OCR Interpretation

Bedford inquirer. [volume] (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, December 10, 1869, Image 1

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All advertisements for lew than 3 month* 10
tents per iito far each insertion. Specia I notices
one-half additional. All refutation) of Atsocia
tions, communications of a limited or individal
interest and notice) of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding fire lines, 10 cts. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are required by lav to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 cents
per line. All Advertising dor after first insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 moots. 8 months, 1 year
One square ...$ 4.50 $ 6.00 SIO.OO
Twe squares 6.00 S.OO 16.00
Three squares 8.08 12.00 20.00
One-fourth column 14.00 20.00 35.00
Ifalf column 18.00 25.00 (5.00
One enigma ... 30.00 45.08 80.00
Nw?APKn LAWN. —Wo would call the special
attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
INQUIRER to thofoilowing synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice &j
utter, (returning a paper does not answer the law
when a subscriber does not take his paper out o!
the office, and state the reasons tor its not being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas"
ter repeoneible to the publishers for the payment
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post
office, whether directed to his name or another, 01
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, hs
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send it until payment is made, and
ollect the whole amount, whether it be taken from
the office or not. There can he no legal discontin
uence until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con
tinueato send, the subscriber is bound to pay for
It, if ke takee it out of Ike Port Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
Tor what he uses.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
All business entrusted to his care will receive
prompt aud careful attention. Office three doors
South of the Court House, lately occupied by J.
W. Dickcrson. nov26
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April 1, IS9-tf
Respectfully tenders his professional services
to the public. Office in the I.vqciasßuild ing,
(second floor.)
JESf-Collections promptly made. [April,l'69-tf.
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford aud adjoin
ng counties. Military claimt," Pensions, back
pay, Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south
of the Meugel House. apl 1, 1889.—tf.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
bis care. Collections made on the shortest no
He also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
andwtl give special attention to the prosecution
'.list against the Government for Pensions,
Ea-'k I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana etreet, one door South of the
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Meugel
House" April 1, 189:tf
Bedford, Pa.,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
®S~Offiee on Juliana street, south of the Court
Iluuse. Apri 1:89: lyr.
J" M'l>. SUARFE E. r. KERR
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
care will receive careful aud prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected from the Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking
house of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa- Apr l;69:tf
Office with J. W. Dickerson Esq.. 23aprly
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citiiens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an 1 residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. llofius. [Ap'l 1,89.
Will attendto all business entrusted into his hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. 17aely
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold nnd Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glassee. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger P-ings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his lice not on hand- [apr.2B,'6s.
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
A Co.'s Storf? Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All
-dors promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
iu his line will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April I. '69.,
Office at the old stand in
All operations pertaining to
Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry
performed with care and
Anorttketic* adminietered, tchen deeired. Ar
'jiciat teeth inter ted at, per eet, SB.OO anil up.
As I am deteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold Fillings 83 per cent. This redaotion will be
uiade only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. 7fcb6S
This large aud commodious house, having been
re taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re
ception ol' visitors and boarders. The rooms are
large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished.
The table w ill always be supplied with the i-est.
the market can afford. The Bar is stocked with
the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose
to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking
the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a
renewal of their patronage.
N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the
Hotel and the Springs.
inayl7,'69:ly WM. DIBERT, Prop'r.
1 his old establishment having been leased by
J- MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor
rison House, has been entirely renovated and re
lurmshcd and supplied with alt the modern im
provements and conveniences necessary to a first
class Hotel.
The dining room has been removed to the first
our and is now spacious and airy, and the chsm
are all well ventilated, and the proprietor
endeavor to make his guests perfectly at
0i - Address, J. MORRISON,
Huntingdon, Pa.
JOHBT L.UTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
IN *
Oar facilities for doing ail kinds of Job Printing
•re equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filiod. All
tetters should be addressed to
** itgcal ant (jfccnfval Jictospaprr, £Jrbotrt) to llolitirs, (trituration, Literature ant) florals
Du PAGE county, Illinois, is in a state o
anarchy. In consequence of a division or
the county seat question, feeling runs high
the people of one section threatening tic
other with mob violence. The exeitcuieni
is represented as fearful, so that the lives
and property of citizens are in jeopardy, arc. 1
it is feared that before the matter is ended
soldiers will have to be called out to pro
serve order.
