OCR Interpretation

Bedford inquirer. [volume] (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, May 28, 1858, Image 1

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A commute* of the United States Agricul
tural i'ociety, who recently met at Washing
ton, made a report upon the subject of Chinese
sugar canc, of which the following ia a synop
sis :
1. The soil and geographical range of the
A hinesc sug :r cane, correspond nearly with
those of Indian corn. It produces the befet crop
on dry lands, but the most luxiiantly in rich
bottoms or moist loams.
2. It endures cold Letter fban corn, and
experiences no autumnal frosts*. It will also
withst md excessive drought. R penes its seed
ia September iri dry and warm soils, in tinny
parts of the New England Slates, at the ex
treme south it may be {Tinted as late the 20th
of June.
J. Its cost and culture is about the same as
Indian corn.
4 ii> igljt of plant when fully grown varies
horn six to eighteen feet, and stalks very from
La if an inch to two inches in diameter. The
weight of the entire crop when fully grown,
taken before drying, is from tor. to fort} tons. '
Of seel the atu >u:it report" 1 from fifteen to
- xty bushels.
5. I'uring the early stages of "us growth it i
makes but little progress, so slow, indeed, as tj
have discouraged lu-.ny cultivators ; but the rp '
i vouch of warm weather imparts to it a wcader
iul rap'uiity. The p'.riod of growth varies from
tiinety to one buudred and twenty days.
tj. r'ke yield of juice was about 50 per
cent. The number of gallons of syrup varies j
from Gto 10 ; in New Brunswick 10 to 1; in
Indiana and Illinois, 7 to 1.
7. A palatable bread wi.s made from fl >ur :
ground from the seed.
8. By accounts from ull parts of the eoun- |
try tins plant :s universally to be a wholesome
food for animals ,part* of it being greedily
devoured in a gre .!■ or dtr'ed state, by horses, i
lee, wtttrutl tojuu-ois vtrcvi.-. •
the latter, especially, fattening upon it as well '
*s upon corn.
i). Paper of various qualities has been
manufactured from the fibrous pirtsoi stalk, 1
of which appears to be fitted for a special
Use. '
U ALLS ON HORSES.— Ax .mace of prevention
is worth a pound of cure. It is bad economy
to use a poor harness. The collar, especially,
bhould always be in good condition. It should
te frequently washed and dried; au-I occasion
al pounding will keep it soft and in good shape.
Whenever it becomes thin or broken pads
should fce wont underneath it.
Galls aie occasioned often by putting horses
to bard work all at or.ee, after a period of rest,
as in the spring, after the rest of the winter.
As a means of prepaiiug the horse for such
work, 't is well to bathe his breast and baok
with a solution of alum and whiskey for several
days before the labor begins. It is well to use
this preparation also at any other time when
the skin seems tender. We have known small
sores to heal up entirely under ihe use of this
remedy, even though the horse \'as kept at
It is anothe. excellent preventive of galls to
bathe the shoulders and breast of a working
horse once or twice a week, at night, with salt
and water, washing r fif the same with pure wa
ter in the morning.
When the skin Irtcotnes badly broken a horse
should be allowed a few days rest,or if work is
very pressing the harness should be so padded
as uot to irritate the sores ; otherwise it will be
vain to expect a euro. Sums of our neighbors
use white lead, mixed with Huaeed oil, (common
paiut,) to cure galls, aod they often succeed
with it ;. at least they get a hard incrustation
over the broken-skin. But we hardly fancy this
tanning a horse's hide while he is yet wearing
it.— /Imcrican Agriculturist.
MESSRS. EDITORS —I find I omitted stating in
my article on "Potato Culture," (p. 202 ) one
"particular which I did not think of until to-day
in planting tuy early ones, when it immediately
struck me: as J am aware that a great many of
your readers intend trying the one-eye system
J wish them to have all the prattculars, so that
they may have success. In dropping the set in
, our drill, turn the eye of the set on bottom of
drill-—that i, the skin next the earth. By
doin so, yosr bud orait&ik takes root immedia
tely at the base (by set.) If planted cut side
down, they will not root at the 6et, but one joint
above. IN dropping, it is as easy to da it
right as wrong. This also gives you a longer
In all cases where manure is applied in the
drills or hills, (drills arc preferable,) let it be
applied under the set ;in no case over it. If
applied over the set, the rains wash the liquid
of the in mure to the young shoot or shoots and
injures them.
