OCR Interpretation

The Columbian. [volume] (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 07, 1905, Image 3

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83032011/1905-09-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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From our Keptilnr Correspondent.
Washington D. C. Aug. 31, 1905.
The official vindications of the
government officials who have been
under suspicion are beginning to
come in. It is usually the case
when there is an investigation of
any kind in the service that the
most and the highest of the officials
come out of the crash with if any
thing enhanced reputations. The
Agricultural Department is proving
no exception to the rule. The
Secretary of Agriculture was able
several days ago to announce the
reinstatement of Prof. Moore of the
division of soils and of Nitro Cul
ture fame. It was explained that
he was engaged in a work that no
one else in the country was cotnpe- j
tent to carry out and that there
was nothing wrong anyhow in his
connection with the Nitro Culture
company but that he had been
"9carcd out of the Department"
before a due investigation of the
case. Techy a statement was is
sued by the Secretary ot Agricul
ture that the inv:stigation in the
Bureau of Animal Industry had
been conducted and triumphantly
vindicated Dr. Salmon, the chief of
that Bureau who was knowu to
have been interested some time ago
with Mr. Howard of the Howard
Publishing company, the concern
that for some years past has fur
nished the department with the
patented meat inspection label used
on all carcases of animals passed
by the government inspectors at
the big packing houses. The word
big may be used advisedly for it
was mostly the big packers who
succeeded in getting inspectors ap
pointed; and without the govern
ment inspection it was impossible
to sell meat abroad, most of the
countries to which the United
States exports, requiring a govern
ment certificate before allowing
meat to be put ou the market.
There were a number of the smaller
firms who were debarred not only
from th's trade but from the mar
ket in some states at home because
they could not furnish government
certified meat. The head of the
Bureau of Animal Industry ex
plained at the time that this short
age of inspectors was because of the
scantiness of his appropriation. Of
course the big packers had to be
served first. At any rate there
have been three indictments in con
nection with the Agricultural De
partment's Cotton leak scandal and
it is said that in most ol the gov
ernment departments, all a deputy
marshall has to do is to stand at
the front door with a sheet of white
paper folded lengthwise and yell
"Indictment," to have every one
in sight hunt cover.
Of course the real news of the
week is not in Washington just now,
but the officials of the State Depart
ment are greatly interested in the
outcome of events at Portsmouth
and uo one of whatever politics will
grudge President Rooievelt full
praise for all that he has done to
bring about peace. It came as a
surprise to most of the foreign
offices abroad to learn that an agree
ment of the plenipotentiaries had
been reached. It has been thought
and possibly hoped in the countries
where the United States is not much
liked that the conference would end
in a break up and all the President's
efforts would go for naught. But
this eventuality has been happily
a. voided aud it -is possible af.er all
that the treaty may be brought to
Washington for signature in the
Diplomatic Room of the State De
partment where signatures have
already been affixed to so many im
portant treaties. The Treaty of
Washington would be a pleasant
name to go down in history and.
the Diplomatic Room is being re
fitted and put in good order o that
if the great session Is 'excluded
here everything will bela teadiness.
There is more 'Catarrh in this
section of the Country than all
other diseases put together, and
until the last tew years was sup
posed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a
local disease and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing
to cu?e with local treatment, pro
nounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taken internally in
doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon
lul. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for
anv case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
Address: F. J. CHUNKY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Every pain in the breast, dif
ficult breathing, palpitation,
fluttering or dizzy spell means
that your heart is straining it
self in its effort to keep in
motion. This is dangerous.
Some sudden strain from over
exertion or excitement will
completely exhaust the nerves,
or rupture the walls or arteries
of the heart, and it will stop.
Relieve this terrible strain at
once with Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure. It invigorates and
strengthens the heart nerves
and muscles, stimulates the
heart action, and relieves the
pain and misery.
Take no chances ; make your
heart strong and vigorous with
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"I suffered terribly with henrt dla
eate. I hnvs been treated by
different physicians for my troubla
without results. I went to a physl
djin In Memphis, who claimed thnt
I had dropsy of the henrt. lis put
the X-ruy on me, and In connection,
with hlit medicine ha cama near milk
ing a flnlHh of me. Rome time before
thin a Mr. Young, of St. Louis, was
In our town. Jin w my condition,
and recommended Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure to mo. I cava It llttlo attention
until my return from Memphis, when
I concluded to try It, and am pleasod
to say three bottles cured m.
