OCR Interpretation

Bedford inquirer. [volume] (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, September 24, 1869, Image 1

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All advertisements for loss then 3 months 10
cents per line for each insertion. Specia Inoticcs
one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa
tion, communications of a limited or individal
in.crest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding fire lines, 10 ets. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 13 cents
per line. All Advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly adre isers.
3 rnonts. 8 months, 1 Tear
One square $ 1.50 $0 0" $30.00
Twc squares .. 0-00 900 18.00
Three 5quare5.............. 8.00 13.00 20.00
One-fourth column 11.00 20.00 35.00
Half column.. 18.00 25.00 45.00 ]
One column 30.00 45.00 80.00 '
NEWSI-ATER LAWS.—WE would call the special
nttention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
INQUIRER to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by
tetter, (returning a paper does not answer the law)
when a subscriber doe 3 not take his paper out of
the office, and state the reasons tor its not being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postiuas
tcr repeoneibl* to the publishers for the payment
2. Any person who'takes a paper from the Post
office, whether directed to his name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send it until payment is made, and
ollect the whole amount, whether it be taken from
the office or not. There can be legal discontin
ucnec until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con
tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for
it, if he token it out of the Poet Office . The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
for what.be uses.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional frand.
St <£nv&.
Ilavo formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April 1, 1869-tf
Kespectftilly tenders his professional services
to the pnblio. Office in the INQUIRES Building,
(second floor.)
jhß~Coilections promptly made. [ April,l'69-tf.
Will faithfully andpromptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin
n g counties. Military claims, Pensions, bock
jmy, Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Mann A Spang, on Juliana Btreet, 2 doors sooth
of the Mengel House. apl 1, 1889.—tf.
Will attend promptly to ail business intrusted to
his care. Collections made on the shortest no
11c it, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
and wil give special attention to the prosecution
, "lit.s against the Government for Pensions,
Back I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel
House" April 1, 1869:tf
Bedford, Pa,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ncs- entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
,r®-Office on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69:1yr.
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All Easiness entrusted to their
care will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected from tho Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking
bouse of Reed A Schcil. Bedford, Pa. Apr l;69:tf
Office with J. W. Dickerson Esq.. 23apr1y
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to tho citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an 1 residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hollas. [Ap'l 1,69.
Will attend to all business entrusted into his hands
wuh promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. 17sely
Collections made for the East, West, North and
■ uth, and the general business of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE
bought and sold. April 1:89
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Doable Refin.
e l Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
•,'ialityof Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. (apr.2B/65.
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
£ Co.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. Ail
rdcrs promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
in his line will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April 1. '<59.,
Oi. eat the old stand tn
All operations pertaining to
St'rgieal and Mechanical Dentistn/
performed with care and
>•etktlic adminietered, when deeired. Ar
;' teeth inner ted at, per eet, SB.OO and up.
\S I am deteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or cone, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
: '"th of the various kinds. 20 per cent., and ol
•' • 1 Fillings 33 per cent. This reduction will be
toads only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
wsl! receive prompt attention. 7feb6S
This large and commodious house, having beer
re taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re
ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms an
large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished
The tabic will always he supplied with the bes
the n arket can afford. The Bar is stocked witl
the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purposi
keep a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Thankin,
the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit i
renewal of their patronage.
B. Hacks will run constantly between flit
" el ar.d the Springs.
tnayl7/69:1j WM. DIBERT, Prop'r.
I jus old establishment having been leased by
■ i'JßttiaoN, furmerly proprietor of the Mor
r House, has been entirely renovated and re
'■ ic-i and supplied with all the modern im
, u ' e ™eots and conveniences necessary to a first
c.as, lintel.
e ,', fce d '' iln S room has been removed to the first
U.. „ u no '! B ! ,acious aE, i airy, and the cbam
1 e a,i well ventilated, and the proprietoi
H endeavor to make hi* guest., perfectly .1
nie - Address, J. MORRISON,
" lja] - nf Huntingdon, Pa
JOHN JLUTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
guquim Column.
w ♦
Oar facilities for doing ill kinds of Job Printing
ire equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All !
ettors should be addressed to
3 a ° rji mrral n.rtosujprv, Drbotrft to Lolitirs, ©Duration, ILtetatuw an* lerals7
NEWSPAPERS.— The Newark Courier
says: "To criticise a newspaper is an easy
j task, bat to print one to please everybody
and the rest of mankind is no small under
taking. Those who find fault with every
little item which does not suit their ideas of
right and wrong, should buy type and pub
lish a paper of their own. Let them try it
for awhile, and if they don't get some new
ideas on the subject, we are no judge of hu
man nature—that's all."