I have had orders for potato-eyes, to be cut
out size of peas, and forwaided by mail.
Such is not the way to raise tbem. Those that
fail in producing potatoes from those pea eyes,
must not say tbe the one-eye system won't do.
To any one who is desirous of making the
most of a good potato, I will mil theui how to
do it : Take a potato of any size, put it in a
Cower jiot, and cover it two inches over with
gojd rich earth, half loam and half well rotted
stable manure. JJury this pot in hot-bed to
its brim ; when the sprouts appear half an ineh
above the groiyid, run your knife down close
by the stem until you reach the bulb, then
- ■■
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Polities, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c„ &c—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
slant your kulfe a little and it is cut, as you
will foci by keeping ItoM of the stem aud keep
j j n £ 't {Hilled. \\ hen up, have a three or five
1 inch pot filled with the same soil, and insert
i those cuttings all round the pot, passing them
i well in ; put ihrni iu the same depth they
| wore before cutting ; give a light watering, and
| plunge your pots in yonr hot-bed. O. e of yo sr
potato thus treated, will give you a 1 irgc-
I amount of plants, as the potato will continue 1
; turowing shoots until it decays When your i
j cuttings are rooted, transplant into drills same
, as planting, and from your first cutting you can
get another crop without injury to them off half
an inch above the ground • they will soon throw
out fresh shoots, The above plan I have sue- ;
cessfully proved to be goad in increasing a good
variety ot potatos, and a profitable one, as it re
quires but little work, and soon gets you into j
a good stock of tubers, and such as we prac- i
tiec when we meet a valuable potato.
Gerald Ho watt,
.Yew Jersey. \
THEV "S FO')P TO (TtiNqiJEli
SPEECH OP sector WIDE, i
April 27, 1858.
.Mr. President: It is not uiy purpose at this
time after the general qnestiou has been so
: elaborately discussed, to detain the S mate at
! any length by anything that I may have to say
lat this period of the debate. Hut,sir, we hive
now before us, as wo are told, a new propo-i- ;
:ti .ii altogether. We are told that it is in the f
, nature ola new lilt, h ving but, very little con- I
! nection with anything that his preceded it I !
must confess that 1 am astonished at the nature !
of the proposition which the gentlemen compo- i
sing the committee of conference Inve brought |
in f<>r our consideration. Uutraiumclled as the !
cimnuiitec seem to have been by anything that '
has hoen done—so they say—an 1 being "about \
to initiate a new proposition altogether, the fac j
tiiat their minds should hive fastens i upon'
tuch a thing as this, is well Calculated, I think, '
to sjirpiiJe_,anvjbihly. .It' Jusijije.
equal regard to tnc 'ilstffutio is m Cue Soltn ■
and of the North, were to be considered by
:h it committee, it appears to m J that au uu-.
sophisticated man might, in five minutes, hive '
brought iu a proposition against which there
would have been no dissemiug voice iu either
branch of your Legislature.
We had becu divided here upon questions
With regard to the will and wishes of the people
of Kansas as to (he Constitution under which
ihey should live. It was contended on the one
side that the people, aeriug through the forms
of law, had ftained a Constitution which ought
to be obligatory. On the other hand, that
Constitution was assailed here the Opposi
• upun tho ground that it was an uttpr pcr
i version of tlie wiil of the imjoritj ot the people
! of Kansas ; that it was got up by trickery and
ty fraud, and tiiat the majority of the people
ought not to be governed by it. Thus we were
j at issue upon this thing called the Lecompton
j Constitution. A portion of the people had eul- !
I lei a Convention, which framed this instrument, •
| and called it a Constitution. The people had j
' previously met and framed another Constitution,
I which they called their Constitution, and which j
• ilrev said embodied the wiil of the great mass
!of the people of Ktusas. I allude to the To
j peka Constitution.
