DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Cured by tydiaE.Pmkfcam's Vegetable Compound Galena, Kans.— "A year ago last March 1 fell, and a few days after there was soreness in my right side. In a short time a bunch came and it bothered me so much at night I could "'"1 »°t sleep. It kept '• : growing larger and by fall it was as •i|Br large as a hen's egg. fKV I could not goto ■' 'y* wKr bed without a hot '.i.l / ~ fij \ water bottle applied •„!" *i if ■ to that side. I had 1 " v *• I one of the best doc ■ \ tors in Kansas and he told my husband yfl T* that I would have to | W7t- 7/7 11 Ije operated on as it //;/ hi nil was something liko a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote to you for advice and you told me not to "get discouraged but to take Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did take it and soon the lump in my side broke and passed away." Mrs. R. K. lluey, 713 Mineral Ave., Galena, Kans. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, libroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result has been worth millions to many Buffering women. If you want special advice write forit to Mrs. Pink ha m, Lynn,Mass. It is free and always helpful. A "Crisis." A mother of a seven-year-old lad ■was daily expecting a visit from the stork, and found the little fellow's con duct so annoying that his father was called upon to interfere. "Bobby." said papa, "mamma Is quite 111, and we are afraid that if you are not a better boy and mind your mother, it will bring on a crisis. Now, my boy, perhaps you don't know what a crisis is." "Oh, yes, 1 do, papa," said Bobby, blithely, "it's either a boy or a girl."— Judge. Deafness Cannot Be Cured toy local applications, as they cannot reach the dis eased porli'in of the ear. There is only cue wgy to run deafness, awl that 13 by cußJiittutionai remedies, lleafness 18 caurtcd by an l!iflanv*i condition of th« mucous Jl.ilrr; at the Eustachian Tube. When this tube tti Infla'ned j-ou have a rumbling sou.-ui or tm perfect hearlnj;. a*id when It is entirely closed. Oeaf ne*** Is ths result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored lo its normal condl turn, uearlnK will be destroyed hmer; nine ca*e« v out of t«*u are caused by t'atarrfc. which ts nothtnc but an inflamed condition of 1 fie mucous surfaces. We wtll rive one Hundred Kollaiu for any caf» of Deafness n-aused by catarrh) that cannot be curod fcy Hairs Catarrh ("nre. Send for circular*. free. I J. CUEXiiY * CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Dnjeclsts. 7>. Take iiall's Family PHIS for conrtipattou. Explaining the Soul. The following dialogue took place between two very small boys on their way home from Sunday school: Willie—Where is my soul? Bobby—lt isn't any place; it's Just air Willie —how can it goto heaven when it's just air? Bobby—Why, your body goes. too. Willie —Bones and all? Bobby—Yes, everything but your clothes A Witty Bishop. "The late Bishop Foss," said a Phil adelphia physician, "once visited me for some trifling ailment. " 'Do you, sir,' I said to him. In the course of my examination, 'talk ll your sleep?' " 'No, sir.' he answered. 'I talk In other people's. Aren't you aware that 1 am a divine?'" The Outlook, "You were very cold last evening," phoned the young mar. to the girl he hnd called on. Then he added, anx iously: "What Is the outlook lor to night?" "Fair and warmer tonight," cam# the answer promptly—Judge. •Nuff Said. "How did Jones get those two black eyes?" "Hunting accident." "Why how?" "Hi- was hunting trouble and 1 hap [icnt-d to meet him." Cleveland Leader. Domestic Notes. "I've noticed one thing " "And what Is that?" "When one gets loaded It's usually hi* wife who explodes." The Appetite Calls for more Post Toasties Let a saucer of this delightful food berved with cream t< 11 why. "The Memory Lingers" I'kgi. I Of, and He. Hontutn Cereal ' o , Ltd., Battle < reek. Mich. Roses Made of Ribbon MEW YORK is showing, on millinery and for decora tive purposes in several _ other ways, roses made of I ribbon. Each petal is cut out and made double, that is. ( ie«als are stitched together in a tiny seam, with the satin surfaces placed together. Then they are turned, bringiug the satin outside. Each petal is a semicircle, and two or three sizes are made for a rose. For small roses only eight petals need he