buchanan men of that State "a set of rascals, striving to disorganize the Democrat ic party of Illinois." I|!L MAKKLI>. BALTIMORE May 11. FLOUR.—-There was some little inquiry this morning for Flour. We heard ou 'Change of sales of 150 bbl--. Howard Stieet and 100 bbls. Ohio Super at $1,371, 300 bbls. City Mills do. at $4. We quote Ohio Extra at §4.624*3 1.75, Howard Street do. at $475'55, and City Mills do. as ranging from $5 to $5.50 per bbl. Rye Flour is duil at $3.50 per bbi. Corn meal, sales of 500 bbls. City at $3.50, Slid of 70 puueoeons do. at $16.L0.1517 per puncheon. GRAIN.—For Grain generally the market this morning was dull and rather Of Wheat there were about 4,090 bushels off -red A lot of 100 bushels red, was sold at 104 cts., and a few parcels of white were sold at 105 cts., for ordinary, 114a120 cts., for fair to good and 125 cts. for prime. Corn white sold at prices ranging from 58 to 02 cts!, and yellow brought G7a69 cts. per bushel by measure, and 70 cts, by weight. Rye is coming forward | sparingly. A lot of 300 bushels Pennsylvania j ws the only out offered this morning, and it sold at 70 cts. Oats coutiuue in fair supply, I some 5,000 bushels being at market to-day 1 We quote \ irginia and Maryland Oats steady j at 32a3J cts., and Pennsylvania do. at 37u38 cts. ft>r good lots. PHILADELPHIA, May 10. The Flour market continues inactive. 1000 i bbls. superfine sold for export at $4 50 per barrel, at which figure it is fieely offered.— There is a steady demand for hone consump tion from $4 50 to $4 624 for common and good brands; $4 75a§5 for extra, and sss 25 i a$G 50 for extra family and fancy brands.— i Rye Flour and Corn Meal come in slowly, but there is very littlo demand for either. \Ye quote at $3 25 per barrel. Grain —There is but little demand for Wheat, < Sales of 1400 bushels Southern aud Peuoa. at j 51 10a! 12 por bushels, for good Red, aud 51 23al 25 for White llye is worth 68c. Corn j sales of 4,500 bushels yellow at 71 cents, afloat *ad sonic m store at 69 cents. Oats Penn. at j 40 cents per bushel, part in store. MIKRfEfh On the 4tb intt., by the Rev. Hcory Sei/ert,; MR- DAVID P BEBULE, to Miss LOBKTXK, Oldest daughter of Geo. Potter, K*q., both of! this county. . y 1)1 LUL —VfcT- j- *1 _.. T .. On the 6th inst , Mrs. ELIZA EARNEST of arnson township, in the 39th year of her age. 1 | BAZAfi! BAZAR! rIT AVE you called at te LADIES, BAZAR in JL J. Anderson's Row ! Mis. H. D. PECCR bas just returned from the Eastern Cities, with a, handsome assortment of la dies and children's fancy goods. Have you seen them? Her niillenery is not to be surpassed in beauty and elegance of atyle—and at prices astonishing ly cheap. 23 ONNETS, White aud colored, some as low asß7| cts —Ladies, Misses, and children's Jockey caps, exquisitely nice and new in style, French and American Flowers, a large assortment; not to be excelled in quality aud cheapness—Ribbons, without number, of vari ous styles and color—Ladies Head Dresses—Dress Caps, and numerous kinds of useful and fancy ani clet for ladies toilet Dress Goods, consisting in part of Robe* .ehallies, Barage de Laines Dueals, Robes a Qudia — Ltwns, for, French muslins—Ac., Ac. Silks—Black and Fancy colored Silks, various st> les—also handsome Shawls, Mantillas, Lace Capes, Dusters, Ac., itfi. Embroideries, Such as colars, sleeves, Jnfants waits and a'snpen r lot of French setts, Handkerchiefs —Edging;, Laces, and Flouncing*- Calicoes and Cottons of all descriptions. Ging hams. ranging in prices fyom, six. eight, ten. twilvp arid twenty Ave cents per yard. Hosiery—Gloves, Mitts, Ac.. Ac, Carpet Bags, Traveling Baskets, Toys. Perfumery, and Jewelry. A large assortment of Ladies and children* shoes, purchased at reduced prices—Ladies slippers at 50 cts, fine lasting Gaiters at $1,2-5. Other st vies cor responding iu price. Call and examine for your self. ' S MRS. 11. D. PECOH, would embrace this opporta ' nity to render to the Public, her thanks for tiie lib eral pa'ronage she has received, and hope* by a j constant effort to please to merit a continuance of i the same. May 7, 1858. ! I\EW FIRII. AND NEW GOODS. 11 HE sulwcriher, having taking a partner in his store, the business will hereafter la* conducted. • under the name ami title of J. M. Barndollar & Son i All those having unsettled accounts with the sub scriber, will please call and settle. J. M. BAR.