] Now, sir, when this committee were about
j to pass by all the piopositions that had gone
j before, and to substitute a uew bill, how easy
j it would have been for theui to say, in perfect
i justice and fairness to all, "we will uot take
j the first Constitution made at Topeki, because
j it is denied on the other side to be tho will of
i ihe people, we will not take the Lecompton
I Constitution, because it is alleged to be fraud
i uleut, and not to embody the will of the people
1 but we will throw both aside, and we will pro
-1 vide, under every safeguard that can secure an
i honest and lair election, fir submitting this
complicated and vex iti<us question again to
! the people, and they shall be at liberty to frame
their Constitution/' For that purpose the
! committee might have selected any precedent
j they wished—they might have taken the ena
! bling act for Minnesota,or any similar an l
1 they would have found no objection to it. We
! should all have voted for a proposition of that
kind, just to all parties, we shouli have per
mitted tho people to come up now t'.irly to the
| work of framing a Constitution; we should have
said to them, "make it republican in form; sub
' mit it to our consideration; and it we find it to
he such, we wiil admit you with it."
Why d'd it not occur to this committee that
that w'us the way to settle the controversy, if a
3 !ttlenient of it was indeed desired? Tho pro
: position which tbey have made, while it seems
to tuc in a certain aspect to be humiliating to
the South, is unjust, if uot au open insult, to
the North. It is humiliating to the South be
cause it is a total aud entire abandonment of
the principle on which many of them staked
their determination not to exist in the Uuion at
: all; for they said, "let us have the Locouiptoo
Coustitutiou, or we will go out oi the Uutott
1 ourselves." That pioposition th-y have sut
reudercd; they have given it up, they do not
pretend that they can stand by it, uuless it is
in some sort submitted and thrown hack to tho
i people to pass up>on. So far it is right; so far
it is just; RUtl 1 was glad io see the committee
yield thus far to the reasons aud arguments
which had been addressed to them, aiiowing
that their Leco.upton concern was fraudulent ;
that it did not embody the will of the people ;
that it wa9 a fraud; aud that their iegal posi
tion was fraught with tyranny and danger iu
all aubsequect time, Tlut position has been
repudiated and abandoned by them. U'<> bear
( do more of the omnipotence of Convent ions as
i scmblcd to frame Constitu'h us. '.Ve h<-.r n
( more of their Wing armed with s jprruuc pow:
| to put b|>on the neeks of <> p- oj.lc ya,; such a
J Constitution as they , i- •>♦ the p >pl
having power to gut rid i f it. That w.- the
1 position we hear t rung in our cars from South
ern gentlemen da}' aft- r day; but a little while
ago. Now they have thrown chi* absurd potsi
i t:on to the winds, and I thank God for it.—
They seem to admit tint the people, after ali,
must have the right-, in son 1 su tpe, to pass up
on the institutions under which they are to live.
So far, it is a great improvement ou the L.-e.imp
ton concern. 1! it it >he pro pie are to pass up
|ou the Lecompton Constitution, why not let
j them do it dire.-iiy ? Will any in in bo deceived
by tlio verbiage in which thi- proposition couch*
, cJ?' Flive you not letf t he people to pas- upon
i it? I: so, wiiy not submit it in sueii api tin
i atid fair manner that the people c m ail under
stand it ?
S:r, this propositi,nt reads ttpot: its face as
though it was a premium for votes. Are til®
people to vote directly upon the Constitution
; under which they live? Not by any means;
; but they are to vote upon a grant of land; they
; are to vote whether they will accept a gift from
j Government of five or six millions acres of
j laud; and if they decide to take the land, that
; decision is :o drag after it the Lecomp'on Con-
I S'Uu'ioo, that they have repudiated over and
over again, Was ever any such thing as this
i eoueoeteu by a statesman, for the action of the
people? Is a land grant the principle thing in
: mining x State Constitution? Sir, it scorn- to
Lea bid of laid for liberty, a bribe held oat.—
"Will you, people of Kansas, suireuder your
liber lies for laud ( * That is the question ;it
cannot bo disguised. I impugn directly the
jiotives of no man, but I state whet the effect
of this action will be. How will it appear to
the world, say whit you will about it? If the
people will vote themselves so much land, then
t.ijy surrend r themselves to a >1 ?ve Constitu
tion, which you and I know they have repudi
ated over and over again. i f is not competent
tor nic to state the motives which had protn t
od to such aeti >u as ihis; but y• i v : for :V>
moidunt, and the priueipai is to foil >w. How
absurd and iucoaseqir.utiai! Why, Mr. Pres
ident, it 1 siiouiu make just sueu *a pro; osiii m
as I liat, to ob'uin your v-to upou a private biii
and it should come out to toe world tin: 1 h t,i
fi-ife would vote pionptiy io expel'me !ram the' 1
ho ly, as unworthy of a .-eat iu it. The off r
i>: "tio much laud if v<>u vote for this Consti
tution; if you vote against it, you shall have
tseitlier land nor anything else."