made, in t\vo sizes. Eor larger ones 15 petals are made in three sizes, five of each «'ze. These rosea are around mil linery centers, and millinery toliage and buds are used with them. Those pictured here show centers of stamens, but ribbon folded about a small cone shaped ball of cotton, representing the unblown center of a rose, may be sub stituted for stamens, with good ef fect. These roses, made in several light tints, form an exquisite wreath for a summer hat. As they inav be made from bits of ribbon (using short lengths in several shades of one color for the huge one) they are not ex pensive lor those people who are handy enough to make them. They make beautiful favors and souvenirs for luncheons and dinners. The top of a good sized drinking glass or eup will serve for a guide by FOR SMALL GIRL. Thin IK a simple l#ltlt* house tin us mado up in nnvy blue wincey; a limnl of plain material Is taken acroai hack and front, connected by straps o\er tho shoulders; these straps are cut with pointed ends In which button* are sewn; the dress Is leathered and set to this strap, th" foot lit turned up In a deep hem • forma the little yoke Materials required: Two yards wincey 41! Inches wide. yard lace. Sleeve Trimming. All tuck* and triminluKM running round a sleeve are in good lines for llitt prwut aeflion. They are becotuiHK to slender arms; tliey provide a n!r« iu< ans of Intro du< IHK Inee It, ertlon or > mhroldery Into III* sleeve region of a uarmout, . 'I th< y t?ive the K'lletttl Ill'prei luU uf the lectiotiul sleeve. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 19x0 I which to cut out a patterr of paper from which the ribbon peta may be cut. liy trimming away a little of the edge, to reduce the size, a second pat tern for a smaller petal is made. An other slight trimming away will make the pat fern for the third or smallest i sized pfc nl. I Millint * foliage, which has seen ! service, w h buds and stems, is easily ! freshened >.p and used with these | pretty rose, so that one may make a ] half dozen for a wreath at a small ex pense. The method of making jem is sim | pie. Place the circles of ribbon in j pairs together, with the satin face of j the ribbon turned inward. Machine I stitch these disks in a seam one-eighth |of an inch deep. Cut the double disk | thus made into halves. Each petal is l made by gathering or plaiting the semicircle resulting along the straight . i edge. Sew the petals about the center | of stamens or bud. and wind a bit of thread about the stem, finally tying it (irmly. Sew the smallest petals first, then the next in size and finally the largest ones For a cluster make ; one large and two small roses. Final | I ly fasten them by winding thread or small wire about their stems and the | ( stems of the foliage and buds. . , These roses made in light pink, pale 1 blue, maize and pale green make an | exquisite decoration, set about the : brim ol' a lace or net hat or on a mid , i summer straw or hair braid. Hose , j pink ia several shades and cream _ j color look well together. All white 1 and pale buff make another beautiful , j color combination. These roses make no attempt to follow nature in col oring. and are very handsome on one color hats made in a color like that i of the straw. Gray or blue look pai , ticuiarly well. If a very large size petal is made It II is better to tack u tiny wire " point, of (ourse, will mark the ama ; tour fsom thu expert. Jewel Shades. These Jewel shades in rich silken fabrics have not been equalled in any thing shown heretofore, llurnt t>pa. Is a •eiuarkable shade of deep rlet yellow. Ituby is the deep red of tie popular late winter d.niter gown Amethyst ill these soft ipialltlea i| wonderful dress silk Is more pale that purple. The turquoise |h a heaven!) shade, and uquniiutrlt't* is an iudti I »ci ihatile pale green. TOO INTERESTING. rt n sjf) The Umpire—Say, Chimmie, I want er resign. AWFUL BURNING ITCH CURED IN A DAY "In the middle of the night of March j 30th I woke up with a burning itch in my two hands and I felt as if I could pull them apart. In the morning the itching had gone to my chest and dur ing that day it spread all over my body. I was red and raw from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and 1 was in continual agony from the Itching. I could neither lie down nor sit up. I happened to see about Cutl cura Remedies and I thought I would give them a trial. I took a good bath with the Cuticura Soap and used the Cuticura Ointment. I put it on from my head down to my feet and then went to bed. On the first of April I felt like a new man. The itching was almost gone. I continued with the Cuticura Soap and Cuitcura Ointment and during that day the itching com pletely left me. Frank Gridley, 325 East 43rd Street, New York City, Apr. 27. 