The California pioneers' excursion to the
Atlantic States will leave Sacramento for
New York on September loth, 1569. The
round trip is charged for at half fare, and
the cost for each ticket is $112,50 in gold,
or $l5O in currency. The parties must
start together, and can stop for a day or
more at Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia,
or any other eastern city that a majority may
determine on. Sleeping cars solely for the
excursionists have been provided. Thi- !
tickets are available to return within sixty
MAJOR OSBORNE, of the New Haven :
Register , now among the White Mountains,
gives quite a notion of the steep grade of j
the pony road up Mount Washington in this !
anecdote: "A hartford friend, whose hu
mor it would be difficult to Hyde (A. P.)
under any circumstances, was coming down
the declivity, with every indication that he !
was about to slide over the horse's neck,
j Looking hack, the guide hailed him. 'All
right up there, Mr. H?' 'Perhaps so,' was <
the reply, 'it all depends on the tenacity of
the animal's tail; if it wavers an inch, I'm
over the precipice.'"
THE Impartial , a newspaper of Madrid, I
says that the American Minister has uot j
sent any note to the Spanish Government
pointing out the probability of the recogni
tion of the Cuban insurgents by Gen. Grant
under the pressure of public opinion ; but
that what General Sickles lias said is this—
that the filibusters have made immense
progress in gaining American sympathy, !
and they do not relax their efiorts to obtain
recognition for the Cubans. Well, this is '
something; but we expect soon to hear that
General Sickles lias been speaking a little
closer to the main question, and to some
ON Saturday a shocking accident occurred
i near Bucyrns, Ohio. As an eastward bound
j train on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Railway was approaching the sta
| tion, an elderly lady and gentleman, whose
| names our informant could not ascertain,
i attempted to drive across the track. The
vehicle was struck by the engine and shiv
ered to atoms. The lady was instantly kill
ed, and the gentleman was frightfully man
gled. He was alive when taken up, but it
was thought impossible for him to live ma
ny hours. No blame was attached to the
officers of the train, as the proper signals
were given before reaching the crossing.
TENDERNESS.— We may talk, says Net
tleton, of the best means of doing good, hut,
after all, the greatest difficulty lies in doing
it in a proper spirit. Speaking the truth iu
love, in meekness instructing those that op
pose themselves— with the meekness and
gentleuess of Christ. I have known anx
ious sinners drop the subject of religion in
consequence of a preacher addressing theni
in angry tones. "I never was fit," says
Payson, "to say a word to a sinner, except
when I had a broken heart myself, when I
was subdued and melted into tenderness,
and felt as though I had just received par
don to my own soul, and when my heart
was full of tenderness."
great many opinions have been given on the
probable length of time which the imprison
ed men lived after the fire in the shaft broke
out at nine o clock 3looday morning at
Avondale. Some people believed the ques
tion was entirely set at rest by the finding of
several dinner and water cans full, from
which fact it was inferred death resulted be
fore twelve o'clock, noon, the time when the
men are accustomed to rake their dinner.
This theory is plausible enough; but then it
is by no means hard to believe that when
the miners discovered the dreadful nature of
their situation a thought of dinner an 1 din
ner .cans fled from their minds; and had they
lived for twenty-four hours it is not unrea
sonable to think the same indifference to
food would have continued. Anybody who
has been amid the daDgers of a battle-field
will readily recognize this feeling.
TIGHT SHOES.— The most casual observer
cannot fail to notice the contortions of many
young ladies when promenading the streets,
caused by the pain they suffer from wearing
tight shoes. The waist they may squeeze,
and in time will get used to the compression,
but the feet are fitted with delicate machin
ery that will not bear being bound too tight
ly, without retaliating by causing propor
tional suffering. When a voung lady is gin
gerly walking with a sort of higgle-dcpiggle
dy motion, as though she were perpetually
about to take a scat, and as often changing
her mind, she is generally supposed to be
suffering from a severe stread of Grecian
Bend, but in fully half the instances noticed
there will be a look of intense pain on the
face, the reflection of the torture suffered by
trying to appear to have small feet. The
best remedy is to let such folks keep so do
ing, as in a short time the wearer of tight
boots will be blest with a crop of corns, the
tenderness of which will certainly change
the opinions of the wearer as to the propri
ety of having the feet comfortably clad.
correspondent of the Rail Mall Gazette , who
writes from Barcelona, declares that the
Spaniards are utterly disgusted with their
system of justice, and will remedy it, if no
other remedy is obtainable, by Lynch law.
Even criminal justice is corrupt, men ling
ering out their lives waiting for trial, bo
cause the judge will not admit them to bail
without a bribe. In Andalusia, a kind of
territorial socialism prevails, produced by
overgrown estates and absentee landlordism.
Four men own most of the province, and the
biggest of them lives his life in St. Petcis
hurgh. Brigandage is beginning to pre
vail everywhere. Prim has ordered all Gen
erals to shoot Carlists, and has promoted
two officers who murdered nine persons who
had fowling pieces, but were not resisting
or attacking in any way. Add that the
treasury is insolvent, the patties without
leaders, and the trees coming down so fast
that there is drought every three years, and
our readers may have a faint idea of tbo
State of Spain. It is tho red revolution
which is coming there.
