Newspaper Page Text
AGRICULTURAL. = Facts and fare of Horses. There aro things about the feeding, care and management of horses, which would at once be acknowledged in words, while iu deeds these very methods of management aro treated with utter neglect. To aid in banishing this perni cious inconsistency; to assist in making the care and management of horses more as they should be : to con tribute to making Loth horses and their owners more generally share in the bene ficial consequences which always Ullow from obedience to the requirements of right and rea son, I submit a few suggestions, not so uiueh with the intention of furnishing new informa tion, as of calling to remembrance and giving fresh force to truths already known. There is no better guide to the right man agement of horses or any other domestic ani mals, than to cultivate the disposition, and to he faithful to the DUTY of tieating them in eve ry respect as the owner would like to be treat ed, if he were a horse, or any other of the crea tures committed to his carc. Such manage ment, if there be ordinary knowledge and good judgment, will be just what will contribute most effectually to the comfort as well as the health of the animal, aud to the preservation of it iu that condition in which it will bo use ful for any of the purposes for which it trny be kept. Regularity in feeding; change aud va riety iu the food supplied; moderate hours of workiug; good shelter, and several other things would be effectually secured, if the guide to good management which has been mentioned were more generally adopted. And it may be confidently afihmcd that the owner would be benefitted by it fully as much as the animals of which he had care. would, at least, le iu a great measure exempt from these troubles and losses which proceed from disease and death among his stock. Most attacks of dis ease in a horse for example, proceed from ir regular or improper feeding , over working, or something else which reduces the vital powers for the time f>ciug, or the general condition of the horse for a longer period. A horse in a low condition is certainly more liable to attacks of dissase, especially when suddenly subjected to hard work, even though it should have at tho same tiuio higher feeding. One objection to the otherwise excellent practice of cutting hay, stalks, straw, &c ,is that it does not give the horse or cov, &c., a fair chaucc for rejecting such parts as may be •musty or otherwise injured and unfit for food Care should be taken that nothing is ever used either cut or uncut, which has been injured by mildew, heating, toe much exposure, or in any other way. To to consume hay, straw or other fodder, which has been damaged by cutting and mixing it with more palatable fo"d as meal, &c., is at once cruelty and poor economy, for disease or loss L no' an improba ble consequence. Carrots are more profitable to a horse than any other kind of root. A pretty accurate observation has established it as a settled fact, that a mixture of two parts of oats with one part of carrots, or two feeds of grain and one feed of carrots in a day, will keep a horse iu better conuitiou than when grain alone is used Few, comparatively, use eariots, notwithstand ing that their excellence is generally admit ted. V e"y few sectu to be aware of one disadvan tage of grinding grain for horse-feed: namely, Us tendency to heat and become mouldy or tainted. Grain ground into meal has several advantages above that which is ungrouud; but it is liable to this one objection. To obviate it let the meal be watched and stirred and spread when heating or mouldiness threatens; and, what is still better, let only a small quantity be gtound at once.— Cor. Scientific vlmerican. AX INTER ESTIXCi DISCO VERY. \\ e see it stated, upon what may be con sidered reliable, authority, that 30,000 Chris tians have recently been found upon an island uorth of the Celebes. It has been rumored for a time that there was there a Christian people, forgotten and forsaken which however yet possessed three bibles, and continued steadfast in the faith. When the missionaries first land ed ou the island, they met a school teacher aud his pupils, who repeated in the Malayan tongue, "As the heart puntcth after the water-brooks, so panleth my #oul after The, O Lord." No wurc fouud, but the most preeious promi ses ot 'he bible written upon the bark of trees. They knew the Apples' Creed, and the Hei di 'burg C a tech ism, and had Christian customs, j Twenty churches and schools yet existed. ' Through the instrumentality of pastor Hcldri'ng, f founder of the Magdalen asylum at Stccnbcck',j and chief patron of Inner Missions, in Holland tour missionaries, who had been educated under the venerableGosver, were sent out, and 3, 000 persons baptized. 