1909." Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the world: Potter Drug & Chein. Corp., Sole Props, Boston, Mass. At or About This Time. "Why do they call them ocean liners?" she asked. "They're getting new terms every flay," he said, without looking up from the sporting page. "I never heard it before, but an ocean liner is probably a hot one that isn't infielded well and rolls Into a puddle or something." She made no answer, but when he had gone to business she phoned the doctor about him. Don't Spank Your Children. A little boy on a side street in Akron says he always counts on getting a | spanking every Monday, because his | mamma does the washing and is so ' tired and cross she won't overlook his ! pranks. No wonder she is tired and cross, but it is hard on the boy. If his mother would use Easy Task soap she would have her washing on the line before 9 o'clock, because Easy Task soap does half the work for her. An Improvement. "How did you enjoy your vaca tion?" "Fine! It niade a new man of me!" "I congratulate your wife." Rrd, Wrak. Writry, Watery Ryea. By Murine Bn Remedy. Try Murine For Your Kye Troubles. You Wilt !»> Murine. It Soothes. 50«r at Your I prunlata. Writ'- For Bye K<"ks. Free. Murine Ky« U< nuV.y Co. f"Ilh Kvin h truthful man Is occasionally guilty of exaggeration. __________ peru r DATir painkii lei in "an utiuoo «»f prevention" a- *HI a* a pound «112 1-uiv " For bowel trouble*, skin wound*. coldv and other 111*. .*"> c ami e J)c tuaes. Some of our first impressions were made by mother's slipper. Mm. Wtnilnw'i Soothing Syrup. For children mflHil tiM' yuaii rcdureufn- Dutuiuaiiou.allay ;uun.t ureMttnd cuuc. a uau*. Let each man think ho Is the one man -for the time. WESTERN CANADA ff— r x, n ■ oYf| rI a "izrzzr^ 1 h 1,11% I 1 IK 111 ?.. sa UHOIUMH 'i 1 _ _ - _ _,. ._ _ 1 iipjaf' W dellahicl i. ► . i!io rt :p - For Infants and Children. inptttftj/ « mmWto Kind You Have tp** iff AiiAiawc Rniiaht ...rrn.l ..T „. niiyuill |U« wl » ful.v M..uiW>f.«. *{ 1 ALCOMOL-3 PtK CENT r.IIWUJW VUUgl|| "V . . l{rl A\iffJ«rtable Preparation for As- M Million Bushels of &* similtiiinj}theFoodandßeg ula "RnnrQ fhft M % Wheat ill 1909 (.R lini fho Stomuihs and ISOHC|S ol' •UDCLX U LU.U WA J m— 'tftiMklrihUM Wnl "r« CanutU fM.| rrnpe for >MI ° Jr (V (ll« HKHa i>y i i■ ■ > t fmWMHTaMMMIB M \W 111 ft**™' I' »• fiMMHI.IMMI.mI In mall. '.» x B|>l KV>I«IM ■:iiiHiTCTI Cl* l— _ M Ifl 'rfl|'r"»H i r**ii»mMiiu ; signature 112 S\)A tfa-ffi "Lw.r:" S®| Promotes Digestion, Cheerful Xlf IP K ?j nessand Rest Contains neither ft f A AIF fill I uY r, ±"S»V£ $ Opium.Morphine nor Mineral U* /\\\M 'AptaJ -K f.\:rAS£i:£ SI NOT NARCOTIC £L\L IF 'AX*' uuj Jr. % AIT j». ; x ly \ ?' XmAdh SmMt * 1 1* * / ■Mr*! M. M. WILLIAMS I j * Jfv in n(r Use Constipation N^orms,Convulsions.Feverish- 1 >JL/ _ _ _ c a Jl w ■■ *'Fof i>»#r »tn« y*ar« I «u(Trr#«t whh chronlo gt* SLttr \ m Lftif 11 If Ql* conattpatioit (til during Dili (una I hail to lak* — . I «>fw *Uh MM mry it kom '•>! fac Simile Signature of ® twfure 1 eoulit hav« an action on my buavela. ij'.y | ■ - lupl'ily I tiled I'tMdirli iMI tuday lum » well *C* TL !M4II •"•" Ow' l "* ,h * »'"• j" #, » b#for« » <""•» ' _ I m IrTU VQQ PCJ I ■ t Tlir. « » SIAUM C'«IMIVSNV. I III! IV lUu O •" l " Th«n»n I" yo«, 1«M lt*» fl Ml •!! thai J.T 1 VI vituk' * "X""'"* Vo« iin II»» IhU ill behalf of Nr.iV illlin :.HKa*TT*rrTM.iwMMMm< g% m MA|||| l*t»tt««nl, I'tlniahle, Pi.tanf, Taatn Oo<>4, RIMIHW ll'Tlin n W -• imir | || « r IIHIH \j"'" 1 .. vnu i uiiin «■»> c..j /Jf Wrayii. PAKAI.Yri'3; ; I PERMANENTLY CURED. No Kidney Trouble in Three Years. Mrs. Catharine Kautz, 322 Center St., Findlay, 0., says: "Four years ago I became afflicted with kidney trouble, an d rapidly ran down in health. I gj| suffered from back >, ache and other kld ney disorders and was languid and ' p > • weak. I doctored if,. •» •" and used different remedies but became no better. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me and for three years 1 have been free from kidney trouble." Remember the name—Doan's. For Bale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The Doctor's D^ta. A Howard girl who was uncertain as to her exact age, as her father and mother were not agreed on the year of her birth, decided togo to the phy sician who "attended the case." He said: "Why, certainly, my dear girl, I'll go and examine my old books." When he came back to report, he said: "I find your father /barged with a girl baby born on the''steenth day of April, 1S9 —, and 1 also observe he still owes me for you."—Howard (Kan.) Courier. From Pain to Pleasure a Quick Transi tion. I suggested Resinol and gave a neighbor one ot your sample boxes for a child of a few months whose lower limbs were broken out with a rash re sembling Eczema. The sample was applied at once and changed the wail of pain Into smiles. Two jars were used with complete recovery in the surprisingly short time of two days. That tired mother's looks and words of gratitude were from the heart. Geo. E. Ames, D. D. S., Boulder, Colo. Where good thoughts germinate S there is the growth of true greatness I and goodness.—Lee. Delicately formed and gently reared, women will find, in all the seasons of their lives, as Jtatltfi maidens, wives or mothers, that the one simple, j wholesome remedy which acts gently and Jfcsff; s^4®^ pleasantly and naturally, and which may be -dOPr?/ ~J used with truly beneficial effects, under any i conditions, when the system needs a laxative. *EA ; . ' • is—Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is Rk well known to be a simple combination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants j with pleasant aromatic liquids, which are !£*4 agreeable and refreshing to the taste and fjjF acceptable to the system when its gentle cleansing is desired. Pf*" Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of XT I Figs and Elixir of Senna can hope to get its beneficial effects, and as a guarantee of the • v \-• /v --excellence of the remedy, the full name of the VVt rSJirl WI company—California Fig Syrup Co.—-is printed \ -f\'i >3 on the front of every package, and without it ft "-*** any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and &«y Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should be .;^i declined. To those who know the quality of IlvlfcY-.* this excellent laxative, the offer of any substi tute. when Syrup of Figs and Eli-xir of Senna V is called for, is always resented by a transfer ii/A of patronage to some first-class drug establish- V -V- '1! ment, where they do not recommend, nor sell 1' T Y false brands, nor imitation remedies. The genu- '-.MLyf £ i ine article may be bought of all reliable drug- ■: *■ gists everywhere: one size only. Regular & /H price 50 cents per bottle. Get a bottle today ■ I tc^iav^in^he^iouse^whienj^ An Improvement. "Yes," said the man with the shaggy eyebrows, "we have a phonograph. We've got several Italian grand opera records, and last week I discovered a way to make their reproduction abso lutely perfect." "Indeed?" asks the man with the purple nose "What is it?" "1 rub a little garlic on the record before it is played." Cures The OLI> SORES THAT Oilier Remedies Won't Csire The worst rases, no matter of how long standing, are absolutely cured by Dr,P© ir° to Antiseptic Healing 5 Oifl Discovered by an Old Railrond Surgeon. All I )ru( ' ts p itively refund mi ney if it fai 1 ;; to cure . 25c, 50c &!r 1.00 l'aris ?l c' lici i. • Co. C-i.r a. Uhi". Gentlemen: We rre requested to sr.v l > v.« that a prominent citizen here—an old toldler—fans hnd a run- I. n- .. •■r. ) • !-j; V:• , -r ■ 112 x"... . • -i> .• . rOKTKK'iJ ANTIMCI'TiC Oil. c :r««i him. 11c is prepared to '• ;» • u ■ -nr to thin elfa t. Siyne \ . •, ■ s%A,^ Mnker of Laxative Bromo Quinine Hay's H iaaHh Never Fall* to Restore Gray I.lnlr !o Nalurui Color and Brauty. Stops it falling om, arid positively removes Dandruff. !.? not n iiye. Refuse ;«il substitutes. Si.oo and 50c. Bottles by Mail or at Druggists j£Es|C£l Send IOC for large sample Dottle 0 J s SSJ 2ei Philo Hay Soec. Co.. Newark. N. J.. U. S. A. n A 3"* KLSTP"WntMon E.C'olemnn.WHffh* Ilr [?8 I ington. ]>.< . liuukHtnt*. Uigh- I *Aa 1 thJ3 I tat references, lie Ft reeulta. : W. N. U., CLEVELAND, NO. 19-1910. 7