THE mildness of the winter in Louisiana,
so far, has proved a great annovauce tc
huntersjmd lovers of wild game. But few
ducks have been seen or killed, while the
smaller fry ofthe feathered tribes are remark
ably scarce. In New Orleans there have
been few wild ducks in market this seaaan
worth buying, and not more than eight or
ten days of weather cold enough to make
fires agreeable
SCIENTIFIC men attribute the late severe
summer and autumn weather, the storms,
floods and earthquakes that have prevailed
in various places, to the influence of the
sun, which they assert is in a highly agita
ted state. It is also asserted by them that
the body of magnetic light now shooting
from the sun in every direction will, by the
beginning of next year, have extended far
enough to exercise material influence upon
the earth, and then it is said we may expect
th; t phenomena will be observable such as
have not yet come under the notice of the
human race.
hour on Sunday morning, a young lad resi
ding on Long Island committed suicide by
hanging himself. He loosed a rein from a
horse bridle and made it fast to a beam in
the barn, and making a noose upon the
downward end, he climbed upon a horse
manger and swung himself off. He was but
nine years of age. The cause of his singu
lar proceeding is unknown, bnt those who
knew him say that he has hoard so much
about the coming execution of Burke, that
he had a great anxiety to know how it would
feel to be hung, and he, no doubt, tried tbe
experiment, little thinking that it would
cost him his life.
ria's nine children, four are already rnar
' ried, and of these only one, the Grown
; Princess of Prussia, has left her nativeland.
I The wife of Prince Louis of Hesse an l the
; wife of Prince Christian both live in Lon-
I don, and the probability is that the young
:er sons and danghters, when they come to
| marry and settle, wiil continue in England.
; Counting the collateral branches, there are
: in England about twenty-six Princes and
| Princesses of tbe biood-ro- I. To these the
j nation pays in pensions the .m ot $555,000
J yearly; and as the younger sons and daugh
! ters of the Queen grow up, it will be asked
| to pay a good deal more.
| CATHOLIC COUNCILS.—OU the Bth day of
j December, the Roman Catholic feast of the
| Immaculate Conception will commence at
: Home, —the first council of the Vatican, and
j the twentieth council recognized by tLe
i Roman Catholic Church as Ecumenical.
I Councils of the Church are ecumenical, gtn
; eral, or particular. An Ecumenical Council
! represents the whjle Church, and it suffices
j that the chief part of the Church is present
| and in agreement with the Pontiff. A Gen
eral Council is one which, through its not
being confirmed by the Pope, is not held to
| represent the universal Church. Particular
; -Councils are those which represent only a
I portion of the Church. The definitions of
1 an Ecumencial Council in matters of faith
i or morals (but not in matters of discipline)
arc, when approved by the Pope, held to be
certain and infallible. Other councils have
| only so mneh authority as have tbe churches
I they represent, but ne not infallible unless
j confirmed by the Pope.
' advices received in Washington give some
j details concerning the presentation of ex
• Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, of Pennsylva
| riia, minister of the United States to Kus
j sia, to the Czar, on the 28th of October, at
the winter palace, St. Petersburg. Mr.
Curtin wore tbe ordinary dress of a citizen.
| and did not appear in court dress. The
! presentation speeches were made on both
i sides in French. The pre erodings were
: published at length in the same language in
! the Court Journal. Mr. T. J. Coffey was
| presented as Secretary of Legation. Hon.
i N. P. Banks, of Massachusetts, was pre
| sented to the Czar by Minister CurtiD, dur
! iog a three weeks' stay at St. Petersburg,
and was invited by the Emperor to aecom
; pany him on his personal staff, which he
l did in the full uniform of an American ma-
I jor general, at a review of the Imperial
j Guard.
SHERIFF'S SALES. —The Supreme Court
| of Pennsylvania has decided, Judge Sbars
j wood delivering the opinion, that a rnort-
I gage, or a purchaser at Sheriff s sale, is not
| bound to look beyond the judgement docket
■ to ascertain whether the entries thereon are
■ properly made by authority, and that where
! there is a defective entry of a judgment, or
an unauthorized entry of satisfaction, the
Prothonotary is liable for damages to any
party injured. Hence, where the Prathon
tary, without the authority of the Court,
entered on his docket egainsta judgement,
"satisfied on fi J".," it was held that the
entfy was perfectly tegular and conclusive
as to third persons to akooi the judgement
itself regularly docketed was constructive
notice, and that it was not necessary tc
search further and ascertain whether there
was any record of an order of the Court di
recting sueh satisfaction.
ant, which has been creating so much ex
citemcnt in the Onondaga Valley, New
York, has been subjected to a careful exam
ination from several scientific gentlemen.
This stone giant exhibits the marks of the
sculptor's tools very plainly, and some oi
them, particularly where the legs and arms
join tbe body, are exceedingly fresh. The
anatomy of the figure is said to be perfect.
The statue, which is a reclining figure, carv
ed from gvpsum, was discovered in a bed
of muck, nearly covered with water. Ex
periments were made on the Foluhjlity ol
various kinds of gypsum under different
circumstances, and it was ascertained that s
block of this material, weighing seventect
ounces, exposed to the constant action ol
rain water for forty eight hours lost OIK
c—v.-. The results of a carefully conducted
series of experiments of the above charac
tor, when applied to the stone giant, prove,
it is asserted, that the statue has only beer
buried 370 days, and that tbe antiquated
appearance is due to exposure to the dis
solving effects of water.