\ DOLLAR. The subsetjbers are just receiving and opening i out a New and Handsome assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they will sell on as i reasonable terms as can be procured in the country for cash, produce, or t prompt six months cust<- i mers. They respectfully solicit the public patron age. J. M. BARNDOLLAR $ SON. Bloody Rue, April 1, 1858-3 at* Notice to Farmers! , riiRE subscriber having taken 'chargu of the Mills j L ana Warehouse at Hopewell, makes the follow ' ing proposition to farmers and produce dealers, to j wit; All grain placed in the mills, intended fr Hie j Hop.-well or Broadtopinrtrk>-ts,..r to he forwarded to ! a*v- of the Eastern cities, will he conveyed from the ! mills to the War. house, and loaded in the cars. cf charge. The Mills have been j repaired, and are cap.ible of doing as good work as i any mill in the County. I The highest market price paid for all kinds of ' produce. JOnN F. LOWRY. I Hopewell, April 6, 1858.-c* MRS. STE. POTTS j HAS just returned from the cities with a large sup | ply of Rich and Handsome Goods, rich silks. Robes , of all kinds. DEBEOE ROBES, LAWN ROBF.S, LINES ROBES. TRAVELING ROBES, with side trimmings, ' RICH LACE MANTLES. SILK MASTI.ES, FRENCH ; WORKED COLLARS, UNDEFSLEEVKS, % large quantity ' of FRENCH WORKED STRIPES, very low, a rich vari ety of BONNETS, trimmed and untriinmed, as low as sft cts. RIBBONS. RUSHES, an ) FRENCH FLOWERS, at all prices. SHOES and GAITERS, a handsome lot of summer SHAWLS, LAWNS and CALICOES, and an end letp variety of fancy Goods. V ay 7, *IBSB. Slioeniending! Slioeiiiendinx!! HAVING commenced the business of Shoemen i ing, one door east of Mr. Brice's Hotel; Bedford, Pa.. I am prepared to do all manner o r work in this line of business, at the shortest notice, and in the most eubstantUl manner, on more reasonable rates than usual, one )hin% indispensable. Give nie a call, trv niv work and judge for yourselves. J. B. BAKER. May 7. 1858. Attention Bedford Riflemen! YOU are herebv ordered to narada at your , usual place for training, on THURSDAY' the 20th day of MAY, at 10 o'clock, A. M. in winter uni j form, with plume. < A full attendance is requested. By order of the Captain- WM. RITCILEY, O. S. May 7, 1858. Snumrl Kcttermnn, t _ COUSTY SURVE YOR. WOULD hereby notify the citizens of Bedford county, that he has moved to the Borough j of Bedford, where he may at all times ha found by persons wishing to see him unless at>ent upon | business pertaining to his oflie. Bedford, April 30, 1858. BKfIFOItD ACADEMY. The. Summer session of this Institution will commepco on Wednesday, Al*'' Hist. The efficient County Superintendent of the Pub lic Schools, Rev. H. lleckerman, will assist in the instructioq. of youth during the coming quarter. 1 Persons, therefore, wishing to pursue a course of study with tho view of preparing themselves to teach in our Common Schools, will enjoy rare ad vantages in connection with this Institution. GEORGE W. A UGIIIMB A UGH, April 9, 1858. Principal. 1,1 TEST HEWS FROM ITAII ! Fresh Arriral of , f I SPRING m mm iionns AT SHOEMAKERS' STORE! THE undeisigned, having just returned from the ( Eastern Cities, are now receiving a large and , splendid assortment of SPRIX i AND SUMMER | GOODS, which they are determined to sell cheip. ! Their stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, . Satinelts, Jtins, and a large usaartment of Men's \ and Boys' wear. i Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Delaines, Calicoes, i Alpacas and Zauns. A large assortment of Boots, j Shoes, Hats and Caps. Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, MQ | lasses, Flack .and Green Teas, Queensware, Hard ware, Buckets, Tubs, Knives and Forks, tec. All kinds of Produce takeu in exchang;for goods, i To good and punctual customers a credit of six ' months will bo given. J. tt J. M. SHOEMAKER. April 23, 1858. Bazin's and Lubin's Extracts for the Handker chief, Cologne Water, Ac., at Dr. Harry's. BEBFOEB BKDFORI) f i Jtla ehi n e Sh op ! j fpilE salwcriiKT won hi must respectfully announce X to the farming community, ami public in general, that ho still continues to manufacture at Lis shop, j in Bedford, Ua., the following farming utensils, of ! the Tory be; t material, and in the most workman- J like manner, vie : Four und Six llorNe Tumbling Shaft j Power .Machines. with large open cylinders, sis staves, ami spikes 1 screwed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached. I Their superiors for strength and sifted are not made j in this or any other County in the State. Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap power Ma chine, with cylinder open or shut, as may be de sired, and shaker of the best kind, for convenience, j ease of draft, and perfect working. This machine ! has no superior any where. THREE IIORSE i : MACHINES, of the time kind. TWO AND i I THREE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER ! MACHINES, g very convenient and excellent nia i chine for small farmers, with or without shakers. PLOUGHS, j of a very nipjerior pattern to anv in use in this (country. -SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHOVEL ' | PLOUGHS, WITH STEEL SHOVELS. CTJLTXVATOIiS, Peck ham's New York FIVE-IIOEI.} STEEL POINT EXPANDING CULTIVATOR;. .Rogers j Pittsburg patent STEEL TOOTH EXPANDING ; CULTIVATOR, for working corn, or seeding in j grain. Fanning Mills, Horse Rakes Lover, putting I i Botes, Harrows und Wheelbarrows, made to order. ; j All the above articles constantly on hand, and ' ; sold ( n reasonable terms. REP.IIHING of all kinds of Machines, whether ! made hers or elsewhere, done on the. shortest no- I i tico. Castings for all my machines and Ploughs, made ' at the Foundry of Mr. Mich id B itinan. in Bedford, ! and wijl compare with upy m >de in the State for ( strength and durability B LJCKSMII'HI NG .lone to order. All my work jyarrcuted t. give satisfac tion. From a past experience of twenty years in the Machine business, I feel confident that I can give entire satisfaction to t>l! who may favor me with a call. Call and examine my work ln-fore von pur- ; chase elsewhere, as 1 am determined to please all. I j*. Horses, grain of all kttidj. lumber and iron, will J Ims taken in exchange for work. PETER 11. SHIRES. Machinist. Bedford, May 7, 1858 - Bnt LITEST NEWS FROM KANSAS. ! Ml I Mli'ldS STOI THE very list arrival of SUING & SUMMER GOODS —bought at the right time, and in the j ; right manner, to ensure fabrics worth buying and ! at fair— Rf.rnji Minsich deal nqljn humbugs, i clap traps or bails, hut on actual inspection, you j will tind a heave stock of | IMIIII'iN & GOODS. . of a very superior quality, arid to be had at prices I j gratifying to the purchaser and remunerative to the j seller. Ueed N Minnie.h will have nothing to do ; with giving B.>nie goods away, and putting tlie ; i '-Tariff' on somewhere else—good merchandise al. : ways ensures sales at living prices. Com? nnil See, • | bring your CASH A.yp Psontct, and if you do not get cheap goods say there is no truth i:i tiris udver- 1 j tisement. Dry Goods. —Dress Silks, Robe u Quillas. May)as. i i /,.#■i, jD* .u(j~.e s, Cuitnies. Dress Goods, and Trimmings, in great Variety, ' • Bonnet', Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, French and ,?ncr- j i tcun Cloths and Cassimeres,Summer,fjlothes and Jeans. Woolen and Canton Flannels, She dings. Muslins, Linens, for all purposes, Twilling t, drillings, lac. • j Queen* wa re ami Gla^warc, i an assortment unequalled in Bedford. Boots and Shoes. | Reed & Minnich know how to buy boots and 1 i shoes of all styles. Call and See. They will speak I for themselves. HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, j j Sugars, of different qualities and prices. Syrups, j Molasses, and every article in this line We cannot enumerate all our goods. Call and j we will show you free cf charge, and feel happy to j ;do so Call and you will find yourself ut the right place Ip buv. • May V, 1858. | jEIIFORD Kill. ROAD. SINCE- the charter has been granted for the "Bed t ford Rail Road." th citizens of Bedford have , i been Much, excited and interested upon the subject, j This interest is not confined to the citizen aof town, but extends throughout tiiq country, and crowds are daily rushing to Rupp's Hew and Hand same. Store, in -Inderson's Row, where a large and o/p Retire assortment ot beautiful Spring and Sum mer Goods, are opening, which will lie sold cheaper than ever offered before in tbis place. The stock consists in part of Robes Je