BEDFORD, PL, )A Y, SEPT. 21 1869^
j Sarin-.
In seasons when our funds are low
Subscribers are provoking slow ;
A few supplies keep up the flow
Of dimes departing rapidly.
t I But wt shall see a sadder sight,
, j TVhen duns pour in from morn till night,
Cowiuaudiug every sixpence bright
, To be forked ovpr immediately.
Our bonds and due-bills are arrayed,
| i Each seal and signature displayed ;
, The holders vow they must be paid,
T\ itli threats of law and chancery.
i 1 hen to despair we're almost driven,
There's precious little use of livin',
W hen our last copper's rudelv riven
From hands that held it lovingly.
But larger yet those dues shall grow,
When interest's added on below,
| Lerigth'ning our chain a foot or so,
When gazing at them hopelessly.
'Tis so, that scarce have we begun
To plead for time upon a dun,
Before there comes another one,
j DematMii z pay ferociously.
! The j respect darkens—ob, ye brave !
Who would our very bacon save ;
TTaive, patrons, all your pretexts waive,
And pay the printer cheerfully.
Ah 1 it would yield us pleasure sweet
A few delinquents now to meet,
Asking of us a clear receipt
For papers taken reg'larly.
Of all the myriad moods of mind
That through the soul came thronging.
Which one was e'er so dear, so kind,
i So beautiful, as longing.
The thing we long for, that we are,
For one transcendent moment:
Bc-foro the present, poor and hare.
Can make its sneering comment.
| Still, through our paltry stir and strife,
; Grows down our wished Ideal;
And longing moulds in clay what life
Carves in the marble Real;
To let the new lite in we know,
Desire must ope the portal:
Pei Laps the longing to be so
Helps make the soul immortal
Longing is God's fresh heavenward will,
With our poor earthward striving:
TT e quench it that we may be still
Content with inerelv living :
But, would we learn the heart's full scope,
\\ hich we are hourly wronging,
Our lives must climb from hope to hope,
And realize our longing.
Ah ! let us hope that to our praise
Good God not only reckons
The moments when we tread his ways,
But when the spirit beckons;
That some slight good is also wrought
Beyond self-satisfaction,
When we are simply good in thought,
How e'er we fail in action.
Squire Suffolk was the richest man in
North Grafton, and gossip said the stingi
est. "As close as the bark of a tree," they
described biin, for in a country place like
North Grafton a small fortune entitles one
to rank with the Rothcbilds. In the mean
time let U3 hope that the Squire was not so
narrow as they believed. How true it was
let Miss Catharine Poore answer. Miss
I'oore, who took in sew ing, and bad made
up more than one piece of fine linen tor the
Squire, and who during her vacations and
hours of relaxation, purveyed for the parish
or any needy body who came in her way—
one human creature being quite as worthy
as another of her aid and sympathy.
One summer nforning Miss Poore tied on
her straw bonnet—the identical bonnet sho
had bought with the money Squire Suffolk
had paid her five years ago, and which bon
net site bad tewed over with her own lingers
four SL-pcrate times, in oider to be a3 near
the fashion of the day as respectability re
quired—so orte morning she tied on this
work of art, and taking her purse, as a nec"
cssary precaution she believed, bent her
steps along the blooming country road to
ward the imposing mansion of Fquire Suf
folk, on charitable thought intent.
Now Miss Poore was no blooming uiLs of
twenty, with dimples ooqueting with blushes
on her cheeks, nDd eyes running over' with
lovely mirth and peach bloom of youth
thrown like a glamour over all. She was
simply a plain woman of forty or thereabout,
with a face in no way remarkable, except
for its expression of kindness and good hu
mor ; and these, be it said, are faces that
best outlive youth, and that catch at last
the reflections of the spirit, and grow beau
tiful in the illumination of good deeds and
pare Miaw Puoiu was Just, lliu
one to beg for others and desire nothing for
herself; just the woman to make a thou
sand plans for tho welfare of others, and feel
their frustration as acutely as if they had
been for her own personal happiness.
She was shown into the dining rcout at
Squire Suffolk's where she found him dawn
ing over a late breakfast, which the servant
had just brought in on a silver truy.
"You make me ashamed of myself," said
he, reflectively sugaring his coffee by the
aid of wrought silver tongs of an ancient de
"I'm sorry. I hope to make you pleased
with yourself before my visit is over."
"Then take this seat, Miss Poore, and
drink a cup of this 3loeha ; it's my own iiu
portion. There isn't another such lever
age iu North Gralton, I'll venture to say."
"Thanks. I love Mocha, but it dove not
love me."
"That's odd, very odd of the 3loeha un
requited affection, eh?"
M isa Poore laughed, but she was thinking
rather of a family in North Grafton who
drink cold water every morning at break
fast, only indulging themselves in the luxury
of tea on Sunday, in order to keep in coun
tenance the lather, who ucedtd it to nrsist
him through tho wear and tear of the day,
and who disdained noy dainty which he
must enjoy alone. This was tho country
pastor, the Rev. Herbert Hasent and fami
ly, who lived, or rather suffered on a salary
of five hundred dollars a year, and what ex
tras were to be obtained by fitting stupid
boys for college. She cleared her voice then,
a little nervously, for action.