1 liis is certainly a most interesting discovery. { l'ne island ou which these Christians were L und belong to the East Indian Archipelago. .The Dutch have for years had political rulc°iu i tlii- region. 1 tie may accouut for the original introduction of Christianity amongst this people and for .he fact that the Heidlebcrg Catechism was stiil found in their possession. Rut still the particular time and circumstances in which this introduction took place may well challenge •peeial attention, and cli :t investigation from these who have the leisure and facilities for prosecuting it. German R-fior/ned .Vi ssev^ir HZil! fiAZAfI! HAVE you called at t*e LADIES, BAZAR in Anderson's Row ! Mrs. IT. D. Pecgu has just returned from the Eastern Cities, with a handsome assortment of la dies and children's fancy goods. Have you seen them? rnillenery is not to bo surpassed in beauty and elegance of style—and at prices astonishing ly cheap. BONKTETS, White and colored, some as low as 37 j, cts —Ladies, Misses, and children's Jockey caps, exquisitely nice ami new in style, French aud American Flowers, a large assortment; not to be excelled in quality and cheapness—Ribbons, without number, of vari ous styles and color—Ladies Head Dresses—Dress Caps, and numerous kinds of useful and fancy arti cles for ladies toilet Dress Goods, consisting in part of Robes ,challies,Barage de Lai ties Dueals, Robes a Qudla —Kobe Lawns, for $1.25, French muslins—Ac., Ac. Silks—Black and Fancy colored Silks, various st) les—also handsome Shawls, Mantillas, Lace Capes, Dusters, Ac., &c. Embroideries, Such as colars, sleeves, Infants waits and a superi or lot of French setts, Handkerchiefs—Edgings, Laces, and Flouncings- Calicoes and Cottons of all descriptions. Ging hams, ranging in prices from, six, eight, ten, twelve and twenty five cents per yard. Hosiery—Gloves, Mitts, Ac., Ac. Carpet Bags, Traveling Baskets, Toys, Perfumery, and Jewelry. A large assortment of Ladies and childrcns shoes, purchased at reduced prices—Ladies slippers at 50 cts, tine lasting Gaiters at $1,2-5. Other st) les cor responding in price. Call and examine for your t self. MP.3. 11. D. Pki'Gll, would embrace this opportu nity to render to the Public, her thanks for the lib eral pa ( roiiagu she lias received, and hopes by a constant effort to please to merii a continuance of the same. May 7, 1868. treat Arrival of FILL IMI WINTER GOODS. JUST received and on hand, the best as sortment of BOOTS and SHOES tHat could be selected for the citizens of Bedford, andsr.i'igits visiting the place, 1 door south of Miuaiek's Confectionary Store, on Juliana Street. Mens'Grained Water-Proof long legged Boots, Mens' thick solo eastern made long leg? • i Boots, Mens' Kip and crarse Heavy Boots, Gents' Fine Calf double sole Boots, Gents' Oxford Ties, Gents' Congress Gaiters, Mens' Heavy city made Brogu s, Ladies' Morocco Boots, Ladies' Goat ,'leel Boots, IV"omens' Calf heavy winter Boots; Misses' and Childrcns' Boots in variety. Boys' Boots of al! kinds, size and desci ption. CARS, in variety, will be always kept on hand.^ Persons wishing to purchase good Boots and Shoes will please give inu a call bofore buying elsewhere. m ADAM FERGUSON". Get. 2, 1857. Ri ydky aki> ! THE subscribers havirg formed a partner ship under the style of "Dock A Asheom" for the purpose of conducting a general rO(Jx\Dlfi¥ A.\l> UAt!3l\i; business in the establishment recently erected by Gilliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, are now prepa.od to execute orders fV.r CASTINGS .IAD MAVHISERY of every de scription. They will build to order steam-en gines, coal and drift-cars, horse powers and threshing machines—also, casting of every kind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fionts, brackets, Ac., Ac. They are also, now making a fiue assortment of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat terns and most approved stvles, including sev eral sizes ot COOK STOVES of the best make, heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms, Ac. A tull assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly on band, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, w; rranted equal to the best eastern make.— Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.— Patterns made to order. GILLIARD DOCK, C. W. ASHCOM. Nov. (, 1857, TTKTXOJvf HOTEL, Bedford, Pa. fjGIE subscriber respectfully announces to the A public that he has opened a Hotel, under the above name, in tho eld and well known Globe buil iing, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. Jdm Y< ung, where he will be happy to see all his friends, and the traveling pub | lie generally. Persons attending Court aie re spectfully invited to give liim a call. He pledges himself that he will do all In his power to render all Lis guests comfortable. His Table will be supplied with the choicest de licacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfort able bedding. The Bar will be supplied with choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. dr" Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHAN HOKTON. Bedford, April 30, 1858. [AIUSIO A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS L'A Pianos, Melodeons, Flutes, Guitars, Brass Horns, Clarionets. Drums, etc., of various manu facture, always on hand. Bands supplied ut city wholesale rales. We Keep always on hand a full assortment of a lithe new and fashionable music, which we mail at our erpense to any part of the country. N. B. Music nged to order. SHRI'OCK A SMITH, Chamhersbure. March 7, 1857. BEDFORD mmi The Summer session of this Institution will commence on Wednesday, April 21st. The efficient County Superintendent of the Pub lie Schools, Rev. 11. Ileckerman, will assist in tho instruction of youth during the coming quarter. Persons, therefore, wishing to pursue a course of study with the view of preparing themselves to feacli iu our Common Schools, will enjoy rare ad vantages in connection with this Institution. GEORGE W. AUGIIINBAUGH, April 9, 1858. Principal. Just Hcceiifd „ A SD FOR SALE—the celebrated GItEEN -2A. CASTLE GRAIN CRADLE—by June 11, 18-58. G. VV. RUPP. WRITE TEETH and a i rfumed breath can be accquired by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." To be had at PR. HARRYS. March fi. 1857. I>R. J. B*. ASBCOM, WOULD respectfully inform the public that ho has located permanently at Hopewell, Bed ford County, Pa., in the practice of medicine, and solicits the patronage of the citizens of Town and Country, he can be found at all times at Capt. Berkwith's Hotel, or at his office, lately occupied by Dr. 11. A. Dorsey, dee'd, unless profvssionally engaged. Hopewell, June 11, 1858.-c* PRIVATE SALE OF Valuable Farm. THE subscriber offers at private sale, his valua ble farm, situate on the Cliambersburg and Bod foid Turnpike Road, fiye miles East of Bedford, 3 miles West of the town of Bloody Hun, and three miles from the Plank Road leading to the Hunt ingdon and Broad tup Kail lioad, thus afl'oiding ea sy facilities to the Eastern markets. The farm contains ACRES, 130 acres of which is cleared, and principally un der good post and rail fence; the balance is Well timbered, of which 75 acres is in clover and timo thy, all good strong limestone land, which la\ sto the sun, with eastern exposure, and bouuded south by the Juniata river. The improvements are a large DCUBLE TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with back building attached, large and good Stone Bank Burn, new wagon-shed, corn crib, drove sta ble," sufficient for 20 head of horses, cat riagc house,- and all necessary outbuildings; two (ocd n ever failing wells of water at the door and st able; also a flue orchard of grafted fruit '''his is one of the bestnu most desirable farms in Bedford County. A grist mill within a mile and church and school house close hy'on the turn pike. If not Sold by the Ist of September, te xt, the property will be sold at public sale. Possession given in time to put out full crops. TERMS easy. HENRY M. HOKE May 21, 1358. ChambersLurg -Rop. and Transcript' 5 adv. months, and send bill to this ollic e. ~ GRE AT " ~ ' HEW AA n CUE At* CLOTIiI\G_BMPORRIM. THE undersigned would respectfully infirm the citizens of Bedford and surrounding country, that be has opened out in Bedford, at the old and well known stand, the "RISING SUN," an extensive Clothing Establishment, where he will always be found with a large and well selected stock of gentleinona' and boys' clothing. From his long experience in the business, he flatters lriui sell that lie cannot bo surpassed, either in his fa cilities for p:;;causing