Shaum Borage de Laines, . Robe., a Quilla, Larillas, j Organdie Lawns, White $ printed Brilliants, j Chaiiics, Plain and Figured Swiss. J.a test Style Lawn Robes for $1.50. ; Mohair Mixture for 18$ C'nls per yard. j De Laines of all descriptions from G \ to 25 per yard. i Lawns of various styles for GJ cts. per yard. | Jin extensive assortment of beautiful prints ranging from Ato 12 cents per yard. Muslins of all prices and qualities. A large assortment of Ladies and Misses, Gloves and Hosiery from the low figure of 5 cts. up. j Pure linen Handkerchiefs for *5 cts.. and a full and complete assortment of LjiDIKS DRESS i GOODS generally. A buge and well selected assortment ofC >OTHS, : CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, Consisting in part of Black French and English Cldths, Blue do do do. Olive do do do. [ Black Cassimeres. i Black Doe SkiDs. } Fancy French and American Cassimeres. VESTINGS. Grenadines, plain and figured, i Radzemiro do do Velvets do do j und a great variety of Marsielles Vesting*, j Fancy Silk arid Lawn Neck Tie/>, from (5| cents | to cents. { A complete assortment of Indies and Misses BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS. Also a large assortment Mens SOOTS and SHOES. My assortment of GROCERIES can't be beat. j Brown Sugar for 6* cts per pound. ! First rate Brown Sugar for M <•- j % Extra do do " 10 <■ White Sugar for 12|, 14 and 15 " I First Rate Rio Coffee for 12| " " " j Extra do do " 15 " << No. 1 Java do • 15 " " " , Best N. 0. Molasses • 12 J •' " quart. I Good Syrup do " 12| " - " | Extra do do 18$ " " " j Good Corn Broom* for a dime. Bicon by the pound. 1 ay All'of which will he sol i cheaper than the cheapest. wFt forget to call at RUPP'S NEW ' STORE, In jJudmo w's Row, one door oast of Ceua j na N office, and opposite the Gazette j office. G. W. RUPP. i Bedford, April SO, 1858. WAGONS. •71IREE new two horse wagons on hand, Work warranted—will ho sold on a liberal credit—or ex changed for prqdtice. A. B. CRAMER ft CO. Feb. 19, 1858. : HEW GOODS f ! THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and customers that they have just : <4ened a very large and general assortment of i j SPRING IKB SUMMER GOODS, Icinsisting in part as follows: Silks. Challies, Alpacas, E'elaines, Lawns, Bara- j ges. Brilliants, French and American, I | Ginghams, Gloves, Collars, Hosiery, &c., Ac. i SHAWLS an£ MANTILLAS, CJotlis. Cassimeres, Vesting*, Vuslins, Drillings, Tickings, Kv. Jeans, Linens, Sheetings, Gittoi.udes, Flannrls, Cassmetts, Nankeens, Cambrjcs, Checks, j CBSIF CUPETS, White and Col'd Carpet Chain, Floor Oil Cloths, Matting and Rugs, Boots, Sb jes. Hats and Caps, also a large supply of fashionable Ready-.Hade Clotliing, Also, a full stock of GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, Krc. Having selected our goods with great care, we ' are enabled to offer our customers VERY GREAT BARGAINS j for CASH—all kimbs of Country Produce—or on ] acred it of six months to punctual dealers. An ex iminatiou ot our stock is respectfully so- I (icitod. A. B. CRAMER & CO. i Bedford, April 3% 1858. TJiKrxojxr hotel, Bt-dford, Pa. TIIE putweriber respectfully announces to the j pu! lie that lie lias opened a Hotel, under the j abive name, in the obi and well known Globe : 1 bu 1 ling, ori We*c Pitt Street, formerly owned and ; occupied by Mr. J ohri Voting, where he will he) happy to see all his 'l ien Is, an i the traveling pub- : lie generally. Persons attending Court ate re- ! speetf'uUv invited to give hitn a call, lie pledge* himself that he will do all in his power to render all his guests comfortable. Hi* Tabl.' will be supplied with the choicest de- I 1 ieaeies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain cjean and comfort- ■ able bedding. The K tr will be supplietl with choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a c.irclui and ut- 1 tei.tive hostler, ny Boarders will be taken by flic day, week, ! i month and year. JONATHAN MORTON. Bedford, April 30, 1858. MILLISBBr. MRS. SOPHIA I). GIBSON woi.ll respectfully ; : announce that she has purchased the stock of Mrs. j E. Goodz -it, and is prepared to furnish uij-article ; ; in ttie Millinery Hue. of the IH-SI materials and most approved sttles. Slie has just returned from the . East with a coiiipk-te assortment of BONN]QTp I and TRIMMINGS, and having secured the assist ance ot Mrs. Goodzeit f..r the present, feels sure of giving satisfaction to alt who may desire articles ; ; in her brie. April 30, 1858. 