Caruthersvllle, Mo;
Or. Mllea' Heart Cura la aold by
rour druggist, who will guarantee that
ha first bottla will benefit, if It fallal
ha will refund your money. I
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart Ind
It is stated that the Prcs'dent will
be a witness to the signature of the
treaty wherever it is done and that
if he is still on vacation when the
document is ready, the envoys will
probably go to Oyster Bay for the
signing so that the President may
be a figure in the painting that will
be made to commemorate the event.
The Secretary of the Navy has
announced the coming court mar
shal of Commander Lucieu Young
and Ensign Wade of the Benning
ton for "neglect of duty" in con
nection with the explosion on the
warship. This will be deeply re
gretted among a very large circle
of Commander Young's friends,
for he was one of the most widely
known and popular officers iu the
Navy. The Secretary of the Navy
tempers his announcement with
the inclusion of Lieut. Young
and Ensign Wade among those
favorably mentioned for courage
and efficency after the disaster, aud
it is sincerely hoped that the two
officers will be able to make a sat
isfactory defen.e before a court
An interesting document has
been received at the State Depart
ment from Consi',1 General Snni
mons at Ncwchai-.g on (he subject
of American trade alter the war.
This report states that there is a
good opening in the country for
wagons and agricultural machinery
besides many other articles of mer
chandise. It makes the very pert
remark that it seems almost use
less to remind American manufac
turers that good commercial repre
sentatives familiar' with the lan
guage should be sent into the
country and that they would more
than pay for the expense of employ
ing them. But it says that this
opening should not be overlooked
even if the manufacturers wilt only
send price lists and pictures of their
wares. The state of the interior is
still disturbed and there is evidence
of the awful extent of the fighting
in that in many spots the farmers
are afraid to cultivate their fields
owing to the frequent fatalities from
the plow striking live shells iu the
ground. Many of the peasants
have already tecu killed iu this
The Better
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and irritated; you
cough, and there is more irrita
tion more coughing. You take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation for a while. You take
and it cures the cold. That's
what is necessary. It soothe9 the
throat because it reduces the
irritation ; cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation ;
builds uji the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals with
a sore throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitis.
lniianitj Among- Foreignerc
Poor Director Blames Meat tor Condition!
In Anthracite Region.
Poor Director Frank White of
Weatherly, has offered a novel, yet
plausible, theory as to the alarming
prevalence of instanity among the
foreign element throughout the an
thracite coal region.
Mr. White, who has made a close
study of the question during his in
cumbency as Director, says that in
their native lands the foreigners are
too poor to enjoy the luxury of
meat and are practical vegetarians.
When they come to the United
States they eat much meat and con
sume great quantities of liquor, a
combination that, he believes, is
responsible tor the deplorable con
dition of many of these people. The
number of foreign speaking inmates
in the insane institutions in the coal
belt is increasing every year.
75,000 Envelopes carried in
stock at the Columbian Office.
The liue includes drug envelopes,
pay, coin, baiouial, commercial
sizes, number 6, 6, 9, 10
and 11, catalog, &c. Prices range
from $1.50 per 1000 printed, up to
$5.00. Largest stock in the coun
ty to sele:t from.
Entrance through Roy's Jewelry
Store. tf
40 IenH fttreet
New lurk
Don't Get the Habit
The Dushore Review discourses
thnsly on the cigarette habit:
It may be, sonny, that you feel
as big as Cuffy when you are able
to fish a little piece ot rice paper
from one pocket, a bag of tobacco
from another, cutl the paper up in
the fingers of the left hand, sprinkle
in some tobacco, and roll up a
cigarette, finish it by swashing it
around iu your mouth, then strike
a match on the seat of your pants
and proceed to fire up. It may be
that it looks very man-like, but
there are people who differ with
you. We could name you hun
dreds of places where they will
not have you around if you
have acquired this man-like(?)
accomplishment. The latest is the
Lehigh Valley Railroad. They
have no use whatever for young
men with yellow streaks on their
fingers, denoting a too close ac
quaintance with My Lady Nico
tine. Of course, if you intend to
live with the "old man" it will
make little difference. But. if you
intend to earn your own living at
any future time, it is best not to
acquire the cigarette habit.