, _
Is somebody's mother thinking
; That sombody's boy gets "tight,"
While somebody's boy is drinking
Somewhere or other to-night?
Who was that somebody lugging
Too heavy a load to day
Of brandy and rum, and hugging
The posts on the corner, eh ?
Who rs that handsome fellow,
The handsomest face we meet,
Who comes home so late and so
He can scarcely keep his feet?
W ho is that somebody reeling
First from the left to the right,
With empty pockets, yet fueling
As rich as Croesus to night?
Ah ! pavements have grown unsteady ;
They wave like a wind blown sheet,
And have interfered already
With somebody's drunken "feet."
And still to the world his drinking
Is neither here nor there ;
Rut somebody's pa, I'm thinking,
Or sister or mother would care.
He'll wake to morrow, it's patent,
And he'll come down stairs all right,
And look altnosljike he hadn't
Been out on a "tear" last uight.
And somebody's mother and sister,
\N hen told that brother gets "tight,"
Are almost inclined to blister
Your cheeks with their hands outright!
I But somebody's sins are wearing
The jewel of life away;
And somebody's boy, wayfaring,
Will die in the street some day!
Go, Hnry, go! the hour has come
W hen you and I forever part:
Ihose twining cords are now unloosed
That bound thee closely to my heart.
X'o, I will ne'er consent to be
The wife of one whose reckless soul
Is led by passion's seething hand,
To patronize the poison bowl.
I spurn the cup with all its friends,
And feel determined not to link
My destiny with one whose deeds
Would place me soon on ruin's brink.
Yes, go ! and I'll be free again ;
For I had rather spend my life
In loneliness, and die unwept,
Than be a loatheeome drunkard's wife.
".Now niiud, Fred, you'll be on band di
rectly after the Fourth. If anything should
happen to call me away from home, Isabel,
tny wife—"Bella/' wc call her—wi!l enter
tain you until I return. I want you to see
Bella, and she wants to see you. You'll
6ay I ought to he a happy uian. And re
member you are to stay a month, at least.
Oh, we will have rare sport."
l 'l shall be there if I'm alive, Ilarry, de
pend upon that; and if you suffer yourself
to be called away before I come, and arc not
there to receive me, I shall proceed at once
to claim the attention of your Isabel."
"All right, oldfellevr; you'll be warmly
received, I can assure you. Bella is ans
ious to see the old chum of whom I have
told her so much."
Harry Lynde and Fred Farley had been
friends from early youth—bad been ei.ums
at college—and were now as warmly attach
ed to each other as friends and brothers can
be. They were young, the first being four
and twenty and the other a year younger.
Harry had been married six months, and
had settled down in a pleasant villa on the
Hudson, provided and furnished by lis
wife's father. Fred had just come into
possession of an ample fortune ; and before
going into business, which was ready far
him in the shape of a partnership in a
heavy commercial house, he had planned to
enjoy a summer's vacation in the country—
and his first trip out of the mettopolis was
to be, as we have seen, to bis chum's on the
The Fourth of July came and passed, and
on the following Monday, Fred Farley made
his way up the river. Tie Lund the dwell
ing of his friend one of the most rouiaDtie
and delightfully situated vilka he had ever
seen, and as he entered the park, he asked
| the coachman if 31r. Lynde was at home.
"No, sir; he went away on Fiiday on
! business. But he expected you, at d told
me that' the horses were ut your service."
"And Mrs. Isabel Lynde, is she at home?"
"Yes, sir, ami I thiuk she will provide
for you very well."
Fred had playfully deekri d to his friend
that he hoped he should find him gone up
on his ai rival, so that he might claim the
undivided attention of Bella: but now that
the prospect was so near verification, he
felt a little bashful and uncomfortable. But
the coach was at the door, and he re:olved
to put on a bold face and meet the lady
without blushing or flinching ; for he had
no doubt that Harry had repeated to her all
his nonsensica' rematks.
"Mrs. Lynde, this is Mr. Fred Farley,"
said the smart and. affable coachman, as he
led the way to the piazza. Mr. Farley.
Mrs. Isabel Lynde."
Fred looked upon the woman who stood
upon the piazza to welcome him. Poiis
and houris, aud sylphs and fairies, all lost
caste iu his estimation from that moment.
A more beautiful being he bad never be
held ; and yet she was not one of the airy,
gossamer beauties, such as he had seen in
ballrooms and drawing-rooms, but a substan
tial, whok-soul'd, frank-fae.d, loveable wo
man, with whole volumes of truth and po
etry in the sweet shimmer of her smile, and
in the soft liquid light of her large brown
"lam sorry Harry is not a£ home, Mr.
Farley, but we will try and make you com
fortable until he returns. He wou'd not
have enne if he could have belt ed it."
"He had business, I suppose," temarked
Fred, as they entered the drawing room.