18. 1W STORE! M. GOODS for and Suiniiior. | 1858! OSTER, MA. FEAIiER A €AKX# A NNOUNCK to their friends and the pnbiit, i j f\. that they are now receiving from PfdiadelpLla j | and New York, and opening out in their newly fit- ' ted up room formally, occupied by ltupp ft 1 i an entirely New and Eriliianf Slock ; Cf desirable new style, Frencn, British and Aiuer- I ! icuii DRY aOODS, embracing a large and general assortment of staple j .'.so riser articles, comprising in pirt, KL 11 FANCY DRESS SILKS. RICH GLOSSY BLACK SILKS. MADOXA AND LAVELLA CLOTHS, ROBE A'- QUILI A, OR SIDE STRIPES. DE LAINE ItOBES, ORGANDIE ROBES. GINGHAM ROBES, LAWN ROBES, FRENCH DUCALS, LAW.NS A. 1) i GINGHAMS, WHITE AND IytINTEI) FRENCH BRILLIANTS. JAUONEIS AND LAWNS NEW SPRING STYLES DE LAINES, CHALLIES, GINGHAMS AND PRINTS, BROAD CLOTHS, C AS SIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, COT TON ADES, bee., ttc., Together with a choice assortment of ( Fresh Family Grocfrieit, Queensware, Cutlerv. HATS, CAPS and BON NETS, HOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS. IL.ving purchased our goods low tor cxau,we j are prepared toiqff'er grkat indcckmiint* to cash buyers. We will sell exceedingly CHEAP TOR CASH, OR APPROVED SIX MONTHS' CREDIT. Come and see for yourselves, and be convinced, j whether you wish to buy or not. No trouble to; show goods. oyAll kinds of produce taken in exchange for ! goods. ; Bed lord, April 23, 1858. Election of Trustees. NO I'ICE is hereby given, that the annual cite- t tion will be held for the trustees of the Bedford j I Hall Association, at the Odd Fellows Hall, in the ; ; Borough of Bedford,.at one o'clock P.M. on Mon : day the third lay of May next. By order of the T rustoes FR. JORDAN, Sec't. j April 23, 1858.-b. j Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been grant- j ed to the subscriber, living in South Woodberrj j Township, on the estate of Frederick Smith, late ! ■ of said Township, dee'd, all persons, indebted t<> j s >id estate are requested to make immediate pay- i ! nient, and those having claims against the same will j present thein properly authenticated for settlement- I I). F. BUCK, Adm'r. April 16, 1858.-f Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing and tradinp, under the firm name of Blymire A Hartley, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The i Books, notes and account* are iu the hands of Win. | Hartley, wno is hereby authorized to settle the same. All persons knowing themselves indebted i to the firm of Blymire & Hartley, will save costs j by paying up, before the Books and notes are pit - ! ced in the hand of a collector. M March 26,1858. WA L L and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for this necessary article. By calling at his store, our patrons will see samples of our papers. We havemade jour spring selections with much caje, and think 1 wo cannot fall to piea'Se. I SHRYOCK & SMITH, Chambtrsburg. For the llair—Jockey Club, and now mown hay, pomatums, genuine ox marrow at Dr -1 llarvj's. ' k BAAFORD S MIGORWOR, OR LIVER REMEDY THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST SClEN tifle medical discoveries ever made, and is dai ly working cures almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the. first dose giving bene- I fit and seldom more than one Lottie is required to i cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common beadj*ache, i all of which are the result of u Diseased Liver. The liver is ona of the principal regulators of the ; human body, and when it performs its Junctions j well, the powers of the system are fully developed j The stomach is almost entirely depeudent on the healthy action of the Liver for the proj>er per- i fui-raance of its functions. W hen the stomach is! at fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole j system sulfers iu consequence of one organ—the j Liver—having ceased to do its duty. For the ! diseases of that organ, one of the proprietors has | made it his study, in a practice of more than twen- ' tv years, to find some remedy wherewith to conn-1 teract the many derangements