"Mr. Suffolk," said she, "I have come on
a matter of business, and I may as well get
it over at once mid leave you at your break
fast in peace.
Bome dim idea of sewing work flashed
through his mind, wlu'o he iuvoluutarily
ran over the items of his wardrobe.
"I don't see—" he began.
Oh, please don't refttse till I tell you.
j V. itb the aid of several charitable societies
j we ate fitting out touie young elergyajen as
missionaries to the Feejee—"
' Oh, the mi-sionaries be hanged !'' he
interrupts 1, scenting danger perhaps far
I others besides the missionaries. "I beg
pardon, Miss Poore; but—the devil—it
SET MS to ME that charity begins at home."
I've no objections to that, only don't make
hci to UiUeA (. a home-body ; a little neigh
borltuess is/good."
"hit 'they'll be eaten alive, those young
fools. Its downright UDcliristian to send
I them o'ti merely as food for the savages. I
; won tieuJ a hand to such cruelty. I "
. very well," said crest fallen Miss Poore,
rising to leave.
-■<o, it s not very well—begging your
pat lon again. Sit down. Now it stands to
reason that if the said call was a worthy
one that is, If I should be as ready as the
j next, one. There's your minister now. the
Rev. .Mr. Hasont—never was a poor devil
letter named—he hasn't a cent to bless
: himself; his wife wears calico in December;
j , buys fuel by the barrowl'ull—so my gar
i finer tells me ; he wears patches in the
julpit; they live on Leans and oatmeal!
iVhy doesn't some one raise a subscription
here? I would come down with something
landsome—upon my word I would*!"
And here the Fquirc tossed off bis cup of
3 >cha, well satisfied that he had staved her
of with his specious humanity. But Miss
P re was valiant, ami not to be worsted in
tie encounter.
"You speak feelingly," she said ; "it docs
you credit, I am sure," taking out her tab
lots. "TVhat a luxury it is to be able to
give wb.re your heart dictates and your
jitdgnjt tit approves ! Acting upon your sug
gestion, I will open a subscription for Mr.
ffa iCDt at occc, ar.d headed by your name.
1 am certain it will meet with great success."
This was a turn of affairs the squire had
lardly anticipated.
You won't get a cent, mark my word."
"I shall make the effort at least. What
ffiall I put von <1 jwn at ? A great deal de
ltoids upon that, you know."
1 rhoulJ think to. Why, my dear lady,
Vu won't get a sixpence out of these clod
voppers. Come now, I won' put my name i
wwn, but I'll do this for you ; I'll agree to ;
diuble all ycu collect. Now isn't that hand
sale.-?—I gue-s I've heard the last of that
spry," thought the merry Squire.
"Thank y, u," said Miss Poore.
' 1 hen you'll see me again. Good uiorn
in; Mr. Suffolk."
-nd she was away through the blcssoni
ing'ancs again without a thought for any
thin: hut Mr. Haunt's comfort and the
Squid's offer.
" Low vt>y good it was of the Squire !"
"he is* tvo mean as people believe, after
a!!, ifyouoiy work the right vein. Heigh
ho! what godsend it will be to 3lr. Ilasent
—a little Judv money for the necessities of ]
next winvr ; a new gowu for little Belle, ]
who hasn been at church for weeks; a jack- 1
et fcr Toi, who is inimediably out at the '
What cm fort, what heart's ease was
laid uj> in.hat blank subscription list! Oh, 1
if the day were each a year long, and all the
farmers ge.-e laid golden eggs! What a
pity it waao many dose-handed people lived
in North fraften! There was Mrs. Adams
and Capt:n Jaekson ; they were both well
to do, butio what a wretched extreme they
carried cvnomy ! TV til, but now that she
was pa.-.-iq she might as well go in.
'Good Horning, Caption Jackson. I'm
raising a Subscription for poor dear 31 r.
Ilasent, ad I want your name."
"You tant my money, you mean?"
"Certaoly; yours, and that of a good
many otter good people. How pleasant it
is to liatc something to give away !"
"1 should think very like! but I hain't
got a sent a head myself; never was so poor
ly r.flln my life."
"li ar me, what a pity !" .-ighed Miss
Pool i. "Now we all thought you were
fort landed. How surprised the neighbors
will ltd Did you lose in that fire?"
"lis*;! I hain't lost anything. What
put Oat Lee in your bonnet ? I hain't got a
cent, though, to give any prating parson—
not 1"
"Wry well. Then I must go and try
3lrs. Adams. The world has u-ed her well;
perlilps she is grateful enough to give a
"A precious little mite you'll get there.
Wltji my dear woman, she's closer than a
!:>vt to the band. She wouldn't give a
centto save her soul, provided she has one.