Are You Using Allen'a Foot Ease?
Shake into your shoes Allen'a Foot-Ease, a
gowder It cures Corns, Bunions, Painful,
martlng, Hot, Swollen feet. At all DruKK'.als
and Shoe Stoics, 250. 8-24 U
Td the Pacific Coast to California, Oregon, Washington
round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal top-ovcr
The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round
trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon
or Washington, the cost is slightly more.
These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months
of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points
via Chicago, St Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island
System will take you up in either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundreds
of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through
Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service.
The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the "Scenic"
route you can stop off in Colorado-see Salt Lake City-visit
Yellowstone National Park; on the "Southern" route you can go
via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco
and on to Portland or Seattle if desired.
In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good
chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner.
If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion
rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long,
specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13,
and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden
or Salt Lake and return at low cost also.
From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way
tourist or "colonist" tickets will be on sale to California and
the Pacific Northwest -about half regular fare.
If interested, send name and address on this coupon, designating
which booklet wanted and to what point you plan to go. Nam probable
date of start also, so we can advise definitely with respect to rates, etc.
Pas. Traf. Mgr., Rock Island System,
Sd SaUerta booklel
Leere kbout-DMUnalioa-.
Kail road.
I 4. Mj . m.
sunbury leave
Klines drove
Klpps Kun
Hum h Danville )
Koarlnff CYoeK
C'atawissa ,,
Bast Bloomsburir.
HlnornHburR f
KHpjr Kerry
stotiytown Kerry
Nescopeca )
Pond Hill
Moncanaqua I
HlrkshlDuy f
Plymouth Ferry......
South Mllkesbarre..,.
Wllkesbarre .-..Arrive
i 6 41
f S M
If t M
f 7 OB
7 11
f 7 16
f 7 2-1
7 82,
7 40
f 7 52
7 64
8 04
8 1
f 8 21
S 31
8 43
8 A4
r 00
f o-i ,
9 m
9 10
a. m.I
1 v. I i
f 101141....
noon ....
ni 111....
10 17 I
f 10 JH.f It
IU as 2
10 4:il 1
kio :'....
. F. M.
Oo'i 5 S5
.. f I) M
..it 5 87
. if 5 41
21 5 50
. Jf S 61
81 ;f 6 01
r t in
..If II 27
10 Ml I I .'; 8 30
11 0J
II so
rn w
11 82
II 42
II 61
III 00!...,
IS 10, 8
r. a r.
f 6 56
7 01
7 10
7 IU
f 7 8S
f 7 !M
7 80
7 8S
r. a.
Wllkesbarre Leave
South Wllkesbarre ...
Plyoioutn Ferry
Pond Hill....
NoKRopeck 1
Htonjtown Ferry
Bapy Ferry
BloonrmbiirK. ....)
Kaat Hloombur?.. . . f
Roaring- creek
Danville t
ttout.h Danville
Klpps Kun
Klines Grove
bunbury..... Arrive
t I 15 ilO.t'.
7 "
f 1 21
7 HI
7 OT
7 IS,
f 7 S3j
7 5
8 09
10 50
10 58
11 OT
11 8f.
8 iH.ftl S!
f 8 2 I !
f S .Hi !
I , 67
r. m. r. m.
I 2 v, 1 e 00
i so 05
.If H 07
f M f HM
8 041 8 17
a 111 6 2tt
8 1 ' 87
f 8 27 f 6 42
8 38 6 47
3 49 7 00
8 53 7 09
If 7 12
8 34 11 471 4 07 7 25
4 18t 7 32
f 4 1 f 7
f 4 KB f 7 4
8 40 V 53
f H is'f 12t"0
f 8 5. )
9 00
f 9 01
f 9 12
f 9 15
9 25
a. u
19 10 41 SI j 7 51
, If 4 35 f I 5(1
f 4 42 f 8 ftl
f 4 45 f 8 (8
4 5S 8 15
r. m.I r. m.
r. m.