Mr. President, I recollect well that iu the
course of seme obs-i rations which I nude'not
long ago, you, sir, [Mr. Uiggs iu the chair ]
put the que- ion to me : Suppose a -law Con
stitution weie presumed to Cm.re--, would I
vote for it? 1 recoil et well the aw-wer liu Me
to you, and y ur apparent s irp-is • t tie .h
-surdity of th ; i wr. Yc I find ill President
of Uti9 cod; tj -lay L.-n u ig tuy position, and
voting for ♦! , •. ill, y rev I'sing
iis appliea'i I , vto lot the ad
mission of ; < , will you
vote for at ,- . i ..in of you
because lor ;;y - .j: and that
! you will do an I u ...... v;i..u he vote is
I taken, exeej tint pi ct cully -ur p -i-ious are
[ reversed in the a p i • ;ik iu. V-u come
! from a slave State, 'in i n— n a ft en State.—
r P< ,
; Ine country M . - ;i me positions wc
| all occupy on >sa-j •t, .. 1 . ■ not care
how soou tiiey are u-i.m.s .* i • y a; .
Mr. Pros ■ ■■ ti to hr-vt':
the force <>t the oi-j-e .ms t tai.- -eii.mc y
saying that there was urn-,, i. .i.,;y about t,.0 peo
ple of Kansas accepting tii-* grant pro . ,sc>i in
your original biii. This is a strange .apotogy,
and it comes at a blunge aud an uutortuuaro
| time. Sir, do you not know that ibe suhj-ct
i was mooted in the Coinmittee on Territories,
j aud it was said that no kind of o* jev-ion could
j arise from any such thing; that wo I ad a right
I to modify the qruiauice, and m.ke wb.V grant
j of land wc | leased io the Tert i <>ry; aud id they
! r-jected the Constitutisn on account of our not
; giving them is much as they thought they were
eutitied to, they would not bo. •> State; but if
they accepted the Constitution by orgauiz.ng
under it, subject to the piovßion we had made
that was an cud of at? How happens it now
that you in ike tGi-> whole controversy turn, as
it were, on the uncertainty whether the people
trill accept a donation such as yon have made
to eteiy oilsci Btatc? Why in the name of
lleaVcn is it now paraded here as the main rea
son why you have reversed your action?
Mr. Green. The Commit tee on Territories
uever did say tint it was the right of the coiu
lnitteo or of C ingress to dictate the terms up
on which the .State should be admitted. They
have a'r.vays ciaimrd tint; but on the question
of contract on the subject of lands, it wes
matter of agreement. The formation and
adoption of a Cou-tituiiion, the committee held
was a question with which tire Senate and
House of Representatives had nothing to do;
jud that has been the point alt the time, i
think, therefore, the Senator does injustice to
the comiuitteo when he says tint they thought
the subject of the grant of lands was a proper
matter for the consideration of the Convention
of the Territory. Not goj it is a matter ot
agreement, proposition, acceptance; but the
Constitution is a different thing; that is a li
nalty already.