to which it is lia- ! ble. " To provu that this remedy is at last found, any \ person troubled with Liver Complaint in any ot its forms, lias but to try a bottle, and conviction is certain. A compound has lieec formed by dissolving gums and extracting that part which is soluble tor the active virtues of the medicine. These gums re move all morbid or bad matter from the system, supplying in their place a heal hy flow of bile, in vigorating the stomach causing food to digest well, purify tug the blod, giving tone and health to the wholu machinery, removing the causes of the dis ease, aud effecting a radical cure without any ot the disagreeable alter effects, felt by using Calomel or Mineral poison, that are usually resorted to. To ail who will follow these directions a cure is positively guaranteed. Sick Huaiiaciik can be cured by the use of two tea-spuotisfal taken as soon as the att tck is felt. The luvigorator never fails to cure sour stom ach or the bad jff'ects experienced after eating. Billions attacks yield readi'v to one bottle, and Chronic, difficult as it is to cure, is never troublesome to those who fake the Irivigorator. For Dyspepsia or Jaundice, nothing in the konwn world act so fully or cures so quickly as the ln vigorator. it removes all yeilovvness and unnatu ral coior from toe skin. For Night Mare, take'a dose before'retiring, and it is warranted a sure preventative. For Female Obstructions it is fa safe and sure remedy, as it removes the cause of the disease. Costiveness cannot exist where the lfiivigoiator is na*o akfii, while reartii; to t, few It must be known that alt these are I.irer disea- ; sea, or caused by a deranged Liver, and to cure j them needs a Liver medicine and one of great pow- ; er. The I.ivigorator is such a medicine; it has ; mcdicilul powers, never before discovered, that ! will cure all diseases tl' the Liver, no matter o. how ' ; long standing, or what v:ny he their form. The j active medicinal virtues extracted from the/gums used js such as to be astonishing U> ail who see ' their effects, for none can use the medicine without i feeeiviug Item-lit. It wets as a gentle Cstimrtic, and should always he taken in sufficient quantities ; to operate on the bowels gently. The host way to • • take it is to take the medicine in the month, then flake some water and swallow both together. In this way the medicine will scarcely be tasted, j BANKOKJ) a: CO., Proprietors, 345 Broad | way. New York. ! For sale by Dr. B. F. Harry, and Druggist's! j generally Fel>. 12, 1857.—it HI. 1311'ORTAXT TO 311 LI. OW.MIKS WOODWARD'S Improved Smut and Screen-! ing Machines, Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths, j i and Bran Dusters, of tlte must improved plan, i Mill Screws, (Join and Cob (rrinders, Patent j Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, war-j | ranted to grind ten hostels per hour, Mill I I Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, '■ Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer— , a valuable invention. The aiiove articles are kept constantly on hand, and can be obtained at any time, troni S. 1). BKOAD. Schellsbiirg, Bedford County, who is also the I agent tor Bedford, Souieiset, and adjoining Coun- I i ies. Millwright work done at the shortest notice j I and on the most reasonable terms. February la, 1856. • YfcCORMICK'S Reaper and Mower for sale j 1 M by S. D. BROAD, ' at Schellshurg, I'a., agent for Blatt and Bedford ' counties. February 15, 18-56. DiM>OU!TIO3 OF PTIMILKSIIIP. j 'ISHE partnership heretofore existing between -L iletnyS. King and James Madura, under the j name and lirm of Ma Ura, King Co.. doing business at Lctnnos Iron Works, in Hopewell Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual : consent. HENRY S. KING, N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES MADARA. j THE business of manufacturing iron at Lent- j : noa Iron Works, will bo continued by the under- i ■ signed, who has purchased all the interest of his late partner James Madam in the books, property and effects, belonging to the lute firm of Madura King Sc C>. | Nov. 27, JbS7.