"Yes; he was called to Albany, and may
soon have to go to Buffalo. It was some
important railroad business."
For a little time Fred felt very bashful.
If Mrs. Lynde had been common or plain,
he would have felt differently; bat it seem
ed like profanation to claim tbe attention of
one so 1 vely and accomplished. But why
should he suffer such impediments to com-
fort to stand in his way? Ilia friend had
bade him to make himself at home, and he
mount to ay. As he came out of his re
serve, the lady grew brilliant. She had ev
idently received instructions from her hus
band to do all in her power for the proper
entertainment of their guest, and she was
trying to obey.
When evening came, and there was a
j hitch in the conversation, Fred proposed
music. Isabel asked birn if he sang. lie
; tail, he had done so—he would try if she
Wished it that is, he would accompany her.
In truth, Fred possessed one of the lichcst,,
most melodious and finely attuned voices
ever heard ; and I may as well add here,
that the fttnaie-portion of his acquaintances
had pronounced him one of the handsomest
men they had ever seen. lie sang with Is
abel Lynde. He was charmed with her
sweet voice, and she appeared no less charm
ed by his surpassing melody. After this,
they talked of Harry. Fred praised him to
rh.-ikies, while Isabel modJßt)y claimed for
hiui that he was true and noble.
fi.e first night in his friend's home, and
yet Fred Farley found himself wishing that
his friend had never been—that sueh a man
as llary Lynde had never existed—or, at
least, had never apeared in that section of
the country.
"Oh, if T could have foilnd this sweei
prize before Harry bad ever known her
Ah, Fred Farley, what are you doing? cov
eting tour neighbor's wife? and that neigh
bor your dearest friend and ebuin? I an
ashamed of you ! Beware I"
And so the smitten guest talked to him
self until sleep closed his senses. Titer
dreams came, and Isabel Lynde haunted
his uneasy slumbers in all sorts of strangf
In the morning he arose, and resolved
that he would not expose himself to the
danger which he could already foresee in a
too free interchange of poetry and romance
with his friend's wile; but, alas ! for human
resolutions, when the erratic god has strung
his bow and set his dart! After breakfast,
the coachman came to see if Mr. Farley
would ride. The morning was delightful,
and the horses were in need of exercise.
Yes Mr. Farley would ride; but could be
do less than a.k Mrs. Lynde to accompany
him? He a.-ked her; she assented with ev
ident satisfaction.
' Harry bade me not to losc.sight of you,
Mr. Farley, and I suppose I must obey
0. what a bewitching smile—what a won
drous depth of feeling io the brown eyes,
and what music in the voice! Fred felt a
pang at his heart, a glow through bis whole
frame, and he knew that he had fallen iu
lore. What should he do? He must fight
against it while he could.
Of all the companions who had ever
shared his social hours, Fred bad never be
fore found one like Isabel. He called her
so in his thoughts. She was as intellectual,
and as witty, and as frank, and as open
hearted, as she was beautiful; and in the in
iwrn parity of her soul, she never dreamed
that harm could come of it to Harry's chum.
Three days passed, and a letter came from
Harry, saying that be bad been obliged to
go to Buffalo.
One week more, and poor Fred was be
side himself with the ardent, all-powerful,
and pervading passion that had possessed
him. And this was not the worst. He was
sure that Isabel loved him; he could not be
mistaken, her very efforts to conceal the
emotb.u, her growing timidity and reserve,
the changing color of her face, the drooping
of the silken lashes, the soft fluttering of
the voice, all, all told him that she loved
Once more, what should he do? There
was but one alternative. He muit leave the
villa at once. Us felt that he was wronging
his best and dearest friend. That evening
he said to Label that he must go to New-
York on the morrow—he must take the
Albany boat when it came down. She was
stalled, and for a moment lost control of
herself. But the remainder of the evening
passed sad and gloomy to both. Fred was
reticent and moody, and the lady was evi
dently fur from beirig happy.
The morning came, and Fred and Isabel
stood in the parlor. The carriage was at
the door.
'"Dear Mrs. Lynde, 1 may never sec you
again—T must cot !" lie held both her
bands, and as lie thus spoke, she started as
though an electric bolt had stricken Iter. A
strange light Hashed up and gleamed ia her
eyes; her bosom heaved, and presently tears
crept out on her cheeks. N
"God bless you " cried Fred, pressing
her hand to his lips in an impassioned man
ner. "."'weet peace be thine. Thioobethe
victory—of—Life— in Faith and —l-iovc,
and —"
He broke down at this point: he knew
that Isabel sobbed, and that she put forth
her bands towards him; bat he dared not
stop. The nest he knew he was in the
coach, whirling away toward the tiver; and
he satJ to himself that he should never be
happy again. (J, why bad he scc-n his
fiiend's wife? Why had he loved hei? why
had she loved him?
'Ylalio, Fred; how's this? Where are
you bound sow?"