Mr. Wade. Ido not deny that. That i
just exactly what we did agree. Wo agreed
that it was a proposed compact, aud that if tie
proposition on our part siiuu.d be accepted by
the organization of a '"bate Government undo
it, it would be very Well, ami their action un
der it would show. their agreement to our pro
posed contract. That is what, we agreed to it
committee, arid it is a sound pi inciple of law
and the idea of repudiating it is not twenty
four hours old. That is how we agreed; aut
yet the Senator from Virginia rises here, and
to apologize foi this misshapen production o
the committee of conference, makes it all to
'Hi! on the uncertainty of whether tho people
"• Kansas would accept this proposition. I
utfght ask that b nator, or any ether who has
•; anything to do with this subject, if that
matter labored in your mind, how in the name
"t Heaven did you suffer your Lccompton bill
to bo debated here day after day, week after
wesk, and I do not know, but I might say
month alter mouth, without suggestion ike
great difficulty which must interrupt the whole
proceedings, and lead you to surrender ail you
u cl done, and set up a scheme entirely new?—
did not apprehend any such thing, as you
went on with your Lccomptou bill. The Sen
ator from Virginia never suggested then that
i there was any trouble about the land grants
j 'hat.wero provided for in that bill. You vo
j tea it through this body. It ran as smooth as
i oii. No man said there was any difficulty
| a mint that, nor could it he sai I: because so far
jas tin) ordinance was concerned, and the land
; gt".ut was involved, the hill stood on exactly
! ••hit same principles as every other territorial
I kdi, and granted no more, uo less. Why then,
I seek to cover up this enormity under so plain a
' p-ifi osition as that? Sir, the people will ut>-
•t'H. tX'ud it, whether gentlemen here will uu
i der?tiwid it or tio*. It ;.i in the nature of a
' r ' s not expected that the unsophiscu
•ll people, through the whole wilderness of
.ixkjjwni ho able, like l.wyers, to scan
cius-U, and understand critically. the import
rtghis grant. 1 will not say that the fact
that it was known they would not understand
ir, constituted the reason why a question so
simple as the adoption or the rejeciiou of the
i.erumpton Oonatt£af:on is made to tarn on the
i '<vl whet Iter the people will accept a donation
Inlands; but it looks very much like it. It
woui 1 be out of order for me to say it was so
intended, hut that will be its effect.
eii, sit, that is the nature of the proposi
tion. I have said it is humiliating to the htgit
•"■itiocd South, because it is a total surrender
ot the position upoo which they planted them
s ives, and swore in their couueils they would
s- ko their institutions. You have given it up,
y hive suiren sercd Lecooiptun, in this mis
erable w.y to be sure, into the hands of the
p ople of Kansas, to reject it if they please,
a.ad ;.s 1 trust in God they will. Therein, sir,
y m lie in he dust. Southern chivalry is here
i'/Hhcs.; li ills, begging men La vote. Id r a >d.
tii '?t" .$Vv7 lam Worry tor i*. 1 hive rc
.-pec'ed tlieir highuiindedness. 1 have always
hoped heretofore that they were above consent
ing to airangeuieriis that could not stand out
in open day. !do not say that anything sinis
ter is intended in this proposition, but 1 know
it is well calculated in itself to deceive the
j ••_■ ml", and therefore 1 pronounce it humiha
iinrr t 0 the South. I say, further, it is unjust,
if not an open insult, to the North. Why?
I can ted yoa nothing new, after the proposi
tion ti is beer, so ably h milled by the houorable
Senator from Kentucky and the honorable Sen
ator from Vermont, who have preceded me.—
They have made it too palpably plain for me
to stand here long in elaborating this poidt. —
Here stands out before the whole world the
most glaring injustice, the most palpable wrong,
and no man dare face me down h.re, and say
that you place Si ivory and Liberty upon equal
foundations by this measure. You talk of the
equality of tlie States. Why, sir, you are
trampling tho free States into the dust, and of
fering bribes to Slavery. It will not do.—
Whether we understand it or not, God know*
the people of the United States, the honest
people, will understand it.