-tf. HENRY S. KING. Glue Manufactory. THE subscri hers would respcctfuby inform the; j public tltat they are engaged in manufacturing a i superior artuleof glue, at different prices, at their ■ residence in Snakespriue Valley, two miles ast of Bloody Run, and are prepared to liil promptly all orders. All tit want.of this article cau have their ' orders attended to by addressing the undersigned ] ! at Bloody Run. The subscribers wish to purchase a quantity of i tanners' fleshings, and those having any for sale, can dispose of them by applying as above. , In connection with their glue manufactory, they ; also curry on the weaving business, and will weave | coverlets and carpets on reasonable terms and at i the shortest notice. MORRIS KICHTER JT SON. j April 16. 1858.-3 m. KXMTTOH'S .WriCE. LETTERS testamentary having been granted by" j tlte Registir of Bedford County to the undersigned I upon the estate of Christian Winebrenner, late of : Middle Woodbcrry Township, dee'd, ali persons ! I knowing themselves indebted to s lid deceased are j hereby requested to nuke immediate payment, and fhosc.having claims or accounts against said es tate. will plotse present them properly authentica ted lor settlement. • , 1 JACOB KIFER, DAVID BOYER, Exors, • Residing in M. Woodberry Tp. April V, 1858. SHKYOC& & SMITH, | t; CfIAXIIERNHI RG, PA., BOOKSELLERS apd STATIONERS, and Dealers in Music and Musical Instruments, j Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, Mu. ' sic, Musical Instruments, Wad papers. Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs ami steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, etq. etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders glr-eo,hiiu will be promptly attended to. • , Karch 7, 1857. jonxil. ALI EN St to. >?AO.S. 2*4 CHESTNUT Street, (south side, 3 below Water,) PHILJSDELPHM, (THE OLDEST WOOD-WARS HOUSE, IS TUB CITY.) MANUFACTURERS and Wholosale deal ers in-Patent Medicine,' made BROOMS, Patent Groved . CEDJIR-iPARE, Warranted wot to shrink, WOOSh WILLOW- W.I RE, l CORDS, BRUSHES. &c., of all descriptions. Please call and examine our stock. Feb. 27, 1857.-rr. For Producing Hair on Bald Header and Restoring Grey Hair to it Natural lolor. rnHIS ASTONISHING AND UNEQUALLED J. preparation lias perer failed to produce a growth on Ba}<} Leads, when usi d according to the direction,and turn hair, hack to its original color, after having become grr.y and reinstate it in all its original health, lustre, softness and twauty. Removes at onceall scurf, dardrufl'ar.d unpleasant itching scrofula, eruptions and feverish beat fiom the scalp. It also prevents the hair from becom ing unhealthy and failing oft" and hence acts as a perfect i IiAIR INVIGORATOR AND TONIC. A gentleman of Boston writes to hi? friend |n New Bedford thus: To your inquiries, I would reply, that' when i first commenced using Professor Wood's Hair Re storative, my hair was almost white, and had bee* so for the last ten years and it was very thin ou the top of my head, and very loose, and pulled out freely; but I touiid that before 1 had used all the second bottle, (which was eight weeks) my hair entirely changed to its oiiginal color, light brown, and is tow free lrom dandruff and quite moist. 1 have had my hair cut five or si* times since the change, and have never seen any thing like white hair starting from the roots; snd it is now as thick as it ever was; and-does not come out at all. It has pr. ved in my case all that J could wish to ask. July 1,1855. Yours, etc. [Frem thr Boutci ticTnld.\ , SOHUTHISO. WOHTH Kxowiso.—By;tising Profes sor Wood's Hair Restorative, gray hair can be permanently restored to its original color. The subjoined certificate from Johnson V Storte, Gar diner, Maine, is but one of the many instances that ore daily comingto our knowledge, of its wonder ful effects. It is no longer problemat'cal. hut' self-evident truth,as hundreds in our community can testify. GABDISEK, Maine, June, "t, 1855. DKAR Sru : 1 have used two bottle* ol Piofesatr Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the gre-itest discovery of the age for restoring snd changing the hair. Before using it, I was a man of'seventy. My hair has now artained its original color. You can recommend it to the world with out the least fear, as my case was'one of the v . kind. l'ours, respectfully, Prof. O. J. Wood. D." N\ MURPHY BBOOKF)£LI>, Massachusetts, Jan- 12,*185.'