Con*, I'll venture to double what she gives;
i v>.n't stave a hole through my bulwarks,
T wif be hound !"
"Good morning, then ; perhaps you'll see
mo ojain."
And Miss Pcore was off to 3lrs. Adam s.
She found the lady turning a loaf of
plum cake out of the oven.
"Lone to a charm, isn't it?" said the
•ati L-J housekeeper. "Vou know I took
a premium on bread last fall."
"lut sure you ought to have one on cake,
if it's as good as it looks. I wottder if 3lrs.
Has at tastes such a thing once a year ?"
"Not oftener, I guess, laughed 3lrs.
Adams. "Fhe's too slack to b- at up the
eggs—catch her."
Tbis didn't look promising, surely.
''She is not well, you know ; she's an in
valid. She has been denied the greatest
blessing God can bestow, of which you and
I seem to have store. Ln't it a pity that
she .-hould be deprived of so much beside*?'
"Oh, but there must be a screw loose
somewhere; either they're wasteful or
' Bless you. they haven't anything to
waste; they don't know the meaning of the
word. Why, Mrs. Ilascnt has worn that
choco'atc calico for three years running.
"Well, you know, invalids don't
cloth s as fast as active bodies like me and
you, Miss l'oore. Mow it's my opinion,
bel\v<LU us two, that Mrs. Hasent might sit
up and do hci house wotk as well as her
neighbors, if she choose. Law, think of the
parson bothering about and cooking break
fast ! I'd like to see the morsel cf bread I
would cat of his making !"
"I guess if you were starving you would'nt
a.-k who made it. I tell you it's a suffering
"I Suppose all this talk means that you
are begging for them! Law takes! it's as
much as a widow can do to make both ends
meet. What with ten tons of hay and a
new barn swept off by fire, and a likely calf
drowned in the freshet, you see. Law, this
is the world, and the other's the country."
1 hat s true ; and we shan't any of us
reach that country if we aren't open hearted
toward one another. But Captain Jaekson,
he warned me that I shouldn't get tcidow's
mite here. He was so morally certain that
he offered to double whatever you gave,
thinking, no doubt, that it wouldn't hurt
him to double nothing—quite in his line, to
be sure."
"Ha! ha! did he? Well that's a good
one ! I never expected the captain would be
so generous. I'd like to twist a few coppers
out of the rusty old skinflint. It'll make
him lose flesh. Now I think of it, I've got
a ten dollar bill that I was going to send
away; but I suppose the Hasents may as
well have it, and then, too, Captain Jack
son'll have to fork over a twenty !"
"Thirty dollars 1* a very Talr beginmg,"
thought Miss Poore. It didn't seem exact
ly necessary for her to quarrel with the mo
tive, when the action was so acceptable; and
therefore her business carried her back to
Captain Jackson.
"Again!" cried he, looking a little blank.
"Where's the widow's mite? mighty small,
isn't it?" attempting the facetious.
"Well no; it's very good of her. She was
just going to send it away. It's a ten dollar
bill, Captain!"
"Thunder! You don't mean it? Let's
see it. It isn't counterfeit, is it? Did it
give her the cramp? How did she weather
it ? She must be on her beams ends! Dear,
dear, and I agreed to double it! Well I've
doubled the capes, and a good many other
dangerous points, but bless me if this isn't
double trouble. There's doulloon, at all
events, aud golds up, you know. I'm the
the last man to abandon a promise."
Very good trophies to begin with were
the ten dollar bill and the doubloon. The
story of how they were obtained raised a
laugh in many a farm kitchen, and a hearty
laugh opens the heart and the purse by one
impulse. She painted Mr. Hasent's
difficulties so graphically, she related her
experiences so humorously, that few could
say to her nay. It would have been likego
ing to an entertainment and then refusing to
pay the price of admission. Besides, none
could resist Miss Poore; and who would be
outdone by Mrs. Adams and Captain Jack
son? No one eared to compete with these
worthies; and then wasn't Squire Suffolk to
double the whole amount, after all was said
and done?
That was a pill which every one was
anxious to administer to him, and they did
their prettiest in the way of compounding
it. The more nauseous the better, swallow
it he must, if it made him black in the face,
and strangled him into the bargain.
Into every house in the place went Miss
Poore and her subscription paper. Where
money was scarce she accepted produce, aud
borrowing a team, drove into town, and
drove her bargains as shrewdly as Reynard
himself, only more honestly. Barnyard
fowls, and game that the neighbors' boys
had brought down for the benefit of the
parsons and the discomfiture of the Squire;
butter, eggs, lamb's wool aud sheep skins;
bags of grain, and fruit and vegetables—all
was grist that came to her mill.
One morning, going into town, she met the
Squire himself in his smart gig, mounted
behind a tall, chesnut colored horse, for
the Squire's one extravagance was horse
flesh, said the gossips again. He reined in,
however, when he recognized her, and asked
if she had taken to farming, said he wanted
to let his farm on halves, would she under
take it ? and he threatened to waylay and
rob her when she returned homeward with
the funds in hand.