I have stid,and 1 still say, that tbL propo
rtion * fl.igra .: iy unjust t" die North, and, 1
: . ; ,k, au open insult. Well might the S-ma
i tor tVoui Kentucky a k, what would the South
, tftink of a proposition iike this ou the other
' side? I have too good an opinion of you to
j believe that you would bear it as meekly as
iwe shall. I believe that you would Conduct
| yuurevives, in reference to such, a nefarious
t proposition, in a manner more fraught with
' honor to your section than 1 fear vro ehall. 1
| wish to God wc had men as feat loss to stand up
1 fur the right* as you hive to stand up for the
wrong. I honor you for the manner in which
you stand up to what you say you regard as
your rights. Well might the Senator from
Kentucky ask, what would you think of Such
a proposition if the case were reversed.' There
is not a Southern man who will not die in Lis
tracks before he would surrender to a proposi
tion so insulting to the South as this manifestly
is to the North. 1 kuow yoc would not, and 1
_ ivc you all honor for it, because in that, it in
no'liing else. God knows I sympathize with
you; you are right iu it.
The proposition now offered to the people of
Kausa.s is this: 'You shall have six millions
a ores of land, and immediate admission iuto
the Union, it v'ou will take Slavery; but it
you prefer a treo State you shall be excluded;
you shall he treated as outside barbarians, un
worthy to be members of this Union for an in
definite length of time to come." It is unde
niable; it stands out gross, palpable, upon the
face of your record, and cannot be disguised.
It required a good deal of assurance, a good
deal of effrontery, to bring in a piopositioq
like this; but you knew the material to which
you were addressiug it too well to fear the con
sequences. You say by this proposition, if
Congress adopts it, "Oouio in, yo people of
Kansas, here are millions of acres of land;
i hero is immediate admission if you prefer
; slavery; hut, if, on the other hand, you prefer
: Liberty, you are unworthy of admission, yju
. ' are not numerous enough to bo admitted."—
One slaveholder, for the purpose of the aduiis
- siou of a Territory as a State is worth more
- than twenty free tueu. That is the naked prop
i imition which you have brought here for the
; consideration of Northern men, and 1 p?i
ccive that you will have Northern men who
1 will go with you even for this. You will have
, them, ami you knew you would, because ;ou
f knew you could not make a proposition, how-
ever fatal to the honor of the North, without
finding here rneu who would stoop 10 it.—
When I contrast the high chivahio honor of
the South in this particular with the North, I
sometimes wish to change places with thcuo.--
Hero is a proposition offering a premium to
Slavery, and immediate admission without in
quiry as to the numbers, if the people of Kan
sas will eomo here as a Slave State; but if
they decide on the side of Freedom, they are to
be indefinitely postponed until a census shall
be taken at the will of a craven and besotted
Executive That is the proposition offered to
the high minded people of that section from
which I eomo. 1 bey will spurn it, though 1
perceive that some ot their Representatives are
about to take it.
Now, what are So be the consequences of the
passage of this proposition? 1 mast judge
from what has preceded it. Ido not know hut
that I may bo uncharitable in toy supposition,
but when F look at your candle box frauds,
at your Oueinnati Diieotory frauds, ail adopt
ed by your Executive,and the agents who com
mit the frauds applauded and foisted into high
offices of pnwo.r and respectability, how caif I
repose confidence in you? When I see the just
arrangement which had been made by that
just man, (he lover of equality and justice to
ait parties and to ail sections, the Senator from
Kentucky, stricken out, and another man added
to the board tc supervise the election—a man
who was no more wanted there than a fifth
wheel to a coach, for you had a full board le
fdre—l ask this committee, and I wish them to
answer n,o now, why did you place the district
at torney of the Territory on that board ol com
missioners? I repeat the question, why did you
do ii? Was it not right before? A corrupt
Executive was al.owed to appiut two. Was
it wrong that the people should appoint two
more? Why give your Executive the appoint
ment of a majority of the board, and full puw
er over the people to trample them in the dnst?