>. , DEAR Slß:—Having made a trial ot jour Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to ss> that i:i effect has been excellent in removing h.'lamfu&titui dandruff", and a constant itching trd- ncy w itji wh ieh 1 have been troubled ftoui tin .! < od ; aud has also restored my hair, wbicli was gray, to its origin*!c 010 1 bare used no other article with anythitiglike the pleasure ami t .ofit. Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG. Pastor of the Orthodox Church. Brookficid ' Professor Wood. [Fiom thr .Missouri Democrat.l WOOD'S HAIR DYE- This admiral 1 . rtkle is rapidly improving the hair. No article of a sim ilar kind, now before the public, enjoys a better reputation as a restorative ai d invigorating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical qualities have a bene ficial effect upon the growth andjcharactcr of ihe hair, giving a sj!hv nud glossy texture to that which wa formerly of a coarse and dry nature. It has. also, we understand, n tendency to pre serve the youthful color and appearance of the hair, apd destroying or counteracting the effects of age. With suc.i recommendations in its favot. we hardly perceive how any lady or gentleman should he without so valuable an adjunct to their toilet.' O. J. M OOD At CO., Proprietors, 312 Broad way, N. 1., and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Me. lor sale by Dr. B. F. Harry, ami Druggists, g entrain. " Feb. 12, 1858.-.lm. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP! THE subscribers havii g formed a parttier sliip uuder the style of '-Dock fc Aahcora" for the purpose of cinducting a general F I YUK V AA I> MACHIA E business in the establishment recently ejected by Gillmrd Dock,in Hopewell, Bedford conn ty, are now jirepared to execute orders for CASTINGS AND MACHINERY of every de scription. They will build to order steam-en gines, coal and drift-cars, h"'rse powers .and threshing machines—also, casting of qverv kind lor furnaces, forges, saw. giwt and rolling mills, ploughs, v.atcr-pipe, "columns, house fionts, brackets, fcc.. Ac. They are also, now making a fine assortment of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat terns and most approved styles, including sev eral sixes of COOK STOVES of the best make, heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms Ac. , . A full assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly; on hand, sud sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, aud quality, warranted equal to the best eastern make.— Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.— Patterns made to order. : • GILLIARD DOCK, . . C. W. ASHCOM. Nov. 6, 1857, Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been gran ted to the subscriber, residing iu Midole Wood berry Township, on the estate ol J. 11. Kcagv, Lite of sard Township, dee'd alt, persons indebted' :o as idestate are hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly authenticated for settlement. _ D. L. KEAGY, April 9,.1858.-f.* Administrator. ATUSIC fc MUSICAL -L'JL Pianos, Melodeons, Flutes, Guitars, Brass Horns, Clarionets, Drams, etc., of various manu- facture, always on hand. Bauds supplied at cit y | wholesale rates. We Keep always ou hand a full"' I assortment ot all.the new and fashionable music, which we mail at our expense to any part of thv coyntry. N. B. Music uged to order. JLHRYOCK & SMITH, ChaaUttrsbure. March 7, 11157. U'tDIMERED IRON* ! rpHE subscriliers wood inform the public,that A they have leased, the Bedford Forge hereto fore carried on by John King $ do., situate in Hopewell Township, where they are now fscturiug, aDd are prepared t* supply *ll order* for every description of hammered lror., ou the shortest notice, and most liberal terms- Their. Iron may be. relied upow *s v -einp of uie byst quality. All kinds of country product, and all I kinds of wrought Iron scraps, taken at thy higli i est market prices. PIPER <t SCOTT Nov. 27, 1857.-tf. NOTICE. Lottr* o£ Admini draVon on thr estate ol Mrs. Sophia Mower, laf oef Co twain Township, doc'd, having been thrc duo granted to the subscriber, re siding in aaid Township. *ll persons indebted to said estate therefore notitied t> make payttv nt-"" to the subscriber immediately, ami tboae b*■"i claims against said estate will present theur fo<" with properly authenticated for aetflment. EMANUEL J. DIEIIL, diur. March, 25, lSib.-St.