"Eh! Harry?"
'"Yes; come, come, ncne of this. Win
does that portmanteau mean? Goodness
mercy, you arc not bound off? and just as I
had promised Bella that she should become
acquainted with my friend and i aragoti, my
chum Fred."
"Promised Bella?" gasped Fred.
"Yes, my wife. Here, my Bella, here is
Mr. Fred Farley, and I lelicve he thinks of
"Really, .Mr. Farley, tbisis not fiiendly."
"Hold on," interrupted Harry;."l bavo
a big authority, by Way of ownership, over
this boat; if you have important business in
New York, I'll have her hold on until you
can instruct the clerk how to transact it for
you. He is reliable.'"
"First," whispered Fred, "what Isabel is
that up at the villa?"
"Ob, my sweet sister, That's why I call
this one "Bella." They are both "Labels."
And isn't she a pi eta out girl?"
"Your sistor?"
"Yes, bless my sou!! You havn't been
taking her for ray wife?"
"How was I to know?"
But she is Miss Lynde- Wasn't she so
"Your coachman's introduction caught
my car as Mrs, and—but don't detain the
boat. My— my business may wait. It will
not spoil."
Fred returned to the villa with Harry,
and when they enteral the drawing rcom,
3 they found Isabel Londe, the sis'cr, in
e tears. She looked up and saw Fred. He
>- took another step forward, and put forth
both his hands.
' ''Not gone !" she whispered.
r No, Isabel, 'he cried; "I met your
s brother; the clouds burst asunder; the sun
hght fell upon my path, and, guided by the
a bright promising beam*, I have come back.
3 May I remain.' Dear Isabel, it is for you to
0 say."
e Whatever answer she made was made
upon Fred's bosom, smothered by tears and
j. sobs of joy and blessing. The nolle, trne
8 hearted girl was not ashamed to own her
, love on the spot, and to declare that she
s would gave been very miserable if she had
t never seen her lover-again, for that he was
- her lover, she knew, llut that he had mis
1 taken her for her brother's wife she had not
mistrusted until he came to bid her a final
i adieu. Then the truth burst upon her, but
> she could not then correct him without
r seeming to avow her own love. She forgot
that Bella had been persuaded to aecoropa
-3 ny her husband at the last moment, and
1 that she was filling a plaee which the guest
i had expeeted to find fi'led by another.
The Detroit and Milwaukee Railway
crosses the State of Michigan in a straight
line east and west. St. Johns is a village
station on this road midway between Lake
i Huron and Lake Michigan. Thirty miles
north of St. Johns—therefore almost in the
centre of the Peninsula, is the village of St.
i | Louis, in Gratiot county. In this out of
the way spot, inaccessible except by bad
wagon-roads through the forest, a wonder
has lately appeared. A well 3J inches in
diameter, bored for salt and oil, began, al
lite debth of 200 feet, to spout "magnetic
water. ' at the rate of 300 gallons per min
ute, which amounts to 400,000 gallons every
day—and to a height of 24 feet above the
surface. There is nothing indeed astonish
ing in this quantity, or force ; for the ccn
: tral area of Michigan is, as to its geological
; structure, a closed basin, properly arranged
1 for supplying arleritn wells with both abun
; dance and head of water; and, in this spe
| cia! ease, the auger, after going down j
through 40 feet of drift clay and gravel with j
J occasional houlders, and then 30 feet of sand I
| gravel, and the 15 feet of blue shale, found !
| a deposit of coarse sand and gravel 55 feet !
I thick, and under that a deposit of suia'l
| stones 0 feet thick, and then a solid rock. 1
i These sands and gravels are surcharged with I
' water, which is kept down by the covering
] of Hue shale, and would spout to the sur
! face through any hole.
But the water itself constitutes the mar
v, 1. Three hundred and sixty sick people
| arrived from all parts of the state and from
I the neighboring States, were in the village
| la.-t week, living as best they could, in pri
i vate houses, outhouses, bams and stables,
I tor the purpose of drinking and bathing in
| the water of the well. Its properties seem
i to have magical power over rheumatism
and paralysis. A reliable friend, a physi- |
| cian practising at Newcastle, in Delaware, j
j just returned from St. Louis, told us that j
be saw a patient brought to the place on a
fitter, unuble to move a joint in all his body
save his neok, and that but slightly, and I
; having had no good continuous sleep for i
; months. In two days he slei t soundly, and 1
i could move bis hip and knee joints comfort-1
ably. lie saw another, who had come to
; the well five weeks before, with his hands
| crippled into bird's talons and wasted away: j
j his hands had become strait and flexible, |
| and were pink and soft and plump with new i
I flesh like a ehi'd's. He chopped wood and
; did what other work he pleased.