"You've some fine lambs wool there,"
said he, alighting to examine it. "Card
and Skinner have engaged a hundred
weight of me at a premium. Here, I'i'
drop them a line, and you can take this up
to them if you like, and say I sent it as an
installment; they pay you cash down."
"But —do you know what the money's
for?" hesitated Miss Poore. She could not
make up her mind to this unfair advantage,
even in the cause of the Church.''
"Certainly I do. It's to run the Squire
and enrich the parson. Shall I have to
mortgage the farm, do you think? In that
case I shan't ask you to take it at the
"A persistent little brigand!" laughed
the Squire, rolling along over the country
road, and enjoying the breezy morning; the
odor of wild blossoms, the gushes of bird
song that palpitated on the air in an ebb and
flow of harmony, enjoying them as no
mere miser could enjoy such unsubstantial
"It's your money or your life with her.
She wouldn't disfigure the old place either,
she wouldn't Blood will tell; she's got the
high and mighty ways of the Jerrolds, and
they bought their lands of the Indian
sachems —nothing much older than this, I
tancy, in this country,—if tbey did part
with them to the devil, so to speak. Heigh
ho ! I thought danger was over when a
fellow reached tho fifties, but I do believe
that, like the measles and whoopingcougb,
it goes harder with the adult.
And thus the Squire pursued his way,
sometimes humming a strain of that old
"Lovely Zitana, list while I play.'—
Brigands abroad, I may not stay.'—
But thy bright eyes if the brigand should see,
Thou art the bandit, the captive is he?"
All through the summer days 31 isa Poore
pursued her scheme, and into autumn,
early in the dewy morning before her day's
drudgery began, and again after it was
finished. If she took a holiday to her.'elf,
it was only in order to swell the subscrip
tions. The neighbors caught the infection'
and the children picked berries and went
nutting in the season to pile Miss Poore's
market wagon. Women who had nothing
else to bestow took their knitting with them
when they went out to tea or pleasuring,
and gave tho results. Ruth Brown made
yards of tatting, like a trace of hoar-frost,
while she gossiped about the neighbors
crops, the last singing school, and the young
man with the golden mustache who came to
buy grain of Farmer Gould, and said sweet
things to his daughter; while a reminiscence
I of this smart young man with the golden
I mustache, and the tender nothings be had
said to Kate Gould, appeared in the dis
guises of graceful loaf and open bud, in satin
stich and laco work embroideries, undertaken
in the cause; and if they did not sell the
better for this it surely was no fault of Kate;
I she had put her best into them. And it
was Maggie Stono who surrcndorol the
VOIi". 42: NO 35.
i premium of a gold eagle, which she had
f taken at aby gone county fair, very much
> as one surrenders an eyetootb, only because
one would feel infinitely worse to keep it,
i and Nell—not to be outdone—offered her
I ear rings, and found that they were pinch
• It seemed as if one and all were bent upon
■ beggaring Squire Suffolk, fur on the first
day of November the amount had reached
three hundred dollars, and the subscription
list was closed, except to the Squire.
Accordingly one afternoon Miss Poo re
put on her work of art. and taking her treas
ure with her, proceeded to the Suffolk place.
It was a bleakt Autumn day, a forerunner of
sleet and storms and pinching wintry weath
er, and Miss Poore, wrapping a threadbare
shawl about her was glad at last to find her
self before the blazing fire in Squire Snf
folk's drawing room. It seemed to her at
first as if be would never allow her to come
to the point. .Either he had forgotten all
about the affair, or meant to wear out her
patience; but that was simply inexhausti
ble. In the mean time he entertained her
with a detailed account of hiseslate, as if
he were the steward and she the master;
with the increase in his crops and prices;
with the story of his youth and schooldays :
of his first beaver and swallow-tailed coat;
of his awkward first love; and when he
paused it occurred to Catharine that she
knew him perhaps better than be knew him
self. She wondered at this strange famili
arity which was growing upon her; and
when at leDgth she pulled out her subscrip
tion list it was with a quaint reluctance of
manner, not at all like Miss Catharine
Poore's usual promptitude. Was she afraid
he would fail to fulfill his obligation, and so
disappoint her hopes? Was it because,
having acquired a sort of friendliness for
him, she feared lest he would prove the nig
'"Three hundred dollars," said he, "You
have done finely."
It plainly wasn't a very stunning affair to
him, or he met an emergency with consum
mate coolness.
"Yes. I have it here in ready money.
You shall count it if you will."
"Three hundred dollars! Why, child I
haven't so much on hand." She had feared
it would come to that. "I never keep it
about me, you know,' he pursued. "I
don't like to put a premium on murder, to
make it worth the servant's while to put a
dirk through me any time after dark.