Answer ma that, if you can! I pause, but I
pause in wain, for a reply. What shall [ say,
then? b'ir, it savors too much of the cundle
box un lof the Cincinnati Directory. Is it in
tended, at all hazards, against the vote of the
people, and in defiance of their wishes, to forge
a majority, to make a faise return to the Pres
ident that you have outvoted the Free State
men, and that Decompton is adopted? Was
thaii. riua_auaUi-- had thrown to thi> ttiml.
own party m that ' . | L ® wma
peopie ou equal terms w! fa' Hit- '■ •••
Sir, I have no fears of the people of Kan
sas if you give them any chance, fveu if you
will be honest in counting their votes; but here
the matter is left to the President of the Uni
ted States, wiiO censured bis Governor be
cause he had refused to yield to an outrageous,
notorious, palpable, and undisputed fraud, aud
ultimately compelled him to resign. 1 say,
when such things arc don.?, what may we U"t
suspect? I cau hardly realize that lam ;n the
Senate of the Unicd States, when propositions
calculated to blind the people, propositions cal
culated to hold out false colors, are presented
in this way. In this scheme,you have evident
ly followed, as far as you could, the bill pre
sented by the Senator from Kentucky; but you
have amended that most just clause of his, up
on which the honesty of the whole transaction
tut tied, in order that y m might still keep in the
hands of those who have proved themselves to
he unworthy of such a trust, the power to de
cide agaiuat the people, as they have done here
tofore, the fate of the now State.
Now, sir, I am not so much of an enemy to
the people of the South as they suppose. I
think they wiil never gaiu anything by such a
proposition as this, it is net because 1 sup
pose they will, that 1 manifest this zeal against,
it; but because, like the Senator from Ken
tucky, 1 know that the safety, the permanency,
; the true gl >ry of our institutions, must be built
I upon the solid foundations of eternal right and
! justice, and this trickery, these frauds, alt ho'
I they may serve the purpose of a party for a
: uay, are fraught with dauger to the whole ebm
j muuity, aud will finally result in disastrous
consequences even to those for whose benefit
; thev seeiu to be perpetrated.
Mr. Piesideut, I have now said all that liu
• tended to say, and much mere, because when 1
! see a proposition that appears to be unfair,and
; I will say, that appears to be dishonest, I can
not retain exactly that equanimity that per
| haps I ought; It may be all fair and all right
i —but 1 must auuounce the impressions that I
j deliberately have on that subject. I think it
! is palpably wrong—wroug to the high-miuded
people of the South, who, 1 am sure, when
they understand it, will trample it beneath
their feet as an unclean thing—unjust, palpa-
Ltv unjust, to the North, whom it places ou a
footing of inequality. Sir, if I did seek the
destruction ot the institutions of the South, I
could devise no way more facile than that you
have yourselves marked out; for, being in the
miuoritv, whenever you shall have divested
yourselves of that character which we have
conceded to you—that you are high-iuiuded,
honorable mcu—you will have lost the great
1 stake in the Government that would ever ena
ble you, as long as you practised on these prin
ciples, to enjoy your full share in the councils
of this nation, and even more. As I said, I
do not know but that this proposition may be
right; but i's'appcaranee is absolutely and de
liberately wrong.
Now, Mr. President, I regret that such a
proposition should have been brought in here.
Why would you not let Lecouiptou die, if you
had not the force to put it through? I would
infinitely prefer, for the honor of the nation,
both North aud South, tin t you had the force
in both branches to put your Lecompton Con
stitution through here, rather than have been
compelled to resort to this indirection, IU
order to accomplish the same result; because
its effect iu demoralizing the nation, perverse
aud iniquitous as I think it. was, would have
beeu iuiiuitoly loss than by this monster of a
VOL. 31, NO. 22.
1 But 1 have sai i that it was n. nart of n7
purpose to detain the Senate. I have very feeb
ly expressed the feelings that i entertain in re
gard to this proposition. Ido not believe yon
! can seduce the noblc-ininded people of Rama®,
who have withstood all your persecutions so
! long, to succumb to suc'u a scheme as this.