That the water is diuretic, affecting the
! kidneys, everybody perceives; and that its
; medical power lies in its ability to rectify
the over secretion and poisonous distribution'
| of uric acid or its salts throughout the hu
man system, is probable. Its composition
| has been determined by Prof. Samuel P.
| DufEeld, a well known chemist of Detroit,
| confirmed by an analysis made in Chicago.
In every wine gallon (temperature 60°,
; specific gravity 1.011) were 06.50 grains
I sulphate of lime, 6.72 silicate of lime, 106.40
bicarbonate of soda. 09.40 bicarbonate of
, lime, 17.50 bicarlonare magnesia, 1.20 Li
carbonate iron, 2.82 free silica, 2,00 organic
matter and loss in analysis, 6.21 free carbo
nic acid gas, with traces of chlorine and
sulphuretted hydrogen. We take it for
grauted that ncitner iodine nor bromine were
present; and that Prof. Duffield did not for
get to test lor lithium.
Such a pool of Bethesda is a god-send to
the State of Michigan. Its population
| kuow too well what are the sequillae of
: rheumatism not to appreciate it —poverty, J
| cold, hunger, the shipwreck of life. Two
j phmk roads into St. Louis have been com J
menced, one running north from St. Johns, j
and one running (30 miles) west from Sagi- j
j natv. at the head of Saginaw bay. Stage>
| now leave St. Johns at 71 A. M. (via Ithica. j
the county seat) and reach St. Louis at 4 P. j
M. One half the road is good ; the restde- j
! cidedly bed.
Patients in inflammatory rheumatism j
cases must have great faith to face that ride!
j To return, the traveler starts at 41 A. M.
j to citcb thtj noon train at St. Johns, and
' reach Detroit to tea. From Saginaw the
planks are laid 17 miles; the remaining 13 !
will be laid next spring; but at the first frost
three lines of stages will begin to run. There
is still a third way in to the wtll, viz; by
Midland City, from the northwest, 26 miles, J
stages leiving Midland City every Monday, !
Wednesday and Friday. Passengers from
Ohio and the West come by the Jackson,
Lansing and Saginaw Railroad to Owotso,
where they take the cars, 20 miles west, to
St. Johns.
Thus far the utile ; now for the dalcc.
Strange stories are told of this well; weird
legends of magic and magnetism. The sur- ;
veyor's needle points to the stand pipe, as |
he walks around it. Penknives dipped into i
the water becomes permanently charged and
their points invariably attract the south pole
of the needle. A blacksmith in the village
is kept well occupied in making horseshoes
of steel, highly tempered, which becomes
j magnets whe'n they have been suspended in
the well; bat strange to say, their armature
j ends are both negative, aud the toe of the
horseshoe positive. Some kinds of iron
i show no renult. A dentist tried his whole
I kit of tools, one after the other, but only
1 one, a pair of tweezers, came out a load
i stone. Steel rods let down into the tube
s become permanently • magncctic and will
( take up handfulls of tacks and iron filings,
j Even pocket knives rubbed upon the out*
| side of the standpipe receive the virtue in to
VOL. 42: NO 40.
them. ("If I could but touch the hem of
his robe.")
Truly there is more in heaven and earth
than has yet got inlaid to the surface of our
philosophy. Any chemist must smile at
the above statements, and yet the testimony
to their truth is superabundant and quite
conclusive. Mr. Duffield says, "as regard*
the rationale of this magnetic state of the
spring I candidly admit I am not able to
give a solution which would j robabTy io fu
ture years bo either satisfactory to myself or
physicists at large." In another part of
his report he says: "that the water is
j charged with galvanic properties is proven
from the fact that tin cups and glass turn
biers are soon galvanized with a eoa'icg that
cannot be washed off, much resembling gold
in appearance. That this is highly charged
with magnectic properties is known by hold
ing a knife blade in the flowing water for
ten minutes when it will become perma
| "ently magnetized so as to lift needles and
small nails." ~
It iimpossible that the boring tools have
struek a north and south running fissure,
filled with sand and gravel; and that thus
fissure (like all gash vein faults of the
earth's crust) is the permanent channel of a
powerful earth-current of galvanism, com
municating sideways, with the atmospheric
space through this artificial aperture of a
well. —U. S. Railroad and Mining Regit
A year ago I was visiting some friends,
and said to a little seven year old nephew—
"Johnny, when you grow up, what do
you intend to do ?"
"Well, I thiuk," said he, "I'll bo a law
yer, like my papa, or au engineer, and drive
thecUs—or, may be I'd lea minister."
Turning to his little sister I asked—
"And, Susie, what arc you going to do?"
"0, I'm going to be a lady, and make
was flowers, and— get married."
"But, Susie," said I, "don't you think
you ought to be a minister, or something,
as well as .Johnnie?"