•>he left her seat then and prepared to go
home. She was quite miserable at that mo
ment. To be balked thus! Six hundred dol
lars would have gone so far with the Hasents
—they needed it so sorely ! Only yesterday
she had seen Thad's stocking peeping
through his shoes; and then the doctor bad
ordered porter for the mother; but it was
one thing to be ordered and another to ob
tain. Here would have been porter and
plenty. She did not realize that all this,
bad enough truly, was yet not enough to
make her so dispirited as she seemed. She
felt, as if some disaster had overtaken her
which money in itself had no power to alle
"I will send lo town to-morrow," said the
Squire, 'and you will have the money before
nigbt. Will that do."
"Do!" The tears steod in her eyes, the
reaction of feeling was so intense. You
cannot understand what it was to this wo
man, who loved her neighbor as herself,
who made his welfare, spiritual as well as
material, a personal thing, happiness, the
business of her life.
She called in at Mr. Hasent'son her way
home. There was no cheerful blaze in the
grate. Mrs. Hascnt sat bolstered up in bed
darning stockings, while her husband made
the toast and tea, and lighted a solitary
lamp. Miss Poore looked about her and
thought of changes to come; of the comfort
ably clad children; of the warm winter fires;
of the new suit that should replace the shab
by black of her father's; of porter and part
ridges for the mother—and then she bid
them grmd night, and her gladness illumined
the path before her so that she seemed to
walk in noonday.
She went about her work as usual next
day, never allowing her gaze to wander out
expectantly, till a sharp ring brought her to
her feet, with her nerves all quivering in
her flesh, as if the points of enumerable pins
were stabbin" b*- through and through. It
was the m' ney from the Squire, in crisp
bank notes, the full three hundred dollars
—but what else ? What was it that made
Miss Poore's hand tremble like an aspen,
that sent the tears dropping slowly one by
one, and made her flush and pale before this
scrap of paper?
"My Dear Miss Catharine: —'"The stin
giest man in North Crafton" offers you his
hand and heart. As it is the first time in
his life that he has been guilty of such gen
erosity, pray encourage him and heal him
of his infirmity. JOHN SUFFOLK.
And so Mr. Ilasent's heart and home
wore gladdened with the six hundred dol
lars, and this gladness rebounded upon the
Squire and Catharine Poore and there was a
great wedding, for North Crafton, in Mrs. |
Hasent's best parlor, and everybody had a
new gown for the occasion, not excepting
the hostess herself, whose new gowns were
like angels' visits—few and far between.—
Harper's Magazine.
The hornet is an inflamibel bugger, sud
den in hiz imprcshuns and has'y in h;z con
clusion, or end.
Hiz natral disposishen iz a warm cross
between red pepper in the pod and fusil oi.
and hiz moral bias iz, "git out ov mi way.
They hav a long, black boddy, divided in
the middle bi a waist spot, but their phisi
kal importance lays at the terminus ov their
subburb, in the shape ova javelin.
This javelin iz alwuz loaded, and stands
reddy to unload at a miDit's warning, and
enters a man az still az thought, az spry az
litening, and az full ov mclankolly az the
Hornets never argy a case; they settle
awl ov their differences ov opinyun by let
ting their javelin fly, and are az certain to
hit az a mule iz.
This testy kritter lives in congregations
numbering about one hundred souls, but
whether they are male or female, or con
servative, or matched in bonds ov wedlock,
or whether they are Mormons, and a good
many ov them kling together and keep or.c
husband to save expense, I don t kno nor
don't karc. .
J never hav examined their habis much,
f - -.—r y T r 'iff",
Tke Tiqi.ntaa ii psklishtii c*cry (-"ninar morn
ing be following rates :
On Tetn, (in advance,) $2.00
" " (il not paid within lit mot)... $2.50
" " (if not paid withia the year,). . $3.00
A)! papers out-ide of the -#ufy ducoUirated
without notice, at the expiration of the tiine for
which the subscription has been paid.
Single copies of the paperfnrnished.in wrappers,
at five oeats each.
Communications on subjects of local or general
merest, are respeetfsCy solicited. To ensure at
tention favors of this kind must invariably be
publication, but sis guaranty against i
All letters pertaining to business <>f
should be addressed to
JOHN LUTE, Kcnror.o, V*
I i never kocsidercd it healt! y.
Hornets bild their nests wherever they take
a noshtin to, and seldom arc disturbed, for
wbat would it profit a man tew kill 'J'J
hornets and he v the one hundredth one hit
him with hiz javeliu?
They bild their nests ov paper, without
enny windows to them or back doors. They
hav but one place ov admi-sion, and the
nest iz the shape ov an overgrown pine
apple, and iz cut up into just ax menny
bedrooms az their iz hornets.
It iz very simple tew make a hornets' nc-at
if yu kan, but i will wager enny man 300
dollars he kant bild one that he could sell
tew a hornet for' half price.
Hornets are az bizzy as their second couz-
Z'.ns, the bee, but what tbey are about the
Lord only know.-; they don't lay up enny
honey, nor enny monev;. they seem to be
bizzy only jist for the sake ov working all
the time; they are alwus in az mutch ova
hurry az tho (hey waz going foradoktor.