it*oo have exercised the whole powers of your
Government ; you have invoked your armies,
and let them loose upon the defenceless people
there; you have inflicted upon them hardships:
arid pursued them with a relentless persecution
that I have never known before and hardly ever
read of in history; and yet they stand uacou
rjuered and unconquerable. It only remains
to determine whether appliances to their cupid
ity, arts of dec -ptions can wprk out a fall for
a people who hive so nobly withstood oil your
force. I know well you cannot force them to
it. Their intelligence is great, and I think
they will he capable of seeing through this ne
farious net, which is calculated to lower thc-rut
to degrade them, to a condition of servitude. I
do not believe you wiil effect it. I have a bet
ter opinion of those noble spirits. 1 thiuk the
controversy wiii result in your most ignomini
ous defeat before the people of Kansas. The*
enly danger I apprehend is from the arrange
ment of this scheme by which you put the
whole power of controlling the election iutotke
hands of a corrupt Executive. The people are"
against you iu overwhelming numbers. Tb e
umy doubt i®, whether the executive officers
will count their votes arigiif. lam willing to
v c.itute that people, with all the skill in weav
ing nets for their destruction that you can de
vise, provided at last you leave them to be
counted according to their number®, and make
iair, and not John Calhoun, returns.
Mr. Presideint, I have no fears for the result'
of this measure. The noble-hearted, brave,and
liberty-loving people of Kansas will spurn tho
infamous proposition, as the Saviour of the
world did one in all respects similar in princi
ple, and emanating from a like source.
BEAUTIFUL ANSWERS. — A pupil of the
Abbe Sieord, gives the following extraordina
ry answers:
'What is gratitude?'
'Gratitude is the memory cf the heart.'
'What is Lope?*
'H >pe i® the blossom of happiness.'
'What is the difference between hope and
flower, auu wj"j UJ' ... _
'What is eternity?'
'A day without yesterday or to-morrow—a
line that has no CDd,' ,
:\Vhat is time?'
'A lino that has two ends— a path which be
gins in the cradle aud ends in the tomb.'
'What i® God?'
'The necessary being, the son of eternity,
the machine of nature, the eye of justice, the
match-maker of the universe, the soul of tho
'Does God reason?'
'Man reasons because ho doubts; he de
liberates —decides. God is omniscient: he
never doubts —lie therefore never reasons.
A STRANGE DISEASE.—A singular disease
has made its appearance at Jefferson City,
Mo. The Inquvtr of tiro city gives the fol
lowing account of its symptom®
"Tho unfortunate p:.:i ct, a sc-oo aS the
word abolitionist is uieL'.kniei iu Lis hearing,
begins to swear, jump, kick, 1 -p. .-kip, reu
oharge, tear, canrorf, snort, rip, tumble,
suoejse, cough, spit, whoop, stutter, meal,
howl, moan, groan, bellow, bewail, i-itutat, des
pond, turn pale, look savage, Loin at the
uiouth, roil his eve.®,* stamp bis feet upon tho
ground, wheel round and round, fall down, get
up again; and then does all that over again.
O, horrible!"
The same disease prevails to some extent iu
this State, wLere it is known by tho name of
National Democracy. It is believed that a
certain cure has recently been discovered,*
which fact cannot fail to send a thrill of pleas
ure tbrcugh every philanthropic heart.
There is now in the vaults of the Merchants'
Bank of Boston over four millions ot dollars in
gold—the property of the associated banks ot
Boston. This large amount is kept tb-re from '
motives of convenience and safety. The gold
is in bags containing §5,000 each
Thomas Clingham, a member of the House,
of Representatives from North Carolina, has
been appointed a Senator from tint State, to
fill a vacancy occasioned by the appointment'
of the Hon. Asa Bigg 3 to be Judge of the Dis
trict Court of the Uuited States.
A colony of seven hundred persons, about
five hundred from Pennsylvania and the bal
ance from Maryland, has procured a large
of land on the Piatt river in Nebraska Terri
tory, and they ate about to establish them
selves lipon it and build a city of their own.
Freetnansburg, Lehigh county, out of a pop
ulation of 700, lost but two persous by death,
from April 12th, 1557 to April Pith, 1855.
Guess ibey have no doctors there.
Two schooners have cleared at Detroit for
Liverpool, with cargoes of staves and lumber,
and a third will sail this week, to be followed
by six others in a month.
A Sicilian bark has lately arrived at Phila
delphia, bringing a cargo of oranges and lemons, •
intermingled with cockroaches from two and a
half to three inches in length.
On tho 17th of April, one gentleman in Sa
vannah, Georgia, soi'd §l5O worth of .Strawbcr
ties 10 go North.
The United States Congress pay a about -?-0„-
000 a session for the folding of their docn^

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