The poor cbi'd looked exceedingly discon
oerted for an instant, but Jobnuie came
promptly to her relief with the von sequiyir
"\Y hy Auntie, Sudie can't be anything,
slit a nothing hut a gii I /''
Here is the secret of the whole matter —
a wrong idea of woman's place, a conse
quent false education, deepening, genera
tion after generation, into the minds of the
people and influencing character, until at
last an abnormal condition is taken for the
natural and proper state of affairs. Says a
writer in a late number of the Atlantic , "If
you would abolish the inebriate you must
begin with his grandmother." If we would
inaugurate and build up a better system of
society, in which woman shall not only be
better trained than now for the one "chief
end of women" — matrimony —but also be
fitted for the emergencies which must meet
her if her prince does not come, and may if
he does, we must begin now, with the gen
eration just growing up, with the little tod
lers who cling to our knees—the babies who
nestle in our bosoms.
That the cause of this is not any inherent
peculiarity of women, but arises from the
educational and social Sources I have spoken
of, I think most of my readers will admit.
In its moral tendencies human nature is the
same in men and women, and the differences
alluded to have arisen from the diverse ed
ucation. God made one law to govern hu
manity—men have set up a different code
for men and wemen. The one tex has
been left and untrammelled, to make the ,
best of its possibilities ; the other has been
pcDt up, cramped and confined until natural
development has become impossible. As
well expect that a tree, planted in a pot,
tied down to earth and twisted out of natur
al shape, should grow as erect, vigorous and
beautiful as one left free in root and branch,
as that nature which is hampered and re
pressed by social and educational restriction,
condemning it to subjection and inferiority,
should develop harmoniously and divinely.
Before condemning a woman to a position
as the natural inferior of man, allow her a
chance to prove what her nature is. This
opportunity the has not now, she cannot
have until she stands by man's side, equal
ly unfettered, and free to develope the pos
sibilities of her being. To give her this po
sition she must be as free before the law, and
must have equal legal and educational ad
vantages with him. Then, and only then,
can men say whether she is inferior or no'.
If she is so by nature she will stay so when
all possible advantages are awarded to her,
for spheres and conditions appointed by
God will take care of themselves. It will
take time, and far different work than has
yet been given to the cause, before sLe will
have legal equality with man, but the latter 1
advantage can be accorded to her now. :
Grave obstacles and also ideas of expedien
cy stand in the way of the first, but there is
no reason wby our colleges and higher
schools should not open their curriculum to
women; no reason why they should not be
addressed to ihe professions, trades and
employments of men, as they become iutel
Actually and physically fitted for tletu.
Let women once have free access of the ca
reers for which they are adapted, and they
will no longer be clamoring for those which
are suitable only for men ; society will
reorganized on a grander, truer basis; men
and women will regard life and its belong
ings with noblo vision, and bo mutually at
tracted to each other bv worthier sympa
thies ; marriage will cease to besought from
base motives, or as a refuge from want, and
thus one of the most terrible curses of cur
present state legalized prostitution, will be !
abolished, while true marriage will le vastly
increased; and, as the conditions of birth
have an untold influtnee upon life, the com
ing generations w ill be far grander and more
harmonious than ours —Hannah Mac L.
Shepard, in Packard's Monthly for Novem
A CLERGYMAN went to a hotel to order a
dinner lor a number of clerical friends.
"May I ask, sir," demandtd the waiter
gravely, "whether the party is High Church
or Low Church ?" "Now, what on earth,"
cried the clergymen, "Jo my friends' opin
ion matter to you?" "A great deal, sir,"
rejoined the waiter; "If High Church, 1
must provide mort wine; if JMW Church,
more wit ties."
IT is the proper office of faith to beltere
what thou seest not, and the reward of faith
to see what thou hast believed.
WICKED men stumble at a straw in the
way to heaven; and climb over great troun
tains on their way to hell.
The FUQCRNKN U published cr.ery FRIPAT mora
ing be following rates:
Osot TXAB, (in adrenor,) $2.00
" " (ft not paid within s* m 0*.).,. $2.50
" " (if not paid within the year,)... ss.6f
Ail papers outside of the county discontinued
without notice, at the expiration of the time for
which the subscription has been paid.
Biogic copies of the paper furnished, in wrappers,
at ire cents each.
Communications on subject* of local or general
uterest, are respectfully solicited. To ensure at
tention favors of this kind must invariably be
accompanied by the name of the author, not for
publication, but as a £Wanty against imposition.
All letters pertaining to business of the office
should be addressed to
JOHN JATTZ, Brnronn, Pa.
Mark Twain describes the ceremony of
putting up a stove. He says:
In consequence of the arrival of cold
weather once more, about tlre=e day? there
is a universal putting up Of stoves, prepar
atory for the winter campaign, and undoubt
edly a great deal of profanity is indulged io.
One who has ha I considerable experience
in the work of putting up stoves say? the
first step to be taken is to put on a very old
and ragged coat, under the impression that
when be gets his month full of plaster, it
will keep his shirt bo ;m clean. Next he
get? his liands inside the plaee where the
pipe ought to go, and blacks his fingers, and
then he carefully makes a black mark down
on one side of his nose. It is impossible to
make any headway, in doing this work until,
this mark is made down the rile of the nose.