I Dally. I Dally, except Sunday, "f" Htons
only on signal notice to Agent, or Conductor to
receive or discharge passengers.
"a 'Miopsoniy on hunuay on notice to con-
snctor to discharge paaxengerg, or on notice to
Agent to receive passengers.
i tains leave ni.xu.niuunu as tonows:
For lit tston and Ncratiton as follows: 7.40 and
10:43 a. m., 2.43 and 6.15 D. m. week days: lu.ld
a. in. Sundays.
ror fottsviuo, Heading and rnuaaeipmu, 7.40
a. m. and 4.1ft p.m. week days.
For Hazleton, 7.o a.m., 4.18 and 6.1S p.m.
week days.
ror LewiHburg. Milton, wiinamsporr, Lock
Haven, He nova. Kano and Urle 11.47 a. m. week
days: Lock Haven only, 8.84 a. m and 4.07 p. m.
Keuova, kaoe and Krlo 11.47 a. in. week daya;
for WIlllauiSDort and Intermediate Him Ions.
tf.St, 11.47 a, m. and 4 07, 7.V5 p. in. week days.
For Bollefonte. Tyione, I'lilllpsburg, and
Clearfield, i-M and 11,47 a, m, week days.
ror uarnsourg ana intermediate stations 8.34
and 11.47 a. m., 4.07 and 7.25 p. m. week days;
1.07 p. m. Sundays.
For Philadelphia (via narrlsburg), Baltimore
and Washington 8.34 and 11.47 a. m., 4.07 aud 7.26
p. in. week days; 4.07 p. m. Sundays.
For Pittsburg (via Harrlsbuji(), 8.31 a. m.
7.26 p. m. week days; 4.07 p. m. daily; via Lewis
town Junction, 8.34 and 11.4; a. in. week days;
Via Lock Haven, 8.84 and 11.47 a m. week days.
Pullman Parlor ana Sleeping cars run on
through trains between Sunbury , W.illamsport
and Krle, between sunbury and Philadelphia
and Washington and betweenilarrlaburg , Pitts
burg and the west.
For further Information apply to Ticket,
Ueneral Manager. Pass r Traffic Mgr.
GBO. W. B0YI),
Qoneral Paaaenger Agent.
In effect Nov. 17, 1904.
For New York, Pnuaaeipnia, Heading, Potts
ville.Tamaqua, weekday7.27 via Went illlton;
11:30 a ui, via East Mahanoy; 8.2 p m via West
For WUUamsport, weekdays, 7.27 a m 8.29
p m.
For Danville and Milton, weekdays, 7:27 a m
8.29 p. m.
For catawlssa weekdays 7.27, 11-28 a m
12.20, 7.00, p.m.
For KUDert weekdays 7.27. 11.28 a. m. 12 20
1.29, 7.00, p. m.
Leave New Tork via Philadelphia 9.06 a
m., and via Baston 9.10a. m.
LeavePhlladelphlal0.21a. m.
Leave Reading 12.16 p. m.
Leave PotisviTle 19.55 p. m.
LeaveTamaqual.49p. m.,
Leave WUUamsport weekdays 10.0c a m. 4.80
p. m.
Leave Catawlssa weekdays, 6.86, 8.20 a. m.
l.so, 8.32 p.m.
Leave Rupert, weekdays. 6.44. 8.28. 11.40 a.
m. 1.88,3.40 6.21 p.m.
From Chestnut Street Feiry.
For South Hu see timetables at stations.
6:oo a. m. Eip
S-Ofl a m f j.l
7:00 a m. II Ezo
ho a m. Kip
9:00 a. m. Ex;.
11:20 a. m. Exp.
i:w p. m. up,
1:30 p.m. Kxp.
fMut. nnlvt
S-AO n m Rvn.
8:00 p. in Exp.
cti p. m. ax p.
(60 minutes)
4:00 p m. Exp.
too sunutes)
6:00 a. m. LCI.
7:00 a. m. II Bxo
7:30 a.m. 1 Bio
8:00 a. m. Exp.
8:30 a. m. Exp.
9:00 . m. Kxp.
10:00 a. in. Bp.
11:20 p. m. flip.
4:45 p. m. Exp.
8:40 p. m. Exp.