Clothing at a low figure, or or of selling thorn lower than any other store with in 150 miles of this place. Not wishing to enumerate the many different ar ticles of elothine on hand, he would merely state, that, in part, his stock consists of Coats ranging from 75 cents to $lB, Pant from 50 cents to $lO, Vests from 37 j cents to s>. Also, Shirts, Collars. ; Cravats, Trunks, Carpet-Sacks, Sic., Bcc. I All persons wishing tepurchase CLOTHING, or anything else in my line, will never regret their calling at LEOPOLD'S No. I,CHEAP CLOTH ING EMPORIUM, where they can get cheap an . unheard-of bargains. Come one, come all. ; May 21, 1858. A. LEOPOLD. LATEST HEWS FHOM 1X111! Frcsli "rrival of SPRING AND SIMAIER GflflllS AT SHOEMAKERS' STORE! THE undetsigned, having just returned front the Eastern Cities, are now receiving a large and splendid assortment of SPRIN i AND SUMMER HOODS, which they are determined to sell che p. Their Stock consists in part of LVoJht, Oaeeime.' Si, Satiue/ls, Jesus, and a largo assortment of Men's and Boys' wear. Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Delaines, Calicoes, Alpacas and I.turns. A large assortment of Booh, Shoes, Hats a,id Caps. Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Mo lasses, Black ami Green Teas, Queensware, Hard ware, Buckets, Tubs, Knives and Forks, V.e. All kinds of Produce taken in exchang - for goods. To good and punctual customers a credit of six months will lie given. J. N J, M. SHOEMAKER. April 23, 1858. MRS. S. E. POTTS HAS just returned from the cities with a largi sup ply of Rich and Handsome Goods, rich silks, Robes of all kinds, DFBEGB ROBES, LAWN- ROBES, LINEN ROBES, TRAVELING ROBES, with side trimmings, RICH LACE MANTLES, SILK MANTLES, FRENCH WORKED COLLARS, UNDERSLEEVES, a large quantitv oI' FRENCH WORKED STRIDES, vary low, a rich vari ety of BONNETS, trimmed and untrimmed, as low as 50 cts. RIBBONS, RUSHES, and FRENCH FLOWERS, at all prices, SHOES and GAITERS, a handsome lot of summer SHAWLS, LAWNS and CALICOES, and an end it ss variety of faney Goods. May 7, 1858. T O X E \\' A It K.—Cream Crocks, Milk SyMJrocks of all sizes; Butter Dishes,from one to one and a half gallon Pitchers, all of Inch arc of best quality, for sale by A. FERGUSON- Bedford, Jan. 16, 1856. Fxeculors' Aotice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary have been granted by the Register of Bedford County, to the subscribers, on tlie last will and testament of John Wertz, late of Cumberland Val ley township, d -c'd. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediate ly, and I hose having claim i on said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement HENRY WERTZ, JOHN J. WERTZ. Execuors.t June 18, 1853.-f DISSOLUTION OF PARTXERSUIP 11IJE partnership heretofore existing between HcntyS. King and James Madara, under the name and firm of Madara, King Co., doing business at Lemnos Iron Worksin Hope.vell Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY' S. KING N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES MADARA. THE business of manufacturing iron at Lem nos Iron Works, will be continued by the under signed, who has purchased all the interest of his late pirtn r James Madara in the books, property and effects, belonging to the late firm ol Madara King & Co. Nov. 27, lbs7—tf. HENRY S.KING. (flue Manufactory. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the public tiiat they are engaged in manufacturing r superior article of glue, at different prices, at tbeia residence in Suakesprine Valley, two miles oast of Bloody Run, and are prepared to liil promptly nil orders. All in want of this article can have their orders attended to by addressing the undersigned at Bloody Run. The subscribers wish to purchase a quantity of tanners' fleshings, and those having any for sale, can dispose of them by applying as above. In connection with their glue manufactory, they also carry on the weaving business, and will weave coverlets and carpets on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. MORRIS KICHTEII & SON. April 16. 1858.-3tn. Uissolu'ioii of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing and trading under the firm name of Blvmire & Hartley, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The Books, notes and accounts are in the hands of Win. Hartley, wno is hereby authorized to settle the same. AH persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Blymire K Hartley, will save costs 1 by paying up,before the Books and notes are pla ced in the hand of a collector. March 26, 1858. STAGE OFFICE. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Bedford, Pa. MRS. MARY' COOK would announce to her friends and the public, that she has fitted up this old and well known stand, in n very su perior style, for the accommodation of the pub lic. Visitors to the Bedford Mineral Springs will find the Washington Hotel a comfortable summer retreat—and no • pains will be spared to please all who patronize the house. Boarders will be taken by the day, week, mouth and year. (X7"A gentleman of high qualification, and corteous deportment, lias charge of the house, who will do all in his power to make the guests happy and comfortable. Et7"Tcnns as moderate as anywhere else in the place. Daily Stages from Latrobe, Cumberland, Holli daysburg and Hopewell, all stop at this Hotel. A Hack belonging to this Hotel will run be tween Bedford and the Springs. Bedford, June 12, 1857.-zz. Imm isWiTiC PHILADELPHIA. 5 A Benevolent Institution, estullished by special ca jolement for this relief of the sick and dis tressed, afflicted ui/h Virulent and Epidemic diseases. r|lo all persons alliicted with Sexual Diseases, i such as SPERMATORRHEA, SEM IN EL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYTIIILLIS, the Vice of ONANISM or SELF ABUSE, The HOWARD ASSOCI ATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Sur geon as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condi tion, (ago, occupation, habits of life, v..'si ( in cases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDI CINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most apj r-.vod modern tr. atment. The Directors, on a review of the past, (eel as sured that tboir labors in this sphere of benevo lent effort, have been of great benefit afflict ed, especially to the young, and they liWe resolv ed to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important hut much despised enure. Just published l>y the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the Vic of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and oth er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, which will be seut by mail, (in a sealed letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As pecialion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, I'liiladol sliia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA J). 11EARTWELL, President. GEO. FAHICIHLO, Secretary. Dec. 4, 1857.-mz. DR. AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED YOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS! ONE small box of Pil's cures ninety-ni ,e cases out of a hundred. No Balsam, no Mercury, no odor on the breath, no fear of detection. Two small pills a dose; harmless as water. Full directions ore given, TO that the pitient con cure himself ascertain as with the advice of the aiost ex perienced surgeon, aud much better than with the advice ot'oi c of little experience in this class ol dis- SKNTBY MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY by enclosing oue dollar to Dr. 1). u. Walton, No. 154 Nbrth Seventh St. bolo\ Race, Philadelphia. A liberal dii. ant to the trdje. None genuine without the written signature of D. G- Walton, Proprietor. Dr. W.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weakness. Kic., is entirely different from the usual course.— Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benefit. Tile treatment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. W. as above; giving a full history of your case, and you will bless the day you made the effort to secure what is certain—A RADICAL CUKE. Jan. 29, 1858— zz. BLOODY RUN FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. TIIS subscribers are now prepared, at their j Foundry in Bloody Run, to till all orders for cast ings of any description for Grist an 1 .Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, Apple Mills, Ploughs, and all tilings else in their lino that may be needed in this or tiie adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing .M achines of 2 4 or 6 Horsepower, warranted equal if net superior to any made in the State. We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Woodcock, Plug, and Hillside Ploughs, warranted to giw satisfaction or , no sale. Points, shares and lauds ides, to fit all j Woodcock or Sevier Ploughs iu the County, j Farmer's Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our j make may be had at Foundry prices at the store of j Win Hartley, Bedford, Pa., Lou-l -rbaugh 8: Pec, East Providence Tp., John Nycu a A Son, Rays lid ill. Times being liar I, wo olf-r great induce i metits to Farmers aud Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and sub stantial manner, ami all work warranted. C .11 and examine our work and castings an 1 judge for yourselves. JOSIAII BAUGHMAX \ BiiO. March 26, 1858—tf. JiiM Received at the \ T ew Firm, liEED & JllilKiH'S. An elegant assortment of Spring Goods, of the best quality, consisting of Cloths. Cassiuieres, Tweeds, Jeans, aud Cotton ides, 4 I pieces 0 f the latest stylo Calicoes and Ginghams. Also, Mus lins, bleached and unbleached, of every grade, ul of which will bo*oldat the lowest figure for cash. April 'J, 1858. SililNHK & SMITH, CUAMBERSIIURG, Ft., BOOKSELLERS AMI STATIONERS, AND Dealqrs in Music and Musical Instruments. Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wall papers. Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs i and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F- Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders given him will be promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. ILMivILEIM FEMALE SEMIaSTAPIY, RaiiiNburgr, I>a. fTUIE Summer Term will open August sth, Fall L Term, October 21st, 1858, and Winter Term, January 18th, and Spring Term, April sth, 1859. Circulars, with full particulars, may be had of W. W. BRIM, A. 8., Principal.. N. B. Students coming to this institution will be conveyed from Bedford free of charge, on the 4th of August, by addressing a letter to Mr. Sarnl. Williams, of Rainsburg. June 4, 1858—zz. HANDLES. ADAMANTINE and Tallow Mould Candles, for sale by OSTER, MANSPEAKER &CAKN. New Store, No. ], Cheapside. June 18, 1858. ' 1 [T HE HVTQITIIIKIi Is published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Metlgel ilouse, by DAVID OVER. TERMS: If paid in advance, $1.00; within the year, $2.0"; and if not paid wi'diin the year, $2.5u will l>o charged. No paper discontinued until el! .u --teurages are paid—except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. Advertisements not exceeding a uqunre,(lo lines,) inserted three times for $ I—every subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a squ ire counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will lie continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will he made to those who adicrtise hv the year. Job Printing of ail kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. IMFOKTAST TO .MILL OWSEHS WOODWARD'S Improved Smut and Screen- Tl ing Machines, Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths, and Bran Dusters, of the most improved pian. Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, i'atent Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, war ranted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also. Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer— a valuable invention. The above articles an kept constantly on hand, aud can be obtained at any time, from S. D. BROAD, Schellsburg, Bedford County, who is also the ageut for Bedford, Somerset, and adjoining Ceun ies. Millwright work done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. February 15, 1850. MCCORMICK'S Reaper and Mower for salt H 7 S. D. BROAD, at Schellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Bedford counties. E> braary 15, 1850. \i:iv niui. NEW GOODS. rjt HE übscribet, having taking a partner in his X store, the business will hereafter be conducted, under the name and title of J. M. BarndollarA Son- All those having unsettled accounts with the sub scriber, will please call and settle. J. M. BARXDOLLAR. The subscribers are just receiving and opening out a New and Handsome assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they will sell on as ktason.ii Je terms as can In- procured in the country for cash, produce, or to prompt six months custo mers. They respectfully solicit the pn lie patron age J.M BARXDOL.L.IR $ SON. Bloody Run. April 1, 1858.-3 m j[ew Jewelry. fTUIE subscriber has opened out a new and X splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry—consisting in partol ! Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Rings, No. Kc. j Call and see Lis stock. . del 4 DANIEL BORDER. ouTi^ 1 . hauuT RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford aud vi cinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Ilufius. Nov. 0, 1857. IOJMimI DR. HARRY, at the Ch.a) Drug and B - i Store, has just received, al. r gc assortment of the best flavoring extracts, together with Bak ing Soda, Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, &c., ol the very best quality, all of which he will sell the lowest prices. Flustering Laths!! rJAIIE VXDEZtSIGMED having erecteo X a Mill for sawing PLUSTKKIFG LATHS on h;s i premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now j ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price $1.50 per thousand, 3 ft. long. Other lengths in proportion. Letters addressed to meat St. Clairsville. will bepromptly attended to. f W.M. GRIFFITH. Union Tp., Feb. IG, 1851.-zz. JOB MANX, G. 11. SPANG. JAW 1' AItTN EUSUIP.--The undersigned J have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, ml will promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ai j >ining counties. 3~7"Oiticc on Julianna Street, three doors south >1 Mengel oil-so and opposite the r M- Icncc of Maj. Tate. MANN & SPANG Jun.- 1, —1854. tf. Tr. F. C "Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. llespectliilly tenners bis services u .£\ the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may a'w.ays be found (unless professionally en gaged, at bis Drug and Book Store, in Juliana St. Fob. I'J, 1857. Hummel's I'rcniiuiti Essence oi'Coffee- COFFEE made by it will have a more delicate and finer flavor, and will bo much more wholesome. It will also be clear withoi i requiring anything to clarify it. For sale by OSTER, MANSPEAKEK Ifc CAKN. New Store, No. 1, Ghoapside. June 18, 1858. 11. a" B mCL.Vv, ATTORNEY IT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., iV/ ILL attend promptly and faithfully to all TT legal business eiPrusted to bis care. K7"ollice on Juliana Street, in the building for merly occupied by S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd. March 26, 1858. ■ riiifW3 ! Will ntteml nunftuallr and carefully to ftli oj>erfttioM in- | | irus ito his oare Tecilt tiled, plugged, regulated, Ac . and t nr< 1 ticiul teetb from *a<* to tin entire eel. CUulg?* moderate, ** d all operations warranted. 8F Term, INVARIABLY CASIL fe- Oflke un Eut Pitt street, Bedford, Pa. I Samuel iu'Ucriiian, COUNTY SURVEYOR. WOULD hereby notify the citizens of Bedford county, that ho has moved to the Borough of Bedford, where be may at all times be found by peersons wishing to seehim unless absent upon business pertaining to his ollie. Bedford, April 30, 1858. WALL and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for this necessary article. By calling at his store, our patrons will see samples of our papers. IVe have made our spring selection? with much care, and think we cannot fail to please. SIIRYOCK A SMITH, Chambersburg. I lor the Hair—Jockey Club, and new mown hay, pomatums, genuine ox marrow at Dr- Ifanj's. The Great English Remedy, SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. I'rejiared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M- I) , Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This vuvaluable medicine is unfailing, in the enre of ail those painful • d dangerous di;-> to which the female constitution is *ub ject. It moderates all escoc, and .. moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be . died on. TO >ffßltiEl) L.4DIES it is peculiarly suited. It w a short time bring on (lie monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Uoiiar, bears tbe Gov ernment Stamp of' Great Britain,to prevent coun terfeits. C A U T ION. Then I'ills should not be taken by females dy •i ;£ the Ftll> T THREE /t/OA TflS of Pregnane, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they me. safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the 12ack and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ox ertiou, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will elicet a cure when all oth er means have failed, and although a powerful rem edy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States ai d Canada, JOE MOSES, (LaL I, G. Baldwin & C 0.,) Rochester, N. Y. i N. B. sl.ou and 0 postage stumps enclosed i to any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle ! of the Pills by return mail. For saleby Dr. B. F. Harry. Sept 18 1857-zz. pgPIII BRYAN'S PILMOMC Sill WAFERS. The mot! certain and speedy remedy ever discovered for all t lit cases of the Chest and Lungs, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Influenza. Hoarseness, Uifficutt Breathing, Sore Throat, f{C., t,e. —i rpUESE WAFERS give the moft instantaneous .an 4 1 [.erfei-t relief and when persevered with according l.i ,!lrecti..:ip, never fail to effect a -apid and tilting cure, rtiousands have been restored to perfect health who have tried means la vain. To all classes and all constitu ;■ they are equally a blearing and a cure—none need do-pair, no matter how long the disease may have existed, or however severe it may he, provided the organic struc .l r<- of the vita! organs is not hopelessly decayed. Every one aGiieted should give them an impartial trial. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor Rochester, N. V, J Prise 25 ceut6 per box. For sale by Dr. B F. Harry. Sept. 18, 1857-zz. • ' DiLLGS, BOOKS STATIONERY, DR. F. C. REAMER, IIECrOKD, PA. HAVING purchased the Dreg and Book Store ot Dr. S. I). Scott, has constantly on hand, at the old stand, a large and well selected stock of choice Drugs and Medicines, wholesale and re tail, all of which will be sold on lair terms. The j assortment consists in part of Th ugs ami Chemicals, I'yr Woods and Acids, Paints and Oils, Windole Class and (Muss Ware, Tobac co and Sectors Perfume>y, Fancy Articles, 4c., 4c. PATENT MEDICINES.— Having the regular agenc* for the sale of many of these medicines, lire pi. lie are assured that tliev are of the best; such us have stood the test of time and experience, and can be safely recommended as genuine, viz. Tow end's and Sand's Sarsaparilla, Wistar's B; f Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Mo. . Ljfo fills and P lire nix Bitters, lir. Jayne's Family Medicines, Fahustock s, Hobtn saek's and other vermifuge: lioodand's German Bitt< rs, he., iAc. Constantly on hand a large stock of historic, geographical, scientific, religious, poetical, school and. miscellaneous BOOKS. Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE RY, Cap, Post atii. Wrapping Paper, of every quality, Paper Hangings in great variety. Win i il.nv Blinds, in patterns or by the piece. Wall Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS Of every size and quality.— Pocket Books and Port Motili ties, Diaries, Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in groat variety, Soaps, INC., &-c. l amps, and C.unphine Oil and Burning Fluiij, kept constantly on ftand. j CHOICE LIQUOKS for medical use; Wolff' 1 Seheidaru Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry and Ma deira Wines. Feb. 1 9, 1857. Low to Save Money. ALL persons who are in want of good and very cheap chairs and Cabinet Furniture, can now have an opportunity of saving money, by celling on the subscriber, and selecting such artie'es as they may need, lrom a large stock now on hand, w Inch will be soid lower than the same can bo bought in this County. You who are about to commence housekeeping will do well by calling on me, as there uill_bc a great reductions made iu suits ot Furniture. \ ou will see ths truth of the above statement by looking at the following list of prices : Chairs from $1.50 to $36.00 per sett. Bedsteads 2.50 < 15.00 Tables 2.50 20.00 Bureaus 10.00 < 35.00 Cupboards 5.00 <' 12.00 Wash Stands 1.50 " 600 Work Stands 1.00 " 5.00 Candle Stands 1.00 " 3.00 All other articles in proportion. All articles warranted. ISAAC MENGEL, Jc. Feb. 19, 1858. THE ffltsriir Valentine Steckman, PROPRIETOR. Boarders taken by the day weelr mantb and year. April 25,1556 —tf Gcttys' Photographic Gallery, 'EXCHANGE BUILDING,' BEDFOUD, PA. WHERE Ambrotvpes, Daguerreotypes, <jc 4c., are executed in the latest style and improvements of the Art. A full assort ment of plain and fancy cases, gold and plerca Lockets at very low prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his specimens. T. K. GETTYS, JG. May 22,1857. nor ii s & i n.Li ii ATTORNEYS IT LAW. BEDFORD, PA. WILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO -ALL legal business entrusted to their During the sessions of the court, the senior {arb iter may be found at the odice of the firm, two doors south of Hon. S. L. Russell's office. D. 11. HOFIUS, J NO. 11. FILLET. Bedford, Nov. 28, 1856. *ltoemcii<lißig! Shoeiiicu<liii£ 11 HAVING commenced the business of Shocmei - ing, one door east of Mr. Brice's Hotel; Bedfeid, Pa., I am prepared to do all manner of work in this line of business, at the shortest notice, and on the mest substantial manner, on more reasonable rates than usual, indispensable. Give him a call, try inv work and judge for yourselves. J P. FAKEF.^ May 7, 1858