Having got his face /properly marked, the
victim is ready to begin the ceremony. The
head of the family—who is the big goose of
the sacrifice— grasps one side of the bottom
of the stove, and his wife and the hired girl
take hold of the other. In this way the
load is started fiotii the woodshed towards
tire parlor. Going through the door, the
| head of the family will carefully ewiug his
side of the stove around aod jam his thumb
nail against the door. This part of the cer
emony is never omitted.
Having g it the stove comfortably in place,
the next thing is to find the leg?. Two of
these are left inside the stove since the
spring before. The other two must be
hunted after for twenty-five minutes. They
are uffhilly found under the ecal. Then the
head of the family holds up one side of the
stove while his wife puts two of the in
place, and next he holds up the other side
while the other two are fixed, and one of
the first two falls out By the time the
stove is on it? legs, he gets reckless and
takes off his old coat, regardless of his linen.
Then he goes off for the pipe and gets a
finder in his eye. It don't make any dif
ference how well the pipe was put up
year, it will be found a little too short or a
little too long. The head of the faniilyjams
his hat over his hca 3, and taking a pipe un
der each arm, goes to the tin shop to ha7e it
When he comes back he steps upon one
of the best parlor chairs to see if the pipe
fits, and bis wife makes him get down for
fear he will scratch tfTe varnish off from the
chairs with the naiL in his boot heel. In
getting down be will surely step on the cat,
and may thank his stars it is not the baby i
Then he gets an old chair and climbs up to
the chimney again to find that in cutting
the pipe eff it has been left too big for the
hole in the chimney. So he goes to the
woodshed and splits ODe side of the end of
the pipe, with an old axe, and squeezes it ia
his hands to make it smaller. Finally he
gets the pipe in shape and finds that the
stove does not stand true. Then himself
and his wife and the hired girl move the
stove to the left, and the legs fall out again.
More difficulty with thslegs. Moved to
the front a little. Elbow not even with the
hole in the chimney, and he goes to the
woodshed after some little blocks. While
putting the blocks under the legs the pipg
comes out of the chimney. That remedied
the elbow keeps tipping over to the great
alarm of his wife. Head of the family gets
the dinner table out, puts the old chair on
it, gels his wife to hold the chair, and bal
ances himself on it to drive some nails into
the ceiling. Drops the hammer onto his
w! r o's head. At la-t gets the nails driven,
ufckes a wire swing to hold the pipe, bam
m .rs a little here, pulls a little there, takes
a long breath, and announces the ceremony
completed. Job never put up any stoves.
It would have ruined his reputation if he
In his discourse in the Spring Street
Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, Rev. Dr.
Aikman thus delivered a "Lesson to
Wives: "The Bible understands human
nature full as well as we of this late genera
tion do. What is required of the wife is
that she shall love her husband supremely,
which cannot be done unless she respects
and puts ner entire confidence in bim. So
fir ss other men ate concerned, she must
hold him supremely above them in her
mind.' The preacher then considered the
various minor duties of the wife toward her
husband. He touched upon the too com
mon practice of making confidants of some
particular friend*, when the husband alone
should be her confidant. There is also a
tendency ia the household after marriage
to neglect to keep up those evidences of af
fection which first drew hu*band and wife
togetl a-. Greater diligence is necessary to
keep their love warm when they have en
tered upon the realities of life than when
they lived in the dreams of courtship and
early happiness. Among the things to be
preserved from first to last is that modesty,
grace and parity which first won the hus
band. Then, there are all the personal at
tractions to be continued. Nothing is more
coveted by a hightoned man than a charm
ing wife—one who can converse with hiui
intelligently, and appear to advantage in
society ; one who always looks beautiful in
her happy face, and attractive in person;
one who is not slovenly ; who keeps the
home n>at and cheerful; who is full of deli
cate attentions, and is absorbed in her hus
band's and her family's interests. All these
charms can be maintained' by the wife
through life by a Kttle attention day
to what she knows will please her husband.
iV. Jr Commercial Advertiser.
Cekry and onions arc recommended to
people of weak nerves. A wag says be
should think they would be a surer remedy
for a weak breath.
A WRITER (unmarried) suggests that Solo
mon's wisdom was due to the fact that he
had seven hundred wives, whom he consults
ed on all occasions.
"WHY did Joseph's brethern put him in
a pit?" aqked a Buffalo Sunday school
teacher; and^fcereply begot was, "Because
there was no room f.>r him io the family
"Lenny, you'ie a pig," said a father to
his little five year old boy. "Now, do you
know what a pig is, Lenny?" "Yes, sir; a
pig's a hog's little boy."
MANY persons Lave qnickuess to discover
their faults who have not energy enough to
eradicate I hem.

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