5:00 p. m. Exp.
(iiO Minutes)
6:00 p. in. Lcl.
6:4u p. m. Exp,
7:15 p. m. Exp.
7:00 a m. 1 Exo.
:50 a. m. uxp.
1:40 p. m. Exp.
4:15 a. n, Exp.
(90 minutes)
5:30 p. m. U'L
6:30 p. m. Lcl.
7tlS p. m. Exp.
too a. m. i Kxc.
&oo a. m. LcL
MS a. m. Exp.
5:00 p. m. VI.
7:00 a m II Ex
8:40 a. m. Ex
8:90 a. m. Lcl
1:50 p.m. Ex.
4.20 p. m. Ex,
6:30 p. m. Lcl
7:00 a ml Ex
8:50 a. m. Ex.
1:50 p.m. Kx
4:20 p. m. Ex.
7:00 a mil Ex
9:16 a. m. Ex.
6:00 p. in. Lcl
Detailed time taWes at ticket offlees.nstn anp
Vknnt-.. kj a. ami Kask SI IIAK nkiiiitKiit
St., 6o south. 3rd m, 2 Market bt., aud. at
union Transfer Company will call fori' and
cuecK Daggage iron noteis ana resiaenoes.
Oea'lBupU Uen'l Pass. Agt.
Columbia & Montour El. Ry.
l,i9oa,ananuiil urtner notice
Cars leave Bloom for Espy, Almedta, Lime
Ridge, Berwick and intermediate points as
A. M. $:oo, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7:40, 8: 30,
4:oo, 9:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40.
P. M. ia:ao, 1:00, 1:40, 2.20, 3:00, 3:40,
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7:40, 6:20, 9:00,
10:20 and (1 1:00 Saturday nights only.)
Leaving depart from Berwick one hour
from time as given above, commencing at
6:00 a. m.
Leave bloom for Catawista A.M. 6:20,
7:00, 7:40, 8:20, 9:00, 9:40, 10:00, 11:40.
P. M. 12:20, 1:00 1:40, 2:20, 3:01), 3:40,
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7.40, 8:209:00
9:40, 10:20 and (11:00 Saturday nights only.
Cars returning depart irom CatawUsa 20
miurtei trom time as given above
Wm. Tkkwii i.icer,
Kail road
In Effect Marh 1st., 1904.
a. u. a. if . r. m. r. u.
t, a me r v u
Diilivlllf ........ ............
Cat av lsts a. m. ...... m...m.
Rupert.. ... .
Unit HMge
Wlllov. Grove.
Brlarcreea. ......
Berwick.. .......
Beach Uaven.,
Hlck't Ferry. ..
Hiininck's. .......
Plymouth Junction...
Kin gStOD ...MMM.
I. u rne. ...... .,
Forty Fort .......
West Plttston..
Susquehanna Ave.....
HCBANTON. ........ ......
1. ...... . . ..
11 4S 10 10
6 57 10 10
7 07 ,0 19
7 21 10 82
7 26 10 87
7 83 IP 41
7 8 (I 4H
7 44 f 4I M
17 4b 10 57
7 52 10 59
7 67 11 0
8 06 fit 19
8 11 II 17
8 22 II 81
S 88 11 89
88 II 44
a 41 11 47
8 45 59
8 47 11 55
8 65 11 69
8 58 19 02
9 t0 19 04
9 06 It ON
9 10 12 19
9 18 12 14
9 19 19 17
9 28 18 90
9 26 .8 22
9 82' 12 28
9 87 12 82
9 42 IS 85
f2 11
9 II
9 28
I 29
1 88
2 40
14 46
12 6
12 58
2 68
S 08
S 09
I 90
I 88
a 49
a 47
a 8
4 00
4 08
4 07
4 If
4 17
4 10
4 94
4 29
4 89
I 40
4 46
4 60
1. 95
f r
1 i
6 II
l 9
0 2,
16 27
5 24
I, 41
f6 -,i
6 f
f7 01
7 14
7 29
T 28
T 89
7 88
7 42
1 44
T 48
7 64
7 66
8 01
8 06
8 19
8 17
8 21
8 96
;a. m, a. m.
r. kt. r. m .