I suppose this uneazy world would grind
arouwnd on its axle-tree onst in 24 hours,
even cf tliare want enny hornets, but hor
net- must be good for sumthing, but I kant
think now wbat it iz.
Thare haiot been a bug made yet in vain,
nor one that want a good job, tbare iz ever
lots ov human men loafing around black
smith -shops, and cider mills, all over (he
country, that don't seem to be necessary for
ennything but to lug plug tcbaeco and
swear, and steal water-melons, but yu let
the cholara break out once, and thou yu
wiil sec the wisdom of having jist sieh men
laying around; they help count.
Next tew the cockroach, who stands tew
the head, the hornet hazgjt the most waste
stummuck, in reference tew the rest ov hiz
boddy, than er.ny ov the iosek popula-liun,
and here iz another mistery; what on arth
duz a hornet want so mutch reserved corps
for ?
I hav jift thought—tew carry biz javelin
in, thus yu see, the more we diskoverabout
things the more we ate apt to LDOW.
It iz always a good purchase tew pay out
our last surviving dollar for wisdnm, and
wisdura iz like the misterious hen's egg, it
aint laid in yure hand, but iz laid away
under the barn, and yu hav got tew sarch
for it.
The hornet iz an unsoshal! kuss, he iz
more haughty than he is proud, he is a
thorough bred bug, bu' his breeding and
refinement has made him like sum other
folks I kuo ov, dissatisfied with himself,
and every boddy else, too much good breed
ing ackts this way sometimes.
Hornets are long-lived—l kant state ji&t
how long tfceir lives are, hut I know from
instinkt and observashun, that enny krit
ter, be he bug or be he devil, who iz mad
all the time, and stings every good chance
he kan git, generally outlives all his nabers.
The only good way tew git at the exact
fiteinc weight ov the Knrnpt. is {.ew fntoh
him, let hitn hit you once with his javelin,
and you will be willing tew testify in court
that sumbody run a one-tincd pitchfork
into yer; aD J s z for grit, i will state for the
informashuu ov thoze who havn't had a
chance tew lay in their vermin wisduui az
freely az i hav, that one single hornet, who
feeta well, will brake up a large camp meet
What the hornets doforamuzemontisan.
other question i kant answer, but sum ov
the best read, and heavyest thinkers amung
the naturalists say they hav target excur
sions, and heave their javelins at a mark,
but i don't imbibe this assersbun raw, for i
never knu enny body, so bitter at heart, az
the hornefs are, to waste a blow.
Thare iz one thing that a hornet duz that
i will giv hiui credit for on mi books—he
alwuz attends tew hiz own bizziness, and
wont allow aDy boddy else tew attend tew
it, and what he duz iz alwuz a good job,
you never see them altering enDy thing, if
they make enny mistakes, it iz after dark,
and aint seen.
If the hornets made liaff a L mcuuy blun
ders az the men do, even with their jave
lins, everboddy would luff at them.
Hornets arc clear in another way, they
bav found out, hi tricing it, that all they
kan git in this world, and brag on, iz their
vittles and clothes, and yu never see one,
standing at the comer ova street, with a
twenty-six inch face on, bekausc sum bank
had run opb, and took their money with
In ending oph this essa, I will cum tew a
stop, by concluding, that if hornets was a
little more pensive, and not so darned
peremptory with their javelines, they might
be guilty of less wisduru, but more charity.
But yu kant alter bug uatur, without
spileing it for nunything else, enny more
than you kan an elephant's egg.— New
York Weekly.
The London Lunot srys: "Our old
friend tight lacing has again made its ap
pearance. Beaten back for a time, proba
bly more by fashion than by the spread of
knowledge, he has not been killed, but has
only recoiled apparently for a better spring,
for its victims are as numerous and pitiable
as ever. The folly is one which was for
mally to be found mainly in the drawing
room, but now it also fills cur streets. It is
lamentable to observe at every turn a wo
man, young or old; who moves forward in a
stooping position, unable even to hold her
self upright in consequence of tbe constraint
upon the muse!e o° the back. If the evils
of tight lacing were confined to the distorted
appearance which it never fails to produce,
we might regret indeed to see the female
form divine so defaced; but it would scarce
ly be in our province to comment upon it.
But, as medical practitioners, we see its
effects every day in the train of nervous and
dyspeptic symptons by which it is constant
ly indicated, and in the still more grave and
internal mischief of permanent character
which is often caused by it. Until some
little physiological knowledge is made a part
of female education, and is considered an
'accomplishment,' we suppose it is of little
use to protest against the cruel injury to
health which women thus inflict upon them
selves. The matter is one that is 'worse
than crime—it is folly,' for beauty is de
stroyed by tbe process which is intended to
increase it. '
DURING a series of wet days, a gentleman
ventured to congratulate his umbrella maker.
"Yes, that's all very well, sir." he replied,
"but then there's nothing whatever in

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