St'HAfiTON. ...... ...v.
Uellevue........ .........
Taylor ...........
Lackawnnna.... ......
Iiuryea ......
PItlMtrin ............
8;iHiu'lianna Ave
Fort y Fort .........
Luzerne .
Plymouth juuctloa . ..
1 iiAni4.aln
HunlocK's ....
Hlck't Ferry
Bench Haven..... a.
Berwick ........
Brlarcreek..... .... .....
Willow Grove
Lime Ridge.
o.npy ....
M I nnrri ji ti rff .
Htltert . ........ .......
c'h t a winaa . ..... ......
35 10 10
6 :m 10 18
6 44 10 17
50 10 24
6 68 1 0 28
6 68 10 88
7 01 10 87
7 05 10 41
10 46
10 49
10 52
10 (6
11 00
7 8!S 1 1 P5
7 8 11 &9
7 4.1 11 13
7 4 11 19
8 HI f 1 1 81
8 11 11 48
8 19 11 48
8 37 11 54
f 82 12 01
ffl 86 12 05
8 40 18 99
8 46 12 13
8 C3 11 22
8 57 19 25
9 02 19 89
9 15 12 44
9 C4 19 67
I 86 1 10
1 65
1 69
1 08
2 10
9 18
2 17
t 19
8 28
I 27
9 81
1 84
2 40
8 46
I 49
9 64
9 68
a is
a e
a 87
a 44
8 50
f3 64
a 68
4 06
4 12
4 15
4 90
4 88
4 43
4 56
16 40
6 44
6 49
6 66
6 68
7 02
7 (M
7 V,
7 12
7 17
7 19
7 2k
7 86
7 84
7 49
7 48
7 68
8 18
8 14
8 20
8 25
8 29
8 88
8 89
8 46
8 60
8 66
9 10
9 91
9 86
IHunsdally. f Flng station.
K. M. RINE, T. W. LEE,
Supt. Gen. Pass. Agt.
B.Jonrsburg & Sullivan
Taking Effect May 1st 1904, 12:05 a. m.
1 3 i
t t
Bloomnburg DU W... 9 00 2 87 6 15 I
Bloomubiirg P A K 9 02 2 89 6 17 ....
Hloonmburg Main St.... 9 05 9 42 6 20 ....
Paper Mill 9 15 9 62 6 80 C 90
Lliht Street 9 18 2 55 6 84 8 98
Orangevllle 9 96 8 03 6 43 6 60
Forks 9B6 8 13 6 58 7 08
aners Tj 40 f3 17 6 67 7 1 6
NHllwater 48 8 95 7 08 7 40
Kenton 9 56 8 33 7 13 8 1
Edsons 10 0M fS 87 7 17 8 2)
coles creek in 03 840 7 21 M(
Laubachs 10 08 8 45 7 81 8 4)
Central 10 15 3 62 7 41 9 OS
Jamison CUT 10 18 8 65 7 45 9 II
2 4 6 8 22
t t t t
Jamison City.... 5 50 1048 4 35 7 00 ll 80
Central 5 53 10 51 4 38 7 08 1145
Laubachs 6P3 11 02 4 4H 718 1158
Coles Creek 6 12 11 06 4 58 7 22 12 05
Edsons fS 14 11109 f4 56 fT 24 12 Hi
Benton 6 18 11 13 5 00 7 9S 1286
Stillwater. 6 2s 1121 5 0 7R8 1245
Zaners f6 85 711 29 6 17 f7 45 19 53
Forks 6 89 11 6 21 7 49 1 00
Orangevllle 6 50 114 . 6 HI 8 00 1 80
Light Street 7 00 11 50 6 89 8 10 1 45
Paper Mill 6 08 11 68 6 42 8 18 1 50
Bloom. Main St.. 7 13 12 09 5 53 8 23 2 05
Bloom. P A K.... 718 1206 5 66 828 2 10
Bloom. D LAW. 7 20 1210 6 00 8 80 215
T rains No. 21 and 22, mixed, second class.
Trains No. 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, H and 8, Passenger, 1st
Class. W. V. SNYDER, Supt.
W A sw w
Trade Mark
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turn Null. lt.O;0 Tpi.n.'uil.. tSi,t rif
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